kinerxy · 3 months
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few werewolf + monster drawings
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thewizardofschnoz · 1 year
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Had an epiphany the other night.
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solazu1 · 6 months
Harpies are one of the more rare types of mythics out there, and one of the more dangerous ones. They have incredible speed and strength but unfortunately not much control over just how much strength they exert. They're hunger driven creatures who constantly need food to compensate for the energy used to fly and just exist.
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They're also a bit more complicated than other creatures. It's assumed the observed enjoyment that almost every harpy displays when it's super windy or when a windstorm happens is due to their ‘origins’ as spirits of the wind in ancient Greece, others suggest it's because it stimulates the feeling of flight and triggers their instinct to take flight.
I really really really like birds so working on Amy as a Harpy was so so fun especially making up some lore for Harpies. Btw 6’6 is like super small for a harpy but that's because she's a Merlin, which are very small birds. Anyway AAHEHEHEHE LOOK AT HERRRR I LOVE HEERRRRRRR HEHEHEHE. I see what Alex saw.
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in-my-loki-feels · 11 days
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @kcscribbler and @elodiah for the tags!
A new chapter of the Avengers AU is up, so here's a tease for next week's update. It's gala time!
“Beautiful city you’ve got here,” Loki heard Mobius say through his earpiece. The man sounded annoyingly at ease, in a way he hadn’t been a moment ago in Loki's presence. “I can’t wait to see more of it tomorrow. Thought I’d pulled the short stick, getting picked for this business trip, but I guess I lucked out.” There was a pause, likely as the attendant checked Mobius’ invitation, and then a woman’s voice said, in accented English, “Maybe you’ll find a reason to come back.” Loki heard Mobius chuckle. “Maybe I will.”  Loki paused, halfway up the stairs that would take him to the door he needed, and realized Mobius was flirting. Loki was no stranger to using charm to slip into places he wasn’t meant to be, but he hadn’t thought Mobius capable of it. He gripped the scepter tighter and continued up the stairs.
Tagging (with no pressure as always): @wolfpup026 @andthekitchensinkao3 @devilbearingtrouble @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
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killerqueenhetfield · 9 months
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Muppet Man
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peterparkeeperer · 1 year
realisations (and what they bring) peter parker x gn!reader
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“You’re late,”
Peter jumps in your peripheral vision as he enters the room. “Yeah, sorry” he says with a sort of nonchalance that’s completely within your scene to get on your nerves. Only, you’ve had time to think, and you can see even in his eyes now that there’s not really that ‘excited fear’ there, like there usually appears for submissives that are bound to be punished. You sigh.
You stand up to stand a few feet infront of him, he eyes you in surprise.
“You know what I think, Peter?”
“I think you just really want to be spanked.”
Everything stills. His whole face turns red. You fight down a grin at this great accomplished finding.
“I, I, why would you assume that?”
“Because we’ve got this submissive and dominant thing going on, and you’re a brat, I’ve know that from the start. But,” you take slow steps to reach him, “no matter how many edgings,” he steps back, “how many times I call you a ‘bad boy’ and you apologise, it’s never really enough, is it?”
His back hits the wall, and his face is red, and his body language is curled in but in his eyes. His lovely brown eyes, there’s a screaming of ‘finally’, of approval and some sort of desperate craving that has his pupil almost engulfing his entire eyes.
Your hand rests on the wall above his shoulder. You lean in.
“I think you just really want me to bend you over, put you in my lap, and spank you until you learn how to behave,”
He groans, guttural, and within a second later his eyes shoot down on himself with a terror that surprises you. You look down, and with a huge amount of glee that makes Peter eyes widen, in, finally, that excitement fear, you realise he came in his pants.
This is going to be so much fun.
