#A pig will sustain much longer
creepyscritches · 2 years
It's so funny how I used to be a rigid vegetarian for years but I have never thought something was too cute to eat like I'll bite a cow it's true cute things taste better come here
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relentlessly-tired · 1 month
how do I stop myself from eating? I hate looking like a pig but I always end up eating. I've tried gum but I always run out whenever I need it. any advice? thanks
Honestly my biggest piece of advice is DON'T stop eating. Literally, NEVER start dping fasts/OMAD. Obviously everyone is different and if it works for you yay, but for me personally fasting and OMAD has messed me up. Always led to more binges and uncontrollable eating bc if just make myself wait till i was sooo fucking hungry. And also I got used to eating rlly large volumes of food which even tho it was veg and stuff probably stretched my stomach out so the times I did binge it was way worse and also just in general took ages to start feeling full w small portions again. So yeah, anyway here are my biggest tips:
1- don't fast.
2- take it slow. Your body takes a little while to adjust to being in a deficit, so only slowly up your deficit every few days.
3- don't restrict too low. I've found much better results by eating 1k-1.3k cals and then being very active and burning 2k-2.5k cals a day. So a deficit of 1k or more. Rather than eating 500cals a day and only burning 1.5k cals (I'm short af might be different for u) and still being in a deficit of 1k. It's way more sustainable, haven't binged in a while, and mentally more clear most of the time.
4- protein and fibre. Yogurt. Fruit. Eggs. Cottage cheese. Chicken. Meat. vegetables. Eat those types of food and you'll feel way fuller for longer. I hardly get the urge to snack for hours after eating a meal now.
5- snack on low cal foods. Fruit. Carrots (my personal fav). Ham slices. My snacks is where ill let myself have a biscuit or piece of chocolate (roughly 150 cals worth). It stops the cravings.
6- don't completely cut out sugar, but limit it. This works for me. I don't eat sweeteners or sugar ever unless it is given to me, then I always accept and just budget it into my daily cals. Never drink anything other than coffee, water, tea. Your body gets used to not having sm sugar and it gets sm easier.
7- dont be afraid to eat at maintenance. Every few days after being in a large deficit, I always have a maintenance day and then the next day is lower than maintenance but still not as low as I usually go.
8- get away from the kitchen. Stop thinking ab food. Get hobbies. (The hardest thing for me tbh)
9- running completely curbs my appetite.
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g5mlp · 4 months
Is there any info on G5’s performance financially? People have been saying it’s been doing poorly since 2021, but there hasn’t really been much evidence. There have been pictures and talk of stores getting rid of it through clearance sales and such, but I find that’s more regional thing; all of stores near me not only still carry MLP, but it rarely goes on clearance, too. To add onto the confusion, Hasbro themselves seems/claims to be confident and investing more money into G5. At the same time, they haven’t mentioned it in an quarterIy report since 2021. I don’t know what think. How do you personally think G5 is doing?
Hasbro has much bigger fish to fry, and they have been cutting costs for basically everything that they can. Wizards of the Coast is now the only part of Hasbro that isn't losing money and Hasbro still laid off lots of that division's staff in December 2023.
Because Hasbro is doing inventory reductions across all their franchises, and because a lot of people have switched to online shopping over the past decade, it's difficult to use anecdotal observations to judge MLP's success. There does seem to be a broad sentiment among MLP toy collectors that the franchise hasn't been doing as well.
The reason that MLP isn't mentioned in Hasbro's investor reports any more is primarily that in 2022 they changed their definition of "franchise brands" and started calling MLP a "portfolio brand" instead, reflecting that it was no longer one of Hasbro's seven biggest brands, but there could be any number of explanations for how that happened.
MLP's no longer been Hasbro's biggest "girl brand" since they got Peppa Pig in 2019.
MLP's growth was primarily because of Friendship Is Magic, and that growth mostly happened before 2015. (Hasbro avoids emphasizing revenue decreases, so that's probably why MLP's revenue wasn't mentioned as a dollar amount after 2015.)
The 2021 movie, My Little Pony: A New Generation, didn't have a properly measurable impact, because its originally-planned theatrical release was cancelled due to the pandemic.
Brian Goldner, who was Hasbro's CEO for about 13 years, died in 2021, and was replaced as CEO by Chris Cocks (yes, that's his real name). It's not clear if Cocks has made any good decisions yet.
It's obvious that both Hasbro and the MLP franchise have seen better days, at least financially, and Hasbro's level of investment into MLP has clearly been decreasing. However, the viral success of G4 isn't something that could be easily replicated, and G4 itself wasn't able to sustain its own viral or financial success. It would probably be fairer to compare G5 to other TV shows/toy lines based on standalone movies than to compare it to G4.
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bulkseason · 1 year
9000+ Followers! GoStuffMe
Thank you everyone for helping this blog reach 9000 followers! Can we break 10000 by the end of the year? Whenever we do, thank you all for following this blog throughout this journey. Below if my big “announcement” which is more of a shower thought on a new way to create gainer content. I’m still workshopping it so if anyone wants to further flesh this out, please feel free. 
So most gainer content is built on an unstable structure. From the gainer side, they want to grow constantly. There are few who have feeders supporting their growth; most rely on the crowd to fund them whether that be through Patreon, OnlyFans, or direct donations. Those who rely on subscriptions to fund their gaining deal with several problems. Their numbers can fluctuate drastically and patrons may not be permanent sources of income. As they produce more content, each video becomes less valuable under a given tier unless controls are made. Finally pirating risks both the gainers privacy and monopoly over their content.
To a gainer, they aren’t able to gain as consistently as they’d like because of unsustainable sources of income.
For a feeder, their ability to stuff is based on whims. They must first be within the vicinity of a pig to feed them. If they care more about making sure their pig is fed they can use food delivery services to mediate this issue. Then there is the pig themselves. Depending on appetite, properly stuffing a pig can be expensive; even using cheap foods like pizza or burgers a pig with a massive appetite can require $50+ to feed for one meal. If extreme weight gain is the goal, several of these meals may be required leading to significant costs. Besides the heavy expenses of feeding, the relationship may not be sustainable due to interest. The gainer may lose interest in their pig for several reasons some outside the pig’s control. Similarly, the pig may lose interest in the feeder or gaining entirely and end the partnership.
A feeder may not get the satisfaction they desire due to the long term costs of feeding someone to extreme weights/fullness, or lack of commitment from themselves or their pigs.
I’m not a feeder or a gainer, why does this matter to me?
If you are a lurker, admirer or encourager, it’s likely you derive pleasure from the content gainers produce either for free to attract attention/praise, or by feeders looking to attract more pigs. We’ve all had experiences where our favorite creator just disappeared. The common story is they wished for privacy after some content they wanted private elsewhere was exposed. Although stories of feeders disappearing from the scene are rarer, it’s easy to imagine lack of funding being a major reason why they no longer are sharing gainer content for the hungry masses.
Ok nice essay. What’s the point?
This is a very niche community where finding the content we enjoy is rare and fleeting. It depends on a structure that can hardly be considered sustainable. I’m proposing a way to produce gainer content sustainability for the gainer, reduce costs on the feeder, and provide more content for the rest of us.———/——//—Solution: Recently a lot of great things were funded not by one or a few donors but by many. Whether that be a game, a new product, or a political campaign, crowd funding has been an increasingly popular topic way to fund projects.
Instead of relying on a few wealthy feeders to control the gainer content, the masses will fund the feeding.
How would this work? A website like GoFundMe can collect donors from admirers and the like who want to see a future pig get fatter. At the same time gainers who need money for a stuffing can apply to receive money from this fund.
Periodically the applications are reviewed and gainers are chosen to be fed. How much money that is given out will depend on several factors; a major one being the type of content being produced after the stuffing. Not all gainer content is created equally. For example a photo is worth less than a video. All content created after a stuffing will be uploaded to a social media account run by the fund so that all can view it.
