#Graal Store
moonlightblogs1 · 3 months
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☽𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒅☾ ↳ KNIFU - Tengu Headphones @ ManCave Event (June 17th - July 11th) -----
𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 → PALETO Backdrop - Memphis @ PALETO Mainstore
𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙚 → Ana Poses - Yerevan @ Ana Poses Mainstore
𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 → LeLUTKA - Avalon Head @ LeLUTKA Mainstore
𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 → Voguel - Lilly Skin @ Voguel Mainstore
𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨 → Avi-Glam - Rogue Eyes @ Avi-Glam Mainstore
𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙧 → Moon - Delulu Hair @ Moon Mainstore (The Saturday Sale)
𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 → eBody - Reborn Body @ eBody Mainstore
𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 → ItGirls/VELOUR - Picasso Babe @ VELOUR Mainstore
𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤 → Vegas Tattoos: Flowersoff, Qirel & Iona @ Vegas Tattoos Mainstore
𝙏𝙤𝙥 → AsteroidBox - Pearl Shirt @ AsteroidBox Mainstore (The Saturday Sale)
𝙋𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 → Tetra - Euphoria Jeans @ Tetra Mainstore
𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙨 → Graal Store - Cenobyte Gas Mask @ Graal Store
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nephilimmoretti · 5 months
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Head & Makeup / HEAD / lel EvoX Zo VIENA. Lelutka EvoX Face Skin Piper New! @Sabbath Event [ VelvetVue ] Melancolia Eyes New! @Sabbath Event [ VelvetVue ] Melancolia Teardrops New! @Sabbath Event [REVERIE] Karina Lipstick
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Hair Stealthic - Rift
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Clothing ! BUFFY'S ! - Leanne Sleeves New! @Sabbath Event . Snookie Store . ~ Astarion Set New! @Sabbath Event
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Accessories ! 1990 - Purrty Cute Set New! @ Dreamday mirinae: sailor tamagotchi New! @ OtaCon GRAAL STORE - ALLUIN CROWN. New! @Sabbath Event
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Pose HERITAGE - TRY THE JACK New! @ Dreamday
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Body Reborn - Waifus - Addon v1.0 Reborn by EBODY v1.69.6
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acklestarkism · 1 year
----------------- Cas baking thingy -----------------
A grocery bag in one hand, Castiel couldn't help but think about how he could've come back with Dean's favorite stuff in the world - right after Baby maybe, but perhaps before his brother, he wasn't positive about that - but failed to find the precious pie. Damn employee, isn't he aware that money is supposed to buy you anything ? It would have saved the day, to bring it to the oldest brother, but maybe, maybe if he was lucky, beer and porn would be enough. Walking past a bookshop, the angel noticed… was it a pie ? What if he could find one in here, after all, there was a book with a pie on it! Cas pushed the door open only to grab the holy graal from the store window, since there were only books, no pies and it didn't smell like pastries but dust and old. “What is this ?” The bookshop owner frowned, not sure she understood the weird yet cute trench-coated guy. “It's a recipe book ?”, she replied, puzzled, as the guy was now opening the book. “So you're telling me, I just have to… collect stuff and assemble them and somehow… it's gonna turn into… Pie?” Cas turned some pages, going through lists and instructions while some memories flashed into his head again, memories from earlier when Dean couldn't even look at him, hell, Dean always looked at him before, looks making Castiel feel so seen, and so real, dammit, he didn't even talk to him and so close yet so far, Castiel missed Dean in a way he never felt before, almost as if he was gone, as if he didn't exist anymore. And it was not just the angel's feeling, he could also feel his vessel's heart sinking at his overwhelmingly powerful pain. So the angel made sure the bookshop lady wasn't paying attention to him any longer - too busy with other customers now - and ripped the page off the book. “I'm sorry, but I really need the apple pie spell to get into Dean's heart again.”
When he got back into the grocery store, the employee was cleaning the mess Cas did when he first entered. It was obvious on his face that he wasn't thrilled to see the angel again, but Castiel didn't care. “I need to collect those things, now. I have more money.” He handed the man the recipe. “If I give 'em to you, you leave and never come back, right?” Cas nodded, so the young man started grabbing items here and there, loudly swearing, putting stuff into a plastic bag. “It's twenty.” The angel paid with his money - he actually gave the employee fifty seven dollars, but eh, it would pay for the damages so he wasn't gonna mention that to the guy who made the mess - and left with the ingredients, going straight back to the bunker, no detour, no one to interrupt the very important task he had to accomplish.
