glame · 2 years
summary : you and Jack broke up in end of 2021 and you isolated yourself from the America life. didnt walk for any brand or didnt appear on any campaign, advertisement. finally you got out of your shell and guest to the James Corden.
A/N : nothing much.
while Urban changing chanels to watching something interesting in the middle of midnight Jack called him from the kitchen and CBS is on on the TV. he didnt mind. he didnt even care what was on TV and went to the kitchen for Jack and some snacks of course. meanwhile the advertisements ended and James Corden showed up, opened the show and invited the worlds most paid model, you. that moment when your name told by him Jack heard him and your voice. Urban and him looked each other.
''is this a halusination or am i hearing Y/N?'' he asked his best friend.
Urban looked to the TV from the kitchen. ''dude she is on James Corden.''
''no way!'' he got out from kitchen and sat the couch in front of the TV.
''Jack just shut it down youre gonna text or call her again when it ends.'' Urban scoofed.
''no! she didnt even post anything anywhere and now shes on TV. again. i have to watch this.''
''Jack cmon! youre gonna go insane. just leave her and leave yourself. you said you hate her. its ridiciolous.'' Urban knows what is gonna happen, this episode is gonna drive him insane and hes gonna try to reach you and you two gonna fight… same old shit.
''why the fuck wouldnt i watch her? whole world would watch her but me. no. no way. i moved on. nothings gonna happen after this show. trust me Urb.''
''im not gonna save your ass from anyone. know it. do what you do.'' he sat on the couch.
as they were fighting you and James talked a little.
''we thought we lost you. like you bored all of the things and run away. dont blaming youre in this celebrity life since you were a baby.''
''yeah, 2022 wasnt the best year for me.'' you laughed. ''i had a lot.''
''yeah we missed you. your first appear since 2021's end, right?'' James asked.
''i choose you for this.'' you smiled.
''can you tell us, what did you do when you were away?'' of course he knows the reason.
''i was awful actually.'' you laughed again. ''everywhere felt im not for there. LA, NYC… i got houses in there but it didnt feel right. i went to Italy. my family. my dads have a farm in there… yeah, i can say farm. huge area. seaside. i had sea. literally. they supported me. we did farm thingz. horses, plants, flowers, veggies and fruits. swam. their friends, my friends. late night swims, crystals, games, fashion shows, i helped them for designing. it was such an isolation.'' you smiled. ''some friends came for concerts. you know Marco and Christian are the best dads you can ever have!'' you blowed kisses to the air. referrancing to your dads.
''but you turn into an alcoholic and a smoker.'' James laughed and screamed.
''no!-'' you were smirking suddenly missed these days.
''i heard you smoked ten joints in a day!'' he was surprised.
''over ten actually. but im doing better. two or maybe three is enough right now. and alcohol was like a water. specially if your best friend has a tequila brand!'' you screamed. ''yeah, but dont put yourselves on any more stress babies, not worth to your mental health.'' you took a sip of the coffe.
''where are you staying right now? youre not homeless, right?'' James laughed hard.
''thanks God, no. California. after farm life NYC is so hard. at least i have a pool and a big ass garden to throw parties.''
''yeah, your recent parties. we saw someone different than your usual friends. we know you have a bond with Hadids, Jenners, Kardashians, Biebers, other models and singers but Michael B Jordan. and you looked pretty close.'' you blushed. ''oh, i can see now. youre blushing!''
''i am not!'' you laughed.
''oh really?'' he laughed and yelled. ''we saw dances, photos, videos, sharing the drinks, feeding each other. what are you gonna say that?'' yeah, it made you blush again.
''i have new people around me and thats right but you cant catch me James Corden.'' you winked and James hardly laughed.
''in your dreams Y/N… in your dreams.''
''friend of a friend. the new people youll se around me are friend of a friend. so you can call them Y/N's new friends.''
''except Michael, include Michael?'' James asked.
''he is my biggest new friend. you know.''
''what the fuck Urb she is fucking actors now?'' hes breathing from his nose.
''it has been a year and a half Jack. of course she moved on like you.''
''yeah. i moved on.'' he mumbled. but he didnt move on. its a lie.
''then why you act like you dont want her to move on?'' it was obvious. Jack always make movements like he dont want you to move on. well, he doesnt want you to move on. he wants to be the one who move on.
''im not acting like that. fuck. i want her. i want her since we broke up.'' Jack ate a few grape. ''when she found someone?''
''when you were trying to proof the whole world that you moved on her. but probably she didnt even see them.''
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momoshin · 3 years
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when ryujin wasn’t present. yuna was in charge of important decisions, but because yuna was with ryujin almost all the time, it basically meant you were in charge most of your wife’s absences. which also meant if something went wrong in her absence, you’d be the one to break the news to her.
now, yuna and ryujin didn’t take much days off, together or apart, ryujin only took days off if she wanted to spend time with you, not that her job didn’t allow her to do that anyway, but point being made, they rarely take days off. and you always suggest they do, not because you wanted to get rid of them or anything, but because you want your wife to relax, yuna too. so you insist on a day where nothing was scheduled, they weren’t really needed and all they would do is sit around your and ryujin’s home producing exaggerated sighs and complaining about how bored they were. so you sent them off, something about riding horses that yuna said.
you do some relaxing of your own, at home of course. and all is well until four in the afternoon, where one of ryujin’s many men come up knocking your door with a shaky voice. “ma’am.. i think you should come downstairs.” you’re concerned, of course, because even though you are in charge while the cousins are gone, they’ve been taught to solve things on their own and only come to any of you if there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.
when you come down, you see a man in about his thirties, sitting in one of your fancy chairs, ryujin’s pick. and in front of him, stashes of what seemed to look like some sort of powdered drug. you know him. hyunwoo. he’s the one who always tries to defy your wife when doing business, he thinks the slight age gap and being a man give him an advantage. which is probably why he came here today, when you’re alone.
“got shin’s order” he shrugs, and you can visualize it, ryujin and him yelling at each other, the vein in your wife’s neck popping as she stresses out for the fifth time that she is done with him and he no longer works for her, that they will provide no more protection for him and any other leader out there is free to bite at him if they want to. but you just can’t do that, you can’t have her stress about having to cut ties with him for your safety after the whole fight with him, so you try to solve it on your own.
“funny. i remember my wife specifically kicking you out of our house two weeks ago..” your arms are crossed, your eyes almost shut, it’s the poses your mom always made when she wanted to appear intimidating, and, it worked for her, why not work for you?
“no, no, sweetheart, you got it all wrong-“the man waves his fingers up and tuts
you scoff “just get out. and take your shit with you”
he huffs, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “you’re gonna take this, put it in your little back room until shin comes back and tell your wife i’ll be expecting cash.” he’s just about gotten up, faced the entrance and given his first step on his way to the door when you take the gun provided by one of the guards and press it against the back of his head.
“since you don’t have intentions of taking it back with you” you start, already extending your hand to whoever is behind you for your phone, their phone, whoever’s phone, and even though they most likely had it saved, dial ryujin’s number from memory.
“hi, baby. sorry to interrupt.” you cut it short, knowing you can make up for it later “hyunwoo’s here again. with more of his cheap drugs. he says he won’t take orders from me”
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” you can hear the grit through her teeth, and you can imagine the hand on her hip as she looks up at the sky and sighs deeply. “im on my way”
“and babe?” she adds
“next time he defies you. blow his brains out”
“got it” you chuckle, hearing her say her goodbyes and that she loves you, which even with a pain in the ass as deep as hyunwoo in front of you, you said back. “sit. the fuck. down”
he’s not stupid enough to disobey, because he knows you’ll shoot without remorse. so he quietly sits back down, glaring at you as you sit in front of him at the edge of a coffee table, crossing your legs and leaning over them with the gun still in your hand, still pointing at him. “you used to do business with my mom. you saw me train” you chuckle.
“so maybe i just don’t scare you because of that.” you mutter “but im sure you know from the many times you heard me empty out carriers as a teenager that my hand sure won’t shake if i ever have to shoot you”
he opens his mouth to speak, disgusting, proud smirk displayed on his lips— only to stop dead in his tracks when he hears you cocking the gun in your hand. “don’t fucking speak”
“let’s get this over with” ryujin sighs, its been more than an hour, all of which you spent sitting there, pointing at him with your gun and watching his every move. your wife hands someone her bag and ties her hair, taking off her jacket and only keeping a black turtle neck on her upper body as she walks to the bunch of you. yuna following close behind “are you gonna let me kiss my wife hello or are you going to pull some stupid shit before that?”
hyunwoo tuts, fiddling with his rings as he rolls his eyes and turns to look to the side, evidently giving you the space to say hello, not that it mattered, you could wait, but ryujin always liked rubbing it everyone’s face. that you were hers. it’s what you remember as she leans down to peck your lips, caressing your face as she pulls away and grabs her usual gun provided by one of her many employees, tucking it in the back of her black jeans careslessly.
she sighs, squatting in front of him after you move to talk to yuna. “why the fuck are you in my house?”
but he just glares at her, probably racking up his brain for an excuse as he knows that he’s no longer welcome there. “okay, let’s do that again”
your wife straightens up her posture, and surprises everyone in the room when she punches hyunwoo in the face, aiming for his cheek. “why the fuck, are you in my house?”
“i told y/n. i brought your order” he looks at you to emphasize, and ryujin’s pointer and middle finger come up to his face
“hey” she snaps them to get his attention, and moves them side to side between her eyes. “eyes on me. don’t use her name like you fucking know her.”
“and in case you needed me to remind you” she begins, opening and closing her hand as if to release the tension in her knuckles “we culminated a contract two weeks ago” and she throws a second punch, this time to his nose.
“you fucking bitch-”
“i’ll fucking kill you” she grits back, resorting to pulling the gun out with ease and pointing at his head “what’s in them?” she cocks her head to the side towards the stacks.
“you know what’s in it-“ he grunts, fisting his hands as he tries to not think of the pain coursing through his face “same as every time. it’s your go-to”
“that is not my drug” she laughs. “you can tell just by looking at it. that’s not my fucking drug”
“yes it is.” he spits, gathering all his strength to pull out a pocket knife from the inside of his vest, blade in his hand as he extends the handle to ryujin.
yuna and you look at each other, knowing the best thing is not to test a drug that you already have no idea what it’s made of, specially when it’s coming from a guy who’s already plotting against you. but before either of you can say anything. ryujin takes it, glaring at him and cocking her head at yuna who now stands in front of him pointing her own gun. you watch carefully as she stabs it, a small cloud of powder surrounding the knife. it’s only what the tip of her finger can pick up, and you watch her swipe it across her tongue as she glares at him. immediately tensing and holding in a stiff cough.
“you motherfucker” she scoffs with a sour, disgusted face, walking towards him slow enough that the click of her heels against your expensive marble tile echoes between all of you. “i don’t care what the fuck is in it. disappear it from my face. see who else will buy this bullshit before I snap your neck”
when she finds him looking elsewhere, she grabs a fistful of his hair and leans down to talk to him closer than ever. “we have no more business to do. i don’t want you near my house. i don’t want you near my wife, or any person in this fucking living room” ryujin threatens.
“and i don’t want you in chaeryeong’s club either. if i see you or any of your shit in any of my places, i will fucking kill you” she’s furious as she spits the words in his ear “and one last thing—“ she begins
“when my wife tells you to do something. like get out of my house, you fucking do it, you hear me?”she finishes, letting go of his hair and tucking the gun back into her pants. your wife starts walking and without even looking at her men she orders. “get him out of here”
“and take that shit with you!” she adds as she keeps walking, you and yuna following her to her office.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Deal Pt 2
Summary: Clark take you to august to finish the deal.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, Dub Con, BDSM, Toys
A/N: second part to @wolfieash​ ask which is here
Taglist: in reblog.
Smut below the cut.
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"NO IM NOT GOING ! AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF!" You yelled chasing Clark into the living room arms cross and lips pulled into a snarl.
He rolled his eyes at you, you'd been throwing a fit all day.
"Sweetheart, you made a deal, gave him your word... you cant go back on it" he insisted once more trying to convince you.
"Yes I can it was my word! Not yours, I can do what I want!" You huffed blowing some hair out of your face it was hard trying to be serious when your hair seemed to want to stick in your mouth.
"No poppet I'm not letting you break you word , now get dressed we leave in a hour" he said quickly spinning you around pressing you to the bedroom door.
"Fuck you, I'm not going anywhere!" You grunted pulling away from him.
"Tonight love I promise, now go get ready august is expecting us..." he said grinning almost sweetly at you.
"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not going" you stomped a foot at him finally making his brow twitch, jaw tightening in irritation.
He stood taller and let his frame seem to devour the space on the hall making you shrink, shivering as you watched your sweet fiancé become a great predator. A loin or bear?
"Sweetheart enough! Now go get dressed...I laid out your outfit" he ground out severely finally having enough. A deal was a deal... and he wanted your ass!
"Out fit? What outfit-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" You cried entering your room seeing the shear fabric
"That? Its a little body stocking~" Clark said leaning on the door frame arms crossed wearing a huge grin.
"Well I would if I were you because if not there will be images of your naked ass being flown about on the front pages tomorrow~" he quipped with a smirk.
"Yo-you wouldn't dare!" You said voice loosing its bite as he stared at you.
"Wouldn't I? I mean come on love anal's on the line~" he teased and moved up behind you and slapped your bottom hard enough to make you yip and jerk away.
"Now hop to it... You've got 50 minuets~" he called over his shoulder as he exited the room.
In the end Clarks threat of having you mooney metropolis was too much of a threat and you'd showered and slipped into the body stocking...
But you didn't shave! If they were gonna push through with your whole sex for silence deal then they would live with the consequences! No bare pussy for either of them!
Fuck'em.... or don't? Which was preferable
It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it was that you did... a little more then you should have! It frightened you the way you'd enjoyed being used and fought over.
"Oh come on why the long face angel?" August hummed as he opened the glass doors on his rooftop home, the penthouse was shiny sleek and as dark as the man himself.
"Fuck off august!" you grumbled walking right passed him as soon as Clark put you down
"Oh such a foul mouth! We will have to teach you some manners~" the agent quipped as you entered the bare but masculine space, everything was harsh lines and fucked up art pieces of splotching blocky shades of black, red and deep violet.
"Yes she's very snippy today... has been all week, pouting" Clark huffed shrugging. Taking the offered crystal glass with amber liquid.
"Ah we have a brat on our hands then?" August chuckled and walked through the home quickly snagging one of your elbows and directed you to the playroom, not wasting any time.
"Yeah, she doesn't want me to fuck her ass" Clark summarized with a shrug.
"Aww Why not sweety? You loved me fucking your ass? You cried and withered moaning so beautifully~" august hummed into your ear as he pressed you over the threshold into a large windowless room, strip lighting igniting the room in a light red. The devils den so to speak.
"Sh-shut up you prick" you snarled.
Augusts reply was a tsk and he pressed you over to a padded sawhorse and looked to Clark nodding to the ankle and wrist cuffs.
Clark breezed past him quickly securing you down making you curse him, but by this point it was a formality as you had already soaked yourself through.
"Oh would you look at that? Our little brat is eager~" august said with a chuckle and a warm hand probed you lightly making you jolt and try to squirm away.
"Yes I know, she likes denying herself, its strange she knows we will win but Continues to fight?" He said coming around your side ghosting his fingers over your ribs making you shudder.
"Well lets not waste time shall we? I have a few things out ready but first lets get this fitted shall we?" August said menacingly walking around you brandishing a very large O ring gag.
"After all if she's going to throw a tantrum I don't trust her not to bite" he uttered moving towards you.
"I've never thought of using one of those before... it wont hurt her will it?"
"Only her pride Clark trust me even she needs a... dressing down every once in a while" august reassured him.
Your eyes grew wide as the agent approached with the large gag that looked both threatening and enticing, things had been kinky with august but you hadn't ever gone this far into bdsm before. You were scared and still fighting but not as hard? You were curious and being dominated by them last week had... changed you. It had been thrilling to be so out of control.
"Should we... give her a signal or something? Incase it gets to much?" Clark quizzed, he was still all for it but wanted to be mindful of you. He didn't want to hurt you.
"Trust me she's going to love it, but in the case of something going wrong" august directed his attention to you befo4e continuing.
"There is a small desk bell one the inside of the left leg on the saw horse... if thing get too much hit it three times fast and we will get you down" he said seriously.
You frowned as his gaze bored into you, for a second you believed you saw actual concern in his eyes.
It unsettled you, August couldn't really have any feelings towards you could he? I mean this was blackmail!
You nodded quickly to him letting him know you understood.
Then just like that August was haughty again and quickly fixed the gag in your mouth, setting your teeth in the small grooves that was semi comfortable.
"Shes ready when you are~" the agent hummed and stood back.
Clark darted behind you and helped himself to you and august disappeared from sight.
You moaned into the room as your fiancé roamed your folds as if exploring them for the first time.
He was rougher then usual prodding and impaling you fast and hard before slowing and drawing your own arousal over your presented ass.
You withered as Clark used you body, pressing you higher and higher making you teeter on then edge then back away letting you calm down only to work you up again.
"I thought we could... try something... a little bonus for all of us tonight~" you heard august but couldn't see him.
"I'm listening" Clark said as he plunged his fingers back into you harder throwing off your concentration making you cry out.
"I have this" you tried seeing what August had but was too preoccupied with the maddening strokes of clark's fingers as he pounded away at your g-spot forcing you to try and rock on him chasing a high he had already cruely denied you twice.
"What even is that thing?" Cark said not paying attention to you as your body twisted and pulled trying to cum like a desperate whore.
"Here ill show you~" august said and Clarks fingers disappeared from you making you cry out and moan, your pussy tried holding him but it was to drenched to actually grip him.
Then something was pressed into you, large wide and very short.
"Oh-oh fuck?!AH!" You yelped  awkwardly around the gag as the toy settled, curved forward and down pressing on your gspot without being held. There was a large flat expanse resting outside of you to, the toy curved in a large C shape.
"Does that go up her?"
"No no, we just pop her little clit in here~ and press the button!" You jerked as august moved you, thick fingers prodding your clit and sat the engorged nub into a small round dip and pressed a button.
You squealed tensing all at once as you felt a suction on your clit and roared.
"Holy shit?" Clark said in awe watching as you keened and tried throwing you weight around on the toy that was held in place by your muscles clenching to it so tightly... It was bittersweet in a way, your own body holding the sweet torturous device on your clit.
"And it gets better, press that one" you hear a small click and arched moaning out as the egg like shape inside of you came to life vibrating against your insides.
Clark watched entranced as you withered this is what he'd been missing out on? Fuck!
August darted around you and strokes you hair watching as Clark stripped behind you unable to wait any longer as you thrashed about trying to rock into the toy.
"Shh shh thats a girl, now deep breath your wonderboy may be a little too enthusiastic if your doing all that squirming~"
You froze feeling Clark poise himself at your well lubed ass then grunted as he thrust forward splitting you open.
Clark hissed and moaned loudly as the vibrating egg not only made you quiver and tense around him already threatening to flood the place but it also rubbed his cock as he rutted you.
"Oh fuck- thats amazing! I cant- I shit babe!?" Clark didn't wait he immediately began pounding in to the tight quivering body before him.
August chuckled once more before releasing his own belt buckle. Not wanting to let your wails and monas go to waste.
They would work wonders on his cock, offering the sweetest of releases as you screamed onto his cock as he lodged it into your throat.
August was never into men, but he could develop a thing for corrupting this huge perfect man.
For now August would let you and Clark think you were in control of the deal. Let this one final night play out.
But the seed was sewn and before long he knew Superman would return wanting to explore more and more of this little sex dungeon. And then he will strike another deal.
Because August wasn't opposed to making a little compromise to get decent pussy. If he had to share with Supes so be it, it looked like he could teach the kid a thing or two and he would gladly, because he had many more toys to tease you both with~
If things went to plan he'd have not one but two desperate little subs. And he couldn't wait!
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awsugar · 3 years
Frank is like… on the outside, appears to be normal Jersey dad. But his music rips apart your soul and throws it to the ground. His mind is so significant, it’s like the greatest example of how complex humans are……….. I’m having a moment rn. 😵‍💫 And this realization has been made so many times but just…. 😩
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im just assuming both of these are you bc i got them in the same short time frame
i have to say im not positive that i think frank looks like your average new jersey father. if they all appear like that. "on the outside". i think i am going to move.
anyway yea i think frank is so underrated tbh. like not in the way that im going to play his music for people at work when we're doing prep in the morning but i dont think theyd appreciate it for a number of reasons. but like in the way that now that the mcr fandom has dwindled and frank isnt doing solo stuff actively, the group of loud frank iero appreciaters has also dwindled. and i feel like i know a lot of hardcore mcr fans who just dont listen to his music or at least check it out which again im not saying its nearly as good as mcr but i still love it and his lyrics hit like a ton of fucking bricks and he's genuinely so talented....his mind is so significant you're right. like it kind of blows my mind that frank is so talented like at writing lyrics but also like at writing prose? i mean if you want to call ft willz saboi moments prose sFGJHSGF. but also he's a photographer and he's obviously not a trained artist like gerard but he can and DOES draw/paint much better than i ever could (still needing to go crazy over the ap self portrait here) and he's just so creative. on top of the fact that he's a great guitar player and wrote so many killers and integral parts in mcr songs. like i know i know i have fids thats what i thought you were gonna say you stupid fucking horse. but i do feel like he flies under the radar in terms of ppl realizing his talents.
i realize you're talking about his lyrics so yea. his lyrics. i was listening to sewerwolf today and reading along with the lyrics bc spotify gives them to you now and i was like wow yea he DOES have a way with words. he's not just some guitar player whos band broke up so he decided to try out the solo thing like he's an incredible writer and i find his lyrics to be more hard-hitting like. personally and emotionally than gerard's for the most part. which again i love mcr so much more than frank solo even though hes one of my top listened to artists. but gerard's lyrics as i have said on this blog like 239 times are a different style and yes they're incredible and i love them and 'juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo' makes me go fucking crazy bonkers and i want it tattooed on my brain but that isnt like. emotionally devastating to me the way that a lot of what frank writes is.
i just said so much and you sent this last night so you might not see it and if you do see it you might think im insane for going on and on but yea. his mind is so significant ugh.
