blackmensuited · 19 days
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chio-chan2artbox · 8 months
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Variations of the groom’s suit because why not
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cadavercrafts · 23 days
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I told them i would make a caketopper before they even planned to get married, you cannot escape me!! And i thiiiiink this is my favourite caketopper yet? Simply because it's so teeny tiny and i think the pose they chose is so sweet. Sculpting suits is hell but the tigerstripes made up for it because those are so fun to paint <3
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ginboysblog · 3 months
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amazonmandy · 19 days
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New Commissions: a beautiful pair of grooms for an upcoming wedding! I was so happy to be able to make these suits for a very special day! Hopefully I will be sharing some wedding photos of them in the coming months. The light blue one was based on an ouji outfit one of them liked, the other is an original.
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h50europe · 1 year
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Merthur on their wedding day. Blame my muse. He can be such an annoying bitch at times...
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bojonishop · 11 months
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Bojoni Valencia Suits Colletion | Gio Collection
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mensuited · 1 year
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stoicmike · 1 year
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Were you there? I was. Also I've been looking for a chance to use some tasty hors d'oeuvres in a collage. Not that I knew how to spell hors d'oeuvres, let alone pronounce what sounds like oh doove
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blackmensuited · 2 months
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buzzbid · 5 months
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Mens Grooms Sherwani/Indo Western Wedding wear collection. mens dress. Designer Indian Classic Sherwani, Gift for Him. Please find Link for get more Detail as more pattern on same fabric visit our store from below Link
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belindamaryhale · 6 months
It's Spring and as ever people are proposing! Happy them but how soon to wed??  They say 9 months with good reason, 6 at least to plan ahead but longer for others..far longer in fact.. nurses waiting the longest it would seem.. so my regular 6 months ahead seasonal board has to be a solstice extra Autumn Wedding!
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engagekiss · 1 year
(🕷️) May this angel request names related to being a Groom/Husband? If you're okay with that.
Stealing some of these for myself if I’m being completely honest. Hope you like them.
✦ Sposo … Novi … Espone … Marino … Marito … Mister … Myster … Rite* … Monsieur … Sieur … Sposiel
* Like, “Mister Right.” That’s all my commentary this time.
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baby-girl-e · 2 years
are you still open for icemav fic based on your spotify wrapped playlist? if yes, can i request song number 10 on your playlist? but if not, feel free to skip this request hehe thank you very much in advance!
Yes of course I'm still taking submissions!!! I will be until every one of the songs are written for, however long that takes!
Song number 10 is Always Forever by Cults!
Now this one is going to be more based on the vibe of the song rather than the lyrics! I've always thought of this song to be a very sappy love song, like the singer was just hopelessly in love, so I thought what better way to convey that then Ice and Mavs very unofficial wedding! This is told in Ice's POV and it's unbeta'd and a whopping 3.2k words so.... good luck! This one really got away from me but I love it so here:
Ice and Maverick had decided to get married fairly early on. To any out couple the speed at which they’d talked about marriage was about as fast as the tomcat’s they flew but it really made sense to them. Sure they weren’t really getting married, by legal standards at least, but to them and their friends that knew it meant just as much. Ice had been the first to bring it up on their first anniversary and scared the shit out of Pete but he recovered quickly and said it was indeed something he had wanted. 
So here they were the night before their wedding, sitting on the couch in the lowlight of the almost burned out lamp and the moon filtering in from the blinds, holding each other while the radio played some love song in the background. Tom had never felt so content in his whole life, his future husbands in his arms while he played with his fingers, Pete had a proclivity for twisting his fingers around Tom’s ring finger lately and he imagines it’ll only become more frequent after they exchange rings the next day. It’ll break his heart to have to put it on his dog tags when they go to work, but they have a few days off after the wedding so he won’t worry too much just yet. 
“Baby?” Pete’s soft voice broke him out of his thoughts.  
“Yeah?” Tom continued to play their fingers together, Pete halfway on his lap with his back to Tom’s chest. 
“We’re doing the right thing right? Getting married?” Pete didn’t sound doubtful, but he did sound like he was making sure Tom didn’t have any doubts. 
“You still love me right?” Tom knew the answer, but he wanted to hear him say it. 
“Of course! Why would you say that!?” His answer was immediate and rushed as though Tom suggesting he didn’t love him was akin to him saying he hated flying. 
“I know but I wanted to prove a point. As long as you love me and I love you we’re doing the right thing.”
