#German horror pulp
weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Sebastia Boadá - Der magische Spiegel des Temudschien (The Magic Mirror of Temujien)
cover art from Silber Grusel-Krimi #116, May 4, 1976
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Rudolf Sieber-Lonati
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doomreturn · 8 months
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kekwcomics · 1 year
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GESPENSTER GESCHICTEN #458 (Bastei-Verlag, 1983?)
"Ghost Stories"
Art: Ugurcan Yuce
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adarlingmess · 1 year
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John Sinclair: Demon Hunter
Darling’s Daily Drawing | February 2, 2023
First art of the month. Occult detective fiction? Check. Demons? Check. Detective in his mid-thirties with a sexy voice? Check. I’m hooked on this English audio drama adaptation of John Sinclair, originally penned in German by Jason Dark!
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bloodybosom · 1 year
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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Rudolf Sieber-Lonati’s cover art for Larry Brent #159, an installment in a long-running German pulp horror series
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cantsayidont · 8 months
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October 1944. Born on Monday: The debut of one of the most fearsome of DC's Golden Age villains, the monstrous Solomon Grundy, in a story written by noted science fiction author Alfred Bester. Although he looked like Universal's Frankenstein Monster (then appearing with Dracula and the Wolf Man in a popular series of monster movies), Grundy was actually a kind of swamp monster, built around the skeleton of murdered miser Cyrus Gold. As Green Lantern explains:
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Grundy's origin is very similar to that of the Hillman Comics muck-monster The Heap, who had first appeared in the Sky Wolf story in AIR FIGHTERS COMICS #3 (December 1942), although the Heap had originally been a WW1 German flying ace, Baron Emmelmann. (The Heap later inspired Swamp Thing and Man-Thing.) However, all of these characters ultimately had their roots in a Theodore Sturgeon short story called "It," first published in the pulp magazine UNKNOWN in 1940.
Because Solomon Grundy is immune to Alan's power ring (which didn't work on wood), Alan eventually deals with him by shoving the monster in front of an oncoming freight train. However, as any horror movie fan could tell you, it's not so easy to kill something that's dead to begin with. Grundy would return three more times in the Golden Age, next appearing in the Green Lantern story in COMIC CAVALCADE #13 (Winter 1945).
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swoosbadfuture · 2 months
ian and erin headcanons . hi im sane
Barely scraping 5’7
Half Canadian on his mom’s side
Bisexual, male pref
Straight A* student all aside from literature in which he barely has a B. Do not mention literature to him ever he’ll go mad
superiority complex . start the clown music . he needs to prove he’s the best always because if he isn’t the best then he’s automatically the worst
Very very autistic + low empathy. Prefers logic > emotion . Has a kind of “im not the weird one everyone else is weird I’m the normal one” view by accident
Complete Mama’s boy. you would never expect it but he is her little boy through and through
Gets along well w his dad too but they have very similar personalities and kinda clash a lot . Similar ideals just both very argumentative n stubborn . But god they will sit and listen to music for hours and just go full autism mode over it
Both his parents are very chill though. They are also both goths n r very proud of Ian
He's an only child
Voice breaks the moment he shows any emotion he’ll be talking normally n then get emotional n his voice just 📈
Speaking of which he is overly emotional and very bad at expressing it . very volatile person
Loyal to a fault and very justice oriented but also kinda holds these values to everyone without realising not everyone has the same morals . He doesn’t quite Get that not everyone is the same as him
Overprotective in a way that sometimes comes across as possessive . He’s not possessive he just has issues okay 💔
Phobia of the ocean and everything in it u will never see him on a boat ever he’d rather Die
Was good friends with Jason in kindergarten but kinda drifted apart from him as Jason got closer with Kevin. Kevin and Ian have never liked eachother insult eachother mercilessly. Poor Jason had to sit there and watch as they tried to beat eachother to a pulp. You can tell Kevin hates Ian because he rarely ever calls him by his first name
has a boyfriend in secret. Very much denies it. Only Erin and his parents know and he is trying so very hard to not let the secret out
Wants OUT of McKinley so bad . doesn’t even care abt changing his last name. I imagine McKinley is probably a bit of a small suburban town thats a bit of a bedroom community. The theme park is probably more well known than the town itself. Ian knows that if he just moves a few towns over then the name association will Go Away
Wanted to do astrophysics at college :) thinks space is cool as fuck
Resting face is worse than bitch he looks like he’s about to commit a murder in cold blood . Cold stare 0 emotions. And then suddenly he smiles and he’s just :D
Must stick to a consistent sleep schedule or else he’s a delusional nightmare
Stronger than he looks but would also probably crumple into 1000 pieces if he stubbed his toe
Likes horror movies but is lowkey a bit squeamish . would never admit it though. His favourite movie is Saw 2004 and he has to look away at all the gorey parts
5’8 and uses this 1 inch she has over Ian for Everything.
