#Guest Staring Duke because he's awesome and should be in more things
lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of it - a Visitor
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: T, violence, swearing.
Word Count: 1968
Summary: A Jason from a different timeline appears in Andy's house. He has the letter 'J' branded on his face.
Sometimes it hit Andy that her best friend was an on-again off-again crime lord and an unrepentant killer.
She had a tumultuous relationship with crime herself. She was a felon after all, even if she contested her guilt, it wasn’t a label that came off. Any neat little ideas she was raised with about good people and bad people had been blasted off by the pressure washer of life. 
Sometimes when Jason did something particularly adorable, which was alarmingly frequent, she remembered the new cellmate she got halfway through her sentence. She was in on nonviolent charges but nobody was fooled, she had turned herself in just to get off the streets. That new Red Hood guy had a bone to pick with her. 
The woman stared up at the guard towers in the yard on her first day and asked why there weren’t any spotlights facing outside the prison. She would wake up with a start and stare at through the bars in terror. Every shadow was suspicious. And she wasn’t the only one. Andy, a bookish nineteen year old afraid of making prolonged eye contact, found herself one of few inmates not afraid of the dark.
Really, only the sex workers weren’t afraid of Gotham’s latest nightmare. And wasn’t that bizarre?
Andy once saw Jason cut a radish into a perfect tiny little teddy bear to place atop a bowl of tonkatsu curry, purely because the recipe’s photo included a radish teddy bear and like hell was he going to miss out. This was the man her remorseless murderer cellmate cowered from. Gave up her freedom to escape.
There was that one rumour about a duffel bag of heads. Her cellmate never shut up about it. Andy dismissed it as the invention of terrified thugs with nothing to do on long stints of guard duty.
Having met Jason’s dramatic side, she was pretty sure she owed Cheesewire Wendy an apology.
She still struggled to picture it though. She understood Jason was capable of incredible violence. Intellectually, it was very scary. In practice… in practice she never felt safer than when he was around. Even in the helmet, he flustered her, but she wasn’t afraid of him.
Then she met the Arkham Knight. 
She was on her way home in broad daylight, walking down the corridor of her apartment complex, when she saw a bright strobing light under her own front door. A bizarre sound that made her ears pop rang out and then died at the same time as the light. She frowned, balancing her groceries to rifle through her handbag for her keys, and unlocked the door. 
“Jason, what are you-” She froze. 
She didn’t recognise the man standing in her living room. No, she did recognise him, right down to the way he pointed his gun at her face. He had a ‘J’ branded onto his cheek. In his other hand he loosely held the white and black civilian leather jacket Jason had left here last weekend. 
Andy put her hands up and didn’t move. Her groceries fell to the floor and loose tomatoes and a tin of coconut cream rolled across the hard wood. 
“Shut the door.”
She did as she was told then put her hands back up again. 
He looked at her through cold blue eyes, assessing. He was in military style armour, to her inexperienced eyes, with hard metal plates all over the upper body. A blue and black high tech looking helmet sat high up on his head. He had more weapons on him than she could count.
He had Jason’s face, but not his build, he was shorter, slighter, with pinched features, and there was something hunched about the way he held his upper body.  There was no bat on his chest. 
“You know me.” His voice was unmistakable. 
“I… I don’t know if I do.” 
His lips pursed and he lowered the gun. She didn’t think that was permission to lower her hands. 
“You know the me from this world.” He dropped the jacket on the back of her wheelie chair and cast his eyes over her apartment. Jason’s presence in her life had changed it, sure, but only in small ways. Surely that wasn’t enough to tell him anything? 
What he meant about ‘this world’ was too mad to be true. She stared into blue eyes that had been green for as long as she had known them. He didn’t recognise her. He recognised Jason’s coat. He had a fucking ‘J’ branded onto his face. It was too weird to question when there was a strange man with a gun in her house. 
“Don’t try to deny it. Did he retire from being the perfect and loyal little soldier?” He stalked towards her. “Pretend Gotham is fixed, that he can relax? That he’s safe?” 
“I- I don’t-” she shook her head desperately. “Jason isn’t a soldier. I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 
Maybe he was Jason Todd from another world. But he wasn’t the Red Hood. She had only ever made Jason one promise, and that was to never tell anyone his secret, not even people who already seemed to know. 
He stopped about a foot away from her and glared. Being smaller than her Jason didn’t make him any less terrifying. She blinked frantically, trying to clear the unshed tears of terror from her eyes. She couldn’t go to pieces now, she couldn’t.
