#Gaurdian Saturday
bombshell-manual · 2 years
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Pamela Anderson for The Gaurdian: She knows she’s a romantic, a magical thinker, a people-pleaser who loves chivalry, fairytales and relationships that rub her codependence all the wrong ways
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lkblackham · 1 year
Interested in going full cottage core? Here's some stuff you need to expect (from a hobbit-lookin' gal who grew up in the woods):
1) dead animals. Dead rodents, specifically. No matter how well you clean, the mice and rats will come. And your cat will find them. And they will bring their bloodied corpses to you and expect praise. If you do not have cats (which automatically disqualifies you from being cottage core, sorry I don't make the rules), small furry creatures will find other ways to die inside your house. You will find them in your attic. You will find them in your drawers. You will find them under your bed. They are most definitely inside your walls. You may not know it, but you definitely have a wall full of dead squirrels.
Also, *do not get a pool*. It's just another place for cute animals to die and then be discovered by your very impressionable and easily traumatized young children. Also, they're impossible to keep clean. If you're truly cottage core, you swim in a river or lake or ice-cold pond created by the snowmelt. It's better for the drought anyway.
2) BIG dead animals. You want to keep goats? Maybe sheep? That's great. Just know that at least three of them will die suddenly at the worst time, either from snakebite or illness or coyote attack or because they literally just decided to lie down under a nice tree and peacefully pass with literally no explanation. And then you will have to figure out how to bury them. And then how to have the Death Talk with your young, impressionable children who may or may not already be traumatized by the drowned fox they found in the pool a week ago.
Besides good fencing/livestock shelters, or maybe getting a livestock gaurdian dog/donkey/llama (no, I am not joking), there is nothing you can do about the mountain lions, bears and coyotes eating your animals. They were there before you. They will be there after you and the rest of humanity are gone. It's harsh, but that is what the song from the Lion King was actually about: Mufasa's right to eat everyone there.
Speaking of which:
3) you share the land. You do not own it. Oh, you think the bear cares that you bought this patch of forest with money and you don't like him eating your goats and/or peaches?? You can try showing him the deed and the NO TRESPASSING signs, but somehow I don't think that'll work.
Nature does not care. It will do as it does. No matter how good you are at singing and how many birds you befriend. Again, harsh. But not utterly insane. If you respect nature, it will not respect you, but you will at least know what to expect. So gopher-proof your garden. And get a cat.
4) coyote howling is actually quite lovely. Once you get over how eerie it sounds.
5) frogs are LOUD. They are so FREAKING loud. Some nights they will be SO loud you will not be able to sleep. Do not entice them into your yard with a pond unless you are willing to bear the consequences.
6) birds are LOUD. There is no need for a morning alarm, they ARE your alarm. You may think this sounds lovely, but you may not be feeling that way at 6 am on a Saturday after being kept up all night by the frogs.
7) think you'll go barefoot everywhere? Or at least have a good pair of Birkenstocks? No, my child, you will need to invest in at least 6 pairs of gumboots that will mostly be mud by the time spring comes around. Hiking boots are for summer. Unless you're ready for poison oak and ticks. Again, there is nothing you can do about that. Unless you are willing to take the risk and get a brush-eating goat. Even then, remember the snakes I mentioned earlier?
8) you will get desensitized to horror movie scenarios real quick. A cabin in the woods? Bro, that's my house. A pair of red eyes in the dark? That's just a coyote. Maybe a wandering dog. And even if it was a demon, how would it get in my house? That sucker's locked up tight. Creepy noises at night? Like, say, a woman screaming? That's probably a mountain lion or a fox. Yeah, they do that.
You quickly find that the bad things actually tend to happen to people who did not do their nature research as I explained above. Like, say, camping with grizzly bears. Or eating something they found in the woods. What kind of idiot are you??? The kind that eats berries they don't know the name of but think they look like blackberries. That's who.
