gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
Liar pt.8
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: ANGSTTTT, but fluff at the end, cussing, drinking, grinding, NOT PROOFRED, i don't think there's anything else but as always lmk if there is.
Note- the italics is a flashback, actually, Satoru's entire section is a flashback from pt 7.
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: VFYVKD. Guys, I think this might be the last part to this series😭😭😔😔 This has been a journey, thank you so much for everyone who has read this far, I truly and deeply appreciate every single one of you❤️❤️ I don't want it to endddd, so lmk if you would like me to keep writing for this au bc I would LOOVE to.
(Requests open)
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He was beginning to feel like he was slipping. He hadn’t had a glass since the shot he took before Kaito came to spend the night with him. Although it was now night and hours since his son had left, he naively thought that he had overcome his addiction since he hadn’t felt the urge to drink the whole time he was with Kaito. 
Oh how wrong he was. He needed to get a drink and fast. He jumped into his car and began speeding to the nearest liquor store, only to find it with an eight-person line. He didn’t have the patience to wait that long and made his way to a bar. Any bar, honestly speaking, he had no idea where he even was. 
He quickly went over, ordered, and chugged five tequila shots consecutively. Once the alcohol finally kicked in, he finally began to feel like himself again. 
‘He is disgusting. What kind of pathetic, sorry excuse of a man can’t survive without drowning himself in alcohol? How was he supposed to win you back and be a father for Kaito in such a state?’ 
These were the thoughts that ran rampant through his mind as he ordered a glass of whiskey, this time much more relaxed, seated on his stool, staring lifelessly into the endless abyss. 
He was slowly sipping his drink when he felt a pair of hands clutch his shoulders before slowly gliding down his arms. Because of his inebriated state, he wasn’t able to sense them approaching, however, he just chose to ignore, only seeming to amuse the stranger. He slowly turned his seat to face them. 
He was completely unamused when his eyes landed on a young woman clearly intent on getting into his pants. She evidently thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the room, therefore deserving a chance at him, but all he could think of was how ugly she looked in comparison to you. He just rolled his eyes, trying to go back to wallowing in self-pity. The lady just wouldn’t let up, turning around before she began grinding against him to the beat of the music. Foul, Satoru thought, feeling his patience run thin.
“Get away from me you fucking slut,” he hissed, venom lacing his words as he placed his hand on her waist, trying to push her away when next thing he knows, a palm is making contact with his cheek, landing a harsh slap across his face. It was only then that he finally sensed your cursed energy. He quickly turned to face you, heart plummeting when he saw tears streaming through your face. 
Shit, he can only imagine what this looked like to you. He tried to reach out to you but you just screamed at him and ran away from him. 
He began to panic. 
His heart was racing. 
The world around him was spinning and despite how hard he tried, he couldn’t move a single inch. His vision was getting spotty and all he could hear was the ringing in his ears. He felt like he was going to vomit. 
WHY! WHY HIM, WHY NOW! WHY COULDN’T HEJUST CONTROL HIMSELF AND STOP FUCKING DRINKING! He was absolutely torturing himself in his head as he spiraled. 
He finally mustered the strength to run after you, leaving the unnamed girl where she stood, utterly confused.
He ran as fast as his legs could take him but you were nowhere to be found. 
He leapt into his car and drove as fast as the vehicle could go. He was at Jujutsu tech in about five minutes but that was the longest five minutes of his entire life. He had to get to you. He needed to explain, he needed to make sure you know that it wasn't what it looked like.
After crying your heart out on the sidewalk, you eventually made your way back to Jujutsu Tech. You texted Shoko and asked her if she could take care of Kaito for the rest of the night. You felt so guilty for staying away from him for two nights in a row but you just couldn’t bear to have him see you like this.
Just as you were about to close the dorm door behind you, you heard running and frantic breathing approach. You didn’t even bother trying to fight Gojo as he forced his way through the door you were trying to shut.
“Y/N p-please” he took a pause, slightly hunched over as he attempted to catch his breath, “I pro- I promise it wasn’t what you looked like!” he tried to explain, clearly panicked. 
“What the fuck do you mean it’s not what it looked like, Gojo.” you questioned, putting emphasis on how you said his name. It felt like you were continuously stabbing him with a jagged dagger and he felt his knees getting weak but he couldn’t let you go, not now.
“My love please! I swear on my life it wasn’t! I wasn’t trying to do anything with her fuck! I don’t even know her name!” “Then what was it Gojo! She was grinding on you and you were FUCKING ENJOYING IT, DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME! I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!” You yelled your throat raw.
“I was trying to get her away from me! Please, believe me, I promise,” He dropped on his knees, reaching for your hands with his own shaking ones. Tears began to trickle down his face as his breathing grew heavy.
A small part of you wanted to believe it, but you were struggling. Deep down, you were telling yourself that he was telling the truth. But that was a part of you you hadn’t seen since Gojo was sealed. You survived this long without listening to it, so why start now?
“Gojo… this is enough, let's get a divorce-”
“Gojo you were gone for years! I LIVED WITHOUT A HUSBAND FOR YEARS! And from what it looks like, you CLEARLY didn’t feel my or Kaito’s absence! It seems pretty obvious that you’ve moved on-”
“BUT I HAVEN’T! I HAVEN’T! I GO TO BED HOLDING A PICTURE OF YOU CLOSE TO MY CHEST EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! I HAVE NEVER TAKEN OFF YOUR RING SINCE THE DAY I GOT BACK AND FOUND YOU GONE!” He cried, showing you your ring, which laid on his finger. You would be lying if you said you didn’t notice it, but you just assumed that was due to how expensive it was. It would’ve been a waste to let it collect dust in a drawer.
