#Greenway Corridor
travelella · 2 months
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Chair Factory Falls - Greenway Corridor, Painesville, Ohio, USA
DJ Johnson
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gravelish · 11 months
Snoqualmie Pass
2 July 2023
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Today’s ride might have just been a simple 40-mile out and back, but I decided to throw in an additional loop that added 20 miles, including the only really hard climb of the day. I parked at Rattlesnake Lake/Cedar Falls and began pedaling around 8:00. I was back to the car by 2:30 and back to Seattle by 4:00, with a stop for a burger and a shake in North Bend.
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It’s 20 miles of easy railroad grade to the summit at Hyak, including the 2-mile tunnel at the top. I considered turning around and heading back, but opted instead to check out a new route (for me) around Lake Kacheelus to the east. I crossed I-90 to Gold Creek and then followed Forest Road 8432, which parallels (sort of) the interstate on the hillside north of the lake. It climbs steeply almost 1000’ toward the trailhead for Margaret and Lillian Lakes before eventually descending back down to the paved Kachess Lake Road. Then it’s back across the Interstate and a mile or so on the Stampede Pass Road before returning to the rail trail (10 miles east of Hyak).
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Hyak was busy with families out walking or biking, many to the tunnel. The final 20-mile ride down from the pass was fast — 15-20 mph all the way on a gentle downhill grade on good dirt and gravel. There were plenty of other cyclists and hikers, but they were spread out and most of the time it was very quiet. There were the usual clusters of climbers on the cliffs at the trestles above Exit 38. The parking lot at the bottom had been pretty quiet in the morning, but cars were parked on the road for half a mile when I headed out (mainly for the lake and the hike to Rattlesnake Ledge, not for the rail trail).
This ride is a great reminder of now nice it is that the I-90 corridor has been kept fairly free from large scale development (Mountain to Sounds Greenway). The highway is never out of earshot, but it’s usually out of sight. It’s not wilderness, but it’s not bad, especially for being an hour from downtown.
I talked to a young guy at the bottom with a loaded bike. Turns out he was five days from La Push and eight weeks from his home in New York State. I always find it inspirational to chat with folks doing these long rides! It’s also a reminder that today’s ride was on the Great American Rail Trail, a somewhat aspirational concept since large segments remain incomplete or at least hard to ride, but the basic idea is that if you want to ride from coast to coast, this isn’t a bad route to take.
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omegaplus · 7 months
# 4,507
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October 30, 2018.
Something inside me was nagging me to go to Manhattan. A few days later, I find myself on the Deer Park platform for a good half-an-hour before the westbound Penn Station train arrives. Six PM. Upper 40’s. The deep prismatic remnants of the fallen twilight sun sit on the horizon west on the tracks. Clear skies, no clouds. Stars in the sky and the moon’s already gone. It’s rare I’d take a train this late to the Five Boroughs and it’s not to see family, doctors, or for a band. I was curious to see how well my kit took night shots and take it from there.
I felt like I didn’t finish the job properly the last time I was there. By “job”, I meant the August photography session at The American Radiator Building, The Freedom Tower and Times Square. I always wanted to aim and fire at those two locales and that day’s doctor appointment made it possible. That was right after I entered a new sordid era. Ever since the Brooklyn goth girl tore my heart out I’d have a new perspective on what could’ve been and what I’ll be missing completely.
The brass ring I was told of was never there to begin with. Someone else had it all along. I was still poisoned with the effects of being led on, lied to, and deceived in the worst possible way. I would never feel or see the same way about city aspirations again. Yet, no matter how many razor-thin-tipped arrows are pierced deep in your body, you still fight on.
I don’t even remember what I thought of on the ride west to Penn Station. I was too busy numbing myself with the night’s playlist. I look out the window to my right as Impalers’ “High Wired” was as going fast as the motion blur itself. 65 minutes later, the train slows down as it enters Penn Station. Ron Morelli’s “Golden Oldies” came on when the line slowed down to darkness and crawled by the obscure rarely-seen corridors. The line slows to a complete stop. The doors open and it starts.
I board off, head up the steps to and through Penn Station, and take the 1/2/3 to 42nd St. For the first time since one New Year’s Eve, I’m in the heart of Times Square at night. The Electric Behemoth. I set up my tripod in-between the streaming traffic while being aware of my surroundings. I aim high and shoot with all the settings and adjustments possible, even wildly playing around with the f-stop and leave the sizzling effects for interpretation. After an hour the kit’s display would tell me a story: I’d find out that no matter how I balance my settings I’d never have the right amount of color or sharpness. Too dim, too fuzzy, too bright. Not enough detail. The color’s are off. It seems you could only achieve what your camera allows you to. On towards Tribeca.
I take the 1/2/3 Express line all the way down to a few blocks short of the Freedom Tower. It’s a different scene from when I was there the last time. Not the pleasant blank-blue skies of a baked early-August afternoon, but the quiet pitch-black streets of the end of October where the silence begs for your attention. A few bars open on Church St. where a scant few people stand on the sidewalk conversing with associates or on their phones closing their deals. I line the camera down south and shoot darkness. The numerous specks of overheads and streetlamps illuminate stationary as the traffic lights instantly switch from red to green. The negative space help separate the dynamic range between darkness and colored lights as I play around with the zoom, firing the kit while it adjusts its focus to capture the bokeh effect.
I walk straight to the Hudson River Greenway. Only 3,500-4,000 feet of water separates me from Jersey City. 1,500 to One World Trade Center / Freedom Tower. Total isolation. A younger couple walking amongst themselves from the piers…and no one else to be found. All I could do was aim and fire at Jersey City with as many combinations of settings as possible. The empty office buildings are fully awake with their bright lights and lucid signs as they stood tall and away in the distance as no one else besides myself are around. After all I could, I turned it south towards the Freedom Tower and shoot as much as the batteries allowed it. I successfully managed to avoid the incoming traffic of cyclists because I paid attention and looked where I was going. Not so much for one oblivious muppet who walked first and looked later. He walked right in front of a oncoming bicyclist and they almost collided. “C’mon. Seriously?” barked the cyclist who verbally flashed some sense into the oblivious dullard. Now back to the 1/2/3 express line up north to head home.
I got off one stop short north of Penn Station, the Times Square / 42nd St. Stop where I ended getting up at 40th St. And 8th Av. I walked around Lord knows what streets. I didn’t plan it but somehow I walked past the Port Authority. And somewhat of a pleasant surprise to break negative thought if even for five minutes: a “post no bills” message stenciled on a random red door. Below it: another stencil of Bill Murray. Genius.