It took Cas an hour or so to reunite the ustensiles, make sure he was doing all of it right, and the last thing he cared about was how messy he was while doing it, the counter and floor covered in eggs, sugar, and well, pretty much a bit of everything he was using, making it sticky under his shoes. Not only was the room dirty, but also the man, flour on his coat, and face, things he did not notice. But the whole ingredients, weighed to the nearest hundredth, were combined into a dough, covered in apple slices, and a smooth, absolutely divine smelly compote, so the angel couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. It was going to be perfect. The last thing to do to complete the spell was to put this dough into the oven and bake it for half an hour. Cas did so, and went back to the kitchen counter to clean a bit of the mess, but accidentally pushed a glass bowl and the thing fell, and reached the floor, breaking into many pieces in a hellish sound.
Sam and Dean were back for maybe an hour or two, digging into books, positives that Cas was gone - again. After all, Dean thought, it wasn't the first time the guy bailed on them, dammit, he was used to it now but for some reason it kept hurting him. It reminded him of Cas' last words to him. He said he needed to protect the tablet from him, just like he had never done a single thing to help his friend, his best friend, hell, he could've died without even blinking for the guy but dude's wasn't gonna trust him about a freakin piece of God's shit ? Luckily, a noise pulled him out of his thoughts, getting him up as quickly as Sam did, grabbing his gun from his back. “What was that?”, Dean asked, looking everywhere around. “Dunno”, Sam answered, ready to shoot whatever was there too, “But I'm pretty sure it came from the kitchen.” The brothers started heading toward the room, walking slowly and making no noise. One could only hear them breathe heavily, before opening the door of the bunker's kitchen, both pointing their guns at the man standing in the middle of it, dustpan full of broken glass in his right hand, broom in the left, looking puzzled in his long trench-coat. Dean yelled. “What the hell, Cass! What the fuck are you doing here!" Sam looked around, looking for some threat that they'd have missed. “I found a spell to make an-” Dean lowered his gun and raised an eyebrow, making that surprised face Castiel cherished so much. “You found a… what again!?” The angel looked up, his lips moving as he made a silent count. “I have to remove it from the oven. Now.” By that time, Sam had lowered his gun too, and turned to Dean, looking at him and shrugging. They stared at the angel, now putting an imperfect, half-collapsed apple pie, smelling quite… good, but looking crap. Cas shook his head, frowning, and his right hand reached his pocket. He pulled the ripped page in front of him on the table, next to the failed cake. “I don't understand, Dean, I made exactly what the spell said, exact quantities, in the perfect order, it should've looked like THIS”, he said, his index pointing the picture on the page. Dean laid down his weapon, and rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake, Cass, this is not a freakin spell, it's a freakin recipe. Why the hell did you do… that for, exactly?” He was obviously referring to the mess the bunker's kitchen was, and Cas knew he had to look down in guilt at Dean's accusatory tone. The trench-coated angel finally shrugged and admitted “I was seeking the forgiveness I've seen once in your eyes. I needed you to forgive me for I feel so empty without your… love. So I went out for beers. And porn. And I wanted pie but they were out of it. Then I found the spell… or recipe as you call it so I stole it from the lady in the bookshop. I thought it'd be easy. Now I know why pie is so hard to find.” Dean turned to Sam as his brother let out a laugh. “I let you two… well talk.” The taller brother left the kitchen, leaving Cas and Dean alone to talk about whatever was wrong between them, about Cas' betrayal, if fixing it was even possible. “You have to understand, Cas. What you did, the words that came out of your mouth, I don't think I could ever forgive them. Or even forget. No freakin piece of pie could ever repair that trust in you I lost back there. I gave everything to you, too. Just for you to not be able to trust me, hell Cass, ME ? You know I'd die for you. You're fuckin family to us. To me.”
Castiel took some time to process Dean's words. To discern his deepest feelings, the ones he'd always hide behind his numerous masks just so no one could see him for who he truly was : a selfless, caring person who could feel things harder than anyone in this world would ever feel. And somehow, the only feelings he could authorize himself experiencing were the bad ones, the painful ones. Castiel never met once a man that carried so much pain, suffering, all of that at once, on his sole shoulders. And it was one of the main reasons Cas always kept sticking to Dean's side, kept trying to get as close as he could from him, just to relieve a bit of this ache and help him carry it. He was unable to take it all out, but he could always try to make Dean happy. The angel looked up at the man he once pulled out from Hell, literal Hell, his watery blue eyes drowning in Dean's soulful greens. “I know I hurt you, Dean. And I know I'll probably never be able to make it up to you again. I was just… trying to do the right thing but somehow… I just keep messing up and failing. And I'm sorry. I really am, Dean. That's why I made the pie. To try and say I'm sorry.”