So to summarize the people fund the stuffings, the fund and the people controls who gets paid, and the fund controls the content so that everyone can view it.——————
Q and A
Wait how is both the people and the fund controlling what content is created?
The fund manager will check to make sure who only one project per feeder is funded each time money is dispersed. They’ll also make sure a gainer who was already chosen doesn’t get chosen again at least for a while. 10 applications from the pool will be selected to be voted on by the people. The top 3-5 stuffings will be funded depending on the cost of the stuffing.
So to summarize the fund manager moderates what feeders are in the pool, random chance chooses who is on the ballot, the people’s vote is the final say on what content is created for the period.
Who is the fund manager?
If no one else, me. But if the idea is good enough maybe another person can adopt this project. Ideally a group of people can moderate to control for bias in body type. While chance and the people vote can hopefully select who gets stuffed fairly, stratifying based on body type, weight, or some other factor might be needed to ensure diversity.
As a gainer, what if I want my content removed?
Since the fund paid for the content it’s the funds discretion to remove the content. However if the gainer pays the fund the money that was donated to them + a removal fee, that would be one way to get the content removed. If privacy is a concern effort should be made to make sure your identity isn’t revealed in the content.
Does this only work for one time stuffings?
Not necessarily. This system is focused on stuffing videos because buying food is expensive to do and a well stuffed belly is almost always a crowd pleaser. If enough money is available from the fund we can give out more money for longer term weight gain projects.
There was enough free content to mastrubate to, why should I partake in this communist crap and give up my money?
As mentioned earlier, gaining is not cheap and content is often removed. While there will always be a new belly to admire, this system ensures there is a library of bellies . Maybe your favorite gainer used the system. While his Patreon may have been taken down, the fund will always have at least one video from them that is easily accessible. There is also the pride in knowing your donation helped create a really popular video that others enjoy; a record of donors will be placed either as an end credit on the video or somewhere to recognize your generosity?
Do I need to show my dick to win in this system?
No this isn’t PornHub or ThisVid. Though if that is what the people want maybe we’ll branch into that. Most content will be in SFW venues like YouTube or Instagram.
This isn’t all my questions, I have more!
I’m still workshopping this system so if you have comments/concerns, please DM me here on Tumblr or on my other accounts
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Do ALL humans have a ridiculously long lifespan in the Destiny universe??? Like is that just an alternate universe where humans have naturally very long lives, or was that a result of the Golden Age and advances in science and medicine prolonging life? If it was Golden Age, then wouldn't any Guardians who died BEFORE then have a normal life (accounting for existing advances to ward off death from disease and injury)? Did they manage to modify all humans so that going forwards they naturally age slower and love longer? I would have thought the increased lifespan was only accessible with GA advancements and that not all of that would be possible anymore (though some definitely)
Humans got their extended lifespan due to the Traveler's gifts. Probably also a combination of some of the advanced technology allowed by the Traveler's arrival. But it's generally seen as the Traveler uplifting us in pretty much every way.
Micah Abram also confirms that this definitely only started with the Traveler (the "you" in the last sentence is the Traveler):
I read that before the Golden Age, people only lived to 100 years old if they were lucky. And by then, they'd be so sick, they couldn't get out of bed!
Good thing you came along.
The Traveler probably did something to us innately by coming here and spreading its gifts and Light along with terraforming. Since the Traveler (paracausality) is involved, it's incredibly hard to say how this works. Most likely, this also affects Guardians that died back before the Golden Age. Since they're rezed now, in the time of the Traveler and are also personally imbued with Light, the extended life span probably still applies.
Advanced technology also definitely helped. We know that Clovis was basically being sustained with tape, hope and pig organs. He was also alive all the way until close to the Collapse, but it's also implied that he may have been alive before the Golden Age as well. How do we know? Well, the first ever Speaker, the one that existed before the Golden Age and was the first one chosen by the Traveler as a Speaker, noted:
The clinicians at BrayWell call it "interplanetary relocation maladjustment psychosis": a psychobabble catch-all for mental disturbances that they can't explain.
This was in response to the first time he got visions from the Traveler and nobody understood it. Apparently there was a "BrayWell," possibly some sort of medical establishment that was fully established and equipped to treat this person as soon as the Traveler arrived, which implies that the Bray brand existed before the Golden Age which would also imply that Clovis has been around that long.
This would possibly have him exceeding the 300 years limit, which isn't surprising given that he needed frequent organ transplants and was dying every other day back during his work on Europa. It was always sort of implied that he was exceptionally old then and falling apart. This is also why he wanted the Exo program to work as fast as possible.
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stoicbreviary · 1 month
Chuang Tzu 5.4 
Duke Âi of Lû asked Kung-nì, saying, "There was an ugly man in Wei, called Ai-thâi Tho. His father-in-law, who lived with him, thought so much of him that he could not be away from him. His wife, when she saw him, ugly as he was, represented to her parents, saying, 'I had more than ten times rather be his concubine than the wife of any other man.' 
"He was never heard to take the lead in discussion, but always seemed to be of the same opinion with others. He had not the position of a ruler, so as to be able to save men from death. He had no revenues, so as to be able to satisfy men's craving for food. He was ugly enough, moreover, to scare the whole world. He agreed with men instead of trying to lead them to adopt his views; his knowledge did not go beyond his immediate neighborhood. 
"And yet his father-in-law and his wife were of one mind about him in his presence, as I have said—he must have been different from other men. 
"I called him, and saw him. Certainly he was ugly enough to scare the whole world. He had not lived with me, however, for many months, when I was drawn to the man; and before he had been with me a full year, I had confidence in him. 
"The state being without a chief minister, I was minded to commit the government to him. He responded to my proposal sorrowfully, and looked undecided as if he would fain have declined it. I was ashamed of myself, as inferior to him, but finally gave the government into his hands. 
"In a little time, however, he left me and went away. I was sorry and felt that I had sustained a loss, and as if there were no other to share the pleasures of the kingdom with me. What sort of man was he?" 
Kung-nì said, "Once when I was sent on a mission to Khû, I saw some pigs sucking at their dead mother. After a little they looked with rapid glances, when they all left her, and ran away. They felt that she did not see them, and that she was no longer like themselves. What they had loved in their mother was not her bodily figure, but what had given animation to her figure. 
"When a man dies in battle, they do not at his interment employ the usual appendages of plumes: as to supplying shoes to one who has lost his feet, there is no reason why he should care for them—in neither case is there the proper reason for their use. 
"The members of the royal harem do not pare their nails nor pierce their ears; when a man is newly married, he remains, for a time, absent from his official duties, and unoccupied with them. That their bodies might be perfect was sufficient to make them thus dealt with—how much greater results should be expected from men whose mental gifts are perfect! 
"This Âi-thâi Tho was believed by men, though he did not speak a word; and was loved by them, though he did no special service for them. He made men appoint him to the government of their states, afraid only that he would not accept the appointment. He must have been a man whose powers were perfect, though his realization of them was not manifested in his person." 
Duke Âi said, "What is meant by saying that his powers were complete?" 
Kung-nì replied, "Death and life, preservation and ruin, failure and success, poverty and wealth, superiority and inferiority, blame and praise, hunger and thirst, cold and heat—these are the changes of circumstances, the operation of our appointed lot. Day and night they succeed to one another before us, but there is no wisdom able to discover to what they owe their origination. 
"They are not sufficient therefore to disturb the harmony of the nature, and are not allowed to enter into the treasury of intelligence. To cause this harmony and satisfaction ever to be diffused, while the feeling of pleasure is not lost from the mind; to allow no break to arise in this state day or night, so that it is always springtime in his relations with external things; in all his experiences to realise in his mind what is appropriate to each season of the year—these are the characteristics of him whose powers are perfect." 
