#same with the gates story recruits
alicelufenia · 9 months
Why I still swear by romancing Minthara in act 1 even though there's a way to recruit her otherwise.
Both have their strong narrative beats, to be sure: taking pity on an enemy Vs two broken people putting each other back together.
I just really like the emotional climax the latter reaches, especially if you continue her romance.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
BG3 Act 1 asks
I am intentionally putting the number of the inquiry at the end of each question also because I have a pet peeve that when you copy paste questions into an ask that the number doesn't carry over.
Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision? (1)
Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing. (2)
Has your Character been using their illithid powers? (3)
Do you remember in which order you recruited your companions? Which companion introduction would have felt the most familiar / like home to your Tav / Character? (4)
Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they've ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it? (5)
Were you able to save everyone when the goblins stormed the gates at the Grove? (6)
Did you enter the Grove? (7)
Do you have a favorite member of the Druid Circle? Is it the same as your Character's? (8)
Do you have a favorite member of the Tiefling Refugees? Is it the same as your Character's? (9)
Do you have a favorite member of the Goblin Camp? Is it the same as your Character's? (10)
Do you have a favorite member of the Act 1 Githyanki? Is it the same as your Character's? (11)
Do you have a favorite member of the Zhentarim? Is it the same as your Character's? (12)
Do you have a favorite character from the Underdark? Is it the same as your Character's? (13)
Do you have another NPC you loved from a faction not mentioned above? What about your Character? (14)
How did the situation with the Grove, the Tieflings and the Goblins turn out for your Character? (15)
Did you save Halsin? (16)
What does your Character think of Withers? (17)
How did your Character deal with Wyll, Karlach and Mizora? (18)
Did your Character spend a night with a companion either the night of the party or earlier? Is it someone they have a continued interest in? (19)
How did you deal with The Artist - Oskar Fevras? Did you even encounter him? (20)
What are your Character's thoughts on the strange artifact that was in Shadowheart's possession? Did it jump to your pack because you changed her out of your party? (21)
How did your Character resolve the situation with Sovereign Glut, if you met them? (22)
What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor? (23)
Was your illithid tadpole empowered by anything in Act 1? If so, how does your Character feel about that? (24)
Did your Character take the mountain pass? (25)
What was your favorite enemy? Did your Character have any memorable fights or moments in combat that were ripe for headcanons and interpretation? (26)
Who ended up in your Character's most used party? (27)
Did you recruit Scratch the dog? Did you encounter him at all? (28)
Did you adopt an owlbear? Do you have a name for your child? (29)
Do you have other pets as a ranger or in headcanon? (30)
Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story? (31)
What's your Character's experience with and opinion of Volo? (32)
Has your Character allied with the cult of the Absolute? (33)
How did your Character resolve the situation with Nere and the gnomes? (34)
Has your Character done anything that they regret in Act 1? (35)
Did your Character find the Adamantine Forge? Did they use it? What did they make? (36)
Did your Character find the Necromancy of Thay? How are they handling it / planning to handle it? (37)
Did your Character meet Barcus Wroot? How's he doing? (38)
What does your Character think of Raphael? (39)
Is your Character used to strange dreams from before the events of the adventure? (40)
Is your Character accustomed to being on the road from before the events of the adventure? (41)
Has your Character been to the Underdark from before the events of the adventure? (42)
Asker has a question not from the list. (43)
Asker wants Blogger to choose a question from the list. (44)
I love your oc's! I hope you're enjoying the game as much as I am!
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autumnbrambleagain · 9 months
It's like, you go up to Baldur's Gate 3 and you're like, hey, you're a fantasy game. Can I play as something weird? Like maybe a centaur? That's a fantasy race, right?
And Baldur's Gate 3 says, uhm, no. You can play as a human. If you really must be different you can play as a dragonborn.
And it's like. oh, neat! That's like, a dragon?
And they're like, well, it looks more like some kind of fish... maybe like, you know those shrink-wrapped dinosaurs from the earlier days of paleontology?
And it's like... oh. Okay. What about modded races? Did someone mod in a centaur?
And BG3 is like, buddy. Buddy. Do you know how hard that would be for fans to animate? We don't even have a modding toolkit for you to use. Of course not. You can't play as a centaur. You play as a human.
And it's like... no, sure, of course, I'm sorry for bothering you.
You go to Caves of Qud and ask if you can play as a centaur.
CoQ says oh, sure, one of the first npcs you run into is a taur! The extra legs let you outspeed enemies and also give you a carry weight bonus! But what's that over there is that your fursona
and i'm like, oh, what, uhh
and CoQ is like, yeah! What is that, two-headed, four-armed foxthing? Why don't you play as that instead?
and i'm like, I'm sorry, what?
and CoQ is like, yeah, having two heads lets you wear two kinds of helmets for different bonuses, and also lets you use mental abilities quicker AND helps you shake off mental effects faster! the extra arms lets you stack up a whole bunch of weapons at once, it's a really powerful base to build your character around!
And I'm like... well... what about the visual representation of it?
and CoQ goes, we use sprites with 2 colors and negative space, so you don't need to relearn 3D modeling and animation to have your guy represented in the game with the same fidelity as everything else that already exists in it! no problem!
and like... of course, the Thing You Can Play As isn't the only factor that makes a game good! but after experiencing this, it's so hard to enjoy games like BG3. Like yeah the story and its writing and your ability to affect it are unmatched in BG3 it especially makes Bethesda look like hot steaming garbage!
but i have to either play as a human or a shrink wrapped fish dinosaur from 60s paleontology to do it? and every game makes me just play as a human. the most fantastical games with the craziest settings all mostly moderate themselves to "medieval europe... with a little bit of weirdness"
meanwhile in CoQ turning a locked door sapient, recruiting it, and giving it a chaingun so i have a literal metal door wielding a chaingun is a perfectly viable answer to getting through a locked door
anyway that's why i think the developers of CoQ should be given the budget of BG3 tyvmia
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janearts · 1 year
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Roisia Lydgate: Character Overview
This is really more of a background introduction to her character, but I'm trying to put as much information in one place for future reference or for anyone who wants to get a better idea of her character. Details underneath the cut!
Roisia is my Source Hunter from Divinity: Original Sin, but I recreated her in Baldur’s Gate 3 as a way to continue her story albeit in a completely different universe. The story and events of DOS have since become part of her backstory, and tweaked to fit the world of Faerûn.
Name Pronunciation
I’m honestly none too fussed about pronunciation. Her name is an 11th century mediaeval name that would later become “Rose” in Middle English. Roisia is probably meant to be pronounced something like /ɹɔɪːsiːɑ/ (Roy-see-ah) based on other name variants found around the same time. Her nicknames, as given to her by her parents, include: Rose, Rosie, petal, pet, rosebud, bud, so on and so forth.
Roisia is charming, adventurous, with a voracious curiosity, and a deeply analytical mind. She believes that taking care of the dead and providing a voice for the dead is her life’s calling. She was formerly raised to be a Cleric of Kelemvor, but believes that her god has disowned her since she reanimated her father. She now believes herself to be deemed among the Faithless. She’s compassionate to those in need and is willing to break rules (and the law) to help others. While she is generally a law-abiding citizen, she is dogged in pursuing the whims of her curiosity and will likewise do whatever it takes to solve a puzzle, a mystery, or a murder… or simply answer a question that has occurred to her. She is sociable, prefers when everyone gets along, and will try to talk her way into and out of most situations. This includes charming, reasoning, intimidating, and/or deceiving others to get her desired outcome. Ultimately, she finds solace and comfort in the company of animals, the dead, and books. Her favourite animal is the noble spider, and she breeds and raises some species in her spare time.
Spells and Such
I tried as best I could to replicate Roisia’s DOS character. In DOS, she was classed as a Witch. Witchcraft spells in DOS are a mixture of Necromancy spells and Enchantment spells, and I chose my spells in BG3 to imitate the ones that you get in DOS. As a witch in DOS, Roisia also had the ability to talk to animals and summon a spider. (I cheesed this in BG3 with the Find Familiar spell—technically a Conjuration spell—and having her drink a potion after every long rest.) To be more in keeping with her backstory, I gave her a Guild Artisan background and invested skill points in skills like Medicine.
Roisia grew up in Eastway of Baldur’s Gate. Her father worked in the Gray Harbor shipyard as a shipwright and her mother was a Mortarch, running the Eastway Cemetery & Lydgate Funeral Service. She was raised to follow in her mother’s footsteps as a Cleric of Kelemvor, and specifically as a Mortarch, from an early age. She assisted her mother in managing the burial customs and rites for the Lower City’s diverse community (from embalming to ritualistic cannibalism to poisonings), comforting grieving family members of the deceased, and tending to the dead buried in the cemetery.
Her life took an unexpected turn when her father drowned during a sea trial. Grieving for her father, Roisia made her first attempt at Necromancy. She unwittingly used a wish spell in the process and reanimated him as a skeleton. Because it was the wish spell, not her first attempt at a necromantic ritual, that bound the soul of her father to his bones, Roisia is determined to master the School of Necromancy and truly resurrect her father.
She is interrupted in her early studies by the appearance of Eustace, who recruited her into the Source Hunters, an organisation dedicated to eradicating dangerous magic users (like… Necromancers). “We need you,” he said. “… and you need us.” Roisia & Eustace (or Roy & Stacey as they became known to each other) investigated the mysterious murder of a town counsellor and uncovered a Necromantic cult in the process. As they adventured together, Roisia began to develop feelings for Eustace, but as their adventure concluded and they returned to the Source Hunter Academy, Eustace did not return those feelings. Dejected, Roisia left the Source Hunters and returned to her home in Baldur’s Gate.
To “cure” herself of her heartbreak, Roisia drew up a list of lifelong goals for herself. They are:
1. A cemetery or plot of land of her own to oversee. 2. “Tenants”/”Residents” (aka The Deceased) to house and tend to on this land. 3. To master Necromancy such that she can extend indefinitely her own life and the lives of her loved ones. 4. One (1) Spouse (*not of the squeamish variety) 5. Children (*ideally 3-5)
Refocused aggressively on her list, Roisia returned to her duties during the day and her studies during the night. She was abducted by the nautiloid one night while she was off to dig up a new test subject.
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years
my dear mates
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pairing: jake sully x reader x neytiri x tsu'tey
summary: headcanons of how you become mates with jake sully, neytiri, and tsu'tey
author's note: this was for fun!! i also might do a second part for the way of the water just to experiment what it would be like if tsu'tey was in it ahaha. also yes, tsu'tey is alive and is olo'eyktan and jake is just the toruk makto. anyway, enjoy <3
link to the story inspired by this hc!!
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before pandora
you were born on a dying planet. your mother was a scientist and researcher. then your mother got accepted to go to pandora for the avatar program. she was so excited but she knew she couldn’t take you with her at that point. instead of letting her feel guilty, you only encouraged her to go.
five years later in the year 2150, you were actually able to make some progress with your mother’s work. you had gathered a research team and some military protection to be able to go over to the amazon rainforest and protect what was left of it. for two years you were able to keep life there protected, that is until all of it was destroyed. deforestation. you were surrounded by fire and destruction, running to get to safety as the rainforest died around you. all of your hard work, all of your mother’s work was gone just like that. and you were helpless, you couldn’t do anything about it.
around the same time, you had been approached by a few rda agents. they were recruiting you to go to pandora since you were the best option they had to continue your mother’s work there. but that only confused you.
“i don’t understand.” you frowned at them, heart racing. “my mother went to pandora to start her new research there. why do you need me to continue it…”
the answer dawned on you before the agents told you. you mother had died on pandora. and because of this, you were the only one who could understand her work which is why the rda agents came for you. this opportunity was all you had left to continue your mother’s legacy and work. so you agreed to go to pandora.
getting to pandora
it was 2155 when you came out of cryosleep. you were then led onto a ship that flew you down to the planet. only the ship was nearly shot down by the na’vi and you experienced quite the rough landing.. once it did land and the ship opened, you were met with multiple na’vi surrounding the ship, bows pointed at you, even some of them had guns much to your surprise.
that was when you met tsu’tey and jake sully. tsu’tey was the olo’eyktan while jake was toruk makto. the former was wary of your arrival and immediately wanted to either kill you or send you back.
“we need her!” one of the humans, norm spellman, argued for you. “please, she’s of no danger to you. one of our doctors, dr. l/n sent her. you know her, right? dr. augustine’s friend! grace wanted her here too!” norm looked to jake pleadingly. “jake, help me out here!”
jake spoke to tsu’tey in a language you were unfamiliar with back then. the language of the na’vi people. jake then turned to norm and you, speaking in english. “put her in one of the cells at hells gate.”
