wekillitwithfire · 2 years
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ranboo cranboo
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gregkinz · 1 year
Tomgreg week 2023 day 2: hurt/comfort
“Hey Tom,” Greg greets cheerfully when a notably uncheerful Tom opens the door. He’s wrapped in a knit blanket like a cartoon character, red plaid pajama pants peeking underneath, clinging to the blanket while he glares at Greg. His hair is all over the place, up and down and up and down, more unkempt than Greg’s ever seen it- even when they got plastered together.
“You’re sick.” He deadpans, suddenly losing all his footing.
“I knew you were going to say something fucking weird Greg,” Tom comments, stuffed up and, based on his voice, half-dead, “but I really wasn’t expecting that.”
Greg clears his throat and holds up the container he brought, still warm in his hands.
“You’re sick, and um, I’m here to help!”
Tom seems dubious.
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goldenkenku · 1 year
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friendly-alien-fucker · 4 months
Being with an ooman brought forth a good number of oddities, most of which they adored.
You were different from them, in terms of looks, yes, but also in terms of culture. And as they whiped away the liquid streaming from your eyes they realized once again how different you were in terms of morals as well.
"I'm a monster!" you sobbed, your voice frantic and shaky, and they took you into their arms on instinct at the sound.
"You're overreacting." They attempted to console you, which didn't quite work as intended they came to realize as you slapped their chest.
"I killed it! The poor little fella... they already have such a short lifespan..."
Seeing you in so much pain over the death of a being that didn't even have a conscience, they wondered how you managed to think of them as anything other than a monster. With their walls of proudly displayed trophies.
Some of them had only half your life expectancy, some lived longer than them. Some even had family.
"Fella?" they instead focused on consoling you through your strange breakdown "what makes you so sure it was male?"
You gasped, your eyes suddenly wide in horror "I didnt even think of that! What if it was female? What if it was expecting? What if I just killed an entire bloodline??!"
Though they were apparently not very good at it.
Unsure on what to do or say, they simply continued to hold you, the purring that they've subconsciously started to do getting louder.
"If it brings you any comfort", they began quietly as they heard your sobbing come to a slow stop "its unlikely it felt any pain, being the size that it was."
"It does," you mumbled, only parting from them shortly to whipe at your face "thank you."
They simply nodded.
How your species managed to become your planets apex predators remained a mystery to them.
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mozquito · 28 days
i keep replaying these scenes in my head
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Welcome Home Agere Fic - Sing Me to Sleep
Characters: Little!Howdy Pillar, CG!Barnaby B. Beagle
Setting: Howdy’s Bodega (Checkout Desk, Upstairs Breakroom)
Premise: Barnaby notices that his good pal Howdy is overworking himself to the point of losing sleep. Concerned and determined to help his buddy out, he decides to sing him a lullaby to help him sleep. The next morning, he discovers something about Howdy he initially didn’t think he did.
Author’s Note: Another agere fic, this time with Howdy!! I kinda headcanon Barnaby and Howdy as childhood friends, like Barnaby befriended him while he stayed at the farm with his ma, so here it’s mentioned for a bit at the beginning. Hope that’s ok!!
Also the lullaby that Barnaby sings is ai generated, not an original song, so don’t think I write songs too jfkgk
Ever since the bodega opened in the town of Welcome Home, the lovable yet goofy Barnaby B. Beagle always made a point of visiting. Considering it was run by an old pal of his - that being the ever so hardworking Howdy Pillar - he couldn’t just ignore it! It even had all his favorite things in it; rubber duckies, party horns, endless streams of ribbons, the whole nine! For the price of just a simple trade as well, it was a perfect store!
Of course, it wouldn’t be the same without the man of the hour - or say, caterpillar. Barnaby had always admired the blood and sweat put into every little detail of the bodega, from the paint jobs to the shelving and even to the currency. It was a marvelous sight to see, but he couldn’t expect less from such a diligent and determined shopkeeper. Always toiling and moiling and working himself to the bone to make sure that progress did well and that every customer left with a big smile on their face, he could do no bad.
That… did bring a glaring problem to the surface, however: he did this all the time.
Because his never-ending perseverance and his insistence to make sure that business was booming at the seams, he often tired himself out. And by often, that meant a lot.
The bags under the titular caterpillar’s eyes looked as if they’ve been personally drawn on with permanent marker, with how dark they were. Often times, Barnaby would accidentally catch Howdy almost falling asleep at his checkout desk, but immediately perking up when he noticed that the comedian was watching. He would wake up and catch Howdy still up at the tender hours of night sweeping the floors or wiping the windows or even restocking the shelves.
