#Great Canadian Wool-a-long
letissierdesigns · 2 years
The Great Canadian Wool-a-Long
The Great Canadian Wool-a-Long
I am ready! Yarn chosen, swatch done, needles chosen and sketch complete – it is now time for the first Great Canadian Wool-a-Long! What is a Great Canadian Wool-a=Long? Well the Wool-a-Long is the brainchild of Catherine Knutsson of The Small Bird Workshop. I had been following Catherine for a while, but I first really met Catherine over a year ago when I purchased some Baby Doll/Mohair/Silk…
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piizunn · 1 year
fur, money, adventure: mechanisms of colonialism and survivance
riel ✰ | march, 2023
“Of all the things on earth, the motherland is the most important  
and sacred to us because we inherited it from our ancestors,”  
- Louis Riel 
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Fig. 1, Wilson. I. Former Jean Caron Sr. House, Batoche Saskatchewan. Image courtesy of I. Wilson and Parks Canada
I am Red River Métis, descending maternally from historic Métis families by the names of Berthelet, Caron, Ste. Germain, Larivière, Dazè, Dubois, and Boudreau; we come from the Red River Settlement in Manitoba and Batoche, Saskatchewan. My Berthelet family members were employees of the North-West Company and community leaders in the town of Pointe à Grouette, now Ste. Agathe (St. Onge). My fifth great uncle Jean Caron Sr. fought in the Battle of Duck Lake of the North-West Resistance of 1885, with his sons and under the command of Gabriel Dumont, Jean Caron Sr’s house still stands in Batoche to this day (fig. 1). I introduce myself in this way, the traditional way of the Métis to situate myself on this land and contextualise my knowledge and experiences. 
My practice serves to counter the settler-colonial understanding of Métis people and our history and establish us as a people who have been practising survivance for generations. With the help of aesthetics of survivance I oppose mechanisms of colonialism; aesthetics including the Hudson’s Bay Company’s bloody legacy, the monuments and public art installed throughout Calgary, the suburban cowboys that come out of hiding in their McMansions on the outskirts of the city, riding their steel steeds, raised trucks, to the summer Stampede. The aesthetics of survivance are “[...]more than survival, more than endurance, or mere response, [...] stories of survivance are the creases of sovereignty,” (Vizenor, 15). In her 2019 book The North-West is Our Mother by Jean Teillet, the author compares the birth of the Métis Nation to human birth; messy, bloody, painful. Our history is vastly complex and controversial in the eyes of the average Canadian settler today. It is a history that makes settlers uncomfortable, confused, sometimes defensive and angry in response to lack of knowledge and this ignorance is often no fault of their own. Canada has a carefully curated canon of history that we are all spoon-fed in school until given the chance to learn the other sides of this history, to think critically and hear stories of survivance. 
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Fig. 2, The Bay “Shopping is Good” advertisement, 2000. Courtesy of the HBC History Foundation
Countering aesthetics of survivance, The Hudson’s Company has developed their own aesthetics of colonialism. “Fur! Money! Adventure! That [is] what the Hudson’s Bay Company territory had to offer Englishmen and Canadians three hundred years ago,” (Sealy, 1). From the very beginning of the point blanket, with its iconic stripes on white wool, traded for a single beaver pelt to an advertisement from the year 2000 (fig. 2). An image of a nuclear family wearing matching white outfits in a clean white room. Everything accented with green, red, yellow, and indigo stripes, down to the scarf that the grandmother is knitting, referencing the histories of trade and handmade goods long abandoned by the HBC in favour of their modern department store model and multiple aesthetic rebrands throughout the years after the industrial revolution (Toneguzzi). The advertisement simply states, “Shopping is Good, Toronto”. Pro pelle cuttem, a pelt for a skin, a skin for a skin.
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Fig. 3, Starr, Riel. Image of the original HBC logo, downtown Calgary. Image courtesy of the artist.
The HBC shield on a building in downtown Calgary (fig. 3) is a grim reminder of the bloody birth of this country, laughing in my face. As Billy Ray Belcourt puts it: “Canada is still in the business of gunning down NDNs. […] Despite the stories of progress and equality at the core of Canada’s national identity, a long tradition of brutality and negligence is what constitutes kinship for the nation of citizens sat atop the lands of older, more storied ones. […] What I can do is love as though it will rupture the singularity of Canadian cruelty.” (Belcourt, 5)  
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Fig. 4, 5, Starr, Riel. Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband, 2022. Courtesy of the artist.
A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy (2022-present) is an ongoing body of work that explores the Métis identity through a modern and Indigiqueer lens, and through humour and the NDN belly laugh (Whitehead). The work consists of a series of photographs of myself wearing a costume I created using a combination of found and handmade garments. In the photographs from 2022 titled Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband, (figs. 4 and 5) which have been printed in the form of stickers and two different postcard designs, the character Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband (OFH), the masked trickster, poses with wood leftover from building a Red River cart in 2022. The aesthetics of survivance often incorporate embodying the skewed image that settlers have of the savage Indian, over exaggerating it so that that the joke remains in our own hands, and we can laugh at the ignorant moniyaw. In these photographs OFH is wearing a red and black lumberjack flannel over a red shirt with a black graphic of Louis Riel’s Face and white text that reads “Keeping’ it Riel,”. Around his waist is a ceinture fléchée, and a beaded leather strap on harness worn over brown dress pants. On his head is a latex mask of Louis Riel, his skin is placid and his features cartoonish, in the style of the masks of American presidents used in the 1991 film Point Break (directed by Katherine Bigelow) (fig. 6).
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Fig. 6, Patrick Swayze, James Le Gros, Bojesse Christopher, and John Philbin in Point Break (1991), dir. Katheryn Bigelow. Image courtesy of Twentieth-Century Fox. 
This work explores the aestheticization of colonialism through these political figures and latex masks which can be attributed to the abstraction of the real person from their caricature in history and in the cultural zeitgeist. One postcard design contains a full body shot of the character in a comically dominant pose with a log positioned suggestively between his legs, standing in for the strap on harness’s missing toy. The second design is a close-up shot of the character’s pelvis, the strap on harness visible with his thumbs hooked casually on the straps.  
Referencing other Indigenous artistic personas such as Adrian Stimson’s “Buffalo Boy” and Lori Blondeau’s “Belle Sauvage” (fig. 7), my artwork including OFH satirises the settler-colonial understandings of Louis Riel as a violent traitor to the government by pointing to the ways his story has grown into a mythology of sorts in the eyes of Canadians in a similar manner to other related figures like the former presidents represented in Point Break.
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Fig. 7, Stimson, Adrian; Blondeau, Lori. Belle and Boy’s Savage Buffalo Happy Hour. Image courtesy of Adrian Stimson and Lori Blondeau.
Like Stimson’s Buffalo Boy, my character represents an exaggerated Métis identity in order to “[…] camp up colonialism, sexuality, and authenticity,”  embodying the trickster archetype like Buffalo Boy in the words of Stimson, “he’s campy, ridiculous, and absurd, but he is also a storyteller, who exposes cultural and societal truths,” (Rice, Taunton, Stimson). OFH mimics the over-sexualized settler-colonial perception of Indigenous masculinity, sexuality,  and queerness and is an exploration of the ways in which my identity is tokenized: sexually, spiritually, academically, and culturally. 
A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy is a way of participating in the phenomenon within contemporary Métis art of Louis Riel related kitsch objects that flood markets across the Métis homeland. Alongside and juxtaposing red and white Canadian kitsch that litters tourists' traps and contemporary art galleries across this land, appears the stoic face Louis Riel, gazing out at the country that has developed since his murder in 1885. As Marilyn Dumont puts it: “Riel is dead, but he just keeps coming back,” (70) Contemporary artists like Jessie Ray Short embody Louis Riel by taking on his likeness as a costume. The short film Wake up! (2015) (fig. 8) is a queering of this popular trend.
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Fig. 8, Short, Jessie Ray, still from Wake Up!, 2015, video with sound, 5:58 min. Courtesy of the Artist, via Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen
The artist, transforms herself into Louis Riel by applying facial hair, a wig, and clothing to mimic the most famous portrait of Riel in a drag-esque performance. The work asks, “How do you explain a culture in small talk?” and is an example of the “re-examining the cultural significance of Louis Riel [that] allows us to consider the ways in which we can question representation while still respecting the importance this history holds.” (Junker) 
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Fig. 9 (left), Danger, Dayna. Digital print of Adrienne Dagger, wearing one of Dayna Danger's fetish mask. Image courtesy of the artist and CBC news.
Fig. 10 (right), Danger, Dayna. Big’Uns: Adrienne, 2017. Courtesy of the artist’s website. 
The beaded strap-on worn over the pants and the explicit nature of the posing is in reference to Dayna Danger’s Big’Uns (2017) (fig. 10) series, as well as their series of beaded fetish masks for their emphasis on material and process (fig. 9). The result is what Danger refers to as “the most Native BDSM thing ever,” to wrap yourself in beads. Like Danger’s beaded mask project, the Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband persona came about partly out of a joke, the desire to make something humorous and sexy. Being queered by my Indigeneity, my sexuality, and gender, I consider Sara Ahmed’s words from the introduction of her book Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others,
 “A queer phenomenology, perhaps, might start by redirecting our attention toward different objects, those that are “less proximate” or even those that deviate or are deviant. And yet, I would not say that a queer phenomenology would simply be a matter of generating queer objects,” 
The emphasis on the strap-on harness points to a specific queer object with cultural associations within the concept of queer phenomenology and orientations. It functions not only as a deviant object or a queer object but also an Indigiqueer “orientation device,” (Ahmed, 3). 