"And what do you mean by the realization of these powers not being manifested in the person?" pursued further the duke. 
The reply was, "There is nothing so level as the surface of a pool of still water. It may serve as an example of what I mean. All within its circuit is preserved in peace, and there comes to it no agitation from without. The virtuous efficacy is the perfect cultivation of the harmony of the nature. Though the realization of this be not manifested in the person, things cannot separate themselves from its influence." 
Some days afterwards Duke Âi told this conversation to Min-tsze, saying, "Formerly it seemed to me the work of the sovereign to stand in court with his face to the south, to rule the kingdom, and to pay good heed to the accounts of the people concerned, lest any should come to a miserable death—this I considered to be the sum of his duty. 
"Now that I have heard that description of the Perfect man, I fear that my idea is not the real one, and that, by employing myself too lightly, I may cause the ruin of my state. I and Khung Khiû are not on the footing of ruler and subject, but on that of a virtuous friendship." 
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riddlemethisjeremy · 2 months
On that post about autism winning you put in the tags how cannibalism isn't a great survival food source can you elaborate more on that because I'm genuinely curious
yes actually !!
So there are a few reasons for this
The first one, which im pretty sure i mentioned in the tags, is that human flesh is actually really low on calories.
And i know
"calories bad 😡😡😡 high calorie food isnt good for you etc. etc."
This is a diet culture myth
Calories are actually the human body's main source of long term energy your body converts it into fat to store it and then burns the fat to make energy when food is scarce/when you're using a lot of it at once.
Having a high calorie diet is like pretty good for people in stamina sports because it means they won't burn out too quickly.
When you're in a survival situation where food is scarce, you're gonna want foods either high in sugar so you can get your energy boost straight away (humans are not this because we burn through sugar like its gasoline) or high in calories so that you can preserve your energy and live longer, and so you can last off the same bit of food for longer. Food that is high in calories tend to be filling because your body is getting a bunch of storable energy really quickly and you do not need as much of it at once to live.
Because humans store energy as fat, though, a lot of the calories in it tend to burn when you would be cooking human flesh, meaning that most of the useful survival nutrients likely will be wasted. And making the assumption that this is a city person who is resorting to cannibalism as a final option, they probably would not be able to stomach raw human/not a hundred percent but it could possibly kill you? I know human meat gets compared to pork/chicken quite often and they're both white meats, which you can't eat raw. So in the basic sense of getting energy off of the food you're eating, humans just don't have the correct nutritional balance to sustainably keep you alive you'd have kill and eat another person every like two-three days whereas animals like pigs/goats/sheep you could live off for at least a week before they start to spoil (and even then if you cook it thoroughly uts still technically safe to eat for like almost a month) so if you can find something similar in your wilderness environment do so
Also don't quote me on this but pretty sure a good way to tell for meat with decent calorie intake is muscle vs fat
Beef cows are often bred for muscle as opposed to fat because the fat just lacks nutrients and doesnt satisfy hunger very well
So if you have a himbo friend they're going first just saying
But also humans aren't really naturally built to build muscle as well as they build fat, so either way chances are you'll still end up lacking calorie intake.
Reason number two !!
A pretty fuckin big one
Kuru is a protien disease (i think thats the word). I dont know all the sciency shit but basically inside your brain you have these little chemicals and theyre unique to you. They like float around your body a little and vibe idrk why they're there.
When you ingest human flesh
The other persons little protein things attack your ones.
Most of what i know about the symptoms of kuru come from this one zombie game my dad used to play (z nation or gen z or some shit like that it was a super hardcore survival game) so like dont quote me too much on this
But basically it deteriorates your brain functions. You like start getting forgetful/judgement/risk evaluation gets affected/emotional management fucks off completely (you get all manic sometimes i think and like hysterical laughing is common in later stages) and eventually your brain just kind of in general stops functioning and you die.
And it takes a little while like a couple weeks or something i think depending on the amount of human flesh you consume.
And like you won't always contract a lethal level of kuru i think, like generally the further away from the brain you are the better off you'll be? Like if you eat a human brain you're practically dead on arrival but if youre munching on toes you have to eat like four or five people's worth to die
Fun fact: the penis is the only place on the human body this protein isnt found which means eating dick is safe.
But yeah kuru is nasty and i do not recommend to the average tumblr user.
Please bear in mind that i am not a science nerd do like the more scientific shit i am not a hundred percent on and you should probably take this with a lil grai of salt because i might have oversimplified or misunderstood something
But this is more or less why cannibalism is not a great survival tactic and should definitely be the last of last resorts
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buggybestfriend · 10 months
hey mar ^_^ Thinking of the ask u sent me last night what are some plush brands that u like?
Oh ! I have some lovely brands for you, here are my five favourites !
1. Jellycat
Jellycat is an awesome brand, their plushies are super soft and cute. I own four, and they're all awesome quality. Another thing that I find great is that they have their Safety + Sustainability Policy and their Modern Slavery Statement at the bottom of their website, perfectly accessible.
A special thing that makes me love this brand even more is that they have a Retired Jellycats page ! It has all of the Jellycat items that are no longer available, sorted by year. No other brand that I know of has anything like this
2. FAO Schwarz
FAO Schwarz is an amazing brand that sells much more than just their own plushies, including stuff by other brands and other types of toys.
A detail that makes this brand so so dear to me is that all of their own stuffed toys come with a little red envelope that contains an adoption certificate ! It really helps you bond with the plush, in my opinion at least.
3. Build-A-Bear
Build-A-Bear is quite a popular brand so you probably know all about it but it is still one of my favourites.
I absolutely adore how you can customise your new friend so much, with scents, heartbeats, voice boxes, clothes, and many other accessories to choose from you're sure to find the perfect plush for you ! (Note: BABWs also have a "pay-your-age" thing on birthdays where however old you are is how much you pay ! Ex. 12 year olds pay 12$)
4. Pillow Pets
Pillow Pets are also an immensely popular and widely known brand, and for good reason too ! Their plush-pillow combos are positively adorable and sure to become a permanent fixture of your bed setup.
Obviously the fact that they combine pillows and stuffed animals makes them super unique, but their collection of different animals and characters is amazing. My personal favourites are the bee, the ladybug, and all of the scented animals !
5. Manhattan Toy Company
The Manhattan Toy Company is really just your typical stuffed animal and kids' toy brand but I have to include them because I love mine to bits, they are so so cute and just overall perfect.
Extra: My Plushies
Here are my stuffed friends from all of the brands listed above !
First picture is my Jellycat Medium Dexter Dragon, currently unnamed with a collar I made myself.
Second image is my FAO Schwarz Great White Shark with his adoption papers, his name is Toby.
Third is my BAB Pawlette, wearing overalls and an "It's a Boy" t-shirt. She is in her pink carrier which makes it so much easier to bring her places especially when I have to use my hands. Her name is Honey.
Fourth is my Pillow Pet Bee, named Clown.
And last but not least is my Manhattan Toy Company Pig, Sam-Sam. I also call him Sam or Sammy.
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
After reading this thread and the ongoing discourse of Iron vs Fires vs Stones in the railway steel trade, I had more thoughts I wanted to share about the industry, but I didn’t want the reblog chain to get too long so here we are (Also tumblr ate my first draft of this rip). I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US, which has a rich history of the steel industry, and I finally get a relevant opportunity to infodump. This post will dive into a little more detail about the layers of steel production and where specific contention points between the Masters would be.
As mentioned in the thread, the Bessemer process involves blowing oxygen into the furnace to remove impurities from molten pig iron, thus producing steel. Pig iron is produced after iron ore is smelted in a blast furnace, making it higher in carbon. Blast furnaces are fueled by coke, a processed form of coal. A flowchart of the basic steps from start to finish, with products in gray and locations in red:
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Now, I would be remiss if I didn’t share some visuals. A Bessemer Steel Converter, 1889, Rivers of Steel Archives. Source
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Not the same one as in the picture, but there is still a Bessemer steel converter standing as a historic landmark in Station Square in Pittsburgh.
