#Genderfuild Loki
agentofagony · 2 years
loki is a fucking fagot
My reaction to this information :
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shit? You mean to tell me Loki is a faggot?him? The one who's canonically the patreon god of being the receiving part of anal sex aka the patreon god of bottoms? The one who was shown cross-dressing, shape-shifting to a woman and seducing men at least once or twice in canon ?the genderfuild demi god?the bi frost gaint is a FAGGOT?!? :0
art is by @nekokat46
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eggcompany · 5 months
Doctor Will Make You Better Part 1
Frank Castle was put in the mental hospital. After months of nothing but sedatives and torturous heats, a specialist shows up with gentle hands and a hidden obsession with the ex-marine. Will Frank melt into the form of Loki's hands? Manipulating a broken omega isn't the right thing, but Loki never said they wanted the right thing. They wanted a challenge. That challenge turned out to be a two hundred pound omega with mommy issues and a body full of unmet needs.
“Mister Castle? Frank? May I come in? My name’s Loki Laufeyson, I’m the specialist.” Said a light voice feathered with an accent through a barely opened padded door. 
“Fuck off! Stay the fuck away from me!” Frank shouted from his bed. 
He’d learned to use the silence, the constant never ending silence, to think. Think about how to get out. Think about Maria. Think about how even now that mark on the  side of his neck still burns. Think how much he really really fucking wants to dig through the thick hard plastic of his cot and dig the foam inside into a nest. Think about how much his guts feel like their twisting. Think about how thinking so much is probably making the pain worse since it’s always been mind or matter. 
He thought about how awful these people are. All of em. They only ever come in to hurt him. This one is the same. 
“Frank, I’m not going to do anything. I won’t even get near you. Look see, you can see my hands.” Loki  said and stuck their thin hands through the crack in the door, exposed up to the elbow. Thin pale arms, coming in quite high in the doorway. 
“What do you want to do to me now? I’m not fucking taking anymore of that sleeping shit!” Frank said and swung his feet off the side of his cot to sit up on the edge. 
He hated that sleeping crap. Talk too loud, needle in the shoulder or ass. Want something, needle. Have heat sickness, needle. Beg for the most basic wants of someone in heat, needle. He hated those fuckin needles. He’d figured they put it in the fake solution in the knotters, too. Why fix the problem when they can just knock him out, right. They didn’t even have to touch him, just give him the dildo and wait. It was humiliating to wake up and be washed and stuffed full, knowing fuck knows how many people saw him in such a vulnerable state. 
“Nothing. I don’t want to do anything to you. I just want to talk to you. I want to know why you have so many restrictions for a heating omega with your hormone problems. It seems very extreme. Even cruel.” The person said with a hint of pity in their voice. 
Frank rolled it around in his mind for a while before huffing. 
“You can come to the chair. That’s it.” He said and squared his jaw waiting for the whole group that always follows the doctor. The two big guys, Gale and Martin usually, and the two little ladies with the needles, Wanda and Laura. 
“Thank you.” They said kindly and stepped through the door and closed it behind them. 
They were very tall. And skinny. And very pretty. Wearing a pair of light tan slacks and a white button up with a green argyle sweater vest over it. They had on a pair of black loafers and no jewelry but their dark hair was tied up in a half up half down bun. All neat corners and edges.
‘ Sharp jaw for a lady ’ Frank thought. 
‘Course there had been a few ladies that had come in that he had found attractive. A few guys too but they just smelled… gut un clenchingly calming. He’d always just mark it up to being nature’s way of telling him he needed someone, literally anyone, to touch him. He’d sorta had a mini crush on the one physical therapist lady who’d come in to check on his shoulder once she’d learned it was “ Super-Fucked ” as Frank liked to say. She was cutthroat and unwavering but also tender. But he lashed out at her when he was having one of his fits and didn’t want anyone touching him. He assumed she came to see him while he was knocked out because he could still just barely smell her. That even stopped a week ago. 
“May I sit down?” They asked and motioned toward the shitty foam chair. Frank jerked his head and the doctor sat down, crossing their legs. Long slender legs, Frank noted. 