“if we can find proof that she was sent by a doctor here, she has to stay in a place where she can be watched.” jake looked at you again, his face guarded. “if what your saying is true then there should be no problem, right?”
it took you a few seconds to realize that he had addressed you at that point. you nodded quickly, “yes, um, yeah.”
they had you placed in a holding cell at the abandoned hell’s gate for a couple of days. of course the humans there fed and clothed you. norm had then explained that a year prior the rda and the omatikaya clan had gone to war and the rda were exiled, so you coming a year later after all of that was seen as suspicious to the na’vi. now that you had some context, you then understood why your ship had been attacked. it also meant you had to be careful now that you were here. and it was best to keep to yourself and stay at your mother’s old lab in the forest. yes, that was a good plan at first.
too bad it didn’t stick.
when you meet
it wasn’t really difficult to stay in your own lane. you got used to using your avatar and were often wandering around the forest to study everything. at first the only people you interacted with were the other humans on the planet, which weren’t that much to begin with but you were content. mostly you were just getting used to the planet whilst also taking in the fact that your mother had died and you hadn’t been at her side when she did.
jake was the first one to approach you. since he knew what it felt like to be an outsider, he immediately tried to welcome and make you comfortable the best way he knew how. so often when he comes back from hunts, he’d stop by your lab to see you. one time he had spotted a really pretty plant and immediately thought of you. knowing that your job was to study the botany of pandora, he brought you to the plant. your smile was so big then, a part of him felt a pull toward you. whenever you smiled at him or laughed at his dumb jokes. jake couldn’t help but want to continue making you smile.
and you of course, always looked forward to him coming around, your heart fluttering every time you made physical contact with each other. whether it be the simple brush of fingers, you finding any excuse just to caress his face and him just wanting so desperately to kiss you. it was clear then that jake wanted you as another mate but he knew the other two wouldn’t accept her as he had, so in the beginning he buried his feelings for his and your sake.
“don’t look at me like that.” jake mumbled quietly, his forehead touching yours.
you frowned softly, “like what?”
he frowned sadly, “like you love me.”
but you did. and there was no stopping that.
neytiri had been watching you ever since jake had begun stopping by your lab after his hunts. she was wary about your arrival yet curious as to why jake kept going to you. she did think at first it was because the two of you had something in common but she discovered there was much more to that. tsu’tey of course waved it off in the beginning but she wasn’t too quick to let it go. so she herself started watching you. you had yet to notice her which annoyed neytiri a bit. if you were to be living in pandora, you must always be aware of your surroundings. you on the other hand just seemed to be in a whole different world. neytiri thought you would get eaten in less than a week.
but then again, your awed curiosity about the forest did draw her toward you. apart of her wanted to make herself known to you, just to show more to the forest than what you thought you had seen. plus she was drawn to your gentle spirit. and your innocence of your smile. neytiri soon began to understand why jake kept visiting you. a strange feeling bubbled in her stomach and she thought she was jealous at first.
one day she had to make herself known. especially when you were about to touch a dangerous plant.
“do not touch that.” she warned, surprising you.
you looked up in time to find her jumping down from the tree and landing in front of you. the na’vi woman gestured toward the plant, “it is poisonous. not meant to touch.”
“oh, sorry.” you backed away from the plant. your eyes then caught something on her leg, “hey, um, you have a cut there.”
she glanced down, not too bothered by it, “it’s nothing. just a scratch.”
you shake your head, “i can clean it a bit for you. you know, just so it won’t get infected.” before neytiri had a chance to protest you had already started walking toward a small pond, gesturing for her to follow. neytiri didn’t know why but she did. the two of you then knelt down next to the bond, you cup some water from it and brushed it against neytiri’s leg. “hmm, you're right, it’s just a scratch. not a lot of blood as it turns out.”
“i already said this.” neytiri grumbled but didn’t push your hands away.
you smiled up at her, “yeah, but it doesn’t hurt to check, right?”
neytiri realized then that it wasn’t jealousy she felt toward you. but instead it was a certain gentle fondness for you. one that always made it come back every day, similar to jake, just to see you and watch you work. some days she’d ask to join jake who was surprised by the request. you were happy to have her around as much as you loved having jake. it was comforting, being in neytiri’s presence. she was fierce but around you she was a lot more shy and comfortable with you. the both of you brought a sense of comfort and calm toward one another.
from then on, neytiri understood why jake kept coming back to you.
becoming one of the people
you understood what you had been missing the entire time you had been on pandora. even before coming here. and you decided that you would want to call this place your home and to do that, you would have to become like them. the na’vi. so you could be with them.
jake and neytiri were all for it and were the ones to help you. jake was the one to teach you how to hunt and how to choose and use your weapon. neytiri taught you the language—was a lot more patient with you than she was with jake—and showed you more of the forest, teaching you how to become one with it. how to understand it the na’vi way. the more time the three of you spent with each other, the more in love you had become.
of course, one last person had to be convinced.
tsu’tey saw you making progress to become one of the people. and you saw him watching you. you knew he didn’t trust you. but since he was the clan leader of the omatikaya, you were quite determined to earn his trust. even jake and neytiri wanted him to accept you.
it was when you first tamed your ikran. you had fallen off your ikran mid-flight at first and jake had been the one to fly his own ikran down to catch you. he flew you back to the cliff. 
“she’s done.” jake had said as you slid off his ikran. he said it more to neytiri than you. “that was too close!”
“she can handle it!” neytiri frowned. “the danger, the whole thing, is a part of it, ma’jake!”
“she nearly died!” jake protested.
“and so did you when you first tamed yours! why is now any different?!”
“you know why!”
“guys!” you shouted, drawing their attention back to you. you ran a hand through your hair and huffed, “first off, stop talking about me like i’m not standing right next to you! second, i love you both, but it’s my choice whether or not i decide to finish.”
jake tried protesting, “y/n--”
“jake.” you sighed and went to grab your ikran taming rope from off the ground. “let me do this. please.”
neytiri nodded while jake only frowned. that was when tsu’tey appeared, looking all smug, “you heard her, jakesully.” you roll your eyes as neytiri squeezed your arm encouragingly. “Let her continue to fall. it’ll only make her look more like a skxawng.”
“tsu’tey.” jake frowned but you only grinned.
“hey i know you’re tryna make fun of me right now, but it’s only encouraging me to do it again. so, thanks!” you smirked provokingly at him causing him to scowl at you. 
“enough talk, demon girl.” tsu’tey stood before you despite neytiri trying to step in between you and get him to calm down. a part of it worked because she was his mate, but tsu’tey was still studying you, tilting his head with a mocking smirk. “go on. show me.”
you took the challenge much to jake’s dismay. neytiri supported you. but for some reason, you felt extra nervous with tsu’tey watching you. but you ignored it long enough to finally tame your ikran, this time without falling off. it felt amazing, your first ride on your ikran. jake and neytiri joined you on their own ikrans.
and surprisingly tsu’tey did as well. and instead of finding another scowl on his face, he instead wore a smirk. you grinned at him, tightening your hold on your ikran, “race me?”
tsu’tey rolled his eyes, “i don’t race—”
“slow poke!” you took off. tsu’tey blinked in surprise but immediately smirked competitively before taking off after you.
that was it. it wasn’t your smile—well, maybe it was a part of it—but it was how you loosened him up and made him have fun. for that moment he wasn’t thinking about his duty as the olo’eyktan. all he could think about is beating you in your race and allowing himself to have fun. with you of all people.
neytiri gave him a knowing smirk later on. he rolled his eyes at her, “be quiet you.”
“you love her too.”
tsu’tey didn’t respond then. because he knew the two had fallen for you. and because he knew he had fallen for you too. he tried really hard not to. really he did.
becoming mates
when all three of them realized they were in love with you and wanted you as their mates to join their family, they gave you room to realize it yourself without pushing you. fortunately for them, you already loved them and were just waiting for them to tell you. basically one of you had to come out and say it or else you would be miserable idiots in love.
you had been playing with baby neteyam when mo’at dragged jake, neytiri, and tsu’tey into the marui, surprising you.
“i’ve had enough of all your moping. all four of you!” mo’at huffed. you looked away flustered while the other three stood sheepishly. mo’at rolled her eyes and turned to you, “do you want them as your mates.”
you blushed but nodded, “yes, if only—”
“good.” mo’at turned to the three who were now staring at you in shock. “and you want her as your mate as well i assume?”
tsu’tey looked to you, “do you truly accept us?”
you smiled at them, “of course i do. i wouldn’t have anyone else be my dear mates.”
mo’at grumbled, mumbling about “children” before leaving the four of you alone. jake knelt down in front of you, caressing your cheek, “how come you didn’t say anything?”
“how come you didn’t?” you raised your brows.
“we did not want to push you.” neytiri said, holding your hand to her cheek. “but we’ve accepted you long ago.”
the four of you mated before eywa. and had been together since.
your relationship
the four of you were just so in love with each other. and all of you showed it in different ways. in public, you were a lot more subtle about showing your affection for each other. neytiri and jake loved flying together. jake and tsu’tey enjoyed hunting together. and neytiri and tsu’tey explored the forest together.
with you it wasn’t any different. neytiri and you loved spending time together in silence. the two of you were so comfortable with each other that sometimes you wouldn’t even have to talk whenever you were alone with each other. sometimes you’d lie in each other’s laps, neytiri would do your hair, and you would show her new plants you collected from the day. quality time was your love language.
with jake he was a lot more physically affectionate than the other too. he was this way with the other two and it wasn’t any different with you. he’d find a way to touch you both in public and in private. in public he’d always have his hand on the small of your back or squeezing the space between your neck and shoulder. in private he’s all over you, kissing any part of your body, and holding you in his arms.
tsu’tey loved just having fun with you. whether that be flying or exploring the forest together, he was always at peace with you and relaxed. anytime he was free from olo’eyktan duties, he would always try finding ways to spend time with you. he’s always smiling around you and saying sweet nothings to you. he enjoys your kisses and your touch, the both of you enjoyed both quality time and physical affection.
you were all so in love with each other. none of you could imagine living without each other.
all of you especially enjoyed spending time with neteyam, especially when you're all together. then kiri came along. all of you were adamant on adopting her. tsu’tey especially since he cared for her mother, grace. he saw kiri as his own just the same as you, jake, and neytiri did.
both jake and tsu’tey were such girl dads with kiri. and you were so excited to grow your family and finally start your new life in pandora.
you weren’t alone anymore. you had your mates and your children. and that’s all you needed in the end.
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nellasbookplanet · 6 months
Book recs: Queer fantasy, part 1
A note: queer here does not necessarily mean “guarantee of an f/f or m/m ship with a happy ending”, but rather simply a significant presence of queerness. Some of the books feature no romance but has a same gender attracted/trans/a-spectrum lead, or features an m/f relationship with bisexual, trans or aro/ace characters, or simply features a world-building which is heavily queer inclusive in ways that don’t always compare to our own ideas of sexuality and gender. I have however disqualified works where the only queer presence is along the lines of “gay best friend” or a blink and you’ll miss it confirmation that never comes up again.
For queer sci-fi recs, click here! For a masterpost of book rec lists, click here! For more details on the books recommended here, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites!
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The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez*
AKA the book the killed me. Two boys travel throughout their land with the body of a god as her horrible, horrible children try to hunt them down. It’s hard to explain more than that, but trust me when I say the narrative voice and literary techniques are incredibly unique in how they blend past and present, reality and story, lead and bystander. Truly an experience. Features an m/m romance.
The Unbroken (Magic of the Lost series) by C.L. Clark*
Tourraine, who was stolen as a child and trained as a soldier for the empire that conquered her home, is recruited by Luka, the future leader of the conquering country, to root out a rebellion. A game of twisted loyalties and attraction is soon to develop as the two must decide where their priorities lie: with each other, or with their respective countries and people.
Sing the Four Quarters (Quarters series) by Tanya Huff*
Though a royal by birth, princess Annice renounced her throne to become a bard, a musician who through training can Sing elemental spirits to do their bidding. Ten years later, she goes on the run for two counts of treason, first by imperiling the succession order by becoming pregnant, second by helping her ex, and the father of her child, escape the palace dungeons and a death sentence. Bisexual lead in an f/f relationship. When I first read this book I described it as, and I quote, 'a fucking delight', and I stand by that.
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The Unspoken Name (The Serpent Gates duology) by C.L. Clark*
The sort of portal fantasy you get when all the worlds connected by portals are fantasy worlds, and none of them are ours. The portals themselves become simply a part of the worldbuilding that the characters use to travel between fascinating places, and it’s all really cool. It follows Csorwe (lesbian orc assassin whom I love), who grew up in a cult, indoctrinated as a child sacrifice to a god. But on the day she was meant to die, she instead chose to follow a powerful wizard and train to become his loyal servant and sword. Aside from being an excellent fantasy, it’s also a close look at the hard path of unlearning indoctrination and the search for love and validation where you’ll never find it, and learning to live for yourself. Multiple queer leads.
The Jasmine Throne (The Burning Kingdoms series) by Tasha Suri
A princess held captive by her own brother, who wants to see her dead, tries to trick a servant into helping her escape, but with undeniable attraction growing between them and the servant having her own goals of liberation things quickly get complicated, both between them and in the country at large as rebellion and dangerous magic brews. Sapphic romance.
The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos duology) by Samantha Shannon
Queen Sabran's lineage has protected the country of Inys from dragons for a thousand years, but now the safety of their land is threatened as Sabran is yet to conceive and assassins are closing in. Lady-in-waiting Ead is secretly part of a society of hidden mages, and is using her position to protect her queen. Meanwhile, on the other side of the sea, dragonrider Tané is faced with an impossible choice. The fates of all three are intertwined as they attempt to stop the rise of a great dragon. 800+ page epic fantasy. Sapphic romance.
