#Glee 4x21
fandomontherocks · 4 months
This week on Glee on the Rocks we're talking 4x21, "Wonderful."  It's another themed-week as the New Directions take on the songbook of one Stevie Wonder (hence the episode title. You get it). Artie receives news about his application to the Brooklyn Film Academy.  Blaine asks Burt Hummel a Very Important Question about his and Kurt's future. In New York, Rachel has her callbacks for Funny Girl.
By the way, y'all look really cute today. And we mean, dirty cute.
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 1 year
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gleesongtournament · 11 months
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angelhummel · 2 years
Yesss babe thank you so much <3 Just what I needed to day. Also omg how could I forget Cassie in that regard?? Shame on me
Also in 4x21 she literally gifts Cassie with a cane likeee. Literally might just short circuit if I think about that too much 👀🤤 And in the same scene she also compliments her abs and also says "I'm so nervous, Miss July. I've never wanted anything more in my whole life" and who needs context for that?? Not I
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#glee#rachel berry#cassandra july#julyberry#asks#my thoughts#hopefulobjectmiracle#4x21#episode: wonderful#season 4#okay but rachel comes to cassandra's classroom after hours for a little Private Lesson#hamming it up like ohh miss july i just can't seem to get these moves down maybe you could give me a little extra help??#batting her lashes and being super obvious but also obviously cassie doesnt care#she goes to lock the door and rachel takes off her coat and she's just in a leotard no tights#maybe one of those whispy little overskirt things. and she changes into her pointe shoes#and cassandra tells her to go over to the ballet bar for warm up stretches like they always do#and is very generous in giving rachel tips on her form and guiding her into all the right positions#until its time to practice the actual dance moves and cassandra runs through them once and expects rachel to follow perfectly after but#rachel is super flustered and keeps messing up and eventually cassandra reaches for that cane and rachel is just like 👁️👄👁️#and rachel messes up again and cassandra spanks her with the cane and tells her thats whats going to happen until she gets it right#and that thing was THICK lmao so it would bruise more than sting and rachel ends up with quite the collection of welts on her backside#until cassie realizes rachel is screwing up on purpose to get her 'punishment' and abandons the cane in favor of#yanking rachel's leotard off of her and leaving her in nothing but her lil pointe shoes and making her stay on her toes while cassie#bends her over her desk and fingers her and eats her out until she's a whimpering lil mess uwu#then obviously makes her return the favor#oh and ofc rachel has her pristine little ballerina bun that cassie gets to ruin 😈#but thats just one idea <3
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gleepolls · 1 year
Glee Episode Bracket
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all glee episode bracket polls
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fallevs · 7 months
I found this Glee game around Tumblr but the creator's profile is disabled. If anyone recognizes it let me know and I'll mention it!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: The Power of Madonna (1x15) I literally love everything about this episode. Especially the introduction of cheerio!Kurt and the 4 Minutes performance! Pure gold.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Original Song (2x16) Do I need to specify that? The beginning of klaine 💘💖💞
3. Favourite season 3 episode: I'm undecided between The First Time (3x05) and Nationals (3x21) The first one because, of course, klaine. The Nationals episode is too good, though. It shows their coming together as a group and the songs are beautiful. And then they win! Nothing else to say.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: I'm not a fan of season four, so it's hard to choose. I would say I Do (4x14) because of, again, klaine scenes which are BEAUTIFUL (horny!Kurt is what I love most). But I would say maybe Wonder-ful (4x21) for the positivity of the episode. Super cute.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: Here I feel I must necessarily mention two episodes. Love, love, love (5x01) and Tina in the Sky with Diamonds (5x02). The first for the most beautiful marriage proposal in history. The second for Hey Jude. What happened to Tina is atrocious and their way of consoling and support her is wonderful. This is the real Glee!
6. Favourite season 6 episode: Am I repetitive? Who cares! A wedding (6x08) because "There's no one else" makes me scream every time. I loved the idea of them getting married just like that, out of nowhere, without some couples therapy first? No. But they love each other and I'm okay with that.
7. Episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x01) enough said. But also Grilled Cheesus (2x03) I see myself very much in what happens to Kurt. It makes me cry every time.