“I’m doctor Laufeyson. I mostly work in psychology and trauma management but I have experience in emergency distress response and the crisis center. I consult on a lot of…special cases nowadays.” The doctor explained with a small grin and Frank stared at him and rolled his eyes. 
“So you deal with crazies and busted omegas. Great that’s just what these fucking people think I am anyway.” Frank said and snarled up a bit and leaned his elbows on his knees. 
“I don’t think that. I think you’ve been forced here and deprived of even your most basic needs. I mean even looking around your room, I see so much that is lacking. I don’t see anything to even make a nest, I see no excess food or beverage, I see no form of enrichment. Honestly I think you’re holding yourself together by your bootstraps and the doctors here aren’t trying to help you. I think they’re trying to break you down into a crazy because crazies can be retrained into nothing but a shell, a doll. I don’t think you’d give in to being turned into a shell, Mister Castle. I think you’re too intelligent, too… resilient.” Loki said in all seriousness. 
They’d known Frank was perfect for months now. After reading page after page after page of his observations, sleep studies, heat studies, everything. Loki had read everything about Frank Castle. He was already a broken man, something wild and uncontrollable. Loki wanted to learn how to wrangle him, learn what made him tick, made him bite, made him cry, made him sweet. Loki needed to know everything, needed Frank Castle in their daily life. Frank would be so incredible to watch melt and form a perfect omega. Perfect to Loki’s standards, not society’s. To form into a sweet collared little house pet from a monster. Loki needed him. Needed to get Frank’s trust, his love, his devotion . 
“They took away my stuff cause I’m ‘aggressive’... but they hurt me. They hurt me first. All they do is put me to sleep and take my shit. They stopped letting me have suppresents too but they were the only fuckin thing keeping me fuckin’ balanced. No one comes in. No one scents the room. No one anything’s. Just fuckin sitting in my own shit. They make me stand over there in the corner to even give me my food. Don’t fuckin’ see anybody.” Frank ranted and shouted. If this lady wanted to listen, he’d tell her anything. It was nice to bitch at something alive every once in a while. It was nice to see a face and someone not wearing scrubs. 
“Would you prefer if I scented the room? I would be glad to do so. Or if you’d like I could scent some blankets before I leave?” They offered. The scent was heavier than brick when they’d first entered the room. The scent of horrid, scared, angry omega. Similar to that of garbage after it rained in Florida during summer, hot wet garbage. It would be ideal to let Frank start getting familiarized with Loki's scent. 
“Really? Like crack the door and scent or just layer it on?” Frank asked because those two were very different. Once, and only once, a nurse had cracked the door and let some of the scent out but Frank had tried to get out so the door was never opened, AKA. no fresh air. Ever. 
“Well let me see, I have your papers…” They said and pulled a stack of folded up papers from their pocket. They read over them until they found what they were looking for on the second page. 
“You have a vent system so they should be able to clear your scent and I can spread mine. These people… we’re going to have some more chats and I’m going to get you moved.” Loki said while shaking their head as they refolded up a stack of papers and waited for Frank to nod curiously to stand up and step out of the room. 
After a few minutes the two vents in the ceiling clicked on and started to flood the room with sterile smelling air. Each one of Frank’s breaths felt lighter. 
Loki came back, knocked, asked to come in, and stood by the chair. They also took in nice long deep breaths. 
“That is so much better already. I’ll write it in to do this every morning and evening.” The doctor said and reached for  his pen but just patted his pocket when he remembered he couldn’t have those here. He’d make a mental note. 
“Yeah, feels like I’m not drownin’ anymore. Thanks.” Frank said and gave the doctor a half smile. Loki smiled. 
“That’s good, now do you mind if I walk around a bit?” Loki asked and Frank nodded. 
Their scent was like rain and fresh cut grass. It opened his lungs like they hadn’t been in months. It made his mind feel open and clear. The air felt new, fresh. The scent floated around but warmed Frank. Like a blanket was being wrapped around him and the tension melted off of him. 
Loki walked around to stand by the wall beside his bed. The scent wasn’t overwhelming. It was… calming. Like balm on a burn. 