“Y/N, you and our baby boy are the only fucking reason I wake up every day. You two are the light of my life and when I lost you. I was so distraught I even started drinking and you know better than anyone how much I hate that shit, but it’s the only thing that takes my mind off of everything!”
You were now crying too, touched by what he was saying. You could see in his eyes that he meant every word and it shook you to your core. 
You stayed anchored where you stood, sobbing now as Satoru got up off his knees and took you into his arms. Hugging you as tightly as he could without breaking your ribs.
You couldn't even move. You just stood there and cried with him, feeling the weight of everything that had transpired over the past couple of years wash away.
All that grief, suffering, and pain over the past few years was washing away in your tears.
You love him.
You had pushed down your feelings for him so deep that for a moment, you forgot they were even there. But you love him, and he you, and you knew that there was know way either of you could live without each other any longer.
You love him, and he loves you, and nothing was going to change that. 
Not now, not ever.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
The End...?
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
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shreya11111 · 2 years
I just wanted to say the Duffers said the endgame couples will be obvious. I don't think anyone needs to worry. When Byler happens it will happen in a way people CAN'T deny it (even though they will still try). Same with open endings. They said no cliffhangers and open endings are pretty similar to cliffhangers despite not being the same. They said no new characters either. I doubt they bring back a random old character to be Will's love interest. It's obvious what route they are going down. And I agree, it would have been nice for Will to have had a boyfriend for experience since Mike had a girlfriend, or other crushes (maybe he has and we just didn't know) instead of Mike being his one and only who he unexpectedly falls in love with at a young age and wants to spend whole life with, because it gives off "I feel like my life started that day I found you in the woods... and I knew right then and there that I loved you" vibes BUT the key here is that Wills feelings developed over time, the duffers just provided hints for where they were going with that part of the story since the beginning (as they do with many other things in the show). Not to mention Will was there before El and Mike and Will knew each other for years, unlike Milkvan. So it wasn't love at first sight. I don't see anyone saying things like this about Lumax. Believe it or not, sometimes couples that start dating at young ages last. Is it common? No. Milkvan is a good example of puppy love and conforming to societal norms. They convinced themselves it was love at first sight even though we all know that's not 100% the truth (*cough* MIKE). Just as there are parallels, there are also non-parallels. Like Both Lumax and Milkvan started dating when they were young (in Caleb's words "Lumax isn't like Milkvan. Their love is real"), and both broke up and get back together later on. The difference? Lumax took time to grow and mature as people before getting back together, which positively impacted their relationship and they grew closer. Milkvan gets back together after 3 months cuz they are so used to being together, still have a lot of personal things going on and growing to do, which impacts their relationship negatively and they grow apart. So although there are similarities, there are also differences. Like... Lumax: Endgame. Millkvan: Bones. I really don't think we need to worry about Will getting heartbroken either. Guys... I can't stress this enough, the evidence is there. BYLER IS NOT LIKE THESE OTHER QUEER-BATE SHIPS. There's nothing else we as fans can do except hope. Will deserves a happy ending and he is the MAIN character (THE main character of S5) and although the Duffers love torturing Will, they know this fact too. The story has been written. Worrying about it won't change anything. There will be heartbreaking moments in S5, yes, but it will all come full circle like the Duffers promised. And the ending has been described as beautiful so many times. It will be handled. It's their job. The duffers are good writers so it will be figured out. The dots WILL connect in the end. It's ok to feel negative feelings but it's better to try and be positive, especially since we have quite the wait lol. Everything will be ok and if I'm wrong... then the Duffers need to find a new job or else I will shove a squeaker in their lunch and when they eat that lunch and swallow it every time they talk and breathe they will sound like a dog toy.
LMAOOO the endddd
no but seriously you’re right and no one should be doubting byler at this point. guys, come on!!!! byler is so obviously endgame there is no other explanation for this. i genuinely believe that the duffers know what they’re doing and that will byers will finally get the happy ending he deserves. i feel all this will lead to our success and milkvan’s downfall. i think we should definitely have hope, especially since hoping would make this waiting till season 5 just a bit more manageable! so yeah, anon you’re definitely right. lumax is definitely much more real than milkvan and overall just a better ship. this is why lumax and byler have so many parallels! they’re both endgame ships that are very real.
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Watching S1 of Teen Wolf
Episode 6
Scott here being a SMART protagonist and gtfo-ing as soon as he could. Him getting caught cuz of Allison tho- i laUGHED. Derek is also such a stereotypical older brother lol.
Also Derek's bunny teeth.
Yes, i skipped the sex scene. Music is good tho. Except for the loudest motherfucking kissing. Im dying. Make it endddd
Oh hey, scott is actually being made to participate with the wolfy stuff finally.
Also more Kate (sarcastic yay) srsly tho- her two facedness is *mwah chefs kiss
When Scott jumps out the window all i can think of is "how are these kids not being caught all the time?" Like hes just so LOUD.
And he also immediately proves me wrong because at the start he was smart and ran the second something sus happened, but then he just assumes this mysterious werewolf is Derek KNOWING THERES A MURDEROUS ALPHA ON THE LOOSE.