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Fig. 11, Starr, Riel. Spread from Reading Marilyn Dumont to A Railway Berm, 2023. Image courtesy of the artist.
The most recent work in A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy is a performance titled Reading Marilyn Dumont to A Railway Berm (2023) in which OFH, sporting a new fringed leather jacket and matching tan suede Manitobah Mukluks reads poetry by Métis poet, author, and academic Marilyn Dumont to the dismantled railway that once entered the former Fort Calgary. The title of the poem is A Letter to John A. MacDonald and the author directly addresses the first prime minister and informs him of his failed railroad project. In addition to the Louis Riel mask, I had also begun the process of making a mask in the image of John A. MacDonald but had not found a use for it until reading the poem by Dumont. The performance is documented in the form of a hand-bound zine using imitation sinew, with photo documentation of the performance of reading to the railroad and John A. as well as the action of “scalping” the John A. mask to remove it from the base. This is contrasted with documentation of the site using both historical and modern images taken during the performance and sourced from the museum of Fort Calgary’s website (fig. 11).   
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Fig. 12, Starr, Riel. Prairie Vessel, 2022. Image courtesy of the artist.
Prairie Vessel (2022) (fig. 12) is an exploration of Métis aesthetics of survivance, specifically the Red River Cart and its material and physical qualities, as well as its history and symbolism in our culture. The Red River Cart is represented in the contemporary Métis Nation of Alberta and Manitoba Métis Federation logos, the cart being revered as an important symbol of survivance to our people. Historically the carts were built without the use of standardised measurement or plans, however there were two defining design features common to all Red River carts; their two wheels and lack of any metal joinery, only using wood and rawhide in their construction. The research for this piece included scouring online databases like the Louis Riel Institute and the Gabriel Dumont Institute in order to find any sort of construction plans for the carts. George Fayant is one of the few Métis makers with this skill, and has been building them for over two decades, since 1998 (Patterson). Prairie Vessel (2022) is a study of Métis material culture out of the need to preserve a lesser-known art form, and to practise survivance both personally and for my people so that I may keep knowledge and ways of making beyond alive, to keep them thriving in the spirits of my ancestors and all living Métis. 
I am just one Halfbreed, but I am still Halfbreed. My ancestors' spiritual and genetic material makes up my personhood and part of that personhood is in all Métis. I do not yet know who I am to my people, but I carry an important name and an old spirit. I would like to be a trickster, “lotta raven in that one,” they’ll say (Maracle, 19). I would like to be like old James Bird Jr., trickster, trader, smart as a whip, a deadly sense of humour, and mean to missionaries. Wiisakayachack, Nanabush, Bluejay, Raven, Coyote, Li P’tchi Mond, Chi Jean, James Bird Jr., I long to be a chakapish.
Works Cited  
Ahmed, Sara. Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others. Duke University Press, 2006.
Barkwell, Lawrence. Métis Mythology and Folklore: Mythological figures. Métis Museum, Louis Riel Institute.  
Belcourt, Billy-Ray, et al. A History of My Brief Body. Two Dollar Radio, 2020.   
Bigelow, Katheryn. Point Break. Twentieth Century Fox, 1991.  
Danger, Dayna. “The most Native BDSM thing ever”: Dayna Danger’s Fetish Masks Challenge Indigenous Sexuality Taboos. CBC Radio, 2018. 
Danger, Dayna. Big’Uns: Adrienne. The Resilience Project, 2017.
Dumont, Marilyn. A Really Good Brown Girl. Brick Books, 1996. 
The Hudson’s Bay Company History Foundation. The Bay, “Shopping is Good” advertisement, 2000. 
Junker, Jocelyn. Capture Photo Festival: Jessie Ray Short’s Wake Up! (2015), 2022. 
Maracle, Lee. A Really Good Brown Girl: Introduction. Brick Books, 2019. 
Patterson, Dayne. Red River cart unveiled at U of S celebrates Métis presence on campus. CBC News, 2022. 
Rice, Ryan, and Carla Taunton. “Buffalo Boy: Then and Now.” Fuse Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 18–25. 
Sealey, D. Bruce. Stories of the Métis /. Manitoba Metis Federation Press, pg. 1, 1973.  
Short, Jessie Ray. Wake Up!, 2015. Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen, 2022. 
Stimson, Adrian, “Buffalo Boy: Then and Now.” Fuse Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 18-25. 
St-Onge, Nicole J.M. “The Dissolution of a Métis Community: Pointe à Grouette, 1860–1885.” Studies in Political Economy 18.1 (1985): 149–172. Web. 
Toneguzzi, Mario. Hudson’s Bay Co. Launches Strategic Rebranding Amid Privatization. Retail Insider, 2020. 
Vizenor, Gerald. Fugitive Poems: Native American Indian Scenes of Absence and Presence. Lincoln, Nebraska: First Bison Book 2000, p.15. 
Whitehead, Joshua. Full Metal Indigiqueer: Poems. Talon Books, 2017. 
Wilson, I. Former Jean Caron Sr. House, Parks Canada, 2002. 
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apocalypticavolition · 11 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World: Chapter 1: An Empty Road
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Welcome back to my reread! As will always be the case but isn't usual yet because we're just getting started, this post has spoilers for everything ever and should not be looked at if you don't want to see those. In fact, just telling you that spoils this very post, so it's already too late!
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
A comfy paragraph that feels like home. Someone could literally plagiarize this and I wouldn't care because it's such a good way to start! More book series should try and have very consistent beginnings, it really adds a lot.
Oh, and I should probably mention chapter headers. This guy has the "Wheel and Snake" motif, which is a generic Plot kind of deal.
Note that I am skipping over a second prologue that was added to these books when they were (for some reason) trying to make a YA version of the series that cut each book in half. That prologue, "Ravens", is one I've never read (or maybe I have but only once) and features Egwene al'Vere a few years before the series begins. Maybe I'll circle around to it someday, but I'm very big on only accepting works as they initially were (barring fixing typos or outright plot holes) and not with a whole bunch of doodads attached.
...the wind blew east, out across the Sand Hills, once the shore of a great ocean, before the Breaking of the World...
Interestingly, the most likely body of water for this to be is actually the Mediterranean, not any of the oceans proper.
Gusts plastered Rand al’Thor’s cloak to his back, whipped the earth-colored wool around his legs, then streamed it out behind him.
Rand has a lot of associations with wind (Loial even notes it in-universe) and also the land, so it's appropriate that we get both here with the wind blowing through the earth-colored wool. Note as well that while the earth is protecting him (though not especially well), the wind has been turned by the Shadow into something hostile.
He felt a little foolish about wanting to reassure himself that Tam was still there, but it was that kind of day.
Considering his later thoughts about wolves and bears, it doesn't even seem that foolish. Take it from someone who just a few weeks ago was dealing with being separated from family on a Canadian highway that definitely had bears.
Without thinking he touched the nock of the arrow; it was ready to draw to his cheek in one smooth movement, the way Tam had taught him.
Tam's influence on Rand looms large over the series, which does set up the reversal in TGS and the breakdown it causes quite well.
Wolves raided the sheep pens and chewed their way into barns to get the cattle and horses. Bears had been after the sheep, too, where a bear had not been seen in years.
It's rather interesting to imagine what might have happened to Perrin if Moiraine hadn't taken him away. The wolves would likely worm their way into his head by about the time he met Elyas in canon anyway, only he'd be in such a different context it's not hard to imagine him going really off the rails. Someone who actually finishes what they started should write a fic!
With his thick chest and broad face, he was a pillar of reality in that morning, like a stone in the middle of a drifting dream.
And Tam's being a metaphorical pillar of reality is of course set up for the fact that by the end of the series Rand himself will be a literal one. It's really impressive how clearly Jordan saw the ending of the series; the Slog in my opinion is likely a product of his uncertainty in how to get there.
[Rand's mother] had been an outlander, and Rand remembered little of her aside from a smiling face, though he did put flowers on her grave every year, at Bel Tine, in the spring, and at Sunday, in the summer.
It's terrible being a mom for a protagonist, even an adoptive mother. Death is the best you can hope for.
But Tam had given his word about the brandy and cider, even if he had waited to make delivery until the day before Festival. Keeping his word was important to Tam.
"Belief and order give strength." If Tam had accompanied Rand on this journey, the whole thing would have been over in five days tops.
As Rand watched his side of the road, the feeling grew in him that he was being watched. For a while he tried to shrug it off. Nothing moved or made a sound among the trees, except the wind. But the feeling not only persisted, it grew stronger. The hairs on his arms stirred; his skin prickled as if it itched on the inside.
This is of course Rand's channeler sense for Shadowspawn. Does this mean he's already channeled at some point this winter, or do sparks like him get the various gifts before they start because it's inevitable that they will anyway? I wonder if Nynaeve (and maybe Egwene if sparks do get the spidey sense before channeling) has spent the last few days being itchy as all hell and not having a clue why. It would add another reason to her bad temper over being asked about the weather.
Not more than twenty spans back down the road a cloaked figure on horseback followed them, horse and rider alike black, dull and ungleaming.
"You're in the wrong franchise! Hobbiton's on the other side of the shelf, between Rosewater and Sounis!"
I get that Jordan had to channel a bit of Tolkien because it was the 80s and that's how you got published, but I have to say that sometimes I think he leaned a little too far into it. At least Myrdraal get weirder as we go.
