phosphorsus-noodles · 2 months
i have got to get out of this house
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milogreer · 3 months
i’ve been having a lot of fun editing cassettes and creating my own templates and improving/changing little things about them - however, i’m like, 13 cassettes in, and i’ve only just realized the font for the tracklist is wrong. which is fine in that it means i can now start using what i’m pretty sure is the right font (semplicita bold, for those curious), but also really sucks because it means my brain won’t shut up until i go back and edit the six unposted tapes to have the right font. which is easy enough but it’s a) annoying bc i have them all saved and drafted already and b) ABSURD because the only reason i even realized they were different fonts is because the 3 and 4 didn’t match 😐 no one would’ve ever noticed this probably. but here i am. very mentally ill
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[They sigh irritably, leaning their head back.] GROAN. That's not how this works! You're treating this like an army, it's not that, we're trying to keep as many people alive as possible! Come on, don't devalue my work like that, do you think I make all this tech just for it to be cast away so easily?? This is high-quality tech!! If I expected everyone to throw their lives away as soon as I thought it was necessary, would I not save my resources instead of upgrading everything every month? For fifteen years??
You should probably investigate this mindset, because this is a very concerning and illogical way to think about the Resistance's entire purpose. Nobody wants you to die, Acie, and you have your job for a reason, you're not supposed to be discarded like cheap fodder. And I mean this, really, in the most sincere way possible, but you're being stupid.
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
happy birthday to my eldest child aka the first stranger things fic i posted 🥳 i am constantly looking for the same delusion i had in june 2022 just without the pain of july 1, 2022.
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idiou · 8 months
TADC Theory that they all knew eachother irl.
That's it, that's the theory.
Quit reading this post there's literally nothing more to it.
Oh my god come on.
Just leave already.
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gxrruth · 2 months
you never realize how old you are until you start missing gladiator rings.
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faunabel · 2 months
well i wanted to go on a walk and its a little chilly today so i decided to take advantage of it by wearing a sweater while i still can but my mom who was leaving for work said i look stupid 😭
also its bright so i decided to wear some sunglasses but the only ones i have are these red heart shaped ones that look ridiculous
and. hm. actually i wanted to go on a walk bc im stressed and thought itd make me feel better but now i feel like shit because of her always cutting me down. this wasnt going to be a vent post but i just realized i am upset and feel too shameful to go on a walk now 😑 she makes me feel like i shouldn't even exist or people are going to judge me.
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theindescribable1 · 10 months
That's a nice Sombrero.. is it in the colors of guacamole, salsa, and tortillas? :>
Wth dude? ITS THE MEXICAN FLA- ok. . This guy failed geometry! ...so did I- BUT- theeee 🇲🇽 flag should be recognized!
🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽
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secret-delirium · 10 months
That was dumb AND annoying. I HATE drowning.
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
so i’ve been thinking some thoughts and like: sex is like bowling.
Or really, any other activity that you could do with another person, but bowling was the first thing I thought of.
Bowling is fun! Most people enjoy bowling. I enjoy bowling sometimes. There’s a lot of things about it that are fun. I don’t really think about bowling all the time and I’m not always up for it. If I’m tired or I have a headache I don’t really want to go out and go bowling, you know? And while bowling isn’t something I’m SUPER interested in, going with good company can be a real treat! Even someone who doesn’t care so much about bowling but likes to spend time with someone might be down to go bowling with them just for the experience of being with them. But for some people bowling might just be a no-go entirely, because all the screens and sounds are a sensory nightmare or whatever. And that’s ok. Generally, people are not upset when you don’t want to go bowling.
Anyway. Sex is like that. It’s a fun activity you can do with a partner or a friend who also feels like doing it. It’s no more or less important than going to a bowling alley, which is just another activity you can do with a partner that’s fun and a bonding experience. If someone doesn’t want to have sex, it should be just as normal as saying “yea sorry I’m just not up for bowling today.” If someone’s not really interested in having sex but is fine with doing it with a partner, it’s not “self-harm” or whatever. It’s like going bowling when you don’t really care about bowling but you DO care about hanging out with someone you care about and doing an activity they enjoy. And you can be like SUPER into bowling and go every single week, join a league, buy merchandise, whatever (this is not a one-to-one metaphor. There are no sex leagues. At least not that I know of...is this the mysterious competitive vs casual sex I have heard of?)
In sum, none of these things are weird. What IS weird is when you’re like “what do you MEAN you don’t like bowling?? You just haven’t been to the right alley yet. You just HAVE to go bowling.”
or like “not going bowling with me is abusive and manipulative :( I am entitled to going bowling with you”
or “people who go bowling all the time are so awful! what’s wrong with them for liking bowling so much??”
or “can you believe he went bowling with Sarah AND John? That’s so disgusting!”
it’s just. Sex is like bowling. It’s just a thing. It’s a thing people can do together if they want and would like to. And I wish we could all start treating it like that instead of some weird, gross, terrible, or mystical, special, amazing, life changing thing. It just is.
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Before anyone asks, I’m FINE, okay? I’m fine. Now, don’t bombard me with questions any further.
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
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after missing SEVERAL meetings and protests for Palestine bc I hadnt done my homework, bc I had spent days agonizing, posting and rationalizing the whole "Misha Collins Thing"
I have decided to pretend that it didnt happen
bc holy shit
it does not fucking matter. ESPECIALLY if there are easily accessible ways for me to be making ACTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS to this movement
agonizing over whether I'm "allowed" to like Supernatural does not matter.
if anyone else is still in this position
my advice is to find an actual thing to do to help, and divorce fandom from it as much as possible
or at least keep a CLOSE eye on if your "activism" has stopped being abt palestine and begun to be about hating Misha.
