kevotsuka · 9 months
Dorna Producciones Presenta:
"Pasión de MotoGP"
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hellaephemeral · 1 year
fuck marry kill: sanji. tomura. narumi :))
i- so you woke up and chose violence today???? 🥲💔
i can't believe this. i am speechless. i am shocked. i am heartbroken. i am dramatically sliding down the wall sobbing screaming punching the ground gasping for air.
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^^^^me rn fr
i'll need to kill narumi...i have to?? this is violence against bbgs this is illegal. i'll go to jail for this one.
and now....loml 1 and loml 2....this is insane. there is a natural order here and it's getting disrupted. because look look look.
shiggy is my favourite, i will forever be loyal to him. him and me are soulmates frfrfr. it's us against the world. buuuut is he marriage material? nooo. he is bf material for sure and he's- 👀😳🧎 but shiggy wouldn't want to marry me. he doesn't believe in marriage 🙏 and i love him sooo much so i need to respect that. 😔 and sanji is just??? such a malewife?? he is made for marriage. he already IS my husband. we're already married 😭 i would marry him FOR HIM because he wants to be married so bad i just know it.
fuck shigaraki, marry sanji, kill...narumi (bbg slaughter is illegal actually)
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xxclone-dannoxx · 9 months
help... i think im falling for you..
You fell? Then get up, idiot.
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noblesseofish · 7 months
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february 15th is chaos's birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
for once i actually drew this three days agooo ψ(`∇´)ψ kura discovers actually getting stuff ready before the deadline HHSHSHSHSHS
haruka (with a very nostalgic 2016 dress design by @atelierrox) has thrown him a super cool party that i'm sure he'll appreciate a lot!!! q(≧▽≦q) just like the wonderful shirt he got from antam!!!
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eggcatmaki · 1 year
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Mary from the Ib game!
Digital (left) is from now, and traditional (right) is from 2020! Finally finished all the redraws, only took a month :PPPP I plan on making more Ib fan art in the future!!
This is posted earlier than on IG because I love this drawing (and the Ib game) so much hhshshshsh
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Logan the one Paul we don't want in wwe
I've come to terms with Logan and I'm at a level of not really hating him but he's just kinda there, I don't really care if I'm being honest but this is funny 😂😂
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snoopcco · 5 months
THEME IS THEMEING 🍵🍵 i love the green sm omgggg 🫶🫶🫶
DIAAAAA omg why is this such a compliment coming from you HHSHSHSHSH I’ve been fixing it back and forth bc your girly is the most indecisive person to ever exist on this world 🤬 ok thank u my dia love u lots 😎
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ladychlo · 2 years
did she tell you it was an awful joke and now casillas is saying he was hacked because of the backlash from the lgbt community? a lot of football players are closeted so for him to joke with that… awful 😭
No hhshshshshs my mum is not on that moral compass but ofc it is a fucking horrible joke to make, but gosh homophobia is sooo soooo normalized in the football game dont let them fool you with the rainbow laces and rainbow captain armband lol
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trashlike · 4 days
avoiding it lol
this is how i communicate thru asks on main so i dont hit post limit hhshshshsh
lmaooo so valid
i dont think ive ever hit post limit before??
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monochromatic-ahhhh · 3 years
i like how in the previous part i said "i wanna see how far i can go" then i proceed to just....not go HSHSHSHHS this is fun tho i have to admit
See i | See ii
"You...you don't remember anything, do you?"
What the heck is she dreaming right now?
"No. No no no, I-I thought you would be immune-"
He's still talking, but she isn't paying attention anymore. Is this seriously that kind of scenario? 'She lost her memories, oh will she ever regain them', why on earth would she dream that?
Suddenly, she felt literal weight on her shoulders. The teenager boy's hands brought her to be all ears.
"-ody, listen to me. Trust me, okay?"
Their eyes met. His was brown in color, but dark enough to be considered black. It feels weird that she was paying attention to that.
"This is not a dream. I swear. This is not a dream."
She looked to the side. Sure. She'll totally believe that.
The boy retreated his arms and crossed them.
"Mel, don't you dare not believe that," he said in a scolding tone.
Alright, then. Hold on, Mel? Is that her name?
"Yes, that's your name."
He nodded as he replied. Okay, cool.
Wait a second.
She abruptly turned right to where the boy was sitting, shocked at his response.
"Hey, hey, it's okay!"
He held up his hands, signalling surrender.
"I'm not a mind reader, okay? Calm down. I just figured you didn't know what your name was, and I've been calling you Mel for a while now. So, yeeaaahhh."
Admittedly, that was a big part of why she was shocked. But what she wanted to address was the name. That's not her name. Despite staying silent under the presence of this stranger, which is what seemed like common sense, she opted for him to know.
"Actually, it's-", she paused.
Haha oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-
She can't remember what her name is. All right! So she does have amnesia, and this isn't a dream after all?
"What is it?"
The other person seemed to have noticed her stressful thinking. Weirdly enough, this guy seems nice, friendly and.....familiar.
Why does he look familiar?
Maybe she should just go along with it. If this is a dream, she'll wake up soon enough. If it isn't, she just had to make sure she can trust this young man.