“But what about-” Tom cut him off by wrapping his arm around his waist and turning him slightly to face him. 
“No but’s Pete. We love each other and that’s all that matters okay? Yeah it’s not the safest option but when have you ever chosen the safest option? I seem to remember telling a certain pilot he was dangerous and he never left.” 
“Yeah I think it turned him on a little too.” That got Pete a gentle slap to the side. 
“You’re insatiable, you know that?” The little smirk on his face told Ice that yes he did. 
“I have it on good authority that you like that.” 
Tom just laughs and shakes his head and releases Pete slightly so he can relax back into his chest. His heart was swelling with love and he couldn’t help but just swim in his love for a moment. He felt like a teenager in love, his whole body aware of the man beside him. Part of him wanted to fucking bat his eyelashes and sigh like they did in the movies for christsake. 
“You and me Pete. Always, forever.” He knew it was quite literally the sappiest thing he could’ve said but to hell with it. He loved Pete Mitchell and he wanted him to know it. 
“Always forever.” He repeated the words back to him like they were the most natural words in the world. He supposed they were. 
The next morning they woke together and had breakfast in their kitchen before Pete headed to Carole’s to get ready. They thought that the whole spending the night apart before the wedding thing was silly, especially because for one they didn’t want to spend any night apart and for another they weren't a traditional couple anyways. 
As for their wedding attire they just went with simple black tuxedos, not really comfortable wearing their dress white’s even if they would’ve for a legal wedding. They didn’t want the Navy to have any part of their day, they had already taken so much. 
With Pete at the Bradshaw’s Tom had time to really think about what he was about to do. What this meant for him. He was about to get married in private, without his parents there, and even against the fucking law. He was essentially tying himself to a sinking ship. Even one of those things should’ve scared the shit out of him but he was as calm as he’s ever been. 
The whole secret thing was a given, they were prepared to live their entire lives together in private. They couldn’t read the future and they didn’t dare to get their hopes up. Getting married without his parents there stung a little, but he’d been prepared for this to be the case. He really hadn’t ever planned on getting married anyways, knowing early on that he wasn’t like the other boys. Now, going against the law was the only thing that freaked him out a little. He prided himself on following the rules, it was the only way he could survive for the longest time, but now he was doing the one thing that could slap him with a dishonorable discharge before he could even blink. 
But he had Pete. 
That’s what kept him from freaking out this entire time. If he had Pete he could be slapped with a hundred dishonorable discharges and he wouldn’t care. Yes he was tying himself to a sinking ship but Pete would be there to pull him up. He was sure. 
He was in his tuxedo and then went to grab Pete’s ring when he heard the door open and shut. 
“Babe you know it’s bad luck to see me before the wedding right?” He shouted out to who he thought was Pete, inevitably forgetting something. 
“Well I’ve always known you loved me but should you really call me babe? I don’t need shortstack beating me to a pulp with all of his pent up small energy.” 
Slider? How was he here? He was supposed to be in Florida for the next six months teaching. He ran out and sure enough, there was his best friend standing in his living room in a nice suit. 
“Slider!!” Tom ran to him and picked him up into the tightest hug he’s ever given the man. 
“Hey Tom, glad to see me?” Tom set him down and put his hands on his shoulders. He really couldn’t believe it. 
“Glad? I’m ecstatic! How are you here? I thought you were supposed to be in Florida?” he hadn’t checked his dates wrong had he?
“I was but it seems that your husband-to-be knows the right people. Apparently he asked Viper to get me home for a few days and it looks like he delivered.” The ever thoughtful Pete. He loved his future husband so goddamn much. And if it were possible to send the card without outing himself he would send Viper a thank you note. 
“Ron, I’m getting married.” It was suddenly hitting him now that he was indeed about to be a husband. 
“Yeah buddy, I’m here to walk you down the aisle okay?” Tom looked at him with eyes that rivaled Bradley's when Carole agreed to let him sleep over at his uncles’ house. 
“You’d do that? For me?” He knew it was a stupid question but he could’nt help it.
“Tom, I’d take a bullet for you. Of course I’d walk you down the aisle.” 
“And I am doing the right thing right?” He found himself repeating Pete’s question from the night before, now understanding where he was coming from.
“Tom, this is coming from someone who hasn’t always liked Mitchell so I hope you’ll know I’m being serious. You are about to make the most right choice you’ll ever make in your entire life. That man that pulled strings to get me here and is currently pacing poor Caroles living room is the most right person for you. He absolutely adores you so much it’s disgusting sometimes. I’m confident that this is the one thing in your life you can’t possibly regret. That and flying with me I think.” 
