#Golden answers
goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
The Chaggie duo go on a horseback riding date, during which Vaggie is revealed to be completely self-taught, preferring to go tackless and unshod (meaning no saddle, bridle, or horseshoes)
Hi, jacquehohenheim!
Oh! I love this! I grew up on a farm, but we never had horses! So, thank you for defining some terms! Let's get this party rolling!
Charlie and Vaggie on a date in Wrath.
Charlie: *leading her horse out of the stables* Thanks again for keeping Ritz and Glam, Uncle Satan! We'll be back in time for dinner! *rubs her cheek against Ritz's nose* You've been such a good boy while I've been gone. Haven't you? Yes, you have. Yes, you have!
Ritz: *nickers happily*
Charlie: Alright! *hoists herself into the saddle and stares around the yard* Now... where's Vaggie?
Sound of hooves pounding against the dusty ground fills the air.
Vaggie: *tears into the yard while riding Glam, barefoot, jeans, no saddle, horseshoes, or bridle, and her hair wind whipped* Whoa! Charlie, I haven't ridden a horse in ages! This is great!
Charlie: *blushing, jaw dropped, and she splashes water on her face. Steam evaporated from her skin from the heat* Yeah.... gay- GREAT!!!!
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goldenflurry · 1 year
Scottsune or Genderbent Scott in general?
Couldn’t resist doing a bit of both options!
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So we have Scottsune
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Then teleporter Scott and empires 1 Scott but gender bent in sketch form :3
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goldemas1244 · 9 months
You can't just come into my inbox and send me a link without any context who are you anyway
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goldenspirits · 5 months
happy birthday!!! 🥳
thank you anon. i can't really private reply to this since, well, you're an anon, but thank you lots
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vigilante-apologist · 11 months
Main character trios are meant to end up as a polycule and you can’t change my mind
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FNAF Cassidy knows how to “help” Michael Afton
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goldendruid76 · 1 year
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
african or european?
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canisalbus · 1 year
I've been following for many years, and I gotta say I'm so excited to see Machete happy! He's a classic sad dog man but seeing him happy makes me happy
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Homer!Odysseus and Epic!Odysseus would try to kill each other if they ever met
#Homer!Odysseus: you sacrificed your men to save yourself? Detestable coward! How I wish I was never born if it would ensure you had not the#Epic!Odysseus: you’d understand if you *loved your wife.* But I guess a guy who stayed with Circe for a year wouldn’t know that!#H!Odysseus: do not speak of things you know nothing about! I long for my return to sweet Penelope but I have a duty to my men#E!Odysseus: A YEAR. A WHOLE YEAR. I WOULD KILL ANYTHING AND ANYONE TO GET A HOME A YEAR FASTER#H!Odysseus: that was clear when you served Scylla six men like they were cattle!#E!Odysseus: it was them or me! And don’t keep talking about my friends like you did any better. you’ll go home alone too#H!Odysseus: they doomed themselves when they ate Hyperion’s golden cattle. I am not responsible for their suffering. But you could have ens#H!Odysseus: Now Eurylochus’s body lies at the bottom of the sea where there can be no burial and no honour#E!Odysseus: AND I’LL GO HOME TO MY WIFE. MY BEAUTIFUL PERFECT LOVELY LOYAL WIFE WHO’S BEEN WAITING FOR ME FOR TWENTY YEARS.#E!Odysseus: and when I go home and she asks if I came back as fast as I could I’ll be able to answer honestly#H!Odysseus: WE HAD BEEN THROUGH MANY TRIALS. THE MEN NEEDED TO REST#E!Odysseus: FOR A YEAR???? DID THEY NEED TO REST FOR A YEAR??? AND DID THEY NEED THAT REST RIGHT AFTER A MONTH’S LONG REST WITH AEOLUS??? S#H!Odysseus: IF YOU WISHED FOR ITHACA SO DESPERATELY WHY DIDN’T YOU OBEY PALLAS ATHENA AND KILL THE CYCLOPS#E!Odysseus: *drawing sword* I WAS HAVING A ROUGH DAY#Epic the musical#Epic odysseus#The odyssey#odysseus#Homer#Greek mythology#Jorge rivera-herrans#nuclear war speaks
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scrivenger-grimgar · 4 months
Persona Series Arcana
Big thanks to LinkTheSniper on DeviantArt for the tarot cards!!