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blinder-secrets · 4 years
Count For Me
tommy x anxious reader, 2164 words
a/n: i’m not gonna say the reader is having a panic attack specifically, more that they’re experiencing a lot of anxiety, so take that with a pinch of salt pls. i’m not suggesting this is how all anxiety feels or that it can be alleviated like this every time, im just basing it on my own experiences so enjoy!
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You’re sat in the kitchen, or rather, the stairwell to the kitchens. You had every intention of making it there, of sitting at the large oak table in the fore-room, and having tea. Bread. Of letting Frances relax and serving yourself. But, instead, you’re on the last step down, legs bouncing on the balls of your feet.
It can only be described as fretting, incessant worry; your mind is agonising over things already done, over what’s to come next. It isn’t guns, or business, or family arguments that’s got you. It’s something invisible. Unknown, but biting away regardless. It’s sitting on the step and thinking about everything, and nothing — it’s losing yourself entirely, feeling the hand tighten around your throat, the dread, the weight of it in your chest. You sit and you feel afraid. After all you’ve seen in the world, all you’ve been through with Tommy. It’s your own head that works itself against you now, your own commentary that rots your mind in the quiet moments. Fuck. If you said it aloud they’d laugh you out the room. If you told Pol she’d say you were sick, that you needed air and spirits, and none of this Shelby wreckage to pull you down.
‘In the kitchen, Sir.’
Oh, Christ, Tommy’s home. You hear him, direct and toward where you're hiding. From his footsteps, it seems like he’s coming from the opposite wing, so he’ll make it into the kitchen before you ever did.
He calls your name through the hallway. It bounces off the cool tiles.
‘I’m here, Tommy,’ you say back in a false tone; you dread him finding you more than the rest of it.  
You’ve got maybe a minute to collect yourself, but from the way your feet are sinking through the stone of the floor beneath you, that’s not going to happen. He arrives in the kitchen, says your name again. He can’t see you from where he is.
‘On the stairs,’ you tell him.
Once he’s in front of you, your energy spikes. It’s easier to ignore the feeling when you’re with him. He tucks it away for you, somewhat, just a bit. ‘What is it?’ he asks, shaking his head slightly, his lips parted. A cigarette leaks smoke from between his fingers. He’s taken his coat off, but the jacket’s still there. Still dressed like he could leave again at any moment.
‘Nothing.’ You smile. ‘Are you back now?’
‘For now,’ he answers. He steps forward, places the back of his hand against your forehead. ‘Are you sick?’
‘No. Just wanted to sit somewhere.’
He doesn’t believe you, he knows you too well. You still your knees but they’re bouncing again before you can offer an explanation.
‘Tell me,’ he insists, clueless.
Where do you start? What could you possibly say that would make sense. I was going to make lunch, Tommy, but then I sat down here and I couldn’t get up again. ‘Nothing,’ you repeat, pausing to force a swallow. ‘I don’t know, really.’
He takes a drag. On the exhale, he offers the smoke to you, silent but willing to help. You shake your head; it’s not your habit, it doesn’t calm you like it does with him.
‘Has something happened?’ he asks. He’s patient, waiting for you to give him a way in, prepared to go slow when you need it.
‘No, nothing’s happened.’ Nothing you knew of. You were doing fine, going about the day like normal, and then suddenly you weren’t. It had already swamped you before you realised it was coming. ‘It’s just my head,’ you say, forcing the words over a breath that hadn’t quite made it. ‘I think it’s out to get me, Tom.’
He sighs. His lips pour smoke onto the tiles as he looks down. Another stress for him: you sat on his shoulders like the rest of it did, weighed him down without meaning to. You feel yourself rock forward, your head pulling into your chest, like there’s string attached from your chin to your heart and now it’s constricting. ‘Sorry,’ you pant, though you may have said it in your head. It could’ve been a thought amongst the sea and you wouldn’t have known. Sorry for the stress, Tommy, sorry for it all.
‘Hey,’ he says, repeating it firmly after a pause. ‘Hey. Look at me.’ His hand goes to your face, fingers leading your chin upwards until your gaze is on him. ‘Whatever it is, it’s just noise, alright? Just shit in the trough.’
Your lids drop a fraction. ‘Tommy…’
‘No.’ He shakes his head. ‘You’re here, with me, right, in the kitchen. Don’t let it pull you under.’
You don’t want to. You’re scanning him, looking for something to ground you, the gold of his cufflink, the button of his waistcoat. Nothing sticks. You’re trying to focus but it’s splitting your attention again. Filling your head with the noise, the pull, the drag. ‘I think I’m going mad,’ you say. Your head’s so tight you can’t make sense of it.
His brows draw together. You focus on the crease in the skin between them. ‘What is it?’ he asks. ‘Eh? What’s worrying you so much?’
‘I don’t know,’ you answer honestly. It sounds like a plea but it’s all you can give him.  
You feel like a horse on the track; everything’s past you, behind you, loud in the stands and betting against you. There’s a worry to your left but it’s overtaken by the one on your right. So much at once, too often and too fast to know which is the biggest problem, which is the one causing the damage. If you could pluck something out, you would. If you could tell him, it’d be the first thing you did. There isn’t an answer to his question that doesn’t just make it worse — the more you try to put a name to it, or explain, the harder it gets to breathe. You can feel your heartbeat in your wrists.
Swearing, you drop your head again like it’s a lead weight, letting his fingertips drag up your cheek with the motion. ‘I can’t tell,’ you say weakly. ‘Feels like I’m drowning.’ 
The ring you’re wearing sits loose on your index finger; you spin it around the knuckle nervously, forcing a shallow breath each time the ruby completes a loop. If you look at him again you might cry. He didn’t ask for this, he didn’t know what to do with you anymore than you knew yourself.
Clearing his throat once, Tommy puts the cigarette between his lips and bends to grab you with both hands. He takes you by the elbows, thumbs tight on your arms, and pulls you to your feet before you have room to complain. You try to avoid his gaze, but his head ducks and chases your eyes until you give in.
‘Listen,’ he starts. He takes the cigarette out, blows the smoke away before he talks. ‘I won’t let you, alright? No-one’s drowning here.’ He looks certain, dedicated, his eyes dig through yours and back into the noise. ‘There’s nothing going on in there that we can’t sort. Okay?’
You want to believe him, so you nod. The next breath you take swells your chest into his.
‘Come here,’ he says briskly, pulling you after him as he walks you deeper into the kitchen. ‘When we were in France—stand there.’ You’re put by the table. He goes to the nearest drawer, pilfering through the silverware as he continues, ‘When we were in France, they told us we had to count.’
‘To still our hands.’ He turns, pushing the drawer shut with his hip, and files through the forks he’s now holding. ‘Bullets, cards. Saw John counting his teeth once.’
You blink like it’ll help you listen. Everything he’s saying is going in, but bouncing back again. It rattles in your ear canal like coins down a well.
‘Here,’ he says, offering them to you. ‘Count them.’
You hesitate. Then he grabs your wrist, sets your palm straight, and pours the cutlery into it.
‘Go on.’
Mumbling an agreement, you turn to the table and put the first fork onto the wood. One. Two. You hope he doesn’t notice the slight shake along your fingers, the clumsiness as you pass forks from one hand to the other.
‘Do it out loud,’ he guides, as he stands beside you. He exhales, dragging it out and pushing the smoke over your shoulder; you’d forgotten he even had one lit.
‘Three,’ you say. ‘Four.’  
All those cigarettes. Lips barely his unless there’s one between them. They’ll get him one day, you think. The cough will get worse and then it’ll be you, on your own in this big house, you looking after Charlie, you with the ache and the grief and the silence.
‘Stop thinking,’ he chides. ‘Count.’
‘Five, six, seven.’ You sigh. The forks clatter on top of one another. ‘Eight, nine. This is stupid, Tommy. Ten.’ You turn to him, expectant of something else, something more helpful.
He just raises his eyebrows, gesturing for you to pick them up again. ‘Now do it over.’
He nods. The cigarette is extinguished, flicked to the floor and crushed between his sole and the tile. ‘You do it again, and again,’ he lists, ‘until it feels like you can breathe.’
It takes four rounds of it before your chest loosens; four tens, over and over, forks placed down and picked up again as you count. He stands in silence the whole time, his hands in his pockets, his eyes on the table. How he doesn’t tire of it, you don’t know. He clears his throat occasionally but doesn’t say anything until you break the rhythm.
‘I think it’s worked,’ you mumble, taking care as you set the last fork down. ‘I feel better.’
It’s not all gone, but you feel calmer. Stiller. Your hands aren’t as jittery and the room feels big again, cold and empty and utilitarian.
He sighs, heavily, thankfully. The noise loud and partnered with a rough tone. ‘Alright,’ he says. He clicks into motion, pulling his hands free and turning to you so that he can bracket them around your face. His fingers are rough, warm, grounding. The rings stamp your cheeks, cold like ice. ‘What did I say, eh? Nothing we couldn’t sort.’
You smile limply and put a hand to his wrist. ‘Thank-you, Tommy.’
You hadn’t expected him to break through it, to make you pause. Breathe. It’s usually the other way around, you calming him. You sifting through the muck. It had never crossed your mind that it would work in reverse.
‘Next time,’ he says quietly, ‘you tell me.’ His chin dips a fraction, blue eyes laced with intent. ‘You tell me as soon as it get’s too much, alright?’
‘Okay,’ you promise, nodding between his palms. ‘Sorry.’
His lip tweaks slightly. ‘What have you got to be sorry for?’ he asks. Then he tilts up to kiss your forehead and, pulling back, utters ‘my silly girl’ under his breath.
You can’t smile. The question almost loses you again. You have plenty to be sorry for, you think, handfuls of apologies shoved into each corner of your brain. ‘Let’s do something,’ you say quickly, chasing the scatter away. ‘Distract me, please.’
He kisses you, lips firm and sure against yours in an agreement, a promise. ‘I have something to show you,’ he says afterwards. His grip on your face drops and he takes a hand instead, fingers curling around your palm. ‘The new horse is here.’
‘It is?’ You cling to him, put your free hand around his bicep and pull tight to his side like the closeness will help. He looks at you like he understands. ‘Well, show me then,’ you push, almost able to smile into it. ‘She was pretty from what I remember.’
‘Very pretty,’ he agrees. ‘Come on.’
You follow him through the house and across the drive. He doesn’t stop talking the whole way, which is unlike him, but he knows any silence will just cause you to slip again, to overthink until you’re tumbling. You answer his questions, dumb as they are, like he doesn’t already know the answers. You tell him what you had for breakfast, what you read in the paper. He asks, and he drawls, and he comments on the bloom of the roses as you pass them. He keeps going and going, until you’re so wrapped up in him, and the house, and the world outside, that everything else falls quiet. Peaceful. He fills your head with his own voice and you thank him for it. You thank him, and you hold on like it’s the only thing keeping you above the water.
‘You alright?’ he asks, checking once you’ve reached the stables.
‘Yes, Tom.’ You smile, meaning it. ‘I’m with you, remember?’
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Unhealthy Competition Transcript: 8/4/21
Heres the transcript on a google doc if thats easier!
W: What do we want?
R: Burgers!
W: When- When, when do we want the burgers?
R: When they're cooked because if we get them now wait they are actually cooked right now but it would be raw if we immediately gave them out to the customers which is why we DO cook our food.
W: Wh-a what are you on there! They are cooked! Look! Does that not look cooked?
R: I- I mean.. Ah it looks fine it looks fine
W: I’ve never tried one of our own burgers before
R: Oh yeah we should've done that before- a while ago
W: Leme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it leme do it right, I need to get hungry first
R: mhm
W: Let me just quickly slap a Wilburger in there, leme leme just
R: there we go
W: I’m gonna get hungry
R: Alright let's get hungry
W: Wooh wooh wooh, how’ve you been Ranboo?!
R: I’ve been doing good!
W: Have you been vibing?
R: I’ve been doing alright! Yeah! I had a good rest, I’ve had a good day
W: Mhm, mhm
R: So far you know i'm excited to get to working the nine to five, it's a dream.
W: Wait, I don’t make you work nine to five- you just have to work when we run out of burgers man. You’re free to do what you want, this is your- you’re working part time for wilburger- oh it's the horse! We need that
R: OH yeah we should probably, we should probably,
W: I want that horse, aye! Do you know what quackity’s horse is called? Okay I’m hungry now, I’m hungry now, are you ready for this?
R: okay, alright
W: Bread first, burger, mmmm Ranboo… we gotta to better than that
R: Oh, okay
W: Ranboo that's the best burger I’ve ever had
R: Nice!
W: But we gotta do better than that
R: Okay, then to volume two.
W: WE are taking down an entire nation with this burger van- oh sorry competing peacefully outside of this burger van, we can't have just the best burgers I've ever had- they have to be the best burgers anyones ever eaten in their entire lives
R: In any universe!
W: In any universe in any universe at all, at all. You’ve done a really good job of this I know I’ve already said that but yeah
R: Thank you thank you, yeah
W: this is fun, I like this little toy you’ve made, I like this, i'm a big fan
R: I like it too, thank you.
W: I’m a big fan of a lot of things we have done Ranboo. Do you remember they um, boom boy?
R: yeah.. I do remember that.
W: Yeah?
R: Yeah.. I hope it didn't I hope it didn't, it wasn't, hopefully it wasn't too much, I don’t think it was too much
W: Oh I thought it was great I thought it was great man, when you smashed the window and blew up the wall- I’d be pissed
R: Mhmm
W: And I bet that was the right stick it to the man that he needed
R: But, butm you, you wanted that for competition, for business and all that, right?
W:... yeah
R: Yeahhhh
W: Yeahh, hmm, Ranboo I think you’ve taken a side here which feels like a change for you. I’m not used to this, you’re mister not choosing a side you know?
R: Yeah, yeah, because when I looked back especially when- especially after, your talks about Lmanburg and everything I realised
W: Look back on what?
R: You know, when you looked back on like Lmanburg and everything
W: Oh like life and all that
R: Yeah I decided to take a look back on my life and everything and I realised that I mean I’ve been involved in things, but, I haven't really done anything, I haven't really done anything
W: What do you mean?
R: I haven't made anything like, I haven't really, I haven't really done much to alter history, now if you were to write a history book, I wouldn't really be that much you know…
W: Whatttt
R: Involved in it
W: I don’t think, I don’t know what you’ve done, I don't..
R: Exactly, that proves my point
W: But you don’t need to have an impact on the world Ranboo to matter you know? You don’t need to go out, you don’t need to build a fucking effile tower just to be, just to mean something.
R: Yeahh
W: Ranboo, Ranboo don’t get me wrong
R: Yeah
W: You’re talking to me here I think it could be that you, you know, are going out and doing stuff. Look at this bozo
R: What he's doing here?
W: I think it could be that you decided to go out and change you know change this, I think change things for the better.
R: You know it's -
W: Don’t don’t start go out and breaking windows and blowing up walls just because you,
R: Oh no I won’t probably not too much
W: Just because you want to make something
R: This is why I like our little, little burger shop, you know it's small but at least it's something, you know I’ve always I’ve always wanted to go and make something that's gonna outlive me a little bit so I think this, I think this is a good start to something.
W: Mhm mhm
R: It’s a nice little burger shop you know?
W: And man? Honestly, I’m proud of you bro. I know, I know I don't know you very well man and I haven't known you for very long but you’ve done a really good job here and tell you what tell you what?
R: Thank you
W: Have you ever seen the phrase “fruits of your labor”?
R: Yeees, I- I think! I think so
W: Shall we see the fruits of our labour? Cause Quackity, quackitys online
R: I mean
W: Quackitys online, Quackitys here man
R: Oh!
W: We can go, we can go and see and chat with him about what we did. By the way after you blew it up I know you didn't see but I gave him back all the materials because
R: That's good
W: I gave him back all the materials for the wall and I also, I also left him a diamond or two just to say like you know no hard feelings you know?
R: Mhm
W: That it was just for, just you know, to prove a point but um yeah Quackitys here, and I wanna see. Do you want to ride a horse? Here, get on the horse.
R: You want me to uh?
W: Yeah yeah, it's Quackity’s its quackitys horse just a disclaimer
R: It’s quackitys? Oh oh okay,
W: Normally when I come to the las nevadas sign as im not allowed in las nevadas, normally when I come to the las nevadas sign Quackity is the first one to come and tell me to fuck off so lets see, lets go up to the las nevadas sign.
R: Alright
W: Yeah man its half the fun of making something and doing cool things is that moment where um, where you get to see what everyone feels about it now that we are here I promise wait here, I promise you
R: Wait.. wait here? Okay
W: Just you wait… Ready?
R: Alright, i'm ready
W: Um um “boy las nevadas sure is big from up here” just hold on
R: Okay um okay
W: Just give it a second, maybe from this level, hmmm maybe if I take another step, ooh what's that?
R: Oh yeah OH do you remember the cookie outpost thing?
W: Yeah yeah the little thing you built with tubbo
R: Yeah so basically right he got really upset so then I- I tried to apologise and everything because we- there was a little bit of dispute with it but we honestly just decided to really just give up.
W: I mean he hasn't accepted it… look its all in there
R: He hasn't accepted it?
W: Yeah, it's all in there….
R: Oh he said he liked it at least…
W: Is- did I just lie? This guy, Ranboo I swear to god I feel like I understand him, how his brain works, how he how his mind go and then he just, just proves that he doesn't give a shit.
R: Yeahh
W: Which is why I can’t wait to show off what I’ve done, but he's just nowhere to be seen. So this cookie shop thing? What was your intention of it? How would how you don’t pick sides usually but what was your intention with it? When you built this?
R: To give out cookies to people
W: And that was it? And that was your be all and end all hah?
R: Yep
W: Right, well how did you feel about Tubbo doing what he did then?
R: Doing what he did… What do you mean?
W: Well he.. He I heard the stories man I heard about how it turned into more than what it was supposed to be you know?
R: Well I mean that's- he kind of goes above and beyond on a lot of things, you can’t really blame him into make it a castle. That's, that's just you know, you can’t be TOO careful. Especially when you know, he has all the right to be nervous about something going wrong, so no wonder he put all those defenses and everything.
W: Why would he have the right to be nervous?
R: I mean just a lot of things, a lot of bad things have happened to him that haven't really come from his actions
W: Oh so youre talking about.. oHHHH LOOK WHO'S HERE!
Q: Hellloooooo
W: Quackity!! It's lovely to see you man, it's been awhile. How have you been?
Q: How- how long have you guys been here for?
W: I-I just arrived you know I just- Quackity you think I would wait for you? You know you know I’m just a
R: Yeahh
Q: Well I didn't even notice you guys were here. I um have been busy with uh much more important things… so, but hey I mean it's great to see you guys it's really great to see you guys, Wilbur and Ranboo together this is uh
W: It’s good to see you man
Q: What's this?
W: Oh uh Ranboo was just looking after your horse that I um
R: Mhm!
W: That I took a little bit of a joyride, it's a good horse look at it, look how high it jumps man! You got a good horse man
Q: Yeahhh who told you that's my horse?
W: Well it was tied up in your nation
Q: haha no no that's not my horse you just got someones random horse, i think you should probably put it back, I have no idea whose it is That- this is really awkward Wilbur, you should, you should probably put it back
W: Let's go! Let's go dude. I wanted- I wanted to come and ask you a question.
Q: Yeah, yeah what's up?
W: So I don’t know if you saw this? Uh you can’t actually see it, but behind this we built a burger van quackity!
Q: Really???
W: Competition, competition
Q: You built a burger van? Is that what you’ve been up to wilbur?
W: Yeah yeah!
Q: You know all this time you’ve been settled next to me and this- this is uh your big ceration? A burger van?
W: Hey man
Q: Hahah,
W: Rome wasn't built in a day. Small steps
Q: That's true, that's true. Leme take a look. Can you order anything yet?
W: No no, wait lemme- actually let me cook you up something real quick
R: Oh yeah oh yeah, you'll love this
Q: I don’t know if i trust anything coming from you Wilbur, but I’ll I’ll, give it a shot i'll give it a shot
W: Doo doot doo quackity you are so nice to me doot doo doot you never bring up my past doot doo doot Here you go, one volume one wilburger. Take a bite of that!
Q: Volume one?
W: Take a bite! It’s like an NFT Quackity
Q: An NFT?
W: Yeah no one, no ones gonna be copying that!
Q: Why would I bite it if its an NFT, then if it goes away it wouldn’t be worth anything,
W: Exactly Quackity, you can keep hold of it OR you get a bit peckish, eat the bread anyway! The bread is not bad
Q: I’m not hungry, I’m not that hungry right now but hey, I’ll keep it with me
W: At least keep it to appreciate the value, it's my NFT, but Quackity anyway I did want to ask, you have a little restaurant in your town I saw, from a distance obviously.