9) what neighbors you have, may not be the... friendliest. There's a reason people move out this far, and it's usually to get away from other people. Are they marijuana farmers? Probably. Do they want to murder you? What, no, they don't want to get into trouble. They moved here to AVOID trouble. Just keep yourself to yourself and you'll be fine. But definitely make some friends in town. There is a town near you, right?
10) once you get over that initial learning curve/trauma, you will find that the forest actually is a really peaceful place to live. You know the patterns. You learn to read the weather. You are at peace with the fact that your beloved goats may die, but for now, you have succeeded in protecting them. As scary as the wilderness can be, it's far less scary than living with other humans. I'd rather deal with the peach-stealing bear (I am SO onto you) than the creepy dude who lives in the apartment below mine. Humans are far more unpredictable and weird than nature is. But that's just my *opinion*.
Okay, them's my thoughts. Anyone want to add/critique?
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I was just catching up on the coronation stuff and this came up (from the Gaurdian)
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i don't know what to say except that this country is falling apart
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Tory deputy chair Lee Anderson has said people who protested the coronation should leave the county. Tory MP Lee Anderson has drawn ire for telling anti-monarchy activists to “emigrate”. The deputy chairman of the Conservative Party was commenting on the arrests of protesters from the Republic group ahead of the coronation on Saturday morning. Police have face criticism after a number of people were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance for making peaceful protests near the route of the king’s coronation procession. Anderson appeared to side with the police, especially against protesters who were holding up signs reading Not My King near Buckingham Palace. Sharing an article on the arrests on Twitter, Mr Anderson wrote: “Not My King? If you do not wish to live in a country that has a monarchy the solution is not to turn up with your silly boards. The solution is to emigrate.”
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commedessgarcons · 2 years
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Willow Smith Ph. By Hollie Fernando for Saturday by The Gaurdian
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allforthe-gays · 3 years
kevaaron fluff
before practice aaron and kevin have a very intense stretching routine they do together. it takes them a solid 20 minutes to do every time but they refuse to practice without doing it first bc they dont want to sprain a muscle. neil complains about his legs being sore once and kevin then forces him and andrew to join them too.
pre-kevaaron stretch routines were absolute hell for andrew and neil bc they had to deal with kevin and aaron being flustered when they were watching each other do some of the stretches, or when they had to do the ones where one of them was lying on the ground and the other was pressing their leg into the air for them. andrew had never been happier that he ended his deal with aaron, bc now he could bully kevin into asking his brother out bc jesus christ he didnt want to see that much unresolved sexual tension involving his little brother.
kevin steals his dad's sams clubs card to by big multipacks of sports drinks and bulk buy healthy food. he always drags aaron with him, and theyll get churros in the food court to eat while theyre shopping. aaron complains to kevin that they dont go on enough dates and kevin goes "dude, we literally went to sams club last saturday" and aaron realizes how dumb his very pretty boyfriend is. "andrew i just realized im dating a himbo" "kevin's not a himbo he just forgets he's not straight sometimes"
aaron and kevin use hand warmers for their sore joints after practice, or will keep them in their pockets for when their hands are sore. they have the ones with adhesives to put on the inside of their clothing, and will use those on their legs when they have long classes after practice. matt walks in on kevin putting his arm down the front of aaron's pants to help him put the adhesive in the right place and is scarred for life. he sends kevin a 3 page word document titled "god i wish i were blind: a guide on how to have a healthy sex life when you have roomates who arent into voyeurism"
aaron sprains his ankle when kevin accidentally pushes him off of his bunk bed when they're making out bc he thought there was a wall behind him. kevin decided that it is too risky for him and aaron to kiss during exy season so from now on his relationship with aaron will be completely chaste until summer break. the decision lasted exactly 47 minutes, until aaron came back from his morning class.
