#HIS GLOVIES!!! HIS GLOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
motley-cunt · 3 months
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the fuck are you doing
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leo-the-ace · 2 months
Blinky Shadow (pac-man world maze AU)
A super creative but hot-headed ghost. His many creations being made to put the yellow fellow in his place, such as his greatest invention, the blinky clones, robots created to overwhelm pac-man or to be used as test dummies. He was never a pac-people person, and when he turned into a ghost he hated pac-people. Legends say he met Pac-Man in his youth during glovis’ arrival, and blinky has hated Pac-Man ever since.
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caxycreations · 4 months
I don't know if I posted this yet or not
I think I did
I can't remember
I've slept since then
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David Seltz, one of the main cast members of Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, as drawn by the artist Presuk (or Theo Neko in some spaces)
10 things about him to go with the new reference sheet:
He smells like citrus and pine (he uses a pine-scented cologne, but it's a cheap brand and his citrus-scented body wash scent blends with it)
His toe claws are retractable and he keeps them in 90% of the time.
Those are not tattoos on his neck, shoulder, and trap. Those are bite scars. One from a maned wolf, one from a furred dragon, and one from a cat, all exes of his during his "Mark me as yours" phase.
His tail is fully prehensile and can bend, twist, and curl in ways even other feline tails can't due to a mutation.
He has his mother's eyes.
His sister bought him that jacket, on the very same birthday he bought her one just like it, though in a different color.
He's sensitive about his hair. You can ruffle it, you can pet it, you can grab and pull it, but DON'T brush or "fix" it. He has it exactly the way he likes it, thank you very much!
He's got cat-like flexibility. Do with that what you will.
His freestyle dancing looks weird as hell outside the scene of a club, but those hips don't lie and he's given more than one "dance" that ended in a happy mess.
When he was little (around 3-7) he thought his fur patterns made it look like he had fingerless gloves, so he used to call his hands "glovies".
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steve-keychain · 2 years
that post with the pics of guillermo and nandor at the staten island city council has me like... they styled our boy like a dream walking straight out of a 1974 sears catalog. his little sweaters and his little brown dress shoes, his perfect hair, his starched collars. give my king a dart collar set, give him a nice hat, give him fancy driving glovies- i want the full norman bates fantasy babes. 
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serostuffsmh · 3 years
hi, I just had a possibly cursed thought.. y’know how panty sniffing is a big fanfic thing,, b-but imagine that with overhaul’s glovies?? 😂 he’d catch you like tf??
This is so cursed. He just finds you huffing that handsweat.
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What’re you supposed to do after that??,? Apologize??? Keep doin it?? Kill him?? Tf I don’t know /(2-‘ka
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 107 - SBT
Here it is!
"Non, mon garçon." Lucien turned his head. "Glovy, those tomatoes are not ready yet, do not bite them." 
[No, my boy.]
"Glovy..." Mundy added from a few metres away, in a fatherly tone. He was lying on the grass with a hat on his face and Soot lying on his chest and stomach, napping. 
"Glovy, you don't want me to count to three now…" Mundy said and the kitten obeyed on the spot. 
"He listens to you better than he does me." Lucien said, raising his head from the tomato plants. He had spent the afternoon there, helping Caroline to take care of the plants. He had trimmed the trees and was now on his knees, removing the weeds between the tomatoes. 
The kittens were roaming around, discovering fresh grass and a garden. Most of them played with the plants innocently. Only Glovy had wanted to taste them with his little fangs.
"Kitties? Who wants some treats?" 
"Mum, you gave them some after lunch already…!" Mundy removed his hat off of his face and looked up at his mother.
"It's four in the afternoon! Someone's gotta feed the little ones so that they grow strong, eh, Glovy?"
"Meow! Meow! Meow!" The kittens came jumping around Caroline's feet. She sat on a chair and bent down to deal the treats to the eager little balls of fluff.
Mundy was laying on the grass, with Soot on his chest, while Perle was inside, with Mike.
"Easy on the food, Glovy." 
Glovy stopped chewing sharp before resuming. He swallowed his treat and his ears pulled back. Caroline winked at the kitten and offered him an additional treat, as she put a finger on her lips. 
"Mum… Don't try and feed him behind my back."
"How did you know?" 
"Cause you used to do the same with me." Mundy said as he opened his eyes and stood up. "Right, I need to go now, Mum. I'll say bye to Dad on my way."
"You need to go?" Lucien raised surprised eyebrows and turned to his lover who was approaching him. 
"Yeah, but don't worry, we'll spend the evenin' together. There's somethin' I need to do first. And by the way…" Mundy crouched to whisper in Lucien's ear. "Dress up nice and come at 7pm at the crossroad between the High Street and King James Avenue."
Lucien's cheeks went pink. 
"Fine, I will."
