#God thoughts
shadowbrightshine · 4 months
I'm a Christian.
Sometimes I like to envision God as a beautiful lizard, looking the world and basking in the heat of the stars he made. Listening to the music his angels sing and waiting for the day he comes down to make the universe the perfect temperature again.
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Something that will never not be funny to me as someone who has never read the Bible is the fact that God smote so many people, but he has never smote a homosexual. How is homosexuality a sin without precedent? How am I going to hell when there's no Bible icon for me to look up to when committing my homosexual crimes? Hmm?
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mishalogic · 1 year
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If in your life
Your brain does not serve you well
good thoughts and pleasures
will lesser dwell.
Thinking is the brains delight,
don't use brain,
lose it you might! ... Misha
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almostsecretdaze · 1 year
कबीर परमात्मा सन् 1727 में गरीबदास जी को मिले व अपने यथार्थ ज्ञान से व यथार्थ स्थान (सतलोक) से परिचित करवाया।
4 Days Left For Bodh Diwas
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arson-god · 1 year
how did flapjack know the name Caleb? was flapjack Caleb's palisman and that is why he clung onto Hunter so much? probably not, but thats all i can think abt rn
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कबीर परमात्मा साकार है व सहशरीर है।
यजुर्वेद अध्याय 5 मंत्र 1, 6, 8, यजुर्वेद अध्याय 1, मंत्र 15, यजुर्वेद अध्याय 7 मंत्र 39, ऋग्वेद मण्डल 1, सूक्त 31, मंत्र 17, ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9, सूक्त 86, मंत्र 26, 27, ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9, सूक्त 82, मंत्र 1-3 ( प्रभु राजा के समान दर्शनीय है ) ।
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thiefree · 2 years
people say "god gave us wheat but not bread, and fruit but not wine, so that we could share in the act of creation." but actually we did wheat and a lot of the fruits too.
Big guy's slacking is my point. nothing new in years
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turu-gany · 2 years
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mcbex · 3 years
In the quiet...
Sometimes I feel like I pray and God will strike me with epiphany after epiphany. A constant HELLO seems to fall from heaven, but then there are days he is silent. OR... maybe I'm just not listening. Waiting on God is hard. It takes all the faith, endurance and strength training I can muster. Much like an athlete. Yet even with training, and reaching for his plans I still find myself searching with incomplete answers. But isn't that just his way?
When so many times in life the road I'm traveling has been tattered or swept away. Maybe even replaced with a new, unanticipated plan. Every time I ask myself, why, what did I miss? But the truth is I don't think I missed it.
Have you ever felt like this, or been in a situation where you've planned and prayed and think you're on the right road but unexpectedly the bottom just drops out? You know, when you think you're rounding the corner to a finish line but suddenly out of your control you have to start over. This was me early in 2007. At long last my boyfriend and I were engaged, planning a wedding and buying a house. Everything was falling into place... Then I lost my job. The trucking company I was working for closed its doors like so many other businesses around that time. It couldn't handle rising fuel prices and had no choice but to shut down. Leaving about 35 of us with out employment. I was devastated. I was without income and without a plan. A call to God for the short comings in my life seemed to do little or nothing. I wasn't listening...
You see I am a list maker. An assessor, a calculating planner to my core. I want to be aware before hand any issues that may arise. So scrambling to find a new job in the midst of everything I had going on was complete torture. My goals were simple; Find a job. Buy the house. Married the dude. Rescue the plan, and I felt I could strong arm that plan. Yet he still raised me up. I left no room for the questions God would ask me and no room for the answers. At that time this all seemed innocuous. Single mindedly I left God out of the equation to handle this on my own. I had this. While it's true I thought I did, I often think back to that time in my life. Unware of Gods hands in my life and I have to stop thank him for all he did back then. How could could I have known the people I would meet or the journey I would be on. How could I have comprehended that this was the path. So many ups and downs, I'm sure each one of them was used by the Lord in some manner or another. In those time as in these, I tried to remember that he is with me always every second, lifting us up to the glory of HIS plan over my own. I don't need to be the planner, the stratigizer, the imperial master of my domain. I just need to be and trust him in his guidance, because ultimately it will all happen as he sees fit. James 4;13-15 Now listen to me, you that say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot of money.” You don't even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears. What you should say is this: “If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that.”
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valerieletkeman · 5 years
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Hollowed out Horror. Vcl©️ How did we get here to this world of hollowed out horror this growing red circle…
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arson-god · 2 years
Who wants to know my worst pickup line?
