thefalloutwiki · 1 year
Fallout 2: Typhon and Seymour
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Pictured: Typhon, the son of Set, arguing about Hegel's dialectics with Seymour, an intelligent Spore Plant.
You can read more about Typhon and Seymour here:
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alyosharelic · 11 months
love is a catastrophe. it’s a crazy illness. love ruins your life. but i am very sad when i’m not in love -Slavoj Žižek
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empirearchives · 1 year
“With Napoleon and the Napoleonic philosopher Hegel, the period of efficaciousness begins. Before Napoleon, men had discovered space and the universe, with Napoleon they discovered time and the future in terms of this world: and by this discovery the spirit of rebellion is going to be profoundly transformed.”
— Albert Camus, The Rebel
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oddlyunadventurous · 1 year
I've been eating food for about three decades now, give or take. I like eating food. I enjoy maintaining the ascendant position in the relationship between me and food. In terms of the Hegelian master/slave dialectic, I am definitely the master of the food that I eat. I wouldn't like the food to eat me. I wouldn't like if the tables metaphorically turned, while, literally, the table on which my food stood did not turn but, rather, the food sprung up from said stationary table and began eating me. It would be a cruel twist of fate if my food attacked and ate me. I have not fantasized about my food eating me. I have not had dreams about my food eating me. I have not had to clean up after myself after waking up, panting, from a dream about food eating me, swallowing me whole and digesting me. I have never been dropped as an infant. I have not drawn pictures of various scenarios in which I would like to find myself in, where food would animate and begin eating me bit by bit as I scream for help and squirm in secret pleasure. I have not recently switched to drinking Soylent exclusively to try and batter down the hatch and weather my uncontrollable urges. Oh, I'm sorry. I just looked it up and it's actually "batten down the hatch". I typed "batter" because I was thinking about food again and how good I am at eating it, and it not eating me.
I have been shitting myself from the Soylent though.
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Was it possible that Napoleon should have won that battle? We answer No. Why? Because of Wellington? Because of Blucher? No. 
Because of God. 
Bonaparte victor at Waterloo; that does not come within the law of the nineteenth century. Another series of facts was in preparation, in which there was no longer any room for Napoleon. The ill will of events had declared itself long before. 
It was time that this vast man should fall. 
The excessive weight of this man in human destiny disturbed the balance. This individual alone counted for more than a universal group. These plethoras of all human vitality concentrated in a single head; the world mounting to the brain of one man,—this would be mortal to civilization were it to last. The moment had arrived for the incorruptible and supreme equity to alter its plan. Probably the principles and the elements, on which the regular gravitations of the moral, as of the material, world depend, had complained. Smoking blood, over-filled cemeteries, mothers in tears,—these are formidable pleaders. When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden, there are mysterious groanings of the shades, to which the abyss lends an ear. 
Napoleon had been denounced in the infinite and his fall had been decided on. 
He embarrassed God. 
Waterloo is not a battle; it is a change of front on the part of the Universe. - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“As we have seen, religion is the objective moment in the dialectic of the spirit; it is one of the «Absolute Forms» of the spirit. We have seen that the traditional conception of Christianity can easily lead to the negation of man by God. Actual idealism, therefore, felt it necessary to try to salvage the dignity and importance of man without turning to a humanistic atheism.
One may easily see an analogy between this attitude toward the man-God problem and another very important problem in Gentile's work, the man-State problem. Gentile became intimately involved with the new (1922) Italian State when Mussolini asked him to write a philosophical doctrine for the Fascist regime. Gentile realized that one very important task would be to preserve the individuality of each person as manifested in his acts of liberty; self-determination was the mark of the spirit of man in the world. The individual must not be subsumed within the State just as he must not be subsumed within the hegelian Absolute. The spirit of man as opposed to mechanistic nature gives man his great dignity in the universe. It makes him like God: «Man, in truth, is free... inasmuch as he interiorly realizes himself as conscious of himself, as a thinking being... creator of himself.» The State, like God, stands outside each man and precedes him in existence. Each man is in danger of suffering the negation or annihilation of his life and freedom by the force of this external power. Like the laws of God, the laws of the State are a presupposition of his moral life. Gentile realized the danger of absolute power vested in one or a few men. Nevertheless, the State had a definite will toward its citizens, and since God reveals His own Will to men throughout history, the State is very probably the organ for the manifestation of this Divine Will. One can easily see the importance which must be tendered to the ruler of such a State. Gentile held that even violence can be a holy or divinely-willed violence. God can be immanent to His creation through the State and its leader.