Dean frowned, trying to fight the urge to hug Cas tight and not let him go - not again. He could feel it, too. How lighter his soul was around Cas. How good he felt, how almost happy his best friend made him feel. His best moments, the greatest memories he could remember were all times Cas was with him. But he just stared at the angel for an unnecessarily long time, silent, and finally shrugged. “Dude, let's not just waste the pie, okay?”, and he grabbed the pastry, aware of the many things he could've said but didn't.
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MARDI 26 SEPTEMBRE 2023 (Billet 1 / 4)
Comme il en change tous les 2 ans, JM a pré-commandé son nouvel iPhone. Il s’agit du 15 Pro Max et devrait arriver autour du 17 octobre.
Bien sûr il a lu tous les articles parus à son sujet mais celui-ci (voir ci-dessous), particulièrement, a retenu toute son attention. Quand on y réfléchit, les prouesses techniques réalisées par les ingénieurs des grands fabricants de smartphones sont incroyables !
Le téléobjectif est un des nombreux exemples de leur savoir-faire…
Smartphones : ils cachent des téléobjectifs dignes des appareils photo professionnels
Elle est devenue l’une des caractéristiques essentielles des smartphones : la puissance du téléobjectif pour se rapprocher du sujet à photographier. Mais attention, à ne pas confondre « zoom optique » et « zoom numérique ».
Avez-vous déjà vu un téléobjectif photo de 120 mm ? J’en ai pris un pour le mesurer : plus de 15 cm de long. Alors comment les constructeurs de smartphones réussissent-ils à faire tenir un tel téléobjectif dans l’épaisseur d’un téléphone portable : moins de 1 cm ?
Restons sur cet exemple de 120 mm puisque c’est exactement la focale maximale que propose l’iPhone 15 Pro Max, sorti le vendredi 22 septembre 2023. Ce bond est rendu possible par l’intégration de ce que le fabricant appelle un « tetra prisme ». Résultat : un zoom optique qui passe de x3 à x5, l’équivalent, donc d’un 120 mm. Et il est très lumineux, puisque le diaphragme ouvre à f/2.8.
L’idée, c’est celle du périscope comme dans un sous-marin : un ensemble de lentilles, couplé à un ou plusieurs prismes, des petits miroirs qui vont dévier la lumière, pour ne plus être limité par la finesse du téléphone. En virant à 90°, la lumière peut passer à travers davantage de lentilles, cette fois, dans la largeur du smartphone où il y a beaucoup plus de place. C’est exactement ce que fait Apple avec son « tetra prisme » dans l’iPhone 15 Pro Max, mais en déviant les rayons lumineux quatre fois, pour bénéficier d’une plus grande distance entre les lentilles et le capteur, qui enregistre l’image.
OPPO avait été le tout premier fabricant à présenter ce type d’objectif, avec son 5X en 2017. En 2019, on l’avait retrouvé chez Huawei sur le P30 avec, déjà, un zoom optique x5. En réalité, c’est devenu un standard dans le monde Android, puisqu’on rencontre un objectif périscopique sur le Pixel 7 Pro de Google et sur le Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra : une optique peu lumineuse (f/4.9) dans les deux cas, mais qui propose un zoom optique x10, dans le cas de Samsung.
Et donc, le graal, c’est bien le zoom optique de l’iPhone 15 Pro Max – 120mm, ouverture f/2,8.
NB Les smartphones sont aussi dotés d’un « zoom numérique », mais qui se contente de grossir les pixels artificiellement avec, en contrepartie, une dégradation rapide et très visible de la qualité de l’image. Ne vous laissez pas griser par les fiches techniques qui promettent des grossissements spectaculaires, type 30x ou plus, vous risquez d’être très déçu du résultat !
(Source : « francetvinfo.fr »)
Les photos ont été prises à l’Apple Store Opéra.