It was concerning, to say the least. He had occasionally brought up the idea that Howdy could at least lay low for a short while, take a small break. However, the poor shopkeeper would break into a nervous sweat and go, “Oh but who will run the front counter while I’m gone? I’m the only one who works here, I can’t stop now! This shop will go belly-up if I quit here, I just can’t!” It almost broke the dog’s beating heart to see him in such a fit of distress.
He wanted to fix that, and he knew exactly how.
The sun set behind the trees one hot and sweaty evening, and Howdy was finishing up the last of his chores for the night: restocking the shelves, sweeping up any dust and grime, and wiping the front windows squeaky clean. Barnaby took quick note of this and strolled towards him, humming a jovial tune.
“Well howdy do, Howdy! Lovely afternoon we got here, but golly is it sweltering! I feel like I’m on Hell’s front porch with a pipin��� fever right about now, huh?” Barnaby greeted himself, chuckling as he did. Howdy looked up from wiping the front window, rubbing his sleepy lids with his lower right hand and smiling drowsily.
“You’re not wrong Barnaby, heh! I can feel myself melting like a snow cone in Phoenix!” He replied, wiping his forehead of the pooling sweat and turning back to wiping the windows clean. Barnaby snickered, nodding his head to the statement.
An awkward silence fell on the two. Howdy cleared his throat.
“Ahem, uh… what brings you here, ol’ pal?”, he asked, “ya’ need something from my shop? Any horns or… fake teeth or spinning plates?” The shopkeeper began to put up his bucket of suds and washrag before being stopped by the comedian.
“Oh no, I’m fine as frog hair, buddy! I just came to ask ya’ something, if you have the time, of course.” Howdy perked up at the request, but paused and sighed wearily.
“If you’re asking for me to take a break, Barnaby, then no. I’m not letting this business fall because the one man working here-“
He quickly got interrupted.
“Aww, come on Howdy! You’re exhausted and practically sleepwalking, if you keep working in this state you’ll be dead on your feet!” Barnaby protested, crossing his arms and huffing.
“Barnaby, you really don’t understand,” Howdy rebutted, “this is a matter of needing rather than wanting. Anyone and everyone could come, and if they see me lounging around, doing everything but, I’ll be letting them down! Soon the progress of this whole business could go down, and take me with it. I can’t ‘take a break’ because I am literally against doing it.”
Barnaby sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Howdy sure dug his heels deep in this business, huh? The titular dog wracked his brain for quite a while, thinking of a good way to pry his four arms away from the building… until something popped up.
“Oh well, I guess you’re right… but I do still have something to ask of you.” Howdy sighed, lifting his head towards him with his brow furrowed.
“Will you at least let me sing something to you?”
This tripped the caterpillar upside for a moment. Sing for him? Why exactly would this dog want to sing for him in the dead of night?
“Uhh… may I ask why? That’s a rather odd question to ask, really,” Howdy questioned the dog.
“Oh, well I had been listening to the radio recently and I happened to stumble upon the most loveliest tune! It had me painting the town red, it was lovely!” Howdy tilted his head curiously.
“Hmmm… well what song was it? I think I may have some records inside so you can sing along.” Barnaby grinned widely. His plan was working perfectly.
“I’m pretty sure it was called…Sweet Dreams and Strawberry Milk? It was a guitar song too, very slow and calming.”
“Hmmm… I don’t seem to have that song on a record, from what I can remember.” Barnaby’s heart dropped.
“Buuuuut I do have a guitar! Maybe you can play it on that?” And just like that, the plan was still in motion.
“Oh, superb! You always seem to have something on you to fix a situation, don’tcha? Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go inside before the wolves start howling!”
Barnaby quickly grabbed Howdy’s free arm and dragged him inside the bodega, leaving behind his sud bucket and rag. After a few quick directions, both the dog and caterpillar made their way to the upstairs breakroom.
The breakroom itself was quite large, to his surprise, it almost doubled as a separate house. In one section of the room, a small kitchenette with an oven, fridge, and sink, along with a sofa, record player, and television. In another section, a large bed spread along the room, with a dresser and closet on one side and a bookshelf on the other. In between both sections was a bathroom that he could conveniently walk into any time he wanted. The breakroom as a whole had a sort of forest or plant theme, with leaves and flower decorations galore, it was like shrinking and walking into Poppy’s garden.