"Be there on time and put on the nicest clothes you have. We'll spend the evenin' just you and me." Mundy turned to his mother who was playing with the kittens. "Mum, you'll watch over the cats tonight, right?"
"Yeah, we will, don't worry…!" Caroline answered. 
"Right, I'd better go then, I got stuff to prepare." Mundy winked at Lucien and the Frenchman felt like the most special man on Earth. "See you later, Lu'."
"See you, Mundy." 
Mundy went away and Lucien stayed with Caroline in her garden. The kittens seemed to love playing there. Soot went to Lucien and sat next to him while the Frenchman went on cleaning the plants area. 
And soon, the time came for Lucien to go and get ready himself.
"Don't worry, Lucien, I'll keep an eye on them." Caroline came to the living-room.
"Yeah, you go and find Micky. We'll take care of the kids." Mike answered from the sofa, brushing Perle, lying like a queen on his stomach and lap. 
Lucien went to Mike and sat down next to him for a moment.
"Are you sure about this? I would understand if you changed your mind. Looking after all these little ones is quite tiring."
"What are you on about? They're lovely!" Caroline said. "Besides, playin' in the garden got them all tired and they're sleeping now."
"Yeah, and look at this one. She likes watchin' the television with the old man, eh?" Mike looked at Perle on his lap.
"I think what she likes the most is the attention, the scratches and you feeding her treats…" 
"Maybe, but she likes me too! Eh, baby, tell yer dad you like your old Mike, yeah?"
"Meow!" Perle answered. 
"See? She does!"
Lucien got closer to the sofa. 
"Thank you very much, Mike, I really appreciate your efforts." 
Mike moved his eyes from the television screen to Lucien's light blue eyes. 
"Well, thank you too. Carrie was right."
"I heard that!" A feminine voice said from the kitchen and Mike rolled his eyes with a smile. 
"I mean," Mike went on. "Micky really found what he was lookin' for with you."
"I try my best." 
"Ya don't need to, son. Now you guys go and have yer fun. And whatever you do, you watch out for each other, yeah? And you be good to my Micky, eh?"
"I dream of nothing else." 
"Did he tell ya what's the plan?" 
"Mike…! It's their evening, not yours, get yer nose out of their business right now!" Caroline answered from the kitchen, surrounded by the mewling kittens. 
"Non, I do not know." Lucien answered, whispering.
"Lucien!" She added and both Mike and Lucien chuckled.
"Right, you go before she gets out the kitchen and tells us off, yeah?"
"I shall, thank you again for looking after the babies."
"Meow?" Perle raised her head and her paw to her Papa. Lucien took it and left a kiss on her white fluff.
"I shall see you tomorrow." 
"You have a good evenin', Lu'!" 
"Merci, Caroline, see you tomorrow!"
And Lucien left the house. Mundy had told him to go back home and get ready for an evening just with him. What for? Lucien didn't know, but if Mundy thought he could surprise Lucien, he had another thing coming! 
Lucien had hesitated quite a bit before deciding, but he shall do it. He headed straight for the bedroom when he arrived, he lost no time stripping naked and started the act. He had dressed as a woman before, oui, and had put on the whole elegant show. This time, it shall be different. This time, he shall play another card. 
He had talked to Richard about it and the taylor agreed to help, not without having a second of surprise however. It was a request for a dress, but not any odd one. 
"Close to the skin, but comfortable and not compromising." 
"Down to half of the thighs."
"Bright red."
"Dinner or social event?"
"Special occasion, something intimate." 
Richard blushed slightly and his moustache only seemed more white in contrast with his pinkish skin. He stopped taking notes for an instant to clear his throat, before going on.
"Enticing to the eye and the touch." 
"Any special requirements?"
"The cleavage." Richard raised an eyebrow. "Generous." Lucien added. 
The Frenchman had his eyes closed on the tailor's armchair, imagining the dress as he described it. The smoke of his cigarette wreathed and curled, rising in the air. 
"Anything to go with it?" 
"Do you happen to make lingerie?" 
Richard adjusted the glasses on his nose. 
"I do."
"Can you do it for men?" 
"I thought you had resigned." Richard answered. 
"What? Non, I am still a teacher, but what does it have to do with-?"
"No..." Richard took his eyes off of his notebook. "I thought you had resigned from your military duties." 
"Of course, I have. I am not a spy anymore…!"
"Then, why the disguise?" Richard asked.
"It is no disguise."
The tailor frowned.
"I will not act a part that isn't myself." Lucien made himself clearer. "If my demand cannot be met, I understand perfectly, Richard. But if I am asking you of all people, it is because I know the quality of your work, and I wouldn't want anyone else for this. I wouldn't be able to ask anyone else."
Richard raised his eyes to Lucien. 
"I shall do it. After your last request, I thought that it was for someone else…"
"Non, of course not." Lucien said. "It is for me." 
"I am relieved." Richard nodded. 
"What were you imagining?" Lucien asked. 
