#Green beans can sustain a man for 2 weeks
creepyscritches · 2 years
It's so funny how I used to be a rigid vegetarian for years but I have never thought something was too cute to eat like I'll bite a cow it's true cute things taste better come here
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40sandfabulousaf · 3 months
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大家好! There're different types of yong tau foo available in my country. Over the weekend, I had the Hakka version. This is different from the yong tau foo I normally eat. Items in each bowl are fixed; customers choose the portion size, rice or noodles and whether we want the meal soup, dry or in gravy. Mine arrived with large pieces of bittergourd and brinjal stuffed with fish paste, fu pi and fu juk (tofu skin and dried tofu skin) stuffed with fish paste or fish cake, tau pok (tofu puff), fishball and Chinese spinach. At first glance, it wasn't a lot but man, this was filling and delicious. Will return when I crave yong tau foo variety.
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I had a simple lunch instead of breakfast out of compassion for Palestinians in Gaza this week. According to a previous report, some of them were surviving on about 250 calories a day. I'm not brave enough to attempt the same, but I tried it for Monday's WFH lunch. This ready to eat mini meal with rice, tuna, carrots and green beans is palm size and 180kcal. For reference, compare the bowl to the tablespoon next to it. The food was tasty but I was SO hungry after 2 hours, I downed 2 cheese tofus and a packet of soya bean drink to make it to dinner. This is nothing compared to Palestinians' suffering. The report below states that many of them are getting food poisoning from eating expired canned foods.
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Kangkong is not often mentioned in this blog, but it's a staple amongst locals. This vegetable is usually stirfried with chilli or sambal. I don't tolerate spice well, so I seldom have it; once in awhile, I'll order some as it's pretty tasty. This week, I tried chilli kangkong from 1 of the food stalls that I frequent, along with cauliflower, egg tofu and scrambled eggs. We've had blistering hot afternoons, so I wasn't in the mood for heavy meals and my appetite for meat shrank. Thankfully, the kangkong was mildly spicy. I really enjoyed my meal! Besides being high in fibre, this vegetable is also a rich source of iron, Vitamin A, potassium and magnesium.
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Time flies; the last time I set foot in a fastfood restaurant was 4 July 2023. Soon, it will be 1 year! A hearty bowl of yong tau foo soup like the one below, with Napa cabbage, bittergourd, tomato, brinjal, carrot, bak choy and an egg satisfies me way more than burgers and pizzas; healthier too! It's almost like a salad except with more vegetables and, to me, more delicious. Let's get real: I'll probably step into a fastfood joint down the road but is it possible to enjoy moderately healthy meals in the long term? In other words, is a moderately healthy lifestyle sustainable? To me, the answer is a resounding yes. I definitely prefer eating this way.
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There're a number of catch ups to look forward to, starting this weekend - a gathering over a delicious buffet meal, Mummy's birthday at a Japanese restaurant I haven't been to (so I'm very excited) and meeting my babe and old friend, YL. The next week, I have one with LW and another with KY and Mrs T. I'll be sure to share about them. After all, who doesn't like to eat? I know I do. We're blessed to live in this country where delicious and nutritious meals at various price points are easily accessible. I love it here. 下次见!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
FTWD 6x11: The Holding
Wow! Where to begin with this episode? We had some super-stellar parallels going here. I don’t think it was any secret that I wasn’t thrilled with last week’s episode. It was fine, but also kind of meh. I LOVED this week’s episode. So much good stuff!
***As always, spoilers for 6x11 abound below. Don't read until you've watched!***
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So, we learn about these “end is the beginning” people. They’re staying in a place called The Holding, which is really an underground parking garage. (Um…cars, anyone? Let’s recall that Daryl and Carol walked through at least one parking garage in Consumed while looking for Beth. They also passed lots of above-ground ones, including one that had a red car with its door open in front of it. Also, the fact that it’s underground could make it a symbolic tomb/grave.)
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These people are composting walkers to grow food underground. (People do use blood and bone feed to fertilize gardens. Like compost and waste, it really does help them grow. Of course in our society it’s ANIMAL blood and bone. Using walkers/humans is definitely more sinister and cringy. And they have proven that eating various parts of humans leads to things like Mad Cow’s Disease, so I do think Alicia’s question about food being grown that way being healthy is viable.)
But moving on.
It’s important to note that the showrunner called this group a cult, so are not they meant to be “good people.” Most of those that live there aren’t sinister, but they’ve been brainwashed into thinking their leader is a good man and that what he’s trying to accomplish is good. They’ve drunk the koolaid (or eaten the walker food?).
So, we have the ivy walker.
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There really couldn’t be a more clear parallel to the blond girl Daryl saw on the tree in 5x15. Plus all the green ivy around her.
I believe we saw a promo of this walker early on. Like maybe nearer the beginning of S6. Which, thanks to Covid, was more than a year ago. I’d pretty much forgotten it, but we actually do see it in this episode.
The dogma of this group (“the end is the beginning”) is that from death springs new life. This walker is meant to represent that. Life growing out of death. And on its own, it doesn’t seem like an overly negative mission statement. After all, this world is full of death and people are trying to survive. But it quickly becomes obvious that there’s more sinister stuff at work here.
So what does this have to do with Beth? I think she’s the ultimate symbol of life springing from death. So, not only does this foreshadow her, but they’re also using her as a symbol here. I don’t know how this group may feed into future story lines, or if they’ll just be a FTWD thing, but it will be interesting to watch.
Some of the major things in this episode: a Sirius reunion, a Daryl/Merle parallel, Grady parallels, at least two major Beth/Bethyl proxies, and some tantalizing hints for what’s to come involving both this group and the CRM. (See why I loved this episode?)
Let’s dive in.
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First, let me acknowledge all the background symbols. There are tons of them, and I don’t want to go into tons of detail about them. But we see cheese (think Morgan/Eastman), tomatoes, eggs (lots of food). We also see fire extinguishers, lots of green (especially paint), an elevator. You get the idea.
The first big thing that happens is Wes meets his brother, Derek, whom he thought was dead. 
Welcome to the first Beth proxy.
Okay, I didn’t remember much of this backstory or how much of it was told when we first met Wes. I do remember talking about his brother as a possible Beth proxy, but beyond that, I didn’t remember details. But they rehash it all here. Care to take a guess?
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Wes went out for supplies and was overwhelmed by, you guessed it, a walker horde. He ran into a shed but it collapsed (becoming something of tomb) and the walkers were beating on the outside, trying to get in (think Beth and Daryl in the trunk). He passed out and woke up in The Holding.
That’s exactly like what happened with Beth, actually. She told Gorman she was fighting a walker and everything went black. She woke up at Grady.
The difference here is that Beth never bought into what Dawn was peddling, but unfortunately, Wes’s brother did. We eventually learn that he’s a true follower of “Teddy,” the cult leader and condones the murder that’s being done.
And of course that’s also what we think happened during the missing 17 days. Overwhelmed by walkers, left behind. Perhaps she woke up back at Grady, or somewhere else.
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But the actual reunion between Wes and Derek is very on-the-nose. Because Wes truly thought this brother dead, he even says things like, “You’re alive?” and “What the hell?” Probably things that will be said about Beth when she finally shows up.
There’s also a serious/Sirius mention when they sit down to talk. And Derek keeps mentioning his bike. Like Daryl, he had a bike that Wes took when he thought his brother dead. But the fact that he mentions “bikes” like five times in this conversation is important.
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I wanted to mention coffee. We’ve seen coffee as a symbol before, specifically around Carol. We first noticed it when Paula told her little story about the carrot, the egg and the coffee beans going into the water in 6x13. She said the coffee beans changed the water itself. So, coffee = a catalyst for change. But this episode made me realize it’s a catalyst for a change that’s not necessarily good.
Apparently, the supplies Wes’s brother went out for was coffee creamer. The change that came was not only him being left behind and presumed dead, but changing into a person that no longer empathized with other human beings. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we see Carol making and drinking coffee just before they went to the caverns and Connie disappeared?)
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There’s also a huge eye/sight/see theme. They take everyone over to see this green-ivy walker and ask them what they “see”. The idea is that they should see life and possibility springing from death, but it’s just a way to indoctrinate them and check to see if they’re willing to go along with what the cult’s beliefs are. Lots of talk of eyes (opening your eyes), what one can and can’t yet see, etc.
Later, we see walkers with their mouths sewn shut. So we have at least the see no evil, speak no evil themes. There might have been hear no evil that I didn’t catch.
The second major parallel is to Daryl and Merle, since these two are brothers. 
But it’s more than just that. Wes took Derek’s bike after he disappeared (same as Daryl and Merle). When Wes found his brother again, he was with a bad group (with Merle, it was the Governor) or rather a group of decent people led by an evil man. Derek has a skewed mindset, and is working for Teddy. Remember that Merle not only worked for the Gov but even tried to kill Michonne at one point. And how they die is…similar. Merle’s, in the end, was more chivalrous, as he died to help save Daryl and TF. That wasn’t the case with Derek, but his death resulted from him pretending to work against Teddy. Unfortunately it wasn’t real, and he betrayed them, but there are still parallels/anti-parallels between the two stories.
How is this place like Grady?
There’s the underground tomb aspect, the fact that they grow their own food. At the beginning, Alicia’s group keeps asking them questions about the community, which Riley (Nick Stahl) pretty much refuses to answer.
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One of them is, “Are we allowed to leave?” or “Is anyone allowed to leave?” That, of course, instantly reminded me of Grady. Now, they never answer it directly, and at one point, Riley says they can decide if they want to stay or not. But by the time we get to the end of the episode, I’m pretty sure that’s BS. So, like Grady, no one’s really given the choice to leave. Even if they tell people they can.
They’re taken into a room with medical equipment at one point. It just looks a lot like Grady, though I could tell it wasn’t the same kind of medical equipment. We’re told that it’s embalming equipment.
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In fact, Al says something that should catch your ear. She says, “they must have hit the funeral home.” Naturally all our minds will go to Alone, but she’s talking about the funeral home she and Dwight (I think) were at before. I don’t remember which episode, but we talked about it looking a lot like the funeral home in Alone. So, I think Al is saying these people, The Holding, raided that funeral home and took the equipment. Kinda makes me think the funeral home in Alone will come back into the picture at some point.
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And it turns out, The Holding is embalming walkers. Al’s group ends up in a room with dozens of walkers strung up by their wrists (kind of like Daryl and Michonne were in Scars). They’ve been embalmed and their mouths have been sewn shut.
So, here’s where the plot becomes super interesting. I mentioned above that Riley told them they could choose to leave at some point, right? Al was saying that everything they’ve set up is impressive—food, power, water, they’re very self-sustaining—but it felt like they were preparing for something big.
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He admits that they are. He says they are planning to soon close the doors permanently. He says they never want to go topside again, and the new way to live will be underground.
Later, when talking to Morgan, Al sort of implies that maybe it’s not so much about them choosing to go underground as that something will drive them underground for a long time. Almost like they’re preparing for a nuclear winter or something. But we don’t know exactly what it is.
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I think what we’re supposed to infer is that they’re collecting walkers to use as compost in coming years. (They even call the walkers ‘posters.) They’re embalming the walkers to keep them “fresh.” Riley says the walkers last about 2 months in the composter before they break down entirely, so putting away 20 or 30 walkers really will last them for years.
CRM Ties
Wes and Al snoop through Derek’s room. They find maps of different communities and some of those transparent overlays that have the three rings of the CRM on them. That’s how they know that this group is attacking communities (like Tank Town) and that Derek knows all about it.
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The other thing Al figures out from looking at Derek’s maps is that the group seemed to be tracking the CRM’s drop sites. She thinks they want to get their hands on a helicopter. (So, when it comes to Nora’s group, who was in the high rise, this group wasn’t after them. The roof was a helicopter drop site and that’s really who they were after. Though, they might have set the plague on Nora’s people because they are trying to kill humanity.) And given that this cult might be planning the end of the world, clearly them getting a hold of a helicopter would be a bad thing. 
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Al tells Dwight she’s going to go look for Isobel and warn her. I think she’s just planning to go to the drop sites and wait for a helicopter to show up.
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So, we have more potential interaction with the CRM through Al. And I’m really hoping we get some good Bethyl symbolism and clues through this storyline. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on it.
Morgan and Burning it Down
Wes confronts him and talks him into leaving with them. At one point, Wes mentions Morgan. I think he just does it without thinking, because what would Morgan mean to his brother, right? But Derek instantly gets weird when he hears Morgan’s name, and Wes doesn’t really notice.
When they try to leave, they get caught, and it’s obvious Derek set them up. They’re taken to the embalming room, and Riley asks where Morgan is. They won’t say how they know him or why they want him, but they’re VERY interested in finding Morgan. 
I was thinking it might just be because Morgan killed those two guys in one of the early episodes when they attacked him in his truck, but they both died and wouldn’t have known his name from that encounter anyway. So I’m not sure what this is about. There are the tapes they were leaving at gas stations and such. Maybe that’s it, but it wouldn’t explain why they would want Morgan more than the others.
They’re taken to the embalming room and threatened with death. Derek takes Wes back to the ivy walker to see if he can “see” what Wes does. 
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A fight ensues, and Wes throws Derek into the walker where he’s bitten. He shoots his brother so he won’t turn. The thing about this part is that it doesn’t show it. It instead shows the (somewhat yellowish) mural Derek was working on before, and Teddy’s voice is talking about how light comes from darkness. Then, we just hear a single gunshot. 
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That gave me *major* Beth vibes.
Wes then goes back to the embalming room to rescue the others.
Wes’s reaction at this part reminded me a bit of Daryl/Merle too. Not so much at Merle’s death, but back in 3x10 when Daryl returned to the prison. It just struck me that, while Wes did cry when his brother died and clearly mourned him, he got over it really fast. He went back to where the group was and no longer seemed terribly broken up about it. I was just thinking he seemed to have figured out who his true family was and where he really belonged, and that that was more important than his brother’s warped mindset. Much like Daryl and Merle.
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When he goes back, he takes Riley hostage briefly and they all escape into another room and bar the door. This room is full of the hanging walkers full of embalming fluid. They have to walk between them toward an exit on the far side.
Al Parallels Daryl in 5x15
Here’s another super interesting parallel. Al sees one walker hanging that has the black CRM gear on it, including the helmet, so she can’t see its face. She walks over to it and lifts its helmet, clearly looking to see if it’s Isobel, which it’s not. Such an obvious parallel to Daryl looking into the face of the blond walker on the tree. It even lunges at her and she kills it, like Daryl did with that walker.
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What I liked here is that Alicia freaked out about it. She said, “what the hell was that?” Aaron didn’t say that to Daryl, so they weren’t drawing as much attention to it there as they did here. But clearly we are supposed to notice that, without knowing more, that behavior is bizarre. And here, we the audience know that Al was worried it was Isobel. But Alicia doesn’t. Where the blond walker on the tree is concerned, the audience is in Alicia’s place, not being terribly clear about what’s behind Daryl’s behavior. (I mean, TD is, but most of the rest of the fandom isn’t.)
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So then Alicia says they should take this place down. When Al stabbed the CRM walker in the neck, embalming fluid poured out. Embalming fluid is highly flammable. So, long story short, Alicia stays behind to “burn it down” and the others escape. (I don’t have to explain that parallel, right? ;D)
It all happens really fast. We see Alicia light the match (which Al had; just reminded me of Daryl having matches in Rick’s hallucination in 7x01, and clearly Al = Daryl in this parallel), and then it skips to Al, Wes, and Luciana back with Morgan telling him what happened. They say the fire was huge and burned hot, and Alicia could have gotten out, but they couldn’t FIND her. They also don’t know if any of the Holding people got out.
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So Morgan just says they’re going to go back and start at the Holding location to look for Alicia. I’m assuming that will happen next episode.
So, we aren’t exactly clear on this group’s dogma or what they’re trying to do, but it does seem that they want to kill off everyone who lives up top. Which is, you know, everyone. And once again, that makes them a lot like the Wolves. They believe killing people is saving them. I’m not saying these are Wolves or anything (they might be; after all, both groups tied a blond walker to a tree and believed similar things about killing off the remnants of humanity) but rather that the Wolves were a foreshadow of other groups to come.
And the next question is, are they part of the CRM? Because of the CRM walker, and what they implied about them trying to hijack a helicopter, I’m thinking not. But there’s clearly a lot of entanglement going on.
Alicia = Beth
So, in the final scene, we have some interesting developments. This may be the scene that got my mind spinning the most, just in terms of symbolic Beth potential.
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We see Alicia, very much alive, and still in the embalming room, though now all the walls look blackened. So obviously the entire place didn’t burn down. (That doesn’t surprise me. It’s an underground parking garage. It takes a lot to burn down cement.)
She’s being held hostage in there. Riley comes in and says some weird, cryptic things. He says new life springs from death, for MOST people, and that they plan to preserve Alicia exactly as she is. It’s obvious they mean to kill and embalm her.
But I had the thought that maybe they meant her to take the place of the Ivy Walker. We don’t know what happened to that walker. It might have burned in the fire, but they didn’t show us either way. I was thinking that it would make a twisted sense for them to embalm Alicia (who tried to take their community down) and put her in its place. Which would make her a Beth proxy.
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Riley leaves her alone with the embalming guy, but she stabs him in the eye (Sirius) and then, after a brutal scuffle, sticks him in the neck with the embalming needle, killing him.
It’s then that we finally meet Teddy, the leader of the cult. We hear about him and hear his voice a lot during the episode (they play tapes of him talking throughout the garage as people work) but this is when we first see him. It’s John Glover. I don’t know if everyone’s familiar with him. He was on Smallville back in the day. I totally forgot he was going to be on the show. He’s usually a villain, but more of a funny villain than a scary villain.
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Anyway, he basically tells Alicia he has a special role for her and that he’s been looking for someone like her for a long time. He seems convinced that he can convert her to his philosophy, but he’s also fixated on the fact that she sacrificed herself for her family. So, it doesn’t say what he means by “someone like you” but I’m assuming someone who is brave or else self-sacrificial.
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But here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking recently that they haven’t really done much with Alicia lately. She’s one of the few surviving originals for this series, and one of the most well known actors going into it, because she’s been on other highly-watched tv shows, but they’ve kind of been ignoring her.
So, I think this is the beginning of a big arc for her, and I think it will be a major parallel for what happened with Beth after she was left behind.
Alicia becomes a proxy here for Beth, not only because she’s in the Grady-like medical room, and stabs a guy in the eye, but Teddy totally razzes her about being left behind.
