#Grantaire talk
pilferingapples · 3 months
LM 3.4.4
And Yet, mixed in that rant in Back Room of the Musain, Grantaire has some important lines, especially this:
 I don't attach much importance to victory. Nothing is so stupid as to conquer; true glory lies in convincing. But try to prove something! If you are content with success, what mediocrity, and with conquering, what wretchedness! 
-which echoes the narration's own judgement on Success back during Myriel's chapters :
Be it said in passing, that success is a very hideous thing. Its false resemblance to merit deceives men. For the masses, success has almost the same profile as supremacy. Success, that Menaechmus of talent, has one dupe,--history. Juvenal and Tacitus alone grumble at it...Prosperity argues capacity. Win in the lottery, and behold! you are a clever man. He who triumphs is venerated. Be born with a silver spoon in your mouth! everything lies in that. Be lucky, and you will have all the rest; be happy, and people will think you great,,,and men call that Genius, just as they call the face of Mousqueton Beauty, and the mien of Claude Majesty. With the constellations of space they confound the stars of the abyss which are made in the soft mire of the puddle by the feet of ducks.
So a side from the obvious importance of being convinced to the guy who can't hold onto convictions, I think the protest against the glory of "success" is actually one of the book's major themes! Almost no one sympathetic in this novel "wins" ; the best die young or alone or both, the worst person in the novel winds up a millionaire. And Les Mis looks the reader right in the eye and says that doesn't matter, the kind and the caring and the brave were right and their actions are the ones that will win in the end. Grantaire is in sync with the novel's message here!
...for about five seconds, and then he's off talking about how Everywhere Sucks -although, perhaps a point for him in an era of nationalism, he does insist that EVERY country sucks, not sparing France in the least, and he's not holding with the idea that Europe is a unique bastion of enlightenment! -- but also he's kind of trash talking and trolling with all of it. This is not a Reasoned Argument against Ethnocentrism, here. Diagetically, I feel like this is Grantaire attempting to troll Feuilly in particular, except Feuilly is not in the room in this scene! Which is pretty much spot on for Grantaire's level of focus in this rant.
Still, "fucked up my art homework for Snacks" is such a mood.
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life lately
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shiphappen-s · 4 months
When the blond dies first it's Merlin and Arthur
When the brunet dies first it's Achilles and Patroclus
And when they die together then it's Enjolras and Grantaire
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secretmellowblog · 6 months
Here’s my impression of what book Grantaire would sound like in the modern day, as he posts incoherent “media analysis/philosophy/traumadumping” video content on his YouTube channel:
"Aren't memes a form of modern dadaism? 'I can haz cheesburger" edits are relics of history, as is the work of Duchamp. Duchamp made that famous urinal. Perhaps memes are but the urinal of the human race. All of art is but humanity’s sewage, our waste. But can sewage be fertilizer? There was a waste treatment scandal in the early 1980s, when a sewage company did not properly clean the water, and people became sick. Many of our rivers are unclean because of corporations polluting them. Chicago has creeks that are still bubbling with the remnants of the old slaughterhouses. Carl Sandburg wrote a poem where he is achingly horny for the city of Chicago, and its hog-butchers: "Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning." That poet’s love for his anthropomorphic city was never requited; he was disdained by his deity, which could not love him, being mostly smog and steel. But his poem is now a meme for its homoeroticism. Thus all art is coarse pollution, sewage, wastewater, memes!"
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jondrettegirls · 1 year
i love victor hugo so much bcuz he’ll just say things like “blond enjolras looked like a 17 yr old girl and was the most beautiful to have ever lived. grantaire was soooooooo fucking ugly” and then its on us to unpack that
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victor hugo simply refuses to write a sentence about Enjolras without calling him pretty
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syrupsyche · 11 months
“And, above all,” said Enjolras, “let us raise the flag again.” He picked up the flag, which had fallen precisely at his feet.
Enjolras, pierced by eight bullets, remained leaning against the wall, as though the balls had nailed him there. Only, his head was bowed. Grantaire fell at his feet, as though struck by a thunderbolt
Many things seem to fall at Enjolras' feet.
