#Gray Thane
screaming-sparrow · 1 month
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these people are all so incredibly normal...
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greendreamer · 3 months
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All Gray's scenes from the Exit Wounds script
Extra one because it makes me feral
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captain-ghost · 8 months
Okay is it just me or did John and Gray have some kind of background relationship before Exit Wounds? Babe what do you mean "It took me too long to realise" can Big Finish get on this??????
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juette · 1 year
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kostimz · 10 months
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Vakarios Stimboard for @mantis-flytrap !! <3
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
Hello, may I request a palette for the name Thane. Thank you.
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9b6831 || #d3b26c || #914f23 || #363431 || #873323
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tacos-goku · 3 months
Ok today we're going to review Star Wars: Lost Stars (or *Estrellas Perdidas* since i have the ESP version)
Note: Includes Spoiler Free and Spoilerfull section, you'll be warned
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It a really old book i decided to read cuz i had it in my house and i heard good things about it.
Spoiler Free Section:
The book is pretty good, the author already had a good number of releases earlier. It doesnt drag that much its very fluid, one or two chapters that takes place halfway across the book feel slow but its not a deal killer. For a YA novel no character feels horribly corny, at least not cornier than a regular star wars character, although they do start introducing a bunch of characters halfway that i mostly couldnt remember.
The legacy characters are used pretty solidly, they dont take all the screen but they arent sidelined entirely since they are pretty important to the story, aside from Darth Vader and Princess Leia most of them only get namedrops here and there, and those that do appear regularly arent particularly famous. You dont need to know who Mon Mothma or Admiral Piett are to enjoy the book. The romance is good enough, its not god tier but you can tell the author has experience writing and she makes it very natural, the romance itself doesnt start until halfway making it feel fluid with the character arcs.
One thing that did bother me for some reason was the cliffhanger, I thought it would be a sell for Episode 7 or some sequel to the book, but its just an open ending for a character that will never appear in another piece of media, and a very unsayisfying open ending at that.
I'm gonna give it a 7.5/10, closer to a 7 than an 8. Recommended for anyone who likes Star Wars and/or YA novels, if youre not into either you might not like it, but its not amateurish like most YA novels post hunger games, it has essence.
Ok now it's time for the spoilers:
The biggest detail that I found odd but I grew to appreciate deeply was the characters never getting over Alderaan and the Death Star's respective explosions. The EU and New Canon have both wanked Star Wars powerscaling so much we forget blowing up a planet is a big deal and this book makes the characters feel that. Having an imperial from alderaan who witnesses the event and instead of defecting doubles down on his loyalty is really interesting.
I also like the change in characteristics from the rebel and imperial main characters, SW usually portrays the empire as rows of rich white people (and a blue man or two) and the rebellion as a very diverse group of humans and aliens so making it so the loyal till the end imperial is a black woman who sees it as a way out of space detroit and the rebel who defects after the events of a New Hope a rich white guy who sees the empire more cynically is an interesting take, although this may be up to personal interpretation.
I did mention that the legacy characters are handled very gracefully, much better than those Disney+ shows could manage, but there was a chapter that did feel too fanservicy, where the imperial main character, Ciena, is the one sent to tow Darth Vader's ship after the death star blows up, it seemed too forced of a meeting between the two, seeing as Ciena ends up in Darth Vader's Star Destroyer anyways for the events of episode V and VI, besides that I didnt feel any problem with the og characters.
The alderaanian imperial, Nash, left a lot to be desired, the book employs a lot of timeskips so it can extend over all the inportant years it needs to, but Nash's character arc doesnt adapt to these, seeing him go from a cheery imperial pre episode IV to an angry loyal commander during and after episode VI isnt handled *horribly* but you dont see the progression since they dont take enough time on him to make you feel the change, I do like that he isnt made comically evil and he does love his friends even at his worst, that is appreciated humanization.