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Also still standing as a historical landmark, a little outside the city, is the Carrie Blast Furnace. My own photo from when @thedeafprophet​ and I toured. (No, we didn’t sign up for a tour specifically because we were thinking of the Masters, don’t be silly. It was only partially because of the Masters and more for special interest in history and engineering.)
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And a photo Prophet took:
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Carrie is big and she is beautiful. Now, I know we’re talking about Fallen London, and the UK is very different in history than the US, but I can’t bring up Carrie without suggesting further reading on the Battle of Homestead, which occurred in 1892 after long years of tension between the Carnegie Steel Company and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. As you can imagine, the company favored increased productivity, longer shifts, and lowered wages. Pinkerton guards were called in to break the strike, and a battle in the early morning ensued which the union actually won, forcing the strikebreakers out by railroad. Unfortunately the union did lose the war, and there wasn’t a significant steelworkers union in the United States until the 1930s. Later, the merger of some companies including Carnegie Steel formed US Steel, which was the first billion dollar company in the country.
The Gilded Age. Yay.
Now that we’ve gone into some detail about the components of the steel process and a small tangent on labor history, the question of which master has its claws in which part of the steel industry comes up. I’ve created this visual aid for the points of contention:
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Fires: claim to fuel and the forge. Stones: claim to all that comes from the ground. Iron: claim to metal. The discourse between the three is funny, yes. But really, what difference is there when they’re all cartoon industrialist villains who want productivity and profit above all else! (I cannot overstate how evil real companies in the era were, Carnegie Steel being only one example. The Masters are not an exaggeration except for the fact they're literally monsters lol)
Now, from my own experience, a ton of space is required to sustain an active steel industry for a nation that is building railroads, buildings, weapons, etc. I don’t think Fallen London has that space. Satellite sites exist in the Neath (I have not played much Sunless Sea but I’m aware of the existence of the Iron & Misery Company) but even then it isn’t much. There must be places to mine, places to process coke, places for blast furnaces and places for mills. Molten pig iron must be transported in special train cars between furnace and mill. Quite simply, machines take up space. It makes reasonable sense for the majority of steel to be imported in London. I don’t doubt London is capable of producing some steel, but not the quantities required to sustain an industrializing country.
Once again tangential, but I find it amusing that the Enthusiast of the Ancient World is the one who trades steel at the bone market, and here in Pittsburgh, the natural history museum is named for Carnegie, after he poured money into philanthropy to try to save face after the Homestead Strike. Imagine a museum full of bone market creachures.
But to end on a serious note, the steel industry is dangerous and dirty. Workers up close with molten metal, risking life and limb (and workers in the era of Fallen London having little safety regulations). Use your imagination. Despite the industry’s decline in this region in the 70s and 80s with companies outsourcing labor, there are still active works here. My parents tell me stories about growing up with soot everywhere and the air smelling like sulfur. Today, the air quality is much improved but leaves something to be desired. There is a balance somewhere between heritage, the environment, and employment, and I don’t have the answer to that. Anyway, I wrote this post in my head while driving past some of the works today
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scribblestatic · 9 months
Location: Inside a cute little pig cafe in late winter, a few days before high school application tryouts.
Time: 4pm
Occupants: Several civilians, a deflated All Might, Midoriya Izuku, and Sasaki Mirai, better known as Sir Nighteye.
The pigs chew aimlessly as they cuddle around the three people in the cafe. Izuku cooing at the one in his lap, petting its cheeks and as he actively melts at its cuteness. While Yagi tries to look more casual than he feels, Sir Nighteye doesn't hide his evaluating gaze, even as he calmly pets a very satisfied piglet.
At the start, they talk a bit stiffly, but amicably. Izuku has a very disarming disposition toward those who first meet him, after all. And he's genuinely quite nice to those he feels are worthy of being nice to. Sir Nighteye is clearly one of these people, as Izuku even attempted to make him laugh.
"Have you ever thought of changing your name to Sir Knighteye? Or maybe, you could wear chainmail under your suit."
Sasaki thought of it for a moment, then he hummed. That was about as amused as the man would express.
Of course, this lighthearted mood slowly wanes as Izuku and Sir Nighteye keep talking. Izuku's voice remained kind and lighthearted, but the pro hero's own demeanor slowly became more clipped and, perhaps, even irritated. He was just a touch away from looking into the boy's future, and yet, it seemed that, despite how quiet and hush Sir Nighteye kept his quirk, Izuku was aware of it already.
Yagi should've known.
Izuku knows exactly why they're there.
If Nighteye touches him, he will see the boy's future. And the pro hero strongly believes that whatever future he sees cannot be changed. Yagi has a similar belief, having seen the 100% accuracy with which his quirk worked.
Yagi Toshinori had caved while considering if he should give the boy his quirk, eventually talking with the former sidekick and thinly sewing their relationship back together with fraying string. While they still had strong differences in opinion, they both agreed that his quirk would be best in capable, trustworthy hands.
And the longer Izuku avoids all contact with the pro, the less trust Nighteye has in him.
Finally, after hugging the piglet on his lap, he sighs.
Then, when his eyes open, they're suddenly intensely focused on the two men on the other side of the table. His smile is slightly wobbly but doing nothing to alleviate the pressure of his gaze. The pig in his lap seems non the wiser, oinking calmly as his hands keep giving it the attention it desires.
"...I can understand why you asked for Nighteye, Yagi-sensei, but I wish you'd just told me outright."
Yagi sighs, deciding not to parse how Nighteye's gaze sharpened and focused on him at the use of his real name.
"You're right."
"But I understand why. Perhaps you didn't want to hurt my feelings by saying you doubted me? After all, you said I could be a hero. But, I suppose you didn't mean it."
When Izuku smiles, there's a tinge of pain to it, enough that Yagi feels regret.
"No, young Midoriya. I really did mean it when I said you could. And I still do. At the same time, this situation is a bit delicate."
"...Why would me being able to become a hero be a delicate situation?"
Ah, there it is. That dangerously on-point curiosity.
Nighteye huffs beside him.
"The only reason we'd expand on why that'd be delicate is if you're open and honest with us first."
"I mean, couldn't I become a hero as I am now?"
Izuku blinks, and Yagi cringes slightly. While Nighteye was open to speaking with him after such a heinous separation, of course, they still have their differences. Yagi would've liked to be much more considerate with letting the boy down. But Nighteye has always been quite straightforward, even to the point of occasionally being rude.
Given, Izuku wasn't a particularly delicate boy. But even so, he didn't make a habit of crushing people's dreams. His angle toward his job was based on building and sustaining them. And Nighteye's angle was toward stark realism.
"As you are now, you cannot be a hero."
The boy stares at him for a good moment. Then he looks down. He doesn't seem particularly disappointed...perhaps he's heard that answer before.
"Is it because of my personality? My lack of strength? Or maybe, because I'm quirkless?"
"I know nothing of your personality or strength. However, I don't see how a quirkless person would be able to enter the world of heroics. Simply put, quirks are becoming stronger, and a person who cannot keep up would only be a hinderance on the field. So, I've been quite clear with All Might that you aren't acceptable, whether we meet or not."
"Oi--" Yagi began.
"Ah, as I thought, then."
Both men looked at Izuku, who smiled brightly.
"All Might's quirk is transferable after all."
Although Yagi freezes, Nighteye stays in the same stiff yet casual position he's been in from the start. With a little blush on his face, Izuku proceeds to explain himself.
"Uhm...I'll explain because it's you, Yagi-sensei. See, from the start, I knew Yagi-sensei was telling me the truth with his first answer. You didn't think I could be a hero because I was quirkless. You said that much. But for some reason, after I saved Kacchan, you changed your mind and said that I could become a hero. However, nothing about me had changed. I was still the same person who asked you that question just a few minutes prior.
