#Ginger Williams
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Leverage 3x15 - "The Big Bang Job"
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medullam · 1 year
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Ginger Williams - I Can't Resist Your Tenderness, ph. Dennis Morris [1976]
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georgefurth · 9 months
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Michael Malota (Art), Ginger Williams (Sandra), Gregory Jbara (Fred), Adam Wylie (Freddy), and Nora Dunn (Bea) in the 2000 West Coast premiere of Precious Sons
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swannsways · 5 months
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lisa frankenstein (2024) / ginger snaps (2000)
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musicalfilm · 1 year
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fred astaire & ginger rogers in roberta (1935)
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skyblueartt · 3 months
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SO!! I work at a pizza place IRL, and I have some coworkers that are suuuuper into fnaf. I love drawing on this whiteboard for customers to see (I’ve actually drawn the Afton kids before), and one of my coworkers gave me the idea to draw the Aftons at a pool party- so I did her idea!! This was so fun to do omfg
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Looks like William Powell visited the set of 42ND STREET to share Guy Kibbee secrets with Ginger Rogers. Or is he warning her?
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fleursscaptives · 1 year
pre raphaelite ginger ladies ♥️🧜🏻‍♀️
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rocketqueen1989x · 2 days
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axl wearing black nail polish is so cunty to me
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gingerbreadmonsters · 5 months
glass jaw
or: bruised, the apple of my black eye.
graphic blood, violence, and injury warnings, cutesy gory found vampire family shenanigans. i went to the haunted theme park in the middle of the woods at midnight, and all i got was this candy apple of temptation. what's up with that? alexis being the world’s best big sister in just over 8600 words.
warnings for gratuitous blood, violence and gore, graphic descriptions of injury and intent to grievously harm, and, like, one teeny tiny moment of cannibalism. i strongly encourage you to mind the warnings, and to stop reading at ANY point if you feel uncomfortable. reader discretion is advised. minors dni, 18+ only. please consider yourself warned. 
longtime readers may be aware of my sinophone!solaires hc, so ENGLISH SPEAKING READERS - for the love of GOD please check this pronunciation guide i made for the mandarin you're about to see. i PROMISE it'll help!! 💕💕💕
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There’s blood everywhere.
It’s a shame. The room was quite tidy when they started – ugh, don’t say it’s got onto the upholstery again. Vampiric blood is impossible to get out of silk, and it costs a fortune to get it professionally cleaned. At least the wooden panelling in here is dark enough to hide most of the spatter.
(Thankfully, baba’s off entertaining the little ankle biters at the moment – and something about a meeting with an old friend, later on? He didn’t say when he was coming back, but it can’t be soon. Hopefully they’ll be able to deal with most of the mess before he gets back. Damned old man never wants them to have any fun.)
How long has it been? Seconds? Hours? It’s difficult to tell. She’d only come in here to sit down, feet hurting from her patrol at Wonderworld, wanting to just lie across the sofa and scroll mindlessly on her phone for an hour or two. She'd almost succeeded, too – until the furious pacing from the other side of the house had got closer and closer.
Vincent had spotted her through the doorway, carelessly cracked open, and… well. He must have had a pretty horrible day.
He’d surprised her, hurling the glass of water in his hands at her head with a sudden hiss. She’d only barely caught it in her peripheral vision, jerking back against the sofa just in time to let it whistle past her face and shatter against the far wall.
No words necessary. Vincent had snarled at her, slamming the door shut behind him, and she’d known exactly what he wanted.
It’s a habit of theirs. A bad one, maybe, but knowing it doesn’t make it any easier to break.
Heavy bodies hitting the floor, skin and spit and bone, this time it might be different. Her shin slamming into his ribs, his elbow smashing into her jaw. Blood clots underneath elegantly manicured nails, and the splinters of what used to be a wisdom tooth are spat onto the side table. It’ll grow back.
Gravity. The inescapable pull. Space bends and folds at the mercy of an impossibly strong grip, worlds and stars and planets collide, and the precious children of William Solaire once again destroy each other.
You might think that it’s madness. That it’s like some crazed, bloodthirsty, animal state that descends upon them, that it’s like they’re totally different people. You’d be wrong. Both of them are perfectly, boringly sane when it happens. There’s no madness here, no delusion – just a brother and a sister who hate and hate and hate.
She’s entirely rational when she tries to sever his spinal column with her teeth, he’s not confused about why he’s trying to rip her arm from its socket. It's never an accident. Tearing each other apart comes naturally.
Cruel spikes of broken glass glitter in Vincent's hair, the smashed mirror above the mantelpiece reflecting the thousand shallow cuts that now litter his scalp, leaking bright, scarlet blood down the back of his neck. Her forearm aches from the impact, the force of a vampiric skull smashing through the glass and into the bricks behind having radiating up through her hand, where her fingers were twisted into Vincent's hair – mostly for grip, but also to keep him from biting them off completely.
It hadn't quite worked, but whatever. She glances down at the ragged chunk of her wrist that isn't there any more, shredded fibres hanging loose, and glares at Vincent as he finishes chewing his mouthful of skin and veins and raw, twitching muscle.
He grins, wide and pretty, fangs slick and gums stained with her blood. “New perfume?”
Bastard. Like he didn't steal it off her vanity this morning, like she couldn’t fucking smell it on him when he came downstairs for breakfast.
“Depends,” she replies, and lets the fistful of dark, meticulously-conditioned and carefully-styled hair still in her hand fall to the floor. “New haircut?”
Vincent's eyes narrow, black and predatory, and, as always, she feels her mouth start to water. He's imagining what it’ll feel like to kick her through the picture window and watch her impact the paved surface of the driveway below, and she's imagining what it'll be like to dig her fingernails inside his stomach and claw out all of the softness she can find.
It’s so easy to get lost in it, the cleansing rage. Nothing but fury, white-hot and shameful as it roars alive under her skin, until she's scraped raw inside and out. The same manic look paints itself across their faces, the same sadistic glee that only comes with doing something you know you shouldn’t.
Well, they're both just as bad as each other. Perhaps it runs in the family.
She lunges, teeth bared, grabbing his shirt to try and slam him back into the brickwork – but like lightning, he lurches to the side and uses her momentum to grab her waist and hurl her bodily into the wall. Wood splinters and flecks of glass go flying as they claw at each other, blood spatter dripping down the window panes and soaking into the finely-patterned carpet.
Her ears ring when Vincent seizes the back of her head and slams her face-first into the doorframe, but she gets her own back as her broken nose puts itself back together, watching the side of Vincent’s chest collapse when she clubs him hard in the side with a metal candelabra. Sweet revenge.
Gasping for breath, he dodges out of the way of her fist and grabs her arm, pulling her painfully into the front of the heavy, wooden console table. She manages to catch his ankle with her foot as she goes, though, hooking it out from under him and shoving him down to the floor. His other hand is still locked around her wrist, so he yanks on her arm to twist himself around, landing heavily on his back instead of his front.
Luckily, she manages to keep her balance, but he can see it coming now – instead of the satisfying crunch she was hoping for, he barely manages to jerk his head out of the way so the sole of her slipper impacts the carpet instead of his eye socket. It sends a spike of pain up her shin, but she ignores it in favour of shielding her head, so the impact of him kicking her backwards into the bookcases doesn't stun her too much.
It’s kind of hilarious, when you think about it. Other families don’t cause thousands of dollars of property damage trying to violently maim and murder each other when they get bored, do they?