I walk through the Manhattan maze the night before Halloween. All five boroughs are gearing up for the whimsical festivities. The city streets are tidy and quiet with barely anyone walking through the minimal light and activity but it’s still all there. I’m right where I want to be. Always - except I walk solo. It would’ve been great to have someone join this unique experience with me. No reason why it shouldn’t but there always is. Instead, someone took me for a ride and left me head-fucked and demystified. She’s right here yet so far away and I can’t get to her. All I could think of on the walk towards back to Penn Station is another could-have scenario once again made possible by immature people and their foolish games. What’s worse? It’s her holiday tomorrow. I know in my mind she’ll be having lots of fun however she gets it. I won’t.
Another night in the record books. About 200 shots taken against the blinding million dollar lights, the pressing cold winds and the serene city silence. The 11:15PM line back to Deer Park is here. It usually takes about 10 minutes of standstill before the train finally takes off. It’s no surprise that Council Estate Electronics’ “60 Megawatts” grinds in my ears as I sit still in the front car sitting forwards and that alone is all doldrums; just waiting for train to take off. Then it morphs into Ron Morelli’s still-unsettling, suspenseful “Narco FRQ” as the line slow-rolls out of Penn Station in tune with the subtle clacking of the train’s wheels on the track. Another 65 minutes to go as I keep my quotient up and my era open, stupified as to what’s in store for me.
Plaque Marks: “Anxiety Driven Nervous Worship”
Council Estate Electronics: Urals
Erica Eso: “Vaccination Free”
AceMo: Black Populous
Arctic Flowers: Weaver
Pop Group, The: “(Amnesty Report II)”
Impalers: “Filth Binge”
Boy Harsher: “Motion”
Fellony: “Politics Of Verticality”
Sky Ferreira: “Voices Carry”
Heem Stogied X EyeDee X Tha God Fahim: “Drive By”
Gnarcissists: “We All Just Wanna’”
clipping.: “Something They Don't Know” (Bad Zu RMX)
Jeremiah J ft. Knxwledge: “Almost”
War On Drugs, The: “Up All Night”
Radon: “A Fist Full Of Potash”
Palm: “Ostrich Vacation”
Impalers: “High Wired”
Caroline K: “Chearth”
Echo Beds: Why Bother Stacking The Chairs On A Sinking Ship”
Blueprint: “Five Years Ago”
Beths, The: “Great No One”
FACS: “Primary” (demo)
Death In June: “Little Black Angel”
Philippe Hallais: “Hero / Fall / Angela”
Fire Engines: “(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang”
Dilly Dally: “Doom”
Serge Gainsbourgh: “Je T'aime Moi Non Plus”
wosX: “Armageddon”
Young Fathers: “Lord”
Further Reductions: “Central System”
Street Sects: “And I Grew Into Ribbons”
Frankie Cosmos: “Outside With The Hotties”
Badlands: “Heavy Sighs”
Ron Morelli: Disappearer
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
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Explanation for why Ugendou has sculpture gardens in the first place
Which, looking back at that post, so THAT’S where the whole "Frommer’s Soul Society" thing came from! 
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We changed it to Lonely Planet because the Frommer’s logo was ugly, and the Lonely Planet one was easily adaptable to Soul Society’s Weird Moon(s). 
AND OMG I forgot about the Kuchiki!!!!! Mystery!!! House!!!!
Ugendou Sculpture Gardens The Pastoral and its Modernist Provocations
Hours: 05:00~22:00
Types of Flora: 6,792
Rare Samples: 458
Sculptures: 87
Special Collections:
“From Seed”
“Bonsai Banzai”
“Foreign Bodies”
Reservations: Required, unless enlisted member of the 13th Division
Seasonal Events
Rare Flora Hanami
Children’s Day
Ghost Stories
Zombie 5k
Harvest Festival
Citrus Tea Ceremony
Only in Ugendou
Ugendou is home to the only known sculpture crafted by the late Shiba Kaien.
"Gift for Brother" - Shiba Kaien
Why Go?
The Ugendou Sculpture Gardens are the largest collection of public art in Soul Society, where the art world has traditionally operated as a system of patronage and private ownership. They are also the largest greenway, acting as a corridor between the 12th and 13th Divisions.
Be Courteous: Portions of the gardens cross through buildings. You’ll need to remove your shoes before entering.
Key Facts
Ugendou’s sprawling grounds are beautiful, but they are also a cultural repository of rare and otherwise extinct species of flora. These plants play a critical role in research undertaken by the 4th and 12th Divisions.
Colloquially known as “The Plate,” the best-known sculpture at Ugendou is kinetic, as it appears in Academy textbooks as a  visual representation of the energy balance shinigami must maintain. The plate may tip, but it never topples. However, it is also never balanced.
The newest sculpture in the garden was donated by an anonymous benefactor in 1993. It is titled “I Didn’t Know Shikai Would Be Like This.”
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ambiguouspuzuma · 9 months
Old legs
Terence settled into the limits of old age with relief, or at least as close to comfort as he ever got. Nobody stared at his cane anymore. There had been a time when eyes would be drawn to him on the street, in the corridor, the workplace, or look away in unease. A time when people felt awkward talking to him, afraid of saying the wrong thing, and did so with their silences instead.
But that had been a long time ago. He was an old man now, and that cane went with the territory, all part of the costume he'd been gradually putting on. Wrinkles, liver spots, and clouded eyes. Grey hair, or what was left of it. Trouble walking. People didn't need to know that he'd always had the latter part, a pre-existing symptom now explained by an entirely different disease.
It wasn't so much that he'd aged well, more that he'd youthed particularly poorly. Terence had never been able to run around the schoolyard, play ball games, try out drunken dance moves - all of those rites of a passage he'd found it difficult to navigate. Some of his teenaged classmates had claimed to have old souls, but perhaps he'd just been born with an older man's legs, and finally grown into them, like Cindy Greenway and her unfortunate ears.
People found him endearing, where once they'd been uncomfortable in his presence. Diverted gazes now rested on him with a smile, a reminder of their own father, grandfather, and not the disabled kid they used to pick on at school. His own peers had fallen to his level: even nasty Harry Bigelow, who'd spent all of sixth grade mimicking the way he walked, now did so with a Zimmer frame. If death was the great leveller, old age at least had a go on the steamroller.
For once, Terence fit in. It turned out even the healthiest amongst them had been sick all along - having been born with a congenital disease, that great degenerative condition of life. They might have been born with a head start, but he'd just about caught them up, despite limping all the way. He'd never been much for sports, but time had lowered the bar until even he could clear it.
Terence liked that. Whilst others listed their complaints, another limit discovered with each passing year, he found he was as happy as he'd ever been. He had his health, such as it was, and he was inoculated against those other disappointments, the frustrations he'd grown up with as old friends. He had tamed them, by now. Like Harry Bigelow, they couldn't hurt him any more.
