#German coaching Centre
inlingua99 · 2 years
Best Online German Training Classes In Chennai | German Classes In Chennai | Inlingua Chennai
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Mentors offers Best Online German Training Classes in Inlingua Chennai .The institute also offers to learn various foreign language courses. Contact us for more details
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Learn to Speak the German Language
German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union and is the official language of Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein. It is also widely spoken in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Belgium. Learning German can open up many opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as enrich your travel experiences in German-speaking countries. In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to learn German from scratch, covering all aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural aspects.
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Part 1: Getting Started
Learn the German Alphabet
The German alphabet consists of 26 letters, the same as the English alphabet, with an additional three letters, Ä, Ö, and Ü. These additional letters are called Umlauts and have a different pronunciation than the letters they replace.
Learn Basic German Grammar
German grammar can be challenging, especially for beginners, but it's essential to learn the basics to communicate effectively. The most important aspects of German grammar include verb conjugation, noun declension, and sentence structure.
Start with Basic Vocabulary
Start by learning basic vocabulary such as greetings, numbers, days of the week, and months of the year. This will help you start communicating in German and build your confidence in the language.
Use Language Learning Apps
Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone are excellent tools for learning German, especially for beginners. These apps use interactive exercises, audio recordings, and video lessons to teach you the language.
Join Language Exchange Programs
Joining a language exchange program is a great way to practice speaking German with native speakers. These programs pair you with someone who is learning your native language and wants to practice speaking with you in German.
Part 2: Learning German Grammar
Noun Gender
In German, all nouns have a gender, either masculine, feminine, or neuter. It's important to learn the gender of each noun because it determines the form of the articles, adjectives, and pronouns used with the noun.
German has four cases, nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive. Each case has its own set of articles, pronouns, and adjective endings. It's important to learn the rules for each case to communicate effectively in German.
Verb Conjugation
German verbs change form based on the tense, mood, and subject of the sentence. There are six tenses in German: present, past, perfect, pluperfect, future, and future perfect. Each tense has its own set of verb endings.
Sentence Structure
German sentence structure can be complex, but it follows a strict word order. The basic sentence structure is subject-verb-object, but it can change depending on the emphasis or complexity of the sentence.
Part 3: Building Vocabulary
Use Flashcards
Flashcards are an excellent tool for building vocabulary. Write the German word on one side of the card and the English translation on the other side. Review the cards regularly to memorize the words.
Read German Books
Reading German books is an excellent way to build vocabulary and improve comprehension skills. Start with simple books and work your way up to more challenging literature.
Watch German TV Shows and Movies
Watching German TV shows and movies is a fun and engaging way to learn new words and phrases. Start with shows and movies with subtitles and work your way up to more challenging content.
Practice Conversational German
Practice conversational German with native speakers or language exchange partners. This will help you learn new words and phrases in context and improve your pronunciation and listening skills.
Learn German Language in jaipur
Goethe Institute in jaipur
A1 Level German Institute in jaipur
A2 Level German Class in jaipur
German Coaching Centre in Jaipur
German classes in Jaipur
German coaching
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impressbss · 1 year
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am in a certain type of mood and wanna write something cosy and nice so:
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Retired!Price (Husband) Headcanons
Retired!John who retired surprisingly early after a botched mission forced him to take medical leave and then he just... couldn't go back to work.
Retired!John who has finally gotten the opportunity to change his style and has experimented with many styles of facial hair (including a thick caterpillar mustache!).
Retired!John who, despite still staying so active, eats more and better, and sleeps more and better, and begins gaining a bit of weight, gaining a wonderful dad bod and a nice layer of fat on his hard muscles.
Retired!John who goes to a veteran support group at a local community centre.
Retired!John who definitely started a vegetable/fruit garden in the back of your house.
Retired!John who has taken up baking and is surprisingly very good at it, especially at baking sourdough bread.
Retired!John who volunteers to become the coach for the local children's rugby team.
Retired!John who gets a big fluffy dog for you (Husky, German Shepherd, etc) so that he has an excuse to stay active and fit by taking it on walks.
Retired!John who takes up home improvement and DIY and feels surprisingly at home in hardware shops.
Retired!John who only ever gets up early on Valentine's day, your birthday and your anniversary to go buy you fresh pastries from the bakery down the road, or fresh flowers from the florist.
Retired!John who renovates the house with you, moves furniture around at your request, gets all the paint samples you could wish for from the shop, and works on making your house a home.
Retired!John who sometimes gets into a food coma after eating a nice Sunday roast and falls asleep in his recliner with the dog at his feet.
Retired!John who hugs you tight with his big burly arms and buries his face on your neck, kissing you so sweetly.
Retired!John who holds you close to him on cold winter nights and rainy afternoons as you snuggle together on the couch.
Retired!John who runs hot at night and makes it so you have your own personal heater and weighed blanket as he drapes his body over yours and cuddles you all night.
Retired!John who takes you on all the holidays you wish for and introduces you to places he's gotten to travel to while on the job.
Retired!John, whose favorite thing about being retired is his ability to spend time with you.
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onetouchparadise · 1 year
Find my way back to you ~ Müllendowski
"What!?" he wasn't beliving what his hears were hearing, what have the management thought? He looked at him questioningly and if he wasn't so angry he would have felt slightly scared under the ice look of his best friend who, with his usual calm, answered: "You've heard perfectly Thomas: the coach has decided that, to develop healthy bonds of rivalry with other teams, we are going to stay in the same hotel as Barça till the end of our little trip here in Portugal. I can't understand, why are you so upset?". Müller took his time to answer him, it seems to him a too private thing , even to speak about it with Manu, a friend that always supported him since when they know each other. He was just deciding in his mind if tell him or not when Sané came in, grabbed Thomas by the shoulders and, smiling ambiguously, gave his opinion while laughing: "But how Thommy? I was ready to bet 20€ that you'd be the happiest man ever all the day. Don't you go running around, stressing the entire staff to share the room with your dear Lewangoalski once again? You're so sad since he left to Barça..."; the person directly concerned gave the newcomer an unexpected grim look, detached himself from his arms and turning abruptly towards him replied with empty, controlled words, whitout any joyful emotion that he used to show: "What I do or think is none of your business Leroy. And don't call me Thommy, do not even try.".
The always happy and prankster midfielder went to practice without paying them more than a glance and Manu wondered what had happened, what he didn't notice, that had made Thomas like this. Sané had an incredulous face: "Wha-What did I do? Has he a day off? Whatever, by lunch he'll have already forgotten...", Neuer really hoped it was true...
The afternoon, however, did not improve things, in fact it made them worse.
Thomas was really tired, the trainings for the Champions League had exhausted him, but they had also had the advantage of making him forget what had happened in the morning; everyone was already having lunch together and he couldn't wait to have some fun and eat something so he walked towards the large, well-laid common room of the hotel. His happiness was obviously short-lived: after crossing the long white path that separated him from the food, he reached his team's table, noticing however that it seemed to lean towards the centre. All of his team-mates seemed to be having a happy conversation with a single person, the person he wanted to avoid, the one he hadn't forgiven yet… yes, at the Bayern table was sitting Robert Lewandowski.
