#Mildly Out of Character?
aheckinmess · 2 months
Weak Spot (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 1 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, I Really Tried to Keep Him in Character, Given the Circumstances, But Just in Case, Sukuna's Daughter, And Yes She Has His Sass
Word Count: 1,021 words
Summary: After Ryomen Sukuna has complete control of Japan as the King of Curses, he has a child that he's determined to train into a vessel of villainy, just like him. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
Sukuna should have seen it coming the second the damned woman told him she was with child. A night of passion and lust had resulted in a child of his own. One that he knew would be hellbent on destruction, just like him.
“I will raise you to be stronger even than me.” Flames reflected in his red eyes as he glared over the crumbled city below. He rocked her in his arms to the cadence of screaming victims below. “You cannot be weak if you’re going to inherit my legacy.”
A little girl with pink and brown hair looked up at him, babbling and cooing with a radiant smile. A smile reflecting paternal affection, dependence, and unyielding trust.
These were emotions he’d always thought he’d easily dismiss when the child was born. But truth be told? She wrapped him around her finger a little more with every passing day.
“We will rule this world together, you and I.” He promised.
The moment he felt such buzzing warmth for her, he should have killed her. Hell, he should have killed Asuka as soon as she’d said she was pregnant. Killed two birds with one stone.
But now, looking into his daughter’s eyes, his resolve crumbled. Her dark, pleading eyes squeezed a part of his soul that should have been dead long ago. He grit his teeth, raising his hand again to slice off her head. She’s just another obstacle in my reign of terror and misery! She has to go!
So what stopped him?
Those eyes. Those wide, loving eyes. Eyes that still stared at him with trust and adoration even as he held her life in the balance. A respect for her father that stood unshakeable even in the face of death.
“Are you going to kill me, Father?” Her lip quivered, though he’d long since taught her to be brave and keep her head high during her final moments.
Sukuna, for once, found himself speechless. With a roar, he threw his hands down before pacing across the balcony. Four sets of knuckles gripped the railing until they turned white, flattening metal with his great strength. This damn child. This. Damn. Child!
“I apologize, Father.” Her soft voice floated over to him. “I never intended for my weakness to cause you dishonor.”
“Silence.” Sukuna’s throat tightened in his fury.
The sound of crackling flames drowned out the silence between them as she listened obediently. Perhaps that’s why I’m so remiss to end her life. She's strong. Strong and obedient. Sukuna’s eyes met the gaze of a frantic woman clutching her child to her chest on the street as a curse cornered both of them. He flicked his wrist and the woman and her child dropped in a bloody mass without a second thought.
“I raised you to carry on my legacy,” He growled, slamming his fist down against the damaged metal and turning to her. For once, his brows wrinkled with pain, something he hadn’t felt in years. “Yet you stand before me, unwilling to follow the path of destruction I’ve set. Do you think I would just support your path of good fortune to others?!”
Her second set of hands always gave her away. While the bottom pair stayed by her side, she hid the top pair behind her back, fidgeting as her eyes glistened.
“No, sir.” She whispered.
“Do you expect me to accept such weakness from my own flesh and blood?!”
“No, sir.”
“Then what do you expect, Besu?!” He snapped, digging his nails into her cheeks as his frustration mounted.
“I don’t know.” She admitted.
Blood marred the sides of her face as he tried one more time to use his great strength to bring her a swift end. But he could only watch the blood drip from her chin before he pulled his hand back.
“Well, I don’t know either!” He huffed, raking two hands through his hair as the other two rested on his hips. With a heavy sigh, he responded as softly as the Curse King had ever dared. “I know what I should do.”
She didn’t say anything, and neither of them needed to. Sukuna knew she was a brilliant child. She was his offspring, after all. So she knew he should kill her, as opposed to giving her a gentle ending. They both knew he lacked gentleness with everyone.
Everyone but her. Why her?! I killed Asuka as soon as Besu no longer needed her milk. So why? Why, why, why?!
“I love you.”
Those words. Those damned words! Only she had ever uttered them. He’d never found a need for them from anyone else.
He whipped his hand around and bruised her cheek with the flat of his palm. She barely flinched and kept her back straight.
She knew not to say such things. She knew. Words had power. Those three little words already drove him to his knees as he rubbed a thumb over the growing welt, healing it in seconds.
“Love is weak.” He hissed, looking directly into her eyes. “I’ve told you that time and time again, Besu. You know that love is weak and…and…” He paused, waiting for the anger to pummel relentlessly into her before he broke. “And…and dammit, I love you too!” He clutched her against his chest. “I love you and I hate it!”
For those few moments he could only hold her and wish she were a newborn again, reveling in the fallen world with him. He wished she were not this sweet and precious 7-year-old holding his heart in the palm of her hands as she told him she didn’t want to be evil. He wished he did not feel this overwhelming urge to protect her until his dying breath. He wished he did not enjoy the relief that flooded him knowing she still breathed against his chest, trusting him with every inhale and exhale.
No. He wished he did not have a daughter at all. Because for the first time in history, Ryomen Sukuna had a weak spot.
And he knew it wouldn’t take long for the world to notice.
Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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nghtwngs · 1 month
the stars they aligned (teaser)
description: Triangles only have three vertices.
pairings: art donaldson x gn!reader, art donaldson x tashi duncan, tashi duncan x patrick zweig, slight art donaldson x patrick zweig
genre: angst, fluff, friends to lovers, unrequited love, love square, pining, canon compliant
warnings: contains spoilers for challengers (2024), suggestive, mentions of sex, cheating (not by reader or art), mild alcohol consumption, swearing, DILF ART
a/n: look i rly don’t like ariana grande but there’s this art edit to the boy is mine that is living RENT FREE in my head and i feel like this lyric fits with this fic? idk but here’s a snippet as im busy finishing up school. i’ll be rewatching challengers tomorrow though, so hopefully it’ll better my characterization of art since i’m pretty rusty when it comes to creative writing atm
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It’s an afterthought to him, your name, and although you know you aren’t the force-to-be-reckoned-with Tashi Duncan, it still sort of stings. ‘Sort of’ in the way you try to undersell your feelings for Art to yourself.
He appears harmless, but you know that his timid nature is only a thin layer at the surface of him. You’ve seen it wear down, easily scratched at and cut by Patrick’s careless demeanor, his—what Art considers to be inattentive, negligent, irresponsible—way of loving liking Tashi.
Still, you savor the sound of your name in his tongue, his slightly nasally but sweet voice. You’re pathetic. But so is he. He paws for crumbs of Tashi’s, his best friend’s girlfriend’s, attention. And you eat the scraps of whatever is left of his.
You can’t help but be painfully aware of this misery you’ve caught yourself in. He asks you if you’ll help him study for his exam. You don’t know shit about his major, but you accept anyway.
You wonder if this is romance.
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vlasdygoth · 5 months
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lean on me
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detectivenyx · 11 months
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i hate cinemasins so much you would not believe
#it's an easy formula. i get it.#ha ha plot hole! it must be bad because plot hole!#[plot hole is intentional and explained 10 minutes later]#[plot hole contributes to themes of film]#[plot hole is not actually plot hole if you employ even the most rudimentary of reading between the lines]#[plot hole is thing unimportant to the scene as a whole]#it lets you feel smart without actually having to put the legwork in#'smart' isn't even the right word. 'mildly observant'.#but because of this fucking loser and his stupid little ding sound effect#films have to be spelled out for people or they'll go 'OOOOGH PLOTHOEL????'#'WHY THEY SHOOT THE DOG AT START OF DAS DING? PLOTHOLE DING'#'WHY NO CONCRETE ANSWER FOR QUESTION PROPOSED BY TEXT? DINGGGG'#[THINK!!!!! THINK DAMN YOU!!!!!!! THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!]#if your critique could be easily slotted into a cinemasins video go back and think about WHY#is it a question answered by the text???#and im more frustrated it took THIS LONG to repair my brain scorching!#even with kokichi's critique video im not happy with it because i did go back and look at him closer#i still don't fucking like him or think he was very well executed but i understand exactly why he was executed the way he was#and so many fanfics who took my critique on board and are like 'i can fix this!' just cinemasins the shit out of him#he needs Standard Character Arc and he must be A Hero#NO!!#you missed even the point i was making back then!!!#it was that his redemption was completely arbitrary! and though it didn't do it well it was intended to poke fun at EXACTLY THAT!#the The Villain Needs Redemption because that shit was all the fucking rage and people were doing it shit!#and it all goes back to this jackass and his stupid monotone voice and his attempts to enable a generation of media illiteracy!#and it WORKED! our ability to analyse narrative got fucking sacrificed on the altar for His Paycheck#and he's a shitbag who makes fun of women with breast cancer#long post
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onlyplatonicirl · 26 days
One of my biggest fears when seeing people talk about “Fandom misinterprets all my blorbos and it makes me want to kill myself” is the feeling like oh my god…… what if I’m misinterpreting the blorbos……… what if someone thinks about me like that……. just bury me alive atp
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itstimetojellyfish · 9 days
Haven’t I given enough? ( Yes , now rest) ( Dan Heng x reader)
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It sucks , how you always run around , and help people . And once you’ve done the work, they think that have the right to push you around to becoming their personal servant . An
That was only Belabog , the Lufou was worse .
Well, not for you . Dan Heng had it way worse than you . He was forced to get off the train to help his friends only to be attacked and unwillingly revealed his past .
Also the astral express plus the dozing general fought Phantilya ! That’s a very hard task to complete!
Mean while you just ran around helping people , enduring their insults , and getting tired , that was nothing compared to them !
Geez… how useless are you?…..
However , as time flies by , the memories you buried at the back of your head , came back . The memories of flesh and blood being torn from you just to save other people .
The memories of what used to be friends turned into betrayal . What used to be just a potion , was a curio that was destined to burn scars into your flesh . Now , you can’t view anything the same as before . Everything had a dark side and now you’re wary of everyone .
March coming into your room unannounced? Sword to her throat .
Caelus being loud? An outburst for him to be quiet .
Welt attempting to soothe your nerves? A suspicious move that may be trying to lead you to your death .
Himeko brewing coffee for you? A poison that’s trying to end your life .