sometimes kevin forgets that nicky is related to aaron and will start talking about how pretty he is and be offended when nicky doesn't agree with him "have you seen him stretch to get my cereal off of the top shelf? i want to have so many babies with him. dont you think he's great too?" "no lol" "fuck you, you have awful taste" "im literally his legal gaurdian" "oh, yeah."
aaron loves halloween so he 'forces' kevin to go to pumpkin patches and haunted houses with him. the twins used to work at one of the haunted houses so aaron knows all the hiding places in the building so he makes kevin hide with him to scare the actors and other people going through. they only go once, because an hour in andrew and neil show up and try to take their hiding place because they were gonna try to scare people too. aaron is horrified that his brother had the same date night idea that he had and never takes kevin to that haunted house again.
aaron makes kevin use his interview personality to get them discounts when they go out to eat. kevin and aaron are both broke college students so kevin very berdugingly will go along with aaron's plan. "babe i only have $3 for coffee but i wanted a bagel too~" "im not doing the thing" "come on you love doing it" "no i dont. im not doing it." "ok. guess ill just starve. you dont have to do the thing." "fine." "i just said you dont have to~" "im doing it. stop looking at me like that" "thanks babe i knew you loved me"
aaron is majoring in chemistry and has to take 8 different chem classes before he graduates, so kevin knows way more about chem then he needs to. aaron will take pictures of the cool reactions he gets to do in lab and send them to kevin bc kevin likes the colors. for his history major, kevin has to write a big paper so he writes about famous chemists so he can have aaron help him. aaron isnt really much help though bc theyll read about a discovery one of the chemists made and then go down a science rabbit hole and realize that kevin still doesn't know anything about the chemist.
this post is dedicated to my lovely besties with kevaaron requesties: @/lena.h.w @/kaaaaarts @abundance-ofemilys (@/aftg.bois) @allfourthefoxes @/ukumushu_the_bibliophile
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quackisinnit · 4 years
Minecraft Championship
Dream x Reader
Request: okay okay so :D mcc with dream when the reader and dream are on the same team ans it’s very cute and fluffy, also with she/her pronouns pls :] thank you!!
Pronouns: She/Her
Note: the first team i thought of was red rabbits so thats why i used them:) i forgot how the mcc works so forgive me if i wrote anything wrong😭 ALSO I WAS SO SLEEPDEPRIVED WHILE WRITIBG THIS SO SORRY IF ITS BAD
Warnings: mild swearing lol
y/nishere = your twitch name
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You were scrolling through twitter, waiting for the announcing of teams. It was your first time ever playing. You played some minecraft but that wasn't all you played, you played other games too. After a few hours of scrolling, you finally got a notification.
Announcing Team Red Rabbits!
@Y/nishere @Dream @FundyLive @Nihachu
Watch them compete in the MC Championship on Saturday 14th November 8pm GMT!
You heard Clay running to your room from the kitchen. He knocks on your door and you let a out a soft 'come in.' "Did you see the announcment for the MCC?" "I did, I'm pretty excited!" you say enthusiastically.
You weren't as skilled as Clay but you were excited nonetheless.
It was finally November 8. You were just sitting on your desk staring at your monitor. 'What if I mess up? What if we lose? What if-' All these thoughts were racing your mind. You started bouncing your leg, something you do when you get nervous, and you bit your lip.
Clay was walking past your room when he saw your nervous state. He walked up to you, kneeled beside you, and started rubbing your back. "Are you alright? Do you want some water?"
"I don't want any water" you were still bouncing your leg, but the speed had decreased. "Well, are you alright? You look nervous" "I'm fine, just nervous 'cause this is my first time playing in the MCC and all that" his face softens. "You'll do great! I promise." You look at him and smile.
He kisses your cheek before he gets up and walks to the door and he send you a smile before closing the door behind him.
You boot up Minecraft and sighed, "I hope I do do great."
