notoriousydney · 1 month
PRIVATE: wanted to let you know that i'm alive, in case you were curious. probably not. what's her name today? alright, i'm not here to argue. i actually need to talk to you. / @harrynotorious
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cosmiclvex · 5 days
“Well, look who it is,” Harry said with a smirk as he stepped into the lobby of his father’s building. He smiled when he saw Peter, immediately reaching out to pull him into a hug. “Hi." Still smiling, he pulled back a little. "Been a minute, huh?"
// @bunchofjackassesx
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rorasdreams · 2 months
closed starter @faiirytalcs (harry) location: hideaway hostels
aurora had gone to sienna's job to have a drink and catch up with her friend. she had arrived early enough to find herself a cozy spot and everything, only for sienna to have to cancel last second due to a minor emergency. aurora wasn't bothered by it at all, knowing that things happen and her friend assured her she was safe. so instead of walking herself back to her home, she figured she could stick around the tavern area a bit longer and enjoy the evening a little longer. she had gotten herself a nice little drink and had been sipping at it slowly when a friendly face appeared before her, almost causing her to choke on the sip she was taking. "harry!" she said, composing herself. whenever he was around she tended to find herself in embarrassing moments. she wondered why that was, but tried her best to make a laugh of it if anything. "please tell me you noticed me after i almost had an early demise over a cocktail."
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makeuphall · 1 year
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tylrswftss · 1 year
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harry kane via instagram.
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@ofxinnocencewrites harry x mione (cont.from here)
Hermione raised her eyebrows at Harry when he told her that it was because of her that he had ended up going for the teacher’s job. “What did I do to make you do a complete career switch? I mean, I didn’t tell you to quit the auror’s job,” she said to him. Even though she would happily take credit for it after he had explained to her why it had been her doing.
Malfoy. That was a name she hadn’t heard coming from Harry for qutie some time now. She had indeed seen him more and more around work because they had to work together. It was something she didn’t particularly enjoy but Malfoy did seem changed ever since they had parted ways from Hogwarts. So far there had been no menacing comments in her direction and Hermione knew better. When it came to work, she was a professional and she would interact with Malfoy the same as with other colleagues that she did not have a bad history with.
“I do see him rather often. I guess that’s what happens when you work together.” Hermione slightly tilted her head to the side as she took in her friend a bit better. “Why would you want to know that? It’s Malfoy, he’s not important.”
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"No, you didn't, but you were a huge support that year at Hogwarts and you seem so happy with what you do, even though it's sucking the life out of you. You always put your heart and soul on what you believe in and... And I never felt that way about being an Auror. I was doing what I thought everyone thought I should do and then, then one day I woke up and realized that I wasn't happy with it, at all. I was the happiest at Hogwarts, always have been. But a thirty-something quidditch player surrounded by children is probably going to be frowned upon and with good reason," he joked at his own expense. "I like teaching. I like practical teaching, anyway..." he sighed tapping his fingers against the fabric that dressed the table. He loved this restaurant and he was a little too eager to hear what Hermione had to say about Malfoy.
Hmm. Work together. So the bloke hadn't had made a move on her and from her demeanor and tone there was nothing there really, which was a huge relief. "Well, you work with the guy and he was a bit of a dick while we were growing up but hey, I guess we all were in our own way, weren't we? Some more than others." Ron. He was talking about Ron, obviously.
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choicescreen · 1 year
hey everyone look at my best friend harry
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thewhiphandbaby · 2 years
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Matthew and Harry as Alec and Magnus
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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"Kamala Harris raised 50+ million dollars after Biden dropped out!" you fools.... that's the money she got from selling Biden to One Direction :(
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autumngracy · 2 months
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My fellow leftists, do NOT give in to defeatism.
Things are already turning around.
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rincewind87 · 4 months
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
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Honestly, this sounds fucking FANTASTIC to me, and we should do it. Cry harder, Mitch.
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tylrswftss · 1 year
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harry kane via instagram.
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