fraserstanclub · 2 months
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don't fade away never fade
happy birthday @eddiediaaz!
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Annual HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE post miss u I hope you are having the greatest day bc you fully deserve 🎊💓🎉 @taylorswift
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evostar · 2 months
The designs and info about Luisa’s family!!
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Luissaaaaa!! Luisa is a pretty calm person (thanks to her husband) though with 1 person she is someone else. She doesn’t remember her father at all but every mention of him saddens her up easily. She has a bad relationship with Alma since Mirabel’s disappearance. She’s blaming Alma on it and is always in a fight with her. Luisa is a very kind and good mother, she cares more about her kids than anything she has. Giving birth to her children, julieta, pepa and Bruno was hard, mostly because mirabel wasn’t there, but also because of exhaustion. In her wedding mirabel was there, since she got married way earlier than Isabela. Luisa constantly lives in pressure and guilt, she misses her baby sister very much, her relationship with Isabela is great tough, she can’t handle both of her sisters gone yk?
She often wishes her kids to be closer and not mean to each other because she doesn’t want one of them to be gone one day and the others feeling like she had left. Luis is very thankful to have a husband like Diego, in her teens Diego was her life saver, the only other one than mirabel who could keep her calm. He has the purest heart in Luisa’s mind, she wonders what she would’ve done without him. And she ofc loves her pet birds too!! You can guess who they look like ;)
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Julieta, the oldest triplet, has it the worst of them. She keeps getting pressured which revolves her into forcing herself getting past her own limits. Julieta has many chores daily who take a lot of hard work and time. She gets help sometimes by her father or Tia, she never complains but she tells them that she can do it herself often too cause she fears them being disappointed. Julieta gets bad sleep which makes her get eye bags but she doesn’t want anyone to know, so she hides them with makeup, but because of her lack of sleep she falls asleep anywhere and anytime. Anywhere and anytime literally. The only one who knows about her struggles is her secret boyfriend agustin!! She knows she’s too “young” for love but she never can stop herself from loving him. He cares for her and does everything for her often which is so charming for her, he keeps her up on everything and daily brings her rare flowers he has picked up for her.
Julieta has a bad relationship with her siblings, well, more with pepa. Pepa and her are always fighting, she doesn’t know what pepa has against her but it makes her upset. She’s left out often and bullied by pepa. Her life gets harder with those burdens on her. Bruno is still on okay terms with her but he leaves her out too (mostly because of pepa) and he’s akward to her which makes her feel like she’s boring. Being the “best grandkid” isn’t so great. Also her hair is inspired by isabela’s!
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Pepa is feisty teenager. She is a mood but it’s not her fault often. Pepa has a lot of free time which she actually doesn’t like that much, she wishes her chores could be more but her gift isn’t that special. She is only friends with 2 people because she is bad with other teens, they either mock her, betray her or straight up do something bad. That’s why she only needs her 2 besties, Bruno and Félix! She loves Félix more than just best friends but she fears that if she steps out of line that she’s gonna destroy her friendship with him so she does everything to keep quiet. Pepa hates julieta with her guts, she hates how julieta gets all the paise, how she gets more chores, more people liking her. She hates everything about her. So she will make it visible.
Pepa is often like an forgotten child who never can find herself, she cares about her looks too much because of others or so that others could at least notice her. Though who she deeply loves are her primo Camilo and Bruno, they both make sure they’re here for her and pepa loves to prank people with his primo or make people scared with his brother very much. She was the one who was the happiest when they found out Dolores was a girl, she always treats Dolores like an little sister and is happy to have her too. She’s also a major daddy’s girl like Dolores used to be.
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Bruno who is done with his life is still holding on! He is pretty sassy but not the mean kind. Like his siblings he gets picked on too but his mama makes sure that they stop doing it to them and everyone fears Luisa so they pretty much stop. He only has little chores and he loves his free time, his gift is awful and he hates it often. He spends most of his free time napping or dealing with pepa’ a shit. He loves pepa, but being dragged here from there, the entire time and then needing to be there for her the entire time can be exhausting too. He feels very bad for julieta, he knows about her lack of sleep but he doesn’t say anything. (He’s scared pepa will do something.) Bruno is also the one who remembers the most from their Tia mirabel, he also loves his Tia, and her disappearance broke him a lot.
He feels very targeted by his grandmother but his mom always makes him feel better. He’s very much a mama’s boy like Camilo, he has often a mother-son lunch with Luisa and they just talk about anything. He still loves his dad very much!! He’s great friends with Antonio too! He loves to hang out with Antonio a lot, just finding him cool and chilling mostly. Sometimes he also likes to babysit Dolores, she gives him a lot of peace or never trouble. (His greatest friends are his rats)
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Diego my beloved is one of the sweetest man is the Encanto. He is an amazing husband an amazing father. His job is creating class, either if it’s shapes, decorations, plates etc. he wasn’t much of an approval of Alma but that doesn’t stop him from being included in the family. He’s a chubby and short dude so often Luisa picks him up like a teddy bear and carries him around while snuggling him. He makes sure Luisa doesn’t exhaust herself or eats and drinks, the same goes for his kids too. Diego got raised by a single dependented mother, his protectiveness came from her and he wouldn’t hesitate to stand up for his family members.
Diego was good friends with mirabel too, her disappearance makes him feel a bit lonely sometimes but he handles it. (Not really)
Sooo any thoughts about Luisa’s fam fam?
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bcolfanfic · 1 month
saw your tag about you giving helen Lore in young veterans au and what you've done with her so far has made me so /wipes tears/ i'd love more if you have more you want to share! her and jean being besties is so cute, was the FB group they met in a military thing?
helen my love <3 more below the pics (hi nash)
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yeah the fb group her and jean met through was in my mind some sort of spouses/families group for the guy's unit. they were both young wives with lil babies so they started messaging and got tight pretty fast. jean called the group cursed in the social media au bc there was always drama, notttt from them though. helen and jeanie are good girls <3 mostly <3
but winding it back, helen grew up in west virginia in the same little area that nash did and that's how they met.
grew up catholic but her family went to a charismatic catholic church so. catholic and deep south charismatic protestant mashed together. super healthy combo of things for a young girl to grow up in (: obviously (:
met nash in high school and he was kinda her saving grace when her home life was rough/her parents were really goin' a little crazy. nash would go stand outside her window at night and cheer her on crawling out and being soooo brave jumping the like. two feet down to come see him.
then they'd go run off in the woods by her house and (: talk (:
literally. he was a good little catholic boy too. at /most/ before they got married they got a little hot and heavy making out fully clothed.
which good little nash went to confession over. tells that story to the guys in bagram once when they're shooting the shit about religion (in the vein of "i told my priest i needed to repent over busting in my pants") and they laugh so hard they're in tears lmfao.
her parents liked nash though. well, his nice catholic parents more than him but. good enough.