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bernard-the-rabbit · 9 months
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did it hurt? no were you scared? no
are you lying? yes
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Why this deleted scene from Les Mis (2012) would not have fit well in the film:
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I have some feelings about this little bit of the Les Mis 2012 commentary.
I feel like if anyone were to have killed the soldier who murdered Gavroche, it should and would have been Courfeyrac or Grantaire.
Marius is not the type of character to react in anger, and that's what's special about his character.
Marius is a character that is full of passion and strong emotion, but what makes him special is that he isn't vengeful or short-tempered. He's calm and compassionate in a way that sets him apart from other characters similar to him or his archetype.
Marius is the type to be less concerned with vengeance and more concerned with the grief of the loss of Gavroche. Revenge would certainly not be the first thing on his mind when faced with Gavroche's death, but shock and grief would be.
Courfeyrac or, more fittingly, Grantaire in this case, seem like they would be more concerned with vengeance than Marius. Courfeyrac less so because he would be so shaken with the loss of Gavroche. However, he was the most attached to Gavroche in the film, and more likely to act in anger than Marius would be. However, Grantaire would be a fitting choice for this action because firstly, Grantaire is attached to Gav in the book and the musical. Secondly, Grantaire would be the most likely to seek vengeance in any case. He's petty, vindictive, cynical, moody. He would seem, when looking at his character, that he would be the most likely to do this. (However, after looking through some of your comments, It's possible that Grantaire was asleep during this part of the battle. At least, in the book he certainly was)
Whilst I'm not sure if it should have been included at all, it is an interesting concept, and thanks for reading this post, I know it's long but I wanted to blab about my funny little guys and how they act.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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fruity-pontmercy · 7 months
Modern AU Feuilly would play the banjo send post.
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pilferingapples · 5 months
Am writing a fic about of course Les Amis, so 18 and 20 for ask game Grantaire? If it hasn't been done yet ofc
Thank you! Questions from this Character Ask game: 18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
he has so many! steering away from the Obvious answer here: I didn't notice until @alicedrawslesmis pointed it out that Grantaire is really super attentive to Bahorel's fashion-and-lifestyle advice/example, which is hilarious and I love it. There are so many implied Choices there. It's not even a bad idea for Grantaire in particular, it's just also so wildly unsustainable for him?? but you go, Grantaire. You can steal the Look even if you can't steal the conviction!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
In this case I think the obvious answer is also right one-- Legle and Joly are just so good for him. They've got all the right things in common to be good company for him, without the melancholy streak that pulls Grantaire under. I think he knows it, too-there's a reason they're the friends he chooses to spend his last meal and last happy hours with (and vice versa!).
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they look like panic! at the disco
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motions1ckn3ss · 2 months
realising i could technically write about saint sebastian in my dissertation in relation to enjolras if i spun it in the right way after traversing the depths of wikipedia last night and finding this
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la-pheacienne · 6 months
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This is such an unreal exchange. You do not get it. We're having a rebellion, people are dying and grantaire is behaving like a THREE YEAR OLD saying the most unserious shit he could have possibly thought of like he was starring in a telenovela. You don't get it. YOU WILL SEE. WHO EVEN SAYS THAT after monumentally fucking everything up, you pathetic delusional trash, character of all time. haha you're doubting me huh? you think i'm useless huh? guess what I am STILL useless and i have no intention of ever changing that so instead of sincerely apologizing and doing sth useful for a change i'll just throw an edgy enigmatic retort that means nothing because I HAVE to have the last word-
but then he actually meant it. OOPS. let me kms real quick
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cloudysonder · 3 months
BirdRick: Trust, Home, and Return
Rick C137 meets BP at a rough point in his life--his wife is dead across the multiverse, and he's decided to dedicate his entire life to finding and killing the man who did it.
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He's tired, he's grieving, he's numbing himself with drugs and alcohol and hedonistic, short-term relationships that he can quickly leave behind for the next universe. And at first, it seems like his meeting with BP is gonna end up the same--they start a band on a whim while high off their ass, and they have a wacky, contained adventure--
But after...
Rick stays.
