#HEY ALSO!!! I know lots of ppl still log on when I say ''we'' here I am mostly addressing c!benchtrio enjoyers I suppose
trixstriforce · 2 years
hello :) i saw your posts about lu and idk if you were gauging interest in people hearing your opinions. personally i would be super interested in reading what specifically about every lu character is ooc! i am similarly frustrated with the current dominance of lu characterizations in fandom as a ww fan. ive been following for a while i just logged into this side account because i am scared to ask on main :( i hope you do not mind the somewhat bare blog. thank you!
oh my god oh my god oh my god someone wants my opinion??? do u wanna make out???? u do not understand the power u r giving me rn u do not understand how annoying and nitpicky and very passionate i can get specifically about lu bc i care so much about link its unreal and also bc i just like things like linkedmaze, dimensional links, and minaslinkverse better characterization wise bc to me they have shown the "found family links meeting up" thing a lotttt better than lu when i still read it
but to be fair i STOPPED reading around the part where four split due to the way the lu community reacting to the person with DID, a very stigmatized disorder who genuinely just wanted Jojo to acknowledge they messed up in the past and present and didnt like the vauge ass apology she gave making me actually disgusted. ppl talk about accountability then rallied against 1 tumblr user who was uncomfortable bc ppl liked Jojo's comic so she doesnt have to explain that now she respects nonbinary ppl and understands how past things were wrong for her to say we just infer this bc lu good :/ like hey maybe Jojo owned up to it afterwards or something bc she made 2 apologies that would make a YouTuber blush so i was done w/ the community and it was only rlly after that and after i played a few of the actual games + read some mangas i realized wow actually i do not like lu as much as i thoguht i did they butchered my boy, also i feel i should say it literally wouldnt matter to me do what u want in ur au but lu is now a fandom of its own and its influenced a lot of other aus and interpretations of link so i do take issue w/ how ooc these guys end up being
for one i dont know for me having link as a secret hoarder who would rather DIE than use the full scope of his abilities around OTHER HEROS is just no bc thats fucking stupid levels of wanting to appear normal around OTHER HEROS possiblly the ONLY other ppl to ever understand what u r going through
for me having every single link act like a frat boy/standard teenage white boy who is emotionally constipated is a no??? have u SEEN link he is so sociable and kind and understanding to other ppl WHY r the links like this, so many fics just...make them stew in their issues for angst and not trust the others and be incredibly insecure about the other heros(which is lu canon for at least hyrule and wind i think?) and like ok that is definitely fine for 1 link but why r they all like this in the games link is clearly not like that he wouldn't be this closed off and wouldn't hesitate so much like my dude he just inserts himself into other ppl's lives to make them better than leaves he wouldn't pussyfoot around other heros like what
also another major issue is the mergings just lead to certain characterizations or important backstory for certain links(FOUR. LEGEND.) being completely erased and the nuance of their journeys lost like when u merge links who r canonically 100s of years apart not just in the timeline but in the GAMES? yeah u lose things that make that link special
also bc u mentioned wind waker i found it kinda fucked up that wind waker link was delegated to The Kid TM even tho his entire journey was about moving on from the past to a brighter future and he took on the mantle left behind by the hero of time on his own volition and did what Time COULDN'T do which is kill Ganon but he is constantly underestimated and made into the Kid Who Wants Approval trope specifically around Time which sucks ass ngl he deserves to be an equal him still being a kid while the others got to grow up, including Four who's first journey arguably would have been a better fit for this archtype of wide eyed kid, is just side lining one of the most interesting links especially considering most of the other links were YOUNGER than him when they started
this is all general stuff plus 1 of my issues w/ Wind bc ur a Wind Waker fan bc as a Spirit Track fan i feel a kinship, im gonna make another post for specifically each link breaking down my issues w/ how they r portrayed later bc rn it is 8am and i ment to just say haha ty for the permission but then my inner ranter came out i am INCAPABLE of being normal about lu especially after i actually experienced zelda games bc lu was my FIRST introduction to zelda outside of smash bros lol
toast if u r reading this say rip to ur dms bc i am once more gonna talk to u about a comic for a videogame franchise u only know about due to my rambles and forcing u at gunpoint to learn about link...godspeed comrade
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sommer-girl · 2 years
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Tuesday, November 8 — 160 Characters or Less: Write a story using either Tweets or entirely in texts between characters. (This is a one-shot prompt, not something you do with others.)
An (abridged) log of Discord messages between annafiction and klara_reads
TW: Mentions of family issues, rough parent relationships, homophobia
(just a side note that there are messages omitted, this is just for the ~vibe)
15 March 2020
**Incoming Friend Request: klara_reads**
klara_reads: Ok people are pretty strict about spoilers in the main chat so I figured I’d message you on the side lol klara_reads: But you are SO right that ending was bullshit klara_reads: It wasn’t even satisfying like I know I’m biased as a Lizabelle shipper but it isn’t even aBOUT that!!!
annafiction: omg no i agree annafiction: 100% annafiction: idec about who liza ends up with i just think that killing the objectively BEST character for NO REASON is so bad annafiction: ugh it was such a good book and then it couldn’t stick the landing i don’t wanna say it ruined the whole thing but like...
klara_reads: LITERALLY klara_reads: At least someone else is on the same page lol
23rd March 2020
annafiction: omg i LOVED ur fic!!!! annafiction: like no pressure but i’m so excited for the next chapter :)
klara_reads: Aww thank you Anna!!! klara_reads: Someday I am converting everyone to the Lizabelle side hehe
annafiction: no but lowkey the way you wrote liza annafiction: so good like i never even thought about her that way before annafiction: ugh i FELT it
klara_reads: Oh my gosh thank you klara_reads: I feel like we as a fandom don’t talk about Liza’s childhood enough like how LONELY that must have been klara_reads: Also uhhh maybe projecting a little bit of my own shit here hahaha klara_reads: #JustGrowingUpInTheMiddleOfNowhereThings
annafiction: sAME THO annafiction: i mean actually i live in a pretty big city but my dad is rlly strict so its like  annafiction: i might as well be living in the hinterlands like liza lol
klara_reads: Oof klara_reads: Yeah I know what you mean klara_reads: Just you wait once you get to college it’s so much better I promise klara_reads: Like ok I still live in the middle of nowhere but at least everyone doesn’t know about all my family’s shit here lol klara_reads: Sorry not to overshare
annafiction: no ur good i get it annafiction [deleted] : hahaha you wanna talk about family shit annafiction: i am soooo excited to go to uni like AHH im so jealous of u
klara_reads: It’s the best haha
26th March 2020
annafiction: sorry i fell asleep annafiction: CURSE YOU TIME ZONES!!!!!
klara_reads: Lol you’re good I figured!!!! klara_reads: Spent the rest of the night working on a new chapter >:)
annafiction: AHHHHH
klara_reads: Hahaha  klara_reads: For real though I really appreciate that you’ve been hyping up my stuff in the main it’s really nice
annafiction: of course!!! i rlly love it i’m so serious
klara_reads: It just really motivates me to keep writing like I know I should be just doing it for myself but it’s nice
annafiction: i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that tbh. like i don’t write fic or anything but when ppl comment on my reviews and stuff it makes me want to keep doing them
klara_reads: Lol that sweet sweet AO3 kudos dopamine rush
annafiction: 😂😂
2 April 2020
annafiction: hey i know this is a big ask so like no worries if not annafiction: but i figure since ur a really good writer!!!! and since we’ve been talking a lot ab uni and stuff!!!  annafiction: would you maybe have a minute to like a a quick look at my personal statement for this school?
