#Gente aries
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twafordizzy · 3 months
'Als je liegt, moet je het wel goed doen'
Kijken wij naar het schilderij dat de Italiaan Felice Casorati in 1912 maakte van een Jong meisje op rood tapijt en dat zich in het museum in Gent bevindt. Het meisje ligt op een vloerkleed als een terrein. Achter haar liggen twee vierkanten zonlicht dat door de ramen is gevallen; zijzelf ligt in de schaduw. Ze heeft een bleek gezicht met volle wimpers, losjes gepenseelde wenkbrauwen en een…
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mosviqu · 11 months
the concept pics only made my belief that tbz maknae line would eat in a european club stronger
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harmoonix · 1 month
Astrology Observations
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I'll be seaside
Sitting on the sand drinking a mai tai
Waking up and soaking up the sunlight
💙 - Neptune in the 1H/9H/12H native is like the Universe's kid, very spiritual, very empathic, very emotional, understanding the space and the outer space nature
💙 - Sun in the 8th/9th/12th house natives literally are a balance between spirituality and empathy, you have to be there at the right moment to feel it
💙 - Libra in your big 3 (Sun, Rising, Moon) can make others charmed by you, also you give a big impression to people when they first meet you
💙 - Scorpio in your big 3 (Sun, Rising, Moon) are intense placements, they love playing with the fire and fire loves "playing" with them
💙 - Venus conjunct/sextile/trine Moon will make you so peaceful/calm. People around you love this energy and you give harmonious vibes
💙 - Ascendant aspecting Uranus (all aspects) are very aware of the things happening around them. Is like they always have the 3rd eye open
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💙 - Neptune aspecting your Sun will make you shine so bright that you can get hate for being in this "light", you stand out, but haters gonna hate
💙 - Aries & Capricorn Moons are both so defensive of their loved ones and i admire that so much about them they wanna this energy of "Don't mess with me"
💙 - Neptune aspecting the ascendant has beautiful eyes, there is a saying like "The eyes are the mirror of the soul". people fall in love with your eyes before anything
I'll be seaside
Watching all the seagulls flying so high
Looking at our future looking so bright, so bright
💙 - Pluto aspecting Midheaven have so much power in their lives that other people have the feeling to control them for that. Take care of yourself and your energy
💙 - Uranus in your 3rd house will make your voice to stand out, your voice is very powerful in this placement and I also mean the way you communicate and tell words
💙 - Jupiter in your 6H/10H. Jupiter is blessing the native with a good personalty and good job/also a lot of influence and devotion to the world
💙 - Having a Water Moon is the 1# biggest sign that you should be a spiritual person, because Water Moons are psychic
💙 - Mars in Sagittarius/9H can be very revengeful, you did something bad to them, they'll return the same thing to you
💙 - Mars in Cancer/4H can act the same, but the thing with them is that, they will know your weakness/sensible point
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💙 - Capricorn & Libra combo placements in a chart indicate a lot of diplomacy/politeness, very elegant and charismatic too
💙 - Jupiter in your 5H/11H can fullfil your desires on a long term, if you truly want or wish something (good) to happen, try to manifest it
💙 - Lilith in your 6H/8H/10H/12H can act mischievous, you never know what they'll be thinking about or their plans
💙 - Mars square/conjunct/opposite Uranus will act messy when they're annoyed, Mars here is uncontrollable or just wild free
💙 - Scorpio Venus/Mars can meet potential "partners" who can take advantage of them which is not totally okay, make sure people appreciate for everything you have to offer
I be busy, busy, nah
Busy doing nothing all day
Y bailando con toda mi gente, y
Veo que no me dejas de ver
💙 - Saturn/Lilith or Pluto in the 11H can indicate lots of betrayals, can be romantically or friendly or even from family members
💙 - Earth Moons/Earth Sun gives "old soul" and what I mean with that is, they're experienced in life and they seem like they went through a lot
💙 - Mercury aspecting Pluto or Neptune can have people hiding things from them, secrets, dark "plans" and others, even gossip
💙 - Can someone tell me why a fire Venus will always make me think of a hot song you hear during summer that you cannot forget?? Adore them.
💙 - A Chart with fire as predominantly element will act too impulsively/stubborn sometimes even too "wild" at times
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💙 - Lilith in Aries/Cancer/Sagittarius/Aquarius wants to break the norms and the things that are always seen as "toxic", they want to break free from everything that pains them
💙 - Lilith (h58) is the most dangerous Lilith in a chart so here are some observations about it
Lilith h58 aspecting Chiron can indicate unsealed traumas/bad experienced from your life
Lilith h58 aspecting Midheaven gives no fuck about nobody, they don't care what the world thinks about them "You have just one life, live it how you want"
Lilith h58 aspecting Venus will act toxic in love if they feel threatened by their partners energy
Lilith h58 aspecting the ascendant is very rebellious, very rude or mean at times, few know this "rude" energy can be just for protecting themselves
Lilith h58 aspecting Mercury will not be afraid to call people out when is needed, they may use a very dirty way of talking
Lilith h58 sitting empty in a chart like a black whole, absorbing energy of all forms,
💙 - Mars in the 7th house/Mars in Libra despite the drama about how Mars is chaotic in Libra, they tend to have romantic relationship and energetic spouses, + they're being so assertive in their relationships
💙 - Neptune/Pluto or Saturn in your 6th house can drain your energy fast, that's why is good to take a break after you did some work so you don't end up exhausted
Mientras la música suene
Aquí pegaditos al mar
No me pienso mover a otro lugar
💙 - Venus aspecting Mars has a bold energy. What's attractive about them is that they can attract all types of people with this energy (from jealous people to really indifferent ones)
💙 - Mars aspecting Moon (in harsh aspects) get angry or frustrated fast, is not like they're about to explode instead they just feel like screaming out in a pillow
💙 - Midheaven aspecting Neptune or Jupiter can work in environments where spirituality can be used a lot, like a spiritual guide
💙 - Having Moon in your 9th house, beside having a good love life, this aspect can indicate a lot of creativity and knowledge. Also a love for exploring the *unknown*
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Lilith h12 (harsh aspects) since Jupiter will expand even in harsh aspects, their sexual energy can just grow and grow until it hits some the point of hypersexuality
💙 - Saturn in the 1st house natives have the chance to reflect on themselves after every fail, always overcome your fears and mistakes
💙 - Lilith in Capricorn/10th house is the native who seeks for recognition and success, these placements also indicate a stubborn person with a traditional ethic
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💙 - Mars in Taurus/Mars in the 2nd house has an intense determinations to achieve anything they desire, this placement also indicates staying good with money or financially
💙 - Lilith in Leo/5TH or in Leo Degrees 5°, 17°, 29° have a big pride, this placement can also he know for their perseverance and sharp mind
💙 - Moon/Venus/Rising/Juno in Sagittarius gives "you're always be my ritual" thanks to Sagittarius's ties with the 9th house who can indicate rituals
💙 - Sun in the 7th/Leo in the 7th house/Sun at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees can put their partners on the 1st place in a relationship, but also your partner mirrors you with a strong vitality
💙 - Neptune in the 4H is actually a dark placement if we go in the depth of themes of Neptune because after all, Neptune represents addiction, natives with Neptune in the 4H can go into addictions from a young age or from childhood for example like smoking, alcohol, bad influences
💙 - Neptune aspecting Venus/Neptune in the 7H always day dream about their partners or future partners. Even crushes.
💙 - Sun in the 9th/Jupiter in the 1H natives are very spiritual/religious deep down in their hearts, it can be a very dear topic for them
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💙 - Virgo in your big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) will make you to be devoted no matter what, your humanitarian nature makes you such a kind person!