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He says, “they left you behind.” She says, “I made them.” He says, “Yeah, but they obliged.” And then goes off about how they’re her family and family is sacred and they shouldn’t have done that.
And in my head, I’m screaming, “Beth! Beth! Beth!”
So yeah. Super intrigued by this episode. They’re setting up some really intriguing things and it will be very interesting to see what happens moving forward.
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What did everyone else think of the episode?
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crystalgirl259 · 4 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch2
Chapter 2: The Dreamer
"Shit! Fuck! Dammit!" Kai growled as he once again reached the last page of the leather-bound novel he had been reading. He turned the last crisp leaf only to find the last page, telling that the Dragon Lord still had to find his true love, so yellowed with age and stained that it was beyond readability. No matter how many times he read his favorite story, it frustrated him to no end that the ending remained a well-kept secret. With expert care, he closed the antique book, being extra careful with the antiquarian treasure.
Gold claps and hinders lined the corners so the leather would not wear out too quickly.
Red, orange, white, and blue jewels were embedded into the twists of each corner, while a gold clasp with a leather strap kept the book locked when it wasn't being read. Gold patterns adorned the exquisite cover while faintly glowing letters spelled out the title. The spine was equally studded with gold corners binding it together and studded with dully-glowing jewels. The pages were aged and yellowed but worn in a way that made it clear the book was not only well-used but well-loved.
Running a hand through his spikey brown hair, he gently placed the book back in his bag.
Then he interlaced his hands behind his head before leaning back against the trunk of the tree he currently occupied in a laidback manner before gazing at the clear blue sky above him. The teen had tall, thick spiky brown hair, shaped like fire, and bright amber eyes that shined like burning embers. He had a focused expression on his face, with a scar visible on his right eyebrow and a bandage above his left. He wore a red half-zipped-up jacket over a white shirt with some kind of Japanese symbol on the back of the jacket and brown pants.
Nineteen-year-old Kai Smith closed his eyes with a contented sigh before happily trying to drift off to sleep.
He wanted to escape the shackles of life outside the wide acres of land and forest surrounding the small home he occupied with his beloved sibling. If only to escape for a moment.
"AHH!" He cried out as the sudden noise caused Kai to bolt from his serenity, and momentarily forgetting where he was, he maneuvered to see what it was that had woken him. The sound of giggling from above forced his eyes open, and he came face to face with the adorable face and sweet, innocent smile of his younger adopted brother. He had long, blonde tousled hair, and brown arched eyebrows with bright emerald green eyes that many people would state could sometimes glow in the dark.
He wore a dark green jacket with a white t-shirt and black pants and black and dark green sneakers.
"Good morning!" Twelve-year-old Lloyd smiled down at his older brother with a wide, bright smile and innocent eyes cutely shut. "Sleep well?"
"I did," Kai smirked with a tone of mock irritation. "Until a certain someone conspired to kill me by knocking me out of a tree." He answered with a mock glare, but his brother simply burst into laughter before taking a step back. Recognizing the game, Kai smirked and took a step forward. Lloyd took another step back, but Kai was quick to follow him until finally Lloyd turned and sprinted. The chase had begun. Letting him have his fun, Kai let his little brother win for a moment before putting on a sudden burst of speed and tackling the child to the ground.
The two rolled around for a few minutes before finally collapsing in a field of colorful flowers in a heap of laughter.
"You have been a very, very naughty boy, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon-Smith." Kai scolded playfully, wagging his finger in front of Lloyd's face as if punishing a small child. Lloyd pouted at this, succeeding only in making himself look cuter, but Kai had helped raise him and was immune to his little brother's tricks to getting out of trouble.
"Perhaps I should ask Nya if she could cook a veggie casserole for dinner instead of pizza?" He mused thoughtfully. Lloyd's reaction changed in an instant.
"No!" The younger boy squeaked in pure panic and quickly jumped to his feet. He tugged harshly on Kai's arms and ran around him to push him to his feet when that didn't work. "Let's go, please! We can go right now! I'll even carry everything home, I promise." He started saying quickly and desperately. It took all of Kai's willpower not to fall to the ground laughing at his brother's response.
"Alright, alright green bean, we'll go." Kai chuckled at his brother's relieved smile while reaching to retrieve the bag that he had lost during their play. "But you have to promise to behave." He added and Lloyd groaned in defeat but nodded, his love of seeing the town outweighing his pride. The siblings had moved to the sleepy town of Ignacia when Lloyd was eight and Kai and Nya had just turned fifteen. They had instantly begun rebelling against the role society had dictated for him.
The trio's father Ray, a retired blacksmith, had settled his family in the small town not long after the family lost their mother to illness.
When the Smiths first arrived in Ignacia, Maya, the trio's mother and a fantastic artist who was very talented with watercolors, and their father Ray shared a love of adventure and traveled around a lot, studying the different cultures they came across. They continued their adventurous life after they were married. They had settled down for a short time when they received the joyful news that Maya was pregnant with Kai and Nya. After the twins were born, the couple decided they wanted to adopt another.
It wasn't long before they adopted a one-year-old Lloyd.
Once Lloyd was old enough to travel, the family continued their adventurous lifestyle. Unfortunately, news of her mother's illness sent the family rushing back to Ninjago City for treatment, but sadly no medicine was enough to save her. Maya's dying wish to her children and husband was for them all to be happy and to never stop following their hearts. Shortly after, the remaining family members moved to the sleepy, provincial little town of Ignacia.
The town of Ignacia was built in a large glade of a mighty forest and was truly an ancient phenomenon.
Its appearance was matched by the backdrop of giant mountains which have helped shape the city into what it is today. The materials that these mountains brought were of great importance. The village itself looked elegant. With its seagrass rooftops, redwood walls, and native bird species, the place had a pleasant atmosphere. The main attraction in the town was the fountain, which was built thirty-nine years ago. Ignacia had an unhealthy economy, which was mainly supported by fletching, wood-crafting, and armorsmithing.
But their biggest strengths were sustainable hunting and advanced medicine.
In the town of Ignacia Ray set up a small shop selling glass objects, paintings, sculptures, and anything he could craft in his forge. Even though they were quite wealthy compared to the rest of the small town. It hadn't been too difficult for the family to settle into small-town life after almost four years of traveling. Nya, like their mother, adored all forms of art around the world, but she found the Japanese style of their home inspiring. Soon her own art flooded the shop.
As long as Nya had her art, she was happy.
Carefree and fun-loving, Lloyd found a new adventure in everything he could find and delighted in the woods and the fields around his home and the town and the many buildings. If he wasn't exploring, he was plotting to steal candy from the grown-ups. Kai, unfortunately, hadn't adjusted so easily. He missed those days. Traveling and seeing many exotic places and cultures, and learning about the world ever since the morning they came to this provincial, backwater town.
It was already mid-morning and the streets were alive with bustling people, carrying out identical routines to the rest of the week.
The smooth cobblestone streets lined the city, identical massive stones corbelled together. Identical red and brown houses on batches of dirt or elevate on hills lined both sides of the streets with windows for houses on top and shops on the bottom. They were smushed close together while stone chimneys lined each roof. An enormous wall surrounded the town, separating it from the lush woods and fields, already starting to change color in the late autumn.
Kai noticed every morning just the same.
The baker carried his tray like always, the aroma of baked goods filling the crisp autumn air as people opened up shop and carried out their daily routines. People were gathering their goods and running errands, the same routine, saying good morning and asking how they were and how their families were doing. Even though the Smiths were different, they were no exception.
"Good morning, Lloyd! Good morning Kai!" The baker called, carrying a tray of bread and rolls.
"Good morning!" Lloyd chimed and rushed over with Kai behind him. The child bounced from shop to shop, delighting in his favorite past time while Kai tried in vain to strike up a conversation with the baker.
"Where you off to?" The baker asked.
"The library," Kai answered. "I just finished the most amazing book about a spellcaster and–"
"That's nice." The baker replied, having clearly stopped listening after Kai said library and called to his assistant to finish making the croissants for the day. Kai rolled his amber eyes and called for Lloyd. They continued their stroll to the only real place Kai felt at home in the dull, little town. Already, townspeople began to gossip about them as he walked by.
"That boy is strange, no question." A group of gossiping old ladies muttered amongst themselves.
"He's always distracted."
"He's never part of any crowd." An aristocratic woman pointed out. "He's always by himself reading books."
"His head's in the clouds, all the time." An old man grunted.
"No denying he's a funny boy that Kai." A group of shoppers conversed amongst themselves, while men running shopped, bowed, and tipped their hats respectively to any woman who came by. Kai growled in annoyance as he heard the gossip. A caravan drove by, ignoring the two boys after the driver said the usual good day, while three teenage girls giggled like school girls when the brunette walked by.
"That boy is so peculiar."
"I wonder if he's feeling well?"
"He's too wild." A man said to his wife. It took all of Kai's will to not growl in frustration.
"He always has a dreamy far-off look on his face."
"If his nose isn't in a book, he's scribbling away in a notebook."
"He's so strange but special; it's a pity he doesn't fit in."
"Oh yes, he's ravishing isn't he?"
"Quite, he is a funny boy though."
"A beauty, but a funny boy."
"Very different from the rest of us."
"FSM take me now if I ever become part of this life!" Kai growled to the heavens, stomping his foot in frustration. His fists clenched whenever the words odd, strange, funny, or peculiar were mumbled over and over just like yesterday and the day before that. Every day was the same thing and he had half a mind to turn around and tell everyone in town to piss off and mind their own business. But he forced his tongue in check. He cared nothing that such an outburst would only warrant more disrespect from the town and they'd treat him even worse than he already was.
It was solely out of respect for his family that he kept his cool.
Kai had adored and respected both his parents. He, Nya, and Lloyd had been devastated when age robbed them of their beloved father. Shortly after the disease killed their mother, their father's broken heart followed her in death less than a year later. The town could say whatever they wished about him, but Kai would never forgive himself if he accidentally tarnished his parents' good name because of his inability to control his temper. That and he knew the only thing losing his temper would accomplish nothing.
Except the residents marching up to his house and complaining to Nya about how her twin brother was too wild and lacked discipline.
Quite frankly, Kai loved Nya too much to let her put up with their nonsense simply because she was Kai's twin. It simply wasn't worth it. Kai had never denied he was different from everyone else, even in his own bizarre family. But after years of traveling and seeing so many different cultures and places, his own mannerisms seemed minor in comparison. However, in this backwater town so pedestrian and old-fashioned, those simple characteristics were all the town seemed to care about.
Unlike most boys, he wanted to become a writer and travel rather than marry and inherit and run a vast estate.
Kai loathed the mannerisms that many considered normal, and as headstrong and outspoken as he was, wasn't afraid to voice it and for that, he was considered odd and freaky. Not that Kai cared, he'd long since ceased caring about what others here thought of him. But despite that, he truly wished someone would look beyond his looks and accept him for who he was. An individual and not another handsome boy bound for a wealthy marriage and was simply just too headstrong for his own good.
His sharp eyes barely caught his reflection in the glass of one of the shop windows when he and Lloyd stopped to gather the groceries on Nya's list.
He turned to meet the lovely boy staring back at him. People always said the twins were lovely like their parents. Nya possessed their father's charcoal black hair and their mother's ocean blue eyes. Her brother had their mother's brown hair, even though his hair was a lighter shade, and he had his father's burning amber eyes. Lloyd may have been young but Kai could already he was going to become a handsome young man. Kai was fully aware of his appearance and what others thought of him.
But in his mind and his normal standards, he wasn't beautiful or even handsome.
To be beautiful you had to be tall and lean like his mother or Nya, and you had to have a perfect tan and look like prince charming. Compared to Kai, Nya was a gorgeous princess and Lloyd was an angel, while Kai looked more like a damsel in distress masquerading as a boy. Yet while Kai didn't see the beauty in his appearance, everyone else in the town saw nothing but his fair facade. They made no attempt to look behind it and considered him odd, peculiar, and strange.
Though he couldn't care less what others thought of him, it saddened and frustrated the fiery teen to no end, not one in town could accept him for who he was.
"Kai?" A sweet voice broke the older teen from his thoughts, and he diverted his attention from his reflection to his worried little brother, holding two large paper bags of already paid for food. "You okay?"
"I'm fine bro," He smiled, "Just lost in my thoughts." He replied following his reflection until the glass faded into the wood, they continued on their way...
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dietsauthority · 4 years
Nutrition for Athletes: How to Eat Like an Olympian
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Olympians are a driven number. They invest 4 years concentrated practically completely on training for a few weeks of international competitors. As well as for the most parts, every aspect of an Olympian's life is designed to improve their performance, particularly relevant is the tailored nourishment for professional athletes that fuel their workouts.
While it's not likely that a lot of us will be competing in the Olympics anytime soon, we could all benefit from sustaining our workouts with foods that maintain us going strong.
A Super Human Olympic Workout
Daily workouts are rather a lot a complete time job for elite Olympians like Michael Phelps and also Simone Biles. Phelps trains two times a day for five hours, swimming around 50 miles each week. Furthermore, he lifts weights three times each week, which appears by the fact that there's not a solitary ounce of fat on his whole body. Gymnast Simone Biles trains 32 hours a week, taking off just one day.
The globe's fastest man, Usain Screw also exercises six days a week doing weight training, running, footwork training, as well as adaptability exercises. He hits the track for three hours everyday then spends one more 3 hrs doing relaxation workouts and also massage therapy to ensure a fast recovery.
These outrageous exercises call for a thoughtful diet plan. As well as when it comes to Phelps, it's almost difficult to consume sufficient calories in a day. He consumes a reported 12,000 calories daily, concerning 4,000 calories at every dish. His diet regimen includes an extra pound of pasta at both lunch and supper along 2 egg sandwiches for breakfast!
Biles' diet regimen is a little less huge. This 4' 8″ giant enjoys bananas as well as peanut butter due to the fact that the healthy snack combines protein with potassium in order to help with muscle cramping. She consumes lean proteins like egg whites, salmon, and hen with veggies along with portions of rice to fulfill her carb needs.
And after that there's Screw, that eats fairly light throughout the day so that his digestion doesn't interfere with his training, and after that eats a massive meal at night. He suches as Jamaican dumplings, yams, and also fish, for example.
7 Tips on How you can Consume Like an Olympian
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Whether you're an Olympian or just attempting to stay in shape, diet matters. Numerous elite professional athletes like Phelps and Bolt have the high-end of a personal chef, yet for those people that do not, holistic wellness train and owner of Trinity Wellness Darragh Dunleavy, lays out some nourishment for professional athletes, or simply the athletic-inspired.
1. Replenish electrolytes.
When it pertains to consuming like a very human professional athlete, says Dunleavy, it's vital to restore electrolytes.
" Electrolytes are very important to keep your body in equilibrium when you're sweating because that's when you lose a great deal of minerals and natural salts," she says.
She advises putting a portion of natural Himalayan salt under your tongue in order to help replenish minerals. While she states that some electrolyte beverages include way too much sugar as well as man-made flavors and also shades, a natural electrolyte beverage can be actually useful. BANa Water, for example, is a clear electrolyte beverage that renews sodium. It's made with filtered water, sea salt, magnesium, and stevia without any type of artificial flavors or colors.
2. Stay hydrated.
When you're sweating a mile a minute, a natural sports beverage can be helpful, however occasionally good old water will do the technique. For Dunleavy, Kangen water is also better due to the fact that it has a higher pH than other waters. It also places even more oxygen into your bloodstream, which is essential for a fast healing after an intense workout.
3. Choose the right proteins.
You require a great deal of healthy protein to maintain building muscle mass as well as feeding the muscular tissues that you already have, but picking the appropriate healthy protein is vital, according to Dunleavy. She suggests a undenatured whey protein shake in the morning.
UndeNatured whey powder is created in such a way that preserves bonded cysteines, which are truly excellent for the body immune system and assistance keep the body solid. Have a fast shake in the morning with reduced glycemic index fruits like berries in addition to a nondairy milk like almond or coconut.
Another excellent resource of protein, states Dunleavy, are beans like lentils, which have lots of healthy protein but also help restore minerals and vitamins. In addition, if you eat eggs, they're a fantastic means to begin your day. Biles, Phelps, and Bolt all love to start their day with eggs because they are a near best type of protein packed with essential amino acids. Pastured eggs are much more costly, however have a bigger selection of vitamins as well as minerals.
4. Go green.
Green leafy veggies as well as cruciferous veggies generally are a have to because not just do they contain vitamin A, which is very important for immune and also cellular feature, they additionally help restore minerals that you sweat out throughout an intense workout.
5. Grains should be whole.
Carbohydrates are essential to Olympians or any type of high rate athlete for that matter, yet it is essential to select healthy and balanced ranges. Steer clear of from white carbs like white rice as well as white bread, and also instead, choose entire wheat. Appreciate wonderful potatoes rather than white potatoes as well as select whole grains like steel cut oats, quinoa, amaranth, as well as buckwheat instead of grains that have actually been blonde as well as removed of their inherent nutrients.
6. Avocados please.
Dunleavy suggests delighting in half an avocado with sea salt after a tough exercise. It's a superfood for extreme athletes since it contains lots of potassium, which is great for staying clear of muscular tissue cramping along with healthy and balanced fats, magnesium, and vitamin K.
7. Cut out refined sugars.
You have actually likely heard it previously, but we're right here to advise you, improved sugars typically aren't helpful for you or your exercise. They don't offer constant power, however instead, fine-tuned sugars make for extreme highs and also intense lows. If you've obtained a pleasant tooth, Dunleavy suggests an extra natural sweetener with integrated anti-oxidants, like manuka honey. Select unprocessed foods so you can add your very own sugar as opposed to foods with lots of added sugars. In this manner you could progressively wean on your own off of sugars entirely.
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redshirtgal · 5 years
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“Space Seed” is one of the few episodes where Sulu is not manning the helm as usual. In his place is Lt. Singh who appears to be every bit as grim-faced as his colleague, Navigator Lt. Hadley. He appears to be every bit as competent as Sulu is as well. It is Lt. Spinelli Kirk orders to lock on the unidentified earth vessel with the tractor beam.
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But Lt. Spinelli has a more social side too. Look at this guy, sidling up to Miss Uhura and finagling a way to sit beside her at the dinner in honor of their new “guest,” who just happens to be named Khan Noonien Singh. No relation, of course. And we know what else happens... Khan and his “supermen” take over, the Captain is thrown in a decompression chamber while Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Spinelli, etc. are forced to watch... but then McGivers frees Kirk, who in turn rescues Spock before he is thrown to the same fate, yadda yadda. But then, you get this great shot....
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“Hey, they MADE me eat those beans, Spinelli!”
