alsanda-151651 · 1 month
How to Control Your Blood Sugar Levels with Ayurveda?
It's critical to keep blood sugar levels at ideal ranges for general health and to stave off diseases like diabetes. An age-old medical system called Ayurveda provides holistic methods for successfully controlling blood sugar levels. This blog explores Ayurvedic methods for naturally balancing blood sugar levels, including food modifications, herbal therapies, and lifestyle adjustments. Find out how improving your everyday routine can result in improved health and well-being by implementing Ayurvedic principles. Learn how to control your blood sugar levels with the help of herbs like fenugreek and bitter gourd, as well as the value of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Ayurveda promotes health by emphasizing the harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. This blog examines the ways in which Ayurvedic activities like yoga, meditation, and cleansing can help with blood sugar regulation. Recognize the significance of the doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—in your well-being and how individualized therapies can support equilibrium. This site offers thorough information about controlling blood sugar levels with Ayurveda, including dietary recommendations, herbal teas, and at-home treatments. Accept a wholistic approach to wellness and learn how Ayurveda can help regulate blood sugar. For comprehensive advice, see Ayurvedic Village.
Click the link below to learn more :
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बार-बार पेशाब आना: उच्च रक्त शर्करा के स्तर का संकेत
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बार-बार पेशाब आना, जिसे चिकित्सकीय भाषा में पॉलीयूरिया के नाम से जाना जाता है, उच्च रक्त शर्करा के स्तर का एक प्रारंभिक संकेतक हो सकता है, जो मधुमेह का एक सामान्य लक्षण है। जब रक्त शर्करा का स्तर बढ़ता है, तो गुर्दे अतिरिक्त ग्लूकोज को छानने और अवशोषित करने के लिए अतिरिक्त समय तक काम करते हैं। हालाँकि, जब वे इसे बनाए नहीं रख पाते हैं, तो शरीर मूत्र के माध्यम से अतिरिक्त ग्लूकोज से छुटकारा पा लेता है, जिससे पेशाब बढ़ जाता है।
यह लक्षण अक्सर अत्यधिक प्यास के साथ होता है, क्योंकि शरीर तरल पदार्थों के नुकसान की भरपाई करने की कोशिश करता है। यदि आपको पेशाब करने की लगातार आवश्यकता महसूस होती है, खासकर यदि यह आपकी दैनिक गतिविधियों या नींद को बाधित करता है, तो स्वास्थ्य देखभाल पेशेवर से परामर्श करना आवश्यक है। उच्च रक्त शर्करा का प्रारंभिक पता लगाना और प्रबंधन जटिलताओं को रोक सकता है और जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार कर सकता है।
रक्त शर्करा के स्तर और संबंधित लक्षणों के प्रबंधन पर विशेषज्ञ परामर्श के लिए, आप सुकून हार्ट केयर, सैनिक मार्केट, मेन रोड, रांची, झारखंड: 834001 में MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology) से मिल सकते हैं। अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करने के लिए 6200784486 पर कॉल करें या drfarhancardiologist.com पर जाएं।
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aslamat · 4 months
Unlocking the Secrets of HbA1c: Understanding the Key to Diabetes Management
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Are you curious about the mysterious HbA1c test? Do you want to understand how it relates to diabetes and your overall health? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of HbA1c, exploring what it is, how it's measured, and what the results mean for you.
What is HbA1c? HbA1c, or Hemoglobin A1c, is a vital marker for diabetes management. It's a test that measures the average amount of glucose attached to your red blood cells over the past 2-3 months. This attachment is called glycation, and it's a natural process that occurs when glucose enters your bloodstream.
How is HbA1c measured? The HbA1c test is a simple blood test that can be done at your healthcare provider's office or at a lab. It's usually done when you're fasting, and it doesn't require any special preparation. The test measures the percentage of hemoglobin A1c in your blood, which indicates your average glucose levels over the past few months.
What do the results mean? Your HbA1c results can fall into one of three categories:
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Normal: Below 5.7%
Prediabetes: 5.7% to 6.4%
Diabetes: 6.5% and above
Let's break down what each category means:
Normal: If your HbA1c is below 5.7%, it means your glucose levels are within a healthy range. Keep up the good work!
Prediabetes: If your HbA1c falls between 5.7% and 6.4%, it means you're at risk of developing diabetes. Don't worry; this is a great opportunity to make lifestyle changes and prevent diabetes from developing!
Diabetes: If your HbA1c is 6.5% or higher, it means you have diabetes. Don't panic! With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, you can manage your diabetes and live a healthy life.