As soon as the Pole saw the German approaching, he stood up with a big smile and went towards Thomas with open arms: "I missed you!" Robert hugged him, but the midfielder didn't return the hug and if the ex-Bayern striker noticed the lack of warmth shown by his old companion, he didn't say it and continued to talk to him cheerfully: "Come and sit next to me, Thommy! Long time no see!", he tried to bring him closer, but Thomas seemed uncomfortable, both because of Lewy's pressure and because of Manu's steady gaze analyzing the scene; he looked around frantically, suddenly under all that stress he lost the desire to talk and be in company. So he said: "Sorry, but I have to go upstairs, I forgot one thing ... bye!", and left immediately, disappearing from everyone's sight, with the last image before retiring towards the corridor of Lewa's wounded face and Manu's confused and slightly disappointment..
Thomas closed the wooden door of his room with a big bang, he felt like an idiot, a real fool for running away, but he couldn't stand the pressure of being around him, who treated him as if nothing had happened ...he knelt down and covered his ears with the hands, his eyes red with tears, a single sentence anchored in his head, whispered to himself in the darkest moments: "If you really missed me you would never have left..." "Why did you abandon me?".
In the mood he was in he wished he could have stayed in his room all day, in his inner tranquility and "peace", with only the sound of his regrets and the TV playing some random channel that he honestly gave a shit about, but his fragile, regained balance was soon broken like his window by a balloon on the balcony.
The footballer jumped up and went towards the terrace, opened the window... or what was left of it... , leaned against the iron railing and, looking down, yelled at the top of his lungs: "Who did it?! ?", at that moment Leon appeared from the pool below, the owner of the balloon without a residence permit who was illegally staying on his terrace, soaked in water from head to toe, who said to him: "Come on, Müller, come down! unsocial! Otherwise the whole team will come and get you in your room.". Exasperated by his teammates (and with the secret hope of cheering up), the midfielder was forced to put on his blue bathing suit and go down the stairs to the hotel's lush garden which also included a swimming pool and beach volleyball court.
As soon as he arrived he sat on the edge of the pool to tan under the Portuguese sun and smiled happily, finally he was taking a break from all the troubles of the day and the only thing he wanted to do was rela- PLUFF!!!
The poor Thomas was thrown into the pool. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was underwater and to return to the surface so as not to drown, as soon as he opened his eyes (wet like the rest of his body) he was greeted by the small smile of Manuel "The Wall" Neuer who looked at him smugly towering in all the its bulk from the poolside. Thomas yelled "Why??" "You looked depressed" was the reply of his friend who tried in vain not to laugh, "And trying to assassinate me was the only solution to cure my depression??" "Now I wouldn't put it that way, Thomas..." "Shut up Neuer, now you'll pay!" and, taking him, by his arm he pulled the poor Manu into the pool, the last one victim of the consequences of his own prank..
They spent the next ten minutes of their lives attempting to smother each other with big laughs from the dry onlookers. Suddenly, however, with a mighty bomb dive, a third person entered the pool and started spraying the other two, who, without even realizing who he was, began to react to the fire by giving battle. When things settled down, Thomas realized that the person he was having so much fun with just seconds ago was the one he'd left in the dining room half an hour earlier; he didn't want to run away from Robert as previously: he would have been too ashamed to do the same thing again, so this time he would just ignore him. Yes, now he had a plan, clear, easy and he would stick to it. He forced himself to continue playing happily in the pool, albeit in a muted mood compared to him before, but managed to cover it up skillfully thanks to his natural playful personality. At one point, however, Lewy got out of the pool and dried off quickly ("It's so beautiful with wet hair...No Thomas! Don't think about these things, how they even come to your mind...?") then, again with a sunny smile amplified by the hot rays that hit him directly Robert asked the two against whom he previously fought: "Come on let's go for a game of beach football! It's been a while since we've played together as a team." Thomas made a strange face: his plan was already being compromised shortly after the start, but he certainly couldn't not participate. Manuel, on the other hand, seemed happy, but also a little angry: he hated not knowing things and perhaps not being able to fully understand the vicissitudes that undermined the relationship of
Lewy and Thommy got him into trouble. While the shorter one was still brooding about the goalkeeper, the latter spoke: "Okay Rob, in the meantime, go prepare everything and get the ball, we'll dry off for a second and then we'll join you.", the Polish striker gave the thumbs-up to his friend and ran happily towards the small beach in the center of the hotel garden. Even Neuer and Müller, when Robert had gone, came out of the pool and covered themselves with towels, the youngest was about to put his slippers back on again, but even before he could put his foot in, he felt jerked and pulled towards the entrance of the hotel from Manu, who, after carefully looking around, had chosen a secluded and uncrowded spot. Thomas knew that the moment of truth would arrive, he had awaited it with frank resignation and had hoped to delay it as long as possible. The blue eyes of the 1,93m tall colossus pierced him like not even an arrow could. "Now I want to know what's going on...". The shorter one didn't want to answer so he pretended not to understand: "What are you talking about Manu? The Oktoberfest has been over for two months, are you still drunk?", Manuel got offended and showed his mood with a frown: "Don't the play dumb... there's a strong hatred between you and Robert, which has never been there in all his eight years at Bayern.", "Manu, I swear..." began to say Thomas, he didn't want anyone to get in the way, he would have come across as an idiot, "Don't lie to me! I'm just worried about you! I've known you for over nine years and I've never seen you like this.". The vice captain sighed, the time had come to repay his best friend for always being with him from his debut in the national team (and subsequent victory) up to the Club World Cup, yes, he would have given him that truth that for eight years had hidden from everyone.
"Manu I... I love him" the listener's open mouth was a good indicator of his disbelief, but other than that he didn't get upset and signaled him to go on, he continued: "For 8 years I have loved him but I've never been able to confess to him, I was afraid that our relationship would be destroyed... you know it, it was enough for me to close my eyes to know where he was on the pitch, and off the field I always wanted to be with him, without it I felt lost. broken, incomplete.". "So you were terrified that he wouldn't see you and act the same way again if you confessed how you felt." He speculated Manu and Thomas nodded, "How did it happen in the beginning? At first I well remember you hated him, then you basically became Yin and Yang…so what?" "It's a long story um..." "I have time." "Alright! You're right at first I didn't like him, euphemism, I would have gladly thrown him off a balcony, but then, well... I discovered he wasn't as bad as I thought, he wasn't conceited or snooty, but he was kind, protective, almost shy and when he spoke with such a slight Polish accent it seemed to me like..", Manuel made a colossal facepalm: "Lost in love...". The midfielder was very embarrassed: "Yes", but then his face darkened a lot and tears welled up on it, suddenly he no longer had the necessary strength to stand up and, shivering, he sat down on the cold tiled floor, his bare feet caressed the grass that bordered the sidewalk, Manuel, sad for his best friend, sat down next to him and watched his stricken face. "But now he's gone, he's left me here... I didn't even have time to confess, during the last training session I... I tried, I approached him when he was alone, but I didn't I found the words, they were all dying in my mouth and I gave up, I hugged him telling him to have a good trip, how stupid I am..." "No Thomas, of course you were a bit stupid for not telling him but.. ." "Thanks Manu! Really helpful!" "Let me finish! I was saying... can't you tell him now? I can't understand why you don't want to tell him now that you have another chance?!", after his friend's words Thomas stopped: "I-I... don't know... today, as soon as I saw him again he made me feel, strange... I didn't understand how he could still treat me the same way as before, it was like he still loved me, but not the kind of love I wanted It to be.". At that speech Manuel started laughing and the other looked at him offended, the porter gently took his shoulders, smiled and said: "Thommy but do you realize that you're causing yourself a lot of problems when you don't even know if he reciprocates or no?".