In hindsight, it seems almost inevitable they’d turn out like this. For a long time after Vincent’s turning, they’d fought almost constantly, and nobody had ever been able to quite understand why.
It used to be unbearable, having them in the same room together. Bitter glares and cutting remarks, sniping and biting at each other from across the table. Ba always complained about how they gave him headaches – the static whine of furious, mutual hatred, the pressure of all that blinding intensity in one place, with nowhere else to go but him.
He never took sides, and it stung every time. In her head, she knows he was right to. There aren’t the words to describe how much worse that would have made it. But deep inside, she couldn’t help the sick, dizzy feeling of her Maker abandoning her, leaving her – a necessary, instinctive fear of being cast out from the safety of his world and the shelter of his presence.
She’s his blood, she’s his, she’s his. They’re a family.
You can’t say that either of the two of them is entirely innocent. Alexis knows that there are parts of her that Vincent’s right to hate, and there are parts of him that she’s right to hate, too. They’ve both done terrible, awful things, too many to name, to other people and each other alike. Anyone else would say that one is just as awful as the other, and that with the way they’re carrying on, neither of them is making it any better whatsoever.
A boring answer, in short.
Because it’s not actually about that, is it? There’s something else too, something too tender and complicated for them to ever really unravel, the sugary decay of undeath that turns their spit to venom and their hunger to thirst. Vincent’s all the things she left behind, and she’s all the things he never had, and it’s all bundled up with the howling wasteland of the world that neither of them should ever have left.
Everyone regrets their Turning, whether they say so or not. Some regret it more than others, it’s true, but nobody gets away unscathed. The only reason it’s ever been a problem is because the House of Solaire tend to take their regrets out on each other.
(She rakes her nails across Vincent’s pretty face, deep, intentional gouges that would surely scar if he couldn’t sew himself back together so fast. He drives his foot into her knee in return, forcing the joint to fold in on itself the wrong way, and the world goes white with agony for the split second before it begins to heal.)
Sometimes, people wonder how they fixed it. How they get along so much better now, like a real brother and sister should. They never actually ask, and nobody will ever tell, but she isn’t stupid enough not to know what they’re thinking.
It shouldn’t be real. They bicker and pinch and steal each other’s clothes – she takes his keys from the drawer and drives his car instead of hers because it’s nicer, and she deliberately won’t leave him any money for petrol. He plays his music far too loudly in the room next door when he knows she’s got work to do, and eats her snacks out of the fridge without remorse, even if they’re labelled. Annoying, yes, but hardly the curse-yelling, death-threatening carnage their house used to be.
In fact, you could almost say they’re too well-behaved. They stay up late together in the living room, surrounded by every phone and laptop and tablet they can find, refreshing and refreshing the stupid ticket lottery website for the concert Vincent wants to go to of the band that she hates. They wear as many layers as they can stand and bring those UV umbrellas that block out the sunlight, so they can go out in the daytime and queue up for that pop-up event downtown that she’s been dying to go to.
Even the endless, complicated trappings of polite vampiric society are standard fare for them now. Vincent doesn’t complain when he has to stand by her vanity for twenty minutes passing her hairpin after hairpin, and Alexis waits by the front door to do his tie for him, because she’s better at doing the complicated knots that go in and out of fashion. They dress up nicely for every society ball, kissing each other on the cheek and fetching each other drinks and dancing the volta just like everybody else.
She lends him whatever jewellery he wants out of her jewellery box because it’s prettier than his. He pesters their father into letting them go to Disneyland in the evening when it’s dark and they won’t get sunburnt, three days in a row when they should be working because it’s her birthday and she wants to take pictures in front of the castle and eat the special coloured candyfloss they always have at this time of year. They proofread each other’s work documents and curl up under the same blanket on the sofa and leave their shoes next to each other by the door every day.
Shiny, red, and utterly forbidden – a devil’s deal is a wonderful thing. The apple seed of temptation took root in her sour, bloated stomach, and a shallow grave blossomed into a beautiful family tree.
It makes baba so happy that they get along now, and that makes them happy too. They’re never going to tell anyone how they do it. Isn’t there some saying about magic and secrets?
(Her arm isn’t quite back in its socket yet, shoulder screaming in pain, but it won’t stop her trying to choke Vincent unconscious against the bookcase. He spits a warm mouthful of blood and venom into her face in thanks, and knees her hard in the stomach.)
Vampiric houses are famously secretive, especially the older ones. It pretty much comes with the territory – the diet alone tends to be rather off-putting for outsiders, to say nothing of the other… well, the other habits that vampirism bestows. Generally, vampires prefer to keep the company of their own kind, and the intrinsic bond between maker and progeny is a rather powerful reason to stay.
Clans have always been compared to families in that way, and the House of Solaire takes it very seriously indeed. More so than most, although it’s not an uncommon thing. Turnings tend to isolate a person from their human friends and family. It would be remiss of their new clan, surely, not to step in and fill that void however they can?
As different as some things are, there’s no escaping human nature. If William’s taught them anything about surviving in this world, about protecting their family, it’s that nothing is off-limits. Whatever is necessary, they do without question. Knowledge, money, sex, power. Blood is blood, always. How else would the Solaire name have prospered for so long? How else will it continue?
Perhaps it’s cliche, but it’s true. Old blood means old money, and it doesn’t get much older than vampiric blood. Her world is a world of private invitations, expensive dresses, and strategic gossip – whatever you could imagine about the secretive lives of a shadowy vampiric aristocracy, it’s probably true. Champagne was made to be whispered over, after all. Long lives mean plenty of time to develop some rather particular tastes, and an instinctive thirst for blood does lend itself well to a certain nonchalance about the insides of a human body.
She’d been surprised at first, an uncomfortable revulsion that she’d had to unlearn, but she’d got used to it eventually. Vincent had too, and although it took him a little longer, he’s almost as good at playing this game as she is. Say what you will about the House of Solaire, but they are very, very good at what they do.
Nothing breeds rumours like success, and William Solaire is truly blessed. A golden name, a golden fortune, and two golden children to match.
There were always going to be rumours, certainly. Of what they might be doing behind closed doors, their ambitions for the future of their house, the secrets that lie at the heart of it. Of fresh scars in strange places, the truth of their allegiance to their father, of brothers and sisters doing things that brothers and sisters shouldn’t be doing.
You couldn’t prove any of it, obviously, and nobody ever says the words out loud. But she hears them all the same, ringing in her ears as she kisses her father on the cheek at breakfast, filling up her mind as she steals Vincent’s jacket out of his room to go shopping, and she smiles wider than ever before – because if they really knew what was happening behind the gates of Wonderworld, they’d have much more to talk about than wondering what William could possibly be holding over their heads to make them finally behave.
(In all honesty, it’s somehow more and less than you’d think. That’s not the point she’s trying to make right now, but it’s worth saying, all the same.)
They’re never, ever going to let it slip. Nobody’s ever going to know about the way she forces her brother back down onto the floor, driving her elbow into his face, feeling cartilage crack and splinter as he falls backwards in a spray of blood. He tries to scramble away, one hand reflexively covering his face, but he’s too slow - her foot comes down hard on his shin, and the scream he lets out isn’t quite loud enough to cover the sound of bone shattering under her slipper.
Vincent tries to drag himself away, fingernails tearing at the carpet, and she plants her foot on his chest to keep him in place. The break in his nose is almost fixed, crimson blood splattered all over his face, but it seems like his attention has… shifted.