Why is HbA1c important? HbA1c is a vital tool for diabetes management because it:
Provides a long-term picture of your glucose levels
Helps diagnose and monitor diabetes
Assists in adjusting treatment plans
Encourages healthy lifestyle choices
Conclusion: HbA1c is a powerful indicator of your glucose levels and overall health. By understanding what HbA1c is, how it's measured, and what the results mean, you'll be better equipped to manage your diabetes and take control of your health. Remember, knowledge is power!
Optimized keywords: HbA1c, Hemoglobin A1c, diabetes management, glucose levels, prediabetes, diabetes diagnosis, healthy lifestyle choices.
Note: This blog post is for informational purposes most effective and need to no longer be considered scientific advice. Consult your healthcare company for customized guidance on diabetes management and HbA1c testing.
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wellextol · 7 months
Diabacore is a natural blood sugar supplement designed to help individuals manage their diabetes. Marketed as a blend of carefully selected ingredients, this supplement provides a holistic approach to diabetes support. Let's explore the key aspects of Diabacore
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Age-Related A1C Levels: Understanding Normal Blood Sugar Ranges
Hey there, health enthusiast! You’ve just stumbled upon the Well Health Hub, your go-to spot for top-tier tips and deep-dives into all things health! This time around, we’re chatting about blood sugar – it’s a bit like mastering a complex dance, so strap in! From the nitty-gritty of what normal blood sugar levels look like, to why they’re your new best friend, and of course, the secrets to…
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sifytech · 1 year
Diabetes - Pricking problem no more
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Until non-invasive option is fully available, it is better to live a life with balanced nutrition, physical activity, rest to avoid diabetes. Read More. https://www.sify.com/science-tech/diabetes-pricking-problem-no-more/
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Can Diabetes be Cured?
Diabetes has already been transformed into an epidemic affecting around 460 million individuals all around the world. It is also a significant cause of several other kidneys, heart, and eye-related ailments. It is estimated that there would be an increase of 700 million individuals affected by this chronic syndrome by the end of the year 2045. Despite its big impact on the global level, the question arises can diabetes be cured? The answer is, there is no sure-shot cure for diabetes.
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rj100789 · 7 months
Salmon with vegetables and my blood sugar. #bloodsugar #glucoselevels ...
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "Chipotle burrito and my blood sugar. #glucoselevels #bloodsugar #insulinresistance #burrito" on YouTube
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irnjehernandez · 1 year
how to lower blood sugar and reverse your diabetes - glucotrust reviews
✅GLUCOTRUST Official Website: https://rebrand.ly/glucotrust--official how to lower blood sugar and reverse your diabetes - glucotrust reviews Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about how to lower blood sugar and reverse your diabetes with Glucotrust. Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can lead to significant medical complications such as kidney failure, vision loss, heart disease, nerve damage and stroke. Fortunately, there is hope for those who suffer from diabetes. Glucotrust is an all-natural supplement designed to help support healthy glucose levels in the body and reverse the symptoms of diabetes. In this video, we will discuss how Glucotrust works, its benefits for diabetics and our reviews on this product. First off, let's take a look at how Glucotrust helps lower blood sugar levels in the body. Glucotrust contains natural ingredients such as chromium picolinate which helps regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity in cells. Additionally, it also has other vitamins like B6 and B12 which help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. It also contains berberine extract which has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing fasting glucose levels by up to 20%. Now let's take a look at some of the benefits that diabetics can experience when taking Glucotrust. For starters, it can help reduce fasting glucose levels which can be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes conditions. Additionally, it can help reduce inflammation throughout the body which can alleviate many of the symptoms associated with diabetes including fatigue and joint pain. Furthermore, it may even help prevent further complications associated with diabetes such as vision loss or kidney failure down the line due to its anti-inflammatory effects on tissues throughout the body. Finally let's take a look at what customers have said about their experiences with taking Glucotrust supplements for their diabetes management plans. From our research we found that many customers reported experiencing improved energy levels and better sleeping patterns after taking this supplement regularly over time along with improved control of their blood sugar levels overall without any side effects reported so far! Conclusion: In conclusion, if you’re looking for an all-natural way to manage your diabetes then we highly recommend giving Glucotrust a try! This supplement has been proven effective in helping lower blood sugar while providing additional benefits like reducing inflammation throughout your body - all without any adverse side effects being reported so far! With regular use you could potentially see significant improvements in both your long term health outcomes as well as day-to-day quality of life when managing your diabetic condition! ✅GLUCOTRUST Official Website: https://rebrand.ly/glucotrust--official how to lower blood sugar and reverse your diabetes - glucotrust reviews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3lUbku68Jc_vyUBE5EBadw
#GlucoTrust, #Diabetes, #BloodSugar, #LowerBloodSugar, #ReverseDiabetes, #ChromiumPicolinate, #BerberineExtract, #VitaminsB6andB12, #GlucoseLevels, #Inflammation,#KidneyFailure,#VisionLoss, #HeartDisease, #NerveDamage, #Stroke,#Type2Diabetes,#Pre-diabetes,#FastingGlucoseLevels,#EnergyLevels,#SleepingPatterns,#BloodSugarLevels, #NaturalSupplements GlucoTrust, Diabetes, Blood Sugar, Lower Blood Sugar, Reverse Diabetes, Chromium Picolinate, Berberine Extract, Vitamins B6 and B12, Glucose Levels, Inflammation, Kidney Failure, Vision Loss, Heart Disease, Nerve Damage, Stroke ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Pre-diabetes ,Fasting Glucose Levels ,Energy Levels ,Sleeping Patterns ,Blood Sugar Levels ,Natural Supplements
how to lower blood sugar and reverse your diabetes - glucotrust reviews
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hailey-bartrug · 4 years
Glucose and Ketone Levels
When in ketosis you will want to monitor and pay attention to your glucose and ketone levels. This will not only give you a better idea of what level of ketosis you are in, but it will also give you some information on your health.