💙 - Cancer/Pisces and Leo Mars can skip arguments, they don't like it and don't wanna fight, so most times they choose to just walk away
💙 - Mercury in the 1st/5th/11th houses will gift a person with good humour, if Mercury is in the 8H they can have a dark type of humour, dark jokes too
💙 - Neptune or Pisces rulling your 2H or 3H can give you a very addictive voice, Mercury - Neptune aspects too
💙 - When you have your Saturn Retrograde it feels like having a second parent/father. Like Saturn is tutoring you on your life path
If you're looking for me
I'll be seaside
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💙 - Sun or Rising in Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can make the native to be more "earthed" more down to earth, more calm
💙 - Lilith h12 in Pisces or in the 12th house can indicate ancestral wounds, which is a highly deep wound related to your ancestors idk why this placement reminds me about Mulan's ancestors fighting in the temple in the animated movie
💙 - Since no one mentions this, having your Jupiter in the 9H or in Sagittarius doesn't always mean you gonna meet your spouse in foreign lands but also in highschool or university, you can be highschool lovers for example or even highschool lovers in foreign lands as a combo of both, also either you or your partner will have a different ethnicity!! Jupiter at 9°. 21° degrees too
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I always give my 10/10 everytime there is an avatar thematic 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼, is the highest grossing movie for a reason after all 💅🏼
Hope you all have a good day for those to read my posts 🥰🥰
H a r m o o n i x
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hazyange1s · 3 months
Silly Little Sebastian Sallow HCs
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I LOVE that I’ve seen so many headcanon posts recently because I devour all of them. Here’s me throwing in my two cents with a bunch of random tidbits I’ve sprinkled into my fic/writing 🖤
He’s almost always on time. Though he can be a bit disorganized when it comes to schoolwork (hard to keep track when you’re doing your own side projects too), punctuality is important. Literally attached at the hip to his pocket watch.
Speaking of the pocket watch, it was his father’s.
Takes both Ancient Studies and Ancient Runes as electives.
His amortentia smells like pine from Scotland’s forests, smoke (a la confringo), old books, and the candies he likes to snack on 24/7.
Following that, Sebastian is a huge foodie and loves to cook for his friends/family.
Favorite color is red (a rich, dark shade like maroon)
Has a big soft spot for nifflers.
Loves Shakespeare - Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream are his favorites
Really just loves all fictional literature; from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to Dante’s Inferno and Homer’s the Iliad.
Chaser for Slytherin but isn’t the biggest Quidditch fan otherwise (he just enjoys the glory and excitement of a good competition)
Super stealthy. The only person who can (usually) catch him before he sneaks up on them is obviously Ominis.
Actually a fair dancer - he and Anne used to make up routines in their living room when they were little
Dances a good ceilidh, too. (kilt kilt kilt)
Born in Aranshire and traveled a lot in his youth, as his parents’ research demanded it.
Is terrified of the Black Lake after having an awkward run-in with the giant squid his first year…but loves to swim elsewhere
Secretly hates his freckles :( but overall, he’s fairly confident in his looks - without being cocky (man knows the effects he has on ~ the ladies ~ (and gents) he just doesn’t always understand it).
The scar on his lip is from Anne scratching him during a fight over a toy at age 6.
Not the most “traditional” guy, but he IS a hopeless romantic after giving him time to be comfortable showing it.
Loves starting ridiculous arguments with Ominis when he’s bored
^^ man needs CONSTANT stimulation
Birthday is October 24, 1874; he’s a Scorpio sun, aries moon, gemini rising
Might add onto this whenever the urge strikes 😇
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babygirlbites · 6 months
Wolves and their star signs
Hello my little cherubs - how are we doing ? I hope we are doing well
Are we pretending I haven’t been gone for years? Absolutely!
Anyway, let’s talk star signs real quick. None of this is based on canon birthdays, I’m simply beyond Stephanie and her knowledge of her own characters.
These are MY opinions, which are fact as I am factually never wrong. However you are welcome to discuss
Jacob is a Leo; bold, stubborn, natural born leader. this man has main characteritis for sure. I’ve never met a Leo man who didn’t think he was always correct and was so headstrong about it, even when being actively proven wrong. I feel like Jake could wake up one morning and decide the sky is red and anyone who disagreed or god forbid brought factual evidence to him that disproved this would be ignored AND judged. However, Leo’s are loyal (to a fault, often) so although he’s headstrong he’s a ride or die for sure. If he likes you he is going to defend you against anything (excluding himself though because remember, he’s always right) and if he LOVES YOU pfft, I wouldn’t be messing with a Leo’s lover that’s for sure.
Sam is a Pisces; emotional, calm, strong willed. ugh, where do i start. Pisces are so emotional, which may seem like a good thing but I promise you those Pisces men can and will use this to manipulate, gaslight and gatekeep. He’s artistic though, and generally a reliable gent, but sometimes he can be a real nasty little man. He’s sly about his anger, he isn’t a shouting/agressive man at all, he would never DREAM of hurting you (the Emily situation will not repeat) but he can make you feel like shit emotionally. Pisces are just too clever idk I don’t mean to slander you all but as an aqua woman yous are real difficult
Embry is an Aquarius; Creative, smart, thinks outside the box, independent . He’s sensitive, but only when he’s close enough to you to allow you too see that. Aqua knows aqua, I know this boy would be super hard to get into the inner circle of. Sure, he’s openly friendly to everyone, but only the small few that HE allows close will see the real him. Once you do though, he’s an open book, belly laughing at your shitty dad jokes and ugly crying at pet rehoming tiktoks on his fyp.
Paul is a Gemini; loud, fun, and maybe a bit toxic. now I did debate aries for Paul but I just think he’s an air sign through and through. Sure, he’s firey as hell, but he’s so charming and no Aries has that level of rizz (sorry guys but the truth hurts sometimes). He’s a player through and through, he’s got a contacts list full of girls under code names like “girl from Seattle” or “drives a Honda” - which the feminist in me has an issue with but I can’t lie I love a Gemini. They are feral, and as long as you can prepare for that, then they will be the most fun you ever have. Just don’t get attached, or do, I can’t tell you what to do!
Jared is a libra; fun, lighthearted and emotionally wrecked. I love libras but damn do you guys wear your hearts on your sleeves! You’re so easily hurt, and you’ve BEEN hurt, and guess what? You’ll get hurt again. I feel like Jared’s the kind of guy to get played by the same girl/guy multiple times but still tell everyone they are his “twin flame”. Please treat this boy right - I don’t know if he can take the heartbreak (he can, and it will NOT put him off)
Quil is a cancer; he’s soft, he’s loving and he’s emotionally enlightened! We love a cancer in this house, emotional like a Pisces but open like a libra, a cancer is the right mix of mature and fun. They are sweet and sensitive and if any star sign is going to be an empath, it’s cancer. I feel like quil is the guy you go too when you’ve just found out something awful - all the guys would be there for you but where Paul or Jake or Sam even would blow a gasket and leave you alone while then went out on a rampage to hurt whomever was unlucky enough to hurt the one they love, Quil would take you in, cook for you and listen to whatever you had to say. Of course, he’s angry someone has upset you, but he’s more bothered that you are okay then that they aren’t. He’s a good guy, that’s all.
Leah is a Taurus; strong willed, well routed and stubborn. She’s practical, she’s gonna tell you straight up what she thinks with no filter, and sometimes that can hurt. She’s not the biggest personality in the room or the loudest voice at the party but she’s straight to the point and not afraid to be heard when she sees fit. She’s fun too, when she wants to be and with whom she wants to be. Under all of this though she’s family centred; she will kill for her family (and found family).
Seth is a Virgo; bold, grounded but enchanting. Virgos have a way of capturing a whole room without even having to try, they aren’t brash or loud but they are just so vibrant man idk! There’s something about them. Anyway I think Seth is just a lovely sunshine character, he’s deffo got cancer in his big three too, maybe his moon, but the Virgo energy is there for me. He’s the fun earth sign and he’s not gonna let you forget it
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maluyoongi · 20 days
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Olá, bom dia, boa tarde ou boa noite! Em comemoração ao aniversário da @zanxgoo e o meu, decidimos nos juntar e realizar essa doação conjunta. Porque malu <3 ari = CAPAS!
Antes de começarmos, é importante pontuar algumas regrinhas que são:
★ Você deve estar seguindo os nossos perfis aqui e no Spirit: Malu, Ari; ★ o prazo para usar as capas é de 6 meses, se não o fizer nesse período e não nos comunicar nada, a capa volta; ★ os créditos deverão estar nas notas e são, obviamente, obrigatórios; ★ mínimo de palavras: 200; ★ deverá usar a capa por, no mínimo, 3 meses.
Se não tiver interesse, continue rolando a tela, caso contrário, clique aqui! 👇🏻
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★ Come To The Back! - Mingi e Seonghwa (ATEEZ) cr. @maluyoongi STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ Everyone Adores You - Sunghoon e Sunoo (ENHYPEN) cr. @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ Filha Do Mato - Wonyoung (IVE) cr. @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ Menina Má - Wonyoung e Sunghoon (IVE/ENHYPEN) cr. @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ SOS: Bolo Perdido - Baekhyun e Chanyeol (EXO) cr. @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ Só Tinha Como Ser Você - Jungkook e Jimin (BTS) cr. @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ The Queen Of The Track - Solar e Hwasa (MAMAMOO) cr. @maluyoongi @zanxgoo STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
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★ Yeah, I Lose My Breath - BangChan e Hyunjin (SKZ) cr. @maluyoongi STATUS: INDISPONÍVEL
É isso, gente! Se atentem às regras, preencham o forms, sejam pacientes com as respostas (eu e ari somos lindas, mas ainda somos humanas) e ESCREVAM MUITO!