After a long moment he scoffed. He stepped back. IF anything he looked kind of put out. She let her hands fall. They were shaking. 
“Can I pick up my things?” she asked.
He grunted. She took it as a yes and crouched down to start rounding up fruit and vegetables. He moved to go look out the windows. She snuck her phone from her pocket, lowered the volume to nothing, and quick-dialled Jason. She put it in the paper grocery bag and put the whole thing on the dining table. 
She cleared her throat and gathered her courage. “What do you want from Jason?” 
He looked at her sidelong. His hands rested lightly on the guns in his thigh holsters. 
“What do you want from me?” she asked. It came out as a rasping whisper. 
“What’s your name?” 
“What could I possibly want from you, Andrea?”
“I don’t know. You’re in my apartment. I assumed… for a reason?”
“I can tell you what you should have assumed: that the rest of your life is directly tied to whether or not you piss me off. By, say, calling someone.”
She froze. 
He crossed the room, leisurely, like some prowling creature, and reached over her to grab her phone out of the bag. 
She glimpsed the glowing screen. The green phone symbol for an active call floated over the contact name: ‘Still Has my Casserole Dish’, then the call duration of four minutes and counting. 
The intruder glanced at it, unimpressed. “You can keep the casserole dish,” he said, and ended the call. 
He unclipped one of his guns. 
The windows exploded in a blast of blinding light. 
She didn’t know what happened next, only the sounds of a scuffle, a gun fired twice, and she caught sight of yellow light armour blurring in her compromised vision, before she was standing behind the Signal. 
“Who the hell are you?” the intruder growled, as his helmet snapped down over his face. It’s face lit up with LEDs. 
Signal cocked his head and the LEDs immediately died again half a second before darkness flooded the whole room. The Signal grabbed her and hauled her out the window. 
They were swinging through the air before she fully processed what happened. 
A couple of gunshots followed them, and then silence. 
She looked back, as they stumbled onto a roof.
“Keep going,” Signal said, and pulled her forwards to swing across to a building not in line of sight of her apartment. 
They landed on the bare roof of an abandoned motel. There was no sound of pursuit. It set dread in her stomach. 
What kind of Jason Todd let his target go so easily? Signal looked around, not letting her get too far from him.  
“I don’t know who you’re supposed to be,” an all too familiar voice drawled from above. “Out in the daylight with your meta abilities, but all bats are the same at the end of the day. Predictable.” 
They spun and looked up. Standing perched on the edge of the neighbouring office building was their pursuer. He had a rifle slung over his shoulder. 
Signal stepped in front of Andy and spread his arms. 
A shot rang out, and the foreign Jason staggered forward with a burst of blood. He was hauled backwards before he could fall. Red Hood hit him in the gut.
“Time to get out of here,” Signal said. 
She couldn’t tear her eyes from the sight of the two fighting, what little she could see from this angle at last. 
“We are not hanging around to see the show, lady, they are both shooting live rounds.”
That shook her enough to let him pull her away and swing down to an empty alleyway several blocks away. Andy was beside herself with worry, but Signal wouldn’t let her panic. There were other allies closing in on their location apparently. 
Signal checked her for injuries and made her drink half a bottle of water. A Narrows accent was sneaking its way through the gaps in his suspiciously generic Gotham accent. It was calming. 
“What’s your name?” he asked. 
“Andy. Um. Andrea. But call me Andy.”
“Ha, take that Nightwing.” 
She blinked a couple of times. “What?”
“Hood talks about you all the time. Never says your name though.” He shrugged. “We were curious.” 
“Curious about what?” She asked, both her eyebrows rising. She had to be the least interesting person any of them knew. 
Signal just smiled and shrugged again. She got the feeling she was on the outskirts of some in-joke. 
Before she could chase it up, Red Hood landed heavily on the pavement at the alley’s opening. He was alone.
He stalked towards her, radiating fury and danger. The shaking, panicky thing inside of her chest calmed. He didn’t stop advancing until he was looming over her. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked. The voice modulator did a bad job disguising how upset he was. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she said, her eyes narrowed in on the cracks over the front of his helmet. Blood was smeared over his side. “Are you-”
“It’s not mine.” 
“And the other guy?” Signal asked. 
“Back to his own universe, I think. He disappeared mid-fight. O’s keeping an eye out in case we have any more visitors.”
