#Georgia May Gibbs
digitalhobosworld · 3 months
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Georgia May Gibbs
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garadinervi · 24 days
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Jackson State College, Jackson, MS, May 15, 1970 / 2024
Phillip Lafayette Gibbs, (September 1, 1948 – May 15, 1970), student James Earl Green, (December 19, 1952 – May 15, 1970), student at Jim Hill High School (walking down the street on his way home from work)
(image: The Associated Press. Georgia Public Broadcasting, Georgia Public Radio GPTV)
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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“ . . . there is a considerable element here that resents the fact that many [Black] men are being now employed in defense industries and earning a little bit more than subsistence wage.” 
Letter from the Pres. of the Savannah Branch of the NAACP, March 10, 1943. 
Record Group 211: Records of the War Manpower Commission
Series: Speeches by Members of Regional Office Staff and Other Material
Dr. Ralph Mark Gilbert John S. Delaware, Secretary Walter Scott
President Miss Reatha Mae Gibbs, Assistant Secretary Treasurer
23 Montgomery Street
Phones (3-6597)
Savannah, Georgia
March 10, 1943
Mr. Harvey Enloe, Jr.
Area Director
War Manpower Commission
619 Realty Building
Savannah, Georgia
My dear Mr. Enloe:
I do not know what you can do about it but, it has been reported to us by some of our leading colored women that they have overheard rumors to the effect that there are some elements in Savannah that are laying plans to foment a race riot here. I have investigated and find that statements that they heard might very possibly have represented only the irresponsible ravings of certain very prejudiced white people. But, then again, we still know that there is a considerable element here that resents the fact that many of our men are being now employed in defense industries and earning a little bit more than subsistence wage. I think, on the whole, that since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, that it might be best that you be informed that at least such rumors are going around. I have no information beyond this, save the fact that according to those rumors this outburst is supposed to come off around about April 1st.
I am sure that you will agree with me that this sort of (disaster) must be prevented if there is any truth behind the rumors. You may count on full cooperation from my office and organization.
Very truly yours,
/s/ R. M. Gilbert
Dr. Ralph Mark Gilbert
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bethaven · 6 months
#20 Sex Education
Plot: Otis's school is really bad at sexual education and something needs to be done. Together with his classmate Maeve he sets up a secret sex therapy clinic in the old bathrooms at school. Maeve brings in the clients while Otis takes on the role of therapist, with help of the knowledge he aquired over the years, being the son of a sex therapist. This leads to more than they could've ever imagined, with rebellious acts, complicated love stories and tested friendships, as the students learn more and more about hormons and their bodies. And Maeve and Otis might be more than just business companions.
Years: 2019-2023
Seasons: 4
My story: When this arrived it was the talk of the town amongst my friends. This raw, blunt and funny series was unlike anything we'd seen before and something the world desperately needed. I like how it shows many different aspects of bodies, feelings, teenage drama and sexuality, in a way that few others have.
Teachable moments: Sex Ed is important and everyone have the right to receive it! And it needs to be fact based, diverse and open minded.
Best character: Aimee Gibbs is as funny as she's important for the story at Moordale. She sees no reason to not be yourself and say what you think, even though people may find you stupid. The people who love will love you even more. Still, her big heart might sometimes be too big for her own good. And not the least, she does the most inspiring journey to sexual awakening.
Best episode: "Episode 6" (S4E6). This episode destroyed me completely and it took me weeks to recover. Still, it might be one of the most important episodes of a series ever made.
Best quote: "Last week, I didn't do a s*** for five days; then, when I finally did do a poo, it was like my bum had this gigantic orgasm. Oh, it was great." (Aimee)
Fun fact: Asa Butterfield, that plays Otis, does not only have a therapist-mum on screen - his real mother is also a therapist and could actually teach him a thing or two for his role.
If you like this you might also like: Young Royals, Atypical, Ginny and Georgia, The Big Bang Theory and Gossip Girl.
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missmcspooks · 2 years
Meet Janie Gibbs, born on Christmas Day in 1932, born and raised in Georgia. On the outside looking in, she seemed like a normal person. She was a loving wife and a devoted mother of three, and she adored her grandson. She ran a daycare out of her home and was a devoted member of her church community. Imagine everyone’s surprise when they found out that she murdered her entire family. Let’s begin with her story, it’s a rather short one. 