Just how stupid are you? You try to calm your nerves, saying that their friends , but the mind can forget , the body and subconscious can’t however . Soon your in the archives sulking in a corner despising yourself for how utterly rude you’re being with Dan Heng warily looking at you from his spot .
(He’s the only one you haven’t lashed out on yet)
You don’t blame him for being suspicious of you . You refuse to show any skin , any past , or anything about you now . You snap at people and almost insult them .
( You wish you weren’t alive so you wouldn’t hurt people like this)
You pick at your fingers as you feel his stare boring into your soul and hear his thoughts about how disgusting you are. It’s honestly deserved .
Soon , you move to another corner where he can’t see you and start to cry silently. You hate yourself for being so rude .
( But haven’t you given enough?)
( You’ve went around helping people while they insult you . You blindly trusted your friends only for them to betray you and leave you as they escaped . You swallowed a so called medicine when in reality it was a curio that almost killed you and made you experience excruciating pain for months)
( So tell me , haven’t you given enough?)
You thought that was just a voice in your head but in reality, Dan Heng was right next to you crouching down and holding your head , gently wiping away your tears.
“ Wait what?…” You stare at him in shock as you try to come up with a reasonable response why he knows all of this .
He looks at you for a few seconds and then gathers you into his arms while revealing his true form to you . A cool , teal tail gently wrapped around your waist and rubbed against you .
“ I did some researching , there was a legend about a person , who faced great obstacles. Both mentally and physically. Friends betraying them , flesh being torn out of their own will to save others .
There’s a lot . There’s even one where a potion was supposed to help them but it was actually a curio . Basically they were used as a meat shield and testing subject “ He caresses your cheek .
“ If my theory is correct , based off the reactions you give and the reactions in the legend . Is it safe to assume you’re the person who is mentioned in the story?”
You freeze , then all the memories come rushing back , the faces that were so blurry became refined in detail .
But with memory of friends , comes the memory of pain.
You break down sobbing as you remember everything single thing that happened to you . You’d expect Dan Heng to stay still but he doesn’t .He coddles you and keeps you warm , gently draping a blanket over you .
“ So I was right….” He murmurs to himself .
You start to tire as your exhaustion hits you like a truck . Dan Heng notices this and just rocks you to sleep as you drift off .
You struggle to stay awake but he just continues to coddle you and just says . “ Rest, you’ve given enough “
Once the reassurance is given that he wouldn’t hold it against you for sleeping , you close your eyes and fall asleep .
Soon , neon blue eyes are glowing and a dark promise is given .
“ I won’t let you suffer again .”
Thanks for reading! Have great day!
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hysteriafossil · 2 months
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mild suggestive humor ↓ . . . .
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more funnies.... i cant be stopped
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sourscratched · 4 months
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got caught in one of the back wheels of the bandwagon, extended corniverse headcanons be upon ye
my bryce and clark are based on the lovely lovely designs for them made by @gaybearwedding !! (well they at least were initially. things may have gotten away from me)
additional dumb doodling under the cut
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(and one for my little team illinois + nebraska ocs ⬇️)
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notes, headcanons, etc:
- the Wicked shirt and the blue button down (from the group pic in the first photoset) are both shirts i’ve owned for a long time and are still in my closet right now
- the team illinois and team nebraska captains are named dani (daniela) and miya and pretty much exactly what happened between bryce and clark also happened with them. they also spent a summer road-tripping together; prime grounds for homosexual thoughts to happen
- for anybody who’s watched the off book episode The Kids Are At Night with Mary Sohn (10/10 episode highly recommended), i imagine that most nights after clark gets done helping his sisters* with their homework he’s probably looking up online editions of Boy Boy Magazine. gotta get connected to the culture
* = my headcanon is that he has two sisters, one older one younger
- the Away Team is from the same country as Princess Emily but they’re diehard Nothing Everything Children Glass fans (is there an actual name for the group who made it?? tag with your headcanon for the band name) and there is a rivalry between the two factions
that’s all ive got for now thanks for reading all my weird little ideas!! ���💖
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holoscout · 6 months
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another day another fern and jermaine sketch dump whats upppp
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causalityparadoxes · 12 days
The thing about Ricky is that if he had unlearned all of white supremacy through reading a few books? That he easily got access to under a white supremacist system? That would be twee and stupid.
Like yeah, no shit the rich kid with a vague sense of 'doing the right thing', hasn't unlearned all of their bigotry by isolating themselves in their room and reading propaganda. Its almost like that applies to real life too.
Doesn't mean he could've never grown if given the chance and outside information. Or maybe even then, he would have never looked beyond his ingrained bigotry. We'll just never know.
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clownprince · 1 year
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alright i was already intrigued by the premise of knight terrors: the joker but i'm SO fucking hyped now you're telling me rosenberg is elaborating on the divorce arc??? also dark workplace comedy is exactly where i hoped they'd go with this
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aheckinmess · 2 months
King of Curses, King of Woe (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 2 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, Antagonist OC I Created is Kind of a Jerk, Sukuna is a Little Shit, Protective Sukuna, Also There's a Tiger
Word Count: 1,424 words
Summary: To no one's surprise, someone takes notice of Sukuna's uncharacteristic affection towards his daughter. To Besu's surprise, she wakes up with a knife at her throat.
