satakentiaphoto · 2 years
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Mai 15. Love-In-A-Mist (Nigella Damascena)
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spinnando · 5 months
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Gourdon knows when you've been a naughty choya.
Merry Choyamas!
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achromant · 1 year
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sausages-and-god · 2 months
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We have to live.
I see you.
I love you
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Town scene in Gourdon, Provence region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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If you vote please reblog to help us get as wide a net as possible. Propaganda is highly encouraged. Round 35 Masterlist
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sunshinenoka · 2 years
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i keep making characters in pairs lately, and honestly it’s been fun >:)
from top to bottom, left to right:
- toki the sugarcane, cipp the sleepy orange butterfly
- they have no names yet but they are adventurer frogs! 🐸⚔🐸
- cal and gourdon! funny pumpkin lads who purposely throw whatever job they’re doing
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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There are plenty of strange creatures that live in and around this seaside town, but some of them have been supposedly spotted enough by tourists and locals alike to make them famous. There's even a dedicated cryptid club. With this elevated awareness comes their very own personalized name, origin story, and maybe even a statue or two crafted in their likeness! And you can be sure that all the shops in town that cater to tourists will definitely have some cryptid merch for sale.
Local to Harborside, Wormy is a massive serpentine sea monster that’s been spotted in and around the bay. You won’t usually catch a glimpse of it unless there’s a low fog hanging over the water: the creature seems to otherwise stay below the waves. That said, boat sonar will sometimes pick up something very large and very long without any other kind of visual, which is where most of the reports come from. From the few who claim to have seen it with their own eyes, they say it resembles a massive snake with an upward-curved snout, large fins, and barnacles attached to its hide. There’s also a rumor going around that Wormy is the one responsible for the missing boats that wander too close to Storm’s Eye Trench, but obviously there’s no proof of this.
Yeah, you read that right. Wicked’s Rest has its very own version of sasquatch, the more appropriately-named Bigfeet. After all, Bigfoot makes no sense. It has two feet, doesn’t it? Some locals claim it’s the original sasquatch that got ripped off by someone who visited the town back in the early 1800’s, but there’s no way to be sure. Whichever one came first, one thing is certain: the tourists love this cryptid. While some sightings have been recorded coming out of Harmony Hill (which are probably a case of mistaken identity), the more likely habitat where Bigfeet can be spotted is, unsurprisingly, the Pines.
The phrase “it’s like 90% legs” might not be something you expect to hear in the grocery store, but hear it you may: they’d be talking about Giuseppe, of course. A funny looking fella that’s rumored to live atop Serpent’s Flat, the creature is described by those that claim to see it from the viewing stations as tall, lanky, and… well, mostly made of legs. Just two, but the cryptid’s torso is evidently quite stout in comparison, and the distinct lack of arms makes the legs all the more starkly gigantic in comparison. The body is sort of an off-white color, another feature that makes it stand out against the blackened surface of the Flat. How did it get the name? Well, a local Italian restaurant owner claims that her family coined it decades ago when they built up a rapport with the creature after feeding it some meatballs in marinara. Maybe that’s why you’ll find the occasional plate of meaty treats placed around the edge of the Flat?
No cryptid bestiary would be complete without a terror of the skies, and for that Wicked’s Rest has Gripwing, who terrorizes the beach and seas around town. Gripwing is often said to be a giant butterfly, but no one can verify for sure due to its blazing speed as it soars the skies. However, Gripwing’s victims are distinct. They wash up on shore with their chest cavities sliced open with brutal incisions and the heart torn out. This has led to further rumors about blade-like antennae. Interestingly, some of these rumors seem to originate in a local siren colony with what seems like glee. If Gripwing were in actuality a large siren with extravagantly colored wings and ornate feathers, perhaps mistaking it for a butterfly would be understandable… 
Everybody knows about the mines. More than that, everybody knows to stay out of the mines. Collapsing tunnels are a real threat, but they’re not the only danger that lurks in the darkness. There is, of course, the Moleman—unimaginatively named by the board of tourism, it’s a creature that is said to dwell in the winding pathways of the immense underground system. Massive in stature and responsible for all the new tunnels that open up (and sometimes make sinkholes in people’s backyards), the Moleman is just that—half man, half mole. Grotesque in appearance, it’s no wonder he uses a disguise to walk among the normal townsfolk. People say that he’s tall with broad shoulders, scruffy and dirty, and perfectly blind. If you see someone like that in town, it may be best to avoid them. 
To nonlocals, Bessie is nothing more than a strange choice for a university mascot, but to the locals she’s so much more. Before records of Grotte de Fromage appeared, there were many reports of hearing cow-like wailing from up in the mountain peaks. In reality, Bessie does much resemble a highland cow with long red hair that flows in the wind and horns on her head that always appear to be bloodstained. Don’t worry, it’s not actually blood! Some strange supernatural molds can form in Wicked's Rest which could be the source of Bessie’s cheese cave creating powers. There are several stories attached to Bessie that you’re likely to hear from the college kids in town. Some will say her cries were for the loss of her calves and her hallucinogenic cheese was a form of protection. Others yet say this cow has much more devious plans. Why else would her horns be covered in blood? Aside from the fact they aren’t, but that isn’t nearly as fun a story to tell the freshman you’re trying to scare. While it is rare she ventures away from the depths of Grotte de Fromage, when she does come out of her cave, she eats the grass around her at an alarmingly fast speed for a cow. While mostly harmless, her size does pose a danger so approach with caution… and maybe don’t stand in her way when she’s eating if you happen to like your shoes or feet at all.