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The Raven and the Reindeer by T. Kingfisher*
Young adult, fairy tale retelling of the Snow Queen. When Gerta's friend Kai is stolen away by the evil Snow Queen, Gerta must depart on a mission to save him. On the way, she encounters, among others, a talking raven and a pretty robber girl who become her allies. Sapphic romance.
The Rise of Kyoshi (Kyoshi duology) by F.C. Yee*
Young adult. Set in the Avatar universe, but aimed at an older audience than the animated series. Though she will one day be one of the most well-known avatars of the land, for now, young Kyoshi is but a humble girl who has yet to find out her true destiny as the bender of all four elements and keeper of balance of her world. When betrayal strikes and a dear friend is lost, Kyoshi goes on the run alongside fiesty firebender Rangi to find out the truth of her destiny and power. Sapphic romance.
Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes series) by Travis Baldree
Viv is tired of adventures and bloodshed - now she wants a peaceful life, and decides to go after it by opening a café. But going from warrior to small business owner is easier said than done, especially when Viv's old life comes knocking. Best described as a cozy fantasy, with a largely low-stakes but heartwarming plot and a sapphic romance.
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Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
Gyen Jebi is an artist, but making a living is difficult. When offered a job by the Ministry of Armor to paint the magical sigils that animate their automaton soldiers, they have little choice but to accept. But as Jebi sees the dark depths of the government, especially the shocking source of their magical paint, they must find a way to resist. Perhaps by freeing the Ministry's mighty automaton dragon... Nonbinary main character.
Crier's War by Nina Varela
Young adult. Who says sci-fi has monopoly on robots? In Crier’s War, artificially created automae have defeated and subjugated humans, who live as second class citizens. Young Ayla goes undercover as a servant, meaning to assassinate automae girl and Sovereign’s daughter Crier. This would be easier if the two weren’t quick to develop feelings for each other.
Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky trilogy) by Rebecca Roanhorse
In a pre-columbian inspired world, sea captain Xiala, gifted with an unusual connection to the sea, travels with a mysterious scarred and blind passenger toward a dangerous goal as prophecy heralds the return of a god. Features among others bisexual and nonbinary leads.
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The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin*
In a world regularly torn apart by natural disasters, a big one finally strikes and society as we know it falls, leaving people floundering to survive in a post apocalyptic world, its secrets and past to be slowly revealed. We follow a mother as she races through this world to find and save her daughter, stolen away by a father who just murdered their son after having discovered a terrible secret of their family. Does feature multiple queer characters and a main polyam relationship, but DO NOT read this expecting happy queer relationships as this series handles many dark subjects (you should still read it though, it's incredibly good).
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan*
Young adult. Kids who can walk between our world and a magical one get recruited into a magical school that trains them to be either fighters or diplomats. Our lead decides that fighting is stupid and that he’s going to peacefully solve every conflict ever, all while being the most delightfully obnoxious little brat possible and getting involved in the most bisexual love triangle imaginable. Very good, funny, and heart-felt coming of age story.
Our Bloody Pearl D.N. Bryn
A siren who’s been held captive by a pirate is freed, but too injured to survive on their own as their tail has become paralyzed. Another pirate captain decides to help them out and has to work to win their trust. Fairly fluffy and light on world-building and plot (though there is a bit of a revenge story in there), with a focus on character and recovery. m/nb romance with an asexual love interest.
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A Master of Djinn by P. Djélí Clark
Set in an alternate 1910’s steampunk Cairo, where djinn and other creatures live alongside humans. We get to follow an investigator as she races to catch a criminal using a powerful object to control djinn and stir unrest. Fantastically creative and fresh, and also features a buddy cop dynamic between two female leads as well as a sapphic romance.
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho*
As a toddler, Jessamyn Teoh left Malaysia. Now a young adult, she’s broke, closeted, and moving back. There she’s faced with the ghost of her estranged grandmother, Ah Ma, who was a medium and avatar of the deity the Black Water Sister in life. Now she demands Jess' help in exacting revenge against a gang boss that offended her god. Meanwhile, all Jess wants is to get her life back on track.
Heaven Official's Blessing (Heaven Official's Blessing series) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Once, Xie Lian was the beloved crown prince of a kingdom. Then he rose to godhood at a young age, and was expected to take a step back from his land and his people, but in his inability to do so ended up losing everything. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for a third time, forgotten by mortals and the laughing stock of Heaven. Trying to rebuild his reputation, Xie Lian sets off on a mission, and on it encounters an infamous demon king who inspires fear in all of heaven. M/M romance.
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Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore*
Young Adult. Jane is invited by an old acquaintance to an extravagant gala in an island mansion, stranding her among the rich and glamorous. But being surrounded by rich people is the least of Jane’s problems: the mansion is housing secrets, some of them tied to Jane’s own family. The mansion offers her five choices, all of them leading her down different paths and different answers. Jane, Unlimited is a choose-your-own adventure story of sorts, featuring five different endings in five different genres, each more off the wall bonkers than the next. It also features a bisexual main character!
Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children series) by Seanan McGuire*
A tumblr favorite, the Wayward Children novellas feature a school open to children who have returned from adventures in other realms and now have trouble adapting back to regular life. Some installments are set in our world, others follow children as they have their otherworldly adventures. The main characters vary between books, but are generally pretty diverse with among others asexual, trans, intersexual and sapphic leads. Both funny and dark, it takes a closer look at the trauma many endure growing up different.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern*
Surreal and fairy tale-esque, The Starless Sea is stories within a story, following graduate student Zachary as he finds a strange book which, in-between other tales, tells a story from his own childhood. Trying to find out how this came to be, Zachary gets involved with a pink-haired woman and a handsome man who are doing their utmost to protect a strange, otherworldly library available only through magical doors. It’s a book hard to put in words, but which I once described as “romantic without being a romance while stile having a love story at it’s core”, and which can be summed up only as “an Experience”. It’s also quite gay!
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Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer*
Young adult. Nita isn’t a murderer - technically. She just dissects the bodies of supernatural beings her mother brings home and sells for parts on the black market. But when her mother brings home a still living victim, Nita has had enough and frees him. As it turns out, no good deed goes unpunished as Nita is betrayed, her own nature as a supernatural entity outed as she’s kidnapped and placed behind bars. Now she must find a way to escape before she's sold for parts. Features two aroace leads and a queerplatonic relationship, though it isn’t made textual until book 3 and briefly masquerades as a romance, which is pretty hilarious.
The Last Sun (The Tarot Sequence) by K.D. Edwards
Urban fantasy. Rune Saint John is the only survivor of the massacre against the Sun Court years prior. Now he’s been hired by Lady Judgement to find her missing son, Addam. Alongside his companion and bodyguard Brand, Rune goes on to question Addam's family and business contacts all over New Atlantis, island city and home of the Atlanteans after their original home was destroyed by ordinary humans. But the more he digs, the more Rune finds clues that Addam's absence is connected to Rune's own tragic past. M/M romance.
Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino
Centuries ago in Ireland, Chairiste Ní Cummen was trained in the secrets of music and magic. But her pride was her downfall, trapping her and her lover in the land of the Sidh. Only Chairiste escaped, hoping to one day win her lover's freedom in musical battle with the fairy that holds her captive. Now she is Christa Cruitare, harp teacher in the modern world and all but resigned to her loss. Until she comes across a great new music: heavy metal. Taking one last chance to win her lover's freedom, Christa sets out to gather other skilled musicians and bring them with her in her final battle. Sapphic romance.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Pantomime (Micah Grey trilogy) by Laura Lam
Young adult. On the surface, Gene's life is that of a noble debutante. In reality, she has secrets: she's both male and female, and has magical abilities that hasn’t been seen in an age. In the face of a betrayal from her parents, Gene runs away from home, dresses up as a boy, and joins a circus. Intersex main character.
Ghost Walk by Kay Solo
Maaya Sahni can see ghosts, and does her best to survive in her small isolated town by keeping her head down. But when an entire street full of people is spirited away by faceless specters that scares even ghosts, Maaya must find a way to stop the specters. Lesbian main character.
Swordspoint (Riverside series) by Ellen Kushner
In Riverside, duels are the way to settle disputes, and Richard St. Vier is the undisputed master of the sword - at least until a death is met not with awe but with outrage. M/M romance.
215 notes · View notes
pennyblossom-meta · 9 months
Gale/Karlach banter
Similar to my previous post: Gale/Wyll banter.
Warning: VERY long post.
Because the dialogue lines are so many, I won't add screenshots in some sections.
I'll add more items from Gale's side either here on a separate post.
Update: added some more dialogue lines
Act 01
Gale intervenes on Karlach's behalf (currently impossible to trigger)
Gale: Easy, Wyll. She's no devil. There's no fight to be had here.
Recruiting Gale
Karlach: Well done getting the wizard on board. He can zap from afar while I smack up close. But if he tries to get me to read any tomes, I will scream. devnote: Context, Karlach does not like to read
Recruiting Karlach
Gale: An ally fresh from the Hells themselves. Our company grows stranger by the minute - and all the better for it.
If Wyll is the avatar
Gale: Hunting one devil, allying yourself with another. Our journey gets more curious by the second.
First night at camp
Karlach: Gale's pretty lost in his thoughts, isn't he. Poor guy. Roughing it like this can't be his style. devnote: Genuine empathy
Taking a walk through the forest
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Gale: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit. devnote: Brisk, invigorated Karlach: I was just thinking the same thing, but less poetically. devnote: dreamily Gale: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles. Karlach: A girl could get used to this. devnote: relieved and happy
Blighted Village
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Karlach: Looks like this town was ransacked - by soldiers, if my eyes don't deceive me. Gale: Quite cruelly, too. Karlach: Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here. Gale: If nothing else, I hope it was a mercifully short one.
At the Grymforge
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Gale: The architects who built this must have been remarkable. A pity their vision didn't stand the test of time. devnote: Observing, not sure what to make of it Karlach: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place. devnote: Impressed with what she sees Gale: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you? Karlach: Hope keeps you going.
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Karlach: Just when I was getting used to the sky again... Gale: Fear not, Karlach. Sun, moon and stars will still be there waiting for us. devnote: Reassuring Karlach: Meanwhile, this place is pretty spectacular, isn't it? Gale: No book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice. But perhaps our stories might, when we return to the surface. devnote: Agreeing with Karlach, enjoying the sense of wonder as you explore
Act 02
Plains, near the Temple of Lathlander (or is this in Act 01?)
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Gale: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep? Karlach: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say... a long way away. devnote: dreamily Gale: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. Gale: No matter - what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway. devnote: Black humour/finding the bright side
Mountain Pass
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Karlach: Man, adventuring is thirsty work. Gale: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale. Karlach: That sounds like heaven! Wait. Used to? Gale: Oh, yes - long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still - at least your thirst for knowledge is quenched. Karlach: Ugh. devnote: Groaning at Gale's cringe joke
On the road to the Shadow Cursed lands
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Gale: Do you feel that? A darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave. devnote: Alert, sensing something Karlach: You'll still be able to do your wizard thing, though, right? Gale: Of course, but that doesn't make the shadows less dangerous. devnote: Reassuring Karlach, whiloe remaning concerned about the wider dangers Karlach: Joy. devnote: sarcasm
Shadow Cursed lands
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Karlach: Doing all right, Gale? Gale: Oh, you know... Still alive and kicking, despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of darkness and decay... devnote: Almost with a sigh - that's just how things are. Grim humour to it Karlach: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Last Light Inn, Shrine to Selûne
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Gale: A hidden shrine, dedicated to the Moon Maiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on. Karlach: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?
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Karlach: Whoa! Almost slipped there. Gale: You wouldn't be the first, I'd wager. It's been some time since these walkways felt the carpenter's hammer. Karlach: You gonna catch me if I eat a brick? Gale: With my reflexes? I'd catch you before you so much as stubbed a toe. devnote: Confident
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Karlach: Huh. A brewery. Why does Reithwin Ale ring a bell? Gale: It was known to be quite the tipple - a cask or two still exists, if you know the right alekeep... devnote: Enjoying being the expert on this. He definitely knows 'the right alekeep' Karlach: You must have good taste. Not me. Can't afford it. Gale: A common misconception. Even the simplest of flavours are elevated by the choice to appreciate them. Don't deny yourself such pleasures. devnote: Kind/encouraging
Moonrise approach
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Karlach: Ready to enter the belly of the beast? Gale: It's the stairs I'm dreading. I shall close my eyes, and pretend I'm climbing my own, far superior tower in Waterdeep. devnote: Facing an obstancle with cheery determination Karlach: In that case, welcome home.
Moonrise Docks
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Karlach: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right? Gale: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not. devnote: Yeahhh… no. Karlach: Phew. My mum always said the Chionthar was unlucky.
At the mind flayer colony, under Moonrise Towers
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Gale: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place... devnote: Observing, not sure what to make of it Karlach: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess. Gale: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd have been quite happy without.
