#Giorgi Gregori
eminsunnytoons123 · 2 months
The whatnot Show gang doodles:
Part 1, part 2 And part 3
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Since I have promised yesterday that I'll post the whole whatnot Show gang, here it is =^_^=
And this is for all my loved ones in my tumblr family: @0lemonadefox0 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsac224 @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @animatronicdoozer @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @oxxjustfrankieandmikuloverxxo @ducktopia90264 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r @vickymcsworld @fancytigercupcake @classywinnerpeace @dackychansworldofhoshino @itzbluecl0udd @alegriasweetblossom that always love me And support my work And always give me some much Joy And happiness in my heart, I'll always love And support them no matter what, And I'll always wish them all happiness And Joy =^///////^= 🩷💖❤️
Also, I know that I made these doodles on february this year And that I could've redraw them in my new improved artstyle after these couple months, I'm kinda lazy to do so ^///^; but! When I often draw them along with kermoot And the moopets, timrek And the teppums, And Lucille And the parodies, they WILL look more better =^_^=
And also! Before I start sharing their new updated infos, I wont go by the parts I was doing, because I wanna make every character be together in these new parts ^///^;
Now their NEW infos/bios:
Dermot the dog - dermot the dog is Kermit the frog's whatnot counterpart, he is the dog leader of the whatnot Show gang and he plays the bucket bass and likes to talk about cloudy Days. His headcanon voice actor is Phil LaMarr, And his voice claim is Wilt from Fosters home for Imaginary friends.
Miss Tiggy - Miss Tiggy is Miss piggy's whatnot counterpart, she is the primadonna Tiger lady but she is also very hot tempered, so beware of her! She is even Dermot's love interest. Her headcanon voice actor is Pendleton Ward, And her voice claim is lumpy space princess from adventure time.
Ozzy Woodchuck - Ozzy Woodchuck is fozzie bear's whatnot counterpart, he is the comedic Woodchuck of the Show And his jokes often suck and he often uses honks for entertainment of other whatnots. His headcanon voice actor is Doug Giorgis, And his voice claim is Bobby zilch from psychonauts.
Bonzo the amazing monkey - Bonzo the amazing monkey is gonzo's whatnot counterpart, he is the Daredevil Monkey that isnt afraid to do some dangerous acrobatics And stuff, And he has a thing for fairies that are taller than him. His headcanon voice actor is Gregory Micheal "Greg" Cipes, And his voice claim is Beast boy from teen titans go!
Paisley the persian cat - paisley the persian cat is rowlf the dog's whatnot counterpart, he is wise and laid-back just like rowlf And he plays the Mandolin. His headcanon voice actor is Keith David, And his voice claim is Husk from hazbin hotel.
Sid the British bulldog - Sid the British bulldog is sam the eagle's whatnot counterpart, he is a British bulldog that always has something to say about Britain or that the Show should he more cultural, And! He calls the other whatnots "freakos". His headcanon voice actor is Phil LaMarr, And his voice claim is Spike the bulldog from various tom And Jerry DTV movies.
Gustavo the King ladybug - Gustavo the King ladybug is Pepe the King prawn's whatnot counterpart, he is a sassy mexican KING ladybug of the Show, And! Dont call him a "fly"! His headcanon voice actor is Carlos Jaime Alazraqui, And his voice claim is juandissimo magnifico from fairly oddparents.
Pierce the chinchilla - Pierce the chinchilla is Rizzo the rat's whatnot counterpart, he is a cute looking yet sassy chinchilla on the Show with many mischiefs. His headcanon voice actor is Blake Roman, And his voice claim is Angel dust from hazbin hotel.
Victor - Victor is Walter's whatnot counterpart, he is a enthusiastic boy who is a big fan of the whatnots And he is even the part of them, he is even Snooper's best friend And he has a crush on him. his headcanon voice actor is Liam Ross-Mills, And his voice claim is Tractor tom from Tractor tom.
Snooper - Snooper is Scooter's whatnot counterpart, he helps Dermot for the show and he is even Victor's best friend And he has a crush on him too, And his sister Sneeker often teases him. His headcanon voice actor is Tom Kenny, And his voice claim is Preston from class of 3000.
Dr Aristotle un wonders - Dr Aristotle un wonders is dr bunsen honeydew's whatnot counterpart, he is the Scientist of the Show And Kiyoshi is his assistant but maybe even a crush. His headcanon voice actor is Jeff Bergman, And his voice claim is yogi bear from jellystone!
Kiyoshi - Kiyoshi is Beaker's whatnot counterpart, he is just as nervous and shy as beaker And he speaks like "breep!" And "ohh?". His headcanon voice actor is Richard Steven Horvitz, And his voice claim is Raz Aquatin from psychonauts.
And I wanna know who are y'all's favorite characters here in the whatnot Show, ya can tell me either in the replies or reblogs =^.^=
And I'll post the rest later or tommorow along with The moopets gang, And! I gotta draw class of 4000 characters now =^//////^=
I hope y'all will like these =^////^= 🩷❤️💖💛🧡
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Livorno, presentazione del saggio "Metà giardino, metà galera. Le parole del carcere nella musica italiana"
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Livorno, presentazione del saggio "Metà giardino, metà galera. Le parole del carcere nella musica italiana" Sarà presentato mercoledì 7 febbraio alle ore 17.00 a Villa Fabbricotti, sede della Biblioteca Labronica, il volume "Metà giardino, metà galera. Le parole del carcere nella musica italiana" di Alessia La Villa e Leandro Vanni. Si tratta del primo saggio che parla del rapporto tra la musica italiana e il carcere. Interverranno insieme agli autori il garante dei Detenuti del Comune di Livorno Marco Solimano, che ha dato il suo patrocinio all'evento, Francesco Parasole docente della scuola di scrittura Carver di Livorno, Francesco Giorgi musicista e compositore e Lorenzo Bagnoli, musicista che eseguirà alcuni brani tratti dal testo. Tra le voci più importanti di cui si parlerà: Ornella Vanoni, Fabrizio De Andrè, Lucio Dalla, Giorgio Gaber, Roberto Vecchioni, Francesco De Gregori, Piero Ciampi, Gianni Siviero e molti/e altri/e. Appena pubblicato nella collana saggi dalla Casa Editrice Centro Studi Erickson "Metà giardino, metà galera. Le parole del carcere nella musica italiana" rappresenta un progetto semplice e ambizioso nello stesso tempo. Raccontare il carcere e i suoi protagonisti attraverso i brani musicali che dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi gli artisti italiani hanno dedicato a questo tema spesso considerato scomodo. È un lungo viaggio quello offerto dagli autori del libro che vivono ogni giorno la realtà del carcere da angolature diverse: Alessia La Villa da educatrice, e Leandro Vanni da ispettore di Polizia Penitenziaria. Seguendo il filo cronologico della Storia con la S maiuscola con i suoi giorni e i suoi accadimenti, gli autori hanno focalizzato la loro attenzione sulle parole che i cantautori italiani hanno scelto per raccontare le storie con la s minuscola che "sovraffollano" il carcere. In questo viaggio avremo dunque modo di conoscere il Michè di De Andrè suicida in carcere, l'ergastolano di Dalla, il giovane Cerutti Gino di Gaber, l'uomo uscito dal carcere di De Gregori, il signor giudice di Vecchioni, gli agenti di custodia che arrivavano "Dalle Capre" di Lolli, Hitler che finisce in galera con Piero Ciampi, il carcere del 1975, anno della Riforma dell'Ordinamento Penitenziario, raccontato nell'album di Gianni Siviero. Il testo, che arriva fino ai giorni nostri con Silvestri, Mannarino e molti altri autori, vuole ribaltare l'accostamento giardino/galera che potrebbe sembrare quasi un ossimoro evidenziando come anche la galera possa diventare "feconda" a patto che si sia in grado di concimarla (dai diamanti non nasce niente, dal letame nascono i fiori) e non voltandosi mai dall'altra parte. A differenza di molti testi, questo saggio presenta una "non conclusione" proprio a voler evidenziare l'impegno di tutti nello scrivere ogni giorno una pagina in più su un argomento rispetto al quale non si deve mai tacere perché come cantava Guccini: "Solo l'ignoranza fa paura ed il silenzio è uguale a morte".... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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vitosscaletta · 5 years
Mafia 2!
bro does this game even have a fandom.. 😳
The first character I first fell in love with: Vito bith... they didn’t have to make their protagonist look like THAT
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: uhhh can’t think of anyone
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: uhhhhhhh idk I guess Henry. I don’t have anything against them I’m just not as much into him as the other 2 people who played this game. he sexy though he looks like Gregory Peck
The character I love that everyone else hates: 🤷‍♀️ idk! this game has no fandom
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: no one!!! 