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It all started with her husband, Marvin Gibbs. She and Marvin were happily married for 18 years before she decided to go on her murderous rampage. In 1965 Janie decided it was time to poison her husband, all because she wanted that sweet life insurance money. She cooked up a nice homemade meal for Marvin and set the table like she always has, and he sat down to eat. She doused his food with arsenic, and he felt sick immediately and was rushed to the hospital. Janie wasn’t pleased that her husband didn’t die instantly, and she now had to put in extra work to get the job done. She went home and cooked him some homemade soup doused with arsenic and brought it with her to the hospital. It worked, and Marvin unfortunately ended up passing away on January 21st, 1966. The doctors ruled his death as liver failure. 
Her community felt so heartbroken for Janie and her children, and showed a tremendous amount of support to them. They showed so much sympathy that Janie felt compelled to donate some of the money she received from Marvin’s life insurance policy to her church. But the tragedies continued when her youngest son, Marvin, 13, passed away just 8 months after the death of his father. Marvin Jr died on August 29th, 1966, from arsenic poisoning. However, doctors thought that he died from liver failure as well, but on his death certificate it was labeled as hepatitis. Melvin complained of various symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and severe stomach cramping. He died before he was even able to make it to the hospital. No one was ever suspicious of Janie, and only showed her even more sympathy and support, causing her to donate money to the church once again. 
But the next tragedy struck again on January 23rd, 1967, when her 16 year old son Melvin passed away. Janie poisoned him with arsenic, but the doctors said Melvin died from a rare muscular disease. Janie was once again not suspected of anything, and donated more money to her church. Janie now had one child left, her 19 year old son Roger, who was married and had a baby of his own named Raymond. Somehow  she was able to poison her grandchild with arsenic, and he suddenly became very sick and ended up passing away. His father Roger followed him just one month later. Janie now had no remaining family members, and it was these last two deaths that became her downfall. The family doctor became highly suspicious regarding all the deaths of this one family in a span of just two years, especially regarding a healthy man and a very healthy baby, both just falling ill and dying so suddenly. The doctor asked for an investigation into their deaths and referred this case to a crime lab. It was here where Roger and Raymond were found to have a highly fatal amount of arsenic in their system. Janie was arrested, and the bodies of her two other sons and her husband were also exhumed, all three having arsenic in their system. 
Janie Gibbs was originally found to be mentally unfit to stand trial, and was sent to a mental institution where she received treatment and worked as a cook. She later went back to trial in May 1976 and was found guilty of murdering all five members of her family, and was sentenced to five life sentences. In 1999 she was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and was able to leave prison on medical release, and was placed into the custody of her sister. She would later be sent to a nursing home after she began to suffer with the late stages of her disease, and she died there in 2010, at the age of 77. 
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paintperry456 · 1 month
House Painting Perry Georgia
Enhance Your Home's Ambiance with Interior House Painting in Perry, Georgia
The ambiance of a home speaks volumes about its inhabitants, reflecting their personality, taste, and style. One of the most impactful ways to transform the ambiance of your home is through interior house painting. In Perry, Georgia, where the charm of Southern living meets modern aesthetics, the significance of a well-painted interior cannot be overstated. Whether you're aiming to refresh your living space or preparing your home for sale, House Painting Perry Georgia offers an array of benefits that go beyond mere aesthetics. In this article, we'll delve into why you'd need or want interior house painting in Perry, Georgia, and why hiring a professional like Gibbs Painting Contractors is the ideal choice for the task.
Why House Painting Perry Georgia?
Enhanced Aesthetics: The colors adorning the walls of your home significantly impact its overall appearance. With House Painting Perry Georgia, you have the opportunity to revitalize your living space with fresh, vibrant hues that reflect your personal style and preferences. From calming neutrals to bold statement colors, the choices are endless, allowing you to create a space that resonates with your aesthetic sensibilities.
Increased Property Value: Whether you're planning to sell your home or simply looking to increase its market value, investing in interior house painting can yield significant returns. A freshly painted interior exudes a sense of well-maintained elegance, making your home more attractive to potential buyers and commanding a higher selling price.
Protection Against Wear and Tear: Over time, the walls of your home are subjected to wear and tear, including stains, scratches, and fading. House Painting Perry Georgia offers a protective barrier against these elements, preserving the integrity of your walls and extending their lifespan. Quality paint products applied by skilled professionals ensure durability and longevity, shielding your walls from the rigors of daily life.
Improved Indoor Air Quality: The quality of indoor air is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. Old, deteriorating paint can release harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, contributing to indoor air pollution and potential health hazards. By opting for interior house painting in Perry, Georgia, you can choose low-VOC or zero-VOC paint options that promote better indoor air quality, ensuring the well-being of your family.