You were on the last game and you were praying that it wasn't Build Mart and it was gonna be Sands of Time. If you get Sands of Time, you might be able to get into top 3, maybe even first place. Red Rabbits was currently on 5th place. You were having fun but you were still stressed about it.
You and your team were about to vote until you got dunked by the team beside you. You look over to the side to see Orange Ocelots, which consisted of Tommy, Smajor, Wisp, and Quackity. They were all crouching and jumping. Tommy joins the call for a few seconds, "Fuck you bitch!" he says in a sing-song voice. You all burst into laughter. But it wasn't long 'till you looked back to your screen and it read 'Sands of Time.'
"Look guys it's Sands of Time! We might still win this." Niki says excitedly.
"Dose anyone got any sand? I need it." You were currently watching the timer while the others were getting sand for you.
"Yeah I have some. Here." Fundy hands you 7 sand. "Thanks" "How many do you have now?" he starts running back into one of the tunnels he went into before. "Uhmm I have 9 sand." "Okay great"
You were now collecting sand because the one that Fundy gave you earlier ran out. You were running around trying to get sand and heard Niki in the call, "Y/n, help me please I just died." So you ran over to her, freed her from the tomb, and continued getting more sand.
Clay spoke, "Hey how much time we got left?" You glance back at the timer and it read '20.' "Oh shit it's at 20-"
You ran back to the timer to place sand. When you got to the timer, it went down to 10. You placed all the sand you had left and it went back up to 50. "It's at 50 now, we're good."
You just finished Sands of Time and were waiting for the other teams to finish. You were just talking about the earlier games and random things before all the teams finished.
When the scores were counted again, you ended up in 4th place. Not too bad, but could've done better. You and your team were super proud since it was your first time playing.
Green Gaurdians and Purple Pandas were now dueling it out. All the teams were screaming and betting who would win.
You were screaming and cheering but you saw Clay going on mute. You didn't want to be nosy but you were curious on whet he was doing. "Hey guys I just have something real quick." You muted yourself and got up.
Right when you grabbed onto your door knob, Clay opens the door before you. You let out a yelp while he flinches.
"What the hell?" "Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you." he says nonchalantly and giggles.
"So how are you doing? Are you feeling better now than earlier?" "Yeah. I still feel like we couldv'e done better." you said in a lighthearted manner to hide the fact that you were disappointed. But Clay knew you too well.
He smiles and cups your face with both of his hands. "It's okay. Even if you're a little disappointed, you still did good considering it's your first time playing." You remove his hands from your face and hold them. "Thank you, I really needed that." You give him a peck on his cheek then to his lips. "Let's go back, they're probably wondering where we are."
When you got back, they were still fighting, but Green Gaurdians was in the lead. After a few minutes, they came out victorious.
Niki ended her stream and left call because she said that she was tired. You, Fundy, Dream, George, and Smajor just stayed in call for a bit longer just chatting.
"Welp, I'm gonna rest now bye everyone!" bye's and goodbye's erupted from the call. You ended the stream and went to Clay's room.
"Are you still streaming?" you whisper. "Nope, just finished." he turns off his computer and looks at you. "Great! Wanna watch a movie with me and Patches?" "Sure, I'll be down in a bit." you kiss his nose and go downstairs to ready a movie.
☆ Taglist ☆
@book-of-anarchy @speedymaximoff @fivxss
Masterlist, Rules, Taglist
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fundyupdates · 3 years
Fundy will be on the Green Gaurdians along with ConnorEatsPants, TommyInnit, and Philza!!
Be sure to tune in on Saturday July 24th at 8pm BST!
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VvV source tweet VvV
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Welcome Bishop, you’re the hardest sweetest thing I’ve ever had to do.
Born 10 days late, this morning July 12 at 2:22 am.
We labored at home with early contractions since Friday eve, with a checkup Saturday as contractions grew stronger I was still only -2 dialated and sent home on morphine & gravol to sleep.
Sunday things really kicked up, and we waited for as long as I could so I didn’t get sent home again.