Gatlin Fields has their own curious cryptid that seems especially fond of the autumn festivities in that area, with a particular habit of showing up in the Maized and Confused attraction. It is a stout creature, no more than three feet tall, and seems to be covered in brownish-orange fur. Its favorite snacks are pumpkin seeds and mulled wine, the latter of which it can sometimes be seen clutching between its front paws as it trundles through the corn maze. It has a long, thick, furred tail that helps it stand upright when it has a warm beverage to carry around, though no one can say for sure where the heck it actually gets the wine from. Is someone feeding it? It’s possible—the creature seems friendly, if not desperately shy. Getting a picture of it is no easy task, though the Club Cryptid HQ claims to have gotten one on one of their trail cams. Gourdon can appear during other seasons as well, in both Gatlin Fields and the surrounding woods, though it might have a different sweet drink hugged to its chest. 
Exclusively present in Jericho Burying Ground, Deepsnoots itself has never actually been seen. Many are familiar with the sight of a lump tunneling through the dirt underfoot, and some claim they’ve seen a strange appendage or mouth of sharp teeth, but none of these descriptions align with each other. What is known is that Deepsnoots moves quickly, and the rapid burrowing can scare off some of the hooligans that want to deface the headstones. Some think Deepsnoots is intentionally keeping the Grounds safe of crime, like some kind of guardian who ought to be celebrated, while others believe it’s motivated by the need to feed on old buried remains. No one has confirmed this. Or really anything. Deepsnoots might just be a regular mole.
While Seven Peaks is steeped in Tendrilla reverence, even using a dedicated shrine atop each peak, there is little physical evidence that this entity exists. Within town there are many paintings and art pieces depicting her (she is typically thought of as feminine), and most seem to more or less agree on some key details. First, Tendrilla is huge, dwarfing her own shrines. Two, Tendrilla flies or hovers through the air in the same manner flying saucers are often depicted. Three, she emits a beautiful, ethereal glow, and can bathe an entire mountainside in her light. She is often associated with mushrooms due to the unique variety that grows up in Seven Peaks. Some say her tentacles sting, while others say they embrace with love. Some say she has sheet-like fins that blow in the breeze like sails, while others say she is streamlined and sleek. Whatever the case, Tendrilla inspires great devotion, and… well, there have been some huge, mysterious tentacles found in the mountains over the years. 
Sightings of Mothermoth are most frequently reported in Worm Row, especially in or near the Wormwoods. She’s suspected to be a species of giant silk moth, but most describe her as being about the size of a helicopter or small plane. The huge eye spots on her wings seem to blink. Under a full or nearly full moon, people say her wings take on a bright golden sheen, and some say they were blinded – even permanently – by the moonlight bouncing off them. This reflected light may account for the lack of good photos. Mothermoth’s wings shed golden powder-like scales, and these may have supernatural properties. No one knows anything about where she lays her eggs… or what hatches from them. Some supernatural scholars believe goggies, or a goggie variant, may be the larval stage of Mothermoth’s species. A small group of local entomologists have made it their life’s work to try and prove Mothermoth’s existence and catch her. They’re gonna need a bigger net.
This ape-like figure has a profusely long coat of white hair that drags in a trail behind it, leaving markings in the dirt and snow. No one knows what it looks like underneath the coat, but people describe a pair of round, glowing eyes peering out from beneath it. Some describe the feeling of being followed before they saw Shaggarok. It has only been sighted in Seven Peaks, especially on snowy days and at high elevations. There are sporadic reports on each of the seven mountains. Most say Shaggarok approached them while they were in trouble in the mountains and freed them from being stuck or chased off an attacking beast. One report vividly describes Shaggarok sucking the hair off a monster after saving someone from it. In actuality, Shaggarok is likely an especially fluffy, white-coated kerashag that seems to be curious about people, though doesn’t like being seen. Even to those who suspect this to be the case, it’s up for interpretation whether that impacts its cryptid status.
The Lighthouse Keeper
You might hear those living along Wicked’s Rest’s coast whispering about “The Keeper”. This mysterious individual is said to haunt the lighthouses along the coastline, luring sailors to their deaths with its ghostly light. Some theorize the Keeper is the ghost of a former lighthouse keeper who drowned in a storm, now seeking to claim the lives of others who venture too close to its domain. Sightings of the Keeper often align with storms and shipwrecks, leading many to speculate that it can manipulate the sea. Despite its fearsome reputation, the Lighthouse Keeper is often depicted as a tragic figure by the locals, doomed to haunt the lighthouses for eternity. Some tales even suggest that it is trying to warn sailors of the dangers of the sea, in hopes of sparing them the same fate that befell it.