Müller's wide-open eyes silently replied to his friend, who squeezed him in a sweet embrace cradled by the smell of the shampoo on Thomas's still wet hair: "Okay, come on, you'll try tonight, but now let's think about having some fun, damn you're really weird in your version hopelessly in love ... come on!" the speech brings back happiness on the tear-stained face of the vice captain who got up and followed his friend towards the beach volleyball court illuminated by the sun and by Lewy's smile when he sees his former partner arrive.
The afternoon passed quickly and the teams stayed out until sunset, after the pink gave way to blue everyone found themselves in the dining room filled with joy and good food. There was no longer the sparkling air of news and curiosities perceived during lunch. It was... different, equally cheerful, but different: it seemed like one of those big family Easter lunches where everyone knows everyone.
Manuel and Thomas were having dinner at a quiet table on the side furthest from the buffet and chatter, where the moonlight filtered through the windows, after all the day's misadventures they just wanted a few minutes of peace and a nice soup. "May I add to your table?" a voice abruptly broke the silence as Fates cut the thread of Life, Thomas looked up even if the only voice was enough for him to recognize Robert, "Sure, come along." he couldn't tell him no, he just hoped he wouldn't talk about how he'd been avoiding him almost the entire day like he was the plague.
Lewandowski smiled and sat next to Müller, the latter had to control himself so as not to visibly melt at that facial movement, he hid his trembling hands in his pockets and checked the butterflies that had inevitably replaced his blood. Then he returned the smile.
Manuel noticed everything and the fire reignited in his calculating eyes, "Uh? What are you saying Leon? Yes, I'll be right there.", Neuer turned to another table, took his dinner and walked towards Goretzka, but Thomas was sure the young boy hadn't spoken. True or not, the two "almost-boyfriends" were left alone.
Silence pervaded the two men and if it hadn't been for the colored lights that illuminated the room Thomas would have sworn he saw a slight blush on Lewy's face who was simply looking at him ... and how he was looking at him. He was still busy contemplating the divine beauty of his former partner that he spoke: "You know, I missed you Thommy so much ... it's not the same without you.". This in Thomas's heart lit a flame fed by a candle that, slowly, strengthened instead of dripping and wasting away with every word Robert said. "I missed you too, you don't know how much..." (“because when you're not here my heart is broken, it's missing and I can't find the piece to rebuild it; I don't want to find it” were the words that he kept inside and didn't the courage to utter.) at that moment Lewandowski put the spoon he was eating with on the napkin and put his hand on the table feeling the carvings of the wood underneath, in the meantime he didn't take his ocean blue eyes off the one next to him and his smile grew.
As if that were destiny Thomas took his hand and shook it crossing his fingers as if they were the textures of a dress, handmade, slowly, but of inestimable value. "I'm really happy that we remained great friends even after all this..." and Rob with those words involuntarily broke the spell, Thomas suddenly withdrew his hand, as if he had been burned by that same candle flame that had perhaps grown to much. Robert gave him an incredulous and covertly guilty look. Müller was about to cry, he couldn't think of anything and at that moment the noise became deafening, but silent as a grave at the same time compared to mess of his brain.
With tears, he left the room, but his eyes saw neither Lewy nor Manuel. “Friends, friends, friends…” was the only word in his mind.
He didn't know how long he stayed like this: sitting on the carpet in his and Manu's room crying for a love that never really started, never really existed ...
One hand was on his hair pulling it, oblivious to the pain that the gesture caused him, the other wandering around the floor following the designs of the fabric with the tip of his index finger, desperately looking for a solution to his scene that everyone could clearly see. even better than the one at lunch: "Of course I can't enjoy even a meal peaceful without coming back here to cry over myself and regret too late." he whispered to no one in particular, too pathetic at the time to be heard even by the walls surrounding him.
Due to an unexpected noise Thomas jumped and looked around frantically, when he saw the door vibrate and the malignant to move slightly wiped his tears with his arm, managed to shuffle with difficulty to the threshold and opened.
"Hey..." Robert's shy voice flooded the room, "L-Lewy... what are you doing here?" nervousness began to creep into Thomas, what was the Pole doing there? Was he upset about things that happened during dinner? Müller was so tired, he wouldn't be able to get the face of a man "not on the verge of a psychological breakdown" for much longer and giving in to the man he loved was certainly last on his "to-do list for the next millennium". "I, well, I wanted to deeply apologize to you for what happened at dinner...", ok, maybe it's true that Thomas in front of Lewy was no longer able to understand anything and totally melted, but here he was absolutely sure he had heard correctly and the sorry frown, clearly visible from the eyes and from the light biting of the lip, of the striker left no room for doubts: Robert was apologizing to him. "W-What should you apologize for?" Thomas just couldn't understand, why was Robert doing this? Lewandowski looked between hysterical, exasperated and sad, only at that moment did the German realize the emotions and exhaustion that his friend felt inside him, he immediately felt sorry for him, even if he didn't know the reason.
Suddenly the Pole gave a humorless chuckle: "Well, you've been avoiding me since this morning, you never want to be alone with me and always terribly uncomfortable in my presence then... tonight at dinner..." his voice broke down but he continued anyway "I don't know what I said did but you ran upstairs Thommy you had tears in your eyes! Whatever happened I'm sorry I didn't mean to, last thing I want to make you feel bad ... well, now I'm crying too." and Lewy wept, the tears flowing without stopping.
Horrified, Thomas did the first thing that his instinct ordered him and lunged at Robert, hugged him, felt his warmth on his skin and his shoulder half covered by the pajama shirt on the hollow of his neck; the Barça player's eyes snapped open as he put his arms around Thommy.
Müller took the other's head with his hands and, while looking at him with eyes full of tears, he took courage: "Robert I don't hate you, I..." and the memory of what happened next still lives in the German's mind: their lips met each other, finding Paradise.
When they broke the kiss it seems to them to have spent an entire century like this.
Both were crying, they cannot belived their eyes, their lips, their emotions. Suddenly Thomas started to talk and what he said melted Lewy's heart: "I love you, Robert Lewandowski, for eight eternal years, but I didn't know how to tell you, I thought I'd have..." "Ruined everything? Yes, Thomas I can understand... I love...I love you too." and they kissed again, nobody can believe it and for them it was like living a beautiful, never ending dream.