8. Episode that makes me laugh: Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08) I'm probably the only one but the silliness and surrealism of this episode makes me pee my pants.
9. Favourite tribute episode: again, The Power of Madonna (1x15) this is seriously amazing. Just iconic.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) OBVIOUSLY because of Baby It’s Cold Outside. But I also really like Glee, Actually (4x10) if it weren't for the Jake and Puck part that I find very boring... please don't hate me.
11. Episode with the best songs: I would say Nationals. And Rachel sings what I think is her best solo of the series. I get goosebumps thinking about it.
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Sectionals (1x13) because of Don’t Rain on My Parade and My life would suck without you.
13. Favourite regionals episode: Original Song (2x16) nothing can beat it (we pretend that Candles does not exist)
14. Favourite nationals episode: Nationals (3x21) of course!!!
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: Blame It on the Alcohol (2x14) okay. Here I think I'm going to get a lot of criticism. It is definitely funny and hilarious, but I CANNOT accept Rachel's selfishness toward what she calls her best friend. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I also cannot stand that Kurt is called biphobic. He's not biphobic: he's just a 16-year-old boy in love and jealous who couldn't give a good speech at the moment, that's all.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: The Hurt Locker Part 2 (6x05) I literally love everything about this episode. It is INSANE and just so funny. That klaine kiss... *swoon*
@shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @kurtsascot @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @annepi-blog @justgleekout @klaine-in-the-impala @bitbybitwrites, if you want 🫶🏻
Even those I haven't tagged, do it!!!
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blaintism · 1 year
this morning i decided to rank every episode in which blaine appears or is mentioned by the merit of their blaine content. because, i don't know, i'm very neurodivergent or something. so here is, in my opinion, the best to worst blaine episodes:
1. 3x15 “Big Brother”: has a micro celebrity older brother, gets very upset about everyone pointing at him, skips skip day, gets a stuffed animal from his boyfriend, doesn’t feel good enough with his brother around, and reconciles
2. 5x07 “Puppet Master”: has an autistic meltdown, gets gas poisoning, imagines everybody loves him, wants to share his core wounds, gives jake strange advice, steals, and sends puppets to new york city
3. 4x07 “Dynamic Duets”: creates a superhero alter ego, meets evil warbler #2, does autistic stuff, and wants to stop feeling like he’s a bad person
4. 2x12 “Silly Love Songs”: makes a fool out of kurt accidentally, makes a fool out of himself in a gap, becomes a part of a ‘when harry met sally’ situationship, and sings two solos
5. 4x03 “Makeover”: becomes a huge nerd and the president, makes a friend, lies to artie, and realizes he is sad and alone
6. 2x20 “Prom Queen”: delivers part three of his traumatic backstory, is very afraid, makes his solo story relevant, and saves the prom!
7. 4x17 “Guilty Pleasures”: likes wham, is a swiftie in the alternate universe of the promo, sings sam a strangely emotional song, and sam is not homophobic to him
8. 3x17 “Dance with Somebody”: tells everybody that it’s not right but it’s okay, doesn’t want to talk about new york, and has weirdly tan hands
9. 2x16 “Original Song”: forms blaine and the pips, ignores mourning a bird in favor of love, conceives of the worst duet idea of all time, gains +1 boyfriend, and sings two solos
10. 2x06 “Never Been Kissed”: shifts the tectonic plates by making his first appearance, sings teenage dream, delivers part one of his traumatic backstory, and thinks that karofsky isn’t coming out anytime soon
11. 4x16 “Feud”: has cement hair, has his identity stolen, is on the bottom, and is forced to join the cheerios again by nicki minaj
12. 6x07 “Transitioning”: gets hit with some eggs, has a serious case of heart eyes, and cheats but in a cool way this time
13. 5x14 “New New York”: cheers up sam, becomes elliott’s facebook friend, has a good talk with kurt, and moves in with mercedes
14. 3x05 “The First Time”: gets virgin shamed, canonically masturbates, meets evil warbler #1, makes out with kurt hummel drunk, and has sex
15. 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol”: thinks it’s cool that kurt and finn are brothers, makes out with rachel berry drunk, defends bisexuals, and is 100% gay
16. 3x11 “Michael”: wants to be starting something, gives the warblers sensitive information, and could lose an eye!