Frank took in big long breaths. He looked down but didn’t close his eyes. He needed to stay aware but… he couldn’t help but let the clean freshness seep into his bones. 
“Do you feel any better now Mister Castle?” The doctor said quietly, not wanting to spook the slumped relaxed man. 
“Um, yeah. Yeah a bit. It still smells kinda like ass.” Frank said and sat up straight again. It smelled better yeah but he still wreaked and his bed seemed to always smell like bad slick 
“Okay how about I make you a deal. Will you let them take you to go eat if I change out your bedding and do a bit of a cleaning in here?” Loki offered after glancing at their watch. It was after lunch time for the other patients. Frank would be alone and wouldn’t be rushed. They could get a new cot in and add a nice plush pad over top and put new sheets and get an actual pillow instead of that wretched foam thing that Frank had been using. 
“But I’ll still smell gross. Especially after they feed me. Stresses me out.” Frank grumbled and looked over at the tall person. He knew he was being ornery to the nice lady but that’s what they get. Maybe the lady didn’t deserve it though… she seemed to genuinely want to help him. 
“Okay so you’ll let me clean. I know you're not allowed to bathe. How about I clean you up, sponge bath?” Loki asked and couldn’t help but feel his chest blossom at the thought of getting Frank stripped down and in his hands. 
Frank's face was set aflame and he nodded without thinking. Being awake for a bath was like a… a luxury. A treat. He’d just met this lady and she was already treating him? Maybe she would let him nest. Or actually let him have something. 
“Deal.” Frank forced out and nodded and looked down at the ground. 
“Wonderful. Before they come and get you, may I just feel your scent glands?” Loki said and walked back toward the door with his key fob in hand. Frank’s head shot up and he was just staring. No one ever even tried to touch him like that since he got here. 
“I… I don’t have them.” Frank said and the doctor turned and looked at him with confusion. 
“What? That wasn’t in your chart. Never developed or removed?” Loki said and walked back to lean a hip against the wall near the bed. He’d read all of Frank’s papers that should have been put in. Stupid american people thinking everyone knows this shit. 
“Marines. Special Operations always have theirs removed.” Frank explained. No one ever had scent glands in the forces. Most of the office folks didn’t even have them. 
“That’s okay. They had military but they didn’t put that you had a removal. Complete I assume?” Loki asked and thought about it. They’d not had a lot of experience with military omegas before. Mostly betas. That thought made them want Frank a little bit more. Something new, something to discover and play with.
“Yes ma’am.” Frank answered solemnly. This lady had come to talk to him and help him thinking he was… complete. At least this wasn’t the first time he’d disappointed someone since being here and it wouldn’t be the last. Hopefully she’d still give him what she said she would. He really hoped she’d give him new bedding and a bath. It would be nice. 
Loki nodded and thought about how the awful scent in the room must purely be from Frank’s heats… 
“I’ll tell them you’re willing to eat. Next time you can feed yourself under my supervision. You know they’re going to come to restrain you, yes?” Loki said as they made their way to the door with a small smile on their thin lips. Frank nodded and stood up to go to his corner. 
“Yes ma’am.” He said and crossed his arms against his chest and leaned his back against the wall in a defiant way. 
“Please don’t fight them, I can’t stop them from sedating you if you do. I’d like you to be awake for your bath.” Loki said with a light flirty tone to it almost which made Frank swallow thickly. Even before he was sent  here people didn’t really… flirt with him. 
“Yes ma’am.” He said quietly as the doctor left. 
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lolo-l0ved · 3 months
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Canon Transgender, Genderfuild & NonBinary characters within media !
Transgender: Victor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy tv series), Lily Hoshikawa (Zombie Land Saga), Hibari Ōzora (Stop!! Hibari-kun!!), Kuina Hikari (Alice In Borderland)
Genderfluid: Jordan Li (Gen V) & Loki Laufeyson/Odinson (Loki tv series)
NonBinary: Osana Najimi (Komi Can’t Communicate) & Frankie Stein (Monster High Gen3)
Self Indulgent ↳ Reblog / Like if you save or use 🌈
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tricksandhoes · 2 years
Marvel be like we're giving iceman new comic just for pride month with new villians!!!
you look at the villians and you see Loki is one of them.