German ancestry on her dad’s side but doesn really know much about it besides that It’s There
Bisexual w pref for girls .
She/they nonbinary
Dyed her hair blue once and the ends are still kinda stained . Doesn’t care to cut it off because she thinks it looks cool (it does (it absolutely does))
Actual straight A* student and again uses this against Ian and teases him about his many struggles with Shakespeare
Collects bones n skulls n animal pelts and etc. Owns a few taxidermy animals .
Also very autistic n relates a lot to Ian bc of it
Is actually fairly good at socialising! just hates people
Parents do not understand the whole goth thing but are trying their best . Yes they did freak out when Erin brought home a taxidermy rat she got while out with Ian at an arts fair but oh well what can you do
Used to do figure skating when she was young !! still very confident at ice skating n likes to show off whenever she goes compared to Ian whos constantly falling on his ass. Let her have her moments of glory she deserves them.
The one who does the nail polish. Hence why hers is always perfect and Ian’s is always chipped bc she can always touch hers up whenever she needs to and Ian Cannot
Very aware of Ian’s superiority complex absolutely humbles him every chance she gets
Kinda obsessed w shitty low budget horror movies and indie films
Absolutely adores the art of SFX and fake gore / blood / etc n loved doing it herself. Halloween was her favourite holiday and she’d always go all out with it. Or would grab Ian and make him sit there for 2 hours. “come here sit down I need to see how realistically I can make your hand look like it’s been mauled” “Erin ew what the fuck”
Crush on Wendy that she’d never ever admit to. Only Ian knows and they have a deal where if he doesn’t spill about her crush she won’t spill about his boyfriend. Problem solved (they’re at eachother’s necks over it)
Makes friendship bracelets for her friends. Rest in peace Erin Ulmer you wouldve loved the Loom Bands craze of 2014
the both of them
Social rejects but they own it ™️ . Will literally take in anyone who’s also a bit of a ‘weird kid’ and convert them to goth subculture
Unfortunately this happens never it really do just kinda be the two of them vs the world huh
Dated for like a week once in sophomore year. Broke up immediately after their first kiss and decided they’d just pretend it never happened and that that 1 week of their lives just doesn’t exist. Did not happen ❤️
That being said though RAAAH WHAT ARE THE BOUNDS OF FRIENDSHIP. They hug and cuddle and hold hands and kiss cheeks constantly even if only as friends. Very physically affectionate though partially kinda to fuck with people who can’t seem to understand what the hell is going on with them both
“Oh yeah look at us nobody thinks we’re queer” “Ian we’re goth we might as well have it tattooed on our foreheads” “Fucks sake I can’t have shit in the 21st century”
Friendly banter is fucking insane they are just straightup insulting eachother. You know that one Gumball meme where Gumball is in hospital after being hit by a bus and he gets a card from Darwin saying “that bus should’ve ended you. love Darwin” that’s them that’s them that is them
They care eachother so much they are just bad at vocalising it so if they arent sitting there hugging they instead feel the need to be aggressively mean to eachother in loving and caring way
Erin is way more grounded and has more common sense than Ian who meanwhile is batshit insane at times and will 100% do crazy shit for the hell of it
Both of them rockin up to the town next door w their fake IDs to buy a months worth of R rated movies (fool proof plan (Ian almost got arrested once))
If only they had been around when Vine came out …. they would’ve been famous i tell u
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subsequentibis · 1 year
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redraw of a german horror/pulp magazine cover that Spoke To Me
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Desilo - Die Geistwesen aus der Eastside-Klinik (The Spirits from the Eastside Clinic)
cover art from Silber Grusel-Krimi #149, July 26, 1977
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skaravor · 2 months
Hey :3
Call me Ska for short 🐦‍🔥
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A bit about me:
❤️ Pronouns: she/they
🖤 Demigirl/Demisexual
🐦‍🔥 Reincarnated Soul
🐈‍⬛ Favorite Animals: cats, wolves, bats, snakes, owls, hyenas
🥀 TCC: I do not condone, but I understand. There is a difference. Also TW for this blog: blood, gore, other potentially sensitive subjects.