Tsk, tsk Doctor.  No wonder Kirk was going to give Spinelli (among others) a commendation before he passed out. He knew Bones had brought his famous Kentucky bourbon beans to the table. But all ends well, although after this incident Lt. Spinelli evidently asks for a transfer since we no longer see him after this episode. There’s only so much an officer should be made to endure.  However, we soon learn that Spinelli has a cousin from India who works down in the Auxiliary Control Room.
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You can tell Lt. Singh is related to Lt. Spinelli - they both have that very intense look/scowl when either something is wrong or when concentration is needed. In “The Changeling” Lt. Singh doesn’t appear to be that thrilled when Captain Kirk leaves Nomad in his care.
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That stare gets REALLY intense as Nomad starts to move around the Auxiliary Control Room. I mean, look at that crease going from one eyebrow over to the other via that deep crease across the nose. Now that’s some kind of scowl he’s got going on there.
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Then Singh comes mighty close to getting a Nomad probe... just kidding. Actually, Nomad has just activated itself and Lt. Singh, as requested by his captain, asks it what it needs.  But later, when he realizes Nomad is headed in Uhura’s direction, he decides to call Captain Kirk.  At least his facial muscles seem to have relaxed. He’s not going to meet the same fate that some of his redshirt buddies will endure later in the episode.
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But let’s back up... just who was this actor with the smoking hot stare and that razor sharp jawline? His birth name is Makee Kalaikinipeapal Blaisdell , but he was known by multiple variations of that name. Memory Alpha has him listed as Blaisdel Makee. Yet he also appeared under Makee K. Blaisdel, Blaizdel MaKee, Blaisdel McKee, and 6 other similar credits.  And as you may have guessed, he was a native Hawaiian. As the newspaper story above indicates, he graduated from Brigham Young University with a major in theater arts. Before that, he was a star athlete in high school as well as a swimmer and a surfer. But it seemed to take Makee Blaisdell a while to find steady work in acting. Glancing again at the newspaper article, we can see he was working as a salesperson while acting both in community theater and on television.
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One of Blaisdell’s first television roles was that of Sgt. Alika in Hawaiian Eye. He appeared in several episodes before moving onto roles on other shows such as I Spy and Star Trek. But sadly, he seemed to be often cast as either a Native American or an Hispanic, such as in the role of Romeo Sangria in the Ironside episode titled “The Sacrifice” or as the soldier seen above at the checkpoint in the pilot episode of Mission Impossible. 
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Hey, his buddy from “Space Seed,” Eddie Paskey shows up in this episode too. It’s one of the few acting roles Eddie ever had outside of Star Trek.
But does this guy ever smile?  Actually, you get the best Makee Blaisdell smiles ever in the following production.
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Blaisdell did have one outstanding although not well known film role - that of Johnny Lingo in the short film (23 minutes)  of the same name. Financed by the Church of the Latter Day Saints (of which Makee and many Hawaiians are members), it tells the story of a successful trader who also happened to be a highly sought after bachelor and a quite handsome one at that (who oddly also has an intense stare). One day he shows up at the hut of a poor farmer named Moki to bargain over how many cows he will offer in exchange for Moki’s daughter Mahanna. The villagers are amazed because everyone knows....
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And that’s Moki saying that about his own daughter. So the villagers begin to debate just how many cows (or how few) Johnny will wind up paying. Because everyone knows he is a shrewd bargainer. The top price for a bride appears to be around about...
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And then her friend just has to mention that her husband paid five for her. Oops. But that does establish the top price. Anyway, Moki is concerned he may be lucky to get one cow. And then Johnny Lingo arrives. The villagers all gather outside the tent while Johnny and Moki go inside to bargain. Moki opens with three cows and Johnny counters with...
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Whoa... it turns out Johnny Lingo has been in love with Mahana since they were children and is not about to let anyone think she is not worthy, despite what they see when they look at her. So how well does this work out? Pretty well, actually. Before the couple left on their honeymoon, Johnny had ordered a rather ornate hand mirror for a wedding gift which the local trading post owner had to special order. When word spreads that the Lingos have returned, the merchant decides to bring the mirror to their hut. Johnny is quite pleased with the mirror and calls for his wife to come greet their guest. The merchant turns around and .... surprise!
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Mahna has been transformed into quite a beauty. Or maybe she was actually a beauty and no one else saw it. This is the end result of Johnny Lingo being willing to build up her self-esteem by treating her as if she were beautiful all along despite what everyone else sees. As terribly dated and possibly culturally insensitive as this movie would be seen today, it does teach a good lesson in a charming way. And Makee Blaisdell turns in a very nice performance as the lead character. If you care to watch it, here is the YouTube link. https://youtu.be/pfahoLfrddU The movie has been remade into a feature length film with a slightly less offensive story but film critics still seem to think the original gets to the point a lot more clearly. And if you bother to look up the new version, its lead is nowhere close to being as handsome as Blaisdell. Plus FINALLY - we get to see that beautiful smile is its fully glory. Unfortunately, this was his crowning achievement in the movies. He managed to land the lead in one last movie based on the Charlie Manson cult murders.
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(Poster courtesy of Duffy Films Limited) Many movies tried to cash in on the La Bianca/Tate murders committed by Charles Manson and his followers. The Cult is a soft porn version of the events with Makee Blaisdell (credited as Blaisdell Makee) as Invar who was plainly meant to represent Charles Manson. One third of the movie is devoted to Ivor picking up girls to be part of his family. The few bits of originality in the plot are 1) besides knives, the girls employ whips and medieval torture devices in the murders and 2) while the murders are going on, Ivor is lying inside a coffin in a hearse outside in the driveway and 3) Charlie...er, Invar.. is the way he is because of an earlier incestuous relationship with his mother . Yeah, it’s that bad.
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The film is known by a host of other names, including the misleading title The Manson Massacres. Other names included The Love Cult and The Together Girls. It’s known in Germany as Töchter des Satans (Daughters of Satan). Oddly, the only way you can find this gem today is as a German dubbed version with no English subtitles. Yeah, it’s that bad. If you want to see how bad, be my guest.  https://youtu.be/aFXiSEI5B6o By the way, take a good look at the above publicity photo. That’s Makee Blaisdell as Ivor on the left, but do you recognize the only other male in this photo? That’s Sean Kenney who played both the disfigured Captain Pike in the two part episode “The Menagerie” and navigator/helmsman Lt. DePaul.
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Unfortunately, this seems to have been the end of the road for Makee’s career in the film industry. It’s likely he continued acting in local community theater but there does not seem to be much on him after his last film in 1971. According to several sources he died in Ventura, California at the young age of 57 in 1988. No information can be found on a cause of death.
Two final interesting pieces of Star Trek trivia.  First, a piece of background to Makee’s role as Spinelli in “The Changeling.” This episode was taped before the appearance of Chekov. Makee had heard George Takei would be gone for many weeks during the taping of his part in The Green Beret. This led him to believe perhaps he might be hired as Takei’s replacement during that period of time since he had already filled the navigator’s chair before in “Space Seed.”Sadly, he found out that was not meant to be. Walter Koenig was waiting in the wings to appear as Chekov in the next episode to be filmed, “The Apple.” But that didn’t mean Blaisdel had not made a good impression on the production team. Several sources say that Makee was one of the people along with  Lawrence Montaigne who was considered as a replacement for Leonard Nimoy in case Nimoy made good on his threat to leave after the second season. And take a look at those faces above. Could even Mr. Spock sustain a stare that intense?
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beerecordings · 6 years
Better Things
Part 13 of My Brother’s Keeper (Part 1 l Previous l Next)
It’s here!! It took me too long! I have been very sickly and also I am just a fool in general!! But anyway it’s done and it’s 1:30 and let’s post it :) Taglist is a separate post. I think you’re great. Let me know if you have any questions.
They’ve both been through a lot. They’ve both been through too much. In fact, all four of them have, and just for a minute - in this warmth, in this safety - they pause to look each other in the eye.
Chase's room is very warm.
Warmer than the big dying house ever was.
His blankets are very thick, and his hands are very soft, and Jameson was mostly awake by the time he was carrying him inside and placing him in his own bed, but he didn't open his eyes.
He just lay very still.
Chase left. Murmured with someone else in the hallway. Carried another body into the house.  Returned.
Jameson is good at pretending to be asleep.
“Hey, little man,” Chase whispers, and gently touches his shoulder. “Can you wake up, bud?”
He's too scared to open his eyes. He's too scared to move. Anyway, he doesn't think he could bear to look at Chase again. He'd just remember the blood.
“It's going to be okay,” Chase promises above him, and his soft, soft hands brush his overgrown hair carefully out of his eyes. “I got you, bud, it's all going to be okay. I'll be right back.”
Chase reappears with something wet and cold for his bruises, for the imprints of Anti's fingers in his throat, for his neck as black as charcoal. He presses it carefully into Jameson's flesh and his little brother does his very best not to flinch.
He expects it to hurt. Certainly it's cold and slimy, unpleasant even, but a minute passes, and another, with Chase very gently massaging it into his throat, and he thinks the pain is fading a little.
They still burn like fire. But less. And Chase is here.
Chase doesn't hurt him.
“Everything's going to be okay,” he says again, and hums something pretty and faraway.
Jameson sinks back into his exhaustion.
He is not yet a year old.
And neither was Henrik, the first time Anti stole him away.
He was eleven months and he was trying to save his Jack. Without success. The punishment of failure has redefined his reality.
Anti taught them both many things.
Pain. Sorrow. Real fear, not the cheap stuff that comes from a gun or a car crash or the end of a knife.
You might expect it to become mundane given time, but it doesn't. Pain is always pain. Sorrow's always sorrow. Fear is always fear. You can retreat into your head and hope for your brothers to save you, but in the end –
Fear and pain and sorrow.
The first time he came home, Henrik was distraught and unbelieving, and it took his brothers long weeks to convince him he was safe, and longer weeks still to learn how to deal with his trauma, and the grief and rage and hatred, too often self-directed, that it gave to him. They begged and persuaded him, held him down and held him close, kept white his hands and tried to teach him peace again. There was a whole ocean of despair foaming inside his chest, and Jackie and Chase, protection and care, were the two halves of the life vest that just barely kept his head above the water.
He survived it, or maybe he's surviving it now. He supposes his brothers would tell him, with warm eyes and gentle mouths, that he's somehow stronger for it, but in the end, he thinks he just knows how to forget. He finds other things to think about when he can. Over the past week or so, there is one thing and one thing alone that has sustained him, and that is Jameson Jackson.
The little one. The lost one. The dead one. Alive.
“I thought it was time for you to meet,” said Anti, and he brought the child downstairs. Henrik looked up through eyes that wept blood, and laid eyes upon Jameson for the first time in that cold and merciless prison cell, and loved him without reservation, without doubt, so much it made him gasp and choke and set his bruised head down against the chains that held him tight.
“Jameson Jackson,” he'd said, and he was punished for it, but it didn't matter.
He was alive.
How very unfair, Henrik had thought, as Anti carved blood from his face and Jameson stared at the floor, silent and lost, frightened and thin. How very very unfair, that he has never had what I have had since the day of my creation.
He's always had a bad temper, but it never once occurs to him to hate Jameson, even as he stood there, even as he watched.
That he has never had a gentle pair of brothers to hold onto his hands and call him friend, and stay up with him on the long nights when death is calling from a storied building or a heavy bottle of medicine.
Henrik put his head down. He let Anti cut him to pieces. And when it gave Jameson a chance to back off and slink away, he was only glad that he had spared the little one further hurt.
Yes, they both know fear and pain and sorrow. But Henrik has had comfort, has had brotherhood and respite, and Jameson – Jameson Jackson, the wanderer, the youngest – has never had anything but blood, shadow, and falsity.
Has never had anyone but Anti to love him.
Henrik grits his teeth. And he makes a promise.
To Jameson. To himself. To the universe and to the bastard who stole them both away:
He will never suffer alone again.
He is the good doctor. His patient has suffered without him for far too long already. That time is over now.
Henrik wakes up in his room.
The walls are green. The ceiling is green. The air smells like coffee beans and iodine, because someone has already cleaned and bandaged his wounds. The alarm clock on his bedside drawer reads “2:34 AM” in exasperated digital light. Beside it, there is a picture of Marvin, Chase, and Jackie, all grinning like idiots at the camera and covered in flour from some baking endeavor gone horrifically wrong.
Usually it makes him smile. Right now it makes his eyes burn.
He wasn't sure he'd be coming home this time.
“Henrik,” whispers Jackie, and even realizing that he's there, waiting patiently at his brother's bedside, is not surprising or reassuring or any cause for joy.
There is only one thing he wants.
“Jackie,” Henrik answers. Fat tears cling to his eyelashes. “Where's the little one?”
“Oh, bud, don't worry about him right now, okay? He's upstairs. He's alright, Henrik. Fuck, Schneep, I missed you. I missed you.”
He leans down to offer comfort, but Henrik isn't interested. His whole chest is one fire.
“I was his again,” he says, putting his hands on Jackie's shoulders to help himself sit up. “I was his again. Please. Let me see the little one.”
Jackie pauses, his mouth slightly open.
“Your old wounds are hurting you, ja?” asks Henrik, straightening up.
“Um – just a little, don't worry about it.”
“Good,” says Henrik, and he bolts.
Jackie gives a cry of protest behind him, staggering painfully to his feet, but Henrik is already on his way up the stairs, ignoring the grumbles of stitches in his side and arms. None of it matters but the little one. He checks the guest room first – no, stupid, Chase will already have attached himself to the little thing. Here's his room, the first door at the top of the stairs, covered in pictures and posters, and stepping through it gives Henrik the old, familiar smell of his dear friend, enough to make him stop in his tracks, just for a moment.
Chase and Jameson jerk awake in sync. Chase lifts his head off the mattress and sits up slowly in his chair, wiping the sleep out of his eyes and yawning before turning wearily to the door. His eyes only widen when he sees his brother. Jameson, on the other hand, sits up with genuine terror in his shadowed eyes.
“Schneep!” cries Chase, delighted, and hurries to his feet. He sweeps towards Henrik like he was born in his arms – in fact he'd been holding him within about an hour of his creation, a traumatic memory he doesn't have time for right now – but Schneep barely responds. He's watching Jameson.
His eyes are a little greyer than his brothers' are, and they flash in a way that makes Henrik think of Marvin, fast-tempered and intelligent and just a little wild, but he doesn't think he ever saw Marvin looking this scared. His arms are wrapped around himself. He rocks back and forth. His hair is still teal at the edges of his fringe, but other parts of him were stripped away a long time ago. There is no monocle or hat, no vest or white shirt. Anti has done his best to destroy him. Jameson's mouth is soft and still, his face blue and ivory and his body scattered in scars both faded and fresh, old memories of trauma etched deep into his skin.
Fear and pain and sorrow. Fear and pain and sorrow.
Jameson sits on the bed and shivers with terror, his eyes whipping around the room as he searches for some escape from whatever comes next. He wonders if Henrik will kill him for all the times he stood by and did nothing to help him or if he'll only be tortured.
“Asshole,” Jackie spits as he reaches Chase's door. His back is bent and he isn't breathing quite right, but he's here. “Henrik, come back to bed!”
“Jackie, what's going on? Schneep, are you okay?”
Apparently this is Jameson's breaking point. With impressive speed and startling dexterity, the littlest brother leaps out of Chase's bed, drops to the ground, and slips underneath his brother's bed like a very frightened cat.
“Holy shit,” says Jackie.
“Um, oh,” says Chase, even less articulately.
For a second, they all stand and breathe and process. Chase's hand comes up to rest on Henrik's shoulder.
“It's nothing,” whispers Henrik, because he can recognize Chase's worry in the touch of his fingers. “It's nothing, stop worrying.”
“You're crying. Schneep, what's wrong? I think Jackie's right. You should probably go back to bed, man.”
He wipes tears angrily out of his traitor eyes. “It's nothing!” he repeats. “Please, I... I just...”
Jackie sighs, and turns to Chase, and steals the glasses he fell asleep in right off his nose. “He just wants to see the little guy. Here.” He sets them gently on Henrik's face. “Take a minute. Look the kid over. We'll give you five minutes alone. After that – ”
“I'll go back to bed,” Henrik promises, finally meeting their eyes. “I will, I promise.”
Chase lets Jackie pull him out of the room, though his mouth is twisted up with worry. That's so like him. Scheisse, he missed them!
He's grateful to be able to feel that, at least.
He comes to stand next to the bed, determined to be calm, determined to be patient. The little one is shaking so hard he makes the whole bedframe tremble. He brought as much of Chase's blankets with him as he could when he made his great escape, and now half of the sheets are dragging out from under the bed.
“Hi,” says Henrik, sinking to the floor.
Just trembling. Just silence.
“He shakes so much,” he continues, tilting his head and putting on his best professional, certified doctor voice. “Always shaking. Like a leaf, right? I’ve never seen him not shaking. Are you scared, Jameson?”
In a softer voice, he adds, “I'm sorry I scared you. Opened the door too fast. I was worried.”
He pauses and sighs and glances around. Chase's room is always overheated and never tidy. There's clothes across the floor and tissues on the bedside drawer and posters all across the wall. But it's cozy and colorful and even Henrik has to admit it smells nice. He burns these fat vanilla candles whenever he has migraines and the smell never quite fades.
“This is better than that house, right?” murmurs Henrik.
Jameson turns to look at him, and Henrik feels his heart catch in his throat.
The nightlight in Chase's room casts him into ghostly reminiscence, illuminating him like the Ghost of Torment Past. For a second that lasts a very long time, they are back in that big cold house despite everything, having met only once and already understanding something deep and secret and true about the other, though Henrik doesn't know how to describe it. He would guess that if Jameson were to say anything about the truth he saw in him, he would call it “frailty” or “failure” or “cowardliness.”
It makes his eyes water. It makes him cry. It makes him cry so much harder than he's ready to be crying right now, but he doesn't have that much of a choice.
He covers his face with his hands. He weeps.
“Hi,” he says again, because he does not know what else to say. “Hi, I – you know me. Do you know me? We suffered together.”
He can't look away from those silver-stained eyes. He stares at Jameson in wonder and in love, and Jameson stares back, in fear and hope and curiousity, and knows, the same way that birds know to cross the ocean, that, in any universe, in any timeline, they were meant to be brothers.
Jameson's eyes are blue and grey. His neck is black. He nods.
He knows him.
“Come here,” pleads Henrik. “Come here and let me see you, little one.”
He shivers. He shakes. But he does come out, and his eyes speak some trust, or some knowing, or at least some shared terror, now gone away, and left them in the silence together.