Described as a human-sized bipedal goat-like creature with huge fangs, it’s been said that Caprifang has been seen chasing down dangerous prey with immense speed before tackling it to the ground and sinking those uncharacteristic canines into its throat. Local aos sí fae seem to think Caprifang might just be a faun that’s gone mad from loneliness, but none of them have been able to coerce it into conversation long enough to find out. Most who claim to have spotted it say it lives up in the mountains, keeping to itself for the most part—until danger arises. In fact, the folks that believe the beast exists often feel better knowing it’s around the winding trails of the Peaks, for it seems to only have a taste for the blood of monsters, not people. Though if you’re a particularly malevolent sort, maybe you ought to watch out, too. 
Some say it’s the Dover Demon that has simply migrated north, curiously drawn to the impact crater out in Gatlin Fields. Others insist this is another creature entirely that only looks similar, but the one thing everyone can agree on is this: the thing that lurks around the crater is not from this world. It is an extraterrestrial, stranded on our planet either by choice or accident, doing its best to keep to itself. The humanoid has a very large head, rosy-tan skin, a lanky body, and most often scuttles around on all fours. Unlike the Dover Demon, however, the large glassy orbs that peer back at tourists from this creature’s head are not orange, but instead resemble the night sky—illuminated pinpricks of white light in an otherwise inky, blue/black backdrop. It is larger than its Massachusetts counterpart, standing a frightening seven feet tall when on its hind legs… or so they say. The most unnerving thing about this alien creature is the way folks claim that it spoke to them telepathically, screeching at them to leave the area inside their minds. Maybe it’s best to just stay away from the crater.
The Cleaver
Late at night on the main roads leading in and out of town, drivers might encounter a creature known as the Cleaver. If you’re wondering how it got this name, well, you needn’t wonder any longer—thought to be the victim of a hit-and-run accident, the Cleaver is a humanoid that is missing its lower half and can be seen dragging itself through the middle of the road by its hands, one of which is clutching a large scythe. If one swerves to miss it or even if they hit it dead on, the creature will clamber up onto the stopped vehicle, rip the driver free, and slice them in half with its weapon… just for sport. So if you’re ever driving somewhere and you see something laying in the middle of the road… just keep driving. Don’t stop, no matter what. 
At first glance, Thiccopatamus, the beast lovingly named by Wicked’s Rest Cryptid Club looks much like a normal hippopotamus aside from the strange orange glow around her. Add in the fact she’s about twice the size, it’s no wonder that the college kids call her “stupid thicc”. Thankfully, most of the club knows to observe her from afar with the cameras they set up around Wicked’s Rest’s State Park. Normal hippos are dangerous enough as is, but Thiccopotamus is even more so with her even larger stature and appetite. While her hippo cousins prefer vegetation and fruits around the river in the lands they’re native to, Thiccopatamus has been known to eat various types of meat, usually in the form of smaller, less fortunate creatures. Yeah, definitely keep your distance.
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maskul1ne · 2 years
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Happy Halloween!! I wanted to celebrate somehow, so I decided to design a spooky OC. This is Gourdon! I don’t have much of a story in place for him yet, but he’s a quiet, gentle farmer who tends to keep to himself. Gourds are his specialty, but he grows lots of different fruits n veggies!!
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sky60038 · 11 months
Alpes-Maritimes - Gourdon
Alpes-Maritimes - Gourdon par Olivier Boyer Via Flickr : 230511_Samsung_104023_HDR_2 www.tourisme-gourdon.com/
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jefflemar · 1 year
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Couleurs du Lot, Gourdon, 21 mars 2023 #gourdon #lot #lot46 #travelphotography #color #streetcolor (à Gourdon, Midi-Pyrenees, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEJuokI8JM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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satakentiaphoto · 2 years
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Mai 15. La saison des cerises. Gourdon
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parab0mb · 1 year
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Kinda got a bit of OC brainrot rn, so have some doodles of the Spice Trader (my child).
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pascalbeucler · 1 year
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There are very few truffles unfortunately this winter in the Quercy, which produces the most aromatic Melanosporum ones in the world 😋 But today the annual lunch of the members of the Quercy truffle producers' association was able to keep its promises, thanks to the effort of all - a marvel of finesse from beginning to end in five courses and 3 hours at the table 🇫🇷
Truffle butter
Chestnut consommé with truffles
Maki of trout with truffles
Pork loin with truffled foie gras and rutabaga purée
Truffled cheese and squid ink crunch
Praline-pear entremets with truffles
Vanilla mousse
#truffles #melanosporum #delicatessengourdon #semioticlife
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philippelallemant · 2 years
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Gourdon, la vieille ville médiévale #gourdon #lot © @philallemant #philal #amazingnature #philallemant #instaphilal #aquarela  #nikon #watercolorart #photographie #photo #aquarelleart #watercolorpainting #watercolorart  #art #instagram #twitter #art  #artist #painting #picture #naturephotography #image #architecture #fineart #architecturephotography (à Gourdon (Lot)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbUYq8LCcE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Street scene in Gourdon, Quercy region of France
French vintage postcard
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