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May 2024 News: Jane's Walk Canal History Tour; New Haven Bike Month; Ride the State in June
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Dear Friend of the Farmington Canal Greenway,
We wanted to wish you a happy springtime and provide you with a few important updates:
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Join us on May 4 for a guided tour of Farmington Canal history as part of "Jane's Walk," a statewide program of guided tours taking place May 4-5 to celebrate the birthday of legendary urbanist Jane Jacobs. Explore 200 years of transportation history, from canal to railroad to beloved multi-use trail, with Aaron Goode of New Haven Friends of the Farmington Canal Greenway and special guest speakers. Learn about the engineers, entrepreneurs, financiers, dreamers, and immigrant laborers who built the Canal and created New Haven as we know it today. We will discuss murals, historic sites and other placemaking efforts along the Farmington Canal Greenway that have made the Greenway one of the signature places in New Haven.
We are pleased to announce that we will be joined on the walk by Roz Hamilton of Amistad Committee, Inc., who will discuss the creation of the William Lanson statue. We will also end our walk at the The Newhallville Learning Corridor where we will hear from Community Place-making & Engagement Network about their place-making activities on and near the trail.
Meet at 10am at the William Lanson statue near Sachem Street. The walk is flat and about 2 miles total.
* New Haven Bike Month Happy Hour at Fussy Coffee, May 15, 4:30-6:30pm
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Join us for a New Haven Bike Month Happy Hour at Fussy Coffee along the Trail at Winchester Avenue and Munson Street. Hosted by Frances Osugi, New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation and New Haven Friends of the Farmington Canal Greenway. Bike, walk, or take the bus there if you can! Find out about all Bike Month events here.
* Arts & Ideas Festival Farmington Canal Bike Ride, June 15, 9am-12pm
Join Elm City Cycling and the International Festival of Arts & Ideas for a bike ride on the Farmington Canal. The ride will be approximately 3 hours and will leave from the New Haven Green at 9am. Helmets and registration are required. Register here.
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* SAVE THE DATE for Ride The State, June 22, 2024
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This is a great opportunity to ride the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail all the way from New Haven to Massachusetts in a supported group ride setting. It is an amazing way to see the many sides of Connecticut including both historic cities and rural scenery. There will be a shuttle returning riders from Massachusetts to New Haven after the ride is complete. “Ride The State” is always a great experience and a unique way of seeing Connecticut! Register here. (We have some scholarships available for low-income riders -- please contact us if interested in this opportunity.)
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* CT Trail Census - Get Involved with this Awesome Data Project! We are really glad to be participating in the CT Trail Census again this year, as we have since 2017. Participating in this research project provides us really valuable data about trail usage in New Haven and across the state. Last year our infrared counters showed that there were over 150,000 trips taken on the trail in New Haven, and the trendline continues to go up, up, up! We need help this year with collecting manual count forms that enable us to calibrate our infrared sensors. Please contact us if you are interested in helping out with this fascinating and useful project – we really need help completing some manual counts to make sure our infrared counter is calibrated correctly!
As always, thank you for your ongoing support. 
Aaron G. New Haven Friends of the Farmington Canal Greenway www.newhavencanalfriends.org facebook.com/NewHavenCanalFriends
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franklloydalwaysright · 4 months
What types of regional and local transport does Cincinnati need more in the future?
Cincinnati is currently lacking in public transportation and needs to expand its service. As it stands, the city only utilizes 2 modes of transportation, buses and the streetcar. While the bus network reaches into most neighborhoods and provides good baseline service, many routes cannot sustain current capacity and are ripe for expansion. This is why we believe a comprehensive Regional Rail, High Speed Rail, and bike service network should be prioritized for Cincinnati and the surrounding metro area. The Cincinnati combined metro area has a population of 2.2 million, and currently has no other methods of transportation outside of personal vehicles. Cincinnati also suffers from large amounts of traffic congestion, however no other options for travel exist. Providing useful public transportation would not only decrease traffic, but lower carbon emissions in the area.  
High Speed Rail  
The biggest form of public transportation that Cincinnati is not currently utilizing is a high-speed railway. By building a railway that connects even to just the major cities in Ohio, it would allow many people access to statewide travel. Railways have also proven to be generally safer than car travel as well as producing less carbon emissions. Currently, there only exists one intercity line between Cincinnati, Chicago and New York City that runs 3 times a week. The current Amtrak route is slow, plagued by delays, and is not efficient in connecting Cincinnati to other cities. With a high-speed rail network, Cincinnati could become connected with other large cities in the Midwest, with extremely useful corridors such as the Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati alignment. Railways are also a great source of revenue for the state. By using tax-payers money to build the railways, they would be more affordable for Cincinnati to build. 
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"CONNOLLY TRAIN STATION-1008" by infomatique is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. 
High Speed Rail 
Reliant on there being a national high speed rail network, but would be super cool 
Bike network  
The smallest and most versatile form of transport would be bikes. This is something that Cincinnati has already been exploring with Cincy RedBike, a bike-share network that just reported its highest ridership yet in 2023, with 140,000 rides. On top of this, Cincinnati already has existing bike routes, such as the popular Wasson Way, a 6-mile-long greenway through eastern Cincy. The approval of these programs shows the value of having such a system in place. We propose a combination of expanding Cincinnati Redbike, expanding greenways, and building separated bike paths through the city. This will make biking both more accessible and safer to use and decrease the carbon emissions generated by smaller trips. 
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"Wasson Way" by 5chw4r7z is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Streetcar Network 
Trams are less expensive than busses 
can carry more people 
easily electrified 
If the regional train system is the large transportation network, trams can be the smaller, more local transport system 
Regional Rail 
Often overlooked in the conversation of public transportation, regional rail networks often provide some of the most key services in urban metro areas. Regional rail services allow easy access from outer cities and suburbs to the inner city. While these trains do not run as frequently as a metro service, they offer higher capacity and can substitute many singular car commutes downtown. Downtown Cincinnati is still very oriented towards suburban commuters, as many of the streets act as one-way arterials and many lots are comprised of parking garages. A regional rail system would greatly benefit Downtown Cincinnati as suburban commuters will be able to take the train downtown and replace car trips on the interstate. In turn, Downtown would see less congestion and improvements in pedestrian infrastructure.  
Expanded Streetcar Network 
Finally, an expanded streetcar network would be beneficial to the city of Cincinnati. While it is a good move for the city to chase BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) routes in context of the current day city, using the ROW (Right of Way) for streetcars instead would provide higher capacity transportation. Streetcars are street-running trams that act similarly to a metro, with dedicated stops along the route. Streetcars, while often operating in mixed traffic, need their own dedicated ROW in order to properly function. A streetcar system would not act on their own, as bus connections are important for them to work. This mode of transportation would replace many low distance trips along busy corridors that would normally be taken by car.  