Arrived in L&D 6 cm dilated, opted for no drugs but gas and oxygen.
Bishop Gottfried Kribernegg
{Bish•op ; Overseer, Gaurdian}
Born Monday, 2:22 am ✨
7 lbs 8 oz
At home at last in our arms.
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okurut · 3 years
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On Saturday 15 January 2022, was really a busy day for children whom I have been teaching yoga and swing dance that's at Heart of Dance African Rhythm got scholarship of going back to school from #Melisa foundation through #St. Janan Luwum to #Heart of Dance African Rhythm. I worked with the team of Heart of Dance African Rhythm tirelessly following up children with the parents from home until school for those who are in boarding and also those ones who are in day schooling too. It was a great opportunity for most of them who weren't thinking of even joining this school at all in their lives and now dream come true through their talents of dance. Thanks so much Heart of Dance African Rhythm for teaching always children dance, yoga and meditation so through that St. Janan Luwum has seen their talents and brought Melissa foundation which gave them sponsorship on education that every child deserves in this world mostly. This makes me so happy to see that children, I teach in some of the slums of Uganda 🇺🇬 get best education ever in their lives and now am still waiting to see more lovely hearted people come out to sponsor more community activities, I do in different communities because we need better environment sustainable for everyone always. Back 2 School finally has come back seriously after two years of lockdown and now parents/gaurdians are on serious pressure of their children to go back to school. @ministryofhealth_uganda @ariglowskin @lost0in0seoul @usmissionuganda @facethecurrent @albahamburgerin @sashafrate #education #childeducation #support #backtoschool #followforfollowback #Donate #school #kids #slumlife #community #swing #yoga #lindyhoplife #heartofdanceafricanrhythm #melissafoundation #Jananluwum #art #educateyourself (at St Janan Luwum Ss Kabalagala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYzjf8VLoCA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Braved the sun on Sunday and made it out to the last official Bat’s Day! Though Friday and Saturday events are now officially gone the annual meet ups in the park will still continue. But I’m glad I got to rock my rib cage jewel harness and high low skirt made by yours truly. That outfit survived the darkest catacombs of the Haunted Mansion, rescued some captive Gaurdians, and even charmed the heart of a mischievous trickster God. Thanks for the fun Bat’s Day! See you next year! 🖤🦇🖤🦇🖤🦇🖤🦇🖤🦇🖤🦇 #nilissues #disneyland #batsday #batsday2018 #gothgirlissues #gothgirl #loki #hauntedmansion #fashiondesignerissues #mycreations #ribecageharness #highlowskirt #fashionableaf #springgoth (at Disneyland)
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hannahjo · 7 years
okay hi
i just feel like i need to write this down just for the off chance i forget lol
me n my baby celebrated 7 mo
and while 7 mo isn’t super significant ((i guess,lol))
this one was pretty damn special
it honestly felt like we celebrated for like 5 days straight
thanksgiving played a big part into that, lol
but yknow on weds i asked my baby to do so much for me and he didn’t even hesitate, i swear to god, it’s like even when i know this guy isn’t totally crazy about running errands for me (bc who is rlly) he has a way of making it seem like it’s literally no big deal
he’s so fucking patient and kind
and so fucking thoughtful
his trick ass also surprised me w a new popsocket during my break, LMAO
ever since i got one last year, it’s been so hard to function w/o one 
and after having broken 2 within the span of like 2 mo im so happy to finally have one again, lol
like i know i couldve just bought any ole $10 regular ass pop socket but like im all about that customization...ya feel?