I was so happy to see Peter that i didnt mind that much tho.
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This scene when scott gets home is hilarious because if you have your brightness all the way up, you can SEE Derek just sittin there. Also props to Derek for knowing about Scott sneaking out but not even caring about Allison lol. How long was he just sitting in this kids room tho??
Also Derek Hale is a shit liar and thats hilarious to me cuz hes out here sussing people out when they lie but when he does it its super obvious.
Scott: You cant ask me to trust you and then keep things to yourself
Derek: Watch me (leaves through the front door like a nooooob)
Awwww pouty stiles!
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Stiles is just not able to resist info about Derek tho lol (careful dude, your bi is showing) honestly same
Also this entire ep is just Pack Mom Stiles energy
Lydia's face when she sees the wolf tho lmaooo. This girl is TRAUMATISED
Scott hides from Allison while Stiles has to sort out all his werewolf drama for him and i just-
All this scallison is just getting in the way of me enjoying the show and i feel so bad but omfg. Theres just so much
Jacksons face when he sees scott being pelted thoooo- what a relatable bitch. I was laughing too.
If only Stiles could put "raised a werewolf child" on his resume. Stiles and Derek are coparents, you cant change my mind.
Stiles calling out sexism about the whole "women make you weak thing" is just yeasss.🔥🔥🔥
And Jacksons whole mirror scene? Peak creeps, 10/10. Reminded me of Draco Malfoy. Him and Allison's heart to heart was kinda touching. But then you know, he pulled the creep out so-
Stiles' eyeroll to Scalliso in Coach Cupcake's class looool. K the hand holding was kinda cute ngl, good job scallison. Stiles is just done tho lol. He's so over it too and hes Scotts best friend😂😂
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The car key scene has me cringing and giggling at the same time omfg.
Oh before i forget
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OMG PETERRR Ohhh the IRONY IN THIS SCENE- and also poor bby Derek, all alone in this world. Peter lifting his finger as Derek leaves, RIGHT AFTER he says he cant wait lol. Peter is such a bastard tho lol cuz he coulda lifted his finger if he wanted, but he didnt pfft- guess he only has energy for killing people right now. Think its meant to add to the MysTerY. I think this is the cuddliest Peter has ever looked and i am here for it.
Derek: I can take him. But i need to find him first
Peter:... You can't kill me im a bad bitch
That detention scene, did they like fake the heart to heart to make the teacher uncomfy? Or was it meant to be genuine? Im going with the first one, because i think its better lol. But i think even if they faked it to get outta detention they both meant some of it.
Also Derek says if hes unconcious he cant stop himself from healing? But he was just unconcious??? And Dr. Deaton didnt heal??? Also everytime Scott and Derek fight they're actually just like estranged brothers. Sam and Dean if they only met in Season 3 lol.
Scott howling is so funny like howl no1 is yowling and howl no2 is roaring. Bitch really cant howl for shit- what is he??? Werewolf of werelion?? First he sounds like a kitten then he sounds like a lion.
(Me watching Stiles hype Scott up) Fellas, is it gay to know how to attract Alpha males?
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Oh no Derek is 'dead'.
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Anyway, thanks for reading through the rambling, all of this is of course personal opinion and takes, but i might make this a whole thing.
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
So I’m new to the Ziam fandom, I’m a strong larrie but I also couldn’t help to notice that there was something between Z*yn and L*am too. Could you tell me about the tiger tattoo? I keep hearing that its an iconic Ziam tattoo and I’m a little confused. Also, do you think Ziam is still together right now in 2020 and could you explain why? I hope this isn’t a bother.
hey nonnie, welcome to this side of the fandom! and please don’t worry, you are not a bother at all, and we are always happy to have new members! please accept this adorable gif of ziam waving hello as your welcoming gift into the ziam fandom lol! 😊🌈
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now onto your question about the tiger tattoo...
hooo boy, nonnie
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 idk if you know what you’re asking because this is a BIG life-altering question.
...are you ready for this? 
are you ready to die? are you ready to have your soul ascend from your body up to the gay ziam heavens for all eternity? 
i mean it’s pretty nice up here and all but you may just wanna get your affairs in order before you continue, cause once you discover all the ways zayn javadd malik has professed his undying and eternal love for liam james payne all over his goddamn body there is no coming back.
are you absolutely sure you’re ready?
ok, here we go!
so. once upon a time way back in october 2013 zayn debuted a new tattoo of a tiger on his arm. at the time it seemed like just another tattoo in a quickly growing long list of (random) tattoos, and went by relatively untalked about among fandom (at least afaik) for a couple of years. but THEN, in early 2016 zayn followed that tattoo up with the addition of the full title of his m.o.m. album spelled out around the tiger...
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seems normal, right?
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first off, notice how the tiger’s tail is shaped suspiciously like an L?
well, that’s not all that’s gay i mean odd or interesting about this tattoo lol...some have also noticed that the muscles of the tiger’s back quite remarkably appear to resemble the muscles of a certain boy whose name also starts with L 
(and no i’m not talking about louis lol)
but here’s where shit really gets real because guess what? you may have noticed that the letters of the ‘mine’ part are kind of shuffled in an odd/not really consecutive order to spell out the word mine in a way that’s clearly or easily readable...that’s because zayn’s extra ass arranged it specifically so that only the i, e, and m, are all directly around the L-shaped tiger tail, while the n is just off to the side like a lonely forgotten reject
by now you might be saying to yourself okay, well that’s not really all that significant to liam, and the L could just be a coincidence/not really mean anything, couldn’t it?
wrong again!
