fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
4, 8, 13?
4. If you had to hop in a car right now and drive / be driven somewhere, where would you go? To the indoor swimming pools! Or maybe I would just drive aimlessly, driving is scary but it's also pretty fun occasionally.
8. What underrepresented creature do you most want a plushie of? Okay uhh, besides the beluga sturgeon, the marine reptiles, and the tunas and billfish... A big cuddly spider with thick long legs. Maybe it's just that I haven't seen them, but spiders are often reserved for "hard toys" and purposely very frightening toys, not plushies! Either a fluffy plushie or more of a fleece-textured plushie of a spider would be wicked!
13. Favorite texture(s) and/or material(s)? Fluffy things, extremely smooth things, soft malleable things that give in when squeezed like sweet liquorice. Does water count as a material? I also like feeling the surface tension on my palm, I like repeatedly pressing my hand lightly on the surface of the water to feel it stick to my hand and slightly resist me pressing my hand all the way down.
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mdverse · 2 months
2, 5, 11 for the fandom ask?
2: a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
i should've waited until i had a functioning brain cell to answer these asks lmao BUT the show must go on!! i can't remember any hcs that grew on me akdfjfhd there are probably some puck-related ones (re:this ask) but uhhh. idk can we talk about an hc that made a canon scene kind of acceptable to me instead? bc i think a lot about the hc that britt asked klaine to share their wedding bc she was really superstitious about the whole "50% of marriages end in divorce" and didn't wanna risk her own marriage or whatever lmao it's the only way i can rationalise the double wedding in my head
5: something you see in fics a lot and love
honestly i don't think i read that many glee fics and the ones i have read recently have been of ships im not all that invested in dkfgjhfd but! i think it's very neat that i do end up reading long fics of ships i don't care about bc i still get invested in the actual story or the world building! i think there are some very skilled writers in the fandom and i like getting to see the glee kids from their perspectives :)
11: if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
this is one of those posts that i look at and go "hmm maybe i peaked here" dkfgjdfhkg i don't think it's necessarily the most impressive thing i've done skill-wise but i'm still very happy with it (and hoping to glanimate some more eventually! im not short of ideas there)
but if we're talking illustrations specifically... it may just be recency bias talking but i am incredibly proud of this one!! i've been dodging backgrounds for so long that i didn't think i'd actually succeed at drawing such a detailed one out of nowhere
love ur fandom asks
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autismtana · 1 year
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thanks to @cheery-space-lizz for making this!
the first brittany s pierce's guide to sniffing out the mentally ill meme!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
(no fr it was meant to be a fun side project to do between fics but has consumed my life)
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yeastymuffin · 6 months
4, 7, 16, 29?
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
I used to want to eat andijviestamppot for my birthday until i was like 12😭 which is mashed potatoes, andives, bacon bits and gravy. I also had some really great hutspot recently at my great aunt's, which is a similar mashed potato type dish. Similarly, hachee is the best!
But stuff you can wake me up for are bitterkoekjes (sort of similar to the Italian amaretto, but more cookie/brownie like in texture), a good ol' broodje hagelslag (a slice of bread with chocolate sprinkles), and a kapsalon (fries with shoarma, cheese, salads and garlic sauce)
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
The first thing that came to my mind was "HOUD JE BEK" (Shut up), ahh, kinderen voor kinderen you still run in my blood. Anyway, this is quite a difficult question, let me think.
Voorpret: which means something along the lines of "experiencing pleasure because you know you are going to do something fun soon". If you're going to the zoo tomorrow and you're excited, you're experiencing voorpret.
Troostzoeker: it means "comfort seeker/ someone who seeks comfort", but i feel like the Dutch word holds something that's innately pathethic and almost forlorn? Like a baby duck without it's mother but quacking loudly, still in search for her.
Uitzinnig: which means delirious, demented, out of your mind/senses, insane.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
I already answered this but I have more, though it's more hatred towards tourists but; I dislike it when people visit Amsterdam and think that's representative of the country. Amsterdam is batshit crazy and ridiculous! There are great museums, but I would recommend to visit Haarlem or Leiden too. Waaaay less busy, though arguably still busy cities, same gorgeous architecture, churches, museums.