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hearted-anon · 6 months
Perfect gift
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Words: 1.4k Note: I want to write lee changbin. THEIR SMILES HELLO? T/w: No restraints, but it is intense..a bit of sad before happy Lee: Jisung Ler: Channie
Tears welled up in Jisung's eyes, his pupils widening as they focused on the sight in front of him. The cheesecake that he grasped in his hands, decorated prettily even with tiny strawberries at the side to display how sweet their leader was, almost toppled over when he saw the oldest still hyper-fixated onto his computer. Today was Chan's birthday, no surprise to the members as they decorated the cake with candles beautifully lit to make the word '52', suggested by none other than the puppy himself to get a laugh from their leader who worked tirelessly day and night for them to succeed and pull through to what they were today.
But apparently it was a surprise to the birthday man himself.
"Hyung, why are you alone?" The quokka waddled over slowly, sniffling as he grasped the birthday cake tightly in his hands, struggling to see the expression of his leader's face with his eyes completely clouded with tears. He didn't understand, the one day Bangchan gets a break from the endless and tiring loop from never ending work, bending and breaking his back over and over for his members, just to not stop the cycle and work on a come back? The one day stray kids knew the leader would be happy, was spent in a studio ensuring things were going to go smoothly, isolated into a lonely room where his thought echoed eerily instead of being out with them, it shattered his heart.
"Sung? What's wrong?" Chan's eyes widened as he saw the teary eyed ace, immediately grabbing the delicious cheesecake he eyed for a moment before cuddling the boy in his arms. He was oblivious, of course he was, submitting to the world of his musicality before anything else to realise what was happening. His heart wrenched with guilt, squeezing the quokka tightly in his arms as he desperately tried to comfort him through all the confusion that wracked his brain to pieces.
"You're working alone...on your birthday..." Jisung mumbled softly, looking up at Chan with those shiny, teary eyes that never failed to melt and break his heart in two. In mere milliseconds the leader babbled and pleaded apologies, snuggling the boy close and placing about a million chaste kisses to those full cheeks, making the quokka flush and shy away from the sudden affection that overwhelmed. That was unfair, it was the older's birthday, and here he was being spoiled after crying for his leader too, he didn't want to seem needy.
"Hyung! Stop pampering me, it's your birthday, enjoy the gifts outside and the delicious cake we have for you.." The younger squeaked out, trying to squirm his way out of the warm hug that the kangaroo was persistent on keeping him hostage in. Bangchan pouted when Jisung eventually did manage to slip away from his tight grasp, shaking his head and whining like a baby when Han tried his best to convince the leader to even try the cake.
Letting out a groan, the quokka slumps down to his knees, feeding himself a spoon of the cheesecake they worked so hard to bake. His eyes lit up, it tasted absolutely delicious, the sweet treat tempting him to try more as he stared hungrily at the cake. Chan, being the curious baby leader he was, wobbled over to the cake, staring at the candles. It took him a moment to realise what the candles spelt out, his look of curiosity quickly turning into mischievous as he snapped his head to Jisung.
"Han Jisung, want to explain why the candles spell out '52'?" Chan smiled innocently, walking over to the quokka who was quick to try and scramble away watching the leader hold his arms so outstretched towards him. Curse Seungmin, now the blame was all on him! Eventually, the younger was cornered against the wall, shaking his head and sputtering out apologies in a hurry despite having not even done anything, he just didn't want whatever the leader was planning to punish him with.
"Remember when you said you had a gift for me? I have the perfect idea of what I want." Bangchan chuckled lowly before lunging directly at Han, who screamed bloody murder as he tried to get away from the older's clutches. Alas, he wasn't strong enough, his arms eventually giving out and letting himself be dragged away to what he thought were the pits of hell itself, it really just was the couch where Chan continued to seemingly innocently cuddle the younger, who had his back pressed against the kangaroo's chest.
That was until he felt a cold breeze hit his tummy to realise it was too late to stop the inevitable. With a loud squeal he crashed back into the older's chest, feeling an unbearable tingling sensation as he felt nails clawing gently and squishing at his doughy tummy, making him screech and cackle. The quokka tried his best to push at the kangaroo's hands to no avail, it made him regret eating all the cheesecake batter from before.
