#Ghostly Images
shadowedaiartistry · 1 year
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No Path For Rain Beneath The Waves
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de-rochester · 2 years
You are a nomad in my dark verse. So this was how you died.
Evan Morte (via de-rochester)
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lampfacedstudios · 4 months
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leave it to me to plan out a piece and then get lost as hell in the rendering of a singular dimension of the piece that was supposed to be blurred to begin with
eh I'll probably just blur the tall grass in the foreground.
I can just imagine how nuts I'll go when I actually get to the rendering of the subject and then the background aspects.
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batgirlcopia · 4 months
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illustrations for the tenth chapter of Copia's Conundrum (@lincopia-otrogothia)
thank you for reading!
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yinyuexuelei · 2 years
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rumors say that the ghost of an old guest disciple haunts the back hills of the cloud recesses...
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polarfarina · 4 months
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Me when it's awkward
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todayimfour · 8 months
I don't wanna be a big boy
I wanna be one of these very silly kitties
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ask-nova-valentine · 8 months
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They are friends :>
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ride-a-dromedary · 2 months
I mentioned that Halsin's mother left him a slender journal with all of her notes, remedies, and recipes from her time as a healer experimenting with different ways of treating ailments. It's been an invaluable resource to him, even if some of her concoctions have become difficult to procure with resources they once had easy access to becoming less readily available with time.
He takes that little book near everywhere with him, the pages practically disintegrating with age, held together by a wing and a prayer and careful restitching of paper under the elven crafted leather binding - still in tact - some places worn completely smooth and illegible with age.
And the thing is, he's memorized that journal cover to cover; he knows every note and every scribble in the margins; has used nearly every recipie several hundred times over; remembers the order of the mixture of her burn salve to the exact consitency. He remembers how it used to smell, and the corner where she wrote his name before it eventually creased away. So, by all means, he does not need to take it with him anymore, if for nothing else, to keep it in tact. But he takes it with him regardless because every now and again, he likes to open it and look at his mother's handwriting, carefully tracing over her unclosed loops and crowded letters; it's the last thing of hers he has that has not been lost to time. And he fears one day he'll forget what it looked like, as he has started to forget what she looked like.
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ghosttrolls · 5 months
Watching Splitting Images and I'm wondering about the dimension that Poindexter is trapped in, because it's filled with other kids from the 50s. Sidney Poindexter's backstory is that he was a real person who died and started haunting one of the lockers at school- but he's also trapped in a dimension that's stuck in the 50s, and it's exclusively a school hallway that seemingly just exists to torment Sidney for all of eternity. He's bullied constantly, nonstop, by his peers. But are his classmates who bully him projections of the memories of his classmates to make eternity feel more real? If they are, how do they know about ghosts? (Like, wouldn't that break the immersion a bit??) They acknowledge that Danny is a Halfa and actually call him "The Halfa," like they all consider Danny's existence common knowledge. So maybe it's more likely that they're ghosts - but there's, like, at least twenty of them, and they're all high schoolers. They would have had to all died at around the same time, right? I wonder if something happened at the school back in the 50s? Some kind of accident?? Or did all those kids actually live into adulthood but LOVED BULLYING SIDNEY SO MUCH that when they died they reverted back to their teenage years just to have a chance at tripping some nerd in the hallways again? I don't know man
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shadowedaiartistry · 7 months
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"... how to haunt"
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wolfheadghost · 4 months
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Im alive, but barely. Hozier is only thing keeping me from going into major burn out
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de-rochester · 2 years
He, like me, is haunted by ghostly.
Evan Morte
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foundfamilyhq · 4 months
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minty-bunni · 1 year
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polarfarina · 4 months
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Here to heal with my chicken drumstick
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