“Relinquish your kingdom to me, or I’ll slit your daughter’s pretty little throat.” Minato smirked as he stood at the bottom of Sukuna’s throne.
Sukuna felt a growing anger kindle in his bones. He knew this would happen, and might have felt a little fear if he weren’t such a powerful sorcerer. The young pup at the base of the stairs amused him more than anything.
“How cute.” He laughed, slashing Minato’s army of guards with a twitch of his fingers. “You dare walk in here and think you hold any sort of sway over me?”
“It’s become clear that your daughter has become your habitual exception from destruction during your evil reign. So, either you give up your kingdom, or you give up your daughter.” Minato stood firm, but his bottom lip quivered. “A group of my men already have knives at her throat by now. Even you with all your power could not save her. So choose, or–”
Minato’s head slid slowly from his shoulders, leaving blood to paint the throne room floors. Sukuna disappeared from the room and in all his great speed seemed to teleport to Besu’s room, only to be met with a floor coated in a familiar red liquid.
Crimson droplets stained the disheveled, pink comforter. Her toys looked like they’d been ransacked and several of them shattered against the wooden floors. In the time it took to blink, he opened the closet, rooted under the bed, and checked behind her dressers, but her body was nowhere to be seen.
No. No! His dark heart throbbed in his chest as red marred his vision. A tornado of familiar cursed energy invaded his senses, screaming for help from the balcony. With the wrath of a thousand suns he ripped the door from its hinges and roared to announce his presence.
Time stood still and he held his breath. He’d been expecting a large group of men and that’s exactly what he found. But he didn’t expect to find his daughter standing in the middle of their fallen corpses, blood painting her skin as she trembled and looked up at him.
. . . . .
Besu Sukuna did not fear death. Death loomed over her as a constant threat ever since she was old enough to train with her father. She’d felt the grim halt of the world as her father stabbed her through the heart and restored her in the same breath.
So, when she woke up to a knife digging into the supple skin of her throat, she thought her father had finally chosen to end her. But as it quickly turned out, it was not her father.
“Don’t make a fuss now,” A deep voice barked. “Get up!”
The room overflowed with men in uniforms. Several pairs of hands pulled her out of her bed, where she stood with her head high. Two men on each side grabbed a set of her arms to restrain her, and the man with the knife to her throat glared at her.
“Hate to tell you, Princess, but you’re going to die tonight.”
“What quarrel do you have with my father?” She asked simply.
“That’s no business of yours.”
“I have a right to know why I’m dying, you weak fop.”
More pressure dug into her skin. He flashed his teeth at her, but she met his gaze with a hard look that rivaled her father’s.
“Hiroshi, don’t–” A soldier reached out his hand, then jerked it back when the leader - Hiroshi - lashed out at him.
“I’m not an idiot!” He hissed, before turning back to Besu. “You’ve got a mouth on you, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised seeing as you’re the Curse King’s brat.”
I’ve got quite a few mouths on me, actually. Besu thought, but decided this man didn’t deserve the waste of any more oxygen.
“Hmph. No matter. You won’t be sassing me for long. As soon as Minato gives the word, you’re dead.”
Besu stood unphased by the men holding her back. Though Father offered her a wealth of knowledge about curses and cursed techniques, the only thing she’d been able to put into practice had been martial arts and combat. Her innate technique hadn’t yet awoken. That left her helpless to them, surrounded as she was.
So when she felt the cold blade break her skin, she expected death. She did not expect a spirit to explode from her chest and rush to her defense. A bright blue mist erupted from her and pummeled through the group of men in the time it took her to breathe. It came to a crouched position in the shape of a glowing blue tiger and turned to her.
“Run, Cub!”
Besu didn’t hesitate. Her captors clambered to their feet and chased after her as she darted up the stairs to the balcony. She reached the top and slammed the door behind her, before rushing to the edge of the building. Several floors of the building stretch between her and the pavement.
“FATHER!” She screamed from the railing. Regardless of if he was in hearing range, he’d mastered hearing the panic of her cursed energy. “FATHER, HELP!”
CRACK! The door slammed against the walls as the army of men barreled through the threshold. Besu ran from the edge as they herded her, surrounding her in a circle. Hiroshi, armed with his knife, stepped through the defense line with eyes only for her.
“I have a job to do, brat. And I’ll be damned if you keep me from it.” He growled, taking a single step towards her.
Once again, a flash of blue materialized between Besu and her attackers. The tiger’s frame grew bigger and glowed brighter as it stalked towards the encroaching battalion. Hiroshi yelled an order, but it was too late.
One swipe. One swipe of the tiger’s massive paw put half of the army on their backs. Another swipe took out the other side. With speed that matched her father, the tiger left every last opponent on the balcony swimming in their own blood.
Besu stared at the large, spiritual cat in awe and wary fascination.
“Who are you?”
“Your companion, Little Cub. I am Baekho. A spirit bound to you by choice.” She explained as she padded forward. “I am here to protect you, not harm you. I will be a part of you wherever you go.”
And with that, the tiger transfigured into a blue mist that evaporated right into Besu’s body. Besu held her chest and looked at the massacre around her, astounded and confused. When the balcony door flew off its hinges, her head snapped back up to see her father.