That can’t be right.
He’s not that stupid, surely. What else could he be thinking of, when she could so easily crush his heart in a split second? He’s focusing on something else, but it doesn’t seem to be her – is it behind her? Is there something she can’t see? Why isn’t he paying attention?
And then, for some unknowable reason, apropos of apparently nothing… he smiles.
“What?” she spits, pressing down harder and feeling his ribs creak under the ball of her foot. “What is it?”
Infuriatingly, he chokes on a laugh, thick blood bubbling in his throat as it heals, and gestures weakly up at the wall behind her. His eyes are fixed on something there too – no, not the wall, it’s the—
“You little – fucking hell!”
She barely manages to dodge the chandelier as it comes crashing down on her head, feeling the room spin as Vincent yanks on the ceiling chain hard with a burst of psychokinesis. He manages to throw himself in the opposite direction, hand shielding his eyes as the metal hits the floor and the room fills with the deafening sound of shattering crystal.
Both of them hiss as they’re pelted with broken crystal, slicing tiny, stinging ribbons into their skin that seal up almost as soon as they appear. Shit, that hurts.
She glares at her stupid little brother, half-crouched behind the arm of the sofa. “You’re fucking fixing that.”
“Why?” he snickers, pretending to pout, and she’s so tempted to just drag him out into the hallway by the hair and sling him down the stairs before he can finish the thought. “You’re so much better at magic than me, lili…”
“Yeah,” she grumbles, crossing her arms in the face of his unapologetic grin, “which means you need the practice more.”
Vincent groans, downcast. “But he’ll be so mad if I do it wrong!”
He huffs when she just sticks her tongue out at him in return, tossing his head to get his hair out of his eyes. “Can’t you just do half, and I’ll copy?”
Narrowing her eyes, she shakes the debris from her slippers and picks her way over to the window. It takes some concentration, but she runs a hand over the splintered mess of the frame, watching as it sews itself back together. “This is my half.”
“But it’s so hard!” he whines, little brat that he is, and she hates how the obvious manipulation still tugs at her heartstrings. He’s sitting cross-legged in front of the sofa now, hands extended over the sparkling rubble of the chandelier. “You make it look so easy, jiejie…”
Alexis sighs, and begrudgingly reaches down to ruffle his hair. Tiny flakes of mirrored glass fall onto the carpet around him as she does it, slicing little papercuts into the tips of her fingers.
“You do all the light fixtures and the mirror, and I’ll do the rest.”
He looks up at her, suspicious. “Half the mirror.”
“Two thirds.”
“Three fifths.”
“Two thirds, and I don’t tell ba you dropped the chandelier.”
“Deal,” he graciously concedes, and they pinkie promise.
She rolls her eyes and pretends she can’t see him grin, knowing full well she’s being far too soft on him. “If he blames it on me, I swear I’ll key your goddamn Volante and make you watch.”
“What? No!” Vincent gasps, looking betrayed. “Don’t you know how much that cost?”
“Yeah, I do,” she says sweetly, “which is why you’re not going to fuck it up, are you?”
He mutters something unflattering in French under his breath, and she snaps her fingers accusingly in his direction. “What was that, didi?”
She smiles winningly, before waving her hand and dragging all the books up off the floor and back into the bookcase. “That’s what I thought.”
They clean up in silence for a little while, their earlier animosity dissolving unnoticed into dust. It’s slow going – neither of them are especially gifted with magic, or have very much of it at their disposal, so they have to keep stopping every few minutes or so to recover.
Before long, they’re both out of breath and exhausted, smashed crystal still crunching beneath their feet and coughing up white plumes of plaster dust.
“When’s he even coming back, anyway?” Vincent asks, peering at the tall jade vase he’s trying to coax back together. “Tonight?”
She nods over her shoulder, trying to stitch the long gash in the sofa cushion closed and failing miserably at getting the complicated pattern to match up again. “He didn’t say when, but it can’t b—”
Vincent cuts her off, staring down at his phone as it buzzes, before looking up at her with a grimace and turning the screen to face her.
I’ll be home in ten minutes. I’m sure nothing will be broken or out of place when I get back.
Of course he’s coming home earlier than they thought. Of course. Why wouldn’t he?
“What should we do?”
Christ, he’ll be furious once he sees what they’ve done to this room. If they really, really hurry, they might be able to get away with at least a little bit of it, right?
With a huff of exertion, magic builds beneath her palms, and all the fragments of mirrored glass scattered across the room start to shiver as she prepares to sew them all back together. The mantelpiece needs to be fixed, and there’s a whole section of the doorframe that’s almost totally gone, and she doesn’t even want to think about the horrible, gaping wounds in the wooden panelling that need to be repaired and relacquered…
“Come here,” she mutters to Vincent, beckoning him over to her and pressing her palms flat to his chest. He closes his eyes and nods, resting the tips of his fingers at her temples, and they slowly, carefully, start to reach out to each other.
Her threads brush clumsily against his, once then twice then three times, the connection weak and fluttering as they try to concentrate. She stretches as far as she can, searching for that familiar feeling, anticipating the sickening lurch in her stomach that she knows is surely going to come any second, the momentary freefall as her core latches on to his.
When it happens, it takes her by surprise – her knees buckle for just a moment, and she sways slightly from side to side. Vincent rests his forehead against hers to try and keep upright, and she feels his wordless reassurance through the fledgling bond.
How does he do it? Vincent’s only a few inches taller than her, even less so when she’s in heels, and yet he always seems to tower over her – the looming shadow in the corner of her eye, the impossible weight of his gaze on her through the crowd.
The perfect height for dancing, their father had said, laughing gently as they stumbled through a clumsy waltz around the living room. She’d stepped on Vincent’s toes almost as many times as he’d tripped over the hem of her long dress, a poor stand-in for the real one she’d be wearing at the summer ball in a few months’ time. Elbows up, xiaozhi. They will not be so forgiving in Marseille as I am, you know.
Magic pools beneath her skin as she siphons it greedily through the bond, flooding her core with Vincent’s stolen power, and she luxuriates in the sensation for a long, languid moment. Then, she grits her teeth, and focuses.
With the extra rush of his magic, it’s almost laughable how fast she manages to race through most of the remaining cleanup – the blood dripping down the windowpane vanishes, the claw marks in the carpet disappear, and even the mirror above the mantelpiece clicks neatly back together as if it were never broken. The slashes across the back of Vincent’s shirt close up, and all the little chunks of bloody cartilage stuck in her hair vanish without a trace.
Her brother staggers in her arms as she keeps pulling on their bond, and she manages to ease them both down onto the sofa without too much fuss, still trying to get as much of the chandelier fixed as she can. About half of the crystal is back in place, but the chain just won’t – she can’t quite—
Vincent breaks away from her with a sharp, sudden breath, slumping backwards onto the newly-repaired cushions and clutching weakly at his skull. “Too much, lijie, too much…”
He gestures vaguely towards the door with one hand in what she thinks might be thirst, and she runs out into the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen as fast as she can to get some blood out of the fridge. There’s already a glass on the counter that he must have got out earlier, so she fills it up with the half-empty bottle of O positive.
Sharing their magic always does this, but once he gets enough blood in him, he should be fine in about twenty minutes or so. It’s a lot like bridging, that way. Their cores will be synchronised for a little while, and they’ll be more keenly aware of each other’s magic, but that doesn’t really mean much when their senses are already so sharp.