Why Hire a Professional for House Painting Perry Georgia?
Expertise and Experience: While DIY painting projects may seem tempting, achieving professional-quality results requires a certain level of expertise and experience. Professional painters from Gibbs Painting Contractors possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and techniques to deliver flawless paint finishes, ensuring a seamless and professional-looking outcome.
Time and Efficiency: Painting an entire house is a time-consuming task that demands meticulous preparation, precise execution, and attention to detail. By entrusting your interior house painting project to professionals, you can save valuable time and energy while enjoying expedited completion times. Gibbs Painting Contractors adhere to efficient painting processes, minimizing disruptions to your daily routine and delivering prompt, timely results.
Quality Assurance: When you hire a reputable painting company like Gibbs Painting Contractors, you can rest assured that only the highest quality paint products and materials will be used for your project. Additionally, professional painters possess the expertise to address any surface imperfections, ensuring smooth and uniform paint application for a flawless finish that stands the test of time.
Peace of Mind: Attempting a DIY painting project can be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction with the results. By hiring professionals, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your project is in capable hands. From meticulous surface preparation to precise paint application, Gibbs Painting Contractors prioritize customer satisfaction, striving to exceed expectations at every step of the process.
In conclusion, interior house painting in Perry, Georgia, offers a myriad of benefits ranging from enhanced aesthetics and increased property value to improved indoor air quality and protection against wear and tear. When it comes to entrusting your painting project to professionals, Gibbs Painting Contractors stands out as the premier choice in Perry, Georgia, offering unparalleled expertise, efficiency, and quality craftsmanship. Transform your living space and elevate your home's ambiance with House Painting Perry Georgia by Gibbs Painting Contractors.
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intpaintperry4 · 1 month
Interior Painting Perry Georgia
Enhance Your Space with Interior Painting in Perry, Georgia: Why Hiring a Pro is Essential
In the vibrant city of Perry, Georgia, where homes, businesses, commercial properties, apartments, and multifamily homes abound, the importance of maintaining and enhancing interior spaces cannot be overstated. One of the most effective ways to breathe new life into these spaces is through interior painting. Whether you're looking to refresh the aesthetic appeal of your home or add a touch of professionalism to your commercial property, interior painting serves as a transformative tool. However, to achieve optimal results, it's imperative to enlist the expertise of professionals like Gibbs Painting Contractors.
Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: The aesthetic appeal of any space significantly impacts its ambiance and overall feel. With professional interior painting services in Perry, Georgia, you can revitalize your interiors with carefully chosen colors and finishes. Whether you prefer a cozy, welcoming atmosphere for your home or a sleek, modern look for your business premises, skilled painters can bring your vision to life.
Increased Property Value: Investing in interior painting can substantially increase the value of your property. Potential buyers or tenants are more likely to be attracted to a well-maintained and visually appealing space. By hiring professionals to handle your interior painting needs, you can ensure high-quality results that contribute to the overall value and desirability of your property in Perry, Georgia.
Expert Color Consultation: Selecting the right colors for your interiors can be a daunting task. However, professional painters have the expertise and experience to provide valuable color consultation services. They can help you choose hues that complement your existing décor, reflect your personal style, and create the desired ambiance within your space. With their guidance, you can achieve a cohesive and harmonious color scheme that enhances the overall look and feel of your property.
Attention to Detail: Painting may seem like a straightforward task, but achieving flawless results requires meticulous attention to detail. Professional painters in Perry, Georgia, possess the skills and precision necessary to tackle even the most challenging painting projects. From proper surface preparation to seamless application techniques, they ensure a flawless finish that exceeds your expectations.
Efficiency and Timeliness: Time is of the essence when it comes to interior painting projects, especially for businesses and commercial properties. Professional painters understand the importance of completing the job efficiently and within the specified timeframe. With their expertise and efficient workflow, they minimize disruptions to your daily routine and ensure minimal downtime for your operations.
Quality Materials and Techniques: When you hire professionals for interior painting in Perry, Georgia, you can rest assured that they use high-quality materials and proven techniques to deliver superior results. From premium paints and primers to specialized tools and equipment, they have access to resources that are not readily available to DIY enthusiasts. This commitment to quality translates into a durable and long-lasting finish that withstands the test of time.
Cost-Effectiveness: While some may perceive hiring professional painters as an unnecessary expense, it can actually be a cost-effective investment in the long run. DIY painting projects often result in subpar results that require frequent touch-ups and repairs. In contrast, professional painters deliver lasting quality that minimizes the need for future maintenance and repainting, saving you both time and money in the long term.