klara_reads: OMG of course!!!! klara_reads: I am so excited for you omg I would be happy to
annafiction: ur the best 😭
9 April 2020
klara_reads: Ok... not to be this person klara_reads: But WHAT is alyssa talking about 
annafiction: girl i wish i knew 😂
klara_reads: Sorry I just klara_reads: WHAT klara_reads: There is NO way she got an arc for a book that pubs in 2022 klara_reads: I am positive that arcs dont even EXIST rn klara_reads: Is the book even WRITTEN
annafiction: i really dont like to call ppl liars but... annafiction: i mean come on... that kindle pic looked fishy...
klara_reads: Me rn
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annafiction: HAHAHA IM CRYING
25 April 2020
annafiction: KLARA
klara_reads: ANNA
annafiction: GUESS WHAT
klara_reads: WHAT
annafiction: I GOT IN!!!!
klara_reads: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! klara_reads: ANNNNNNAAAAAAA!!!!!! klara_reads: I KNEW YOU WOULD!!!!
annafiction: i couldn’t have done it without you!!!!!
klara_reads: Of course you could have :P klara_reads: But congratulations I’m happy for you :DD
annafiction: thank you!!!!! <333333
klara_reads: How are you gonna celebrate?
annafiction: oh we’re not gonna do anything huge annafiction: idk i haven’t mentioned it to my parents yet
klara_reads: You should tell them!!!!
annafiction: yeah i will!!!! annafiction [deleted]: its complicated annafiction: idk i think its bittersweet for them haha annafiction: you know the vibe
klara_reads: Yeah I get that klara_reads: But they will be happy for you. Everyone has to learn to let go at some point. klara_reads: My parents were weird about me going to school out here at first but they got over it.
annafiction: yeah i’m sure mine will too
29 April 2020
annafiction: oh my god annafiction: sdjkfhaksljdfhaslf annafiction: ok im really sorry im just freaking out my dad is saying i can’t go to pride u
klara_reads: What? What happened?
annafiction: isn’t it like 3 am for you
klara_reads: You know me I don’t sleep lol klara_reads: But back up what do you mean?
annafiction: ugh its a really long story idk im sorry i just didnt know who else to talk to
klara_reads: Don’t apologize!! Do you want to talk about it?
annafiction: idk i just annafiction: i feel CRAZY annafiction: i feel like he’s making me out to be this horrible person just bc  annafiction: ugh ok this is a whole other thing annafiction: i dont rlly talk ab it in main bc idk its hard but my mum has some health issues and he’s saying i shouldnt go anywhere right now
klara_reads: Oh my god I’m so sorry klara_reads: Is she okay? If you don’t mind me asking?
annafiction: yeah no sorry u can ask, it’s a long story but basically she got cursed when i was little and it’s just been different things since then annafiction: and its nothing in particular happening right now its the same things as always and i DO feel bad but i mean i’m not just gonna live at home forever annafiction: and i’m gonna visit!!!!  annafiction: and now he’s saying i should just do school online annafiction: fhalksjfhaskl i dont know what to do
klara_reads: Okay #1 I am really sorry that is shitty klara_reads: You are not a bad person for wanting to go to uni even if there’s stuff going on at home.  klara_reads: But it’s gonna be okay. There will be a way. 
annafiction: what if i just never leave this freaking house annafiction: im gonna spend my whole stupid life here and im never gonna get to do anything annafiction: i hate this so much its so unfair
klara_reads: I know it looks that way right now, but trust me, it will work out klara_reads: We’ll find a way klara_reads: I’ll help you
annafiction: u dont have to do that 
klara_reads: No I want to klara_reads: It’s not the same situation but I feel like I was kind of in a similar situation when I was in high school klara_reads: I didn’t have to do it on my own and neither should you
annafiction: thanks klara annafiction: ur the best <3
22 June 2020
klara_reads: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! annafiction: THANK YOU!!!!!
25 June 2020
klara_reads: Heeeeey you can totally say no klara_reads: But do you want to beta read something....
annafiction: hmmm let me think about it annafiction: uhhh DUH!!!!!!!
30 June 2020
annafiction: we still on for movie night???
klara_reads: Yes!!! Give me five mins to get set up
annafiction: 🎉
7 July 2020
klara_reads: so............ i did the thing
annafiction: THE thing?!?!?!?!
klara_reads: 🌈 Eeeeeek
annafiction: HOW DID IT GO
klara_reads: Better than I thought tbh klara_reads: My mom started crying though because I can’t get married in a Catholic church or something and I’m like girl I haven’t been Catholic for a hot minute
annafiction: lol annafiction: I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! annafiction: u don’t need to get married in a church anyway u need to get married on a cliff like lizabelle ;)
klara_reads: U get me!!!!!
24 July 2020
klara_reads: Wow I did not expect that to be controversial klara_reads: You ok???
annafiction: hahaha yeah i’m fine annafiction: i just hope ppl aren’t mad at me
klara_reads: Ur allowed to have an opinion lol
annafiction: yeah i KNOW im just like eeek annafiction: i guess i can see how geoldie could be problematic but!!! idk i just think they’re cute!!!! and i rlly just love that song so i wanted to share the amv annafiction: did not expect it to explode like that annafiction: its fine lol i’m just prob gonna tap out for the night
klara_reads: Ok I just wanted to check klara_reads: Lmk if you wanna watch a movie or something
15 August 2020
annafiction: ok i submitted another app for pride u annafiction: told my dad annafiction: with that thing i told u i was gonna say annafiction: he said he’s gonna think about it...
klara_reads: !!!!!!! klara_reads: keep me posted!!!!!!!!!!! klara_reads: you got this girl <3
11 January 2021
annafiction: sorry its been a minute busy with school stuff but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! MISS YOU GIRLY
klara_reads: Awww thanks Anna!! I hope you’re having the time of your life. Looks like it from your Insta
annafiction: ugh i love it here annafiction: we gotta call and catch up
klara_reads: Yes!!!! klara_reads: So much to tell you too klara_reads: Ummmmm :)
annafiction: WHAT
klara_reads: I mayyyy have a girlfriend :)
annafiction: KLARA!!!!!!!!!!!! annafiction: ok u MUST fill me in  annafiction: are u free this weekend to talk?
klara_reads: Yes!!!!