"Well… If you had come back to your military duties, then surely you wouldn't work for France, and as such, I should have to treat you with distrust, at least. And if, like last time, you asked me to use your measurements to fit the dress, then surely, with M…?"
"Oh, you thought my relationship with M ended and I was now seeing a woman?"
Richard nodded. 
"What else could I have understood?"
"And why would I train my walking with high heels here?" Lucien answered. 
"Ah, yes, that I do not know…" 
"I merely want to surprise Mundy." Lucien answered. "You should have seen his face last time when he finally understood that the woman flirting with him was me in fact." Lucien chuckled, thinking about it again. "But again, if you do not want to do it for any reason, I shall by no means force you."
"Non, please." Richard shook his head. "I must admit that your orders always push the limits of my knowledge and my craft. My apologies for judging, and badly so. I should take this as an opportunity to hone my skills and teach my sons with me." Richard nodded to himself. "You know, uhm…" He looked left and right before going on. "One of my sons, Paul, the eldest…"
"What about him?" Lucien asked. 
"He… I think you and M gave him the courage that he needed." Richard blushed and Lucien didn't understand where he was going. "He… He confessed to his mother and I that he… He prefers gentlemen." 
Lucien's eyebrows jumped in surprise. 
"Now, we did have our doubts but he just confirmed it and… We are actually delighted that he worked up the courage to tell us."
The Frenchman smiled. 
"He is fortunate enough to have a father who describes himself as 'delighted' about it." Lucien said. 
"Indeed. I imagine others are not so fortunate."
"Far from it."
Richard shook his head. 
"Anyway, now, to come back to the dress…" 
And Lucien described the vision he had, something that was enticing, revealing and inviting. The only thing the Frenchman wished he could buy was a few years of his life back. Ah, he wished he was closer to Mundy's age… 
In any case, he put on the lingerie, the stockings, the dress, and the assorted red high-heeled stilettos. Lucien then went to the bathroom and put on his make-up. Eyeliner, mascara and this time, a hint of red lipstick. He put on golden earrings, a long and thin golden necklace and looked at himself in the mirror. 
His hair. 
What should he do with it? Ponytail? Bun? Braid? 
Non, non, non. He needed something bold, something to go with the glamourous show he had been planning. 
"Fine then…" He grabbed his hair dryer and a brush, and got to work. 
-- Later -- 
"Gosh, he should be here…" Mundy looked at his watch and his eyebrows jumped. "Ah, yeah…" 
He had worn Lucien's watch for the night, the one he had broken on the day he had died. It was permanently 4.26pm. 
He smiled. 
Looking at that broken watch didn't pinch his heart anymore, and especially not today. It made him smile. That broken watch was an I love you in itself, it was something that Lucien had left before giving away one year of his remaining life. And for what? For the mad hope that somehow he would end up with Mundy. Somehow…
"C'mon…" Mundy wanted to wipe his sweaty hands on his trousers but refrained from doing so. "Mh." He grumbled and waited.
He had told Lucien to be there, at that crossroad, and on time. It wasn't too far from the house. But the Aussie started to be nervous. He thought back about what his mother and father had told him and kept on repeating to himself to breathe. 
Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, take a deep-
"Hey there, 'scuse me," Mundy turned to the feminine voice and the pat on the shoulder. "D'you know where I could find a wild man in a van?" 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. In the night street, the Aussie couldn't see the woman clearly, but gosh, the curves, the shapes…! Mundy's eyes snapped back to her eyes, not without lingering at the wide cleavage and the golden necklace shimmering around her neck, diving down her shy chest. 
"Uh, what?" 
"Mundy, it is me." Lucien chuckled. "How many times can I fool you?" 
"What?! How the fuck?! Hold on…" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's shoulders and pulled him under a lamp post.
"Holy dooley…! What have you… Is it really you? I mean…"
"And look at you, mon amour. What is this suit? I have never seen it." 
Mundy looked down at himself. 
"Well, you aren't the only one who can go to Richard and ask for somethin' special, eh? Like it?" 
Lucien took a keen look. The cut was well adjusted, close to Mundy's body. It made him look even taller. The Frenchman let his fingers touch the fabric. 
"Soft, yet one can feel little asperities. Mixed fabrics, satin and cotton of India." 
"Gosh, you sound like Richard." Mundy chuckled. "Like the colour?" 
"Dark, Burgundy red. One of my favourites." Lucien said. 
"Guessed so." 
"The first time I met you, as a spook, you were dressed in dark red, the suit, the tie, the balala-thingy. Thought I might wear it this time, give it a try. Besides, Richard went about givin' me a lecture about how it would suit me cause of my skin tone or somethin'..."
"Ooh, paid attention we have, huh?" Lucien chuckled.
"Hard to ignore the tailor when he gets emotional, eh?" Mundy grinned. "But I uh… I mean I look at you and uh… Is that really you?"