There are various methods of testing but, blood ketone monitors are considered the best method for determining if you are in ketosis, at what level, and what your blood glucose level is.
You’ve probably heard of glucose testing before. Glucose testing is commonly used to help with diabetes management, but it’s also useful for when you are in ketosis because it can reveal “trigger foods”; foods that spike your glucose and may adversely affect your ketone levels.
When testing your ketones and glucose levels, you want to test at roughly the same time each day. This is important for tracking your progress. The best time to test is when it is convenient for you on a regular basis. If you choose a time that’s convenient for you, you’ll be more likely to continue testing on time and be able to compare your results to prior days at the same time.
Now, sleep and meals can skew test results, so certain times are better than others. Some examples of good times are in the mornings while fasted, before lunch or dinner, and before and after meals to test food sensitives.
Testing in the morning while fasted, before you ingest anything, but after you’ve been awake awhile helps you avoid the “dawn effect”. The “dawn effect” is an early-morning increase in glucose levels caused by a natural rise in cortisol before you wake up. In the morning, glucose will generally be higher and ketones are generally at their lowest. A fasted test result will give you a good baseline to compare over time. Everyone will need to wait a different amount of time before testing in the morning. For someone without insulin resistance, testing an hour after waking will generally provide a good fasted baseline. But for someone who is insulin resistant, which causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood, it may be better to wait 2-3 hours for your fasted baseline, giving your body more time to adjust to the cortisol spike.
Testing before lunch or dinner will give you the most insightful ketone readings. Test right before lunch or dinner, at least 2-3 hours after you’ve eaten any other food or drink (other than water). The 2-3 hour wait is important because consumption of almost any food, keto-friendly or otherwise, will cause your glucose to go up and your ketone levels to fall a bit. This being said, testing well between meals ensures you get a truer reading of your progress.
There is one reason you may want to test after meals: testing just before a meal or particular food and then 60 minutes and 3 hours afterward is a great way to find out how your body responds to various foods, snacks, and drinks you have consumed. When testing for food sensitivities, glucose strips are a better indication of food reactions because glucose fluctuates faster than ketones.
Another part of monitoring your glucose and ketone levels is your GKI; Glucose Ketone Index. Knowing your GKI gives you a better overall view of your metabolic status and state of ketosis. The calculation is, [Your Glucose Reading (mg/dl) ÷ 18] ÷ Your Ketone Reading = Your Glucose Ketone Index. It is recommended to test your GKI twice a day: after waking and before lunch or dinner as described above.
GKI Levels
GKI </= 1 = Highest Therapeutic Level of Ketosis
GKI 1-3 = High Therapeutic Level of Ketosis
GKI 3-6 = Moderate Level of Ketosis
GKI 6-9 = Low Level of Ketosis
GKI >/= 9 = You are not in Ketosis
There are different recommendations on how often to test your levels, but that is up to you. I try to test about every eight days around 4-6pm. I use the Keto-Mojo Bluetooth ketone and glucose meter. I purchased it on their website along with ketone and glucose testing strips, a lancet device, and lancets. Keto-Mojo also has an app where you can upload your results so you don't lose track of them. It also automatically calculates your GKI when you upload them to the app.
As an example of what your levels can look like, I will share mine. I started the keto lifestyle on March 17, 2020 and started testing my levels on April 14, 2020.
