thebisexualwreckoning · 3 months
I am. Literally sick. Over how much I love cardan being his cunty (derogatory) self in the cruel prince. He’s so fucking awful it’s a delight. I wanna puke.
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shiganshinaslut · 1 year
Thinking about Dottore lately
I want to be locked up in his lab, submitting to him completely and at his disposal to use for whatever experiments he sees fit.
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the-crimson · 1 year
I did it I made a part 2 XD Find part 1 of my bbh and fed worker fic here
Tw gaslighting, manipulation, psychological torture
Enjoy :D
Warm saccharine sweetness blooms in the workers mouth as it takes a bite of the brownie. It doesn’t think it’s ever had something so fresh. Only day old sandwiches and avocado toast of questionable quality the residents toss their way. But this chocolate infused bread is still steaming and the chocolate chips melted and it swears as it takes another bite, this must be nirvana.
Badboyhalo - the demon - has propped the worker on the bed with cushions while he sits nearby tinkering on the various shredded pieces of its body. Unlike yesterday, the demon chats softly almost with himself. He talks about his day, his friends, his ghosts and only occasionally pauses when prompting the worker’s thoughts on the various dramas of the island. He’s provided a clipboard that sits on the table beside the plate of brownies that the worker scribbles replies without much thought, lost in the euphoria of the pastry.
Badboyhalo doesn’t seem to mind the worker’s distracted state and it couldn’t be more thankful. It hasn’t felt this at ease in… it can’t remember. Perhaps since it was created.
It could laugh at the irony. It’s never been in more peril after all but… it can’t help it. It’s never met a being like this. He's nearly unrecognizable from the horrifying presence that allowed the soul vulture to tear it to shreds.
Cucurucho is cold and callus and predictable. It has its orders and follows them with laser precision but this… Badboyhalo is an enigma. Maybe that’s the difference a soul makes.
“Aah! Hss!” The demon exclaims suddenly and drops the mechanical parts with a loud clang! He grasps his wrist as blue and white soul energy surges beneath his skin and the dark blue tendrils of infection spread. His breath hisses through gritted teeth but the flair subsides and he sighs heavily and releases his hand. The demon observes the odd… corruption? Infection? The worker isn’t sure, with an neigh unreadable expression.
The worker tilts it head slightly, just now noticing the odd growths all across the demon’s body that are mostly hidden by his clothing. Isn’t he supposed to be red?
“Are you okay?” The worker writes after a moment of hesitation.
Badboyhalo glances at the clipboard and gives a loose smirk that is tinged with pain. “All according to plan. Don’t you worry about me.” He picks up the tools and continues mending the mangled arm.
The worker looks closer at the demon’s face and sees the growth creeping on the right side, noticing for the first time the blue tint of his eye. It starts to write something but the demon speaks first.
“How about you? You’ve scarfed down so many brownies I doubt there’ll be any left for me.” Badboyhalo sends a light hearted grin the worker’s way as it freezes for a moment in panic but it breathes a relieved sigh.
“Sorry.” It writes.
The demon gives a light chuckle with that loose smile. “I brought them for you.”
The worker shifts slightly. Why does this demon feel so warm? His presence itself seems to absorb all heat leaving a vacuumus cold but… It doesn’t like how at ease it is around him. If it has learned anything from the federation it’s that no one does anything without reason.
The worker takes a long moment to think before writing “Why are you doing this? Why are you being so kind?”
Badboyhalo reads, then tilts his head with a confused laugh. “What do you mean? It’s the least I can do.”
It’s the worker’s turn to recoil in confusion.
“What?” It writes.
“Well, Cucurucho abandoned you after you were ambushed by the Code so I figured someone should look after you workers. You’ve done so much for us islanders after all.”
WHAT? The worker stares at him on the verge of short circuiting. That’s - that’s not what happened. That’s not anywhere close to what happened.
“You don’t remember? I’m not surprised. I had to build your cranium nearly from scratch just to wake you up.” He chuckles to himself. “I didn’t think I’d manage it but my son is a good teacher… was.” The mirth fades at the memory of his son but the worker isn’t paying attention.