It was when Thomas, very tired, literally collapsed on Lewy's face that the two woke up, the Pole smiled and, gently, took him like a bride and carried him to Manu's bed (hoping that the goalkeeper wouldn't get angry, even if he strongly doubted it having understood that he was behind the confession of his new boyfriend, one day he would have thanked him properly...). So Robert moved the bed near to his mate's one making some sort of king size.
He tucked Thomas in and slipped under the bed too, embracing him, looked at him with infinite joy and love, gave him a light kiss on the forehead, pushing aside his dark hair and whispered: "Kocham cię, Thommy" , Lewandowski was about to close his eyes when he was pulled closer by a gentle push and a soft: "Ich liebe dich, Lewy.".
When Manu entered in and found them sleeping like this he smiled and turned off the lights, then he came off and closed the door. Then he went to another room: surely Leon and Joshua would have hosted happily him for a night or two.
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lfcrobbo · 1 year
i always want to hear more about handball fic!
i never remember how much i've said about handball fic. QUICK summary is seb and charles are teammates at a french handball club, but when the european championship is coming up they're competing against each other (for team germany and team france) (charles isn't LOVING having the french flag on his chest but it's not like monaco has a national handball team... so it will have to do) here are some thoughts from the doc that i don't even remember writing:
charles is? Left wingman/line player. seb is a centre back court. (others: mick on the german nt is a wingman, pierre on france nt  is a left back player, esteban on the france nt is a goalkeeper. grosjean also a left wing? Carlos (right backcourt) and fernando (lineplayer) play for spain, max for the netherlands, mazepin and kvyat for russia. lewis (used to play at kiel with seb before lewis retired and seb moved to psg) is there as a pundit, doing commentary/tv appearances with various broadcasters. cyril is the coach for the french nt? toto for germany?
the most insane part abt this fic that i've written maybe 1k words for, is the amount of time i spent designing the european championship. and put it all into a spreadsheet. every single game with scores (not just the ones relevant to the plot) and all of the results.... here's a pic just to give u an idea of the extent of my insanity
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anyway. it was supposed to be like. this is charles' first international championship, he has a rough time the first few matches.. keeps running into seb (but doesn't actually play against germany until the semi-finals) and has a BIG FAT CRUSH on seb (which does not go unnltixed by pierre, his childhood friend and roommate, who is infuriated by this bc 1) rn he's the ENEMY charles and 2) once when pierre's team played seb's team in a champions league game seb had a pretty bad foul against pierre and pierre still holds a Grudge) and then seb reaches out to help him with some of his problems despite them being rivals.... and then just going thru the epic highs and lows of international sporting events together:')
other than than that i don't really have anythinf new to share with u.... my handball obsession only comes around twice a year (december for the womens championship and january for the mens. and then every fourth year it's three times a year bc of the olympics) SO maybe i'll get back to thinking about it in december... until then have the two snippets i've posted here and here 🥰
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hi-stories-emma · 1 year
The Holocaust. When Hatred made horror.
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I travelled to Poland on the 1st March, 2023 - to view the Auschwitz museum and memorial. I had known a lot about auschwits, for the common 17 year old - and have spent my life in and out of museums, books and documentaries and so I thought I knew what to expect.
One common misconception from others is that there is one Auschwitz camp - when in fact there are 42 sub-camps, but there are 3 that dominate. Auschwits 1, notorious for the iron gate unscripted with 'arbeit macht frei.' This cynical message, 'work sets you free' which now characterises the slaughter of 11 million people - a greater population than the entirety of Greece. Auschwitz 1 is located in the town of Oświęcim, where now a pizza restaurant stands opposite the campsite just across the road and the broken down train tracks, Two separate worlds. Auschwitz 2 - also known as Auschwitz-birkenau is pictured above, with the infamous train tracks leading into the entrance of the camp, was where many more victims were taken from life, and may they rest in peace today within our prayers.
It was Auschwitz 3 - Auschwitz-Monowitz - that we caught sight of first. From a coach journey which we would return back on later in the day, looking to our left and dominating the skyline are these 2 huge turrets - chimneys - seemingly larger than a skyscraper today. This stark image, hanging over a now socialising community was a shock to my system and is the one thing I will never forget. Even now, a month later, I see turrets and have to look twice - remembering the horrors that occurred in Poland in the 1940s. We didn't visit Auschwitz-monowitz, but during WW2 it was largely centred around industry. Here, prisoners actually worked alongside general workers - who would go home each day, after standing next to starved and isolated victims. Conditions in auschwitz 3 were arguably slightly better - but that was because the prisoners were strong enough to have a purpose. After reading 'The boy who followed his father into auschwitz' by Jeremy Dronfield, a true account of Fritz and Gustav Kleinman and their family who were sent throughout the camps under Nazi persecution, I have discovered the true meaning of value according to the Nazis. Auschwitz 3 needed skilled workers, even if they were the 'untermenschen' Jews - and that meant another day alive for that person. However it was not this simple, the starvation policies and punishments in place in the camps meant strength was impossible to maintain and skills were just as hard to gain when your main goal Is survival and not literally freezing to death.
Auschwitz 1 - with its evil metal gate - was composed of pre-built buildings, and so barracks were often warmer than the later Auschwitz-Birkenau. But you must hear this, that Poland is cold. As a UK resident, I was cold - wearing a thick, goose feathered coat, multiple pares of trousers, a hat and two jackets underneath my coat too. I was shivering cold. So when I say 'warmer' you must picture a brick building thinner than your torso, with no heating. With thin windows and no insulation. These were buildings stripped, not even suit for an animals habitat. Mud - slubby and thick and dirty - would build up by the doors and the central square where prisoners stood every morning for hours on end. Auschwitz 1 today houses rooms of extremely personal possessions from the prisoners themselves, possessions which hadn't been sold or blown up by the Nazis coming up to termination of the camps. I witnessed a room of dark human hair. A room too large to capture in one look - 6350 tonnes of human hair which had been stolen from people to be woven into blankets and curtains for the 'true Germans.' There's rooms full of shoes, praying mats, glasses, kitchen utensils, old Zyklon-B containers left over and prosthetics from one wall to the next (as pictured above). These people were victims, they were vulnerable - they were mothers, children, fathers, grandparents and grandchildren. Some were doctors, army veterans and some owned shops. They had lives that were not the camps - they had stories, and fell in love, and very very few lived to tell their story of persecution. We hear the number of 6 million Jews and 5 Million prisoners of war, we do not actually consider this number as the entirety of the primary school population throughout Scotland, England, Wales and northern island as of today. Every child aged 4-10 enrolled in primary school. This cannot be forgotten, for the victims lives were not lost then to be forgotten now.