Bro he have been in the marvel universe since forever the fuck???NEW? where? In your dumbass head??
Also why him?you literally made two villians up why shove Loki with them a character who haven't been a villian since 13 years now???AND have been struggling to keep himself as not the villian in fucking pride month? Of all months pride month? The month where since he's queer we should be getting stories where his struggles get knowledged?
I swear if this doesn't turns out to be a miss understanding between iceman and Loki I'm gonna be so pissed.
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steebandbuckle · 3 years
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this is a sylvie apologist account
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drcylwis · 3 years
“You’re in my seat.”
first-time interaction  //
                            her foot tapped to the beat as she typed away on her laptop, she really needed to get these reports finished and to jane, so that no one would bother her while she was on vacation— it was way long due. she felt a presence behind her but brushed it off as her usual paranoia, but then she could just make out something about someone's seat.
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                            sighing, she pulled her headphone from one ear and looked up to meet the gaze of the one and only loki, she had yet to meet them and was slightly apprehensive about it seeing as they can be a little mean. raising a brow she finally spoke to them, ' yeah, i'm going to have to pass on that, my friend. these reports need to be done in—' she looks down at the clock on the laptop and then back to them '— twenty minutes, and i've still got four thousand words to write. '                             darcy looked around at the clearly empty room, and motioned her hand in a wide movement. ' pick a chair, any chair. except for the one i'm currently planted to. the world is your oyster, but not this chair. ' she grinned at them. ' i know you're royalty and all, but uh—no. '
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kockworkprince · 3 years
MCU: hey! Loki is genderfuild!
Also MCU: “have you ever heard of a female version of us?”/“no, sounds terrifying”
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gay-jewish-bucky · 3 years
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kahlualeia85 · 2 years
I. Finished. My. FIC! 80,000 words later, with two sexy one-shots. It's an entire rewrite of the show. It's got Loki/Mobius. It's got Sylvie being a badass psycho. It's got a tragic backstory for Mobius. It's got Thor being a bumbling idiot who just wants his brother back. It's got a whole host of Loki's I made up, including a cannibalistic Child of Thanos, and a Genderfuild Jotunn.
Go forth, read my friends, and let me know what you think?
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saltydazeinnit · 3 years
Characters I write for: <aged up if minor>
Michael Myers
Brahms Heelsire
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Billy Lenz
Kageyama Tobio
Hinata Shoyo
Tanaka Ryūosuke
Azumane Asahi
Sawamura Daichi
Tendou Satori
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Oikawa Tooru
Iwazumi Hajime
Matsukawa Issei
Hanamaki Takahiro
Kyotani Kentaro
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kenma Kozume
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Todoroki Shoto
Shinso Hitoshi
Jirou Kyoka
Aizawa Shouta
Tengen Uzui
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Fred and George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Marvel/DC characters
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Harley Quinn
Batman/Joker (Ship)
Wade Wilson
Mirabel (no smut)
Camilio (no smut)
I also write for Pepa and Felix but polyam since I'm not breaking my otp
Security Breach fanf
Montgomery Gator
Freddy Fazbear
Roxanne Wolf
No smut for real people or minors
I don't do real angst (maybe some hurt comfort)
Just because I don't write for a character doesn't mean I don't write for a ship with that character
Example: KiriBaku & ShinKami
I do Headcanons and Imagines
I write for polyam ships
I write for all LGBTQ+ and POC as I am a Pansexual genderfuild polyam
I have a right to refuse any request without explanation
Let me know if you want a prompt list
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agentofagony · 2 years
Headcanon of the day : Loki gets offended when someone call him a princess, and not for the reasons you think.
SHE'S A QUEEN NOT A PRINCESS.gods if you're going to call them a feminine name to insults their musclinity at least do it properly so he could feel his femininity appreciated correctly 🙄
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eggcompany · 2 years
Doctor Loki
The first chapter of my personal favorite fic, on our AO3
“Mister Castle? Frank? May I come in? My name’s Loki Laufeyson, I’m the specialist.” Said a light voice feathered with an accent through a barely opened padded door. 