Como comentário pessoal: obrigada Arinete por ter me convidado pra essa mega collab🥺 amei fazer esse projetinho com você. Você é muito especial!
.cr: banner por @maluyoongi | formulário por @zanxgoo | regras por @zanxgoo | post @maluyoongi @zanxgoo
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blurredcolour · 1 year
If You'll Be My Bodyguard | Part Three
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Summary: Spending an intense amount of time together inevitably brings you and Austin closer together, while creating difficulties between Austin and his girlfriend.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Bodyguard Reader
Warnings: Language, Threatening Letters, Religious Themes, Relationship Issues, Mention of Firearms, Growing Tension, Reader Has Body Issues, Unwanted Male Attention, Lowkey Threats of Violence, Male Preening, Rating – T. 
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Author’s note: Please note that Ben Calder is a completely fictional character and is in no way a comment on any real human being.
Word Count: 4535
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“…Just like the fangs of Cerberus gnash at the heads of Judas, Brutus, and Cassius for all eturntity eternity, the pure, white teeth of my noble dog have torn apart the corrupted flesh of your pathetic little puppy. It is only the beginning, Butler. Only the beginning of the judgements that will rain down on you, dealt by my hands, blow after blow. For you cannot expect to corrupt the natural order of heaven in the way that you have done…win all the awards that you are winning…and suffer no connsecuences consequences. You vile sinner, I will cleanse this world of your filth, no matter how long it takes, no matter who tries to get in my way…”
You sighed deeply as you lay the photocopy down on the countertop to take another bite of your neglected breakfast. Ari raised an eyebrow at you over his cup of coffee.
“Makes you really question the state of American education doesn’t it…gets all the religious names right on the first try…but not ‘consequences’…” He muttered.
You wrinkled your nose and swallowed your mouthful.
“They didn’t get the part about Biscuit right either…they were so confident that their plan would succeed, that she would be dead by the time this letter was read…” It was the terrifying level of devotion to their preposterous theory that left you struggling to form coherent thought.
“But she isn’t…she’s fine. Because of you…and you’re almost fine too.” Ari grinned at you proudly and you exhaled the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
“She is fine. And my stitches are out, my rabies vaccines are done, and my physio exercises are feeling good…” You agreed, feeling calmer with each affirmation.
The past few weeks, after your return from a quiet few days in Paris supporting Austin’s girlfriend and the short weekend in Memphis, had been a relatively normal routine of screenings in town and interviews filmed virtually from Austin’s home.
“And now we get to go to New York!” He finished cheerfully.
“Are you honestly excited to drive in Manhattan?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow, finishing your meal.
“Absolutely, it’s an interesting new challenge of my skills. I drive in California all the time, but New York? This is going to be great.” He nodded.
“Well, we still have the AARP awards tonight, so don’t forget how to drive on the West Coast just yet.” You smirked and shook your head, looking up as Marwan and Trey filtered in for their turn at rest. “Have a good sleep, gents.” You smiled warmly and went to sit on the patio while Ari went to wash the car to be certain it was ready for the arrival at the awards that night.
The patio was perfect – neutral ground. It allowed the night shift to sleep in the guest house but was a place for you to spend free time without invading the privacy of the main house. Especially when Austin’s girlfriend was in town. You found a shady spot and pulled up the iPad containing Austin’s schedule and swallowed nervously to see the Academy Awards now listed on March 12. The nominations had been announced just four days earlier, and Shyla had already messaged you twice about arranging gown fittings.
Both of your replies had repeated your only criteria – sleeves and a high slit to allow you to reach your firearm in your thigh holster. There was already pushback about the sleeves. The press of a wet nose against your bare ankle made you look down with a bright grin.
“Good morning, sweet lil’ Biscuit!” You exclaimed warmly and scooped her up onto the lounge chair with you, stroking her velvety ears as you read through some work emails.
A shadow fell across your screen, forcing you to look up at the sour countenance and crossed arms of Austin’s girlfriend above you. You tossed the iPad down and carefully lifted Biscuit up, standing and setting the dog down onto the now empty lounger.
“Good morning, Miss.” You smiled politely.
She replied with a huff.
“Aus and I want to take our dog for a hike. I guess you have to come to. Be ready in ten.” She turned and strutted back into the house without even looking at the aforementioned canine once.
You made sure Biscuit was safely inside before creeping back into the guest house to put on your shoulder holster, firearm, and a jacket, before notifying Ari. The pair of you were ready in five minutes and waited for another ten for the pair to emerge, the girlfriend looking very chic in her leggings.
“Good morning, Betty, Ari! Thanks for making this happen last minute.” Austin smiled warmly, leading a charging Biscuit to the car.
“Our pleasure.” You smiled warmly, climbing into the front seat.
The drive was unusually quiet as Ari navigated towards a popular trail. You did your very best not to notice the fact that they were on their phones…looking out the window…doing anything but talking to one another. Trying not to look as relieved as you felt when you arrived, you slid out of the car and looked to Austin.
“I think I’ll walk behind you two here, keep an eye on things better that way…” You said to him quietly and he nodded easily.
“Sounds perfect, Betty.” He smiled easily and offered his hand to his girlfriend, who took it eagerly as people began to murmur and take not-so-subtle photos.
You followed at about ten paces behind, able to see people approaching them but also able to quickly intervene if necessary. It was a busier day, being a Saturday, but aside from the overt stares and photographs, the public left them alone for the most part. And Biscuit was bouncing and bounding between points of interest and fascinating smells. She truly made all the awkwardness worth it.
Lunch was on a dog-friendly patio on the way home – you sat at a table near them, Ari got takeout you brought home for him. The AARP awards felt more relaxed, lower stakes, focused on fun and also didn’t involve hours of after parties. That was a nice change of pace. The flight to New York the next day was around noon, a very reasonable time, and as soon as Ari had secured a vehicle he drove you over to an office building on 50th street.
“So if they try to kill me with hot sauce, do I get to see another full force take down?” Austin asked cheekily, checking his hair in the rear-view mirror, making you laugh and shake your head.
“Unfortunately, that falls outside the scope of my assignment, Mr. Butler. You agreed to this interview, fully knowing you’d have to eat violently hot chicken wings.” You smirked and he sighed dramatically, slumping back in his seat.
“Not even an ounce of sympathy for that which I am about to endure?”
“There’s no need to become Shakespearian about it, sir” You laughed and shook your head at him, stepping out as Ari double-parked the car at the entrance to the building and you performed your habitual scan before opening his door to lead him inside the building.
“You are a cruel, unfeeling woman, Betty.” He teased as you checked in with the security guard and headed to the elevators.
“Helps me do my job better, sir.” You replied lightly, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back your laughter at his long-suffering sigh.
A makeup artist was waiting to do final touch-ups before Austin was led into a studio with a black backdrop, a table with black tablecloth in the centre of the space. While Austin’s restraint and self-control in the face of what must have been a physically uncomfortable experience was impressive, the most memorable thing about filming the Hot Ones episodewas the way his eyes lit up when the PB&J board was presented to him. He was obviously moved, and even after the show wrapped, he insisted on making more sandwiches for anyone within range, even pulling you forward.
“Grape or raspberry?” He asked, the smooth peanut butter already spread on both halves of the waiting sandwich. He made a show of interpreting the choice you made as he carefully added the jam to your sandwich before wrapping it up for you. “For the car.” He grinned proudly and you shook your head fondly.
“Thank you very much, Mr. Butler.”
Ari was so verbally jealous that you saved him half to enjoy once he joined the pair of you in the Bowery Hotel suite after parking the car. Stepping into your faux assistant role, you confirmed Austin’s NBC interview the next morning followed by his appearance on Fallon that evening.
“Betty, I am seriously considering hiring an assistant. I don’t think I would have made it through these weeks without you…your real job aside!” He quickly clarified and your fingers busied themselves with smoothing your hair self-consciously.
You felt his praise notably increase the surface temperature of your skin and you thanked him quietly before quickly excusing yourself to go claim the nice bed as you heard Ari arrive from the parking garage.
You began to wonder if the pace of awards season was catching up to you as backstage at Jimmy Fallon blurred into backstage at Graham Norton. You were fully aware that a transatlantic flight and several days separated the two. And yet it was all starting to feel like the same place, the same conversations, in some sort of time loop.