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because once more, zayn ‘i live to be as extra as humanly possible about my love for liam james payne because i don’t know any other way to live’ malik made sure to put a little tail/extra line on the side of the letter ‘e’ to make it interchangeable with an upside down letter ‘a.’ 
now again you might be thinking i don’t know if that’s really intentional or all that meaningful. but look closely. 
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there is clearly an additional connected piece on that e that cannot be explained away or mistaken for just a weird blot of ink. it’s not just an error on the part of the tattoo artist (if it was i’m sure zayn would have had it fixed by now given that he’s had that tat for over 4 years at this point) and there’s also no letter ‘a’ in ‘mind of mine.’ 
so why is it there? and why does it just so happen to be right next to the i, the m, and the L-shaped tiger tail. why did zayn choose to arrange the letters of the word ‘mine’ in such a weird order instead of a more normal/easier to read format like the rest of the album title? and why did he choose put those exact letters all near each other? because it’s intentional. and because it’s meant to have a very particular double meaning.
if he was going for just a random order he could’ve put those letters anywhere. but he didn’t. and more than that he went out of his way to make sure that that additional piece on the e was added and distinct so that it could very clearly double as an (unnecessary) a. 
there’s no way you can argue that all of those things are just coincidence or that the random letter ‘a’ means absolutely nothing lol. that tattoo was clearly meant as both an homage to the album and to liam (who the album is largely believed to be about lol). and the fact that the muscles seem to match quite closely to liam’s is a nice added bonus that just helps confirm that imo. (plus there’s also the lovely little tidbit of knowledge that the tattoo is positioned in such a way that whenever zayn wears short-sleeve shirts the ‘Liam’ part is the only part clearly on display 😏😏😏)
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never mind that he already had all of us ziams sobbing ourselves to death and morphing into withered soulless husks over this tattoo after he debuted the full thing in 2016, but there’s so! many! more!
boy’s body is literally a giant ass open love letter to liam and i am NOT OKAY. (have i mentioned i hate these extra ass romantic saps with every fiber of my being? no? well i do. and you’re about to find out all the reasons why)
reason #1 - all. the. goddamn. mandala. tattoos. (there are multiple but i’m only linking to this post featuring/talking about the main one, i.e. the very first one he got cause that’s the one that kills me the most but if you wanna see the others peep my ziam tattoos tag or my zayn’s tattoos tag)
reason #2 - love & marriage poem tattoo (read all the posts in this tag starting from the bottom first for full context)
reason #3 - red wolf & bat wings chest tattoo
reason #4 - wolf leg tattoo (more background details here too)
reason #5 - liam’s silhouette leg tattoo
reason #6 - smoking lips hand tattoo (which literally matches the album art for liam’s debut single exactly and was debuted on zayn’s hand months before the single’s release - scroll down to the part where you can see the red lip pics)
reason #7 - the snake tattoo (aka the snake habitat tattoo)
reason #8 - motherfuckin 25!! idk what it means but it clearly means SOMETHING important to the both of them and it still drives me insane to this day and probably will to my dying breath 🤬 
bonus - it’s not a tattoo but: zayn’s nose piercing. which along with the mandala wrist tat is literally a desi bride declaration of marriage; fun fact - tan france, a gay married british-pakistani tv personality who is part of the queer eye crew also has a mandala tat on his left hand that some have speculated may also be to symbolize his dedication to his husband)
anyway there are more tattoos of zayn’s that seem to also be related to liam (though more loosely imo) but this post is already beyonddd long enough so i figured it’s best to just stick to the main ones/most obvious ones here lol 
(side note: liam also has tattoos that are clearly dedicated to zayn/his and zayn’s relationship as well, but that’s for another post and also if my recall is correct i think zayn might actually have more?? well that we know of anyway lol)
(side note 2.0: one other thing that adds to the theory of the m.o.m. tiger tattoo being a dedication to liam/liam’s name, besides the obvious lettering thing described above, is that zayn is known to have a thing for tattooing the names of his closest loved ones on his body. the only person in his immediate family whose name he doesn’t appear to have tattooed on him is trisha’s and i’d be willing to bet that’s either because she specifically asked him not to, or he does have one but it’s just in a very hidden place. but we know that he has his father’s name, grandfather’s name, and all of his sister’s names tattooed on him so when you combine that with the weird lettering of the m.o.m. tiger tat and the fact that the album was very likely about liam/closely followed the story of the beginning of his relationship with liam, it becomes even less plausible imo that that tattoo is meant to be about anything else but liam. ain’t science grand?)
(side note 3.0: zayn’s whole left arm/left sleeve of tats seems to be specifically reserved for tattoos dedicated to liam and/or related/connected to liam’s own tattoos, and there’s a couple of good posts here - x, x, x, x - that go through some of the more specific parallels between their tattoos and how certain ones seem to mirror or directly pair with each other’s)
ok i promise that’s it for the side notes lol!
lastly, to your final question, i do believe that they are still together currently, especially considering this most recent soft outing/confirmation from one of zayn’s songwriters (who is also not the first to do that either btw lol) but that is not the only reason - see my post here for some of the biggest reasons why i believe ziam remains real and strong :)
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mikrokyla · 4 years
why try
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—26; i knew it
“Aiko, please, you can’t..” You hold on your sister’s wrist desperately, trying to stop her from finding your parents.