The character I would totally smooch: see answer 1 :)
The character I’d want to be like: no one.. I don’t wanna be in the mafia -_-
The character I’d slap: I guess Frankie’s husband the dude can choke. m3 has a lot more punchable characters tbh
A pairing that I love: same as always only oc stuff but. Claudia/Vito 😳 ALSO ik its m3 but Juliet/Michael (belongs to dany) true love HOES
A pairing that I despise: I don’t have any for mafia 2 but i’m gonna break the rules.. there’s some weirdo out there who has ocs they ship with that one kkk dude from mafia 3.... and...Giorgi 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 wtf 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Sat., April, 23, 2022
April 23_April10
Great Saturday, descent into Hades.
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In the 14th century, during the reign of King Bagrat V (1360–1394), Timur (Tamerlane) invaded Georgia seven times. His troops inflicted irreparable damage on the country, seizing centuries-old treasures and razing ancient churches and monasteries.
Timur’s armies ravaged Kartli, then took the king, queen, and the entire royal court captive and sent them to Karabakh (in present-day Azerbaijan). Later Timur attempted to entice King Bagrat to renounce the Christian Faith in exchange for permission to return to the throne and for the release of the other Georgian prisoners.
For some time Timur was unable to subjugate King Bagrat, but in the end, being powerless and isolated from his kinsmen, the king began to falter. He devised a sly scheme: to confess Islam before the enemy, but to remain a Christian at heart. Satisfied with King Bagrat’s decision to “convert to Islam,” Timur permitted the king to return to the throne of Kartli. At the request of King Bagrat, Timur sent twelve thousand troops with him to complete Georgia’s forcible conversion to Islam.
When they were approaching the village of Khunani in southeastern Georgia, Bagrat secretly informed his son Giorgi of everything that had happened and called upon him and his army to massacre the invaders.
The news of Bagrat’s betrayal and the ruin of his army infuriated Timur, and he called for immediate revenge. At their leader’s command, his followers destroyed everything in their path, set fire to cities and villages, devastated churches, and thus forced their way through to Kvabtakhevi Monastery.
Monastics and laymen alike were gathered in Kvabtakhevi when the enemy came thundering in. Having forced open the gate, the attackers burst into the monastery, then plundered and seized all its treasures. They captured the young and strong, carrying them away.
Kvabtakhevi Church in southeastern Georgia.
Kvabtakhevi Church in southeastern Georgia.
The old and infirm were put to the sword. As the greatest humiliation, they mocked the clergy and monastics by strapping them with sleigh bells and jumping and dancing around them.
Already drunk on the blood they had shed, the barbarians posed an ultimatum to those who remained: to renounce Christ and live or to be driven into the church and burned alive.
Faced with these terms, the faithful cried out: “Go ahead and burn our flesh—in the Heavenly Kingdom our souls will burn with a divine flame more radiant than the sun!” And in their exceeding humility, the martyrs requested that their martyrdom not be put on display:
“We ask only that you not commit this sin before the eyes of men and angels. The Lord alone knows the sincerity of our will and comforts us in our righteous afflictions!”
Having been driven like beasts into the church, the martyrs raised up a final prayer to God: “In the multitude of Thy mercy shall I go into Thy house; I shall worship toward Thy holy temple in fear of Thee. O Lord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness; because of mine enemies, make straight my way before Thee (Ps. 5:6–7) that with a pure mind I may glorify Thee forever….”
The executioners hauled in more and more wood, until the flames enveloping the church blazed as high as the heavens and the echo of crackling timber resounded through the mountains. Ensnared in a ring of fire, the blissful martyrs chanted psalms as they gave up their spirits to the Lord.
The massacre at Kvabtakhevi took place in 1386. The imprints of the martyrs’ charred bodies remain on the floor of the church to this day.
Defenders of our good deeds and ready help of those who call upon you, O Holy Martyrs of Kvabtakhevi Monastery, intercede with Christ God to have mercy on our souls!
Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze
Source: the lives of the Georgian Saints by Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze at St. Herman Press P.O. Box 70, Platina, CA 96076
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The Holy Patriarch Gregory (George Angelopoulos in the world) was born in 1745 at Dēmētsána in the Pelopónnēsos. He began his education in the village schools, since his father could not afford to send him to better schools. In 1765, he went to Athens to study under the renowned teacher Dēmḗtrios Vodas, and in 1767, he went to Smyrna to attend an ecclesiastical school. Later, he went to Patmos for further study, and was ordained as a Deacon in 1775 at Smyrna. Soon after, he was ordained as a Hieromonk.
In 1785 he was consecrated as a Bishop, and was chosen as the Metropolitan of Smyrna. His ministry produced much spiritual fruit, and he edified his flock by his eloquent sermons, by building schools, and by writing books. On May 1,1797 he was elected as Patriarch of Constantinople. From that day forward, he concerned himself with the internal and external order of the Patriarchate. He established rules for his household and staff, called regular meetings, and set agendas for the Synod of Bishops.
In the early XIX century, Greece was suffering under the heavy Turkish yoke, though many Greek patriots hoped to regain their independence. They found support from the Holy Patriarch, whose connections with Greek patriots were revealed only after Alexander Ypsilantis crossed the Prut River with his army against Sultan Mahmud.
The Patriarch was an ascetic who kept the fasts and devoted himself to the unceasing Prayer of the Heart. Such traits did not endear him to everyone, and he had many enemies. The Saint's austerity annoyed some bishops, who slandered him, resulting in his removal and exile to Mount Athos from 1798-1806, where he lived in the Greatest Lavra.
His second tenure as Patriarch began amid political turmoil. Once more he began a program of building churches and schools. Turkey declared war in 1807 as the result of Russian activity in the Balkans. The Sultan ordered Saint Gregory to issue an encyclical against Russia in order to prevent the Greeks from cooperating with them. He bore no malice toward Russia, but he was trying to avoid massacres and insurrections. Three times during his second Patriarchate, Saint Gregory was forced to quell Greek attempts to revolt. Nevertheless, he was deposed and exiled to the Holy Mountain in 1808.
In January 1819, the Holy Hierarch ascended the Patriarchal throne for the final time. He established a fund to help the poor of Constantinople and reorganized the Patriarchal printing press, which published many spiritual books. In March, several bishops were imprisoned or executed because of the failed insurrection of Alexander Ypsilantis in Moldavia. When the Greek Revolution began on March 25, 1821, the Turks ordered the Patriarch and his Synod to issue an anathema against Ypsilantis and those who had cooperated with him. The anathema was ignored, because the Greeks knew that it had been issued under duress.
During that Lent, jailings and executions were common. One of the Patriarch's friends advised him to flee from Constantinople to the Morea. Saint Gregory replied: "I have a premonition that the fish of the Bosphorus will eat my body, but I will die calmly, for the sake of of saving my nation."
On Holy Pascha, April 10, 1821, the Patriarch was seized at 10:00 A.M. and hanged at the gate of the Patriarchate, and then his body was thrown into the sea. That gate has remained shut ever since.
Greek sailors noticed the place where the Hieromartyr's body was abandoned, and placed it on a ship from Kephalonia under the command of Captain Macri Sklavos, and then it was taken to Odessa under the Russian flag. The Hierarch's relics were buried in the Greek church of the Holy Trinity on June 19, 1821. Patriarchal vestments were sent from Moscow for the Saint's relics, as well as a mitre and a cross, which had belonged to His Holiness Patriarch Nikon (1652-1658). The Hieromartyr Gregory V of Constantinople, held the See of Constantinople three times (1797-1799, 1806-1808, 1819-1821).
In 1871, at the request of the Greek government, permission was granted to transfer Patriarch Gregory's relics from Odessa to Athens for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Greek independence. A special Service was composed in Athens in honor of the Hierarch, whose martyrdom heralded the triumph of Christianity in Greece.
The Hieromartyr Gregory was glorified as a Saint in 1921. The scroll on his Icon reads: "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be entangled again with the yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1).
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MATTHEW 27:62-66 
62 On the next day, which followed the Day of Preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to Pilate, 63 saying, "Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise.' 64 Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, 'He has risen from the dead.' So the last deception will be worse than the first. 65 Pilate said to them, "You have a guard; go your way, make it as secure as you know how." 66 So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard.