The most notable difference between the two sets was the lack of weight between your thighs – you were unarmed in Europe with firearms laws being very different overseas. Your pocket pistol was safely secured with Ari who would deliver it into your hands when he picked you and Austin up from the Los Angeles airport in just a few short days.
Perhaps it was why you felt particularly exposed when you walked past an open dressing room door, occupied by the lanky frame of the Welsh actor Ben Calder. It certainly was not the length of your skirt, given that it brushed the tops of your knees as you walked, but nonetheless you subconsciously ran a hand down your butt just to be sure everything was covered. There was something about the look he had given you as you followed Austin and the producer towards his dressing room that set you on edge. Risking one last glance over your shoulder on the threshold of Austin’s room, you tensed as he winked in your direction and stepped quickly into the room, and directly into Austin’s broad back.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Butler!” You exclaimed and stumbled back quickly, but he grabbed your elbow before you strayed too far into the hallway.
“You’re fine, Betty. A little tired?” He smirked before finishing up his conversation with the producer.
Once you were alone, he sank onto the couch heavily and you moved to stand in an out-of-the-way corner as you waited for make-up and hair.
“Truth be told, I’m exhausted…” He sighed deeply, letting his head roll onto the back of the couch and you eyed the door protectively, wanting him to indulge in any possible moment of rest, no matter how miniscule. “Siddown, yer makin’ me nervous” He delivered a closed-eyed Humphrey Bogart impersonation and you tensed, quickly sitting on the opposite end of the couch, eyes falling onto the television screen showing the waiting, empty set.
You felt Austin sigh deeply beside you before his breathing evened out gently into a light sleep. You silently prayed they took their time with the other guests and were pleased that he got a solid fifteen minutes before there was a knock on the door. There was a flurry of activity in the room as he was prepped and mic’d up. You followed quietly as he was led to set, the stagehands finding you a space in the wings to keep an eye on him for the duration of the show.
It was difficult not to be utterly taken with Michelle Yeoh, someone you had emulated more than once on the playground as a child. But when you focused on your real job, you noticed an odd friction between Ben and Austin…with Ben coldly refusing a hug from Austin at one point. It was a subtle, but sharp shake of the head and not many people noticed but you? You noticed.  
As you stood waiting in the hall outside Austin’s dressing room, exchanging texts with your cousin Maddie about the existence of a white sheer shirt, you tensed as a slightly acrid and wholly unfamiliar cologne flooded your senses and quickly looked up to see Ben Calder approaching.
“So, does your boss keep you on a terribly short leash?” He asked, planting a hand on the wall beside your head and leaning in, most likely trying to impress you with the length of his body.
“I am not sure exactly what you’re asking, Mr. Calder, but I don’t have a lot of free time, it’s a short trip.” You answered carefully, tensing as you heard the door open beside you.
“She’s not interested Calder,” Austin spoke politely but firmly, “and I thought you had a girlfriend anyway?” He added a little less politely.
“I should take you out back and give you a real Welsh welcome.” Ben sneered, straightening to his full height.
“Almost wish you would…” Austin grinned darkly.
“What,” Ben scoffed and shifted closer to him, “so you can show off to your pretty assistant?” He somehow complimented and insulted you at the same time and you heard Austin’s sharp inhale.
“Al…” You warned lowly, stepping closer as the tension began to thicken in the air between them.
“So she can serve you with a hard take down.” He grinned with dark glee, and you grabbed his arm firmly before he could do anything make that necessary.
“Terribly sorry, Mr. Calder, early flight tomorrow.” You called down the hall after you as you half led, half carried Austin toward the waiting vehicle, your arm now wrapped around his waist to allow you to lift a great deal of his weight off the ground and take control of the situation.
“Awww c’mon Betty, I really wanted to watch you smash his face into the floor…” Austin pouted as you loaded him into the car with a locally sourced driver and hired muscle.
“We’re running a clean protection campaign here, Mr. Butler, not slamming Euro-pricks into the ground just because they’re leering, smart-mouthed trash.” You muttered a little too honestly as you settled into the seat beside him.
“Oh, now I’m going to go kick his ass.” Austin growled and reached for the door handle before you threw yourself across his lap to quickly lock the door.
“Drive please!” You said to the driver who pulled out. “You good?” You looked up to Austin who nodded, a little stunned.
Retreating to your side of the backseat, you straightened your jacket a little and sighed.
“I appreciate your chivalric intentions, but that limey bastard isn’t worth the effort…He’s just here to appease the domestic audience. Why are you here, Austin?” You tilted your head.
“Because I’m nominated for stuff…” He muttered.
“You’re nominated for a BAFTA…a SAG award…an Academy Award…you’re here to prove that hard work is enough. So don’t let that wee shite ruin it ok?” You looked to him seriously and relaxed as his lips twitched into a grin.
“We should spend more time in London, Betty…limey bastard…wee shite…the vernacular suits you…” He chuckled.
“Well, we’ll be back in a few weeks for your BAFTA” You smirked playfully, forgetting altogether that the point of the criminal investigation back in the United States was to hopefully have your presence become unnecessary as quickly as possible.
You were grateful for a few quiet days on your return to Los Angeles, spent sleeping in the guest house when the night shift was on, or on the patio preparing for the next few days. Come Monday, the marathon would begin. If January and the beginning of February had felt busy, it was only going to get worse…more awards shows and film festivals, a flight to London, then onto New York, and back to LA, with in person and virtual interviews slotted into every available moment in between. March thirteenth was just over five weeks away but with the way the calendar was booked solid, it may as well have been five months.
The hotel suite was Kate’s idea, and one that you all agreed was safest. Everything was booked under a fake name and not linked to Austin whatsoever. It prevented the crews from Variety and People from invading his home. And from allowing the entry of any unwelcome, uninvited guests as well. You were still feeling somewhat ragged from the time change, so when the People photographer had Austin take off his dress shirt…revealing his biceps and triceps to your wide eyes…you felt the blood drain from your fingertips and rush to other destinations. The resulting decrease in sensation in your hands had your phone tumbling to the floor with a disruptive thunk and after quickly diving for you it, your eyes met with Austin’s concerned blue gaze as you straightened.
‘Sorry’ you mouthed, mortified to have to distracted him from his work…to have been caught gawking at his physical attributes…
While you were still exhausted on your return to the guest house that night, you had recovered just enough to be disgusted by the state of the place. It was difficult to say the last time the sheets had been washed and there was a notable film on the bathroom sink. Overwhelmed with the horror of sharing such a small space with three other adults with a different standard of cleanliness, you grabbed a blanket from the bed and retreated to the sanctity of a patio lounger.
Sure, the streetlights and ambient sound made it a bit more difficult to sleep, but as you nuzzled into the blanket with a sigh, at least you couldn’t feel the dirt on the sheets. You felt your body relax and your breathing deepen. The silken feel of the twilight between sleeping and waking rolled over you…you were so close…
A large hand suddenly grabbed your shoulder, and the bitter tang of adrenaline flooded your mouth as you let out a fearsome shriek, lunging to your feet. Eyes barely focused, you grabbed onto the hip and shoulder of the intrusive human and tossed them to your left, a splash echoing as their body landed into the faintly steaming pool. Rubbing at your eyes, you shook off the last vestiges of near sleep as a very wet, blonde man surfaced, coughing up involuntarily ingested pool water.
“Austin!” You shrieked again and dove in quickly, arms wrapping around his torso from behind as you pulled him to the shallow end where his feet could touch ground before quickly turning him in your arms to check him over…to see if you’d done any damage.
Trey and Marwan were immediately at the poolside after your succession of shrieks, but when Austin started giggling, they disappeared with a nod in your direction.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.” You groaned and covered your face. “Oh, I am so, so sorry I…” You trailed off as he only started laughing harder.
“Full force take down straight into the pool!” He exclaimed with glee.
You peered at him through your fingers and watched as his long fingers raked through his wet hair, slicking it back. His white tank top was practically see-through and water beaded along his tanned skin. He was disgustingly beautiful as he laughed at your mortification and you weren’t sure if you wanted to punch him, splash him or…kiss him…
You shook your head violently and cleared your throat almost painfully.
“I am extremely sorry; I completely understand if you want to speak to Scott about a replacement I…”
“Betty, Betty, Betty…we’re just enjoying a late-night swim…” He teased and splashed you.
You stared at him absolutely flabbergasted, so he did it again.