Aiko turns around to look at you. “Stop it, Y/n.” Aiko looks at Kiyoomi and says, “Leave, Kiyoomi.”
“I can’t, sorry. There’s no way I’m going to let you tell our families.”
Aiko shakes your hand away from her wrist and walks towards Kiyoomi. “You know you both aren’t supposed to be together, so why do you still do it?”
Kiyoomi stares at Aiko. “Why else would I stay with Y/n if I didn’t like her?”
Aiko’s eyes widen a little at Kiyoomi’s response but that doesn’t change her mind. “You’re asking for a death wish by doing this. Even if I don’t say anything to our families, me and Kai are still getting married-“
“Can you shut up about that already? You know Kai doesn’t like you so you tell me, why are you still doing this marriage?” Kiyoomi snaps.
“You don’t know our family, Kiyoomi. Once they’re set on something, they’re set. There’s nothing we could do.”
“There’s nothing you could do or you’re just not trying to do something to stop this?”
“Just shut up! You don’t know anything.” Aiko says, turning around and making her way back to the main party. You and Kiyoomi rush to stop Aiko, but Aiko quickly gets lost in the crowd.
“I knew it.” Aiko whispers to herself as she tries to find a familiar face.
Back when she spontaneously visited you, she noticed something as she got out of her car and made her way to the building.
A car. Aiko didn’t think much of it until today, when Kiyoomi pulled up to the party in the same car.
During the party, she noticed you were nowhere to be found so she looked for you. When she coincidentally went to the bathroom as soon as you came out with Kiyoomi, everything clicked in her head.
After rushing around the big venue, Aiko finally spots that familiar someone. “Kai!” She quickly grabs Kai’s hand and drags him somewhere private.
Once Kai and Aiko are somewhere private, Kai pulls his hand away from hers. “Ow, what is your problem? You were practically digging your nails in my hand!”
“Kiyoomi and Y/n are dating.”
Kai freezes and looks up at Aiko. “What?”
“Did you know? Is that why you wouldn’t agree with me?”
“Aiko, what? Listen, I didn’t want to get married to you because I don’t like you like that. How did you find out that Y/n and Kiyoomi are dating?”
“I caught them. They admitted it too.”
Kai grimaces seeing Aiko angrily rant to him. Once Aiko sits down, Kai begins to talk. “Is there a problem if they date? Cause I really don’t see the problem. If they want our families to get married in a way, then Y/n and Kiyoomi could get married if they want to.”
“There is a problem, Kai! My parents will ruin our care ers if we don’t listen to them, I’ve been agreeing to this because I don’t want any of our careers to be ruined—but I would’ve never suspected that Y/n and Kiyoomi actually liked each other..” Aiko buried her face in her hands.
“Aiko, the truth is, I knew they’ve been dating.” Aiko looks up at Kai. “They’ve almost been dating for a year.”
Kai regrets telling Aiko what he just told her when he sees the look of betrayal on her face. “You knew?” Aiko says.
Kai nods his head. “Kiyoomi told me. I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell you, Kiyoomi would be so sad if they had to break up.” Aiko buries her face in her hands again and Kai sits next to Aiko. “Aiko.. Is there another reason why you want to get married to me? Other than saving our careers?”
“There’s someone else I like. My parents know, but they don’t approve of them. The next day after I told them, we had dinner with you. They announced our arranged marriage. So basically, they don’t approve of anyone who has no benefit to them.”
Kai frowns. “So Kiyoomi has no benefit to your parents, but I do?”
Aiko nods her head. “Yes.”
“No offense, but fuck your parents for that.”
Aiko laughs. “No offense taken.”
“So, where is Kiyoomi and Y/n?”
“Trying to find me. I still don’t know what to do.”
Kai sighs. “They’re most likely losing their minds right now, Aiko. They have no idea where you are.”
“Are you worried for them?”
“Yeah. I’m worried about my brother. When my parents hosted a party in celebration of me getting main lead in our movie, Kiyoomi told me they kissed for the first time. Then when he met up with her again after that day, he told me that Y/n said your parents didn’t want him to date your sister. He was extremely sad.”
“He told you all that?” Aiko says. “Does Y/n not trust me enough to tell me all that?”
“I don’t know how you and Y/n work, but I think you guys should probably talk about it. I also think you should tell her about the person you like. She’ll probably understand your feelings once you tell her that.”
Aiko nods her head. “I’ll do that.”
“Yeah. Please do that before even thinking about telling your parents, please. I don’t want my brother to be sad.”
“Okay. I will.” Aiko looks at Kai and smiles. “Thank you.”
Kai smiles. “You’re welcome.”
As Aiko and Kai were talking, you and Kiyoomi were losing your minds trying to find your sister, resulting in some words that were better left unsaid.
<- 25; i think i like you • 27; done ->
why try masterlist
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aalissy · 4 years
Can’t Sleep
Day 24 is doneee!! Can’t believe we’re sooo close to finishing Ladrien June :(. I don’t want it to endddd. Anywho, I hope you like this short lil chapter hehe. Lemme know what you think <3
Marinette grumbled lightly, tossing and turning in her bed as she glared at the wall. Even though it was very late, for some reason she just couldn’t fall asleep. Sitting up in bed, she ran a hand through her hair, blowing out a harsh breath. Tikki sleepily lifted her head up from the pillow, rubbing one of her eyes as she stared at her holder, “Marinette, is something the matter?”