Act 03
Blushing Mermaid
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Karlach: Man, it's good to be home. First round on who? Gale: She who thirsts buys drinks the first. devnote: Like it's a well-known saying (first half) Karlach: You won't pin me down with a rhyme, wizard! devnote: Jockeying with Gale Gale: She who declines gets the worst of the wines. devnote: Like it's a well-known saying (second half)
Counting House
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Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in. Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel. Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.
Sorcerous Sundries
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Gale: Look around you. Indulge your curiosity. Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around. devnote: Showing his friends around, trying to sound impressive Karlach: Where's the axes? devnote: looking for battle-axes to the dismay of bookworm Gale Gale: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield. They sell knowledge, ingenuity, the wisdom of mages past. devnote: Showing his friends around, trying to sound impressive Karlach: Sounds like more your thing than mine.
Breakups and relationship status
Karlach's side
Player breaks up with Karlach over Gale
Karlach: Fuck off if you're here to talk about Gale. I already know. devnote: Wounded/ sadPlayer was partnered with Karlach, but ended up choosing Gale. Karlach found out on her own and is now reacting. This shouldn't be a mega aggro 'fuck off,' more like a 'go away'. Karlach: Couldn't tell me to my face, huh? Had to wait 'til I just... just figured it out. devnote: sad/bitter
Karlach: Whoa. What? You... want to be with Gale...? devnote: Copping on that the player is here to breakup with her Karlach: Since when?! devnote: angry and hurt
Karlach: I should've known Gale would weave his spell on you. Who could resist? devnote: Bittersweet. Player is dumping her for Gale. She's sad but still on good terms and trying to keep things light. Karlach: I know I had... well. You know I liked you. Like you. But I want you to be with someone who can make you happy. If that's Gale, that's Gale. devnote: Heartbroken but mature. (...) Karlach: Hope you don't regret throwing over all this fire for all that hot air. One'll get you through winter, the other'll recite you a lot of codices. But hey. To each their own. devnote: Heavy on the subtext. She's putting a lighthearted/ sarcastic spin on the fact that the player just friendzoned her for gale.
Karlach: When Gale's on page one hundred thirty six of a supremely boring recitation, and you look over and there I am throwing a lasso around a giant centipede and riding it to Chult, I'll have my comeuppance. devnote: Still keeping it a bit light/teasing
Karlach: Gale climbed out of the Weave long enough to waggle his eyebrow in your direction, huh? devnote: Still a little light. She does like Gale, despite his high-falutin-ness, so she doesn't mean this to hurt him.
Player chooses Karlach over Gale
Karlach: I thought you and Gale were... I don't know. Karlach: Gale will be all right, right? Of course he will. He's Gale. If he can take a hit from Mystra, he can take it from you.
Gale is the player and is in a relationship with Karlach
Player: My future's no more certain than your own. But when I dare to imagine having one, it's always you I see beside me. Karlach: I'm seeing you at a desk. Pile of books up to the ceiling. And me barging in with a brace of rabbits for supper. Karlach: You start chopping carrots. I stoke the fire. And every night is the best night we've ever had.
Date with Karlach, Gale is the player character
Karlach: You know, it does. There's always a bit of a veil about you - I guess it's the magic, but there's something else, too. Something I want to discover first-hand.
Q: Tell me a secret
Player: I once claimed to have read all six volumes of 'Lichen and Its Curative Properties' to impress a comely botanist. Alas, a falsehood. Karlach: You mean you haven't read all six volumes?! Gale Dekarios, I'll never look at you the same. devnote: Teasing
Player: I'm afraid I'm doomed to repeat past mistakes, no matter how I try to avoid them. Karlach: I know what you mean. Changing is hard. Every time I think I've figured it out, boom, there I am again, behaving like some version of me that never learned a damn thing.
Gale's side
Gale: And what of Karlach? Her heart can surely break, though it burns.
Breaking up with Gale for Karlach
Gale: Karlach, yes? You burn for each other in more ways than one. Gale: I... I thought you would show me the respect of telling me first, but no matter. You can tell me now - who is it to be? Me, or her? Player: I'm sorry, Gale. I want to be with Karlach. Gale: Don't be - she has a good heart. Poor phrasing - she has a terrible heart. But she's surprisingly caring, considering it.
At the tiefling party
Gale: You might be in for an adventure with Karlach. More than you bargained for - with a bit of luck. Gale: Or perhaps more than you bargained for - full stop.
Talking about Tara
Gale: You remind me of her somewhat. You share her fierceness, and her passion.
Be my God, boat scene
Gale: I'll always have you, Karlach.
Act 01
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Gale had first stage of romance/attraction with player - not yet anything official. Gale: Karlach... a hypothetical question for you: devnote: Attempting nonchalance Gale: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it? devnote: Attempting nonchalance Karlach: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals. Gale: Talking. Right. I'm good at that.
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Gale: You know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality... devnote: Hint of flirtation, mostly just trying to be helpful Karlach: Ugh. Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what? Gale: Actually, I was thinking of poetry. Karlach: Oops, sorry. But... now that I think of it... is mage hand especially hard to learn?
Act 02
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Gale: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. devnote: Romantic, indulging in the poetry of the image Gale: Passionate, primal, capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort, or inflicting the profoundest damage. devnote: Listing the qualities of fire. Romantic, indulging in the poetry of the image Karlach: That's... pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But now I will.
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Karlach: So, Gale - got any book recommendations for me? devnote: With concern Gale: You can read?! devnote: Taking the piss - knows full well Karlach can read, and that she's always claimed not to enjoy it Karlach: Very funny. Yes - I can read. School put me off big boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing. devnote: Friendly rather than flirtatious Gale: Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep. devnote: Jumping on the opportunity to give a book recommendation (a favourite hobby) Karlach: Ooh! Something with magic, please. And no devils. devnote: i.e. 'anyone who would reject you, Wyll, just can't appreciate you.'
Act 03
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Gale: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach? Karlach: I sure am. If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
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Karlach: How's the orb treating you, Gale? devnote: With concern Gale: Oh, quite well as a matter of fact. Since it was stabilised, it's been humming along nicely. devnote: Upbeat, things are looking up Gale: I have noticed one adverse side-effect. I seem to be losing hair in some, er, unexpected places. devnote: Upbeat mood wavering - this is a bit embarassing Karlach: I can only imagine. devnote: i.e. 'anyone who would reject you, Wyll, just can't appreciate you.'
Karlach dies at the end of the game, Gale is the player character
Player: Karlach, please... I'm not ready to go on without you. devnote: Distraught, lover is dying.
variant 01: Karlach is dying, Gale is a friend
Gale: No, Karlach. Stay with me, please. We've shared too much to part like this.
Game finale (not epilogue)
Karlach is the player character
Gale gave the Crown to Mystra
Gale is in a romance with Karlach
Option 01
Gale: It's curious. After all the wonders and monstrosities we've witnessed, waking beside you seems more unreal than any of it. devnote: Wistful/peaceful - spent a romantic night with the person he loves Gale: I'd forgotten what it felt like, to greet a sunrise without fear of it being my last. devnote: Wistful/peaceful Gale: Oh, hells. I'm sorry. Barely awake a moment and I've already put my foot in it. devnote: Kicking himself, he's accidentally rubbed salt in his partner's very sore wound Player: Don't be. At least one of us will get the cure we were hoping for.
Option 02
Player: Don't be. It's not your fault. Gale: Come now - resignation doesn't suit you half as well as optimism. We'll find some other means of fixing up that infernal engine of yours. devnote: Caring/Encouraging
Option 03
Player: Knowing you, I'd expect nothing less. Gale: You always find a smile where others would soak in their sorrows. And I promise - you'll have reason to smile soon enough. Gale: When we get to Waterdeep, we'll search in my library. It's bound to contain the odd scroll on hellish thermodynamics. Or a spell that might diffuse the heat in such a way that - Gale: Ah. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Do you... that is, would you consider returning to Waterdeep with me? devnote: A bit nervous to ask - this is Karlach, after all Player: I can't. My only hope of survival is to return to Avernus - and I'm not going back. Gale: What, then? You intend to die here? Now? devnote: Refuses to believe it - essentially been told his partner is submitting to her illness
Option 04
Player: I'd love to, Gale, but I can't. My engine is done. Fully cooked. Gale: I - I don't believe it. I won't believe it. Gale: If you go were to return to the hells - temporarily - it would buy us some time. I could put something together, a means of keeping you stable at least. Please, let me try. devnote: Trying to convince her, scared by what she's saying (that she's ready to die) Player: And hand myself to Zariel on a platter? No thanks.
Option 05
Player: Say nothing. Concentrate. You feel like you might explode any second. Gale: I know that look. It's your heart isn't it? Not to worry - you have one of the finest wizards in the Realms at your fingertips.
Gale suggests going to Avernus with Karlach
Player: I'm not going back, Gale. I can't. Gale: What if... what if I went with you? devnote: Scared by his own suggestion
Option 01
Player: I couldn't let you do that. You deserve better. Gale: I deserve the chance to live my life with the raging inferno I love. If that means relocating to the hells, so be it. I've heard Avernus is quite lovely this time of year. Gale: Besides, it would be quite something to study infernal magic in its natural environs. I say 'natural' in the loosest sense, of course.
Option 02
Player: If you were with me, I might be able to handle it. Gale: There's nothing we can't handle - I promise you that. devnote: Essentially his partner just refused treatment for a terminal illness. He's putting a brave face on it so they can enjoy the time they have left. Gale: It's taken me long enough to find you. I'll be damned if I'm letting you go.
Option 03
Player: No, Gale. Neither of us is going to that pit. It all ends here. Now. I just want to see the sky one last time. Gale: If this is the end, then we face it together. That, at least, I can promise you. devnote: Heartbroken - his lover is dying next to him, thanking her for loving him
Gale is the player character
Karlach is a mind flayer
Gale goes back to Waterdeep
Player: I think this is where we part ways, Karlach. Karlach: I accept your assessment. You would have been an excellent helpmate in my exploration of what it is to live. But perhaps we are both of us too... changed. Karlach: Where will you go now? Player: Back to Waterdeep. I've a warm fire and a long-neglected reading list to get through.
Karlach is dead, was partnered with Gale. Karlach: I can see Gale? Withers: Indeed. His story has marched on since thy great victory - as inevitable as time itself. Let us observe.
Note: will do the rest in a separate post.
Misc banter
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Gale: I think your new form rather suits you. It has a certain... cephalopodic charm to it. A tentacular tingle. devnote: Karlach will live! Yay! But she is a mind flayer
Gale: I can imagine no finer ceremorph for the job.
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Gale is the player character, hasn't shared his backstory Player: I've a... condition I need to manage. I'd still be looking for a cure. Karlach: We have more in common than I knew. I won't pry for details. Right now, at least. devnote: Karlach wants the goss but won't pry
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Gale is the player character, shared backstory Player: Wandering the wilds of Faerûn searching for a cure to the orb. If I lived that long... Karlach: Living a normal lifespan is so yesterday. Believe me.
Gale: Revenge is a dish best served hot, it seems. At least when you're in charge of the menu. devnote: Dark humour - your friend achieved her goal, but you know she'll not live long enough to celebrate
Gale: Ceremorphosis is Karlach's only chance of survival. It must be her. devnote: Impressed, finding this all very interesting
Gale: No sense dawdling. Karlach has precious little time left to her - we'd do better than to waste
Gale: I've not seen infernal flames like that in quite some time. Why go to Avernus, when you can bring Avernus to us? devnote: Curious/pondering - a rhetorical question, no response from player
Gale: I know well the pain of seeing your life's hourglass running empty, grasping at any means of slowing the grains as they slip inexorably through your fingers. devnote: Sincere, a note of pity - Gale once thought he was fated to die because of the orb, so her truly understands what she's going through Gale: Your fate may be ordained, but your actions are not. Make each breath count, and what time you have with us will never be wasted.
Gale: Karlach's fate may be ordained, but her actions are not. She will make each breath count - we can be sure of that devnote: Finding solace in the thought
Ilithid transformation
Player: It's okay, Gale. Karlach wants to transform. She'll do it, for herself and for us. Gale: Then I will hold my peace. But if the time comes when even her sacrifice is not enough, call on me, and I will be ready.
Gale thinks that becoming a mind flayer is his best chance at getting the Crown
Gale: I know Karlach has the best intentions, but her kind heart is not going to help me get that crown. Let me do this.
About Gale, Mystra, Elminster, etc
The dialogue lines for this section can be found in the file /Dialogs 2/Companions/Karlach_InParty_Nested_TopicalGreetings.html
Karlach: I couldn't help overhearing what Elminster said to Gale. Not every day a god asks for a chat. Karlach: Hey! Maybe I'm invited too. I can be the muscle.
Karlach: I couldn't help overhearing. So Mystra wants to talk, does she? Not every day a god asks for a chat. Karlach: ...can I come?
Karlach learns about Mystra's message
Karlach: Fuck me. There's devotion, and then there's stupidity. If the god of magic can't handle this without sacrificing Gale, she's no god at all.