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"Rotterdam Tram" by Michel Curi is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 
Regional Train System  
Services the tri-state area, connecting the outer neighborhoods to the main city 
Fast, efficient 
Conclusion: Overall, Cincinnati has done a pretty good job at providing local public transportation, but there are areas that they can expand upon in terms of longer distance public transportation. By adding more railways, people in Cincinnati would be able to go more places from this one city while simultaneously cutting down on their carbon emissions.  
Discussion Question: Out of all of the public transportation options given, which one would you work towards implementing first? 
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 7 months
idk if you remember but in a previous ask you mentioned much "denser", more efficient cities and city building, what does that entail? its a meme that certain people are chill with "living" packed like sardines with no diverse or meaningful animal or plant life around them, you didn't seem like that type so i'm curious now as to how you would build a city having a quality of life that would be superior to a low budget chinese zoo
oh i remember. this is one of the things i'm most passionate about and it's a pretty big part of the change i'd want to bring to usher in my "ideal" society.
but yeah, you raise a valid concern. i see those memes too. and that's very far from my vision.
my vision is the opposite; sustainable, walkable, environmentally friendly cities full of greenery, community, and meaning.
i wanted cities with more mixed use zoning. i want cities to have a mix of single-family hopes, high- and low-rise and courtyard apartments and condos, multiplexes, townhomes, cottage courts, live-work homes, etc. and i think there should be low-traffic small businesses (corner stores, cafes, restaurants, bars, art studios, workshops, boutiques, bakers, bookstores, etc) interspersed throughout. there should also be parks, greenways, green belts, and even just more trees and flower along streets, etc. more urban gardens. wildlife corridors where appropriate. more beautiful, ornamental architecture. efficient public transportation, bike-friendly, and strategic pedestrianization. energy efficient and environmentally-friendly (or as close to friendly as possible) smart cities, etc.
imagine: you wake up in your single family home in some metropolis but it feels like a suburb. your neighbors are other single family homes and townhomes and multiplexes. you live in a low-traffic street. there is a park across the street where your kids can safely play. you realize you need to get some milk so you walk to the corner store that's literally on the corner, a two minute walk away. across the street is a cafe and you see a couple of your neighbors there. you stop and chat with them for a while, developing some sense of community with your neighbors. the people who work at the cafe are also your neighbors and their kids (wouldn't it have been nice to have your first job at the neighborhood cafe that you're well-acquainted with?). then when you're almost home you remember you need to get stuff for dinner. you're about to open your garage and get in your car when you remember you can get your groceries delivered to your door by drone.
but what the hell you wanna go downtown and have some fun. but you don't really feel like driving. well, good thing there's a bus stop that's like a 5 minute walk away. you, your wife, and your kid get on the bus and it takes you downtown in 20 minutes (it's always on time). you remember the old days of sitting in traffic for an hour to travel the same distance. you walk around and visit some museum and a botanical garden and then you go to the movies. the streets are pedestrianized -- you're at the historical part of town, the main street has been closed to traffic, the street is like a constant festival with people dining and playing music and doing street magic and stuff. the streets are lined with flowers and trees so it's nice and shady. there's a town square, ornately decorated, a fountain in the center, a park adjacent, etc. there's some event happening there -- maybe a concert or a political rally or art fair or farmers market -- you check it out.
then you take the bus home in 20 minutes again. your kids asks to go play at your neighbor's house (the one you were chatting with at the cafe earlier -- your kid and their kid are best friends) and you say yes. then you and your wife relax by walking down the street to your neighborhood bar and you shoot the shit with your other neighbors and maybe some friends who are visiting from the other side of town or something. then late at night you and your wife and your friends drunkenly stumble home (no fear of driving drunk).
basically, people lament the loss of community in modern cities but this sort of city would rekindle a sense of community. plus it's be safer, cleaner, more convenient, more sustainable, more fulfilling, etc.
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adrianvideoimage · 7 months
How I Overcame My Challenges as a Video Content Creator...
As a video content creator, I face many challenges every day. From finding the best locations to shoot, to editing hours of footage, to promoting my work on social media, I have to juggle multiple tasks and deadlines. But I also love what I do, and I always try to learn from my experiences and improve my skills. Here is how I tackled some of the challenges I faced yesterday.
Exploring New Places
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to explore the rail corridor, a former railway line that has been transformed into a greenway for walking and cycling. I walked 6,000+ steps and took some photos.
Creating and Publishing Daily Flagship Content
After returning home, I created and published my daily flagship content. It’s a simple and quick video answering a viewer’s question from a previous video about how to add the shake effect in Capcut, a free video editing app for mobile devices. This time I managed to complete it within 2 hours instead of 4 hours because I wasn’t live-streaming behind the scenes. Live-streaming is a great way to interact with my audience and show them how I work, but it also adds more pressure and time to my workflow. So I decided to skip it this time and focus on producing a high-quality video that can help my viewers learn something new.
Promoting My Upcoming Class on Social Media
With the help of AI, I promoted my upcoming videography and video editing class on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I used Bing Chat in Creative mode. It created three completely different promotional materials for the three different platforms. It saved me so much time without cracking my brain.
Burning the Midnight Oil Editing Footage
Finally, I burned the midnight oil editing 3 hours of footage from the previous videography and video editing class recording into 10 small chapters for my online course. This time I live-streamed so that I could chat with my audience while editing. I used Yolobox Pro and Yololiv Instream to stream my screen and webcam to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and TikTok simultaneously. The Yolobox is an all-in-one multi-cam Multi-platform portable live streaming Studio.
What’s Next?
Today I must update myself on the new DJI Osmo Mobile 3, finish up editing my 11 hours left of videography and video editing class recording into smaller chapters for the online course, make another daily consecutive flagship content, and update my slides for tomorrow’s class on how I attract viewers and followers on TikTok using capcut videos.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my day as a video content creator. If you are interested in learning more about videography and video editing, please check out my online course or join me in my live class. If you have any questions or feedback for me, please leave them in the comments below or send me a message. Thank you for your support!