annafiction: can’t wait :)))
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Ykw I really think it's a testament to how cool the story of the DSMP is that we are all still hanging around. Like the server is so slow now and we're lucky to get lore at all much less lore that we feel is in-character but also (at least for me) I have no intentions of going anywhere because I am still so enamored with this story and its characters and all the stories we as fans have been able to tell within the universe they've created
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Ok the whole thing w/ clogging up ao3 tags is stupid for multiple reasons, like how it fucks with screen readers for one, but the MAJOR issue is that having too many tags isn’t actually a problem w/ ao3
Like seriously guys? There is a lot to criticize. And I say this as someone who heavily relied on fandom spaces to get me through some really really hard times and still loves ao3. I can say I love what it does for fandom while also acknowledging there’s some seriously fucked up shit going on both behind the scenes and with ppl who use the site. It’s literally like saying “I love tumblr but I acknowledge there are literal nazis on here and as a Jew/human with a working brain I hate them and that they’ve been here so long”
Like. I get u think ur sticking it to the man or whatever. And idk I partially agree bc. There’s so much nasty shit and some technically illegal shit that I don’t want to even mention! But ur not even wasting the moderators time or anything ur just being obnoxious and then everyone starts discoursing on tumblr and I’m legitimately tired of it. I don’t wanna see ppl defending gross stuff and I’m tired of talking about the ppl who do defend gross stuff bc I don’t wanna remember that they exist bc I have shit to do irl and not enough space in my brain for them
So. Idk ima propose at least a temporary solution before I have to hear one more argument for or against censorship bc y’all seriously don’t understand how to have a nuanced conversation
How about instead of asking AO3 to take down gross fics (which may or may not be morally correct but will 100% reopen a very over done conversation) instead we ask for some specific plausible things
1) when you use ao3 explicit and unrated fics are automatically filtered out. They do this on ff.net. Yes it may be like 2 extra clicks for ppl who wanna read explicit stuff but ppl who don’t are going to do that anyway, and it protects the people who don’t know to do that and don’t want to read graphic tags. Most importantly it requires consent to browse explicit fics. Yeah you need to give consent to read explicit stuff, but you can look through the incredibly graphic tags/summaries without consenting to anything. It’s literally the default. Which is both upsetting to ppl who don’t wanna see that and also maybe a bit of a legal loophole they should close up
2) a “suggest tags” feature. This would be moderated by authors not ao3 staff. Basically ppl can like..... idk entire a series of tags and you can choose if you want to add them or not. The person submitting them has an option to be anonymous or not. Obviously the author doesn’t have to add every random tag and it might be annoying but it would help with making sure triggers got tagged. It would be helpful if it didn’t let you suggest tags that were already suggested/on the fic but I’m not too picky. Like I said the point of this is to make sure ppl can block stuff properly, and it honestly might also help authors with visibility bc like. Obviously you know the tags you use but you don’t know what tags other ppl look for. Again maybe it may be obnoxious with ppl having a lot of tags but people already have a lot of tags
3) a dispute rating button. Now before someone bitches at me that the ao3 moderators don’t have time to go through disputes- I know I already took that into consideration. Basically the idea is when you dispute the rating the site will ask you what rating you think it should be and anonymously log it. So if someone rated something M but you think it should be an E the site will log that and send a message to the author. The author has a choice if they actually want to listen to ppl and change the rating or not. They don’t actually have to listen to the ppl disputing the rating. Unless they get a certain amount of disputes. I was thinking maybe like 50 or so?* So if 50 ppl say “hey this really needs to have a different rating” then and only then would the moderators take a look at the fic. And the moderators would then figure out what the rating should be.
(*idk if 50 is the right #. I was thinking it should maybe work on like a percentage of your hits in the fic?)
3.5) have a sexual content marker. This is marked as 3.5 bc i feel like this idea if implemented would be misused. But yeah in theory you could just have a sexual content marker that could be clicked by the OP and then automatically filtered. Again you could use the system from #3 but again I feel like ppl would missuse it.
Anyway yeah. I wanted to give some viable solutions ppl on both sides might actually agree with. Like I get not wanting to make concessions with gross ppl, but it’s a lot faster so I’m ok with doing it for now while the rest of y’all continue to debate or w/e
Final note- please for the love of g-d learn how ratings work. Ask someone else’s opinion if you have too. I have seen so many explicit fics marked as mature or teen it’s a legitimate problem. I’ll give a quick rundown of what each rating means but pls guys
General- g- basically go by what you’d see in a Disney cartoon
Teen- pg/pg 13 - there are swears there’s violence, sex may be mentioned, you might call someone sexy or smthn idc, but no one is shown having sex or or discussing/thinking about it in detail
Mature- R - injuries/gore may be described with more detail. Uhh there could be some heavy making out and the characters might talk about sex or feeling sexually attracted to someone. But actual sex is not shown!! If you have to mention or refer to someone’s genetalia in any sexual way you should probably move it up to an E. Even if ur characters are fully clothed the entire time. Also If you’re talking about kinks outside of a quick joke or reference you should probably move it up to an E.
Explicit- NC 17- sexually explicit content. (You can put non-sexual violent stuff under here but most ppl leave it under mature)
TLDR/oversimplification(for the ratings) -
General: nothing sexual
Teen: implied sex
Mature: refrenced sex
Explicit: shown sex
General tldr:
Some criticisms of Ao3 are valid and needed, and some are just stupid and infuriating (specifically talking about the tag thing stop it’s annoying and ableist). There is constant arguments and drama surrounding those criticisms, and I decided to offer some solutions that actually have a chance at getting implemented, even if I would prefer a different option.
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
hi so a few of my friends texted me that people are saying i stole posts today and i just want to clarify and like let everyone know that i didnt and never would. i talk abt how important it is to reblog ppls posts a lot imo and i never ever would steal someones work because a) that’s hypocritical and b) thats just like a shitty thing to do and im here for the friends and nothing screams “shes the worst” than stealing posts. when taylor posted about her signing today i got the instagram notif but i was in class so i checked on my laptop and screenshotted it and made 3 posts on my blog. one comparing benji on the piano to benji now. one about taylor working w strong women. and one about taylor holding benji like a baby. and then i immediately left. i didnt even look at my dash for a second. like i said, i was in class and probably shouldnt have been on tumblr at all. im really really sorry for accidentally stealing someones post. i also dont know the details of what happened but ive been sent some vague postings and im not going to like dig up what happened because thats! not! good! for! my! health! butttt if u were hurt by my actions please message me if your comfortable, i would love to clarify things with you and set the record straight. i dont want to hurt anyone. theres a lot of us on this website and we all think about taylor all the time. ive made posts and then have seen the same post minutes, days, weeks later and sometimes ive reached out and been like hey! this is weird! but i also know that mistakes happen, no one sees every post on this website, and theres only so many connections can be made and a lot of us are smart and funny and being in the same community makes us more like-minded than we think. one time i made a post and legit 5 minutes later one of my best friends txted me “u know what i just thought of” and basically recited my text post and we laughed abt it and we still do months later. again, im really sorry and i never ever would steal someones post intentionally. this is honestly my first time logging on since i made those posts and before i made those posts i hadnt been on since like 10:45am or something. just wanted to clear things up and apologize!!! sorry!!
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ye-onge · 6 years
New Arg?
hey yall! i think i found a new tumblr arg that some ppl might be interested in looking into - long post ahead
it started off with a blog named bledinginthewoods, run by a 16 year old boy named Andrew. He started posting some really weird text posts ( crytyping , creepy text posts of something following him, ect.)
It started with just a trauma/vent blog, but then it got.. weird.
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(first post, halloween.)
He seems to talk a lot about dogs, and one particular one called a Watchdog.
The watchdogs name is s█̖͎̪̟̪̦̩̲̜̭̯͖̫̰͊̀ͭ͂̀́█̵̵̢̥̱̯̠̟̲̬͋ͦͬ̀̃͐́̍ͮ͌͒̒ͦ͒̋̌ͅ█̯̞̺̲͓̰͖͙̥͍̆͆͛ͨ̒̏̓̅̕͝ͅ█̷͎͓̩̻̲̲̺͖̝̣̘̜̯̖̞̜̤̒́̅̽͛͡͡ͅ█̴̱͇̣̞͎͊͋̾ͣ͊̽͟͢͞ͅ█̷̡̡̩̤͍̺͓̣̜̙̲̘̙̙̈́́͋͢ , and it seems that its a form of a guardian for the boy. Judging by the posts, hes either abused by his parents/afraid of them by some kind of trauma.