“Hi,” says Henrik, and brushes his hair from his face. “Oh, there's some blood on your face. Chase must have missed. Here, I'll be right back.”
He leaves and comes back with a washcloth.
Jameson is crying.
It's late. It's dark. It's impossible.
But at long last – and he has dreamt of it so long, he has dreamt of it for as long as he has known fear, as long as he has known pain, as long as he has known sorrow –
Henrik wipes the blood from his face.
It ends up being longer than five minutes, but when it is over, Chase and Jackie are waiting for him.
“How are you doing?” asks Jackie, at the same time Chase asks, “Is everything okay?”
Henrik looks up with tear-filled eyes and a smile.
“I missed you both so much,” he chokes, and collapses into their arms.
Chase lets out a shout of pure joy, wrapping his arms around him, and the two of them crash to the ground like a messy 3 AM Pieta, and Henrik savors his warmth and his love and that kind vanilla smell that always sticks to his skin.
“I missed you!” Chase cries, again and again and again, nuzzled against his shoulder. “I missed you so much! I was so worried! Don't go away again, Schneep, that was so scary, I missed you so much, oh, Schneep...”
Jackie sinks to his knees beside them. In a favored form of affection, he presses his forehead against Henrik's, and his brother closes his eyes, and savors that too.
“Motherfucker,” Jackie whispers.
“You're the motherfucker, dummkopf.”
It makes Jackie laugh, so hard it probably hurts his chest worse, but he guesses it doesn't matter much at this point.
Henrik sighs deep. Runs his hand across the back of Chase's hair and memorizes Jackie's face once his brother closes his eyes too. Locks this moment in his memories like a save point.
“Ich liebe dich,” murmurs Jackie, pressing against his head.
“I know,” Henrik whispers.
“And you too,” Jackie adds, bumping his head against Chase's.
“I love you,” swears Chase. “I love you both. So much. I love you both so, so much.”
For a long time, they just hold each other.
For a long time, there is no fear or pain or sorrow.
Just love and protection.
Goodness, care, a big warm house far beyond Anti's reach.
And brotherhood.
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taeguboi · 6 years
BTS as... Punks
So hahahahaha idk why it posted my extremely incomplete draft earlier (bug with the app?) So consider that now deleted post as a preview hahaha
Requested: “BTS as Punks please!”
anything that's for a good cause
he's behind it
probably makes his own charity
for something close to his heart
and puts on punk events a few times a week
all kinds of food stalls
suitable for everyone’s dietary needs
the occasional street protest
quite laid back though
but the things he has done have had a huge impact on people’s lives
he feeds the poor at his music events
he takes in donations from people to aid the homeless
basically against those unfair imbalances you get in society
he wants to be in a punk band 
but at the same time it isn’t really for him
so sometimes he just grabs a guitar 
and busks with improvised lyrics 
things that are on his mind
things about the world at present
and the things the talks and posts about to people inspire writers of bands
kind of like a journalist
he knows everyone on the local punk scne
he’s been involved ever since he was a kid
smokes a fair amount like
“cool mate, cool beans... right, I’m just off out for a fag”
not many piercings as you might expect
like mostly his ears
and a few intimate areas...
always has colourful punk hair
probably a low key mohawk
several meaningful tattoos
because his family is everything
so is this one person in his life
some drunken tattoos also hahaha
couple of face tatts
always a gentleman to girls
if there’s a creep on the scene 
just tell him
that guy will be exposed 
and gone for good from this local punk scene
and beyond as far as his contacts can take him
he just wants a safe scene
will fend for anyone though really
has a local watering hole
go down to that pub on any afternoon 
and there’s 90% chance he is there
mostly just for the people
maybe buys only 2 drinks the whole time usually
but if he gets drunk
get your notepad and pen
he’s gonna throw 196489 contacts your way
so if your band are ever in need of a gig
you know who to call
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at first, doing punk music is merely a hobby
but then it turns into something more
his pleasure in busking turns into a passion
a dream to make it with a band
so he gets together the best people he knows
and they fucking rock
no one can say a bad thing about Jin’s punk band
they rehearsed diligently for so long
so they sound so tight
he rocks the denim jacket
with all the patches
some badges too
a ton of badges are on his bag though instead
and stickers on his guitar case
a fan of every band he performs with
his guitar case is choc a bloc with local band stickers
so he doesn’t have a mohawk
but his bangs progressively get messier
occasionally he dyes them [example, like V’s green bangs in hyyh era]
he changes loads in little ways
like you leave school and he’s this ‘ordinary’ lad
but then you bump into him like 7 years later 
and wtf he’s stunning
like his aura changed
you thought maybe he’d go into like a business job
but he’s rocking the stage most nights a week
you can’t help but go support him more
and maybe something happens from there but that can be a story for another time
and so maybe he doesn’t get BIG with this band
but he earns a sustainable income
and that’s more than good enough
life is good
music, booze and girls
no drugs tho
wise in that sense, contrary to some punk stereotypes
kind of fluffy actually
some say he’s a poser
but he just likes to look good
and is aware how certain rougher looks just really don’t suit him
so that’s all there is to that 
actually that’s all there is to this
the end :P
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probably a performer too
maybe more into the dub / ska kind of genre
full of stage presence and hype
when he has a message
he fucking gets it across
because he’s so assertive
as well as those catchy melodies
just messy af hair
doesn’t care for it to be any particular length or style
just keep it natural
in fact, fuck visuals
no dress sense whatsoever
like he has a green shirt on with pink jeans and yellow converse
sound is all that matters
so what else?
like he could be backed up by a band
but fuck that
if he has the equipment that can do it all then why not?
it’s easier to work alone
so he supports like 876 charity events
and has a big share of festivals
headline material
especially at the proper hippie festivals
great for people high af
great for drunkards
great for sober peeps too
you get it, great for everyone
apart from perhaps kids 
cos swearing
sometimes you need that bit of aggression in lyrics, right?
he’s not as aggressive as he might seem on stage
but something is pent up in there
and he is one rough boy
actually, a lot like badboy!suga
can handle anything
but can you handle him?
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idk why I always imagine him as a skater
but here we go
in a skate punk band
bass player
can also do drums tho
backwards caps for life
that one band member you think is shy af
cos he seems so quiet
but the moment you say ‘hey’ and congratulate him on a good show
he can talk your ear off for hours
again no drugs
but plenty of beer
cos getting drunk is funnier
the world is a more enjoyable place with skate punk and alcohol
seriously it really is, take that from me hahah
graffiti projects
either for promotion
or to help like restless kids as a distraction or something
let’s just say that’s something he can relate to
may or may not be how he got into this whole skate punk stuff
so yeah will take any charity gig
doesn’t mind if venues pay him in beer
he would have spent the dollar on that anyways
all about living it up with his mates
bros before hoes
has a side band that’s like party punk
any excuse to get bros together
for a good old knees up
only bands of his close friends get played in the car
girls are quite interested in him
but lmao he’s having none of it
he just wants to embrace life
don’t need anything more than mates and family
but he writes really cool songs on the topic of love
you know without being too soppy with it being punk and all
but it’s fucking amazing
but no one knows where he gets the ideas from
no one knows where he gets his energy from either 
will jump off everything and anything
on certain days, he’ll climb everything and anything too
just a fun loving cool punk
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more or less that one guy you see everywhere on the scene
he’s not in a band
doesn’t really do his own music
but he’s a fan of his scene
every weekend, he’s somewhere to see punk music
be it the local pub for one of his faves
or a town centre for a punk charity thing
or even miles away to see someone he knows getting bigger
with a few patches
all the ear piercings you could imagine
lips and tongue
used to have an eyebrow one
but decided he looked too generic
or like a chav
something or other
he knows he doesn’t have the most original look
but he can’t stand being too similar to someone else
if anyone in this room tonight is wearing a leather jacket and completely black clothing
he might just tear it off himself and / or burn it
abs and tatts are a good look anyone so doesn’t matter
probably works out to punk music
high school drop out
because he started to realize how useless it is
so he’s generally clever where it’s more relevant in life
saves money well
good paying job
can fund his love for punk basically
and each and every band he supports fully appreciates it
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I’m sorry guys I swear there isn’t a not fluffy Jimin gif for me to use hahaha
so yeah I’m sorry if this turns out too similar to
because I literally made him a punk in that hc
I’m thinking he’s a lead singer of a punk band
that raspy voice works to his advantage
capable of hardcore punk genres
but prefers and sticks to a more rock n roll kind of punk
long hair
whatever colour he feels like this month
piercings galore
tatts galore
will put a needle anywhere on his body
lives on the edge
lives in the moment
he’s done it all
cos fuck the law man
if something about society bothers him
he will speak up
fearless boy
will get his band a gig anywhere in the country
he has things he needs to say
thoughts to spread
only uses social media for punk
his profile is just of gig pictures of his own and sharing events
not your typical singer
kind of writes everything
the band just copy / pick up what he shows them
busks alone sometimes too
may or may not make extra dollar from sneaky acoustic gigs
but it’s not out of selfishness, no
he will always have a goal in mind
and good intentions
like he wants to band to afford professional recordings
or he wants to set up and event
that kind of thing
pay attention
to the things he talks about in his music
you’ll learn a lot
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just needs to hit something
so as long as it isn’t people then great
basically the world screwed him over in some way at some point
and it made him rethink his views about the world
for ages it was restless frustration about it all
but then he discovered punk
the day he discovered his local scene
he wrote random poetry for days
the words had flow to them
but they were unconventional
and then a mate sees it
and he’s like “dude this is sick”
and a band is formed
likes a bit of everything
has friends he can go to the skate park with
has mates to mosh with at hardcore gigs
has friends he can chill with for ska
quite a late learner with the drums
but he must have a natural talent for it
because he becomes amazing in just under 2 years
can do any genre of punk
everyone wants him in their new projects
he’s the guy everyone needs if their guy quits
you know, the demand for Jungkook’s drumming is insance
fortunately he’s wise enough to just stick with the first 3 bands
cos like I say not only does he drum for them
but his creative input for lyrics is huge
just sit him down, give him a topic and bam
he’s just written you a verse and chorus
what else?
50% backwards caps
25% forwards cap
25% lost his cap
somewhat forgetful in areas other than drumming
maybe a bit of a stoner like
“oh yeah man! I forgot about that!
the way his cap is on does often depend on level of alcohol in his blood
forwards for business
backwards for sloshed party animal
breaks a lot of drum sticks by accident
breaks a few hearts by accident welp
I guess girls and guys just notice the muscle 
which he never hides well
cos of course as a drummer, you’re gonna wear a vest really
yeah, that’s pretty much it
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alghawy7blog · 4 years
GM Diet Guide||How Lose Weight ||Best Diet To Lose Weight
Welcome to the 21st century, where modern man has perfected the art of "Fast Food". It may not be completely true, but thanks to the era of the "Global Village", there is hardly any cuisine left in the work, which has not been the victim of this trend. It certainly is the need of the hour in the fast paced world, where so many people no longer have the time or patience to cook healthy food at home. It is ironic how the very population on whose shoulders the world economies are being built, are on the unhealthiest diets in the world.
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Thanks to these realities, a considerable portion of this population is suffering from diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. These are nothing but the direct results of these unhealthy food habits and lazy lifestyles. The youthful population is willing to work itself to death in today's day and age of competition, not realizing that they can do more with a healthy body. High Cholesterol is just the beginning. It can lead to severe heart-related ailments resulting in a shorter lifespan.
It is about time, that people should pay attention to this horror and address it by changing their lifestyle. In order to combat these modern evils, there are two major steps that should be taken. Firstly, change your diet. If you are what you eat, then you should only eat the good stuff. As a youngster, you should look to be ripped and always be ready for swimsuit season. To achieve this goal, you need to plan a step by step plan to measure your progress. Try to eat more raw foods like fruits and salads. You may even want to consider looking into the GM diet. You can try out this week-long plan once every month. It is excellent for detoxifying your body helps to lose up to 5-7 kilograms or 12-14 pounds in a week. Keeping weight in check is a great to fight high cholesterol.
Secondly, start dragging your rear end to the gym. It is unacceptable that a girl or a guy in their twenty's or thirty's being out of shape. There is no simply no excuse. Exercising should be part of your daily routine. Regular exercise boosts your metabolism and overall wellness. High Cholesterol levels are no match for a healthy lifestyle. Carve out at least an hour of light workout every day, and rest on Sunday.
Remember, the future of the human race depends on the youth of the world. So always keep this in mind, that when you do make it big, you better look like a million bucks as well.
Click here to take the best weight loss product. Score about 30 IBS from the first week. Just imagine that
You may love it or you may hate it, but I am very sure, if you are seeking for weight-loss methods, you can never ignore it. General Motors Diet or popularly known GM Diet, ranks highest in the most-sought diet charts. Surprisingly, I have yet not found any information about GM Diet on any of the official sites of General Motors (update me if I have missed any).
Various sites, blogs and forums have discussed about GM diet, but in a scattered manner. My primary intention behind this post is to represent various facets of this diet plan and to give a comprehensive overview, based on the experiences of my own as well as of my friends.
This diet plan was introduced at a general meeting of General Motors Corp. on 15th August 1985, initially intended for the use of the employees of General Motors company, to facilitate wellness and fitness. It was granted by the United States Agricultural Department and the FDA, further tested by the Johns Hopkins Research Centre.
It was designed as a 'De-toxification diet program', to improve ones metabolism through its cleansing systemic effects, reflected by an improved disposition and a feeling of well being. As an end-result, a weight loss of 4-6 kgs was expected within the program-week.
Here is the day-wise diet plan and its dietary significance. I have added few things from my experience and experiments, which worked.
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Day 1:
Fruits of any kind (except bananas) in any quantity. The most preferred fruits are the melons and cantaloupes, due to their high water content. In addition, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water.
By eating fruits, you are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Fresh fruits are nature's perfect food, providing all essential elements needed to sustain life. Fruits are also a good source of antioxidants and are fiber-rich. Fruits are also considered as a negative-calorie food, thus burning more calories for its digestion than those provided.
Believe me, I have done GM diet twice and have found this day the most difficult one. Firstly because of the sweetish taste of all fruits, and further due to an intense craving for bread or spices, that one develops towards the end of the day. The solution for this is the Soup to break the monotony of the fruity taste.
Day 2:
The day can start with a large baked potato with one pat of butter for breakfast. It definitely fills you with complex carbohydrates to start your day after the first sweety-fruity day.
For the rest of the day, you should eat all sorts of vegetables of your choice, raw or cooked. Vegetables have very less calories, high in nutrients and fiber. There is no limit on the amount. This should be added with drinking at least 10 glasses of water.
One can also mash a baked potato, add some onion & curd, and spice it up with chaat masala & red chilli powder and pinch of salt.
Day 3:
This day consists of a combination of fruits and vegetables of your choice, except banana & potato. In addition, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water. Potato is avoided on this day since the carbohydrates are available from the fruits that you eat.
One can do varieties of salads mixed with fruit slices. If you take more cucumber and melons, it's more likely to lose weight than any other vegetables or fruits. Adding a curd to vegetable salad, in a 'raita' form will make it more palatable towards the evening, when it gets monotonous.
Day 4:
A day when you can eat nothing but eight bananas coupled with three glasses of milk. It is not mandatory to eat 8 bananas; you can have less as well. In fact, you might feel satisfied within 4-5 bananas within the whole day. This is the day when you can clearly feel your food-craving diminishing significantly. It feels divine, to get over your 'desires'. Do not forget to drink at least 10 glasses of water, as always.
Bananas will act as a provider of carbohydrates that is easy to digest, coupled with sodium and potassium reserve.
Day 5:
This is considered as a 'Feast day', where you should eat up to two portions of lean beef (10 oz.) combined with six whole tomatoes - as a source of fiber. On this day, you should increase your daily water intake to at least 14 glasses. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid getting produced. You will experience colorless urine on this day.
Beef is a source of proteins & iron, and thus an alternative can be paneer (tofu - soya paneer for better results) coupled with mushrooms for the vegetarians. Many people have recommended rice as a replacement to beef, but if one considers the nutritive contents, rice can not be the right surrogate.
Day 6:
Another day with beef and vegetables. Today you can eat any amount of beef combined with cooked or raw vegetables. Keep your daily water intake to 14 glasses. You can add the Soup to add some spice to your day.
Iron and proteins from the beef or paneer-mushroom combination, while fiber and nutrients from the vegetables. Till this time, you must have experienced an energetic feeling and an awareness of the power of natural food items.
Day 7:
The food intake on this day should consist of a bowl of brown rice with fruit juices and any vegetables you want to eat. Drink 14 glasses of water.
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The juices will break the fast (?) providing the essential nutrients along with the vegetable stuffing. The brown rice provides the carbohydrates.
Now you must be at least 4 kgs lighter than day one, yet more energetic and free from the cravings for high-calorie stuff.
The Soup:
The following soup is a modified version of the GM Wonder Soup since it is not possible to get the Lipton Onion soup mix everywhere, as suggested in GM Soup. The modified soup goes parallel to the 'rassam' or 'saaram', served in south India. This soup is allowed to be consumed in large quantities throughout the program. It is intended as a supplement to your diet.
Boil few large-cut onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and celery in water. Add the sambhar masala for the taste. You may also add tomato-puree (but with the skin) instead of tomatoes to make it thicker. One can season it with herbs and flavorings. You may also add: asparagus, peas, corn, cauliflower, green beans or finely chopped mushroom.
General instructions for all days:
You may squeeze a lemon to flavor the water that you drink every day.
No alcohol of any kind since it adds empty calories.
Salt should be used as less as possible.
Use artificial sweetener, in case you can't stay away from the sweet taste.
No fruit juices till day seven.
Black coffee or tea is allowed.
You may repeat the schedule, if you want further weight loss, but it is suggested that you should take a gap of at least two weeks in between two schedules.
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Click here to take the best weight loss product. Score about 30 IBS from the first week. Just imagine that
Now the most important part: the doubts, accusations and myths.
"It works just by losing the water content of the body and not actually a fat loss."
a.    Firstly, there is no mention of restricting the water intake on any day. How can one lose only water if we are consuming at least 10-14 glasses of water every day, added with the unlimited quantity of soup and the water contained in the melons, fruits and vegetables?
b.    It basically acts on the principle of 'negative calorie foods' where you are consuming certain foods that demand more calories to burn themselves than what they provide themselves. High-fiber food stuffs you but doesn't provide the required calories, instead demands more calories to burn themselves, which is derived from the stored energy-deposits.
"Skin gets dry and you may lose your hair during and after the GM diet."