and then on thursday we had our lil split thanksgiving and lemme just say 
i ate good AF
and got stoned AF LOL
after finally going (to my second) home....i got some goodass rest w my baby and our lil oliver and it’s been such a long time since ive slept over i honestly needed it lol
(and i just wanna say im also so thankful that my baby lugged my 18 candles from bath and body works... and for also breaking a candle in the store bc that gave me a good laugh, lmao)
and then on saturday OOOOOO did we eat GOOD
we got some kbbq after a good while of cravin it (i called the host babe on accident lmaooooo) 
and since the wait was so long we got afters beforehand...but since my ass was originally planning to get creamistry...we STILL ended up getting it afterwards...my life has been taken over by ice cream i s2g
and then we relaxed in the jacuzzi and the best part was while we were “cuzzi-ing” oliver was out there w/us snatching up peppers LMAO
and when we were about to get out we noticed the sky lookin super misty and my dumbass was all “lol it’s probs just all the steam from the jacuzzi” and when i finally left to go home i immediately realized it was just some real heavy fog BAHAHA
AND LASTLY sunday!!!
we had (by far) i feel our BEST disney day yet!!!!!!
we got there 330
and lemme tell you it was SO empty lol
my baby was hungry and hadnt eaten so i was like YOU WANT A CHURRO? GET A CHURRO! WANT A PRETZEL? GET A PRETZEL!
we BALLED out on food at dland ok
we went on cali adventure, soarin, gaurdians, matterhorn, indy, and space mountain and drew some cute lil minnie’s at animation acadaemy
we hella took advantage of our photo passes this time around
i’m honestly surprised we called it quits at like 11 LMAO
but after having been so busy these past few weeks im surprised we even had the energy to go to dland lol
idk all of this may seem like stupid meaningless shit
but when i look back it i be remembering my baby and how i felt when i was w him in these moments yknow?
idk it was also last night when i realized that being w luke really makes me feel like every day is our anniversary bc of how much we cherish each other ( flaws and all ) and how much we celebrate the little things that take place in our relationship
it’s honestly still SO crazy to me to think that when i was ~12-13 i had thought that he and i would never be together again
and that i had lost my chances w him
yet here are 7 years later and im literally spending all my days w this guy 
showin him love and getting love back
i really love this guy you guys, lol
he’s so great and i wish i could keep track of all the little (and big things) he does to show me he loves me
but the smile on his face says it all 
and i really couldn’t have asked for a better partner and best friend 
i’m so happy to have him back in my life
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georgiagems · 7 years
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~✧~ Steven Universe DragonCon 2017 Photoshoot and Meetup ~✧~
Saturday September 2nd 1:30pm-2:30pm 5th Floor Lobby Hilton Hotel
Artist: http://varuvi.deviantart.com/art/garnet-s-galaxy-547834884 Facebook Event Page:https://www.facebook.com/events/1833047803635862
See Rules and Shoot info under the cut --->>>
✧DO NOT. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. PICK ANYONE UP. i dont care if you know them. i dont care if you practiced. i have seen too many broken limbs, sprained ankles and torn out piercings. and honestly i dont want to explain to some angry parent why a giant chunk of their child is missing ✧ Do not. I repeat. DO NOT FORCE ANYBODY TO DO ANYTHING THAT THEY DO NOT WANT TO DO. Golden rule right there. If I see any sort of action like that, I will make sure to report you to the con security. Cosplay ≠ Consent. ✧ each shot is 15 seconds. Ill call you up and start counting in my head. the last 5 seconds will be called aloud. ✧ RESPECT THE CHARACTERS. I don't care if you dont like them. some people do. but if someone doesnt want to come up for a photo they DO NOT have to. ✧ DONT BE SCARED TO KNEEL. We're inside. the carpet won't eat you. ✧ Please try to enter from the right and exit to the left. I will show you exactly what I mean when we start. ✧ The first row will be for photographers. leave them space as this is all pointless without pictures, now isnt it? ✧ Make sure you listen to us. If we ask you to do or stop doing something, please do so so we can make this go as smoothly as and quickly as possible for everyone. ✧ Please stay within the photoshoot area. it will ensure you are actually in the picture. ✧ MAKE SURE, that your paint is sealed. If you are not sealed you will be asked to leave to find sealer. ✧Please use the tag #georgiagems on tumblr and facebook to tag your photos. Feel free to post them directly to the Georgia Gems like or group pages as well.