"HYUHUHUHNG! WHY?! P-PLEAHAHAHA!" The younger wails out, kicking his feet in the ticklish agony which only brought him closer into Chan's chest, making him chuckle lowly.
"You're going to be my gift, since I'm 52 this year, why not we go with 52 minutes? Hm?" Bangchan coos softly right into Jisung's ear, making him squeak and shudder away at the warmth breath. His eyes cracked open in surprise at the words he just heard, 52 minutes of this?! Han prayed that his funeral would be ready once this was over as the words rang soundly in his ears.
Another squeal tore his throat when those long nails found their way to the little blob of fat he had that curled cutely when he sat, kneading, scribbling and poking around the area. Now he knew why Changbin screeched whenever the members went around the area to be a reminder of how adorable he was (hint..), it drove the poor quokka absolutely ballistic.
"GAHAHA! NOHOHO! HYUHUHUNG NAHAHAT THERE!" He squeaked and squirmed, trying his best to pry the hands that tortured his tummy endlessly that seemed to be glued to his bare skin, stamping his feet onto the couch in a desperate attempt to somewhat relieve the sensations.
"Cutie with a pudge on their tummy, just like our dear Binnie! Hm, maybe someday I'll see both of those adorable little patches of skin..." The older smirks at the way Jisung's face turned a bright red enough to be an apple, hiding it away in his hands. If he couldn't stop the invading fingers, why not make them useful? Alas, Bangchan didn't like what was happening, shoving those torturous fingers right into the younger's armpits, digging cruelly in deep circles right in the middle, causing his arms to snap right back to his sides with a shriek.
"NAHAHAH! I CAHAHAN'T! HYUHAHAHAH!" The gummy smile was now right on display for Chan to admire, making him smile with admiration as Han's eyes crinkled with the ear splitting grin, tempting Chan to imitate along with him.
"You can't possibly be tired! There’s still 47 more minutes of this…” The older feigned being upset, pouting at Jisung’s demise, well if he could see it anyway. The quokka only desperately shook his head, he knew that timer wasn’t going to last, trying to roll away, arch his back away from those stupid fingers that tormented him to no end.
“There’s that gummy smile, now what if I..” Nothing would’ve prepared Han for the ear piercing shriek he let out when he felt lips attach right onto the top of his ribs, those fingers kneading and drilling right into his hip bones. He threw his head back onto Chan’s shoulder, tears of mirth streaming down his face as he laughter turned raspy and hoarse. He bucked his hips when they went right into the dip, knuckling roughly as those lips felt like they blew forever.
Eventually it all came to a stop, Bangchan simply settling for continuing to cuddling the quokka with a bottle of water in his hand for the both of them, peppering his face in more kisses to dry away the tears. Jisung of course tried to fight against that, but seeing that fingers drummed against his sides whenever he tried, he knew there was no point in trying.
The members rushed into the room right after, throwing confetti absolutely everywhere that narrowly missed the cake, also throwing themselves onto the duo in the process. Cake was shared, giggles were among the members, and most importantly,
Chan had the best gift of them all, care. And maybe Jisung had snitched on who really wrote those candles, eager for revenge.
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
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some plain old good stuff baby
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jerrsterrr · 1 year
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moondoodle but he's doing the mr beast pose and i didnt realize until it was too late
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gimgerrat · 3 months
I FINALLY WROTE MORE HORIZONS X MHA AU LIKODOT FLUFF!! ヾ(≧∇≦*)ヾYIPPEE! So theres two one pre getting together and one post.
~~~~~~~Freckles (pre-relationship)~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey Dot?" Liko vacillated figdeting with her hands "Hmm?" hummed the Hydra as she twisted her head to look at the other hero in training. "I was wondering, Why do you hide your freckles?" Dot stopped walking uncertainty and fear? No that wasn't it fear felt slightly different this was apprehension. 
The nauseating swirl of emotions from Dot made the Liko backpedal "you don't have to answer if you don't want too." Dot huffed, running her claws though her mane. "It's a little... How do I put this? Complicated." turning away from the moth
Her tail swished about as she continued "I hide them mostly because I wouldn't get made fun of." taking a quick glance at Liko who only had focused expression, listening intently to her. "Huh? I don't think I quite understand why you'd be picked on for that," Dot was a little flustered from the sincerity of Likos words and output. 