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a.    At least I have not met anyone in my acquaintance complaining of this, but found this on few blog-posts. The reason can be insufficient amount of water intake and not supplying enough protein sources on specific days.
"It is a temporary loss and you regain all lost weight in couple of weeks."
a.    Obviously, if you resume your high-calorie food once again. It is not difficult to lose weight, but to maintain it. Malvika, my wife who is a dietician, always recommends a maintenance diet program after the GM diet schedule as follows:
i.    Only liquids in the form of soups, buttermilk or fruit juices for dinner on three consecutive days in a week. This should be followed endlessly, until you want your weight to bounce back.
ii.    Drink plenty of water as if you are on GM diet.
iii.    Exercise regularly.
"It's just a Crash-diet and a Fad, nothing else!!"
a.    First of all, it is not promoted as a weight-loss diet, but a Detox diet that cleanses your system from within. Weight loss is just a by-product of it.
b.    Even if one looks at it as a 'crash-diet', it surely will not harm you, but will 'move' your weight in the least period, thus motivating many who tend to leave their regular diet and exercise regimens within first month, for not getting desired results. Once you can 'see' your weight dropping, it boosts your will to try further.
c.    As said above, it is futile unless you back it up with a maintenance program. You can not be on GM diet for lifetime, nor you can or should do it every month. Instead use is as an initial-motivator and switch to a liquid-dinner course later.
I myself have done GM diet twice. The first time I was very sincere in following it. Thanks to my wife and my mother, who made all arrangements for the foods on each day. I lost 4 kgs towards the fifth day. I could not lose any further on the last two days and I presume that to the rice I ate, as a substitute to the beef. The lost weight remained there for a month, in spite of not maintaining it actively. I could have lost at least half a kilo more, if I would have stayed away from the rice, which in any case I do not like to eat.
The next time I started it, but had to leave it in between due to some unavoidable circumstances. But had seen significant change in my weight and the energy level for the four days that I followed it.
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The most significant gain has been with my lipids coming down to normal. I have had really bad lipid levels for two years and after following GM diet twice, being on statins and taking self-prescribed homeopathic medicines for the same, the latest levels of lipids were perfectly within normal limits. The credit goes to the high-fiber rich GM diet as well.
If followed sincerely, GM diet has a definite positive effect of its own on our metabolism. I agree that it is not an end in itself, and one needs to maintain the metabolism by appropriate food habits and exercise regimen. GM diet can not be a 'quick & easy' substitute to 'efforts', but surely can be a booster for those who have never seen their weight going downhill, providing a 'kick-start'.
As Malvika says, 'one should take a diet that s/he can follow for the lifetime...' and that's true! You can never have GM diet for everyday, since there are so many delicacies around to enjoy, but for that we need to have a balanced metabolism, so that we can give them their due justice.
Realistically, about half the population will admit that they are unhappy with their physique. However, losing weight is not as difficult as many would believe. All it takes is willingness to commit and a little bit of effort on your behalf. Okay, honestly, it takes a great deal of effort and dedication, but it is definitely worth it in the end.
We have a special new diet plan to help you lose weight and slim down in just 7 days! This diet plan is the top vegetarian diet to lose weight safely and effectively!
GM Vegetarian Diet 
This vegetarian version of the GM Diet Plan consists of vegetables, legumes, fruits and limited starches. In order to prep your body for this diet, you should eliminate alcohol during the diet, as well as few days prior to starting the plan. This is important as alcohol retains water as it increase the uric acid level, which then prevents the body from detoxifying naturally.
Another key factor of The GM Vegetarian Diet is to drink up to eight to 10 glasses of water per day. As you will be greatly cutting back on the number of carbohydrates you would normally consume, water will act as your main source of energy during this time. Not only will it speed up your metabolism, but it will help naturally remove those extra, unwanted pounds.
For those who have tried this plan previously, or who plan to continue beyond the initial seven day period, it is recommended that you give your body a break for two to three days prior to resuming the diet. This will give your body time to adjust to the new level of nutritional consumption and help reduce any stress on your system as well.
Day 1:
Warning: the first day is always the hardest so try to resist any temptations! Today you will be partaking of fruits only. With the exception of bananas, litchi, mango and grapes; you can eat any fruits in any quantity you wish. However, the most beneficial fruits include melons, strawberries, lime, pomegranate, apples and oranges. You can have up to 20 servings of fruit only today.
Day 2:
Instead of all fruits, today you are only able to consume solely vegetables. However, you can eat as much as you want. Boiled, steamed, roasted, and raw... anything but fried or battered! You should begin your second day with a baked or boiled potato with a just a teaspoon of butter. This will provide your body with the proper amount of carbohydrates and energy required for the day. However, after this, you can only consume veggies.
Limit yourself to only one potato today. If you want to add some zest to your meals, simply add a pinch of basil or oregano. Day 2 is basically a calorie-free day, however, it is chock full of essential vitamins, nutrients and plenty of fiber! If you can survive Day 2, you definitely have what it takes to stick to this diet!
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"Disclaimer" : When someone clicks on the link in the article and buys the product, I will get a little commission. I like the explanation
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Preppers sometimes get the impression that spring answers the winter prayers of the hungry. Not always. One of the worst times of year for pre-supermarket temperate-zone humanity wasn’t winter at all. It was spring, all the way into early summer in some cases. If our worlds fail and we return to the agrarian or hunter-gatherer lifestyles of our past, we’re going to find ourselves with the same “Hungry Gap”. However, with some planning and understanding, we can mitigate the effects.
Not all arid and incredibly hot climates are immune, either. Many have similar issues; they just cycle around the too-hot-to-grow and monsoon seasons instead of thaw.
The Hungry Gap
The “Hungry Gap” or “Starving Spring” comes about due to the cycles of nature. Settled agrarians and winter-camp nomads have spent all winter consuming stored foods. Historically, our pantries and pits are getting pretty barren. Our pastures haven’t come back yet, and animal feed is also lowering daily.
The same is going to hold true for those bug-out-to-the-wilds types who plan to hunt, fish, and forage through a disaster. Hunter-gatherers have it even worse if they have limited ranges, with food and firewood opportunities tightening from consumption every cycle.
Low-Consumption, High-Burn Season
Spring is regularly wet, which can help or which can create additional trials. It’s still cool or cold, so we’re still burning energy one way or another. The search for or sowing of food takes more energy, with few fresh calories to buoy the expenditure.
Remember, spring thaw and increasing daylight starts the growing season. It takes growing things time to, well, grow.
In some places, winter is mild and some plants stay in growth or pop up readily. The soft legumes are among them. They’re excellent additions to the diets of our livestock, but they’re too rich to be primary foods. The limited pasture contributes to historic spring “green dribbles” for hoof-stock, combining with cool, wet weather to create sick livestock.
It will be weeks yet before most deciduous trees leaf out and can be used for fodder. It will be weeks if not 1-2 months before grasses start leveling out the composition of pastures and growing enough to sustain livestock and much of our herbivorous game. If grasses are cropped or cut too close, too often, their roots suffer. Poor roots can it lead to stunted and slowed regrowth, as well as pasture that turns into a mudpit and takes years to recover for good graze.
Foraged or grown, spring mostly yields greens. There are some wild starchy roots available, but most have been feeding their dormant plants through winter or are providing the energy for them to break dormancy and reach for the sun again. Their calories/energy is largely depleted, “already” or “still”.
More than maples can be tapped for sap in spring – a bright spot in a season that offers few calories. However, sap runs are typically pretty short even at best, and it requires access.
Maybe our INCH-bag nomads have the spiles and containers for catchment, and can take advantage. It’s something our winter-camp and permanent-settlement preppers can definitely arrange for.
Hunting in spring means thin game, most usually.
Some animals are coming out of hibernation, which has slowly been eating their fats and reserves. There are the food-caching mammals, but most do not emerge plump. Fluffy-furry, yes; not fat. They’ve been eating their stores and now their cupboards, too, are bare.
What’s available to herbivores still active through winter and spring is also low in energy. The richest reachable bulbs, roots, berries, lichens, and seed heads have been gone since early winter. They have already been making do with the remaining branch tips, bark, and limited greenery. Their body stores are low or already depleted, too.
There are some exceptions.
Some migratory birds winter places where they forage grains and are at the tastiest and fattest when they return, but that’s limited and usually it’s flipped. Others are skank, but fat and rich in vitamins and oils because they overwinter on warmer coasts and waterways, consuming fish, snails, and seaweeds.
Some temperate mammals migrate as well, but most migrate to find enough food; life sustainment, bare survival, not thriving.
Hunger lasts even longer for some wildlife. Many species are immediately burning what they consume in spring, sometimes well into summer.
For some, there’s the search and battle for mates. Nests have to be prepared, and sometimes manned constantly to protect eggs and naked infants from cool weather and other animals. Some gave birth over winter, further depleting bodies. Others are still carrying young for milder spring births. Then they, too, must feed their offspring as well as themselves. It will be months before they regain “full” condition.
Game is already typically lean. When we hunt early, we’re getting less meat and less fat yet, and we need more animals to sustain us. That can impact populations going forward, increasing lean times in the future.
Waiting for Harvests
The painfully slow pacing of spring presents issues well into the season. Homesteaders can get a head start with covers and raised beds. Even so, it will be weeks to a month before thaw-planted greens, radishes, and the earliest of hybrid beets and turnips are ready. It will be two months before we can harvest our first OP/heirloom beets and turnips, carrots, and heads of cabbage.
Some vine and bush beans could be producing cutting/green beans by two months, but most are highly cold sensitive. Without heated hoops, they’re unlikely to survive being planted at the average last frost date (commonly 4-8 weeks after our last hard freeze).
At two months, we might be getting our first actual calorie crop, new potatoes … if we can afford to take them young instead of later and larger.
Autumn-sown grains may be available 2-3 months into our planting season. There are some cold-climate grains (corn included) that can be had in two months, but some are cold sensitive, so it may be well into spring or knocking on summer before we can plant. Modern westerner’s peas are usually harvested at veggie stages at 2-3 months. It will take another 4-8 weeks for cold-hardy peas to turn to starchy, protein-laden legumes.
By area, some of the wild grasses may have gone to grain heads for harvesting seed and their precious calories and proteins at two months – if they haven’t been cropped or cut for feed or hay so far.
Waterways may have wapato starting to plump. Cattails and rushes may have leapt to production as well, in both far north and deeper south regions. Vegetative lateral roots and pollen tend to be first, then main roots recover enough to start getting reasonable amounts of starch from them. Cattail and marsh grasses can also contribute seeds for us, for wildlife, and for our domestic stock, but it’ll be later in the season.
Depending on our location, flock age, and practices, domestic eggs might be available around the calendar start of spring, March or June 20th. Hens mature enough to lay will need enough protein, calcium, and light to cue production. Even meeting needs, “old” birds start later and lay slowly.
The homesteader, seasonal nomad, and INCH-bagger may all be able to forage eggs. Non-migratory wild birds will typically be earliest to nest and lay. We have to wait until migratory birds return and settle to hit their nests.
Hunger is hard to argue with. Survival is paramount, and the rich fats, vitamins, and calories of eggs can be huge boosts. However, we’ll want to exercise control, whether we’re taking from wild or domestic birds. If we raid nests too often, we can impact the population for years – and the population of other animals we count on for food or for pest/predator control.
That just makes the Hungry Gap longer and leaner still in coming years.
I ignored fish on purpose. They’re hugely variable. Plus, many waterways are preexisting disasters and human Meccas waiting to happen with many of the bigger “It” possibilities. I consider passive fishing methods worth learning, even so.
It Gets Worse
Spring’s Hungry Gap paints a pretty bleak outlook. My belief is that humanity will eat most well-known wild foods like dandelion and cattail to near-extinction early, and that game will go fast, too. There’s a reason many states have hunting limits.  So it gets bleaker.
Add in how few people practice gardening, let alone producing calorie, protein, and oil crops, and even with a “gentle” growing year, it gets bleaker still. A bad-weather or buggy year, and “bleak” will not even come close.
Combating Spring Starvation
We can prepare for the Hungry Gap. It’s been done successfully, in both modern and far-distant history. #1 is always get started. Whether your plan is to take the bush and live out of a bag, or to hack out a permanent homestead in the city, ‘burbs, or rurals, go get dirty. Get area baselines and norms so you know when “uh-oh” is knocking.
We can also help squash the mentality that we only store food for winter, and then our magic box/bucket o’ seed takes over. Our “pre-badness” food storage need to last not to our planting dates, but to harvest dates (at least).
There are articles here on TPJ that can help with low-budget food preps that only need a moisture-pest barrier to store for several years, like these two…
http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2015/11/07/how-to-avoid-starvation-on-a-budget/ http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2013/06/11/supersizing-food-storage-with-buckets/
That buys us backups for a bad year.
Learn to preserve available foods, using both new and ancient methods. Consider producing and preserving staples, not just veggies, even if there’s only a small space right now.
We can lay on season extenders, and expand or change what and how we grow for resiliency. We can seed bomb areas with hardy native edibles and wildlife habitat plants to expand options. (Focus on the smaller, faster-breeding, non-migratory birds and rodents.)
Know what’s happened in the past, so you can take adjust when it happens again. If the shad run misses the bloom-out, it’s likely going to be a weird year on the creeks … but the riparian predators are usually hungrier, so switch to bait trapping. There’s an intimate relationship between bass and frogs; when one ebbs, the other booms. The Yellowstone elk starvation makes an excellent study, as do your local stray/feral pet numbers. Long-term or short-term goals, it’s handy information.
There’s nothing wrong with a short-term or small-scale (personal/regional) focus. There’s a lot we can prepare for that have short durations. Other “It” situations only make something/everything incredibly expensive. They don’t force us to produce everything ourselves.
When we’re ready, though, if we’re talking about storage in months and spending money on seeds and seed vaults, or if we’re planning to ride out even a short-term upset by taking to the hills, past history is our friend. It’s full of lessons with the challenges we’ll face. It usually has the solutions, too.
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singingrass-archive · 7 years
05 NOVEMBER, 2022. Following reports of gunfire at 21:09 hours, unknown male is discovered in a Los Angeles motel room with gunshot wound to the chest and is declared dead by first responders at 21:13 hours. Coroner’s report states as follows:
Caucasian male; estimated age early 50s; height 6’7” (200.6 cm); weight 240 pounds (109 kg). Ginger hair, cropped, grey at temples. Short beard. Tattoo, right forearm: rifle identified as an Accuracy International AW50. Tattoo, right wrist: text, all-caps, sans-serif: WHERE YOU GO, I FOLLOW. In poor quality and appears to be home-made. Tattoo, ribcage right: text, two lines, cursive: Hounds don’t lose sleep / over the opinion of sheep. Tattoo, left shoulder: graphic crest depicting a three-headed dog engulfed in flames. Colors: black, red, orange, yellow, grey. Possibly military insignia. Tattoo, chest left: a banner wrapped around two poppies. Banner reads, all-caps, sans-serif: BUT I HAVE AN RENDEZVOUS WITH DEATH. Colors: red, brown, green, black. Most tattoos at least twenty years old except for wrist tattoo, which appears to be less than five years old. Back riddled with scars, shoulders to buttocks; count varies (178; 189; 182). Scar age varies; some fresh, some healed, some old. Old abdominal scar, below and to the left of the navel, appears to have been caused by a sharp, round object; possibly broken bottle. Six elongated scars along right hip and thigh; incompletely healed wound over right knee. All at least twenty years old. Old scar tissue at the tip of each finger; possibly burns; no fingerprints. Dental records do not exist. DNA testing does not match anyone with prior offenses or arrests. Found with several identification papers (3 driver’s licenses, 3 passports, 6 different identities); all determined forged. Contents of stomach are canned kidney beans in tomato sauce. Evidence of sertraline, THC and large amounts of modafinil and morphine in blood, suggesting recent use of cannabis, painkillers, antidepressants and wakefulness-promoting drugs; possibly self-medicating. Evidence of prolonged substance abuse and possibly 2-3 decades of smoking. Cause of death: bullet through heart at zero range. Scene of death, evidence of gunpowder residue on right-hand fingers and angle of wound suggest suicide.
17 APRIL, 2021. Last known contact is made with the individual known as the Mercenary. Decades after his disappearance, a small handful of people will reveal themselves as having been his former contacts. This, reportedly, is the last day anyone has ever heard from him. It will appear no more than ten people worldwide knew the individual known as the Mercenary personally or met him more than once in the course of their lives.
15 FEBRUARY, 2013. The individual known as the Mercenary appears to go completely radio-silent for four to six months (exact dates remain unknown). This is presumably due to injuries sustained past to falling (or being pushed) out of a third-story window in near the marketplace of Istanbul, Turkey.
22 AUGUST, 2001. A computer and life hacker known only to be part of Anonymous deletes multiple records of the existence of a single human being; both digital and hard copies. This includes military, police, hospital, school and birth records. The man without a name, otherwise known as the individual known as the Mercenary, ceases to exist on any legal capacity.
Regardless, he has been known to be operational since mid-1990s. Not much is known of the man save for the following testimonies and rumors: 1) his appearance: ginger male, hair grey at the temples; monstrously-built (presumed to tower approximately two meters); bearded; freckled; 2) his being a native English speaker, though his origins are unclear as he has been witnessed using a variety of both North American and English accents fluently. He has been witnessed speaking French, Arabic and Hebrew in varied degrees of proficiency; 3) his supposedly strange speech patterns: fragmented, detached, clinical; military. He has been known to go through great lengths to avoid acknowledging both himself and others (be they clients, marks or otherwise involved in his operations) as people; 4) a presumed military history in an English-speaking country’s special forces (though this has never been proved or confirmed in any way); 5) the variety of services which he allegedly offers: security, reconnaissance, extortion, espionage, kidnapping, assassination; and the crimes of which he is accused (though none of these have ever been confirmed nor denied): namely the assassinations of several worldwide politicians. He is wanted by the CIA, MI6 and Interpol; but has also been allegedly cooperating with the CIA and the Mossad (thought his, again, has never been confirmed nor denied). In over twenty years of known activity, he is suspected to have assassinated roughly six hundred people.
23 JANUARY, 1997. The individual known as the Mercenary abandons the base of operations he has been living out of for the past three years . He sets his pigeons free. He no longer has a permanent living address or direct means of contact. Instead, he travels the globe, relocating himself every two weeks; often staying in motels and trailers as to avoid signing any contracts or using any of his countless false identities. He uses pay phones as a means of communication with his contacts. In the future, these pay phones will be exchanged for burner mobile phones, replaced every two weeks.