His friend's words hit him like a truck and he knows they’re all true. Pete is his everything and he knows he means just as much to him. He can do this. 
He tells Slider as much and he gives one of the grooms a pat on his back before walking him out. They take Slider's car so that Ice can nervously wring his fingers together on the drive. They arrive at the Bradshaw residence, which was chosen for their spacious backyard and high fences for privacy, and Ice can see the subtle decoration of white roses on the front porch. They didn’t want to draw attention and if they were caught they could easily play it off as a fancy party among friends but that didn’t stop Carole from doing what she could to make it feel like a wedding. 
“You ready for this Tommy?” Slider looked over to his anxious friend and grinned. 
“More than you’ll ever know.” Ice was the most excited he’s ever been for anything. 
They go in through the front door and find Carole waiting there for them. She had planned out the entire thing, Pete was to go out first walking down the makeshift aisle to wait for Tom at the end. 
“Hey Tom, excited?” She was grinning ear to ear in her nice pink dress and bouquet of flowers. She was going to be their only bridesmaid, accompanied down the aisle by their only groomsman, nine year old Bradley. In the small audience there would be a few aviators, Chipper and Sundown, Hollywood and Wolfman, and Merlin. 
“Ecstatic Carole, thanks for this.” He gave the woman a hug but when she pulled away she had a very mischievous look on her face. 
“If there was one more surprise would you totally kill us?” Tom couldn’t possibly imagine there was more than Slider but out walked Mike Metcalf himself. His heart dropped at the sight of the CO. Had they really been found out already? 
“Take a breath son, nobody's reporting you.” He had his hands out and he approached Tom like he was a wild animal. “I figured it out on my own a few weeks ago and when I called Carole today I asked if I could walk Pete down the aisle. He just didn’t want you to be blindsided in the middle of the ceremony.” 
His fiance was ever thoughtful. He never wanted to hurt him, even if it meant hiding while Mike made himself known before they started the ceremony. 
“Oh, well thank you sir. I’m sure Pete’s glad to have you walk him down the aisle. He speaks very highly of you.” 
“Damn Kazansky, at least call me Viper if you’re going to marry my godson. I’m going to get back to him so we can get things started, I bet you’re just as anxious as he is.” 
“That I am sir. I’ve wanted him to be my husband for a long time.” Viper gave him a look for calling him sir again but walked away to no doubt find Pete. 
Carole followed him with Bradley in tow, as they were the ones starting the procession. They had decided on a classic love song to both walk down the aisle to, not wanting a traditional wedding march to tip off any unsuspecting neighbors. Pete had probably ever Nat King Cole record to ever exist and they often danced in their living room together to his songs so it was only fitting for the opening notes to “When I Fall In Love” to play out softly in the backyard. 
Slider offered his arm to his best friend and he took it, tearing up slightly. 
“I’m so proud of you Tom. Truly.” Even Ron was tearing up. Tom didn’t trust his voice to say much else but gave him a nod before they walked out to the back porch. 
It had been decorated with grocery store flowers and his friends in folding chairs. The arch that usually stood in the Bradshaw garden was placed about a hundred feet away and his love stood beneath it with Viper by his side. Pete was a sight to see and he nearly stopped breathing. Sure he had seen Pete all dolled up but this was different. This was for their wedding. Slider gave him a little nudge and they proceeded down the aisle, Nat King Cole playing in the background. 
He never took his eyes away from Pete’s, wanting to soak up as much of this as he could, and even gave him a wink. Pete blushed slightly but never faltered in his eye contact nor his smile. This man had him in his pocket, he knew right then that he would do anything for him. Give up anything for him. 
He reached the end of the aisle and Ron released his arm. He gave his friend a hug and mumbled a thank you before turning to take Pete’s hands. He definitely didn’t miss the subtle elbow nudge Pete and Slider had given each other. 
“Hi.” He wasn’t shy, he just didn’t know what else to say. 
“Hey, wanna get married?” Tom laughed and Viper stood behind them to begin the ceremony. 
“Hello everyone, you all know me as I was once your instructor, but today I’m here as a godfather. A couple weeks ago I found out that these two had finally figured their shit out and decided to get married.” That got a small laugh out of their guests. 