GALATIANS 3:13-14 
13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"),14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
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In Game:
The Basilica di Santa Maria in Aracoeli is the church of the city council of Rome, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. 
During the Renaissance, the Temple was also home to a Lair of Romulus, which the Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze discovered during his tenure in Rome during the Renaissance. During this same period, Ezio funded the renovation of the church as one of the many buildings and monuments throughout the city that provided income for the Assassin Order.
Later, sometime after the liberation of Rome from Borgia oppression, Ezio traveled to the church and made his way through it into the Vault below, where he stored his Apple of Eden.
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In 2012, Desmond Miles gained access to the basilica after entering through the underground passageway and hidden entrances from the Colosseum. There, he solved a puzzle, pulling a lever which raised a strange device, that later opened a secret entrance to the Vault beneath the church.
In Real Life:
Located on the highest summit of Capitoline Hill, the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, also known in English as Basilica of St. Mary of the Altar of Heaven, is a titular Basilica in Rome. It is still the designated Church of the city council of Rome, which uses the ancient title of Senatus Populusque Romanus. The present Cardinal Priest of the Titulus Sanctae Mariae de Aracoeli is Salvatore De Giorgi.
Little is actually known about its origin. According to some sources the church dates back to 880, while others say it was founded even before in 590 by Pope Gregory the Great. Either way, originally the church was named Sancta Maria in Capitolio, since it was sited on the Capitoline Hill of Ancient Rome; by the 14th century it had been renamed. A medieval legend included in the mid-12th-century guide to Rome, Mirabilia Urbis Romae, claimed that the church was built over an Augustan Ara primogeniti Dei, in the place where the Tiburtine Sibyl prophesied to Augustus the coming of Jesus Christ.
The foundation of the church was laid on the site of a Byzantine abbey mentioned in 574. Many buildings were built around the first church; in the upper part they gave rise to a cloister, while on the slopes of the hill a little quarter and a market grew up. Remains of these buildings - such as the little church of San Biagio de Mercato and the underlying "Insula Romana") - were discovered in the 1930s. At first the church followed the Greek rite, a sign of the power of the Byzantine exarch.
Taken over by the papacy by the 9th century, the church was given first to the Benedictines, then, by papal bull to the Franciscans in 1249–1250; under the Franciscans it received its Romanesque-Gothic aspect. The arches that divide the nave from the aisles are supported on columns, no two precisely alike, scavenged from Roman ruins.
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(Image source)
During the Middle Ages, this church became the center of the religious and civil life of the city. in particular during the republican experience of the 14th century, when Cola di Rienzo inaugurated the monumental stairway of 124 steps in front of the church, designed in 1348 by Simone Andreozzi, on the occasion of the Black Death.
In 1571, Santa Maria in Aracoeli hosted the celebrations honoring Marcantonio Colonna after the victorious Battle of Lepanto over the Turkish fleet. Marking this occasion, the compartmented ceiling was gilded and painted (finished 1575), to thank the Blessed Virgin for the victory. In 1797, with the Roman Republic, the basilica was deconsecrated and turned into a stable. 
The church also contains the marble tomb of Cecchino Bracci, pupil and lover of artist Michelangelo who had dedicated a number of poems in his name. The tomb's design (not the carving) is by Michelangelo.
In modern times, as the  Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli is extremely well located, in the heart of the city, near the Altare della Patria, it is very popular among visitors to the city.
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gcmortgageboss · 5 years
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🔑 Congrats to Tyler Langford on the purchase of your new home in Pennsylvania. It was a pleasure working with you and your new home is beautiful. I appreciate the opportunity to earn your business. Thank you to Rob Dollar for the referral, Marguerite Giorgi Argelander for doing an awesome job as the realtor, Sandra Hill for processing the loan, Steve Janocha for assistance with the mortgage loan origination, and last but never least Johnnie Bazemore, MBA , Dean Delcollo and the entire crew at Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC for a super smooth closing as always. A great day to be a homeowner!!! 🏡🏡🏡 #anniemacwilmington #delawarerealestate #loanorigination #homeloans #loans #mortgages #loan #purchase #refinance #mortgagelender #interestrates #homemortgage #homeownership #homeloan #settlement #firsthome #firsttimehomebuyers #closing (at Gregory Clark - Branch Manager - AnnieMac Home Mortgage) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6i9_EGFRkrxms0IjlqkwK8eD1Hw4x6O5AAbUQ0/?igshid=1wgx86bby8mo6
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zodiacpostgenerator · 8 years
The signs as Dutch expatriates in France:
Aries: Anouk Dekker
Taurus: Jessy Kramer
Gemini: Rydell Poepon
Cancer: Giorgi Tskitishvili
Leo: Thomas Koelewijn
Virgo: Lourens Baas Becking
Libra: Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries
Scorpio: Esther Schop
Sagittarius: Gregory van der Wiel
Capricorn: Frans Timmermans
Aquarius: Henric Piccardt
Pisces: Kiki Musampa
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bella-narchy · 4 years
They mattered before the trend and they’ll keep mattering once the trend ends. We have to educate ourselves in order to do better - we need to do better. Be better. We may stumble, we may make mistakes along the way, but that’s okay, we’re learning. Learning isn’t linear. As long as you’re learning, evolving and fighting to make the world a safe space for everyone, you’re on the right path.
Here are a bunch of links to Petitions, Donations, Hot Lines, Books, Podcasts, etc... anything and everything so you can support the movement and educate yourself too:
If you are international and are unable to sign any of these, here are some zip codes you can use
90015 - Los Angeles, California
10001 - New York City, New York
75001 - Dallas, Texas
When it comes to petitions keep in mind that if you have more than one email you can sign more than once; also, white house petitions don’t do much. They were only effective under Obama’s administration, but aren’t so much under Trump’s as they aren’t obligated to give a statement after 100k signature.
Defund MPD
Fire Racist Criminal from the NYPD
Get the Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Censorship of Police Brutality in France
Pass the Goergia Hate Crime Bill
Hands Up Act
National Action Agaisnt Police Brutality
Abolish Prison Labor
Stand with #BLM
Movement for Black Lives
Mandatory Racial Bias Test
Junk Terror Bill
Get Schools to Speak Up
Police De-Escalation Training
Immigrants Being Poisoned by ICE
The Trayvon Martin Law
Working Conditions for Black People in Italy
Defund Police in Dallas
Enact Civilian Oversight of RPD
Require Dash/Body Cams in King County
Defund the Police
Classify White Supremacists as Terrorists
Defung SDPD
Washington State Police Accountability
Illegal Export of Riot Equipment
Ban/Restrict Tear Gas
Knock Down Slave Market Center
Black Trans Women UK
Reject Trump’s Violence Towards Protesters
Make Police Brutality Illegal
Teach Black History In UK
Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon
End Systemic Racism
Make KKK Illegal
Do not donate to Shaun King, or change.org (on the latter, the money is kept by change.org, it does not go to the causes, however the petitions work wonderfully). The following list contains only places were international payment is accepted.