So, what did change? Something in how you saw me, I suppose. Seeing me act to save Kacchan was what motivated you to change your mind. But if I'm still quirkless, then how could your view of my personality changing make me more likely to become a hero. That's when I began to think that, considering your declining health, how your ability to stay in your muscular form decreases each time you strain yourself excessively, and how you lay low as much as possible otherwise, you're probably trying to preserve yourself. Except, you constantly strain yourself too much, to the point you would've grown weaker if I didn't start feeding you."
Nighteye stops petting his piglet, stiffening.
"So, if you're not trying to preserve your health, what are you trying to preserve? Your ability to help others? Well, that declines with your health, doesn't it? But if that was the case, you'd take better care of yourself, but you don't."
As Izuku continues, the softness in his smile fades, replaced by something much more...detached. Darker. Perhaps even irritated.
The piglet squirms, and Izuku lets it go without protest. He starts playing with his fork instead, needing to do something with his hands.
"You keep running yourself ragged each day, so I had to do something. I had to start feeding you and measuring you to make sure you were eating right. And your health is finally improving, but the amount of time you use your quirk is still the same, because, perhaps, your health is only a part of the equation. So, what's the rest of it? Then, I realized that maybe it's related to your quirk. And we started strength training, which, on its own, would be useful for anyone. But why train so hard to improve my strength, going beyond what most people my age would do? I mean, it's not that I'm unhappy I can lift a refrigerator or two on my own, but for what purpose have I built up myself to this extent? Is it truly so I can save people while quirkless? But your core belief hasn't changed, even if your ideas about my personality have, and you changed my strength, too..."
Izuku looks up, his expression neutral, eyes seeming black.
"So, it had to be the quirk. A quirk you're working hard to preserve. Something that I, a quirkless person, can receive. So, my personality and strength are good for heroics, and you were prepared to give me the quirk. Then I'd be perfect. But then, you started to realize that my personality isn't what you thought. You realized I'm not normal. I told you that I'm not normal. But you didn't want to give up on me. So, meeting with Nighteye here today...is your way of convincing yourself one way or the other, isn't it? To see if I'm worthy of your quirk?"
The piglet that had squirmed out of his hold returned after using a pee pad in the corner of the room. It snuggled itself back on his lap, and, despite the somewhat hostile energy Izuku gave off, none of the animals in the room noticed it. Only by looking at his face could one tell.
Izuku was rather unhappy.
Yagi wasn't quite sure what to say. He wasn't afraid of the boy, not really. His affection was incredibly heavy, and he's sure the boy doesn't go through strictly legal means to get the information he has, but he's still just a boy. No villain, no terrifying entity.
And yet.
He feels incredibly uncomfortable, seeing that look on the boy's face. It reminds him so much of someone he doesn't want to remember. His stomach cramps.
"...That is the case, yes," Yagi admits.
And Nighteye finds himself wishing, quite adamantly, that he had simply used his quirk on All Might instead of waiting to meet the boy. Perhaps he could've foreseen this current predicament, because it was indeed one.
A civilian boy had gathered the details needed to cause an all-out war in the underground world. One who, even by All Might's perception, was strange and somewhat unhinged. Whatever glimmers of light and hope he saw in the boy, Nighteye hasn't seen it once during their interactions. And now, he was outright angry at the pro hero, all while holding information he could use to blackmail him.
Moreover, feeding All Might? Calling him by his civilian surname? He had the audacity to do these things despite not even being a high schooler?
There was only so much a hero could do legally to silence someone. In cases involving a minor, it would be even more difficult. All Might really wasn't nearly as careful as he should've been, and now...
As Izuku looks down upon hearing Yagi's answer, Nighteye shoots him a look.
While silencing someone legally has its complications, if they started acting now, they could work something out.
It's very good he called for Nighteye's help. Even without touching him and seeing his future, he had a good idea of what kind of person he'd become with All Might's quirk.
It absolutely couldn't fall into his hands.
"Yagi-sensei...this is..."
Izuku looks up at them, and the men appear as though they weren't trying to telepathically tell each other something.
The boy's face has gone entirely dark, eyes peering up at Yagi with what they could very, very clearly define as anger. He is trembling with rage, to the point he has to politely put the pig on his lap off to the side. It squeals in protest, but Izuku sits up on his knees, putting his hands on the table.
"Incredibly unsafe. What are you thinking?"
Yagi and Nighteye blink.
Izuku scoots closer, looking outright malevolent, like a ghost haunting someone from a crack in their doorway. The whites of his eyes looked entirely too bright for the rest of his face.
"Why on earth would you try to pick up a random weirdo like me to take on your quirk, Yagi-sensei? You didn't even need to call Sir Nighteye here, I could've told you from the start that I'm not worthy of it."
"...Young Midoriya?"
"Imagine if I was someone who didn't love you nearly as much as I actually do. Just think of the terrible things I could've done with this information! I feel like the conclusions I've come to are obvious, so if someone much more sinister and unloving than me caught your eye, what would you have done? They could've started spreading information about you all over the place, and I'm sure silencing someone legally, especially a minor, is more difficult than it's worth. Then, think about your reputation! If they talked about being silenced, or even implied it, the media would eat it up, looking for every nook, cranny, and flaw they can find in you!"
And Izuku, enraged, proceeds to tell Yagi all of the different ways their meeting and interactions could've gone wrong. Being so vulnerable around a person like Izuku--what was he thinking?!
And Nighteye's perception of the boy shifts. Not toward any further approval of him getting All Might's quirk, no.
But he's absolutely sure that this boy is, indeed, batshit insane.
It takes him some calming down, but eventually, Izuku's expression is no longer shifting into something horror related. Instead, he's huffing, face red from exertion with how much he scolded Yagi, cheeks puffed out. He has to drink some of his water to cool down, he got so worked up.
Nighteye looks at Yagi and sees that worried but fond smile on his face.
He's going to give it to him, isn't he.
He's going to give this absolute maniac of a child his quirk and unleash hell upon everyone else.
He would've rather not been present for the realization that this was going to happen. He really should've just looked at All Might...but he also didn't want to see his gruesome death again, so it was really a lose-lose situation for him. There was no winning today.
"Speaking of which, why bring Sir Nighteye here to see my future?" Izuku asks, casually displaying knowledge he really shouldn't have. "Is it to tell if I'll become a horrendous villain or a good hero?"
"...That was the idea," Yagi sighs, clearly giving up.
"How exactly do you know my quirk is related to seeing the future. As I recall, I don't talk about myself or my abilities openly," Nighteye cuts in.
"Oh, I was just guessing."
Yagi actually startles at that, surprised.
"...Quite the good guess, then."
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ramblingromance · 2 years
A Reckless Match: Book Review
A family that's been at odds for centuries, secret caves, and a smugglers' plot! There's all this and more in A Reckless Match by Kate Bateman, so read along for some of my thoughts, feelings, and rambles on...
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Meet the Davies and Montgomery families - two households locked in an ancient feud, destined to be on opposing sides forever. Until now... CAN LIFELONG HATE Madeline Montgomery grew up despising––and secretly loving––the roguish Gryffud “Gryff” Davies. Their families have been bitter rivals for hundreds of years, but even if her feelings once crossed the line between love and hate, she’s certain Gryff never felt the same. Now, she’s too busy saving her family from ruin to think about Gryff and the other “devilish” Davies siblings. Since he’s off being scandalous in London, it’s not like she’ll ever see him again... TURN TO TRUE LOVE As the new Earl of Powys, Gryff Davies planned on spending his post-war life enjoying the pleasures of London. But when an illegal duel forces him to retreat to his family’s Welsh castle, he realizes the only exciting thing in the dull countryside will be seeing the fiery Maddie Montgomery. Thoughts of his nemesis sustained Gryff throughout the war; but the girl he loved to tease has grown into a gorgeous, headstrong woman – who loathes him just as much as she ever did. Will secret tunnels, dangerous smugglers, and meddling from their feuding families be enough to make Maddie and Gryff realize that their animosity is really attraction...and maybe even love.