Barnaby made their way towards the second section, sitting down on the edge of Howdy’s bed. Howdy strolled towards the closet, opening and rummaging through. He pulled out a large guitar and walked towards the bed where Barnaby sat, handing over the guitar.
“Do make this quick, ok pal?,” Howdy admonishes, slipping off his shoes and taking off his hat. He might as well get comfortable in case things get too long. Barnaby waved his hand dismissively, holding the guitar in his paws.
“Ahh, don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head, Howdy,” he reassured, “I’ll be quicker than green grass though a goose!” Howdy chuckled at that, smiling slightly.
The comedian took a minute to tune and adjust the chords to the guitar, making sure he wasn’t off-tune, before holding the guitar to his chest. He took a deep breath… and began to sing.
Close your eyes my little one
Drift away to sleep
Dream of fields of strawberries
Growing tall and deep
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Imagine a garden of red
With vines and leaves so green
Picking the ripest berries
For the sweetest milk you've seen
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
As the peaceful lullaby rang throughout the bedroom, Howdy could feel his head begin to cloud up and his eyelids to feel heavy. He suppressed a yawn but caught himself stretching his arms and back.
He then decided that he rest his head for just a moment, if only for a second. He figured he would be awake by the time the song was finished, so it couldn’t be that bad.
As you lay here in my arms
With your eyes closed tight
Let the taste of strawberry milk
Take you through the night
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Sleep now my little one
May your dreams be bright
With strawberry milk in your thoughts
All through the night.
Barnaby cleared his throat after finishing the song, gently placing the guitar to his left. He turned to face Howdy, who had been silent throughout the entire song, to ask him how he felt, but he instead found Howdy fast asleep beside him. How silly of him to drop off mid song, and in his work clothes too! Barnaby snickered to himself at the sight.
He decided that it would be best to stay the night. He pulled the blankets on the bed over the sleeping shopkeeper, tucking him in comfortably, before quietly leaving the bedroom. He made himself towards the other half of the breakroom and towards the couch, and pulled out the longer section to lie down. Turning off the lights and getting comfortable in the process, soon both of them were in a peaceful slumber.
The plan was a success.
Barnaby suddenly awoke to a strange noise.
He blinked himself awake to the sudden sound, trying to make sense of his vision. He could make out the kitchenette and the television, and what couch he was on.
Ah, yes, he was at Howdy’s place.
The sun was pooling through the closed curtains and birds were chirping their morning song, signifying a new morning for the sleepy beagle. He slowly stood up from his position and stretched his arms and back wide behind him, popping anything that needed popping.
His attention soon turned to the strange noise that woke him up. It was shrill and loud, yet desperate, if it made sense. It was occasionally interrupted by a slight hiccup or sniffle, before going right back to the shrillness.
Was that… Howdy?
It had the same voice as Howdy, had the same pitch (albeit a tad higher than usual), he could recognize it from a mile away. But what exactly is making him wail this loud?
He had to go investigate.
Barnaby slowly got up from the couch and quietly made his way through the breakroom towards Howdy’s bedroom. He hesitantly knocked one, two, three times, making sure it was quiet but noticeable.
“Howdy? Is that you in there?” Barnaby asked, hands on hips and his face screwed up into that of concern. If his suspicions were correct that this was indeed his pre-pupated pal, then this was quite out of character of him. He wasn’t that open with his inner feelings as he didn’t want them interfering with work, so hearing him so distressed was… odd.
He was quite surprised to see the door swing open not long after he knocked, but what surprised him more was what answered the door: a shaky and teary-eyed Howdy, covered in a colorful blanket and his thumb halfway in his mouth. It took him by surprise for a bit, before quickly being replaced with a brotherly concern.
“Oh jeez… you okay, bud? What happened?” Barnaby said, resting a gentle paw on the shivering shopkeeper’s shoulder and rubbing it slowly. Howdy only sniffled and hiccuped, lowering his head and covering his face with his hands as he continued to cry. The blue beagle took that opportunity to hesitantly wrap his arms around the both of them in a comforting embrace, letting Howdy rest his head on his shoulder.
“Deep breaths, bud… let’s go over here, ok?” Barnaby said quietly and reassuringly, taking one of Howdy’s hands and leading them to the nearby sofa. The titular caterpillar sniffled, wiping his eyes with his hands and popping his free thumb back between his lips. They both trudged towards the comfy cushions, sitting comfortably beside each other with hands clasped gently. Barnaby leaned his friend’s head towards the crook of his neck, letting Howdy rest against him as the bigger dog began to rub his back slowly.