“I know you can do better than that, come on…” He goaded and you huffed.
“Oh, that’s it…” You growled and went all in, the peace of the night quickly devolving into a vicious splash fight until you both ran out of energy.
It did not take long, given how tired you both were, and he lay back into the water, floating quietly.
“I do not spend near enough time in this pool…thank you, Betty…”
You shook your head, brushing your hair back from your face and hugging your arms around your body as you realized how water-logged your pajamas had become.
“Really I am sorry, can you please accept my apology?” You lay your hands across your biceps, wishing they didn’t bulge quite so much when you crossed your arms.
He turned to his head to look at you and you looked to the side, wishing you could disappear under his gaze – the overly muscled girl who would never be more than pretty in his world. You heard the water slosh and sluice off his skin as he stood and then suddenly, he was hugging you. Enveloping you in warm, sun-kissed skin.
“Forgiven. Why were you sleeping outside anyway? That’s what I was going to ask.” He said as he stepped back, tilting his head, but his hands rested on your overly broad, in your opinion, shoulders.
You sighed as it would sound terribly picky out loud but…
“The guesthouse really needs a deep clean and I just couldn’t face it tonight…I’m not complaining, or demanding you do anything about it.” You amended quickly, looking at him firmly, making him nod.
“I do know somewhere better you can sleep…It’s not the guest room upstairs either before you fight me on that, though the house is empty right now…there’s a photo shoot in…Milan? No wait…Florence. Anyway…I have a clean, quiet place you can sleep on the first floor without inconveniencing anyone.”
You eyed him skeptically, having been on a security tour of his entire house, but he was smiling at you hopefully and you were so desperate for a good night’s sleep that you acquiesced with a slow nod.
“Fine…Just for tonight…I’ll clean everything before the screening tomorrow and fix the guesthouse…I guess that’s today now but anyway…deal.” You nodded and he grinned broadly before his eyes fell onto the scar on your forearm.
You watched as his fingers reached out to carefully trace over the bite mark as a frowned darkened his features.
“It’s still new…it’ll fade…” You murmured reassuringly as his touch raised goosebumps across your damp flesh.
“Yeah, I guess…oh shit you must be cold, c’mon.” His fingers wrapped around yours, peeling them from your bicep and pulling you after him toward the stairs. He led you over to a small shed where he produced two fluffy bath sheets.
As you were trying to un-cling your wet clothes with your free hand, he wrapped you up in warm cotton before enrobing himself in the same.
“You get some fresh pajamas and meet me inside?” He tilted his head and you nodded, hugging the towel tight as you hurried back to the guest house to dry off and change into new pajamas, with more coverage, in the washroom.
When you entered the house, Austin was waiting for you with a wiggling and yawning Biscuit, in the living room as promised. He led you down the hall into his office which somehow had a bed in the middle of it. You blinked slowly in the dim light before it clicked.
“Murphy bed!” You gasped just as he said the same phrase in explanation.
He chuckled and nodded.
“Good night.”
“But it’s your office, I couldn’t…
“I’m sleeping Betty, not using it…Good night…” Biscuit jumped onto the low bed and he sighed before tucking her under one arm and heading upstairs with her, leaving you along in his office-turned-into-your-bedroom.
You sank down onto the edge of the bed, looking around slowly. The glint of the framed medallion from the back of one of his jumpsuits from the Elvis film caught your eye and made you swallow tightly. But the sheets were soft and clean beneath your fingertips, and your eyelids were so heavy. You set your alarm for a little earlier than usual and surrendered. Just for tonight.
You woke the next morning to the sound of snuffling and scratching at the door, crescendoing to an insistent awoooo followed by a sharp but hushed,
You couldn’t help the snicker that fell from your lips, which only made her whine and tap her paws impatiently. Your alarm started to chime behind you, and you reached back to turn it off as Austin knocked on the door.
“Someone would like to say good morning.”
“I’m up, absolutely” You smiled and then there was a skittering of nails across the hardwood before Biscuit launched onto into bed and onto your chest, licking at your face exuberantly.
“Morning.” Austin chuckled and you did your best to answer without opening your mouth lest you catch some stray tongue. “I’m going to order breakfast, what do you want?”
He plunked down onto the edge of the bed and lassoed the wriggling dog with an arm to allow you to pick some food, albeit hesitantly. But he insisted. After eating, you forced your roommates to partake in a deep clean of the guesthouse before they were permitted to sleep, promising to stay up later to make up for the delay in their rest. After the screening that night, Austin asked if you would consider staying in his office again. He framed it as hating the house empty, and threw in an argument that it was more secure from a safety standpoint anyway, wasn’t it?
Ari was thrilled to get the real bed to sleep in, instead of the sofa bed. Austin’s girlfriend was much less in favour of the idea. Upon her return, the tension between them seemed even more pronounced. Nonetheless she had you and Ari prepare for another public hike the next day. There was sniping back and forth the entire time they were getting ready, and you quickly found an excuse to wait outside. Cold silence reigned in the car, but once again she took his arm as soon as you arrived at the trail head.
But it was not long before the sniping began again on the trail. Staying ten paces behind did not keep you out of ear shot as things escalated into a full-blown argument. The hike ground to a halt. Biscuit plunked down in the dirt, despondently staring back at you.
“And now she’s sleeping in our house?!” The wind carried her latest salvo back towards you and you looked to Biscuit apologetically as you realized that you were the cause of this fight.
“Sorry Biscuit…” You whispered softly, standing off to the side of the trail as other hikers filed past, whispered and snapping photos as the fought on, oblivious.
There were some things, you realized, that you just would never be able to protect him from. Including yourself.
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Read Part Four
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Tag List: @littlewhiterose, @emrysdreams, @slowsweetlove, @ xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @shelbygeek, @kingdomforapony, @artlover8992, @austinsvlrslut, @eliseinmemphis
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cherrynwinesk · 10 months
Sino estas muy ocupada podría solicitar un fic para Quackity?
Quackity a comentado que el es muy pendejo para bailar y me dio la idea donde lectora y quackity van al antro o fiesta de creadores y lectora se la pasa bailando con sus amigos mientras el se queda parado solo mirando (como yo, que me la paso bailando y no me pueden quitar de la pista de baile asta el final jajaja). Después de un rato lectora tara de animarlo para que baile con ella, finalmente sede el y se la pasan bien juntos. Para darle un poco mas sabor Quackity y lectora son amigos al principio pero tienes algo de tension, el no la puede dejar de ver como baila tan libremente y se enamora mas. Se pone re contra nervioso cundo le pides a bailar y al final puedes decidir como terminan juntos. Puedes cambiar lo que quieras de la solicitud sólo quería dejar esta idea que a estado viviendo en mi cabeza por un rato
- ☁️
🍒:Yooo! Perdón la tardanza, esto fue uno de los borradores que me elimino Tumblr
Baila conmigo ~ Quackity
Género de historia/escrito: sfw / soft
Idioma: Español / Spanish
⚠️: Alcohol, ambiente de fiesta
CC's: Quackity
Género de lector: Lector Femenino
📝: Todo el contenido es ficticio y se intenta adaptar la personalidad PÚBLICA de los cc's, es decir, la personalidad que se muestra ante camaras, no conozco la verdadera personalidad y cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia.
🍒: Hola, las peticiones para todo tipo de escritos como escenarios o fics siempre están abiertas, puedes pedir de cualquier creador de contenido y el tipo de escrito, pregunta sin miedo c:
Master List
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Así que Ari y Ama organizaron una fiesta para varios streamers, con la única intención de desestresarse y verse entre si después de algún tiempo. Obviamente fuiste invitada y de inmediato aceptaste a la invitación de Ama.
No era una fiesta formal pero tampoco querías ir tan desarreglada o darle menos importancia a tu presentación solo por ser una fiesta sin propósito. Por lo que buscaste un outfit por todo internet, incluso saliste a algunas tiendas físicas.
Terminaste con unos shorts de vestir y un saco a juego en azul marino, y optaste por una camisa negra debajo. Te encantaba bailar, así que solo fuiste en algunos tenis o zapatos deportivos para más comodidad.
La mayoría de tus amigos irían así que estabas emocionada, solo no sabías del paradero de una persona; Quackity. Ese amigo con el que normalmente jugabas mientras él estaba offstream pero que por alguna extraña razón nunca sabías en dónde estaba metido. Terminaste por mandarle algunos mensajes para preguntar si vendría; solo recibiste "No, no creo, es que tengo muchas cosas que hacer" después de días.
No esperabas una respuesta positiva, de todos modos.