his folks weren't as crazy as hers and adored helen/were happy to have her hanging out at their place instead of going home.
got married the second helen graduated high school (nash graduated two years before her) and she got pregnant with baby wyatt on their wedding night. bc of course.
he already started to process to enlist before they got married so talk about timing w/ her being pregnant. but he gets through basic and tech school before the baby comes.
is in florida doing some sort of training thing under rosie w/ the guys in that crew when she's gettin' reallll close to giving birth. but rosie likes him, and likes helen so he pulls some strings so that nash can get his butt back to west virginia in time.
that baby is his whole world <3 best day of his life. best day of helen's life. if it's a smidge because it's the happiest her parents have ever seemed with her then that's something to unpack later but.
she loves nash, loves their baby boy, life is good.
he ends up bringing her and the bby down to florida so he can be with him while he's still stationed at the base down there which is for quite a bit. the distance from her folks does her some good too.
then that crew of guys gets their orders to deploy to bagram (((:
wyatt is about ten months old. they see him off from florida and then move back up to west virginia to be closer to family while he's gone.
except seeing him off in florida is the last time her and baby wyatt will ever (outside of a screen, they do video call a bit before It Happens) see him again <\3
i want to write out his death in full fic form so i will save those details for that but. it's rough. he started to have a really rough time with things after some local kids he befriended (because he missed being a dad) got killed. he didn't *kill himself* out right but. spiral induced recklessness played a part. poor sweet nash.
this is getting long so i’ll call this past one and end it here but i can do more parts if ppl are interested (: <3
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creedslove · 8 months
All this boy dad talk makes me wonder what Marcus would be like getting a baby boy, this man is a girl dad to the end but him getting one little boy makes me think of all the possible fluff!!!
Marcus Pike x f!reader
A/N: I fucking love Marcus Pike and I'm also back at the headcanons besties ❤️
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• contrary to popular myth, I don't think Marcus can fall into a girl dad or boy dad category, I think he is a dad™ overall because that man loves his family and he's just happy and blessed no matter what
• Marcus would be so thrilled to know you are pregnant with his baby, he doesn't really have a preference, he just wants his baby to be healthy and happy and when he finds out he's having a tiny little Pike boy he is over the moon
• he is so excited about buying new clothes, building up the room and that man would worship you because you are his pregnant goddess now
• I also think he would be a little indecisive and it would take him a while to figure out exactly what kind of decoration he would like to buy his son, so I'm sure he would go with a color palette instead
• so instead of being like cars, dinosaurs or whatever, you and him would come up with a color and have the baby room all that
• he is a romantic man so don't get surprised if he suggests a color based on something meaningful like the color of your eyes, or the flower bouquet you carried when you married him or something like that, we know Marcus, don't we?
• and god, he is so excited, he can't wait to have his baby, so the happiest day of his life is definitely the birth of his big boy
• when your son is now an adorable toddler, Marcus like to motivate him into liking arts; he doesn't force the baby though, but music and other kinds of art are important to Marcus so he would like to share that bone with his boy
• so he always gifts him paper, pencils, pens, crayons, paint, anything he might be interested in, and he tries teaching him how to play instruments
• Marcus plays the bass, so that means he can either play the guitar as well, or at least he's got a decent idea on how to do so, and that's why he would buy a small guitar for your son, to try and teach him
• also, Marcus really likes the theory of putting babies to sleep with classical music, so from his early days your son falls asleep to it
• does the FBI have a 'take your kid to work' day? If not, then Marcus will definitely start the tradition because he's so proud of his son he can't wait for his whole team to see how precious his little boy is 😍
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ahwp · 6 months
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This is the Sippy Saturday Podcast Brought to you by At Home With Piper and The Harrington Foundation.
Season 1 Episode 1: Life Be Lifin'
Piper smiles at the camera as she's given a countdown by her producer. As she’s given her cue, she parts her lips and begins her introduction from her seat on the blush pink couch.
Piper: Hey babes! Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Sippy Saturday Podcast, brought to you by At Home with Piper. Today’s episode is sponsored by The Harrington Foundation. I’m Piper, your host, and new bestie. As if you couldn’t tell by the sash and crown, it’s my fucking birthdayyyy!!! (She chuckles softly as she repositions the mic and opens a bottle of tequila, pouring a shot.) On tonight’s episode, it’s just me and you, talking about life and how it’s been whipping my ass for the past few years cause, baby, life has been lifing the fuck out of me. So grab a drink, if you’re smart, you’ve already made you a Sippy Saturday cocktail from my At Home With Piper website, grabbed your snacks, and are sitting comfy waiting on the tea. Let’s toast to a good night, the happiest of birthdays for myself and anyone else celebrating, and an amazing Episode.
(The scene cuts to a prerecorded clip of Piper making the drink of the night. )
Piper: Tonight’s Mocktail is one of my favs, the Spicy Paloma. The recipe will be linked below with some alcohol substitute for my drinkers out there. (She takes a sip and rocks side to side while tasting it. She taps the glass with her finger nails and smacks her lips) Mhm.. I’m telling you guys, you have to try it. It’s a must.
Piper: A few very important things to know about me, I’m a 28 year old entrepreneur and a mommy of 2. I’m in therapy weekly and it’s the only thing other than God, keeping me from ending a few mother fuckers. Praise God. My kids are my world. I love my babies with my whole being and wouldn’t trade them for the world. Now let’s circle back to therapy. Baby get you some! Okay? Okay! Cause listen, the shit I’ve experienced these past few years, was enough to make me lose my mind. I completely lost myself, I’m talking didn’t recognize myself in the mirror, lost. I was so sad and depressed and just pushed away everyone I loved. Looking back on my life, younger me never expected any of the things she has now. Not the money, the houses, the kids, the experiences, none of it. I didn’t expect a bad life, but I thought my life would be really simple. I’d still be back home, I’d own a modest house and I’d be a school teacher. I just wanted to be happy and content. Instead, I’m a single mom of two, and while I’m killing this shit, this shit is not for the faint of heart. Granted I do have more resources than some other moms and I’m not saying that it’s hard in that way, but let’s not act as though carrying, birthing, and then caring for life isn’t something hard that all moms struggle with despite finances. I had a solid plan for my life and while a lot of it has come to pass, this family dynamic is not what I expected.