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(s█̖͎̪̟̪̦̩̲̜̭̯͖̫̰͊̀ͭ͂̀́█̵̵̢̥̱̯̠̟̲̬͋ͦͬ̀̃͐́̍ͮ͌͒̒ͦ͒̋̌ͅ█̯̞̺̲͓̰͖͙̥͍̆͆͛ͨ̒̏̓̅̕͝ͅ█̷͎͓̩̻̲̲̺͖̝̣̘̜̯̖̞̜̤̒́̅̽͛͡͡ͅ█̴̱͇̣̞͎͊͋̾ͣ͊̽͟͢͞ͅ█̷̡̡̩̤͍̺͓̣̜̙̲̘̙̙̈́́͋͢ in the flesh, or, whatever she has?)
It seems that recently he had went back to his house, but something went wrong.
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He keeps saying he feels sick when s█̖͎̪̟̪̦̩̲̜̭̯͖̫̰͊̀ͭ͂̀́█̵̵̢̥̱̯̠̟̲̬͋ͦͬ̀̃͐́̍ͮ͌͒̒ͦ͒̋̌ͅ█̯̞̺̲͓̰͖͙̥͍̆͆͛ͨ̒̏̓̅̕͝ͅ█̷͎͓̩̻̲̲̺͖̝̣̘̜̯̖̞̜̤̒́̅̽͛͡͡ͅ█̴̱͇̣̞͎͊͋̾ͣ͊̽͟͢͞ͅ█̷̡̡̩̤͍̺͓̣̜̙̲̘̙̙̈́́͋͢ isnt around, and he even said this.
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(holy shit.)
He headed home, saying he was still afraid of his dad/wasn’t ready for it to get dark. He kept saying he was looking for a door in the house to get out, supposedly from his dad.
And something out of place, this and this.
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(this ties back into something shortly later)
HOWEVER, shortly after this he posted a video.
(It seems like, encrypted in the speaking or whatever is, talking?)
It seemed like whatever he was hiding from, got him.
Then, today (11/5/18) the blog updated again, but not by Andrew. A girl named Annabelle.
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She started updating about her life, and she has her own blog @strawberry-teacups, but it all tied back from the video and the cake.
Annabelle had gotten a cake from her dad earlier that day/ the day before, and put it in the fridge.
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Then, the next time she checked, the cake was gone.
Then she posted about her bathroom door. It kept making weird noises, but nothing was on the other side.
(what in the god damn.)
So after this, she logged out of @bledinginthewoods, and theres only been two posts (supposedly by Andrew.)
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(okay, normal enough.)
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(what the fuck.)
I,, dont know whats going on. In all, ive talked to 3 people about this but it just keeps getting worse. If anyone is interested, PM me for more details. I also have a discord server about this, for whomever is looking to discuss as a group. New arg, here we come.
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pooklet · 6 years
unaesthetic asks (anon edition)
i usually use a psd for asks to make them look nice and transparent and number them but tbh it’s just keeping me from answering asks quickly, having to shift layers around and stuff. so this is me literally cutting and pasting the text of some asks into a text post instead, sry.
if i did not answer yr thing here i lost/never got the ask, need a separate post to answer it (community lot anon), or worked myself into an anxious lather when i did not have an immediate response at the ready and fled into the woods to hide inside an old damp log and mutate slowly into a creature composed entirely of moss.
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1) hey friend i think i can actually help with this one! slig did my poor lover for momma lisa, and has a few of my other skins linked to different body meshes in this tag here. @asimplevampire​ also did rehash for androgyny. those are the two i know off the top of my head but if anyone else knows any others pls reply to this post!
i don’t personally make showerproof skintones for body meshes because i a) am lazy and b) don’t usually take pics of my sims in the shower or naked in general so the occasional floating head just gives me a lil chortle when it does happen.
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2) yis, it is the second to last one in this post by @magpieplayssims​ with a bunch of face masks piled on.
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3) i use a personal edit of gunmod’s 3.1 A camera which alters the, like, central pivot axis so i can swing the camera underground into any basements i might be using. as a result, whenever i load the lot, it starts me off zoomed inside the floor, you just gotta zoom out with the scroll wheel to get above ground and it works normally from there. i haven’t figured out how to mitigate this while still being able to access underground rooms. which is why my edit never got its own post, but i did share it here.
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4) nah, not really. i mean i have an outdated one at the back of my catalogue but my face is boring to me cuz i see it every day n stuff & i’m less and less interested in making human features now that custom sliders have let me go absolutely mad with power.
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5) ye sorry i put that on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it cuz my brain seems to think that putting something on a list means it’s done forever now!!!! but now it’s actually done and i’m fixing the other links too.
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6) yr phone is a craven liar and i will not stand for this libel. earlier today i was genuinely bewildered by a discussion about channing tatum cuz i thought his name was tatum channing. i sat there for minutes, convinced that there were two guys in hollywood one named channing tatum and the other named tatum channing and wondering if that ever got confusing for them.
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7) u would be surprised, friend! my memory is a lawless wasteland but i do not end up chatting back and forth w/ many ppl b/c i am a seething pit of social anxiety. if we talked, like, more than twice, i probs remember u!
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8) omg i was about to be like “nah i never made nosemasks for those” but that is a fucking lie of the highest caliber, i totally did make one (1) set and then forgot entirely about it. i will post them with the next batch of bodyshop content which should be Shortly (and if i don’t just yell @ me and i’ll just lazily put them on sfs and link them in a reply).
also thank u anon i am glad u like my content! :D
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9) omg thank u so much anon that is so sweet of u to say!! truly i don’t feel like i have accomplished a whole lot beyond managing to snag @resurrection-failed​ but that is definitely the Best thing i could accomplish so i am 100% fine w/ that
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10) oh ts4. i want to play it real bad but i have discovered that playing games that are still being updated and could break at any moment due to a new patch or ep gives me hives. esp when it’s sims games b/c those are held together exclusively w/ wishes and prayers as it is. they’re like the bottom panel of an expanding brain meme on spaghetti coding. at least when the game is Done there nothing else for EA to break (... right?). plus i only have base+pets and no money to throw at the other expansions so i could maybe download 1/10th of the cc available out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but i am excited to be late af to the party. lemme tell u. thank u for saying such nice things, anon!! i hope u have a good day also. like, lots of ‘em.
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11) hey anon! it’s built into tumblr’s text editor. u type the text first, highlight it, and click on the fourth button that looks like a slouchy figure 8 to insert yr link. i’m not sure if it’s the same on mobile, tho, cuz the tumblr mobile app is self-elected torture.
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12) i do not right now but i can make one. idk if it would interest you but i am also doing a big ol’ blend of the hq eyes and wifezaya’s favorite ephemera mist eyes and will make a default version of those too when they are done.
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13) nah i am still using my v3 texture for straight hairs and for waves or natural hair i just use nouk’s originals. i’m old-fashioned and boring. if u need help w/ making yr own, tho, i would suggest checking out @furbyq​’s tutorial here!
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14) hey friend! i did have plans to do that, in that vague way where i have plans to do many things but most of the time end up taking a five-hour nap under a cat instead or watchin game grumps. luckily, @digitalangels​ is a doll and did it for me so consider this my official endorsement. i am pooklet and i approve this action.
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15) hey anon. when did i call it that?? i think usually i just call it marriage or equal marriage if i need to specify (or gay marriage if i’m feelin Spicy cuz nonbinary-for-nonbinary is pretty gay). if i did say same-sex it was probs w/ implied air-quotes since that was the term du jour when we got married, which was 3+ years before the supreme court mandate, when it was only legal in some places and everyone was still ‘‘‘‘debating’’’’ the ‘‘‘‘issue’’’’ of queers gettin all married.