If you're looking for an enemies to lovers in the same vein as Darcy and Elizabeth, you'll probably find that this isn't quite an exact match. There's definitely witty teasing to be found, but despite the fact that Maddie and Gryff's families have been at odds for centuries, they don't exactly hold any real disdain for each other. Think of it more along the lines of the boy that tugged the pigtails of the girl that he liked.
In a way I was relieved by this, because I almost feared it was going to take on a melodramatic Romeo and Juliet sort of feel, but it never delves much past its initial genre: romantic comedy.
Thankfully this isn't a tragedy, and while I knew that there would be a happily ever after waiting for me at the end, I still worried that the melodrama of two feuding families might be a bit too much for me.
No, if anything, this family feud is much more like the Hatfields and McCoys (although certainly not quite as bloody, especially during the regency era where this is all taking place), all the way down to a supposed stolen pig which started the feud all those years ago.
This novel is charming, and takes on a tone reminiscent of Tessa Dare, I would say. There's nothing too serious about it, which is nice when you're not looking for anything that's particularly dramatic or angsty. The characters are fun, and I'm certainly interested to see what other adventures this family takes in the future. I think the second installment in the series is already out, which I'm sure I'll get to in the future.
I think a few of my only complaints would be in, one, the odd chapter lengths. They were incredibly short, usually only ranging five pages long. This in itself isn't a major issue, but it just sort of made the story feel a little disjointed at times when you're expecting a new scene in a new chapter or a different POV. With the chapters being so short, it left me wondering why some of them weren't just combined to make one longer chapter, but that's just a nitpick on my part.
And two... I know I said I didn't want anything super melodramatic, but I do wish our main characters had been fleshed out just a tiny bit more. It felt as if I was missing something about them, though I'm not sure what. I think maybe it as the fact that there was never really a moment where the focus was on any sort of past traumas or insecurities. Gryff reflects a bit about his time in the war, and the guilt he feels about leaving his friends behind when he suddenly became the new earl. Still, the surface was only just scratched there, and there wasn't even too much talk on the grief he felt about losing his father. On Maddie's part, she talks a bit about her near death experience and the literal scars that were left behind, but again, we only get a light scratch here.
Aside from that, this novel gets a few extra points for featuring a sex in one of the more unique places: a cave!
Thanks for reading this far! I've noticed that with Twitter going up in flames, a resurgence seems to be happening here on tumblr. I never left, but I did start to miss how active the romance novel community had once been on here. Let's hope we can bring it back to its heyday! Until then, happy reading!
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, war, and violence. Attempted blackmail, Claustrophobia (there's a cave trapped scene).
Heat Level: 3/5
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Traditional to Innovative: Evolution of Steel Manufacturing in India
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Steel is viewed as a pillar of modern civilization due to its wide usage today. Steel manufacturers in India play a significant role within the country and beyond and have evolved remarkably over the years. From the bloomer furnaces that were used in the past to the blast furnaces during the industrial revolution and today, the cutting-edge technologies, the evolution is immense.
In past times, steel production was labor intensive and typically consumed a lot of time due to the processes involved. These traditional methods were quite effective, but they had great limitations in terms of scalability. Over time, things have changed significantly, and the industry is no longer as it was in its infancy.
Traditional Methods
Steelmaking can be traced back to very many years ago, during ancient civilizations like the Egyptians. They discovered smelting practices for iron extraction. With time, different techniques were used to help refine steel and iron, including crucible steel and bloomery furnace process. The traditional methods used charcoal fuel widely. They were highly labor intensive, and only small quantities were produced. There wasn't much quality variation. This laid the foundation of the industry as we know it today, with the carbon steel producers playing a major role in shaping the industry.
The Bessemer Process During The Industrial Revolution Era
In the 18th and 19th centuries, steel production was revolutionized. This was due to the introduction of the Bessemer process in 1856. This was invented by Henry Bessemer, and it was a major milestone in steelmaking history.
The Bessemer process utilized air, which was blown through molten pig iron. The main intention here was to regulate the carbon content and remove impurities. With the adoption of this method, mass production of steel was possible at a lower cost. The process led to the creation of huge steel mills and blast furnaces. This led to the greatest growth in the steel industry that had not been witnessed before.
Electric Arc And Oxygen Furnaces
Later in the 20th century, another technology was introduced, propelling the industry further. The use of basic oxygen furnaces took the place of Bessemer converters. It became the primary method for processing molten iron into steel. Typically, oxygen was blown into the iron in a molten state to oxidize the impurities. This led to even higher-grade steel and faster turnaround rates.
Electric furnaces were introduced at the same time, and they helped recycle steel scrap. This meant lower reliance on ore.
Advanced Technologies
Spring steel strip coil suppliers and other players today rely on advanced steel manufacturing technologies. In the 21st century, advanced technologies have been widely adopted, improving efficiency and innovation. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is now one of the areas being exploited to create complex components using customized designs and intricate geometries.
C80 steel-grade suppliers and manufacturers now enjoy the results of automation and robotics used during manufacturing. This has led to safer, higher productivity, and access to a greater range of steel products in India.
Today, digitization initiatives leverage the Internet of Things, AI, and data analytics to optimize production schedules. It also aims to improve quality and monitor performance during steel production.
The best en8 steel grade suppliers look at the steel quality and sustainability. With the escalating environmental concerns taking center stage, sustainable practices are preferred over others. Alternative prices are now embraced to reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption.
Steel manufacturers rely on carbon capture technologies and renewable energy options to mitigate the negative environmental impact in India. Recycling is also at the initiative's core, playing a role in waste production and conserving resources.
Embracing The Market Dynamics
In conclusion, it's important for steel manufacturers to embrace innovation to uphold sustainability and efficiency in the industry. Turning away from rudimentary technologies and choosing innovative options is one of the best ways to improve quality and reduce negative environmental impacts. Sustainability, automation, and digitalization are at the core of the industry and will keep shaping it in the future.
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foodload · 1 month
Food, substance consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients used in the body of an organism to sustain growth and vital processes and to furnish energy. The absorption and utilization of food by the body is fundamental to nutrition and is facilitated by digestion. Plants, which convert solar energy to food by photosynthesis, are the primary food source. Animals that feed on plants often serve as sources of food for other animals. To learn more about the sequence of transfers of matter and energy in the form of food from organism to organism, see food chain.
Overview of weird facts about food.See all videos for this article
Hunting and gathering, horticulture, pastoralism, and the development of agriculture are the primary means by which humans have adapted to their environments to feed themselves. Food has long served as a carrier of culture in human societies and has been a driving force for globalization. This was especially the case during the early phases of European trade and colonial expansion, when foods such as the hot red pepper, corn (maize), and sweet potatoes spread throughout Europe 
How to tell if food is still safe to eat
How to read expiration dates on food packaging.See all videos for this article
Food is treated in a number of articles. For a description of the processes of absorption and utilization of food, see nutrition; nutrition, human; digestion; and digestive system, human. For information on the methods used to prepare raw foods for cooking, consumption, or storage, see food preservation.
This article was most recently revised and updated by Kara Rogers.
Physical description
The tree has oblong tapering leaves, rounded at the base, and yellowish green flowers borne along the older branches. The fruit is spherical and 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches) in diameter. It has a hard external husk, or shell, covered with stout spines and contains five oval compartments, each filled with a pulp in which are embedded one to five chestnut-sized seeds. The ripe fruits are eaten by many animals and are an important part of local 
Related fruits
Several other members of the genus  produce edible fruits and are locally cultivated. Durian is also related to breadfruit  and jackfruit , which are used similarly throughout tropical Asia and the South Pacific.