In conclusion, interior painting is a powerful tool for enhancing the beauty, value, and functionality of your property in Perry, Georgia. Whether you're a homeowner looking to refresh your living space or a business owner aiming to make a lasting impression on customers, investing in professional painting services is essential. With Gibbs Painting Contractors, you can benefit from expert craftsmanship, personalized service, and unparalleled results. Contact us today to transform your interiors and elevate your space to new heights of beauty and sophistication.
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housepaint157 · 2 months
House Painting McDonough Georgia
Transforming Homes: The Art of House Painting in McDonough, Georgia
Introduction: Nestled in the heart of Georgia, McDonough stands as a beacon of Southern charm and hospitality. As residents take pride in their homes, one of the most effective ways to enhance curb appeal and maintain property value is through the art of house painting. From historic neighborhoods to modern developments, the strokes of a skilled painter can breathe new life into any residence. In this article, we delve into the nuances of house painting in McDonough, exploring the process, trends, and benefits that accompany this transformative endeavor.
The Process of House Painting: House painting is not merely a matter of applying paint to walls; it is a meticulous process that requires careful preparation and skilled execution. In McDonough, professional painters adhere to a comprehensive approach to ensure lasting results.
First and foremost, thorough surface preparation is essential. This involves cleaning the exterior surfaces, repairing any damage such as cracks or peeling paint, and priming to create a smooth canvas for the paint to adhere to. Additionally, masking off areas such as windows, doors, and trim is crucial to achieving clean, crisp lines.
Once preparation is complete, the selection of paint comes into play. With McDonough's diverse architectural styles and varying environmental factors, choosing the right type of paint is paramount. Professionals often opt for high-quality, weather-resistant paints that can withstand Georgia's hot summers and occasional storms, ensuring longevity and durability.
When it comes to applying the paint, skilled painters employ techniques such as brushing, rolling, and spraying to achieve even coverage and a flawless finish. Multiple coats may be necessary, especially for darker or more vibrant colors, to achieve the desired depth and richness.
Trends in House Painting: While classic neutrals like whites, beiges, and grays remain perennial favorites in McDonough, homeowners are increasingly embracing bolder hues to make a statement. Rich jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, and ruby red are becoming popular choices for front doors and accent walls, adding personality and curb appeal.
Another trend gaining traction in McDonough is the use of environmentally friendly paints. With growing awareness of sustainability and indoor air quality, homeowners are seeking low-VOC (volatile organic compound) or zero-VOC paints that minimize harmful emissions without compromising on performance or color options.
In addition to color choices, texture and finish play a significant role in contemporary house painting trends. Matte and satin finishes offer a subtle elegance, while glossy finishes can add drama and sophistication, particularly to architectural details like trim and shutters.
Benefits of House Painting: The benefits of house painting extend far beyond aesthetic enhancement. In McDonough, where summers can be scorching and winters mild, a fresh coat of paint serves as a protective barrier against the elements, preventing moisture intrusion, UV damage, and wood rot.
Moreover, house painting is a cost-effective way to increase property value and marketability. Whether preparing to sell or simply wanting to refresh the look of a home, a professionally painted exterior can significantly enhance curb appeal and make a lasting impression on potential buyers.
Furthermore, painting the interior of a home can transform living spaces, creating a sense of warmth, cohesion, and personalization. From soothing pastels to vibrant accent walls, the right choice of paint colors can evoke moods, highlight architectural features, and reflect individual tastes. Conclusion: In McDonough, the art of house painting is not merely a practical necessity but a creative endeavor that celebrates the beauty of residential architecture and the pride of homeownership. From meticulous preparation to innovative color choices, professional painters in McDonough uphold a tradition of excellence, transforming houses into homes and streetscapes into vibrant communities. Whether embracing timeless classics or embracing modern trends, the impact of a fresh coat of paint resonates far beyond aesthetics, leaving a lasting impression on both residents and visitors alike.
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paintmacon673 · 2 months
Interior Painting Macon Georgia
Enhancing Your Macon, Georgia Home: The Art and Science of House Painting
Introduction: In the heart of Georgia lies the charming city of Macon, where historic architecture meets modern living. One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to elevate the aesthetic appeal and protect the integrity of your Macon home is through a fresh coat of paint. House painting in Macon, Georgia, is not just about changing colors; it's about preserving heritage, enhancing curb appeal, and creating a welcoming space for you and your family. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the art and science of house painting, exploring everything from color selection to surface preparation and beyond.