There was only shadow to see in the hood
If Sanderson had been writing the series from the start, he would have rationalized that a Fade being able to step out of any shadow means it could step out of the shadow of its hood and then repeat the process to gain altitude rapidly, allowing the Shadow to orbitally bombard its enemies when the Fades stopped and fell back to Earth.
Abruptly a stone caught his heel and he stumbled, breaking his eyes away from the dark horseman.
Rand was a shy, awkward, inwardly beautiful teenage girl, just like you.
(Seriously folks, plot-convenient clumsiness is not gender specific and we should call it out in our boy protagonists too!)
Tam shook his grizzled head. “If you say so, lad. Come on, then. A horse leaves hoofprints, even on this ground.”
More proof of Tam being a good dad that even though Rand's talking nonsense, he checks it out. Of course, it wouldn't be surprising if Tam had experience with Shadowspawn somehow. Probably not though, since he was mostly involved in Illian and the Aiel War.
The wind that beat at Tam and him had not so much as shifted a fold of that black cloak.
More on the earth/air duality, with air being the masculine half tainted by the Shadow.
once he had even gone to the very foot of the Mountains of Mist, him and his closest friends, Mat Cauthon and Perrin Aybara.
Two complete nobodies who we'll never hear about again, naturally.
Today, though, the Westwood was not the place he remembered. A man who could disappear so suddenly could reappear just as suddenly, maybe even right beside them.
Maybe even fall on you from orbit!
Though I suppose the earth half of things being unfamiliar now does cut against the symbolism I'm envisioning, but I'll leave resolving that as a Freudian exercise for the reader.
Rand managed a weak smile. Of all things he might want to think about right then, the Mayor’s daughter was far down the list. He did not need any more confusion. For the past year she had been making him increasingly jittery whenever they were together.
18 seems a little late to be hitting puberty, Rand. Seriously, if it weren't for the narration earlier calling him and Tam "two men", I'd assume he was supposed to be 14-16 at this point.
“Remember the flame, lad, and the void.”
This technique actually does kind of work! I've used it a lot during painful dentistry and stuff. Sadly, I'm no good at remembering it when I'm in an emotional state, which is when it would be most useful, but maybe someday I'll learn.
(Probably not.)
Some said the land was too rocky, as if there were not rocks everywhere in the Two Rivers, and others said it was hard-luck land. A few muttered that there was no point getting any closer to the mountains than needs be.
Having recently been exposed to the "The Two Rivers is contaminated with radioactive fallout from the Trolloc Wars" theory, I have to note that this feels a bit like evidence for it even though I don't believe it in general - in particular, the cats having a weird number of toes happens all over the place in real life when they start getting too inbred.
This is an interesting word choice! Goodwife (masculine "goodman"; abbr. "goody", from which we get "goody two-shoes") is an archaic form of address that started in the 1300s and died by the 1800s, with the English and Scots using it first and the Puritans later. It referred to women of high social status but non-gentry in Europe and in America we have no clue what exactly the Puritans meant except that it was respectful. Here in EF, the term likely either descends from the days when there were gentry to talk about, or has arisen in the Puritan sense.
Whether or not leaves had appeared on the trees, no woman would let Bel Tine come before her spring cleaning was done.
And here we come to Jordan's worldview again. The Two Rivers folk are meant to be pretty gender egalitarian, but here we see that they have the exact division of labor that the idealized American town does, with women doing interior chores and men doing exterior ones. This is treated as being inevitable, even though of course it doesn't have to be and in most real societies gendered division of labor is only ever a sunny day ideal and abandoned in part or in whole in rougher times like we're supposed to be in now, with spring a month late. Hell, even in a culture with similar gender norms to the west, ("Women care about the house, men do rough work"), you could easily see them ending up dividing things the other way, with women expected to thatch the roofs to maintain their nes- I mean homes and men beating the shit out of carpets because their big manly muscles let them get it done faster. See how easy it is to use sexist logic to justify the exact opposite of what western sexism usually does? (Fun fact: That's because sexist logic is almost completely arbitrary.)
It would be rather nice to see a generic Arcadian farming village that has radically different expectations for men and women while still being superficially similiar to the ideal homestead, really. Jordan missed an opportunity.
Tam spoke of damage from winter storms, each one worse than the one before, and stillborn lambs, of brown fields where crops should be sprouting and pastures greening, of ravens flocking in where songbirds had come in years before.
As a big corvid fan, seeing them always be associated with evil when they're really quite social and intelligent makes me sad.
[Wit] never seemed ready to start over, or to finish what he started the first time. Most of the Coplins and Congars were like that, those who were not worse.
Kind of odd to transition from "Life is hard out here and people who aren't willing to work hard can't cut it" to "Meet the Shithead and Lazyfuck Clans, the inbred hicks." It's realistic to have shittier families in communities, but usually these families in the real world at least have something going for them.
“What are we going to do about Nynaeve, al’Thor?” Congar demanded. “We can’t have a Wisdom like that for Emond’s Field.”
Wait a few days and the problem will take care of itself, Wit. Ten whatever-kind-of-coins-are-legal-tender-here says that he was probably the first to bitch about their village not having a Wisdom the second Nynaeve crested a hill and disappeared from view.
“You try meddling in Women’s Circle business, and see how you like eating your own cooking. Which you won’t do in my kitchen. And washing your own clothes and making your own bed. Which won’t be under my roof.”
Guess Daise married from outside the clan, since she seems like a relatively decent sort. Also note again the 1950s division of labor; plenty of dudes knew how to do "women's work" across history because even if you were lucky enough to always have a mommy-wife (yes that's exactly how icky 1950s-lovers are) on hand and never had to go to war or a logging camp or spend a few years in early adulthood fending for yourself, sometimes Mrs. Mommy would be bedridden from all the exhaustion of being a brood mare with unrealized aspirations and then you'd have to learn how to keep the household going anyway because hiring (or enslaving) a dark-skinned maid to do everything for you wasn't an option.
When they saw Tam, the goodwives of Emond’s Field went on point like hounds spotting a rabbit.
I feel like this is another bit of Jordan's local culture being mistaken for human nature. There's definitely gals who will try to set you up if they know you're single, but there's guys who'll pull the same stunt and neither gender has a 100% attempt rate unless compelled to by their society. Then again, for all of it being presented as the ideal, the Two Rivers community is definitely all about meddling in each other's business and assuming you're too stupid to breathe because you don't have the right kind of genitals, so I suppose it makes sense the women feel like they have to.
Worst of all were those who paused thoughtfully at about that point, then asked with elaborate casualness exactly how old he was now.
Based on later books, Egwene would have been pissed to hear about this. It's probably not canonical in later books though, since the exact details of their relationship change quite a bit in the first three.
Outsiders sometimes found it funny that the road had one name to the north and another to the south, but that was the way it had always been, as far as anyone in Emond’s Field knew, and that was that.
I struggle to think what rock these outsiders must have been living under to find the idea of a road changing names funny. It's the sort of thing that happens when two separate roads are brought together, and I know that the west is slowly decaying, but still.
No one knew when the custom began or why—it was another thing that was the way it had always been—but it was an excuse to sing and dance, and nobody in the Two Rivers needed much excuse for that.
It's a dick joke, ya hicks!
Or possibly a reference to the queen blowing herself up. That seems more dignified.
And to top everything, if the rumors could be believed, a grand display of fireworks was planned for the Green—if the first peddler of the year appeared in time, of course.
Another moment that feels a bit too Tolkien, with the book opening on a celebration graced with fireworks, but hey at least the Illuminators end up having a lot of plot relevance in this story, so it builds well.
At the south end of the inn, away from the stream, stretched the remains of a much larger stone foundation, once part of the inn—or so it was said.
I would guess that the foundation was once the local garrison in Manetheren, or at least a more prominent building for the village mayor. Maybe even a place where Andorians of import might stay, since it would have to be relatively recently ruined to have not been torn apart by the tree roots in the last few hundred years.
“An ill omen,” a scratchy voice announced, “no storks nesting on the rooftops at Bel Tine.” Cenn Buie, as gnarled and dark as an old root, marched up to Tam and Bran and leaned on his walking staff, near as tall as he was and just as gnarled.
Narrative doesn't treat Buie kindly either (and not unfairly), but he's not wrong here. Things are only going to get worse, especially here in the Two Rivers.
Ask the Wisdom when the winter will end, and she walks away. Maybe she doesn’t want to tell us what she hears on the wind. Maybe what she hears is that the winter won’t end. Maybe it’s just going to go on being winter until the Wheel turns and the Age ends. There’s your point.
It's interesting that while Cenn thinks Nynaeve is too young, his fearmongering here is based on the assumption that she is perfectly competent. This double think is quite distressingly common in certain circles.
Rand’s smile broadened; it did not sound as much like fun to him as it would have a year or two back, but Mat never seemed to grow up.
Again, this sequence feels like it works better with Rand and Mat being 14-16, with badger pranks seeming like something more fun at 12-14. I wonder if, a bit like GRRM, Jordan assumed he'd have some time skips in his story that would get Rand into his 20s from a younger age, and then abandoned the concept as the plot continued to demand immediate action.
“Funny how being scared takes you. You think strange things. I actually thought—just for a minute, mind—it might be the Dark One.”
Mat's not too far off!
“The Dark One and all of the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, beyond the Great Blight, bound by the Creator at the moment of Creation, bound until the end of time. The hand of the Creator shelters the world, and the Light shines on us all.”
Note that it's not quite true: not all of the Forsaken are bound, none of them were bound by the Creator (arguably not even the Dark One), and the Forsaken are all about to break free. Over the past few millennia the Forsaken have really had a glow-up.