We do love our cheese (but I don't 😙✌)
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Also already answered this, but as a country we have beef with obtuse tourists who walk on our bike lanes. Tyf op, ik rijd je aan, ik zweer x
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tuiyla · 2 years
Got more fav non verbal Brittana moments? :0
Of course 😌 so glad you asked 😉
We'll do 5 + 1, the plus one being The Smile of course. Hold on let me look up what my tag for it is. Oh so it's the same as the pre-Mine quote's but yeah you get it you get it you know why it's number one. And then, hmm. Great thing about Brittana is that they have so many great background moments. We'll exclude kisses otherwise this post would be me going insane over the Tongue Tied kiss. In order of how I remember them:
Heart, during Rory's solo no one remembers - the Smile, but also Brittany grabbing Santana's arm to link it with hers. Awww
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Sorry I don't have time to gif all these 😫😫 although 👀 Maybe eventually. When Artie gets his head OUT OF MY SHOT geez boy move there's lesbian activity going on
2. Any time Hemo does anything with her hands but THIS my god this moment right after Alfie
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Okay technically a kiss I guess but also the handhold and cupped cheek UGHH I'm crazy weak for them
3. This moment during Take My Breath Away counts right?
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can't find the Brittany side of this rn but god I melt for it, she's so suave istg
(I guess cute moments during songs could be its own category)
4. Santana drawing a heart when she votes for Britt for senior class president 😭😭😭 lose my mind over that. the silly goose even kisses the piece of paper and Britt isn't even there but I just find this so precious
5. Britt casually stroking Santana's legs during What I Did For Love
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okay shit image and so minor but I told you I go insane over Hemo's hands
BONUS because I wanted another cute moment during a song only I'm cheating because this is during Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move and ALL of that performance is the cutest shit I've ever seen but this:
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I'll never get over this. Santana guiding them to the choir room back row before she proposes,,,,, once again it's all about THAT quote
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bambirex · 10 months
3 and 29?
3 - What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Very possibly The Heavy Burden That You Can't Bear! It was definitely a very grim fic so it was quite the challenge, but I think I managed to serve a pretty good character study and set myself up for future darker themes regarding this certain character!
29- Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
It's not really a line but i really loved how this interaction turned out in Tell It With Your Heart :
"I've been thinking," Jaskier admitted. He let out another happy sigh as Geralt rubbed over his shoulder. "I had a lot of time to do that in the past fifteen years or so. You're not very talkative. Sometimes, when you're in the right mood, you talk a bit more. But even then, not as much as me."
Jaskier could hear the grin in Geralt's voice when he said "No one can talk as much as you."
Jaskier snorted. "Alright, maybe the comparison is a little unfair. But my point is, I've told you many times that I love you. You just never seemed to hear me. And I was wondering if it was because you didn't want to hear it, or because your way of telling me is much different."
Geralt's hands stilled. Jaskier turned back, glaring up into amber eyes.
"You're doing all of this for me, buying me things, feeding me, spoiling me, because you don't know how else to tell me."
He reached for Geralt's hand. He smiled when Geralt - even though a little tentatively - laced their fingers together.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to understand your language," Jaskier said softly, "but I get it now."
Thank you so much for the ask! ❤️
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petrolandchlorine · 8 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
Right back at you 😤
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Somewhat related to your last post, but a fun thing you could do after the tournament is over is a compilation of like "songs that pulled the most votes" or "biggest sweep", number related things. I'm honestly not sure how you'd do that in a feasable way given the huge amount of data though
oof yeah that would be a big task but could be fun!
although now this just gives me the idea to do the whole tournament in the opposite direction to find out what everyone's least favorite number of all time is alksjfsldkfjsdlk
i would certainly need to take a break in between bc it would be quiteee the undertaking but we'll see lmao
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somewillwin · 1 month
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Kaedensoka requested by @cheery-space-lizz for the kofi event 💙🤍
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twinkkurt · 9 months
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My gleeful holiday art swap gift for @cheery-space-lizz!
Sancedes perform for a fancy gig together (and of course they look amazing doing it!) I hope you enjoy, happy holidays!
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glartswap · 11 months
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Hi glee fanartists! ❄️
As promised, here is the sign-up sheet for this year's holiday art swap! The form will be open until November 7th, 11:59PM GMT
Official timeline:
nov 1st-7th: sign-ups
nov 13th: assignments sent out
nov 13th-dec 23th: creation period
dec 24th-31st: posting time!
We've tagged everyone who expressed an interest in joining so far, but please feel free to share this post with anyone else who might want to participate :)
@warblercore @porcelainvino @theywerebothgirls @cheery-space-lizz @blaintism @mynonah @esilher @sopheadraws @starkurt @justgleekout @katimanki @gleekidshooray @ritco
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porcelainvino · 9 months
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sancedes aus!!!
(thank you @cheery-space-lizz for the streamer au idea, sorry it took a month oops, and also shoutout to @boltgunkiller cuz she was talking about nerd!santana stuff too!)
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mdverse · 2 years
🪐 and 🌷?