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Here's a resource for writers, artists, and readers regarding the Arcana assignment in all of the Persona games! Its ordered by Tarot Arcana, then game release.
There's an additional note for P5 Joker, because he's an interesting variant of modern Persona games in that he does not attain the World Arcana by the end of the game, but rather retains the Fool Arcana which is more in line with the Trickster archetype.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
Lock I need you to share something about Gojo. Jjk is getting worse with no hope in the future. Plis just a tiny part is god. 🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Gojo Satoru x F Reader x Geto Suguru.
Warnings: Mild not SFW implications, Gojo and Geto are Not normal about you, exhibiting possessive behavior. Word count: 1.2k.
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"—Excuse me, miss!" 
The exclamation barely registers amidst the crowded street's ambiance. Everyone has a destination they're eager to reach, and you're no different. Unlike those native to the area, however, you're more likely to get lost; hence your current conundrum. 
You examine the mess of squiggly lines, blocks, and patterns intended to function as a map. 
Kagurazaka, Kagurazaka... c'mon, I know this one... it starts with the kanji for god or something, right? 
While you scrutinize the map, the same voice from earlier calls out again, this time beside you. You glance around, not wanting to respond if he’s trying to flag down someone else. In doing so, it becomes increasingly obvious that you’re who he’s been trying to grab the attention of. 
From the looks of it, he’s a man in his late thirties, wearing a suit that could use a good ironing. You can’t recall meeting him before. Then again, you’re not privy to everything that happens back on campus. Meetings with influential figures frequently occur without your knowledge. You only ever find out about them later when Satoru loudly voices his critical view on everyone who attended. You are wearing your uniform, it’s recognizable to those in Jujutsu circles. 
You’d rather not stir up a scandal by unintentionally snubbing a Zenin or someone equally important. With this in mind, you politely inquire, “Can I help you?” 
“That uniform… you’re a high schooler, right?” 
You nod, figuring that this confirms your hypothesis. 
“What year?” 
This question makes less sense. Maybe he wants to know your proximity to Suguru, or, far likelier, Satoru. These types always have their own designs for the pride of the Gojo clan. 
“I’m a second-year.” 
“I see, I see,” he begins rummaging through his blazer’s inner pocket. He procures a business card and holds it out. “How about a job? From the looks of it, you’d make a good fit.” 
You blink. 
Are you… allowed to do freelance work? You’ve heard of specific sorcerers being requested for jobs, but that’s always been through the school. Besides, as a Grade Three, you don’t think you can go on unsupervised jobs. Not wanting to seem rude, you reach out to accept the card— 
—Only for it to be intercepted. 
“Sorry, she’s completely booked,” a voice that sounds the furthest thing from apologetic chimes in. 
Gojo Satoru stands to your right, adorned with his circular sunglasses and trademark grin. He rips the card in half without so much as a second thought. You stare at him, incredulous. Questions swarm around your head. When did he get here? How didn’t you notice him until now? Why does his cursed energy have such an unnerving quality to it? 
He bends down and hangs his arm around your shoulder. “You’re somethin’ else. Ignoring Suguru and I’s calls, chatting up strange men in Kabukichō… I swear, we can’t take our eyes off you for a second.” 
“Wh— I’m not chatting anyone up!” You whisper yell. His infinity nullifies enough for you to jab a finger at his chest. “Why can’t you give better directions?! ‘West of the Edo Castle’ doesn’t tell me anything, it just sounds like a TV drama!”
Satoru shrugs. “Should’ve just asked an auxiliary manager to drop you off.” 
“You might treat them like a personal taxi service, but I’d rather not. Taking the train’s fine.” 