A vampire’s core isn’t magically rich enough to do a huge amount all at once, so sharing magic like this is generally their best bet for doing things quickly. It lets them make the most of their limited reserves – rather than working individually, one of them can keep feeding the other magic as they concentrate on the whole picture.
Her steps are quiet but urgent as she runs back upstairs with the blood, slippered feet sliding a little on the kitchen tile. How much longer have they got until ba gets back, again?
When she pushes the door open, Vincent hasn’t moved, still sprawled across the sofa with a hand pressed over his eyes. Gently, she folds the fingers of his other hand around the glass, and he mumbles out a slurred thanks as he gulps the whole thing down in almost one swallow.
She’s just about to try the chandelier again, threads uncomfortably sore and stretched, when there’s a sudden sound from downstairs. The faintest jangling of keys, the scrape of tiny metal pins in the cylinder as the lock turns, and all of a sudden—
“Hui jia le.”
Downstairs in the foyer, he doesn’t have to shout. He already knows they can hear him.
Vincent curses silently, staggering up off the sofa and disappearing off to his room as she flings whatever magic she can at the chandelier chain. If she can just get it to stay together until he goes out again, they can probably recover enough magic between them to be able to fix it properly, right?
“Lili?” Ba’s voice is soft yet confused, the quiet sounds of him taking his shoes off and hanging up his overcoat, wondering why they’re not saying anything. “Xiaozhi, where are you?”
The question is entirely redundant – they all know that he can feel exactly where in the house they are. Vincent isn’t saying anything, so should she keep quiet as well…?
No, it’ll be too suspicious if neither of them goes and sees him, so she throws one last worried glance at the chandelier and hurries out of the room. When she gets to the top of the stairs, he’s just putting his slippers on, and she does her best to keep her heart slow and her smile easy when he looks up and notices her.
“There you are,” murmurs baba, and holds out his arms for her.
Is it embarrassing, how quickly she scrambles down the stairs and throws herself at him? He laughs, strong hands catching her waist and lifting her clear off the floor in a brief, joyful circle. “Ah, I have missed you, chérie.”
“Missed you too,” she says into his shirt, curling happily into his chest as he wraps his arms around her, fondly kissing the top of her head. The Maker’s bond between them sings at their closeness, warm and comforting as it bubbles in her chest, and she feels him smile even though she can’t see it.
“Vincent is upstairs?”
“He, um…”
The words freeze on her tongue as she tries to figure out a half-truth that she’ll actually be able to say – she can’t lie outright, but she can say something that’s technically true, even if it’s not the whole story.
“Headache,” she mumbles noncommittally, and crosses her fingers that he won’t push it.
Ba hums quietly in acknowledgement, seemingly in acceptance. “I see. Was the patrol alright?”
He smooths his hand over her back in wide, slow circles, just the right amount of pressure. “No trouble, I hope.”
She shakes her head, and tries her best to relax. “Just some unempowered kids, looking for somewhere to have a bonfire. It was easy.”
There’d been about six or seven of them piled into some beaten-up old thing, driving down the abandoned road that leads to the gates of Wonderworld, clearly not sure where they were going. Even if she hadn’t spotted the dim headlights through the trees, or heard that god-awful music from the speakers inside, she probably could have smelt them coming – whatever they were drinking, it seemed less like moonshine and more like rubbing alcohol. If they go blind, it’s not her fault.
They’d stopped just before the gates, about to get out when she’d suddenly appeared by the driver’s-side window. He’d been surprised to see her, tapping at the glass until he rolled it down, and she’d taken the opportunity to have a little fun with it before she’d have to trance them.
Mm, you boys are out late, she’d drawled, leaning forwards and resting her arms along the edge of the window. Can I… help you, with anything?
She’s not stupid – she knows exactly what she looks like, and she knows exactly what to do with it. There’s always college students from the nearby towns sneaking into the woods at night, and they fall for it every single time.
Ah, it really had been cute. She’d had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at the way all of their eyes suddenly couldn’t stay on her face, conspicuously flicking back up to her eyes whenever she moved.
Just, uh…
The one driving had really, really tried, shifting awkwardly in his seat as she tilted her head to look down at him. Just lookin’ around, ma’am, nothin’ serious…
Nothing serious? She’d smirked at that, careful not to let them see the sharp tips of her fangs as she reached out to gently brush a stray lock of blonde hair out of his face. Honey, you’ll break my heart, with talk like that.
His friend in the passenger seat still hadn’t stopped staring, slack-jawed, and she’d pushed herself up on her tiptoes to stretch her arm out towards him, pressing the tip of her fingernail under his chin to snap his mouth shut. Oh, it was like something out of a movie! She’d always wanted to do that in real life.
I can think of somewhere you’ll like.
Foolishly, they’d all been very liberal with their eye contact – trancing them had been as easy as anything.
As soon as I stop talking, you’re going to turn this car around and drive all the way back to the freeway, and you’re going to drive all the way to the next city before looking for somewhere to have your little party. You won’t remember this conversation at all, you won’t remember ever meeting anyone here, and you won’t remember anything about me.
She’d smiled nice and wide, scarlet eyes burning into each of them in turn, listening to their terrified hearts race at the monstrous sight of her. Isn’t that right, hm?
They’d nodded in unison, the driver’s hands already back to the wheel, and she’d blown them a kiss as they drove away and disappeared back into the trees. Ah, humans.
“Well, that’s good.”
Ba’s voice shakes her from the memory, slowly guiding her away from the door and towards the kitchen. “That reminds me – you should have heard the little ones tonight, my goodness…”
“Really?” She’s curious, not having met them before. “What did they say?”
Deft fingers pull the carafe of A positive out of the fridge door, and he blinks down at the bare countertop for a second before reaching up and taking a glass out of the cupboard.
“The Aguilars are… they are unchanged, shall we say.”
It makes sense. He’d been over at the Aguilar estate tonight to meet their new blood informally, before the Summit in a few months’ time when they’ll be properly introduced. The family is always very friendly, and she gets on very well with the aunties there.
Poor Vincent doesn’t like them as much as she does, but that’s mostly to do with that god-awful girl – a cousin from one of the branching bloodlines, she’s fairly sure – who’s had a crush on him ever since he was Turned, and who follows him around incessantly whenever they’re at the same parties. It’s hilarious to watch him try to shake her off, and the look of relief on his face when she finally steps in and makes up some lie about how he promised to dance with her is well worth the hour of complaining he’ll do later in the car on the way home.
The only thing is that it’s a big family. Much bigger than theirs, and it can be rather overwhelming when it gets loud. Obviously, ba doesn’t like to say anything about it, but she can feel his headaches building in the back of her own skull – his stronger senses mean he’s a lot more sensitive to the noise than she and Vincent are.
Still, they’re far more pleasant company than the House of Bennett. The only one who can make that family bearable to be around is cousin Porter, and that’s only because he likes to add a little of his own blood to the drinks so that they actually feel like they’re alcoholic.
She nods, leaning back against the sink. “Chatty, I take it.”
“Little… ah, what is it?” Sipping his glass of blood as he leans against the kitchen table, he gestures vaguely in the air with one hand. “Little pitchers that have big ears.”
It really shouldn’t be a surprise. Big houses mean more gossip, and freshly Turned vampires do love to put their shiny new senses to use.
She shrugs. “As long as they’re not spilling state secrets yet, it’ll be fine.”
“If the state tells its secrets to the House of Aguilar, we are already doomed, mon ange.”