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kcdoessl · 1 year
I am not amused❕
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►☪♥Melody Originals ~ Tamarah//Fatpack now inworld @ the Main Store Location☪♥
◦sizes: Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Belleza GenX Classic & Curvy
◦◦100%original mesh
◦◦◦Try the demo before buying please
~ Credits~
➟LeLUTKA & Maitreya
➟PURPLE -Erika Skin -VE Sunkiss & Erika Shape
➟VELOUR: Ipanema Body -Curvy (Sunkiss)
➟.euphoric ~Fantasy eyes
➟IVES x LeLUTKA Evo - Cavalgada Gloss
➟poema - Susana Eyelashes
➟Cosmetize / Nour Face Glow / 75%
➟Nuve. Dimples 100%
➟03 Eyebrow Cut
➟Izzie's -Knee Details 15, Body Imperfections 08, Button Nose 14
➟// L // LuxxVII Nails
➟TETRA - Vanity necklaces
➟Ysoral .:Luxe Earrings
➟^^Swallow^^ Angel Bite Piercings
➟PKC Louise Bento Rings
➟SNJ Heartfelt Bracelet
➟GRAAL STORE - Hand Cigarette
➟Juna: Mieko tattoo
➟MINIMAL - Sand Backdrop Pink
☪♥Melody Social Networks:
•Main Store
•Flickr Group
💜My Flickr
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vexxwraith · 1 year
Eazy ♡6♡
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∽ genetics, hair, mods ∽
↷eBody- Reborn- available at mainstore
↷Lelutka- Raven head 3.1- available at mainstore
↷S.B. Bork- Mounds Augmentation
↷Pretty Liars- Boob enhancements- available at mainstore
↷Pretty Liars- Breast Deformers- available at mainstore
↷Swallow- Dropped ears- available at mainstore
↷Mila- Summer skin
↷Onyx- Zhara Brows- available at the grand
↷Yomi- Amaris Hair- available at Sabbath
∽ cosmetics ∽
↷Keikumu- Tide eyeshadows
↷TOP1SALON- HD cherry liptstick- available at mainstore
∽ outfit ∽
↷718- Malphas Dress- available at Black Fair
∽ accessories ∽
↷Ukiyo- ilva choker- available at mainstore
↷Orsini- stars bracelet- available at mainstore
↷Graal Store- Cigarette hand and mouth- available at mainstore
↷1990- Sanrio summer set
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sickpaella · 2 years
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Stand alone complex
[Sick Paella] Bottom bom lashes 1 [Sick Paella] Bottom bom lashes 2 [Sick Paella] White inner liner Izzie's - LeL Evo X - Winter Blush (light) [Sick Paella] Eyebag 65% [Sick Paella] Freckles [SickPaella] Nose shader 75% [n.a.p] Beastkin Tiger Stripes - Black [n.a.p] Beastkin Fur - White
[HP] - Ears of big cats (Tiger mod by me) [HAIR]Dura-U119 Afterglow - G02 - Buckle Choker Silver [NK*] Vulca Implant Mask FACS ~ Kneepads GRAAL STORE - SCOUTER
[NASL] Artemis BOM Modular Bodysuit Kottr GOGO [ContraptioN] x TURB - Bomber Jacket Veechi - Stilleto / Mesh Nails
Afterglow Dura FACS GRAAL Izzie's Kottr Neo Kitsch TURB Veechi [Contraption] [HP] [N.a.p] [NASL] [Sick Paella]
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lukeniklaspierce · 8 months
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featuring bellow items:
not found - cassius skin access 3/141/125/999 - alpha event
trivium - y2k set trivium/136/103/2302 - mainstore
doux - chris hairstyle graal store - calavera goggles gothcore - skelly ghost arms octubre - pendulum lux aeterna - sigillum dei aemeth ixchel - fingertip shadows kit
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kanatanabramovic · 2 months
☑ 245. Sunny.
