#Golum AU
xamaxenta · 6 months
….. ok so I’m that followed who works as a vet tech in wild animal rehab and I need to add several ideas to this au.
Gabapentin the famous ‘forcibly mandated chill out’ drug works on humans as much as it does over excited animals. Luffy gets dosed and is happy and calm but very zooted post drs appointment. Luffy also gets the bite mitt and cone of shame because while he’s not some dumb animal the stitches ITCH and he wants to CHEW.
Leaving the drs office ace disclaims he still wishes luffy would stop playing ‘bite anything you haven’t encountered before to discover if it’s edible’ (a shocking number of stuff that shouldn’t be edible has turned out to be to luffy and ace is suffering trying to species match luffy based on his diet) but in this one specific case he is glad luffy tried to chew on that golum and that if luffy pops a stitch ace will not reward him but the usual punishment may be waved if ace gets another date. Which is not even bribery because luffy was gonna pop that stitch anyway the little shit
this is so CUTE OMG Luffy absolutely scalding mad about his cone of shame 😭 bro just seething about it and Ace has absolutely zero pity because anyone with eyes would know Luffy wouldnt be the type of critter to eat golems wtf was he thinking and all Loof had to say to that was hngh crongch
Anyway he totally pops that stitch and Ace gets that second date locked in sooo really whos the winner here
Luffy’s just happy Ace gets to be happy :3
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mel-et-ses-histoires · 9 months
Le sachiez tu ciné.
Vous aimez les ours ? Le cinéma aussi. Lorsqu'un film est finit de tourner l'equipe se retrouve avec tout un tas d'images "les rushs" qu'il va falloir examiner, trier, mettre dans l'ordre, virer ce qu'il va pas pour arriver a une premiere version du montage du film "l'ours".
Pourquoi l'ours ? Parce que c'est gros et mal léché.
Vous avez une sucession de scènes qui se racordent pas forcément très bien, sans avoir de transitions propres, parfois plusieurs scene possibles à insérer au moment de la naration.
L'ours c'est là où on va modeler le film. Parce que vous pouvez avoir un script, un storyboard il y a quand meme des choses qui s'improvisent sur le tournage, des scripts qui s'ecrivent le jour meme etc.
Du coup vous vous retrouvez avec 4h d'images et vous devez en faire un film de 2h.
Et c'est une fois cette etape terminée que vous approchez du montage final.
Mais ce qui est rigolot c'est que avez donc pleins de scenes de film (des scenes de cours dans harry potter, la transformation de Frodon en Golum dans le sda) qui existent qui sont filmés mais pas utilisés ! (et que parfois on voit sur yt)
Moi je trouve ca rigolot.
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findafight · 1 year
Let’s get dangerous! 3, 9, 13, 17 and 19.
Choose Violence ask game oh. you really are being dangerous lol
9. worst part of canon
not enough time to actually build character development and dynamics and flesh things out more, so it's all monster plot all the time instead of them planning and plotting and processing and bonding in tiny moments. i miss 20-24 episode seasons I miss "filler" episodes. we deserve a ST beach episode...
also dustin and steve both being made comic relief and Dustin's trauma and steve's injuries being ignored.... bubba should see a physician his gonna get sepsis :(
13. worst blorbofication
ooooof. Eddie probably. people keep trying to make him cool or suave or whatever and that's simple not the case. I know in my heart that boy has crawled up a river bank on all fours talking like golum. He is a loser. He is not cool. That's okay and good actually. We need more unsmooth people representation, and Eddie is just a scared little guy!
often too it happens that they just make him...not be brash or kind of a jerk? When he is! It's okay you're blorbo doesn't have to be someone you would have been friends with in highschool! He was loud and walked on tables and made fun of people! He was sort of mean! he wasn't perfect or always nice and kind. He's a weirdo who is sometimes cruel and that's okay he can totally get better!!
I think part of it is that a portion of the fandom has bought into the false dichotomy that the show tries to press on us of jocks vs nerds and that they are enemies or something and that nerds are always or almost always on the side of the good, and jocks are not. So because Eddie is a nerd and made fun of jocks, he is therefore someone that is often right, even if her messes up sometimes but it's okay because he's a nerd, whereas (usually) Steve has to play perpetual make up for the crime of messing up and being a dick when he was sixteen while also playing and enjoying sports. and it's like please!!! I'm tired of this!!! stop hating on sports and thinking people who like them have some moral failing they must make up for just because you don't know what a batting average is or whatever! (and he should have apologized to Lucas)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
More fics should let characters be actually angry at being hurt or wronged. Let them rage! especially Lucas! I want him to be able to express his hurt and upset about how all his friends but Steve and Robin abandoned him and played the finale without him! Only Erica brought it up to him, I want MORE apologies to Lucas!!
on that note let Steve be angry when wronged too! let him be upset and not quietly accept an apology let him lay out why he was hurt and angry!