Player: I don't think he'd do that to himself, even if Mystra commanded it. Karlach: Good. I'm one hundred percent sure there's another way to bring down this cult. No true god would ask such a thing from her faithful. That's for certain. Karlach: Poor Gale. He must be in bits after hearing that. I'll distract him. Tell him I haven't read a book since secondary school, watch his face melt off. devnote: Being cheeky
Player: I'm not sure. I think he's of several minds. Karlach: Well, tell him to pick the right one. Better yet, I'll do it. Fucking wizards, man! They always need help picking the simple, obvious option. Karlach: If Mystra can't think of another way to stop the Absolute than sacrificing Gale, she's no god worth worshipping. I'll say that to Gale - in, you know, gentle terms.
Meeting Elminster Karlach: Aw, was that Gale's granddad?
(variation, if the player is Gale)
Karlach: Aw, was that your granddad?
Gale is the Player, talks about Elminster's message from Mystra
Karlach: Aw, was that your granddad? Player: That was Elminster Aumar - the most famous wizard in the realms. Player: Yes it was. Good old Grandfather Dekarios, come to check in on his doting grandson. Karlach: Lovely! You should've introduced him around. Elders love me, and I love them. Player: I'm joking, Karlach. That was Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale, one of the greatest wizards to ever live? Karlach: Huh. Doesn't ring a bell. But all right! Must've had something important to say, if he came all this way. Good news, I hope. Player: It relates to a 'condition' I have. I carry an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. It seems Mystra wants me to detonate that orb and destroy the 'Heart of the Absolute.'
Player: He brought instructions from Mystra. I'm to find the Heart of the Absolute, and destroy it by detonating the orb in my chest. Karlach: The orb in your chest? Shit - I knew something was going on with you, but I didn't know the particulars. Karlach: Well. Turns out we have more in common than I knew. Except I'm trying not to blow up, and you've been instructed to do just that.
Karlach: Wow. That's... that's big, Gale. This is Mystra we're talking about. Goddess of magic - and she's asking you to sacrifice yourself. Karlach: What are you thinking? devnote: As in, 'What are your thoughts about this serious revelation?' Player: This could be my chance at redemption. I have to at least consider dong what she asked. Karlach: Only you can decide if that's really true. If you owe her your life. As for me, I'm positive we can stop the Absolute without losing you, Gale. Karlach: Keep that in mind, all right?
Player: I'm not quite sure yet. It's a big decision. Karlach: No kidding. What could be bigger? Look, I know what it's like to house something dangerous inside you. But I don't know what it's like for someone else - someone I trust - to ask me to use it against myself. Karlach: If you need a friend, you know where to find me. Right here. Right now.
Player: Now that I'm over the shock, I'll probably ignore her request entirely. Karlach: I'm glad to hear you say that. It is shocking. Imagine asking someone to - to end themselves like that. Karlach: Nothing's ever simple anymore, is it? Whatever you decide, I've got your back. But I think we can defeat the Absolute without losing you, Gale.
Player: That remains to be seen. Karlach: Oh? What did he say? Player: I'd rather not talk about it right now. It's a lot to process. Karlach: All right, soldier. But look, if you're in a fix that can be solved by fire or fists, just point me in the right direction. I mean it.
Player: Elminster's no ordinary elder. He's the most renowned wizard in the realms. Karlach: Your grandfather is the most famous wizard in the realms? Karlach: I should've guessed. I mean, you're pretty powerful. Makes sense that it's in your blood. Player: No, Karlach - I was joking before. Elminster isn't my grandfather. But he did tell me something quite serious. Karlach: I'm listening. What did he say?
Karlach: Wonder if he's (Elminster) a wizard too. He's certainly got the beardliness for it
Karlach: Karlach doesn't worry, she acts. So if Gale needs me, now's the time to tell me.
Karlach: Wow. 'Chosen of Mystra.' I guess I should congratulate Gale. Right? devnote: Karlach is happy for Gale. Suspicious of Mystra but trying to be supportive. Karlach: I trust him to know what he's doing. To know how far to go for Mystra. I just hope he knows he doesn't need her favour to be fucking fantastic.
(variation, if partnered with Karlach)
Karlach: Wow, Gale. 'Chosen of Mystra.' Congratulations, I think? Karlach: I trust you to know what you're doing. To know how far to go for Mystra. Just know that even without her - even without any of the gods - you're still pretty fantastic. Karlach: 'Chosen of Karlach' has a ring to it, right?
Karlach: Whoa. I've seen a lot, but never been threatened by a god. Karlach: It sounded like Gale really meant it. He really wants to take control of the Karsite Weave. Karlach: He really wants to be a god. devnote: She's not bought in. She's assessing Gale here. Measuring him.
Karlach: Interesting. devnote: Suspicious
If Gale is the player character
Karlach: Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. devnote: She's starting to lack trust in Gale here
Gale is noncommital about returning the crown
Karlach: Wow, Gale. So you spoke to Mystra, right? Karlach: Pretty spectacular stuff. But I think you were right not to do her bidding, no questions asked. Karlach: I respect the gods, but they don't always understand what they're asking of us. Maybe immortality makes it hard to know what it's like to be one of us piggies. Karlach: Proud of you, though. It takes some man to hold his own in front of the divine.
Karlach: Wow. So Gale really talked to Mystra, huh? Karlach: Pretty spectacular stuff. But he's right not to do her bidding, no questions asked. Karlach: I respect the gods, but they don't always understand what they're asking of us. Maybe immortality makes it hard to know what it's like to be one of us piggies.
Gale is blessed by Mystra Karlach: You're glowing, Gale. Mystra must be very pleased with you indeed. Don't forget us little people when you're the Chosen of the God of Magic, hm?
Karlach: Gale looks chuffed as cheese. Mystra must be very pleased with him. Let's hope she's got his best interests in mind.
Gale agrees to return the Crown to Mystra
Karlach: Wow. Gale is the 'Chosen of Mystra'. Congrats to him, I think? Karlach: Hope he knows what he's doing. We haven't fared very well with other Chosens so far.
Gale uses Shadow Weave
Karlach: Hope you know what you're doing, Gale. I'm no paladin for Mystra, but she probably has good reasons for forbidding Shadow Weave.
Karlach: Gale's walking a thin line. Let's hope he doesn't fall headfirst over it - again.
Orin kidnaps Gale Karlach: That bloody freak won't get away with this. That's my wizard she took. And we're going to get him back. devnote: Seething
Gale is resurrected Karlach: This fella Gale has as many lives as a cat. Handy guy to have around, huh?
Karlach: You all right, Gale? Looking a little shadowy about the gills.
Karlach: Is Gale all right? He's looking a little shadowy about the gills.
Items and Netherese orb comments
Karlach: Wide berth, buddy. I have some good equipment I don't want you swallowing.
Karlach: The people you meet, I swear... devnote: A little bemused
Karlach: Much as I commiserate with your, you know, thingie. devnote: 'tough ticks' is a karlachism
Karlach: I like Gale, but I'm keeping all my good gear well out of sight. Karlach: Everything fancy he touches meets a grisly end. Karlach: I commiserate with his situation, though. It's tough ticks housing something you can't control.
Gale is the player character
Karlach: Hey now, what happened to that fancy bit of gear? Player: It's a long story involving the Weave, an ancient tome, and a failed attempt to please Mystra, goddess of magic. Karlach: Hm. And now you have to consume gear Karlach really wants because... Player: Because I have an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. If I don't keep feeding it with magic, I'll explode with enough force to destroy a city. Karlach: Well, shit. And I thought I had it bad. Karlach: That's a tough hand, Gale. But I'm glad you told me. A chest-bomb shared is a chest-bomb halved, or whatever. Karlach: If I spot anything that'll help, I'll hand it right over, pal. We're in this together.
Player: Because if I didn't, I'd be dangerous to all of us. Karlach: Are we talking some kind of were-wizard situation here, or...? Player: I have an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. If I don't keep feeding it with magic, I'll explode with enough force to destroy a city.
Player: Just because. Karlach: Wizards and their secrets. Buddy, I could ruin that mind of yours with the stories I could tell. Nothing you say could scare me. When you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen.
Player: I had to consume it. Sorry if that scuppered any plans you had for it. Karlach: I'd mind less if I knew the full story. Never seen a fellow suck the magic-marrow out of an item before.
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marsxcutie · 4 months
Fixation│Jonathan Crane x Reader
Part two here <3
Fixation Masterlist
A/N: This is a TEST, PLEASEE interact if you're interested in this story line and I will gladly continue. This is my first fanfic so I'm just publishing this first part to see if there's any positive feedback! Suggestions are welcomed!
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x Female Reader
Synopsis: (Y/N) is Arkham's new lead psychologist in the developing acute pediatric unit. Dr. Crane soon becomes fixated on the pretty young doctor. Is she just as fixated on him?
Warnings: no warnings in this part, planning on it becoming a little dark if that's what the people want hehe
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Dr. Crane's eyes scanned over the email, his brow furrowing in confusion. Arkham decided to build another wing for an acute pediatric unit? Who in their right mind allowed this? Yes, there was a desperate need for children's psychiatric services, especially in Gotham, but to put children in the same building as psychopaths and murderers? Even Dr. Crane had the common sense to see how bad of an idea this was. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, this was not a change that he had been anticipating. He shut his computer off, deciding to be done for the day. He had much more pressing matters that needed his attention.
Your eyes scanned over the email, eyebrows raised at the seemingly amazing opportunity presenting itself to you. You had just checked your emails to see a new message from a job recruiter.
"Hello (Y/N),
Arkham Asylum is opening up an acute pediatric unit and is currently accepting applications for various positions. I got ahold of your resume and found it very impressive. Please take a look at the open positions and let me know if you were interested in applying for any of them.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Attached to the email was a link, that took you to all the open positions and their job descriptions. Scanning over all of them briefly, one in particular caught your attention:
The sound of your kitten heels clacking on the pavement stopped suddenly as you were met with the front of the large ominous gate. You looked up at the building beyond the gate, a knot beginning to form in your stomach, this place looked a lot scarier than you had remembered. You let out a breath that you seemed to be holding and looked around for a buzzer or something that could someone of your presence. You jumped at the loud creaking noise that came from the gate as it swung open slowly.
"(Y/N)! Nice to see you made it in one piece."
A man stepped out from the opening of the gate, extending his hand. "I'm Rick, Arkham's executive director. I'll be showing you around and getting you settled, we're happy to have you here." His voice was gruff but his eyes were quite kind. You took his hand in yours, giving him a warm smile, "Nice to meet you Rick. I'm happy to be here." He gave you a smile and turned, gesturing you to follow him.
You followed him, taking in your surroundings as you walked. The grey overcast made the large vast building look like something out of an old horror film, the tall weeds poking out in the cracks in the cobblestone really added to the creepy scene laid out before you.
Rick led you inside, giving you a quick tour of the building. "I'll show you to your office now and let you get started with your training." Rick led you up a flight of stairs and down a hallway stopping at an office door. "So uh, since we haven't exactly finished building the pediatric wing, your office will temporarily be over here." You nodded, "That's fine by me."
He brought out a key from his pocket, turning the lock and opening the door for you. You stepped into your new space, it was a good sized space, with a large white desk, a couch, and some bookcases.
"Feel free to make yourself at home. I will let Dr. Crane know you're here, he will be doing most of your training with you. His office is actually right next to yours so should be pretty convenient for the two of you." Rick gave you a smile and nod and closed the door behind him.
You let out a small sigh, looking around the room, even though this was only your office for a short while it was still a good way to envision all your ideas for a cute and cozy space for you and your patients.
A loud knock on the door broke you out of thought, your head turning to the now open door. Your mouth unintentionally dropped open a bit at the sight of who you assumed was Dr. Crane. You were honestly expecting an old man not someone like Dr. Crane. His dark hair framed his handsome face perfectly and his intense eyes were the most perfect shade of blue. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you'd be surprised if he didn't notice the blush that covered your cheeks.
"You're (Y/N) I presume?" He smiled softly at you, extending his hand to you. "Y-yes, nice to meet you, Dr. Crane." You took his hand in yours, feeling silly at the flutter in your chest. "Call me Jonathan."
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mischiefwife · 11 months
Barcus should be a full companion.
Baldur's Gate 3 is really cool and i like it but why do we get like 5 recruitable variations of elf and not ONE short race? Dwarves gnomes and halflings are right there guys! Barcus could be the perfect answer for a buncha reasons.
First, you can recruit him early on. He's right there in the blighted village closer than Karlach is, so it isn't like you'll get him super late. Even have a funny opportunity to totally blow it by hitting the wrong lever (like how you can fuck up saving Gale). As for his class he's admittedly not good at fighting but he makes his own explosives so maybe he could be a good skill monkey type character OR be an artificer if they add that class.
Second, he's got hits of story in all three acts that would work perfect with him there. He's arguably got more potential story beats than Karlach. Act 1 save him and rescue the others from Grymforge. Act 2 find Wulbren in Moonrise, meet the Ironhands at Last Light. Act 3 decide how to deal with the Ironhands and the Gondians. Plenty of good and bad choices.
Third, even though he's clearly got Bongle bussy on his mind, Wulbren does not feel the same. Imagine a romance where you help Barcus out and then at the end he's like why was i chasing this asshole around when YOU were right here the whole time! It sound so dumb but it'd be cute as fuck.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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forgeofthenine · 4 months
How would the Tieflings react to an Aasimar partner? How would they initially react to learning that before they're together? How would they feeI about the whole 'forces of evil seek to destroy them' thing? And how would they react if their partner just kinda drop something like "Oh yeah, my deity/celestial guide thinks you're pretty great". Also, I can't get the idea of wing hugs out of my mind (if they're a Protector Aasimar).