“Fuck off! Stay the fuck away from me!” Frank shouted from his bed. 
He’d learned to use the silence, the constant never ending silence, to think. Think about how to get out. Think about Maria. Think about how even now that mark on the  side of his neck still burns. Think how much he really really fucking wants to dig through the thick hard plastic of his cot and dig the foam inside into a nest. Think about how much his guts feel like their twisting. Think about how thinking so much is probably making the pain worse since it’s always been mind or matter. 
He thought about how awful these people are. All of em. They only ever come in to hurt him. This one is the same. 
“Frank, I’m not going to do anything. I won’t even get near you. Look see, you can see my hands.” Loki  said and stuck their thin hands through the crack in the door, exposed up to the elbow. Thin pale arms, coming in quite high in the doorway. 
“What do you want to do to me now? I’m not fucking taking anymore of that sleeping shit!” Frank said and swung his feet off the side of his cot to sit up on the edge. 
He hated that sleeping crap. Talk too loud, needle in the shoulder or ass. Want something, needle. Have heat sickness, needle. Beg for the most basic wants of someone in heat, needle. He hated those fuckin needles. He’d figured they put it in the fake solution in the knotters, too. Why fix the problem when they can just knock him out, right. They didn’t even have to touch him, just give him the dildo and wait. It was humiliating to wake up and be washed and stuffed full, knowing fuck knows how many people saw him in such a vulnerable state. 
“Nothing. I don’t want to do anything to you. I just want to talk to you. I want to know why you have so many restrictions for a heating omega with your hormone problems. It seems very extreme. Even cruel.” The person said with a hint of pity in their voice. 
Frank rolled it around in his mind for a while before huffing. 
“You can come to the chair. That’s it.” He said and squared his jaw waiting for the whole group that always follows the doctor. The two big guys, Gale and Martin usually, and the two little ladies with the needles, Wanda and Laura. 
“Thank you.” They said kindly and stepped through the door and closed it behind them. 
They were very tall. And skinny. And very pretty. Wearing a pair of light tan slacks and a white button up with a green argyle sweater vest over it. They had on a pair of black loafers and no jewelry but their dark hair was tied up in a half up half down bun. All neat corners and edges.
‘ Sharp jaw for a lady ’ Frank thought. 
‘Course there had been a few ladies that had come in that he had found attractive. A few guys too but they just smelled… gut un clenchingly calming. He’d always just mark it up to being nature’s way of telling him he needed someone, literally anyone, to touch him. He’d sorta had a mini crush on the one physical therapist lady who’d come in to check on his shoulder once she’d learned it was “ Super-Fucked ” as Frank liked to say. She was cutthroat and unwavering but also tender. But he lashed out at her when he was having one of his fits and didn’t want anyone touching him. He assumed she came to see him while he was knocked out because he could still just barely smell her. That even stopped a week ago. 
“May I sit down?” They asked and motioned toward the shitty foam chair. Frank jerked his head and the doctor sat down, crossing their legs. Long slender legs, Frank noted. 
“I’m doctor Laufeyson. I mostly work in psychology and trauma management but I have experience in emergency distress response and the crisis center. I consult on a lot of…special cases nowadays.” The doctor explained with a small grin and Frank stared at him and rolled his eyes. 
“So you deal with crazies and busted omegas. Great that’s just what these fucking people think I am anyway.” Frank said and snarled up a bit and leaned his elbows on his knees. 
“I don’t think that. I think you’ve been forced here and deprived of even your most basic needs. I mean even looking around your room, I see so much that is lacking. I don’t see anything to even make a nest, I see no excess food or beverage, I see no form of enrichment. Honestly I think you’re holding yourself together by your bootstraps and the doctors here aren’t trying to help you. I think they’re trying to break you down into a crazy because crazies can be retrained into nothing but a shell, a doll. I don’t think you’d give in to being turned into a shell, Mister Castle. I think you’re too intelligent, too… resilient.” Loki said in all seriousness. 