17. 4x11 “Sadie Hawkins”: gets asked out by a girl, has a crush on a boy, and finds out the warblers are taking steroids?!
18. 6x04/05 “The Hurt Locker”: forgets his mom’s name, finds a bear in his house, remembers fettuccine alfredo, and sticks his tongue right in someone’s mouth
19. 4x14 “I Do”: gets groped in a prius, has his honor defended, has sex in a hotel room, and knows he and kurt will not be just friends
20. 5x16 “Tested”: has body image issues, watches porn, admits that he’s scared kurt will stop loving him, and is misinterpreted by the entire fandom
21. 4x04 “The Break Up”: screams, cries, throws up, sobs, falls to his knees,
22. 2x09 “Special Education”: helps kurt out at his new school, doesn’t audition for the solo at sectionals, sings the solo at sectionals, gives kurt bird advice
23. 4x10 “Glee, Actually”: who’s blaine? ice skates and has a mature talk
24. 3x01 “The Purple Piano Project”: joins the new directions, unknowingly blows up a piano, and tries his best to be friendly
25. 4x15 “Girls (And Boys) On Film”: sings three duets with three different duet partners, and has a starring role in kurt’s imagination
26. 4x21 “Wonder-ful”: understands kurt unlike anyone else, and wants to marry him
27. 5x01 “Love Love Love”: sings the best duet with kurt, gets back together with him, is more asian than sam and ryder, gathers every show choir in the state, and proposes
28. 6x02 “Homecoming”: gives us some information on his depression, wears curly hair until he remembers people are racist about it, and attempts to solve misogyny
29. 2x15 “Sexy”: takes advice from sue sylvester, is very cringe, and delivers part two of his traumatic backstory
30. 3x02 “I Am Unicorn”: #juniorgate, is the only person respectful of kurt, and gives great audition #1
31. 4x06 “Glease”: continues to suffer, breaks character, and stands hollow eyed in the hallway
32. 3x08 “Hold on to Sixteen” fights sam, fights finn, and does what his father said and let his mother mold him
33. 5x06 “Movin Out”: visits new york, considers being a doctor or a teacher, and is the piano man
34. 2x11 “The Sue Sylvester Shuffle”: sings a banger solo, mercedes and rachel talk at him while he eats, and he attends a mckinley football game
35. 4x01 “The New Rachel”: tells kurt to leave (affectionate) and is the titular character
36. 3x14 “On My Way”: has an emotional breakdown in front of god and everyone, and then raps
37. 4x05 “The Role You Were Born to Play”: cries and sings his best solo, which is great audition #2
38. 2x18 “Born This Way”: sings somewhere only we know, which should make the top but it’s his only scene
39. 6x13 “Dreams Come True”: becomes a father, and loves kurt very very much
40. 3x22 “Goodbye”: is now in ‘the notebook,’ shares a lot of meaningful looks, and wears a lobster cardigan
41. 6x08 “A Wedding”: he gets married i guess. points for his vows
42. 4x22 “All Or Nothing”: is insulted by brittany once again, buys a ring for kurt, and sings a duet with marley
43. 3x09 “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”: is kurt’s best friend and holiday roommate, and gets some good gifts from rachel
44. 4x08 “Thanksgiving”: doesn’t exist until kurt calls him on the phone, and yet it’s such a good phone call that it beats the episodes below
45. 5x11 “City of Angels”: is too gay to lead the glee club, reads the show choir blogs, and has sexual tension with skylar astin 
46. 4x12 “Naked”: becomes santa, gets an unnecessary spray tan, and is a supportive friend
47. 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project”: is given kurt’s trust, doesn’t want to sleep with brittany fictionally, and defeats a homophobic old lady
48. 2x17 “A Night of Neglect”: he gets taken on a date to a high school and pushes some people around
49. 6x01 “Loser Like Me”: has been in his flop era since Kurt broke up with him, but he does have a new boyfriend!
