#Google Voice Search
cool-xtremeads · 1 year
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hoarding-stories · 5 months
Me after the switch from Orym giving that heart wrenching sending to everyone leaving the table to Aabria sitting down and going to break:
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[Image from here]
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flower-dagger-gay · 3 months
Me throughout the entirety of s2e8:
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lakeinstillness · 2 years
I see so much ableist content being made and reblogged about tim on tumblr and other websites. stop using his schizophrenia purely for angst and then forgetting it exists outside of that. schizophrenia isnt just the "my dead loved one showed up as an hallucination to talk to me" disorder, yet its a LOT of the content I see, most of which is by people who arent psychotic.
people ignore that hallucinations can take other forms. yes, psychotic people can hallucinate dead loved ones, and it's not the only form of representation that we deserve. every schizospec and psychotic person's experience will be different and not everyone will have the same symptoms. not every schizospec or psychotic person will even have hallucinations as part of their disorder.
we see the insane asylum AUs, the AUs where a character goes ""p*ycho"" or ""insane"" and either starts murdering people or is a poor little tragic pitiable thing where they end up dead at the end. the "psychopath" AUs, and the fan media where masky is violent, evil, or malevolent and tim cant do anything about it.
the content you make where you clearly dont understand schizophrenia, DIDOSDD or any other stigmatized disorder you claim to be representing. where the bare minimum research is done before you start talking about those disorders. countless, countless other examples.
schizophrenic people see your posts. schizospec and psychotic people see the ableism you perpetuate and spread. people with DID/OSDD, disorders that have an increased chance of psychosis but are not the same as schizophrenia, see your posts, and your anti-system ableism. especially in regards to masky and tim.
our symptoms are laughed at and material for #schizoposting or r/fakedisordercringe. if we speak up about ableism then we get people messaging us purposefully triggering and paranoia inducing messages. we're treated like oddities, people ask invasive questions without asking if that's even okay first, and they make assumptions without even knowing anything about us.
if you have depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, etc - you can still perpetuate ableism. schizospec people, psychotic people, and systems are constantly having to prove our humanity. we shouldnt have to. we shouldnt have to constantly see people refuse to understand our experiences.
Im asking you to educate yourselves. read about the experiences of actual schizophrenic people. understand that hallucinations are only one possible symptom among many others. read actual research for DID/OSDD. please be critical and keep an open eye for ableism against schizospec people, psychotic people, and systems. I implore you to take this post to heart and think critically about what posts and media you interact with and the content you create in the future.
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fourteenfifteen · 1 month
one day i’m going to have to bite the bullet and tell my coworkers that jkr is a not just a transphobe but a major player in anti-trans movements and that has ruined hp for me bc jesus god they will not stop trying to talk to me abt hp??? swear to god i have had some version of the following interaction w no less than 5 people:
me: so i was hanging out and reading-
them: it’s so cool that you’re a big reader i always wish i read more. the only book i’ve read in the last three years is ha.rry potter
like ????????? they bring it up totally unprompted i mean god knows i’m not prompting them. anyways i need to tell them to stop it has crossed a line into being actually alienating
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raccoonspooky · 2 years
I was today years old when i learned that vin diesel’s real last name is sinclair and he named his son vincent lmfao. Vin diesel is a distant cousin of the murder hicks. House of wax deeplore. Ur welcome.
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bottombaron · 1 year
while doing research for another theory I came across a completely mundane detail that I can’t imagine holding any actual significance but at the same time I couldn’t pass up sharing it
so, during the scene that I am calling the Pepsi Challenge, we have this moment:
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Nandor gives Guillermo, as he says, a “flat Pepsi”
except Guillermo doesn’t drink Pepsi…
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my boy is a Coke-Cola drinker as the lord intended.
normally this isn’t even worth mentioning. maybe the line was ad-libed or read wrong, or it’s just a joke that wasn’t thought about very long and that’s all good! i’m cool with all that. what would this inconsistency even mean in the long run anyway right? how would Nandor even know the difference between Coke and Pepsi???
really what gets me is that in the scene the bottle is set and reset two or more times, almost always keeping the label visible.
now, it’s been a while since i’ve been thru this issue on a set, but my understanding was that no labels could be used without paying a licensing fee. which is why you usually see fake labels on products in tv and film or more likely, they just turn a product at an angle so the label can’t be read and nobody has to pay anything to use it. but here the label is not only clearly visible but it maintains visibility at almost all cuts. which means the bottle was purposefully realigned in order for audiences to see that Guillermo is undoubtably drinking Coke-Cola. wwdits paying a licensing fee for this seems a little odd considering it’s not like Guillermo drinking Coke is important in anyway. it doesn't give significant product-placement either. but then Nandor brings up the flat Pepsi and i’m like ??? and if anyone says that Guillermo drinks both, shut your goddamn mouth and jump in a lake and when you climb out find the nearest convenience store and drink one or both of them because obviously you never had before and have no idea what you’re talking about. the two drinks are notorious for, if one is liked, the person would find the other absolutely disgusting.
also, yes, Guillermo didn’t just have it for show. he actually drunk it.
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again, i’m not saying this means anything. i just think it’s interesting. 🤷‍♂️
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taikk0 · 2 years
Are you out of your Krang phase? 😭😭
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 9 months
”does iready cause depression”, aka Brookie dying of laughter for 7 minutes and 26 seconds straight.
sorry if my voice sounds odd, I put a slight filter on it so that my voice isn’t too easily recognizable!
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vaugarde · 9 months
why do some people act like james somerton’s misogyny was this unintentional oopsie that just slipped out. from the clips i see it all feels very targeted and intentional
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nat-20s · 1 year
Logically I know that you shouldn't do creative work (such as a podcast) in order to become a peer with other creatives but also like oooooo there are so many creatives I'd love to actually interact with oooo I'd love to collab on something OOOOO I would love to have a voice actor that I know from another podcast in my own podcast
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shivroy · 10 months
everythings fine until the trembling starts
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sameke1-blog · 11 months
Keep in mind that SEO is a long-term strategy. It takes time and effort to see results. But if you are patient and consistent, you will see your website ranking higher in search engine results over time.
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softfuzzyships · 11 months
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oops. sorry was that too forward
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seastarlily · 1 year
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The main voice cast of “SpongeBob SquarePants” over the years (Part 1).
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jesterthebestsir · 6 months
People, especially notable ones who big in communities and fandoms, need to be careful these days!
Who knows what a complete stranger could be doing
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