~✧~Photoshoot Character List~✧~
-Large groups 1st -Singles-Small groups + Fusions -Pairings/Families -Requests
✧LARGE GROUPS✧ Everyone All Humans (including Steven) (Beach City Residents (Cool Kids, Business owners, Parents, Children, Mystery Girl, etc.)) All Gems (including Steven) OG Crystal Gems (Steven, Ametheyst, Pearl, and Garnet) All Crystal Gems (+ Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, and Rose) All Homeworld Gems (Including Peridot and Lapis) All Fusions
✧SINGLE CHARACTERS✧ Steven (Including all versions of Steven) Garnet Amethyst Pearl Rose Quartz Greg Connie  Ruby Sapphire Peridot Jasper Lapis Lars Sadie Others (Cetipeedle, Bismuth, Homeworld Pearls, Homeworld Rubies, Aquamarine, Holly Blue, ect.)
✧SMALL GROUPS/FUSIONS✧ Lars of the Stars Crew (All off colors) Steven and Connie Steven and Connie + Stevonnie Stevonnie 
Ruby and Sapphire Ruby and Sapphire + Garnet
Garnet and Amethyst Garnet and Amethyst + Sugilite Sugilite
Garnet and Pearl Garnet and Pearl + Sardonyx Sardonyx 
Amethyst and Pear lAmethyst and Pearl + Opal Opal
Amethyst and Steven Amethyst and Steven + Smoky Smoky 
Rose Quartz and Pearl Rose Quartz and Pearl + Rainbow Quartz Rainbow QuartZ
Lapis and Jasper Lapis and Jasper + Malachite Malachite
Garnet(Ruby&Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl + Alexandrite Alexandrite
Temple Gaurdian Diamonds Diamonds + Pearls Yellow Diamond Yellow Diamond + Yellow Pearls Blue Diamond Blue Diamon + Blue Pearls 
Fan Gems/Gemsonas
✧PAIRINGS/FAMILYS✧ Rose and Greg Rose, Greg and Pearl Rose, Greg and Steven Lapis and Peridot Amethyst and Peridot Lars and Sadie Lars and Lion
Requests: (Just post about wanting a picture. First come first serve.) 1.Bismuth and Pearl 2.Cystal Gems Vs. Homeworld Gems 3.Lars, Lion, Rose, Steven 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. 9. 10.
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homestuck-ff-month · 7 years
Completed Schedule
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Prompt explanations under cut.
Daily Prompts
First Date- Draw or write about your pairing on their first date.
Beforus/Alpha- Draw or write about the Beforus Ancestors and/or post-scratch gaurdians.
AU- Draw or write about an alternate universe of your choice.
Sleepover- Draw or write about your girls having a sleepover.
Rarepairs- Draw or write about a ship that doesn’t get enough love
Parenting- Draw or write about what your pairing would be like as parents, or even just what their offspring would be like.
Polyshipping- Thursday? More like OT3rsday! Of course, you can post polyshipping content any day of the week, but here’s a chance to really focus on it. (Note: As ashen ships are poly by default, polyshipping in that case would be an auspisticism involving 4+ people, or one person being involved in multiple ashen triads.)
Swaps- Bloodswaps, Kidswaps, Speciesswaps, etc.
Favorite Couple Activity- What is your pairing’s favorite thing to do together?
Long Distance- Draw or write about your girls being in an LDR
Weddings- Draw or write about your pairing attending a wedding or getting married themselves!
Free Space- Draw or write about whatever you want!
Quadrant Mixing- Draw or write about a ship that breaks quadrant boundaries
First Argument- Draw or write about your pairing having their first fight or disagreement.
