#Given the Circumstances
briala-of-orlais · 5 months
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girl you are beating up a mugger in broad daylight
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aheckinmess · 2 months
Weak Spot (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 1 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, I Really Tried to Keep Him in Character, Given the Circumstances, But Just in Case, Sukuna's Daughter, And Yes She Has His Sass
Word Count: 1,021 words
Summary: After Ryomen Sukuna has complete control of Japan as the King of Curses, he has a child that he's determined to train into a vessel of villainy, just like him. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
Sukuna should have seen it coming the second the damned woman told him she was with child. A night of passion and lust had resulted in a child of his own. One that he knew would be hellbent on destruction, just like him.
“I will raise you to be stronger even than me.” Flames reflected in his red eyes as he glared over the crumbled city below. He rocked her in his arms to the cadence of screaming victims below. “You cannot be weak if you’re going to inherit my legacy.”
A little girl with pink and brown hair looked up at him, babbling and cooing with a radiant smile. A smile reflecting paternal affection, dependence, and unyielding trust.
These were emotions he’d always thought he’d easily dismiss when the child was born. But truth be told? She wrapped him around her finger a little more with every passing day.
“We will rule this world together, you and I.” He promised.
The moment he felt such buzzing warmth for her, he should have killed her. Hell, he should have killed Asuka as soon as she’d said she was pregnant. Killed two birds with one stone.
But now, looking into his daughter’s eyes, his resolve crumbled. Her dark, pleading eyes squeezed a part of his soul that should have been dead long ago. He grit his teeth, raising his hand again to slice off her head. She’s just another obstacle in my reign of terror and misery! She has to go!
So what stopped him?
Those eyes. Those wide, loving eyes. Eyes that still stared at him with trust and adoration even as he held her life in the balance. A respect for her father that stood unshakeable even in the face of death.
“Are you going to kill me, Father?” Her lip quivered, though he’d long since taught her to be brave and keep her head high during her final moments.
Sukuna, for once, found himself speechless. With a roar, he threw his hands down before pacing across the balcony. Four sets of knuckles gripped the railing until they turned white, flattening metal with his great strength. This damn child. This. Damn. Child!
“I apologize, Father.” Her soft voice floated over to him. “I never intended for my weakness to cause you dishonor.”
“Silence.” Sukuna’s throat tightened in his fury.
The sound of crackling flames drowned out the silence between them as she listened obediently. Perhaps that’s why I’m so remiss to end her life. She's strong. Strong and obedient. Sukuna’s eyes met the gaze of a frantic woman clutching her child to her chest on the street as a curse cornered both of them. He flicked his wrist and the woman and her child dropped in a bloody mass without a second thought.
“I raised you to carry on my legacy,” He growled, slamming his fist down against the damaged metal and turning to her. For once, his brows wrinkled with pain, something he hadn’t felt in years. “Yet you stand before me, unwilling to follow the path of destruction I’ve set. Do you think I would just support your path of good fortune to others?!”
Her second set of hands always gave her away. While the bottom pair stayed by her side, she hid the top pair behind her back, fidgeting as her eyes glistened.
“No, sir.” She whispered.
“Do you expect me to accept such weakness from my own flesh and blood?!”
“No, sir.”
“Then what do you expect, Besu?!” He snapped, digging his nails into her cheeks as his frustration mounted.
“I don’t know.” She admitted.
Blood marred the sides of her face as he tried one more time to use his great strength to bring her a swift end. But he could only watch the blood drip from her chin before he pulled his hand back.
“Well, I don’t know either!” He huffed, raking two hands through his hair as the other two rested on his hips. With a heavy sigh, he responded as softly as the Curse King had ever dared. “I know what I should do.”
She didn’t say anything, and neither of them needed to. Sukuna knew she was a brilliant child. She was his offspring, after all. So she knew he should kill her, as opposed to giving her a gentle ending. They both knew he lacked gentleness with everyone.
Everyone but her. Why her?! I killed Asuka as soon as Besu no longer needed her milk. So why? Why, why, why?!
“I love you.”
Those words. Those damned words! Only she had ever uttered them. He’d never found a need for them from anyone else.
He whipped his hand around and bruised her cheek with the flat of his palm. She barely flinched and kept her back straight.
She knew not to say such things. She knew. Words had power. Those three little words already drove him to his knees as he rubbed a thumb over the growing welt, healing it in seconds.
“Love is weak.” He hissed, looking directly into her eyes. “I’ve told you that time and time again, Besu. You know that love is weak and…and…” He paused, waiting for the anger to pummel relentlessly into her before he broke. “And…and dammit, I love you too!” He clutched her against his chest. “I love you and I hate it!”
For those few moments he could only hold her and wish she were a newborn again, reveling in the fallen world with him. He wished she were not this sweet and precious 7-year-old holding his heart in the palm of her hands as she told him she didn’t want to be evil. He wished he did not feel this overwhelming urge to protect her until his dying breath. He wished he did not enjoy the relief that flooded him knowing she still breathed against his chest, trusting him with every inhale and exhale.
No. He wished he did not have a daughter at all. Because for the first time in history, Ryomen Sukuna had a weak spot.