"Look into my eyes." Lucien raised his eyes to Mundy and the Aussie raised a shy hand to his cheek, cupping it gently, while the other rested on Lucien's hip.
"Gosh, you're… You're even more than last time." 
"More what?" Lucien asked with a smile that made Mundy's heart flutter.
Mundy was devouring him with his eyes. The red, short dress, the black tights, the red high-heels and gosh the face… The face! The eyeliner, the dark yet subtle shadow on his eyelids. Mascara? Was that mascara? His eyelashes didn't need it, they naturally were long and thin, and gently flapped like the wings of a butterfly. 
"Is that… lipstick…?" Mundy squinted on Lucien's lips.
Lucien gently nodded. 
"You didn't have that last time." 
Lucien shook his head and lowered it. 
"Hey…" Mundy put an index finger under Lucien's chin and raised it. "You're beautiful, baby doll." He smiled and Lucien blushed. "And what's with the hair…? Curly and fluffed up? That's… bold. Reminds me of a certain spook I met back in the days, eh." 
"Is it too much?" Lucien asked, his eyes still evading Mundy's as the pink on his cheek deepened. 
"Nah. It's… It's amazin'." 
Lucien finally raised shy eyes to his lover. 
"Really?" He whispered. 
"Yeah, really. And look at you… Dress, purse and everythin'... A gorgeous doll you are." 
"Yours, please?" 
"Course, I'd never imagine that-"
"Hey!" A voice cut them. A group of men were passing by. "The doll busy for tonight?" 
"Yeah, come with us, baby…!" Another man from the group added. 
They were clearly past tipsy. Mundy frowned. 
"We're busy." He simply growled. 
"C'mon mate!" 
"Sharin' is carin'!"
"C'mere baby…!"
"Hands off!" Mundy clenched his jaw and pulled Lucien to himself. "Lay a finger on her and I'll make a necklace of yer teeth." 
"Wohow," One of the men went. "Possessive bloke in a suit. We're five, you're alone, what are you gonna do?" 
"Pop yer teeth," Mundy pointed at the first one. "Re-arrange yer ugly mug," He pointed at the second. "Break your leg." His finger moved again. "And you two, you'll get so scared, you'll shit yourselves and run away." 
The group of men laughed. 
"Well, then, come and get my teeth if ye like, mister suit and tie!" 
Mundy turned to Lucien. The Frenchman's heart was pounding so hard that the dress around the cleavage was shaking. The Aussie bent down to kiss Lucien's brow. "Stay here, baby doll, I'll take just a sec." 
"Mundy, you don't have to-"
"No. I said no one'd touch you and I mean it."
"Then please, go easy on them. The last thing we need is the police after us, especially me, in this attire." Lucien said. 
"Yeah, now stay right here." Mundy kissed Lucien's hand and turned to the group of drunken men. "C'mere then…" Mundy opened his suit jacket. One punch flew and the first man got unconscious before his body hit the ground. "Teeth out? Now, you c'mere…" Another punch flew and the second man hit the floor limply. "And you, yer leg…!" Mundy raised his heeled boot and that's when Lucien realised that those were brand new. They weren't brown, they were black, to better go with the suit. Mundy stomped his heel down the other man's tibia as he had wrapped an arm around his neck. Even Lucien heard the bone break and the Frenchman's thighs tensed. 
Non, non, non, non…! The Frenchman bit his lip and stepped on his own toe to prevent his body from showing the effect that Mundy's confidence had on him. 
"Now, both of you, d'you know who we are?" Mundy addressed the two remaining drunkards. Their knees had given up, they were on the floor, eyes wide and breath sort. As the Aussie didn't receive any response, he bent down and took one of them by his collar. "I said: d'you know who we are?" He spoke slowly, his nostrils flared and his eyes flashing fiercely. 
"N-no, w-we don't know! We swear! Just thought the sheila was for the takin'! We swear!" 
"Then take your mate to a hospital and if you mention my sheila'n me, believe me, I'll find you." Mundy said menacingly and didn't see that under the lamp post, Lucien bit his lip. The Aussie let go of the drunk man and dusted himself off before closing his jacket again and coming back to Lucien. He offered his hand and the Frenchman gladly held it as they started walking in the street. "Sorry about that, baby." 
"I… It… Ah…"
"You alright?" Mundy asked with a chuckle. 
"Oui… I think? This is quite an eventful way to start the evening." 
"And it's only the start, luv'. Now, can you climb on the bike with yer dress?" 
"Then c'mere and hang on tight." 
Mundy straddled the motorcycle that he had parked a bit further away and invited Lucien to hop on behind him. He started the engine and drove through the streets. Lucien wondered what the Aussie had in mind for them but soon understood when the streets became familiar. 
Eventually, Mundy parked and turned to Lucien, whose dress shimmered under the golden lights of the establishment that both men knew very well. 
The Queen Victoria. 