Q: Do you guys want to take a look? I didn’t want to mention it as I felt like it would have been awkward given that you have your own restaurant- I have my own restaurant, that's the only thing that would make it a little awkward but, you know you brought me to your restaurant and I want to bring you to mine. Can, can I do that?
W: Yeah, yeah man I just want, I just wanted to say sorry if you notice if you notice a bit of superficial damage, I left you a little gift as well, afterwards I sure that's okay. It was Ranboo and I that did that to your restaurant actually.
Q: Yeah yeah I saw it in the signs you, you guys
W: Yeah Ranboo and I did it
Q: Yeah the signs no no
W: I just thought- it it was a little bit of a you could say a misclick
Q: It doesn't seem to be like a misclick. You said MY restaurant was wank
W: I did I did I forgot about the signs, I was talking more about the window- oh
Q: But its fine its fine actually and I actually want to take this moment to thank you guys actually because uh that little destruction you did made me realise that the non tinted glass it just wasn't a good fit for the restaurant so I went with the kind of you know neon look and oh oh yeah the explosion! Right, I uh thank you guys again I was just finishing up this fish tank.
(The fish tank has salmon in it)
This nice little fish tank in the restaurant I think it gives a nice little look, a nice touch you know a nice family touch so thank you guys- this made me realise this needed a little bit of work haha so I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot um actually you know what?
W: what?
Q: You know what Wilbur? Your little game here whatever you did, it made me realise another thing, that my country needs a source of passive income, so I decided to assign a workforce to this restaurant, I decided to hire an employee…
T: Hello!!
Q: Haha! Hey Tubbo!
T: Hey
Q: Tubbo look who came to visit look who came to visit
W: Tubbo!! Man it's good to see you!
T: Hey man this is my new job!
W: Tubbo aww it's nice to see you here man, I thought you were with your, your little snowy town
T: Oh I decided that you know I needed you know a job somewhere to work
W: Tubbo… what the fuck?
Q: Ha ha yep!
W: Fuck tubbo! Why are you, why? Why? Why did you get employed at the restaurant?
T: Why well eh I mean you know? Job?
Q: Tubbo is an excellent employee
T: I- I didn’t know you guys did burgers! I didn't know…
W: I mean, I mean it's - I just dude I offered for you to come and work at my burger van, it was uh hh hh hhhh hugh I told you yesterday- I told you yesterday in the Lmanburg crater and said you should come and hang out and make burgers at my burger van and now your at another burger restaurant after turning down my burger restaurant. Quackity… What did you tell him? Quackity what did you tell him? What did you say man?
Q: Listen listen, I’m gonna tell you this right now, tubbo is one of the best employees I’ve ever had. Me and tubbo had a little talk and we realised he has really great aspirations in life, and he really wants to do a lot
W: mhm
Q: and I told tubbo I would offer him maybe one of the best jobs anyone can have
W: best job
Q: one of the only jobs in las nevadas- tubbo is actually not only an employee but he is managing this place
W: mhm mhmm
T: This is my establishment
Q: Yeah, yeah and tubbo, tubbo now owns it
(note ranboo now has a grass block and is holding it along with placing and picking it up and it pacing during all of this)
Q: Tubbo tubbo now manages this place and he cooks here and makes a great deal of economic prosperity as well for las nevadas uh you should try his food, you NEED to try his food he makes these burgers kind of NFTS wait what a coincidence, it's NTFS as well and he makes burgers, and I like to call it the tubburger
T: The tubburger joint.
Q: The funny thing is we called it the tubburger volume one as well! It's really weird haha our plates are the exact same
W: Shh shh shh, quackity… tubbo, are you? Are you aware we are in competition now? Like this, this, tubbo we have always been on the same side man, we have always been together… your head to head with me now
T: Well I don’t look at it like that, it's not like complicated competition.. .Competition is good for the consumers, it helps everyone!
Q: W- Wilbur you’re taking this a little too far man, I feel like
W: Wai-twait no no I am perfectly
Q: I think you’re taking it too far man!
W: I am perfectly happy with mr tubbo
Q: At the end of the day we are all friends
W: Where did you get the NFT idea from??! Where did ya get that idea from?
T: Fazeclan?
Q: Fazeclan
T: Fazeclan
Q: Fazeclan, wilbur listen I told you this once and I am gonna tell it to you again, thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes that whole renovation came to do because I’m assuming it was a kind of renovation it really made me realise it has more potential then I thought
W: MHmm
Q: And at the end of the day that's what we all need. That's what we need, we thrive, we thrive through competition…. Healthy competition you're gonna make your burgers better and i'm gonna make my whole restaurant better and with the help of seriously one of the greatest people I’ve met in a business like this
T: Aww thank you man
Q: of course, of course tubbo
W: So,
Q: Wilbur, don’t take it the wrong way
W: I- I’m not does it look like im-
Q: to be mad about it, it's good for us it's gonna be happy for everyone
W: I’m happy, I’m really happy for tubbo, I’m happy tubbo’s got a job
Q: Really?
W: Yeah, I’m happy for him. Tubbo you were telling me yesterday how you were, how you felt like you lacked direction, you lacked purpose
T: Yeah I finally have a goal
W: Bro!
Q: That's true
W: How could I be angry about that man?
R: Yeah… that's good
W: Just you know I was just wondering why you chose that over the burger van but I get it Quackity, Quackity is a hard man to refuse.
Q: Mhmm
W: And
Q: And tubbo, tubbo is just constantly looking for whats next whats gonna happen now, and me and tubbo we think alike, very much alike actually, and I don’t know if you remember this but me and tubbo, you remember lmanburg?
T: Yeah
Q: Me and Tubbo, Tubbo was president and I was vice president, this is like lmanburg all over again isn't it?
T: Well- I mean-
Q: This is all a working- work in progress
W: It’s giving me lmanburg vibes
Q: Mhm- sorry?
W: I said yes I agree its giving me Lmanburg vibes
Q: Yeahh. Well listen uh all i'm gonna say is wilbur we are doing our own thing, you guys are doing your own thing and be healthy competition and you know….
T: Well the best burgers win!
Q: Haha- there you go there you go tubbo I agree with that yes!
W: we- yeah Ranboo you agree with that may the best burgers- say it say it
R: yeah yeah, may the best burgers win… yep
W: Wilburger vs tuburger… match match partners against crime
T: Together!
R: No-t not crime we hate crime
Q: Tubbo tubbo you gotta try their burgers sometime
W: Well, well we gotta go we gotta go
T: oh?
R: Yeahh yeah
W: It was lovely, it was lovely hanging out with you guys I - I am just thrilled with the renovations. What should we do next time we hang out?
Q: Yeah yeah
W: Do you wanna we- like
Q: I think I think we should yeah let's set some time apart and talk you and me
W: Yeah let's have a little run through a little run through
Q: Yeah yeah absolutely, and ranboo wilbur, you guys are welcome in the restaurant, las nevadas anytime
W: Wait-
Q: Anytime you guys like
W: Wait, I'm allowed in Las nevadas?
Q: Wilbur, you’re not, you’re taking this the wrong way
W: You told me I couldn't come in
Q: What kind of person would I be to tell you to leave my country. What kind of person would I be to not allow you in my premises? I wouldmt be a good person would I? Wilbur, you are my friend … I would never do that to you. I’m very welcoming, Ranboo come ahead, come inside as well ah this is all this is all healthy competition alright?
W: You’re a good man, you’re a good man Quackity, I’ll I’ll give you that. We got some burgers to flip so we will
Q: We do too we do too
T: Bye guys!
W: thanks for coming, thanks for coming down
Q: Cya guys
W: Cya guys
Q: Bye!
W:Ranboo.. Ranboo lets go
R: Yeah…. Let's go….
W: ooooOOOHHHHH boy ha- ha… ha ahhh ohhh this is good, this is what I want dude dude Ranboo did you see he was trying to act like I didn’t get to him?
R: Mhmm mhmm
W: You see the WHOLE time ohh it's not my horse
R: Geeh I mean yeah I mean he did I’m pretty sure
W: Dude he made an NFT burgers
R: He made an NFT burger- that is true
W: He cares so much he cares so much
R: That was your idea yeah
W: He cares aww man- How did you feel about this Ranboo? I mean dude!
R: I mean it's just burgers and everything so I think it's okay.
W: Eh it's “just burgers”
R: Its okay you know
W: I feel alive Ranboo, I feel alive! Someone is looking at me and talking to me!
R: Yeah yeah!
W: I’m alive I’m alive this is great!
R: Yeah, yeah I mean yeah, I again don’t I have to get used to competition and everything and be out there more with it all
W: I feel you Ranboo I feel you its scary its scary man, especially when we have a long way to go, bridges to cross and one day grab it by the horns and ride it
R: Yeah yeah,
W: And not it's just, it's just you and me against the world. The world being tubbo and quackity.
R: mhm mhmm
W: I mean why would you be against being against tubbo and quackity anywhere? I mean how well do you know Quackity?
R: I- I mean I don’t really know Quackity- Quackity all too well
W: Yeah yeah and I mean what do you and tubbo have you know going on that would block this?
R: I mean…
W: Sounds great to me
R: I mean… yeah yeah I - we kind of had like that cookie outpost we did together and everything it's fine I don’t have to get to it too much I dont um really wanna
W: You’re both businessmen
R: I don’t really ah want to get into it all too much
W: And that's fine. Ranboo I wanted to ask you man
R: Mhm?
W: You’ve had this cookie outpost right?
R: Yeahh
W: Did you like to get up to anything at the cookie outpost? Is there anything…?
R: Ahh, not at the cookie outpost but I do have something else actually… follow me I do- I do have something else…
W: Is it a secret?
R: It's a secret , yes.
W: Should we sneak?
R: Yeah um I think we can just get far enough away I think we'll be fine
W: Where are we going?
R: Into the strip club
W: heh-sh haha haha
R: Comeon, come on let's go
W: ahhaa sorry say that again
R: Into the strip club- we are going in!
W: Lets go
R: I have- I have my little hole in the strip club
W: You got a strip hole?
R: Yes!
W: I’ve never been in here before
R: Well I mean for logs, I mean look at those spruce logs over there, those are stripped. Alright ah perfect it's still, it's still here
W: This doesn't look very hidden
R: Oh its hidden trust me
W: it's very cozy
R: Oh it's very cozy and well if you need to use this for something we can definitely expand a little bit, but probably not too much though because we don’t want to infringe on everything
W: I like this, I mean we can do a little bit now! How about what we do? I like this. I like the wherewithal, maybe we can build a tunnel from here to the burger van. It can be our way in sneaking in from the burger van. aH okay okay you got your finger in a few espionage spies, I appreciate that and no one knows about this?
R: Yeah no one knows about it, yeah I think- to the best of my memory no one knows about it.. There's like a 85% chance that's right
W: That's cool that's cool because at the end of the day we’re- going right now we are the good guys Ranboo, we are the good guys, we-
R: You sure?
W: We-.... yeah! I mean we haven't done anything wrong you know?
R: Yeah
W: we haven't done anything wrong and quackity, quackity done a few things wrong…
R: Yeah yeah
W: hmm hmm is tubbo working full time? What's tubbos deal you know with the burger place?
R: I don’t know I have no idea actually
W: We don’t know we just don't know
R: I Don't know anything about that.
W: It's like how good of an employer is quackity? So I wanted to make sure before I go knowing you have already done a little act of espionage with the strip hole and other things I just
R: Mmmhmm
W: I just wanna, I just wanna say in any case of an emergency right?
R: mhm
W: When we are head to head, you know when- not head to head with each other uh when we are head to head with tubbo and big q and stuff
R: mhm
W: and maybe shits ya know hitting the fan and stuff- I need to know, that we have a saviour card to save the innocent people in this city like tubbo
R: mhm
W: Like fundy and these innocent people
R: So yeah.. So like a plan B just in case anything goes wrong we can save them?
W: Yeah, plan B
R:Okay I'm down for that. What is this- (Wilbur gives Ranboo thirteen TNT)
W: I want you to make yourself useful and..
R: oh
W:Set that up somewhere in las nevadas. I have more, I have more I have another stack if you need it but I think that should be enough to do a marketable amount of damage if you- okay so the problem essentially is that TNT as you know TNT doesnt detonate in water and as you know las nevadas is quite a large majority of water bound. However, quackity really seems to care about the inside of the casino which I’ve peaked in and there's no water in and the outsides of this restaurant section of this spire right? So what you could do is easily make a section in the casino that has a chain reaction under a button somewhere and each one of those detoniates the next consecutive one. It would take a little bit of work, I know quite a bit about TNT, I could help you.
R: Mhmm
W: So
R: o-okay
W: Look dude I’m just letting you know that's what I want you to do. PArt of working-
R: But in most cases and everything it would never see the light of day right?
W: In most cases yeah 100% most of the time maybe it won't happen, BUT if we need to protect the innocent thats what its fore
R: Yeah yeah
W: Yeah you want to protect like fundy, slimecicle, tubbo?
R: Yeah! Yeah
W: So that's, so that's what it's for and Ranboo! I shall bid you adieu, it was a pleasure, thank you for coming
R: Yeah of course!
W: and thank you for being a good co worker, you know?
R: Yeah
W: You’ve done a good job and I can’t-
R: Thank you
W: I trust you will do good work with that TNT I gave you but remember, make it safe!
R: Yeah
W: We don’t want it going off by accident we don't want it
R: Yeah I’ll maybe it very safe
W: Promise?
R: Promise, yeah
W: And you’re gonna tell me where you put the button and you’re gonna tell me where it's set up and-
R: Yep!
W: Okay. Alright, thanks Ranboo
R: Yeah, thanks, I’ll see ya, buh bye
W: I’ll see you around Ranboo. What a nice guy!
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Hey! If your uncomfortable please ignore this ask, but i was wondering if you could write something similar to malcome & marie? Thank you! Happy belated birthday!
Thank you baby! I actually thought about this ask for a bit. As a community we do NOT support or want anything like that in our lives, okay?
But if you as a reader would be uncomfortable with reading this then do not.
this will be kinda very similar to the plot of malcome & marie sooo....
Pairings: Film creator!tom x used to be sex worker!reader
Summary: after a celebration its time for the downfall
Warnings: argueing, slut shamming, smut mentions. Drinking, smoking. Not proof read. TOXIC- suicide mention.
I hopw this is just as confusing as it was in the actual movie, cuz yeah. Pls dont be shy to say something about it. And tbh if it isnt that good to you i dont blame you, its currently 11:16 and i should be asleep.
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You and tom walked in, a wide smile on his face as he danced around and shut the front door behind him. “Baby i did it!”
A faint smile played on your lips as you walked to the kitchen “yes you did, tom. You hungry?” You asked, opening the fridge as he went to go get a bottle of remy and two glasses, the rings shinning bright on his finger. “Yeah, can i have uh-“ he thought, stopping in his tracks and jerking his head as he couldnt think of anything.
“How about pancakes?” He randomly said and you chuckled “pancakes? Really?” “Of course! A sweet treat for a very sweet day” he walked up to the kitchen placing the glasses and the remy down.
You laughed again before taking out the pan, he also got to work by getting out the mix and the water while you got everything else. A cigarette in your mouth as tom helped light it while you mixed up the powder with the water.
“I never knew i could make it so far” he muttered, grabbing the remy and pouring it into the glass, tilting his head back and letting out a small moan from the sting in his throat. “You did a good job”
“Ya know, everyone is so judgemental, like i could walk around with my shoes untied and somebody would fucking give me a glare- or even what you call it. a stank eye” you nodded at his words letting him know you were listening, “but when i made that fucking movie i had all these women just- i cant even explain it” he shrugged, walking around the house with the glass in his hand, a wide smile on his face while you sighed and puffed out the smoke, the sizzle from the mix going on the buttered pan audible before he speaked again.
“They just kept on telling me how fucking talented i am, how i get women so fucking well. I mean goddamn im such a fucking genius” he edged on, cocky as he stomped his feet at his words,’ such, a, fucking, genius’
“Yes you are tommy” you looked down and seen the mix bubbling, taking the spatula and flipping the pancake, shifting and leaning on your right leg as your dominant hand sat on your hip, the other holding onto the cig.
“But it’s confusing. Any other time they would probably fucking- what do you call it” he snapped his fingers before taking a sip. “Aha! Fucking cancel me!” He pointed at the ceiling. “Why would they do that tommy” you lifted your eyebrow, “youre only writing a good story” you sighed, looking at the plates and rubbing a mark that was left on them.
“People now days do it just because....just because their bored- or even because they dont like them- BUT-“ he lifted his finger towards you “they have no reason to”
“Mhm, you should wait for the reviews” you took the cigarette and put it in the ash tray, taking the fire out before putting the pancake on the plate.
“They have to be good! I can make fucking millions off of this” he smiled, quickly walking over before chugging his drink.
“Yes...yes you can” “and then we could buy a fucking island, a boat and even a horse!” He laughed, amazed and he set down the glass before coming behind you, pressing kisses to your neck as he watched you put the batter on the pan again.
“What makes you want a horse?” “What makes you think about reviews?” And with that you shrugged “just because a few reporters and new york news writers like it doesnt mean that everyone will”
“Why are you being so negative? Goddamn you bring the worst out of everything y/n” he let you go, and you looked at him, giving him the famous eyes.
“The worst? How about you go fuck yourself” you said, aggressively grabbing the spatula to flip the pancake. “Go fuck myself? Whats your problem”
You stayed silent, wondering if you should just go outside and smoke another cigarette or hear him bitch and moan. “Y/n you have a problem every other fucking day. I try to talk to you but you dont. You rather talk shit and let it marinate” he rested his hands on his hips and starred at you while you bit your lip and put the pancake on the plate, grabbing the syrup you put the right amount for him before aggressively walking to the table and slamming it down.
Your heels clanking against the floor as you made your way to the bathroom. Leaving tom by his self as he let out a harsh sigh and rubbed his chin, thinking about what he should do before finally grabbing a fork to eat his breakfast.
“You know. You do the same shit every night- you curse me out then the next hour you wanna suck my dick or something” you starred at yourself in the mirror, biting the side of your cheek before you took of the heels, then coming back out.
“How dare you, thomas” you said harshly, walking back to him and watching him eat the pancakes. “How about you be fucking mature and stop eating”
“No. I dont wanna fight” he shrugged, cutting the pancakes fancy before he placed them in his mouth. “Your such a fucking bitch” your eyes squinted as you leaned forward.
His eyebrows raised and he cleared his throat “a bitch?” He let out a loud laugh, tilting his head before coming back “i think we both know whos the bitch here”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” “Oh you know exactly what im talking about” and with that your jaw basically droppped to the floor “why are you suprised?”
“Have you ever thought-“ you caught your words before repeating them “im the reason why youre gonna get millions, if i was never there for you. If you were never in my life youd still be in that house that you hated so fucking much” you walked closer.
“Trust me baby you were apart of it, but you sure as hell werent the main character” “then please-please tell me who else was doing sex for money?” You asked, and he didn’t answer, instead continued to eat the pancakes.
That made you more aggressive, quickly walking to the table and snatching the plate. “How dare you have to nerve to talk shit about me while you eat what i made you”
“Fuck you y/n” “no fuck you!” He dropped the fork, his face becoming a shade of red. “Im the reason why youre in this fucking house right now, im the reason why you have that fucking ring on your finger” you said, then put your fingers on your ring.
“Dont you fucking dare take off that 50,000 thousand ring y/n” “why shouldnt i?” “Because you love me dont you, darling?” that made you soften up a bit, taking your fingers off the ring as he smiled, telling you to come over. He sat you on his lap, taking the cigarette out of his jacket that youre wearing, grabbing the lighter from his pocket.
You put the cigarette in your mouth and he repeated the same action, lighting it for you. “I love you y/n”
“Mhm” you smiled, taking out the cigarette to press your lips on his and he rubbing your hips, the passion over the tension in the room. “Oh well i thought the movie was shit, i uh- couldnt help but think thats not how it ends” you teased with an old grandma accent and he laughed.
“Yeah i did to, how does man get with a prostitute and marry them” he teased back making you both laugh. “The movie felt so real, it reminded me of my friend miranda” you playfully said with a more younger high pitched voice.
And it went back and forth, laughs leaving both of your lips until he pushed the buttons “man she really was a thot” your eyebrows furrowed as he laughed to his self. “Man he really was desperate for a blow job” you said in your serious voice “man i wonder why he hooked up with such a thot”
“I didnt mean it like that-“ “fuck you” you got off his lap and walked back to the bathroom. “Here you go again y/n!” He shouted, and you turned back around.
“Your so fucking selfish” “we werent even talking about that-“ “no fuck you. All you do is say i-i-i” you yelled, words strong. He stood up agitated “you know what you wanna argue, lets argue”
“You gave up on me” “if i gave up on you why would i marry you” “our love was strong in the beginning and then you just-became you” you looked at him up and down.
“That was because i was in love with your body” he smiled “really? Why didnt you just leave me on the fucking street!” You yelled again, “because I thought you deserved better, maybe you should still be in that fucking old apartment with fucking big ass rats running through it, men twice your age fucking your loose ass whole”
“FUCK YOU” you shouted pointing at him “maybe i shouldve used that sloopy mouth of yours to stay on my dick so you could stay shutting up” “NO FUCK YOU THOMAS” and with that you walked away, into the room this time before tom followed behind you.