The State is the universal common aspect of the will; it seeks to achieve unity among the people by realizing the will of the people. Fascism was the party of the Italian State. It had its canons and its cult of martyrs. However, the State and its laws are only an abstract moment in the ethical life. The positive law of the State and the moral law which comes from the human spirit itself must be transcended in a concrete act of the will. The synthesis will realize human liberty with order. In a discussion of the State and religion Gentile said:
In the dialectic of the Will, God is the moment of law, the moment of past decision. The rigidity of the law has something of the ineluctable necessity of the divine nature.
In a certain way, the State and its law takes on the aspect of a religious institution - at least in the case of the Fascist State.
For Gentile, Fascism is a living idea, a direction of thought, an inspiration and a tendency in which spirits encounter each other. «In this nucleus there is unity and faith.» Gentile agreed with Giuseppe Mazzini that the Italian State possessed a special holiness. The Fascist State, according to Gentile, was not the agnostic State of the old liberal order which immediately preceded the Fascist rise to power. The Fascist State is an ethical state, a concrete will, a moral activity, i.e., an activity which wills what it should will according to an ideal - the national consciousness. The ethical state is spiritual, a system which is will, thinking, «the story of a people told in the living fire of an actual and living consciousness.»
In his book Che cosa e il fascismo? Gentile entitled one of the sections: «Fascism is a Religion.» In this section he tells us that while Fascism is a political party and a doctrine it is also a «total conception of life.» Like a true catholic who carries a full sense of his religious commitment throughout his whole life the fascist must match the catholic's acts of prayer and meditation, be it in the parliament, at the office, in the family, in his writings or in his conversations. The fascist must give the people a sense of their glorious past. The good of Fascist Italy must become the object or goal of the efforts of all the Italians. Like the good catholics they should make day to day sacrifices and if necessary die for their ideals, ideals which must be connected with the good of the State. The will of the people and the will of the State must be resolved in a synthetic unity. If this is accomplished it must follow that Italy, past, present and future, would be the object of Italian respect and sacrifice.
A difficulty which can be found in all of this is that, for all practical purposes, the Fascist State does take on many of the aspects of a religion which puts a demand upon the loyalty of its followers. Nevertheless, Gentile retains his concept of traditional religion and states that a true «secularism» could accept a religious body within the State and transcend it. The State and its citizens should promote the welfare of traditional religion but strive to resolve the immediacy of religious dogma through the critical mediation of the self-concept (reflective thought). Gentile continues:
But God, even when He is unrecognized or ignored, is always present in the depths of our hearts; He goads and torments and disturbs us as long as He remains undiscovered or unconfessed. And He exists immediately, always there before our eyes, in the iron logic of the system of nature with all its necessary laws.
These statements seem to open up the possibility of three religions: the traditional, Fascism and even actual idealism, whose God exists within our thinking act. Is the traditional concept of religion to be subsumed within the concept of the State or that of the thinking subject? Is this Gentile's true thought when he says:
As an ethical institution in the full sense, the State returns again from objective divinity to the infinite divine spark in the heart of the subject, the point at which the universe has its center.” (pages 39 - 43)
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e-riss · 2 years
The influx of twitter users joining tumblr is the negation of the negation that led to the mass tumblr exodus of 2018
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specialshoesclub · 7 months
I think some of us are afraid to experience ego death because we think it'll make us bottoms but trust me it makes you a better top.