50. 2x10 “A Very Glee Christmas”: he sings a flirty christmas duet with kurt, who is much better than that girls gonna be
51. 6x03 “Jagged Little Tapestry”: sings in kurt’s imagination about how much he misses kurt, and gets a bad home makeover
52. 3x03 “Asian F”: gets flowers and a leading role
53. 2x22 “New York”: loves kurt
54. 5x19 “Old Dog New Tricks”: likes seeing kurt so happy
55. 4x09 “Swan Song”: joins the cheerios
56. 2x07 “The Substitute”: sees a purse fall out of kurt’s mouth, and is discussed by kurtcedes as if he’s kurt’s boyfriend 
57. 5x17 “Opening Night”: knows a good gay club
58. 3x16 “Saturday Night Glee-ver”: loves dancing and otherwise disappears
59. 3x13 “Heart”: is back from the dead and more cute and compact than ever!
60. 4x02 “Britney 2.0”: sings my favorite mashup
61. 3x18 “Choke”: is a supportive boyfriend
62. 3x20 “Props”: wonders what a guys gotta do to get a little candy situation, and gets a hot pretzel at the mall with kurt
63. 5x04 “A Katy or a Gaga”: is obviously a katy
64. 4x13 “Diva”: points for him being a guy diva, singing don’t stop me now, being cute when he’s sick, being gay, and liking asian representation, but a huge subtraction for the non consensual touching from tina and him apologizing to her at the end
89. 3x19 “Prom-asaurus”: experiences discrimination, but at least he watches lesbians on tv, is an expert on the bill of rights, and has a very sweet boyfriend
65. 5x09 “Frenemies”: people are mad at him for having good grades, but he’s actually really cool about it and offers for them to share his valedictorian speech
66. 5x05 “The End Of Twerk”: unfortunately causes the entire twerking situation
67. 3x04 “Pot O Gold”: sings last friday night, to the dismay of people who usually sing all the time and will not sing any less in the future
68. 3x07 “I Kissed A Girl”: sings a corny duet to my delight, and otherwise has no thoughts about the difficulties of being gay suddenly
69. 5x02 “Tina in the Sky with Diamonds”: is as always a good friend, hits a really high note
70. 3x21 “Nationals”: is simply present, sings come on! hold tight!, and is the only person who isn’t kissed after they win
71. 6x12 “2009”: has stopped living a lie, but starts living a plot hole
88. 5x15 “Bash”: is strangely sidelined in an episode where his fiancé is attacked, but at least he reads star wars fanfiction
72. 5x13 “New Directions”: gets into NYADA, and makes out with kurt in tina’s mind
73. 5x12 “100”: gets his song stolen, and is given a gift for his wedding night sodomy
74. 6x10 “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester”: is very very sad dalton burned down
75. 4x20 “Lights Out”: gets mostly cut from the episode, and is still a cheerio
76. 3x06 “Mash Off”: looks like a time traveler with quinn
77. 6x11 “We Built this Glee Club”: thinks glitter is pretty
78. 4x18 “Shooting Star”: is scared and sad, BUT PARENT MENTION???
79. 3x10 “Yes/No”: does not say a word but gives kurt a cute look
80. 5x03 “The Quarterback”: is understandably not in this episode very much
81. 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”: certainly appears as some point
82. 2x19 “Rumours”: doesn’t appear but is the subject of rumors, rachel thinks he’s better than sam
83. 3x12 “The Spanish Teacher”: burt wants to tell him kurt got a NYADA audition
84. 6x09 “Child Star”: he’s on his honeymoon off screen, which kinda rocks
85. 5x18 “The Back Up Plan”: is a lying liar
86. 5x08 “Previously Unaired Christmas”: gets told to shut up, and does
87. 4x19 “Sweet Dreams”: gets yelled at for not being responsible for a group of traumatized children by Mr. Schue, the teacher
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unholybinchicken · 5 months
Queen Meecedes for the character list?
woo let's go
favorite thing about them
It's hard to narrow down one thing because she is a literal icon but I guess how generous and kind she is, and how much she believes in people. I love her helping Marley out in 4x21 and 5x11.
least favorite thing about them
When she didn't end up getting her solo in season 1 sectionals. The way the show tried to convince us that Rachel was better than her is just factually incorrect.