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I have nothing I'm really ashamed of in fandom? on occasion I love a good whump fic or a fic that is sometimes. Very mean about certain character/s lol. Though st has got me writing some steamy pieces which I wasn't really expecting! haha
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
(there are so many bad takes floating around which to choose... I guess here's two, saved for last) once saw someone say max abused b!lly by drugging him in s2 and i just had to sit there like......brother WHAT are you talking about. You mean the 13yo girl watching her 17 y/o step brother continue to beat an unconcious 17 y/o and used the sedative to stop him?? One time? To stop him killing someone in front of her and her friends? Someone who had protected them twice that night? From her brother whom she was scared of??? Who had demonstrated abusive behaviour towards her??? Who she had to threaten to stop trying to hurt her or her friends? That one was fucking WILD I can't believe it's real. What the hell.
Also i know it was probably just light a hearted shippy thing but I saw one that was so much a take as it was an au but it had robin lie in the starcourt bathroom by saying she had a crush on tammy instead of Nancy and I was so mad at not only the defiling of the Sacred Stobin Scene, but also that it then means their entire friendship is based on a lie and it would be such a betrayal? (it wouldn't make sense at all anyways [to me] but also) Like. She'd have been lying to her best friend, her soulmate, her person she wants to combine with, for months not just about a crush but about the very moment of vulnerability that cemented their platonic love for each other!! I don't see how you can like robin or steve or their friendship and do that? it's not even about not liking rnce, I'd be mad about it if it was about any other ship too, it's about loving stobin most. idk it feels so icky to me
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medicinemane · 2 years
A (particularly bad) LotR AU in which hobbits are particularly hungry and simply eat their enemies
They eat the wights in the barrow downs, they eat the ringwraiths (many times), they feast their way through Moria, quite possible Boromir lives because Merry and Pippen just eat their attackers
Rule of the setting: The hobbits have zero change to their personality. They don't eat anything that isn't eaten in the books unless it's threatening them. They don't eat any of the fellowship (or do they?), they don't eat any animals they didn't in the books unless it's a threat
When they eat, there's simply a cut away from them and some eating sounds, and then it pans back the same shot just missing whoever they ate. There's no blood or trace of them
Now the questions start to arise with stuff like "Does Frodo consider Boromir enough of a threat, would Sam have eaten Strider when they first met, are they spooked by the Oliphant?", I'm not giving any opinion on any of this
There's also the question of the Ring. Does it make Frodo paranoid enough to feel threatened? What happens if two hobbits try to eat each other? Does Golum count as a hobbit? Can Frodo simply eat the Ring?
None of these questions will be answered by me. I just thought "why do the hobbits not simply eat Sauron?" as a random nonsense question, and it spawned this awful awful idea
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grim-faux · 9 months
in Discord I was talking about the Thin Man absurd social context when it comes to all these books he's been reading, and how he's imagined this whole LN au of Lord of the Rings, since he thinks only bizarre Viewers and monsters are common place.
and then i went further and talked about how Frodo was just a blob of flesh with eyes, and Golum was a living hand with teeth
i even found his pic
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In light of canon knowledge that I finally paid attention to, I'm making Gabiel find the butterfly miraculous LOTR golum style, bottom of a river and all that in the Cinabar AU.
/Honestly/ that is entirely the vibe I want to go for with Gabriel and Emilie finding the Miraculous.
They didn't go looking for ancient artifacts, but they stumbled across something incredibly powerful just kinda sitting around somewhere.
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frontporchconsign · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gentle Souls Golum Slide Sandals Womens Brown Leopard Print Leather Size 8.
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thriller-addict · 1 year
"Les yeux d'Harry" de Jérôme Camut et Nathalie Hug
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Ce livre est juste complètement dingue ! J’ai adoré !
Déjà l’introduction…. Jamais un prologue de deux pages ne m’a autant donne envie de lire un livre ! Sur ce coup ils ont fait fort !
Et quand on démarre la lecture on se retrouve plongé dans une histoire totalement déjantée ! On connaît tous Jérôme Camut et Nathalie Hug pour leurs thrillers violents, complexes, machiavéliques…. Et bien ici….. c’est l’opposé ! Enfin sauf pour le côté complexe ! L’histoire, qui peut paraître simpliste au premier abord est d’une complexité folle ! Jusqu’au dernier paragraphe ils arrivent à nous semer le doute c’est dément ! On va de rebondissements en rebondissements, ça bouge tout le temps. On traverse plusieurs pays à un rythme effréné jusqu’à une cassure totale du rythme très violente sur la fin du livre où on se retrouve au cœur d’un enchevêtrement d’explications. J’ai bien apprécié ce changement de rythme très bien placé et très bien exécuté.
Chose originale également, plusieurs fois dans le livre le personnage principal fait un pause et fait un résumé de la situation. Qu’est ce qui lui est arrivé, pourquoi et qu’est ce qu’il pense qu’il va lui arriver. Je trouve ça peu banal et surtout c’est quelque chose que je fait souvent moi même pendant les lectures !
Ces quatre mains ont également un don pour imaginer des personnages incroyables. Ce Harry, croisement entre golum et Jack Sparrow totalement délirant est extrêmement attachant et jusqu’à la fin on veut savoir ce qui lui est arrivé.
Par contre attention car ce livre est presque à prendre au second degré et c’est ce qui fait son charme! Il faut suivre le délire et se laisser porter par l’histoire !