Identities will be replaced every two weeks. He will pay handsome amounts of money for high-quality forged documents. Firearms and other weapons and gear will be purchased anew for every assignment and destroyed upon its completion.
His whereabouts and supposed crimes and other actions before nearly impossible to track hereon.
02 OCTOBER, 1996. Bulgarian politician and last communist prime minister of Bulgaria, Andrey Lukanov, is assassinated outside his apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria. The lone gunman seen at the scene flees, never to be seen again.
A Swiss bank account, registered under a hedge fund registered under a hedge fund registered under several other hedge funds, registered under multiple false identities, increases by several hundreds of thousands of dollars.
04 NOVEMBVER, 1995. Notorious left-wing prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, is assassinated. Religious fanatic Igal Amir is charged with the murder and found guilty shortly thereafter.
The individual known as the Mercenary gains possession of several rare and experimental Israeli firearms; namely the M89SR sniper rifle. He is also awarded several hundreds of thousands of dollars by various proxies that may or may not lead back to some or another Israeli intelligence agency.
02 NOVEMBER, 1995. Colombian politician Álvaro Gómez Hurtado is reportedly murdered by ‘gunmen’ while leaving the Sergio Arboleda University. His supposed assassins flee the scene, never to be seen again.
The individual known as the Mercenary comes into possession of several tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has never owned this much money before in his life.
01 AUGUST, 1995. The individual presenting himself as Hellhound ceases to do so as it is deemed too telling of his history and past associations and potentially incredibly dangerous in the right (or wrong) hands. In its stead, the man without a name begins referring to himself simply as the Mercenary. He works self-identifying words like I, me or mine out of his speech. He no longer thinks of himself as a person.
16 MAY, 1995. Now presenting himself under the callsign of Hellhound, the man without a name completes renovation of the tuberculosis wing of the North Brother Island Hospital. He makes it his base of operation, communicating with his contacts in the mainland via carrier pigeons he raises in a big coop. He is no longer in contact with anyone who knows him by his legal name. He continues accepting objectives and performing them to the best of his abilities. He burns all his fingerprints off on his kitchen stove, unable to control the tears that accompany the pain; but simultaneously smiling.
08 APRIL, 1994. The man legally known as Galway Morgan vacates his Harlem apartment. He does not rent a new one nor does he leave a forwarding address. He has not spoken to his family in over a year.
He takes whatever little belongings he owns on two bus and one boat rides to North Brother Island. Formerly housing a hospital, the island located in New York’s East River has been abandoned since the 1960s. He quits attending his mandatory psychotherapy and anger-management sessions. Without a legal address, no one is able to force him to attend them anymore.
30 OCTOBER, 1993. Galway Morgan quits his job at the docks to work freelance private security fulltime. He commits his first paid kidnapping (of a young child on behalf of her wealthy father in the midst of ugly divorce proceedings). The objective is successfully complete and he is rewarded handsomely.
The extreme aggression previously observed by his varied psychiatrists is so deeply internalized that he no longer demonstrates aggressive behavior outwardly; but still demonstrates a lack of ability to trust others and increasing apathy and detachment. Psychiatrists suggest a diagnosis of dissociative disorder (caused by PTSD and depression). He also rapidly loses all interest in any form of sexual interaction. 1995 will be the last time he has sex with another person.
13 JUNE, 1993. a friend from work and a former Us Marine suggests that Galway moonlights in private security as a second income. Galway performs his first freelance assignment and finds himself a hot commodity due both to his military history (omitting the injuries sustained during active duty and the deteriorating mental state that ensues) and professional approach. This is the first time he presents himself under a false identity, for no reason other than common sense. He finds strange joy in being addressed in names other than his own. He accepts more assignments in the near future (soon thereafter referred to in the more neutral objectives), presenting himself under different names each time.
The extraordinary aggression he has showcased since his injury during Operation Desert Shield and the loss of his teammate (diagnosed as the main source of aforementioned aggression) is beginning to subside. He becomes less sexually promiscuous. Many people know him by many names.
15 OCTOBER, 1992. UK citizen Galway Morgan moves to New York, New York on a work visa. He situates himself in a small apartment in Harlem and works as a crewmember at the New York Harbor.
Still attending mandatory psychotherapy, Morgan persist in demonstrates high levels of aggression coupled with sexual promiscuity. In the United States he is arrested multiple times for aggravated assault. He often partakes in bar fights and has been known to physically attack at least one of his psychiatrists.
28 JULY, 1992. Morgan has been reportedly growing increasingly distant of and aggressive towards his family. He leaves his hometown of Whitley Bay in the north-eastern coast of England and begins travelling south.
02 MARCH, 1992. After more than a year of physio- and psycho-therapy, Colour Sergeeant Morgan, Galway is honorably discharged from the Special Air Service. He still requires crutches to support himself as he walk and is diagnosed with chronic pain on account of his injuries. Some of them will never fully heal.
Sergeant Morgan demonstrates highly aggressive behavior along with complex PTSD and clinical depression. He is fed a cocktail of painkillers and anti-depressants and is obligated to attend weekly psychotherapy sessions and anger-management support group meetings. Weekly physiotherapy sessions are not mandatory, but the sergeant attends.
16 JANUARY, 1991. Stabilized, Sergeant Morgan is shipped back to England. He undergoes several surgeries and appears to be suffering of shellshock. He reports being in severe mental agony caused by the death of his teammate.
06 JANUARY, 1991. Enemy counter-attack on Hellhound One and Hellhound Two deemed unfortunately successful by means of Scud missile. Hellhound Two dies instantaneously. Hellhound One sustains moderate shrapnel injuries; namely to right thigh, hip and knee.
11 AUGUST, 1990. Hellhound One as sniper and Hellhound Two as scout makes their first confirmed kill.
They, and many other SAS members, are introduced to modafinil by Iraqi soldiers. One pill can induce complete wakefulness and full functionality for forty eight hours in an adult male with little to no side-effects.
02 AUGUST. 1990. The Counter Terrorism unit of the SAS is shipped to Iraq to fight in the Gulf War, known at the time as Operation Desert Shield.
Though considered a team of overall six soldiers, all three strike units of the team (Hellhound One & Two, Hellhound Three & Four, Hellhound Five & Six) are capable of operating completely independently. Hellhound One and Two can spend weeks manning a single position.
05 NOVEMBER, 1989. Corporal Morgan is visiting his hometown of Whitley Bay on leave. He and his little brother, nine years old, are up on the roof of their mother’s apartment building, watching the fireworks over the harbor. Corporal Morgan holds his brother as the boy sits atop his shoulders. They both ooh and aah at the lights exploding over the ocean.
03 JUNE, 1989. Private Morgan graduates from basic training . He is transferred to train as a sniper in the Counter Terrorism unit. He is introduced to Private James Beaumont and the both are paired as sniper and scout. They are to spend every waking moment together. They do this for the following eight months.
They are assigned the AW50 as their primary firearm. Beaumont makes jokes of monster-sized men being assigned monster-sized rifles. He means Morgan. Beaumont is only 5’8.
Private Morgan is assigned the codename Hellhound One while Private Beaumont is assigned Hellhound Two. All Counter-Terrorism snipers are known as Hellhounds. Their outfit’s insignia depicts a three-headed dog engulfed in flames.
05 NOVEMBER, 1988. Galway Morgan breaks up with Gillian, packs his bangs and leaves to volunteer for the SAS. He is processed and sent away for basic training, where he demonstrates leadership, quick learning and natural marksmanship.
01 SEPTEMBER, 1988.Galway graduates from high school. This has been no easy feat while still keeping his job with the fishing crew --- but he will not allow himself to quit. A high school diploma is a requirement to join the SAS and/or British Armed Forces.
20 DECEMBER, 1986.Galway moves into his own apartment out by the docks. He is sixteen years old.
05 SEPTEMBER, 1986. Galway quits his work at the butcher shop and picks up a summer job with a small fishing crew. They go out to sea every morning. Galway hauls his own weight in fish several times a day. He finds his body changes quickly. A few short months later, he is built like a brick wall. He is no longer bullied at school. Neither is Ewan.
Shortly thereafter, he is asked by Fiona to move out of their home. With him now able to fight Patrick back, she is worried for the integrity of the family. Galway cannot resent her for it.
06 JULY, 1985. Puberty hits. Galway grows to the height of 6’7, his weight not quick enough to catch up. He is teased even more often than before, but not bullied as much; his height is somewhat intimidating. He can no longer fit within doorframes without bending jod knees or back.
12 MAY, 1985. Galway has his first same-sex sexual experience when a delivery boy working for the butcher gives him a blowjob at the storage room. He will continue to have several sexual encounters outside his relationship with his girlfriend, Gillian Murphy, with both men and women.
18 OCTOBER, 1984. Galway quits his job delivering newspapers and starts working at a local butcher shop.
27 MARCH, 1983. Galway has his first sexual experience at the age of thirteen with local girl Gillian Murphy. She lives in his neighborhood and attends school in the same grade as Galway.
19 JANUARY, 1983. Galway listens to The Clash for the first time at the local record store. He can’t afford to buy a record, but spends hours listening to anything available by the band. Later that day, he smokes his first cigarette.
24 MAY, 1982. Fiona marries Patrick O’Doyle and takes his name. Galway remains the only Morgan in the family. They move into a new home and their quality of life improves somewhat. Galway keeps his job delivering newspapers as he and Patrick do not get along well. He is rebellious and suffers the occasional smack-around.
05 NOVEMBER, 1980. Whitley Bay celebrates the 5th of November with fireworks over the harbor. Galway watches them from the roof of their apartment building. Fiona tells him, every year, that the fireworks are there especially for his birthday. This is the year he no longer believes this story; but he is still happy when she tells him.
16 AUGUST, 1980. Fiona Morgan has her second baby boy. Patrick O’Doyle is registered as his father. She names him Ewan Carol O’Doyle.
In order to help support the household, Galway begins working as a newspaper delivery boy.
03 JANUARY, 1975. Fiona takes on a third job in order to support her only son. He often accompanies her to her various jobs as she often cannot afford a caretaker; but he appears to be perfectly fine with this. The two are very close. Fiona adores her little boy. She has grand plans for him.
05 NOVEMBER, 1970. A healthy male baby is born to one Fiona Catherine Morgan at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, at only sixteen years old. She claims not to know the name or whereabouts of his father. She names him Galway Kenley Morgan.
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pathaveram · 5 years
Best diet to lose weight fast
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Best diet to lose weight fast
Tired of carrying that extra weight? The best way to lose weight and keep away obesity is to plan a low-calorie diet for a long time and strictly follow it. If you want to lose a few pounds quickly, there are lots of techniques and tips that can help you achieve this short-term goal. To know more, scroll down to step 1 and read this article.
Method 1. Diet for fast weight loss
1. Cleansing with juice:
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Best diet to lose weight fast This method is also known as the Hollywood diet. Different types of juices are included to cleanse the body. However, the main concept is to consume only juices made from raw fruits and vegetables. This juice will remove toxins from your body, help you to lose weight so that you will feel more nimble and healthy. Most purification juices last for one to three days, however, some last seven days at a time. You can buy purification for yourself online from a medical store or company, or you can also make your own juicer at home. Be sure to include the intake of vegetables in your juice extraction routine. There is too much sugar in the fruit juice, and drinking it a lot will increase your weight rather than decrease it. The most popular purification juice brands include Tropicana, Minute Maid and Real Juice. 2. Consider things that specialize in purification: A liquid diet that specializes in purification includes "lemonade" (lemon, red pepper powder, maple syrup, and water), saltwater, and herbal laxatives. This diet lasts 16 days. In which three days only raw fruits and vegetables, only liquid diet for 10 days, three more days to return a little solid food Be aware, this diet should be done for weight loss in a very short period of time and to act as a detoxifying purification rather than a strict weight loss routine. 3. Try to take a water diet:
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Best diet to lose weight fast This type of diet includes drinking a total of 64 fluid (8 glasses) ounces of cold water at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before every meal to suppress your craving. By doing this you may be helped to include the habit of limiting the parts of consumption of every meal. thanks to drinkable, you may feel full before meals, which can facilitate in overwhelming fewer calories. Remember that it is not just a water diet. If water-feeding is done for a very long period, it can actually be quite dangerous. Your body needs supplements to remain sound and keep up solid digestion. In the event that you just drink water for over two days, and afterward start eating nourishment, you are in danger of putting on more weight on the grounds that your metabolic action is backed off. 4. Try to keep fast: The assumption behind this is that our body is made to go through both the situation of gain and loss, so sometimes we should make 'Akal' status by keeping fast. According to this you only need to eat 500 (if you are a man) or 600 (if you are a woman) calories for two days a week. In those days, the fasters should eat only vegetables, seeds, legumes, and some fruits. It is necessary that you continue your exercise regularly even on fasting days. For ease, you fast for 1/2 day and see how you feel before fasting for a long period. 5. Consider the HCG diet:
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Best diet to lose weight fast It is a highly controversial diet that contains extremely severely restricted calories with supplements of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or related supplements. Restricting calories alone (only 500-800 calories per day) is sufficient for weight loss in most people, it comes in the recommended daily calorie intake and is quite important for those trying to lose weight. People can take HCG supplements via injection or in the form of drops. Many studies have been done on HCG whose results are inconclusive. Some claim that they have lost up to 25 pounds during the HCG diet, with many scientists believing that injecting HCG on their own makes no sense and may, in fact, be dangerous.
Method 2. Other proven foods:
1. Eat the Mediterranean diet closest to the Mediterranean:
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Best diet to lose weight fast Although no diet has been proven to do this work, the diet of the region closest to the Mediterranean Sea comes closest to it. It is based on traditional ingredients and the style of cooking of people living near the Mediterranean Sea. It has been proved in research that people following this diet have reduced the risk of heart disease, besides it helps in weight loss and looks lean and trim. Focus on eating the following foods (and stop eating bread, dairy, and processed foods): fish Olive oil The vegetables The fruit Beans and other beans Spices Nuts Red wine 2. Try the paleo diet:
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Best diet to lose weight fast Follow the diet of the time of your ancestors living in caves, they did not have time to bake cupcakes or roast potato chips. The Paleo diet (an abbreviation of the Stone Age) attempts to recreate the diet our ancestors ate and claims that our body is not made up of modern ingredients and cooking styles. You can eat meat, vegetables, fruits, and other foods that were available at the time of our ancestors and avoid what was not available at that time. No artificial sweeteners or grains are allowed. Some people include intermittent fasting in the Paleo diet to speed up weight loss. 3. Make Whole30 Diet: The idea behind this diet is that for 30 days you have been working on your digestive system and removing artificial ingredients and other processed substances from your diet completely to clean your system. Have been. After 30 days, you will feel a low waist and high energy level. Keep away from grains, milk, sugar, vegetables, liquor, and every single handled nourishment. Eat meat, vegetables, a few products of the soil a lot of water. 4. Eat a raw food diet:
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Best diet to lose weight fast If you dislike meat and are tired of cooking, this is for you. A raw food diet includes foods that are not cooked. You can lose weight by consuming fresh vegetables and fruits. Coconut milk, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods are also included in the raw food diet. Dieticians do not recommend staying on this type of diet for a long time because sacrificing whole food groups can cause a deficiency of essential elements in the body.