(let's be real - Rachel was maybe the fourth or fifth best singer in that glee club, facts are facts)
favorite line
"They say one out of every ten people are gay, and if that's true, that means one of the twelve apostles might have been gay ... and my guess is Simon, because ... that name's the gayest."
The Troubletones. Sancedes, Brittcedes, Sugcedes ... love them all! Kurtcedes is also a brOTP of mine that I wish had more screentime.
I love Samcedes and Shanecedes but also love Mikecedes and Quinncedes.
I don't know if there's anyone I don't ship Mercedes with.
I guess Puckcedes if we're going by canon ships.
random headcanon
Her favourite show is America's Next Top Model and loves it for the memes. She's also a massive RuPaul's Drag Race fan and watches every season.
unpopular opinion
This shouldn't be unpopular but she was the real star of glee club and was hands down better than Rachel.
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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she's so prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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kirakiwiwrites · 1 year
Here is a fun question for you guys:)
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So obvs we love writing Kurt and Blaine, but also Burt. Sure, he’s very popular in the fandom and for good reason. He has so many good lines, so we will just focus on three of our favorite things.
Kurt coming out in Preggers. (1x04)
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At the time this aired, there wasn’t as many shows depicting a father like Burt accepting a son like Kurt. The fact that he was a bit clumsy with it although he already knew about Kurt was realistic. He’s sort of reluctant, but ultimately has decided that his relationship with his child is more important than any uncomfortable feelings he might have. This was especially meaningful for us because of our own personal journeys. This is one of the foundational moments for Kurt who struggles with his sexuality which is pretty obvious to everyone around him. However, he gets this immediate acceptance and love from his dad, letting him know that the rest of the world might hate him, but he would always have him. It’s this moment that seems to bond them and heal the rift that had started to form between them.
2) Burt standing up for Kurt.
Wheels (1x09)
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And again…
Theatricality (1x20)
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And again…
Furt (2x08)
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You get the idea. This taught Kurt how to stand up for himself and face opposition head on therefore preparing him for life.
3) Burt & Blaine.
Sexy (2x15)
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Now, as for Blaine, a lot of his relationship to Burt developed off-screen, but we did get to see how they gradually grew closer. Unfortunately, all we know about Blaine’s dad is a few small comments here and there that seem to give the impression they aren’t especially close. The fact that only Blaine’s mother came to the wedding could either suggest that the relationship was never mended completely or just be the result of the poor planning that came with season 6. We might never know. What we do know and got to see was that your boy had some issues. And since he didn’t seem to be able to talk to his own dad, he grew closer to Burt, oftentimes seeking advice.
Wonder-ful (4x21)
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It seems like their relationship evolves beyond just Kurt and it was a nice little thing to come out of the relationship whether you like Klaine or not. It’s one of the things Glee did best, taking the intentional relationships and letting them (some) develop organically.
Glee, actually (4x10)
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We could continue on, but we will stop there lol. In summary, we ❤️ Burt and what he means to the fandom.
We didn’t even touch on his relationship with Finn and that was a whole other thing. There are lots of other moments too, but these kind of stuck out to us.
Thanks @annatimberlakesworld for the thought provoking question and for making us want to rewatch Glee again lol.
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 years
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blaine anderson in every episode of glee
(4x21 - wonder-ful)
fun facts:
superstition was originally intended to be a blaine and mercedes duet, but marley was added last minute.
“kurt is my soulmate. i know that i’ve hurt him badly. but i also know that if i want to get him back, i have to do something bold.”
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theghostofashton · 2 years
What’s ur favorite scene for each of the glee chs you love?
hi anon! i love this ask! i answered something similar a while back here if u want more detail! 
my favorite characters are kurt, blaine, mercedes, quinn, sam, santana, and finn so:
kurt: i have so many for kurt tbh, but i think the one that really stands out to me is the hallway scene in 2x20, after he's announced prom queen. it's such a cruel thing for the kids to have done to him, and he's so upset, but i love that it slowly turns into him refusing to allow that hatred to give him a lump in his throat. him deciding to go back and get coronated, especially after he'd just come back to mckinley really hits hard and is such a beautiful display of kurt's strength over the past season.
