#Ginji amano
wasongo · 10 months
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my friend Nil and I are in the final arc of the getbackers manga. Ginji and Ban get some new outfits in it, so I wanted to draw them.
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mostly-just-jo · 10 months
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BanGin rkgk
They need more kisses!
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chincomet · 2 years
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2 babys
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maxriderg · 1 year
Well, Today is Kappei Yamaguchi's 58th Birthday in which, I got this and so, have a Happy 58th Birthday to him, complete with a little supremely stellar something to share, right over here.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Do I strongly polyship with Ginji, the reader, and Ban? Of fucking course I do because it’s such a great polyship and I will always take the opportunity to write for it! I used this prompt here and hope any fans who stumble across my scribblings enjoy!
Who shops for groceries?
Okay, but let’s be honest. These boys are normally flat out broke. They have zero money most of the time and will usually rely on you to feed them. If they do realize it’s putting a lot of financial strain on you though, they’ll try mooching off of other people and only relying on you for meals occasionally or as a last resort.
Who kills the spiders?
Ban kills the spiders for both you and Ginji. Ginji isn’t exactly afraid of them because I don’t think that’s the right phrase for it…it’s just that they unsettle him a little and he really doesn’t like to kill anything if he can help it. If there’s a gross spider around and it’s really bothering you or Ginji, just yell for Ban. He might call you guys idiots but the spider will be history.
Who comes home drunk at 3 a.m.?
I feel like Ban would be the one more likely to do this but it’s a very rare occurrence. If he gets that drunk, he doesn’t really like you to see him like that. He might let Ginji but even then, he really doesn’t like the other man to see him that way, especially since Ban, when he goes past happy drunk, becomes a bitter, despondent drunk. He’s more than likely just going to avoid going home if he gets into that state.
Who makes breakfast?
Ginji loves making breakfast if the food is there. He tries so hard to make a delicious breakfast, tries to make the plate look pretty, and is so very, very enthusiastic about presenting it to you and Ban. Shame he’s not a great cook and the food is probably slightly burnt.
Who remembers to feed the fish?
Ban actually isn’t crazy about keeping fish as pets. He just doesn’t like them overly much. If you really wanted to keep them, he wouldn’t complain but would steer clear of them and let you and Ginji feed the fish, since between the two of you, one of you does remember to do it.
Who decorates the apartment?
I feel like any apartment shared by the three of you is going to be this weird, eclectic, but super homey space since both boys get excited about having a home to decorate and find things that are being thrown out or are super cheap or being given away. The things might not be pretty initially but both are happy to make them look good and clean them up and are just super proud to be able to provide something for their home with you so the furnishings and décor are really hodge-podge between those types of things and whatever you like and bring into the apartment.
Who initiates duets?
I feel like you would have to initiate them but Ginji sings with you more, though he often forgets the proper lyrics and makes them up as he goes along.
Who falls asleep first?
It’s either you or Ginji, more often than not. Ban’s protective in his own little way and likes to make sure the two of you are safe and sound and asleep before he falls asleep, though this does change if he’s just plain out exhausted.
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massivementalitynut · 2 years
Went down memory lane and stupidly reawakened my old crush for a character I know has no fics catered to him (I should know, I checked). But then again can you blame me? This is a dude who went from this:
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To this:
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gumikon · 2 years
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iaquob · 2 years
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souyu · 2 years
Huevember :: Day 28: Ginji Amano (Get Backers)
Flower: Freesia.
Friendship, trust, thoughtfulness and innocence.
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whiskyrivers · 17 days
Re-watching Older Anime
I just spent the last two-ish days binging an older anime I remembered watching over a decade ago, of not longer, called Get Backers. And as I watched it I fell in love with it all over again, and remembered why I loved it so much.
I now want to ingest everything Get Backers related; fics, fanart, doujinshi, whatever I can get my grubby little goblin hands on. I might need to read the manga now that I've finished re-watching it, because it just makes me want more and I know now the manga has finished (quite awhile ago, at that).
It also, really, just re-solidified my love for anime as well. I'd been missing watching it the last few years and finally got off my ass mid-last year and started watching random anime's again, slowly adding more and more to my completed list on MAL.
While I know it'll never happen, it would be really interesting to see a remake of Get Backers with the animation and designs we have now verses the early 00's when it aired or even a continuation of a second season with the manga being finished. A pipe dream, I'm sure, but a dream none the less.
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blackwolfmanx2 · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Ginji Amano! ⚡🎉🎂🎁
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wasongo · 1 year
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GetBackers headshots since I finished rewatching the anime a bit ago with a friend. Some of these men were impossible to draw!! Had to redraw Akabane 3 times and I'm still not sure if I captured him well.
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mostly-just-jo · 10 months
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A drawing I did for A Thousand Thousand Years by @xparrot
It’s a fic I deeply love and pls pls everyone should go read it 😭
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listening-to-thunder · 2 months
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GetBackers reboot when?!
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crehador · 6 months
the propensity late90s/early00s anime had for putting shirtless twinks in chains remains an unparalleled aesthetic tbh
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Continuing along with this prompt, for a fandom that I'm starting to think I dreamed up because nobody else besides me seems to remember this show, GetBackers, but jesus fuck, do I love it!!
Send me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who I would:
Push off a cliff – Hevn and anyone who knows my opinions on characters largely based on fanservice knows why.
Kiss – Paul and it would go way beyond kissing…or the kissing would be way below lip level, let’s just put it that way. For an older guy, Paul is hot, and he just rubs me the right way!
Marry – I’d have to marry my little ray of sunshine, Ginji! The man would be such a good spouse, I think, and especially for someone like me who needs reassurance on a partner’s affection because I do think that, when in a serious romantic relationship, Ginji would never leave you doubting how much he loves you.
Set on Fire – Akabane, just because the bastard would survive it, no doubts in my mind.
Wrap a Blanket Around – Madoka…she’s so adorable and sweet and I just feel the irrational need to take care of her every time I watch this show.
Be Roommates With – I feel like Kazuki would be a model roommate and he’s good eye candy, so he’d be my first choice!
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