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16) i been gatherin’ links for u anon but lemme look around a lil more. i will either give this its own post or add it as its own section in the resource post that is like .... five years overdue. meanwhile if anyone reading this has anything they either know is made for dark skin or works well universally or knows of a list like this that already exists, i would appreciate links!
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stupidpianist · 6 years
9 october 2018
18:06: It’s 18:06 while I’m starting this post and I’m, like, “therapeutically” listening to Glenn Gould perform Chopin’s third sonata over my speakers, and I have this apples and cinnamon candle going to my right. My brain is saying, “burn, baby, burn, yeah, that’s right,” at the candle, I think.
Deciding to do this through mutual “peer pressure” I’m getting from continuously reading Knausgaard’s My Struggle for the last several years, and more recently from Megan Boyle’s just-published Liveblog, which I’m now, like, fifty-one pages in, feeling increasingly obsessed with each subsequent page (i mean like the books are peer pressuring me i don’t mean like ppl are, attacking me, or something, for not doing this). I’m gonna quote the start of her liveblogging experiment:
“Starting today, march 17, 2013, i will be liveblogging everything i do, think, feel, and say, to the best of my ability. right now there is no one i talk to frequently enough to effect by my failure to follow through with tasks i said i’d do. the only person ‘keeping tabs’ on my life is me. as time has been passing, i have been feeling an equally uncontrollable sensation of my life not belonging to me or something. like it’s just this event i don’t seem to be participating in much, and so could be attending by mistake. maybe i wasn’t invited. clerical error. i witness myself willfully allowing opportunities to fade away, because sometimes, for whatever reason, it is hard for me to do things that i know will make me happy.
i can’t control getting older but i can control what i do as i age. also, i feel like my memory is deteriorating. i used to like documenting my daily activities. that seemed to help me remember more. lately the things i’ve been doing haven’t felt worth remembering, but i feel like that could just be a mind trick, and if i start writing more again, i’ll convince myself everything is basically the same as however many years ago it was when i felt more satisfied or hopeful or whatever it is i don’t feel now.
Feel strongly that this, p. wholly, encompasses why I’m gonna try doing this again, too. Previously “in my life” I used to make, like, daily videos, or “vlog”-type things, and for another period, I wrote one short story a day, and for another period, I wrote, like, a letter-a-day to the general public describing what I did that day, and during each of these periods, I think I felt my general productivity, motivation, mood, well being, increase notably.
Also feel strongly that I won’t be able to, nearly as accurately, follow my day minute-by-minute as Megan did, will probably revert to something I write at the end of each day, or something, I’m not sure yet, or, like, maybe smaller posts as the day goes on? I don’t know give me a couple of days to figure it out please, I really don’t, I’m not sure.
Feel excited by this, feeling like, “yeah, this is a good thing to do, yeah, yeah, you do this, George, just ‘give it a shot,’ ‘go for it,’ ‘you got this.’”
18:22: Just got a text from my mom that said “the big pile is beans! Silly” in response to my replying “too spicy!” to a photograph she sent me, of a mound of flat beans, and a couple of cayenne peppers next to them. I just replied, “I meant the big red peppers.” I’m grinning a lot.
(earlier today) 09:00: Woke this morning to the sound of workers on the floor above mine still renovating apartments. They do this aggressive, rhythmic hammering, which then stops for a few seconds, then resumes for a seconds, then stops for a few seconds, then resumes again. Made it extremely hard to “sleep in,” which I wasn’t even planning on doing, but after cancelling all of my alarms, I sort of just drifted in-and-out of sleep in a weird numb stupor. 
12:00: Eventually got out of bed, feeling semi-disgusted at myself.
Decided to go with a “classic” outfit today, something from my youth, something from years past, something timeless. Chose brown pants with repeated cartoon raccoon pattern on it, grey long-sleeve shirt, “Don’t Give Up. Never Give Up.” black hoodie. 
13:00: Felt “mild amazement” that I was “somehow, already” dressed, in a vaguely positive way.
I was like, “yes, yes, yes, keep riding out this positive emotion,” and made a “G Fuel” energy shake. Strawberry shortcake flavour. Highly recommend. Chugged smoothie while idly watching YouTube videos of tech topics. Had a moment where I was like, “oh crap, dude, you’ve only got, like, five hours of productivity left in the day, you gotta leave, get out of your apartment dude, leave, leave now,” and then, sort-of panicking, grabbed backpack, headphones, iPod, put on shoes, ran out of apartment to McLennan library.
13:16: Yeesh it was so warm today, like, what happened? We gonna get autumn or what, huh? You too chicken to “bring on the cold”? Got to the library, sweating like a disgusting piggie. Chose a computer in the Cybertheque area, couldn’t sit next to the windows where I usually like to sit to squirrel and people watch out my peripherals. I was all, “man you’re gonna get so much done, you’re gonna get all that goodass studying done aren’t you, you’re gonna breeze through these readings,” and then NOPE nada that is not what happened at all. I just pulled up Spotify and played Grouper and then read more of Megan’s Liveblog for like three straight hours, with “intense focus,” I felt, like, “undeviating focus,” like, “laser-like focus,” like, “hawk-like attention to detail.” Felt mildly insane, like, I absolutely could not believe how engrossed in the book I was.
I WASN’T ALL UNPRODUCTIVE look here me out please, you have to at least be on my side a LITTLE: okay here’s the productive things I did okay:
-checked electricity/hydro bill
-checked when midterms were
-checked work schedule for the week
Look I know I know it’s not a lot but please just shut up for like two seconds gosh
A strange thing that started happening—even though my mood started, like, at 7.5/10 when I got to the library, after three hours it dropped, like, severely. Like a lot, I have no idea why, just the natural curve of the day I guess but like by 17:00 I was at a 3/10 if that and was like, “I gotta get out of here, get out of here, yo, hey, stand up, walk outside, get some of that ‘sweet, sweet’ sunlight before the sun disappears for another twelve or thirteen hours, go, log out of the computer, move your butt, move faster, go go go go” and then the “go”s continued faster and faster until I was outside, and, like, dancing a bit to the album I was playing (Prequelle, by Ghost. Been listening to a lot of Ghost recently. Been really “Ghost”ing it up, if you smell what I’m cookin’.)
Then while walking I was like, “alright, okay, it’s ‘time,’ when you get home, just start writing, just ‘do it,’ it doesn’t matter if you have nothing to say, you’ll thank yourself later,” and alsoo another part of my brain was going “start yoga, you promised [your best friend] Alli you’d start yoga, you even told me you wanted to start yoga, why haven’t you started it yet????”
18:40: Earnestly feeling a lot better, yeah, yeah, I am!! I’m gonna finish this post for today but wow that actually helped a lot. I know that Megan’s liveblog experiment ended up having net-detrimental effects on her life, we’ll have to see “how this goes.” Also unfair to compare each experiment as hers was minute-by-minute, and mine is like totally not minute-by-minute to such a significant degree that the data sets can’t be cross-referenced, I feel? I don’t know.