BLM Fund
Black Trans Women Fund
Reclaim the Block
North Star Health Collective
The Marshall Project
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Loveland Therapy Fund
Lake Street Cleanup
Rebuild Native American Youth Center
Cambodia Town Relief Fund
National Bail Fund Network
Unicorn Riot Fund
Black Owned Businesses Atlanta
Black Mental Health Matters:
Black Emotional and Mental Health Crisis Hotline
The Association of Black Psychologists
Crisis Text Line
The Love Land Foundation
The Boris Henson Foundation
Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness
Black Mental Wellness
LGBTQ+ Psychologists of Color
Melanin & Mental Health
Family Paths
The Safe Place App
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
Ethal’s Club
Black Mental Health Alliance
The Unplug Collective
Dive In Well
YouTube Videos, Film & Television:
A BLM Documentary
A debate that puts things in perspective
breakdown of all lives matter
background info of BLM
a little girl gives a speech on BLM
Systemic Racism Explained
YouTube video of Robin DiAngelo discussing White Fragility
“Dear White Friend: You Need to Take a Side”
TED Talk: What My Coloring Book Taught Me About Racism
Rachel Cargle’s TED Talk: Coming to Terms With Racism’s Inertia
Why Rioting Makes Sense
Why White People Need to Use Their Bodies to Defend Black People
Just Mercy
When They See Us
Dear White People
Beasts of the Southern Wild
12 Years a Salve
The Hate You Give
I Am Not Your Negro
The Blood of Jesus
Within Out Gates
Do the Right Thing
Daughters of the Dust
Killer of Sheep
The Learning Tree
Boyz n the Hood
Sidewalk Stories
Fruitvale Station
Hidden Figures
The Great Debaters
Miracle at St. Anna
Straight Outta Compton
Antwone Fisher
Black Panther
All American
Monsters and Men
Middle of Nowhere
Mississippi Burning
A Time to Kill
To Kill a Mockingbird
Corrina Corrina
Burning Cane
The Black Power Mixtape
The Black Panthers
Time: the Kalief Browder Story
Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story
Stranger Fruit
Read a Little… or a LOT:
In Defense of Looting - Vicky Osterweil
White Witness and the Contemporary Lynching - Zoé Samudzi
Black is Crime: Notes on Blaqillegalism - Dubian Ade
A Guide to Allyship
There’s No Such Think as a Pretty Protest - Tirhakah Love
7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism Is Real
How White Feminists Oppress Black Women: When Feminism Functions as White Supremacy
Guide by Rachel Cargle explaining the relationship between white feminism and black women
How to Talk to Kids About Racial Violence and Police Brutality
We Need More White Parents to Talk to Their Kids About Race. Especially Now.
Resources from The Conscious Kid
Are Your Kids Too Young to Talk About Race?
Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness - Anastasia Higginbotham
How to Tell Someone You Love They’re Being Racist
How to Communicate With Racist Family Members
How to Talk to Your Family About Racism
Here’s What to Say to Racist Family Members During the Holidays
What Exactly is a Microaggression?
Microaggressions don’t just ‘hurt your feelings’
Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America’s Largest Criminal Court - Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
Justy Mercy - Bryan Stevenson
The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness - Michelle Alexander
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Women, Race and Class - Angela Yvonne Davis
Policing the Planet: Why the Policing Crisis Led to Black Lives Matter - Multiple
Tears We Cannot Stop - Michael Eric Dyson
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Origin of Others - Toni Morrison
Heavy - Kiese Laymon
Brown Boy - Daphnie Glenn
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice - Corinne Shutack
How White Womens’ Tears Threaten Black Existence - Cameron Glover
When Feminism is White Supremacy in Heels - Rachel Cargle
The Souls of White Folk - Stephen Jamal Leeper
What do we do with white folks? - Anthony James William
White People Have No Culture - Lorena Wallace
White Fragility - The Conscious Kid
Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: ‘Some Very Fine People on Both Sides’ - Rosie Gray
Discourse & Debate: Is performative activism inherently bad? - Kayla Abrams
Amy Cooper, White Spaces, and the Political Projection of Whiteness - Wear Your Voice Magazine
The White Space - Elijah Anderson
This Is What Black Burnout Feels Like - Tiana Clark
Amy Cooper Knew Exactly What She Was Doing - Zeba Blay
Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race - Renni Eddo-Lodge
Black Lives Matter & COVID-19: An Activist Roundtable - Aislinn Pulley, brian bean, Frank Chapman, Damon Williams, Alyx Goodwin, Todd St. Hill, Khury Petersen-Smith, Haley Pessin
We’re Sick of Racism, Literally - Douglas Jacobs
Letter From a Birmingham Jail - Martin Luther King, Jr.
If Beale Street Could Talk and the Urgency of Black Love - Hannah Giorgis
Embracing Sadness When Joy & Rage Are the Only Options the World Offers to Black People - Zhailon Levingston
How White People Can Hold Each Other Accountable to Stop Institutional Racism - Elly Belle
What the Prison-Abolition Movement Wants - Kim Kelly
I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye - Ta-Nehisi Coates
1619 Project - New York Times compilation on the lasting legacy of slavery in the US
The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Case for Reparations - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Where is the outrage for Breonna Taylor? - Renee Nishawn Scott
Forget “Looting.” Capitalism is the Real Robbery - William C. Anderson
A Timeline of the Events That Led to the 2020 Uprising - Michael Harriot
Why Protest? (Zine) - Chicago Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) Teaching Collective
America, This is Your Chance - Michelle Alexander
How Do We Change America? - Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor
44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country - Zahra Barnes
What Kind of Society Values Property Over Black Lives? - Robin Kelly
Business of Fashion 500 is now 499. - Kerby Jean-Raymond
What It’s Really Like to Be Black and Work in Fashion - Lindsay Peoples Wagner
Model Minority’ Myth Again Used as a Racial Wedge Between Asians and Blacks - Kat Chow
20+ Allyship Actions for Asians to Show Up for the Black Community Right Now - Michelle Kim
6 Ways Asian Americans Can Tackle Anti-Black Racism in Their Families - Kim Tran
The Asian American Reply to Pandemic-Era Racism Must Be Cross-Racial Solidarity - Kelsey Liu and Monica Hahn
Mariame Kaba: Everything Worthwhile Is Done with Other People - Eve L. Ewing interviewing Mariame Kaba
Free Us All - Mariame Kaba
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire
Assata: An Autobiography - Assata Shakur
#8ToAbolition - Site with 8 demands for abolition
Abolition Cannot Wait: Visions for Transformation and Radical World-Building - K. Agbebiyi, Sarah T. Hamid, Rachel Kuo and Mon Mohapatra
By the end of his life, Martin Luther King realized the validity of violence - Hanif Abdurraqib
Yes, We Literally Mean Abolish the Police - Mariame Kaba
How Videos of Police Brutality Traumatize African-Americans and Undermine the Search for Justice - Kia Gregory
What to Do Instead of Calling the Police - Aaron Rose
The Case for Delegitimizing the Police - William C. Anderson
Abolish the Police? - Maya Dukmasova
Alternatives to the Police - Evan Dent, Molly Korab, Farid Rener
Calling Someone Other Than the Cops - Conor Friedersdorf
finding ways not to call the police
Twitter Flags Trump, White House for ‘glorifying violence’ in George Floyd protest tweets - Travis Pittman
Desert Sun ‘looting’ quote source
Abolish the Police (Part 1 and Part 2) - brian bean
How to Safely and Ethically Film Police Misconduct - Palika Makam
11 Things You Can Do to Help Black Lives Matter End Police Violence - Lincoln Anthony Blades
Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality. - Mychal Denzel Smith
The Myth of Police Reform - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Community Safety Looks Like…
Project NIA
Summer Heat - Mariame Kaba
Check in on Your Black Employees, Now - Tonya Russell
Rebellions Get Results: A List So Far - brian bean
Where Bail Funds Go From Here - Jia Tolentino
How The Police Could Be Defunded - Alexis Okeowo
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism - Jon Greenberg
Anti-Oppression: Anti-Racism Guide - Simmons University
SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)
Whiteaccomplices.org Resources
Taking a Stand Against Police Violence
Antiracism resources for white people
Abolitionist Resources
Critical Resistance
Antiracism Resources
Resource Guide: Prisons, Policing, and Punishment - Micah Herskind
Transform Harm - Mariame Kaba
Fumbling Towards Repair: A Workbook for Community Accountability Facilitators - Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan
The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin
Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
How to be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi
Pushout: the Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools - Monique W. Morris
From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation - Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor
As Black as Resistance - Zoe Samudzi
When Affirmative Action was White - Ira Katznelson
So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin DiAngelo
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander
Freedom is a Constant Struggle - Angela Davis
Women, Race and Class - Angela Davis
Sister Outsider - Audre Lorde
Your Silence Will Not Protect You - Audre Lorde
Beloved - Toni Morrison
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
Song of Soloman - Toni Morrison
Who do you serve? Who do you protect? - Alicia Garza, Joe Macaré, Maya Schenwar, and Alana Yu-lan Price
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex - Eric A. Stanley
Race Matters - Cornel West
How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective - Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor
Crunk Feminist Collection - Brittney Cooper, Susana M. Morris and Robin M. Boylorn, Crunk Feminist Collective
They Can’t Kill Us All - Wesley Lowry
Racism Without Racists - Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
This Bridge Called My Back - Compilation, edited by Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
Redefining Realness - Janet Mock
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
The Warmth of Other Suns - Isabel Wilkerson
Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party - Joshua Bloom
Just Mercy - Bryan Stevenson
Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color - Andrea Ritchie
Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi - Kali Akuno and Ajamu Nangwaya
The End of Policing - Alex Vitale
On Being White - James Baldwin
The Invisible Weight of Whiteness: the Racial Grammar of Everyday Life in Contemporary America - Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Race, Power & Policy: Dismantling Structural Racism - the Grassroots Policy Project
Words Matter: Thoughts on Language and Abolition - Critical Resistance Abolition Toolkit Workgroup
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack - Peggy McIntosh
Anti-Racist Lesson Plans & Resources for Educators - Compilation
Here Are 21 Free Resources for Teaching Social Justice in the Classroom - Megan DeMatteo
Children’s books that discuss race and racism - @wanderingbritt_ (twitter thread)
Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup - Katrina Michie
Racial Equity Tools Glossary - Racial Equity Tools (key terms in discussing racism)
Where Do I Begin?: A 28-day reading plan for white and non-black POC (people of color) aspiring allies - Amy Sanchez
How to be a better ally to Black people, reading guide by level - Victoria Alexander (Facebook Post)
Anti-Racism For Kids 101: Starting To Talk About Race
Here’s How W. Kamau Bell Talks About Race With His Kids
100 Race-Conscious things you can say to your child to advance racial justice
Article on Raising Race-Conscious Children
4 Things We Should All Teach Kids About Racism Right Now
Teaching Tolerance: Race & Ethnicity
No White Saviors: Kids Books About Black Women in US History
How Kids Learn Prejudice
Even Babies Discriminate: A Natureshock Excerpt
About Race
Code Switch
The Nod
The Stakes
Scene on Radio: Seeing White Series
The Heart: Race Traitor Series
United States of Anxiety
Shine Brighter Together
Listen to the movement on spotify: “WE’LL REST WHEN WE’RE FREE”
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discobar · 5 years
Consegnata al questore di Udine la targa del Digital Security Festival
Consegnata al questore di Udine la targa del Digital Security Festival
Alcuni giorni fa è stata consegnata al Questore di Udine dott.ssa Manuela De Bernardin la targa di ringraziamento per la partecipazione al Digital Security Festival (di cui Italiamac era partner ufficiale) per mano di Luigi Gregori (presidente dell’IT CLUB FVG) e Marco Cozzi (Tesoriere e responsabile eventi), presente nell’occasione anche la dott.ssa De Giorgi dirigente del Compartimento della…
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lignanolanotte · 5 years
Consegnata al questore di Udine la targa del Digital Security Festival
Consegnata al questore di Udine la targa del Digital Security Festival
Alcuni giorni fa è stata consegnata al Questore di Udine dott.ssa Manuela De Bernardin la targa di ringraziamento per la partecipazione al Digital Security Festival (di cui Italiamac era partner ufficiale) per mano di Luigi Gregori (presidente dell’IT CLUB FVG) e Marco Cozzi (Tesoriere e responsabile eventi), presente nell’occasione anche la dott.ssa De Giorgi dirigente del Compartimento della…
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tmnotizie · 5 years
ASCOLI PICENO – Dopo il grande successo del primo appuntamento che ha richiamato l’attenzione di oltre duecento persone e dopo il secondo capitolo che ha avuto come ospite lo scrittore ed editore Giulio Perrone, torna Muse al cinema con un terzo incontro dedicato all’arte pittorica. Giovedì 1 agosto, infatti, i protagonisti saranno Caravaggio e Giovanni Battista Salvi detto il Sassoferrato.
MUSE AL CINEMA – Nata nel corso di un incontro tutto al femminile, la rassegna Muse al cinema vuole proporre alla città di Ascoli Piceno una serie di eventi culturali e d’intrattenimento tesi fondamentalmente alla valorizzazione dei tanti talenti presenti sul territorio. Ina Komino di Nuovo Cineteatro Piceno, Valentina Falcioni di Pulchra Società Cooperativa Culturale, Eleonora Tassoni di Libreria Rinascita e Stefania Mistichelli di Radio Ascoli, infatti, hanno raccontato che l’obiettivo comune era creare “un mantello cangiante” in grado di avvolgere tutta la collettività ascolana attraverso l’intreccio di diversi linguaggi espressivi e creativi.
Ascoli è una città culturalmente in fermento e dietro a Muse al cinema vi è il desiderio di far dialogare coloro che operano per lo sviluppo dell’identità storico-artistica del territorio. I sei appuntamenti della rassegna sono stati ideati grazie a Comune di Ascoli Piceno, Il Picchio Consorzio di Cooperative, Nuovo Cineteatro Piceno, Pulchra Società Cooperativa Culturale, Libreria Rinascita e Radio Ascoli in collaborazione con l’assessore alla cultura Donatella Ferretti, il professor Stefano Papetti, il m° Ada Gentile, la prof.ssa Erminia Tosti Luna, lo scrittore Giulio Perrone, il regista Davide Calvaresi, l’illustratrice Carlotta Paoletti e Ascoli Musei.
IL TERZO APPUNTAMENTO – Domani, giovedì 1 agosto alle ore 17 il prof. Stefano Papetti terrà la prima visita guidata sulle due opere del Sassoferrato, appartenenti alla Collezione Privata Cavallini Sgarbi e presentate il 18 luglio in occasione de La Milanesiana presso la Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno. Con il curatore scientifico delle Collezioni Comunali di Ascoli Piceno si andrà alla scoperta di Giovanni Battista Salvi che “ha avuto la sfortuna di vivere nel corso di un secolo, il XVII, durante il quale gli artisti più affermati, oltre che per le proprie capacità creative, si contraddistinsero anche per le loro biografie turbolente”.
Ovviamente sarà interessante il confronto con il Caravaggio “la cui vita presenta già tutte le caratteristiche proprie di un romanzo di appendice”. Al termine della visita guidata, vi sarà un gustoso aperitivo a cura di Chez Toi di Maria Chiara Giorgi. Alle ore 21 ci si sposterà al Nuovo Cineteatro Piceno per assistere alla proiezione dell’acclamato docufilm “Caravaggio. L’anima e il sangue“.
IL FILM – “Caravaggio. L’anima e il sangue” di Jesus Garces Lambert (90 minuti). “Il film racconta la storia del geniale e controverso pittore italiano Michelangelo Merisi, in arte Caravaggio, avvalendosi della consulenza scientifica di Claudio Strinati e degli interventi di Mina Gregori, Presidente della Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell’Arte, Roberto Longhi e Rossella Vodret, curatrice della mostra Dentro Caravaggio, a Palazzo Reale a Milano fino al 28 gennaio 2018.
Si tratta di un vero e proprio excursus emozionale e investigativo che ci guida nella vita di Caravaggio, nelle opere e nei suoi tormenti attraverso i luoghi che ancora oggi custodiscono i suoi capolavori: Milano, Firenze, Roma, Napoli e Malta. La narrazione si sviluppa con una digressione artistica e con scene fotografiche evocative e simboliche.
Queste fotografie mostrano gli stati d’animo di Caravaggio con scelte visive ed artistiche visionarie e di grande impatto emotivo: raccontano la costrizione/ricerca della libertà, il dolore, la passione, l’attrazione per il rischio, la ricerca della misericordia, fino alla richiesta di perdono e redenzione. Caravaggio è interpretato dall’attore Emanuele Marigliano, ma la voce dell’artista è quella di Manuel Agnelli”.