Je finirai en citant une phrase d’un grand philosophe nommé Harry :  » Hey brin d’zingue, t’as pas cent balles? « 
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mcfanely · 4 years
Golem AU
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For @razzle-zazzle‘s Golem AU, because I can’t get enough of it
Gaia Brookstone could do many things, She was a dancer first and foremost, something that had caught the eye of her now husband, Lou; she was creative, imaginative, and gifted with incredible powers passed down through her family lineage. The Earth seemed to bend to her guidance, shift and form under her steady hand. Maybe that was why ceramics and pottery came so easily to her? But faced with the inability to have her own biological child, she resorted to something only she would think was possible. A clay Golem, one with free will. Guided not by instructions, but by heart and soul, by magic. He would be her masterpiece, a worthy inheritor of her elemental powers. He would be her son, Cole. 
Part 1: Spells and Sigils, 2477 words
Cole found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror again. 
He would have thought that he was used to what he looked like, since not that much ever really changed about him on a day to day basis, yet sometimes he still caught himself staring. 
Staring at the water dripping from his hair following the morning shower, carving a path that was crafted by the muscle on his shoulder and down his chest. Then it eventually met its routes end, dropping off, missing the towel he had wrapped around his waist and hitting the wooden floor of his bedroom in the monastery. More drops of water followed in its wake. Cole still stared. 
It was probably because of the day. That was it, it was because of the day he was looking at himself in a different light that didn't make itself known on normal days. 
It was only once a year, when this day came about. The anniversary of the day his mother had finished her magnum opus, a project that she'd put her life and talents and everything into. Something she'd crafted so lovingly, skilled hands moulding an immense amount of clay; painting perfect and exact amounts of glaze onto the visage of an adolescent male. Months and months of work coming to fruition in the form of something she'd always wanted but had always eluded her. 
This was the day that she'd brought her son into the world. 
The day that she had finally filled him with magic and life, the day she'd created an extremely unique being. 
Well, with the elemental power of Earth along with an innate grasp of magic courtesy of her parents and pure talent for ceramics, it was no wonder that she'd managed to create something that had never been done before.
A clay Golem, this time guided by a soul. A Golem with elemental powers, one that wasn't controlled by instructions on a small piece of paper or stone tablet placed under the tongue every morning. 
There was free will. The ability to speak, to walk around, to eat and enjoy food, to feel emotions and love. All due to a neat and flowing script of runes dutifully marked over his body. 
Cole lifted his hand and slowly ran his fingers over the scripture situated above his left collarbone. The words were a deep black colour, easily mistaken for a tattoo; the colour had faded just a little from what it used to be but the glyphs were still clear. 
'Speech' or 'The act of speaking', was the literal translation. 
Everything he was, was held in these short symbols on his skin, and without them he was literally nothing but a soulless automation with nothing else. No emotion, no self-awareness, no thoughts -- he'd been there before. Twice, actually. 
The first time was on the Dark Island, and a misplaced swing from a stone warrior had taken a good chunk of stone from his shoulder and rendered the speech rune useless. 
Then there was Chen's island, where all of the runes had been blurred due to the loss of his elemental abilities and with them his soul. That hadn't been a fun experience, from what he could remember of it. He was lucky he'd been able to plan for the scenario. 
But the runes were a part of him, always had been. 
He was Cole Brookstone, son of Lou and Gaia Brookstone, and today marked the ninth year of being given life. 
His birthday. Even though, technically, he wasn't born by conventional means. 
Even though he wasn't even human. 
Cole let out a small breath and went over to his bed to get ready for the day, pulling his gi over his still sodden hair. At least he didn't need to keep his lack of humanity a secret anymore, since a damaged rune and Misako with an in depth knowledge of old magic made keeping everything under wraps pretty hard.
Though he had been lucky in some respect, since if Misako hadn't been there to explain the situation and help fix the rune, then Cole would have found it very hard to guide his then very concerned family as to how to properly put a broken Golem back together when he literally had no words to use. No voice. Nothing. 
Still, birthday or not, there was no rest from training; not when the resident electric chicken had some method of finding its way into anyone's room who wasn't awake and in the courtyard on time. 
Cole shuddered at the notion and towelled off his hair as best he could, though his gi had definitely not been spared from the water. 
Today was just a normal day. A regular day. Birthday celebrations were never his thing anyway. 
If he could just have a relaxing day training, then he'd class that as a win.. 
Though that went out the window as he swung open the door to his room, and the blue blur that was Jay shot past without so much as a 'Look out!'.
"Hey, watch where you're going, Ozone Breath! Some of us are still waking up!" Cole shouted down the hallway as he stepped out, his hands absentmindedly tightening his belt a little. Something to fiddle with. 
Jay turned back with a grin and a raised eyebrow, "Someone hasn't had his morning coffee!" He shouted back, then turned and made his way outside. 
How he had any energy at that time in the morning, Cole wasn't entirely sure. But he could put it down to him staying up all night playing video games, and running on leftover adrenaline and fumes. 
At least that meant training would be a breeze. 
Cole walked outside. 