"It uh-- you see my freckles glow when I feeling intense emotions," the leviathan shifted on her feet "and uh the others picked up on it made fun of me or hurt me to make me glow" the lizard shrunk in on herself before she spluttered the next part "they thought it was funny, they did it over and over again, so I started hiding them so they would stop." 
Liko was horrified at that, every fiber of her being wanted to find those kid and teach them a lesson. "Well those people are awful to do such things, it makes me want to UUGH!!" the Hydra was both touched and afraid of the amount of righteous anger coming from Liko. 
The Moth-like girl obviously felt Dots emotions and took several deep breaths to calm down. She took a couple steps forward before spinning on her heel to face Dot. 
She reached out a hand towards her snout, stopping just before she could touch it. "May I?" Liko asked,  antenna perked upwards. Dot stared at her for a moment before nodding. 
Now having consent Liko brushed their hair out of her face exposing the glowing freckles. "Beautiful" a soft mumble sounded from the moth who was entranced by the purple light, “their like little stars” the bioluminescence got even brighter and Liko felt the flustered emotions from Dot. She was about to pull her hand back but the leviathan grabbed it, keeping it on her cheek and leaning her head further into it. In response the bluenette had begun to stroke her hands through the hydras mane, enjoying how soft it was. 
Not long after she did this she heard a deep rumble originating from Dot. ‘oh my god, ohmygod she purrs, how cute!!!’ unbeknownst to Liko her internal squealing translated to her squeaking happily out loud, causing Dot to pull away embarrassment and shame burning through her. The leviathan cleared her throat “we should probably go home…” Liko felt incredibly awkward,  “that's probably for the best.”
~~~~~~~~~First Flight (Post)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Standing in one of UAs many training rooms, Liko had squeezed Dot's hand in anxiety. “I'm scared, what if I fall?” the Hydra squeezed her hand back, brushing her hair behind her ear that had fallen into her face. “don't worry this room is pretty padded so it won't hurt much and besides I'll catch you.” Liko wings fluttered with her girlfriend's earnest vote of confidence. 
The moth took a shuddering breath, nodding at them before moving away to prepare to take off. “ok, I can do this,” unfurling her wings, giving them a couple test flaps. “You got this Liko!! I believe in you!” Dot shouting reassurance from where she was, that loosened her up a bit making her even more determined to go airborne. 
The first few attempts failed, only getting a few inches off the ground. “That last one was good, you almost got it, relax and you’ll get it!” Likos heart warmed, she loved how supportive the leviathan was. She extended her wings again thinking about how amazing Dot was, giving a few powerful beats of her wings to get off the ground. Though Liko wasn't focused on flying,  no her mind had drifted off to the serpentine girl. They’d only started dating a few days ago and yet she was the happiest she had ever remembered being. 
“WOOOO! YEAH! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!” Dot's ecstatic voice snapped Liko out of her thoughts. She was flying, she was really flying! The moth-like girl let out a whoop in delight, soaring around. She did some simple maneuvers even performing an aileron roll. Somehow just being in the sky felt right to her, like she was complete. Well almost complete as she spotted Dot on the ground, waving her hands at her with a bright purple glow. 
She felt a sudden urge to be in her arms and wanted to share her joy with them. So that's what she did. She made a dive towards her not thinking about the fact that she didn't know how to land. Liko was approaching the ground fast panic searing though her as she couldn't slow down enough as Dot rushed to catch her. 
Liko collided with the serpentine, knocking them both to the ground. “Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you ok?” the moth fretting over Dot pushing a little energy to her to heal any injury that she might have sustained. The hydra only let out a guffaw seeing Likos wings buzzing in worry. “Huh? So you did fall from heaven, glad to have that confirmed.” they quipped with the largest and proudest cheshire grin stretched across her features. Dot only laughed harder when Liko gave them a light smack to the arm out of embarrassment. “DOT STOP THAT WAS SO CHEESY!” The winged girl managed to sputter out between fits of giggles. 