I grew up going back and forth between Rhode Island and New York. I’m the oldest of 4 girls and I was the favorite. Sorry girls, but it’s true. Ask daddy. (She laughs.) Life wasn’t hard even when it was. My parents made sure we didn’t see or feel the hardships of a young married black couple living part time in uptown New York or the two bedroom flat in Rhode Island that they owned but could barely afford. It was during all the back and forth that I met my ex husband at 15. I plan to have him on here one day and we can tell that story then. But basically, we were together for 8 years before he moved to LA. I followed him months later. I was a kindergarten teacher and was in college getting my bachelor’s of nursing degree. I graduated and moved to LA and when I got here, all that sweet phone talk about what life would be if I moved out here turned into some “you need to find your self ” bullshit. (She lowers her voice to mimic her ex’s and laughs and takes another sip of her drink.) Granted, his arguments ended up being true. I had been with him since I was 15. I really didn’t know who I was as a woman without him. So we break up for a while and then get back to gather, have a kid and get married. This man was my first everything. The first man I ever loved no one could have told me, we wouldn’t have lasted. Not even a year into our marriage were we divorced. My life had become motherhood and trying to please him, while his life had become being our provider and protector and we lost one another. We both saw it and I thought we were working on it, and then I found out he had cheated. It was public. I was humiliated. I remember feeling like I had failed, my self, my son, my parents. I couldn’t understand how. I followed the rules. (She uses air quotes as she sets her glass on the table next to her) This was the first time i experienced depression. PPD and divorce was kicking my ass. I was hyper focused on my son to the point that I started to push away my friends, and I wouldn't even take care of myself. I would shower everyday and that was it. There were days that i didn't eat or sleep because I just couldn't bring myself to do anything that didn't involve taking care of Prince. When I finally snapped out of it and started to get a sense of myself again, I vowed to not date. Luckly, I had some friends talk some sense into me. This is when I met Greyson, my daughter's father. At the time, I was very new to dating. I hadn't been with anyone other than Caleb my entire life. I was naive and ignored key signs that this wasn't a good partnership simply because I felt wanted to feel loved and Greyson gave me that feeling. Let me take it a few steps back and reintroduce our story to you from the eyes of a whole woman. This is a part of my story and in no means do I mean to break Greyson down, but I will not lie. I was clearly in a manipulative relationship filled with gaslighting, and love bombing. In no way do I absolve myself of my poor choices in dating this man and then having a child with him, but I will not keep quiet or spare him simply to save face. I fucked up unintentionally, but his intentions were clearly malice from the start.
When I met him, I wasn’t trying or expecting to fall for anyone. I’d actually made up my mind that I’d be single and I just wanted to have some fun. Either way, we dated off and on for about 4 months before making it official. We took a trip together and we had sex for the first time. I ended up pregnant but I didn’t know that i was until until weeks later while I was dealing with the grief of losing my mom. I feel like this was the start of the major red flags in our relationship. This man would be extremely present and loving and then go missing for weeks at a time. Looking back on my pregnancy, I don’t have many fond memories. Was he there during my mom’s passing, yes, but beyond that it was very hit and miss. I didn’t get to enjoy it unless I was being celebrated by my friends. I had no shower, no gender reveal, and I only had a maternity shoot because I made myself do it. I really put on a happy face while going through hell. Not just because I’d lost my mom but because I was in an unplanned pregnancy with a man who would up and disappear on me with no warning and then come back and love bomb the fuck out of me and gaslight me to hell. I started to realize this in my pregnancy and for reasons known now, I thought I should hold on. I knew in my mind, that I could fix this. This was something minor. He wasn’t use to relationships and I was only use to the one that I’d been in for 10 years that had failed. So here I am, a year removed from a very long term relationship and in a very new relationship, unexpectedly pregnant, and my man was love bombing me. He was inconsistent and always in some shit. I put on a smile and took care of home. Things were not great but they weren’t bad. Thats what I kept telling myself. We had some work to do but nothing that couldn’t be repaired. That was my mindset, until I realized that I was in deed on some bullshit. My daughter barely knew her dad and I was okay with just dealing with that to save face. To hold out hope that he would fix things, that this relationship, wouldn’t be a failure. That I would get my happy ending. Well that shit ended in the fiery pits of hell. I was one foot out the door by the end of it and had left my own home and was staying with my sister Syx a few weeks before things ended. Do yall know this man had the audacity to ask me to change my name but wasn’t ready to marry me? Yeah. We had an entire argument about why I still have my ex’s last name and why he wouldn’t marry me because of it. Despite the fact that this was something discussed on one of our first dates. That moment was the defining moment for me. I knew things were done. How could you love me but have no regard for me or my son? A few weeks after we talked and were trying yet again, his disappeared and I havent seen or heard from him since. No calls to see his daughter, no desire to be a dad yet this child was something he wanted so bad. Needless to say, I was pissed. It was an anger I’d never felt before. It took me such a long time get myself out of that space but here we are. I was so angry that I wanted to physically hurt this man, not because of how he had done me but becauwe he abandoned his child. My daughter is the sweetest thing. She’s so loving and smart and I know we all say that about our kids but my babygirl is something so special and I’m so angry with myself for making the choice I made in her father because he’s just a sorry excuse of a man. I tried so hard to not talk down about him but how can you not tell the truth about a person? (She sighs and sits back) the honest truth is I feel like I’ve held myself back from moving forward by trying to protect him and his character. I’ve filmed this episode 5 or 6 times and each time has ended in me crying and cursing him out in the unholiest of ways. I’m talking certifiable unhinged behavior. My therapist got a big check after those sessions. What’s changed though is the fact that I know my kids are better off without him and his influence.
As I'm growing, I’m learning more and more about myself and just life in general. For years, basically my entire life, I felt like a child needed both parents, or that I had to follow the rules if I wanted to be happily married or raise amazing kids and that’s simply not true. My babies are well rounded, well traveled, respectful, honest, and loving. I’ve done an amazing job. I have an amazing family and support system that loves my children like their own. I couldn’t ask for a better village. I believed that I my marriage would be successful because I’m a good woman who cooks, cleans, makes her own money and has other great attributes and talents. (Piper winks at the camera as she sips from her glass.) It didn’t take me long to learned that you can be perfect for someone and that shit can still go wrong. You can do your part, be the most loyal, humblest person and people will still fuck you over and walk all over you. Shit happens. Is it okay? No, but what can you learn from it? What is God trying to teach you? I feel like this past year has been the most important year of my life. I don’t work as hard, I spend more time with my kids making memories, my sister and I moving together and we’re raising our kids as a family and it’s the most wholesome shit I’ve ever done. I feel so at peace knowing that this year brought me peace by any means necessary. God did not play about me. He taught me patience, made me more aware of my own weaknesses and strengths, granted me favor and peace of mind while navigating all the shit I mentioned prior to now and the things I didn’t. He taught me the importance of letting things go so that I can move on. I’m a very empathetic person and I carry so much weight on my shoulders to understand everyone and to be understood. In the past that has caused me more hurt than anything. Instead of walking away, I’d try to fix things that don’t serve me. I don’t want to be that girl anymore. I can’t be her. I have two kids that literally don’t eat unless I feed them. They depend on me and I refuse to let them down. I say all do this to say, if you’re in a season where you feel like it’s blow after to blow, attack after attack, it gets better. If you’re in a place where you can’t look yourself in the mirror without crying or feeling like you e lost yourself, then wipe your tears and remind yourself who the fuck you are. That shit it momentary. It gets better. I don’t care what anyone says. It gets better because it has to. No weapon formed against you can prosper against you, because it’s not strong enough to. We’re not meant to stay down. We’re meant to learn something and then use it to bring ourselves as the other people like us out of that hole we feel buried in. Sometimes you need a little help. Therapy was quintessential in helping me through my toughest times. Because I want this podcast to be focused on purging the negativity and creating a positive environment for growth and development, I’ve created a foundation focused on supplying resources for those who just need a little help in life.