Guanciale is made from the single piece of meat that lies between the throat and the cheek, or jowl (Italian guancia), of the pig. As with many Italian cured meats, its history goes back many centuries, and curing methods today are still based on traditional recipes. The meat is covered in a mixture of salt, pepper, sugar, and spices and dry-cured for a month. It is then hung for another month before it is ready to be used. It differs from prosciutto in that the latter is cut from the hind leg of a pig and is air-dried for much longer, usually as long as a year. Although it is more similar to pancetta, the latter is taken from the belly of the pig. The flavours of both prosciutto and pancetta are mild compared with guanciale, which is typically used in small quantities because of its strong aroma.Britannica QuizWhat’s on the Menu? Vocabulary Quiz
Guanciale is the bacon featured in the classic Italian pasta dishes pasta alla carbonara and pasta all’amatriciana, although many people mistakenly believe that pancetta has always been used. Guanciale is a fatty bacon, but the fat renders down as the meat cooks.
Today guanciale is produced in many areas of Italy, and each regional variation has its own character. Guanciale from Calabria tends to be spicy and fiery, whereas guanciale from Marche is sometimes lightly smoked. Tuscan and Umbrian guanciale is more mellow and aromatic. Guanciale has a particular affinity with fish, various legumes, and dark green vegetables.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the importation of guanciale and other cured meats from Italy from the 1970s until 2013, concerned that they might carry swine vesicular disease. During that period, artisanal producers in Canada and the United States, many of Italian descent, introduced domestically produced salumi to the market, and these remain available alongside imported goods.
Clambake, seafood picnic traditional in the New England region of the United States. Early settlers on the Atlantic coast adopted and elaborated the practice from the coastal Indians, who steamed shellfish over hot stones under a covering of seaweed. Clambakes, best undertaken on a large scale, have long been a feature of civic and fraternal celebrations in areas where clams, lobsters, and fish are abundant.
Preparations for a clambake begin with the digging of a deep pit on the beach. The pit is lined with stones upon which a wood fire burns for several hours to heat the stones thoroughly. Clams, lobsters, fish, chickens, ears of sweet corn (maize), whole onions, and potatoes are placed on top of the stones. The food is covered with a thick layer of seaweed, which furnishes the aromatic steam in which the food cooks, and topped with a tarpaulin to hold in the heat. The food is usually eaten outdoors at the site of the clambake.
When the meal is prepared in a large pot, it is described as a clam boil.
Saccharin, organic compound employed as a non-nutritive sweetening agent. It occurs as insoluble saccharin or in the form of various salts, primarily sodium and calcium. Saccharin has about 200–700 times the sweetening power of granulated sugar and has a slightly bitter and metallic aftertaste. For table use, it is sold as 1/4-, 1/2-, or 1-grain pellets of the salts, a 1/4-grain pellet being the equivalent of a level teaspoon of sugar.
Saccharin was discovered by the chemists Ira Remsen and Constantin Fahlberg in 1879, while they were investigating the oxidation of o-toluenesulfonamide. Fahlberg noticed an unaccountable sweet taste to his food and found that this sweetness was present on his hands and arms, despite his having washed thoroughly after leaving the laboratory. Checking over his laboratory apparatus by taste tests, Fahlberg was led to the discovery of the source of this sweetness—saccharin. Saccharin became the first commercially available artificial sweetener. It is still made by the oxidation of o-toluenesulfonamide, as well as from phthalic anhydride.Britannica QuizWhat’s on the Menu? Vocabulary Quiz
Insoluble saccharin is a white crystal that melts at 228.8° to 229.7° C (443.8° to 445.5° F). Sodium and calcium saccharins are white crystalline powders that are very soluble in water. Saccharin is stable in a pH range of 2 to 7 and at temperatures up to 150° C (302° F). It has no caloric value and does not promote tooth decay. It is not metabolized by the body and is excreted unchanged. Saccharin is widely used in the diets of diabetics and others who must avoid sugar intake. It is also extensively employed in diet soft drinks and other low-calorie foods, and it is useful in foods and pharmaceuticals in which the presence of sugar might lead to spoilage.
In toxicological studies, saccharin has been shown to induce a greater incidence of bladder cancer in rats that have been fed the sweetener at high levels (i.e., 5 to 7.5 percent of the diet). At the same time, epidemiological studies have failed to show a link between human bladder cancer and the use of saccharin at normal levels, and the sweetener is approved for addition to foods in most country
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journalsofgrowth · 6 months
Rethinking Everything
- Today I started watching ‘You Are What You Eat’ on Netflix. The main idea about this show is the difference between a vegan diet and a meat/dairy based diet within twins (4 pairs). The information within the first 2 episodes I’ve learned a lot about the food we eat especially processed meats and how it is one of the highest levels of carcinogens than we could possibly eat this includes but not limited to bacon, ham, deli meats, hot dogs, sausage, or anything that contains the words nitrate, nitrite, cured or salted in the ingredients. This year I do not want to consume bacon or pig products more than once every 3 months hopefully every 6 months or never again. Beyond knowing this they included how alzheimer’s is only genetically passed down by 3% and the rest of the individuals who’ve been diagnosed with it got it from their diet. The more I add in small changes into my everyday life and learning more about health physically and mentally.
- Besides just this show I’m watching, reading ‘Atomic Habits’ showed me today that the main why to continue change are based off of 2 things (so far from the first 2 chapters) being that you cannot simply just have goals for yourself you must have a systems in place, which is basically a way of how you’re going to achieve this ‘goal’ you cannot solely rely on that goal. you must keep this system in place for as long as possible hopefully until you pass away to keep improving, you should never rely only on a goal because that in not sustainable once one gets to that goal that goal is usually left and all programs that were set in place are left behind. the second is to become a changed person you must believe you are already that person, an example used is someone saying no to a cigarette, ‘no i’m trying to quit’ compared to what you should say ‘’no i don’t smoke’ or ‘no im not a smoker’. once you believe you are already that person the change will come easier. There are 3 layers of behavior change. The first layer is changing your outcomes, this level is concerned with changing your results such as losing weight. The second layer is changing your process, this level is concerned with changing your habits and systems such as implementing a new routine at the gym. The last and third layer is the deepest layer and that is changing your identity, this level is concerned with changing your beliefs meaning your worldview, self image, your judgement about yourself and others; overall most of the beliefs, assumptions, and biases you hold are associated at this level. You must change from the inside layer to the out, this is done by having identity based habits other than outcome based habits.
- I love how much I am learning everyday and the only thing I would change would be to have learned all of this earlier. I say all these things i’ve learned today to say I am changing because I am not longer that person who doesn’t care, I am no longer that person who doesn’t continue on her journey. I am a selective, motivated, determined, healthy and conscious woman. I am so moved by everything I am learned and so proud of myself. Keep on keeping on and improving.
Love forever & always,
Journals of growth <3
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evanhuang14777 · 7 months
&lt;Cantar del Mío Cid>
My Cid Rodrigo Díaz you will hear what he said to him: Eat, count, of this bread; drink, count, of this wine, / for if you do what I say, you will no longer be a captive.
&lt;El Lazarillo de Tormes> by Lázaro de Tormes
[The blind man] washed the breaks he had made with the pieces of the jar with wine, and, smiling, said: / –What do you think of Lazarus? What made you sick heals you and gives you health – and other gifts that were not to my taste.
&lt;La Galatea> by Cervantes
Who is that powerful one who is known and famous from the East to the West ? Sometimes strong and brave, Other times weak and fearful; He removes and restores health, Shows and covers virtue in many, more than once, He is stronger in old age Than in joyful youth. [...] without weapons he defeats the armed one and it is inevitable that he defeats him and the one who has treated him the most, showing shame, is the most shameless. and it is a thing of wonder That, in the field and in the town, A captain of such a test, Any man dares Even if he loses in the fight.