Do any of u ppl have a yoga mat you are looking to sell or could let me borrow? My apartment floor is linoleum and almost as uncomfortable as it is unpleasant to look at. I have, like, this rug from Ikea, but it’s not really in a good position for “yoga-like purposes,” nor is it especially padded, or furry, or like, whatever, you know what I’m trying to say. Gonna use it for now and just “see how it goes,” maybe it’ll actually be just fine? Gosh I don’t even know, feel so unsure about everything. Feeling hopeful, though, feeling “very hopeful,” this was a lot of fun, yeah, yes; gonna try and put in more detail tomorrow, with more timestamps “for accuracy,” or something. Feel strongly that this will be possible, will be bringing around a notebook to “log things in” now that htis project has started, yeah, uh-huh, mhmm, yes yes yes
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loggedonlove · 5 years
long ask post
so i just rbed this post with questions to ask about ones s/o or crush. i rly wanna answer them all but no one on my main cares and even if they did i wouldn’t wanna spam them. but the good thing abt this blog is only like 3 ppl follow me so i can shout my adoration as much as i want and it does not matter :D so i’m just gonna answer all the questions under the cut and if anyone sees this and wants to read it, though i doubt they will, they can! (i already answered two on my main so those’ll just be copy and pasted)
1. describe them in 3 words
cute, funny, sweet
2. their favorite style of clothing?
he looks like a walking hollister ad lmao like i see his style and i just think hollister/abercrombie/zumies. lots of striped tops, dark jeans, not hoodies but like long sleeved shirts with hoods that he doesn’t ever use, converse, and many dad hats that he wears backwards
3. what mannerisms do they have?
i can’t really think of any besides the fact that he shakes a lot. he’s really skinny and he shakes when he’s either cold or nervous, or just in general
4. do they play an instrument?
he doesn’t yet but he really wants a piano keyboard for christmas that’s like the only thing he wants so that he can learn how to play
5. how did you meet/become introduced to them?
(copied from my main)  this is not a long story that may become long due to my unneeded context: we have 2 classes together this fall semester, but he sits behind me in both (directly behind me in one, a few rows back in the other) so i essentially had 0 idea he existed since i just go to class to learn & ignore the people around me unless i’m spoken to. genuinely the first time i ever noticed him was a month into classes, i accidentally grabbed the wrong paper & he was like “hey celeste, this one’s yours” & i was like “oh thank you” then went abt my business. but later that same class we had been in the computer lab & as we were packing up to leave he made a comment abt how my computer’s time was different than everyone else’s so i said some dumb shit like “haha yeah i broke it” then just immediately walked away because i had a class to get to (ironically the other class i shared with him). as i learned later he had been trying to start a conversation so as i was walking to my next class he caught up with me & just continued talking. all i remember was being like “wow this dude’s persistent.” i definitely came off as rude though bc the entire time he was talking to me i kept looking at my phone bc i was logging into our textbook. it was then i found out he was in that class too, & then it took me like another week to figure out his name because i didn’t remember it from the introductions during the first week. but it all worked out because we’re dating now 🤷🏻‍♀️
6. favorite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?
honestly he says the sweetest things to me all the time it’s so hard to choose. i remember before we dated though he said i looked lovely and i was just like *heart eyes*
7. what do you like doing with them?
anything, legit anything. he could call me and be like “hey wanna come watch paint dry with me” and i would be like “hell yes.” i just enjoy spending time with him. but i also really like cuddling him, i could for hours on end he’s very comfortable
8. their favorite color?
i’m not sure, i know he’s said he likes orange, yellow, and black (maybe blue too?) and apparently he’s been told he looks extra good in pink because in his words, he looks good in every color. but yeah i’m not sure of his absolute favorite
9. do they keep up to date on pop culture?
i think it just depends on if it’s something he likes. i think he keeps up to date on a lot of music because he likes a lot of popular artists i don’t pay attention to, and he likes football or at least cares about keeping up with his favorite team
10. sweetest thing they’ve done for you?
this is gonna be another unnecessarily long story. this was before we started dating, it was a thursday so that meant we had our two classes, english then stats right after that, and when stats ends he has to go to his sociology class and i get picked up by my mom. we would typically talk during the time in between english and stats, and he was telling me that he was super sick and he was going to be skipping his sociology class and that he was only going to stats because of our test. we’re in college so teachers typically just do tests at the end of the class and if you finish before class is done you get to go early. so i took my time doing my test and finished with like 30 minutes to spare and when i went to go to the door i saw he was gone and i was like oh that makes sense, he’s ill and said he wanted to go home to sleep. so i walk out to the lobby to wait for my mom (a long wait since i got out early and had no way of letting her know that, plus she’s just always late) and i see him in one of the spots i usually sit in. i was surprised but assumed he had a reason to still be there so i just started talking to him about the test but after that i was like “soooo why are you still here, did you decide you were gonna go to your next class?” and he’s like “oh no i just wanted to wait with you.” like he was just feeling terrible and could’ve went home whenever he wanted (he said he would’ve driven me home but didn’t feel like he should with how ill he was) yet he decided to wait with me for like 30 minutes for my mom even though i said he didn’t have to it was so nice :(
11/12. have you dreamed about them/have they dreamed about you?
i’ve dreamed about him a few times but the thing w mine is that i dream about things/people i think about or see a lot, so the fact that he’s on my mind and i see him nearly every day plays a role. none of my dreams make sense so it’s never anything sweet, he’s just there. he has said he’s had at least one dream about me though, and his dreams are the opposite like he said he just always has romantic dreams that make sense and i was in one :3c
13. can they dance?
every time i hang out with him he dances. like every car ride he puts on music and dances to it while driving, he’ll dance in the middle of any public place, or even when we’re just eating/laying down. it’s usually either him just moving around or fortnite dances specifically to annoy me, but it’s cute
14. what does hugging them feel like?
sosososo nice and warm and safe
15. your favorite thing about them?
i like his personality a lot, he’s really funny and nice, i don’t think it’s possible for me not to smile when he’s talking or being himself
16. their favorite thing about you?
i don’t know, he would probably say my personality too
17. best memory of you together?
another i don’t know, i’ve only been talking to him for two months so that’s not a lot of time to have a favorite memory since there’s so few. probably just the first time we kissed, i think that’s what he would say
18. what are they like when they’re tired?
not much different honestly, but he says he’s always tired so that’s probably why. when he’s tired he just says he’s tired and acts no different. according to him i’m nicer when i’m tired
19/20. could you imagine growing old together with them? could they?
god i don’t know, i’m incapable of thinking that far ahead. we’re both people who, when we date, aim for long-term so i don’t want to be like “we’ll probably only date for a year” because if i think like that it’s destined to fail but i also don’t want to be like “we’re gonna be together forever” because we’ve only known each other for two months. i prefer to just take it as it comes and not try to look forward to anything specific. we’re together for however long we’re together, i have no way of knowing that duration. it could be until next month, it could be until my death, we’ll see. i imagine he’d say the same thing
21. what would an ideal date with them be?
like i said, he could ask me to watch paint dry with him and i’d do it. any time with him is an ideal date. i like going out and doing things but i would probably lean more towards “let’s cuddle and nap for like 5 hours”
22. are they competitive?
yes, especially when someone is a sore loser. like he beat me in bowling twice yesterday and even though i was cool with it he was like “i’m still gonna brag.” but i’m competitive too so it’s a good match
23. what do you do together?
anything. mostly just talk, cuddle, watch stuff, play video games, do homework together, and if there’s something to go out and do then we’ll do it
24. which smells remind you of them?