Everyone else was already there, and in a mixed state of wakefulness. Zane, as per usual, was sitting down in a meditative position near the centre of the pavilion; Kai was swinging his sword randomly at a training dummy before a large yawn broke free from his mouth. 
Cole liked to think he was awake enough for early morning training, but the fuzziness in his vision and his slightly dragging feet even after a good shower said otherwise. 
One good thing about the day was that no one was the wiser to it's significance. They just got on with everything, and for that he was thankful. 
"Ever think we should move training into the afternoon." came Lloyd's voice as he walked out into the courtyard, stretching his arms above his head. If Sensei Wu had been within ear shot, those words would have earned a sharp tap to the head with his bo-staff. 
Jay sighed, "We tried that once, but Sensei said we were wasting the day."
"And what better time to get things done?" Cole raised an eyebrow, spreading his hands as he walked towards the general middle of the group. "Train in the morning, then we have the rest of the day to do whatever."
"Morning should start at nine, not at six."
He couldn't help the eye roll at Jay's remark. "You know, maybe if you went to sleep instead of playing games all night you might not feel like walking roadkill. It's not like we're doing it for no reason, being a ninja is a full-time job." Cole looked around the group, "And I don't want Sensei to start messing with us again."
There seemed to be a unanimous thought that ran through the team in a second, and acknowledgement that no one wanted to go through that experience again. Even Zane winced at the memory of a booby trapped monastery. 
Cole clapped his hands once. 
"Right, sooner we start, sooner we'll finish. Sparring with weapons today, no powers."
"Ha! Because Kai is always losing his!" 
There was a growled, "Shut it, Jay!” then Kai turned to face Cole, “Anyway, who said you were deciding what we were doing?" The question was general, and expected. 
"I don't see anyone else with any plans. Plus, we need to learn to not rely on our abilities. We've all lost them before at some point or another."
"Yeah, but when we lose our powers we don't become decor." Jay said. 
Cole rolled his eyes. He was used to that, the teasing, it actually made him smile slightly. If you couldn't laugh at your flaws--
He went over to the weapons rack and hefted a hammer. Heavy, but balanced. Perfect. 
"Jay, you're with me."
Jay spluttered, "What? But I was going to go against Zane!"
"You can go against Zane afterwards, as well, if you want." Cole gave a slight smile, resting the head of the hammer against the ground, "Don't want to fight me? Scared or something?" 
There was a laugh from behind him, and it sounded like Lloyd. 
That just seemed to spur Jay on, his voice growing an octave. "Me, scared of you? Not in a million years, dirt clod." 
"Really? You know, you had me fooled. I thought I saw you shaking in your boots."
Arcs of lightning flickered briefly over the chain of Jay's nunchucks before they died down just as fast, "I'm not-- You know what, fine! Just don't cry when I put you on your ass." 
"I don't cry."
There was a brief pause, "Is that like a Golem thing? Or--" 
"No, no, it's a choice. I just do the exact opposite of what you do and I haven't cried in years."
Cole could see Jay getting riled and tightened his grip on his hammer, but otherwise didn't move a muscle.
"You can fight Zane. I get it, don't want to go against me. No shame in admitting that you're--" 
The first strike came as fast as lightning, and he'd barely shifted out of the way before the second one descended. 
This wasn't Jay using his powers, he was just scary fast. Which was why the choice of sparring partner was to both of their advantages. Jay was fast, Cole was strong. They both had contending qualities that they needed to learn to fight against. 
On the third strike, he lifted his hammer, supporting it with two hands and received a reverberating clang of metal through his arms when both the weapons made contact. 
Though the fight didn't stop there, it was only getting started. 
Cole already felt wide awake. 
He stepped forwards and swung his weapon, missing Jay by a hair breadth. 
The next blows were traded sharply, fluidly. Moving from offence to defence in less than a second. 
Cole would be lying if he said he didn't like sparing against Jay. He was a formidable opponent, especially when he stopped cracking jokes and focused. Which was rare enough. 
"Come on, Sparky, you really think some fancy nunchuck spins are going to beat me?" He took a small step back to catch his breath. He didn't know what the rest of the team was doing, but with the amount of area they were using up for this spar, they were probably watching what was happening. 
Then in the next second Jay was right in front of him, and the nunchucks connected with his cheek a millisecond later. 
Cole's face snapped sideways, though he held his ground. His feet barely even moved from their position, if only for a minor step back. His eyes widened, though he opened and closed his jaw as if to check it was still working, and still connected to his face. 
His reaction to the strike, or lack thereof, seemed to translate over to Jay. 
Jay, who stood there, slack jawed and nunchucks held loosely in his grip. "You just--! What?" He shouted, "You didn't even move! Did you even feel that?" 
Cole carefully ran his fingers over his cheek. If that hit had been any harder, or with a more formidable weapon, it could have caused a bit of damage. "I felt something." He admitted, then raised an eyebrow at Jay, "Definitely something." 
"You-- what? Was that like--" Jay paused, his hands moving a mile a minute, as if he was trying to find the words. "That was a Golem thing, wasn't it? That better have been a Golem thing!" 
"It was a Golem thing." Cole admitted, then rolled his shoulders. "Try harder next time, you might make me take two steps back."