The Importance of House Painting: Your home is more than just a structure; it's a reflection of your personality and style. House painting plays a pivotal role in transforming your house into a home, adding character and charm while increasing its market value. In Macon, where summers are warm and humid and winters are mild, a well-maintained paint job not only enhances aesthetics but also protects your home from the elements, preventing moisture damage, wood rot, and structural deterioration.
Choosing the Right Colors: Selecting the perfect color scheme is a crucial step in the house painting process. In Macon, where traditional Southern architecture and lush landscapes prevail, homeowners often opt for timeless hues that complement the natural surroundings. Soft neutrals like warm beige, creamy white, and gentle greige are popular choices for their versatility and ability to blend seamlessly with Macon's scenic beauty. For a touch of sophistication, accent colors such as muted blues, earthy greens, or subtle yellows can add visual interest without overpowering the overall aesthetic.
Preparing Your Surfaces: Before picking up a paintbrush, proper surface preparation is essential for achieving a flawless finish that lasts. In Macon, where older homes abound, surface imperfections like cracks, peeling paint, and weathered wood are common challenges. Thoroughly inspecting and repairing any damage ensures a smooth painting process and prevents future issues. Techniques such as pressure washing, scraping, sanding, and priming are crucial steps in prepping surfaces for paint, allowing for better adhesion and durability.
The Role of Professional Painters: While a DIY approach may seem appealing, hiring professional painters can save you time, effort, and potential headaches in the long run. Experienced painters in Macon have the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to tackle even the most challenging projects with precision and efficiency. From meticulous surface preparation to expert color matching and application techniques, entrusting your house painting to professionals ensures superior results and peace of mind.
Choosing Quality Paints and Materials: Investing in high-quality paints and materials is key to achieving a stunning and long-lasting finish. In Macon's climate, where temperature fluctuations and humidity levels can impact paint performance, opting for premium products with superior durability and UV resistance is crucial. Look for reputable brands that offer a wide range of colors and finishes tailored to your specific needs, whether you're painting interior walls, exterior siding, or trim details.
Enhancing Curb Appeal: The exterior of your home is the first thing visitors notice, making curb appeal a top priority for many Macon homeowners. A fresh coat of paint can instantly revitalize your home's exterior, boosting its curb appeal and making a lasting impression. Consider factors such as architectural style, landscaping, and neighborhood aesthetics when choosing colors and finishes that enhance the overall look and feel of your property.
Maintaining Your Painted Surfaces: Proper maintenance is essential for preserving the beauty and integrity of your painted surfaces over time. In Macon, where the climate can be harsh on exterior paint, regular cleaning, inspections, and touch-ups are recommended to prevent dirt buildup, mildew growth, and color fading. Routine maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your paint job but also ensures that your home continues to look its best year after year.
Conclusion: House painting in Macon, Georgia, is more than just a home improvement project; it's a transformative experience that enhances your living space and adds value to your property. From choosing the perfect color scheme to investing in quality materials and professional craftsmanship, every step of the painting process contributes to the beauty and longevity of your home. Whether you're refreshing your interiors or revitalizing your exteriors, embracing the art and science of house painting allows you to create a personalized sanctuary that reflects your style and enhances your quality of life in the charming city of Macon.
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intpaintmacon4 · 5 months
Interior Painting Macon
Transform Your Space with Interior Painting in Macon, Georgia
Introduction: In the heart of Georgia lies Macon, a city rich in history, culture, and Southern charm. As residents of this vibrant community know, the interior of a home plays a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere and reflecting the personality of its inhabitants. One of the most effective ways to breathe new life into your living space is through interior painting. In this article, we'll explore the art and science of interior painting in Macon, Georgia, delving into the various aspects that make it a transformative and rewarding experience.
The Colors of Macon:
Macon is known for its warm climate and historic architecture, providing a unique backdrop for interior design. When choosing paint colors for your home, consider the city's natural surroundings. Earthy tones such as warm browns, soft greens, and subtle blues can seamlessly integrate your living space with Macon's natural beauty. These colors not only evoke a sense of tranquility but also create a harmonious connection with the city's landscape.
Historical Influences:
Macon boasts a rich history, with antebellum homes, historic districts, and landmarks that tell tales of a bygone era. Interior painting in Macon often involves preserving and accentuating these historical elements. Soft pastels, classic whites, and muted shades can complement the timeless architecture while allowing modern elements to stand out. Professional painters in Macon understand the delicate balance required to honor the past while embracing contemporary design.