Para el sábado en la noche ya te encontrabas saludando gente en el lugar, había muchas personas, algunas ni siquiera las conocías, conocidos de conocidos tal vez. Te la pasaste platicando de la vida con todos tus amigos mientras tomaban un poco.
Después de una hora llego Roier a la mesa donde estabas con tus amigos. "Adivinen a quien me encontré" y atrás de él venía Quackity, y todos en la mesa comenzaron a molestarlo "él que iba a estar muy ocupado" "no que mucho trabajo"
Quackity ni siquiera hizo caso a lo que los demás decían, fue directamente a saludarte, te paraste de tu asiento para saludarlo también y este te abrazo, nunca te había saludado con un abrazo, te sorprendió pero no dijiste nada. Se sentó con todos y le ofrecieron algo para tomar, hablando de próximos proyectos para stremear y unos cuantos chismes de gente también presente en la fiesta, pero tú lo que querías era bailar ya!
-Vamos abrir pista—dijiste a todos pero nadie se animaba, Ari al ver que nadie siguió tu plan, se levantó y te llevo a ti y a varias chicas para que hubiera más personas en la pista de baile y la demás gente se animará, entre todas creando un buen ambiente, con "Lokera" de Rauw Alejandro de fondo comenzaron a bailar sin pena alguna.
Con esto más gente empezó a unirse a la pista bailando también, y eras tú quien destacaba en la pista, irradiabas tanta energía mientras bailabas, las personas se acercaban a ti para que pudieras compartirles esta energía que tenías, quitarles la pena de bailar e incluso querer bailar contigo directamente, todos en la pista hasta el punto en que todas las mesas estaban solas.
La mesa en la que te encontrabas anteriormente no estaba del todo sola, Quackity quien se había negado a pararse de su silla, seguía bebiendo de su vaso rojo y mirando el espectáculo frente a él. En realidad mirándote más a ti, siendo tu el centro de atención por tu vibra cualquiera estaría viéndote, pero en la mente de Quackity todo era diferente, no pensaba exactamente en tu habilidad para bailar, sino que estaba en un pequeño trans, creía que te veías muy bonita en ese saco azul, se sentía un poco diferente hoy, estaba un poco perdido en sus pensamientos.
Desde la pista lograste verlo sentado y solo, de inmediato tomaste camino en su dirección.
Quackity te veía a lo lejos ir en su dirección, pero su mente estaba pensando en ti, no sabía exactamente cuando comenzó a recordar los momentos que paso contigo, hablando algunas veces por discord, la forma en la que siempre lo hacías reír con tus ocurrencias.
-Vamos, levántate —llegaste a él y estiraste tu mano para que se levantará, Quackity solo miro hacía arriba desde su asiento
-No! Aquí estoy bien —incluso impresionado de la forma en la que atraes a tantas personas con tu escencia, viendo tu mano y sintiendo la necesidad de ir contigo
-Quackity, baila conmigo... Por favor!
Quackity hizo caso a tu pedido y tomo tu mano para que lo guiaras, recién la música cambio a "Ojitos lindos" de Bad Bunny. La pista de baile no era nada más que bailes lentos y todos cantando la canción, algunos cantando a sus parejas y otros solo por disfrutar la música.
"Hace tiempo que no agarro a nadie de la mano
Hace tiempo que no envío 'buenos días, te amo'
Pero tú me tienes enredado
Me envolví, iba por mi camino y me perdí
Mi mirada cambio cuando tus ojos ví"
Mientras bailaba seguía mirándote, ahora se sentía nervioso de estar a tu lado, su mente estaba llena de las veces que se encontraron en otro país por algún evento y fuiste tú quien pidió indicaciones, la forma en la que no tenías miedo de decirle al mesero que hubo una equivocacion en tu comida. Le gustaba mucho en como era la vida ante tus ojos, justo ahora viéndote ir en su dirección se daba cuenta de lo hermosa que eras también. Recién dándose cuenta de la encantadora persona que eras, que eras alguien que no se encontraba fácil.
"Vamos a bailar 200 canciones
Nadie me pone como tú me pones"
Quackity llevaba tiempo sintiéndose solo, sobrecargado de trabajo para no caer en la locura, en realidad nunca se había dado cuenta de que tú compañía siempre había sido primordial para su salud mental, siempre haciéndolo sentir tranquilo, sacarle sonrisas y olvidar todos sus problemas por un momento, que las veces que se vieron en el pasado fuiste una recarga de energía, aprendiendo de ti y como afrontar las pequeñas cosas de la vida sin necesidad de hundirse en la preocupación.
"Yo le hablo a Dios y tú eres su respuesta
Aprendí que los momentos lindos nunca cuestan
Cómo cuando me regalas tu mirada
Y el sol su puesta"
Pasando un par de horas de la media noche, la gente comenzaba a irse, tu cansada de bailar tanto tiempo también decidiste irte a tu casa, en voz alta avisaste a tus amigos que también te irías.
"Oye, quieres que te lleve?, Ya es muy tarde para que andes sola"
Aceptaste porque estabas cansada y te sentías mas segura con él. Se despidieron de todos y salieron al estacionamiento, subieron a su camioneta y tomaron camino a tu casa.
Mientras el conducía, seguiste cantando usando tu celular como micrófono aún ambientada por la fiesta y él solo seguía moviendo su cabeza al ritmo de la canción y tarareando. Quackity echaba vistazos a tu dirección, mirando como fingías ser una cantante apasionada, dejándose escapar sonrisas por tus acciones, te veías tan linda siendo tú, y se sentía tan agradecido que te sintieras cómoda con él para ser tu misma.
"Antes de que salga el sol, hunde el acelerador
Que vaya sin frenos y pierda el control
Nada más seremos dos, tu y yo acariciandonos
En medio del tiempo sin decir adiós.
Y solo mírame con esos ojitos lindos
Que con eso yo estoy bien
He vuelto a nacer"
Al llegar a tu casa Quackity bajo contigo para despedirse, aun que era verano, la noche tenía una brisa fresca.
Fuera de tu casa, le agradeciste por traerte y como siempre para él no fue nada. Quedándose unos segundos en silencio mirando lo oscuro del cielo, decidiste entrar ya -Te dejo para que vayas a descansar — así como cuando se saludaron, Quackity se despidió de ti abrazándote, quedando unos segundos unidos hasta que lentamente empezó a alejarse.
Antes de poder soltarte por completo Quackity llevo sus manos a tus mejillas y bajo su hasta tu altura, plantando sus labios con los tuyos en un beso rápido, soltó tus mejillas y se dirigió a su camioneta dejandote en shock.
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richy-the-astrologer · 8 months
Cuando Aries ha sanado: deja de ver persecución, amenazas veladas y gente ‘tramando su caída’ por todas partes
Cuando Tauro ha sanado: forma un grado de autoestima y valor que es demasiado fuerte para ser comprado, influenciado y medido por un amante.
Cuando Géminis ha sanado: siente y posee un fuerte sentido de sí mismo dentro de los muchos seres internos, se siente universal en lugar de múltiple
Cuando Cáncer ha sanado: no está regulado ni controlado por las emociones de otras personas, desea existir en el presente
Cuando Leo ha sanado: capaz de autoafirmarse y reconocer su singularidad, no requiere afirmación/validación externa.
Cuando Virgo ha sanado: es capaz y está dispuesto a pedir ayuda en lugar de alejar a todos.
Cuando Libra ha sanado: no requiere que una pareja en la relación se sienta sustancial, solo por ella vale la pena vivir
Cuando Escorpio ha sanado: se convierte en un sanador, una panacea, un guía sabio y un conducto hacia el otro lado.
Cuando Sagitario ha sanado: Deja para siempre de intentar huir de sí mismo, de sus sentimientos y de sus problemas.
Cuando Capricornio ha sanado: Está en paz al reconocer que toda la agitación en la vida hasta ahora siempre ha conducido a esto.
Cuando Acuario ha sanado: sana su relación con el mundo también como el auténtico inadaptado en última instancia que puede encajar con todos.
Cuando Piscis ha sanado: Construye límites bien definidos, dice “no”, discrimina esos momentos de la vida en los que no tiene que ser tan “amable”.