They’d known Frank was perfect for months now. After reading page after page after page of his observations, sleep studies, heat studies, everything. Loki had read everything about Frank Castle. He was already a broken man, something wild and uncontrollable. Loki wanted to learn how to wrangle him, learn what made him tick, made him bite, made him cry, made him sweet. Loki needed to know everything, needed Frank Castle in their daily life. Frank would be so incredible to watch melt and form a perfect omega. Perfect to Loki’s standards, not society’s. To form into a sweet collared little house pet from a monster. Loki needed him. Needed to get Frank’s trust, his love, his devotion . 
“They took away my stuff cause I’m ‘aggressive’... but they hurt me. They hurt me first. All they do is put me to sleep and take my shit. They stopped letting me have suppresents too but they were the only fuckin thing keeping me fuckin’ balanced. No one comes in. No one scents the room. No one anything’s. Just fuckin sitting in my own shit. They make me stand over there in the corner to even give me my food. Don’t fuckin’ see anybody.” Frank ranted and shouted. If this lady wanted to listen, he’d tell her anything. It was nice to bitch at something alive every once in a while. It was nice to see a face and someone not wearing scrubs. 
“Would you prefer if I scented the room? I would be glad to do so. Or if you’d like I could scent some blankets before I leave?” They offered. The scent was heavier than brick when they’d first entered the room. The scent of horrid, scared, angry omega. Similar to that of garbage after it rained in Florida during summer, hot wet garbage. It would be ideal to let Frank start getting familiarized with Loki's scent. 
“Really? Like crack the door and scent or just layer it on?” Frank asked because those two were very different. Once, and only once, a nurse had cracked the door and let some of the scent out but Frank had tried to get out so the door was never opened, AKA. no fresh air. Ever. 
“Well let me see, I have your papers…” They said and pulled a stack of folded up papers from their pocket. They read over them until they found what they were looking for on the second page. 
“You have a vent system so they should be able to clear your scent and I can spread mine. These people… we’re going to have some more chats and I’m going to get you moved.” Loki said while shaking their head as they refolded up a stack of papers and waited for Frank to nod curiously to stand up and step out of the room. 
After a few minutes the two vents in the ceiling clicked on and started to flood the room with sterile smelling air. Each one of Frank’s breaths felt lighter. 
Loki came back, knocked, asked to come in, and stood by the chair. They also took in nice long deep breaths. 
“That is so much better already. I’ll write it in to do this every morning and evening.” The doctor said and reached for  his pen but just patted his pocket when he remembered he couldn’t have those here. He’d make a mental note. 
“Yeah, feels like I’m not drownin’ anymore. Thanks.” Frank said and gave the doctor a half smile. Loki smiled. 
“That’s good, now do you mind if I walk around a bit?” Loki asked and Frank nodded. 
Their scent was like rain and fresh cut grass. It opened his lungs like they hadn’t been in months. It made his mind feel open and clear. The air felt new, fresh. The scent floated around but warmed Frank. Like a blanket was being wrapped around him and the tension melted off of him. 
Loki walked around to stand by the wall beside his bed. The scent wasn’t overwhelming. It was… calming. Like balm on a burn. 
Frank took in big long breaths. He looked down but didn’t close his eyes. He needed to stay aware but… he couldn’t help but let the clean freshness seep into his bones. 
“Do you feel any better now Mister Castle?” The doctor said quietly, not wanting to spook the slumped relaxed man. 
“Um, yeah. Yeah a bit. It still smells kinda like ass.” Frank said and sat up straight again. It smelled better yeah but he still wreaked and his bed seemed to always smell like bad slick 
“Okay how about I make you a deal. Will you let them take you to go eat if I change out your bedding and do a bit of a cleaning in here?” Loki offered after glancing at their watch. It was after lunch time for the other patients. Frank would be alone and wouldn’t be rushed. They could get a new cot in and add a nice plush pad over top and put new sheets and get an actual pillow instead of that wretched foam thing that Frank had been using. 