Signal nodded. “That’s my cue then. Nice meeting you, Andy!” 
He shot his grapple gun and disappeared into the blinding afternoon light. 
Red Hood let out a shaky breath. He took off his helmet to reveal a domino mask underneath. He ran a hand through his loose curls. 
“You have to be more careful,” he said. “He was going to kill you.”
“He was just in my house, I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Calling me was the right thing, but if Signal wasn’t in the area… I wouldn’t have made it in time.”
She sucked in a shaky breath and let it out again. She grabbed his arm just to steady herself.
He pulled her closer and hugged her tight. He leaned his forehead against hers. 
“Alternate you is a real asshole.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
She scoffed. “You called in the cavalry, you saved the day, you don’t get to be sorry.”
“Maybe.” He cupped the back of her head. She felt safe. “I’m going to teach you how to handle yourself in a situation.”
“I don’t want to be in any situations,” she groused, hiding her head in his jacket. Oh, it was sticky. Gross.
“You’re always getting into a situation.”
She sighed.
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moonfox281 · 7 years
Hey! I just read your billionarechild!Dick and racecardriver!Jason story, and I love it, as well as your writing style. My prompt surrounds the A/O/B universe in which Timothy(beta), Jason(alpha), Damian(alpha) fight over Dick(omega). --Extra optional ideas would be: Jason gluing Damian to the ceiling, Tim baking Dick cookies, Jason seducing Dick with his scent, Dick hiding from them by using Bruce as cover, Alfred secretly shipping them together, and a wonderful foursome-- anyways, thanks!
Haha, okay, I know I should have posted this way long ago, and I’ m such a shitty writer for making the owner of this prompt waited this long, sorry about that, I had… still have a crazy schedule for classes and a marketing campaign waiting ahead. Just for you to know, it took me one week to fight down the embarrassment to write the porn part, one week!
You should give me some credit, the old me would have written any.
The art of courting
(Word count: 3,245)
To read it on AO3: potato 
In a wolf pack, there were various subordinates, who dominated the omega. The omega was the lowest. It was the baby-sitter and usually more puppy than wolf. The same worked for the Wayne’s pack. Everyone who had met Dick thought he was a complete sugar cone covered in maple syrup besides from being sex on the stick (except when you pissed him off, nobody wanted to go down that road). Diana once said Dick had stolen all the light from others in his pack for being a walking sunlight living in the Cave of Bats and brooding men. Normally, the alphas would only take about ten to twenty percent of the pack, because a kingdom only needed one king. However, though, life wasn’t just that simple, at least in Gotham, in a particular abnormal family.
“Go snarl at your zoo, Demon Brat. I’m not giving the phone to you!” Jason grunted and only one step away from baring his teeth toward the boy’s neck.“Why would Grayson want to waste his breath on a failure like you, Todd. I demand you to hand me the phone, right now!” “He called me, prick! Me!” “He asked about me!”
The two continued to scream at each other like a couple of 4 years old fighting for a toy. Dick’s voiced out in confusion and worry from the speaker of the cell phone in Jason’s hand. Damian’s attempt to jump on the older man’s shoulder and snatch the device away successfully made Jason swing around and groan like a lunatic.“Get off me, you fuck!” “What’s going on!!?” Dick’s muffled voice spoke out from the phone.“Oh, don’t worry. It’s nothing.” Jason sounded so light and casual it made the scene looked ridiculous as he shoved his palm at a clinging Damian’s face when the boy reached both of his hands out for the phone.“Richard! Todd is bullying me! I need you! When will you be home?”
Jason flushed a beat red when he saw Damian’s evil smirk.“You little…”   “Jason! What did I just hear?” Dick voiced exploded through the speaker and Jason counted down from 10 to 1 just to suppress the need to choke Damian with his bare hands.
The war was on.
“Dick! Welcome home.” Tim flashed a thousand waltz smile at he took Dick’s bag away from his hand and gave the man a tight hug.“Hey there, baby bird.”