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ladybugkisses · 2 months
Oi, tudo bem com você? Espero que esteja bem ^^
Ano passado eu vi um dos seus desenhos da sua personagem, Ari, ao lado do Rocky do Lackadaisy lá no Pinterest e logo me apaixonei pelas suas artes. Não demorou muito pra eu achar a sua conta aqui no Tumblr, onde vi seus outros desenhos lindos e maravilhosos. Sim, você acabou ganhando mais um seguidor fiel rsrs
Sério, suas artes são incríveis e achei muito legal a ideia de criar uma OC do Lackadaisy que é baseada em si mesma, além de ser a namorada/esposa do Rocky 😍🥰 Esse com certeza é um dos casais que eu mais shippo atualmente, hehe
Mas eu queria te fazer uma perguntinha: O meu Lackadaisy OC pode ser um parente da Ari? Tipo um primo distante? Eu sei que a Ari é de Portugal assim como você, enquanto eu sou do Brasil, mas acho que não seria uma má ideia a Ari ter um parente que é brasileiro. Mas pra ter certeza se é mesmo uma boa ideia, queria te perguntar sobre isso e ao mesmo tempo te pedir permissão pro meu OC ser parente da Ari.
Mas enfim, espero que você continue fazendo mais desenhos fofinhos e fantásticos, porque você é uma artista super talentosa e gente boa ❤️ E eu realmente espero não ter te incomodado :)
oi!! vou indo, espero que estejas bem também!
muito obrigada, fico feliz por saber que gostas do meu conteúdo, também espero continuar a fazer muitos mais desenhos de Lackadaisy para partilhar por aqui! 💕💖💕
a Ari tem família espalhada por vários países (ela própria tem um pouco de sangue inglês e espanhol), ter alguns parentes do brasil não seria improvável! talvez um tio-avô que fez vida lá possa ter resultado nesse primo brasileiro hahaha
aprecio perguntares primeiro, eu dou permissão sim- acho que seria fofo e adoro ver diferentes OCs interagirem! 👍✨
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t-annhauser · 2 years
Chi vuole i migranti?
Ma c'è qualcuno qui che pensa che i migranti che non vuole Meloni li vuole l'Europa (Francia, Belgio, Germania, Lussemburgo, Polonia)? Se li volessero davvero organizzerebbero i ponti aerei, e invece l'Europa da un lato si fa bella cianciando di diritti umani a favore di telecamera, dall'altro stanzia miliardi per Frontex ammassando gente nei campi profughi dopo che i buttafuori turchi hanno fatto un po' di selezione all'ingresso (ma dicono che anche i croati non scherzino). Meloni è il bersaglio ideale, ha il profilo giusto per fare da spalla in questa scenetta dove si predica l'amore universale e si razzola un molto onorevole armiamoci e partite: chi li vuole i migranti? Nessuno, ma qualcuno finge il contrario per segnalare al potenziale cliente la propria virtù. L'Europa è un club di cornuti che si danno arie da galantuomini.
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malditaastrologia · 6 months
"Si te muestras realmente como eres, no serás amado por todos, pero serás amado por la gente correcta, y eso es lo que importa"
- Cáncer, Piscis, Tauro, Leo, Capricornio, Acuario, Aries, Libra.
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4rielmagic · 8 months
oi gente!! vocês podem me chamar de ariel ou ari, sempre via a sub na minha tml e me identificava mt e de certa forma me sentia acolhida em ver pessoas com o mesmo transtorno que eu e mesmos pensamentos então decidi criar essa conta. espero que vocês gostem de mim!!
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rousselv · 1 year
Disculpe señorita A-ya, esto que es mencionado en el prólogo y el capítulo de Sagitario, la norma de "no poder amar", qué significa exactamente? Qué quiere decir y por qué es así?
"No poder amar" se refiere a no enamorarse de absolutamente nadie, los signos no puede hacer eso ni aunque quicieran, si eso pasara tendrian que eliminarlos y una version nueva (y mas pequeña) seria puesta en su lugar, igual a cuando mueren!
La razon de esto es porque, los signos son seres de luz que fueron creados por lo dioses para ayudar a la humanidad a conectar con la gente, por ende tienen mucha influencka sobre todos los humanos bajo su signo, al punto de que si se enamoran desestabilizarian todo el balance universal.
Pensemos en un caso hipotetico, ayer hablamos de Aries y Acuario asi que podemos usarlos! Imaginemos que Aries y Acua comienzan a salir, autamaticamente cada persona bajo sus signos estaria condicionada a solo estar con la persona del signo contrario. La gente de Aries solo podria salir con la de Acuario y vice-versa, debido a la influencia que ejercen, creando un desbalance universal al quitarles la "libertad" los humanos (condicionandolos) y una desconexion con todo el resto de los signos
Para restaurar todo ese problema tendrian que como dije antes, eliminarlos y hacer que vuelvan a aparecer como otro ente, es bIen comPlEjO Nzkxnendllef
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a-pair-of-iris · 6 months
Noche de Paz
By Aris
"Se me olvidaron las papas". Manuel vuelve tarde del trabajo en la víspera de navidad odiándose a sí mismo por olvidar comprar una bolsa de papas duquesa para la cena. Va harto de todo y de todos, pero al llegar a casa recuerda que la vida no es tan mala, ya no. Oneshot Ecuchi, 2.114 palabras ao3
«Se me olvidaron las papas», seguía recriminándose Manuel, agarrado firmemente al pasamanos sobre su cabeza para que los tambaleos del vagón entre las interminables curvas de las vías, los frenazos nerviosos del conductor, o los empujones de la gente que se apretujaba con bolsas y cajas de regalos intentando abrirse paso al interior no acabaran por tirarlo al piso.
Lo estuvo pensando toda la semana: ir a comprar una bolsa apenas saliera del trabajo, pero entre las demandas y prisas previas a días festivos y la locura de fin de año que se apoderaba del mundo lo olvidó por completo. Todos los días.
Entonces ahí estaba, la tarde-casi-noche del veinticuatro de diciembre camino a casa desde el trabajo, y sin papas duquesas en la mano o en el refrigerador. Consideró la posibilidad de pasarse al super a ver si de milagro quedaba alguna solitaria y despreciada bolsita al fondo de los congeladores, entre las croquetas de garbanzos y not-pollo, pero conocía demasiado bien la naturaleza de sus conciudadanos como para hacerse ilusiones. Aparte que a esas alturas ya estarían correteando a todos fuera del recinto, apagando la música y luces y escondiendo a los señores que cortaban el queso y la carne. Así que debía hacerse a la idea de que no habría papas duquesa para la cena de navidad.
Una señora le pisoteó los pies en su arremetida para hacerse con un asiento vacío y Manuel se tragó las ganas de hacer algo más que mirarla feo. Ya estaba bastante cabreado como para empeorarlo peleándose con una vieja en el metro. Solo quería llegar a su casa y que el día se acabara. Que las fiestas y el año se acabaran de una vez.
Estaba harto, y todo era culpa de recursos humanos, por dejarlo sin aguinaldo y luego hacerlo cubrir el turno para que sus compañeros con hijos pudieran salir con “la familia”. Como si él no tuviera una de esas. Realmente, las infografías del departamento de inclusión las tenían de adorno en los muros… En fin, la cosa es que iba harto, sopeado y apestoso por el calor de Santiago, en un vagón repleto de gente igual de apestosa, enojada e histérica por sus compras de último minuto, e iba a llegar a su casa con todo ese enojo y desprecio pegado al cuerpo a ponerle mala cara a Francisco y a su cena sin papas duquesa. Y más molesto se sentía. Porque Panchito no se merecía ser el recipiente de su frustración y mal humor. No cuando los idiotas de recursos humanos ya le habían arruinado a su novio el fin de semana familiar en la casa de playa de Rodrigo y Fernanda del que había estado hablando las últimas semanas.