“But I’ll still smell gross. Especially after they feed me. Stresses me out.” Frank grumbled and looked over at the tall person. He knew he was being ornery to the nice lady but that’s what they get. Maybe the lady didn’t deserve it though… she seemed to genuinely want to help him. 
“Okay so you’ll let me clean. I know you're not allowed to bathe. How about I clean you up, sponge bath?” Loki asked and couldn’t help but feel his chest blossom at the thought of getting Frank stripped down and in his hands. 
Frank's face was set aflame and he nodded without thinking. Being awake for a bath was like a… a luxury. A treat. He’d just met this lady and she was already treating him? Maybe she would let him nest. Or actually let him have something. 
“Deal.” Frank forced out and nodded and looked down at the ground. 
“Wonderful. Before they come and get you, may I just feel your scent glands?” Loki said and walked back toward the door with his key fob in hand. Frank’s head shot up and he was just staring. No one ever even tried to touch him like that since he got here. 
“I… I don’t have them.” Frank said and the doctor turned and looked at him with confusion. 
“What? That wasn’t in your chart. Never developed or removed?” Loki said and walked back to lean a hip against the wall near the bed. He’d read all of Frank’s papers that should have been put in. Stupid american people thinking everyone knows this shit. 
“Marines. Special Operations always have theirs removed.” Frank explained. No one ever had scent glands in the forces. Most of the office folks didn’t even have them. 
“That’s okay. They had military but they didn’t put that you had a removal. Complete I assume?” Loki asked and thought about it. They’d not had a lot of experience with military omegas before. Mostly betas. That thought made them want Frank a little bit more. Something new, something to discover and play with.
“Yes ma’am.” Frank answered solemnly. This lady had come to talk to him and help him thinking he was… complete. At least this wasn’t the first time he’d disappointed someone since being here and it wouldn’t be the last. Hopefully she’d still give him what she said she would. He really hoped she’d give him new bedding and a bath. It would be nice. 
Loki nodded and thought about how the awful scent in the room must purely be from Frank’s heats… 
“I’ll tell them you’re willing to eat. Next time you can feed yourself under my supervision. You know they’re going to come to restrain you, yes?” Loki said as they made their way to the door with a small smile on their thin lips. Frank nodded and stood up to go to his corner. 
“Yes ma’am.” He said and crossed his arms against his chest and leaned his back against the wall in a defiant way. 
“Please don’t fight them, I can’t stop them from sedating you if you do. I’d like you to be awake for your bath.” Loki said with a light flirty tone to it almost which made Frank swallow thickly. Even before he was sent  here people didn’t really… flirt with him. 
“Yes ma’am.” He said quietly as the doctor left. 
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babygirlyjh · 3 years
Loki has officially become Marvel's first Genderfuild and Bisexual mc, I can't explain how happy this makes me 🥳🥳
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tricksandhoes · 2 years
Rant because I can
Saw a post thread talking about how they're confused to why most people are excited for Loki to be in the pride month young avengers reunion(Also the MCU. But like MCU are cowards They would never add kid Loki's and ikol's arcs to the MCU so Loki won't actually join the team what ever or if he would be would be an alternative universe where kid Loki is a good guy)
redemption arcs are fun and I need Loki to get one with them. He's already with the good guys and he have helped save earth many times. what's stopping us from getting a Young avengers one??The drama is gonna be so much fun because like he would have to help many times.
It's not our fault you're not as updated with Loki as us. Nor is it our fault if you just don't care even if he got himself killed protecting Billy or teddy or helped so many times because you're the type who would never forgive people that's on you not us.
Reading comics have become harder and harder for me lately because like I'm all about relationships and everyone is on a team. Loki is the only one that works alone which isn't Fair. If Tony can be on the avengers and have a team so can Loki.
Loki being in a queer comic short is a win to Loki bisexual and genderfluid fans it means we have aserted his place as one of us.
do you know how rare Loki content is??? You would think judging by how popular he is he would be everywhere but nope. Of course we're excited we need more of him wouldn't you be excited if your fav appeared in a new comic?
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supercoollesbian · 3 years
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Today is a great day to remember Loki is not only bi but also genderfluid
This has been a psa
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