“Besu?” He gasped, rushing forward to hold her shoulders.
She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. The world felt surreal, like she lived only in a dream.
“Besu, can you move?” Sukuna’s hand brushed over her cheek before he wrenched it back.
Needless to say, he still wasn’t happy about the whole “affection” thing.
“Y-Yes, sir.” She swallowed thickly, and suddenly she couldn’t move fast enough. Her legs tore across the balcony as she paced back and forth. “Th-There was a spirit, Father. A tiger! She said her name was Baekho. I don’t know where she came from. Or, well…I do. But she saved me! Or, well, she’s a part of me…I think. She was blue, like cursed energy. She went back inside me and told me she was here to protect me. Where did she come from, Father? Is this normal? I know you spoke of cursed spirits bonding to others as a rare occurrence, but–”
Besu felt all four of her father’s arms gently guide her to a halt in front of him. His crimson eyes locked on hers.
“Besu, stop. A spirit? A cursed spirit bonded to you? And Baekho! The White Tiger Guardian!” Though Besu feels uncertain, her father’s eyes ignite with sadistic excitement. “This is wonderful! This must be a manifestation of your technique! We’ll start training it immediately to bring out your full potential!” He grins.
He rambled on for a few moments, but she didn’t comprehend his words. Her body wavered under the realization that she’d almost died. Though she’d grown accustomed to facing death, her physical body reacted without consulting her and all four of Besu’s arms wrapped around her father in a tight squeeze. Strangled emotions tussled inside her until even the threat of her father’s wrath failed to stop her from sobbing into his chest.
And for once? He rubbed her back without a single reprimand.
Continue Reading -> Ch. 3
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five-of-cr · 9 months
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ft. kuweis from the INCREDIBLE @inkwingart and @heartrender6 and jesper from the TALENTED @phy-be!!!
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its always so funny to me in movies/shows when people get shot in the chest or whatever and die instantly. like. no lmao
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tword-brainrot · 11 days
One Thought 💭
House provokes Wilson into getting what he wants…or does he?
(This is also prompt number 36 on the prompt list that I’ll be tagging in my pinned)
Lee: House 🏡
Ler: Wilson 🖊️
Word count: ≈2000
“You’re doing this on purpose…”
An already annoyed Wilson drew, his fingers tapping against his desk.
“I’m doing nothing of the sorts, you absolute wack job.”
House retorted, a smirk making its way across his face.
“Yes you are, you’ve been way more annoying than usual…”
Wilson gritted through his teeth..
“Oh, come on…Just being myself. Just like you told me to, Dr. Dipshit. You know, you really shouldn’t go into motivational speaking if you don’t expect people to take the advice, Idiot…”
House drew, his smirk remaining plastered to his face.
“See?! You just did it again! You’ve been calling me names all day!”
Wilson’s voice rose as he pointed a finger at House.
“And this is different from usual…how?” House flatly responded.
Wilson got up from his chair and made his way towards House, a vein began to throb in his forehead.
“It’s different from usual because it’s less clever, more basic. I’m surprised with you, if I’m being honest.”
Wilson stated as calmly as possible.
“So, I’m not on my A game today, big whoop! It’s not like you actually look forward to the banter, you bi-“
“You want something and you can’t ask me for it.”
Wilson cuts him off by poking into House’s sternum, a giggle swiftly escaping his lips.
“Oh yeah? P-prove it then..” House stuttered, his smirk wobbling into a smile.
Wilson paused, bringing a finger to his lips to contemplate.
Wilson quickly walked out of his office with Manila folders, leaving House alone in his office.
House’s smile noticeably dropped, his typical ploy clearly not working today.
As lunch time rolled around, House tried to catch up with Wilson to steal the fries off his lunch plate but, was disappointed to see that he was nowhere to be found. Perplexed, he went down to the parking lot and noticed that his car was nowhere to be found either.
“That’s strange, Wilson has never gone out for lunch.”
House thought, making his way back to his own office with a dissatisfied look and a $1.25 vending machine trail mix.
“Was it something I said?”
“Did I make him upset?”
“Is it my fault he left?”
“It’s always my fault they leave..”
House was caught in thought when Cuddy entered his office, his eyes not even looking up from fiddling with his pen
“Hey, you’re good to go. Turns out it was Lupu-“
She pauses as she approached his desk, her eye’s immediately drawn to the angry scrawling in House’s notepad
“Yeah, yeah. Figures. It’s never Lupus but, today it is…”
“Of course it is..”
He slammed with notepad closed and got up from his desk.
“What’s wrong with you today? You’ve been more sour than usual since noon…” Cuddy asked.
“It’s…nothing. I’ll be my normal amount of dickish tomorrow. I’ll…see you in the morning.”
He responded, making his way out of his office.
Cuddy sighed and let it be for now.
As House made it to the parking lot, he was surprised to see that Wilson had waited for him.
“I was wondering when you’d finally finish up, anything interesting?”
Wilson asked, with a twinge of genuine curiosity.
“Nope…fucking Lupus…”
House stated before abruptly getting into Wilson’s passenger side.