“No, no!” she rushed reassuringly in a soft voice, “I’m sorry for waking you up, Tikki! I didn’t mean to!! I just couldn’t fall asleep!”
“It’s alright, Marinette,” her kwami gave her a small grin, “You know, you could always transform into Ladybug, running around might make you a bit more tired.”
She sucked lightly on her lower lip as she stared at Tikki worriedly, “A-are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to keep you up.”
“It’s fine,” Tikki giggled, “I’m sure you won’t be out too long. And besides, kwamis don’t need much sleep anyway!”
Marinette blinked in shock before she gave her a soft smile, “Thanks, Tikki!”
“You’re welcome,” her kwami beamed back.
Chuckling quietly, Marinette called on her transformation, “Tikki, spots on!”
With an excited shout, she felt the magic seep into her bones. Within a few seconds and a flurry of pink bubbles, she became Ladybug. She bounced quickly on the balls of her feet for a few seconds, enjoying the newfound energy. After stretching slightly, she pushed up through the trapdoor and into the dark, quiet night.
Ladybug swung from building to building, enjoying the feeling of the crisp wind brushing across her face. Softly, she landed on top of the Eiffel Tower, sighing quietly as she stared down at her beautiful city. Sitting down slowly, she curled her knees up to her chest as she watched the sparkling lights. She sighed softly and a slow smile teased at the edges of her lips. She was so lucky to live in Paris! It was one of the best cities in the world!
After a few minutes of watching the delicate lights twinkle at her, Ladybug eventually swung away from the Eiffel Tower. She wanted to feel sleepy and she knew the perfect place to do that! With a quick flick of her wrist, she landed on a building near the Seine River. Her eyes fluttered closed as she listened to the gentle waves lap against the stone wall. Ladybug hummed quietly to herself, feeling drowsier and drowsier as the seconds ticked by. 
Finally, when she was sure that she would pass out as soon as she landed on her bed, Ladybug stood up. Swinging her yo-yo carefully by her side, she was about to latch it around a corner of a building when she heard a quiet splash. With a small frown marring her face, she turned around and peered inquisitively down at the river’s edge. Squinting her eyes, she caught sight of a familiar set of blonde hair. 
T-that couldn’t be right though... There was no way that Adrien would be out this late. Her frown deepening, Ladybug shot one last longing glance to her home and bed before carefully making her way down to where Adrien was standing. Quietly, she called out to him, “Adrien? What are you doing out here this late?”
He practically jumped, whirling around to look at her. His mouth fell open and he squeaked out, “Oh, Ladybug! Sorry you scared me!”
“No, no, I’m sorry!” she said, her cheeks turning a light pink as she waved her hands about, “I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like I did! I was just wondering what you were doing out this late!”
Adrien chuckled almost sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to sneak out.”
Ladybug gasped dramatically, a teasing smile in her voice as she spoke, “Adrien Agreste, I didn’t think you were the type to sneak out!”
“W-well, I don’t usually,” he said with a light blush, kicking a small pebble at his feet, “I just wanted to get away for a little while. So what are you doing out here this late, Ladybug?”
“Honestly I couldn’t sleep either,” she gave him a small grin, “It seems we both had the same idea though,” Ladybug gestured towards the river with a slight jerk of her head.
Adrien smiled back at her and she felt giddy as he chuckled. He nodded his head at her as he looked back at the Seine River, “Yeah, I always come out here whenever I need to relax or calm down. It’s always so quiet and peaceful.”
Biting on her bottom lip, she peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, “I feel the same way! I love listening to the water and seeing all the pretty lights. Paris is so beautiful!”
“It is, isn’t it?” Adrien said before yawning rather loudly, stretching his arms above his head as he did so.
Ladybug giggled quietly before she spoke up, “Do you want a lift home? I was getting a little tired myself and it looks like you are too.”
He shrugged a shoulder lightly, giving her a small smile, “That would be great! If you don’t mind, that is.”
“No, it’s fine!” she beamed at Adrien before scooping him up in her arms. A few minutes cuddling Adrien in my arms. Yes please! Ladybug giggled to herself. She shot down a quick look at him and felt a pink blush dust her cheeks when she noticed he was already looking up at her. Giving him a nervous, shaky smile, she swung her yo-yo around a corner, taking them away from the river.
 It didn’t take them long for her to land in Adrien’s mansion, even though Ladybug went as slow as she possibly could. Sliding in through the open window, she set him down on the floor, giving him one last smile, “Goodnight, Adrien. Thank you for keeping me company.”
“Goodnight, Ladybug,” he waved at her.
Reluctantly, she left him, too tired to continue a conversation with him. Giving him a quick wave back as she yawned, she leapt back out his window. She was going to get a great sleep tonight, and it was all thanks to Tikki!
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prettymuchimagines · 7 years
blind dates, pt.6
part one   part two   part three   part four   part five Word count: 518 masterlist 
Brandon and you have been seeing a lot more of each other. You basically lived with Alexys and the boys at their place the past week. Unfortunately, your break was over and college was calling your names. Brandon lives in California, you go to school in Florida. How is whatever you two have, going to work? Long distance relationships can be very difficult and you weren’t looking forward to ending things with Brandon.
Talking to your advisor, voice full of hope and yearning. “Can’t there be a way I can finish the semester here?” 