They both laugh, washed in the pale light streaming through the windows, and baba closes his eyes as he reaches up to gently pull the fa zan from his hair.
He likes to tie it back when he goes out, partly to stop the wind from tangling it, and partly because it’s the way he says gentlemen used to be when he was young. Over the years, he’s amassed an almost staggering collection of little clips and ribbons and pins – a not insignificant number as gifts from her and Vincent – that he likes, but he generally just wears it down when he’s at home and there aren’t guests.
The moonlight turns the edges of his black hair to silver as he shakes his head with a relieved sigh, running his fingers through it quickly to smooth it out before flicking it back behind him. He likes to keep it long, at least several inches below his shoulder, and she’s always been so jealous of how he seems to make every hairstyle he tries seem so effortlessly elegant.
“Still,” he continues with a wicked smile, “you will see for yourself when we see them next. I think they will have many things to discuss with you, perhaps.”
He tips his head languidly to the side as he pushes his phone across the table, the screen lit up with a photo of Vincent from last summer. If she remembers correctly, it’s from when they were taking a break at the summer house down by the coast – he’s shirtless, knee deep in the water, turning back to the camera with a rakish grin, dark hair already wet from the splash fight they’d been having and fangs glittering in the moonlight from above.
In short, he looks painfully, achingly handsome. Scandalised, she smacks her father in the shoulder and gasps theatrically, like she can’t believe what he’s done.
“You didn’t!”
“I certainly did.”
“He’ll die!” she whisper-shouts, trying desperately not to laugh too hard. “He’s already having trouble outrunning marriage proposals from one of them, and you’re setting the new blood on him too?”
Ba just shakes his head, imperious, looking down his nose at her like he’s imparting some grave wisdom. “They asked to see a picture of my progenies.”
“So it had to be that picture?”
“I showed your picture as well.”
Resigned, she buries her face in her hands. “I dread to think.”
“Oh, you are so dramatic, chérie,” he laments, and he even has the gall to click his tongue in faux-disapproval when she narrows her eyes at him. “See? The picture is nice!”
It takes him a second to find it, but it’s just as bad as she feared – it’s from the same holiday as Vincent’s photo, probably taken later that night. She’s wearing that nice floaty sundress she bought in Singapore, barefoot in the sand as she blows a kiss to the camera, lips still stained with blood from whatever scarlet cocktail she’s holding in her other hand.
This was exactly his plan, in other words, and she’s going to fucking murder him in his sleep. If any of those upstart little ankle biters tries to chat her up, it won’t be pretty – the last one got a cake fork stabbed straight through his hand and several inches into the table beneath it, and the one before that still visibly trembles at the sound of her stilettos clicking softly against the floor.
“If I kill an Aguilar new blood at the summer ball, it’s your fault,” she mutters threateningly, hissing and baring her fangs at him when he reaches out to take her face in his hands and draw her closer. “I mean it!”
“Of course you do, xiao gong zhu,” he murmurs indulgently, and kisses her forehead. “You are telling me, so it must be true.”
Upstairs, the sound of floorboards creaking, fabric rustling. Vincent.
“I meant what I said, by the way,” ba adds nonchalantly, “about broken things.”
Shit. She blinks, innocent as anything as she beats back the guilty urge inside her that yearns to spill the truth. “What’s broken?”
He raises an eyebrow, discreetly tapping the shell of his ear, and she strains to figure out what he’s hearing. “I am old, baobei. Not stupid.”
If she listens, really listens, she can just about make something out. Another noise, something much quieter – a sort of stiff, metallic creaking from upstairs, on the other side of the house to Vincent’s bedroom…
Her smile wavers as ba swans serenely past her, disappearing out into the hallway, deft fingers picking up his fa zan from the table as he goes past. “It is nothing, surely. Perhaps you will bring Vincent something for his head while I am changing?”
God fucking damn it – she might be able to fix the chandelier without him noticing, but what are the odds? He’s meeting that friend tonight, and if he’s going to change now then it probably won't be long until he goes out, but there’s no way of knowing if it’ll hold until then.
Scowling, she pours another glass of blood for Vincent, and one more for herself, before reluctantly trudging upstairs.
It's a fact of life, or at least a fact of vampirism: you can’t really have any secrets from your Maker, and that’s even without the whole truth-compulsion thing. No matter what you do, your Maker is always aware of what you’re feeling, when you’re feeling it.
The emotional bond never goes away, though the strength of its effects ebbs and flows. Sometimes it’s so faint as to be almost nonexistent, a tiny shiver down the spine – and sometimes it’s almost overwhelming in its intensity, foreign emotions bursting out of nowhere like fireworks, blindingly bright and terrifyingly loud.
For young vampires, it’s a lot to get used to. Some take years to become accustomed to the bond, while others are oddly comforted by it. New Makers are often surprised by the strength of as well – it goes both ways, but generally the Maker feels more of their progeny’s emotions than the other way around. Nobody's really sure why.
More complicated feelings don’t come through especially clearly, apparently a little bit difficult for the bond to transmit, or perhaps for the other body to decipher. But simpler, more basic emotions are very, very easy. You might even say they’re too easy, in fact. Things like fear, sadness, joy – and, well…
He must already know what they’ve been up to. That sort of anger, the instinctive viciousness that comes so easily to them. They all know from experience how quickly that can wash over the bond, twisting and curling as it spreads like dark ink through water. After a while, it stops being so intrusive – it’s just how it works, and it’s not as though they can stop it. It’s possible to tune it out, and before long it generally goes away.
But a Maker with two progenies, both of whom are busy winding each other up at the same time? Who never seem to know when to quit, chasing that addictive, acidic feedback loop of rage that only ever seems to push them higher?
Ba doesn’t mind what they get up to, per se, as long as they keep it discreet and clean up after themselves. But even so, it’s not difficult to see how it could be… distracting.
He definitely knows what they were doing, is the point. And he clearly knows that there’s something they broke that she hasn’t been able to fix yet. She just needs to make sure it’s all neat and tidy by the time he gets back later, and hopefully they can all pretend that it never happened.
Vincent glares at her from under his duvet when she pushes the door open with her foot, crimson eyes staring out from the blackness as she gets closer and closer. The lights are off and the blackout curtains are closed, so it’s almost entirely dark, but she can make out the shape of the bed well enough.
She holds out one of the glasses, not breaking eye contact until a single hand slithers out from under the duvet and takes it from her.
He doesn’t seem to have thought about how he’s going to drink it, lying flat on his stomach and sprawled sideways across the bed, and she snickers under her breath as he blinks stupidly at the glass. With a flourish, she takes the second straw out of her own glass and drops it into his, sticking her tongue out gleefully at him when he mumbles something unintelligible into the mattress beneath him.
She shrugs – it’s close enough. “You’re welcome.”
Perching herself on the edge of the bed, she watches in amusement as he drags himself forwards under the duvet so he can get the straw in his mouth without having to lift his head, occasionally poking the mound of blankets that claims to be her brother in the side to see if he can feel it or not.
(He can. She knows. It’s just funny.)
Because she’s very generous, she gets up to grab a few of the books off his desk, stacking them up by the side of the bed, level with where his face is. He complains when she takes the glass back out of his hand, but acquiesces as soon as she puts it back down on the books, army crawling towards the end of the straw that’s now level with the top of the mattress and haughtily sticking it in his mouth.
The Vincent-shaped duvet creature next to her slurps loudly at his glass of blood, and doesn’t say anything.