“Now I know they’ve been together a lot longer than a few weeks, but to me the news was the best I could’ve ever got at that moment. I had the privilege to see them meet for the first time and to witness first hand how much love had been there even in the beginning. They weren’t as subtle as I’m sure they thought they were and I knew they weren’t paying any attention to me that first day.” 
Pete hung his head in mock shame and Tom threw his back in laughter. He really thought he was slick. 
“From that day on, I had hoped they would one day fall in love and well… I’m so glad I got to witness it. Boys, I’m terribly sorry things have to happen this way, but I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say we have your back.” He was met with cheers from the rowdy ‘86 boys, and Bradley joining in. 
“I’ve been told you prepared your own vows? Pete, if you'd like to go first?” He gave Pete a reassuring pat on the back and Pete released one of Tom's hands to pull a small folded paper from his pocket. 
“Tom, I’m not a man of words but I’m going to give it a try. No time like the present. I love you more than I can ever express and I’m so grateful to have you as my wingman forever. You flew into my life at the exact right moment, and saved my life. I know you always say I saved yours up there the day of the Layton rescue but really you saved mine. After losing Goose I was so lost, but you were there to guide me back. If you’ll let me, I want to vow to always guide you back. To be there for you forever.” 
He had said those last words with such finality that Tom teared up along with Pete. He knew he meant it. 
“I have mine memorized so, ha.” He quipped at his almost husband and earned himself a loving eye roll. “Pete, you amaze me. Every day with you I discover something new and wonderful about you and myself and I am so thankful I get to witness your magic up close. As I was thinking about what to say, a conversation I had had years ago came to mind. Back in 1986 the day you had ditched us playing volleyball to go on your date with Charlie, and I won't be holding that against you okay?” 
Pete laughed and mumbled an apology before Tom continued, “But that day when we were walking back to base from the beach I pulled Goose aside to ask him where you had gone. He told me that you were on a date. I asked “with who” because I was obviously jealous, but he said he couldn’t tell me as he promised not to tell.” 
Pete was now actively crying at the mention of his late best friend and Tom paused to thumb away his tears. 
“Instead he told me something else. He told me ‘Tom, I just want him to be happy. I don’t think she’s the one, but I hope he finds them soon because he deserves to be loved that way.’ I don’t know why he said that to me, your proclaimed enemy at the time but I think some part of him knew. He was a perceptive fellow, it’s what made him such a good RIO, but he was especially attuned to you my love. I vow to live up to his words every day, to love you in the way you deserve, and in the way Nick had always wanted you to be loved.” 
Mav all but slammed into Tom with a hug, shaking with tears and he looked up to see Carole being cuddled by her son in the same way. Tears for her late husband evident on her face. Ever since he fell in love with Pete he felt her pain. If he ever lost Pete he didn’t know how he could go on. 
“I’ll make this quick as I know you're anxious for this next part.” Pete had released Tom and his tears were replaced by buzzing energy, he was about to be a husband and he was nearly shaking with the excitement from it. 
“Thomas “Iceman” Kazansky, do you take this man to be your husband?” Finally. 
“I do.” He had never been so sure about anything in his life. 
“Peter “Maverick” Mitchell, do you take this man to be your husband?” 
“I do.” Pete was looking him dead in the eye and he could see the certainty. Deadly serious. 
“Then by the power given to me by Mrs. Bradshaw this morning, I now pronounce you husbands. Please kiss each other already.” He stepped aside for the grooms to have their moment and for Carole to step out and get the perfect shot. 
Tom pulled Pete into a kiss and sure by definition it wasn’t the best one they’ve ever shared because they were smiling through it, but it was the best one because it was their first one as husbands. They weren’t husbands by law but they could care less, they were married in the only ways that mattered. They had vowed to love each other forever and they didn’t need their government to sign off on it. 
When they pulled back Tom rested his forehead on Pete’s and breathed in the moment. Tom didn’t mind if they stayed alone together, he’d keep their love a secret forever if it meant he got to keep it. Always, forever. 
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amazonmandy · 1 month
Two Grooms 💙
New Commissions: a beautiful pair of grooms for an upcoming wedding! I was so happy to be able to make these suits for a very special day! Hopefully I will be sharing some wedding photos of them in the coming months. The light blue one was based on an ouji outfit one of them liked, the other is an original.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 10 months
All Joker Wedding scenes - Persona 5 Tactica by Faz
Nice to see I got some silhouettes kind of right, when I drew all the Persona 5 girls in wedding dresses for JuneBridesGrooms 2021.  ^_^  But now that they have official wedding dress styles, I want to draw these. 
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