mi-spark · 1 month
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@heropartnerweek day 3 - new teammate
they will soon be best friends :)
omg speedpaint
don’t be fooled by the length this took me way longer than. 30 seconds 💀 it really shouldn’t have taken as long to finish as it did, i started it pretty early yesterday but then Stuff happened
also the way i was originally gonna draw a group of 3 story recruits but then i remembered that absol existed LOL
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pascaloverx · 1 month
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Fifteen — Season Two
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character called Enzo, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. To the readers who supported a new season of this fanfic, my heartfelt thanks. I will be writing more chapters like this one or even shorter, as long as you continue to engage and enjoy what I'm writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
warning chapter sixteen
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It's been a month since the official start of your relationship with Pedro Pascal. Until then, unfortunately, you had few moments together. At the moment your relationship is being a little more virtual than you would like. But you can't complain. Dating a celebrity is a challenge that you are very willing to take on.
"Mom, I need to talk to Pedro now. You can very well open the door." You say, trying to connect your cell phone to the internet at your mother's house. She decided to pick some apples to make a pie to welcome Enzo here at her house. You came to visit her this weekend after she practically accused you of abandonment.
"My daughter, your boyfriend can wait. Open the door quickly before I go crazy." Your mother shouts from outside. You take a deep breath and decide to put down your cell phone for a moment.
"Did I arrive at a bad time?" Enzo asks, entering his mother's house with a bouquet of flowers. He hands it to your lap and you hug him.
"Who are the flowers for?" You ask without even answering Enzo's question, who smiles pointing at your mother. You lightly hit his arm.
"Enzo, are you flirting with my mom?" You say as you put the flowers in a flower vase and put some water on them.
"Idiot of you to assume that I only present my romantic affairs." Enzo says and you look at him judging him.
"Hey, do you know why I can't make a video call here? I tried fixing the wifi but it always fails." You tell Enzo by showing him your cell phone and he immediately manage to fix the connection issue on your phone. Moments later, you were in a video call with your boyfriend Pedro Pascal. Or what you thought was him. Since he was all dressed up, looking like a cowboy, wearing a hat and all.
"Darling, did I catch you at a bad time? You seem all dressed up to reprise your Kingsman character. Agent Whiskey, right? By the way, you're a sight for sore eyes." You say, laughing a bit but also speaking the absolute truth. Even his mustache is perfectly groomed. Pedro lets out a hearty laugh as soon as he hears you say that, then he sits down on a couch.
"That's my surprise for you on our one-month anniversary. A bit cheesy, but I know my fans love it when I'm dressed like this." Pedro says, smiling, holding his phone in the most awkward way possible. You prop your phone against an object on your mother's table as you sit in a chair nearby. Unfortunately, you came in such a hurry to your mom's place that you forgot your computer at home.
"My love, you look great. If your fans see this they'll go crazy. But how's the recording going on the set?" You ask as you watch Pedro adjust himself in the tight pants he's wearing. He finally managed to put his cell phone in a position where you can see his entire body. And to your surprise, he even has a rope attached near the belt around his waist.
"Other than the fact that I'm in London and not at home with you, everything is going well. I have great scene partners and getting around the city has been nice." He says while giving you a mischievous smile, which you understand as soon as you hear music in the background. He starts dancing to the music and you can't stop laughing. "Hey sexy lady" playing in the background of a Pascal video call wasn't in his plans but it's really fun.
"What are you doing?" You ask as the music starts to stop playing and you manage to stop laughing. Pascal sits down after breaking out some of his best dance moves.
"I was challenged to dance to this song every time it comes on set. So far it's been fun. Apparently they want me to record a TikTok to the song. I wish you were here with me, you would have so much fun." Pedro speaks and you feel as if your heart is going to explode. He really misses you and you're definitely not used to it.
"Maybe next time. Oh dear, I need to expose you to your biggest fan now." You say running towards Enzo who is helping your mother make her apple pie in the kitchen.
"Hey man, you're great with that characterization." Enzo says as soon as you show Pedro to him and Pedro smiles relaxed.
"Thank you, were you helping my mother-in-law or just visiting?" Pascal asks and his mother immediately clears her throat loudly and gives a grumble.
"Tell him that if he wants to consider me his mother-in-law, he should marry my daughter. Where have you ever seen a man break up with you, then get back together with you and abandon you?" His mother speaks loudly, to make sure Pedro hears and then she leaves the kitchen, leaving Enzo in charge of the pie.
"I'm here for the pie. And if you want my advice, when you come to see your mother-in-law, bring a gift. She won't resist." Enzo speaks to Pascal and then I left the video call to go put the pie in the oven.
"When were you going to tell me that your mother is mad at me?" Pedro says when it’s just the two of you on the video call. You let out a sigh.
"My love, when has my mother not been angry with me and you since we both started dating?" You ask and he smiles but a worried smile.
"I need to win her over. How are we going to tell her that you're going to live with me if she hates me?" You find it cute that Pascal thinks so much about your mother’s opinion regarding your relationship. You remember how funny it was when he asked if he should ask her permission to date you. You joked that he should only do that if he had a death wish. The truth is, you’re still trying to convince your mother to accept Pedro. It shouldn't be difficult because he’s kind, handsome, and funny. Most importantly, he makes you happy. But the reality is that your mother is obviously not ready to get over Enzo.