The Harrington Foundation is a non profit organization that is partnering with local therapists to bring free therapy to those in need in our local communities. This foundation is not only meant to bring forth grief counseling and mental health services to the community but other outreach programs like feeding the hungry and housing the homeless. Too often do we hear the stories of someone needing help with no one willing to give it. I will not be that person. If you would like to help the cause, feel free to donate at the link below or visit theharringtonfound.org. If you are in need of assistance in any way, be it therapy, paying a bill, help finding a home, contact us at 1-888-8888. We have funds readily available to help those in need. Thank you all for listening to me rant about my troubles and passion for growth. This has been the Sippy Saturday Podcast. Thank you for joining means I hope I see you next week. Love yall now bye! I got to go feed these kids. I didn’t even finish my drink Chile. (Piper laughs as the scene cuts to the ad for the Harrington Foundation and her other businesses.)
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For Mccall (@blainesebastian ) the birthday angel today. ❤️🥳🎊💗 adore you dearly!
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liked by selenagomez, tomholland, and 33563 others
enews Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to celebrate the birth of this lovely gal! She first came into our lives after she began publicly dating Austin in 2020 during the filming of Elvis. Since then she has made her way to the hearts of America through her amazing story telling and kindness. Click the link in our bio for a throwback of our love story with the Pisces Queen
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coffeegirl you’re ridiculous and I love you 😘 loads of thanks to everyone at E!
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liked by austinbutler, coffeegirl, ashleytisdale, and 14325 others
jillian.mua when people ask why elvis set will always be my favorite it is because it’s where I met my bestest friend. thank you for being as weird as me and always having a smile on your face 🎊🥳 and also, much love for cooking up luc for me i adore that child. love ya birthday girl!!! (drinks tonite?)
austinbutler You do know Luci isn’t yours right?
jillian.mua get out of my comment section
bazluhrmann I not only take credit for Austin and her, I take credit for this duo too. Happy birthday beautiful girl!
catherinemartindesigns Darling, you literally had nothing to do with it. 🙄
oliviadejonge happy birthday babe @coffeegirl! when’s our girls night?! 🌹 🎉
florencepugh two pretty best friends 🥰
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chrisevans happiest of birthdays to the best leader a cast and crew could ask for 💙🎊
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abutlernews she’s so famous and loved now 😭 a chris evans birthday shout out!
chrislover12 why didn’t chris post that other picture huh … we all know what picture
austinelvisfan austin it’s your competition again
sydneystan her and austin are literally happily in love and have luci i’m sure austin trusts her
ccgupdates no drama on her birthday please! happy birthday to my comfort person!
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liked by coffeegirl, chacecrawford, and 1,346,072 others
iamsebastianstan Fun Fact: she was our coffee girl first (sorry @austinbutler) way back when and now it is a delight to witness her dreams coming true! Happy birthday to you 🎂
dannylewis who the hell doesn’t love her?! she’s so popular !
coffeegirl I seem to remember you always needing Advil and water in the mornings not coffee …. Thank you Seb!!!
daisyedgarjones Happy birthday beautiful! 💗
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liked by austinbutler, mccall, and 38256 others
livwholikestv happy birthday lovely girl! have a special day, hope @austinbutler is spoiling you rotten 🎂💗
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stylespresleyhearted my favorite duo ❤️
ccgupdates these girls have the loveliest friendship 🥺 liv is always so supportive!
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liked by austinbutler, chrisevans, robertdowneyjr, and 50234 others
anthonymackie The Big Homie and the best leader on set! Happy birthday ❤️
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chrisevans But we all know I was the favorite
tomholland Happy birthday to you !!! 🎁🎉
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liked by austinbutler, livwholikestv, jillian.mua and 30246 others
stylespresleyhearted happy birthday to the kindest friend a girl could have! stay gorgeous, the world is lucky to have ya 💗🎉
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liked by oliviadejonge, ashleybee, and 1,473,056 others
austinbutler Happy birthday to the best mother, the best wife, my best friend, and my favorite person all rolled into one. Me and Luc are lucky to have you. ❤️
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tomhardy Happy birthday from the Hardy family love !
zendaya Happy birthday gorgeous girl 🎊😌
tchalamet I ship it so hard
ashleybee I always wanted a sister and then you came along 💗🎊 can’t wait to celebrate with you! And tell Luci her favorite auntie Ash is en route !
coffeegirl Thank you 😭 you’re the best sister anyone could hope for! Oh gosh commence Luci refusing to sleep until you land
austinbutler For the sake of sleep lets not inform lil dino until Ash arrives
jillian.mua love on her endlessly and spoil her rotten Butler she deserves nothing less
austinbutler Today and everyday.
coffeegirl You big sap. I love you so much.
ashleytisdale Happy birthday tenth removed cousin in law! ❤️ The French family loves you, so grateful you came into my best friend’s life!
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liked by austinfan, luciandccgupdates, elvisbutler, and 1689 others
ccgupdates from @stylespresleyhearted instagram story 😭 looks like she and @livwholikestv planned a surprised party while @austinbutler distracted her with a dinner date. (HD photos to come.) I love this group so much !
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elvis4ever did you see jillian’s story?! luci blew out her mommy’s candles 😭
burninlove13 did you watch Ashley’s story first? Austin told Luci “those are for mommy baby” and she said “no thank you” 😭 her famous catch phrase
austinelvisfan was it our birthday today? we were fed
presleyupdates On top of making me love Elvis, Austin also made me fall in love with him, his wife, his child, and their entire friend group. I wish I was in their life so bad.
sharonbleu I pretend I know them. It gives me comfort.
As it was stated in the beginning, HAPPIEST OF HAPPIEST OF HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS TO THE CREATOR OF OUR BELOVED CCG UNIVERSE, THE KINDEST SOUL, MY WELCOME COMMITTEE TO THE AUSTIN FANDOM, I FEEL LUCKY TO CONSIDER YOU A FRIEND EVEN IF ITS ONLY ONLINE ❤️🎊🎂🎉 You are extremely talented (as if you don’t know already) and bless us with greatness, I can never thank you enough for always replying to my messages and letting me fan girl hard over your writing pieces without a single complaint. You’re an amazing person Mccall and I hope you stick with us (as in this Austin fandom) for a long time because I’d be lost without you. My only regret is that I couldn’t make this post longer, I’m only allowed ten pictures per post. Also a huge thank you and shout to @livwholikestv who never shies away from sharing her ccg love and who allowed me to use her to send you a little birthday message. I love you, appreciate you, may 32 be even better 🥳
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snazzilystoopid · 10 months
What if I started a series about an AU where every ninja has a little sister? (So yes Nya and Kai "have a little sister")
(tw for sh!)