(We can't play as an Aasimar in game, and I'm grumpy about it. They're 100% my fave race.)
While I understand why larian didn't make aasimars a playable race I'm still very disappointed because they are far and away one of my absolute favourite races and I've played them in DND in the past. This set of headcanons ended up being way more 'story focused' than I initially expected so I might go back in and do a set of more casual ones later on, but I hope everyone enjoys them! <3
The bachelors dating an Aasimar headcanons
Dammon hardly knew you were an Aasimar to start with, only that you were unique
With pale, milky eyes that contained no pupils you were quite the sight, and often assumed blind
This is what the blacksmith thought when he offered to help you make your way across a river
Anyone can imagine how stunned he was when you gleefully thanked him before complimenting his own eyes, comparing them to a golden halo
He soon found himself lucky enough to run into you during his travels with the refugees, always vying for your attention when you appeared in camp
You often won card games played with the others, and sung drunken songs for the children later in the night, and Dammon admired your joy in such dark times
Before long, the two of you were romantically involved and living quite happily in Baldurs Gate
You'd been there with Dammon through thick and thin, entering the city and helping him set up his own forge
The whole time he always called you his good luck charm, leading to an endearing blush and chuckle from you
That is, until a follower of Beshaba darkened your door and held a knife to your throat
It was only after that you decided to tell Dammon a long held secret, that you were descended from Lady Luck herself, Tymora
The gleeful and sometimes impetuous goddess had birthed a daughter to one of her human lovers, an Aasimar who went on to have her own family
For many generations your own family claimed descendance from Tymoras daughter, despite appearing to be normal humans
You provided proof with your birth, bearing blank eyes still blessed with sight and the luck of Tymora herself
You weren't strong like other great protector Aasimar, and you had no real contact with your now reclusive ancestor, but you tried to spread joy where you went and aimed to live a good life
Dammon, for what it's worth, took the news well and was glad to find no more secrets between the two of you
Incidentally, he also kept a much better eye on you, now he knew there was a minor target on your back
You can bet he brags about having his very own 'Lady luck' much to your amusement
Since the first moment he saw you Zevlor knew he was in love
Him, a young hellrider recruit, standing in front of a radiant Aasimar with the most beautiful wings he's ever laid eyes on
You were the very image of divine protection, a grandchild of the god he's devoted his life to serving, the grandchild of Helm
You spent much of your time with the hellriders, supervising their training and often joining in
Though no one seemed to realise you had eyes for one tiefling in particular, including that same tiefling
You'd often find reasons to be around Zevlor, insisting on helping him maintain weapons or offering help as a sparring partner
Even when Zevlor was a young man, years before Elturels descent, he still thought himself unworthy of your attention despite how often you gave it to him
What could a descendant of a god want with a simple hellspawn like him?
It was entirely up to you to knock some sense into him
Something you happily did one evening, pinning him during a sparring match and questioning his feelings
It was soon after he was officially courting you, much to the amusement and jealousy of others in the ranks
Everyone could see how proud Zevlor was, absolutely radiant whenever in your presence
He never worried himself too much either with worries of you being attacked, fully believing in both your own strength and the protection of your grandfather
It was a protection he often relied on once the tieflings needed to flee their home
Zevlor spent nights wrapped up in your arms and wings when you could convince him to come to bed
He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, even when you insisted on taking some of his worries for yourself
It was only once the two of you made it to Baldurs gate, battered and scarred, that the two of you can truly relax
Calling upon your grandfather's grace for the last time to create a safe home for you and your lover
Something Zevlor is eternally greatful for, finally able to ask for your hand in marriage like he's been dreaming of for years
Rolan had originally assumed you to be a tiefling when he first saw you in Elturel
Silver skin wasn't a particularly uncommon colour, though few tieflings in the city possessed it
It was only upon closer inspection that he realised you weren't a tiefling, you were a wholly different variety of planetouched
From first meeting you found yourself fond of Rolan and his siblings, Cal and Lia mercilessly teasing Rolan after stumbling across the two of you chatting in a bookstore
Despite your free roaming nature that often kept you travelling, staying near the wizard in training was too good an opportunity to miss and you soon settled nearby
Afternoons were spent with you watching his magic practices, teaching Cal to cook, and joking around with Lia
That is, until Elturel fell
Soon yours and Rolans easy comfort was in turmoil and your days were spent trying to protect the three tieflings you'd grown to love
Rolan himself was near as protective of you as he was of his siblings, hardly letting you out of his sight even once you'd made it onto the road as refugees
He never quite understood how you could be so happy under such awful conditions, hoping this 'adventure' of yours would be over quickly
You were sure to know it too, with him loudly complaining until you'd placate the wizard with kind words and by taking his hand in yours
Through the whole journey you were his biggest cheerleader and support, even as he lashed out after his siblings abduction
It was after that incident Rolan realised how important you were to him, seeing him at his meanest and ugliest but still sticking around
Soon after his dreams drifted from becoming an accomplished and revered wizard to starting a life with you in Baldurs Gate
That dream was near shattered, however, when he was taken into Lorroakans tutelage and found himself beaten and separated from his family
You had been fuming every time you saw him, fruitlessly trying to convince him to leave with you
His saving grace was when you and Dame Aylin came to ruin Lorroakan, your true power as an assimar becoming apparent as you stretch your wings and call upon your mother's favour
The corrupt wizard didn't stand a chance against the children of Selune and Avandra after scorning them so
Soon enough Rolan was back in your arms, and after so much turmoil he can't help but finally admit his feelings for you
What the wizard didn't expect was for you to laugh before kissing him, telling him that you'd known for months
His pout after that is legendary, but Rolan couldn't be happier than when you have your wings securely wrapped around him
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lusciouswhiteflame · 10 months
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This is not for you darling!
I started honour mode with Nyv and friends.
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Their "How I met him" story starting over for the 3rd time. Astarion seduced Nyv (Durge) in middle of the Goblin camp. Always picking the most romantic spots to chat. The tiefling party is over and now they're heading to the next location.
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** potencial durge Spoilers everywhere from here **
Let's see how long this journey lasts. I really want to see them getting the trophy, but I also regret this mode. I want to try so many things. So many dialogue options. This time I got the performance feat from Alfira (oh Alfira...) . I'm actually enjoying to see Nyv play different instruments, also seeing him whistle lmao (I didn't know he could make money out of it as Assassin too). I'll probably give Astarion the performance feat only to see them duet. But I must be careful. It's honour mode after all. I'm already afraid of House of Grief.
Also it gave me an idea for the next durgestarion run. Duo Rogue Assassins luring their victims with their performance. Walking around looting corpses is tedious, so let's just gather them in one place and boom, said Astarion. And Durge smiled. They'll sneak for more formidable opponents.
I also want to mention I digged a grave in the emerald grove and found out more about Durge's...uh... preferences... and it only made Durgestarion make more sense I'm smirking. A match made in heaven hell or wherever indeed.
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Also this time I picked a different dialogue option and found interesting how Astarion encourage Durge to embrace his nature and let his kller instinct unleash. But I know, when the urge actually takes over Nyv, he wants him to resist. To be himself. He approves and loves Nyv's violent nature but only if Nyv is Nyv. And that's interesting and lovely. He wants the safety Nyv provides but... not at any cost. Also he doesn't want to get klled by the urge. Obviously. But still.
It's baffling (in a good way) how much commitment he shows with Durge. He stays to make sure Nyv is ok through the urge. He KNOWS Nyv would do it for him, and he wants to do the same. That's beautiful. To think he was struggling and feeling stupid to fall for durge makes it all the better. Astarion and his machinations. I'm glad durge is there to be the actual mastermind from now on.
I really want to play as Astarion origin and find Durge (Nyv) and recruit him. Please Larian. PLEASE.
By the way, I bought Divinity OS2, Baldur's gate 1&2 on ps5. Take my money. Thank you.
Ok I think it's all for now. Sorry for the looooong ranting. If you made it this far thanks for reading, and wish me luck with this mode 😉
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alicelufenia · 5 months
So Emma Gregory guested on the latest episode of Samantha Béart's "It Takes A Village", they had a fantastic talk about acting as a career, and especially Emma's experience with radio and audiobooks, and how she brought that to her performance in Baldur's Gate 3.
They also answered some questions from chat. Shout out to @lutethebodies (2:08:16) and @ilikedetectives (2:09:37) for your questions, great effort to try and ask about Minthara's romance and [SPOILER] Dark Urge rejecting and getting killed by Bhaal! Unfortunately she either didn't remember or preferred not to comment too much, but she did say that she feels Minthara would be surprised, and "extremely upset", so take that as you will I guess.
There was also a question about her opinion of Larian making it easier to recruit her in a good playthrough, and I absolutely love her answer!
I was in two minds about it. There was a part of me that thought it was a shame, because it's a game and she's not human, and sometimes in games you get to do things that you wouldn't dream of doing in real life. And then on the other hand I also really appreciated people wanted to play her and were tired of turning her into a sheep or whatever <...> I don't want to weaken the complexity of Minthara or the complexity of playing the game. There's a little element of me thinking that may have been done slightly. But at the same time <...> it's also great, so both.
Obviously her first point that it's a game goes without saying, it's nonsense to place any judgement on someone for how they play it, but it can still come down to a difference of preference. "I prefer to have Minthara along with Karlach, Wyll and Halsin, and I'd rather not juggle a murder sheep to do it" is a perfectly fair thing to want out of the game.
Where there might be more contention is saying that a good playthrough recruitment weakens the complexity of her character. And honestly, I think she's totally right.
First, it bypasses most of her act 1 scenes. You can knock her out without even talking to her. When you meet her again in act 2 she's being actively tormented by the cultists and the Absolute, and after freeing her she comes under protection of the Prism. That much is the same in both cases.
But by siding with her and especially if you romance her, you can discover what it means for her to be shielded from the Absolute. And it's not like breaking free of mind control—the experience is akin to a crisis of faith. You wouldn't even notice unless you talk to her in the aftercare scene.
I just don't think that comes across as strongly in a Not Killing the Grove playthrough, so personally, if you want the most out of her story, you're doing yourself a disservice by going the knock out route.
And, as someone who did it herself, it's not exactly like you're barred from a good playthrough after killing the grove. It'll just be a good playthrough without the tieflings and not as many companions. I can personally recommend it, if you want Minthara's act 1 story but don't want to go full evil durge or whatever.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 11 months
Is Erwin handsome canonically? I always got the impression that his thick eyebrows might make his stand out, with his tall, muscular build. But is he attractive in the aot universe?
I had a similar entertaining ask a few years ago about whether Erwin and Levi were considered attractive in canon. This is the conclusion I came to about Erwin...
When it comes to Erwin, I think most people in canon are so intimidated and in awe of him that it wouldn’t even occur to them to consider him as attractive. In the Smartpass Up Close Interview the journalist says that 
“Everyone, especially the new recruits, seem to have an impression of him being ‘scary.’”
In some of the other supplementary material the veterans occasionally poke fun at Erwin for his fastidious grooming habits, but they don’t actually comment on his attractiveness.
There is one exception of course - Levi.  Both in the manga and in the supplementary material Levi comments on Erwin’s appearance and usually he’s being typically sarcastic; he calls Erwin’s out for his creepy smile, and in the Up Close Interview snarks that his kids won’t be cute.  There’s also this immortal exchange from the Smartpass Crumbled Castle Gate story, which is always worth quoting:
“It’s not only the people born from a poor background who are not satisfied with the current situation, right? For the current me, this existence within the walls feels like being behind bars.“ “Tch, you said the same thing as the brat.” “You mean Eren? According to the report, before the fall of Wall Maria, he used to say something along the lines of ‘living within the walls an entire lifetime is the same as being livestock.’” “I also understand that…” Levi sighs. “Hmph, sometimes he is like a beast…his eyes are like a beast hunting for meat. He also holds a grudge towards the titans. But more than that, it is his dissatisfaction towards the current situation that burns most within his eyes; that dissatisfaction towards a society that forbids him from going outside the wall, as well as his frustration at being clueless and powerless.” “So I am the same?” “Sometimes.” “So you are saying that I look quite young because I have the same eyes as a young new soldier?” Erwin laughs. His expression when he laughs makes him look like a young boy. Levi replies with a frown. “I am not praising you!” “I know.” But he will follow him. Finally, Erwin looks away from the outside scenery and looks at Levi’s face. Levi tilts his face up, looking up to the taller man.
And don’t forget that in Good Night, Sweet Dreams Levi dreams about Erwin…
“In the dream, Erwin appeared, dressed handsomely, and brought Levi into the building.”