She’d use telepathy, but she needs to save all the magic she can get. Quickly, she pulls her phone out of her pocket, turning the brightness down all the way and typing a message in her notes app to show him.
He knows something’s broken, and the chandelier chain isn’t going to last long if I don’t go and fix it. Do you have enough magic to help yet?
“No,” Vincent grumbles, and coughs pointedly.
Great. How much longer?
He coughs again, baleful red eyes turning to look witheringly up at her from his blanket nest, and she doesn’t have to be able to see his hands to know the gesture he’s making at her.
Fine, she types, as sarcastically as it’s possible to be when you can’t say anything out loud, but if he hears, I’m blaming you. Distract him.
Obediently, he starts moving around again, making sure the sound of mattress springs and sheets rustling is loud enough for her to slip out of the door and towards the drawing room they ruined earlier. Luckily, it’s in the opposite direction to baba’s room, but she still holds her breath and tiptoes as quietly as she can in case he—
Oh, for fuck’s sake!
She whips around, totally innocently, to see her father beckoning her down the stairs as several sets of cufflinks rattle in his palm. “Come and help me choose.”
Helpless to protest, she’s forced to follow him down into the foyer, umming and ahhing over which cufflinks she thinks will suit his outfit the best. In her head, though, she can’t stop worrying about that damned chandelier, the creaking sound from upstairs that she’s sure is getting louder, the increasing amount of magic she’ll need to fix it as it surely gets worse and worse…
“A good choice as always, mon ange.”
She startles slightly as baba nods approvingly, smoothly taking the silver pair she’d mindlessly chosen and putting them on, before leaving the rest in the dish on the low console table. “I won’t be back until the morning, so you will look after Vincent, won’t you?”
Hastily, she nods. “Yeah, I will, I will.”
“Alright.” He rests his hands gently on her upper arms as he kisses both her cheeks, before taking his car keys out of his pocket and heading out of the front door. “See you later, chérie. I love you very much.”
“Love you too!”
She waits the agonisingly long half-second it takes for the door to close behind him before racing back upstairs, and she hears Vincent, still clutching his half-empty glass, scrambling out of his room at the same time. They nearly crash face-first into each other in their haste, yanking the drawing room door open and tumbling through it as fast as they can.
“I thought your head still hurt?” she says quizzically to Vincent, watching his hands trembling faintly around his glass, but he just makes a face.
“The alternative’s worse,” he replies, and she nods. He’s right.
She reaches for her core, willing the magic to come – it’s slow and it’s weak, but she yanks on her threads as hard as she can to try and summon it to her fingertips. The chandelier sways ominously above them as she screws her eyes shut to concentrate, and she can feel Vincent’s aura flicker next to her as he does the same thing. Come on, come on…
She’s nearly there, power surging under her skin and ready to be channelled outwards, when there’s a sudden—
The magic fizzles uselessly away as her eyes fly open to see Vincent, clutching his head in pain, cursing as the front of his shirt is drenched in blood. There’s shattered glass all over the floor from where he’s dropped his drink, and she chokes down the irritated vampiric growl that rises in her throat. “Fucking hell, xiaodi!”
“I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it!” he moans, slightly unsteady on his feet, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. “Look, at least it’s not the—”
Something moves, just at the very edge of her vision.
Above her head, the room plunges into blackout as something snaps.
She barely manages to shove Vincent away from her before the heavy metal body of the chandelier comes crashing down on her head. It’s not heavy enough to knock her out, but the surprise is enough that all she can do is stand there as 15 kilos of brass and crystal and electrics falls directly on top of her and shatters.
He skitters backwards, recoiling from the spray of tiny crystal shards that covers the floor for the second time today, nearly tripping over the leg of the side table as he goes. A thousand stinging papercuts split their skin, sealing themselves up and leaving tiny droplets of crimson blood dripping down their arms and faces.
Without even noticing, she instinctively catches one of the twisted metal arms of the chandelier that must have been sheared off when it impacted her skull, raw edge snagged painfully in her hair as it slides neatly down into her arms.
They’re so fucked.
They both freeze guiltily as a floorboard creaks outside in the hallway, far too close to be a coincidence, and she winces as there’s a polite knock, knock, knock at the door.
“We—” She chokes, breathing in a hacking lungful of debris, voice cracking slightly from her dry throat. “We’re in so much trouble.”
Vincent stares wide-eyed at her through the sudden dark, blood dripping slowly from his chin and soaking into the carpet..
“Yeah,” he mumbles distantly, “probably.”
The drawing room door swings open, and both their heads snap towards the open doorway so fast it would give a human whiplash. There, silhouetted against the light, car keys still jangling in his palm and running an exasperated hand through his long hair—
“What,” hisses William Solaire, raising an irate eyebrow at his children, covered in glittering crystal dust and leaking blood into a very expensive carpet, “did I say about breaking things again?”
The clan always sticks together. Family comes first – nothing and nobody could make them betray each other, and they’d rather die than leave one of their own behind. It’s the central tenet of their existence, the core fact of their messy, gory lives.
Some things are just… true. The earth is round, the sky is blue, and there is no power known to men or gods that could turn the House of Solaire against itself.
Baba shifts his weight slightly, eyes narrowing accusingly.
And very, very slowly, Alexis and Vincent both point at each other.