Their laughter and joy petered out as Dot sat up to cradle Liko in her lap better, wrapping her arms around waist. They shared adoring gazes, Liko leaning her head on their shoulder letting out a sigh of content. If being in the air felt right then being held by Dot was on a whole other level. The two stayed like that for a while basking in each other's affection, with the only thing breaking the comfortable silence was joyful squeaks and throaty purrs. 
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austajunk · 25 days
For the character ask game: 2, 3, 7, 8 and 12 with Chiaki Nanami and/or Hajime Hinata
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
With Chiaki, it's so hard to pick one thing, but I do think that it's her being this embodiment of love for all video games. I know that's probably really simple and all, but I really connected hardcore with Chiaki seeing her treat games, even bad ones, as these experiences that should be loved and treasured. Especially when she can't connect with her fellow classmates half as well. Finding solace in character and games when you're lonely and stuck as the gamer and nothing else really meant a lot to me.
With Hajime, my favorite canon thing is his arc in general. There's a lot to be said about how he lives in this world that is trying so hard to make him a cog in a machine and that he wants to be so much more than that even when he isn't special. And that's crushing. The world doesn't value him. Like how it doesn't value a lot of us in society. To see him come to realize that he still has himself and his future was a beautiful concept after all he's been through. I could talk about it forever. It was the right type of message that I always needed.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
That both Chiakis are dead. But pry them from my hands, Spike Chunsoft and Kodaka. Ya can't.
With Hajime... hmmm... I suppose it's that we never get to see him interact with Nagito during Despair Arc outside of being Kamukura. Darn.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I like that they draw both Hajime and Chiaki with huge tits. I think that's just amazing. Especially when they put them beside their flat-assed and flat-chested counterpart in Nagito. Whahahahah!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Golly gee, the fan base loves to ignore what a deep and amazing character Chiaki is, her amazing foils to other characters like Makoto, Nagito, Kamukura and Junko, and always wanna say she's a Mary sue. God forbid you invest in a character beyond seeing her as a trashable love interest. *gripe gripe*
With Hajime, I get annoyed at that joke that when Chiaki disappears at the end of Future Arc, so does his "heterosexuality". Bi people exist too, pricks.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
In tradition of my blog, my mind goes to dirty things first. I think Chiaki is really amazingly good with her hands skills. She can play the drums, learn guitar easily, and use those fingers for so many dextrous occasions. Fufufuf.
As for Hajime, he drinks his milk and has those tits to back it up. And definitely has tanned nipples. Pretty things. 😍
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sebsxphia · 1 year
if u could, who are some mutuals u would want to meet/hang out with?
oh fantastic question dear anon! 💌
my little day care gang, @beachbabey @spookymuldersfiles @mangokitkats because! we hopefully have plans in the future to actually do this in real life and enoch absolutely counts because i’ve stayed with them on three occasions now and i will continue to forever 😌💗
and then on top of that, @peachystenbrough @rhettabbotts @bobfloyds @lewmagoo @bradshawsbitch @sunblchdfly @wkndwlff @sandbarbirdie @sushiwriterhere @sugarcoated-lame @nobody7102 @castiel-barnes @rhettsbucklebunny @damrlova @bro-ooke, i feel like we all just need to sit in a room and scream about lew’s characters?? yeah?? you feel me?? that’ll do it! 💗
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soulaanadelrey · 3 months
But like would you lure me into your apartment, make me huff chloroform (love potion), and chain my lifeless body to your bed so you can torture me for 24 hours? Or are you normal?
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agropuff · 6 months
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
God this story has become so tragic, THANKS AFTON YOU JERK
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this is who youre yelling at smh
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suguboos · 11 months
so... i'm writing
hualian being horny while feeding each other's strawberries with cream, what does my tumblr followers think ?
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posting this here so i reprimand myself and force my brain to finish this. i want them doing it. now.
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