So yeah, judging by canon, it appears that Levi is pretty much the only one who finds Erwin attractive XD 
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mingiswow · 1 year
Shackled Freedom | Choi San
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Pairing: San x afab!reader
Words: 4,3k
Genre: dystopian, smut, angst if you squint
Content Warning: dystopian world, reader is sold by their family, childhood best friend San, mentions of murder and death, mentions of disassociation and dealing with trauma, mentions of weapons and combat, mentions of prostitution, reader has a vagina, not proofread
Smut warning: oral (reader receiving), unprotected sex, piv, cumshot, I was pretty tamed in this one for some reason lol
⚠ If you’re under the age of 18 and/or don’t feel comfortable reading that type of content, I have a lot of other content here.
⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there are any mistakes. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
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Everyone expected you two to get married. San and yn, the perfect duo. You two grew up together, coming from the same poor survival village, living just a few houses from each other and being one of the few kids that still had dreams of a better future. The freaks, how your neighbors and other kids would call. But you didn’t care, San was your safe place and you were his.
You grew up sneaking from your parents and climbing trees, hunting small animals together, learning how to plant and harvest from old books that survived the virus decades ago. Your families did not stand each other but did not interfere in your friendship, life as an apocalyptic baby was already shitty enough.
But you saw your world turn upside down when the peacekeepers from the president came after you and other kids from your village. Your parents, just like theirs, sold you to the government in exchange for food and a bit of money. Since you were the youngest, and therefore, the only “changeable”, they sold you so they could survive. You did not blame your family for it, not when you saw your older sister die of the virus and the others being forced to work more to bring food and money to your household while all you did was play all day with San.
San. The boy you kept in your mind every single day for the rest of your life. Every night you’d lay in your comfortable bed and wish he was there to tell his stupid stories like he did when you were kids. You never heard of him again after you entered the gates of the main city. You and the other kids coming from all over the country being locked up inside those giant concrete walls.
You went through all the types of tests and training for later being sorted into your positions. You almost ended up as one of the pleasure maids for the president if wasn’t for your misbehavior at one of the practice formals. You were very explosive, usually acting with emotion which to them was seen as a virtue, so you ended up as one of the peacemakers. And soon enough, after a few years and a lot of work, you were nominated as the head of the peacemakers in the 5th area as they called it.
And even after all these years, after many missions, you were still scared and guilty that those people were being executed for crimes that were not even real crimes sometimes, they were just trying to survive. With the passing of the years, the president became less and less tolerable, just deciding to execute people just because he could, because he had the power. You were not like that, never been, but you needed to survive as well, your family, which you discovered received every year a small amount of money from your sale, needed to survive, so you disassociated every time you needed to work. yn as a peacemaker wasn’t the same yn you were as you took your uniform out. Also, you couldn’t complain about the life you took in the main city, you had a comfortable life, a comfortable home, clothes to wear and enough food for you to eat and be strong to deal with the rascals.
There was a new talk in town, a group of young people terrorizing near the main city, graffitiing the walls with their rebellious words, throwing bombs, and recruiting people for their group. Some of the citizens complained that they were disturbing the peace, but most importantly, they were getting adepts even inside the walls, people who were allowed to live there, people who had nothing - apparently - to complain about. So of course the president wouldn’t be quiet and happy about it, sending you and many more of his best peacemakers to hunt them down.
You were currently in one of the many trucks looking for them, your suit protected with bulletproof padding and your face protected with an anti-gas mask, but your mind seemed a little uneasy. Your heart seemed a little uneasy. Something inside of you not allowing you to fully disconnect, fully disassociate and do your work. Nico, your partner, and boyfriend, noticed and held your bouncy leg, squeezing it and giving you a reassuring look from inside his mask.
Nico wasn’t a bad guy, but he wasn’t good either. He was in this grey area between doing what he does for his job and doing it because he enjoys it. But on those nights that you were feeling lonely, he was the best you could get. He pleasured you, sure. But it was not like it was the best. Many of those nights you imagined how would San look as an adult, if he still was that skinny kid you left behind, or if he grew to be a strong man. Or if he married and became just like the other men in the village. Many times you got yourself creating a hypothetical San in your head and imagining how he would be in bed, how would he pleasure you if it was him instead of Nico. Those were the nights you came harder. You felt guilty about not actually loving Nico, but again, you weren’t sure he loved you either or he was with you for the convenience as well.
The truck came to a halt, taking you out of your daydreams, and you heard screams outside the vehicle. You and the others went out and found a few people all dressed in black, their clothes looking like they were a bunch of pieces of old clothes that were sawn together, they wore gas masks too, but you couldn’t see their faces underneath, a black balaclava hiding their identity. You were so out of your usual mindset that when they started to attack each other you were caught by surprise, instantly starting to attack them as well.
They were outnumbered but they still had some tricks under their sleeves, managing to get a lot of your men down, but soon reinforcement arrived and they just couldn’t win. Some of them managed to escape, others were killed, and others were captured to take them to the prison and wait for their execution.
Just when you were leaving you noticed that it wasn’t Nico sitting next to you.
“Where’s Nico?” one of your teammates put his hand on your shoulder and denied with his head and he didn’t have to say anything else, you knew Nico was dead.
For some reason you were envious of him, being dead, free from that duty. You didn’t know if it was for the fact that the guilt from killing innocent people was stronger than ever, if it was from you being tired of doing things you didn’t want to or from this gut feeling that something wasn’t right. All you knew was that you wanted to escape, to live a different life, to go back in time and run away when you discovered what your family did.
When you entered the gates, all the cars went straight to the jail, taking all the criminals to be arrested. Some of your men took them as you excused yourself for not feeling well after the death of your boyfriend. But truth was that all you needed was to be alone in the darkness of your room and try to forget the afternoon events. The intentional cold water falling down your back and making all your pores bristle and your tears get lost as they fell into your feet.
You were almost asleep after crying your eyes out of distress and sadness when the doorbell from your apartment rang. You put on your robe and went to pick up the door, knowing it was probably someone to talk about Nico’s death.
“Captain yln” it was one of your subordinates. You nodded for him to keep talking. “One of the prisoners from today is wishing to speak to you, he says he’s the head of rebels”
“Did he say what he wanted to talk about? Or identified himself further?” He denied.
“He just said he has a message to you and that he wishes to speak to you before dying” you sighed and decided that maybe this was going to get you out of your thoughts.
You didn’t think much, just grabbed your holster, not caring to put it on and followed the man. As soon as you entered the prison chills ran down your spine, the loud chanting of the prisoners felt too familiar even though you never heard it. The screams made your head hurt.
You entered one of the interrogation rooms and sat at the usual chair, waiting while they brought in the inmate.
A tall and honestly very handsome man sat in the chair in front of you, a smirk sat on his lips as he looked at you from top to bottom. You analyzed the man, he looked so familiar. His cat-like eyes, his tan skin, his expressions. It looked almost like…
“Long time no see, munchkin” his voice was velvety, sensual, it ran chills down your spine.
“San?” He chuckled and nodded. “Oh my god, San. I can’t believe it is really you!” You left your chair and moved in front of him, pulling him on his feet and into a hug. He immediately returned it
“Hey… hey… I’m here” he said as you nuzzled into his chest and neck, smelling his musky scent, that even with all the dirt from the combat and years without seeing him, still smelled like you could remember. Tears falling freely from your tired eye.
“That’s exactly why!”
For many many years you imagined San, how he’d look, how he’d talk, how he was, what had he done with his future. And then, with him in front of you, standing tall and beautiful, very real, not a result of your imagination, had you dizzy. Not in a million years you’d imagine that he’d grow to be not only a rebel but fucking hot one. All of the nights you imagined him, none of them prepared you for how he looked in real life.
And the realization hit you. He was going to die. He was going to be executed. There’s no way the mayor would leave him alive. That was the first time you were seeing your friend in years. And it was going to be the last.
“I know what you’re thinking in that head of yours, yn” you were cut from your daydreaming, and tilted your head to look at him. “You’re thinking about the execution” you lowered your head, looking at your feet, how he still knew you so well after so long? He grabbed your hands and squeezed them for you to look at him again. “That’s exactly why I asked you to come here”
“I won’t let you die, Sannie. Not now that you are back into my life” his eyes and his smile felt so soft upon you, his right hand caressed your cheek and his callouses scraped your skin gently. “I won’t”
“I know you won’t, baby. Because you will help us escape and will escape with us” his sentence caught you off guard. “We have a plan but we need your help”
“But it won’t be dangerous having me with you? I mean, I know too much, I’ve been working with them for years. God! I’m the head of one of their security troop”
“Don’t worry about it, we’ve been hiding for long enough to know how to hide you too” you nodded and looked around, trying to see if there was a sign of anyone around that could listen to you. You knew the cameras didn’t work for years now, it was just to pretend to the inmates. “Will you help us?”
“Yes, of course. I… I hate this place and I hate what I do” you stopped, head dropping again. “But my family… they need me… they…” he lifted your chin to look at him, which you gladly did so.
“Your family is long gone, yn. Your parents died many years ago in one of the mayor’s interventions, your older sisters married and left the village, Jongho joined us and Dongho left the village a few months after you left. No one gets money from you being here” your mouth was agape, you should’ve known it was all lies to keep you obedient. But even then you fell for them. For the love of your family.
“What’s the plan?” He smiled at you and nodded. You were about to escape that hell hole with the one true love of your life.
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When the clock hit midnight the next day, you were already prepared, all the things you needed packed and safely hidden near the south exit of the town. You headed to the prison, uniform from head to toe, and demanded to talk to the chief of the rebels. A man, not much taller than you, met you at the same room you met San previously and you handed him what was planned, helping him hide the controller on his clothes.
You two staged a fight and demanded him to be taken to the south prison, to divide him from his companions. The officer did as you said, leaving you alone in the place since he trusted you. You took the opportunity and released all the other men locked, including San.
Since the prison was far from the actual city, there were a lot of alternative routes they could take to arrive at the southern gates without being seen and separating themselves not to be caught in a bundle.
You, San and other two rebels took one of the riskier routes but if anything happened and you were caught, you could lie about transferring the inmates to the south.
A few minutes later you arrived at the designated gate, a few more of the rebels already there, only two and the chief missing. When the other two arrived, you proceed to go to beat the southern prison to attack when the officer and the chief arrive.
It didn’t take much longer for the two men to appear and the rebels attacked, killing the officer quickly, mercilessly, no sound spilled. You decided to forget what you saw, since you did much worse to some of them when you were dissociated.
“Everyone’s here?” Hongjoong, which you learned was the name of the chief, said counting all of the rebels. “Good. Everyone’s here and alive, time to leave this shit hole” you all nodded as he used the controller you gave him earlier to open the gate since he was the only one who knew how to use that.
Somehow there was already a big black truck waiting for them outside the gates, how they communicated to the others you have no idea, but you were so glad they did because as soon as you all hopped into the vehicle, some of the mayor’s troops came after you. San and the others started to counterattack, throwing homemade bombs into the cars and destroying them, sometimes even more than one in one go.
You sat quietly praying to watch ever god decided to hear you that you left all well and alive, that you could leave all of this behind and start a new life with San.
It wasn’t long until everything went silent and San returned back to your side, hugging you and kissing the top of your head.
“We are free now. You are free” he said, his voice happy, smile on his lips as if he waited to say those words to you forever. And he did.
You finally smiled and threw yourself on him, not giving a fuck there were more people in the truck, and kissed him. It was just a long peck but it was long awaited for the both of you. Everyone around you cheered, happy for you and for the plan that worked.
The entire trip to their headquarters you and San talked about your life after you left, sometimes engaging in conversation with the others as well, but there was a growing tension between you two. So thick you were sure the others could feel and see it too. San’s hands were gently and almost secretly all over your body. He was wrapping them around your waist, then holding your own, then caressing gently your tight by his side. It was when he put them there and gave squeezes that you felt your breath hitch and your stomach curl.
It was evident that you’ve been so frustrated with your absence from each other’s lives, from what you could have been. You were dying for each other, you could feel that in the kiss. And you knew that when you start you won’t stop.
“We’re here, we’re home” the driver announced as he stopped under a big abandoned building and everyone hopped off.
San held your hand and pulled you with him to the third floor, entering one of the rooms.
“They’re gonna fuck, right?” One of the rebels asked, seeing San pull you away so fast and so eagerly.
And he was more than right. San pulled you into that room and closed and locked the door before pushing you against it and kissing you ferociously. His tongue invading your mouth and intoxicating you with his taste. Hands all over your body, squeezing, feeling, touching, as yours were entangled in his soft hair, pulling the strands as you kept devouring each other.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that” he dropped his mouth to your neck, kissing and biting the spot. “How many nights I’ve dreamed of having you to myself” another harsh suck on the skin that made you whine. “How many nights I’ve touched myself thinking about having you even thought I knew you were with that creep”
“Wait” you managed to breathe the word as he kept attacking the sweet spot behind your ear. “Did you know who I was? And who Nico was?”
“I’ve been watching you for so long, yn. We have eyes and ears in those gates, don’t forget that”
“If was anyone else saying this I was going to call them creep but since it’s you I don’t give a single fuck” he kissed you again, smiling between the kiss and biting your lip.
“Good because I am about to give you more than a single fuck” you laughed at him, he hadn’t changed at all.
He finally moved you two to the bed, managing to make you fully naked on the way. You felt your body heating from the way he drank your form, biting his lip and looking like he was about to eat the most delicious meal of his life. You.