Finally, the post Return of the Jedi events are a bit rushed, you can tell Claudia Gray wasnt allowed to spill too much details on the events since this was released before The Force Awakens, but the insider look on post Endor empire is pretty good, I dont necessarilly agree with the empire surrendering one year after Endor in the new canon, but the book makes it clear that the Emperor quite literally was holding the empire together by himself via duct tape and lightning and how him and Vader dying sent everything downhill, the Battle of Jakku is a great example of it, showing the Empire just getting completely pummeled.
Any character I didnt mention by name I dont have much to say about other that they were either very good if they first appeared on the first half (The other protagonist Thane and other imperials like Jude or Kendy), or a bit forgettable if they first appearned on the second half
That's all
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rayoftruth · 1 year
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I am once again asking you to read Star Wars: Lost Stars. The original Claudia Gray novel is my favorite Star Wars story.
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lesbiten · 2 years
...braxiatel. irving braxiatel.
well thats just silly.
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stardustandrockets · 10 months
May the 4th be with you!
Happy Star Wars Day, friends! This has been one of my longest running fandoms in some form or fashion. It's one of the few series (aside from Indiana Jones) from around the 80s that I actually watched growing up.
It's got something for everyone no matter what format you partake in. Movies, books, tv shows, video games, you name it. Yes, the fandom can be toxic, but I've met so many wonderful people in the SW fandom that have become real friends.
Lost Stars is one of my favorite Star Wars books. It's set before, during, and after the original trilogy, but that's just the backdrop. It follows two childhood friends, Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree. Both end up at the Imperial Academy to become TIE fighter pilots. But due to the Empire being the Empire, things don't turn out how either of them thought.
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screaming-sparrow · 3 months
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the vocabulary of torchwood
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greendreamer · 7 days
Gray's vortex Manipulator is a black market recreation of Jack's.
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captain-ghost · 11 months
Everyone loves some Torchwood cats, huh?
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(^ John and Gray, from an animation I did a few months ago)
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I designed Gray with his... Insane amount of torture in mind. I feel like he wasn't scratched up enough in the show. 🤷‍♀️
(I've upgraded John's design a little since these two. His eyebrows were the wrong shape. 🙄)
John is designed to look similar to Jack, as they were fairly similar once upon a time. I also really love that someone noticed I made Jack's design a bobcat to make him stand out. I thought about Jack's design quite a lot, and the complexity of it also lends itself to the strangeness and confusion surrounding his timeline.
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I've also got this fairly old design for Ianto's sister Rhiannon. Her design doesn't get used much but I loved the black and white patches so much it inspired my sona's design. 😍
I do have designs for Rhys, Rex, Suzie, and a couple other characters, but I haven't drawn them out properly in a very long time. 😳
You can certainly have a lined Rhys design and another random Jack drawing I did last year though! ;D
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doodleswithangie · 11 months
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"I'm starting to feel like no secret was worth this."
[Image Description: Two-page comic of a scene from Dimension 20's The Ravening War, featuring Thane Delissandro Katzon and Colin Provolone. Alt text is provided and copied below the cut. End ID.]
Copied Alt Text:
Page one: Quichéi peers into the mouth of a dark cave and says, "Wait a second," and sees a faint glowing light. He says to the Deli and Colin, "Who has the balls, huh?" and heads in. Deli says to Colin, "Colin. You said it before." Colin says, "I said we have balls, but is this balls?" Deli says, "Aren't you curious?" Colin replies, "I'm curious, but I'm not curious for what this group might do in there."
Page two: Deli looks to Colin and says, "What does that mean?" It cuts to a grayed out flashback, of Karna telling Deli, "Kill it." Deli stoically lifts his spear to stab the fungi creature as a disturbed Colon asks, "What are you doing?" In the present, Colin - spattered with the remains of Queen Pamelia - answers Deli, "I think you know what it means."
End Copied Alt Text.
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mando-abs · 2 years
Another year, another silence on Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars sequel 😔😔😔
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kookaburra1701 · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - Nostos
HA! This week I have my act together - it is I who will be tagging!