<warning by Juan Ruiz>
«You can smell the fire, which is a very bad smell,
your mouth smells very bad, there is nothing that is worth it,
it burns the assaduras, the leg burns;
If you want to love, owner, the wine does not bother you.
«The drunken monkeys grow old, they
do not walk in their color, they dry out and turn gray,
they do many vile things, everyone hates them;
They miss God a lot and they fail the world.
«When wine is stronger than brains,
the drunks are gnawed like pigs and rooks;
therefore come deaths, strife and shuffles;
Much wine is good in vats and jars.
«Wine is very good in its very nature,
it has many benefits if taken in moderation;
He who drinks too much of it, take away his sanity,
all the evil in the world becomes all madness.
&lt;Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea>
“Settle down, my children, there is plenty of room for everyone, thank God. They gave us so much of paradise when we go there. Put yourselves in order, each one has his own place; I, who am alone, will fit this jug and cup, which is no more my life than what I speak of.
After I got older, I don't know a better job at the table than pouring, because whoever tries honey always gets stuck with it. Well, at night, in winter, there is no such bed heater. With two jugs of these that I drink, when I want to go to bed, I don't feel cold all night. I cover all my clothes with this when Christmas comes; This warms my blood; This sustains me continuously in a being; This makes me always happy; This keeps me cool; I see plenty of this at home, that I will never fear the bad year, that a crust of mousy bread is enough for three days. This removes sadness from the heart more than gold or coral; This gives effort to the young man and strength to the old man; puts color to the colorless; courage to the coward; to the lazy diligence; comforts the brains; takes the cold out of the stomach; removes the stench of longing; it makes the cold powerful; makes one suffer the toils of farming; He makes the tired reapers sweat all bad water; heals the redness and the molars; sustains without stink in the sea, which water does not do.
I would tell you more properties about it that you all have hair. So I don't know who doesn't enjoy mentioning it. It has only one blemish, that what is good is worth a lot and what is bad is harmful. So, what heals the liver, makes the stock market sick. But even with my fatigue I look for the best for the little I drink, only a dozen times at each meal. "They won't let me go from there unless I'm invited like now."
&lt;Don Quixote>Cervantes
Wine is mentioned up to 43 times in Don Quixote (1615), the most universal work of our literature. There are few characters more enthusiastic about wine in all of universal literature than the famous squire Sancho Panza, whom Miguel de Cervantes profiled not only as a great fan of wine but also as the possessor of a complete gift in the knowledge of it. “Won't it be good, Mr. Squire, if I have such a great and natural instinct when it comes to knowing wines that, when I try to smell any of them, I guess the country, the lineage, the flavor, and the hardness and twists it has to take.” , with all the circumstances that affect the wine”, Sancho comes to consider.
Another example, when Don Quixote charges against the windmills while Sancho walked "very slowly on his donkey, and from time to time he raised his boot with such pleasure that the most gifted still life artist in Malaga could envy him."
<coplero Alonso de Toro>
In Villalar and Pedrosa,
Bozales and San Román,
wine is no longer worth anything,
they give it almost for nothing;
Well, in Toro, where you were born,
I found, in the buns of the milestone,
a blessed red wine,
which in your life you dress like this.
In the city of Zamora,
on Valvorraz Street,
Blessed Our Lady,
there are so many taverns!
In Casaseca de Chanas
and Casaseca de Campián,
they give us so much wine
that we sing more than frogs.
In Corrales and Perdigón,
and in Fuen del Carnero,
even if the poor man carries a hide,
he will fill it without delay;
In Venialbo and at Fuente
Cantalapiedra and Cantalpino,
the people are very happy
because they drank a lot of wine.
Villarino and La Ribera
and the town of Fermosel,
a lot of wine, in a great way,
and softer than honey.
&lt;'Anna Karenina'> by Leo Tolstoy
Kitty, observes Anna Karenina's first meeting with the man who would later become her lover. Tolstoy relates what the Russian princess Kitty saw at that meeting: He could see that Anna was intoxicated with the wine of ecstasy that she inspired. She knew that feeling, she knew its signs, and she saw them all in Anna—she saw the trembling, bright light in her eyes, the smile of happiness and excitement that involuntarily forms her lips, and the unmistakable elegance, security, and softness of her movements— .
&lt;'Paris was a Party'> by Ernest Hemingway
The novel includes several memoirs by the author of the time he spent in Paris with other well-known American writers who lived there, where they met in cafes and bars to chat. At that time in Europe we considered wine something as normal and healthy as food, as well as a drink capable of bringing you happiness, well-being and pleasure. Drinking wine was not snobbery or a sign of sophistication or culture; It was something as natural as feeding and, for me, as necessary as that. It wouldn't have occurred to me to sit down to eat something without drinking, be it wine, cider or beer. I loved all wines, except sweet wines or those that were very heavy.
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weresolvingsociety · 1 year
1% Need to Shut Their Mouths and Open Their Wallets
To the disgusting 1%-er who wanted to say how he was "there for" minorities and women in debt with thoughts and prayers energy, I said be quiet about your being 1% and open your wallet.
Did he do it?
What did happen is my account was "rate limited" just a few hours later.
THAT'S where pigs like him spend their money when they're told to put their money where their mouth is. THAT'S what a pig does. Acting sweet in public, funding policy like rate limits behind the scenes after they get publicly humiliated for the hypocrisy they engage in.
I'm sick of playing nice fundraiser. These are PIGS.
I love fundraising content as much as the next nonprofit organizer, but these are not your typical normal humans. That content was written for them. This is a whole other creature entirely. A far more characterless, corrupt one.
One capable of true evil.
So don't ask; Where did my account go, where did my account go?
Where did your money go?
Did it go to my Donorbox?
Then there you have it. Entitled, vain, and completely incompetent as to sustaining services financially.
I don't want to hear any more "thoughts and prayers" posts from the 1% again.
Everybody is accountability this and accountability that, until we ask, "So why didn't YOU, SPECIFICALLY donate?" Then, suddenly, all those excuses the "bad guy" was using start to look so good.
I'll tell you why: because the average person who wants something without giving back is a pig. Playing nice doesn't work. This isn't the situation fundraising books were written about. This is a whole different beast.
Open your wallets. I'm sick of doing this dirty work for free for people that aren't worth it because they don't give back.
I will post here on occasion when I feel like it about things I want to write about. No longer out of committed engagement with the public. I hold no obligation financially here and I will no longer accept public input in the form of pathetic attempts to communicate with me covertly without donating a cent. Without doing even the bare morally acceptable minimum while I go through the horrifying without even basic mammalian support.
And because of that, I am no longer making my decision process public. The public is no longer included outside of when I feel inspired to write something.
This isn't hardballing. It's over.
That's how bad the financial abuse is.
If I can be indigent and donate $100 a week in volunteering energy anyway, you can put $5 in my donor box.
But I was shown a true face and I won't forget it. Ever.
You're no longer included, public. You're financially abusive and that's a fact. It is my right to withdraw and I am.
And 1% guy? The guys who brag about being millionaires like the Ryan creep I mentioned yesterday before my account was silenced? There's no nice way to say this. Next time, please just shut up.
Remember, can't pay, won't pay. That's not for the rich. Nor is it for those with degrees that paid them back. I don't have student debt but I'll leave you with that. And for people who do so much for the public with student debt who give them scraps back, they're not worth it. There's no excuse for this.
For the gaslighting?
The student debt situation IS financial assault.
For the "we just don't like you" or "no offense but..." that disguise sexism and racism? it IS arbitrary and capricious and you CAN sue on that and put the case together for the previously mentioned discrimination later.
But for the apathy? The attempts to prostitute women in public service? The all too common narcissists?
We saw their true face.
And the true face of the general public's soul? It's hideous.
But damn do we, however, look good.
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