A diferencia suya, a Francisco sí le hacían ilusión estas fechas y las esperaba con entusiasmo y gran dedicación, vestigios de su crianza en una mezcla de la más pura liturgia católica y propaganda gringa. Y es que Manuel nunca acabó de tragarse ese discurso de “paz y amor” y “el espíritu de la navidad” que vendían las películas al por mayor de Hallmark, si no hasta que pudo pasar las fiestas en casa de los Burgos. Dejando de lado los rezos y lecciones bíblicas gratuitas, la vida familiar de su entonces mejor amigo apareció ante él como todo eso que había deseado tener mientras crecía, y no podía negar que sintió un poco -o más bien mucha- envidia al presenciar en vivo y en directo la suerte que tenían esos pocos niños que crecían en familias funcionales. Para Francisco, la navidad eran luces de colores y cantos junto al pesebre; juegos y risas correteando con sus hermanos por la casa; largas pláticas decorando el árbol o las galletas y tartas que horneaba su papá; enormes, alegres y bulliciosas reuniones familiares repletas de cariño y una armoniosa coexistencia que acababa con todos esperando la siguiente oportunidad de estar juntos. Para Manuel, significaba días eternos en la tensión constante de esperar a que algo saliera mal y todo le explotara en la cara; sombrías cenas en frío silencio y un nudo en la garganta que le dificultaba tragar el insípido pollo asado o lo que sea que Rayén consiguiera luego de salir tarde del trabajo; subirle el volumen a la tele para aplacar el sonido de los gritos y portazos a su espalda; sonrisas forzadas para una fotografía que le recordaría por siempre lo miserable que se sentía en ese momento; dormirse escuchando el llanto ahogado de su madre en la otra habitación y la pesada ausencia del innombrable. Claro que había algunas pocas cosas que valía la pena recordar, como la manito de su hermana que se aferraba firmemente a la suya en un gesto de mutuo aliento mientras caminaban por las calles iluminadas compartiendo un helado; las pequeñas lucecitas de colores danzando lentamente entre las tiras de plástico verde del árbol de navidad que lo hacían sentir en calma; las doradas y humeantes bolitas en el tazón de cristal al centro de la mesa en casa de su tía que se deshacían sin esfuerzo en su boca…
Las puertas se abrieron y Manuel forzó su salida hasta alcanzar las escaleras eléctricas y la calle. El aire arriba era un poco menos sofocante, y la leve brisa que se formaba debajo de los árboles de la plaza le ayudaba en la tarea de disipar esa inoportuna corriente de pensamiento. «Todo eso está en el pasado».
En su breve y lento paseo por el barrio también se distrajo mirando las pocas casas que se habían molestado en colgar decoraciones para la vista de los transeúntes. La mayoría de sus vecinos compartía su escaso entusiasmo por sumarse al espectáculo público, salvo un par que parecía odiar tanto al resto como para intentar provocarles un ataque epiléptico. Seguro había algo al respecto en el reglamento. Para cuando alcanzó el final del pasaje se encontraba mucho más relajado y se permitió un momento antes de entrar para admirar su casa desde la calle.
«Es bonita», pensó. Chica, y no llama mucho la atención, pero es bonita, con un suave color crema y marcos oscuros que hacían juego con la reja. Francisco había colgado unas guirnaldas con muérdagos en las cornisas y una corona de hojas en la puerta. Una cascada de tenues luces amarillentas cayendo del techo y un puñado de estacas que simulaban copos de nieve en las jardineras iluminaban la fachada y a la virgencita que Manuel poco a poco había aprendido a querer. Algo sutil y discreto, porque sabía que a él no le agradaban la pompa y las pistas de aterrizaje, y mucho menos querría tener gente pegada a la reja sacando fotografías o historias para Instagram.
Apenas deslizó la llave dentro de la cerradura del portón, la Negra levantó la cabeza y comenzó a mover la cola desde su camita junto a la puerta. Manuel no podía evitar hablarle como bebé cuando hacía esas cosas.
—Hola, mi niña ¿Me estaba esperando? ¿O es que hizo una maldad y me la tiraron pa’ fuera?
La perrita solo agitó más su cola en respuesta, haciendo que su trasero la acompañara. Manuel no escondió la sonrisa al verla. Mientras él volvía a poner el seguro su mascota finalmente se levantó de la cama estirándose perezosamente y fue a pegar la nariz contra la madera de la puerta, esperando a que le abrieran.
—Adelante señora. —dijo acompañándola finalmente dentro de la casa.
De inmediato lo golpeó el olor a especias y vino blanco del pollo que Francisco tenía cocinándose en el horno, la canela y jengibre de las galletas de hace unos días ya completamente opacadas.
Yo quisiera poner a tus pies
Algún presente que te agrade señor…
Hay un villancico resonando en toda la planta, Manuel supone que de esa lista navideña que armaron entre los dos en Spotify y en la que agregó el soundtrack de Duro de Matar solo para molestar. La sala y comedor están iluminados únicamente por las luces del árbol y la aldea navideña sobre el estante con la loza buena, algo de claridad de la cocina colándose en la habitación y desde donde también le llegaba la voz de Francisco cantando, con esa voz suave y quebrada hecha para los boleros y valses tristes que tanto le gustan al castaño.
Más tú ya sabes que soy pobre también
Y no poseo más que un viejo tambor…
Hay algo en la canción que imprime cierto acento a la voz de su novio, será la convicción cristiana o esa emoción profunda que solo despiertan las memorias felices, que Manuel llega a sentir el nudo en la garganta y humedad en los ojos por la ilusión nostálgica que le provoca escucharlo. Pero es una buena sensación esta vez, que lo calma, así como las diminutas luces titilantes del árbol a su costado.
«Todo está bien ahora. Ya está bien».
—¡Oh! Bebé ¿Y tú cuándo entraste?
La intromisión de la perrita detuvo el canto de Francisco y Manuel, ya habiéndose sacudido suficiente de la pesadumbre que acarreaba del mundo exterior y su forzoso paseo por los recuerdos, decidió que era hora de unírseles en la cocina.
—Fui yo. —dijo, arrastrando los pies hasta Francisco para darle un rápido beso en la mejilla antes de desplomarse contra su ancha espalda y abrazarse a su cintura por debajo del delantal de cocina. Siempre era un gusto pegársele así, incluso con el olor a ajo, pimienta o lo que fuera—. ¿Me la tenías castigada o qué onda?
—Claro que no. Estuvo casi todo el día saliendo y entrando hasta que quiso quedarse afuera. Supongo que estaba más agradable que aquí junto a los hornos.
Comenzaron a mecerse lentamente en un suave vaivén, la cabeza de Francisco inclinada levemente sobre la de Manuel que descansaba apoyada junto a su cuello.
—¿Cómo estuvo el día? —preguntó Francisco luego de un rato así acaramelados.
—Jum, pudo ser peor. —Admitió, sin ánimos de ahondar en más detalles—. ¿Y tú?
—Estuvo tranquilo. Entregué temprano los pedidos que me faltaban y pasé a recoger la encomienda de tu mamá luego de almorzar con mis papás, antes de que salieran a lo de Rodri. Dejé los regalos que nos dieron debajo del árbol.
—¿Seguro que no quieres ir con ellos? Podemos buscar pasajes para mañana temprano. —Ofreció nuevamente.
—Que sí, Manu. Vienes llegando del trabajo, estás cansado. Y yo también lo estoy después de hornear todo el día. Esta vez de verdad prefiero que nos quedemos aquí, tal vez ver una película en el sillón los tres y dormir hasta tarde mañana. Con los niños gritando y dando vueltas allá será imposible. Ya los veremos para año nuevo. —aseguró Francisco, frotando su mejilla contra la suya para acabar de tranquilizarlo.
—Okey. —aceptó Manuel, depositando un par de besos en su cuello—. ¿Qué estás haciendo? —preguntó, por fin reparando en la bandeja frente a Francisco y las pelotitas que en ningún momento había dejado de hacer.
—Ah. También pasé al mercado luego de que me escribieras, pero no quedaba ninguna de las papas que querías, así que… uhm, las busqué en Youtube.
Manuel se lo quedó mirando un instante, luego a las bolitas en la bandeja y finalmente de nuevo a Francisco, una sonrisa cada vez más grande formándose en sus labios. Sí que podría llorar ahora.
—… Espero que estén buenas. —Dijo finalmente Francisco, algo nervioso por la insistente atención y la extraña mueca en el rostro del otro. Pero no le duró mucho luego de que su novio lo atacara a besos y acabó riendo por la efusividad y las cosquillas que le provocaban los labios y el aliento de Manuel sobre su piel.
—Te amo. Te amo tanto, tanto, tanto, tanto… —repetía Manuel una y otra vez.
—Y solo hacían falta unas papas jajaja.
Más tarde esa noche, mientras acababa lo último de la panacota con la cabeza de Francisco sobre su hombro, la Negra mordisqueando uno de sus premios entre sus pies y el rostro verde y peludo de Jim Carrey en la pantalla de la televisión, Manuel miró el bonito centro de mesa sobre el mantel rojo, los platos verdes y cubiertos dorados que de alguna forma se veían bien juntos; miró el árbol con sus lucecitas danzando lentamente, así como lo hicieron con Francisco poco antes de servir la cena bajo una canción estilo jazz que ninguno de los dos tenía idea de cómo bailar; miró a Francisco estirar la mano disimuladamente para alcanzarle un trocito de asado a su perrita y la cola que se meneaba alegremente; y se sintió contento.
Eso era todo lo que siempre había querido. Una noche tranquila, y paz.
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