@mareenavee @thana-topsy @dirty-bosmer @greyborn2 @gilgamish @archangelsunited @paraparadigm @inquisition-dragonborn @skyrim-forever @elfinismsarts @polypolymorph @orfeoarte @tallmatcha @snippetsrus @rainpebble3 @saltymaplesyrup @thequeenofthewinter @changelingsandothernonsense.... STAND AND DELIVER (those WIPs) Khemor gro-Skaven still has me hung up on those wonderful orc tusks. Here's the opening scene for Nostos, the fic that will be a sequel to Aristeia.
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: T (blood and violence, mushy stuff [kissin' not viscera]) Category: M/F Genre(s): Romance Main characters: Borgakh the Steel Heart, Khemor gro-Skaven (Male orc LDB)
Summary: Khemor gro-Skaven thought that after he defeated Alduin, he would not have to worry about anything more dangerous than a quill knife for the rest of his existence. But when jarl of the Pale asks him to investigate the destruction of the Hall of the Vigilants, it sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads him to wash up at the feet of Borgakh the Steel-Heart of Mor Khazgur. But what can a crippled conjuration mage-scholar half again her age possibly offer to a future Shield-Wife?
14 Rain's Hand, 4E 205 The snowfields of the Druadachs were melting in the spring rain that drew a gauzy gray veil over their jagged peaks. The dripping rivulets joined larger streams, carving ever-deeper grooves down the granite faces of the mountains, where they joined together in glades just greening with the waning of winter. The streams became myriad rivers whose names were known only to the inhabitants of the remote wilderness where they roared and foamed over jagged rocks on their way to the great river Karth, and finally to the sea.
Khemor gro-Skaven, Thane of Eastmarch and The Pale, the Last Dragonborn, Vanquisher of Alduin, Confidant of the High King of Skyrim, and disgraced former Magus of the College of Whispers, was now drowning in one of those rivers. The violent current wrapped Khemor's thick traveling robes and cloak around his limbs as he struggled to grab onto passing debris; his head rang from the blow it had taken on a rock as his feet had been swept from under him, preventing him from even attempting a rudimentary waterbreathing spell in a last-ditch effort to save his sorry hide. Shouting was out of the question.
Calder is going to kill me. Khemor's lungs burned for want of air and the cold water squeezed his chest, the deluge pinning him against a submerged tree trunk as coherent thought left him.
Something was pinching Khemor in half. Unbearable pressure resolved itself into a narrow band of fire across his stomach: Khemor tried to squirm away but his arms and good leg refused to move, as if weighed down by anchors.
Breaking the surface of water he had not known he was under, the heavy wet canvas of his cowl plastered itself to his mouth as he tried to draw a desperate breath. A wracking cough caused him to twist in the hands that were hauling him by his belt through the shallows. A torrent of muddy, foul-tasting water spewed from his mouth as he hit the ground, his face in the clay of the riverbank.
He coughed again, his sopping cowl now hanging away from his face enabling him to take deep draughts of air in between wrenching paroxysms. As his lungs cleared, so did his mind.
Calder is never going to let me live this down, Khemor thought, waiting for the inevitable indignant lecture his housecarl was wont to give whenever Khemor did something particularly foolhardy.
"Are you able to stand?" said a gravelly, yet unmistakably feminine voice above him.
That is not Calder.
Khemor lifted his head, peeling the hood of his cowl and a lock of his hair back to peer up at his rescuer. As he blinked the river water from his eyes, the blurry figure above him came into focus.
An orc stood above him, silhouetted by the noonday sun. Water droplets twinkled as they fell from her dark hair and traced the severe angles of her face. Her yellow-green eyes gleamed in the dark hollows under her heavy brow, framed by deep madder paint that graced her high cheekbones and was now dripping and streaking towards the two white tusks peeking out from behind her lower lip. Her tunic and trews clung to her figure, revealing every bulge and groove of her well-muscled arms and legs.
Khemor shut his mouth with a snap, words crowding his throat but none of them would come out.
Say something, you idiot!
Instead of words, another coughing fit gripped him, leaving him breathless and retching as he brought up more river water. The orc knelt next to him, heedless of the mud and clay of the riverbank, and gave him several back blows that made him see stars.
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