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fffz9qgpak · 1 year
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freshnewsnow · 2 years
Uvalde's Missing Links
Uvalde’s Missing Links
Nonsense being spewed down the pipeline cannot be consumed. Free thinkers are the bane of the establishment’s existence. There are those that believe the spoonfed nonsense and think, “What is happening to our country?” How do you succeed in reaching the masses? Dumb it down so that everyone can understand it. Because the reality of it is, many people are not intellectual enough to think…
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
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I really love the concept of an Atsushi / Akutagawa / Kyouka trio as it was shown in Dead Apple, and I really wish it would become a thing. I think it's neat how here Kyouka's dominant color is shown being purple as balance / synthesis of blue and red. Kyouka also uses as this kind of bridge between organizations since she was a member of both at some point, and still holds a very deep understanding of how they work. I think Kyouka could really make the sskk team work as a way to find balance between these two opposites that would otherwise clash and destroy each other.
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do i ship wincest. yeah they're an inseparable pair on a narrative and thematic level, can you truly understand one without understanding the other? they're two halves of a dialectic on heroism and sacrifice. they're two points on the family trauma survivor spectrum, sometimes opposing, sometimes intersecting. they're like watching your parents who should've gotten a divorce years ago somehow stay together, against all reason. they're two inheritors of a rugged American masculinity and isolated individualism, internal and external violence springing forth. regressing to the nostalgia of frontier brotherhood as substitute for the nuclear family. they're a set of quintessential outlaw lovers. maybe true love only exists in the kind of freedom you keep when you're always moving, on the road, in your childlike bubble excluded from society, left with nowhere to burrow your roots except into each other's very being. they're the world's loneliest childhood shared between two feral dogs, one biting down on the other, unable to let go. they're the fantasy of an unconditional love so powerful it can survive the apocalyptic enormity of your own self-loathing. they're a set of matryoshka dolls, one consuming the other. journeys end in lovers meeting, but what kind of journey is it really when you've never left home: it's been sitting in the seat next to you this entire time. your haunted house is not a home but a person who'll never let go. they're an erotic fantasy of domestic horror as a sweet, sickening embrace as opposed to an all-consuming fire, a car driving off into heaven's sunset as opposed to one crashing into a tree. (wrong: they're both). so horribly enmeshed and trapped in a magnified love so destructive to the world around them they leave catherine and heathcliff wuthering heights in the dust. they're two brothers trapped in a 15 year long spiral of an abusive codependent pseudo-marriage, in part due to a network unable to let go of a successful show format, thus unable to afford them any growth that might disturb the status quo. but the implications of it all.
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georgebbwbush · 3 months
smoking the Dialectic
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charlesoberonn · 5 hours
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frodho-slaggins · 2 years
Unrelated but im STILL thinking about gary the cryptofascist. Im actually Still thinking about how racism is portrayed in de in general. Im thinking about how in de racism is sometimes used as a means to dismiss and demean totally, and sometimes it is used to dismiss and demean in conjunction with a decidedly self conscious bent like. Ok.
Measurehead telling you that he thinks kim has a childlike wisdom or the lorry driver's lines in general are very obviously agressing kim and demeaning him. It doesnt get interspersed with anything else- the racism's motivations are emotionally uncomplicated. But also lot of the worst racists in the game are not only dismissive of kim- they also blatantly want him to like and respect them.
Lena is very obviously self conscious about spouting her own views about race in kims presence, not because she doubts them but because she knows that he might take offense and she doesnt want to offend him.
Gary's one of the most aggressive racists of the game, spouting slurs and little barbs at kim with no provocation whatsoever. He doesnt respect him and chips away at his authority by insulting him and outright calling him like a nonperson. Not a real cop. But he also falls over himself to capitulate to kims authority as a cop when hes on his back foot. He seems genuinely ashamed of himself and starts rattling off seolite historical accomplishments that demonstrate that theyre ok by him (an absolutely deranged and still virulently racist attempt to extend an olive branch to kim which tells you absolutely everything you need to know about gary and how he interfaces with the world and with other people)
Harry's fasc run is, from what ive seen, Defined by a neurotic preoccupation with punishing/demeaning kim but also keeping him close and getting him to like and admire him
This also is evident amongst the sexists of the game as well: some of the most overtly feminist men (im thinking josef lilianovich "im so proud of my matronym and my egalitarian world view" dros and harry "inexplicable feminist agenda" du bois here) are also the most profoundly sexist
Idk i dont have a thesis im just grateful for the nuance.
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victusinveritas · 4 months
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