And he knew it wouldn’t take long for the world to notice.
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seimsisk · 2 months
wow I really didn't remember how the autism episode in House was about how House is actually autistic
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sneezypeasy · 2 years
This is probably the spiciest and most insufferably smug take you'll get from me on here, at least for a while, so don't get greedy:
Antis: Zutara subtext was never deliberately written and planned for, y'all are delusional! Kataang is canon, and it's what the writers intended from the beginning.
Us: Even if that's the case, the way both ships are depicted in examples ABCDEF... suggest that a canon Zutara storyline would have been more narratively satisfying because of reasons XYZ...
*15 years later*
Us: Eyyyyyyy wouldya look at that, Zutara was seriously considered by at least some writers and even made it into the original scripts! 😈😈😈
Antis: *donning a monocle and smoking a pipe* Ah but you see, what matters more isn't what was intended but what ended up being depicted on screen...
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Oh, why is it just so deliciously satisfying seeing the shoe shift to the other foot 🤣🤣🤣
Yum. 🍽 😂
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sockeyesoren · 11 months
Who let the dogs out
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chieftwitelon · 2 months
I would like Laura Bailey to interview Pedro Pascal when TLOU2 press comes around, I need it so badly actually
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ratislatis · 1 year
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he got his ears pierced just like his dad :)
(oh jesus christ why does tumblr make my art look so blurry. have mercy)
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wastrelwoods · 4 months
usually when i don't ship something the vibe is like 'yeah i mean they have something going on and i can see that it just doesn't especially compel me' but for one particular pairing that i am having trouble avoiding recently its truly that i can't buy into the premise of these characters being attracted to each other or having enough common ground to find anything interesting to say to one another. i just dont really see it happening
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dothexe · 9 months
Thinking of rewatching the entirety of Succession just for Tabitha
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Do we get to see the horrors again?
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈. Khaenri'ah is a nation at disadvantage geographically-speaking for three reasons: the lack of sunlight poses an inconvenience for the growth of flora and health of the fauna and humans alike, the proximity with the Abyss adds a layer where makes life be incompatible given its vital energy being continuously sapped due to its property as precipitating all life to death and, regardless of their pride, being disconnected with other nations offers a new list of difficulties.
Born from the necessity not only to conserve products imported from other nations that would be picked for Khaenri'ah's consumption, but to be able to reproduce them and create new forms of life to replicate flora and fauna for nourishment, health and other reasons, Khemia was born and honed to the point where it became the source of life that the location was unable to provide via natural means. Later on, this art would acquire other more ambitious purposes such as human creation. Nevertheless, while partly used for health purposes, Khemia can be considered a double-edged sword if mastered by those with ill intentions that seek to experiment and find new means to control the Abyss, as there was an ingrained thought among those obsessed the most that should they master the Abyss themselves, then they can rule the world and even defeat the gods.
Which leads to the issue of illnesses and infestations. Considering that one of the requirements at creation via Khemia is one's imagination (as it was with the creation of automatons), not only the location by itself close to the Abyss and the lack of sunlight are strong reasons for susceptibility of illnesses, but people that go unchecked can also have their hand at adding to these present problems for their own nefarious reasons, thus toy with the population's health, a problem that is being actively handled by the military to ensure the civilians' safety. Ill intentions aside and in view that the Abyss, for the greatest part, is responsible for the ailments, there are those who had to subject its polluting energy to experimentation in order to create drugs and medicines to withstand it and later on be tested by volunteers, which may or may not have been another relevant reason why illnesses came to happen in Khaenri'ah.
Towards its last moments and in a moment when all of this has already been tested and controlled ceased being a problem. Nevertheless, given its many years of life span, the microorganisms' tolerance to these medicines grew and thus new drugs had to be created, thus repeating the cycle albeit with less risks and stricter controls.
Monsters of the Abyss also contribute greatly to Khaenri'ah's integrity, both due to their natural presence in their own environment and emerging from it with bloodlust to consume life and because of experimentations with the Abyss a sector of the population made, including the aperture to the realm of the beasts, summoning and creations of these monsters that were tested in Sumeru as well. The military, as it happens with the control over unethical experiments and practises with medicines and nourishment, is actively tasked to deal with these monsters.
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tearfulkingdom · 3 months
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been working on some gamedev stuff, if you want to see my progress and follow the work i've been doing follow me on my cohost! i'll also be working on being a lot more active there in terms of personal posting, so check me out over there if you want to see more than just reblogs
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i-am-a-porygon-z · 11 months
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<(@)' [😁]
Thank you Satan for liking my among us joke!
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honeyed-lemonade · 11 months
my eternal transmasc dichotomy between “there was always a boy here waiting to be free to be loud and joyous” and “the little girl was real and I nurture her like a kind father, with grace and hot chocolate and the knowledge that she tried her best to be what everyone wanted her to be”
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thelasttime · 10 months
(None of the TV covers have come all that close to being as good as the originals but I don't think we're allowed to say that in public yet)
speak now was close but the rest yeah it’s a little tough
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margospiano · 14 days
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