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italianaradio · 5 years
Scacco allo spaccio nella capitale, disarticolata gang vicina alle cosche
Nuovo post su italianaradio http://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/scacco-allo-spaccio-nella-capitale-disarticolata-gang-vicina-alle-cosche/
Scacco allo spaccio nella capitale, disarticolata gang vicina alle cosche
Scacco allo spaccio nella capitale, disarticolata gang vicina alle cosche
Più di 100 chilogrammi di cocaina, circa 143 di hashish, un laboratorio clandestino attrezzati per la lavorazione, il “taglio” e il confezionamento della coca, e il fermo in flagranza di reato di sette persone tra corrieri e fiancheggiatori. È il bilancio dell’operazione “Re Mida” che ha disarticolato una gang dedita al traffico e allo spaccio di droga (LEGGI). Da questa mattina i militari della Guardia di Finanza di Roma stanno eseguendo, in Lazio e in Calabria, delle ordinanze di custodia cautelare in carcere, emesse dal Gip del Tribunale locale, nei confronti di 18 persone, ritenute appartenenti a un’organizzazione dedita al traffico di stupefacenti e con base nella Capitale. Coordinati dalla Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia capitolina, i Finanzieri del Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria ritengono dunque di aver smantellato un’organizzazione radicata nel quartiere di Montespaccato, capeggiato da Costantino Sgambati, 42enne considerato come un “emergente” nel panorama criminale romano, e che risulterebbe inoltre legato a esponenti di clan, rispetto ai quali sarebbe divenuto un importante canale di distribuzione di droga. LE RELAZIONI CON LA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA In questo contesto, gli inquirenti avrebbero scoperto delle relazioni intessute da Sgambati con esponenti della cosca “Bellocco” di Rosarno, come dichiarato da due collaboratori di giustizia, e con il pregiudicato Renato De Giorgi, 51enne di origini brindisine, a sua volta ritenuto vicino al clan “Coluccia”, articolazione territoriale della Sacra Corona Unita egemone in provincia di Lecce. Sgambati era finito sotto i riflettori nel mese di marzo del 2016, quando le Fiamme gialle hanno sequestrato un vero e proprio “arsenale”, individuato dopo alcuni giorni di pedinamento di Daniele Mezzatesta (41 anni), suo uomo di fiducia. In quell’occasione vennero scovate 20 armi da fuoco tra cui Kalashnikov, fucili a canne mozze e a pompa, mitragliatori Skorpion e silenziatori, ma anche 6 kg di esplosivo ad alto potenziale, 5 detonatori e un giubbotto antiproiettile, oltre a circa 73 kg di cocaina e 140 di hashish. LA STRUTTURA DELLA GANG Le indagini, che si sono protratte per lungo tempo per ricostruire la struttura della gang, hanno consentito di identificare gli altri presunti “associati”. Si stratta di Ugo Di Giovanni (classe 1977); Andrea Sgambati, fratello di Costantino, (classe 1973); Stefano Bruno (classe 1968); Marco Fanelli (classe 1981); Davide Scognamiglio (classe 1985) e Mattia Sigismondi (classe 1994). La tesi è che a loro il “capo” avesse affidato il compito di gestire le aree di spaccio, trasportare e custodire la droga, recuperare i crediti insoluti a fronte delle precedenti cessioni di stupefacente. Secondo gli inquirenti, Sgambati avrebbe esercitato nei confronti dei sodali un potere “dispotico”, ricorrendo a gravi minacce e atti violenti in caso di scarsa “produttività” della piazza di rispettiva competenza, o nei casi in cui vi fossero di ammanchi di denaro dalla “cassa comune”. Una rete di connivenze creata dal capo clan, insomma, che ha poi portato all’individuazione di altri personaggi, anche loro destinatari della misura in carcere. Alcuni, noti alle cronache giudiziarie locali e che, pur non essendo organici all’associazione, sarebbero legati alla gang con “stabili rapporti di fornitura di droga”. LE PERSONE ARRESTATE Dorian Petoku (classe 1988, già arrestato dai Finanzieri del Gico lo scorso gennaio, nell’ambito dell’operazione “Brasile Low Cost” per il tentativo di importazione dal Sud America di oltre 1000 kg di cocaina, perpetrato in concorso con il noto Salvatore Casamonica; Marco Turchetta (classe 1964, figura di spicco tra gli ultrà di una squadra di calcio capitolina); Davide De Gregori (classe 1976); Luca Carovillano (classe 1985); Luca Francesco Viglietta (classe 1967); Francesco Giglio (classe 1979); Nicola Macrì (classe 1976); Emanuele Borgese (classe 1989) e un ulteriore indagato ancora ricercato.
Più di 100 chilogrammi di cocaina, circa 143 di hashish, un laboratorio clandestino attrezzati per la lavorazione, il “taglio” e il confezionamento della coca, e il fermo in flagranza di reato di sette persone tra corrieri e fiancheggiatori. È il bilancio dell’operazione “Re Mida” che ha disarticolato una gang dedita al traffico e allo spaccio di droga (LEGGI). Da questa mattina i militari della Guardia di Finanza di Roma stanno eseguendo, in Lazio e in Calabria, delle ordinanze di custodia cautelare in carcere, emesse dal Gip del Tribunale locale, nei confronti di 18 persone, ritenute appartenenti a un’organizzazione dedita al traffico di stupefacenti e con base nella Capitale. Coordinati dalla Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia capitolina, i Finanzieri del Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria ritengono dunque di aver smantellato un’organizzazione radicata nel quartiere di Montespaccato, capeggiato da Costantino Sgambati, 42enne considerato come un “emergente” nel panorama criminale romano, e che risulterebbe inoltre legato a esponenti di clan, rispetto ai quali sarebbe divenuto un importante canale di distribuzione di droga. LE RELAZIONI CON LA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA In questo contesto, gli inquirenti avrebbero scoperto delle relazioni intessute da Sgambati con esponenti della cosca “Bellocco” di Rosarno, come dichiarato da due collaboratori di giustizia, e con il pregiudicato Renato De Giorgi, 51enne di origini brindisine, a sua volta ritenuto vicino al clan “Coluccia”, articolazione territoriale della Sacra Corona Unita egemone in provincia di Lecce. Sgambati era finito sotto i riflettori nel mese di marzo del 2016, quando le Fiamme gialle hanno sequestrato un vero e proprio “arsenale”, individuato dopo alcuni giorni di pedinamento di Daniele Mezzatesta (41 anni), suo uomo di fiducia. In quell’occasione vennero scovate 20 armi da fuoco tra cui Kalashnikov, fucili a canne mozze e a pompa, mitragliatori Skorpion e silenziatori, ma anche 6 kg di esplosivo ad alto potenziale, 5 detonatori e un giubbotto antiproiettile, oltre a circa 73 kg di cocaina e 140 di hashish. LA STRUTTURA DELLA GANG Le indagini, che si sono protratte per lungo tempo per ricostruire la struttura della gang, hanno consentito di identificare gli altri presunti “associati”. Si stratta di Ugo Di Giovanni (classe 1977); Andrea Sgambati, fratello di Costantino, (classe 1973); Stefano Bruno (classe 1968); Marco Fanelli (classe 1981); Davide Scognamiglio (classe 1985) e Mattia Sigismondi (classe 1994). La tesi è che a loro il “capo” avesse affidato il compito di gestire le aree di spaccio, trasportare e custodire la droga, recuperare i crediti insoluti a fronte delle precedenti cessioni di stupefacente. Secondo gli inquirenti, Sgambati avrebbe esercitato nei confronti dei sodali un potere “dispotico”, ricorrendo a gravi minacce e atti violenti in caso di scarsa “produttività” della piazza di rispettiva competenza, o nei casi in cui vi fossero di ammanchi di denaro dalla “cassa comune”. Una rete di connivenze creata dal capo clan, insomma, che ha poi portato all’individuazione di altri personaggi, anche loro destinatari della misura in carcere. Alcuni, noti alle cronache giudiziarie locali e che, pur non essendo organici all’associazione, sarebbero legati alla gang con “stabili rapporti di fornitura di droga”. LE PERSONE ARRESTATE Dorian Petoku (classe 1988, già arrestato dai Finanzieri del Gico lo scorso gennaio, nell’ambito dell’operazione “Brasile Low Cost” per il tentativo di importazione dal Sud America di oltre 1000 kg di cocaina, perpetrato in concorso con il noto Salvatore Casamonica; Marco Turchetta (classe 1964, figura di spicco tra gli ultrà di una squadra di calcio capitolina); Davide De Gregori (classe 1976); Luca Carovillano (classe 1985); Luca Francesco Viglietta (classe 1967); Francesco Giglio (classe 1979); Nicola Macrì (classe 1976); Emanuele Borgese (classe 1989) e un ulteriore indagato ancora ricercato.