Local Artisans and Craftsmanship:
Supporting local businesses is a cornerstone of the Macon community, and when it comes to interior painting, there's no shortage of skilled artisans and craftsmen. Hiring local painters not only ensures a personalized touch to your project but also contributes to the local economy. Macon's painters bring a wealth of experience, using their expertise to transform homes into personalized works of art.
Techniques and Finishes:
Interior painting is not just about choosing the right colors; it's also about employing the right techniques and finishes. Faux finishes, textured walls, and accent walls are popular choices among Macon residents looking to add depth and character to their homes. Professional painters in Macon are well-versed in these techniques, providing homeowners with a wide range of options to express their individual style.
Sustainable Choices:
Macon residents are increasingly conscious of the environment, and this awareness extends to interior painting choices. Eco-friendly paints, which have low or zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are becoming more popular. These paints not only contribute to a healthier indoor environment but also align with Macon's commitment to sustainability.
The Importance of Professionalism:
While a DIY approach may be tempting, the importance of professional painters cannot be overstated. Experienced painters bring precision, efficiency, and a keen eye for detail to the table. Whether you're refreshing a single room or undergoing a whole-house transformation, entrusting your interior painting project to professionals ensures a high-quality finish that stands the test of time. As we've explored the world of interior painting in Macon, it's evident that this process is more than just selecting colors and applying paint. It's a nuanced art that involves understanding the local context, respecting history, supporting local businesses, and making sustainable choices. Whether you're a long-time resident looking to refresh your home or a newcomer eager to make your mark, the interior painting scene in Macon offers a palette of possibilities. Transform your living space, embrace the charm of Macon, and let the colors speak volumes about your home and the vibrant community it belongs to.
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maximumbob-universe · 10 months
Cover Records
From the days of the minstrel shows forward, white musicians adopting black culture to suit their own desires has been an ongoing theme in American music. Benny Goodman may have been “The King of Swing” in pop culture, but the music he performed was lifted from black musicians, who were usually better than Goodman was. Although racism was at the heart of this, Benny wasn’t prejudiced and didn’t steal the music strictly for his own gain, he genuinely loved it and wanted to play like his black heroes. He often employed black musicians to play in his band, which was not the norm of his time. In the fifties, as R&B gained popularity, many white singers sought to bolster their careers by covering successful black artists. The resultant “cover” records always outsold the originals, just as they had done earlier with ragtime and jazz. As R&B morphed into rock and roll, the differences between black and white versions of a song created a backlash, as white disc jockeys like Alan Freed refused to play cover versions.
As rock advanced, racism and concerns over teen age morality became national obsessions. Elvis may have been crowned King like Goodman before him, but the attacks on Presley were far more intense than those of Benny had endured. Elvis, of course, loved the music he covered, which set him apart from other performers who were trying to cash in on a trend. Intended as a play on the H-bomb, the Chords driving hit “Sh-Boom” was remade into a hokey white bread glee club hit by The Crew Cuts. Vegas lounge act The McGuire Sisters had a big seller with a cover of “Sincerely”, a doo wop masterpiece by the Moonglows. Lavern Baker was so angry when her hit “Tweedle Dee” was covered by pop singer Georgia Gibbs, she tried to sue to get her royalties back.
By far the biggest offender, and the most successful cover singer of the fifties was Pat Boone. His 1955 hit “Tutti Frutti” was so clueless as to make it unlistenable today. Originator Little Richard once said he tried to write songs that were too fast for Boone to cover, but it made no difference, Mr. white buck shoes covered them anyway, outselling Richard every time. Boone’s record of the Fat Domino classic “Ain’t That a Shame” was similarly awful, but Pat was seen as an artist safe for consumption by parents of white teens, whereas black artist were not given the same publicity and promotion. As time went on, the covers fell pray to their own blandness, and as rock became more and more popular, original versions began to find their own place on the charts.
As the years rolled by, white musicians still covered blacks, but it was usually in the spirit of imitation is the best form of flattery than any sense of exploitation. Today, of course, black musicians own the music market place in a way that they couldn’t have dreamed of back in fifties. Although cultural appropriation still exists, progress has been made in levelling the playing field in the melting pot that is America.
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hcamusicblog · 1 year
Morgan Wallen - By Billy W.