Famous last words. 
They traded blows for another minute before Jay got another solid hit in. 
This time a direct downwards strike to his shoulder, and Cole's hand immediately shot up to the site of the impact with a pained grunt. 
Jay, meanwhile, seemed elated he'd got another hit in. 
"Ow." Cole mumbled, wincing as he fingering at a gash that was now sliced into his gi. It was just washed, fresh on that morning and now he'd either have to stitch it or bin it. 
No, Jay was going to fix it, if he was so happy to have caused the damage in the first place. 
Cole straightened himself up, lightly waving off an approaching Zane with a small smile, then he wheeled around to the blue ninja dancing about the courtyard. 
The hit had hurt, and whilst they were no stranger to bumps and grazes from training, they didn't purposefully aim for injury. 
Jay had. Whether he'd realised it or not, he'd gone in with the intent to make contact again. Maybe get a better reaction than the brick wall one he'd gotten beforehand. 
If Cole had been any closer to human, that strike would have shattered bone.
"Jay, you i- i-" Cole faltered for a second, the word catching sharply in his throat. He gave a small cough to clear it, and dropped his hammer down onto the stone inlay. 
"Y- you i-." Cole frowned. He knew what he wanted to say, he knew what word he wanted to use. 
It just wasn't coming out.
"Cole?" He saw Kai walking over, his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay?" 
"I- I'm f- f- fine." He ground out, then brought a hand up to quickly cover his mouth.
Cole looked around the group, at their analysing and confused expressions; one hand was still cradled tightly over his shoulder. 
"Are you hurt?" came the question, though Kai had probably already established an answer for that. 
Cole definitely had. 
Yet physically he felt fine, sure his shoulder stung and his words were jamming in his throat, but he was fine… 
He was--
His words.
He quickly felt over his shoulder, his fingers moving in a calculated motion, small circles. Down over his chest, up to his neck, over his collarbone--
Then they dipped into a prominent crevice that hadn't been there that morning. A crack, he didn’t even need to look to know that. He could feel it, the flaking clay, the rough edges and the fissure that marred once smooth skin.
A crack, over his collarbone. 
Directly through the runes.
Cross-posted to AO3
Part 2 coming soon!
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totaldramaonline · 4 years
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The groupchat part three: DJs rule
(From heathers pov)
Edit: I fixed a message that got cut in the first image
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tresmadrigalsibs · 3 years
Monster Au where the candle turned the Madrigals into various monsters/supernatural beings to protect them and the encanto. Mirabel, Agustin and Felix being the exceptions.
Julieta is an angel based solely on the fact that I don’t know any other kind of creature that could have healing abilities.
Pepa is a fairy because there are not many creatures who can manipulate weather that aren’t just gods or magic people
Bruno is a Shadow being, able to hide in the background. This doesn’t help him as he appears scary and is seen as being evil because of how dark he is(the shadow)
Isabela is a nymph because of the fact that they tend to be related to plants and very beautiful
Dolores is a moth girl. They can hear frequencies up to 300 kHz, 15 times higher than the highest pitched sounds we can hear. It’s believed this moth developed such sensitive hearing to escape its main predator
Luisa is a Golum because she’s incredibly strong but can crumble under pressure
Camillo is a changeling. You know why.
Antonio is a chimera who can communicate with animals.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
I just want to squeeee at you about this awesome art commission that got finished for me. The world (and this little slice of tumblr) has so many awesome artists and writers and creative types of all flavours. It's so great!! And even if it doesn't interest anyone but us readers of that one genius marvel au fic, i kinda look a the picture and go golum "my precious" ^^ i'm just happy right now
We are truly blessed with magnificent artists of all kinds!
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secretfandomrambles · 3 years
Walburga’s Secret
In Which Sirius and Regulus Black Are Secretly Tom Riddle’s Children AU
1. Walburga Black and Tom Riddle had feelings for each-other in school. Walburga is married off to Orion. She isn’t happy with him, and while aware of Tom’s muggle ancestry, is impressed enough by the fact that he is trying to distance himself from it and fully embrace the Magical world that she still keeps in touch with him.
2. A few years go by, and Orion and Walburga still don’t have a child. Walburga goes to her old friend Tom, gets drunk with him while bemoaning her unhappy marriage to her cousin and one thing leads to another and Sirius is born. This repeats less than a year later (adding a colicky baby Sirius to her complaints) and Regulus is born. Walburga uses obscure charms on the tapestry to hide her sons’ paternity.
3. Only Walburga is aware of the truth about her sons, as, if it came out that she had birthed not one, but two children from an affair with a half-blood (even one descended of Slytherin) the best case scenario would be the boys would be sent away, and Walburga would be forced to actually bare Orion’s child. The worst case…no, it’s best she doesn’t think about it. (Tom/Voldy doesn’t know about the boys, as if he did, he’d claim them himself.)
4. Everything is going fine, and Sirius and Regulus look enough like their mother that she can pass them off as Orion’s sons. Until they start talking, and they instinctively use Parseltongue. Walburga keeps the boys away from the rest of the family as much as she can, until at last her father discovers the truth at a family dinner, and threatens to kill the two children (who are barely six and five years old). Walburga obliviates her extended family, in front of her frightened, crying sons.