"I was just wondering," she started to say, which immediately urged her need of food and water, "if it's not too much to ask, can you prove that I can trust you?"
She then proceeded to mentally slap herself, because why the heck did she ask for her freaking security so politely as if she'll take no for an answer.
She forgot this person, so he could either be a friend or a foe. He stayed at her bedside and didn't look like he slept at all. When she first saw him, he looked like he was just crying. So maybe they're close enough for him to be this deeply concerned. This boy also feels familiar. That alone is enough to conclude that she definitely stumbled upon this person before. But can she trust her gut feeling that screams 'He's very trustworthy'?
She should've slept it off. This much thinking is tiring her out. But as much as she wanted to completely disintegrate from exhaustion, she had to wait for his reply.
The maybe-not-a-stranger looked like he was thinking, but he definitely knows what to say. Maybe there's so much to say that he doesn't know what to state first?
"You," he finally said, "..you think bracelets and necklaces give you bad luck so we got matching earrings, instead."
That was such a ridiculous piece of information she cannot recall, but somehow she knew he was right.
He parted the ash-brown hair covering his ears to reveal small silver earrings shaped like puzzle pieces. Small silver earrings that she recognized. A pair of puzzle pieces she knew would connect with another.
The other pair they'd join with would be rose-gold.
She reached for her ears feeling for whatever decorated them. She couldn't see what they look like, but they felt like small squares. Puzzle pieces. Her earrings.
Her face must have failed to contain how awestruck she is because the person beside her, who witnessed the whole thing going down, tried holding in his chuckles. He then asked a question as if he knew how she would react to it.
"Do you wanna try and piece them together?"
Instead of stating coherent words as a response, she looked at him excitedly. Her realizing what had to be done caused her to behave.
"I can't take my earrings off without a mirror though," she stated, sounding more downhearted than she intended.
"I can take them off for you," he volunteered, "o-only if it's fine with you, of course."
He turned away at that last bit. Strange. He looks kind of pink, now.
"I'd actually like to go home first."
...is what she should say.
She should go back to her family because....well, because. That doesn't really need justification, does it?
But eventually, the words that came out of her were, "I'd actually like to go see outside first," as if it would be a place she could never recognize.
"Ah, of course! Don't worry, we'll move to a...more suitable and comfortable place soon," he said as he guiltily scanned the room like a butler who failed to provide the needs of the long-lost princess. "I'll just check if it's safe to go out yet-"
Dings and annoying vibrations in his pocket interrupted him.
He hastily took his phone out to check whatever caused it to make such a fuss. From the extreme and ironically careful scrolling the boy is doing, she assumed he was reading an abundant number of messages sent to him at the same time. Or maybe he didn't read all of them because he returned the phone to his pocket with a gentle smile on his face, perhaps satisfied with atleast one of the texts he received?
Considering his smile as the sign, she got off the bed and fixed up her hair with the gray hairtie she had on her wrist. The other person in the room seemed to be surprised.
"Something wrong?"
He smiled softly. "It's nothing, really."
There's definitely something. But before she could say anything, he went for the doorknob and frantically gave an explanation she never expected.
"Okay. So this might be crazy, but don't freak out. There's definitely a lot of things that won't make any sense and beyond reality but I promise I'll explain everything."
Well, that's comforting.
He took the lead and turned the knob. "You ready?" he asked nervously.
She shrugged. How bad can it be?
Apparently, she could never even imagine how bad it is because as the door opened to unveil what kind of view it was blocking from her sight, she threw away every hope of maintaining her sanity.
She has henceforth concluded that she has lost it.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Why is our projects like this- ;;w;;
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choco-mark · 4 years
fic titles: flamin’ hot cheetos
title: flamin’ hot cheetos
“get those god fucking disgraces to the earth away from me!!” renjun yelled, backing away as you brought the firey snack closer to him. “stop!! this is a violation of the law!!!”
“it’s good!!”
“it’s deadly!!!!”
please don’t send any more titles!
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rabidline · 3 years
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Shoma Uno at the 2021 World Team Trophy Gala, April 18, 2021 (x)
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wulfhalls · 5 years
season8! Jon: "Sansa thinks she is the smartest imao." *season 6! jon jumps out of a bush & strangles him*: SHE IS!
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seonghwah-remade · 5 years
im rly ..... holland is coming to berlin in december. day6 in january. nd ateez in march. stoooovovvvvjdjd i cant see all of them
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kumatora770 · 2 years
Hi I luv you so much - when I see you on my blog it makes me happy. I love reading the tags on your reblogs it makes me feel validated and you're super duper cool thank u!!!
I LUV YA TOO DAWG!!!! I'm so glad peeps likes my tags!!! But I'm even more glad dat peeps post rad art ta tag!!! Includin ya!!! And ya're totes gnarly too!!! I lomve complimentin peeps!!! And I mean my compliments too!!! Sometimes I gots a full head and can't make out what ta say so I do stuff like hhnnnngggg and hhshshshsh, it's not keyboard smashin, it's sounds!!! Have a radtastical day bruh!!! Bb
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