“My mother always said the Forsaken would come for me if I didn’t mend my ways. If I ever saw anybody who looked like Ishamael, or Aginor, it was him.”
Considering that Ish is currently serving flaming looks and Aginor is decayed as all hell, this is again not all that wrong.
Now his name came up whenever a washline dropped the laundry in the dirt or a loose saddle girth deposited a farmer in the road. Mat did not even have to be anywhere around. His support might be worse than none.
While I do think Nynaeve and Egwene are too hard on the boy, it's important to remember that this is Mat's reputation at the start of the series: his own best friend doesn't want his public support on a major issue.
Rand stared wonderingly. No one traveled beyond the village by night, not these days, certainly not alone.
Why did Thom come in the dead of night? Taren Ferry should have been a perfectly good place to stop, and with things being like they are you wouldn't think him in much of a hurry to wander among the wolves even though he can take care of himself. Do we get an answer to this?
That alone is worth the expense of bringing him down from Baerlon.
Oh and Thom's been close enough that he'd know all the environmental dangers quite well, so that really just makes me all the more curious.
“You have a head on your shoulders when you choose to use it,” Bran said. “He’ll follow you on the Village Council one day, Tam. Mark my words. He couldn’t do much worse right now than someone I could name.”
We can see here that Rand really is a political thinker, though of course he's going to rise far beyond a simple village council.
“Oh, why not?” Mat said resignedly. “Like your da said, the quicker it’s in the cellar. . . .” Picking up one of the casks of cider in both arms, he hurried toward the inn in a half trot.
And we can see here that Mat really is good to his friends, even if he is a rogue.
And that's pretty much chapter one! Rand and dad walk down a road, Rand sees an incarnation of evil, dad gossips throughout the village, local crotchety old man and scheming youth spread rumors. Like the prologue, this sequence wasn't really particularly adapted by the show. We instead have:
Moiraine giving us a really awkward summary of the plot thanks to executive meddling.
And it's here I should point out how many different reasons season 1 needed to make changes from the book. There's executive meddling, there's plague, there's the inevitable changes from page to screen, there's stuff that is clearly about appealing to the director, there's stuff that seems to be about keeping Rosamund Pike onboard, there's... a lot. And Rafe gets the blame for all of it which is really unfair because properly speaking we should only blame him for the stuff that's about appealing to himself. Blame Jeff Bezos for this one, folks. Anyway then we get:
Liandrin (who isn't even in this book!) and her posse of Rad Red Bad Bitches hunting down... let's pretend it's Gorin Rogad even though the timeline doesn't line up at all, and also Gorin's imaginary best friend. Moiraine and Lan watch from above and decide to go to Two Rivers.
Lots of people who want to make everything about culture wars complain about Obviously Evil Witch Liandrin being Horribly Misandrist In Ways That Sexism Has Never Been Done Before in this scene and I don't have patience for that kind of nonsense either. The scene's kinda rushed I think, and I am even more flummoxed by there being rumors of anything out of the Two Rivers, let alone four ta'veren, but whatever, plot's happening.
Egwene gets her hair braided for the first time (a practice mentioned in this chapter) and then Nynaeve tries to kill her to prep us for the saidar metaphor.
Frankly this is also rushed - a real problem in this episode because they wanted extra time for the premiere but were told to go feed their mothers to the Myrdraal while Jeff Bezos swam in a bathtub filled with 50 dollar bills - and because of all the cuts this episode had for time it feels a bit weirdly out there, but again we really needed to make surrender as literal and visual for TV watchers as possible so I know what's up.
Our closest scene to the books is Rand and Tam taking the old road to town and Rand freaking out about something that he assumes is wolves.
It's very abrupt and Rand is kinda douchey with his "I used to be a sap" line. It also used to be the first scene in the episode (I remember the outrage when people found out they were skipping the prologue) but the execs clearly forced it to be shuffled around. Probably would have been longer too.
Cut to town. People are setting up for Bel Tine and the air is generally happy instead of nervous like the books. Rand and Tam unload in the tavern and then Rand drinks with his friends, Mat, Perrin, and somebody else! She beats Mat at dice, Mat begs his friends for cash to keep carousing while bitching that Perrin is a good husband and accusing Rand of being a sheepfucker, and Egwene arrives with everyone very happy that she lived after the murder attempt.
Generally I think it's smart to trim down the parts of this chapter after the rider even in an episode that isn't desperately trying to fit into an hour, and introducing Perrin alongside Mat is something that works well for TV because it's easier to have interweaving conversations in real time. It also isn't a bad idea to age the characters up some (Rand and crew have to be about 20 now, per Moiraine's comments while watching Gorin get gentled) and abandon kiddie activities like badger pranks.
That said, the generic wholesomeness of the town is gone and that one lady who has spilled booze all over herself needs to slow down, like geez, you don't even know if Egwene is alive yet so why are you clearly already sauced? Hell, why is Rand carousing if he should be worrying whether or not his girlfriend was dashed against the rocks? Why is the mayor just chatting with Tam like nothing is up? That river initiation ceremony cannot possibly have a 100% survival rate and I suspect very strongly that its initial placement in the script was very different and only patched together like this because they didn't have time because seriously.
Oh and this is as good a place as any to talk about the elephant in the room to clear out the wrong sort of people before they get any ideas: no, the Two Rivers is not the bastion of Racial Purity it is in the books (we'll discuss that more in the reread when it starts coming up beyond a single acknowledgement that Rand doesn't look like most other folk here), and fuck no that is not remotely a problem. Even ignoring the sheer difficulty of getting enough extras of any ethnic group (and guess what people, "white" is too broad a group in this context and does not constitute a distinct "look" like the Two Rivers people have, you'd have to do "Polish" or "Irish" or something and then you're still making casting everything else a pain in the arse), the simple fact of the matter is that Zoë Robins is perfect as Nynaeve, Madeleine Madden is perfect as Egwene, Barney Harris was perfect as Mat, and maybe someday Marcus Rutherford will grow on me as an actor or at least get a subplot that isn't stupid or both! Together they cover a very broad range of human ethnicity and getting rid of any of them (let alone *most* of them) for racial reasons would be pathetic and would hobble the show even more than Amazon and COVID already managed to do. Shame on you for suggesting it and good day - good here being a word meaning "I hope you achieve some semblance of enlightenment about how wrong you are, which would be very good indeed, now begone!".
And on that note, I really want to go and play video games now, so I'm off as well. See you next time with chapter two: Strangers!
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neenajaydon · 2 years
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#gcwal2022 I bought a fleece from local Cotswold ewe Sweetie in December. It’s my first raw fleece and I have been intimidated by it, but I am using the Great Canadian Wool-a-long as motivation. Today I attempted skirting. It’s interesting to see a bit of crimp in there with the adorable curly locks 🐑 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgutcI3vb3U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dollycas · 8 months
Special Guest - Victoria Hamilton- Author of Sieve and Let Die: A Vintage Kitchen Mystery #Interview / #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour @MysteryVictoria
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Sieve and Let Die: A Vintage Kitchen Mystery by Victoria Hamilton
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It is my pleasure to welcome Victoria Hamilton to Escape With Dollycas today!
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Hi Victoria,  Please tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m a writer of mysteries. That’s probably the main way I would describe myself. But of course there is more. I love reading, naturally, mysteries, of course. But also memoirs, history non—fiction, true crime. I like tea and wine and brownies. I love autumn. I love cats, especially my own two, Poodle and Jimmy. What are three things most people don’t know about you? Well, I’m not sure, so this is just a guess. 1 – I’m Canadian, born and raised, and live in southwestern Ontario. 2 – I’ve never had children, so my characters (as far as I can say now) never will give birth to children either. I don’t think I could do the experience justice. BTW, I think parenthood is the most difficult job in the world. 3 – I took most of a university degree in English (never did finish it!) by correspondence BEFORE there was an ‘online’! I thought it would be the best way to learn the discipline writing for a living would require. I think I was right and it has done me well throughout my career. Now, if I could just get those last five credits. What books/authors have most inspired you? I am a dyed-in-the-wool Sue Grafton fan. Her approach to mystery writing – not too hard, not too soft, never gruesome, with real insight into the characters – inspired me in so very many ways. But I think my early love for Jane Austen (I mean, P&P and Persuasion? Come on! Best character interaction ever.) gave me a grounding in how to write about people of any time or place. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
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It varies depending on whether I am writing a historical or contemporary, and whether there is any specific field of knowledge required of a character. For Sieve and Let Die I had to do research on what it takes to get a pharmacy degree, and some random information about zoning laws in Michigan, as well as how construction companies can cheat. But that was all easily accomplished as I wrote.