Bonus Prompts
From May 29-31, extra surprise prompts will be posted on this blog. Be sure not to miss them!
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daily-scry · 5 years
Posting schedule:
• Sunday: Coatl or Fae
• Monday: Bogsneak or Gaoler
• Tuesday: Gaurdian or Imperial
• Wednesday: Mirror or Nocturn
• Thursday: Pearcatcher or Ridgeback
• Friday: Skydancer or Snapper
• Saturday: Spiral, Tundra, or Wildclaw
~You may see more of some breeds than others~
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tacticalshit · 6 years
Israel wants a piece of syria too!
Seems like they wanted to caveat on what we did saturday.
The Gaurdian writes
Israeli warplanes bombed a Syrian regime airbase east of the city of Homs, the Russian and Syrian militaries have said.
The Russian military said two Israeli F-15 jets carried out the strikes from Lebanese airspace, and that Syrian air defence systems shot down five of eight missiles fired. Asked about the Russian statement, an Israeli military spokesman said he had no immediate comment.
Syrian state TV reported loud explosions near the T-4 airfield in the desert east of Homs in the early hours of Monday. It initially reported that the attack was “most likely” American, a claim the Pentagon has denied.
Video footage on social media in Lebanon showed aircraft or missiles flying low over the country, apparently heading east towards Syria. At least 14 people, mostly Iranians or members of Iran-backed groups, were killed, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said. The Iranian Fars news agency confirmed three Iranian deaths.
T-4, also known as Tiyas, halfway between Homs and the ancient ruins of Palmyra, has been used by the Russian air force, but it is unclear whether Russian aircraft were at the base when it came under attack.
Concerned by the permanent stationing of Iranian-backed troops on its border, Israel has a track record of conducting independent strikes inside Syria, largely with tacit rather than explicit US support. It previously launched airstrikes against the T-4 base in February, claiming that an Iranian drone launched from the airfield had flown into Israel.
Of most concern to Israeli military officials is what they believe are Iranian efforts to fix advanced guidance systems to rudimentary rockets, some of which are destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Israel was dismayed by Donald Trump’s announcement last week that he intended to withdraw US troops from Syria. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, regards US involvement as the best guarantee that Iranian influence in Syria can be curbed.
Though remaining a strong ally, senior Israeli officials have come to view the the Trump administration as chaotic and unreliable, incapable of articulating a policy in Syria. Military officials believe that torpor in the State Department and Pentagon – where bilateral relationships with Israel have long been strongest – and unchecked volatility in the White House, have forced Israel to act solely in its own interests in Syria. It insists that regime change is not a goal, and nor is weakening the regime, unless that is caught up in the primary goal of weakening Iran.
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 Aftermath of suspected chemical attack in rebel-held Douma in Syria – video
On Sunday Trump said the Syrian regime and its backers would pay a “high price” for the use of chemical weapons in an attack on Saturday on rebel-held Doumathat killed 42 people, but the Pentagon denied US forces were involved in Monday’s strikes. “However, we continue to closely watch the situation and support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to hold those who use chemical weapons, in Syria and otherwise, accountable,” a Pentagon spokesman said.
Separately, the White House put out an account of a telephone conversation between Trump and Emmanuel Macron, in which the US and French presidents “agreed to exchange information on the nature of the attacks and coordinate a strong, joint response”.
Macron has said chemical weapons attacks in Syria would cross a “red line” for France and that French forces would strike if the regime was proven to have been involved. However, the French army denied responsibility for Monday’s attack.
The UN security council is scheduled to meet on Monday to discuss Saturday’s chemical weapons attack in Douma.
Aid workers and local medics described apocalyptic scenesas they scrambled to save the survivors of Syria’s latest atrocity. Many of the dead had had been sheltering in the basement of a building that was struck by a projectile shortly after 7.30pm. Ill-equipped local doctors said they treated patients for suffocation, foaming at the mouth, dilated…
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