After walking through the gas chamber in Auschwitz 1, as a group we clambered back onto the coach towards Auschwitz-birkenau. Parked and walking, across from me a shop sold books and cushions with 'I <3 poland.' Two minutes later I stood opposite a building split by a train track leading right into this walled prison. This walled prison which I could not see either side of - truly. Looking to my right stood stables that looked cold to touch let alone live in, so many in a row that the end was concealed from this point. Again to my right was the same. This was the thing that has stayed with me. The Size. We are obsessed with numbers and statistics but to stand opposite what so many people just like myself saw for their last dying hours, and to not be able to see where it ends - thats something that the photos truly do not capture. Thats when the true monstrosity hits you and you are standing speechless.
We walked on, on besides these tracks which gleam less now than they did 80 years ago. The building opposite us grows larger and my eyes continue to widen as the back of this camp still does not come into sight. Here we enter these wooden barracks. Wooden - one piece thick, put up by the victims themselves in less than days. Fit with 4 high bunks - to sleep up to 100 prisoners at once. The bottom bunk simply lay on the floor. no pillows or blankets, not even hay filled sacks - mud and wood and other peoples bodies. They were literal stables, made for horses. 50 horses worth - designed to house around 700 prisoners each but in reality was more around 1,200. A red wagon from the 40s sat still on the tracks, laid with red roses on the steps to remember the poor souls that stepped on and off, or were carried off due to conditions worse than imaginable - shuttled along like pigs. At the end of Auschwitz-birkenau, when you finally reach it, lay 3 blown up gas chambers. Destroyed by the Nazis before we could see the true devastation caused by them, and just passed them some cylindrical crematoriums lay - reminding us of the horror. The constant fear the victims would have felt smelling, hearing and seeing people walk into these and never walking out.
I will never feel the fear that those 11 million prisoners did feel, but I was blessed to hear Janine Webbers' account of the Nazi Ghettos in Eastern Poland. She described the lying corpses at arrival, the cars which scarcely transported the deceased out and located ill individuals - throwing them on top of the pile. The hangings, for days on end. She described watching her brother be killed by a guard, when they were hiding. Her hiding in a hole in the ground for a year - and being told her legs would never work properly again. Janine spoke of these tortures without a tear, but with confidence. Janine epitomises the confidence that so many went into Nazi persecution with, and we are blessed to hear her voice today. She was asked various questions and one individual asked her if she feels safe from persecution today. Her response stood out to me, as she claimed "do I feel safe, you mean? Well you never stop being a holocaust survivor."
Now, whilst this Blog has explored my experience of learning about the holocaust through travel and listening, the true questions ask what I learnt and the contemporary relevance of the holocaust. We must remember because beautiful people like Janine are still here and we do not have long to listen to them. We must remember because of the 34% increase of anti-semisism just from 2020 to 2021. We must remember, because these are not 11 million people, they're 11 million persons. They had families, dreams, aspirations and plans of what to do tomorrow - bucket lists which were never ticked off and goals which were never achieved. The holocaust was the destruction of individuals, communities and a culture. Oświęcim today houses not a single Jew. From 58% to 0. Customs, ideas, people - were so nearly stolen entirely. So for the sake of human rights, The right to believe freely, the right to speech and the right to life - we must protect ,remember and pray for those who's right's were not respected.
On January 27th, 1945, soviet troops liberated Auschwitz camp.
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Rewind to the exam day...
The level of my nervousness can be felt with increased heart beat, higher levels of uncertainty and a need to force a cool mindset. I was convincing myself to chillax and not overthink and was eventually successful in doing so. From past few months, ive been receiving loads of best wishes and blessings from everyone. The fate of the exam lied in my hands alone.
I wake up at 7:20am, an hour and 20 minutes late than what I had decided. I took a deep breath, stretched my body and casually reminded myself that it's 7th May, the date that would indirectly decide the entire course of my life. After drinking coffee, i started revising biology. It was a wise decision. I read the topics that were confusing and tricky for me to remember. As we had to leave early, i didn't read much and just ate my brunch and got ready. I had to wear some of the simplest clothes ever, so that saved time.
We reached the exam centre ten minutes earlier than anticipated and found a crowd of people (mostly parents) outside the school gate. There was no clarity on what the students can carry with themselves and what they can't. Finally i went inside the school gate for frisking and registration procedures. Every time a wave of anxious and self-doubt feeling hit me, i would start singing Tom's Diner by AnnenMayKantereit and The Giant Rooks in my mind. Two days before the exam, i found this awesome German band on YouTube through The Giant Rooks; and I'm thankful for that. I was through the screening process smoothly except that I had forgotten an extra copy of my photograph. This problem was also solved. I saw two of my coaching friends there too! I'm relieved that i didn't face any issues related to documents.
There was still one and a half hour left for the exam to begin. I went to the classroom that I was alloted with. I effortlessly searched my seat which was right on the first bench and awkwardly sat in it. Almost all the students were there. The invigilator checked my papers. For the next one and a half hour, my brain was going through a ton of emotions, however i made sure that none of them hit any worst case scenario. Meanwhile i revised whatever i could remember. I got the paper on time and took a look at all the subjects in order to decide which one to solve first. I completed the biology section within 35 minutes, followed by chem and physics. This was followed by round two and three of solving the unattempted ones in which i solved majority of the calculative questions. I also managed to make zero errors in filling the omr bubbles. Overall i was able to execute my methodology to a great extent.
At 5:20pm sharp, i bubbled my last question and submitted the paper. It took 30 minutes of waiting after that for the invigilators to wind up their procedures and waiting for our class's turn to leave the school campus. We were escorted down to the gate by one of the invigilators. As I walk out of the gate, I see a crowd of parents peeping to see if their kid has come. I make my way through the people and saw my parents. Mum knew me better than anyone else. She was ready with a chilled latte in her hand and i was feeling relieved. On my way home, i enjoyed some edm Hindi songs in the car and slowly started realising the fact that i had faced the endgame and i finally gave the exam for which I've been preparing for 20 months! Still awaiting the result, but I'm still nervous cuz i belong to the General Category.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The voice of rugby and all round good guy Bill McLaren was born on October 16th 1923 in Hawick.
The BBC commentator known fondly as the voice of rugby, McLaren was the best rugby commentator of all time and by many has been described as one of the best men the world has ever seen.
He was unbiased, clear, knowledgeable, and his voice is part of the fabric of rugby in its greatest era. Scotland is proud that a Scotsman was the best rugby commentator, but he was more than that, he fought at Monte Cassino, one of the Second World War’s bloodiest battles, and at one stage found himself in a ditch when he heard German voices just feet away. He was 20-years old.
Everyone knows that he should have been capped at the game he loved but tuberculosis robbed him of the chance. McLaren was born in that Borders and grew up to be a talented flanker.
Having made the Hawick first XV before the war, he played in a Scotland trial in 1947 and was on the verge of a full international cap when he contracted the tuberculosis which nearly killed him.
He was desperately ill and fading fast when the specialist asked him to be a guinea pig for a new drug called Streptomycin along with four others, three of them died but McLaren made what amounted to a miracle recovery. His first commentary was made while convalescing from TB, describing table tennis matches for the hospital radio.
McLaren studied Physical Education in Aberdeen, and went on to teach PE right through to 1987, coaching several players who went on to play for Scotland - Jim Renwick, Colin Deans and Tony Stanger.