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arxt1 · 6 years
Generalized Ghost Dark Energy in DGP Model. (arXiv:1812.08069v1 [gr-qc])
In 2000, Giorgi Dvali, Gregory Gabadadze and Massimo Porrati (Dvali et al. 2000) was proposed a new braneworld model named as DGP model, having two branches with $(\epsilon=+1)$ and $(\epsilon=-1)$. Former one $(~\epsilon=+1)$ known as the accelerating branch, i.e. accelerating phase of the universe can be explained without adding cosmological constant or Dark energy, whereas later one represents the decelerating branch. Here we have investigated the behavior of decelerating branch $(i.e.~\epsilon=-1)$ of DGP model with Generalized Ghost Dark Energy (GGDE). Aim of our study to find a stable solution of the universe in DGP model. To find a stable solution we have studied the behavior of different cosmological parameters such as Hubble parameter, equation of state (EoS) parameter and deceleration parameter with respect to scale factor. Then we have analysed the $\omega_{D}-\acute{\omega_{D}}$ to confirm no freezing region of our present study and point out thawing region. Furthermore we have checked the gradient of stability by calculating the squared sound speed. Then we extend our study to check the viability of this model under investigation through the analysis of statefinder diagnosis parameters for the present cosmological setup.
from gr-qc updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2LtAuAz
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writerkingdom · 6 years
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Solved Case Analysis: Manulife in Indonesia B by Ulla Fionna Douglas Webber
Solved Case Analysis: Marge Norman and MiniScribe Corporation Robert J.Sack Pat Werhane Andrew Wicks Jenny Mead Leslie Williams
Solved Case Analysis: Marietta Industries by Frey C. Jr. Sherwood Paul Bacon
Solved Case Analysis: Marilyn Carlson Nelson and the Carlson Companies Renaissance William W.George Andrew N.McLean
Solved Case Analysis: Marimekko Alison Konrad Jordan Mitchell
Solved Case Analysis: Mario Laborin and the Turnaround of Mexicos Nacional Financiera B Matthew Andrews Eugenio Amador Quijano
Solved Case Analysis: Marketing Analysis Toolkit Customer Lifetime Value Analysis Thomas Steenburgh Jill Avery
Solved Case Analysis: Marks & Spencer and Zara Process Competition in the Textile Apparel Industry By Michael Pich Ludo Van der Heyden Nicolas Harle
Solved Case Analysis: MARKS & SPENCER AND ZARA PROCESS COMPETITION IN THE TEXTILE APPAREL INDUSTRY by Michael Pich Ludo Van der Heyden Nicolas Harle
Solved Case Analysis: Marriott Corporation By Diana Harrington
Solved Case Analysis: Mars Incorporated by Elena Loutskina George Shapovalov Copy
Solved Case Analysis: Mars Incorporated by Elena Loutskina George Shapovalov
Solved Case Analysis: MARSTON VENTURE MANAGEMENT By John W Mullins Julian Lloyd
Solved Case Analysis: Marten Arts Gallery Inc Elizabeth M.A Grasby Andrew Hines
Solved Case Analysis: MARTHA MCCASKEY By Bart J Van Dissel Joshua D Margolis
Solved Case Analysis: MARTHA MCCASKEY Bart J Van Dissel Joshua D Margolis
Solved Case Analysis: Martin Luther King Jr.A Young Minister Confronts the Challenges of Montgomery William W.George Richard Buhrman Andrew N.McLean
Solved Case Analysis: MAS Holdings Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in the Apparel Industry by Jonathan Story Noshua Watson
Solved Case Analysis: Mass Retailing in Asia A The Markets by Neil Jones Philippe Lasserre Claudia Gehlen
Solved Case Analysis: Mass Retailing in Asia A The Markets French by Neil Jones Philippe Lasserre Claudia Gehlen
Solved Case Analysis: Mass Retailing in Asia B Competition by Neil Jones Philippe Lasserre Claudia Gehlen
Solved Case Analysis: Mass Retailing in Asia B Competition French by Neil Jones Claudia Gehlen Philippe Lasserre
Solved Case Analysis: Mass Retailing in Asia C The China Expansion French by Philippe Lasserre
Solved Case Analysis: Massey Ferguson Ltd. 1980 By Carliss Y. Baldwin Scott P. Mason Jennifer H. Hughes
Solved Case Analysis: Mastering the Three Worlds of Information Technology Andrew McAfee
Solved Case Analysis: MATCHING DELL B 1998 2003 by Jan W Rivkin Simona Giorgi
Solved Case Analysis: Matching Dell Best Jan W.Rivkin Michael E.Porter
Solved Case Analysis: Matsushita Electric Industrial Company Ltd MEI by Sumantra Ghoshal
Solved Case Analysis: MATT MOREAUS DILEMMA Jeffrey Gandz
Solved Case Analysis: MATTEL AND THE TOY RECALLS A Hari Bapuji Paul W. Beamish
Solved Case Analysis: Maumee Commercial Dining Products Inc. By Mark E. Haskins
Solved Case Analysis: MBStarting Salaries Chris A. Higgins
Solved Case Analysis: MCI Communications Corp. Capital Structure Theory B by Marc L. Lipson June A. West Miriam Platten
Solved Case Analysis: MCI Takeover Battle Verizon Versus Qwest By Malcolm P. Baker James Quinn
Solved Case Analysis: McKinsey & Company Jay W. Lorsch
Solved Case Analysis: MCLEOD MOTORS LTD John S. Haywood Farmer
Solved Case Analysis: Mead Corporation Cost of Capital by Kenneth M. Eades
Solved Case Analysis: Medco Energi Internasional By Belen Villalonga Raphael Amit Chris Hartman
Solved Case Analysis: Medfield Pharmaceuticals
Solved Case Analysis: MEDI CULT PRICING A RADICAL INNOVATION By Nirmalya Kumar Brian Rogers
Solved Case Analysis: MedNet.com Confronts Click Through Competition Allegra Young
Solved Case Analysis: MEDTRON LIMITED J. Nick Fry Richard Smith Lynn Ferguson
Solved Case Analysis: Memo to JC Penney Execution Is Not Strategy Roger L. Martin
Solved Case Analysis: Mend A Case in Cost Volume Profit Analysis by Gavin Cassar S. David Young
Solved Case Analysis: Mercado By Bethany Coates Mark Leslie James Lattin
Solved Case Analysis: Mercadona Zeynep Ton Simon Harrow
Solved Case Analysis: Merck & Co. Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity Richard S. Ruback David Krieger
Solved Case Analysis: Merck & Co. Inc. Kevin J. Murphy
Solved Case Analysis: Merck Banyu By Timothy A. Luehrman
Solved Case Analysis: Mercury Athletic Valuing the Opportunity Timothy A. Luehrman Joel L. Heilprin
Solved Case Analysis: MERCURY ATHLETIC VALUING THE OPPORTUNITY Timothy A Luehrman Joel L Heilprin
Solved Case Analysis: Merit Marine Corporation By Robert F. Bruner Peter R. Hennessy
Solved Case Analysis: Merrill Electronics Corporation A by Lee Remmers
Solved Case Analysis: Merton Electronics Corporation by Lee Remmers
Solved Case Analysis: Metabical Pricing Packaging and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight Loss Drug John A. Quelch Heather Beckham
Solved Case Analysis: Method for Valuing High Risk Long Term Investments The Venture Capital Method William A. Sahlman Daniel R. Scherlis
Solved Case Analysis: Methods of Valuation for Mergers and Acquisitions By Michael J. Schill Paul Doherty
Solved Case Analysis: Methods of Valution for Mergers and Acquisitions
Solved Case Analysis: Michael Mac Ling Elliot N Weiss Andrew Gonce
Solved Case Analysis: Michelin and the Global Tire Industry in 1999 by Karel Cool Francesca Gee
Solved Case Analysis: Michelin in China in 2016 by Karel Cool Laurent De Clara
Solved Case Analysis: Microfinance in Bolivia A Meeting with the President of the Republic By Michael Chu
Solved Case Analysis: Micron Technology Inc. Riding the Wave Refinancing Convertible by Susan Chaplinsky Nhat Nguyen Notes
Solved Case Analysis: Microsoft in 2005 David B.Yoffie Dharmesh M Mehta Rudina I Seseri
Solved Case Analysis: Microsofts Financial Reporting Strategy Dawn Matsumoto Robert Bowen
Solved Case Analysis: MIDLAND ENERGY RESOURCES INC COST OF CAPITAL Timothy A Luehrman Joel L Heilprin
Solved Case Analysis: Midland Energy Resources Inc. Cost of Capital Timothy A.Luehrman Joel L. Heilprin
Solved Case Analysis: Milagrol Ltd By Marc Lipson
Solved Case Analysis: Milagrol Ltda. by Marc L. Lipson
Solved Case Analysis: Milan Sanitation Department
Solved Case Analysis: Mission Hills Leading the China Golf Industry Mary M. Crossan Ken Mark
Solved Case Analysis: Mitsuhoshi France SA by Susan C Schneider
Solved Case Analysis: MK Taxi Private Chauffeur Service Andrew McAfee
Solved Case Analysis: Mogen Inc.