“Please leave me the fuck alone before i flip out on you, please just leave” “no”
“You know what. I feel like once you feel like you gave everything they wanted and more you expect them to stay with your sorry ass” “oh im not sorry. And thats not true” he shrugged, standing infront of the door as you sat on the bed. “Im so embarrassed to call you my husband” you shook your head.
“Why shouldnt i be embarrassed to call you my wife?” He shrugged again, leaning against the door looking at you. “If it werent for me you wouldn’t be as happy as you are now” “what makes you think im happy y/n! Im really not” “and you think i am?!” You looked up at him, getting up and walking to him but he continued to back up, until you both were in the open hallway with a table in the middle of it.
“I was never happy in the first place” you said, eyes starting to tear up. “Dont give me fucking alligators-“ “do you know how embarrassing it is for someone to tell you to get your own fucking ride home because you wanna fuck someone else?” You asked, your voice changed as you wiped under your eye, smuding the makeup.
“I had to ask Harrison to give me a ride home. I was scared tom” you sighed, shoulders becoming slump. “What if i ran into somebody i fucked? And they forced me to have sex with them again or else theyd report me to the police?” You asked, breaking down and falling to the floor while tom watched, guilt and shame all ocer his face as he leaned against the table.
“I watched you with my two own eyes make out with someone then the next day you asked me to ride you. But you wanna slut shame me for being broke and needing to survive, that broke me so much. And i did it” you choked “i gave consent everytime, brusied my knees from getting on them for you. Just to make you happy. I let you get full of yourself and now its all about you” you whispered and he came down to you, holding you and pressing kisses on your hair while you broke down more, hiding away from him. “You let me stay out there on Christmas day” a frown met on his lips, thinking back on the day and how you were probably reallty cold, he knew you couldnt stand it.
“And i gave consent to getting married to you, your such a hoe” he couldnt help but chuckle “no seriously your a hoe to feeds for attention” you made eye contact with him, and then you both broke into laughs, sniffels leaving your lips causally but easily ignored knowing you feel slightly better.
And with that you both beard his phone ding, well multiple dings. You told him to answer it, check it. And it was a review, he stood up and helped you up, walking to the livingroom before going over to grab the glasses and remy, pouring it in both cups you both took one.
“Alright, this is from whats her name....janice!” He said, sitting on the couch and you sat between his legs in the floor, sipping the drink. “Overall the movie was great. But there was a few things that werent right in my opinion-“
With that his eyebrows furrowed, you played with the carpet as you waited for him to continue, he leaned forward with his elbow on his knee using his thumb to scroll. “I couldnt understand why the character had all these strange things about her, why the sex scenes were that necessary”
“Ding ding ding”
“Shut up y/n you arent helping- i don’t understand how jhon and candy got along and became freinds if they continue to have intercourse. What the fuck are you talking about? Bla bla bla” he muttered, skimming through it “how candy and ron got along? Shouldnt they be together of they clicked so well?”
A small laugh left your lips “me and Harrison? That wouldnt be so bad”
“How in the world did they get married? Honestly the whole relationship is toxic, but i see it as they were to late to give it up, they were already in a too tight knot. Thats not true we are madly in love with each other” he jerked his head at the phone.
“Ms janice does have a point” you cleared your throat a bit. “Y/n please. Ms janice has no fucking idea what shes talking about jhon and candy are in love with each other and they have problems sometimes....well most but oh well its not to late either one of them couldve got up and go”
“Not if one loved more then the other and it was to late to go, janice is right tom” you crossed your arms.
“Do you wanna-“ “no tom i dont. Just speaking my opinion, coming from a woman your being pretty harsh about it” “well it wasnt really about candy-“
“That doesnt make any sense, shes the main fucking character” you looked at him. “It was more on how jhon viewd candy” “then why was candy always in camera”
“Because...” he shrugged. “Your so dumb” you got up and sat far away from him on the couch, he eyed you in confusion “isnt that fucking movie based off of my life. Like im some type of experiment and you solved made something out of it” you dozed off, swirling the remy in your glass. “Im not feeding into this” he ignored you, until you got up and barked at him, which he looked at you as if you were crazy before doing it back “fucking prick!” You stomped off out of the livingroom and went outside.
“Fuckin-“ he couldnt come up with anything before he let out something random “fuckin mood swinger-“ you finally took the time to take off your makeup and dress, muttering words about him “thats why he stinks, smellin like a gorrila- asshole- man whore” you took a bath too, you didnt feel your best at the moment.
Tom on the other hand just took off his shoes and aggressively stomped on the pillows, throwing a tantrum and jumping on the couch and punching air, kicking it until he accidentally fell.
By time you were dont he thought about it “harsh?” He questioned and walked into the room, finding you reading a book on the bed with the night light on and a cigarette in your mouth.
“Y/n?” “Yes thomas?” You looked up at him “harsh?” He asked and you tilted your head at him “i wasnt being harsh about it” “mhm” you shut your book and set it on te night stand, he undressed until he was in his underwear and climbed into bed with tou.
“How was i being harsh about it” you sighed and rested the cigarette in the ashtray, not putting it out just yet. “You arent really aware of others feelings tommy” you said simply. “What does that mean?” He asked, crossing his arms and sitting up next to you, both backs against the headboard and he looked at you.
“It meas i loved you more then you loved me” his eyebrows furrowed at the statement “that cant be true” “tom it is. You didnt say it but you did. You only wanted me for my body. My love and soul came later and i was to blind to notice. That was my bad”
“Loved?” He questioned. “I think i started to love you less and got on a even level with you, then we built together” you shrugged, crossed a leg over your other one and crossing your arms to. He let out a small laugh, “you know i never understood why jhon died in the end and why candy committed suicide” you said and his heart sunk a bit low.
He cleared his throat before saying something “i know you’re afraid of losing me, y/n. I never told you this but ive read your journal” he nodded his head and you bit your lip, knowing every single letter you wrote and how much it sucked thinking back about those days.
“I know how much you loved me but hated me. But something really grabbed my heart. ‘I want to keep tom, hes like my soulmate. My hearts gotton closer by every minute and moment ive been with him. Even though i feel like ive been burned by some of the things hes done, id forever love him. Losing him would be like losing me entirely’”
“I still don’t understand” you mutter, silently wondering how he knew word by word. “I took advantage of that. Because when i was done reading it i knew it was true, it is true. I couldnt feel it in my heart, thats why i picked you up and took care of you. I noticed you really care for me and ive done nothing but asked you to suck me off, i thought i was making both of us happy by giving you what you needed, or wanted. I became so happy when we got closer, you told me about your new apartment and i was so excited, but it wasn’t because of me entirely. I wanted you to myself. I needed you to myself and you needed it too. So if you lost me you would lose everything, give up on love.” Everything he said was true, it wasnt what you wanted to hear but he needed you to hear the truth.
“So candy gave up on it” he shrugged “she didnt try because there was no need to, she didn’t think anyone else would love her, ‘without tom i have no one else, i know ive done some un speakable thigns with him but i can tell by his eyes and heart that he wants something, he just wont tell me’” he smiled, quoting off of your journal again with a smile on his lips. “Thats why i try every time to keep this relationship strong, go to therapy with you, kiss you and tell you how beautiful you are everyday, cook you breakfast when i know your trying to do something new”
“So youre only doing this because you dont want me to kill myself?” “No y/n. I did it at first but then i opened my eyes and noticed how much i really fucking love you” he uncrossed his arms and reached for your hand. “And i know you love me too, on a even page” you both shared a crooked smile, using your free hand and grabbing the cigarette and putting it to your lips. The time currently 4:30 in the morning as he reached for the cig, your eyebrows furrowed as you let him take it. “Since when do you smoke?”
“Since i had too much of your bullshit” “shut up” you both laughed, slapping his chest as he handed it back, a small laugh leaving his lips. “Im sorry for giving you such a headache” he muttered and you ignored it, putting out the cigarette and turning off the night light, keeping your distance from him you got under the covers and shut your eyes, and he did the same, turning away from you so you are back to back.
A smell of bacon filled your nose when you woke up, a faint smile on your lips as you got up, walking to the kitchen and finding thomas cooking.
“Whats the special occasion?” “I know youre trying something new”
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bothcreativitybois · 3 years
The Mayors Sweet Treat Chapter 6
Ao3 link Wordcount: 2428 Ship: Intruality TW: Food, scars, unhealthy family relationships (mentioned), swearing, sexual references   Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 Taglist: @crazydemigod666 @star-crossed-shipper @newtnotfound @idont-freaking-know @someoneiwasnt @crownofrats (love the new name) @the-sympathetic-villain @cute-and-angsty-princess @lonelymuffin @bloodymari-0666 @im-an-anxious-wreck @fantasticallytired @obsessive-fallen-angel 
It was a snug fit in the back seat of Remus' truck, especially since Patton was sitting between Roman and Virgil. All three of them had large containers on their laps holding decadent sweets made for the event they were headed to. “I think this is the best Remus has ever driven.” Janus joked from the front seat, the group laughed. Supplies rattled in the tray of the truck. “Oh please, I’m the best driver here!” Remus defended. Roman rolled their eyes and leant forward. “Do you not remember crashing the paddock basher so bad that the passenger door wouldn’t open and I was stuck?” Roman recalled. Remus looked back for a moment. “We were twelve.” Remus reminded them. They all laughed. Patton wasn’t quite sure what they were talking about but it seemed amusing. “And you had to pull me out with a arm full’a shrapnel.” Roman said as they poked their twin’s shoulder before they turned back to Patton. “All this just fifteen minutes after we got it.” “What’s a paddock basher?” Patton asked dumbly. It sounded like some big important farming tool, not something you’d let kids play in. “A cheap old car that barely works.” Remus explained, catching Patton’s eyes in the rear view mirror. “You can use them to learn how to drive, or to get around the farm or just fuck around in.” Roman smirked. “Emphisis on the fuck for you.” Roman joked as they fell back into their seat. Remus raised a middle finger to Roman as the group laughed again. They pulled off the tarmac and onto a dirt road, Patton had never been on a dirt road. He immediately grabbed Virgil’s arm in shock of the sudden bumps and jolts. “What is that?!” Patton shouted. Remus looked back with concern, the others laughed. “Where’d you find this guy?” Roman asked Remus with a laugh, Virgil gently removed Patton’s hand. Patton looked around and blushed with embarrassment as the others laughed. Remus caught the look and felt bad for him. “Cut him some slack.” Remus said in a stern voice as he looked back at the road, the others stopped laughing. Remus knew Patton wasn’t as tough as them, he didn’t grow up climbing fences to drench sheep and having knife fights in paddocks. Patton was scared by Remus’ tone and it seemed the rest of them were too. Virgil was practically shaking from it. Remus was being soft on him again, but he was so harsh with the others. He remembered what Janus said yesterday at the bakery.
Set up your boundaries or he’ll tear right through you.                   Patton put a hand on Virgil’s arm, this time it was less a desperate grab and more comforting. Virgil quickly looked down at Patton’s hand then at his questioning face. Patton gave a little sweet smile, Virgil was surprised. He smiled back weakly. Remus watched in the rear view mirror. “Sorry Virge.” Remus apologised. Virgil nodded slightly. “S'alright.” Virgil responded weakly as he looked vacantly out the window. “It’s not about you.” He eyed the large house they were pulling up to. Remus pulled up in front of the house and turned to face Virgil. “You can still back out.” Remus assured him. Virgil shook his head. “I’d rather now with y’all here than later.” Virgil admitted. Patton looked out the window. The house was large and looked expensive, the perfectly cut shrubs and lawn were much greener than anything else he’d seen around. Yet something about it seemed to make Virgil nervous. Remus knew what it was. Roman and Janus knew what it was. “Remus!” A lady shouted. “Around the back dear!” The lady had the same black hair and pale skin as Virgil. Their noses had the same pronounced bridge. Patton thought they were related, but the way Virgil looked at her said otherwise. That look was full of… fear, not love. Remus started the car and pulled around the house. The air in the car was tense with worry, everyone concerned for Virgil. Remus and Janus got out, Janus folded down his seat so the others could get out. Roman and Patton climbed out quickly but Virgil hesitated. Remus leaned back in. “Do you want me to drive you home?” He asked Virgil, he responded by shaking his head.
“He can watch the food while we unload.” Roman said, collecting one of the boxes from Patton. Virgil nodded. Roman leaned in and put the boxes next to Virgil with a smile. The men went around the truck and started unloading the tents and tables. Remus and Janus carried them with ease while Patton helped Roman carry some so they weren’t left out. Remus kept a close eye on the car as they unloaded. Virgil had a habit of bottling it all up until it was too late, he has always been too stubborn to admit when he was scared. Remus was first to notice when Virgil stepped out. He gave Virgil a quick smile and closed up the tray. Everyone looked at Patton. “What?” Patton asked. “What do you mean what?” Janus responded. “You’re the boss. What do we do?” Patton suddenly felt anxious. He’d never been in charge, he didn’t know what to do. He frantically looked at Remus for help, surely he’d know what to do. He was a mayor, they know leader stuff. Remus caught the look and clapped his hands. “Janus and Virgil get changed. Roman go sort out your business stuff. Me and Patton will start setting up.” Remus commanded, everyone nodded and started heading out. Patton sighed in relief. The way Remus could take control was impressive to him, a skill he’d always envied in people. He was always too scared he’d blow past commanding leader and straight to bossy and rude. Patton and Remus walked over to the tents they unloaded. “Thanks for the save back there.” Patton smiled at Remus. “S’all good babe.” Remus said with a smirk. Patton poured out the contents of one of the canopy bags. He picked up a set of instructions. “Looks simple enough. The frame is already put together, we just need to put on the awning and unfold it all.” Patton explained. He looked up to see Remus wasn’t paying attention, he was staring across at Virgil with a concerned look. “Remus?” Patton pushed Remus’ shoulder and he snapped back. “Uh yeah got it.” Remus stammered, unaware of whatever Patton just said. Patton reached up and clicked his fingers in front of Remus' face. Remus shook his head. 
"What's wrong?" Patton asked immediately. He looked back at the truck then at Remus. "It's Virgil, isn't it?" 
"Uh I guess." Remus shifted awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "That lady from earlier is Virgil's nan. His family is… not the best for him. Or anyone really." Remus explained keeping the details veuge to respect Virgil's privacy. Patton tensed up. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise he kept thinking it was his fault. That he was being a nuisance.  "He can leave, I'm sure we can make do." Patton reasoned but Remus shook his head.  "He won't. He hides it behind schedules but he is just as much a stubborn farm boy as the rest of us." Remus chuckled. Patton looked down at the bags.  "Okay…" Patton agreed half heartedly. Remus and Patton began setting up the tents and placed some fold-out tables beneath them. Janus and Virgil joined them eventually, each wearing a white button-up and jeans with light teal suspenders and a matching bowtie. Patton looked at them proudly. “Howdaya know to tie a bowtie?” Remus teased. Roman joined them and fussed with the outfits. “They don’t.” Roman winked. They plucked the clipboard from Virgil’s hands. “Remus get changed, people will start arriving soon. Janus and Virgil start setting up the food.” Roman talked as they dodged Virgil trying to take back the clipboard. It seemed the leader gene ran through both the twins. Patton looked around as everyone began doing things. “What about me?” Patton asked. Roman dusted the shoulders of his blue check shirt and straightened his white tie. “Be your charming little self.” Roman chirped. They began to walk away but stopped. “Oh and please please keep Remus out of trouble.” Patton nodded, from what he’d learned that would be a task in itself. Patton looked around, Remus was changing shirts at the car. As he got closer he noticed Remus had a lot of marks and scars on his skin. Patton’s eyes lingered on Remus’ shoulder up until the moment he pulled a shirt over them. Remus looked over his shoulder to see Patton staring with pink cheeks, he shot a cocky grin. “Sorry- I wasn’t-” Patton stammered. Remus chuckled. “Want to see the most impressive one?” Remus turned around and pulled back the open shirt slightly. A gathering of large scars ran from his bottom rib to behind his hip. Patton inspected them closer. “I was thirteen and it was my first time breaking in a horse. I was quite a lot scrawnier then. Got bucked off into a broken wire fence and got caught on the way down.” Remus made a ripping noise and scratched above the skin. Patton was enthralled, he traced the scars all the way around Remus’ hip. “Took Roman and Ma ten minutes to untangle me.” Remus blushed as Patton trailed his hands around him. He wasn’t gonna stop him. Eventually Patton realised what he was doing and jolted back. The moment hung between them for a moment. “T-that sounds painful.” Patton stuttered as he hid his face. Remus began buttoning up his shirt. “Oh it was.” Remus joked. He took out the bowtie and began fiddling with it. Patton giggled, it was clear Remus had no clue what he was doing. Remus tried his best but couldn’t figure it out. Patton put his hand on Remus’, signalling to let him take over. Remus allowed him to do so. “What about you?” Remus asked as Patton messed with the tie. “What about me?” Patton laughed back. “Got any scars?” “A few burns on my arms but they’re barely visible. One on my waist.” Patton explained. Remus looked down and caught Patton’s eyes. Usually he’d make some cocky remark about being excited to see them, but with Patton it was different. It felt different to his usual relationships. “What?” Patton looked back down. “Everything about you is just so…” He tried to find the right word, he was never really good at that. Cute? Soft? Buttery? Sweet? It was more than that. It wasn’t just who Patton was, it was how Remus felt about him. He’d never felt this before. The way his heart was skipping and the tingles as Patton’s hands brushed against the skin of his neck. It wasn’t something he had felt, let alone put to words. Remus looked down at Patton’s hands. “You don’t know how to tie a bowtie do you?” Remus teased as he saw Patton’s sloppy work. Patton stepped back and looked down. “No I really don’t.” Patton admitted. “We should go find Roman.” 
The picnic was in full swing and Remus was questioning why they called it a ‘picnic’. No one was sitting on the ground or on picnic rugs, there were no baskets and no fun. Just rich people sitting at tables and drinking champagne. He walked around with a tray of… something sweet, offering some to everyone he passed. Roman walked around with Patton, showing him off like a prize winning ewe. Middle aged women gracefully walked around in light dresses with champagne flutes hanging from their fingers. Which is why it was striking to Remus when he spotted someone in a dark blue knitted jumper. “Shit!” Remus breathed. He quickly rushed over to Roman, but hesitated when Patton came into view. The two were next to each other, chatting to a group of ladies with modest smiles. He needed to get Roman’s attention without worrying Patton. Thankfully it wasn’t the twins’ first rodeo. “Romy, I need you for a second.” Remus asserted as he joined the group. ‘Romy’ and the counterpart ‘Rems’ were nicknames only used when something was extremely wrong, that way the twins would know immediately that they needed to ditch whatever was happening. Roman politely excused themselves, much to Patton’s dismay, and Remus pulled them a few metres away. “What’s the story?” Roman asked when they were far enough away. Remus pointed into the crowd where Logan was calmly waiting around. “Code moneybags.” Remus whispered. Roman laughed slightly. “I invited them.” Roman clarified as they fussed with their skirt and departed from their brother to greet Logan. What are you planning? Remus thought as he watched Roman walk up and greet Logan warmly. Janus appeared by Remus’ side. They looked at Roman suspiciously then back at each other. “Where’s Virge?” Janus asked. Living in a small town Remus knew all those cliché country sayings, he’d hear them non-stop when talking to the older people in town. One specific saying came to mind right now. When it rains, it pours. “You were meant to watch him!” Remus answered loudly. “Why are you shouting?” Patton asked sweetly. Both the men retracted and Remus plastered on a fake smile. Any good politician knows how to hide the shit spewing from the fan. “We’re just excited because you’re doing so fucking good!” Remus shouted and got a few dirty looks from nearby ladies. Janus quickly moved to block the view of Logan. They had run enough hustles together to know what to do. Patton beamed. “Get your fine looking ass out there and shmooze the shit outta these rich ladies.” Remus turned Patton around and shoved him towards a group of ladies before turning back to Janus. “You swear more when you’re trying to hide something.” Janus stated. Remus stammered for a second from the out of place addition. “Well he doesn’t know that yet!” Remus threatened. Hopefully he’d never know. “Now, you go look for Virgil and I’ll deal with my twin’s unexpected invite.” They both nodded. Janus headed off and Remus looked back at Patton. He was already so nervous for all this, and he was stressed with the entire situation he was in. Usually Remus would throw him towards Logan and just hope Patton ended up on top, but Patton was different to his friends. He wanted to protect him. To keep him happy no matter what.   Don’t stress, Patty Cake. I got your back.
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fandom-obessesive · 4 years
Shifting pt 1
A/n: Hey guys, sorry for my absence, i just got a new job and trying to wrap my head around the fact the I’m apparently bipolar lol which explains a lot but anyways, I hope you enjoy part one, and have a wonder day. Also Once again I’m sorry for how long this took.
Paul lahote x reader
Word count: 659
Warning: swearing
Request: Can I make a request? A Paul X female reader where he was kinda mean to her and picked on her before he shifted but now that he has he imprinted on her and he has to convince her to give him a chance? I’m just a sucker for an enemies to lovers story and I really like your writing and just binge read your posts lol
(I appreciate your support and I’m sorry I didn’t answer but I hope you enjoy part 1❤️ @amandak27 )
Alright let's get one thing clear, you were nowhere close to being a teacher's pet or a star student, definitely not an annoying know it all that got hundreds on every assignment and project, colleges wouldnt be breaking down your door asking you to go there when the time came to choose, but your grades were alright and if you knew an answer to a question, you didn't really have a problem saying it. Simple as that right? Nope. Apparently knowing anything at all in class gave a certain hot headed jerk named Paul Lahote the grounds to label you as a nerd.