Method 3 Plan a meal:
1. Calculate Calories:
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Best diet to lose weight fast Knowing the minimum amount of calories to help your body function properly will help you plan your personal healthy diet and lose weight quickly and sustainably. Your individual calorie requirement will vary depending on your age, gender, height, and level of activity. You can find out how many calories should be taken each day by using online calculators. You can find out how much food you can take by consulting your dietician or discussing your weight loss goals with your doctor, especially about specific dietary needs, current eating habits, and areas of potential improvement. In. Develop a meal plan. Choose foods that have a healthy balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, good fats, and low protein. An ideal dinner plate should be filled with half a vegetable or fruit, half a whole grain, and a little protein. The DASH diet, the TLC diet, the Mayo Clinic Diet, the Weight Watchers diet and Volumetrics all help to lose weight today. Provide great meal plans for. Search the Internet to know more about them. 2. Eat foods that suppress your hunger:
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Best diet to lose weight fast A balanced diet not only provides you with low-calorie nutrition but it also reduces your hunger so that you do not eat more than you need and fail in your weight loss plans. Are not. There are some foods that can keep you feeling satisfied for hours. Try to include the following foods in your diet: Grapefruit Oatmeal Apple Eggs Ginger The nuts leafy greens potato dark chocolate Spicy food 3. Keep a food diary: Write down the estimated amount you drink for every meal, snack, and drink for a whole week. Writing down what you ate helps you to keep you aware of what you put in your body and motivates you to stay healthy. If you can write down the number of calories consumed with each meal or breakfast. Be sure to include coffee mix-ins, spices, and other additions to your daily diet. 4. Identify and plan your food triggers: Food triggers are those that make you hungry. It may be for someone to sit and watch a movie, or for someone to study till late at night. If you know your food triggers then you can plan for them and fill your house with a healthy breakfast. If you do not buy unhealthy foods that you like for breakfast, then it is less likely that you will mess up your diet. 5. Check your portion size: Include the appropriate portion size in your meal plan. For example, healthy snacks such as almonds and dried Cambridge can turn into a huge calorie source if the quantity is ignored. In addition, preparing a pre-split healthy snack prevents overeating and facilitates healthy snacks. Snacks with a high-taste version that you love (but you don't love) can take a long time to eat and can satisfy your hunger better. A small strip of dark chocolate is initially tasty, takes time to melt, and does not leave you waiting much longer while the original milk chocolate will be tastier than the bag. A Rashi forma instantly eradicates the taste appetite and with food cravings dissolves. A dark-colored beer initially provides satisfaction but is not "drinkable".Think "You wager you can't eat multiple!" Make a list of who you will need for these meals, and do not stray from that list by going to the grocery store. Look at the market circulars, you can cut costs by buying weekly commodity sales and seasonal production. 6. Don't skip meals:
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Don't skip meals: Eating a healthy breakfast early in the day increases your remaining metabolic rate, keeps your energy levels high and helps you resist the urge to have high-calorie snacks throughout the day. is. Make a plan to have a light breakfast every two to four hours to keep your metabolism active. Eating routinely likewise keeps your glucose levels stable and diminishes unfortunate calories or deviations from your nourishment. 7. Avoid Attractive Grocery Corridors: Avoid areas in the grocery store where soda, cookies, ice cream, pizza, and other items and highly processed foods are kept so you can reduce the likelihood of purchasing unhealthy options. If you do not see them, you will not be tempted to buy them 8. Select the smart option for your favorite high-calorie foods: Most foods have healthy counterparts that will allow you to enjoy your favorite diet without unnecessary fats, sugar, and calories. Replacing high calorie processed foods and drinks with healthy alternatives will help you lose weight faster. Consider having a vegetarian meal a few days each week. By replacing your non-vegetarian food with nutritious foods such as beans, tofu, or lentils, you can make a significant reduction in the number of calories you consume daily, as well as adding many nutrients to the diet. Eat delicious fruits instead of cookies or cakes as a dessert. Replace potato chips and candy bars for breakfast with low calorie and fat nutrients. Mix string cheese in a handful of grapes spread peanuts and butter on a few crackers or dip a long cut red chili into a few tablespoons of hummus. Try to replace your blue cheese dressing with vinegar and lemon juice. Instead of butter, cook in a spoonful of olive oil. 9. Stop drinking sugary liquid drinks:
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liquid drinks Drinks such as soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, flavored coffee, and martini's water, tea, black coffee, or Germany chemical water. You cannot imagine how easy it is to cut calories with substitution. For example, a tall latte in the morning can pack 500 calories. One pound of fat (lose or gain) in the body is equivalent to 3500 calories, you can lose one pound of weight in a week by changing the rich drink from black coffee. Drinking water instead of drinking soda, coffee, alcohol, juice, or milk can help cut hundreds of calories per day. Increasing the amount of water in the body will help your body to use nutrients efficiently, keep you active, give you the most benefit from regular exercise, and you can feel full for longer. If you consume only water in exchange for all your drinks for a week, you can expect to lose weight quickly and see a dramatic improvement in your energy levels and appearance very quickly. Method 4 treat weight loss 1. Go to the sauna bath:
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fast weight loss diet plan In the sauna, you can sweat a foot and a half in just fifteen minutes. Again, this is the fastest, surest treatment that emits a variety of methods, this is a way to reduce the weight of water from the body that can make you lean for a day or two. It is not a permanent method of weight loss. To reduce the risk of dehydration, make the body water level by drinking a few glasses of water after spending time in the sauna. If you are taking a wrestling or similar weight loss remedy (a widespread unhealthy exercise), then rehydrate your body before you go there. Keep in mind that the time spent in the sauna should be limited, M should not exceed 15-20 minutes a day. People and young children with blood pressure or heart problems should not use a sauna. 2. Ask about mineral body wrap: Some mineral body wrap really helps you to curb fatness by waist, thighs, and arms to make you shapely. This process involves mineral-based purification in which the body is believed to detoxify, lose weight, decrease cellulite (remove fat from near the surface of the skin), and cleanse and firm the skin. 3. Consider other types of raps: Although mineral body wraps are the most common raps, many other raps in the market claim to lean the body. I will say again that this is not a permanent option for weight loss but can help you to slim down for that particular day. Use lipase boy wraps. Lipase Boy Wraps is another quick slim beauty treatment that works in two stages. In the first stage, an enzyme sheet is used to expel adipose tissue near the skin surface from the body. In the second phase, a sheet of the mineral is applied which works to tighten and smooth the skin. Use European Boy Wraps. European boy wraps are a possible alternative to weight loss by reducing habitat from trouble spots. This process is believed to make the skin tight and clean, reducing cellulite or scar and temporarily promoting weight loss. Use hot body wraps. Heat based body wraps are more popular as spa treatments, they are designed to detoxify your body and stimulate the skin smooth and clean. Most heat or steam treatments involve heat and massage to increase blood circulation and slim the body quickly. 4. Get a colonic: Some spas offer colonic irrigation treatments that include flushing with large amounts of water to remove stool accumulation from the body. This process helps to encourage inflammation, gas, constipation, indigestion and weight loss in some people. However, some professionals believe that colonics can be harmful if it is not done properly or only for weight loss. Consult a physician before considering colonic treatment. 5. Think about liposuction:
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Think about liposuction: A liposuction is a surgical option for rapid and targeted weight loss, so it is generally recommended only for specific areas of one or two highly fatty tissue, but otherwise Is for relatively healthy body weight. Because it is a surgical operation, it carries significant health risks and should only be performed by a licensed professional. Method 5 exercise to lose weight 1. Make Time for Exercise: Your muscles will actually grow a little when you first start exercising, but this is an essential component of a long-term and permanent weight loss plan. No matter how busy you are, it is necessary to regularly take time to exercise if you really want to lose weight and keep it down. Small things like walking instead of driving to the store also contribute to your weight loss.
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Think about liposuction: Exercise with daily activities. Climb the stairs as much as possible, take the dog three times a day, and sweep the dust with enthusiasm, sweep. Increase your walking volume. Choose more stairs instead of escalators and park the car as far away from the store as possible. Adopt a hobby that has a lot of body movement, even if it is not exercised. Such as gardening, building small projects, car maintenance, or playing with animals are great ways to burn calories. 2. Try a circuit training program. If you are trying to lose weight quickly for a particular topic and don't care about keeping the weight down for a long time, then you try a brief workout routine. can do. Many women, health magazines as well as personal trainers provide similar brief workout routines that allow weight loss and slim appearance within a few days of starting the diet. 3. Whenever starting a new program, be realistic about the type of exercise you do. If you expect to lose weight and keep it down, then you have to do more than a brief fitness program. The best way is to choose the workout that you are really going to do and hope you enjoy it. If you don't like running, don't give it a main place in your exercise - you will need more motivation to do it every day rather than choose an exercise in which you really feel fun. Rather, try different exercises like swimming, biking, or even Zumba until you find one that you truly love. Remember that sports like volleyball, tennis, and even Frisbee help you burn calories, making exercise a social and fun activity that you enjoy doing every day. 4. Take cardio preparing: The mix of cardio and opposition preparing are significant for generally speaking body wellbeing, cardiovascular preparing will enable you to get in shape rapidly. Specifically, there are oxygen-consuming based exercises with moderate and high power as the best strategies for cardio preparing. Fat-burning cardio routines can help reduce fat quickly, while weight and resistance training speeds up your metabolism and use energy more efficiently. 5. Keep your exercise regimen interesting:
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Think about liposuction: Variety is important to both keep you healthy and keep you motivated. When you do the same workout in the morning and evening, you put yourself at a higher risk of injury. You are likely to get bored, and thus finding the motivation to keep exercising is also difficult. At the gym, keep switching between machines, join a fitness class, and add some resistance training to your schedule. Do low impact aerobic activities. Moderate aerobics such as brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or swimming not only burn calories but also help keep your heart healthy. Do some weight lifting workouts. Resistance training, weight training can help increase metabolism and stay lean, for both men and women building muscle and a sustained passive gain. The weight loss strategy includes both aerobic and weight training which greatly boosts the burning of calories. 6. Choose an exercise that requires the entire body: In this way, every muscle group will work and you will eat many things at once with exercise, which will burn more and more calories. For example, when you are jogging or cycling with your feet, add resistance training with hands (you try to raise small dumbbells as you work). Rest on the same meat-muscle group for at least 24 to 48 hours between strength training sessions (for example, skip one day do biceps and abdominal exercises), and one or two days off exercise each week Take it. 7. Get enough rest:
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Think about liposuction: Getting enough rest will enable you to keep up enough vitality for the duration of the day, lessen the odds of gorging and furthermore diminish the danger of damage during physical activity. The absence of rest is extremely unequipped for getting thinner, so sufficient rest will be extremely useful in your method for shedding pounds. Advice: By eating slowly you may ingest fewer calories because it takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that you are not hungry anymore. Taking time between mates prevents you from overeating, but keep in mind how full you are feeling and stop eating as soon as you are satisfied. Keep in mind that a mistake does not mean that you have failed. Take a step back and refocus yourself and start the habit of following your rules once again. The goal is to reduce vasa and not to reduce weight in general. If you are doing strength training during weight loss (which you should do), you can actually see an initial edge in weight. If this is the case, don't worry! You've probably lost fat and gained muscle, which is denser than fats and is healthier. Keep in mind that healthy weight loss requires effort, dedication, and stability. No matter what the article in a magazine says, instant improvement is a myth! When vasa burn in your body, it takes fat from all parts of your body, even if you are creaking. No part of the crevice can escape the intestine if it is not supported by proper aerobic exercise and diet. Flat stomachs do not come by applying millions of sit-ups; they come from low body fat levels. So if that is your goal, then make sure that you do a lot of aerobic exercise in addition to regular abdominal exercises. Healthy and easy ways to lose weight quickly include a healthy and nutritious diet, proper hydration, and a moderate and varied exercise routine. If you use a lean diet or other rapid weight loss technique to lose some weight very quickly, then adopt a long-term weight loss technique after a few days or weeks. Which promotes a healthy weight loss and encourages continuous weight loss. Weight loss may take time but it will be worth it. Identify your motivation source and goal for weight loss. Try to write down the exact reasons why you are stimulating yourself to lose weight so that you can have a consistent view of your goals and be confident that you will succeed. Health professionals recommend a slow and steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week. This is through a mix of solid eating routine and moderate exercise. Rapid weight loss can be a good temporary motivation for a specific topic, but some specific goals can be helpful for your long-term weight loss plan, and after achieving your initial goal you will need a weight loss plan. May be held accountable for. Create a circle of supporters. Strong loved ones can enable you to get more fit and keep up your weight. Being responsible to an individual additionally expands your odds of fruitful, quick and long haul weight reduction. Warning: Do not try to starve yourself. Not consuming a sufficient number of calories in a regular amount can result in the opposite effect of your neglect and if it is continuous, it can be life-threatening. If you are trying to lose weight by skipping many meals or rapidly decreasing your daily calorie intake, talk to a health professional about the information on eating disorders. If you feel a negative effect from your diet or regular exercises, such as dizziness, vomiting, weakness, pain, lightheadedness, headache, or others, stop this program here and resume normal eating or activity. If you feel that your pain or discomfort is severe or your symptoms are worrisome, consult a health professional. Do not start a weight loss or exercise routine without consulting a health care professional. There are many health reasons that may cause some prohibition in rapid weight loss programs or other effective short term weight loss strategies. Losing weight too quickly is dangerous and can adversely affect your health. Regardless of the title of this article, it is best to get the body in shape slowly. Prolonged excessive weight loss can cause a lot of health problems. The safest and most sustainable way to lose weight is to do it slowly and under the guidance of a health professional. Consult your doctor or dietician before adding any dose, as multivitamins and supplements are not required for everyone especially when you are following a balanced diet. Avoid fine diet, diet pills, and meal plans that severely restrict calories or food groups. Roasted diets and rapid weight loss techniques are not always effective, and some can be dangerous. Pills, powders, and diet programs that include extreme calorie restriction, avoidance of the whole food group, or excessive exercise can be very dangerous for health. Pills and enhancements are not checked by the FDA and may not be protected. Except if you have a therapeutic motivation to maintain a strategic distance from a specific sort of nourishment, a decent and fluctuated diet is basic for sufficient sustenance and sound, stable weight reduction. Diet pills and restrictive diet plans can cause nutrient deficiency, organ damage, high cholesterol, and many other dangerous health problems. Read the full article
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cuckoomagazine · 7 years
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Interview with blogger Amy McColgan (a.k.a. Green Leafy Gael)
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and bred in Donegal and went to an all-Irish primary school. I went on to study Irish and Spanish in college and then did a Masters in translation after that. Before I went to college I also did a diploma course in TV Production through Irish in the Donegal Gaeltacht. I’m now living in Spain working as a freelance translator but hoping to move to Barcelona soon and get something a bit more secure!
When did you become a vegan and what made you decide to change your lifestyle?
I lived in Spain in 2012/2013 during my Erasmus year. It was my first time owning a smart phone and I took a liking to Instagram. I followed a lot of health and fitness accounts and took a big interest in health and wellness. One week in February 2013 I watched around 6 documentaries about food production, animal welfare and the links between a Western diet and all the most common Western causes of death (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke). The Monday after that was the last day I ever ate meat. Over the course of that year I educated myself on how the meat and dairy industry have essentially paid their way into the food pyramids. There are so many deceiving scientific studies done and articles written to promote this kind of food and it’s tragic because that is the very food that’s killing us. When people from Asian and African countries move to Western countries and adopt the Western diet, they also adopt Western diseases that they wouldn’t have gotten if they continued with their traditional mainly plant-based diets. Learning bits of information like this just astounded me and yet it made so much sense. Never in my life have I understood something so well – the only thing holding me back from going fully vegan was our culture and society. Saying no to family members’ food and learning how to go without dessert in a restaurant is hard work and it takes time to get brave enough to do that! Eventually, within a year I was fully vegan – although at home and when cooking for myself I was always vegan. 
Throughout that year, I allowed myself to learn of the horrors of the animal agriculture industry. Not just the sick conditions of factory farms but standard, legal practices that are done on the most highly praised farms, such as pulling piglets teeth out and castrating them without anaesthesia, dehorning calves without anaesthetic, separating calves from their mothers so soon after birth so they don’t drink the milk meant for us humans, keeping sows in crates so small they can’t even stand up; I could go on. Standard farming and slaughterhouse practices are seen as “necessary and humane” but only because they’re part of the farming business. There’s nothing ethical about it. If someone shot a bolt gun through a dog’s head and then slit his throat and skinned him before he even properly died – the country would be up in arms about animal cruelty because it’s not normal for us to eat dogs. It’s “normal” for us to eat cows so we don’t bat an eyelid when it’s done to them. Knowing all this made going vegan an absolute necessity. I could never ever live with myself if I knew I was contributing to modern day slavery and torture of the most innocent and docile creatures on earth.
Who would you consider to be your biggest influence?
I really admire Dr. Michael Greger who runs the website nutritionfacts.org and wrote the book “How Not To Die”. His selfless contribution to the health of the world and sharing true and factual scientific studies has made it so easy for everyone to learn about food and how it impacts out health. He makes complicated scientific studies make sense to the layperson through his short and snappy videos on the NutritionFacts.org YouTube channel. He does all this for free and even the proceeds from his best-selling book went to back into the nutritionfacts.org non-profit.
 How do you source content for your blog?Do you stumble upon recipes or create your own? 
I don’t source content no. I just write about different vegan products that I might have tried or different tips or tricks that I think might help people on a vegan journey. At the start my recipes were inspired by my local Ballyholey Farm in Donegal. They grow a vast array of vegetables completely organically and every week they’d throw me some random veg and say “do something with that” – so a lot of my recipes are purely experimental! They always turn out surprisingly tasty though!
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 What would you consider to be the main purpose of your blog & YouTube videos?
To inspire people to go vegan or to assist people through their vegan journey. I want to educate people on the true effects of the food we’ve grown up eating. It’s not something you can learn about in the mainstream media (although slowly but surely that’s changing). I like the idea of leading by example so I just try to share my life experiences and show people what I’m doing and why I’m doing it – that way is the least “preachy” I find. People are always interested in other people, so, if I can get people interested in my way of life, they might end up saving their own life. Also, I feel it’s my duty to the animals. I can’t sit back and do nothing about their suffering. If I can get someone to buy a cruelty-free and vegan foundation the next time they are buying make up instead of an animal-tested one – I’m happy. If I can get someone to choose a soy milk latté instead of cow milk the next time they order a coffee – I’m happy. If someone tells me they’ve decided to cut out meat altogether – I nearly cry with delirious excitement.
Do you find it easy to maintain your blog while living your daily life?
Not when I’m working a full-time job -  it’s very hard to find the time to work, eat, sleep, blog and vlog. Often times, social interaction with friends suffers! But now since I’ve lived in Spain I’ve been working at home on a freelance basis. So, when the work is quiet that means I get more time to focus on editing videos and writing blog pots. However, it also leaves me stuck financially which in turn leaves me with no nice ingredients to make nice recipes! I’d absolutely love to be able to focus on my blog and my channel full-time. As well as being beneficial to people’s lives, it’s also really fun to do and I get to use skills I’ve always loved using as a child such as taking pictures, editing pictures, making videos and acting the eejit in front of a camera!
 Is there a particular vegan dish that stands out as being the best you have tried?
No – because there are too many. Think of all the vegetables in the world (not just peppers onions and carrots), and all of the fruits in the world, and all of the grains, beans, legumes, spices, and herbs. Now think of a combination of each and every one – we’re talking millions upon millions of options! I’ve made some delicious meals in my life but as soon as I’ve made them I move on and try something else. In restaurants (that serve vegan food) I always try and get something different. I absolutely love weird combinations of food. I used to put random things in sandwiches and my mum said I get that from my late Granda. My mum is the complete opposite to me though and makes the same dinners every week – all are fantastic. But I have to say her lentil shepherd’s pie is a winning family dinner. It really is delicious and nutritious. (recipe on the blog if anyone’s wondering!) The meal I had in Sova Vegan Butchers in Dublin was one of the best vegan meals I’ve ever had. They’re so innovative and creative and it’s such a good experience eating there. I had the “scallops” and a “schnitzel” – 100% vegan, 1000% tasty. Recently I was in London and that whole day of eating was probably the best day of eating I’ve ever had – from breakfast to brunch to lunch to dinner. The Ethiopian food I got at Spitalfield’s Market was phenomenal. I have a vlog on my channel from that day again, if anyone’s interested!
 Tell us a little about the fashion side of your blog. You mention you like to buy clothes that are not brand new and ethically produced. Can you explain that a bit more? 
Well I’ve always heard about sweat shops and child labor, all my life. I don’t think that side of fashion has ever been unknown to anyone, but we definitely do just turn a blind eye to it. I did most of my life, but then when I went vegan, I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn’t be ignoring the plight of these poor sweatshop workers. I didn’t know too much about it though, but it was on my mind. I shopped less in fast fashion places because of it, but, only in the last 2 years have I completely quit fast fashion. I decided to become a minimalist 2 years ago and with that I learned a lot about the environmental impacts of clothes production, the vast amount of waste and pollution it produces, and the working conditions of the garment workers. 
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The factory collapse in Bangladesh that made headlines should have caused a worldwide shift to ethical fashion but profits of the big companies actually went UP that year! Shocking. I would recommend anyone interested to watch the documentary “The True Cost” – it’s extremely interesting. Since I quit fast fashion I’ve obviously still had to buy clothes. My budget hasn’t exactly allowed for me to buy better quality and sustainably-made clothes because they tend to be more expensive, so, I tend to focus on second hand clothes. This is even better though because it reduces waste and doesn’t use any resources. I love using Depop and Ebay, and I absolutely love vintage shops like Nine Crows in Dublin. Etsy is a great place to get handmade and vintage items as well. My proudest purchases, though, have to be the ones I’ve found in local charity shops. It literally is a case of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.
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For people out there who are looking to start their own blog, what advice would you give them?