“You’re in the middle of classes right now. The date to withdrawal from classes has passed and there aren’t any open spots for your online courses.” 
You let out a deep sigh, slumping into the chair. “Alright, thanks for checking.” Looking at Alexys across the room. “Well that plan sucked.” 
“Natalie, we have two weeks left then finals and graduation.” I know they’re going to come visit one weekend. He likes you a lot, you will make it work.”
“I can’t wait to come back after graduation.”
You are at the library on campus, studying for your finals. Taking advantage of the Florida sun, you decide to study outside. After getting your things out, you Instagram a photo.
Tumblr media
study viewz 
“Hey babe, that’s a great picture and all but I don’t think you’re actually studying right now.”
You turn around and basically scream. “BRANDON?!” 
“That’s me!” He hums as his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you tighter for a hug. “Heard you needed a little study break and some good luck.”
You nod while you kiss your boyfriend.
Brandon lets you sit in his lap while you read your textbook. He watches you read, while listening to music through the new apple ear pods you bought him.
“Natalie Elizabeth Johnson”
Your heels begin to click across the stage, as clapping fills the room. You made it. 4 years of college, long distance relationship, surviving with your best friend, late nights and early mornings. You’ve now graduated. 
Glancing over the large crowd, you spot him. He brought all the guys, making the loudest noise ever for you. He couldn’t be more proud of you for accomplishing this goal. 
You take the diploma from the dean of your college, shaking four other hands after that. Smiling constantly to be prepared for any and all photos.
He’s running towards you, more like sprinting. You lock eyes with him across the quad with a smile, laughing at how ridiculous he looks.
“I’M SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU DID IT BABY!” he picks you up, twirling you around and leaving kisses all over your face.
“EDWIN! YOU OWE ME $30 BUCKS!” shouts Nick.
“Hey, you bet on me? Specifically on what?” you look over at Edwin and Nick.
“Well, Edwin thought you would be the first to cry seeing Brandon.” Nick says. 
You roll your eyes at them, wiping the tears from Brandon’s eyes. “I love you so much. Thanks for being here, it really means a lot.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Natalie.” 
THE ENDDDD I really wanted to get this out. Sorry it’s short this time! 
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The show must go on
(MALE! mc x Peter Graves)
"Griffin..." Peter said, looking deeply into his current boss' deep brown eyes. "I love you."
Okay, wow. Griffin did NOT see it coming. He just wanted to make sure he gained the grifter's trust, and now... He could've sworn his heart was beating at the speed of sound. His cheeks were turning red, eyes wide open, prepering to confess his feelings towards the man too, but...
"Endddd scene!" Graves said, giggling. He hugged the shocked man, telling him that he trusts him no matter what, but... Griffin wasn't really listening. He was still in shock from the fake confession, yet hypnotized by the man's warm embrace. The sweet smell of coffee and perfume drove Griffin insane, and the soft laughter of Peter could even turn the devil back into an angel.
'Damnit, Graves,' he thought to himself. 'I fucking love you.'
As they have arrived to the palace, he was prepared to see Graves looking fancy, but... Wow. Griffin was almost speechless as he saw Peter, standing right in front of him in a magenta suit and pitch black glasses. He even went farther and gave himself fake facial hair.
"How do I look?" The grifter asked, giving him his lovely smile.
'You look like a fucking god, Graves.' Griffin thought, scanning the man in front of him. 'You always look flawless.'
"You look nice." He managed to say. "Pretty fancy."
He stopped blushing and gave him a smirk. "Don't let it get to your head." Griffin added.
"Far too late for that, my friend." He responded. "Far too late."
Shit, was Griffin at the friend zone?
The heist was successful. They actually managed to humiliate Ansel.
After that, things went well for everyone. Peter kept in touch with almost everyone in the gang.
Anton and Sybil became best friends and infamous partners in crime, topping lots of great criminals, includong Anton's dad himself.
Jones decided to lay low for a while, but still kept in touch with the gang.
Fabien became one of the most famous drivers in the world. He actually became number one.
Eris and Rye keep on... Doing their things. Honestly, Peter never truly understood what did they do after everything.
Yet... None of them has seen or heard anything from Griffin. Even when Anton tried to fond him, nothing came up.
Graves was more than worried. The memories of the man kept him up at night, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
To tell the truth, Griffin liked him. Fuck that- he was in love with the man. He fell for the guy from the first time he saw him- from the moment the shorter man came over to him, with his stupid smirk and messy brown hair... Maybe he wasn't kidding when he said what he did when Griffin asked for his trust.
He tried calling him a few times. Every single time he had to leave a message at the voice mail, somtimes even crying a.bit, begging him to at least text him. No luck. Yet, he kept on trying.
It's been two years.
Two years and he still hasn't heard from him. Some of the gang is convinced that he's dead, but Graves had a feeling that they're wrong.
As the time passed, the poor grifter lost more and more hope. Maybe...maybe he was really dead?
He picked up his phone, calling him for the last time. Again, he had to leave a message for the voicemail.
He took a deep breath, and began to talk.
"Hey, Griffin, it's me..." Peter began to speak as his voice cracked. "I... I don't know if you can hear this message... Hell, I don't even know if you're even alive!"
He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks, unable to control them.
"I... I don't want to bother you anymore after that, but..." Graves continued, trying not to expose his cry again. "I... I just want to say it, in case I'll never get the chance."