Tim laughed at the nickname, no matter how much he had outgrown Dick, Tim would always be his “baby bird”.  “How was the flight?” He asked as he led Dick to the kitchen instead of his room or Bruce’s office to greet the man. Tim got his plan, his own strategy of winning the Omega’s heart and everything must work. He had been waiting for chances like this since the first day he saw the older man on the trapeze with his family, there was no way he was gonna let this opportunity down without a fight, because, apparently, there were two imbecile Alphas in this house who didn’t know there reaches and limits at all.“It was exhausted. I got jetlag, and the man sitting behind me just kept talking nonstop throughout all the flight.” Dick flopped down to the marble table, looking tired and sleepy. The sight was kicking Tim’s feeling and even with the instinct of a Beta not as strong as an Alpha, he still ached to reach out and pull the Omega into his chest, and just protect him from stupid petty things like that.“You should have let Bruce pay for the flight.” Or him, or Damian, or Jason, for hell anyone in this family could have definitely bought the whole plane for him, even Dick with his parents’ fortune. “Nah, I’m fine with the economy seat.”
Of course he was, he always was. And that made Tim loved him more than ever.“Anyway, I’ve got a surprise for you. I hope it can make you feel better.” He turned to the fridge and opened it, smiling at Dick because God knew how the eldest could only see emotional affection when it got shoved up his face.“You’re always so caring, Timmy.”
Only when it came to you.
But Dick didn’t need to know that, at least not yet.
“I learned from the bes−”
It was empty…
How the #&*@^ could it be empty!!!?His dish full of dark chocolate Pistachio sea salt cookie and chocolate mint thumbprints, WHERE WERE THEY???????????!
Dick called out when Tim slammed his forehead on the nearest tray of the fridge, eyes dry and threatened to fall out as he continued to stare at the empty spot where he had written in his heart to leave the cookies there.His first ever attempt to cook and now it had flown to nowhere. Bruce wouldn’t eat anything if it was not shoved at his face, couldn’t be Alfred either, the man wouldn’t touch anything other than his own hand made food. Cass and Harper hadn’t been home for a while, and Duke got this Gluten allergy that he desperately hid from others because apparently only he thought it was embarrassing. Who could have…
Those two imbeciles.
“Timmy, are you okay?” Dick’s hand was on his shoulder and he got that concern in his butter voice that made Tim want to melt down the floor.New plan, he needed to think of something else right now! This was his golden chance, Dick got his full attention on him, and Bruce was out at work, Alfred went for grocery, Jason and Damian were God knew somewhere, biting their heads off. No one could interfere them now.“My surprise.”  
He snatched his head out of the fridge and wrapped a hand around Dick’s waist, pulling him chest flat to him and kicking the fridge door close with the back of his foot.Point score for being awesome, Timothy Drake.
Dick’s eyes went to the size of saucer and the small gape between his lips was making the wolf inside Tim chasing its own tail.“My welcome home kiss, Dick.”
Yes, this was perfect, he was a genius, of course he was a genius! He should have thought about this before but who knew, improvisation beat the unpredictable predicament.Dick was flushing, and that was a total buff to Tim’s self-esteem. For all he had met, none could win over the cuteness of this Omega, and this was coming from the second Greatest Detective. How sweet things had turned to be…
Out of all reason, Tim never could possibly think this perfect perfect moment could be cut by a cast iron in the head. But ouch, it did, and it hurt, a lot.“What are you doing to my sexy Batman!”
Steph stepped over the body of a groaning Timothy Drake on the floor and decided to drop the heavy kitchen subject right on his head, knocking out what was left of the male Beta’s consciousness.“I saved you, Dick! You see that? I saved…”
When she turned back to look at her supposed to be damsel in distress, Dick was gone, leaving behind hurry thuds of footstep in the hall way that he didn’t even bother to hide.
Jason watched around as he slowly sneaked out of the guest room and closed the door as quiet as possible. Time like this did the all Bat training and Robin school come in handy. Now, back to the main course, today was the day. Dickie was back from his 2 months mission with the Titans and probably going to pop his bouncy feet in this place at any second, Alfred and the B man were both out, thank fucking God, that test tube incubus was handled, and now there were only one target left to wipe out of his way, the swan princess. Or ex-swan princess now that Tim decided to put on the green, red and yellow because Old man didn’t make him Robin so why not making his own suit and just stick another R in the chest then stand next to the Bat like everyone wouldn’t give a fuck.No, actually, fuck that, not that he had ever given any fuck about all the weird shit in this family, the only reason why he was here today was because a certain bird was back, and that certain bird was happened to be someone Jason used to think about when jacking off, a lot, while he was still that “Hello, sir” kind of boy when Bruce first took him in, and someone he had tried to court for God knew how long since he came back and had all but turned into that “Even your Daddy calls me Daddy too” kind of guy.  