5. That night, she impresses on Sirius and Regulus the need to keep their ‘secret language’ to themselves, saying that others would hurt them because of it. When they get to Hogwarts age she reveals the truth to them: Orion Black is not their father, and the both of them are the bastard sons of herself and Lord Voldemort.
6. Sirius goes into Gryffindor in hopes of burying his true heritage from the world. If he’d actually explained his reasons, perhaps Walburga would accept it as the fumbling attempts of a scared child to protect himself. He doesn’t, and it starts to drive a wedge between them. Regulus goes to Ravenclaw for the same reason as Sirius, wanting to get as far from being noticed as possible. It doesn’t really work.
7. Regulus, knowing that he would never be able to keep such a secret as his true heritage in the presence of the Dark Lord, does not become a Death Eater. Sirius also doesn’t join the Order of the Phoenix. Even if they are unknown and unacknowledged, even if they hate what the man who fathered them is doing, neither brother can stomach the idea of fighting against him, and even worse, of possibly committing patricide. (There’s also the magical backlash from killing your own family members to worry about.)
8. Walburga is not keen on either of her sons being out of her sight, and hates the idea of them getting further involved with James Potter and his new bride. Worried, she enacts her plan by trapping Sirius and Regulus in a portrait (after kidnapping and swapping Sirius with a golum that will look and act like him). She hides the portrait in her private sitting room, where even Orion doesn’t dare to tread. The day after James and Lily’s murders and Harry being left with Petunia, golum!Sirius is dragged off to the ministry in hysterics. No one realizes anything is off. (The Golum is keyed to Sirius’s Magic and memories at the time of its creation and thus able to act as he would and mimic his magic).
9. For nearly fifteen years Sirius and Regulus are frozen in time with only each other (and their mother until she dies). Anxious to free his masters, Kreatcher sneaks the portrait into Hogwarts, in the hopes that someone will free them. (The brothers are unable to tell anyone anything, as Walburga spelled the portrait to prevent anyone but her understanding what they say, as long as it’s a human language.)
10. Harry’s life continues as in Canon until third year, golum!Sirius escapes Azkaban, and Remus becomes the DADA teacher. The real Sirius is still stuck in the portrait with Regulus. The Ministry finally get wind of something being wrong with how the Dementors ignore Golum!Sirius when he is finally caught, and they realize that it isn’t actually Sirius Black, but instead a magical construct that was created before Harry Potter was even born.
11. About that time, Harry is wandering the halls when he comes across a portrait containing two young men who are hissing at each-other, one of whom looks exactly like the picture of Sirius Black in his photo album. 12. Before the night is over, the truth is revealed, and the Black Brothers are freed from their imprisonment. Sirius meets the godson he’d never got the chance to know about. Kreacher is thrilled to have Master Regulus back (less thrilled with having Master Sirius, but if it makes Master Regulus happy…).
13. Kreacher has been keeping Number 12 clean and ready for his masters, and they reluctantly return to their ancestral home. The Wizarding world is busy dealing with the shock, and Sirius and Regulus’s reluctance to explain why their mother hid them away.
Things continue as they would otherwise until after the Triwizard Tournament and regaining a body, Voldemort does a spell to find his nearest living kin for some reason, and Walburga’s sons’ names appear.
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Pokemon Au-Masterlist- Gym Leaders/Elite Four
Gym leaders When Kakashi, Gai, Itachi, Tenzo etc were Kid’s were
Minato- Flying type specialist. Main Pokemon was Pidgeote
Kushina- Fire type specialist. Main Pokemon was Arcanin
Fugaku- Dragon type Specialist. Main Pokemon was Dragonite.
Inoichi- Psychic type specialist. Main Pokemon was Hypno.
Choza- Normal type specialist. Main Pokemon was Ratacate.
Kohari (Iruka’s mother)- Ghost type specialist (i’m mean, yes XD). Main Pokemon was Gangar.
Homura (the old douch elder man in Konoha)- Fairy type specialist. Main Pokemon was Clafairy
Danzo- Dark type specialist. Main Pokemon was Zorark. Danzo is the only gym leader who originates from another region, coming from Unova and deciding to settle in Kanto. 
Elite Four
Jiraya: Water type specialist. Main Pokemon is Polywrath
Orochimaru-Poision type specialist. Main Pokemon is Arbok
Tsunade- Rock type specialist. Main Pokemon is Aerodactyl
Koharu (douchy old lady elder of Konoha)- Steel type specialist. Main Pokemon is Onix. She went travelling alongside Danzo, Hiruzen and Homura when Danzo first came to Kanto, and fell in love with Steel type pokemon)
Champion: Sakumo (Let me have this ok?)- Thunder/Ground type mixture. Main Pokemon is Raichu
Next is the reign of Kakashi and his fellow ass kickers
Gym Leaders
Obito- Fire type specialist- Main pokemon is Rapidash. His Gym Team is made up of Rapidash, Marowak (Alolan), Torkoal and Houndoom.