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this is an original fanwork by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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peachyfuck18 · 1 year
Favorite Horror Icons as Fairy Tales
For my sake I’ll be doing the original fairytales not the Disney versions. Enjoy
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Billy Loomis-Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault
-When Billy was first born the King and Queen treated him as their own pride and joy so much that they forgot to hold a festival for a legendary demon as the king put it that his son was more important than some stupid dream demon
-Of course the demon Frederick was not happy to hear this and so in the middle of the night secretly cursed the young prince to die by a spindle of a spinning wheel when he is sixteen
-But Nancy, a good fairy loved throughout the land gets wind of this and on the same night alters the curse by having his death be a long sleep for a hundred days before a prince comes to save him
-Sixteen years go by and Billy is now a beautiful young prince that all the men in the kingdom want for his beauty but he always turns them down cause he dreams of a better man despite his lady in waiting Sidney’s insistence on finding a husband
-When his parents and the guards aren’t looking he manages to get away from the palace walls and comes across a beautiful cabin and while exploring sees a spinning wheel and has fun with it trying it out before he pricks his finger and a needle is now stuck in his finger and he’s soon passed out on the floor
-It doesn’t take long before Sidney finds him and his parents soon after and in grief turn the cabin into his resting place and Nancy, hoping to never see this day decides to help Billy by making enchanted roses sprout all over the cabin so those with an evil heart will never take advantage of the young prince
-A hundred days go by and Stu, a prince from a neighboring kingdom, is out on a hunting trip with his friends when he gets separated from them and it’s about to storm that night til he finds the cabin. The roses, not seeing a threat, unravel to let him in and while looking for somewhere to sleep spots Billy on the bed
-At first he’s confused cause how could someone be sleeping so soundly as if they were dead when they don’t look dead and thinks maybe it’s a fae or a witch playing tricks but he tries to get him to wake up til he ends up seeing the needle on his finger and thinking that the beautiful boy fainted from having it in takes it out awakening Billy
-Billy is awake but is still tired and sleeping and bye the way he’s gripping onto Stu’s hand he decides to let himself in the bed and the two spend the night cuddling away safe from the storm outside
-The next day Billy is fully awake and is confused on why he’s in a bed and especially who the handsome boy besides him is
-When Stu wakes up he’s surprised that the boy from the night before is awake and is looking at him with a strange fondness
-After introducing each other Billy and Stu get to know each other for the rest of the day and it’s there Stu tells Billy about how his kingdom thinks he has died and at first Billy is distraught before Stu comforts him in his arms
-When Stu’s friends find him they see the beautiful young prince of the neighboring kingdom in his arms and Sidney reveals that she had taken a job as a handmaiden at Stu’s palace to deal with the grief but is glad that he is alive and well and Stu proposes to Billy to let him take him back to the kingdom and marry him and Billy immediately says yes
-When they get back to the kingdom Stu and Billy have a grand wedding and Billy is soon reunited with his parents after Stu invite them over for a grand dinner
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Jennifer Check-Snow White by The Grimm Brothers
-When a young queen is pregnant and sewing near an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle causing a drop of blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. She then wishes for a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony
-Sometime later the queen gives birth to a beautiful baby girl who she names Jennifer before dying a day later. A year later the king soon immediately marries a woman, Elaine Parks, who is very beautiful but very vain and is a dark witch who owns a magic mirror who she asks everyday who is the fairest of them all and the mirror always replies with her who is the fairest
-When Jennifer is seven years old the king soon dies and Elaine immediately begins to disregard her stepdaughter by removing her status as a princess and making her a servant in the castle
-When Jennifer is seventeen years olds she has grown into a very beautiful girl and one day Elaine goes to her mirror again to ask who is the fairest when to her shock and horror the mirror answers Jennifer. But the queen gets an idea to get her huntsman to take her daughter to the woods and kill her by lying that she is a succubus killing men and to kill her and bring her back her heart as proof
-The Huntsman tries to kill her but can’t bring himself to do it and tells Jennifer the truth about her stepmother and Jennifer soon runs away coming across an empty cabin where she takes a nap on one of the three beds
-The owners of the house, three brothers, Bo, a blacksmith , Vincent, a coffin builder and Lester, a miner get back from work when they see a girl sleeping in one of their beds and she wakes up and explains everything to them and the brothers take pity on her and decide to let her stay as long as she cleans and cooks for them
-Several weeks go by and Elaine thinks that the huntsman has killed her stepdaughter when in reality he actually killed a wild boar in place of Jennifer and after asking her mirror who’s the fairest of them all it answers with Jennifer again and of course Elaine decides to end this and disguises herself as a poor little girl selling apples and puts on a convicting act to trick Jennifer into eating the poisoned one she had for her and as soon as Jennifer goes down Elaine knows she had won
-Bo, Vincent and Lester soon find her and try everything to wake her up but of course nothing works and they build a coffin out of gold and glass and keep her deep in the woods where she’ll hopefully rest in piece while visiting every chance they can to mourn
-What they don’t know is a young peasant girl, Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, finds her body and after realizing she isn’t dead she decides to spend every day with her when she can chatting and being with her for a year before realizing something in her throat and immediately squeezes her to get it out and when Jennifer wakes up she’s greeted by a very pleasant sight of a pretty young peasant girl and after getting to know each other Jennifer asks Needy to marry her to which she gladly accepts and the two soon are making their back to the kingdom with the Bo, Vincent and Lester celebrating as well
-When Elaine is again asking her mirror who is the fairest of them all to her shock the mirror answers Jennifer and she dies of shock not only seconds later
-When Jennifer gets back to the palace she’s immediately given back her royal status and is soon crowned queen with Needy as her queen’s consort and the two live happily ever after with Bo, Vincent and Lester being given great riches as an award for taking care of her
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Patrick Bateman-The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
-Patrick is a son of the king of the ocean and loves hearing the stories from his grandmother and watching the daily lives of humans and on the day of his birthday he watches humans from a rock afar with his grandmother when he asks about the afterlife. His grandmother explains that a merperson can live up to three hundred years old and when they die they turn into sea foam and cease to exist forever and that a humans lifespan, while shorter, have an eternal soul that lives on in Heaven
-Thinking about an eternal soul he decides to see a boat party to get his mind off it and sees a girl Jean, a writer hired by aristocrats to provide singers with lyrics they hire at their parties. He soon falls in love with her and when the ship gets caught up in a storm and when Jean gets thrown overboard Patrick immediately swoops in to save her and delivers her unconscious to the shore to a group of sailors before going back to the ocean
-Now realizing that a mortal soul and having a human love him is now on the top of his priority he visits the sea sorceress, Amanda Young, who tells him that if the woman he loves does not marry him and give a part of her soul to him he will turn into seafoam and die and that she will make Patrick a potion to turn him human in exchange for his voice. He is soon made to cut his throat and remove his vocal cords and as soon he feels the painful transformation from merman to human soon passes out and washes up on shore where he’s found by Jean
-Patrick soon wakes up with Jean tending to his neck wound and is now ecstatic to find himself not only human but near the woman of his dreams. It’s not long before Jean and Patrick are now hanging out with Patrick helping Jean with her poems usually about mermaids and life under the sea even if he’s mute
-But only problem Patrick doesn’t realize that while Jean cares for him she doesn’t love him like a lover would but more like how one would love a brother or cousin
-It’s one day that while Jean and Patrick are walking through the streets of town that Jean bumps into the wealthiest man in town Paul Allen and they both start to fall in love pretty much ignoring Patrick and him fearing the end of his life
-It’s not long that Paul finally proposes to Jean and they soon have a boat wedding with Patrick smiling through his broken heart knowing his time has come and that not only will Jean not love him but he will never experience a mortal soul
-As Patrick’s enjoying his last night as a human he sees his brother, Sean, down below and he explains that he visited the sea sorceress and in exchange for a knife that will return Patrick to his normal mermaid form he cut off his thumb and explains that when he kills Jean he’ll be saved
-As Patrick is about to kill Jean in her sleep he realizes he can’t kill the woman he still loves and cares for and throws himself into the ocean slowly becoming sea foam
-Only instead of ceasing to exist he feels the warm sun and discovers that he has turned into an ethereal earthbound spirit known as the son of the air and as he ascends to the air he is greeted by other sons and daughters of the air who tell him because of his selflessness he has become a son of the air and he is given a year to obtain a soul and join the other souls in Heaven but for that year he decides to watch over Jean and be happy to see her happy