He gently laid you on your back and spread your legs open. He started kissing his way to your core, leaving the same love bites on your thighs that he left on your neck. You just threw your head back and enjoyed your touches. Ever so teasing, never really touching the center of your legs.
“Sannie~” you whined, desperate for some contact, some release.
“You want me to eat you out, munchkin?” You nodded eagerly, hand going to his head and trying to guide him but he held himself in place. “Use your words, let me hear you beg for me, let me hear you say the words I’ve dreamed of you saying to me” you writhed in frustration and shyness but you were so needy for him that you just had to say it.
“Please, Sannie. Please. Touch me. Use me. Eat me. Do whatever you want please, I need you”
“God, you’re way hotter than I thought” he gently slapped your clothed core, earning a surprised scream from you. “I’ll give you what you want, baby. Everything you wish” you nodded and he didn’t waste time before diving into your still clothed pussy.
He licked and rubbed on top of the material, the roughness of it deliciously helping with the friction you needed. You moaned without a care in the world. Your mind was full of San and only San. He pulled the underwear out of you, ripping the material, too bothered and eager to take it out of you. To say you weren’t turned on even more by the action was a lie. The way his muscles tensed and the veins popped when he pulled the fabric apart made you weak on the knees, imagining what he could do to you.
San went back to his position, hoisting your legs on his shoulders and finally touching his mouth straight on your slit. Your moan and his satisfied groan synced, your legs tried to close around his head but he held them open as he kept slurping at your wet vulva.
His mouth was definitely skilled, he knew just the right amount of pressure to put, where to tease. You were seeing stars with the way his mouth was devouring you. His tongue moved up and down from your clit to your hole, sucking and licking the engorged nub and prodding your entrance with his tip.
You were a moaning and writhing mess under him, hands not knowing where to go, if they pulled the sheets or his hair, if they intertwined your fingers with his or held your boobs. All you knew was that you never felt anything like that before. It was like San was a conductor and you were his sheet music. He knew all your notes.
But it wasn’t enough, not for him or for you, so he added his fingers to the game, wetting them on his lips and then your juices before slowly entering them inside you. Your walls hugged his big digits tight, and San felt his dick twitching imagining how it would feel around him.
“S-Sannie…” his name, mixed with your moans, was almost a mantra. Leaving your lips without even noticing.
“What is it, baby? Hm? Tell me. I can’t read your mind” he mocked and gave your clit a tiny gentle bite that almost made you cum, hips going up against his face. “Even tho’ I have a little idea of what there is inside of there”
“P-please… just… fuck! I need you, Sannie” he left his spot and hovered over you, face to face with you.
He kissed you and you could taste yourself on his lips, the bittersweetness of it was invading your senses alongside the musky scent of his sweat. If someone asked you what sex smelled like you’d say it was this.
“I really wanted to tease you right now but I am as needy as you so I’ll leave that for another time” he said while he left his spot on top of you to take his clothes off and just then you realized he was still fully clothed. “My dick will burst at any minute if I keep waiting”
“Then shut up just fuck me” you said before you could think properly, earning a chuckle from the man.
He positioned himself on top of you again, grabbed his cock and rubbed along your vulva, collecting as much of your wetness to help him in. He positioned the head on your hole and slowly pushed in, entering you.
You closed your eyes and opened your mouth, no sound leaving. You’ve dreamed and imagined of this moment your entire life. And now it was happening. You had San back into your life. He was real and alive and right there on top of you, taking his time not to hurt you.
San was not only taking his time not to hurt but not to cum right then and there. He also had dreamed for so long of fucking you that your warm walls hugging and welcoming him just like he was meant to be there were like a gunshot. Quick and sharp.
His hips were starting to go erratic within a short time. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer and he wanted to make sure you were going to cum as well, so he snaked his hand between your bodies and started to draw circle eights with the tip of his fingers on your clit, finding the bundle of nerves quite easily.
“Sannie…” you moaned his name, voice coming out way higher than usual, whining.
“Com’on baby, cum for me” San whispered on top of you, his own pleasure getting the best of him. “Fuck, yn! You’re so tight. I’m close too” he increased his speed, hips pistoning in an erratic manner, pleasure taking the best of you both.
“‘M coming” you managed to say before cumming around his cock. Squelching lewd noises of your juices wetting you even more filling up the room as he kept his movements.
It didn’t take much longer for him to cum too, pulling his dick from you and milking all over your belly, some of the gooey liquid falling on your chest.
San took some time to regain his breathing and cleaned you the best he could with some clean cloth he found in the bathroom of the room. He helped you to put back your underwear and put on his shirt, and laid with you on the bed. Your head resting on top of his chest and fingertips playing with his own.
“ I can’t believe this is all real” you broke the silence, taking a deep breath in and taking in his sweaty musky scent.
“Me neither” he confessed, eyes focused on the ceiling, thinking about so many things but at the same time only about you. “I don’t want to risk losing you. I can’t lose you”.
You turned your face to look at him, pulling his head down to focus on you. His eyes glassy, watery. He was allowing himself to be vulnerable in so many years.
“You won’t lose me. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere” you caressed his face and he closed his eyes to enjoy the touch. “I’m all yours now. Forever”
“Forever” he kissed you one last time before falling asleep with you in his arms for the first day for the rest of your lives.
Masterlist | Requests and feedback
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chronurgy · 9 months
Companion's Bhaalspawn Reveal Reactions
Gale: A Bhaalspawn? Gosh. I know what it is to have a closer connection than most with the gods. But with Bhaal... that's not a bond I'd like to be bound with. You should be careful. Very, very careful.
Halsin: You are a mortal child of Bhaal? Be careful with whom you share that fact - I hear many of your kind have met premature ends.
Shadowheart: I suppose that makes you quite remarkable... though not in a way I'd envy, perhaps. From what little I recall hearing of Bhaal's mortal children, not all succumbed to his influence. Perhaps you can still resist your nature... if you want to.
Wyll: Hells - it explains so much. Listen to me. I knew another like you - Gorion's Ward, one of Baldur’s Gate's great heroes. Bhaal's blood ran through their veins too. They burned away their own inner darkness with their own inner light. They chose courage, they chose honour - and so can you.
Lae'zel: I'm not surprised. You've become death incarnate. Mighty, yes. And all together unpredictable and intractable. One day, perhaps soon, Bhaal will demand your fealty. You'll either muster the strength to defy him - or you will succumb. I know how I'd choose.
Karlach: That's a heavy weight. I know you can carry it, but it's heavy all the same. You are my friend. And you get to choose your destiny. Choose well, all right? Please.
Astarion: The Urges are calling on you again, aren't they? I haven't seen you sleep through the night once in the past days. [PC: I had a vision: I found out I'm a Bhaalspawn.] I knew you had some nasty habits, but I didn't want to pry overmuch. But, bloody hells, a Bhaalspawn? Probably more Baldurian parents scare their children with stories of your kind than mine. I thought your kind was extinct. Goes to show, you should always check your facts. So... how are you feeling? Keen to reconnect with your family? Or ready to throw yourself in an oubliette? [PC: The pit, definitely the pit.] You know, though I don't look a day over a hundred, I was alive in Baldur’s Gate when the Bhaalspawn first arose. I was barely aware of it - locked in the kennels as a young spawn. Rather thrilling I get to watch the bloodshed first hand. I felt very unfashionable, missing out last time.
Jaheira has a cutscene
Minsc also has a reaction when you recruit him but I don't have a save available sadly
Minthara wasn't recruited in this run, so if anyone has her dialogue please add it!
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hearts4youz · 1 year
The Captains Daughter chapter 5
A/N: tmr is monday smh :( anyways, wanted to start off the week by posting a chapter. Criticism is much appreciated :) Thank you all for reading my story!! lmk if you wanna be added to a taglist :D
Word count: 1.2k
Reader pov:
The next few days were the same. Ghost reverted back to his cold personality, he trained you hard. He showed you fight tactics and worked on a lot of strength training. Only talking to give you feedback or directions.
He talked at mealtimes though, not to you but to the rest of the squad. He wasn't as loud as Soap or Gaz, but it was still weird to see him so loose. You often found yourself staring at him, a lot of people did though. A tall, broad shouldered man with a skull mask doesn't exactly go unnoticed.
People spread rumors about him, fleeting whispers whenever he passed by. People talked in hushed voices about his kill count, what his face could possibly look like, what he was like in bed.
You chuckled at the last one, you couldn't picture your stoic Lieutenant doing that. Has he ever had a love interest, you wondered? Could he be interested in anyone?
Shaking your head, you continued walking. You were heading towards the exit. You finished your training earlier this morning and now have a few free hours. You decided to go for a run, then to finish unpacking as you were currently living out of your duffle bag.
As you exited, you spotted your father talking to a few recruits. You jogged up to him, nodding hello at the recruits.
"What are you up to?" Your dad asked.
"Just out for a run," You responded.
"I'll come with you, as you were soldiers," he dismissed the men in front of him.
The two of you set off at a slow pace, today was a recovery day for you.
You talked about work, home, life, and everything in between. The topic of your masked Lieutenant came up.
"Dad, have you ever seen Ghost's face?" you suddenly asked.
He contemplated his answer.
"Yes, A few times." He admitted.
Your eyes widened, "When? What did he look like? Where? Why? How?"
He chuckled, "He is blond-"
"I KNEW IT," You yelled.
"He was just giving blond vibes," your voice got slightly quieter.
Your dad continued, "He was quite good looking, clean shaven, the works."
Your cheeks reddened at the thought of your trainer being handsome. If you were being honest, you thought he wasn't too bad looking with the mask on, but you would never tell your father that.
He paused for a moment, carefully choosing his next words. "It was on a mission, the first time I saw Simon's face."
"We were about to infiltrate a base held by an enemy, kill a few people of interest." he continued, pausing to catch his breath.
you had gone further than the halfway point now and were turning back towards the base.
"We had a plan to all wear matching skull print masks, the lighter, cloth one that Ghost wears to work out or during leisure times."
You nodded along, highly interested in the story.
"Anyway, Ghost took off his mask in front of us when we put ours on," he sighed.
"Why do you want to know so much about Lieutenant Riley." Your father turned towards you narrowing his eyes, a concerned look painting his face.
"Well, he just seems to like everyone except for me- wait, actually today he was kind of nice until I asked him about his mask," you rambled.
"I taught you not to pry at people kid," your dad shook his head.
"I know but he's just so weird around me," you argued.
"Listen, I have a hunch as to why he is like that around you. It is up to him if he wants to reveal that to you. Just know that he does care okay?"
The two of you were getting close to the gates just outside the base.
"If he didn't care about you, he wouldn't train you so hard so you won't get hurt. Hell, he wouldn't even bother to show up if he didn't care. He cares deeply about people and doesn't want them to know. Just promise me you'll give him space, stay out of his business," he concluded.
"Okay," you paused.
"Thank you dad," you stopped at the gate to check in.
"For everything, raising me on your own, taking me under your wing at the base, getting me training from a colleague. I appreciate it, all of it." you expressed your gratitude.
Your father smiled, a bit flustered at your complement the two of you walked into the base in a comfortable silence.
The heated building was a welcome contrast to the frigid air outside, dinner was about to start. You decided to be a bit later to dinner in favor of changing into clean clothes. You stripped yourself of your sweaty hoodie and threw on a crisp T-Shirt- standard issue of course- and leggings. You didn't have to be in full uniform, thankfully only a T-shirt was required. This base is like the waiting room for war, you get stationed here when actively waiting for a mission.
You left your room and started towards the mess hall, catching a glimpse of Ghost leaving his own on the way. You jogged to catch up to him further down the hall. He said nothing as you reached him.
"Evening LT," you said casually.
"Hi," he grumbled
You decided you weren't going to get anything out of him and settled for the fact that he let you walk next to him.
Ghost Pov:
I actually didn't mind Y/N walking with me to supper. Not that I would tell her or anyone else obviously. I had decided to stick to not being friendly until she could prove herself, it's safer that way. Johnny's "advice" just led to her prying at me.
No one has ever shown that much interest in me, it was a few simple questions, but it got personal way to fast. She's like her father I digressed. except Price seemed to know boundaries- mostly.
The 141 all sat together like normal, Y/N making herself at home next to Gaz, and across from soap, the immature trio was making snowmen out of their mashed potatoes.
It almost got a smile out of me, the way she squinted when she giggled at Gaz's snowman turning to a pile of mush as it toppled over. She's like a fuckin kid I realized. Suddenly filled with dread that this childishness could possibly make it out to the field. I shot the three a glare, which they paid no attention to of course. It wasn't until price cleared his throat to signal an announcement that they quit playing with their side dish.
"Tomorrow..." the captain paused, making sure everyone was listening.
"We have a mission," he paused again, knowing he now had the full attention of the table.
"A simple supply drop, nothing crazy- but it has come to my attention that there could be enemy combatants in the area."
"I would like to return to base tomorrow evening without having to engage, but lets keep an eye out, things could get heavy," he concluded.
Y/N's first mission I thought
Fucking hell
Sudden fear instilled itself in my bones, nervous energy settled in my stomach.
I will not let anything happen to her
I will not have to bury my teammate
I will not have to bury my friend
Taglist: @abbiesxox
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