#videography #videoediting #capcut #dji #obsbot #yolobox #yololiv #linkedin #contentcreation #facebook #YouTube #tiktok
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citylifeorg · 8 months
Historic Greenway Expansion With More Than 40 Miles Of New Greenways In Five Outer Borough Corridors
New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation (NYC Parks) Commissioner Sue Donoghue, and New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO Andrew Kimball today launched an historic expansion of New York City’s greenways – filling gaps in the outer-borough…
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whattheabcxyz · 9 months
Another aggressive cyclist captured on social media, this time for denting driver's car bonnet
30-year-old Sri Lankan man turns himself in after murdering wife at Holiday Inn Express Katong
Shanmugam claims money laundering probe was not a result of external pressure - whatever 🙄
2nd jail term for Phoon Chiu Yoke for failing to wear mask during pandemic
20m-tall tree in front of City Plaza falls on vehicles, trapping passengers inside
Work to spruce up Pasir Ris Park to finish by 2024 - part of town’s central greenway completed
New, undocumented species of predatory fungus found
Singapore: Tapir spotted running along Punggol park connector
This is why we shouldn't trust journalism from 3rd-world countries
US-led initiative to build trade corridor could deepen rivalry with China
35-year-old mother dies after amniotic fluid leaks into her blood during birth
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^ This is Valspar's colour of the year for 2024
Chris Evans is married - she's 16 years his junior, wtf?!
Incheon Airport checkpoints' new SmartPass service allows passengers to skip queues
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giaatmemorial · 9 months
Embrace Tranquil Living: Apartments for Rent in Spring Branch, Houston, TX
Houston, Texas, is a city known for its diversity, culture, and vibrant lifestyle. Amidst this bustling urban landscape lies Spring Branch, a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of suburban tranquility and city convenience. If you're searching for Apartments for Rent in Spring Branch, Houston, TX, you're in for a treat. 
This article will explore the allure of this neighborhood and why renting an apartment here is a choice that marries the best of both worlds.
Suburban Oasis in the Heart of Houston
Spring Branch is a testament to how a community can thrive while still offering a peaceful escape from city life. Nestled within the city's limits, Spring Branch provides residents with a serene environment characterized by tree-lined streets, well-maintained parks, and a strong sense of community. This suburban oasis allows you to enjoy a quieter pace of life without compromising on accessibility to urban amenities.
Diverse Array of Apartments
One of the distinct advantages of searching for apartments for rent in Spring Branch is the wide variety of options available. Whether you're seeking a cozy studio, a spacious one-bedroom, or a family-friendly two-bedroom apartment, Apartments for rent in Spring Branch Houston TX has something for everyone. From modern complexes with state-of-the-art amenities to charming vintage buildings with character, you'll find apartments that cater to your unique preferences.
Proximity to Major Employment Centers
Spring Branch's strategic location near Houston's major employment centers is a considerable draw for professionals. The Energy Corridor, Memorial City, and downtown Houston are all within easy reach, reducing commuting times and allowing you to strike a healthier work-life balance. Choosing an apartment in Spring Branch means you can spend less time in traffic and more time enjoying your new home.
Nature and Green Spaces
One of the standout features of Spring Branch is its commitment to preserving nature and providing residents with outdoor spaces to enjoy. Terry Hershey Park and Spring Branch Greenway are nearby, offering a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. With trails for biking, jogging, and picnicking, you can reconnect with nature just steps away from your apartment.
Community Engagement and Events
Spring Branch takes pride in fostering a sense of community among its residents. Throughout the year, the neighborhood hosts a variety of events and activities that bring neighbors together. From farmers' markets to cultural festivals, these events provide an opportunity to connect with others and create lasting friendships. Engaging with your community becomes second nature in Spring Branch.
Shopping and Dining Delights
Exploring the local dining scene and shopping options is an exciting part of living in Spring Branch. The neighborhood offers a mix of local eateries and international restaurants that cater to diverse tastes. For those looking to indulge in some retail therapy, the Memorial City Mall is a short drive away, offering a plethora of shopping opportunities.
A Family-Friendly Haven
Spring Branch's appeal extends to families as well. The neighborhood is home to excellent schools, making it an ideal environment for families with children. Parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities add to the family-friendly atmosphere, ensuring that children have ample opportunities for growth and development.
Embracing Connectivity
While Spring Branch provides a suburban escape, it's by no means disconnected. The neighborhood's proximity to major transportation routes ensures that you're well-connected to the rest of Houston. Whether you're commuting to work, exploring the city's cultural scene, or embarking on a weekend adventure, Spring Branch's strategic location makes it easy to get around.
Choosing to rent an Apartment in Spring Branch, Houston, TX, is an invitation to enjoy the best of both worlds. You can experience the tranquility of suburban living while still benefiting from the accessibility of urban amenities. 
With a diverse range of apartments, proximity to major employment centers, natural beauty, community engagement, and family-friendly surroundings, Spring Branch offers a unique living experience that's hard to find elsewhere. 
So, whether you're a professional seeking convenience or a family in search of a nurturing environment, apartments for rent in Spring Branch provide comfort, connectivity, and a community that feels like home.
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evo-a-lab · 1 year
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Corredores verdes // Greenways
Green corridors are important in cities with water scarcity for several reasons:
1) Water conservation:
Green corridors help conserve water by acting as a natural filter.
2) Flood control:
Green corridors can act as buffer zones during heavy rain events. By providing areas of vegetation and permeable soils, they help absorb excess water and reduce the risk of flooding.
3) Increased biodiversity:
Green corridors create natural habitats for a variety of plant and animal species.
4) Health and Wellness Benefits:
Green corridors provide open, accessible spaces for people to enjoy outdoor activities such as walking, running, or bicycling. These green areas provide a natural environment that favors physical activity and contemplation.