Morgan Wallen born in Sneedville, Tennesse on May 13, 1993. Wallen grew up in the Knoxville area. Wallens dad was a preacher who loved the bombast of hard rock, while his mother was a teacher whose tastes ran to contemporary Christian sounds. Wallen developed a strong interest in music at a very young age; he started singing in church when he was three years old and took up the violin when he was five. He later learned to play piano and guitar, but in high school his passion was baseball, pitching for the team at Gibbs High School in Corryton, Tennessee. He was good enough to get offers and scholarships but in the middle of the season Wallen had a severe elbow injury. Later when Wallen wanted to pursue music he auditioned on “The Voice '', but got eliminated late in the playoffs.
Morgan Wallen first started singing in the choir at church then later started playing piano and guitar. Later in highschool he was in the band and played piano and guitar there as well. After high school Wallen went to go perform on a show called “The Voice '' where he made it far in the playoffs but got eliminated. After a year he performed on the radio his first song”The Way I Talk” then later he collaborated with the band Flordia Georgia Line and they made the song “Up Down.” Morgan Wallen produced his first album “If You Know Me” which had 5 songs that produced and was listened to a lot all over the world. 
Currently, Wallen just posted a new album called One Thing at a Time which has 25 songs. His inspiration for this album was making his family and friends  proud of him. Morgan Wallen has won many careers in his life such as Male Artist Country, Song Country, and Album Country. One quote from Wallen was “You never know the plan. I just try to focus on one day at a time.” This quote shows how you just worry about the present, not the future and not the past.
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forty5sixty · 1 year
Much Chaos // Kenny Mason
"When I was young, I wanted some money…" says Kenny Mason to the crowd gathered at Le Pop-Up Du Label in Paris's Bastille district. This low-key music venue located underneath the Avenue Daumesnil archway has created a niche for itself among music lovers in the City of Lights. From rock to punk and rap, it's always worth checking in to Le Pop-Up Du Label when in Paris.
He continues: "Now that I'm older, I want… much money". For his DJ at the turntables, it's a cue to drop the first beat to his standout hit 'Much Money'. For the audience, it's a cue to start the mosh pit and much chaos. It's a perfect moment only missing the presence of one Freddie Gibbs who lends his hand (and a verse) to the 'Much Money' remix.
Kenny Mason's flow skirts between slurred, new-age speech patterns to high-pitched punchlines. Even in his most coarse bars, Mason's delivery is still smooth around the edges:
"Put up my finger and finger a goddess, Of Venus, I'm eatin' out Eve in thе garden"
Mason's range of influences spread far and wide. Atalanta, Georgia may have birthed Kenny Mason but he's a product of everywhere. He's just like the new crop of artists hailing from "Black Mecca" such as Kodie Shane and Playboi Carti, Mason doesn't want to belong to one genre. Lyrically, Mason never ventures far from Atlanta's Crunk scene, while the mood and spirit of his music pay homage to his videogame-inspired love of bands like My Chemical Romance and Deftones.
Kenny Mason is a hip-hop, shoe-gazer if ever there was one. But if his debut studio album Angelic Hoodrat and mixtape output are anything to go by, then his career trajectory is definitely one to watch.
article: Omar Jacobs video: Kenny Mason
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shoitelm · 2 years
Have You Seriously Considered The Option Of Alpilean Side Effects?
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Unable to get rid of fat is usually a extensive trouble, specifically for potential buyers who want to back again your an ancient figures. Many people get in touch with just about every single eating routine possible to remove the surplus pounds of weight, nonetheless volume on the level certainly not modifies. According to the builders around Alpilean, your intention of the company's life style changes aren't at fault. As a substitute, the drawback is likely to be the body system isn’t re acting considering it needs to. In line with a 2017 georgia state university study, detectives discovered that stocks a particular an even drawback men and women met in case they were definitely over - his inner body temperature was reduced. The idea low core body temperature appeared routinely regarding the 170 years relating to homework inside scientific study, however individuals who have very thin body are likelier to a general the body's temperature. That Alpilean blueprint strives to alter this amazing inner body temperature to overweight potential clients.
Remember any other weightloss solutions have given many options to potential clients, Alpilean weight loss approach is going to be merely one around the globe that utilizes an exclusive mix off foods specially for assaulting bad total body basis temperature conditions inside a. Their remedy looks for increasing typically the user’s low body temperature, aiding consumers lose weight even if sharp as well as napping. When devoted when you are ndividuals are in bed today is rarely used pertaining to weight-loss. Knowledgeable exhausted to get in shape considering that metabolic process ordinarily doesn’t be working as tricky throughout sleep. Then again, the idea get to sleep effort could possibly be used by rather more because of the stamina with no a sleep disorder can or just most of the night program. Purchasers could very well rest easy the knowledge that a person's fats is really getting rid of. Alpilean could be a supplementation that will help consumers to get in shape thanks to plant-based issues that are completely innate combined with clinically proven to boost fridge and freezer complete body center the temperatures with respect to way of life. The exact procedure commonly be installed to employ, having one daily capsule that have to be taken by way of cold water. Superior rrs always to visit here or possibly drop by and see the best official a website to find out with regard to the Alpilean results.