"Remember this place?" Mundy asked, helping Lucien out of the motorcycle.
"Of course, I do." Lucien answered but he frowned. "Did you book a table there? I cannot go inside, for them, I am dead."
"Relax, I know. I didn't book anythin'. Just wanted to bring you here." 
Both stood side by side, about a dozen or so metres away from the entrance and Mundy laced an arm around Lucien's waist. 
"Brought you here cause this is where I saw you for the first time." Mundy said and Lucien smiled. 
"Are you feeling nostalgic?" 
"Not really. Just been thinkin' about it all, from the start till today. We've done some mad stuff, eh?"
"Quite the adventure indeed." Lucien agreed and leaned on Mundy's side. From where they were they could hardly hear anything but the muffled sound of the music playing in the restaurant. 
"When I saw you in there, you woke things up in me." Mundy said. "At first, I didn't really understand. But the more I came to your shows and listened to you, the more I understood that I just wanted to hold someone, I wanted to have someone to say the words you were singin' to. And then I realised that I wanted someone to sing those words to me… As pathetic as it sounds, I was on my seat there, and I just imagined you were singin' for me."
Lucien leaned his head on Mundy's shoulder. 
"I just… I didn't even want intimate stuff, I just wanted to touch someone, hold their hands, be touched by their hands… Feel like I exist and not just drag my feet from one day to the next." Mundy sighed. "You… You made me fall in love with an idea." 
Lucien raised his head to Mundy and smiled sweetly. 
"With your voice, I just… I felt like I was head over heels for someone who doesn't know I exist, and I didn't even know if they did too. But I felt it in my heart, the butterflies in my stomach, everythin'. I was in love, but with no one."
Lucien grabbed Mundy's arm between both of his and squeezed him gently. 
"I-I don't know if that makes sense." 
"Oui, it does." Lucien said. "You had the same effect on me. I think what we felt was longing. We both had love to give but no one to give it to, no one was worthy enough of the pain and the sacrifices that one does when one is in love. Because when you are in love, then you do not count. Such sacrifices of your time, your space, your energy, your money, all those do not appear as sacrifices, they are investments. You are investing in something that you are building, as opposed to yielding to something that costs you more than what you gain from it." 
"Yeah… Yeah, that's the idea." Mundy nodded. 
Silence fell between them, only interrupted by the occasional passer-bys and cars. Lit by the yellow neon name of the place where they met, Lucien and Mundy shimmered in red, splitting the dark blue night. 
"Why did you bring me here?" Lucien asked. 
"Because that's where it all started. That's where you gave a point to my life that wasn't just kill a bloke to get revenge for my parents. That…" Mundy pointed at the restaurant. "That's the place you revived me, after ten years of draggin' my feet in the desert, walkin' around under the scorchin' sun like a dried lizard. So I wanted to come back and tell you all this before…"
"Before what?" Lucien looked up at his lover. 
Mundy looked away. 
"We need to go." He simply answered and walked towards the motorcycle. Lucien followed him, still hand in hand with him and at a loss as to what Mundy had in mind.
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idknhlstuff · 3 years
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Oh, his little hockey glovies 🥺
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seachantie · 5 years
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In Zoeticon they share some holidays from our world like Christmas or Valentine’s Day. But there are some that they created on their own without our influence.
Most glovies really like Chase Day because it means they can run around and try to set up traps or outsmart others for fun. Some toons don’t participate because they aren’t good enough or because they get hurt easily unlike glovies.
Pe’pe and Coco sit it out. Although Coco is half glovie (because of his dad) he doesn’t have any of their strength really or abilities.
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cheylouwho · 6 years
Tweek looks complete with his grey gloves
i love his lil glovies
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iliveinagoat · 7 years
Chapter One part two
Hey guys! sorry for being late, life got pretty hectic. but anyway, here’s the next part! I hope you enjoy!