Rick stays with that version of BP in that universe. (we see that version of BP's memories in Rickternal Friendshine, we see him with our Rick, we know they share those memories because of how they travel through his mind) He stays even when things start getting uncool, stays when even when things start becoming "work." He stayed with BP from start to finish fighting a revolution he didn't care about!
He gets that impulse again--that need to get out of this universe and travel to another that's slightly different, that's more fun--Rick is an adventure-junkie before all else, and he needs his fix.
But now it's not so easy to leave.
Now, he has someone by his side who he can leave his back to in a war, who makes the time between adventures less unbearable, who's honest and sincere and believes in the value of life and freedom and is willing to die for it. Rick knows for a fact that nothing matters, that the revolution fails before it begins in infinite universes, that in some universes, the oppressed are the oppressors, that infinity dies and is recreated every millisecond across universes--but he... he likes that BP believes. (He makes Rick feel like life isn't meaningless.)
Come with me. Anywhere. Everywhere.
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(Notice how Rick's eye bags have gotten better since meeting BP, notice the soft look in his eyes, the way he moves closer instead of moving away)
BP's the first person he's wanted to stay with since Diane. He tells him everything--the portal travel, the multiverse, the fact that infinite universes exist so none matter--nothing matters! Nothing matters, but you matter... to me.
It's Crowley telling Aziraphale they can go off together, it's Grantaire believing in nothing but Enjolras who believes in everything, it's someone in pain who hates everything but loves one person so, so dearly that they grab their hand and tell them to run away with them--
And BP says no.
The very reason why Rick wants BP to come with him is the reason he can't. Rick, against all odds, likes BP's sincerity, his belief that life matters. And BP, with that sincerity and belief, tells Rick that he cannot follow him, because his universe matters to him.
And Rick leaves, hurt. He shoots a portal, walks through, and it's over.
He can find another BP easily. One that wouldn't say no to him, one that would travel the multiverse with him, that sounds like him, moves like him, acts like him.
But he doesn't.
BP tells him to use the beacon if he needs him. We never see Rick use it. Not because Rick doesn't need him,
but because Rick keeps coming back.
We see a picture of Rick holding a baby Morty in BP's house, even though our Morty has only known Rick for 2 years. Even while traveling the multiverse, exchanging Beths and Mortys and Jerrys, Rick keeps coming to see that Birdperson, in that universe.
There's not much that Rick comes back to. Being able to travel anywhere all the time means that he doesn't really have a home.
His original universe is soaked in grief and self-loathing. Diane's voice blares from his garage speakers and blames him for her death. Everything in that garage is dedicated to finding her killer. Rick only wakes up there sometimes in a miserable haze, torturing himself with photos of her.
But sometimes. Rick finds something wonderful in a different universe. A nice leaf. A pretty seed. A new drug that makes you feel absolutely fantastic.
A grandson.
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(Framed photo in BP's house)
And who else would he want to show it to, but BP?
Rick does not have many places to return to. His original family is dead. "Home" is just another word for a base of operations to locate Rick Prime. Staying with Our Morty is just another scheme to get closer to Rick Prime. Rick does not have a home. Rick does not need a home.
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Rick Sanchez is a hypocrite.
If he truly didn't care about anything but adventure, there are infinite BPs that would be infinitely more convenient to stay with, to go find and visit, who would say the right things, who would come visit him instead of always making Rick come to him, but, to his great chagrin,
"That's not how any of this works."
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Rick Sanchez, the smartest man in the universe, cannot choose who he loves.
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He keeps coming back through decades, sharing drinks, stories, his very best discoveries--a moment of peace and companionship between his adventures.
What is that, if not a home?
@birdperselias pls see this
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jondrettegirls · 1 year
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[Image description: The Netflix profile meme, made for Les Amis from “Les Misérables.” The profiles are as follows, Enjolras: “Person who pays for the account,” Combeferre and Courfeyrac: “Free pass,” Bahorel, Jehan, Bossuet, and Joly: “Allowed for the sake of égalité and to fight corporate greed,” Grantaire: “Guessed the password,” and Feuilly: “The password.” End description.]
netflix account de l’abc
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