*Reminder that 0.5 mmol/L is considered a light ketosis state.*
My Levels
Blood Sugar - 88 mg/dL
Ketones - 1.3 mmol/L
GKI - 3.76
Blood Sugar - 80 mg/dL
Ketones - 1.6 mmol/L
GKI - 2.78
Blood Sugar - 84 mg/dL
Ketones - 1.7 mmol/L
GKI - 2.75
Blood Sugar - 68
Ketones - 2.3
GKI - 1.64
I’ve been in a moderate to high level of ketosis since my first test and mac & cheese used to be my favorite food so it is very possible to enter a state of ketosis and maintain it.
June 22, 2020
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247cgm · 2 years
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www.247cgm.com "Know Your Body Glucose Level And Stay Healthy" Freestyle libre 2 helps you to manage your glucose level. @247cgm
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aslamat · 4 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Postprandial Blood Sugar: A Comprehensive Guide
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When it comes to managing blood sugar levels, understanding postprandial (after meal) blood sugar is crucial. This vital indicator reveals how well your body regulates blood sugar levels after consuming food, providing valuable insights into your overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the world of postprandial blood sugar, exploring its normal ranges, the implications of prediabetes and diabetes, and practical tips for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
Understanding Postprandial Blood Sugar
Postprandial blood sugar measures the amount of glucose in your blood two hours after eating a meal. This test is usually performed after a meal containing carbohydrates, as they cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels. The results provide a snapshot of your body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels after food consumption.
Normal Postprandial Blood Sugar Ranges
For a healthy individual, the normal postprandial blood sugar range is less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) two hours after eating. This indicates that your body is effectively regulating blood sugar levels, and you're at a low risk of developing diabetes.
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Prediabetes: A Warning Sign
If your postprandial blood sugar level falls between 140-199 mg/dL (7.8-11.0 mmol/L) two hours after eating, you're considered to have prediabetes. This is a critical warning sign, as it indicates that your body is struggling to regulate blood sugar levels. Prediabetes is a precursor to diabetes, and it's essential to take proactive steps to prevent its progression.
Diabetes: A Serious Health Condition
If your postprandial blood sugar level is 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) and above two hours after eating, you're diagnosed with diabetes. This condition occurs when your body either can't produce enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or becomes resistant to insulin (type 2 diabetes). Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to severe health complications, including heart disease, kidney damage, and blindness.
Causes and Risk Factors
The onset of diabetes is influenced by a combination of factors, including:
Physical inactivity
Age (45 and above)
Family history
Ethnicity (certain groups are more prone to diabetes)
Symptoms and Complications
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Diabetes can manifest in various ways, including:
Increased thirst and urination
Blurred vision
Slow healing of cuts and wounds
Tingling or numbness in arms and feet
If left unmanaged, diabetes can result in severe complications, such as:
Heart disease and stroke
Kidney damage and failure
Nerve damage and pain
Eye damage and blindness
Foot damage and amputation
Practical Tips for Healthy Blood Sugar Management
Fortunately, there are many ways to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent the onset of diabetes:
Fuel your body with a varied diet emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods
Engage in regular physical activity (at least 150 minutes/week)
Maintain a healthy weight
Limit sugary drinks and refined carbohydrates
Get enough sleep (7-8 hours/night)
Manage stress levels through relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation, etc.)
Conclusion Postprandial blood sugar is a vital indicator of our body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels after food consumption. By understanding the normal ranges, causes, and complications of diabetes, we can take proactive steps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent the onset of this serious health condition. Remember, knowledge is power, and by empowering ourselves with the right information, we can unlock a healthier, happier life.
Optimized keywords: Postprandial blood sugar, normal ranges, prediabetes, diabetes, blood sugar management, healthy lifestyle, whole foods, physical activity, stress management.
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wellextol · 7 months
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Best Supplement For Diabetes - Natural Blood Sugar Supplement
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
What is Normal A1C by Age? Understanding Blood Sugar Control Across Different Age Groups
Hello, everyone! Today, we’re going to delve into the world of diabetes management and unravel the mysteries of A1C levels. This little test holds significant importance when it comes to monitoring our blood sugar, regardless of our age. So, buckle up and join me on this enlightening journey! Understanding A1C: The Glycated Hemoglobin Test Let’s start with the basics. A1C acts as a time…
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Am I God?! 🤷🏼‍♀️
I'm so excited about this other people had to know about it! - I ate Pizza for tea, I didn't check my BG before I bolused (I've not been well today so their all over the place anyway), and 2 hours after my BG was 11.4! I know it's still high but, I'm pretty impressed with my carb guessing and bolus guess, combined with extending the bolus and being ill. I've just checked again before bed because with pizza I tend to get the spike later on so that reasonable BG reading before could've been misleading, but it's 7.0!!! Genuinely feel like a diabetic God right now.
Let's see what the morning brings though...
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