The crowd hesitated, confused, and I used this to my advantage, grabbing the sleeve of the boys raincoat. “If you want to survive, do exactly as I say.” He nodded, and grabbed the other boys hand before I dragged them through the crowd, using my magic to make sure that none of us tripped, and the path remained clear for as long as I could. Meanwhile, the crowd had shaken off their surprise and were trying to catch us. However, with my help, and my luck magic working overtime, we managed to escape. “I think we lost them,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath. Beside me, the two boys were in a similar state, and we stood there for a few minutes, gasping for air. Once our breathing had evened out, the boy in the raincoat locked eyes with me. “Why did you help? We could have handled it!” My mouth fell open and I spoke softly, hidden rage leaking out of my voice. “So, you mean to say, that after I saved your lives, all you have to say is that I shouldn't have interfered! Do you know how much I put on the line to save you two! I could have been labeled a glovis-lover, against “ respectable” folk who don’t oppose the use of magic! I could have been killed! And now, after I risked my life, gave up the freedom to stay where I grew up, the first thing you say is that you were fine on your own!” My hands shook with anger, the two of us glaring at each other, neither one of use willing to back down. At that moment the other boy, whose existence I had forgotten, stepped forward and forced the raincoat clad boy to look into his eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes until the boy’s face softened, and he sighed. The boy let go of him, and he turned to me, “Fine, I’m sorry for being rude, thank you for helping us, etcetera, etcetera.” He said in a resigned tone. Internally rolling my eyes, I turned to him, looking at my options. “Look,” I eventually said, “you two won’t make it five feet without me. This place is complicated enough if you know were your going. For someone like you? It’s impossible. Now, I know you don't like me, and I sure don’t like you, but, as I said, if you want to survive your going to have to do exactly what I say. So, you coming?” “Fine,” he spat, “but once we get out of this place, we’re gone, got it?” I gave him a curt nod and sat down resting my back against the wall, closing my eyes. “Now what are you doing!” He hissed. “Sleeping,” I replied, “or at least trying to.” “shouldn't you be, oh I don’t know, leading us! Like you said you would!” “Too dangerous, we have to wait until dark or we’ll be swarmed.” He heaved a sigh, and reluctantly sat down a few feet away. The other boy sat down next to him, resting his head on his shoulder and falling asleep, the other boy soon following. I gave them a bitter glace before turning to face away from them. “what's wrong with me,” I thought to myself, “I’m fine on my own, I don’t need anything, I don’t need anyone, especially not those two. I’m a happy, independent girl ready to take on the world all on my own!” Shortly after I cried myself to sleep.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! if you have any feedback just me, I'd love to improve this. Anyway, thanks again!
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dykecassidy · 7 years
commonseapotato replied to your post “havve hogan but his gloves are attached to each other with a string,...”
Imagine him trying to drum like that
his glovies just dangle from his back
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blairemclaren · 4 years
Glovis Foster Death | Cause of Death - Glovis Foster Obituary
Glovis Foster Death | Cause of Death – Glovis Foster Obituary
Glovis Foster Death | Glovis Foster Obituary –  As stated by San Juan Regional (@SanJuanRegional) on Twitter on the 15th of June 2020, Glovis Foster has died. Before his death, Glovis Foster worked as a paramedic in San Juan County for over 25 years.
Glovis Foster helped save countless numbers of lives before his own life was claimed by the dreaded Covid19. His time of death was not included in…
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
Elliott demands fresh revamp at Hyundai Motor Group
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/09/07/elliott-demands-fresh-revamp-at-hyundai-motor-group/
Elliott demands fresh revamp at Hyundai Motor Group
SEOUL (Reuters) – U.S. activist hedge fund Elliott Management has renewed its pressure on Hyundai Motor Group with a fresh restructuring proposal after forcing the South Korean conglomerate to abandon its own reform plan in May.
FILE PHOTO: A car dealer stands in front of the logo of Hyundai Motor at its dealership in Seoul, South Korea, April 25, 2016. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji/File Photo
Elliott also urged Hyundai to form a committee to review its proposal with other investors and experts, expressing frustration at what it called Hyundai’s silence toward its attempts to discuss the new proposals.
The renewed push comes amid growing public scrutiny over families controlling large conglomerates in South Korea following a corruption scandal last year involving the Samsung Group.
In a rare victory for an activist shareholder in the country, Elliott and other shareholders helped in May to force Hyundai, South Korea’s second-largest business group, to scrap its own restructuring plan, which would have prepared the group for a switch of management from father to son.
“We express our frustration as to HMC board’s silence toward our consistent attempts… to communicate and advance the restructuring and other projects,” Elliott said in a letter sent to Hyundai on August 14. It released the letter to the public on Friday.
It proposed to establish a committee to discuss restructuring, shareholder returns and a board makeup.
Hyundai rejected the proposal for the committee on the basis that it could potentially violate “fair disclosure rules, which prevent us from sharing material confidential information about the company and its businesses to only a subset of our shareholders.”
“We hope to share our thoughts on how to improve shareholder value with all of our shareholders in due course,” Hyundai said in a statement on Friday.
Under its new proposal, billionaire Paul Singer’s fund asked car-parts maker Hyundai Mobis Co (012330.KS) to sell its after-sale service business to Hyundai Motor Co (005380.KS), and then merge what is left of Mobis with logistics affiliate Hyundai Glovis Co (086280.KS).
Then it proposed the merged Mobis-Glovis purchase stakes in Hyundai Motor from the controlling family and affiliate Kia Motors (000270.KS) to tighten its grip over the crown jewel of the group.
The news raised investors’ expectations that the stalled restructuring of Hyundai may revive, sending shares in Hyundai Glovis 5.5 percent higher and Hyundai Mobis up 2.4 percent. Shares in Hyundai Motor fell 1 percent.