(copied from my main)  his favorite smell is this yankee candle called festival of lights and he always has it burning when i come over so definitely that
25. do they remind you of any music?
just the music he likes, i don’t associate any of my music with him. he plays his music a lot so whenever i think of artists like lil peep or scotty sire i just think of him, plus the dozens of other people he’s made me listen to (not that i mind)
26/27. could you tell them your biggest secret? could they tell you theirs?
i probably will soon, obv not gonna say what to the entire internet but it’s an important thing. he’s told me his most embarrassing thing about himself which i didn’t think was too bad, i don’t know if he counts that as his biggest secret or not
28. how do you greet each other?
depends on where. whenever he picks me up i say hi/hey, if i walk into class i just smile at him because it feels weird to start having a conversation in a dead quiet class where no one knows we’re dating. i never kiss or hug him as a greeting but i do as a goodbye, not sure why
29/30. what makes you blush that they do? what makes them blush that you do?
he’s only made me blush once but i can’t remember what he said that made me do it, i only blush when i’m embarrassed. i don’t think i’ve ever made him blush, not that i know of
31/32. would you say you love them? would they say they love you?
way too soon for that BUT the other day he accidentally said it when saying goodbye as a force of habit because he always says “bye love you” to his friends/family. i didn’t notice because he said it super quickly before he realized but then he told me about it a few days later. i could picture myself loving him one day though. right now i’d say i adore him
thank you to anyone who read this and got this far if you did. this was really fun i just love talking about himmmm even if no one sees it, it’s just nice to gush uwu
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liohart-blog · 7 years
(( wiz tries to be nice and ends up finding out a hell of a lot more than they bargained for. mentions of bullying/harassment (bullying feels like a soft word for it but it’s violent), hemoism and the works.
tagging: @voidwizerd​
takes place right after nepeta talks abt how there aren’t a lot of pretty brown and orange things
begin log:
voidwizerd Lio!! hey!!! if u want i can totally send cute brown n orange things to wear your way :3
liohart oh um i don't um. thats it's really... kind of you to offur but i don't... think that would be safe
voidwizerd :(? why not? are you in danger???
liohart yes? no no i mean im it's not. it's nto good to wear those colors, not openly, not a good idea
liohart it's dirty and bad and people notice, not good
voidwizerd Lio hon, your color aint dirty
liohart yes it is!! i'm a *mudblood*! it's what we're called! there's bloods that are royal, bloods the color of sky and grass and trees and water, and mine is the color of *dirt!* and that's our place
voidwizerd Lio
liohart i shouldn't... ishouldn't be wearing orange, no wonder it happened, i should go back to black
voidwizerd no wonder what happened?
liohart i they i don't know. it's stupid. i shouldn't have b33n out
voidwizerd what happened
liohart i don't know what i was thinking, this place is cooler tempurrature and even in a warmer place this happens ... i was reminded not to get comfortable i was reminded of my place in the dirt.
voidwizerd .... theyre dead wrong they are dead wrong, n dont know their ass from their elbow you dont belong beneath nobody no person does
liohart are they? that's so easy for you to say, but you don't know. you haven't faced down "browns n33d not apply" signs. you haven't b33n turned away furrom schoolf33ding beclaws your pan can't hold what they aim to teach. you haven't b33n pushed into alleys with your own blood spat back in your face so you *know* just how dirty it is.
voidwizerd no, i dont know what its like but i do know that kinda treatment, no matter what words they swap round, its always th same. its always wrong
liohart then why does it keep happening
voidwizerd i wish i knew but, heres th thing these trolls who hurt you are never *ever* goin to measure up to bein half th person you are you have a good pusher, you care, you try so hard to do right by people n those are all such wonderful things. youre a wonderful troll! also, without dirt? none of those fanciful things they brag bout sharin color with would exist. dirt holds life n keeps it goin, dirt gives us gorgeous gardens, n towerin forests n huge huge fields of grass n wild flowers.....
liohart i'm shoddy as a troll and i can't do anything. i used to be able to. i can't anymore.
voidwizerd so, you can learn new things n even then.... youre a livin bein, Lio, not a livin doin. who you are aint summed up by what you can n cant do (ill admit i struggle w that one too) (ill also admit i rly rly love gardens, so. very passionate bout dirt. dirt is incredible)
liohart omg... i have cavalreaper training in less than a w33k and i can't even hold my own against random trolls in the str33t. i can't even maintain relationships!! i can't do the bare minimum a troll has to do to survive and the only reason i lived this long is beclaws i *made* this universe and got stuck back here when it all ended. trolls look at me like i'm filthy, if they look at me at all. i don't know who's right anymore. i don't know if it matters anymore.
voidwizerd you.... *made* this universe??
liohart our session went a little wonky and um i ended up dying, but yeah. i made this. i helped, anyway... purrobably shitty at that too.
voidwizerd you made this universe n they treat you like shit what. th fuck
liohart they don't know... they wouldn't believe us if we told them. maybe they'd believe eridan. or kanaya. but that's all...
voidwizerd we??
liohart my co-players. there's twelve of us :00
voidwizerd aint eridan your ruler?
liohart mmhm.
voidwizerd n he just...... does abso-fuckin-lutely nothin to change shit a whole new world! same brokenass model???
liohart our world was in chaos when we played the game. our ruler, the caesar, died long ago... and no one took his place. alternia was in turmoil. things were so much worse. we played the game, we destroyed efurrything, and when we rebuilt it, he staged a takeover. he's trying to pull it back together... he doesn't furget us. he still talks to us. he helped me get into the cavalreapurrs, or at least to be strong enough to try.
voidwizerd mhm ...this got sidetracked
liohart it's ok. it's not like anyone can do anything anyway... this is just how it is. if i stay out of the way it doesn't happen as much. if i don't fight back it doesn't hurt as much.
voidwizerd it *can* be changed though hell, m livin in an Alternia where it *did* change!
liohart :// doubt (x)
voidwizerd listen hes my pitchmate i wouldnt make this up change can happen change *should* happen
liohart change hurts people. people die. innocents die. you can't win a rebellion, and no one wants to change... eridan will change things with time, just. it can't happen now.
voidwizerd not sayin those things aint true but what bout you?
liohart what about me?
voidwizerd like..... fuck th grand scale of things what bout *you*, what bout *your* life?
liohart this is my life?
voidwizerd a life spent afraid aint much of one at all id know i know.... i know its hard to think youre *anythin* close to good when all you get told n shown is that youre not but you are good, you deserve good, you are worth more than *anyone* can ever put into words Lio, if youre dirt?? then youre th kinda dirt th most incredible gardens flourish from, fr miles to see you bring light into ppls lives! thats such an amazin thing!!! we wanna bring light into yours, too
liohart you do... you do so much.