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This gif makes me so sad I cant-
Libble "Lilly" Brookstone
Named Libble after her mom's best friend, Libber
(Yes I hc that Cole's mother and Jay's birth mother were besties)
Nicknamed Lilly because she looks exactly like her, they're basically identical apart from the fact that Libble has her dad's eyes
Her family sometimes give her the nickname "Libs" or "Libby"
(Most people acc call her Libby now)
She was the "naughty kid" and she ran away alot
Gave poor Lou lots of stress 😭
The moment Libble turned 13 (abt halfway through Possesion) she started to bunk off school and do stupid things (smoking, dr*gs, that sorta stuff)
She grew up WAY too fast
Like she rly didn't gave a shit abt Cole turning into a ghost or any of that until Day of the Departed
After DotD she had a much needed wake up call (still just age 13 at this point)
She didn't go and visit her home for the holiday and she realised just how much their family had suffered bc of Lilly's passing
So that night Libble cried herself to sleep in the crappy apartment she and her friends were camping out in
a) bc she missed her dad and big bro and b) because she knew she had seriously messed up
The next day she went back to school and finally started making an effort
She realised she really loved sketching and she also had a passion for programming/machinery/tech
She decided she wanted to pursue a career at Borg Industries before she mustered up the courage to go back to live with Lou
She apologised profusely and sobbed and begged for his forgiveness
Lou welcomed her back with open arms
Cole was skeptical of talking to her for a few days but after a week he ended up going back to visit
and he was the happiest he had ever been when he saw his baby sister had truly changed <33
They had a family dinner the following night catching up on things
During the one year gap after Hands of Time she continued to go to school and actually got an education, and regularly stayed in touch with Cole (since he was with Jay looking for Wu)
She met all the ninja just after March of the Oni and decided that Nya was her favourite (after Cole ofc)
After MotM, once Cole returned from Shintaro, his veins up his wrist/arms would sometimes pulse a faint orange. Libble liked to trace them and would always say she wished she was the one with elemental powers as a joke
By the end of Crystalized, Libble is 16!
Aaand that's her story!! Moving on to random facts abt her:
Unlike the rest of her family, Libble can't sing or dance to save her life
She'll stay up all night sketching and sketching and sketching
Cole often calls her "Libbler the Scribbler"
Whenever Lou and the Royal Blacksmiths have a performance, she always makes sure she's on the front row
She used to sh as "punishment" once she returned home, because she couldn't forgive herself for leaving her dad like that
Her classmates called her a freak because of the scars up her arms and the minute Cole found out he was PISSED
She hangs around Chen's Noodle House a lot, and she always orders the same thing: PUFFY POTSTICKERS
She smashed the TV in the monastery of spinjitzu once, because of Kai and Cole beating her in a video-game
Shes usually quite a calm and collected person, but she can also be really loud
Simillar to Lilly's locket, Libble owns a silver locket which pictures her and Cole in one photo, and Lilly and Lou in the other.
Thats all hehe, but I feel like I could've picked a better name, I had literally no ideas 😭😭
(Just to make things clear, each sister doesn't exist in the same universe, these are all gonna be seperate AUs!)
Hope yall enjoyed and I think I'll be doing either Lloyd or Kai + Nya next! <3
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dragonlord-emrys · 1 month
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@halfacoin CONGRATULATIONS COINY!!!! You have completed another round in this giant solar system carousel!
To honour your great achievement, I am throwing you a party! It's gonna be a riot! Want to find out who will attend? Or rather… how many of whom? Why don't you have a look 😉
Did you know that you share your special day with some other worthy celebrations? Yes, it's a fourfold holiday! In fact, in most (if not all) parts of the world it's mother's day! And seeing as you are a cat mom, I feel some additional felicitations are in order while we're at it: happy (cat) mother's day, Coiny! 🐱💕
Beside that, it's international nurses day! Your very best friend, Goblin Gaius has decided to honour two holidays at once and dressed up especially fancy for your birthday party:
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He's paying tribute to all the nurses in the world. How nice of him <3
I feel like you're screaming and cursing at me now, so let's quickly move on to another thing that's happening: It's also national limerick day! For your day of glory (and because I feel a little apologetic for making you look at GG in all his glory), here's a little limerick for you:
There is a tumblrina named Coiny. Who is very slick but not oily. It's her birthday today, On the 12th of May, Bring some cake and her party you'll join-y!
Even the sun sends her greetings and well-wishes on your successful travels around her! Specially for you, auroras are popping all over the world this weekend. Nature's fireworks, just for your day of honour. What a treat! (Please note, however, that sun awareness week ends today, so this is the last day of being aware of the sun. Please go back to being completely oblivious of the sun tomorrow.)
I know what you're thinking. These are all very real holidays, yes! I found them on the internet, which means of course that they are real.
All silliness aside, I hope you have the most marvellous (birth-/mother/nurse/limerick) day, receive a bucketload of shiny golden coins and more cake than Goblin Gaius can lick.
Happiest of birthdays to you, bestie <33333
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aemoonie · 3 years
renjun personality reading ✰ !
「 mlist 」
a/n: as requested <3 | renjun hasn't confirmed his birth time, so this analysis isn't 100% complete and placements may play out/work differently depending on the full (/confirmed) chart !
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─ Sun in Aries
Renjun has his Sun in Aries, meaning he is direct, independent and enjoys a good challenge. Aries is the “child” of the zodiac, so a lot of people with their Sun in this sign have a more childlike charm, which I think we can see in his humor quite frequently. Renjun isn’t afraid to face difficulties head-on and has a great determination, though he may often than not lack the interest in completing tasks that don’t seem as important to him. Aries Placements can also indicate being a natural athlete, which I would second, especially in combination with his Scorpio Moon (dancer placements btw). He would most likely feel the happiest when his life is moving forward and is actively challenging him and wouldn't back down if he is questioned. He can seem as the "going-head-first" type, but together with his other placements, we know he is someone introspective and self-aware. Would also be the type to feel protective for those he loves. He is someone who is innovative, charming and strong-willed.