Speaking about it, he should probably call Dick to check on him. The guy had taken a plane from Chicago back here and probably had jetlag due to his poor stomach and crap living habits.It wasn’t that Jason was a neat freak, or that he cared… no, fuck that, he wasn’t some teen boy in denial shit, he was a grown ass man now and he got his shits together, he probably cared more that he had ever thought he would let himself to in the past or even the future. But he did, he did and that sacred the fuck out of him but who cared, Jason Todd could take down armies of aliens and League of Assassin’s soldiers, that blew up 16 years old boy with a puppy crush ain’t gonna stop this him now from reaching what he wanted.
His nose picked up a familiar scent that had put the 13 years old him into his first ever rut, and crap, even this 23 years old Jason now could still have a hard on for it.Dick’s ringtone was surprisingly near and in mere minute, there he was, his puberty’s nightmare, dressed in ripped jeans, white rolled up sleeve t-shirt and those black combat boots that Jason knew was his gift to the older men from last Christmas. Shit, his dick needed to shut up!      
“Jay!” Dick pulled him into a hug that tight enough to make Jason uncomfortable and push him off because there was no need to make his boner more obvious. Dick, the forever idiot he was, didn’t know how much he could possibly screw a person’s mind, frowned and fucking pouted when being pushed away from his chest.“At least Damian let me hug him probably.”
Now didn’t that poke Jason at his itch spot.“Hey, maybe he’s just waiting for an opportunity to bite your head off.”“Ha ha.” Dick made a non emotional laugh as he arched his eyebrows at Jason. “Anyway, I’m glad to see you here, Jay.”
He could feel… could practically see that Dick wanted to ask why he was here, but he didn’t let it out, neither did Jason push it. Dick didn’t know the real answer, and Jason wasn’t in the mood for any shitty excuse. It wasn’t like he didn’t come to the Manor every once a month, making sure everyone was still fine, or at least alive, he didn’t turn off any invitation either, if they came from Dick or Alfred. Dick’s gaze shifted down and this time, he was the one to step back. It was then that Jason realized they hadn’t really back off each other’s personal space after the hug. Dick got that little pinkish on his cheeks and his eyes were a little heavy like something was slowly drugging him.It took a moment for Jason’s head to tick, but when it did, it made him smile, then the smile turned to a smirk, and it just kept widen as he realized it was his scent that caused Dick to look like that. Jason was fairly aware that being a high-ranked Alpha meant that he could weaken Omegas’ knees just by walking pass them. Roy once complained that his scent was strong enough to even irritate another close by Alphas. If one thing the Pit did good, was that it leveled up his cast and enhance his scent, turning him completely into a predator, a weapon fueled by anger and revenge.
“Um… Jay?” Dick took another step back as he stared up at Jason with wide eyes, watching his brother slowly towered over him. “Hum? Is there a problem, Dickie?” He leaned on further, ready to back Dick up the wall and trap him under his frame. Jason was being a douche and totally loved every moment of it.“J… would you move, please?” Dick was looking down now and it must certainly feel wrongly pleasurable for an Omega to stand this close to an Alpha like him.“Nah, I think I like the view too much.” Jason would be lying if he didn’t admit that being this near to Dick affected him too. Dick had always smelled good, not in an Omega way, but in his own way. The sweetness from him got Jason’s skin tickle and his stomach hot. And Dick was definitely not looking much better.Who cared, maybe he could just sway Dick like this, using his scent and hey, maybe with this way, Dick would actually pay him a little more attention, now that he had realized his Little Wing was not so little anymore…
“What the…?”
Jason stayed stone dead as Dick waved his hand around the mist he had just sprayed on Jason, his face expressionless. “You’re too close.” That blush had disappeared and Dick got that teasing smile and cocky eyes back on him. Jason could feel, could smell that his scent had gone off, nothing was left around the air anymore. “Did you just fucking spray a scent blocker on me!!?” “… Maybe??!” Dick chirped, face wasn’t looking shameful at all.“Fu… you…!!!” “Relax, it’s a gift from Donna. She said it’s very effective, especially on hot head Alphas…” He stopped to take a sniff. “Couldn’t agree more.”“But I’m…” Jason snapped, and stopped a moment to suck on his cheeks until he knew how to put it together. “Well. I’m me! Why the hell did you think you would need that stupid thing around me?!!!”Dick shrugged, pursing his lips like he had no idea how that did things to Jason.“To be fair, I did tell you to step back. You looked like you were about to bite me in the neck.” Well, damn right if that was what he’d always wanted so far.“Hey, can’t blame the guy. You smell pretty great.” “You think so?”“Dickie, I know so.” He caught Dick chin with his fingers and lifted his face up, staring back at those wide blue eyes. “I know so.”