Solved Case Analysis: MoGen Inc. by Kenneth M. Eades Alex Holsenbeck
Solved Case Analysis: MOLSON CANADA SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Deborah Compeau Israr Qureshi
Solved Case Analysis: Monkey Tie Building an Open Human Resources Ecosystem by James Costantini Dawn Jarisch
Solved Case Analysis: Monmouth Inc. Thomas R. Piper Heide Abelli
Solved Case Analysis: Monoprix by Charles Waldman Pascale Balze
Solved Case Analysis: Monroe Clock Company A Luann J. Lynch
Solved Case Analysis: Monsanto Company by Marc L. Lipson Rick Green
Solved Case Analysis: Monster Networking Thomas R.Eisenmann David Andrew Vivero
Solved Case Analysis: Montreaux Chocolate USA Are Americans Ready for Healthy Dark Chocolate John A. Quelch Diane Badame
Solved Case Analysis: Moore Medical Corp Andrew McAfee Gregory Bounds
Solved Case Analysis: Motor City A Disruptive Business Model A by Edward D. Hess
Solved Case Analysis: MOUNT EVEREST 1996 Michael A Roberto Gina M Carioggia
Solved Case Analysis: Moving the World The TPG WFP Partnership Learning How to Dance by Ramina Samii Luk Van Wassenhove
Solved Case Analysis: Moving the World The TPG WFP Partnership Looking for a Partner by Rolando Tomasini Luk Van Wassenhove Ramina Samii
Solved Case Analysis: Mr. Jax Fashion Inc J. Michael Geringer C. Patrick Woodcock
Solved Case Analysis: Mudra Communications Nicole R.D. Haggerty Shankar Venkatagiri Chandra Sekhar Ramasastry
Solved Case Analysis: Musictoday LLC Implementing a Periodic Review Inventory Timothy M. LaseterJay AshtonVinc
Solved Case Analysis: Mutti S.p.a. Jose B. Alvarez Mary L. Shelman Carin Isabel Knoop
Solved Case Analysis: MW Petroleum Corp A Timothy A Luehrman Peter TufanoBarbara D.Wall
Solved Case Analysis: NaanDanJain Every Drop of Water Counts by Peter Debaere Allison Elias
Solved Case Analysis: Naert Industries Setting Performance Targets by S. David Young
Solved Case Analysis: Namaste Solar Anne T. Lawrence Anthony I. Mathews
0 notes
The ultimate MashReads guide to summer reading
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It's officially summer, which means you have more hours of sweet daylight to spend tackling the books you've been neglecting or those beach reads you've been saving. 
We at MashReads always delight in sharing book recommendations with you, but this week (before we take a brief hiatus) we decided to talk all things summer, including what determines a beach read and the books that we will be carrying in our bags throughout the dog days. 
SEE ALSO: 11 unforgettable books about fatherhood that totally get it right
Culture writer Chloe Bryan's summer reading recommendations are wide-ranging. She's looking forward to picking up everything from Lizzy Goodman's Meet Me in the Bathroom, an oral history of rock and roll in New York City, to China Rich Girlfriend, the second installment of Kevin Kwan's captivating Crazy Rich Asians trilogy. Similar to Aja Gabel's recommendation on a previous episode, Chloe also will be reading The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg when it hits shelves on August 7th. 
Meanwhile, Martha Tesema will be checking out a bevy of other offerings. In her book bag this summer is The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han, which are being reserved specifically for the beach. She also recommends diving into Tomi Adeyemi's Children of Blood and Bone as well as Barracoon by Zora Neal Hurston. And last but not least, she'll also hopefully tackle Meg Wolitzer's The Female Persuasion.
Many of the MashReads community reached out about what's on their reading lists for the summer as well. 
Just finished: Imagine Wanting Only This by @KristenRadtke Currently reading: Sweet and Low by @nickwhite1985 On deck: There There by Tommy Orange, Don’t Call Us Dead by @Danez_Smif, and Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante 💕
— Scott Broker (@scottjbroker) July 2, 2018
Im reading all of Phillipa Gregory's books and Im more than half way through
— angie e (@pixiee1) July 2, 2018
I Can't Date Jesus by Michael Arceneaux, Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi, An American Marriage by Tayari Jones, gonna get to How to Love A Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs next
— Hannah Giorgis (@ethiopienne) July 2, 2018
In the middle of "The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds"
— Daniel W (@Mihos1) July 2, 2018
Something old (The Sun Also Rises); something new (The Italian Teacher by Tom Rachman); something borrowed from the library (Just the Funny Parts by @NellSco) and something with a blue binding (A Guide to the @MuseeLouvre) pic.twitter.com/TUVKOnCKT6
— Debra Moffitt (@PinkLockerMom) July 3, 2018
Circe by Madeline miller Not that bad The unwomanly face of war by Svetlana Alexievich
— illegible handwriting (@redsarahead4) July 2, 2018
The MashReads podcast will be taking a brief break for the summer while we plow through summer reading lists. Until we're back with our next episode, you can keep up with all things book via Facebook and Twitter. 
Happy reading!
WATCH: Big readers will love this multicolored mood lamp
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cphotographic · 7 years
Lexus | Life's Roads (Directors Cut) from Rob Chiu on Vimeo.
Director: Rob Chiu Cinematographer: Khalid Mohtaseb Colourist: Mark Wilenkin Editor: Rob Chiu Thanks to Richard Cooperman @ Wild Child and Mark Maborough Production Company: Iconoclast Executive Producer: Charles-Marie Anthonioz Line Producer: Valerie Romer Music: Goldmund - Threnody Voice Over: Alan Watts - Out Of Your Mind Sound Design: Martin Leitner @ Wave Studio VFX Post House: Method Studios VFX Post House: ILKA Flame Artist: Benoit Mannequin Thanks to Suny Behar for LiveGrain
Agency: Walton Issacson Creative Director: Cenon Advincula Associate Creative Director: Nick Kamei Associate Creative Director: Diori Thomas Executive Producer: Shauna Williams
Production Supervisor: Joanna Nelson Comm Coordinator: Amy Haynes 1st AD: Thomas Smith 2nd AD: Rob Kay 1st AC A Cam: Lucas Deans 1st AC B Cam: Ethan McDonald 2nd AC: Noah Glazer DIT: Mark Wilenkin Gaffer: Adam Chambers Gaffer: Bill Mayberry Best Boy Electric: Sean Hogan Electric: Kieran Waugh Electric: Anthony Van Dyk Electric: Robert Terry Electric Driver: Michael Anamal Dimmer OP: Josh Thatcher Key Grip: Derrick Armand Best Boy Grip: Colin Stoye Grip: Marvin Mejia Grip: Jeremy Ochoa Grip: Scott Parent Grip: Mike Carter Grip: Micah Stepanian Grip Driver: Joel Bystrom Steady Cam: Andrew Ansnick Camera Car Driver: Matt Moss Crane Op: Doug Csicsai Head Tech: Gilbert Alvarado Aerial DOP: Larry Blanford Pilot: Rick Shuster Camera Tech: Steve Rogers Ground Pilot: Brad Jensen Production Design: Dylan Kahn Art Dept Coordinator: Gina Nelson Set Decorator: Julie K. Smith Leadman: Jeff Pestano Prop Master: Jeremy Thompson Prop Assistant: Caroline Fiorito Prop Maker: Adam Forster Prop Maker: Michael Kocurek Prop Maker: Roger Lifsey Prop Maker: Joe Andreas On Set Dresser: Caleb Pope Set Dresser: Chris Jones Driver/Dresser: George Reddick Driver/Dresser: Steve Flebbe Key Costumer: Anthony Franco 2nd Costumer: Gregory Metcalf 3rd Costumer: Angela Chung Key Make-Up: Torsten Witte 2nd Make-Up: Albert Elizondo Script Supervisor: Britta Menges VTR: Matt Hillyer VTR Assistant: Byron Echeverria Gang Boss: James Ivanovich Location Manager: Matt Cassel Car Prep: Shelly Ward Enterprises - Ruben Salinas Lead Tech: Angel Alvarado Tech: Dale Tobey Tech: Nathan Holsey Car Hauler: Tony Caputo Camera: Panavision Hollywood Camera Car: Pursuit Systems Casting: Annie Egian Casting Stunt Driver: Jay Lynch Production Assistants: Joey Marasia Alexia Giorgi Jeff Tavani Rafael Rodriguez Alex Federico Rigel Galera Dane Asay Deeter Lota
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