“Really? It’s never Lupus…”
The door slammed loudly..
After they had arrived in their shared apartment, Wilson sat in his normal spot in the couch. House debated between sitting next to him and sitting at his piano bench but, was interrupted by Wilson grabbing him by his shirt and dragging him into the couch. House sat there for a moment before gently leaning his head into Wilson’s shoulder. They breathed together for quite some time, the TV not even turned on yet.
“I’m sorry…”
House spoke, breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence.
Wilson’s head cocked to the side, a surprised look taking over his face.
“For what exactly?” He asked as he turned his head to meet House’s regretful gaze, clearly forgetting his frustration from earlier.
“I’m sorry for calling you unnecessary, rude names.”
“I’m sorry for making your job harder today. For making your job harder every single day..”
“For being cruel to you.”
“For pushing you away…acting like I didn’t want something from you..”
“For being an asshole...”
“I’m sorry for being…me”
House’s voice faltered, nearly breaking towards the end of his rambling.
Wilson’s eyes softened as he saw tears beginning to form in House’s eyes, beckoning to trickle down.
“Hey now…there’s no need for tha-“
“But it’s the truth! I make your life so much harder than it has to be.
Every day, you put up with my bullshit, and for what??
How do you just roll with the punches I throw and not hate me for it?
How can I be anything to you if I can’t even voice my needs to you like a normal human being?!?”
House yelled, voice breaking fully with tears rolling down his cheeks. A lump began to grow in Wilson’s throat, gnawing against his larynx.
“I-I could never hate you..even if you act hateful when you don’t mean it.”
Wilson wiped away at House’s tears, his palm landing at his cheek.
“I don’t understand…”
House grasped overtop Wilson’s hand, the tears flowing between their fingers.
“You don’t have to. Not everything is some big mystery for you to figure out. Sometimes, it’s just face value.”
Wilson replied, smiling as he ran his thumb across House’s jaw.
House stiffened slightly, goosebumps raising near where Wilson touched.
“Now, about that thing you wanted?” Wilson tapped his left ring finger against House’s neck, his golden band noticeably absent.
House stuttered, biting his lying silver tongue
He had nowhere to go
Nowhere to hide now.
It was all out in the open.
Wilson hummed, a smirk that matched House’s earlier cockiness began to form.
House looked away, taking a deep breath to speak.
“I…..would really like if you..were to….err…hypothet-umm”
He tried desperately to beat around the bush, a cherry red blush burning through his stubble.
Wilson began to chuckle, an all too knowing smile on his face.
“Well, come on..Tell me exactly what you need. I need to be sure, you know?~” Wilson drew, his pinky finger joined his ring finger to tap at House’s neck.
“You knew the whole time. Didn’t you?”
House chuckled a bit, scrunching his neck up against Wilson’s fingers.
“Knew what, Snickers~?”
Wilson asked innocently as he teasingly fluttered at House’s neck.
“D-dAmmit Wihihilson! You know what I want! I wahAhant you t-to…to..t-ti..”
House stuttered just before the dreaded word just long enough for Wilson’s eyebrows to raise, a look of realization took over his face as he ceased his twitching fingers.
“Oh my god. That’s why you never ask for it…You can’t say the word..”
“Can you?”
House froze, the tips of his ears now blaring a deep red.
He looked down, not able to quite meet Wilson’s eyes.
House barely murmured
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you…”
He cupped a hand behind his own ear
“What was that?”
Wilson asked, his fingers poised to attack at House’s ribs.
“I-I want y-you to t-ti-tihihihi! T-Ti-T-tihihi! Oh gohohod dammit!!”
House could feel the word teasing on the tip of his tongue through his sweet bubbly giggles.
“Oh my gosh, I’m not even touching you and you’re just a giggly mess.. This is incredible. I’ve absolutely broken you and I didn’t even have to do anything~”
Wilson purred, eagerly wriggling at the air as he patiently waited for House’s word to strike.
“Wilsonnnn, plehehease..”
“Please what?~”
“Please whaaat?~”
House firmly placed Wilson’s hands atop his middle ribs, much to Wilson’s surprise.
“I want you to say it~”
“I-I really want you to t-t-tickle me, o-ok? Please, Wilson~?”
His eyes now fully averting from Wilson, who’s eyes now glistened, practically filled with stars.
“O-ok..there. You satisfied with thaHAhAhaHahAt!!”’
House burst into laughter as Wilson happily dug into his ribs.
“Very much so, I’ve been waiting all day to do this!”
Wilson replied, bouncing between his 3rd and 5th sets of ribs.
“Nohohoho wahahahay!!”
House’s hands crashed into his face, his muffled giggles and burning blush still having nowhere to hide.
“Yes way~…Wait that sounded kind of silly..” Wilson paused as he brought his hands to just under House’s arms
”No way, yes way, perhaps way? Maybe way? Possibly way?”
“EehehehEhEHe! Y-you’re absolutely ridihihihihiculous! AHahAhahaHa!”
House giggled, squirming against the arm of the couch
“Only for you, Honey~BzzzzBzzzz!”
Wilson buzzed as he added a good dose of nuzzling to the mix.
“NAhHahA!! Wihihihilson!!”
House nearly squeaked, curling into himself with laughter.