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Ginger Fitzgerald-Little Red Riding Hood by The Grimm Brothers
-On a sunny day Ginger and her sister Bridgette are told to bring their sick grandma wine and some cupcakes by their mom and told to stay on the path
-Of course being sixteen they decide to go off the path and have goof off instead staying out really late but things go from good to bad when Ginger is attacked by and bit by a wolf
-When Bridgette eventually gets help from a local huntsman Sam, he offers to let them stay til Gingers bite is healed
-The next day Ginger starts to get really moody and irritable but Bridgette and Sam thinks it’s just cause of the wolf bite
-It isn’t til midnight at a full moon that Bridgette hears a strange noise and goes to see Ginger twist and turn in her sleep and eventually Bridgette sees the transformation from human to wolf
-Ginger nearly attacks Bridgette but is soon stopped by Sam with his shotgun and with that Ginger escapes into the night and Bridgette and Sam give chase
-They run after the wolf only to find themselves at Ginger and Bridgette’s grandmother’s house that Bridgette knows she has to stop Ginger before she does something
-Taking the shotgun from Sam she puts a bullet in between Gingers eye killing her instantly and waking up their grandma in the process and seeing what has become of Ginger
-Bridgette decides to live with Sam and together they bury Gingers corpse and eventually two years later get married and as Bridgette is pregnant she looks up at the full moon and wonders if the name Ginger would be a good baby name
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Brahms Heelshire-Rapunzel by The Grimm Brothers
-While the Heelshires are a very wealthy family that doesn’t mean that life gets difficult especially when Mrs Heelshire, while pregnant, starts craving a very distinct cabbage that the only way to get is by the witch’s garden
-Mr Heelshire doesn’t want to do it but after seeing his wife in the state she’s in now decides to steal the cabbage and is successful at getting some without the witch noticing but after a week his wife craves it again but this time he gets caught by the witch Pearl and she makes a bargain with him. His first born child for the cabbage and he makes a deal with her
-Of course he doesn’t tell his wife until the day comes for Pearl to take the baby away and after seeing a son decides to name the boy Brahms and keeps him in a tower far from civilization and gets in with Brahms long hair that she forbids him to cut
-One ray Billy Lenz, local village idiot happens to stumble upon the tower after hearing a beautiful voice and wants to get in but can’t so stakes out for a day before Pearl comes back and tells Brahm to let his hair down that he has ticket in
-When Pearl is away again Billy manages to sneak his way in mimicking Pearls voice and sees Brahms and immediately falls in love with him
-Brahms is confused and scared at the strange man that managed to break in but after an hour Billy coaxes him out and they soon get to know each other where it’s everyday their seeing one another and Brahms soon falls in love with Billy
-The two plan to escape with one another but Pearl finds out after hearing Brahms sing about Billy and after interrogating Brahms finds out and cuts his hair off and casts him out the tower and into the woods
-Not surprisingly Billy was outside the tower waiting to runaway with Brahms but after finding out that Brahms hair was cut by the witch herself he decides to go on a quest to find Brahms
-It’s a brutal week until he sees a small cabin and there he finds Brahms and after the two embrace Brahms and Billy decide to get married and live happily ever after
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Carrie White-Cinderella by Charles Perrault
-Carrie White is a beautiful girl living with her mother Margaret White far from town and civilization
-When Margaret was horribly assaulted by her lover she became pregnant with Carrie which resulted in the town and the church shunning them and for that reason Margaret takes out her frustration on her daughter who in her eyes “something so full of sin shouldn’t even be considered so beautiful”
-But Carrie has her mice friends she managed to befriend and gives them names
Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie, Ben, Beverly and Mike and some bird friends
-The day of the royal ball happens and each maiden in the land is ordered to attend
-Hopeful for a night out Carrie secretly makes herself a dress but on the night of the ball Margaret catches Carrie and locks her in the closet and tears the dress up and all Carrie can do is cry before the door is opened and she sees a glowing woman with butterfly wings
-The woman introduces herself as Wendy and decides to let her have a night at the ball and turns a pumpkin into a carriage, the birds into horses and the mice into her servants but also helps make Carrie a dress and shoes made of glass but tells Carrie that at midnight she must return as the magic will wear off soon
-At the ball Carrie is having a great time when Sue, a princess from another kingdom and friend of Prince Tommy sees Carrie and asks her to dance and to her delight both girls end up dancing the night away before the clock strikes midnight and Carrie immediately has to go home but Sue tries to catch her not knowing her name and the only thing remaining of the girl is just a shoe
-The next day while Carrie is doing house chores Margaret ends up finding out about the ball and goes to attack her but before she even lays a hand on her there’s a knock on the door and Sue is standing there not believing she found the girl from the ball and after asking her to try the glass shoe on and it fits Sue immediately proposes and Carrie says yes and Carrie is soon take to Sue’s kingdom where the two spend their days in happiness and live happily ever after
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Ash Williams-Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
-Ash Williams is the son of the town blacksmith who likes the simplicity in his life with his father Brock and his sister Cheryl
-One day he decides to walk through the forest and as he’s getting a drink from the fresh lake and it’s there he ends up face to face with the most feared creature in the land, The Deadite King
-At first Ash is terrified of the dreaded creature before the Deadite takes his hand and kisses it while the king goes on about how he had seen his beauty from afar and out of nowhere asks Ash to be his bride of all things
-Ash says no hopefully naive that the king will get the hint but instead The Deadite King decides if he can’t have Ash then no one can and kidnapped him and cursed him to be a swan by day so no one will fall in love with him and human by night to have him for himself
-A year goes bye and the young king Herbert West is doing some writing before he wants to settle down and when he sees a swan with a crown he gets curious and follows the swan only for the sun to set and to the swan turn from a bird to beautiful man dressed in all white
-Of course Ash is freaked out before he realizes Herbert is not gonna hurt him the two get to know each other through the night and Ash tells Herbert everything from the curse to the Deadite King
-Herbert immediately now recognizes him as the blacksmith’s son who went missing a year ago and tells Ash how his family has been searching for him. Ash tells Herbert that the only way to break the curse is for someone to make a vow of everlasting love to him and prove it to the world and Herbert decides at his ball to invite Ash and help him break his curse
-What they didn’t know is that The Deadite Kings daughter, Ruby heard everything and tells her father and when the Deadite King tells Ash to forget Herbert and marry him instead but Ash just says no and that Herbert is the one he loves
-Now even more angry The Deadite King locks Ash up before morning so that he can’t ever leave and that Herbert can’t break the curse
-When Herbert throws his ball he invites Cheryl after coming to her with news Ash is still alive and of course “Ash” shows up strangely with a strange man and wearing all black instead of white but he doesn’t care and dances with and makes a vow of love to “Ash”
-But when midnight strikes “Ash” reveals himself to be Ruby in disguise and the man to be the Deadite King its then Herbert realizes he made a mistake and with Cheryl rushes back to the lake only to find Ash in human form slowly dying from a broken heart
-In a fit of rage Cheryl and Herbert begin to fight the Deadite King and while their clearly outmatched Herbert picks up a large stick and drives it through the Deadite Kings heart and it’s there that the curse is broken and Ash is now fully human again
-Cheryl and Ash have their sibling reunion and Herbert takes them back to their father who’s just so happy to see his son again and of course Herbert proposes to the real Ash and have a grand wedding the following week’s living happily ever after
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jenny-from-the-box · 9 months
This week a certain streaming service added Northern Exposure. I loved the show at the time, and learned recently that James Marsters had his earliest screen work on the show. So I pulled up S4-E14, to see our favorite problematic boyfriend play a reverend, tee-hee.
And can I just say…
Today I Learned 30 year old Blondie Bear was a GINGER SNAP.
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How sweet and innocent did he look?
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opheliapenning · 2 years
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Ginger hair in Pre-Raphaelite artwork 
Lady Lilith,  Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Love’s Shadow, Frederick Sandys 
The Soul of the Rose, John William Waterhouse
Ophelia, Arthur Hughes
The Lady of Shalott, John William Waterhouse
In the Grass,  Arthur Hughes 
(i hate to be annoying, but if you’re here, please consider checking out my poetry under #opheliapenning)
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mllua · 5 months
ride the cyclone au where everything is exactly the same expect for the fact that ocean is just riley from we are the tigers who flees to canada to not get arrested for murder
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matty-hatter · 1 year
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College apartment feline shenanigans with my orange son.
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aroace-in-a-clowncar · 11 months
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The Afton family photo, circa 1982. Don’t they just look so happy?
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