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For my next historical, Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl, I have researched the lives of real historical figures, authors/playwrights sisters Sophia and Harriet Lee, who ran a girl’s school in Bath England from 1781 on. I started that research a year ago, but only started writing this summer. I love research! The trick is, to know when to stop.  Do you ever suffer from Writer’s Block? It’s hard to suffer from something you don’t believe in. What people think of as ‘writer’s block’ is one of several things: a) a problem in the plot that you can’t move forward from b) you’re writing the wrong book or c) real-life problems are getting in the way and you perhaps need a break. What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer? Find a genre or style you’re passionate about, and pour yourself into it. Be honest with yourself about the writing. Recognize your limitations and get help when you need it. When you are not writing what do you like to do? I love to read, so that, and TV (I have a guilty secret; I love so-called reality TV!). I have always done crafts – cross stitch, crochet, etc -  but I’m finding more and more in the last few years that writing takes a lot out of me. At the end of the day, a book or TV accompanied by a cup of tea and a cookie is more relaxing. But fall is more my time for crafts anyway, so maybe I’ll get back into crafting! If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why? It’s more anywhere and anywhen! I have been so fascinated by Bath, England in 1786, I wish I could see it from then! What is next on the horizon for you? As always, I have plans! I am writing three books right now, but focusing mainly on Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl, which is proving to be great fun! Lady Anne Addison is preparing for her wedding in Bath, England, to the man she loves (and lusts!) the delicious Marquess of Darkefell. Needing a distraction, she answers a friend’s plea to help Miss Sophia Lee, playwright, author and school owner, to help one of their students with her frightening experience of seeing a ghost. The girl almost died as she followed its commands and climbed out onto the roof. When the poor young lady is murdered, Anne goes all in to find out who did it, while also navigating the treacherous waters of her estranged parents and her developmentally challenged brother all coming together in Bath for the wedding. Thank you, Victoria for visiting today! Please keep reading for information about Victoria's latest release. 
Read the full article
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rielstarr · 1 year
fur, money, adventure: mechanisms of colonialism and survivance
riel ✰ | march, 2023
“Of all the things on earth, the motherland is the most important  
and sacred to us because we inherited it from our ancestors,”  
- Louis Riel 
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Fig. 1, Wilson. I. Former Jean Caron Sr. House, Batoche Saskatchewan. Image courtesy of I. Wilson and Parks Canada
I am Red River Métis, descending maternally from historic Métis families by the names of Berthelet, Caron, Ste. Germain, Larivière, Dazè, Dubois, and Boudreau; we come from the Red River Settlement in Manitoba and Batoche, Saskatchewan. My Berthelet family members were employees of the North-West Company and community leaders in the town of Pointe à Grouette, now Ste. Agathe (St. Onge). My fifth great uncle Jean Caron Sr. fought in the Battle of Duck Lake of the North-West Resistance of 1885, with his sons and under the command of Gabriel Dumont, Jean Caron Sr’s house still stands in Batoche to this day (fig. 1). I introduce myself in this way, the traditional way of the Métis to situate myself on this land and contextualise my knowledge and experiences. 
My practice serves to counter the settler-colonial understanding of Métis people and our history and establish us as a people who have been practising survivance for generations. With the help of aesthetics of survivance I oppose mechanisms of colonialism; aesthetics including the Hudson’s Bay Company’s bloody legacy, the monuments and public art installed throughout Calgary, the suburban cowboys that come out of hiding in their McMansions on the outskirts of the city, riding their steel steeds, raised trucks, to the summer Stampede. The aesthetics of survivance are “[...]more than survival, more than endurance, or mere response, [...] stories of survivance are the creases of sovereignty,” (Vizenor, 15). In her 2019 book The North-West is Our Mother by Jean Teillet, the author compares the birth of the Métis Nation to human birth; messy, bloody, painful. Our history is vastly complex and controversial in the eyes of the average Canadian settler today. It is a history that makes settlers uncomfortable, confused, sometimes defensive and angry in response to lack of knowledge and this ignorance is often no fault of their own. Canada has a carefully curated canon of history that we are all spoon-fed in school until given the chance to learn the other sides of this history, to think critically and hear stories of survivance. 
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Fig. 2, The Bay “Shopping is Good” advertisement, 2000. Courtesy of the HBC History Foundation
Countering aesthetics of survivance, The Hudson’s Company has developed their own aesthetics of colonialism. “Fur! Money! Adventure! That [is] what the Hudson’s Bay Company territory had to offer Englishmen and Canadians three hundred years ago,” (Sealy, 1). From the very beginning of the point blanket, with its iconic stripes on white wool, traded for a single beaver pelt to an advertisement from the year 2000 (fig. 2). An image of a nuclear family wearing matching white outfits in a clean white room. Everything accented with green, red, yellow, and indigo stripes, down to the scarf that the grandmother is knitting, referencing the histories of trade and handmade goods long abandoned by the HBC in favour of their modern department store model and multiple aesthetic rebrands throughout the years after the industrial revolution (Toneguzzi). The advertisement simply states, “Shopping is Good, Toronto”. Pro pelle cuttem, a pelt for a skin, a skin for a skin.
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Fig. 3, Starr, Riel. Image of the original HBC logo, downtown Calgary. Image courtesy of the artist.
The HBC shield on a building in downtown Calgary (fig. 3) is a grim reminder of the bloody birth of this country, laughing in my face. As Billy Ray Belcourt puts it: “Canada is still in the business of gunning down NDNs. […] Despite the stories of progress and equality at the core of Canada’s national identity, a long tradition of brutality and negligence is what constitutes kinship for the nation of citizens sat atop the lands of older, more storied ones. […] What I can do is love as though it will rupture the singularity of Canadian cruelty.” (Belcourt, 5)  
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Fig. 4, 5, Starr, Riel. Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband, 2022. Courtesy of the artist.
A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy (2022-present) is an ongoing body of work that explores the Métis identity through a modern and Indigiqueer lens, and through humour and the NDN belly laugh (Whitehead). The work consists of a series of photographs of myself wearing a costume I created using a combination of found and handmade garments. In the photographs from 2022 titled Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband, (figs. 4 and 5) which have been printed in the form of stickers and two different postcard designs, the character Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband (OFH), the masked trickster, poses with wood leftover from building a Red River cart in 2022. The aesthetics of survivance often incorporate embodying the skewed image that settlers have of the savage Indian, over exaggerating it so that that the joke remains in our own hands, and we can laugh at the ignorant moniyaw. In these photographs OFH is wearing a red and black lumberjack flannel over a red shirt with a black graphic of Louis Riel’s Face and white text that reads “Keeping’ it Riel,”. Around his waist is a ceinture fléchée, and a beaded leather strap on harness worn over brown dress pants. On his head is a latex mask of Louis Riel, his skin is placid and his features cartoonish, in the style of the masks of American presidents used in the 1991 film Point Break (directed by Katherine Bigelow) (fig. 6).
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Fig. 6, Patrick Swayze, James Le Gros, Bojesse Christopher, and John Philbin in Point Break (1991), dir. Katheryn Bigelow. Image courtesy of Twentieth-Century Fox. 
This work explores the aestheticization of colonialism through these political figures and latex masks which can be attributed to the abstraction of the real person from their caricature in history and in the cultural zeitgeist. One postcard design contains a full body shot of the character in a comically dominant pose with a log positioned suggestively between his legs, standing in for the strap on harness’s missing toy. The second design is a close-up shot of the character’s pelvis, the strap on harness visible with his thumbs hooked casually on the straps.  
Referencing other Indigenous artistic personas such as Adrian Stimson’s “Buffalo Boy” and Lori Blondeau’s “Belle Sauvage” (fig. 7), my artwork including OFH satirises the settler-colonial understandings of Louis Riel as a violent traitor to the government by pointing to the ways his story has grown into a mythology of sorts in the eyes of Canadians in a similar manner to other related figures like the former presidents represented in Point Break.
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Fig. 7, Stimson, Adrian; Blondeau, Lori. Belle and Boy’s Savage Buffalo Happy Hour. Image courtesy of Adrian Stimson and Lori Blondeau.
Like Stimson’s Buffalo Boy, my character represents an exaggerated Métis identity in order to “[…] camp up colonialism, sexuality, and authenticity,”  embodying the trickster archetype like Buffalo Boy in the words of Stimson, “he’s campy, ridiculous, and absurd, but he is also a storyteller, who exposes cultural and societal truths,” (Rice, Taunton, Stimson). OFH mimics the over-sexualized settler-colonial perception of Indigenous masculinity, sexuality,  and queerness and is an exploration of the ways in which my identity is tokenized: sexually, spiritually, academically, and culturally. 
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Fig. 8 (left), Danger, Dayna. Digital print of Adrienne Dagger, wearing one of Dayna Danger's fetish mask. Image courtesy of the artist and CBC news.
Fig. 9 (right), Danger, Dayna. Big’Uns: Adrienne, 2017. Courtesy of the artist’s website. 
The beaded strap-on worn over the pants and the explicit nature of the posing is in reference to Dayna Danger’s Big’Uns (2017) (fig. 10) series, as well as their series of beaded fetish masks for their emphasis on material and process (fig. 9). The result is what Danger refers to as “the most Native BDSM thing ever,” to wrap yourself in beads. Like Danger’s beaded mask project, the Otipemisiwak Fantasy Husband persona came about partly out of a joke, the desire to make something humorous and sexy. Being queered by my Indigeneity, my sexuality, and gender, I consider Sara Ahmed’s words from the introduction of her book Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others,
 “A queer phenomenology, perhaps, might start by redirecting our attention toward different objects, those that are “less proximate” or even those that deviate or are deviant. And yet, I would not say that a queer phenomenology would simply be a matter of generating queer objects,” 
The emphasis on the strap-on harness points to a specific queer object with cultural associations within the concept of queer phenomenology and orientations. It functions not only as a deviant object or a queer object but also an Indigiqueer “orientation device,” (Ahmed, 3). 
A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy is a way of participating in the phenomenon within contemporary Métis art of Louis Riel related kitsch objects that flood markets across the Métis homeland. Alongside and juxtaposing red and white Canadian kitsch that litters tourists' traps and art galleries across this land, appears the stoic face Louis Riel, gazing out at the country that has developed since his murder in 1885. As Marilyn Dumont puts it: “Riel is dead, but he just keeps coming back,” (70) Contemporary artists like Jessie Ray Short embody Louis Riel by taking on his likeness as a costume. The short film Wake up! (2015) (fig. 8) is a queering of this popular trend.