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naturecoaster · 1 year
City of Brooksville Recognized as Trail Town
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On Friday, April 14, 2023, the Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Greenways and Trails Council approved the City of Brooksville as one of the State’s newest Trail Towns. City of Brooksville Recognized as Trail Town The Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT), a component of the DEP's Florida State Parks system, developed the Trail Town program in 2018 to recognize communities based on accessibility, amenities, safety, and signage, and proximity to businesses. To become a Florida Trail Town, interested communities conduct a self-assessment to gauge their strengths and weaknesses in relation to nearby trails and trail users, working with OGT regional coordinators until they are deemed ready for designation by the Department. Brooksville, the County Seat of Hernando County, established in 1856, has a population of 9,500 and is located in East Central Hernando County, Florida. Brooksville is known for its rolling topography with elevations ranging from 100 ft to 180 ft. and is just forty-five miles north of Tampa and fifteen miles east of the Gulf of Mexico. Brooksville is a full-service City with a Council-Manager form of Government within 11 sq. miles with equal parts historic and scenic, Brooksville offers trails with historic sites or adventure amongst the 100-year-old brick streets and Spanish moss-draped oaks that surround the community. Listed as one of the “15 Most Picturesque Small Towns in Florida” in 2022 by Trips to Discover, the Historic Downtown of Brooksville has six residences listed on the National Registry of Historic Places as well as many other historic sites and cultural venues. It is a favorite destination for those traveling the Good Neighbor trail for both its historic charm and enriching attractions. Brooksville residents and those traveling the many trails are linked to the center of downtown, which includes many revitalized businesses and an arts district as well as numerous downtown events throughout the year. “Brooksville is known for being both historic and charming, with moss-laden oak trees, canopy roads and rolling green hills. Home to the nearby pristine spring waters of Weeki Wachee and immaculate trails in Withlacoochee State Forest, Brooksville is a lesser-traveled vacation destination.” ~ By Charity De Souza, Trips to Discover There are several day hiking and biking trails within or near the City of Brooksville, these include: Tom Varn Park, and the Disc Quarry Park and the Good Neighbor Trail with a trail head located at Russell Street Park. The Withlacoochee State Trail (Ridge Manor Trailhead) which connects to the Suncoast Trail; the 42-mile Suncoast Trail stretches from Hillsborough County through Pasco County and currently terminating in Hernando County on US Highway 98. Also nearby is the Peck Sink Preserve, Fickett Hammock Preserve, located in NW Hernando County, is a walking trail within a Hernando County Park and McKethan Lake Nature Trail (1.9-mile walking loop) is a spur trail located within the Withlacoochee State Forest. The Good Neighbor Trail, when completed, will continue eastward along the abandoned rail corridor to connect with the existing 46-mile-long Withlacoochee State Trail near the historic town site of Croom. Completion of the extended trail will link Brooksville to a private mountain bike racing facility; a 55-mile mountain bike trail, thirty-one miles of hiking trails and twenty-three miles of horse trails in the Croom Tract of the Withlacoochee State Forest; Silver Lake, Townsend Lake, and Cypress Lakes recreation areas; and the Withlacoochee River canoe trail. “I would like to thank all of the city staff and stakeholders that worked so very hard to assure that Brooksville would earn the designation of a Florida Trail Town.” Stated City Manager, Ron Snowberger. “As an incredibly significant part of the Florida Coast-to-Coast Trail, the portion that runs through the city is called the Good Neighbor Trail. This trail will bring opportunities for bicyclists and pedestrians from all over the state, including those within our community, to utilize this amenity and enjoy the many activities that our city has to offer. Increasing the exposure to visitation within the city also helps to bolster the economy and strengthen our business community. While a portion of the trail is still under construction, it will soon be completed. I encourage residents and visitors alike, to visit that trail and check out all that it has to offer and have a great time!”For more information contact the City of Brooksville Public Information Officer at 352-540-3810 or visit https://floridadep.gov/parks/ogt/content/trail-town-program. Read the full article
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A round-up of openings, closings, and different information about West Hartford companies.  Enterprise Buzz is sponsored by NBT Financial institution, and we're very grateful for his or her help!  By Ronni Newton Years from now residents will in all probability keep in mind the record-setting temperatures this previous week, and I'll admit I really feel a bit ignored as a result of we headed out of city for a couple of days on Wednesday morning and completely missed the warmth. We have been on Nantucket paying a go to to my mother-in-law and whereas it was hotter than common for April on the market, the very best temperature I noticed was 71 levels. It was positively good sufficient for barefoot seaside walks – and Millie did run by the surf which she vastly loved – nevertheless it was nowhere close to heat sufficient for sitting on the seaside, not less than throughout the time of day after we weren’t working and bought an opportunity to be outdoors. Additionally, the daffodils have been spectacular. Millie on Surfside Seaside, Nantucket, together with her reflection in a tide pool, April 2023. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Daffodils in Nantucket. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton The 2 days that I used to be on the town final week have been fairly busy, particularly with the severing of the tail of Conny the whale, the changeover of LaSalle Highway again to two-way visitors, and several other actions by the City Council. There was loads of engagement and dialogue on Facebook after the plans to avoid wasting simply Conny’s tail have been made public, and the precise removing and relocation happened, however there have been many people who have been apparently taken unexpectedly by the information, and had no concept there had been a GoFundMe established, and so forth. I've written in all probability 10 tales previously 16 months concerning the Youngsters’s Museum’s imminent transfer and the uncertainty relating to the destiny of Conny, and the try by the Cetacean Society Worldwide to boost sufficient cash to maneuver all the whale statue and if that was going to be attainable, and if everlasting dwelling might be secured. It price about $40,000 to take away and relocate the tail to its momentary house (paid for by Continental Properties, which now owns the property and is creating luxurious residences on the location), and there will probably be tens of hundreds of further prices to maneuver it to its future dwelling alongside the Trout Brook greenway. As of final week the GoFundMe had raised just below $12,000 of the estimated $200,000/$250,000-plus price to maneuver all of Conny. No matter your opinion about what happened, the next remark made by certainly one of our readers on the Neighbors & Associates Fb web page actually resonated with me: “Anybody complaining about this that wasn’t on the city corridor conferences or writing letters to their reps must take a minute and keep in mind that West Hartford doesn’t look the identical because it did 40 years in the past. The wants and needs of the neighborhood change. In order for you issues to go a sure method, posting about it on Fb after the very fact does nothing however gas anger. As an alternative, take a web page out of Ronni Zimbler Newton’s ebook and keep concerned and updated on present affairs in our native authorities.” Native information impacts your day-to-day life. It is probably not as horny as international affairs and having the ability to intelligently focus on nationwide politics or the newest transfer by the Federal Reserve could make for higher cocktail celebration dialog, however what’s occurring in your personal city impacts your pocketbook and different essential elements of your day by day life. If you wish to have affect, please concentrate and share your concepts with our city leaders and elected officers earlier than it’s too late. Since I wasn’t on the town over the weekend I wasn’t capable of eat at certainly one of our native eating