He took a deep breath, voice breaking even more.
"Two tears ago...when I told you that I love you..." He said. "I meant it, okay? I LOVE you, Griffin."
He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to let it all out.
"I was stupid to think it was a good idea to... I don't know... Block my feelings you." He said. "Hell, I was stupid not kissing you for luck every time I got the chance. And now... I don't know if I'd ever see you again!"
He sobbed for a bit, tears fall from his chin onto his pillow.
"I'm so sorry, Griffin." He said. " Please, just let me know if... You're alive..."
He took a deep breath and Hang up the phone, tossing it to the other side of his bedroom and crying himself to sleep.
An hour passed, and Grave woke up to the feeling of two warm hands holding him. As he turned around to see who it was, he finally saw him-
Deep brown eyes staring into his with an apologetic smile, his bright brown hair still a mess...
"Griffin..." Peter said, feeling the tears coming out of his eyes.
"Hey, Graves." He responded softly, cupping his face with his hand and wiping the tears away from the grifter's eyes.
"You have no idea how worried I was!" Peter said, burrying his face in Griffin's shoulder. "I began to think you were dead!"
"I'm so sorry, Graves." He said, running his hand through the taller man's hair. "I shouldn't have disappeared from your life."
"Why did you came?" The grifter asked,
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amayapapayaaa · 7 years
Omggggg. Sunday he text me around 8:30/9 asking if I was busy and wanted to “pull up”. So I replied and said I would come over after I finish what I was doing. I text him at 10 something asking if he was up, he said yeah. So I Showered, and made my way. I was late af lol. But as soon as I got in my car he text asking wya. He literally lives 4 minutes from my school. I said driving and pulled up. He opened the door and I went in. I was sitting in the living room watching the game. He went straight to his room after locking the door. But I’m still sitting there by myself lol. Maybe about 10 minutes later he came out there and told me he had the game on in his room and cut the tv off. So we’re walking to his room and he mumbled something like “chump ass”. Ever since then I was in his ass lmaooo. Like we were really play fighting and fussing. I kept putting my shoes on saying I was leaving lol. He took my shoes off and was not playing with me lmaooo. So I finally took my hoodie back off and sat next to him. He started tugging at my pants and told me to “take them pants off”. So I did lol. Before this he kept kissing my lower back and softly biting it. That shit felt AMAZING lol. He was rubbing all over my body. But I low key kept ignoring him before I took my pants off. Not ignoring but I wasn’t making a move. Anyways, so I took my pants off and he started rubbing all over and in between my thighs. Then kissing between them. S/N: I never knew like kissing the lower part of my ear was such a turn on. Like slightly sucking it makes me 💦 lmao. Okay anyway, so he got between my legs and took my panties off. But this nigga had the NERVE to throw them on the floor. I kept telling him to pick them up and he’s like it’s cool. Nigga no tf it’s not wtf. So I tried to have a fake attitude while he was eating me lol. But he didn’t go all in this time cause he was definitely ready to fuck. And boy oh boy did he know how to work it this time lmao. I guess he had to be sober to really fuck good. He fucked the shit out of me lol. So he’s eating Nicki and then grabs the condom (and picks up my panties). He puts it on and sticks it in while I’m on my back. I even had the first gasp when he stuck it in this time 😂. This nigga clearly had a whole new dick lmaooo. The only not so great thing about this time was that it was kinda quick like 10-15 minutes. I was actually moaning this time lol. I kept tightening Nicki while he was in her. That shit felt amazing 😉. He kept asking “you like that?” Lol. Then while he was really up in it he was like “yeah gimme dat pussy”. He was smiling and shit, cause he knew he was putting in work this time lmao. Then he came and we both needed a moment to recover lmao. He literally laid there and took the condom off while laying down and threw it in the trash. I got up and went to pee. Then I came back and he got up. He went to the bathroom, got water, came back. I put my shirt and panties back on and laid down. He was ass naked laying back down lmao. He started tugging at my panties again and told me to take them off. But I kept saying no, I was going to sleep. And I really rolled over and went to sleep lmao. I think he had an attitude though cause he put the blanket between us. So like throughout the middle of the night I kept poking him and messing with him while he was sleeping because I was ready again lol. I kept pushing my ass straight on him. He started rubbing it and Nicki was ready lmao. He started rubbing her and slid his finger straight in. I honestly thought he was gonna go in without a condom. I was in the moment and probably wouldn’t have been mad if he didn’t get one. Besides it’s so much better without 🤷🏾‍♀️ My panties were still on and he just slid them to the side to touch. Then he took them off and grabbed the condom. I gave him head and he started going crazy lmao 💁🏾‍♀️ Then he put the condom on and said “come up here”. And I did as I was told lol. I got right on top of him and started riding. I’ve gotten better btw lol. He positioned me so that he was really fucking the shit out of me while I was on top lol. Then he pulled me onto his face to taste it. He legit slid from under me after tasting it and I was bent over for my favorite position lmao. After I turned on my back and he went in tasting it again because he had stamina this time and didn’t want to cum quick lmao. So after eating it up he put it back in and had my legs spread different ways as we were still going and then eventually he came. This man took off the condom and literally let loose on me. I was so disgusted 😒 Then I wiped off, got up to pee, and laid back down until he got dressed for work lol. The endddd! Uhm I’m low key curious to see where this is going to go. But as long as I’m getting zick I’m good for now 🙃
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