Being Irish I think we have a tendency to get embarrassed about promoting ourselves or speaking up online. There’s something about our culture that makes it slightly weird for us to see someone doing their own thing and being different in public/online. I’ll admit, even I find it strange sometimes if I see someone I know doing something a bit “different” online. It’s in our nature and I’ve no idea why. That said though – this is changing fast! One good thing about globalisation is that some of our very Irish ways are dissipating and more people are deciding to do what they want and put themselves out there. So, I would say to anyone who feels like they want to speak out through a blog or share anything through a blog, try not to be embarrassed or scared about what the ones down the road will think of you! If you have a good message to share people will benefit from it. I was terrified about putting myself out there – especially on YouTube – but I felt the message was too important not to share. Some people definitely thought I was mad, but I’ve had more people tell me that they’ve changed because of my blog/channel, or thank me for sharing what I’ve shared. So, you could be shocked at the impact you could have!
What is your proudest moment to date?
The Irish language is a big passion of mine and I love to promote it, so, when I was invited to be on Róisín on TG4 I felt like that was a big moment for me. Speaking Irish, working with the media, and promoting veganism all in one day – it definitely was one of the highlights! I also loved being in my local paper, The Donegal News, last year, as I grew up reading this paper every Thursday night when my Dad would bring it home. Plus, the title of the piece was “Champion of health” – that was cool! But, one of the best things that has happened since I started trying to spread this message was my family, one by one, ditching meat. My mum is vegetarian, my dad is vegetarian (sometimes pescatarian) and my younger brother is also vegetarian. Having that burden of worry off my shoulders is a great thing – now I only need to worry about my youngest brother whose diet gives me anxiety!
 Have you any particular goals for the future?
Get my youngest brother to go vegan! It’d do wonders for all his football injuries…No but really, I’d love to be able to work full-time on helping people go vegan. I’d love to take people shopping to Dunnes or Tesco and teach them all about what they can eat and what recipes they can make for their families. I find blogging and making YouTube videos really enjoyable so it’d be great to somehow be able to do it full-time. I’d love for veganism to grow massively in Ireland over the next 5 years and I’d really love to have some part in it.
To find out more about Amy’s blogs, recipes and vlogs, follow her below on the following links:
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healthy247 · 3 years
The five major food groups to consume
Food rebalancing is based on the ingestion of 5 major food groups: fruits & vegetables, proteins, dairy products, carbohydrates and lipids, sugars, and salt.
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1. Fruits & vegetables:
They are rich in minerals and vitamins that few foods can provide to the body, not to mention that they are low in fat but rich in water. We know the catchphrase: 5 fruits and vegetables per day, but be careful to eat a gooseberry, and cherry is not considered two servings! The portions are evaluated at 80 grams or at least 400 grams per day.
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How to integrate them?
· Eat sweet fruits for dessert (strawberries, nectarines, etc.).
· Drink a glass of 100% juice for breakfast.
· Mix fresh fruit in a bowl of cereal (0% cottage cheese option).
· Bet on bags of dehydrated fruit (dried apricots, figs, etc.).
· In summer, choose a mixed salad for lunch when possible.
· If concoct smoothies (method to make green smoothies-here)
· Prepare steamed vegetables for dinner.
· Make all kinds of purees in 5 minutes with your blender (one or two vegetables washed and cut into pieces, light cream, and spices).
· Make sufficient and freeze lunch boxes.
2. Proteins:
They promote the growth of hair and nails, for example, help repair nerve cells and develop muscles. The recommended daily amount is two servings, 45 grams for a woman, and 55.5 grams for a man, but this varies according to lifestyle (athletes will need to eat more). For information, one serving is equivalent to 2 eggs or 100 grams of meat/fish. It is advisable to eat fish twice a week.
How to integrate them?
· Include a slice of meat/fish in the main dish.
· Sprinkle salads with seeds and nuts.
· For a snack, spread peanut butter on a toast ( peanut butter is a friend!).
· Gradually replace yogurt with soy yogurt.
3. Dairy products:
Controversial, lactose is, however, rich in calcium, mineral essential for the excellent health of the bones and the teeth and regulates the muscular contraction, and thus the beats of the heart. Three portions per day are recommended, ie, 20 cl of milk, one jar of yogurt, or 30 grams of cheese. For those concerned with their fat intake, prefer semi-skimmed or even skimmed milk (lighter to digest). For lactose intolerants, soy milk, dark green leafy vegetables, or almonds are a source of calcium too.
How to integrate them?
· Mix the cereals with milk or cottage cheese.
· Create a ritual before bedtime with a mug of hot milk (add a little cocoa and cinnamon or honey, for example).
· For a snack, spread fresh cheese on a toast.
· Sprinkle salads with toasted almonds or sesame seeds.
4. Carbohydrates:
There are right carbohydrates, those to include in your habits, called complex (oatmeal, potato, wholemeal bread, brown rice, legumes, etc.) and the wrong carbs, called simple, to avoid consuming, (white sugar, pizza, cakes, etc .). They provide energy and are low in fat. Present in whole grain products, bread or starchy foods, they are packed with fiber (family of carbohydrates), therefore excellent for the proper functioning of the digestive system. One-third of each meal should consist of carbohydrates, the size of your fist. Ideally, each meal includes a complex sugar in addition to vegetables and protein. Be careful; consuming too much will Promote weight gain, so you must control the quantities.
How to integrate them?
· At breakfast, make sandwiches with toasted wholemeal bread.
· Consume legumes (lentils, dried beans, chickpeas).
· Alternate the ways of eating potatoes (mash, wild dress, etc.).
· Eat brown rice and whole-grain pasta.
· rebalancing and food-grain, vegetables
5. Lipids, sugar, and salt:
Consume with moderation but consume anyway! Never forget that the key to good health is to eat everything (all that is not industrialized implied). It is enough to find a balance, and to do this; we must include small pleasures without guilt. This is the secret to sustainable food rebalancing. We are only Men, and restricting ourselves in an authoritarian way has an end, and above all, a hunger! You will end up having a bulimia attack and then feeling guilty.
To locate you, 1 gram of lipid is equivalent to 9 Kcal, so beware! To help you, on a label, if the amount of fat is more than 20 grams per 100 grams, it means that the food is far too costly, however, 5 grams per 100 grams means that it is low in fat.
The added sugar does not provide any particular nutrient, so be sure to choose which one you want (banish sodas, candies, etc.). Finally, salt is authorized at the rate of 1 teaspoon maximum per day distributed in all of your dishes of the day. We, therefore, eat in moderation, cold meats, margarine, pastries, whole milk, etc.
On the other hand, unsaturated fats are good for health because they contain amino acids and must compose approximately a quarter of the calories ingested each day. They are found in fatty fish (salmon, tuna, etc.), avocados, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, etc.
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Plate with a keto diet food. Fried egg, bacon, avocado, arugula and strawberries. Keto breakfast.
From Publishers Weekly
Despite its title, almost every recipe in this book uses meat, fish or eggs. A collaboration between Manning, a former vegan, and Desmond, an unabashed meat lover, the aim is to help Americans, who they believe eat far more meat than is healthy or good for agricultural sustainability, compose meals that are both tasty and filling without having a slab of meat as the overbearing star ingredient. Instead, meat appears in smaller quantities supplemented by layers of flavor in the form of additional savory ingredients that should keep people who usually expect lots of meat from noticing the difference. In a burger recipe, for example, black beans and bulgur are mashed together with a minimum of ground beef to make a patty that is full-size, fully delicious and less meaty; similarly, a recipe for gyros uses a small amount of lamb amped up with tzatziki sauce and fava beans fragrant with lemon, garlic and fresh herbs. Manning and Desmond encourage preparing meat more healthfully, as well as substituting lighter forms of meat or even tofu in some cases, and many of the recipes can be made vegetarian. Overall, Desmond’s meat-loving side often seems to win out, which may disappoint readers looking to make bigger changes, but the baby-step approach is likely to be much more palatable for many others. (Apr.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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“Meals that are both tasty and filling without having a slab of meat as the overbearing star ingredient” —Publisher’s Weekly
“The authors of the new book Almost Meatless make a satisfying case for eating less meat and more vegetables and grains…The resulting dishes are healthier, less expensive and beautifully balanced.” —Chicago Sun Times
“The recipes look good enough for carnivores to enjoy as well” —Tampa Tribune
“This way of eating makes sense not just for saving money, but, as the authors say in the subtitle, for the planet.” —Newsday
“Show[s] that a less meatcentric diet than the typical American one can still be satisfying and delicious” —Library Journal
“Filled with recipes that use only a small amount of meat in each dish, a flavorful accent rather than the star of the show” —Boston Globe
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From the Publisher
* More than 60 satisfying recipes that de-emphasize meat without sacrificing flavor and protein. * Includes vegetarian variations on meat-based recipes for flexitarians and part-time meat eaters. * One-third of all Americans are looking for ways to reduce meat in their diets.
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About the Author
Erstwhile vegetarian JOY MANNING is the restaurant critic for Philadelphia magazine, where she also writes for their Daily Taste blog. She was previously senior editor at Philadelphia Style. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chicken is a dinnertime staple, prized for its versatility and ability to complement other ingredients.
The average American eats 80 pounds of chicken a year. That’s substantially more than the roughly 65 pounds of beef and 60 pounds of pork we also consume. For decades, people ate around the same of amount of beef and chicken, but during the past 25 years, as the media began to report extensively on the obesity epidemic and other health risks associated with the consumption of red meat and saturated fats, shoppers became more and more inclined to choose boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
But the way we eat chicken isn’t always healthful. Fried chicken, the most commonly enjoyed kind in the United States, certainly doesn’t help reduce cholesterol. Replacing beef with chicken works only if you eschew the fried stuff and choose the leanest (and least flavorful) chicken options. And those lean and mean recipes, based on poached boneless, skinless chicken breasts, offer little culinary excitement. Blah meals don’t benefit your health if you don’t eat them.
There’s another way to think about and cook with chicken. Instead of focusing on the fat grams in every portion, cut back significantly on the total amount of chicken you eat. We strongly recommend against ordering chicken at a restaurant, where it is almost surely from a factory-farmed bird. It’s easy to enjoy homemade, high-quality chicken dishes with these recipes.
Chicken marries wonderfully with a wide variety of flavorful vegetables and grains. Meals that offer different flavors and textures can be extremely healthful and much more enjoyable than a slab of bland white meat. Starting with a whole chicken is a secret weapon in the battle for big flavor. Chicken bones, rich in gelatin, add depth and body to dishes. Skin creates fond (the foundation of a great soup, stew, or sauce), lends a satisfying layer of flavor, and protects delicate white meat from the direct heat of cooking. It’s also easy to discard before the dish is served.
Finally, we want to encourage you to seek out the best chicken you can find. In Philadelphia, where we live, we have terrific farmers’ markets, where you can get truly free-range, organic birds directly from the farmer who raises them. Wherever you shop, don’t be afraid to grill management on the provenance of the chickens. Today’s commercial poultry industry, exempted from the USDA’s humane slaughter act because chickens are not legally considered livestock, raises birds in generally abhorrent conditions. Taglines like Òall naturalÓ and Òfree rangeÓ have become all but meaningless in the market. The designation Òfree rangeÓ now simply means that chickens have some limited and often unused access to the outdoors. You can look for the Òcertified humaneÓ label that goes on some products that conform to the Certified Humane Raised & Handled program’s standards.
The reality is that these better chickens are much more expensive–sometimes more than twice as expensive–than their factory-farmed counterparts. But the cost reflects the farmers’ own expenses. They forgo the cheap corn-based, chemical-laced feed that fattens the birds in a matter of weeks in favor of more natural methods. Savvy shoppers pay premium prices for farm-raised, organic birds, but they get chicken chock-full of robust flavor. You can maximize your investment by learning how to get more flavor from less chicken, how to cut a whole chicken into parts, how to freeze poultry for later use, and how to use the bones to make flavorful stock (page 131).
Asian Lettuce Wraps
These wraps are the perfect appetizer for a small, casual dinner party or an exotic entrŽe for two or four. Dark meat chicken thighs won’t dry out in the high heat of the wok, and they take on the intense flavors of this recipe’s homemade marinade and stir-fry sauce. What’s more, the recipe can just as easily become a salad. By tearing up the lettuce leaves and tossing them with the slaw, you’ll make a crunchy, cool bed of greens for the chicken and peanut toppings.
Serves 4
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoonsvegetable oil
1 (2-inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled and minced (about 1 tablespoon)
2 cloves garlic, minced (about 1 tablespoon)
1/4 teaspoon dried chile flakes
1 scallion, green and white parts, sliced
8 to 12 ounces boneless, skinless chicken thighs (about 4 thighs, or 2 thighs and 2 legs), cut into small cubes or strips
3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons orange juice
1/4 teaspoon dark (Asian) sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 thick carrot (about 4 ounces), cut into 1/8-inch strips
1 cucumber, cut into 1/8-inch strips
2 stalks celery, sliced 1/4 inch thick diagonally
2 to 3 scallions, white and green parts, sliced on the diagonal
16 lettuce leaves (romaine, Boston, Bibb, or green or red leaf)
2 tablespoons roasted salted peanuts, coarsely chopped
to marinate the chicken, make a marinade by combining the fish sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, orange juice, the 2 tablespoons oil, the ginger, garlic, chile flakes, and scallion in a medium bowl. Add the chicken and stir to coat the meat. Cover the bowl and place in the refrigerator, letting the chicken marinate for at least 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, to prepare the slaw, whisk together the vinegar, orange juice, sesame oil, salt, and ginger in a large bowl. Toss the vinaigrette together with the carrot, cucumber, celery, and scallions. Taste for seasoning and adjust as needed.
to prepare the lettuce, rinse and pat the leaves dry. Transfer to the refrigerator until ready to use. (If you choose romaine, use the leafy top part of the lettuce for the wrappers. You can tear off the stiffer bottom stem half, chop it up, and add it to the slaw for extra crunch if you like.)
to cook the chicken, heat the 2 teaspoons oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add the marinated chicken and marinade and cook for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring often, until firm to the touch and beginning to brown. Stir in the peanuts.
to assemble and serve, set out the slaw and chicken in bowls along with a platter of the lettuce. Wrap a scoop of slaw and chicken in each lettuce leaf. Have a napkin handy!
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Almost Meatless: Recipes That Are Better for Your Health and the Planet Paperback – April 1, 2009 From Publishers Weekly Despite its title, almost every recipe in this book uses meat, fish or eggs.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 5 years
New Year, new rules
Celebrate the new you with a tasty red wine—it’s a welcome component in your Mediterranean diet. (For Spectrum Health Beat)
Maybe you want to decrease those sugar cravings, or just keep your blood sugar in balance. Maybe you’ve decided it’s high time to lose some weight.
No matter your motivation for eating right in the New Year, you can succeed—you just need some tried-and-true strategies to help you along the way.
The best way to start is by learning how to follow a low-inflammatory, low-glycemic Mediterranean Diet.
Put these 11 strategies to the test
1. Portion your plate
Counting carbs and calories and calculating the glycemic index of foods can be complicated, so there’s a simple trick to help you right-size your portions right away.
Start with a 9- to 10-inch plate. Fill half the plate with a leafy salad, greens and your favorite veggies. The important thing to remember is you must fill half the plate with these items before you put anything else on it.
Next, fill one-fourth of the plate with lean protein such as lean meat, salmon or fish, tofu or vegetarian protein, eggs, cheese, chicken, lentils or beans.
Now fill the remaining one-fourth with slow-release, complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes and whole grains—brown rice, quinoa, whole grain pasta, bread and such. Remember that you want to fit this into one-fourth of the plate, nothing more. This makes for perfect, built-in portion control.
2. Even your eating
Eat every three to four hours and space your carbohydrates out evenly throughout the day. This will keep your energy level up and your blood sugar steady.
Under-eating sets you up for overeating later in the day because it changes your hunger hormones.
Include some protein, complex carbs and good fat at each meal.
3. Skip juice, sweetened drinks
Did you know it takes three large apples to make a 12-ounce glass of apple juice? You might never consider eating three apples in one sitting, but it’s too easy to drink this amount in juice—and it piles on the carbs and calories.
Instead, opt for one apple and then drink a glass of water—you’ll feel fuller for longer and your body will reap the benefits.
4. Power snack
Remember to include some protein and good fat with that complex carb. It gives you longer-lasting energy and keeps you feeling fuller.
Some great pairings: whole grain crackers with string cheese or hummus, an apple with peanut butter, trail mix with pistachios, or almonds and dried fruit.
5. Zero in on carbs
You don’t need to cut out all the carbs, because they’re essential for your brain and nervous system. You may, however, need to eat a little bit less—maybe two-thirds the usual amount.
Keep a half-cup measuring cup, or serving spoon, to help bring down those portions of potatoes and pasta. And remember to follow the quarter-plate rule.
Talk to a dietitian or diabetes educator, as they can help you set up an individual eating plan. A woman should eat about 30 to 45 grams of carbs per meal, on average, while a man should eat about 45 to 60 grams per meal.
6. Eat the Mediterranean way
With its emphasis on fresh seasonal food, produce and heart-healthy olive oil—and even a little red wine—the Mediterranean Diet is a great choice for people with prediabetes and diabetes.
This style of eating can help with blood sugar control and heart disease, according to the American Diabetes Association.
Studies show it is a sustainable diet that people are more likely to stick to, as compared to the yo-yo dieting, deprivation and binging that’s common to fad diets.
7. Swap out your oil
Try a healthier oil such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.
It’s quite simple: A quality olive oil and a tasty balsamic vinegar make the best vinaigrette for salads.
8. Always include lean protein
That’s right—remember to include lean protein in all your meals and in your afternoon snack.
Carbohydrates alone will last about one to one-and-a-half hours. But when you add some protein like almond butter to your cinnamon raisin whole grain English muffin, for instance, it may hold you for three to four hours.
9. Feast on fiber
Fiber helps lower blood sugar and speed up weight loss. It also keeps you full, crushing that compulsion to go back for second servings loaded in processed carbs.
10. Whole wheat, not white
Thinking about white rice and white pasta? Let that thought go and then head for the whole grains.
A Harvard study showed that a person who has five or more servings of white rice per week increased their chances of developing diabetes, while a person who has three or more servings of brown rice will actually decrease their diabetes risk.
11. Bolster your breakfast
Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day.
Always include some protein at breakfast to set your hunger hormones and keep you fuller longer.
Some great breakfast proteins include Greek yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, walnuts and turkey sausage. And don’t forget to eat some oatmeal, too.
New Year, new rules published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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