─ Moon in Scorpio
This Moon and Sun combo represent Renjun so well in my opinion. His story of auditioning even though his parents didn’t like it resonates a lot with his Scorpio Moon and Aries Sun. What Renjun wants, Renjun gets. He is someone who can see beyond any acts and facades and will most likely despise “fake” people. He will immediately know when someone is putting up an act. He seeks for emotional intensity in life, he may actually like having a little bit of drama and excitement in his life. This also would make him attract emotionally intense people into his life, which I think shows itself in the fact that he has plenty of Water Moon besties (Jisung, Yangyang, Xiaojun etc.)! Control would be a big theme in his life, since Scorpio Placements are often obsessed with the concept of controlling and mastering their own (and when underdeveloped: also other’s) emotions. He probably feels very deeply and intensely but often controls these emotions in order to stay above whatever image he created for himself in his head. But he has an extraordinary ability to understand human nature and it’s psychology, which I also think he’s shown on so many levels.
─ Mercury & Venus in Pisces
His Mercury in Pisces is one of his most prominent placements, in my opinion. The way he speaks feels dreamy and soft, he doesn’t speak all too much, but chooses when to speak actively and calmly. He is someone who takes in a lot of information during the day, but on form of emotions, moods and atmospheres. His thinking and communicating is easily influenced by his mood and he picks up other’s ones fairly quick. His metaphoric and poetic way of speaking really resonates with this placements, along with his unique ideas and thoughts. I think his Mercury came out the most prominently when he was asked what kinda of country he'd run (on the Eric Nam Podcast). He said he would want everybody to live on one big tree and just be happy. Pisces energy right there. He isn’t someone who is huge on planning, but rather follows his intuition. He is so open-minded to the point where it may feel difficult to him to make a set decision. Day-dreaming would probably also be a prominent thing for him.
His Venus is in Pisces as well, which strengthens the energy of the sign in his chart. Honestly, when I first looked into the Dreamies, I for sure thought he was a Pisces and sometimes I do have to remind myself that he is in fact an Aries Sun. But Renjun might be prone to having high ideals in love, which would not only be hard to meet for his partner, but also for himself. May have a thing for the “underdog” and the theme of saving someone/being saved might be prominent in his love life. Together with his Scorpio Moon, be probably attracts emotionally intense and compassionate people, he is someone who would go above and beyond for his partner. But this Venus placement also suggests that he doesn’t always know himself what he wants from love, so sometimes it can be hard for his partner to understand him. He is very open-minded and falls in love with what’s inside a person, rather than focusing on their physical qualities too much.
─ Mars in Taurus
His Taurus Mars is also very prominent in his chart, in my opinion. Probably because his Sun is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. So the energy of his Mars sign would probably come through a lot. Having his Mars in Taurus would make him patient and hard-working. It’s a good placement to have as an idol, because together with his Aries Sun (and Scorpio Moon), he doesn’t back down from a challenge and is willing to work for his goals, even if it may take a couple years to fully achieve them. He has great stamina and isn’t easy to anger quickly. I do think he isn’t afraid to defend himself when provoked, but wouldn’t generally be interested in having explosive fights. His Taurus energy also returns in his Jupiter and Saturn, meaning he has a lot to learn and gain from the themes of this sign.
© a͏e͏m͏o͏o͏n͏i͏e͏ all rights reserved.
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hnychn · 4 years
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SUMMARY — finding out you're pregnant is supposed to be the happiest occasion in your life, but finding out while you're still a student? not the most ideal situation. . .
WARNINGS — teen pregnancy, fem reader, mentions of abortion, generally fluff <3 and a little cringe ong
AN — this is the second "young love" hc since tumblr has a stupid limit on text blocks. i have still tamaki's left to write and i'll link the other two below !! also, if you guys want to see this with other characters (teachers, villains, and civilians included, see my master list for a full list of characters) then please lmk in the comments! part 2 to "spit fire" is still in the works !! 🤍 -honey
navigation | shoto
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our baby class rep <3
he's responsible as f U C K
so when your relationship with him started getting more serious and sexual,
he was ON TOP of safety
condoms? he's got a lifetime supply :’)
you want to start birth control? he's got you baby don't worry about the price <3
side note: why tf is birth control so fucking expensive ㅠ
but one day
iida decided to ditch the condoms all together
since you're on birth control
and the coochie was too good to pass up
i'm so sorry ㅠ
so you start getting sick and light headed
blah blah we get it
so you withdraw some cash from your bank
since it's untraceable
and go to your nearest convenience store
and buy like ten pregnancy tests
the cashier, who was also a young girl, maybe younger than you
slipped in a free bag of chips
and told you to take care
bless her soul
you damn near cried
so you get back to the dorms and guess who's there?
and before he can even say hi to you,
you book it to your room, dragging mina with you
because queen is your bestie
and you barricade your door with your dresser
all the while mina is just like, "gurl wtf are you doinggg?"
and you had dropped the bag to move the dresser, so she looks in it
and this-
like mina, baby, queen,
not helping
so the two of you are in your bathroom,
sitting on the floor,
sharing the bag of chips
with all ten of the tests lined up on the counter
and the timer on your phone going
mina is just throwing questions at you left and right
"what if it's positive?"
"are you gonna keep it?"
"how will you tell iida?"
it's starting to hit you, so you just lay your head on her shoulder and cry a little, "i don't know..."
and the you full on start sobbing
and mina comforts you
she understands
she'd be panicking if she was pregnant too
because damn
y'all are 17
still in highschool
the only bright side to this was that you weren't in the hero course, you were a support student
so you didn't have to worry about training or any of that, but your classes were equally as stressful
you both jump when your phone timer goes off
and you're clutching mina's hand so tight
"do you want me to look at them for you?" she asks as she rubs the back of your hand
you nod
so she gathers them all and flips them over one by one
". . .they're all positive. . "
you're not too surprised
you kind of already knew,
but your heart still dropped to your toes
so you just lay your head on mina's shoulder again and start to cry again
she comforts you and manages to guide you to your bed
". . . you have to tell iida. . ."
you don't respond
but you know you do, and you're trying to figure out how to when there's a knock on your door
"y/n? my love?"
... fawk
guess who it issss <33
your boyfriend (✿◠‿◠)
and you and mina just
( ;∀;) huh?
and he knocks again
"my love? are you all right?"
tripping over clothes
you stub your toe
mina slips on your bra
the two of you knock foreaheads
all while trying to hide the tests and trying to make it look like you weren't crying
mina moves the dresser while you hide he last test under your pillow
you panicked ok
mina opens the door and-
"he-heyyy, iida. . . how ya doin. . .nothing sus going on here. . . (✿◠‿◠)"
god bless her she's doing her best </3
you roll your eyes at her in a loving way and tell her you'll take her later
"ok besite" she gives you one last glance before leaving your dorm
iida is still standing at the door
he heard all the commotion from outside, and heard the harsh whispers you two threw at each other
not there !
why not??
that's too obvious mina !!
oh, like under the pillow isn't cliche either ??
shut up and open the door
but you didn't know that (✿◠‿◠)
so you let him in, "what's up, babe?"
iida looks around your room, his eyes linger on the pillows on your bed, "nothing, my love. you just seemed upset when you came in, i was wondering if something happened?"
he sits next to you on your bed
he noticed how you where shielding one of the pillows with your entire body
"you're not. . .hiding anything from me are you?"
he looked at you
with those E Y E S
so full of trust
and honesty
and love
you can't lie to him
it's like kicking a puppy
you just
c a n t
your eyes begin to water and your hands start to tremble
he panicks
because wtf why so suddenly??