“Hasn’t been your best morning, huh buddy?”, Barnaby said, his voice low and quiet and reassuring. Howdy sniffed, nodding his head silently.
“How’s about I settle here until you’re up and running again, hm?”, the blue beagle suggested, “It don’t seem like you can even walk properly, let alone run a store like this. Not good shape for a guy like you, huh?”
Howdy furiously shook his head no at that notion.
“I know, I know,” the blue dog continued, “you wanna run it. We can always take a day off though, can’t we? It can’t hurt to lay low for at least a day. It’s only about one in a few hundred days, isn’t it?” The small caterpillar sat there for a bit, his head filled with thought. Barnaby scratched his noggin for an idea, then snapped his fingers once it came.
“How about this,” he started, “maybe I can stay and settle with you for the day until you’re feeling better? That way you won’t have to worry about feeling lonely, ok? How does that sound?” Howdy looked down to his feet, wringing his lower hands together in thought. He didn’t want to let the business down, and he felt bad that he was so upset when Barnaby found him.
However, he wasn’t wrong. He had been quite stressed for a few weeks, and he was teetering towards passing out and never getting out of bed. Plus, in his state, how would he run the shop? He could barely talk. It wasn’t an argument at this point, really. He needed this break.
Howdy hesitantly nodded.
“Good to hear, bub,” Barnaby said, squeezing him towards himself a bit tighter. He then stood up and wipe his paws on his vest, and turned back to Howdy.
“You mind if I hold you, bud?”, he asked, lowering himself to the smaller caterpillar’s level. Howdy nodded, holding out his lower arms and flexing the fingers in a grabbing motion. Barnaby gripped his sides and hooked his hands underneath his upper arms. He lifted him up slowly and rested the caterpillar on his hip.
“Now there, how’s about we get you dressed in something nice, m’kay? Those slacks don’t feel so good now, I can find something better for today.”
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stridercestuous · 1 month
i havent posted here in a while (getting really autistic about project sekai. lol) oops. hi guys whats up with everyone
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deklo · 3 months
i’ve got 1h 45m left of the summer sons audiobook but even less considering i’m listening at 1.2 speed BUT it’s so hard for me to pay attention when im drawing UGH
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alfamangle · 2 months
sometimes I remember that like. nobody really on Tumblr knows what or who a finch is and that sucks. I need to draw and post more about this little guy so we all know when we look apon my avatar that is a drawing of a cat with enough wrong with them to fill a book.
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dragonsmindramblings · 8 months
Brain Hurt, Jaw Hurt, Teeth Hurt
Me: Life is meaningless and I refuse to eat anything ever again.
Mikey: Come on, you have to eat something! I just made brownies....?
Raph: Raph would ask what happened, but he is afraid to.
Mikey: She said her adult teeth were coming out. *tries to pass me a brownie*
Raph and Leo: ...
Leo: Ah. Is that why she's so...
Me: *hissing at the brownie that Mikey offered*
Mikey: Yep.
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localcakeexpress · 2 months
Every time there's something new and special in the Treyrid tag here tysm for anyone that contributes to the tag here ... 🫶
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
John is so used to hearing Karkat yell that whenever Karkat whispers sweet things to him it just takes him the fuck out.
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only the johnkat discord knows what he's whispering to john WINK WONK >u0
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elysiuminfra · 2 years
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why is this small man hugging me
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biomecharnotaurus · 9 months
muscley pecs or mammaries or both
Muscley pecs but with fatty tissue. Not really in to flat pecs, on myself included
I'm overall not in to muscle definition with no fat.
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antsypoindexter · 7 months
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october playlist / lady fm / album / song
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Okay, what are your guys’ thoughts on what the new Warner Bro Tolkien movies should be about?
There’s like, a THOUSAND ideas floating around, and as I’m currently in the process of planning to see the new Avatar movie in cinemas (yes, I know I’m late to the party), I think they should make a trilogy leading up to the War of the Last Alliance, and cast the kid who plays Lo’ak in Avatar to play young Thranduil
Kid is SERVING the young bitchy Thranduil vibes, like I could easily see this guy being the predecessor to sassy early 2000s Legolas
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They have the rights to film about that war, so it’s a strong potential
Again, what do you guys think the new movies will be about?
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