It was through his junior reporting with the Hawick Express that he launched himself into a career of commentary, making his national debut for BBC radio in 1953, when Scotland were beaten 12-0 by Wales. The switch to television came six years later.
Scotland and Hawick sorely miss McLaren who died in 2010 aged 86, he described his home town regularly by saying that a day out of Hawick “is a day wasted”.
A proud moment in Bill’s life would have no doubt been in 2002, when the press gallery at Murrayfield was named the Bill McLaren Press Gallery.
Since his passing The Bill McLaren Foundation was set up,  a charity which exists to develop and promote rugby union and sporting opportunities, to encourage and provide sporting opportunities for young people and to create an educative centre which will include the Bill McLaren Archive, I checked for their web page but it is currently under maintenance. 
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calciopics · 2 years
Alexandra Popp’s warmup woes rob her of fairytale finish with Germany
Injury shortly before kick-off denied the tournament’s best finisher the ending she had craved for an entire career
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While England danced along to “Don’t stop me now”, Alexandra Popp made a long and lonely walk along the touchline to the pocket of Germany fans in Wembley’s north-west corner. She had been stopped before she had even begun. Two or three of the travelling support were able to catch the pieces of kit she tossed up: a water bottle, a bag, perhaps a spare shirt.
Popp lobbed up several gifts although, true to form, there was not a towel in sight. She has never thrown that in and it is why, even in an arena pulsating with the glory of one of its most famous nights, everybody might have spared a thought for the tournament’s best striker.
In the end Germany will feel that, sometimes, fate and fortune are simply not on your side. They have tended to expertly steer clear of such a conclusion, whether at this level or any other, down the years but thoughts will inevitably turn to the cruellest of pre-match twists.
This had been Popp’s summer: she had been its best striker and, after she had overcome a succession of cruelly timed injuries to perform with an enthralling vigour and panache, a fairytale writer with little regard for host‑nation headiness would have offered the ending she had craved for an entire career.
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Instead she cut a distraught figure after pulling out with a muscle injury in the warmup and there was an impression, even before a ball had been kicked, that Germany’s narrative had run out of road. Perhaps, if those away fans had collectively closed their eyes and wished hard enough, the match might have run to penalties and Popp, dragging herself off the bench, might have slotted in the winner. But reality painted a less romantic picture, even though Martina Voss‑Tecklenburg will feel her team were by no means inferior on the night.
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At an earlier point in the post‑match euphoria, Sarina Wiegman’s players were belting out Sweet Caroline in a long line facing the seats occupied by their friends and family. Halfway down the other end of the pitch, their beaten opponents leaned in to a huddle. Voss-Tecklenburg, the coach whose calm authority shone through in this tournament, stood at its centre and for a moment her players straightened up.
Germany had slumped to the floor as one upon the full-time whistle as if drowned by the tide of white-and-red emotion around them. Defeat in a European Championship final would hurt anyone; here the pain came with an extra sting. No German side had fallen short after getting this far, and then there was the fact they had done so in such a storied fixture.
Soon enough there was cause to walk taller. The loud ovation Germany received upon collecting their runners-up medals spoke beautifully of the good-natured spirit in which this entire competition has been contested but it also told a further truth. This is an outstanding side that stretched England to the limit in a tense, taut, nervy and sometimes tetchy final, dictating much of the game and not deserving to lose. For the home side, joy was heightened by the knowledge victories come no more hard-earned than this.
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Popp’s absence was telling at times, particularly when Germany failed to capitalise on a succession of inviting positions before Lina Magull’s smart leveller. There was a moment when Giulia Gwinn, their superb right-back, marauded into the area and arrowed a waist‑high cross that evaded Sydney Lohmann; it took little effort to imagine Popp flinging herself gladiatorially at the ball and making sure.
There had also been cruel luck in the continued absence of Klara Bühl, the flying winger out with Covid-19, and at times it was not hard to wonder what their first‑choice attack might have achieved when the screw was turned. The substitute Nicole Anyomi – tall, strong, quick and technically excellent with it – made a difference, though, and nobody would seriously suggest this squad is anything but deep in ability.
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Those absences might make German hearts look back more fondly but, on the pitch, this game was decided by two moments when things went askew. Ella Toone’s opener was sublimely taken but followed a long stoppage for injuries to Marina Hegering and Beth Mead, England reacting the quicker.
The winner by Chloe Kelly, who may not have had the chance to seize on confusion at a corner if the commanding Hegering had not been substituted halfway through extra time, came shortly after a curious sequence in which the keeper Merle Frohms sidefooted away a speculative shot from Toone. In these small episodes, the focus and application that marked an otherwise super‑assured performance appeared to waver. Most teams would let you get away with it; England are not most teams.
So Germany lick their wounds, but anyone zooming out will consider how important their sweat and tears were to the success of this occasion. A record crowd, a booming television viewership and a captive audience of new fans needed to see an event of this intensity: a physical, technical tussle played at a rattling pace by two heavyweights who both showed up on the night.
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It takes a pair of marvellous football teams to make a final truly worth winning. Popp, for one, may take some convincing of such consolation but Germany contributed thrillingly to the sense women’s football will only soar in one direction from here.
Nick Ames (The Guardian)
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Best Ways to Learn German Fast
 Learning a new language can be challenging and time-consuming, but with the right approach, it's possible to make rapid progress. In this article, we'll provide tips and strategies for learning German quickly and efficiently.
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Set Specific Goals
One of the first things you should do when learning German is to set specific goals. What do you want to achieve with the language? Do you want to be able to have simple conversations with German speakers, read German books, or watch German movies without subtitles?
Setting specific goals will help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. It will also give you a clear idea of what you need to learn and how much time you need to dedicate to your studies.
Focus on the Most Useful Vocabulary
When learning a new language, it's essential to focus on the most useful vocabulary first. In German, this includes basic phrases, numbers, days of the week, and months of the year, as well as common verbs and nouns.
By focusing on the most useful vocabulary, you'll be able to start using the language quickly and effectively. You can find lists of the most common German words online or in language learning apps like Duolingo and Babbel.
Immerse Yourself in the Language
One of the most effective ways to learn a new language quickly is to immerse yourself in it as much as possible. This means listening to German music, watching German TV shows and movies, and reading German books and articles.
Immersing yourself in the language will help you get used to the sounds and rhythms of German, as well as the grammar and vocabulary. It will also give you a better understanding of the culture and customs of German-speaking countries.
Practice Speaking and Listening
Speaking and listening are essential skills when learning a new language, and it's important to practice them regularly. You can practice speaking by finding a language exchange partner or by using language learning apps like Tandem and HelloTalk.
Listening can be practiced by listening to German podcasts, music, and TV shows. It's also important to pay attention to the way native speakers pronounce words and phrases and to try to mimic their pronunciation.
Use Language Learning Apps
There are many language learning apps available today that can help you learn German quickly and efficiently. Some of the most popular apps include Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone.
These apps use a variety of techniques to teach you the language, including interactive exercises, audio recordings, and video lessons. Many of these apps also allow you to practice speaking and listening with native speakers.