"Don't worry about that, Pascal. I'll talk to her about it when the time is right. Until then, focus on finishing your filming and coming back home. I miss you." You say, and soon after, you hear someone calling for Pascal. It feels like your conversation was far too short.
"Love, I have to go. But I promise to call again when I have some free time. I love you." And with that, he ends the video call as if he didn't just say he loves you for the first time. You smile, feeling all flustered, and start humming as you walk around your mom's house, thrilled that Pedro Pascal loves you.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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murasakiibb · 6 years
I can't come up with a pithy title so here have this
I was tagged by @chrisside!
Rules: answer the 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better. (I'm not sure I can come up with even like five people, so if you see this and want to do it, feel free.)
Nickname(s): Do online handles count lol. I don't really have any nicknames irl, but online I've been called IBB and Murasaki SO.
Gender:  Female!
Sign: Virgo
Height: 5'0", or about 150cm for those using the metric system.
Time: Well I'm starting this at 2:15 pm my time but we'll see how long it takes me to finish this up and post it.
Fav Bands: I... don't usually pay much mind to bands specifically so much as just music lol. My tastes tend to lean towards harder rock/sometimes metal. But if it's good I'll like it regardless.
Fav Solo Artists: See above about bands.
Song Stuck In My Head: At the moment, nothing for once. I've been prone to getting Persona 5 songs stuck in my head lately though. Particularly Life Will Change or Last Surprise lol.
Last Movie I Saw: UUUUUUUUH... I am drawing a blank. I want to say... Lady and the Tramp, maybe?
Last Show I Watched: Probably Steven Universe lol. As far as new shows I've watched, there's the first episode of the Persona 5 anime.
When Did I Create My Blog?: March 28, 2016. My blog's a whole two years old!
What Do I Post?: I reblog a lot of fan art, mostly from Undertale, but also some Persona, Fullmetal Alchemist, cats, and rocks. Lots and lots of rocks lol. I also post about my progress on cosplays and art I've done. Especially the Undertale comic I've been doing for... about two years now, sheesh.
Last Thing I Googled: UUUUUUUH. I think the last thing I googled was actually... right, I was *trying* to find like, a Shujin Academy patch that I could like eventually attach to my costume, but instead I ended up finding like. Someone apparently made the particular plaid pattern for the Shujin Academy pants and made it available for like, actual fabric. I am Highly tempted to get some.
Do I Have Any Other Blogs?: I have like a million RP blogs LMAO. And I've also got a sideblog dedicated to just my Undertale fan comic, @ut-wakingnightmare-comic.
Do I Get Asks?: Sometimes! I kinda hoard all the nice ones like a dragon lol. I tend to get a lot more asks on my RP blogs, really. There is one ask I got here a WHILE back that I keep meaning to doodle something for but we'll see if I ever get around to that within the next century.
Why Did I Choose My URL?: I believe I've made a big post about this before lol. Long story short, it's a username I've had since I was a wee bab that I just sort of default to everywhere.
Following: 448
Followed By: On here, 242
Average Hours Of Sleep: Like about 7-8 hours. I actually try to keep a decent sleep schedule.
Lucky Number: I... don't know, honestly.
Instruments: I picked up a little guitar way way way back when I was in like, junior high/high school, but I haven't really done much with it in... probably at least a decade at this point RIP. I've also collected a few ocarinas thanks to my friend who's a big Legend of Zelda fan and likes to collect them lol.
What Am I Wearing: One of my favorite shirts. It's purple with a glittery, heart-eyed skull on it lol. 
Dream Trip: Probably France or Japan! France because I actually know enough French to get by lol. And Japan because I'm a massive weeb and I think it'd be pretty to go there around like, cherry blossom flowering seasons or something. (Not summer though. According to my former Japanese professor, it's really fucking hot in the summer LMAO.)
Fav Food: If you ask some of my friends, they'd probably either say skittles or goldfish crackers lol. And... to be honest, that's probably not too far off.
Nationality: American, basically. If we're talking nationality based on ethnic background, on my mom's side I'm African and Polish Jew, and on my dad's side I'm white Scots.
Fav Song: Probably something from Persona 5 at the moment lol. I tend to like and listen to a lot of video game music.
Last Book I Read: UH. Hell if I know. Does manga count? Because I've read a little bit of One Punch Man fairly recently. I need to sit down and just read so much stuff.
Top 3 Fictional Universes I Want to Join: That's a tough one. Uh... Undertale honestly seems like a pretty chill place to be.  I'd maybe be okay with the Persona universe. What else... I don't know, there's not a lot of places I can think of that I'm like "I absolutely would love to be there." I mean, I could say something like "oh I'd love to live in a universe with magic in it" but there are plenty of magical universes that are... Not Great to be in.
And that’s it! I’m not going to tag anyone specifically like I said above so if you see this and are like “hey I want to give it a shot” then feel free to snag it and tag me as the one who tagged you!
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