"what's wrong my love??"
this only makes you sob harder
and he comes closer to rub your back and pet your hair
you lean into him while sobbing
iida is focused on comforting you, but his mind can't help but wonder what's under your pillow. . .
he does what any person would do
and he lifts it up
and oh, would you look at that
it's a pregnancy test
oh that's not too-
he picks it up and is just. . . .oh
you don't know he's seen it and he's still comforting you but now he knows W H Y
"it's okay, my love. we'll figure this out together."
that's when you knew he saw it
and you can't help but feel so helpless
so you're practically in his lap by now, your fave burried into his neck and his arms keeping you in a strong hug
"you're not going to leave me are you?"
your voice is so soft and quiet and vulnerable, it almost makes him cry
and boom!!
that's how tenya iida managed to steal your heart <3
so you finally calm down, and you two talk
he's asking you what you want to do and making sure to not input his own opinion because he doesn't want to influence your decision
after h o u r s of talking, you come to a decision
"as long as you're ready and support this, i want to keep it."
iida nods, "if that's what you want to do, my love, then i'll be the best father i can be to our child."
and so you you two go through the process of telling his parents
(i won't include yours because idk how they would react, you can add that in however you want)
they're a bit disappointed because you're both so young, but they're proud you're owning up and pledge their full support
iida tells his teachers
you tell yours
they allow you to keep coming to school untill you're around six-seven months
the teachers set you up with an online program so you can do your work from your dorm
iida is a bit stressed with all the hero classes and pressure to be both an amazing hero and father
but whenever he comes to your dorm and sees your round belly and feels kicks against his hand,
all the stress is worth it (✿◠‿◠)
during this time, all of class 1-a has been stopping by regularly after they found out
honestly they were so surprised their most responsible and rule-following classmate is now a teen dad
but they admire him for taking responsibility and owning up
they even throw you a baby shower
everyone is invited and brings gifts
except mineta, he's not invited
you all have so much fun
playing games the girls planned out
OH AND MINA PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING i forgot to mention that
you eat lots of food
open gifts
shoto got you this really comfortable and high quality rocking chair
you could have married him
anyways, you and iida decided to keep the baby's gender a secret untill you gave birth
so you guys decided to come up with a name at the baby shower
there would be a bucket for girl names and another for boys
lots of the names were really cute and unique
but two names that stuck out to you were
"kaori" for a girl and "yuto" for a boy
so let's skip to when you give birth
you're in the middle of your class, chilling at your desk in your dorm
iida is in his class too
you're wrapped up in a blanket koda had knitted for you for your baby shower
when you suddenly get cramps
you don't think much of it, having gone through Braxton Hicks a few week prior and sending everyone into panick
so that's what you think it is, test contractions
untill they start to get worse and more frequent
that's when you realise, this is real
you know that if you get to the hospital early, you'll just have to wait for hours untill you have to start pushing or get your epidural
because fuck doing it natural
so you just get dressed and make your way to campus
the contractons hurt, but not enough to put you out of walking, so you just take a nice stroll through UA
you get to 1-a's class and knock on the door
you hear aizawa's monotone voice telling you to come in, so you shyly open the door and leak your head in
iida is surprised to see you and nearly breaks his chair standing up
the rest of the class is surprised too, shouldn't you be in your dorm relaxing?
iida is asking you all these questions because he knows you wouldn't come all this way for nothing
"iida, calm down," aizawa calls out, "what did you come here for, l/n?"
"oh well i think the baby is coming."
". . ."
"W H A T ??"
this sends everyone into a panic
iida is throwing even more questions at you
mina, kaminari, and sero are screaming about becoming aunts/uncles
izuku is mumbling about everything he read about birth and the possibilities
ochako and tsu are looking for your go back they had made for you (but you left it in the dorm oops)
yaoyorozu is offering to make everything
you say no but she does anyways
can you guess who that was? <33
kidding it was bakugo
he slaps the back of iida's head, "get yourself together and take your girlfriend to the fucking hospital, four eyes."
and you're off (✿◠‿◠)
aizawa calls a taxi and excuses iida from class
he also talks to your teacher and let's them know
i'm not going to write about the birthing process because this has already gotten so long
but you give birth T W E L V E HOURS LATER
fucking kid didn't want to come out ㅠㅠ
and it's a healthy baby boy <33
the others come over and coo over the baby
mina hoggs him, claiming she has more rights as godmother
and when she first comes in her first words are
"took you long enough bitch, i told you you needed to do more coochie work outs."
it's a bit stressful balancing school and a CHD full time but the two of you manage
you stay on online school for a few more months to take care of the baby
and iida is given a few of his classes online as well so he can spend time with the child
and you live happily ever after the end <3
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scarofthewind · 3 years
Did someone say pain? Suffering? Angst? I want it! Give it to me, please! I need it!
Thomas is happy. In his life, there is his beautiful wife Y/N, who loves him as much, as he loves her. She fell in love with him at first sight, and so did he. She cares for him, loves him. Thomas is so happy. And now he is the happiest man in the world! His beloved wife will give him a child!
Despite all the hardships of pregnancy, Y/N is happy to carry Tommy's baby. She already loves this tiny ball of love and joy, growing in her. And Thomas, and his mama and the whole family sees it. Thomas couldn't be happier.
The long-awaited day of childbirth came suddenly. Tommy was with his wife throughout the birth. All of a sudden, things got bad. Y/N has lost a huge amount of blood. The baby was stillborn. Tommy lost both, his wife and his child.