It's offered on our Alpilean accepted blog specifically where the public may hear from Zach Miller and Dr. Matt Gibbs concerning their formulation taken within the absolute surroundings about the Himalayas for the pristine thangu valley. That Alpilean treatment is guaranteed as it has definitely six ingredients from a 250mg proprietary blend of turmeric, african mango seed, ginger, moringa leaf, citrus bioflavonoids, and a 10% concentration of fucoxanthin all these concentrate on the user’s main the body's temperature. With one six ingredients, this makers behind Alpilean show by means of growing the core temperature, citizens can certainly burn via calorie consumption effortlessly where the person along with an regular inner body temperature. Poor intrinsic the body's temperature is key for unhurried your rate of metabolism, wonderful six of people components creating growing the metabolism where must. Those with anticipations to understand about Alpilean ingredients along with other info can feel able to stop by this fabulous site.
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hey-color-palettes · 3 years
May I ask for a song palette for Tango Del Fuego - Parov Stelar & Georgia Gibbs?
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#530f0f || #ae1e14 || #e35226 || #f8a41e || #90264b
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murswrites · 4 years
What I write for ⎯ UPDATED
Request Queue  / Rules for Requesting / Masterlist
Within the lists, fandoms with the names crossed off are currently not being written for.
Peaky Blinders: Thomas Shelby, Bonnie Gold, Isiah Jesus, John Shelby, Ada Thorne-Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Lizzie Shelby-Stark
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Jim Hopper, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, Murray Bauman
Grishaverse: Alina Starkov, Matthias Helvar, Nina Zenik, Malyen Oretsev, Inej Ghafa, Zoya Nazyalensky, Nikolai Lantsov, Aleksander Morozova (Darkling)
The Umbrella Academy: Diego, Klaus, Allison, Viktor, Five, Lila Pitts, Sloane, Fei, Ben, (Sparrow)
The Witcher: Geralt, Yennefer, Jaskier
Daredevil: M. Murdock, K. Page, Elekta
Bridgerton: B. Bridgerton, S. Basset, E. Bridgerton, K. Sharma
DCECU: Adrian Chase, Leota Adebayo, Harley Quinn, Cleo Cazo, Barry Allen (movie)
Divergent: Tobias “Four” Eaton, Christina, Beatrice “Tris” Prior
Hunger Games: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair
Twilight: Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale
The Batman: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Fear Street: Deena, Samantha Fraser, Young!Nick Goode, Young!Ziggy Berman, Katie Schmidt, Simon Kalivoda
MCU: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Loki Odinson, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Valkyrie, Michelle Jones, Yelena Belova
The Last of Us 1 & 2: Joel Miller, Ellie Williams, Dina, Jesse
Detroit: Become Human: Connor RK800
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Peter Parker, Felicia Hardy, Miles Morales
Far Cry 5: Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Skylar Khors, Grace Armstrong, Jess Black, John Seed, Jacob Seed, Nick Rye, Staci Pratt
Killing Eve: Eve Polastri , Villanelle
Derry Girls: J. Macguire, M. Mallon, O. McCool, C. Devlin
You: Love Quinn
Hannibal: Will Graham
Lucifer: L. Morningstar, C. Decker, E. Lopez, Mazikeen, Eve
The Order: Lilith Bathory, Hamish Duke, Randall Carpio, Vera Stone, Gabrielle Dupres
Sex Education: Maeve Wiley, Otis Milburn, Jean Milburn, Jackson Marchetti, Aimee Gibbs, Ola Nyman
Agent’s of SHIELD: L. Fitz, D. Johnson, Al MacKenzie, J. Simmons, M. May, Lance Hunter
The Society: Harry Bingham, Helena, Elle Tomkins, Campbell Eliot, Becca Gelb
Ginny & Georgia: Marcus Baker, Georgia Miller
The Wilds: Leah Rilke, Nora Reid, Tori Shalifoe, Shelby Goodkind, Rachel Reid, Martha Blackburn, Dot Campbell, Fatin Jadmani, Seth Novak
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