Iruka- Normal type pokemon- Main pokemon is Persian. His Gym team is made up of Persian, Kangaskhan, AMbipom and Zangoose.
Kurenai- Psychic type pokemon- Main pokemon is Alakazam. Her Gym team is made up of Alakazam, Xatu, Espeon and Gardevoir.
Asuma- Flying type pokemon- Main pokemon is Fearow. His Gym team is made up of Fearow, Noctowl, Staraptor, and Yanmega. 
Tenzo- Grass type pokemon- Main pokemon is Venasaur (given to him by Kakashi)
Anko- Poison type pokemon- Main pokemon is Salazzal. Her Gym team is made up of Salazzle, Drapion, Muk and Serviper. 
Baki- Ground type pokemon- Main pokemon is Golum. His Gym team is made up of Golum, Hippowdon, Sandaconda and Flygon.
Genma- Dark type pokemon- Main Pokemon is Umbreon. His Gym Team is made up of Umbreon, Mightena, Obstugoon and Bisharp. 
Elite Four
Rin- Fairy type pokemon- Main Pokemon is Chansey. Her team is made up of Chansey, Rapidash (Galarian form), Florgas, Audino, Sylveon and Mimikyu. 
Gai- Fighting type pokemon- Main pokemon is Hitmonlee. His team is made up of Hitmonlee, Hariyama, Lucario, Raboot (will not evolve), Grapploct and Gallade. 
Kakashi - Electric/Dog type pokemon- Main pokemon is Jolteon. His team is made up of Jolteon, Ampharos, Mancentric, Luxray, Boltund and Magnezone. 
Shisui- Mixed pokemon- Main pokemon is Absol. His team is made up of Empoleon, Gengar, Yanmega, Absol, Froslass and Scolipede.
Itachi- Mixed type pokemon- Main pokemon is Ninetails (evolved from the Vulpix his mother gave him as a child). Team is made up of Ninetails, Sylveon, alakazam, ampharos, gardevoir and pidgeot. 
Naruto’s Generation
Gym Leaders
Karui- Rock Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Mudsdale
Moegi- Grass Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Leafeon
Ino- Psychic pokemon- Main Pokemon is Meowstic
Choji- Normal Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Lickylicky
Neji- Ghost pokemon (for evil Canon reasons XD)- Main pokemon is Dusknoir
Tenten- Steel Pokemon (weapons)- Main Pokemon is Metagross
Lee- Fighting Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Mienshao
Konohamaru- Fire Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Rapidash
Elite Four
Sakura- Fairy/Fighting pokemon- Main pokemon is Togekiss
Sasuke- Dark/Electric pokemon- Main Pokemon is Magnezone
Shino- Bug Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Ariados
Temari- Ground Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Donphan
Naruto- Flying Pokemon mainly but has a mixture of pokemon- Main pokemon is Pidgeoto.
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tunnagana · 4 years
The Apprentice | Magic AU
Tokyolk is on fire, 2BO is no longer on a rampage, Dr. Akita is gone, and Gyro Gearloose’s life is in shambles around him. A shadow falls over him, larger and far more looming than the stature of the woman casting it and the time of day should allow, but he’s completely engulfed in that too deep darkness that teems even at his weak magical senses. He recognizes her, of course. Any magic user in the world would. Magica De Spell is a legend and a horror story wrapped into one terrifying sorceress who shouldn’t have any attention directed at a man with magic like Gyro’s.
But she stares at him like he’s the most interesting thing she’s seen all day, as if he’s not partially responsible for the destruction of much of Tolkyolk. Or worse, as if he absolutely is. She steps forward until she’s standing directly above his prone form, sun blocked out behind dark hair and staff and Gyro is suddenly freezing. “Wha-?” The question is cut off, shadows wrapping around them both and then he’s lost in the choking darkness, magic flaring green and vibrant in an aura around him just past the skin and then it’s over, leaving him retching on the ground disoriented and unsure of where he is.
It’s not Tokyolk. It’s still Japan, he can tell by the way the sky hasn’t changed. He’s not alone. He can see her lounging on a throne, unnerving eyes staring down at him in the same way she had in the city. “Impressive bit of magic you managed with that golum. Homunculus? The word doesn’t matter. Giving a destructive little thing like that a soul is something far more impressive than I’d give a paltry little technophage like you credit for.” The term made his skin crawl, an insult in circles for their specific specialty and breed of magic, newer born with the advances of the magicless, a modern bridge between the worlds. “You’ll serve under me now and I’ll teach you how to better use the magic at your disposal. We may not be able to fix your shortcomings, but we can make the rest of it far more useful.”
Gyro didn’t answer, not immediately. Magica De Spell was infamous, accepted only because she had the power at her fingertips to do whatever she wanted and crush any who opposed her. But what was he? A man who built a robot to defend a city, only for it to turn on them all and destroy it all instead. “Or,” her voice broke through his thoughts. “I could always send you back to Tokyolk to stand for all the destruction you caused. They’ll take one look at your abilities and what it did and throw you away forever. The magicless are always like that. Even your mentor didn’t stay by your side.”