☑ 245. Sunny. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2024 06 07 The weather is nice and we need to clean up ♥ Blog...~ le soleil ~ ☝More details and URL are on the blog ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ Collabor88 Hair: [monso] Lara Hair ☑ G.O.A.T66 Hand: GRAAL STORE - STRAWBERRY SWITCHBLADE. Tops: Gaia - tiffany ruffle crop top//black Shorts: GIZ SEORN: Clio Denim Shorts [FatPack] Fishnets: Bring to light: High Waist: Fishnets [Tintable] Belly: Loki - Dicey Belly Piercing - FATPACK Pose: - Sweet Art - Sia Bento Poses [ - Makeup - ] ☑ REBORN Event ( April Round ) Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Ducky skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Mocha - Ducky Body skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Fit body skin {Reborn/Legacy} Lashes: VELOUR "MODERN WITCH" LASHES Eyes: {S0NG} Prism Eyes - FP Blush: Fontaine Cosmetics - Lovegame Blush Collection [ - Decoration - ] ☑ The Fifty ( February Round ) DRD - Laundry Chaos - Ironing board - Chaos DRD - Laundry Chaos - Ironing board - Empty DRD - Laundry Chaos - Basket DRD - Laundry Chaos - Dryer DRD - Laundry Chaos - Washer 19 -DRD- Vagabond - Cactus Shelf Set c/m DRD - Funky bathroom - Plant DRD - Flower Power - Dreamcatcher 2 KraftWork Mini Laundry Unit . Laundry Sink {vespertine} - bowl kokedama / mini orange tree. .peaches. Two Frog on a Log - Ground tarte. mason jar string lights - wavy tarte. lighted ivy tarte. homemade photo hanger DISORDERLY. / Berry Luscious / Bowl
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The Ark
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During the century-long Succession War, many wondered why the Arcadian Empire was fighting so hard, despite their technological inferiority to the Empire of Graal Santel.
All of it was to buy time for Arcadia's last possible resort: The Ark.
Soon after the war began, the Arcadian Empire realized that they had little chance of defeating the servants of the Machine Gods.
In order to preserve a future for a free humanity, the Arcadians decided to take the biggest gamble ever made by humanity. They took everything they had, and put it all on Epsilon Eridani.
Oberland Points had rendered human exploration of Sol's neighbors moot, as there was plenty of room in the Cluster without having to resort to "conventional" interstellar travel. Now, however, the RulerMINDs were bound to achieve total control over the Cluster, and so a plan was made to leave Sol via slower-than-light travel, developed in total secrecy.
Two years to accelerate to 20% of the speed of light. Two years to decelerate by the same amount. Fifty years in between, traveling faster and farther than anyone in history had gone before.
The Imperial Archives were a critical part of humanity's continued technological development, and while it was not possible to remove the sheer amount of data stored within the massive vaults of computers, it was possible, in theory, to move the Library itself.
And so, over the course of the first fifty years of the Succession War, the Ark was developed and built: the largest and most massive spaceship ever built, and a one-way ticket to another star system.
The information war to conceal the true location of the Archives was nearly as complicated as the project toe build the Ark itself, involving the leaking of a secret second destination out of the Sol Oberland point, where no ships had ever returned.
Chances of success were as slim as they ever had been, but humanity needed more time if they wanted to ever be able to fight back. Epsilon Eridani would grant them that.
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elaralisa · 1 year
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❥ { Red Blossom } Rose Uniform LIMITED EDITION
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nephilimmoretti · 7 months
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Business Girl - 092
Head & Skin / HEAD / lel EvoX Avalon ! #saint. x evox - tiana skin veil New! @TSA
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Makeup & Tattoos ! #saint.x evox - tiana's essentials New! @TSA [REVERIE] Solara Eyeshadow New! @Warehouse Sale Macabra - Rhea Tattoo New! @Sabbath Event
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Jewelry +CADAVER+ Vital Zip Chain New GRAAL STORE - NOSE SERPENT. New! @Sabbath Event
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Clothing "CATARSIS" MANYA Set New! @Level
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Accessories [BL] Mia heart purse // FATPACK (unpacked) New! @Sabbath Event
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Body Reborn by EBODY v1.69.6
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cursedrizzo · 10 months
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❄️ Room To Breathe ❄️
"ɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʟᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ, ɪ ᴛʀʏ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴᴏɪsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴏᴋᴇ, ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʜᴏɴᴇsᴛʟʏ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ғᴇʟᴛ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ, ᴏʜ, ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ"
❄️ Sponsored ❄️
- SABBATH EVENT - Closes 11th December -
. Snookie Store . - Thorns Set .:INHUMATION:. - Sanctum Collection ABSENCE - Lumina GRAAL STORE - Ouija Nose Chain
❄️ Other ❄️
[Yomi] // Kaida Hair Skellybones // Vixen Plats ^^Swallow^^ // Earrings XL darkmoon // Glitter Kit Aii & ego // + Demonic Touch + KitCat // Toofs
❄️ Head & Body ❄️
LeLUTKA Halle Head eBody Reborn
❄️ Flickr ❄️ Feel free to ask about anything else! ♥
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thearachive · 1 year
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❝ you know you live to break me, ᲼ don't deny, sweet sacrifice.