 🪐= a friendship you wanted to see more of
oh there are so many i think deserved more (or literally any) screen time but one of my first thoughts was furt! the writers really chose to make them brothers and then give them one, maybe two scenes per season? idk it just seems like a missed opportunity to me
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🌷= favourite original song
trouty mouth <3
glee ask game
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I am VERY emotional about BBC Ghosts' final season coming soon and since we went down the bittersweet and fluffy headcanons route with @phenixy-dunnhart and @cheery-space-lizz, here you go fams, a reminder that I headcanon since DAY ONE that if Alison and Mike have a child in the last season it will go that way:
Alison feels nauseous for a week and can’t tell why and she starts to stop hearing and seeing the ghosts around so she panics and feels really sad about it, and Mike can’t do anything and feels sad for her too though he is very supportive, and one morning out of a sudden idea she takes a pregnancy test and it’s positive and Mike is super happy at the news (after fainting first) and the ghosts are extatic and for months she communicates with them through (very slow) means like Julian typing on the laptop or whatever and at one point Pat goes “You know Alison, the reason why you can’t see us anymore maybe is because you’re carrying life now…” and they all bet that it’s exactly why and 9 months later when the baby arrives in the Button House where it already has so many uncles and aunties, Alison suddenly hears and sees them all again and they’re all gathered around her with tears of joy and she’s having the best day of her life because she’s a mother AND she got her family back
also when I first shared this headcanon, @hell-and-pepsi added: "Bonus if the kid can see ghosts too" and they were SO RIGHT
Like omg of course the kid sees the ghosts and Julian runs around pretending that he’s the one the kid saw first.
“Don’t you get it? Alison saw me first, they saw me first-”
Robin: that only because you walk butt naked, they are shock
Fanny: you’re wearing animal pelts every day, Robin. If anything, you’re as shocking to children eyes.
Pat: that doesn’t change the fact they probably sees us. Did anyone else try? It’s too bad they're all in town right now it would have been lovely to try it.
Kitty, beaming: They smiled to me yesterday!
Captain, rolling his eyes: The kid smiles all the time, Kitty, it’s no proof. (Then coughs because he doesn’t want the others to comment on how he tenderly observes the baby) What- uhm- what about you, Thomas?
Thomas: (dramatic sigh) I long of the day this lovely child will notice my undeniable love for–
Robin: it no.
Julian: yeah.
Pat: yeah.
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yeastymuffin · 5 months
For the music ask: 5, 26, 28?
Ooooo these are fun!
5. a song that needs to be played LOUD
Oh a 100% I Love Myself Today by Bif Naked. The only way to play that song is loud and nasty and obscene. FUCK YEAH I LOVE MYSELF TODAY NOT LIKE YESTERDAY IM COOL IM CALM IM GONNA BE OKAY!!!!!!!!
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26. A song that makes you want to fall in love
I have a whole playlist for this hahaha, but probably Would You Be So Kind by Dodie. Everytime I start liking someone i start playing that song
28. A song by an artist with a voice that you love
I instantly thought of Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Rey, but then I wanted to choose a more niche song LMAO, so then I thought of Honeymoon, Body Electric, and Big Eyes. All by Lana. I fucking love her older music so much holy shit
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tuiyla · 1 year
Maybe the Gleeboot should be about a teacher at McKinley who used to be part of the cheerios and is nostalgic for its glory days.
So she does the unthinkable.
She starts a cheerleading squad to the chagrin of the glee coach who doesn't want to share the budget with such an obsolete sport. Through all obstacles, the new cheerios squad is started and she's determined to make it better than it ever was. Even get the squad to Nationals. To show that sports and art can coexist, because why should it be one or the other? That sounds like something someone with lingering hang ups from high school would come up with haha 🤪
(Obvs the teacher is none of the UHT they are living their best life away from Lima tyvm)
I guess i didn't think much of the ending before cause artsy high schools are a thing.
But I guess its different in the usa cause what school you go to is determined by your district. So unless there are multiple schools in your district your stuck with the one you got or go private? Idk
But then it got me really thinking like wow... they really did turn a school with a cheerleading program that won multiple nationals in a row into an arts school. There were kids that got scholarships through the cheerios, I know Sue's methods were very questionable but still??
Ah well, irl sports are percieved as a more "viable" thing to pursue so maybe this fictional school getting a W for the arts isn't that bad. But I feel like they could've achieved this message by having McKinley heavily expand its arts program? This doesn't need to be a zero sum game 🙃
Hey bestie so no idea why it took almost a month to publish this uwu so sorry
But yes! That sounds great tbh. And yeah Glee viewed this whole arts vs. sports binary as such a zero sum game. Ridiculous and shows how little they cared for the Glee club members who were accomplished athletes. By which I mean they conveniently ignored the jocks were jocks whenever it wasn't a storyline and the Cheerios were villanized and cheerleading stereotypes always came down to be vapid and Bad for wanting to be popular. So fun.
People shit on Spencer a lot for what people think was a "not like other gays" attitude but I appreciate that he actively went against Glee's usual tokenising attitude. And it's clear from the audience reception that they weren't in fact ready for the not like other gays messaging.
Anyway if the Gleeboot were to subvert what OG Glee did and take the sports POV I'd actually really dig that because it would highlight how ridiculous it is to force kids to choose. Did they learn nothing from Troy Bolton's struggle?
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