Honestly you didn't know what his problem with you was, ever since the start of freshman year he's felt the need to taunt and tease you anyway he could. Stepping on the back of your shoes, snide comments during class or in the halls, knocking into you whenever possible, and dont even get me started on gym class. Any class you didn't have with him was a safe haven. At some point you started carrying extra clothes with you because of cafeteria “accidents”.
You even tried learning his schedule so you could try to avoid him, ofcouse word got around though and the next thing you know, he was bullying you for ‘liking’ and ‘stalking’ him. You could admit that he was attractive, but because his personality mimics that of a pile of horse shit that's been set on fire, it would have been over your dead body.
Now having said that, lately he's been acting really strange, not only has he been harassing you less but he's stuck to just blowing up on anyone that got in his way or looked at him wrong. Not that you werent elated that your days at school are a bit easier to get through, but considering he's kept this act up for almost three years, the fact that it's been toned down by almost 75% had you a bit more than suspicious.
“Pleeeeaaasseeee (Y/N) come eat lunch with me in the cafe with Ash, Paul’s quit his bullshit, he's not gonna do anything, and besides youve had the same spare clothes with you for a week! Just test it out, see how it goes!” Your friend Melody begged trying to pull you to the cafe.
“No, I dont trust it,” you pulled her to you and pointed at her “this is a trap, he's planning something, I can feel it.” rolling her eyes she pushed your finger out of her face and smiled.
“Welp I guess we'll see cause here he comes.” She said looking behind you. Panic flooded your body, so you took Melodys arm and raced through the crowd of kids in the way and ran over to where your mutual friend Ash was sitting and ducked behind their chair.
“Hey weirdo, hey melody” they said, not looking up from their phone while pulling up a chair for you. Melody chuckled and sat beside your empty chair as you watched Paul walk in, not talking your eyes off of him from your hiding spot behind Ash until he had gotten his launch and sat down.
“Dude, pop a squat, you're fine.” Ash said, turning around to look at you, amusement gleaming in their green eyes.
Hesitantly you sat down between the two of them still watching him ignoring his lunch and playing on his phone instead.
For the first time in a very long time, you had a nice lunch break with your friends, talking about classes, that days gossip, and your after school extra credit tutoring for a someone in your history teachers class.
Before you knew it the bell rang and you happily made you way down to the library to meet the student youd be tutoring for a few months and sat by the table near the door where Mr. Sohn said they would meet you.
Getting all your notes out, you grabbed “Doctor Sleep” By Stephen King and read while you waited for them to show up.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me”
Your head snapped up at the voice, and low and behold, Paul Fucking Lahote stood at the door by the library looking right at you.
A/n: I think we all saw that ending of part one but i hope you enjoyed regardless, and again, im really sorry about my absence. I hope you have a wonderful day
Taglist: @amandak27 @fangirlanotherjust @kettnerjanea @dillybuggg @its-la-push @britty443 @stylesluxx @ri-wantstorunaway @cncogirl18 @ineedmorefanfics
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takachirou · 4 years
nsfw hc’s w/ tsukishima, matsukawa and oikawa
including: tsukishima, matsukawa, and oikawa.
summary: just random nsfw hc’s
warning/s: nsfw, choking, slapping, master kink, daddy kink, degradation ?, edging, pain kink
wc: 1.5k+
a/n: this was very self-indulgent… also an excuse to write some smut, 
nsfw under the cut!
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˗ˋ .*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷
tsukishima kei
 calls you a whore and his little puppy and god it is so hot
master.. he loves it when you call him master. (i had a hc that he LOVEs being called senpai too but thats a whole other thing)
HARD DOM. will slap the shit out of your ass and throw u into the next dimension type shit.
he LOVES making you cum over and over and over again until you cant. and he forces it from you.
 it’s either he overstims u or EDGES u SO much. 
he just wants to break you and he will he wants you to cry and drool from cumming too much.
also loves face fucking and im for all that.
“please master, let me cum.” you whimpered against the restraints. you were blindfolded and tied to his bed that was wet, fluids mixed with sweat, tears and his cum. you were shaking, chasing your high as you felt the familiar hot feeling in your stomach again. when he saw you were close to your release he removed the vibrator from your clit.
you cry out in frustration, “please, please. i want to cum. i’ll be a good girl for you!” you feel him rub the tip of his cock against your clit, teasing your neglected yet sensitive bud. as he pushes in his cock, you feel his lips right against your ear.
“be a good little whore for me and maybe i’ll let you cum,” he whispers before he pressed the vibrator against your clit and buried his cock deep in your wet cunt, feeling every inch of him against your walls moving painfully slow in and out of you. as he felt you pulsate, he picked up the pace, you moan feeling your high come closer. he changes the vibrator to the highest setting, you cry out due to the overwhelming pressure. “i’m gonna cum, behave for me baby.”
you feel his cock twitch, painting your walls white. he turns off the vibrator, taking out his cock out of your sopping cunny leaving you begging for a proper release. he kisses your forehead softly as a sign of reassurance before you feel his fingers pressing against your clit. you shuddered at the feeling, finally, you think. he starts rubbing it in circling motions, making you gasp out due the stimulating feeling.
“i’m cumming, i’m cumming.” you breathed out making him rubbing your clit faster. and then your orgasm hit you harder than you expected, waves of pleasure run through your body, making your legs shake.
when your high came down, he ordered you to lay on your stomach. you felt him rub him ass before smacking it, most likely leaving a mark, “hmm, do you think you can squirt puppy? let’s see how much you can take whore.”
matsukawa issei
horse cock mattsun yes
he knows his dick is big and loves that you like the pain !!!!!!!!
im like tiny and this man with his horse cock CAN BLOW MY BACK OUT AND USE MY PUSSY (and he WILL).
100% would spit in your mouth while you’re literally so out of it cause he’d fucking you so well.
loves fucking you with your clothes on
would also slap your face.. yknow what im tb? like you’ve came so many fucking times and youre so fucked out so he gives your face a little slap slap and goes “look at me, slut” 😻
issei’s cock was huge, both thick and long, and no matter how many times you’ve fucked or how much he’s prepped you, you’re barely prepared for the way your pussy stretches just for his huge cock to fit. the way you were positioned, on your back with both of your legs above your head, his cock was able to go deeper in your sweet pussy.
his mouth always made you satisfied but god, his huge cock, fills you up so well. the way his cock feels inside you is always painful when he firsts put it in but it’s such an enjoyable feeling. and when he pulls out from your your pussy, he slams his hips into yours, his cock so deep in you, the tip of it touching your cervix. you moaned, “i-issei, f-fuck daddy,” he looks at how your slopping pussy takes him, throwing his head back at the view. now you, you were lost in the pleasure and pain, all you can hear are the skin slapping and your own moans.
“look at me slut, open your mouth.”
he slaps your face in attempt to get your attention, squeezing your cheeks so your mouth opens, sticking your tongue out, knowing what comes next, he gathers some of his saliva and spits in your mouth. “swallow,” he said. he tugs at your hair, forcing you to look at him, “swallow baby, every last drop of my spit.”
and you did, the erotic face you made, your tongue out with excess saliva, face flushed and your eyes rolled back turned him on even more. “fuck b-baby, you’re so hot,” he stutters out, you feel him getting closer to his orgasm as his hips started stuttering, his thrusts becoming slower but the feeling of his cock slowly going in and out of you is what pushes you to the edge. you feel his length in you, every inch, you feel how your pussy takes his huge cock. he then adds a finger in your cock filled pussy, “i can take another one”, you managed to say. the overwhelming pleasure then builds up, your orgasm slowly washing over you, you hold your own orgasm trying to push yourself deeper and deeper. you let go, your pussy contracting around his cock, feeling waves overwhelming pleasure and relief.
“issei, issei! f-fuck.” you cried out loud as he cums in you, his warm cum filling you. you stayed there for a while before he pulls out of you, slowly. he got up from the bed, his foot steps a little fainter before it was loud enough again. you turn back to see issei holding up a dildo and a butt plug.
“you think you can cum again for me princess?”
oikawa tōru
thats it. just his fucking fingers down my throat after he finger fucks me.
youre the one who cleans up your own cum from his fingers
while he’s fucking you, one hand rubbing your clit and one hand around your throat.
he squeezes it lightly and you moan… god he fucks you harder and his dick goes deeper.
he is balls deep in your pussy, and he crumbles at the sight of you. youre a moaning mess, holding his hand, telling him to choke you harder.
one of his hands travel down your neck and down to your breasts, softly caressing it before attaching his mouth to your nipple. you sighed in content as his tongue drew circles, sucking and nipping at your hardened nub. he left soft kisses around your chest before one of his hands slowly travel to your throat, tightening its grip. your breath hitched when he kissed you with so much fevor the feeling left your cunt aching, tongue slipping in your mouth lazily.
he hands slowly traveling below your waist, he looked at you for consent, “yes,” you breathed out. peppering soft pecks around your neck as his fingers found your covered slit avoiding your clit. “can you take these off for me princess?,” you slowly got out of your underwear and bottoms, leaving you completely naked. you looked up at your boyfriend who was now shirtless.
he kissed your legs before pressing his finger in your pussy causing you to moan in content. he added a second finger before curling them inside you. he holds you down as his fingers reach the spongy spot in. “found it,” he whispers into your ear.
you moan in bliss, his fingers curling and his palm pressing against your clit. he kisses you while his fingers continue to work your tight sopping pussy. his tongue softly slips into your mouth, groaning when he felt you palming his cock. you whimper into his mouth when you felt him remove his fingers from your cunt.
“suck.” he demanded as he shoved his fingers in your mouth. you swirl your tongue around his fingers, tasting yourself. he shoved his pretty long fingers down your throat, causing you to gag. “that’s my good girl.”
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taglist: @miki-snake @yaoyoroxu @drabblily @bearri @ukaiscigarette​
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Loses (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Loses Rating: PG-13 Length: 1700 Warnings: Potential triggers if you have toxic family members and/or triggers realted to parental death. Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in Colombia in 1990.  Summary: Reader and Javier talk during a stakeout.
@grapemama​​​ @seawhisperer​​​ @huliabitch​​ @pedropascalito​​​ @rogrsnbarnes​​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​​​ @gooddaykate​​​ @livasaurasrex​ @ham4arrow​​​ @plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​​ @awesomefandomsunited​​ @ah-callie​​​​ @swhiskeys​​​​ @lady-tano​​​​ @beskar-droids​​​​ @space-floozy​​​​ @cable-kenobi​​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd​ @himbopoes​​​​ @findhimfives​​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​​ @frietiemeloen​​​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​​ @random066​​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​​ @heather-lynn​​​ @domino-oh-damn​​​​ @cyarikaaa​​​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​​​  @yabby-girl​​​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​​​ @punkass-potato​​​​ @coredrive​​​​ @pascalesque​​​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​​​ @queenquazar​ @sabinemorans​​​​ @buckstaposition​​​​ @holkaskrosnou​​​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​​​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​​​​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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“Can you hand me the binoculars?” You requested, holding your hand out behind you as you peered out the window. 
Javier shifted in his seat, reaching into the backseat to grab them off the floor. “Do you see something?” He questioned as he passed them to you.
You brought them up to your face and looked through the lenses. You rotated the focus toggle, trying to focus in on the person who was walking out of an alley several hundred yards away from the car. “No.” You huffed, sitting the binoculars on your thighs as you sank back into your seat. “It’s just an old woman walking her dog.”
He chuckled, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Not quite a dangerous member of the cartel, huh?”
“No.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “This feels like a bust.”
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth as he glanced at his watch, “Only another six hours.”
You groaned, turning in your seat to look back at Steve. He was stretched out on the backseat, sound asleep on his backpack-turned-pillow. “I wish that were me.”
“Ditto.” Javier reached down into the pocket in between the driver’s seat and the door, pulling out a packet of cigarettes. “Want one?”
You shrugged, rolling your window down halfway. “Sure.” It might help take the edge off your frustration with the stakeout. It was shit intel and you knew it — so did Javier. But the DEA heads had been insistent that they knew better. 
But Javier’s informants, and your own, had made it clear that this was barking up the wrong tree. 
Javier passed you a cigarette and you clamped it in between your lips as you waited for him to light up his own. You watched him as he took a drag, sinking back into the driver’s seat like it was that easy to take the edge off things. 
You leaned against the center console, tilting your chin as Javier held the flame in front of you. The lighter clicked as he shut it off and you sat back and blew a puff of smoke out the open window. “When are you flying out?”
He drew in a deep breath, before exhaling — the smoke swirling in front of his face. “Gonna fly out Friday night. I’ll be back Tuesday.”
You nodded, “A Friday night without you at the bar. I don’t know how I feel about this.” You tapped the cigarette on the edge of the glass. “Is your dad okay?”
Javier shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah. It’s not a health thing.” 
“Figured that would be the best excuse,” He shrugged a shoulder, pursuing his lip to the side as he exhaled. “It’s been… thirty years since my mother passed and I figured my pops shouldn’t have to spend it alone. You know?”
Your brows furrowed together and you nodded, “Yeah. No, I get it.” You turned your head to blow smoke out the window again. “It’s been like fifteen years since my dad passed.”
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You waved a hand. “It’s good that you’ve got your pops.”
“Your mom still alive?”
“I guess.” You sighed heavily as you let your head tilt to look at him. “It’s complicated.”
“I’ve got time.”
You rubbed at your forehead, glancing back at Steve who was still snoring. “You’re not going to judge me, are you?” You questioned as you met Javier’s gaze.
You weren’t sure you could handle being scrutinized by Javi. 
“Why would I?”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged. “Whenever the topic comes up, people get… twitchy.” You rolled your eyes and looked at the roof of the car above you. 
“I’m not gonna make you talk about shit you don’t want to.” Javier assured you, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip before he tucked his cigarette between his lips. 
“Let’s just say, I got into narcotics because I had first-hand experience.”
“Shit.” Javier shook his head. “Your mother?”
You nodded, “My parents divorced when I was three. I don’t fault my dad for getting out of that environment, but with how backwards the courts are… I was stuck with her.” You took another drag from your cigarette before tapping the ash off on the window again. 
“I had no idea.”
“I don’t exactly lead with it.” You snorted, “I didn’t even tell Lance about this shit.”
You pursed your lips as you met Javier’s gaze, “I told him that both of my parents were dead and left it at that.” You chewed on your bottom lip, “He was a great guy, but I just had this feeling he was one of those ‘make it work’ types.” 
Javier groaned, “You can’t make something that’s broken work.”
“Yeah.” You picked at a bit of fuzz on your leg. “But people don’t always get that. I had an academic advisor that treated me like I was the monster when the topic came up. Like how could I walk away from the woman who gave birth to me.” You looked towards him again, “I’m sorry. God, I probably sound like a bitch. I’m sorry about your mother. You're a good son for going back.”
Javier reached over and gave your leg a squeeze. “Why are you apologising?”
You looked down at his hand, which was still resting on your leg. “I’m just used to people acting like I should be grateful.” 
“That’s bullshit.” He patted your leg once more before he returned his hand to his own lap. “When was the last time you saw her?”
“I was sixteen.” You rubbed your thumb over the crease between your brows, “I never looked back.” 
Javier nodded his head slowly, “Probably for the best.”
You glanced out the window, sighing heavily. “I have an older brother,” You shrugged. “He’s a couple years older than you, I think.”
“So ancient?”
“He had a pet dinosaur,” You snorted. “And he went to school riding a mammoth.”
Javier chuckled, flicking ash into the ashtray in the center console. “Just a bit older than me then. Dinosaurs were extinct when I was hatched.” 
“I figured.” You grinned at him. “But yeah, Mitch took me in. Finished high school in Philly and then went to Temple.”
“You’ve never mentioned a brother.” 
You drew in another drag, exhaling smoke out the window. “I don’t really know him. He had a wife and kids. I was just the goblin that lived in his basement.” You sank back in your seat, watching the tip of the cigarette burn as you held it out the window. “It was what my dad wanted. We both loved him.” 
“Sounds like he was a good man,” Javier remarked. “Might rival my old man.”
“Anyone who puts up with your shit deserves sainthood.” You shot back with a smirk.
“You’re not wrong.” He countered, putting out his cigarette. Javier dragged his hands over his face, sighing heavily as he did. “I haven’t been back since I came out here.”
“Yeah? You do plan to come back, right? I’m not gonna be stuck with Murphy, am I?”
Javier shook his head, “You think I could just up and leave you like that?”
You laughed, “That's why I’m asking you!”
“Who else is gonna stay up and listen to you ramble about telenovelas?”
“Hey Javi—“
You flipped him off. 
You grinned, “Well you know my sordid origins now. I’m far from classy.”
He pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, giving a short shake of his head, “You’re more than where you came from.”
“I try to be,” You leaned forward, tying your hair up into a knot at the back of your head. “Thank you for not… I don’t know, judging me for this shit.” You tilted your head and smiled at him. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re a damn good agent and the DEA’s lucky to have you.” Javier assured you, his gaze lingering on your face. “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”
You rolled your eyes, taking one last drag from your cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray with his. “Thanks.” 
Javier was such a dick. That too-cocky grin and glint of mischief in his eyes. You’d miss having him around for a few days. 
“What was your mother like?”
Javier smoothed his fingers over his mustache as he made a sound, like he was thinking. “I was nine when she passed. My memories are a little faded.” His brows drew together as he looked at her. “She was brilliant. Pops always talks about how she could’ve been anything she put her mind to. I remember her wit, she could always make me laugh.”
You smiled fondly, “What was her name?”
“Sofía Ximena.” He picked at his thumbnail. “It was an aneurysm. Came out of nowhere. She was only twenty-seven.” Javier sniffed, looking towards the window then. “Pops had drove into town. She laid down to take a nap and, uh… didn’t wake up.”
He shook his head, “Don’t. It was a long fucking time ago. I like remembering her as she was. Alive, animated. Giving my pops a hard time. Hell, I think she was better at roping horses than he was.”
“Yeah?” You laughed softly. “I think she would’ve been proud of you, Javier.”
“I don’t know about that.” He huffed, looking at you then. “It’ll be good to see my pops. It’s been awhile, like I said.”
“You make me want to give Mitch a call.”
“Are you?”
“Fuck no.” You laughed, waving a hand. “You want me to call him long distance? Get out of here.” 
“Do you two always have to be so fucking loud?” Steve groused from the back seat. You grabbed your bunched up jacket and chucked it at him. “Hey!”
“Shut up, Steve. We let you sleep.” 
“Did I sleep?” He tossed your jacket back at you. “All I remember is you two running your mouths.” 
Javier flipped him off, “Alright, sleeping beauty why don’t you get up here and work then?”
“It’s a bad lead and you know it,” You said over your shoulder. “I’ll nap if you’d prefer to run your mouth.” 
“So rude.” Steve chuckled. “I’m good right here.” 
“I thought so.” Javier rolled his eyes, giving you a pointed look. “Thank you.” 
“I’ll be here to talk when you get back.” You reached over and gave his forearm a squeeze. “I get it.” 
Steve wedged himself in between your seats, “You got a pack open?”
Javier grabbed the pack of cigarettes from the side of the seat and tossed it back to Steve. “Happy?”
“You got a hundred bucks too?”
You snorted. 
Only five more hours. 
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Part Two
W! Drinking, stabby stab, attempted Non C but it does not happen .
Touya,21.The drunk Future King whose only interest is whores and brothels
Natsuo.18. The Middle Sibling who is just like his father
Shoto.16.the youngest and most reserved, has no interest in marriage but would like a companion
Reader is a rebellious princess in a falling Kingdom and is sent off to live with the Todorokis in hopes of marriage to save her family. But Reader has other plans in mind.
tags/ @no-post-ghost @yoonbbyboy @pinkjellychan @squeaky-ducky​
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You wasted no time ditching the family for the courtyard after dashing out of the carriage and right past Enji, you were over Natsuo and his creepy behaviour and over this whole arrangement.  With a groan you stopped next to some trees and slipped between two large oaks to conceal yourself for a minute. You sat down hugging your knees panting slightly. It was a pretty courtyard, full of flowers funny enough since only men seemed to lived in this rotten castle. 
 So what now? The King would not be happy at your actions but if he tried to hurt you it would hinder his plans for his precious sons. So you were safe for the most part. The oldest, Touya did not really seem interested in courting you anyway, to focused on his drinking and keeping his brother in line.  
 The thought of Natsuo made you gag and cough a bit, what an awful person and he's gonna be King eventually? Maybe you could cut his balls off to save whoever marries him.  Sighing you relaxed against the tree letting one leg down admiring the clouds that rolled on by, the sky seemed more blue here than at your Kingdom too you, weird. 
 “Uhm…?” said a voice, it sounded skittish.
You rolled your head to the left to see a boy about Shotos age looking at you, he had royal clothes on and had crazy green hair. You tilted your head at this boy and brought your legs down so you were criss cross. 
 “Yes?” you asked curiously
“Is Shoto around?”
“I think so , the main entrance.”