Take a Language Course
If you want to learn German quickly and effectively, taking a language course can be a great option. Language courses provide structured lessons and a dedicated teacher who can help you learn the language more efficiently.
You can take a language course online or in person, depending on your preferences. There are many language schools and online platforms that offer German courses for beginners and advanced learners.
Watch German TV Shows and Movies
Watching German TV shows and movies can be an excellent way to improve your listening and comprehension skills. You can start with simple shows and movies with subtitles and work your way up to more challenging content as your skills improve.
Some popular German TV shows and movies include "Dark," "Tatort," and "Good Bye, Lenin!" You can find these shows and movies on streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu.
Read German Books and Articles
Reading German books and articles can help you improve your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. You can start with simple children's books and work your way up to more challenging literature as your skills improve.
Learn German Language in jaipur
Goethe Institute in jaipur
A1 Level German Institute in jaipur
A2 Level German Class in jaipur
German Coaching Centre in Jaipur
German classes in Jaipur
German coaching
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freedformwriter · 10 days
Diary of a Baggage Train: Day 4
I know I’m on a Road Trip when I stop to watch four ducks herded through a series of miniature Highland themed tourist attractions. If I’d paid attention, I’d have noticed this fact before because look at the evidence: I’m sharing the road with predominately professional drivers (the baggage transfer companies hurtling from hostelry to hostelry with assorted trekkers’ gear) while listing to alternative 80s pop (the Talking Heads’ album from the year I was born). But it’s when I dive into the Scottish Wool Centre for the loos and end up staying an hour to watch a sheep show translated into German, I know I’ve moved from simply shadowing my mother’s walk to going on my own weird little adventure. Random roadside attractions are peak Road Trip.
Last night’s digs at a converted hunting lodge, with the Scottish Hostelry logo even the duvet covers, was the first time I’ve palpably felt my outlier identity in this trekking economy. Rowardennan is the end of the line. The following stretch of Loch Loman is inaccessible by car. Which means 1) I will never see Rob Roy’s cave. This is a shame as I was excited to stand in its dank interior imagining all the Victorian tourists who’d come to the spot to imagine being in a Sir Walter Scott novel while buying fake Clan McGregor souvenirs from enterprising Scottish lads. And 2) I am backtracking along with all the baggage vans to make a massive loop around to the top of the Loch. I stop off in Drymen, making a repeat purchase of the best gluten-free pistachio cookie in the world. I also purchase the only avocado in the entirety of central Scotland (feels like!) so my keto-diet mother doesn’t die of malnutrition, and move north, eyes peeled for new conquests.
At Aberfolye, the sheep stand in a lineup while the farmer discusses the merits of their breed. The Scottish Blackface fends best on the wild hillside, staying out there until their teeth fall out, while thick-legged Suffolk are prized for their meat. The Scottish Mule, ironically, produces the most multiple births. The Jacobs have cool horns; four of them. All are handsome, surprisingly big tups, but the most popular member of the cast is the tri-coloured flat-coat border collie (I only store these details in my brain because I know too many dog fanciers). Die Hunde heissen Darcy, and she is a rocket-fast two-year-old desperate to get started. But she won’t be herding sheep. Nope. Ducks. First, they are off to visit a waterfall, then Stirling Castle. Darcy then encourages them into a coach, before finally tucking them up for the night in their backpackers hostel (Quakers).
These ducks are us. We are the poultry. And I’ve evaded the sheepdog charge to move me along.
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wecoverseaseducation · 6 months
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eticketingcouk · 8 months
Austria Euro Cup: Ralf Rangnick's full squad for the Euro 2024 qualifiers
Euro 2024 Tickets: The Euro Cup 2024 featuring Euro Cup Deutschland. Euro Cup Germany is shaping the Austrian squad for the upcoming tournament. Ralf Rangnick, David Alaba, and their team are gearing up for the grand event next summer. Prepare for the arrival of the Austrian Euro Cup 2024 squad. Ralf Rangnick's team is making remarkable progress in their quest for qualification in the next major tournament.
Euro fans worldwide can book Euro 2024 Tickets from our online platform www.eticketing.co. Fans can book Euro Cup 2024 Tickets on our website at discounted prices.
Austria has participated in the last two Euro Cups, making it to the knockout stage for the first time in 2020. Where they were narrowly defeated in the round of 16 by the eventual champions, Italy. With a squad brimming with talent, including players like David Alaba. Marcel Sabitzer, and Marko Arnautovic, Austria Euro Cup is a team worth watching closely. The Euro Cup 2024, will take place in neighbouring Germany.
The Euro 2024 event is set to be a spectacle of football excellence. The Austrian national team is eager to make its mark on this grand stage. With the Euro Cup 2024 just around the corner, the excitement is building, and fans are eagerly anticipating Austria's performance.
Austria's Euro Cup Journey: Building a Contender for Euro Cup Germany
As the tournament draws nearer, Ralf Rangnick and his coaching staff work diligently. Fine-tune the Euro Cup Austria Euro Cup 2024 squad, ensuring they have the best possible lineup. Players like David Alaba, Marcel Sabitzer, and Marko Arnautovic bring a wealth of experience. Skill to the team, and they will play a crucial role in Austria's campaign in Euro Cup Germany.
The journey of the Austrian team in Euro Cup 2024 promises to be an exciting one. With a history of strong performances in recent European Championships. A squad that boasts a combination of seasoned veterans and emerging talents. Austria has the potential to be a significant contender in the tournament.
So, keep your eyes on Euro Cup Austria, Euro Cup Germany, and all the action. That will unfold in this thrilling football event. It's a showcase of the best of European football, and Austria aims to be right at the heart of it.
Euro Cup Germany fans worldwide can book Euro 2024 Tickets from our online platform www.eticketing.co. Fans can book Austria Euro Cup Tickets on our website at discounted prices.
Austria Euro Cup 2024 squad: The squad for the October internationals
Ralf Rangnick's Journey: From Manchester United to Managing Austria in Euro Cup 2024
Following his stint at Manchester United without achieving the desired results, Ralf Rangnick ventured into international management for the first time in the summer of 2022, taking over from fellow German Franco Foda as the Austria boss.
Euro Cup fans worldwide can book Euro Cup Final Tickets from our online platform www.eticketing.co. Fans can book Euro Cup Tickets on our website at discounted prices.
The former director of football and head coach of RB Leipzig has successfully guided Austria to four victories and a draw in their initial five qualifiers, positioning them within striking distance of securing a berth in Euro 2024. Despite his relatively young age, David Alaba has already earned a place among Austria's most experienced players of all time, second only to his teammate Marko Arnautovic in terms of appearances.
The versatile Real Madrid player, who has transitioned from left-back to midfielder and even centre-back, aspires to shine for his nation in his third major tournament. He is also eyeing the captain's role for a second time, having previously led the team during Euro 2020.
Ralf Rangnick's transition to international management marks a significant chapter in his career. After his time at Manchester United, he has embraced a new challenge with Austria, aiming to bring his expertise and tactical acumen to lead the team towards success in Euro Cup 2024.