╌╌╌╌╌╌ 【 ꜱ ᴘ ᴏ ɴ ꜱ ᴏ ʀ ᴇ ᴅ 】 ╌╌╌╌╌╌
‹ 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒊𝒕 ›
• ❛ KYOKO ❜ @the warehouse sale ; rigged for legacy + perky, kupra, ebody reborn + waifu/teacups/mounds/juicy rolls/phatpussy.
‹ 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆 ›
• ❛ LUNA ❜ @the warehouse sale ; rigged for legacy f, ebody reborn, maitreya.
‹ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ›
• ❛ KILLING BUTCHER KNIFE ❜ @insomnia angel. ; mesh holdable w/ typing animation.
╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ 【 ᴄ ʀ ᴇ ᴅ ɪ ᴛ ꜱ 】 ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌
ʻ 𝘨 𝘦 𝘯 𝘦 𝘵 𝘪 𝘤 𝘴
head - ceylon 3.1  @lelutka.
lashes - ‘flutter’ @void.
body - ebody : reborn @ebody reborn store.
hair - 'erya' @exile / c88.
eyes - ‘melted eye’ @insomnia angel / satan inc. + ‘ghosted’ applier @mjolk.
ʻ 𝘤 𝘰 𝘴 𝘮 𝘦 𝘵 𝘪 𝘤 𝘴
moles - ‘metronomy kit’ @veltica.
freckles - ‘simple freckle pack’ @okkbye.
ʻ 𝘢 𝘤 𝘤 𝘦 𝘴 𝘴 𝘰 𝘳 𝘪 𝘦 𝘴
mask - ‘cenobyte’ @graal.
bracelets - ‘mea culpa’ @rawr.
plugs - ‘occult plugs’ @bunk / the warehouse sale.
ʻ 𝘴 𝘦 𝘵
pose - ‘abbie’ [modified] @babyboo.
backdrop - ‘tunneum’ @paleto.
henchmen - ‘sick bears’ @nomad.
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the-witcher-parks · 1 year
GRAAL STORE - HEART KNIFE - PLANET 29 MAY. par Graal Store Via Flickr : New release, available at PLANET29 EVENT [HEART KNIFE] - 3 BASE TEXTURES - 3 BLADE TEXTURES - OPTION TO HIDE AND UNHIDE BLOOD AND STRAWBERRY - RESIZE SCRIPT - (L) and (R) option - UNRIGGED ------------------------------------------ TELEPORT: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Planet29/58/80/29
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eyecandy-sl · 1 year
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this city runs over with ghosts and neon gods / WEEKEND SALES (8/11-8/13)
• APPEARANCE • Skin // tres beau x lelutka evox - dahlia skin (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Hair // AD - Magnolia - blacks (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Eyes // [Celesticat] Glass Marble Eyes (CRAFTY WEEKEND)
Details // ---- PUMEC - HASYA - BEAUTY SET - (Freckles) (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Makeup // ---- PUMEC - HASYA - BEAUTY SET - (Eyeliner #4) (HAPPY WEEKEND), ---- PUMEC - MARUSYA - BEAUTY SET - (Eyeliner #1) (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Tattoo // Miss Black - Malleus Tattoo Blackout and ALEX - Tate Face Tattoo (THE SATURDAY SALE)
Shape // .Q. #Anatomy - Gaia
Head // LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.1

• CLOTHES • Top // -Pixicat- Holly Top - WineRed (FIFTY LINDEN FRIDAY)
Bottoms // Over - Street Pants - JP2 (KAWAII SUNDAY)
Shoes // HW - :Deadly Pixels: Cybertooth Stompers - Yellow (HAPPY WEEKEND)

Earrings // e.marie // Tiffani Earrings - Silvers (THE SATURDAY SALE) and Skoll - Devoted earrings (GOAT 66)
Goggles // +SEKAI+ X Goggles - Desolation Edition - BLACK (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Backdrop // .PALETO.Backdrop:. Sub -A5 (HAPPY WEEKEND)
Pose // sc - reed
Guitar // [sau]Dhalif's Guitar[2] (HAPPY WEEKEND)
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