🖤 Interests/Hobbies: TCC (especially Columbine and Dahmer), witchcraft, the occult, any thing goth and/or fantasy, LOTR, LOTRO, drawing, other arts and crafts, Doom
❤️‍🔥 Favorite Music: grunge, industrial metal, rock, alternative, metal as a whole (especially 90s), anything goth, punk, folk (especially German and Dark)
💀 (Some) Favorite Bands/Artists: Nirvana, KMFDM, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, Faun, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Deftones, Lana Del Rey, Phoebe Bridgers, Metallica, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, The Cure, Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac, Hole, Slipknot, Korn, Evanescence, Chevelle, Nickelback
💋 Favorite Movies/Shows: Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, American Horror Story (esp. Murder House), Hazbin Hotel (esp. Alastor), Helluva Boss (esp. Loona), Bridge Kids (esp. Lars and Isaiah), Zero Day (Cal!), Law & Order SVU (esp. Detective Munch)
🦷 Things I like to collect: crystals, feathers, bones, taxidermy, strange home decor pieces, historical memorabilia, pretty beads, little figurines
🍄 INFP-T, 4w5
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Have an amazing day! :3
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kekwcomics · 1 year
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Dan Shocker's Macabros Classics #17: "Dwylup, Stadt der Monster Folg" ("City of Monster Followers") Audiobook.
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gnomeniche · 1 year
got brainblasted by spiderverse 2 so here's hellmouth spiderverse au. the protagonists are all spidermen from different universes, Obviously. the antags are spiderman villains from different universe, also obviously.
clove is from a fantasy universe where everyone is magic obviously. she's spell-spinner. the aesthetic is like, storybook illustrations. soft watercolors and sketchy lines. she was given powers for helping the queen of the spiders once. she uses her web spinners in very creative ways and like in canon hellmouth she channels magic and weaves spells into them. i want to say rosemary is the green goblin of that universe because she is a powerful lady who is also deranged and full of hubris. and the drama possibilities...
ambrose is from a horror-themed universe. he's the spider-monster. aesthetic is german expressionist film w/a bit of influence from woodblocks. heavy contrast. he was revived from the dead with a serum created from irradiated spider venom and his canon event was when kestrel died. he has beastly spider elements and relies more on pure strength. i think he eats people like miguel. peregrine is doc ock because he is an evil scientist and do you know how gross and organic those arms would be if peri made them. awesome
lucas is from an urban fantasy universe. aka standard but all the superpowers are supernatural instead of Comic Book Science. i think the aes is painterly? like cheesy pulp fantasy covers. he's just called spider-man and he lives in manhattan, kansas bc i think i'm funny. when he was a kid he had an encounter with a dying spider creature that was hiding in his town and gained its powers, including enhanced magical sight. he is very pragmatic during fights and avoids direct engagement. sets traps n shit. i'm gonna be real i have no idea which villain linden is but i'll figure it out eventually
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Jealous Germany (Scenario) Germany X Reader (Hetalia) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Muffins and welcome back to another chapter, this chapter is a scenario of Yandere Germany being jealous! so please enjoy this chapter here! My sweet muffins]
Disclaimer One: Just because I am writing a fictional personification of a country as a yandere DOES NOT Mean this is how people from Germany act. It is FICTION and not to be taken seriously. Germany from Hetalia is a fictional character and is not how actual German people act thank you.
Disclaimer Two: Germany is not a yandere in canon this was just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters is fine as long as you separate fiction from reality. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.
Disclaimer/TW: Slight mention of torture
(No One's POV)
Germany was not a man to see himself falling in love. That was until he met you, you are a stunning person and he wanted you as his partner. He was not clear on how he felt. As he did not know how to tell you how he felt. Though he thought he was. So one day it came to him going to ask you out on a date. That is when he sees you with (YOUR S/O). He saw how you kissed them on the lips and played with their hair.
The flowers in his hands began to be crushed as he stares in shock, horror, and disgust. This person did not and SHOULD Not be touching you! They would pay for this. Germany had a have of mind to storm in there and beat this person to a bloody pulp. Then to punish you.
Though that would make him seem like the bad guy. So instead he waits and stews. He wants you for days on end with this person. Watching for the right moment to strike. It finally came when (Your S/O) went to your home when you were not there. Germany works fast and comes He hits (Your S/O) over the head with a crowbar. Knocking them out and dragging them out of your home.
Germany takes them back to an undisclosed location and wakes them up. They are tied to a table.
(TWIGGER WARNING THE MENTION OF TORTURE START HERE: Long story short some medieval torture is explained no actual torture scene)
"You know, I been thinking of many ways to get rid of you." He says to them. "I have tortured many people in my life."
They are gagged so they cannot speak back.
"But I picked one of my favorite methods."
He picks up a bucket and a cage with a rat.
"This little guy is going to burrow inside of you and then I will seal you up." Germany says. "Then it will eat its way out of you. I then will leave you to succumb to blood loss or infection. Though I am going to add honey to your body, plenty of critters will be attracted to the sticky sweet and you will feel them end you."
There is horror in the man's eyes as he thrashes and jerks screaming behind the gag.
"This is what you get for being with my love. They belong to me, not to you." Germany says and got to work.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed it, and stay sexy all my muffins!]
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