places, however I did have an awesome informal dinner out on Nantucket on the famed Brotherhood of Thieves. The long-standing restaurant modified arms lately (it’s now owned by the identical people who personal Cisco Brewers) and introduced the Brotherhood again to its authentic roots as a spot for burgers and different informal fare. The burger didn't disappoint! Cisco Brewers beer on the Brotherhood of Thieves. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Burger on the Brotherhood of Thieves. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Brotherhood of Thieves, Nantucket, MA. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton There have been 11 constructive reported instances of COVID-19 in West Hartford over the previous seven days (as of Saturday) and a positivity price of 9.5%. It’s about the identical as final week. West Hartford is certainly one of solely about 20 municipalities within the state with a measurable variety of constructive exams (any city with fewer than 5 doesn’t seem on the report), and New Haven nonetheless has the most important quantity. I’m nonetheless hoping to have the ability to delete this paragraph quickly. Within the meantime, please proceed to have endurance since not everybody has the identical stage of consolation, proceed to look out for one another, help our native companies – and keep protected and healthy. If you happen to’re on the lookout for information about West Hartford in print please observe that many tales from We-Ha.com, in addition to different native information, is revealed within the twice-monthly problems with the West Hartford Press. You probably have info to share about native companies, please present particulars within the feedback or e mail Ronni Newton at [email protected]. ************************************************** Right here’s this week’s Buzz: Midway emblem. Courtesy picture Wurst Haus has closed, and whereas I don’t sometimes lead this column with a closing I'm making an exception this time as a result of the 37 LaSalle Highway house will probably be reopening in simply 10 days as a brand new idea. Danielle Veronesi, the advertising supervisor for Bean Restaurant Group (which owns Wurst Haus in addition to Union Kitchen in West Hartford) has shared the information that BRG is launching a brand new model in West Hartford. The restaurant will probably be reopening on April 27 below the title Midway with a very revamped menu from Wurst Haus’ German fare (though an enormous pretzel does stay on the menu). “We're switching hearth towards American consolation informal, extra household pleasant but in addition with nightlife,” Veronesi stated. “We could have a heat welcoming ambiance with one thing for everybody, and at evening we'll nonetheless have the nightlife,” together with dwell music on weekends. The restaurant will probably be open for lunch and dinner, and also you’ll have the ability to seize a burger, sandwich, rice bowl, salad, or scorching canine, and there will probably be a child’s menu (hen tenders, burgers, grilled cheese), however later within the night the vibe will change with a spotlight for the gang that has frequented Wurst Haus for the evening life. There'll contact tone gadgets so company can have affect on the music being performed, and also will be video/arcade video games in the primary eating room – for the youngsters young and old to play. Video games will embody Huge Buck Hunter Reloaded, NBA Jam, Golden Tee PGA, and 60 in 1 Retro Video games, she stated. The menu will embody quite a few gluten-free and dairy-free choices in addition to vegetarian and vegan fare. The beverage program could have a brand new look as nicely, with a deal with spirits and loads of draft/canned/and bottled beer choices. “Our aim with rebranding was to have one thing for everybody. We wish to give you the option create an surroundings that everybody in West Hartford can come to and really feel snug. Our beverage menu could have inviting classics like our home made frose in addition to a regionally
centric draft program,” stated Nathan Yee, a member of the third technology of BRG’s Yee household and the director of hospitality for the corporate, who will probably be immediately concerned in Midway. Veronesi stated this idea has been developed particularly for West Hartford (though they may increase it elsewhere) after taking a look at “what we do nicely” within the group’s 13 different brick and mortar eating places (plus three areas on the Huge E).  Midway intends to fulfill company “midway,” to be versatile, to be a spot to go midway by the work week, and so forth. Veronesi stated they're additionally planning to renovate the again room – which hasn’t been open for years – and rework it into occasion house. “Our aim is to be a part of the West Hartford neighborhood and we really feel this model is an effective match,” Veronesi stated. New workers is being introduced in (they’re hiring for those who’re trying), and Brett Belanger, who has intensive native expertise and personally is at all times searching for out place he can take his household, is the brand new common supervisor, Veronesi stated. Vish Badami, the overall supervisor for Union Kitchen subsequent door, can even be overseeing day-to-day operations at Midway. Signal on the door of Wurst Haus. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton I’ll have far more info to share later within the week and possibly in subsequent week’s column (or as a function story), however right here’s the information that many have been ready for: Chopt Inventive Salad Co. is opening this week! On Wednesday, April 19 there's a particular occasion, Chopt Offers, which is able to give prospects a preview have a look at the the quick informal eatery and also will help Connecticut Foodshare – which is able to obtain 100% of gross sales that day between the hours of 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-7:30 p.m.. Extra particulars about Chopt Offers could be discovered right here. Chopt, which is positioned at 333 North Essential Avenue in Bishops Nook, will formally open on Thursday, April 20. Chopt incorporates a menu of basic and “mild” salads, greater than two-dozen dressing choices (some additionally offered by the bottle), heat bowls, and the chance to additionally customise salads with an intensive selection of greens, fruits and veggies, cheese and dairy, crunch, and different toppings. Chopt Inventive Salad Firm is opening this week in Bishops Nook. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton (we-ha.com file picture) The house at 526 New Park Avenue that was nicely generally known as East-West Grille – and most lately, very briefly and on and off, was dwelling to Dawn County Kitchen, is now in operation once more with the comfortable opening of Julius. I used to be driving by final week and noticed the “open” flags flying and pulled into a close-by parking zone so I may flip round and test it out. The proprietor wasn’t current, however somebody who was ready tables instructed me that they're engaged on getting their signal, and serve lunch and dinner. In response to a Fb web page I discovered, Cevicheria Julius serves Peruvian delicacies that includes fish and seafood, and is open day by day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reservations could be made at 860-519-0432. Julius is now open at 526 New Park Avenue. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton I touched base over the weekend with Blue Again Sq. spokesperson Kate Terricciano of Picture Advertising after listening to that Oath Pizza had closed. (See the bullet level under for these particulars as a result of closings belong on the finish of this column if there's not a direct new tenant concerned.) However I requested her about another areas as nicely, and though she couldn’t present any particular particulars but, she stated in response to my different questions, “There's thrilling information that will probably be introduced within the subsequent few weeks.” Though she couldn’t remark, I've heard from a trusted supply that there's a lease in place for the previous SPoT Espresso location on Memorial Highway.