Jason Todd could be a chessy fuck when needed.  Unfortunately, Dick seemed to have none of that as he ducked under his arm and slipped right out of Jason’s frame. “Nice to see you too, brother.” Jason could feel the last word was heavily emphasized. “Now, would you excuse me, I’ve got to…”“Wait! Not that door−”
Too late, Dick opened it and didn’t take near 5 seconds to glare up and realized the odd.“JASON!!! Why is Damian taped to the floor!!!”
Well fuck.
“Dick.”“Bruce.”“How was the flight?” Bruce took a deep breath and tried to act it normally.“It was fine. How was work?”“Nothing out of my hand.”“Great.” Dick chirped.“Great.” He muttered back, unknowing what else to say. “Dick…”“Don’t.”“Dick,”“No.”Bruce sighed.“Dick, why are you hiding on my back?”
Dick let out a series of muffle noise from behind, face pushed flush against the plain of his suit. It wasn’t like carrying the weight of a full grown muscular vigilante was much of a deal for Bruce, oh no, it couldn’t be. And it wasn’t because of the fact that Dick was a fresh, young, and untaken Omega, it could never be because of that. “Dick, again,” He cleared his throat. “What makes you think there’s wrong with your brothers?”  “It was all your fault.” Dick mumbled. “They grew up so fast.”
Down the hall, the sound of Titus and Ace racing in speed force toward them echoed to every corner… oh, his mistake, it was just his sons.
“Dick!” Tim yelled like he was afraid the dead wouldn’t be able to hear him. “I made another batch, taste my blood and sweat, they sacrificed for love!!!” The boy, with raven nest hair and black stains all over his face like someone had just dragged him out of a blown off building, wearing Alfred’s apron and oven mitt, laughed maniacally while pushing a fresh-baked cookie tray on both of his hands ahead toward his direction.“Don’t taste anything from this failure of a replica, Richard. It will poison your stomach!” Damian screamed as he jumped forward, holding a velvet box with a non-mistaken shiny diamond ring inside. “Marry me, beloved. And together, we shall rule the world!”“Don’t listen to those idiots! I showered 3 times, sniff me now! Hear my Alpha roar!!!”
Bruce almost faint when the sight of a half-naked Jason running with Damian and Tim toward his place like a pack of wildebeest hit his eyes.
“Hyaa, run Bruce, run!” Dick grope his suit and kicked his sides.
What on Earth had he done wrong in raising them??!
Heat was a bitch, and suppressants were not always on the doctor’s top suggestion, so times like this did lead Dick to the Manor for a short time, temporary hiding away from crime and all the responsibilities, because those three combined was never a good formula except for making disaster.However, Dick did not expect this.
“Open your mouth, cutie.” Jason whispered hoarsely as he bit on Dick’s lower lip, making him jump in surprise when that ruthless tongue swept inside and stirred everything up.
Tim’s hands lowered down to Dick’s navel and slowly rubbed small circles around the small bump that was his and Jason’s cock. Dick hissed and wrinkled around, head afloat and eyes half closed. He was high, way too high. And this was all their fault.Did he plan for spending a week at the Manor during his heat? Yes. Did he plan to spend it with his three brothers fucking him to the mattress? Absolutely not! And now he got two dicks shoved up his ass with Damian’s head bobbed up and down his own twitching member.What a cliché.
Jason thrust and Dick almost black out. His tongue was sticking out and every little movement from below made his head spark. Tim chuckled as he bit his earlobe, shifting a little, just a little but it was just enough to make his poor hole stretch and twitch in respond.
“He’s close.” Tim’s voice was hoarse, and God, didn’t he find that sexy.“We’ve widened him good, haven’t we?!” Jason chuckled as he leaned in and kissed Dick with all he got, licking the sweat around the corner of his mouth.Damian looked up and off Dick’s cock, eyes sparkling and teeth flashing.“We’re going to mark you, Richard.”
How on Earth that only on this moment, with Dick naked and shivering and moaning like a horny teenager, did these three find an agreement and work well together, he had no idea.
Seemed like, after all, Dick was the only thing they could find sharing acceptable.
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