#Georgia may
endless-oc-creations · 11 months
New Lost Ocs
You all can blame @harleyquinnzelz for this...
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Cassandra, aka Cassie, is gonna be paired with Charlie.
While Georgia is gonna be paired with Sawyer.
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
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Georgia O'Keeffe, Pink Moon Over Water, 1924
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bugbugboy · 11 months
I recently saw a group of people in the GO fandom who couldn't wrap their heads around how David Tennant sits, while I could only think that I sit exactly the same way in fact, in that moment I was sitting the same way as that image
So I present unto you, the guide to bisexual sitting by @bugbugboy and David Tennant
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Thank you for your time :)
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chictape · 5 months
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Georgia May Jagger // Muse #34 Summer 2013
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world-of-celebs · 6 months
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Georgia May Foote
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
New DW video diary from Georgia, and David once again cannot shut up about Michael...
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womantoday · 8 months
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Lyla, Georgia Daniels, Charlotte Schaech, Lily Riggs, Allison Martens, Bridget May, Abi Goodwin, Wanna Wardak, Emma Lanyi
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hannahleah · 2 months
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Georgia May Jagger for Vogue Italia (August 2009) by Tim Walker
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acooksbooks · 5 months
First, I LOVE Crowley and Aziraphale. LOVE THEM. I mean, just take a glance at my pfp. And my sketchbook. And my fanfics.
Second, I LOVE David Tennant and Michael Sheen. LOVE THEM. Probably more than is reasonably necessary, given when I mention "my favorite actor," my family and friends know exactly who I'm talking about (It's David, btw).
I'm also sort of new to the fandom on Tumblr, and I've become baffled by some of the comments I've seen about David and Michael and their friendship. I think it's adorable and lovely that they seem to have such a special bond after filming Good Omens, a bond that continues and has included their partners (partly out of necessity while filming Staged, but I think that only helped cement their friendships even further).
But what truly baffles me is the picking apart of every image that features David and Michael, especially when Anna and Georgia are included and when they aren't. I've seen fans wondering where Anna and Georgia are if they're not in the image with their partners (and what that could mean for their relationships with Michael and David), speculations on whether or not the women have been photoshopped in when they are in the pictures, cruel comments about Anna (especially) and Georgia (sometimes) about their age or their acting choices or their relationships with their partners or with each other (especially when they're being silly on Instagram) or . . .
Anyway, as someone with a spouse who works in a very busy, very public (in our city) profession and who is well respected in that profession, I feel for Anna and Georgia. It's as though there is this obsession or even downright desperation to make everything about how Michael and David feel about each other, to push Anna and Georgia out of the picture, literally and figuratively, forgetting there are families involved. As if Michael and David really are Aziraphale and Crowley and really feel for each other like Aziraphale and Crowley feel for each other. And who knows? Maybe they do?
But we don't truly know what goes on behind closed doors, and the comments and speculations are cruel towards Anna and Georgia, who have real life relationships with Michael and David.
They're all human. Celebrities, yes, but even celebrities deserve to have some privacy outside their jobs. And that's what Aziraphale and Crowley are at the end of the day. A job for Michael and David. A very enjoyable one, based on their interviews with each other, but afterwards, they have homes and families and lives outside the work.
David and Michael's relationship is theirs. Not the fandom's. Theirs.
Anna and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
Michael and Anna's relationship is theirs.
David and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
The relationship the four of them and their families have with each other is theirs. And they all deserve to not have people speculating on public forums about what's happening between them like some tabloid magazine. If they want us to know, they can tell us. Let them make that call for themselves.
In the meantime, we can write fanfics, make fanart, fantasize about who they truly are and how they truly feel. Delight in the images they share and the work they do together. Whatever. But I think it would be great if we could just let them live their private lives, too, and have as much normalcy they can get under the circumstances.