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boowhumps · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 16
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Injury
~ Mentions of Death
~ Hospital Setting
Kaiden was fast asleep, his head resting against Karyme's hospital bed.
Karyme was wide awake, eyes slowly studying his features. She found herself immersed in him, eyes gazing over his tired eyes, pale skin, and the millions of freckles on his face.
Karyme slowly reached her hand up, letting it fall on his head. She ran her fingers through his black wavy hair, sighing.
She suddenly stops, eyes darting over to the door as it slowly opens. A familiar nurse pops her head in.
"Aren't you up early?" The nurse says with a smile, carrying her clipboard.
Karyme's attention wanders back to Kaiden, eyes wandering over him.
The nurse lowers her voice. "Don't worry, I won't wake him.." She says, approaching Karyme.
Karyme says nothing as the nurse checks her vitals, takes blood samples, and adjusts her I.V.
Once she's done, the nurse frowns. "I'll have to check your incision to make sure it's healing.."
Karyme nods, despite every fiber in her screaming no.
The nurse quickly undoes her bandages around her torso and reveals the large incision on her abdomen.
Karyme looks away, taking a deep breath.
"I'm going to apply a bit of pressure on it.. if it's too much squeeze my arm.." The nurse says.
Karyme leans her head back, eyes focused on the ceiling.
Soon a pain forms as the pressure starts. Karyme breathes heavily as the pain increases.
Finally, the pain reaches an unbearable level. Karyme gasps, quickly squeezing the nurses arm as tears fill her eyes.
The pressure stops, and the pain subsides. Karyme inhales sharply, calming herself.
"Good news, you're healing well.." The nurse says. "I have to go now, but if you need anything the service button is right in the wall."
With that, she excuses herself.
Karyme turns her head back to Kaiden, who's beginning to stir.
Karyme watches as he wakes up, rubbing his eyes.
"Karyme.?" He mumbles.
Karyme says nothing, only squeezes his arm.
He adjusts to the light and smiles at her. "Hey you.. have you been up for a while?"
Karyme nods in response.
Kaiden pushes himself up, checking his phone. "..did the nurse check on you already.?"
Once again, Karyme nods.
Kaiden sighs. "Why didn't you wake me.? I know how much those tests bother you.. I want to be there when they happen.."
Karyme shrugs, eyes gazing into his.
"It's fine.." He mumbles, stretching. "Do you feel better today.?"
Karyme nods.
"Good.. That's good." He responds.
He adjusts Karyme's blanket, making sure to cover her fully.
They sit together for a while, Kaiden talking and Karyme silently listening.
After a bit, Karyme's phone begins to ring. Kaiden raises an eyebrow. He picks up the phone, and almost immediately his demeanor changes.
"Your mother.." He mumbles. "..maybe I should answer-"
Kaiden's eyes widen a bit. "..Karyme.?"
Karyme speaks again, her voice low and shaky. "..no.. please.."
Kaiden immediately puts the phone down, the call missed. He clutches Karyme's hand, taking a deep breath.
"Easy.." He whispers. "It's fine.. I didn't answer.."
Karyme rests her head back onto the pillow, slowly nodding.
"You can talk.." Kaiden tells her. "I'm sure you have questions.."
"..she never visited..?" Karyme asks quietly.
Kaiden shakes his head. "No..not once. said she was busy.. even when you-.."
He stops, closing his eyes as if remembering..
Karyme frowns a bit. "..tell me.."
Kaiden hesitates. "I don't know-"
"..please.." Karyme whispers.
Kaiden sighs. "When I.. found you.. and brought you here.." He stops, as if composing himself to continue. "..you were in bad shape.."
"The doctors called your mother.. told her she should come down.. in case you didn't.. survive.." He sighs. "She never came."
Karyme squeezes his hand which he returns before resuming.
"Then you got worse." He says. "They were trying to get you stable enough to operate.. but every time.. your heart gave out."
His hands tremble a bit as he speaks. "Three times.." He whispers. "Three times you flatlined that night. Every time.. as I watched them revive you.. I broke inside."
He takes a deep breath. "You were ready to go.. so pale and fragile.. your breaths hardly there.. It felt like I was chaining you up.. not letting you pass on.."
He sighs again. "I didn't want to let you go.. at least.. not without an apology." He clear his throat. "After the third revive.. they rushed you away to operate.. telling me that your chances were low.."
He inhales deeply, and his lips form a small smile.
"But you made it." He says. "Even after hours.. you lived.." He squeezes her hand tightly. "And after three of the longest months of my life.. you're here.. awake.. and looking at me as if I did nothing wrong.."
Karyme gives him a weird look. "..what wrong.?"
Kaiden sighs. "Nothing.. let's not worry about that right now.. All we need now is to let you recover.."
Karyme nods, accepting his response.
But deep down.. in a dark and sinister place.. she feels guilt.
Why guilt.?
Because Karyme knows exactly what he did.. yet she can't find it in her to hate him for it..
Even if he deserves that hate.
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toxungen · 6 months
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guard dog
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tea-time221 · 25 days
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it wasnt a double dog dare klavier
these fuckass attorneys
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