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Fig. 10, Short, Jessie Ray, still from Wake Up!, 2015, video with sound, 5:58 min. Courtesy of the Artist, via Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen
The artist, transforms herself into Louis Riel by applying facial hair, a wig, and clothing to mimic the most famous portrait of Riel in a drag-esque performance. The work asks, “how do you explain a culture in small talk?” and is an example of the “re-examining the cultural significance of Louis Riel [that] allows us to consider the ways in which we can question representation while still respecting the importance this history holds.” (Junker) 
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Fig. 11, Starr, Riel. Spread from Reading Marilyn Dumont to A Railway Berm, 2023. Image courtesy of the artist.
The most recent work in A Spectacle of Me for You: Otipemisiwak Fantasy is a performance titled Reading Marilyn Dumont to A Railway Berm (2023) in which OFH, sporting a new fringed leather jacket and matching tan suede Manitobah Mukluks reads poetry by Métis poet, author, and academic Marilyn Dumont to the dismantled railway that once entered the former Fort Calgary. The title of the poem is A Letter to John A. MacDonald and the author directly addresses the first prime minister and informs him of his failed railroad project. In addition to the Louis Riel mask, I had also begun the process of making a mask in the image of John A. MacDonald but had not found a use for it until reading the poem by Dumont. The performance is documented in the form of a hand-bound zine using imitation sinew, with photo documentation of the performance of reading to the railroad and John A. as well as the action of “scalping” the John A. mask to remove it from the base. This is contrasted with documentation of the site using both historical and modern images taken during the performance and sourced from the museum of Fort Calgary’s website (fig. 11).   
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Fig. 12, Starr, Riel. Prairie Vessel, 2022. Image courtesy of the artist.
Prairie Vessel (2022) (fig. 12) is an exploration of Métis aesthetics of survivance, specifically the Red River Cart and its material and physical qualities, as well as its history and symbolism in our culture. The Red River Cart is represented in the contemporary Métis Nation of Alberta and Manitoba Métis Federation logos, the cart being revered as an important symbol of survivance to our people. Historically the carts were built without the use of standardised measurement or plans, however there were two defining design features common to all Red River carts; their two wheels and lack of any metal joinery, only using wood and rawhide in their construction. The research for this piece included scouring online databases like the Louis Riel Institute and the Gabriel Dumont Institute in order to find any sort of construction plans for the carts. George Fayant is one of the few Métis makers with this skill, and has been building them for over two decades, since 1998 (Patterson). Prairie Vessel (2022) is a study of Métis material culture out of the need to preserve a lesser-known art form, and to practise survivance both personally and for my people so that I may keep knowledge and ways of making beyond alive, to keep them thriving in the spirits of my ancestors and all living Métis. 
I am just one Otipemisiw, but I am one of many. My ancestors' spiritual and genetic material makes up my personhood and part of that personhood is in all Métis. I do not yet know who I am to my people, but I carry an important name and an old spirit. I would like to be a trickster, “lotta raven in that one,” they’ll say (Maracle, 19). I would like to be like old James Bird Jr., trickster, trader, smart as a whip, a deadly sense of humour, and mean to missionaries. Wiisakayachack, Nanabush, Bluejay, Raven, Coyote, Li P’tchi Mond, Chi Jean, James Bird Jr., I long to be a chakapish.
Works Cited  
Ahmed, Sara. Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others. Duke University Press, 2006.
Barkwell, Lawrence. Métis Mythology and Folklore: Mythological figures. Métis Museum, Louis Riel Institute.  
Belcourt, Billy-Ray, et al. A History of My Brief Body. Two Dollar Radio, 2020.   
Bigelow, Katheryn. Point Break. Twentieth Century Fox, 1991.  
Danger, Dayna. “The most Native BDSM thing ever”: Dayna Danger’s Fetish Masks 
Challenge Indigenous Sexuality Taboos. CBC Radio, 2018. 
Danger, Dayna. Big’Uns: Adrienne. The Resilience Project, 2017.
Dumont, Marilyn. A Really Good Brown Girl. Brick Books, 1996. 
The Hudson’s Bay Company History Foundation. The Bay, “Shopping is Good” advertisement, 2000. 
Junker, Jocelyn. Capture Photo Festival: Jessie Ray Short’s Wake Up! (2015), 2022. 
Maracle, Lee. A Really Good Brown Girl: Introduction. Brick Books, 2019. 
Patterson, Dayne. Red River cart unveiled at U of S celebrates Métis presence on campus. CBC News, 2022. 
Rice, Ryan, and Carla Taunton. “Buffalo Boy: Then and Now.” Fuse Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 18–25. 
Sealey, D. Bruce. Stories of the Métis /. Manitoba Metis Federation Press, pg. 1, 1973.  
Short, Jessie Ray. Wake Up!, 2015. Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen, 2022. 
Stimson, Adrian, “Buffalo Boy: Then and Now.” Fuse Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 18-25. 
St-Onge, Nicole J.M. “The Dissolution of a Métis Community: Pointe à Grouette, 1860–1885.” Studies in Political Economy 18.1 (1985): 149–172. Web. 
Toneguzzi, Mario. Hudson’s Bay Co. Launches Strategic Rebranding Amid Privatization. Retail Insider, 2020. 
Vizenor, Gerald. Fugitive Poems: Native American Indian Scenes of Absence and Presence. Lincoln, Nebraska: First Bison Book 2000, p.15. 
Whitehead, Joshua. Full Metal Indigiqueer: Poems. Talon Books, 2017. 
Wilson, I. Former Jean Caron Sr. House, Parks Canada, 2002. 
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mthenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Animals of the North
In my opinion, the most important part of being an interpreter is having passion for whatever you are teaching your audience about. When an interpreter is passionate, often it is contagious and is something that cannot be faked. It doesn’t really matter what you’re talking about, as long as the audience is engaged. We have talked a lot about how to interpret in this course, but haven't actually done too much interpreting yet. Personally, I find arctic animals fascinating; I spent my summer working with them! My aim in this blog post is to get you excited by learning about two of my favourite arctic animals, by incorporating topics, lenses, and techniques we have learned about this semester. 
Firstly, I’ll introduce you to musk oxen:
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Retrieved from Mark Newman/FLPA/Minden
Musk oxen, though sometimes a little hot headed, are some of the most fascinating Arctic animals. They are native the true North - the Arctic circle that is nearly nothing other than snow and ice, meaning they must adapt to harsh conditions (Woodford, 2021). Qiviut, the undercoat of the musk ox, is one of the warmest (and in turn most expensive) materials that can be found (Woodford, 2021). This insulating wool is part of the musk oxen's two-layered coat, allowing them to stay toasty up at the top of the globe.
Though musk oxen are fast, when a predator approaches them, they don't have many places to run to in their plain landscape. Instead of flight, musk oxen opt for fight, in which they form a circle, put their young on the inside, point their horns out, and charge any brave predator that comes too close (NPS, 2020). 
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Here are the regions musk oxen are found. Most of this is in the Arctic circle, though they can also be found in other regions such as the Yukon. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Current-global-distribution-of-muskoxen-The-exact-distribution-of-muskoxen-around_fig1_317268906
Next, we will discover the many ways in which Canadian lynx have adjusted to their cold environment: 
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By Keith Williams - originally posted to Flickr as Lynx Canadensis, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11394713
Lynx are a great example of the extreme adaptations that animals must have to thrive in Arctic conditions. Their paws are massive in proportion to the rest of their bodies; it reminds me of a German shepard puppy however, lynx do not ‘grow into’ these paws as they stay this large as adults. These paws act like snow shoes to allow these cats to walk gracefully on top of deep snow, rather than sinking down into it (Vea, 2014). Lynx also have beautiful tufts of fur on the tips of their ears which is believed to aid in their hearing (San Diego Zoo, n.d).
Their coat acts as camouflage, allowing them to be ambush predators. Ambush predators sit and wait for prey to approach them while they blend in with their surroundings. Once the prey is close enough, a short burst of energy is used and soon enough it’s lynx dinner time. In other cat species, their long tails are used for balance, especially when running long distances. However lynx run sprints, not marathons; having a long tail would serve little purpose and just be another extremity to keep warm in the cold, so they have short tails instead (Vea, 2014). 
I hope you learned something new about these beautiful mammals. I’ll leave you with a question to think about - what other adaptations may be vital for the survival of some Arctic animals? I’d be happy to answer any questions about lynx or musk oxen, I could talk about them all day!
Note: All the facts I listed are things I’ve learned across 4 months this past summer. Below I included a few sources to back my claims, though they are not directly where I retrieved any of this information.
National Parks Service. (2020). Circle defense. https://www.nps.gov/gaar/learn/nature/muskox-circle-defense.htm 
​​Woodford, R. (2021). Captive muskox and exquisite Qiviut, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Captive Muskox and Exquisite Qiviut, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=1009  
Vea, T. (2014). Animal Guide: Canadian lynx. PBS. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/animal-guide-canadian-lynx/1228/ San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants. (n.d.). Lynx and Bobcat. https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/lynx-and-bobcat
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ohcanadashop · 1 year
What To Wear In Canada All Year Round? || OhCanadaShop
When relocating to Canada, there are several factors to consider. The kinds of clothing you'll need for Canada's several seasons are one that is frequently forgotten. The fact that Canada's climate is distinctive and unlike that of any other nation is frequently glossed over by new immigrants. You can be wearing shorts in December or snow in the spring. The weather in Canada may be incredibly variable. If you don't plan ahead, you can find yourself packing luggage full of clothes that are inappropriate for the current weather. Even though Canada's winters are notoriously chilly, if you dress appropriately, winter can be a season full of delightful outdoor activities.