“O-oh uh, okay, i can wait here then. May i sit by you? My names Izuku of Midoriya Manor”
“Sure kid,” you scooted over a bit for him to join you.”Y/n of Alastar”
“Oh thanks !” he sat by you but seemed to be looking around
“Something on your mind?”
“Oh uh n-no, im just waiting for Shoto, his father does not a-aprove of me so we have too …” he trailed off rubbing the back of his head.
“Hm? Well your safe with me kid, i doubt that big ape approves of me too.”
“Are you to be wed?”
“Uh- uhm!,” he rubbed his hands together. “You seem really cool and can protect yourself..” he told you, pointing to the knife on your person. “Just watch out for the middle sibling okay?”
You got up patting your butt free of dirt and Shoto squeezed through the trees to see you and Izuku.  Shoto hugged Izuku and the two sighed with relief to see each other. 
“y/n. Touya wants to see you to show you around, hes at the stables, around the corner from here”
“Okay Shoto, izuku was waiting for you, i never saw him though.”
 The youngest gave you a gentle smile and a nod as thanks. 
Squeezing back through the trees you strolled around the courtyard admiring the flowers before meeting up with Touya. No sign of the King or his creepy son , the courtyard had a large apple tree in its center but it only had one apple on it and it looked to be rotten which was weird. It's definitely apple season. Hm.  thinking nothing of it you made your way around the large castle to see the stables and Touya petting a large black and white mare of the face in long strokes.
“Whos a pretty girl ? you you you” he cooed at the sleepy horse.
“Dont take you for a animal lover” you joked walking up to him. “Wheres idiot 1 and 2?”
“My father is giving Natsuo a talking to so im trusted to show you around” he pointed to the castle “thats the castle” he pointed to a stray window at the top “thats your room”
“A five star tour i see”  you pet the horse admiring its coat. “ lovely colors”
“Reminds me of my life from before” he told you while taking out his flask to drink.
“Hm? Whats that mean? And whos this Izuku that was sneaking around?”
Touya sat down in a empty stable drinking more before answering you. “Thats Shotos boyfriend, dont tell anyone or i will kill you myself. Im the only one who knows”
“i wouldn't do that Touya, he said Enji does not approve of him?”
“Yep” he fell into some hay drinking more. “They want to leave when they turn 18 and have a farm, im helping make it happen”
You sat down by the hay watching this man drink his life away , he had not one care in the world, unless it was Shoto related. 
Some time passed and you and Touya were sharing the flask now.
“So .. what did you mean by your life from before?”
“Mmmm… i was going to be a father, at least.. Thats what i was told.” he sat up pushing his hair outta his face. She was a brothel worker and i had gotten her pregnant.” 
 You listened to him taking note of the hint of sadness in his voice.
“I was excited, i wanted to be a dad.” he told you looking over at the horse.”she had black and white hair, i called her my little… berry.., i did everything right, i told her she could live with me and be a Princess and we could be happy. But i also told her i did not want her working the brothel anymore obviously,” 
  He brought his knees up laying his elbows over them looking at the ground between his legs. “She told me she would stop but something felt weird so i checked on her and she was still working it. I confronted her and she said she needed the money for the baby and i told her i have more money than i know what to do with, the months went on and she eventually stopped, her bump was small and everytime i felt it , i dont know. It felt off. One day i woke up early and looked over at her, she was asleep on her stomach and .. she was too far align to be doing that.” he looked up at you, his eyes slightly red. “ she lied to me, for my status, my wealth, my name, it was some kind of material to seem like a bump, she tried to tell me it was my fault.”
He ignored you. “What she said stung more than the faked pregnancy. I had to know, for sure. So i contacted a witch and she performed some kind of spell on me and ..and..”
You moved closer, placing your hand on his arm , he took a big drink and lowered his head again. “ i cant… have children… “
You pulled this man into your arms trying your best to comfort him. He just cursed up a storm and told you how excited he was, how he was going to move away as soon as Shoto left with izuku and start an even bigger family with the woman he loved. Touya wanted his own Kingdom but in a quiet place no one knew about where he could be happy.
“Everyday… i curse Natsuo, he does not deserve to have children” he pushed himself off you to wipe his eyes. “ no one knows this about me y/n”
“Touya its safe with me”
“I have no interest in getting married anymore, i dont care.”
“Thats perfectly okay Touya”
He sniffled not looking at you. “Thank you for listening, you should get settled into your room, top floor last door on the left.”
“Youll be okay?” you asked, getting up
“Nope” he got up walking past you “but thats just how i like it” he waved not looking back as he headed into town.
The castle was full of expensive things: statues, paintings, rugs, swords. Anything you could think of. Big wide open rooms with ceilings higher than you had ever seen. It smelled like the kitchen was to your right and the main rooms looked to be up the rug covered stairs. You could hear Enji yelling at Natsuo when you got to the top , you snuck by peeking in every room you passed, looked like bedrooms. You heard a door slam and looked over your shoulder to see Natsuo brooding outside the door talking to himself. 
   You slipped into your room and scanned around the giant room, pretty bed, too girly honestly. A wooden vanity with glass in it and a couple windows. You checked outside them all , dammit. Nothing to really grab on to for a quick escape? You thought on it inspecting more and suddenly you were grabbed from behind and flipped over and pressed against the window, your hair blowing in the wind. 
 Natsuo was pinning you down looking very angry with you. You stuck your chin out at him reaching down for you knife.
“Yes ? your highness?” “I should … should… “ he pressed harder into your shoulders. “You . so mean, you made a fool of .. of me? In front of my father? I ?” his gaze dropped and he grabbed the knife tossing it out the window . his voice got louder and he shook you. “ they tell me i should kill you !! but!! My voices arent always!!.. Correct so …”
“Let me go !! get these gross hands off me !” you fought his grip and he threw you onto the bed pinning you from behind. “ why are you so … SO SO difficult? Im a future KING im in CHARGE not YOU” he reached back fussing with his belt and you got very still.
“Is that why your upset hm? I hurt your ego?” you asked looking back”pitty” with a quick snap of your arm a second knife shot out of your left sleeve and stabbed Natsuo in the arm. He cried out falling back and you pushed him out fo your room. “Sorry, no middle siblings allowed” you slammed the door locking it and pushing some heavy furniture in front of the door for the time being. 
 You could hear Natsuo crying in pain in the hall but you did not really care, it sounded like he was walking away and you finally… finally..alone. You sunk down to your knees” what the fuck man…”
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lipstickbisous · 4 years
the rei brown series (2/3)
notes: here’s the second part!! one more after this haha. not much of a plot to these just meant to put you in your feels. butttttt, i did write this from the experience my mom had in the icu when she was a nurse.
this one is your p.o.v. and is a little bit longer but not much
i DID NOT KNOW if anyone would get offended by “latino” or “hispanic” so i used both im sorry.
LISTEN for better understanding.
also u guys REALLY LIKED the din fic so i guess...more of those?
pairing: javier peña x reader
summary: while rethinking all of the choices you’ve made in your life, memories of a certain person begin to flood in.
warnings: MORE ANGST ahahaha, childhood nostalgia, fluff ending
word count: 3.3k (these are not long chapters)
you weren’t sure what time it was (you knew it wasn’t too late) and you hadn’t bothered to check as you stumbled through your doorway, one arm holding grocery bags and the other, your purse and papers from work. your hair had been stuck in the ponytail you threw it up in since the morning, but now, it was pulling at your scalp and giving you a headache.
managing to balance on one foot, you flipped the light switch in your entryway and watched as the first floor of your house illuminated in the night. the tiny dog you’d adopted a few months ago came padding out on the wood floors from the dining room, his tongue stuck out with loud pants to relieve himself of the texas summer heat. 
with a small “hey, bub,” to your pet, you placed the groceries on the kitchen counter and slipped off your clogs, throwing them at the bottom of your stairs so that you could be reminded to take them to your room when you went upstairs. for now, you reached into the glass cabinet and grasped a dark bottle of wine. the label read a fancy word in french, but growing up in kingsville, you’d never bothered to learn the language of love. you grew up in that rich latino and hispanic culture. 
this house had memories threatening to let it crumble, you knew that, but even after your parents had moved into a smaller apartment due to medical reasons and the fact that they couldn’t afford the house, you couldn’t bring yourself to move out of this town and just ditch them there--now the house was in your name. you didn’t know why it was so hard to leave--you’d been able to leave for university, but when you came back the summer after you’d graduated, something stuck. now, it had been twenty years and you had made no attempts to even leave kingsville. 
you popped the cork of the wine bottle open and instantly met that musky historic smell of the red alcohol. you had seven wine glasses in your cupboards, but you never had any friends over. you might occasionally invite a few girls you knew in high school, but if you were to hang out with people, it would be at a bar on friday and saturday nights. you watched as the wine splashed around the glass and when it was filled to your satisfaction, you pushed the cork back into its place and left the bottle on the counter.
as you made your way into the living room and collapsed on the couch, the little dog you called yours jumped up onto the high furniture the best he could due to his tiny legs. you searched your couch for the remote, pulling over the cushions and pillows before finding it buried under the arm. you switched the tv on and and flipped through the channels before settling on fifty-one. your dog curled up next to your lap and closed his eyes to sleep.
you didn’t for what you were sure was the next two hours. the movie that had been playing before ended the beginning of a new one had started until you realized your glass was empty and dry and your eyelids were getting heavier. you leaned your head back before rethinking how the day had gone. you’d shown up to the hospital for work at the crack of dawn and spent the next twelve hours wheeling around patients, taking diagnostics, and carrying their dirty dishes.
it definitely had not been the job you imagined when you were ten. you’d played doctor with your stuffed animals and plushes before but in those scenarios, the patients had been obedient in kind. unfortunately, fate had not been so kind and, while sitting in front of the television with an empty wine glass in your hand, your fingers grazing over the sore spot on your wrist. it was sure to be bruised, the one on your calf had turned purple and yellow in the past few days. you hissed when you applied just a bit too much pressure.
i spent four years at a college i hated to have this. you’d put it all on the line to have this job. you thought that by being a nurse in the fucking icu, you’d be saving people everyday. instead, you were groped, spat out, and ignored by everyone there. you deserved a glass of wine every night.
you knew that this was not healthy at all and that you were intoxicating yourself with far too much alcohol but the way your back ached, your calf bruised, and your head pounded drowned out whatever warnings your brain sent you.
suddenly, you managed to catch sight of the atomic clock sitting on your kitchen counter. bright crimson letters read “1:30 am.”, and with a far too heavy sigh that awoke the small dog next to you, you set the glass on your coffee table (you’d grab it in the morning when you weren’t so sad) and flipped the tv off before sauntering up the stairs. even at your age, you had still been terrified of the dark--you could barely walk down to your basement without a flashlight and by yourself--but you found that you were perfectly fine walking in the pitch-black of your upstairs hallway. your dog was quick to follow behind you, jumping onto your bed and waiting for you as you emotionlessly entered your bathroom and looked at your reflection.
who the fuck were you? how much time had passed and yet here you were, in your fucking childhood home all alone? you’d found love with many men over the years, but you hadn’t expected them to last--and they hadn’t. what had you done? had you left some sort of imprint in the world at all? you were never one for kids, everyone you knew was well aware of that, but how were you supposed to live on even when you were dead? in reality, abandonment and loneliness was your worst fear along with--
oh god, you thought in a shriveled voice. you’re gonna be forgotten. 
one part that hurt the most was the news. you’d gotten better at keeping up to date with pop culture and politics, and the pablo escobar situation had you worried for one reason and one reason only--javier peña. you’d seen him on the news, the DEA agent who had made it his responsibility and top priority to catch the famous drug lord. it was nice to see that he had gotten somewhere while the only time you’d ever really traveled was to paris for a christmas and then LA to see an old friend who you didn’t even talk to anymore. 
this was your life now. mindlessly wandering around your house after work, eating microwaved leftovers and carry-out from the diner.
god, that diner. it had been one of your favorite locations in the shitty town you called home--had been. the first time you went, you were suspicious due to the fact that the actual building was a different restaurant owned by a criminal before it was a diner, but javier had practically begged you to have a late dinner with him after an afternoon spent skipping your last few periods and driving around the outskirts of town in his truck. the wind had been blowing through your hair and you hung your head out of his window, letting your arms wave around, and you could’ve sworn you had felt him looking at you. 
that was the moment you were in love with javier peña.
you knew that you had been lying to yourself up until that moment because since the first day you met javier when driving past their ranch and stopping to look at the horses, you’d been in love. you couldn’t even think about how many days were spent writing poetry about him that now seemed stupid and childish. you’d told yourself it was an outlet for your feelings, but you had really written it because you were too much of a bitch to come out and tell javi. maybe that hadn’t been your fault--you’d witnessed, first hand, javier rejecting a girl in sixth grade. you watched her nod and tell him “oh, that’s okay” but then run away into the bathrooms. javier had continued on to tell you about a new foal on their farm.
you remembered the horses. you missed them too. if it hadn’t been them roaming about in the pastures, or the great stallion that caught your attention while on that family car ride, you would’ve never met javier. you weren’t sure if he judged you for it or not, but every time chucho needed help around the farm, and javier was too much of a brat and a teenager to do it, you had gladly offered. so, chucho peña had put you in charge of the foals. there was one in particular, a small one with a white coat, that had piqued your interest. there was a day, one in the middle of the summer if you could remember correctly, where you and javi had just run out to the fields while the rest of the horses stayed in their stables. javi had been excited since his father had gifted him with a new camera, and he had spent all day taking pictures of--and to this day, you still didn’t notice it--only you. 
while brushing your teeth, carefully placing a small dot of paste on your toothbrush, you began to scrub in small circles. how long had it been since you and javi had last talked? even then, it had barely been a conversation. a simple exchanged of very few words, a goodbye that went misheard, and that was it. when you had called his home phone the next morning, instead of javi replying like he always did, it had been chucho’s voice instead, muffling an annoyed “hello?” but when he heard the exhaustion and lightness of your voice, he carefully explained that javi had already left.
you hadn’t felt heartbroken--not at first. in fact, there was barely any sadness in that tired head and upset stomach. you were infuriated. how could he? how dare he? he had been such a coward that he couldn’t even say goodbye and it angered you more than you thought it ever would--not that you had ever thought about javier leaving before because he said he wouldn’t even consider it. and now, he had left you alone your fucked up hometown that you’d always told him you hated so much. then, about three days alone without javier (which was something you weren’t used to) you’d realized that there was a large possibility this could’ve been your fault.
had you been a bad friend recent to his leaving? yes, you had been acting distant, but it was due to normal events, such as school and...the fact that you were hopelessly in love with him. it had been harder to talk with senior year ending and college coming up, but you hadn’t never thought he could just turn himself away like that. never.
and not once had javi tried to contact you. he, of course, knew your number by heart, but after all these years, he’d probably had hundreds of girls phone numbers--in fact, you were sure that if hadn’t been a DEA agent hooked with the most dangerous man on the earth, you would’ve expected him to be married already. you had gone to the wedding. you’d seen how the church was decorated, how each and every guest wore plastered smiles--just the idea of seeing javi made you giddy and you’d worn your best dress you could find. even after returning from university, javier didn’t visit or call. you also remembered hearing lorraine sobbing when her groom didn’t show.
javier was not the type of person to stand someone up. you didn’t know what he was like now, but as teenagers, if he ever had a date (which wasn’t often because even if you didn’t know it, he was hopelessly in love with you) he would arrive five minutes early. 
the one time javi did have a date, you stayed home and watched one of his favorite movies while crying. you hated to admit that the next day, when he admitted to you he didn’t like the girl that much, you were excited.
suddenly, you remembered how this was completely your fault. you had always blamed javier for never calling or writing, but then you realized that you had never made the attempt either.
“fuckin’ hell,” you whispered and washed off your toothbrush. as a nurse, you didn’t normally cake yourself with makeup, but you did wear the average concealer, mascara, and lipstick or gloss. you took one look at your reflection and noticed that your mascara was currently running. when did i cry? you asked yourself and exited the bathroom, not bothering to remove your makeup.
your room was next door and when you walked inside, your dog was patiently waiting next to your nightstand and- god, did i leave the fucking light on again? you felt like slapping yourself until your head was straight because it wasn’t right to think about someone you haven’t seen in twenty years.
you slipped off your pants, leaving you in expensive panties you’d gotten for no reason at all. you threw off your scrubs, discarding them onto the floor with a light air sound and replacing your shirt with a tank-top. your bed had been so perfectly made that it almost annoyed you. you threw yourself onto your bed and began to rub your eyes. it wouldn’t matter if you messed up the mascara because there was nothing to mess up. 
hoping the sleep would rid you of the horrible thoughts, you flipped the lamp next to your bed off and pressed a pillow to your cheek. the small dog at your feet curled up rested his eyes. you did the same.
it would’ve been physically best for your health if you had gone at least six hours of sleeping without any interruption, but one moment in the night, the phone on your nightstand began to blare its ringtone. your eyes shot open and began to burn slightly from a sudden awakening. the sound had scared your dog, who jumped to the ground in protection of whatever the source was until he realized it was the telephone. you groaned with heavy eyelids and looked to the clock. two-twenty five am. as soon as you went to answer the call, it went to dial tone. 
more frustrated than before because you really just wanted to sleep, you groaned and flung yourself back into bed. of course, now you were awake.
but then, the phone began to ring again. it had seemed louder this time and your dog barked in the most un-intimidating way possible before you threw a pillow at the spot next to him to get him quiet. you held the phone close to your ear and spoke a tired, “hello?” the line was silent and at first, you were terrified because you could’ve sworn you heard someone breathing. another one of these. “hello?”
part of this was exciting to you. while it was extremely frustrating to be awoken a few hours before you normally rose to get ready for work, your mind was racing during the silent pause between you and this stranger. who could it be? perhaps it was chucho telling you that javier could be coming home, but you cursed yourself for thinking of that man and dismissed the idea. maybe it was your mom calling to tell you how your father had gotten better and, for now at least, the cancer was gone. 
while the reason behind it remained unclear, you had always loved airports. the cleaning-product smell, the diverse people, the small restaurants, even the feeling of the carpet--or the feeling of that when in an airport, you were going somewhere.
it had always been about going somewhere. javier knew this since fifth grade, that you had always wanted to just leave kingsville, texas. maybe you would move to new york, or philadelphia, or even go to london and paris. they had been silly daydreams due to reading too many of your mother’s travel books, but paris had always looked so nice. maybe even visit mexico--you’d already been well immersed in the culture.
but that wasn’t why you were here. you were here for something that was long overdue.
after the phone call that night, you javier had made sure to call each other every other day at ten o’clock pm. there had been some days where you had to stay late at the hospital or javi was chasing sicarios and didn’t get home until midnight--those nights, you would either fall asleep or just call the next day, but you both had made a good schedule. it definitely hadn’t been the same as when you were teenagers, and you didn’t expect it to be. his voice was much deeper and raspier (you knew it was because of the cigarettes, you could practically smell them through the phone) and his voice wasn’t as...lively anymore. you felt that you couldn’t say much, though, because the years had been rough to you as well.
he had told you everything. your thoughts on how he was living was wrong--he told you of the countless informants and prostitutes, how the colombian sun was definitely hotter than the texan sun and even to him it had made a difference. when you both had too much to drink and were passing back funny stories, his was that he had grown a mustache. you had laughed at that one because if you could imagine the clean-shaved, teenage boy that javier once was with a mustache, it was a hilarious thought.
all-in-all, it had still been painful to talk to someone you knew so well like they were a stranger. at first, you had asked yourself if he’d changed but you caught yourself in the stupid thought. of course, he had changed. it had been twenty fucking years and even you had noticed the faint lines starting to appear around your face. 
it had taken almost half a year of phone calls, missed and attended, happy and sad to be where you were now.
the airport bustling had also been one of your favorite things too. the countless and various voices all coming together to make a white noise that was so distinct. 
you were standing near the entrance, watching as families reunited, lovers embraced, and yet you stood alone. it had been over ten minutes since when javier was supposed to show. if you were being honest with yourself, what did you expect? he would just appear out of thin air in the middle of a crowd? you hoped the flight from bogotá had been peaceful and well. there hadn’t been any storms passing by, baggage loading problems, or anything that could possibly delay the plane, so there was no reason for javier not to be there.
unless...you began to think and it had been too late to stop yourself from completing the thought. maybe he just didn’t want to. 
like when he rejected that girl in sixth grade. like when he left you alone in kingsville. like when abandoned his bride at their own fucking wedding.
suddenly, you felt angry. your blood was boiling, your hands felt hot, the hair on your neck became irritating, and the winter heat of texas began to scorch, even in air conditioning. you ran a hand down your face, feeling two beads of sweat trickle down a path to your chin. your foot, which had been tapping for the past now fifteen minutes turned on its heel as you made your way to the glass doors.
your car was just outside. you wouldn’t even have to walk that far, and then you could drive home, cry yourself to sleep, and call javier about this some other time.
tags: @pascalisthepunkest @javierpenaspinkshirt @gummiishark @cyarikaaa @larakasser @pedropasscals @honeyedspace @talesfromtheguild @absurdthirst
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Summery- 2.1k. Colin x Y/N. A fun night out brings up some questions. So this was written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ gif challenge. If you wanna participate, head on over and join in, more then happy to nominate you if you desire. I did break the rules a bit with that opening gif, but it does appear before the final gif. Im not much of one to follow the rules, sorry peeps. I roll my own way. 