voidwizerd sent a GIF
liohart sent a GIF
voidwizerd [[ wiz @ their friends "it's Immoral and Wrong for me to bust into a timeline and murder everyone who's done Lio wrong, isn't it..." ]]
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fansfictionn-blog · 6 years
Dr. Fox I apologize I don’t usually write to ppl who have been on TV or in movies etc. but I stumbled upon your documentaries and I love them I wanted to just start off but the reason why I felt so compelled to write you is b/c after watching the 1st and now watching actually in the middle of the 2nd, I had to pause it and see if I was able to locate an email or something for you, which thankfully social media does pay off, I guess that’s if you actually see this message and log in yourself, anyway sorry again like I said I don’t normally do this, and barely go on Facebook unless for work purposes or to talk to someone I don’t have their number or something, I am writing b/c something has been eating at me after the 1st one and now moving onto the 2nd I couldn’t just let it go, it’s making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and even the little I have on my arms and I have this really bad sinking in the pit of my stomach and I don’t mean to sound superstitious or anything like that, I’ve always just had gut feelings and have learned by ignoring them very young that I was getting them for a reason every time, I’m sure b/c you’ve been studying this so closely that you have picked up on this to however, sometimes I know from experience and being part my work and I guess you could call it a speciality I analysis things just naturally not just work and I’ve seen and even had happen to myself that when your involved with something or there’s a lot going on you may not notice things someone might catch on the outside without all the distraction however I am highly doubting that you haven’t probably said this or noticed it at some point but I haven’t heard it brought up yet by anyone in either documentary, and as I said I just have this weird reaction that I’ve never quite experienced from a film or documentary before and the same question and it’s even been a statement playing and questioning over and over in my mind since getting done with the first film, it seems that these encounters are primarily happening around our defenses, all the different countries militaries, the bases, important capitols, or countries important resources, even our pilots, planes, rockets, etc. for the most part, that’s where they seem to be spending a lot of time, other places the sightings for the most part seem to be quick and could really be on the way or coming back from idk any other way to put it other then surveillance and spying it seems, and if they didn’t have negative intentions by now after all the surveillance over these decades they should of made contact to the point where the government couldn’t have hidden it, if they meant us no harm don’t you think they wouldn’t be spending so much time around our ways to fight and protect ourselves and made contact to say hey we aren’t hostile and we can help you? But instead they aren’t, and I think that’s a huge concern not cause for panic but a cause for the governments to stop hiding it and come together to be proactive instead of reactive, and coming up with a plan together as a planet not different countries and have plans for all outcomes, but as an outsider looking in on these things as well as remembering something well nevermind it’s way to embarrassing and I actually can understand how some of the ppl you’ve interviewed feel now, I haven’t even begun to fully grasp what I’ve remembered but anyway, it’s been eating at me like I said for over an hour, idk why I’ve never had such a strong reaction like this and I felt almost kind of like my gut that feeling I’m having and my brain took over picking up my phone to try and find a way to message you about this, and as I’ve said I’ve never done this before but something was eating at me and almost screaming at me to do it, I probably sound crazy like I’m feeling right now but it’s ok I’m sure you’ve seen it as well and maybe didn’t put it in to not scare ppl, and if you have I’m happy, if you haven’t I’m even happier I messaged you, and hope you won’t take me for some crazy fan or fanatic, b/c I’m not, I mean to say I think you are very talented and have enjoyed your documentaries immensely and have learned so much today about something I’ve always believed in and thought, even though a lot ppl laughed at it, which I think is why I didn’t realize what I actually remembered was real and kind of blocked it out I guess, but anyway I was looking to understand the whole thing more after watching something that came out that my App suggested watching b/c it had been newly posted, and I was fascinated by it but it really only talked about 1 person and their experience, and the ppl involved in helping him and that’s it, and I was left wanting to learn more and I googled best documentaries on the subject and your first 1 was number 1 on the list I opened and from there I just wanted to learn more and hear more about what you found but also I couldn’t get that feeling to go away about where and what they seem to be targeting and spending the most time and most sighting around as well. So I don’t know a lot about this stuff, just my own beliefs and what I’ve learned from your documentaries today, I am as I’ve already told you not obsessed with social media and I don’t read any of those crazy articles, I have always been fascinated with the universe etc. but there’s not much out there like you have pointed out reliable for things like this and the stuff that is out there to me the reliable things anyway not tabloids are very in my opinion close minded about things like this and for a species that has advanced so far in just the last 100 yrs alone in technology and almost everything it seems when it comes to certain things like us evolving out of our arrogant we are the best and unique species every to be created so there can’t be any other life out there let alone more intelligent then we are so let’s just keep our heads buried in the sand when it comes to that still amazes me how close minded we can be, it wasn’t that long ago everyone believed the world was flat and those who didn’t thought at first and were treated like they were crazy, and so many more examples and yet here we are again, one thing we have down I think not everyone but more so then not, we don’t seem to learn from our past mistakes....its something that has always bothered me!  Anyway if you do get this and read it, I thank you so much for your time and I don’t expect to hear anything back from you, I’m sure your really busy, and again I’m sorry to bother you in your personal time, it’s not like I’m meeting you at some event for your work, again I’m so embarrassed and sorry to have to do so, I just couldn’t, I just had to write you about it, idk why really, and I’m not really even sure how the idea to try and contact you and write you even popped into my mind either not just looking up a way too. I also believe in silly things like fate and destiny and everything happens for a reason, who’s hand is in that idk, it could be some almighty being or in the stars idk but I don’t believe in accidents, not really big ones anyway, important ones, and as I mentioned I’ve learned to listen to that inner voice, gut instinct whatever ppl call it, I’ve never had it take over the way it did with this, probably so I couldn’t talk it out of doing this lol , ok I’m going to let you go now that I’ve mortified myself more, I really hope you do see this and get this message, even though I’m sure you’ve probably connected the dots as well, and if not then that must be why I was guided by something to write you and if so then maybe it was to bring it back up so that it can make a difference somehow hopefully, if they are as intelligent as there technology is which stands to reason they are, they don’t just do things randomly, and there’s a reason why they are coming and doing the things they do and going to the places they are going, and I think that also needs to be focused on as well, and I hope that the ppl who are in charge of things and protecting us take there heads out of the sand or stop worrying about hiding these things as much as they do and focus that time, energy, and drive even instead on figuring out how to protect us, and the first step in that would be to release everything to as many ppl as they need to like all the scientist in the world cause it’s going to take that many, so that they can take there heads out of the sand and stop thinking the world is flat, and actually see things and have all the knowledge that we have available about them and what we are dealing with as much information we have at least, so that they can hopefully figure out different plans when the time comes, for the different outcomes, and maybe once they do release the information all of it, there might be something that proves my gut feeling and what I noticed by stepping back and looking at everything from a outsiders point on what information I’ve seen so far and to me it reminds me of my grandfathers stories about being a cop and in the Air Force before they made a bust or when they were enemy territory, that’s what I’m seeing from looking at the information from the outside as a new person I guess kind of studying it now, and I do hope I’m wrong I hope that there is evidence that they are hiding that proves or even suggests otherwise, but I don’t think even if we did we should take any chances and not have a plan for every outcome, cause again learning from our own history, which a different planet and species possibly is just like a different country and race, things change, new leaders come in and change their minds, running out of a resource needed for survival another country has, and as you know the list goes on and on. It’s time we start to learn from our past mistakes throughout history, we are smarter then that, we have done so much in just 1 century, why it seems we can’t seem to evolve in ego is beyond me, and it seems like each time we do more and more ppl end up dying, I really don’t want to see the day that it ends up costing our entire existence and I’m sure you probably feel the same way....I think what you’ve done and are doing is wonderful and takes a lot of guts too! Not that my opinion means a lot but I’m sure you probably get either 1 extreme or the other for it, and for some reason we tend to hold onto and remember the bad more then good, so I just wanted to give you 1 more good to try and out weigh the negative you probably get at times.....it’s not easy I’m sure, a lot of ppl I think in someways wish that it was thought the world was flat, it was easier then to control things and keep ppl from wanting to grow more then the ones in charge are comfortable with, power over anything but especially ppl seems to bring out the worst in a lot of ppl, history also shows us that over and over and over again too....I find it very disturbing but also sad, Anyway I’m really going to end this this time, and say goodbye. Again thank you so much for your time if you do read this, and I hope that I did t bother you to much, and please know that I’m really not crazy, I know this message probably sounds and looks that way and I’m so sorry that it does, I hate that it does, I just had to message you about it, and I’m sorry that my only explanation is idk why other then my everything inside me was telling me screaming at me actually to do so and idk why other then a gut feeling I should and that it was important really really important to probably readdress it with you if nothing else. Thanks again for your time and your amazing work, I wish you all the best with your future projects and will be looking out for them, and in the meantime learning as much as I can, from reliable information as I can in the meantime cause I can totally understand your obsession as you put it, you’ve sucked me in!!!! Lol Best of Luck and wonderful wonderful job!!!
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