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Clothing Styles Required for Canada's Four Seasons
Canada genuinely has four distinct seasons. So you'll need to wear appropriate clothing for each season. Depending on where you live in the country, the weather can change significantly. Additionally, it is subject to tremendous fluctuation day to day. The summertime humidity and temperature can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius, and the wintertime wind chill can bring about lows of -40 degrees Celsius.
A List of Clothes to Wear All Year Round for Comfort
You might already own some of these clothes, depending on where you are from. Wherever you live, basic clothes are available everywhere. But pay close attention to the attire for winter. If you don't have them, you should get them as soon as you can. Because you'll need appropriate, cozy, and warm gear wherever you live in Canada. You'll need more than your typical city-appropriate clothing if you plan to spend any time in the snow engaging in activities like skiing, snowmobiling, skating, or even just creating a snowman.
Shop OhCanadashop's selection of Canadian kids t-shirts for sale from creative artists. Various styles, colors, and sizes Order your preferred Canada design right away! The entire list of clothing below is easily accessible for purchase in retail establishments across the nation. These things are also available online or used at nearby thrift shops. You will need the following outfits for each season:
Clothes for the Canadian Spring (March to May)
The patio season officially began today. The arrival of spring indicates that winter has ended and that warmer weather is approaching. The season might be unpredictably variable. You might still feel the chill and find it to be cool for the time of year. Or it might be unusually warm. To be ready for this season's unpredictability, it's a good idea to keep some summer and fall supplies on hand:
Rain boots, Raincoat, A light jacket, Umbrella, Running shoes and sandals, T-shirts, Long sleeve shirts, Jeans, long pants, shorts
Clothing styles for the summer (June to August)
Summers in Canada may get quite warm and muggy. Like other places in the world, it may get quite warm. Expect some sunny days mixed in with some rainy ones. There will be numerous opportunities to visit nearby beaches, parks, and lakes. It's the time of year when Canadians take vacations, visit their cottages, and make the most of the great outdoors. Following are some examples of appropriate clothing:
Bathing suit, Sunglasses, Baseball hat, Flip flops, sandals, walking shoes, Shorts, dresses, T-shirts and tank tops, Light hooded sweater, Sports attire
Fall clothing categories (September to November)
When fall arrives, you'll notice that the temperature is beginning to cool down and that the leaves on the trees are beginning to change color. It's the season for pumpkin spice lattes. It's time to celebrate Thanksgiving and get out the sweaters. What to wear this fall is listed below:
A light jacket, Sweaters and hoodies, Jeans, leggings, long dresses, Long sleeve shirts and button-up shirts, Light gloves, Scarf, Wool hat
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Winter Clothing You'll Need (December to February)
You've probably heard about the harsh winters in Canada. They make us famous. Fortunately, the majority of people are unaware that winter is just one season out of the entire year. But it is accurate to say that bitterly cold temperatures, snow and ice, and bone-chilling winds do exist. If you plan to go skiing, tobogganing, or taking a quick walk outside, you should dress in layers. You'll need the following types of clothing for a Canadian winter, as examples:
Winter coat (with hood), Snow pants, Boots, Gloves, toque, scarf, earmuffs,, Thermal pants, Long pants, Heavy sweaters, Hoodies, sweatpants, Thick socks
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Oh Canada Shop
Suite 263, 12-16715 Yonge St , Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
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This jacket fits true to size, and take particular care when washing to avoid the microfibre insulation from bunching. Jacket A lot warm of light weight of extraordinary winter. Amur All Wins Camotu because of his levels of big quality and Exc. Priced at $178 regularly, right now you can score it for just $125. It has taken a colour of mink and really likes- is different but still looks stylish. It is heavy and warm- I alive the Minnesota and maintain me toasty. They are 5'9” and 140lbs and has bought the big but could has taken probably the half. Some sleeves are quell'has bitten tight and upper organism bit it free but he apt spend the measure 0. It has not tried he in timing very cold still so that it has not been that warm is.
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And the averages lined with the soft warm material for your hands!
Showcasing unrivalled value for money, this jacket gets top marks for affordability.
Any way, would prefer my jacket be slightly too big that slightly too small.
Add brightness to dreary days with this yellow puffer by Vero Moda. Or if it’s too bright for you, snag it in black, red, brown, or burgundy. Loves a jacket, a lot warm, but measure L was too big for me and I has has had to that return it and when I have wanted to buy measures M, was sold already was. I dipped it/ I dipped It on and there is remarked immediately that a snaps the keys were the economic plastic that the noise done when it walk around.
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Since winter jackets are quite thick, you won’t want to have to wait for your jacket to dry between wearing. A windproof outer layer will also help to keep out the winter chill. Be sure to inspect the tag and look for outer shells with wicking abilities found in synthetic fabrics like Nylon or Polyester. Wool coats might be warm and fashionable but will quickly get damp if there is any precipitation. But these days, the puffer isn’t limited to Michelin man-inspired looks. A two-way zipper will provide added warmth, which is what you want in a winter jacket. Ideally, also look to see if the jacket has an added storm flap that covers the main zipper and has the benefits of stopping the zipper from icing up and will keep you warm since heat can easily escape through the zipper. This jacket is incredibly lightweight and great for travel as can smoosh it down into any part of your luggage. The elasticated cuffs and hood make for a snug fit that keeps out the winter elements.
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The Senate first passed chips legislation in June that also authorized $190 billion to strengthen U.S. technology and research to compete with China, while the House passed its version in early February. Here’s where you can start your portfolio for long-term growth on auto-pilot. The post The Ultimate Set and Forget Portfolio appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada. The U.S. trade deficit in goods narrowed in February, but the fall reversed only a fraction of the surge to a record high in January, suggesting that trade would again weigh on economic growth in the first quarter. "We think trade might subtract about two-three percentage points from GDP growth in the first quarter," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York. Material has smooth, exerts partorisca feel and is all has fill down. A down is in of the containers like this has to that have less or any feather that comes by means of a discharge. It did not spend it still like this winter h like this spent but can not expect spend next winter. Has read other descriptions that has said this jacket can be tight in a bust, but there is not founding concealed partorisca be a @@subject at all. They are 5'5, weighing 135 pounds, and I wear D-cups and there is not founding this tight jacket in a bust. It has taken a brown which want of then possesses all the black clothes to the equal that sweats the variac. It is like my coverage of security, spends them this same jacket when they are lounging. Alive where his around terracings , windy and nieva on and is gone in meso during a winter.
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badboyfriends · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
Tumblr media
SON OF AKSHAY LAH-MO AND @the-slasher-files
Nickname: Emmers, Fox, Prince
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Nationality: American, Canadian, Dutch, German, Polish, Scottish
Languages: English, Dutch, Russian, Romanian
Voice: Emerson almost has a mysterious voice that keeps you wanting more, he has an American accent but uses Canadian slang. It's a very smooth voice but strong and deep, almost like whiskey. He is not the most talkative but when he does speak it's like a sweet siren call that leads you deep into the woods only to be lost in it.
Occupation: Graphic Designer and Museum Conservator. Ex Forestry. Botanist as a hobby
Location: Alaska, USA
Hair: A couple of inches long, wavy platinum blonde
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'6
Body: Athletic, solid, bulky
Clothes: Most days at home he has on black or beige cargo pants with a black long sleeve or turtleneck with his doc marten combat boots. On the weekdays working at the museum, Emerson wears black, grey or beige slack rolled up at the ends with his combat boots, white or black long sleeves or button-up dress shirts with a knee-length black wool coat
Weapons/fight style: AK-47, Daggers, gloved gauntlets with claws, very skilled in hand to hand combat
Preferred Method of Kill: Ripping people apart limb by limb with his clawed gauntlets. Hides the bodies in his chemicals that clean the art and statues at the museum for restoration, and also in the museum exhibits.
Motive: He kills loggers, poachers, people that desecrate cemeteries, museums, historical sites ect.
Smell: Amber, sage, geranium leaf, patchouli with finishes of cedar, leather, bitter orange and dark vanilla leaving him with a woody sweet and spicy scent.
Personality: At first Emerson can come off cold, harsh, blunt and sometimes even like a snob, he is also very intimidating when you see him with a large stature and intense eyes but he is more curious than you realize. Emerson is defiantly more of an observer than a talker, his actions speak louder than words. He is the guy that sees 2 people fighting over how to build something then he slips between them and does it himself.
It will take a while before getting to actually know and understand this gentle giant but once you are in, you are there for a lifetime. Emerson takes his relationships seriously and if he likes you, it is golden, good times camping, dirt biking, drinking together around the fire and just having those late night discussions about life. He is a ride or die for the people he loves and loyal to a fault.
Emerson is actually a pretty funny guy but it takes a minute for his humour to really sink in and it is something to get a little used to which can lead to some misunderstandings of him being harsh or brutal, but it's his sarcasm, teasing and sass with a hint of darkness that gives him his humour.
Whenever Emerson enters a room the man demands attention, not just because he is tall and good looking but because of his leader energy, having both very strong parents made him a true fearless prince. Growing up he was quiet and still is but Emerson was always the leader of his friends and family, he knows when to step back or step in ... Quietly.