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You and Colin had a easy relationship. It was never really all that serious, you two never even made it “official”. The two just melded one day into this more then best friends with benefits, you were his unofficial girlfriend, a term you thought yourself to be. You unfortunately would freeze up at the idea of official girlfriend, i mean... thats to serious, isnt it?
 He looked out for you, and you looked out for him. Long days at work, he would surprise you with your favorite take out spread on the coffee table, and then you would sit between his legs, his arms wrapped around you while you both played the newest video game. He would make it out like you totally kicked his ass, stealing kisses and nibbles when he wanted to distract you and usually before the night was done, the video controllers were forgotten for a quickie on the couch, often times the video games music was your new sexy time theme song. 
Then other times, he would drag you out of the apartment. His grin boyish as he insisted you change from your work outfit, unbuttoning your blouse and running a hand over the lacy cups of your bra. “Fuck I love this number on you, when we come back, I should peel you right out of this with my teeth.” Your breath hitched, you would like that very much. Placing a kiss to your lips, he smirked “but not right now. I have something else in mind. Something sporty lil minx.” 
“Where are we going?” You question, digging through your closet. “Im not sure of how to dress!”
“Anything babe! Comfy clothes!” He went into the closet you currently were a bit lost in, and reached over you to grab your sweat pants and a tshirt. You look at them with an arched brow and snort while taking them. “You high classing me up Stud?” 
He winked as he pulled on his old beat up grey zip up. “You know it sexy, aint no one got nothing on you.” 
Laughing, the two of you stumble out the door and his arm wrapped around you your waist, holding you in against his side, you followed him along, chatting a bit about your day since he wasnt spilling what the two of you were doing.
But soon enough you two came up to the local gymnasium and he dug out a key from his pocket, unlocking the doors and slipping in. As the two of you walked in, a few lights sprung on and you wiggled out of his hold and sprang forward to do a cartwheel, landing half hazardly back on your feet. “Ta-Da!” giggling as you reach up to pull your hair back into a ponytail, snapping the band you kept around your wrist around. Colin grabbed a nearby basketball and lazily dribbled it as he sauntered towards you across the court. “How did you get the key to this place?”
“I know a guy who knows a guy, who needed a gig played this weekend. Figured we needed a night out baby, and what better then playing Horse?” Another dribble and you put your hands to your hips watching him, you were always down for the thrill of the challenge. Competitive little minx that you are. And he was right, you two had been holed up in the apartment for a tad to long. 
“Well lets make it interesting Colin.” you state, holding your hands out for the ball. “Every missed shot, we get to pick something to loose.” He cocked a brow and raked his eyes over you. “Game on babygirl.“ He tossed you the ball ,and smirked, watching as you picked your spot. Off to the left side of the court, along the edge, you dribble a few times and then with a small jump, flick of your wrist, you sent the ball flying, and hell you made this shot a hundred times growing up. That ball gave a sweet sweet swish snap, and Colin rolled his eyes. “easy, I got this.” Jogging for the ball, he swooped it up and zig zagging over to you, showing off, you step from where you stood while he went to make his shot. 
“Its harder then it looks” you claim, and he winks. 
“Im winning this baby, your gonna look awful good running around all bare ass naked in here while I claim my trophey.” And sure enough he to made the shot. 
“Oh you think your gonna get that far? Whats your trophey?” 
“Why your panties of course.”
Oh fuck, game on boy, you thought and grabbing the ball, you chose your next spot, further away, towards the middle of the court. When you went to make your shot, he snapped your ass with his palm, making you squeek and shoot it way off, not even hitting the back board. “COLIN!” His laughter echoing as he tugged on your shirt. “Off it comes!” 
“That was cheating you bastard” you stick your tongue out as you jerk it over your head and toss it over his shoulder. He grasped your chin and drew your teasing tongue into his mouth, wrangling a moan from you before releasing you.
"Fighting dirty is encouraged babygirl, I thought you knew that" you narrowed your eyes at him as he jogged for the ball, the bouncing echoing while he assessed where he wanted to shoot from. Once he picked, you sauntered in front of him, leaving enough space so he could shoot, but you knew what could distract him. Since they distracted him 20 times a day without even trying. His hand was always snaking up your shirt to play with your breasts. 
Just as he was about to shoot, your hands shot up and giving a luscious lip parting, moan, plumping the swells together, his eyes immediately fell from the hoop to where they were spilling over the top, and sure enough his shot went WAY WAY off the mark. A drop of your hands and the wiggle of the brows, you snicker. 
“Loose the shirt hot stuff!” You tug on his hoodie, and pull down the zipper for him, leaning up to catch his lips in a kiss, fully meant to draw his focus from the game. Tiny nips, flick of the tongue trailing over his full bottom lip and then pulling away before he can get the satisfaction of tasting your kiss. A frustrated groan fell from his chest, and he shrugged off the shirt. 
The back and forth was fierce. Colin got the satisfaction of getting the next few shots, and much to your disdain at this, you shed off your belt, pants and one sock. He did let you keep on one sock, how sweet of him. While you were following along behind him, hooking your hand into his belt loops and tugging on him from behind as he takes a random jumping shot, falling back into you. 
“Ha, you missed baby, Pants, they are finally mine!” 
He doesnt even hesitate to unzip them and tug them off, a smirk playing off his mouth. 
So his next statement threw you off axis, put a pause to your laughter, tilted your whole world off kilter. You dont know why it would scare you so much. 
“My girlfriend is free to take my pants off whenever she pleases.” With a toss he shot them in the pile of clothing you accumulated. 
But you couldnt see that, he called you his girlfriend, girlfriend. You werent anything, never have been. 
“What? Im not your girlfriend.”
He just looked at you a bit weird and picked up the ball. “Of course you are Y/N, we practically live together now, Im just waiting for my lease to end on my apartment.” 
“Oh no buddy.” Your hands go to your hips with a shake of the head “We never said we were anything.” Pointing between the two of you, good mood gone as his face turned serious listening to you. 
“Then what has this all been? You cant tell me nothing Y/N, its been like a year” You already had turned on your heels. You werent running away, no, not at all. You werent terrified that he might have cared about you more then in a friendly way, although you both know thats the biggest mother fucking lie you told yourself in that moment when he was saying your name, trying to get an answer. 
Your gathering your clothes when he grasps your arm. “Will you just stop for a moment Y/N and talk to me?” 
“I cant, I got to work tomorrow.” You lamely make an excuse, fuck work. 
“You know, I knew I god damn knew you would pull this shit Y/N the minute I said it was anything. You know why? Your so damned scared of actually wanting something, you wont say it. Think its gonna blow all up in your face, amiright?” His words running together as you wrench your arm out and you glare at him. 
“Im not the one who just assumed anything asshole.” Your temper flaring to hide anything other then what you really want to say. And you leave Colin standing there in shock, in the middle of the gymnasium, the lights glaring over him and you resolve not to look back as you slam out the door, but you hear him, a string of cusses following you outside in his anger and your name, your name calling you back, to not run away. But run away you did. 
He didnt come back that night, not to your apartment, you heard the slamming of his door across the hallway and you curled up in bed feeling completely miserable about what had happened, how you reacted and maybe he was right, you had some kind of commitment issue after years of self esteem issues. Ones he always talked you through. 
“Babes your so damn smart, what would I do without you?!” Helping him put together a lyric for his music, the words would just come to you. 
“Come on, its not that bad, let me read.” Sneaking a peek over your shoulder at a short writing piece you were indulging yourself in. 
“Kicking ass and taking names” High fiving you after a particularly difficult boss in the video game. 
“Baby you eat today? How about a grilled cheese?” on those days you just couldnt get your shit together and remember to feed yourself. A water bottle being tossed at you. 
“God damn your so beautiful” Early morning wake ups, his arm locking you in close, and not allowing you to leave him for a few moments. A kiss to your shoulder and light nibble to your neck before you really had to start the day. 
It hurt he wasnt there now, the bed felt hollowed and you buried your face in the pillow. Why did you do this to yourself? He tried to text a few times, but you bypassed them, not having an answer for him. He would want one, Curtis didnt just let things go. ‘what are you never going to talk to me again?’ was his last one. Then the phone went silent.  
 The night turned into days, and it turned into the longest three damn days you could recall. Then the third night as you were nursing a beer, secretly listening for the door across the hall, there was a knock, a soft rapt that made you spring up out of your seat. Setting the bottle aside, you unlocked your door and peered out. Opening the door wider, there was Colin, not in his usual band tees, and jeans, or that stupid zip up you missed, no he was dressed up, tie and everything. 
“Hi Y/n” he smiled, fidgeting a bit, he seemed so out of his norm. You shyly look down, picking at your rather unfancy attire. 
“Hi Colin, you look good” 
“Do I? I wouldnt know” He teased and reached out to lift your face with a tilt of his fingers under your chin. “But theres an important woman whom deserves it.” Your brows come together, clearly unsure of what he meant. “Y/N, I didnt mean to scare you off, I should have done this right, not just assume you wanted the same thing I did. Im hoping you do, but if you dont... then I will respect that. Will you date me, be my girlfriend?” 
Seeing him now, those uncalled for fears still lingered, but you wanted this. You wanted him, and the past few days showed just how much he actually meant to you, maybe you both were taking each other for granted. 
“Yes Colin, I cant believe you still want to after I was such an asshole” 
“Nah, you werent an asshole.” He stepped in closer, and kissed your forehead. “Okay, maybe a teeny bit, but I was a big dick for not talk to you about it, so that makes us pretty even right?” 
You laugh listening to him and tug on his tie, dragging him into the apartment. Fuck you missed this. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ im just gonna tag you in everything till your like “STOP” lmao
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youimploresme · 4 years
For the Enemies/Rivals starters maybe “We have to stop meeting like this” with Arthur x F!reader where she’s not part of the Van der Linde gang (she’s on her own but helps them when they cross paths) and she and Arthur always meet on some kind of robbery? Like they both are robbing the same train/stagecoach/etc at the same time and this is like the eighth time it’s happened over the years? Maybe he asks her to officially join them?
Friend By Happenstance
UM IM SORRY I have no idea how old this request is, but I came back, saw that this said "Arthur" and Just. YES. So here you go, and I'm so sorry for however long the wait was.
Also I absolutely love this request so much. The flavour is immaculate.
"We gotta stop meeting up like this."
The first signs of morning were peeking above the mountains behind your lone form as you peered through stolen binoculars. You took your tongue between your teeth in concentration, picking out any signs of movement from that little spot atop the hill.
The stagecoach was scheduled to arrive soon, and you had to be ready. It wasn't supposed to be heavily guarded, which meant it might be the target of other thieves.
A few more minutes ticked by and you watched the shadows dying as morning shoved night away.
Suddenly, you caught sight of the bank-on-wheels, just about salivating over the thought of how much money was in there already. You knew that this was going to be a good haul, just as long as you could pull it off. "Hyah!" You called, nudging your stallion into action. The excitable horse took off like a bullet, slamming through the bushes and tearing dirt up from the ground. This was what it meant to feel alive. You knew that as you whooped and drew your rifle, wind pulling at your hair and hollering in your ears.
At least you knew you were free.
The stagecoach veered sideways and darted forward as the people inside cried out in shock and fear. You grinned and pushed the stallion to go faster, to which he happily obliged. A gunshot rang out and a puff of dirt suddenly came from beside you.
"I ain't gonna kill none of ya, but if you keep shooting at me then I'll highly consider it!" You called. "Just stop the coach and make this easy for all of us!"
"Oh, god, keep going! Don't let her get us!" A lady cried from within.
There was another gunshot, this time closer, and you let out a sigh through your bandana. "Shoot my horse and I'll make y'er deaths slow and painful!"
The third gunshot pissed you off enough to act on your second plan, as threatening them down wasn't going to work. You matched the speed of the coach with your horse, then leapt onto the side. As you did so, another rider came up beside the coach on the opposite end and a rifle was stuck in the driver's face. You didn't get a clear view of the other outlaw, but you didn't really... enjoy sharing. You slid quickly across the coach while the guard on the front was distracted and delivered a quick knock-out blow, then pulled him off of the coach.
The coach began to slow and you huffed out a breath. Now, you just had to deal with the other interested thief.
The coach stopped and the driver was yanked to the ground. You readied your rifle and jumped around the side to get the jump on whoever it was.
To your surprise, however, the shocked face that looked up belonged to someone you had met before. Actually, you guys had met several times and in situations much like this one.
"Arthur-fucking-Morgan." You lowered the rifle with a smile.
"Y/N? What are the odds?" He chuckled, foot still planted on the chest of the stagecoach driver.
You hung your rifle over your shoulder and drew your pistol, then walked to door. As you gestured the people out, you spoke. "I had no idea you guys made it up here, last we spoke was at Blackwater... right? How'd that go, by the way?"
Arthur sighed and marched the driver to the back as you demanded the riders hand over their valuables, quietly as to not interrupt Arthur.
"Ah, not so good. It was a bust and we lost some good people. Had to move up here to hide out." He shrugged as the driver unlocked the back of the stagecoach. This was how your encounters went nowadays, you and him would finish the robbery while you caught up. "What about you? I thought you were heading to Mexico."
"Ah, yeah. Like your Blackwater party, my vacation to Mexico didn't work out." You chuckled, remembering your narrow escape. "They're not exactly welcoming right now."
The both of you finished robbing every drop of money from that stagecoach, then you knocked the people out and called your horses over.
"It's funny to imagine the time that I once hated you for running into me all the time. I couldn't stand the sound of your voice back then, or even hearing your name." You teased him with a laugh. "Strange how time changes everything, huh?"
"Seriously... we gotta stop meeting up like this, Y/N." Arthur grunted as he pulled himself up into his saddle. You frowned up at him from beside your horse.
"And here I thought you enjoyed these little meetings as much as I did." You cooed. To your surprise, he nodded.
"I very much do enjoy them, actually. You still run on your own, right?" He glanced away, seeming suddenly... shy?
You grinned up at him. "Yes, I do. Are you trying once again to get me to join your gang?" You crossed your arms as he chuckled.
"Saw right through that one, eh?"
"I'm clever." You shrugged. His smile settled to a much smaller one and he leaned forward on the horn of his saddle.
Then he sighed. "And, uh... what if I were? Ya know, asking you to join us?"
It was your turn to chuckle as you finally pulled yourself up into your saddle. Then you looked at him again and hummed. "I'd miss running into you randomly. We've been doing this for years-- I'm starting to expect it by now..." You didn't miss the disappointed look that crossed his features at that. "However, I can't help but think I'd enjoy seeing a lot more of you than these random encounters." You flashed a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
You had never seen Arthur Morgan, the stoic and scary man, blush before... until then, of course. He pretended like he wasn't blushing and nodded once.
"I think I'd fancy seeing you more than I get to, too."
"Then it's settled. If your gang will have me, then I'll join you. As long as you're there."
You didn't tell him that if it had been anyone other than him asking, or that you had been running into so much, you would've given a flat no.
No, it was only because Arthur was the one you had met by some decree of fate.
It was only Arthur Morgan, who you fancied more than even you knew.
Arthur Morgan: your friend by happenstance.
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Requests Open\\
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
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A/n: this is for 4 different bingo challenges... hope people like this one! Show it some love if you loved it.
Title: sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
Pairing: dean x reader
Spn Dark sq: free space (shadow/fear demon)
Share the love bingo sq: sleeping beauty
Fluff sq: soulmate AU
H&H sq: Gabriel
Rating: pg-13
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​  @spndarkbingo​  @heavenandhellbingo​  @thisismysecrethappyplace​
Once upon a time in a kingdom oh so far away lived a king & his fair queen. for many years they had longed for a child & finally their wish was granted.
a daughter born to them whom they called YN. for they named her after the dawn for she filled their hearts with sunshine. a great holiday planned to honor the princess for the entire kingdom rejoiced at her birth.
as more people graced the party, the party got stronger. amongst those to arrive were King John & his son Prince Dean. fondly had these monarchs dreamed that one day their kingdoms unite.
thus that day they announced Dean, John’s son and Heir to Castiel’s daughter be betrothed. so to her his gift he brought as he looked unkowing on his future bride.
Page: their most honored and exalted excellencies, the 3 good fairies. Mistress Claire, Mistress Jo & mistress Alex...
the 3 fairies approached, now addressing Castiel and his queen.
Fairies: your majesties!
in courtly fashion they all curtsied.
Claire: each of us the child may bless with a single gift, no more no less.
claire approached the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Claire: little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty...
~one gift, beauty rare. full of sunshine in her hair. lips that shame the red red rose. she’ll wake with springtime wherever she goes.~
Jo was next to approach the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Jo: tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song.
~one gift, the gift of song. melody her whole life long. the nightingale’s her troubadour. bringing her sweet serenade to her door.~
Alex stepped up to the craddle, she walked and raised her want tostart her speech but something soon would disrupt her wish.
Alex: “sweet princess, my gift shall be...
a gust of wind blows blazing through the castle doors, they swing wide open. with wind and thunder crashing through, in a blaze of fire in the middle of the crowd appeared Rowena.
Claire, jo and Alex all in states of shock at the sight of Rowena who speaks now.
Rowena: well quite the glittering assemblage King Castiel. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and how quaint even the rebel.
alex tries to fly towards Rowena but is held back by Claire.
Rowena: i really felt quite distressed at not recieving an invitation
Alex now more than a little peaved speaks.
Alex: you weren’t wanted.
Rowena: not wa...? oh dear, what an awkward situation. i had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. well in that event i’d best be on my way. 
queen: and your not offended your excellency?
Rowena: why no your majesty. and to show i bear no ill will i too shall bestwo a gift on the child. 
the fairies back up to protect the craddle. 
rowena: listen well all of you! the princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. but, before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel & die.
queen: oh no!
queen takes her child in her arms as rowena maniacly laughing...
castiel: seize that creature!
rowena: stand back you fools!
in a flash of fire and lightning as well as laughter rowena disappeared!
Claire: dont despair your majesties, Alex still has her gift to give.
Castiel: then she can undo this fearful curse?
Alex: oh no sire.
Jo: Rowena’s powers are far too great.
Claire: but she can help.
Alex: but...
Jo: just do your best dear!
Claire: yes...
Alex rolls up her sleeves and proceeds to speak her part.
Alex: sweet princess, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still maybe in this, the gift i give to thee. not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy shall keep, and from thy slumber thee shall wake when true loves kiss the spell shall break.
~for true love conquers all~
but castiel still fearful of his daughter’s life, did then and there decre that every spinning wheel on that very day be burnt. so it was done!
~this is the first jump out of fairytale reality and into our own reality where dean is picking up watching this classic fairytale & trying to get some shudeye.~
dean: if i have one more flippin’ dream about this movie im gonna kill someone.
sam: dont worry about it Dean, its not gonna get better with you yelling & screamin’... now try to get some sleep! we have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow!
Dean: yeah your right.
Dean throws his headphones on again trying to coax himself into a relaxing sleep. which Gabriel  had set so Dean would not wake from his sleep till the story would finish, then his destined quest would begin.
Gabriel: sweet dreams Dean. you have a really rude awakening ahead of you... everything you know is about to change...
gabriel casts his curse & leaves dean to his tormented slumber that which awaits him.
~jump back into the story, where we find the 3 fairies talking with Castiel and the queen~
Claire: your majesty please consider this a kind of protection detail, this will allow your sweet YN to grow up in peace without the worry of her pricking her finger when her 16th birthday hath fully passed your sweet YN will be returned to you. to ensure the curse does not come true.
queen: you 3 have always been here even when we havent always honored it, we do so appreciate your loyalty and protection. this has surely been a trying day for us and we are honored to have you 3 commited to helping us protect our daughter.
Castiel:  and it is on our honor that, you 3 shall go with our blessing. please be careful & guard our child well...
many hours later after dark, the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts as thier most precious possesssion their only child disappeared into the night..
many sad and lonely years passed for King Castiel and his peopple. but as the time for the pincess’ 16th birthday drew near, the entire kingdom began to rejoice. for everyone knew that as long as rowena’s domain, the forbidden mountains, thundered with her wrath and frustration her evil prophecy had not yet been fullfilled. 
rowena yells at her incompetant servents, they encur her wrath. rowena sends out her own raven to search for the princess. 
and so for 16 long years, dean had been learning how to live life as a prince. while the wereabouts of the princess remained a secret, the faires carried out their long laid planes living like mortals.
the fairies send Yn to collect some berries while they argue about the kind of last birrthday party they wish to give her, the dress color the cake and the cleaning something extra special for their last night as her guardians.
YN decides to stop in the glen... she feels like something is wrong thats when your real self breaks through... 
YN: omg what am i doing in here? 
as you keep singing you try to remember wht happened to put you in here. sure was your fave movie but it was not how you wanted to live.
Dean was riding Chuck the horse, the scene still happens the singing in the glade, dean hearing your singing following the animals that are stealing his cape, boots and hat. 
your still singing by yourself but now kinda talking to the animals. after that kind of normal conversation you notice that some of your animal friends have come back dressed as a prince. you started singing and continued to dance with your animal friends, but thats when Dean had snuck up and hid in the bush, he waited for his oportune moment.
YN: but if i know you, i know what you’ll do, you’ll love me at once... the way you did...
thats when your vocals were interrupted by another voice to complete your song.
Dean: once upon a dream.
though it wasnt exactly ideal, your hands interacting, it felt more real than you had this entire time. waltzing through the glade by the lake, made your real self shine through. Dean could feel his real self shine through as well.
Dean: are you real?
that question made you look at him instantly. another person whose not really the character he is pretending to be.