The man finally overcomes the shock inflicted by Satoru’s audacity, taking a step forward. “What are you, her boyfriend or something?” 
“Bleh, no!” 
“Future husband.” 
Yours and Satoru’s responses come out simultaneously. 
“In that case—” 
“Excuse me,” A new presence interrupts the increasingly irritated man. Suguru wears a friendly smile which somehow comes across as more menacing than Satoru’s wolfish grin. He places a hand on the man’s shoulder. “You are aware that it’s a minor you’re trying to recruit, correct?” 
The man flushes at the accusation. “Listen, I dunno what you’re trying to accuse me of—” 
“I’d hate to see you get in trouble for a mistake like that,” Suguru cuts him off again, raising his voice ever so slightly. This attracts the attention of some bystanders. “Who knows what consequences that’d result in, especially for a married man like yourself…” 
Huh. You hadn’t even noticed the gold band on his ring finger. Suguru’s nothing if not perceptive. 
Nearby commuters whisper amongst themselves while eyeing the scene. The man’s gaze flits between a self-satisfied Satoru and an overly polite Suguru, eventually settling on an escape route. Wordlessly, he departs, although you swear you overhear him muttering ‘crazy kids’ and ‘doomed girl,’ along the way. 
“Yo, Suguru. Took you long enough.” 
“Unfortunately, not all of us can teleport.” 
“Your curse did a better job at tailin’ me than you.” 
Ignoring the jab, Suguru dusts his hands off while honing in on you. “You alright? You weren’t answering our calls.” 
“And you’re late,” Satoru whines. He helps himself to searching through your purse, taking your pink Razr hostage. “Huh. Battery’s dead.” 
Suguru appears content. “What’d I tell you?” 
“If she’s blocked me before, the same could happen to you.” 
“I wouldn’t block Suguru.” 
“She wouldn't block me.” 
This time, it’s you and Suguru who speak concurrently. Satoru pouts, putting his hands up like he’s under attack (which he probably believes himself to be). You snatch your phone back without issue, unlike when he last stole it. He unblocked himself and dangled it above your head until you promised you wouldn’t do that again.
“And here I was, about to treat you both to pastries,” Satoru sighs, melodramatic as ever. 
“While we were waiting for you, I noticed creampuffs and macaroons on the menu; which would you recommend?” Suguru inquires, not bothering to acknowledge Satoru’s complaints. 
“That depends on what you want from the experience,” you mimic his decision. “Creampuffs tend to be one flavor, whereas macaroons come in multiple, so the variety’s nice. When I get a variety pack, I always end up disliking one of the flavors and wishing I’d just gotten my favorites instead.” 
Satoru sighs as loud as he can. “Right, right, I’m just a walking wallet. Let’s get going before someone else solicits [First].” 
“Eh?” You turn your head to face Satoru. “‘Solicits?’ As in…?” 
Suguru slaps a hand over Satoru’s mouth. “What he means to say is that this isn’t the best area for a high school girl to linger.”
“W-Wait, hold on! I thought he was like a… er, how would you say that… sorcerer employer?” 
They both stare at you. 
“You do know what Kabukichō’s famous for, right?” Suguru tentatively asks. 
“Hm? ‘Kabuki’ is a type of traditional theater, isn’t it?” 
“Let’s just show her what we mean,” Satoru bends down, picking up two halves of the business card he split in half earlier. “It’ll be a good lesson. I’d rather not have to come fetch her in this place again— oh.” 
Suguru inspects what has the power to shut Gojo Satoru up. You watch as his eyes move back and forth, his face shifting while he does so. His lips narrow into a thin line when he pulls back. Curious, you stand on your tiptoes, hoping to catch a glimpse yourself. Thankfully, there’s yomigana above some of the kanji you don’t recognize. This eliminates any possibility of you misreading the card’s contents. 
‘Oh’ indeed, you think. That poor guy…
It’s a business card for the company that oversees AKB48. 
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
hi~☆ I really like your content, I always laugh at some of them. Question, what would be Sammy's first word?