“There is no Wilson, only bees! BzzzzzzBzzzzz! BzzBzzzzBzzzz!!!”
Wilson insisted, buzzing up from House’s neck to land on the shell of his ear.
“NohoHohoHo!!! Plehehehase NahaHaHat the bEeHeehees!!!”
House giggled, playfully swatting at Wilson’s face.
“You can’t escape the bees! They’re everywhere! Bzzzzz! Bzzzzbzzzbzz!”
Wilson continued to buzz against his ear while sneaking his spidering nails under House’s shirt, skittering just below his navel.
“GEhEhEt *snrk!* thehehem *snrk!* out ohohof ThEheheHere! Eeheehehe!!!”
House played along with Wilson’s bit, snickering into the couch.
“Hold on, lemme ask them..”
Wilson used one hand to push House’s shirt up, looking to speak to the bees.
“Bzzzt! BzzzzBzzbzzbzzbzzbzzzzz?”
He knelt down to buzz against House’s side as his skittering nails trailed up his ribs.
House’s back arched upwards, his own arms hugging around his chest in an X. He could no longer speak as his boisterous laughter filled the room, a bright smile plastering his across his blushing face.
Wilson couldn’t be for certain but, if swore if he looked close enough, he could see dimples forming in his cheeks.
“What? I’m trying to talk some sense into them? Oh Christ, see what you’ve done? They’re splitting up now, need to cover more territory..”
Wilson chuckled, taking one of his skittering hands down to just above House’s waist line and the other fluttering oh so lightly between his collarbones.
House was now thrashing against the couch, his crossed arms gripping at his shoulders. Unfortunately for an already broken House, this trapped Wilson’s fluttery fingers directly above his sternum.
“It’s funny you choose that position, considering you’ve quite literally dug your own grave.. I’ll speak well of you at your burial~”
Wilson dropped his voice as he whispered into House’s ear, dropping the bit to peck just behind the shell of it. He began to tap into House’s sternum, his other hand clawing at his tummy with one finger digging into his navel. Poor pitiful House was in hysterics, his broken squealing interrupted with snorts and hiccups.
“Is this what you were looking for? Hmmmm? To just absolutely lose yourself in laughter? With not a thought to have except about how much it tickles? Is this what you wanted from me? Hmmmm~?”
Wilson teased right next to his ear, a devilishly cocky smile on his face.
House gave Wilson the tiniest of nods as his arms squeezed tightly for a moment around Wilson’s arm, moving his own hands to stifle his staggering breathy laughter.
House’s attempts at thinking or forming words were swiftly cut off by his wheezy laughter and Wilson’s fluttering hands.
The one thought that plagued his melted mind?
“It tickles so damn bad”
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endrinstone · 10 months
Would you like to watch the Showtime SMP?
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[ID: The Showtime SMP logo. It features the name spelled out in a shiny blocky font, coloured gold and purple. End ID.]
[Last updated: 1. 1. 2024]
What is the Showtime SMP, anyway? 
It's an ongoing (mostly) vanilla SMP with a focus on storytelling, started by Zolister on June 9th 2023. It's filled with serious (and often quite dark) plot lines, but still features a good deal of improv and goofing around. Vibes wise, think Lifesteal or DSMP.
It doesn't really have a gimmick, except possibly the fact that it has a canon lives system (basically the same as the DSMP one).
It's loosely a second season of the Sussy SMP (silly name, but a good server). Although some members incorporate it into their character's backstory, you don't have to watch the previous SMP in order understand the current story.
How do I watch it?
The story is told through livestreams. Some members have videos, but they are less "periodic episodes that summarise all that's occurred" and more "occasional showcases of notable events". (A few members also have in-character accounts on twitter and tumblr, those are fun.) To get into the lore, I recommend kantje, Vi, Boba, or Zolister as good starting picks.
Vod archive spreadsheet by @/meep_linger and co, truly a lifesaver.
Lore summary document by @/STFanLoreDocon, can help catch you up.
Introductory twitter thread by @/enderteegs, similar to this post. 
Official twitter account, useful for updates.
Content warnings
Not comprehensive, but I tried to get the main stuff: 
Abuse, addiction, cannibalism, child endangerment, grief, horror themes, manipulation, mental health issues (this subject is occasionally handled badly imo, especially at the start), suicide, unreality, violence, vomit.
This isn’t everyone who’s ever been on the server (that’s 50+ people). It hopefully includes all currently active members though. A few of the people listed here are no longer active. Additionally, some don't stream their povs, prefering to appear in others' streams.