YN: you’re real... your an actual person, not just a fairytale character?
Dean: yes, i’m real, what’s your name?
YN: YN, outside this ever turning story book fairytale movie thing im a hunter.... this story just keeps repeating itself everytime someone watches this movie. i have no idea what the hell put me into this neverending storybook. im annoyed greatly but strange thing is i can’t feel any connection right now to my actual body...
Dean: im a hunter as well. my name is Dean. i hunt everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to demons and everything in between. i am also not sure how i got in here.
YN: your a hunter as well... i thought i was the only one.
Dean: whats the last thing you can remember before waking up here in the story?
YN: i was on a strange case, one thing made me think it was a werewolf. one thing made me think it was a ghost. one thing made me think it was a poltergeist. i remember walking out of my hotel room and that is it. nothing else after that. it sends shivers down my spine when i think of what may be going on with my actual body. how did you end up in here?
Dean: last thing i rememebr is turning on the movie to watch/listen too while i try to sleep. thats it... i have no fucking idea how i ended up in here. as to you saying that you can feel no connection to your physical body, something magical must be blocking the connection, but non-the-less i want to help you. i will finish the story so i can get out of here and find you. i will slay whatever i have to in order to free you, in the story and in reality. i will not rest till i rescue you.
you both continued on in the story, as they say it must continue or the end will not come. but it was nice for both of you to know that neither of you were alone. 
the 3 fairies gave you your birthday surprise and told you of your true heritage then whisked you away to the castle where they hid you; dean showed up at the cottage where Rowena prince-napped him; you are led away by rowena’s curse to prick your finger in a hidden tower room the 3 fairies find you laying you down in “your” room; then they put the kingdom to sleep till someone can wake their sweet YN. 
~meanwhile outside the story Sam is working with other people to figure out what happened to dean. Ellen, Jo and Bobby all were doing everything they could to help Sam figure out what happened to Dean.~
 Back in the story: many sleeping people but the fairies were trying to find out who the handsome stranger was that their sweet Yn had been talking about. they figured he might be their key to saving her. 
but soon it was claire who had been doing a round to make sure all of her section was asleep but it was John’s voice that caught her ear for he started talking about how he had spoken to Dean who had been raving about some pesent girl and how Dean had said he was gonna marry her and such. 
claire managed to suss out that it was Dean that Yn had met in the forest. the words she had heard from John that had firmed her suspicions were Peasent girl & once upon a dream...
claire flies back to Jo and Alex and speaks in raced tones of panic.
Claire: the young man that YN was talking about is Prince Dean. come on girls we have to get back to the cottage.
as fast as their wings could carry them, they rushed back to the cotage but alas were too late for all they found was Dean’s hat no Dean. they conclude that it must have been Rowena who has dean trapped in her forbiiden palace. their minds made up immediately, they had to go there.
Dean, the only one true person who is able to awaken their Sweet YN... they had to find him to save her. off they went no plan in hand just ‘winging’ it as they went, weaving their way through the grounds passed the guards... 
Rowena was in her throne room watching her lackys celebrate. to her raven she speaks.
Rowena: what a pitty prince Dean cant be here to enjoy the celebration. come my pet let us go to the dungeon and cheer him up...
the raven she was just talking too cawed at her as she got up and started walking towards the dungeon where she had been keeping dean.
~*reality jump!!! Dean is still unconcious while Sam is runnning around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to figure out what the hell happened to his brother*~
Sam: i don’t want lecutures. i want to know what happened to Dean.
Bobby: dont worry boy, dean is strong, he will pull through whatever is happening to him. do you have any theories?
Sam: im thinking maybe some sort of curse or something but no signs of any hex bags or nothing surrounding dean. there has to be something we are overlooking. some angle that we have missed.
~*back in the story, dean is stuck in the dungeon not even phased when rowena walks in the door.*~
Rowena: oh come now prince dean why so mellon colly. a wondrous future awaits you. you the destined hero of a charming fairytale come true.
the fairies arrive in the window hiding from the raven and rowena but witness what rowena depicts to Dean through her Staff.
Rowena: behold, king castiel’s castle &and in yonder top most tower, dreaming of her true love, the princess YN. but see the gracious whim of fate. why tis the same said peasent maid who won the heart of our noble prince the other day. she is indeed most wondrous fair. gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red red rose. in ageless sleep she finds repose. the years roll by, but a hundred years to a stead fast hear are ‘bout a day. and now, the gates of the dungeon part and our prince is free to go his way. off he rides on his noble steed. a valiant figure, straight & tall to wake his love with love’s first kiss & prove that true love conquers all...
Dean struggles against his chains, alex starts towards rowena but is held back by Claire as rowena brings her raven back onto her shoulder as they prepare to exit the dungeon she says one final thing in Deans presense.
Rowena: ah my pet let us leave our noble prince with these happy thoughts.
she exits the dungeon leaving Dean struggling against his bonds. the 3 fairies enter the cell using their magic to release dean from the chains and unlock the door. Dean starts towards the door but is stopped by Claire who proceeds to speak.
Claire: wait prince Dean, the road to true love may yet still be barred by much more dangers, which you alone shall have to face. so arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue, and this mighty sword of truth. for these weapons of righteousness shall triumph over evil. now come we must hurry.
out of the dungeon they went but rowena’s raven had stayed behind after rowena and the raven exited the dungeon. he started cawing at them, Dean was thinking this would be easy escape. but he was wrong. the raven was bringing an army of lackies downt he stairs to them. dean begins to fight them off.
Claire: quick Dean jump out the window.
Dean jumps out the same window as the fairies, but some rocks start falling towards Dean. Claire notices and speaks quickly.
Claire: Dean watch out!
Claire turns the rocks into bubbles. then a wall of arrows quickly turned into a wall of flying flowers, alex went down to free chuck. dean rides off on chuck towards the gate where hot oil is thrown, claire turns it into a rainbow.
the chase of a lifetime made alex proud as she chased that raven to the top of rowena’s tower & turned it to stone. this made rowena emerge, freshly woken from her sleep she goes to yell at her raven but discovers that her pet has been turned into stone. 
she watches from her balcony as the drawbridge is being raised, dean and the fairies are heading straight for it, the fairies help him make the jump. chuck keeps running, carrying Dean as quick possible, dodging rowena’s two spells that she has cast causing them to fail. 
in straight eye sight for Dean and the fairies is the castle, but before they can reach it Rowena makes her second last attempt to stop them.
Rowena: a forest of thorns shall be his tomb. born from the skies in a fog of doom. now go with a curse and serve me well. round Castiel’s castle cast my spell.
a black cloud appears over the castle, lightning striking the grounds around, thus causes icky thicky black thorns to grow in large bushes between Dean and the castle. 
Dean stops before them, drawing his sword he fights his way through the thorns this let him out just before the bridge to the castle. rowena seeing this appears before Dean in a firey blaze for her final attempt to stop them.
Rowena: now shall ye deal with me oh prince & all the powers of hell!
Dean and the fairies watch as Rowena using every ounce of power she had left to transform herself into a huge fire spying dragon. Dean begins what turns into a short-ish fight but retreats hastly reaching a wall he climbs high. 
our prince is now trapped on a cliff, another blaze of fire this causes Dean to loose his shield off the side of the cliff. Claire jo & alex bring their collective magic together near the prince they cast this on the sword.
Claire: now sword of truth fly swift and sure, that evil die & good endure.
dean throws the sword at the dragon piercing its heart. rowena lunges one final time but falls off a cliff to her downfall. dean is then lead down the cliff and to the castle, up to the tower where you lay in slumber waiting for this moment. Dean kneeling by your sleeping form placed a light kiss to your lips. 
you wake up just as time freezes. Dean helps you stand up. both of you looking around. yes the entire movie was frozen. puzzled you both stand in front of eachother. 
Dean: now whats happening.
you went to open your hand to grab Dean’s but something fell to the floor. Dean reached down to pick it up. he unfolded it and proceeded to read what was upon it.
Dean (reading note): congratulations! Defeating that witch takes care of one of my issues, that was of course the easy part. your next task Dean is to find your destiny, yes your destiny lies within the form of this girl. you must go back to reality and find her body and wake her up once you do everything and i do mean EVERYTHING will become clear. want a clue? here it is: “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of _________ in the final resting place of _________...” i look forward to seeing you very very soon. try to hurry i hear there is trouble on your horizons. 
now you both were very very very confused. this is what caused you to pop up and say..
YN: what the hell kind of clue was that? any idea what he is talking about? wait does that mean im not in my hotel room anymore. that someone or something moved my body?
Dean: that is exactly what it means and i will do everything in my capable power to find you. hopefully when i get back to reality this paper goes with me... 
just as he finished speaking a portal opens, visions of dean’s unconcious body appear along with Sam and others going frantic over what happened to Dean.
Dean: Yn, i give you my solem oath that i will not rest till you are safe by my side, i will fight whoever, go wherever, do whatever i have to in order to save you. dont give up hope and pray that this loop does not repeat for you. pray this time freeze does not disappear when i walk through that portal. 
YN: i have faith in you Dean please hurry. i look forward to never leaving your side.
Dean placed a chaste kiss to your forehead before he walked through the portal. you sat on the bed and watched as Time remained frozen but you were once again alone.
Dean arrived back in his own body, he sat straight up and scared the living daylights out of his brother, bobby and several others all of whom embraced Dean. 
Dean then went to where Sam’s laptop was and began searching the lore, the myths and legends specifically. when Sam approached him about what he was doing, Dean presented sam with that note. suddenly it made mroe sense to Sam, who left Dean in the charge of Jo while he, bobby and ellen all went to grab food and booze. 
Jo: what happened to you?
Dean: one minute i was in that bed trying to fall asleep using a disney movie & the next thing i know im inside the movie. im telling you i would have preferred Hell. but i wasnt the only person from reality stuck in the movie. there was a girl, she said she is a hunter too she was on a strange case when she found herself in the movie. she has no idea of how long she has been in there. she also thinks her body has been moved. this piece of paper proves that someone or something is holding her body somewhere and its up to me to find this girl. at this point nothing else matters. i made her a promise now i have to keep it. 
Jo: let me see the paper again...
Dean hands Jo the paper and after a few moments of staring at it she takes a pen and fills in the blanks... thats when the paper glowed... and revealed a magical map... 
Dean: how did you do that?
Jo just smiled and laughed...
Jo: im really good at fill in the blanks. its a natural talent i get it from mom... your clue should have finished like this:   “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of Romania in the final resting place of Dracula...”
Dean hugged her, he knew where he had to go now but how the hell was he gonna get there. it was then that Dean went to load several of his handhelds and load onto his back a machete load up some ammo clips. 
he didnt know what to expect but he was certain that being cautious was better than being stupid. he was not gonna walk in there half assed. he needed to be as prepared as could be. however thats when bobby, sam and ellen walked back into the room. 
Sam: Dean what are you doing?
Dean: im getting ready before i call cas for transport. this will allow me to not get dinged by airport security and not to become sea sick either. but i hope honestly that this mission im about to embark on is gonna be beneficial. 
Bobby: what the hell do you think your doing? never mind that where are you going?
Dean: romania, Jo has the knowledge on why i am going to romania, she will fill you guys in... ill take my burger to go. put my pie in the fridge. 
once Dean is ready to go, he stands in the center of the room and smiles back at the others but then Jo pipes up and goes to stand beside Dean with a backpack on her back... 
Dean: Jo what...
Jo: im not letting you walk into your destiny alone. do not for one second think im not gonna jump at this opportunity to hunt with you, to help you to find your destiny. you helped me once to know what my destiny was, now its my turn to repay the favor.
Dean takes Jo by the hand as he in a stern voice he speaks the following words. 
Dean: Castiel get your oh holy feathery ass down here i need a lift and your my ticket to my next destination.
cas comes to the hotel room and approaches Dean & Jo.
Castiel: where am i taking you and your friend here...
Dean: transylvania and dude once we land you cant be there... it will not be helpful for you to be there. this is a mission i have to do alone. me and my friend here go through the rest of the process alone. 
Cas only nods completely understanding on what his friend has asked of him. he takes Dean and Jo to Transylvania. then once they are safe on the ground again cas leaves. 
Dean: okay now to look at this magic map and figure out where we are and where the resting place of Dracula is... 
Jo: well lets first of all make sure we are prepared before we go into town. i did a bit of research apparently they dont trust strangers here. we need to show them that we mean no harm. or just keep our noses down and pass through without being detected. 
Dean: well lets see what the map says. 
Jo leads Dean to a rock as she lays out the map... 
Jo: these 2 dots over here are us... but what is that red dot over yoner on this map... look there is a multicolored one too.... 
Dean: the multicolored one is my destiny, the red one has to be what is holding her captive. 
jo notices some writing appearing on the map after a few moments. 
Jo: whats that say...
Dean: it says, “inside the castle you face your fears, beat them out till you cant no more. fears and demons go hand in hand but if you beat them in order to save your destiny. this is to be your greatest reward.” what the hell does that mean... 
Jo: it means no matter what we need to get to that castle. 
hand in hand they get their tracks moving towards the path...
Jo: i really hope the story of transylvania is fake... 
Dean: you mean the fact that as soon as the sun goes down werewolves and vampires come out to play... you and me both but hey if they do we are fully prepared. this place is on top of a supernatural time  bomb. everything that goes bump in the night comes out after sunset. 
both dean and jo look up into the sky the last bit of light leaves the tree line. 
Dean: have your silver bullets and machete ready just in case... we are not taking any chances. we have to get to that castle. 
Jo: dont worry we will... 
Dean smiles as both of them continue making their way through the forst, a little quicker than normal pace. the sun had now fully set, the light that had been guiding them was gone. 
Jo: just follow the path the map says this will lead us to the castle where your destiny awaits you. Dean are you sure we...
thats when she stopped speaking... her words cut out... Dean pulled out his machete and quickly brought it to face the enemy that now held his best friend back. 
Shadow entity: ah so the prodigal has come for his prize.. well i think ill take a  constitution to ensure that you follow the rules, to ensure the balance is complete, to ensure that we are all in clarity to our debts. to this i have something to say this to you: you are part of the same card, the girl i have sleeping right now is not going to wake up without her other half. you have not done anything to earn her freedom, so i take your friend as kind of a wake up call to the horrors that which wait you inside. this castle has its own story but to unlock its secrets you must face your fears. face them down Dean, only then will you have earned her freedom. see you real soon.
the shadow figure disappears with Jo... Dean picks up her bag and keeps his machete on hand as he continues walking. following the map as he heard the soft crunching of his boots under the snow. winter sure is warmish in whats supposed to be the coldest part of romania. 
Dean (to self): i have no idea what the hell is going on but i now have 2 bright lights to save i am just hoping i can conquer whatever appears before me... Jo for your courage please be my light. guide me to where you are... my dear sister. 
meanwhile Jo has been placed in a room, where you lay in wait for your destiny. Jo takes one look at you and she smiles. she knows that you are definately dean’s destiny and then she speaks the following words. 
Jo: in all my years i had never thought Dean would find his destiny, never after he helped me find mine i swore i would help him find his, now Dear Brother please follow my light...
Dean stops a quick moment to catch his breath and look at the map... he then sees Jo’s dot on the map glow brighter... it acts as a flashlight lighting up the path he must walk. 
after several more steps and following his light he arrives at the castle.
 Dean: here i com ladies... dont loose hope.
Dean holding his machete walked inside the castle.. the first thing he saw was the vision of himself as a demon tellig hm that he was gonna die alone and that he would become that... he told that vision that he would always have a family beside him even if they werent around that cared for him that would never abandon him.
that he went on his way still fllowing the light o the ground he comes accross the first blade which tells him that he fears being back in hell torturing souls and how good it made him feel. dean tells it that he will never and shall never go back to hell and never will he torutue those who dont deserve it again.
a few more fears tried to get dean to turn away from this quest, tried to get him to fail but nothing worked. the last area on the map was a long corridor it looked as thought there was a figure about mid way down. 
the map let off a warning flash meaning there was danger approaching. Dean speaks once more to whatever is trying to face him down.
Dean: i address the entity in front of me. who are you? why have you brought me to this awful place?
Shadow: i am the demonic shadow of Count Dracula and I have brought you here so you can face me in the ultimate battle. Either I will be finally put to rest or I will be made whole again. do you accept my challenge?
Dean drops the bags and keeps both his guns and his machete as he speaks.
Dean: look dumn ass, i dont know who your the spirit or entitiy of but this is not how things are run in my world. in my world the good guys win and the bad guys loose. now if you stand aside and let me wake my destiny and save my sister then you might just get to be put back to sleep again. or ill succeed and kill you right now. your choice, i’m good either way. 
Shadow: you dare to think you stand a chance against me, how cute. very well, if its death you choose then allow me to help you with that.
Dean moved out of the way as the shadow lunged toward him, missed and just landed again.. Dean then shot out 6 rounds of dead mans blood rounds all aimed at shadow-Dracula, he dodged those. 
shadow: tell you what, ill make you a deal if you surrender now ill give you ten long years to spend with your so called “destiny” in exchange for you letting me out of here with my life. 
Dean: how bout not a prayer. eat bullets instead.
Dean unloads the rest of the bullets in a circular form at the ground around shadow-dracula. completing the devils trap... 
Dean: oh wait you dont need to eat the bullets cause your history pal... 
Shadow-dracula looked down and around himself, the look that he now sported was one of fear. he was the one that now was terrified. 
Shadow: this is impossible no one imprisons the great Dracula. 
Dean: oh buddy im gonna do alot more than that, time for you to go back to where you came from. 
Dean stands up tall as he then speaks the same words he had spoken previously hundreds upon hundreds of times. 
Dean:  Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audios bitch!
that was all Dean had to say the shadow of Dracula was no more. he went back to grab the bags and continued forward... he shot the lock on the doors and kicked them open. 
Jo: Dean you found us... i believe you know what to do romeo... put everything down ill prepare to treat any wounds and such that show themselves once you wake her. 
Dean: Jo it was dracula, the shadow outside the door was dracula’s shadow. i cant believe his shadow was so hostile. i mean if i hadnt wasted 2 clips of amo drawing out a devils trap i would have lost the fight. 
Jo: ya ya ya okay dude, you have an overdue appointment with destiny over on that bed, now drop the bags and go. 
Dean knew jo would have kicked his ass if he didnt listen. he did as told, he dropped the bags and walked over to kneel beside you. he brushed some hair from your forehead..
Dean: together now and always i have always been your once upon a dream.
his lips met yours in a gentle kiss. he pulled back after a few seconds and waited to see if it workd. a while later you open your eyes and touch Dean’s cheek. 
YN: you found me?
Dean: did you doubt i would? i said i would and i keep my promises. this girl over here is my sister Jo.  she is gonna give you the once over and then ill call for our ride out of here once she has you in a clean set of clothes. im gonna make sure we are still safe... i will call cas once we are all ready.
Dean leaves you in the hands of Jo who hands you some clothes and assesses you making sure you are not hurt. Dean comes back a few moments later and calls cas to come bring you all home. 
Cas came brought you, dean and Jo back to the hotel. you and dean were gonna take some time to figure out what everything meant. this was when a bright light came upon the entire room. 
Dean: whats going on?
thats when Gabriel appeared in the room. everyone had hand guns on him immediately. but he speaks not with hostility but with normality.
Gabriel: ah winchesters and friends. do not be alarmed for YN and Dean have been written in the stars since the beginning of time. Dean and Yn im sorry for trapping you both in that sleeeping curse it was the only way to get you both to listen to reason. to listen to your hearts. i was only trying to get you both to follow the rules that destiny had for you. 
Dean: then why show up and tell us about it now...
Gabriel: cause i knew if i didnt it would have been alot worse later on. 
Dean: what happens now?
Gabriel: well with your permission i could marry you and Yn right here right now... if you both agree. 
you and Dean exchange looks before smiling.
Dean: when do we begin?
Gabriel snapped his fingers and the room transformed into a garden glade type thing. before you and Dean could say anything else you were taken from grungy hotel room to garden glade. 
Gabriel: we are gathered here today to join Dean and YN in the ever holy bonds of Matrimony. this holy bond is a sacred gift, that deserves to be protected cherish it now and always. now i am assuming that there are no objections to this holy union.
the room was silent as Gabriel held his hand out and 2 silver bands appeared clearly made for you and Dean. 
Gabriel: vows or no vows.
Dean: what more needs to be said, we already said everything we needed to... we know what we are. we have our feelings, we need no words for them.
Gabriel: very well, Dean take the band and tell Yn what you think should go with this ring!
Dean takes the ring and slowly slides it on your finger as he reveals whats in his heart. 
Dean: YN after the movie and what i had to do to rescue you. i have to say that im 100% positive about you being the single most best thing that has ever stepped into my path of life. i promise now and always to honor, love cherish and whatever else goes with that... i love you Yn your the best part of me now.
you take the ring and you do the same thing.
YN: Dean, when i met you in the movie i was unsure of your intentions. then it was your beautiful green eyes that made me swoon. now i stand here to say i too now and forever more will honor, love, cherish and everything else that goes with it for the rest of my life. you are an amazing man Dean Winchester i love you so much and i cant wait to be your wife and have your last name. 
Gabriel: by the powers and laws bestowed on me by Heaven, i now am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. Dean you may now kiss your beautiful wife. 
Dean kisses you with so much passion. there was nothing to do for everyone else except cheer and clap. 
everyone lived happily ever after. well at least once upon a dream!
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