I don’t want to hurt people. It’s a thought he can’t manage to say, even as he stands. His magic is weak compared to most people, nothing compared to her. I want to live. “I created 2BO to help.” He’s exhausted and heartbroken and he shouldn’t be considering her offer but he is and every moment makes it easier to stomach.
“And it destroyed. We call that a sign, boy, of what you are meant to be. Be my apprentice and rise to what your destiny is.” Gyro hesitates. Stares at his hand, no longer glowing as it had in the shadow, brow furrowing as he wills the power to his hand and it only flickers briefly before fading out. He looks up at Magica on her throne, takes in her smile. His hand falls to his side and he nods.
His shadow doesn’t.
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narutoaus · 4 years
Pokemon AU Masterlist- Gym Leaders/Elite Four
When Kakashi, Gai, Itachi, Tenzo etc were Kid’s
Gym Leaders
Minato- Flying type specialist. Main Pokemon was Pidgeote
Kushina- Fire type specialist. Main Pokemon was Arcanin
Fugaku- Dragon type Specialist. Main Pokemon was Dragonite.
Inoichi- Psychic type specialist. Main Pokemon was Hypno.
Choza- Normal type specialist. Main Pokemon was Ratacate.
Kohari (Iruka’s mother)- Ghost type specialist (i’m mean, yes XD). Main Pokemon was Gangar.
Homura (the old douch elder man in Konoha)- Fairy type specialist. Main Pokemon was Clafairy
Danzo- Dark type specialist. Main Pokemon was Zorark. Danzo is the only gym leader who originates from another region, coming from Unova and deciding to settle in Kanto. 
Elite Four
Jiraya: Water type specialist. Main Pokemon is Polywrath
Orochimaru-Poision type specialist. Main Pokemon is Arbok
Tsunade- Rock type specialist. Main Pokemon is Aerodactyl
Koharu (douchy old lady elder of Konoha)- Steel type specialist. Main Pokemon is Onix. She went travelling alongside Danzo, Hiruzen and Homura when Danzo first came to Kanto, and fell in love with Steel type pokemon)
 Sakumo (Let me have this ok?)- Thunder/Ground type mixture. Main Pokemon is Raichu
Next is the reign of Kakashi and his friends
Gym Leaders
Obito- Fire type specialist- Main pokemon is Rapidash. His Gym Team is made up of Rapidash, Marowak (Alolan), Torkoal and Houndoom.
Iruka- Normal type pokemon- Main pokemon is Persian. His Gym team is made up of Persian, Kangaskhan, AMbipom and Zangoose.
Kurenai- Psychic type pokemon- Main pokemon is Alakazam. Her Gym team is made up of Alakazam, Xatu, Espeon and Gardevoir.
Asuma- Flying type pokemon- Main pokemon is Fearow. His Gym team is made up of Fearow, Noctowl, Staraptor, and Yanmega. 
Tenzo- Grass type pokemon- Main pokemon is Venasaur (given to him by Kakashi)
Anko- Poison type pokemon- Main pokemon is Salazzal. Her Gym team is made up of Salazzle, Drapion, Muk and Serviper. 
Baki- Ground type pokemon- Main pokemon is Golum. His Gym team is made up of Golum, Hippowdon, Sandaconda and Flygon.
Genma- Dark type pokemon- Main Pokemon is Umbreon. His Gym Team is made up of Umbreon, Mightena, Obstugoon and Bisharp. 
Elite Four
Rin- Fairy type pokemon- Main Pokemon is Chansey. Her team is made up of Chansey, Rapidash (Galarian form), Florgas, Audino, Sylveon and Mimikyu. 
Gai- Fighting type pokemon- Main pokemon is Hitmonlee. His team is made up of Hitmonlee, Hariyama, Lucario, Raboot (will not evolve), Grapploct and Gallade. 
Kakashi - Electric/Dog type pokemon- Main pokemon is Jolteon. His team is made up of Jolteon, Ampharos, Mancentric, Luxray, Boltund and Magnezone. 
Shisui- Mixed pokemon- Main pokemon is Absol. His team is made up of Empoleon, Gengar, Yanmega, Absol, Froslass and Scolipede.
Itachi- Mixed type pokemon- Main pokemon is Ninetails (evolved from the Vulpix his mother gave him as a child). Team is made up of Ninetails, Sylveon, alakazam, ampharos, gardevoir and pidgeot. 
Naruto’s Generation
Gym Leaders
Karui- Rock Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Mudsdale
Moegi- Grass Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Leafeon
Ino- Psychic pokemon- Main Pokemon is Meowstic
Choji- Normal Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Lickylicky
Neji- Ghost pokemon (for evil Canon reasons XD)- Main pokemon is Dusknoir
Tenten- Steel Pokemon (weapons)- Main Pokemon is Metagross
Lee- Fighting Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Mienshao
Konohamaru- Fire Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Rapidash
Elite Four
Sakura- Fairy/Fighting pokemon- Main pokemon is Togekiss
Sasuke- Dark/Electric pokemon- Main Pokemon is Magnezone
Shino- Bug Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Ariados
Temari- Ground Pokemon- Main Pokemon is Donphan
Naruto- Flying Pokemon mainly but has a mixture of pokemon- Main pokemon is Pidgeoto.
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