Hi, Darkmage2099!
Thank you for dropping in! It's always nice to hear that my blurbs make people laugh.
As for Sammy's first word... Hmmm.... I haven't really thought of that. But, I would probably say "down". And here's why!
Sammy: *rolling through the air as his wings flutter wildly, trying to keep him upright*
Charlie: *chasing Sammy with a net* I thought Perri was the only one I'd have to worry about with this! Sammy, honey, get down here! You're not ready for flying yet!
Sammy: *giggling as he does a barrel roll* Down! Down! *flies higher*
Charlie: *drops her net and gasps* His first words!!!
Vaggie & Perri: *flying around trying to catch Sammy*
Vaggie: Not the time for that, Babe!
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goldenflurry · 1 year
can you draw genderbent Tango?
In the nicest way, no, I can’t.
I personally can’t bring myself to do so-
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But! You can have this spooked Tango doodle I did a lil bit ago instead ^w^
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goldemas1244 · 1 year
Do you know the Chinese family friendly helcurt?
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To answer your question though, yes. But like, why though? Everyone else got more fabric on their clothes but THIS???
This isn't a nightmare assassin, oh no, THIS IS MOONTON'S PERSONAL SLEEP PARALYSIS DEMON
Bro I feel so sorry for him like he's the worst photoshop ever-
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spoiledmilks · 11 months
Glitched out comic - the beginning
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Next chapter
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
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The Ancient Beast Order (Ancient Beast AU)
Ok, Kratos. I’m going to be tossing out ideas here, so you’re all more then welcome to give your own two cents.
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Pure Vanilla Cookie - The Prophet of Salvation (Virtue of Perfection)
Pure Vanilla Cookie thought that he could save everyone, that no cookie would have harm befall them if he was there to protect them. This thought plagued his mind as he resorted to..less then ethical Dark Moon magic to help heal all around him, refusing to believe that his use of this magic leads to fatal results, going as far as to raise the dead, just so he doesn’t have him or others experience the agony that death brings. Cookies around him voice their concerns, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. It was for their own good…no matter the result
White Lily Cookie - The Lady of the Lilies (Virtue of Order)
Shoutout to @t-t-tau-me for their ask being an inspiration for Beast Lily
Dark Enchantress Cookie and now the Beasts, everything seemed to crumble away around White Lily Cookie. She pondered, was this really what freedom does? Help cookies find who they are, but also allow monsters to roam about the land, destroying cookies in their path? No, she felt like the way for cookies to obtain peace was to establish order, so that tragedies like Dark Enchantress never happening again and she now had the Faerie Kingdom to back her up.
Dark Cacao Cookie - The Relusive Tower (Virtue of Nolition)
Dark Cacao Cookie never left his kingdom much, his warriors doing little to assists others and many cookies having to pay the price for this by having the villages to fend for themselves. It’s said that when the time comes where he would finally stand from his throne, that dark times for his targets would follow.
Hollyberry Cookie - The Lover of Passion (Virtue of Mania)
Hollyberry Cookie’s passion knew no bounds, whether it be for her subjects or her own personal interests. It can border on obsession when she finds something that drives her to do everything in her power to get. The fires of her passion can never extinguish, leaving The Lover as a relentless beast that never gives up what catches her eye.
Golden Cheese Cookie - The Gleaming Goddess (Virtue of Greed)
She had everything, her people, her riches, her kingdom. Yet, there was this nagging feeling in the back of her head that had her craving for more. The Gleaming Goddess wanted the surrounding villages, then the villages around those ones, her greed will never satiating until Earthbread becomes an empire in her image and she’ll crush anyone that stands in her path.
The Cookie Kingdom is the last safe haven in the land, taking in cookies who want to escape the grasp of the The Ancient Beast Order. This spelled bad news when the Beast Cookies themselves have awoken as well.
You wanted to be the beacon of light in a world plunging into darkness, but when 10 Beasts have their eyes set on your kingdom and on YOU in mind, you worry if your forces will be enough to fight back…
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