Austria's Euro Cup 2024 Qualification Quest: Rangnick's Guidance and Alaba's Leadership
Under Rangnick's guidance, Austria has demonstrated impressive form in the qualifiers, securing four victories and a crucial draw. This places them on the cusp of qualification for Euro 2024, set to be held in Germany. The team's prospects look promising, and Rangnick's experience in the world of football management will play a pivotal role in their journey.
David Alaba, a stalwart of the Austrian national team, stands as a symbol of the team's strength and determination. His extensive international experience, second only to Marko Arnautovic, underscores his importance to the squad. With his adaptability and versatility on the field, Alaba is not only a key player but a potential captain, having previously donned the armband during Euro 2020.
As Euro 2024 approaches, all eyes are on Austria and its promising prospects in the tournament. With Ralf Rangnick at the helm and David Alaba leading the charge, the team is gearing up for an exciting campaign in the heart of European football.
Euro Cup 2024 fans worldwide can book Euro 2024 Tickets from our online platform www.eticketing.co. Fans can book Euro Cup Tickets on our website at discounted prices.
How many players are Austria Euro Cup allowed to take to Euro Cup Germany?
The number currently stands at 26, but this figure is subject to confirmation. It has been revealed that the 26-player squads are set to make a comeback for the upcoming Qatar World Cup, marking an increase from the conventional 23-player teams.
In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, national managers were granted the unprecedented opportunity to assemble 26-player squads for the 2021 European Championship. This exceptional adjustment was made to address the concerns surrounding the pandemic's impact on team dynamics and player availability.
The prospect of 26-player squads at the Qatar World Cup 2024 underscores the evolving landscape of international football competitions. This expansion from the traditional 23-player teams signifies a significant adjustment in response to the unique challenges that global events like the COVID-19 pandemic have presented.
Allowing national managers to select larger squads not only offers flexibility in managing player fitness and health but also provides opportunities for emerging talents to shine on the world stage. As the tournament in Qatar approaches, it will be intriguing to see how this change in squad size impacts team strategies and dynamics.
In summary, the decision to maintain 26-player squads at the Qatar World Cup reflects a pragmatic response to the ongoing challenges faced in international football, emphasizing adaptability and readiness for the unexpected in the beautiful game.
We offer Euro Cup Tickets to admirers who can get Euro 2024 tickets through our trusted online ticketing marketplace. Eticketing.co is the most reliable source for booking Euro Cup Final Tickets. Sign up for the latest Euro Cup Germany Ticket alert.
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Top IELTS Coaching Institutes in Lucknow: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the quest for higher education or career advancement abroad, the best ielts classes in Lucknow (IELTS) are the key that unlocks doors to opportunities. A high IELTS score is often a prerequisite for admission to universities and colleges worldwide. It's also vital for immigration and professional purposes. However, achieving a remarkable score on the IELTS test isn't a walk in the park. To prepare effectively, many aspirants turn to professional coaching. If you're in Lucknow and in pursuit of the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow, you're in the right place.
Why Choose Professional IELTS Coaching?
While self-study is an option, professional best ielts classes in Lucknow offer a structured and guided approach to mastering the test. These coaching institutes provide expert guidance, proven strategies, and simulated practice tests that replicate the real exam environment. Your chances of reaching your goal score might be considerably increased with the correct coaching.
Navigating the Options
Lucknow boasts a plethora of options for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow, making it crucial to choose the best fit for your needs. From established coaching centres to private tutors, the choices are diverse. Research and reviews play a key role in identifying the coaching centres that have a track record of success and align with your learning style.
Top IELTS Coaching Institutes in Lucknow
Meridean Overseas: The institute is an authorised IELTS registration center and collaborates with the British Council. Many students have benefited from their assistance in being accepted to institutions in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Canada.
British School of Language: The faculty offers the greatest foreign language instruction in the business in tongues including French, Spanish, and German. BSL provides online classes in French, German, and Spanish as well as a Personality Development Program and English for Speakers of Other Languages.
Eduken: One of the top organizations in Lucknow offering IELTS training is The Eduken. Vipul Tandon established the institution in 2008 with the mission of making learning enjoyable and meaningful.
Jamboree Education: For a variety of international admission tests, they provide specialised classroom and online test preparation options.
Manya- The Princeton: The institute provides complete direction and support for students' academic endeavors. They are most renowned for assisting students with GMAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, IELTS, and TOEFL exam preparation.
Small Batch Sizes
In best ielts classes in Lucknow, Small batch sizes allow for personalised attention and focused learning. It ensures that instructors can address individual concerns effectively.
Comprehensive Study Materials
Comprehensive study materials, including books, practice tests, and audio resources, can make a significant difference in your preparation.
Regular Mock Tests
Best ielts classes in Lucknow take Regular mock tests designed to mirror the real exam, help students understand their progress and get accustomed to the test format.
Motivating Learning Environment
A motivating learning environment is critical to keeping students engaged and focused on their goals. Look for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow that offers a positive and inspiring ambience.
Location and Accessibility
Considering Lucknow's size and traffic, the location of the best ielts classes in Lucknow matters. Opt for a centre that's easily accessible and located in a convenient area. This ensures that your commute doesn't add unnecessary stress to your preparation journey.
Customised Study Plans
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to test preparation. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow centres understand this and offer customised study plans. These strategies are formed based on your advantages and potential growth areas. Such a strategy maximizes your efforts and efficiently uses your time.
Interactive Learning
Engagement and interaction are essential for effective learning. Look for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow that encourages discussions, doubt-solving sessions, and peer interactions. Interactive learning fosters a deeper understanding of concepts and offers different perspectives.
Preparing for all Test Sections
The IELTS test consists of multiple sections – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow ensures comprehensive preparation for each section. From enhancing your vocabulary and reading comprehension to refining your essay-writing skills and interview techniques, they cover all bases.
Time Management Techniques
Time is of the essence in the IELTS test. Adequate time control is a talent that may greatly affect your test results. The best ielts classes in Lucknow provide strategies to tackle each section within the allocated time, helping you avoid last-minute rushes.
Making the Right Choice
Choosing the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow is a critical decision that can shape your IELTS journey and, consequently, your future opportunities. You may enter the testing facility with confidence and leave with a score that opens doors to your dreams if you receive the correct advice, use the appropriate techniques, and prepare well. Therefore, go out on this path with vigor and let Lucknow's finest IELTS coaching facilities be your partners in success. Your dreams await, and the path to achieving them starts here, in the heart of Lucknow.
IELTS coaching is a crucial step for achieving your academic or professional goals. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow offers a diverse range of options, each with its unique strengths. Whether you're a student aiming for a high score to secure admission to a foreign university or a professional seeking better job opportunities abroad, the right or best ielts classes in Lucknow can make all the difference. Make an informed choice, prepare diligently, and step closer to your dreams with confidence.
I hope this helps! Contact Meridean Overseas at 1800123000011 or visit our website for a complimentary counselling session.
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graceacademyieltsoet · 11 months
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