That was certainly one of my favourite assembly spots – very handy to City Corridor – and I'll positively share any information as quickly because it’s confirmed. I’ve heard the announcement of a brand new tenant for the previous SPoT Espresso house on Memorial Highway is coming quickly. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Ten Thousand Villages (967C Farmington Avenue, West Hartford Heart) will probably be holding a fundraiser for the Clear Water Fund on Sunday April 23, from noon-5 p.m. (open to shut) in honor of Earth Day, Retailer Supervisor Teri Osborne stated in an e mail. “Clear Water Fund is a fellow nonprofit working for neighborhood betterment. Clear Water focuses on environmental justice and clear water entry. You possibly can help them whereas supporting us on Sunday, April twenty third by saying ‘I help Clear Water’ at checkout, and 15% of your buy will go to them for gratis to you!” Osborne shared the next description: “Since 1974, Clear Water Fund has helped people marketing campaign efficiently for cleaner and safer water, cleaner air, and safety from poisonous air pollution in our properties, neighborhoods, and workplaces. Clear Water Fund brings collectively numerous constituencies, helps coalition efforts for a more healthy surroundings, and develops grassroots environmental management, neighborhood by neighborhood. Clear Water Fund’s applications construct on and complement these of Clear Water Motion, a a million member nationwide group which has helped develop, go, strengthen and defend the nation’s main water and toxics legal guidelines such because the Clear Water Act, Protected Consuming Water Act, Superfund, and others.” Extra details about Clear Water Fund could be discovered on their web site. The state director, Anne Hulick, will probably be stopping in on the retailer on Sunday to share extra details about state initiatives, Osborne stated. Fascinating transformation of 312 North Essential Avenue that's within the works. The City Plan and Zoning Fee obtained and software from “Okay. Tofflemire, requesting approval of a Particular Use Allow to function an out-patient veterinary ophthalmology clinic.” Apart from the signal, there aren't any modifications proposed to the inside or exterior of the constructing which is simply south of the buying heart the place the Bishops Nook Entire Meals is positioned and has been the location of a house health care enterprise. The proposal submitted by Kyle Tofflemire, DVM, DACVO, states:”The enterprise will operate with a veterinary ophthalmologist and a pair of full-time workers members. Hours of operation will probably be Monday by Friday, 8:00am to six:00pm. No emergency providers will probably be supplied.” TPZ will maintain a public listening to on the appliance on Might 1. 312 North Essential St. in West Hartford. Submitted picture (we-ha.com file picture) My apologies to the house owners of Kilwins as a result of I completely forgot to incorporate a photograph of their ribbon slicing within the column the Monday after it happened. On March 27, Kilwins franchise house owners Kathleen and Joe Allen, members of the West Hartford Chamber of the Commerce, Mayor Shari Cantor, and different officers attended a ribbon slicing for the chocolate, confections, and ice cream store that opened in February. Extra particulars about Kilwins could be discovered right here. Kilwins ribbon slicing, March 27, 2023. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Since 1990, Teresa Pojawis has labored as a Licensed Nursing Assistant at Saint Mary Residence in West Hartford.  Deemed “The Angel at Evening” by her residents, Pojawis is credited with being conscientious, targeted, versatile, and attentive to these she cares for throughout her in a single day shifts.  On March 31, she obtained her second “Caring Arms Award” from WFSB Tv’s Scot Haney on the annual LeadingAge Caregiver Awards Luncheon, a spokesperson for Trinity Well being Senior Communities shared. In response to the award
nomination: “Whatever the task, she is a group participant, and her colleagues are genuinely appreciative of her partnership.  Her information and luxury inside our neighborhood is an asset in welcoming and orienting new group members.” The nomination additionally underscored the boldness Pojawis evokes amongst these entrusted to her for care. “Her residents typically remark that she at all times remembers their care preferences day after day, she talks to them concerning the care she is about to offer and asks them to take part, and when she says ‘I will probably be proper again,’ she at all times returns.” From left: Saint Mary Residence Administrator Rachel DeMaida, Saint Mary Residence Director of Nursing Patti Russell, CNA Teresa Pojawis, and Trinity Well being Senior Communities Regional Vice President Eric Dana. Courtesy picture Congratulations to Leon Davidoff, who was formally sworn in by Mayor Shari Cantor as West Hartford’s city clerk on April 10, succeeding Essie Labrot who formally retired as of April 7. “The City Clerk is the entrance door to this city,” Cantor stated. “The necessity of an expert one that brings all the intelligence and the center to this place – I’m simply so grateful that Leon has stepped up to do that job. He'll do such an awesome job and I’m tremendously grateful to him and I’m honored to have the ability to swear him in in the present day,” she stated. Davidoff stated he's appreciative of the belief and confidence. “I'm so trying ahead to persevering with my service to this city,” he stated, thanking Cantor, Labrot, and his household and pals. “I’m very excited to work with what I'd say is one of the best workers in a city clerk’s workplace anyplace.” It’s a brand new chapter of his life, the longtime City Council member stated. Mayor Shari Cantor administers the oath of workplace to City Clerk Leon Davidoff on April 10, 2023. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Able Made, which is positioned at Westfarms and owned by West Hartford resident Suzanne McKenzie, has a brand new collaboration with Burberry (click on right here fir particulars). Proceeds from the sale of the merchandise – which repurpose the leftover Burberry cloth – assist help the native UcalMcKenzie Breakaway Basis Hartford Camp and represents sustainable style made responsibly in NYC. Additionally in response to McKenzie, West Hartford’s Swaby (Corridor alumni Chantelle and Allyson) sisters, who play for the Jamaica Girls’s Nationwide Soccer Workforce and in France, will probably be sporting In a position Made quickly. Courtesy of In a position Made A couple of people suggested me late final week that Oath Pizza was closing as of Friday. “We are able to’t touch upon particular person tenant issues,” Blue Again Sq. spokesperson Kate Terricciano stated of the closing, however as quickly as I bought again Sunday I checked it out personally and confirmed the restaurant is certainly closed, and the home windows are papered over. As for the explanation Oath, which simply opened its doorways in July 2022, has closed, Blue Again Capital Companions LLC filed a lawsuit on April 10 towards Oath Blue Again Sq. LLC on account of non-payment of hire courting again to February. In response to one of many reveals included within the on-line authorized filings, Subsequent Degree Pizza, which was the lessee for the house, offered their belongings to New Oath Pizza LLC, as of Jan. 21, 2023 and requested termination of the lease – however in response to paperwork Blue Again Sq. has questions concerning the standing of the brand new entity (which has not supplied particulars of the monetary transaction) and which isn't the lessee and didn't switch and/or assign the rights below the present lease, and isn't approved to terminate what was a 10-year lease executed in December 2021. Oath Pizza has closed the restaurant at 67 Memorial Highway. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton Oath Pizza has closed the restaurant at 67 Memorial Highway. Picture credit score: Ronni Newton
Keep in mind, in case you have any business news to share, add it within the feedback part under or e mail Ronni Newton at [email protected]. Like what you see right here? Click on right here to subscribe to We-Ha’s e-newsletter so that you’ll at all times be within the find out about what’s occurring in West Hartford! Click the blue button under to change into a supporter of We-Ha.com and our efforts to proceed producing high quality journalism. https://guesthype.co.uk/?p=3286&feed_id=5120&cld=643cd9cb3edac
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PDX Coffee Outside, 12 Feb 2022
PDX Coffee Outside, 12 Feb 2022
Ah, PDX Coffee Outside, I love you. Yet the last time I had participated in PDX Coffee Outside was the end of November. I had hoped to do one since then, but crappy weather through December and the Omicron surge through January (which cancelled the event) meant it didn’t happen. So I was happy when it came back around a couple weeks ago. Saturday February 12 turned out to be a beautiful day–a…
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