Hey baby, are you Medusa? because you looking at me makes me rock hard 😏
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कबीर परमात्मा ही सृष्टि के रचयिता हैं
संख्या नंबर 920, सामवेद के उतार्चिक अध्याय 5, खंड 4, श्लोक 2 सर्व सृष्टि रचनहार, अविनाशी परमात्मा भक्त के पाप कर्मों को नष्ट करके पवित्र करने वाला स्वयं कबीर देव है।
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nerdyydragon · 6 years
“Wisdom - true wisdom - is not gained by age, or time, or respectable position. It is gained by wandering, by seeking, by the endless search for an end in which you do not know exists. It is not purchased with what you have gained, but with what you have given up; it is bought only at the expense of what you are willing to lose. It comes only with life itself. Because wisdom - like truth - is a matter of circumstance.”
- The AllFather, at some point, probably
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dbwords · 7 years
Holy Lightbulbs
~Read for some encouragement~
I have a notebook in Evernote called 'Dear Heavenly Father', and it's basically a prayer journal on my computer. I don't write in it often, and it's usually too personal to share with the whole world, but I figured I would share today because if I need these words and this revelation, then chances are that someone else does too. Remember, I love you and Jesus loves you even more!
Let that be my cry, and my life
Philippians 2:15 "that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”
Heavenly Father, I need you. My heart knows that I need you. But after a slightly stressful week, I loosen up. Too much. My mind starts going places that it shouldn’t. The strengthening of my mind is a slow and painful process. My actions do not line up with my heart as much as I want. You are cheering me on, encouraging me to change, to grow, to come closer to you. Grace calls me by name. When I refuse, it doesn’t back down. It brings me into a love I cannot understand.
“Grace bid me in, called me by my name. Brought me to a table to eat. I said Lord I cannot, guilty as sin and dust. … Love is that liquor so divine. My Saviour tasted blood, I only tasted wine.”
May faith become a light to my feet. “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” ~Lamps do not show the whole road. They only show your next step.~ Being rooted in the Word and understanding its life changing power is that difference between a “good life”, and a “God life”. Being rooted in the Word has generational impact. Many choices have generational impact, and I desire that my generations bear fruit for the Kingdom. That puts a responsibility on my part to plant that seed of conviction and righteousness and holiness. A Holy Lightbulb. In Philippians 2, it says that we “shine as lights in the world” when we are without blame and fault in this crooked generation.
Its important that my relationship/faith with my Heavenly Father is not a) circumstantial, and b) more desperate when I sin. My passion, prayer life, desire to seek Him should be the same in good times and bad. When I praise Him and when I need His forgiveness. It’s cliché, but its true. “Don’t only run to God when things are rough” “You need God just as much in the good and the bad times” So I purpose myself to live to that. It is for freedom that You set me free. It seems redundant and obvious, but it makes sense, and its true! I was not set free when I accepted Jesus in my heart as my Lord and Saviour only to fall back into the chains of sin!
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turu-gany · 2 years
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mcbex · 3 years
While shopping this past weekend I was greeted by a "Hello how are you?" from a masked-less stranger. This was a pleasant surprise on all fronts. It has been so long since I have personally felt engaged in the world around me. People don't seem to want to interact with each other on the same stage any longer. I'm the type of person who smiles at strangers, helps people find the random can of soup on the supermarkets shelf, or strikes up a conversation at the gas pump. So needless to sat it felt GOOD! Like really good to see a friendly face reaching out. I quickly realized she was trying to sell me something. At this I wish her well and continue on. I'm not interested in what she's selling. My cell phone provider is fine... thanx but no.
Later I thought about this small interaction. She was reaching out to me to reach me. So many small moments with the people who make up my life. All of those intimate or vague expressions we share. Do I reach out? Do I even try? Am I too busy or too concerned with rejection that the last thing on my mind in times like these is to share Gods words. If she doesn't know who will tell her? I missed the mark. I walked away only thinking of it days later that EVERY. MOMENT. COUNTS.
I tend to think in terms of big as opposed to small. When this happens- that will happen. Like God's plan is a great and powerful journey, not in these small and indifferent times. But the thing is, life happens in the middle. Giving my purpose to a will greater than mine happens right there in the middle. It's what makes all of us who we are. Sure, there are hero's and split second decisions that define our lives but the majority is made up in the conversation with a stranger and things like that.
We all are given different gifts under God's umbrella. I for one don't assume to know all the tools I have to work with or his plan for my life, but that doesn't mean the opportunities don't arise all the same and with that I wonder... What will I be doing the next time the chance arises to do something good?
Romans12 ;4-8 We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different functions. In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of one body. So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God has given us. If our gift is to speak God's message, we should do it according to the faith that we have; if it is to serve, we should serve; if it is to teach, we should teach; if it is to encourage others, we should do so. Whoever shares with others should do it generously; whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully.
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