Hyundai’s original plan was to spin off Hyundai Mobis’ lucrative after-sales business and merge it with Hyundai Glovis, whose top shareholders are chairman Chung Mong-koo and his only son and heir apparent Chung Eui-sun.
Elliott owns around 3.0 percent of Hyundai Motor, 2.1 percent of Kia Motors and 2.6 percent of Mobis.
Reporting by Liana B. Baker in New York and Hyunjoo Jin in Seoul; Additional reporting by Ankit Ajmera in Bengaluru and Heekyong Yang in SEOUL; Editing by Miyoung Kim and Darren Schuettler
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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revolversantosfilms · 7 years
LE LIVRE DES MORTS - Extract n°02 from Escalle Alain on Vimeo.
THE BOOK OF THE DEAD escalle.com/boutiquephoto/ldm_01_fr.html a film by Alain Escalle
"In the neighborhood in demolition of a city from Eastern, Mikhaïl struggling with his demons, undertakes a last trip guided by ghosts trapped in a book. Images veiled from the past and visions bruised are gradually revealed".
"Une ville dans un pays de l’Est. Dans le quartier en démolition d’une ville d’un pays de l’Est, Mikhaïl aux prises avec ses démons, entreprend un dernier voyage guidé par les fantômes prisonniers d’un livre. Images voilées du passé et visions meurtries se révèlent peu à peu".
Running time: 16 minutes 30 secondes Original running time: 35 minutes
Awards: - EXPERIMENTAL FILM AWARD (Busan International Short Film Festival, South Korea) - MASTERCLASS GRYPHON AWARD (Giffoni Film International Film Festival, Italy) - BEST EXPERIMENTAL AWARD (Rhode Island International Film Festival) - BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT (California International Shorts Festival) - GOLDEN GLOVIE HIGH SCORE RECOGNITION (Glovebox, Boston, USA) - CRYSTAL PINE, BEST ORIGINAL SCORE / SHORT (Samobor International Film Music Festival, Slovenie) - JURY SPECIAL MENTION (FIKE 2013, Portugal) - BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM SHOWCASE (Daring Independent International Film Festival, Toronto) - ROYAL REEL WINNERS (Canada International Film Festival) - GRAND PRIX ATHENA ANIMFEST 2014 (Greece) - BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM (Belgrade International Documentary an Short Film Festival)
Direction: Alain Escalle Script : Alain Escalle Original Music : Flemming Nordkrog Sound Design : Alain Escalle Mix: Vincent Cosson, Nicolas Bourgeois Image Creation : Alain Escalle Camera: Stephen Barcelo, Alain Escalle, Florian Kuhn Editing : Romain Boileau, Guilain Depardieu, Alain Escalle, Nicolas Schmerkin Visual effects: Alain Escalle Animation : Alain Escalle, Cyril Cohen, Clément Goffinet, Matthieu Cantat, Alexis Kerjosse Voices : Oleg Mokchanov, Gabriel Levchine
With : Mickelange Iriti, Marie Bokillon, Gregory Bonnault, Bertrand du Couedic, Sébastien Duvernois, Xavier Fahy, Suzon Holzer, Hélène Pecqueur,Didier Silhol, Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias, Roberto Vidal, Robert Werling, Gabriel Levchine, Clara Guelblum, Maria Krioutchenko, Mikchail Vasiuk, Anatole Gabbardo, Katia Temnikov, Kosma Sansault.
Production: Autour de Minuit Co-production: Studio AE
Contacts: Autour de Minuit Production/Distribution 21, rue Henry Monnier 75009 PARIS-FRANCE tel : +33 1 42 81 17 28 mail : [email protected] for film festivals : mail : [email protected] web: blog.autourdeminuit.com
Alain Escalle: STUDIO AE 26, rue Fessart, 75019 PARIS-FRANCE tel : +33 6 08 30 79 57 mail: [email protected] web: studioalainescalle.com
0 notes
lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 106 - SBT
Here it is!
“Alright, here we are." 
"Meow." Perle sat down and Soot imitated her. A couple of weeks had passed since the birth of the kittens now and they had opened their eyes fully.
"Mundy, I would rather stay outside, I really don't think that-"
"No." Mundy cut Lucien's speech. "No excuses, no half-truths. We go together." Lucien raised his eyes to Mundy and sighed. "Don't look so sad, Lu', you're not the one takin' risks here."
"Of course I am." Lucien answered. "If this whole idea fails, who is going to carry your sorrow with you?" 
"I… Yeah, I'm sorry." Mundy sighed and adjusted his grip on the basket he was holding in his arms. The kittens were squeaking and squealing gently there.
"It is fine." Lucien answered. "Mundy?"
"Yeah?" Mundy raised sorry eyes to his lover. 
"Je t'aime, mon loup. You will make it."
[I love you, my wolf.]
"Hope so… C-Can you knock on the door for me, please?"
"Before I do," Lucien raised his eyes to Mundy. "Take a deep breath."