And, finally, Anna and Georgia seem like such lovely humans and deserve as much love and kindness and respect as is bestowed on their partners every single day in this fandom. Because they're human too, and all humans deserve that.
That's all I have to say about that.
Edited to add: I guess I'm not quite done, because someone in the comments said they were like me until they read/heard some of the things David, Michael, Georgia, and Anna have said, presumably about each other.
I'm not so online that I know everything they've put out there, but I do follow those in the group who have social media, and have watched/heard all kinds of interviews and convention Q&As.
My takeaway: Whatever they say about each other, whether it's Michael or David, or Georgia or Anna, I take it with a grain of salt. They're all actors. What we're seeing or hearing from them may not actually be their real personalities and feelings behind closed doors or even in their own heads. I think they just like to be snarky or silly about each other, because it makes the fans smile and swoon. And maybe they just enjoy being playful with each other and about each other. I mean, it's fun.
What's not fun is the fans reading too much into every single thing they do or say with each other and try to turn it into something that it probably isn't, especially at Anna and Georgia's expense.
Okay, now I'm done.
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digitalhobosworld · 3 months
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Georgia May Gibbs
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pervyssco · 3 months
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paragal · 1 year
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Day 5: I think everyone should love and cherish Mr. Bones from Origins SMP
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ceaselesswwatch3r · 12 days
So I was watching the sandman (ep 11 I think) and while I was watching it I noticed, 1. That David Tennant, Georgia Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Anna were in it, 2. That the motherfucking metatron was in it.
+ it took me a while to remember that metatron was in it and after I realised I was just sat there processing this information so. very. slowly.
Truly a shocking crossover
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chictape · 5 months
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Georgia May Jagger // Muse #34 Summer 2013
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world-of-celebs · 1 month
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Georgia May Foote
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
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Oh, boy. Well, I was on a plane when I saw this, but now I'm finally at my hotel and have time to answer.
So right off the bat, I'm having a little trouble discerning the "tone" here, of both the comment and Georgia's response. I honestly can't tell if what the commenter is saying is meant positively or negatively (it kind of comes across as a backhanded compliment, or at least one that was worded badly?). But because I can't tell how the comment was meant, it also makes it difficult to tell how Georgia took it. Did she respond out of genuine annoyance, or was she not annoyed but just saw an opportunity to give a sarcastic/funny response? I have no idea, but I'd love to know what everyone else thinks.
All that said...there is certainly a lot going on with Georgia's response. We already knew that Michael had a stealth/private account on Instagram, so does this mean he's created another one? I noticed as well that Georgia cropped out the avatar of the person who left this comment, but did leave in the avatar of another commenter whose comment she posted in a story after this one (which has since been deleted). So it seems strange that she cropped one, but not the other, for some reason.
Then there's the undertones (overtones? Today is the day for tone issues, apparently...) to Georgia's response. What struck me first is that she read this comment and associated it with Michael, suggesting (on some level) that Michael is jealous of her for being married to David. This could, of course, simply be playful jealousy--which would speak to what a lot of fans seem to be embracing, that idea of Michael, David, Georgia, and AL as one big, happy, Brady Bunch of polyamory--but I have a feeling that is not actually their dynamic in reality.
This brings to my mind comments I've read from @cloud-based-and-rainpilled and others about how poly arrangements can go so far south because they quickly become about ownership and possessiveness. As I've talked about previously on my blog, Michael does not seem to be a big fan of sharing (thinking of how he got jealous/possessive toward Chris Hemsworth when he and David were on Graham Norton in 2019). So if there is jealousy on Michael's part, I can't help wondering if it's because Georgia gets to be with David in the public way that Michael wishes he could be.
(Also I would really like to know what the hell the rationale was for Georgia using "Nessun Dorma" as the song in this Insta story. So many questions...)
Whatever the case may be, the implications are definitely implicating, in some way and on some level. I would love for my followers to weigh in to see if anyone else has made sense of this, though. Thanks for writing in! x
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