bestie....i can't do this today omfgಥ_ಥ
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
I know it’s super late but I couldn’t let today go past without wishing my bestie the happiest of birthdays
I truly don’t know what I would do without you or what I did to deserve you as god knows I’m an annoying pain in the ass
I’m always proud of how hard you work and the insane things you write
It scares me how similar we are, so much so I’m convinced we were separated at birth lmao
You deserve the best day and I love you lots and lots❤️❤️❤️❤️
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uvena · 2 years
HAPPIEST DAY OF BIRTH MY BESTEST BESTIE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23 years!!!!!! thats definitely no small thing, nothing to sniff at no sireee. im so proud of you, proud to know someone as warm, bright, loving and bonkers crazy talented as you and even more privileged to call you my best friend!!!! the world is that much more beautiful & meaningful with you in it dear and dont you ever forget that!!!! i hope for every happiness and peace & strength for the challenges!!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖��💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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EUIE MY BESTEST BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD THANK YOU SO MUCH words cannot express how grateful and honored i am to know you and be your best friend right back !!!!! i don't know what i would do without you and i'm so glad i don't have to find out. love you so very much !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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okay um sjdghs yeah thank you for not being mean or thinking I was mean cause I really wasn't! I do really like your blog (we are mutuals and I *think* you know me by name) but zjdgsh jack still isn't Cas coded for me, tbh. He might LOOK like Cas but sjdgsh his literally story was based on his powers othering him (sam), killing his mother (sam) and eventually being manipulated into doing something bad by accident and no bad intentions (sam). he is also infused with very obvious daddy issues (the sam kind more than the Cas kind) and if you thjnk about it I prommy there's not a lot of similarities between his and cas's personalities (except for that they're both wonderful and I love them but that's beside the topic) like Cas plotlines usually go like: huge sacrifices for love, hugely misguided attempts to make everything right, loss of powers leaving him abandoned. while sam (and jack) plot lines are the opposite because it's the ABUNDANCE of power that leaves them abandoned (by Dean, cough, cough) and while cas's powers are seen as desirable throughout the show (when they ARE seen, of course :/) sams were evil and Jack's were evil and they were supposed to be thought of as evil (by us, the narrative and dean) for using them ! So...yeah? also sjdgshs I hear you on the Dean not being a John girl just because he wanted his affirmation so bad and would do anything he said for it — but the jack Dean situation is not exactly the same because the moments that they use to show us that jack loves Dean aren't ones where dean has any expectations from him to be/do good per se???? it's things like fishing and being a dork on a case and they "make jack the happiest he's been" so...? (Plus I DO believe that jack really wanted Dean's approval and Dean to think of him as good, and family but it just...isn't in the same way as John. Dean WAS a dick to jack and it might johncode him but Jack's behavior doesn't s1-dean code him 🥺) so im gonna stick with jack being a samcoded deangirl who looks a lot like Cas actually ajdgshs (also yeah Dean is both a samgirl and a casgirl, he has the range, although you saying he HAS to be a samgirl cause they're blood is kinda weird because I really do think he loves and stans sam as family (in a COMPLETELY non incestuous way oh god) and not just because he has to cause of the script (like some bloggers these days think...which just. what show did you even watch bestie) but yeah. also, if we had to choose, I'd definitely choose sam as a casgirl. Because he appreciates him and looks up to him and cas's opinions really matter to him and he believes in him and wamts him to come home and thinks of him as best friend and family :)
Listen bestie. I get your points, I'm willing to say that Sam's a Casgirl bc he loves his bestie and always tries his best to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe even more than Dean's done.
HOWEVER. Let's go back to the part where you don't think Jack is Cascoded because their plotlines don't match. (Also; Sam didn't kill his mom. Azazel killed her 6 months after his birth. As for the manipulation thing; that happened to all three of them at some point.)
Let's look at your namings of Cas's plotlines:
huge sacrifices for love
Jack literally gave his life/was ready to give his life to save the Winchesters&Castiel on multiple occasions. He kneeled down before Dean's gun because he felt he deserved it, he wanted to kill himself in 13x23 to save Sam and the others, and his entire arc in season 15 was about sacrificing himself to kill God and Amara. So that Sam and Dean could finally be free.
hugely misguided attempts to make everything right
point I mean; this speaks for itself. Things go wrong and Jack always tries to fix it, even if it doesn't turn out well. A GREAT example is everything that went down with him and Dumah; him trying to make Heaven a better place (making angels, killing non-believers, etc) because he believed it'd make Sam and Dean happy, and it would redeem him from killing Mary. In fact, his soulless arc was pretty close to Cas's Godstiel arc. I could even pull up a few parallels for you.
loss of powers leaving him abandoned
He lost his powers in season 14. And yes, he wasn't left on the streets like Cas was. HOWEVER, he felt just as lost and abandoned as he did. Not physically but definitely emotionally. He had no one to connect with and felt useless and hopeless. He stole someone's grace afterwards, though, just like a certain angel we all know and love.
I get what you mean and Sam and Jack do have similar story arcs. But Jack has similar story arcs with all three of them, and he shares all their characteristics because he's their son. All three boys are his dads, but he only has one father and that's Cas. I just think he happens to share more of Cas's personality because he has the same squints, the same awkwardness around humans, the same confusion about specific trivia and the same love for the Winchesters.
Let's just agree to disagree at this point sjkfjsdklf we could go on and on about this.
I enjoy this, though <3 this is fun. I love getting to talk to you ppl about this stuff :D
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mameleh-life · 4 years
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Sisterhood and the day Lily Was Born🌺
When you give birth they ask you do you want your baby in the room with you overnight and we can take the baby to the nursery in the morning. Well when they ask you this your usually shaky and tired and you're not actually sure how you're still conscious and you're also feeling so much adrenaline after what happened that you dont know how you'll ever fall asleep and then theres also just a ton of pain happening like all over. And in that moment you need to decide are you going to watch this baby overnight give up on your sleep or are you going to leave the lil peach in the nursery with all the other baby peaches all swaddled and adorable with little hats over sleepy eyes and you know your heart just melts into a big pile of goo because all of the sudden there is something so much bigger than anything you have ever imagined in your life and you'll do anything for this little peach your goo heart will do anything for this little bundle.
And so of course I kept this little baby Lily that to me just was like the cutest little peach in the nursery [I was biased] in my room right next to me so I could listen to her baby heartbeat and her baby breathing while I was happily sedated by maternity pain killers, ice packs, ice chips and yeah just alot of ice packs that's really how I got through. And all night I sang here comes the sun by The Beatles to her because I was always a bit of a hippie I suppose and I just was so happy I dont think I was ever as happy as the day I became a mother I loved taking care of kids my whole life maybe because I had no younger siblings of my own and I had dreamed of that moment.
And I remember my sistas came to visit and called me on the phone with tips [thank God one of my besties told me to take home some of those icepacks] and they got me hooked on yogurt with toppings and scrapbooking and they got me little outfits for this little angel baby in my life who looked so cute in little caps and scrunched up her baby nose and had these huge eyes like a cartoon. And I remember feeling like I lived my whole life for that moment the moment on December 14th 2015 I took her home in her baby car seat and just the whole time was so nervous but also so in love with her at the same time. And now one of my soul sistas who came to visit me in the hospital she sent me the most gorgeous cupcakes today and it made me so happy I basically started to cry it was the sweetest most beautiful gesture at such a crazy upheaval of a time it was the most beautiful calming thing to do and they are the most gorgeous delicious cupcakes I've ever had and Lily and I had them together and I was thinking how full circle sisterhood is and even moreso how sustaining sisterhood is that it can give us strength in our happiest moments are most trying moments and it can be the thread that weaves through the tapestry of our lives and make our lives more beautiful more meaningful and even at times more bearable. That's the power of sisterhood and we need that more than ever. I'm gonna try and reach out to everyone the next couple of days but to all my girls I love you and I'm thinking of you and I'm here if you need me 💜
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