Relationship with Parents: Emerson has a very good relationship with his mom and dad, everything is very open with communication and life experiences. Although he does not tell his parents everything he is very comfortable talking when something is up or if he needs guidance. Akshay is very warm towards his son, always ready to teach him and give Emerson advice, as well as constantly being present in his life to make sure he has a solid support system and catches every wonderful moment.
Akshay will teach his son that nothing in life is free and you do have to work hard for what you want, there will be no spoiled brat on his watch, it also tells Emerson to be appreciative for everything he has and the simpler things in life are the most precious.
Emerson can come to Akshay for many, many things and has never felt judged about it, they are very comfortable with each other. Both stoic giants have their own telepathic language that does not need words, it is a special bond between them.
There has even been a few times where Emerson and Akshay have teamed up against loggers and poachers but they will not speak about it to anyone, just their secret in the forest.
Also, another great thing is that his parents always spent more time with Emerson outside than inside, learning the ins and outs of nature and the creatures within it. Always camping, hiking, swimming in mountain waters, and looking for animals. He has learned more from animals than humans in his life and he thinks others should too.
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quillquiver · 4 years
The Wind Beneath My Wings
DeanCas Coda to 15x10: The Heroes’ Journey
“…And did I mention that I had seventeen cavities, man. Seventeen! What the fuck, right?”
Castiel gives a sympathetic hum, folding his hands in his lap as he watches Dean literally throw articles of clothing at the duffle on the floor. Things he’s never seen before, like knitted sweaters and hats find themselves lumped in with wash-soft jeans and well-worn plaid shirts.
“It sucked ass, Cas,” Dean continues. He frowns at a pair of wool socks before shrugging and tossing them on the steadily growing pile. “And dairy? I can’t eat it! I had like seven grilled cheeses and I puked my fuckin’ guts out—”
Cas squints.
“—And then,” Dean says, hands moving explosively. “Then some sleezy shifter gets the fuckin’ drop on me, and Sam is useless ‘cause he’s a fuckin’ giraffe, so we get captured so we can—and I shit you not—wrestle some The Rock, tank-looking motherfucker! How fucked is that?!”
“Very fucked,” Cas murmurs placidly. In the interest of not ruining whatever tentative truce they’ve come to, he does not gently mention that eating seven grilled cheeses is insane for literally any human being, nor does he mention that Dean should consider changing his eating habits in the interest of his teeth.
“…So now we have to go to Alaska to get our luck back. Sam obviously wants to fly because he’s insane, but we’re driving because I A) don’t have a death wish, and B) don’t think our flimsy freaking IDs are gonna hold up at an airport. We have to drive through Canada, Cas. Canada! I don’t wanna have to listen to Sam’s rant about Canadian healthcare again—”
“It is a thorough rant.”
“Exactly! See? You get it.” Dean seems to realize that he’s staring a moment too long after the fact, and he clears his throat and purses his lips. “So, uh. How was your day, huh? How—shit!”
He steps backwards and trips over his own feet.
It’s as endearing as it is completely hilarious. Cas snorts, covering his amusement with a cough and an arched brow when Dean grumbles at him, the tips of his ears pink. “Yeah yeah laugh it up,” he mumbles. “You got any fun stories like this, huh? How’d this shit manifest in Heaven?”
Cas considers this. “…It didn’t.”
“It didn’t,” he repeats. “Nothing changed.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Dean frowns.
Cas tilts his head to the side, getting comfortable as he leans back on his hands. “I’m not the hero of this story, Dean.”
“What the hell’re you talking about, yeah you are—”
“I’m not,” Cas says. “Everything went exactly as expected. I still have awful luck, but that’s… not new.”
Dean shakes his head. “Yeah but was it worse than normal? There’s no way you were spared, dude.”
“Dean, I’m telling you—”
“Cas, look, it’s just not possible, okay? If me and Sammy are the heroes—if I’m the hero, and you’re—I mean—” Dean’s holding a t-shirt in his hands that is currently being twisted within an inch of its life, though this seems to be something he isn’t aware of. There’s a blush high in his cheeks and he swallows thickly, frowning as he bites his lip. “You’re a hero.”
Cas’s heart almost leaps out of his chest. He feels his palms begin to sweat and he wipes them on his slacks. “I don’t think love interests are considered heroes,” he says quietly, feeling vaguely ill at the admission. Every cell in his body holds its breath.
“Uh—” Dean swallows. “What?”
“Love interests,” Cas forces himself to say again. He can’t pigeonhole himself, if he does that he ruins all hope of regaining the shred of normalcy they’ve worked so hard for. “Ah. They’re not main characters. Eileen is—”
Dean scoffs. “You’re not Eileen.”
It’s the speed with which he says it; the casual surety of it, like those words don’t pin Cas to his seat and cause his heart to ache. It shocks them both, judging from the way green eyes skitter to the floor and then back. Nervous but… deliberate. Heavy. When Dean speaks again, his words are sturdy.
“I mean, no disrespect to Eileen,” he says carefully. Measured. “I think she’s great. But she’s not you.”
Cas is half-convinced he died in heaven. There’s no other explanation for the way Dean is looking at him, right now.
“Look, um. We’re a team, alright?” Dean continues. “We fit. And I—come on, man, you know what I mean, I just—I wanna… dance,” he finishes lamely. “With you.”
“You want to dance with me,” Cas repeats quietly. He feels all at once elated and like he’s going to faint. “I—” A pause. A frown. Cas looks away and feels the weight of everything they’ve ever been through weigh on him. “I don’t think I know how.”
“You do,” Dean says. He speaks low and urgent. “Cas, you definitely do.”
“It’s real easy, look.”
Cas gets pulled to his feet, Dean arms circling his waist to bring them chest-to-chest. Their foreheads press together and Dean gives a shaky exhale. Cas doesn’t know if he’s breathing; he doesn’t think he is.
They sway and Dean says something sweet that Cas can’t hear for the blood rushing in his ears. Though he’s been wanting this for so long—eons, it feels like—he never ever gave a thought to what it would be like if he was lucky enough to have it.
A kiss is probably a good place to start.
Carefully, Cas tilts his chin until their mouths brush, and Dean falls into him like he’s waiting for the opportunity. It’s soft and almost painfully sweet; fingers flex against his waist while Cas fists the material of Dean’s tee. This is—the fact that this is happening, that they’re doing this, it’s—
Dean pulls away with a pleased little grin, and Cas finds that he chases him in the half-moments after. But where social protocol might have called for embarrassment, Cas can’t bring himself to be, not when it makes Dean smile more widely. He wants that expression on his face, always. He wants the way Dean moves to nose behind his ear, the way he squeezes his waist, the way he buries his face in Cas’s neck and breathes: “See? You’re a natural dancer.”
It’s overwhelming; what he says and how he says it, and Cas doesn’t have time to gather himself and even attempt to respond before Dean is pulling back with a cocksure grin and a smirk. “And y’know what, fuck Chuck,” he says. “You’re my hero.”
Cas raises a brow. “Mm,” he murmurs. “But am I the wind beneath your wings?”
It’s the right answer; Dean lights up before making like Cas has wounded him, yelling obscenities about puns and pushing at him until they’re horizontal on the bed and kissing happily. Even with the God mess, and Dean’s clothes holding too much static, and knocking their foreheads and teeth twice, it’s the best night of Cas’s very long life.
“Did you ever know that you're my heroooo….”
“Dean, focus—”
“And everything I would like to beeeee…”
“I can fly higher than an—mmph! Hey, I gotta finish the chorus! Cas, you’re so—oh.”
It will take more than this to fix what’s between them, Cas knows. But that’s fine; if there’s anything on Earth worth fighting for, it’s this.
It’s him.
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millllenniawrites · 3 years
hey folks!! im canadian and I know there’s a cold front going through parts of the US that aren’t used to cold so from your buddy up north, here are some tips:
let your car heat up first before you drive it!! letting it run for a good 15-20 minutes before you decide to go anywhere. the cold is really hard on your engine 
speaking of driving: you are going to want to start breaking as soon as you realize you need to. slamming on the brakes at the last second is a recipe for disaster. break slowly and don’t pump the breaks! even pressure that’s slowly applied is perfect. give yourself as much time and space as you can
if your tires are stuck in snow, don’t spin them!! that will just create friction which will melt the snow around the tires and then very quickly turn to ice. stick that bad boy in neutral (assuming you’re on a flat surface), dig around the wheels as much as you can (kiddie sand shovels or cardboard can be good for this) and put something gritty (sand, fertilizer, kitty litter) around them. if you don’t have anything like that, putting sheets of cardboard around your wheels can also help. then push! 
if you don’t have boots, wool or other kinds of thick socks are great in shoes as long as you don’t get wet. if you have to layer, lots of socks in lots of layers can be really tight and cut of circulation to your feet, which will just make you very cold so please be careful of that! only do this for short periods of time and take off a couple layers of socks once you get indoors! 
otherwise, layer up! if you have to wear jeans (for work uniforms or something) wear leggings/long underwear/pyjama pants under your jeans as an extra layer. denim is bad at keeping you warm
keep your curtains closed as much as you possible and saran wrap your windows if you can! it’ll help keep your house warm
if you don’t have a toque, wrap one scarf/other long fabric over your head so that it covers your ears (like headphones), as well as a scarf over your mouth and nose (like right where your mask will be underneath). your lips, ears and nose freeze very quickly and it hurts a whole heck of a lot so if you have to be outside for any significant amount of time, make sure your face is wrapped up
I’ve seen a couple lists like these and I’m sure I’m missing stuff but I hope this helps someone! 
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