He is lying. He is blatantly lying. He has to be right? It remembers the vulture. It remembers that monster tearing and shredding. It remembers.
“The codes started attacking you workers when it realized it couldn’t defeat Etoiles. You were the first. You really don’t remember?”
The worker stares at the lying snake. It’s not true. It can’t be true.
The worker writes “Stop.” But the demon doesn’t read it.
“You were removing the lava cast at the presidential office. There was only a few blocks left so you stayed overnight while the others took a break.”
“Stop STOP STOP STOP ST” the demon gently takes the worker's hand and holds it still.
“You were alone when it struck. Near midnight. You didn’t notice it until you heard the whistling of its blade but by then it was too late. It hacked away at you again and again until you resembled little more than a pile of scrap metal.”
The demon’s eyes stare intently into the worker as he speaks almost hypnotically and the worker tries to pull its hand away, to look away, but he keeps spinning the story.
“I saw Cucurucho find you. It could have saved you but it didn’t. It left you to die.” His voice softens. “But I didn’t. I brought you somewhere safe. I saved you.”
No you didn’t! You can’t have! You did this to me? The demon’s grip loosens and the worker yanks it’s hand back. The demon looks to the side and gives a faint sneer.
“I have an uninvited visitor.” He growls, voice once again low and dripping with malice. The demon gives the worker a saccharine smile. “I’ll be back. I’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
The worker says nothing, too frightened and confused to move. The demon phases through the bars with a pearl and is gone. The worker looks around at the room - cell this is a cell - until its gaze lands on the platter of sweets. It feels pressure building in its chest as it breathes rapidly and lunges at the platter, throws it across the cell. The plate raps on the bars and clatters to the stone before silence once again settles within the chamber.
No. No he’s lying. He’s a liar. I remember. I REMEMBER. There isn’t- he’s lying. He’s trying to get in my head.
The worker holds itself tightly and rocks slightly, shaking its head. The silence is broken suddenly with the ear splitting shriek of the soul vulture. The worker freezes and slowly turns towards the entrance. The wall remains in place and it is still alone.
No, not again. Not now please.
Another bird squawks and another. They shriek hungrily and the worker covers its head as they audibly tear into flesh. Every scrape against bone and tearing of muscle echoes in the chamber amplified somehow and the worker internally whimpers, curling in on itself and trembling.
STOP! It screams in its mind. PLEASE STOP! But it knows no one can hear and even if he could… the demon knows nothing of mercy.
Help me
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hc: miguel doesn’t listen to anything when he works out. not even the gym music. homie straight up puts in noise canceling earplugs and just goes at it.
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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itscherryterry-again · 6 months
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it's you!
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I don't know bingbong, let's ask the destroyed roomba
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever.
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sceletaflores · 11 months
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he’s such a pathetic squirmy worm of a man. i need him under me immediately.
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
are. are you telling me that if the romanced mage warden dies and alistair is king, he deadass stares greagoir down over her dead body and grants the circle of ferelden its autonomy after ordering it rebuilt somewhere safer. first you have to deliberately leave him behind so he won't die for you and then he does that for you once you're gone, even when you're broken up??? absolute and literal king behaviour of the highest order????? the actions speak louder than words of it all??????? I think I hauve covid
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suntails · 4 months
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happy birthday silver!!
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tinyfantasminha · 2 months
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''They're never apart, from when they wake up to the moment they go to bed. They walk together, eat together... I'm sure I'll be the same. When I fall in love with someone, I'll want to be with them for life.''
base ref from @/emtfira on twitter
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woozi · 5 months
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first date
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surreal-duck · 5 months
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Tuesday is chuu day! (x)
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cupiidzbow · 1 month
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im trying to get used to drawing on paper for my own personal self shipping and doodle stuffs sooo sona doodle ( and funky admiring the baddie he pulled )
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seance · 1 year
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If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would've done that. Nah. That's the trouble with you lot. You don't just see things in black and white. Sometimes, you've just gotta blur the edges.
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cyber333angel · 24 days
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