blaine: pretty much all of 4x07, but specifically, blaine deciding not to rejoin the warblers. that was such a striking moment for him, deciding to break his pattern of running when he got scared/things got hard, and choosing to face what he did head on. it wasn't the easy choice, but it was the one that was better for him in the end, and i just remember watching and being so proud of blaine's courage in that moment.
mercedes: the scene in 4x21, before higher ground, where she tells everyone that she doesn't have a record deal because she refused to compromise on her image to market it. i've talked about this a bit before, but mercedes' arc of refusing to make herself smaller or into something she isn't is so, so important to me, as a woc. it means so much to see her be true to herself and refuse to give that up no matter what. she owns exactly who she is and that is so beautiful to me.
quinn: the scene after never can say goodbye in 3x11, where she tells everyone she got into yale. it always makes me cry. it's a moment where i'm so, so proud of her and her development. she went through so much during high school, and it’s so emotional for me, watching her say that you can let go of the past and start your future, because that’s what she struggled with for so long. 
sam: the scene in 6x13, where he gives his first glee club lesson about country music. that is the most beautiful way to conclude sam’s arc on the show, and made me so happy when i first watched it. that felt like a return of my favorite version of sam. it’s so true to his story and his family and where he came from, and signified really well where he was going to go with glee club as their coach.
santana: again, so many come to mind here, but i think i’d have to say the scene in 5x18, where we get the quote about wanting to use her bitch powers to protect the people she cares about. that’s like..... the thesis of santana’s character for me, and i’m really, really glad we got to hear her say that. it feels like the culmination of five seasons of development for her, and it’s probably my favorite santana quote.
finn: i was going back and forth about which finn scene for a while, and i think i have to go with him offering unique rizzo. it’s such a beautiful way to showcase finn’s development as a person, and how far he’s come since s1. his character started off not understanding a lot, and not dealing with those misunderstandings well, and to see him go from that to....being the first person to affirm unique’s identity and give her something so concrete and symbolic of that, in getting to play rizzo, was just.....so emotional for me. i adore it. 
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 1 year
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gleesongtournament · 11 months
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Gleecap 4x21--Wonder-ful
Rachel and Schue's conversation is so sweet, I love it
Mr Schue packing in as many Stevie Wonder puns as possible is peak 'cringy but beloved teacher' and I am so here for it
I felt sorry for Kitty earlier, but I am back to not feeling anything but frustration with her. She is so annoying
I love that Kurt is using the Men of McKinley calendar
We all know how I feel about Kitty Wilde but she destroyed Signed, Sealed Delivered. Or maybe the song is just so good that anyone would sound good on it. The choreo's pretty fun too.
Mike and Mercedes are, dare I say it, wonderful
Superstition is STUNNING
I love Mercedes referencing her religion.
Yes! Burt will live!
Oh no, my worst enemy--a fake Aussie accent
So, turns out Martin is bad for a whole host of other reasons, but the bad accent is still up there
Supportive Mike! We love the guy!
Kitty, ma'am, I despise you
Mercedes Jones, you are one heck of a woman!!
Blaine Dramatic Anderson you are so OTT and it's funny
Thank you, Burt for talking some sense into your mad son-in-law-to-be
Artie's 'gangsta voice' is always funny
Cassie's personality flip is so sudden and random, but okay, glee
I love the all-yellow looks! Cute!
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historyofglee · 1 month
On this day in 2013:
Glee season 4, episode 21 “Wonder-ful” aired.
Written by Brad Falchuk and directed by Wendey Stanzler, the episode was originally watched by 5.19m viewers in the United States.
4x21 featured 7 new cover songs, all originally performed by Stevie Wonder- Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours, Superstition, You Are the Sunshine of My Life, I Wish, Uptight (Everything’s Alright), Higher Ground, and For Once in My Life.
The episode also featured the final appearance of Kate Hudson as Cassandra July, and guest starred Katey Sagal as Nancy Abrams.
👉🏻 follow historyofglee on Instagram for information on tonight’s Glee 4x21 watch party!
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guswaters · 3 years
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10 YEARS OF KURT & BLAINE ∟ Fandom Favourite Scenes (10/39)
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