BobaBear: An interstellar traveler who experienced eons during her explorations. Despite everything that happens, they remain kindhearted, and always willing to give a helping hand. (twitch, vods)
ClaryeOryx: He’s a nice, fairly normal person who stays more at the sidelines. Still sometimes gets dragged into people’s conflicts. (twitter, not a streamer) 
ComplexlyRoss: A mischief maker who operates under cartoon character logic. They have a fondness for pranks, and a disdain for wearing armour. Joined August 2023. (streams on yt, video)
CrimsonBtw: Arrived to the server traumatised after having just experienced a world getting destroyed (the Lifesteal wormhole event, but don't worry if you haven't watched that). Joined August 2023. (twitch, vods, yt)
Crumpets: Cynical, deadpan bar owner. He isn’t too fond of this strange world he was sent to, but he is fond of the money that he can make here. Joined December 2023. (twitch)
Cupid Goozeless: Star has a lot of responsibility on star’s shoulders: he’s a leader, a medic and a father. He worries over others, and if he’s doing a good enough job protecting them. (twitch, yt)
Div_y: Uncovers a recipe for memory-erasing potions. He makes them for those who share his struggle with nightmares and trauma, but not everyone has as good of intentions as he does. Joined July 2023. (yt, 2nd yt, videos: 1, 2)
Effy: A magical creation of wood and wire, they’re one of the wittiest members without even needing to speak. While they may hide behind quips and confidence, they care a whole lot about their friends. (twitter, not a streamer) 
EvanIsLoco: Scientist studying interdimensional travel. He develops a possesion problem after an accident in an ancient city, leading to newfound aggression. (twitch)
Geoful: Shapeshifter made out of blue goop. His silliness only makes it hit harder when he drops angst on you. (twitch) 
IDKnows: Made of flowers, and would be more than happy to rip himself appart if it meant making everyone else happy. Sometimes naive, and others take advantage of that. Joined July 2023 (twitch, yt)
its_kantje: He’s god’s favourite plaything, and he will stop at nothing to get his beloved daughter back from Him. Starts out with a reputation for great business skills, and a knack for conflict resolution. (twitch, vods,  yt. I especially reccomend the ‘Split Apart’ streams)
ItsLilKae: The organiser of the server’s elections. But don’t let her fool you: she isn’t a spearhead of democracy, but a conspirator plotting to achieve absolute power. (twitch, yt)
ivorycello: Ruthless murderer of murderers. With her, the road to tyranny is paved with good intentions, and with pink flowers. (streams on yt, videos 1, 2, playlist)
Merffin: Loose cannon who’ll kill at the slightest provocation. A leader of the Silencers, a group who’ll murder anyone that has the silence trim. (yt, twitch) 
Mika FLapp0: After a long time of watching without being able to properly interact with the world, they gained a corporal form via a failed devil summoning. Joined December 2023. (twitter)
Mugm: Aloof and angry. The only thing that will get him to throw hands quicker than hurting his pride is hurting his family. (yt, twitch)
PheeaBea: Headstrong ex-prisoner who doesn’t like rules getting in the way of their curiosity. Has the the abilities and limitations of fae. Joined December 2023. (twitch, yt) 
Porgie: Lived through an apocalyptic alternate timeline. This led to a desperation to prevent disaster, and to somehow try and deal with the pain and scars of the past. (twitch, yt)
Quakitus: Has been through horrible things, and in turn has done horrible things, notably cannibalism. Healing is a rough journey for her. (twitch, vods, yt)
Rasplin: Loves a good fight, and loves having high status items. He's quite intimidating, but even he isn't completely heartless. (streams on yt, videos: 1, 2)
rinthehecker: Despite her loyalty, trusting others is hard for her, considering all the betrayal she faced, and her mysterious sleepwalking problem. As a dragon, they sometimes find themself homesick for the End. (twitch, yt) 
Rylanets: Has green hair, fairy wings, and flighting skills. Not much of a leader, but he’s always a steadfast teammate. (twitch)
Saturn_720: Still figuring out his place in this world. It’s a difficult task, but running a restaurant and caring for a niece makes it more fun. Joined December 2023. (twitch, yt) 
Silvaasaur: Mugm’s brother, known as the kinder, more emotional one of the two. He’s still just as deadly with a sword. (twitch, yt)
StarbornNebula: Grief sparked a burning desire for vengeance in her. She’ll be satisfied with nothing less than seeing the murderer of her friend die by her hands— but revenge is rarely as sweet as one would hope. (twitch, yt, video)
Strobelati: A cheery cloud person who’d never hurt anyone— at first. She feels emotions very strongly, whether it’s love, despair, or rage. (twitch, yt, video, vods)
TrashyPandius: The local assassin for hire, who happens to be a raccoon. He carries out his hits with an edgy but nonchalant attitude; murder is just business to him, no hard feelings. (twitch)
ViolettaFire: The server's therapist who could really use some therapy himself after everything he's been through. Xe's a pacifist, but don't mistake xyr kindness for weakness. (twitch, yt)
Winsweep: He’s sick of all the egotistical fools around him, and he doesn’t take issue with spilling blood for the sake of solving that. But is this truly him, or is it his mask that’s doing the talking? (twitch, yt)
Xpyz: A set of three semi-immortal beings: the first is gentle, anxious, and just wants her mom back, the second revels in others’ pain, and the third remains a mystery. (twitch, vods)
Zolister: Willing to play the role of a hero or a villain, depending on what he thinks will benefit the community. Solves issues with violence, and by sacrificing their own happiness. (streams on twitch and yt, vods, videos: 1, 2)
ZombieDwarf: There’s two of him: one is a robot who wants to see chaos in the world, and the other is said robot’s creator. Both cannot co-exist in the same place, so they have to decide which one of them will stay. (twitch, vods, yt, video)
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