Mundy melted and his shoulders sank. He smiled, albeit sadly. 
"Love you, Lu', you're my everythin'." He whispered and their eyes locked, both blushing. 
Lucien raised his hand and gave the dark brown door a few knocks. 
"Oh, hey boys, come in, please…" Caroline opened the door and let both men through. 
"Who's that?" Mike asked from his sofa. 
"It's Micky and Lucien." Caroline answered while throwing a mildly scared glance at Lucien. The Frenchman nodded to her. 
Mike appeared at the living-room's door, his hand on the door frame. 
"What d'you want?" He bluntly asked. 
Perle took a step forward and her fluffy hair spiked everywhere along her spine. Soot joined her, standing defensively between his wife, his children, his fathers and grandmother, and Mike.
"The cats had babies, we've come here to show them to Mum and you, Dad." Mundy answered.
"Pff…" Mike looked down at Perle and Soot. They were showing their fangs and hissing. 
"Pearl, Soot, no." Mundy said, but the cats disobeyed, their posture was defensive. "Please, guys…" 
The old man took the stairs up and disappeared. 
"You guys come in and make yourselves at home, I'll go and talk to him." Caroline almost whispered to them, and both men agreed. 
They sat in the living-room, Mundy on the sofa and Lucien on the armchair. Mundy put the basket on his lap and Perle jumped to her little ones. Soot helped her bathe them all.
"I'm not so sure it'll ever wo-"
"Shh." Lucien cut him. He was pricking his ears up, trying to hear what Caroline and Mike were saying, but to no avail. "I cannot hear them…" He finally gave up. "Not with the babies mewling that much."
"Meow." Perle took them out of the basket one by one and lay down. The babies were hungry and the Mummy had felt it. She started feeding them when Caroline and Mike came back downstairs. 
"So! Where are my great-grand babies…?" She excitedly asked.
"Here, Mum, look." 
Caroline took a seat next to Mundy.
"Aw, look at them… There are… four! They're adorable! How old are they?"
"Just two weeks today." Mundy answered. 
"Aw…" Caroline stared at the little ones feeding from their mother who was trying to bathe them at the same time. "Do they have names?" 
"Yeah, Lu', c'mere and tell Mum." 
"Uhm, of course…" Lucien rose from the armchair and crouched in front of the sofa. "This lady here is Marshmallow, this one is Inky, and then we have two brave little males. This black one is Bushcat, or as Mundy calls him, Bushkitty, and this white one with black paws is Glovy the Second."
"The Second?"
"Yeah," Mundy answered. "Previous litter had a similar kitty but with inverted colours and we called him Glovy. He liked his food a lot too, a bit like this one. He's always the first on his mum's milk and the last to go away from her. He even sometimes falls asleep still sucklin'..." 
"Poor baby…" Caroline smiled. "Ooh, they look gorgeous, look at their eyes…! Bushkitty has one green and one blue, eh? That's very pretty!"
"Yeah, one from his mum and one from his dad." 
"Congrats, Pearl, your babies are gorgeous…!" Caroline gently patted Perle's head who closed her eyes under the tender gesture. "Mike, come have a look-see, they're adorable…!" 
Lucien went back to the armchair to leave some space and Mike approached, not without glaring at the man…
"Listen to them mewl, aw, cutie pies…" Caroline insisted, trying to get a reaction out of Mike, but the old man remained as lively as marble. 
Mike took one more step and Soot jumped to his feet to hiss and show his fangs, digging his claws on the couch's armrest. Perle's ears were pulled back too. She curled on her babies defensively before slowly rising to her feet as well. 
"Right. They don't want me to get close." Mike sighed. 
"Pearl, you get down and Soot too. What's this now?" Mundy's voice was authoritative and it surprised everyone in the room, from Caroline and Mike, to Lucien. The cats immediately stopped and Soot withdrew to Mundy's lap. "There. And stop hissin', we raised you better than that." 
"Meow…" Both adult cats lowered their heads apologetically.
"It's ok, but don't hiss like that ever again, not at Dad's dad, alright?" 
He scratched Perle and Soot's heads.
There was a second of silence in the room. Everyone was processing what had just happened differently. Lucien was melting on his seat, only he didn't let it show. He didn't know Mundy could be authoritative, and gosh, his insides were molten lava. 
Caroline was overwhelmed by the pride she was feeling. If this was what Mundy was like as a father, then her job on that planet was done. He knew when to step his foot down but showed compassion too. The mother couldn't help but take some pride for herself, surely Mundy had learnt that from her, at least a bit?
The one whose emotions were hidden as well as Lucien's, was Mike. God only knew what he thought of that, but he came closer and sat at the edge of the sofa, on the armrest. Perle looked at him intensely and turned her head to Mundy, who nodded. 
The lady cat carefully approached the old man, who was offering his fingers. She smelt them from a distance and got closer, ever so slowly. Soot jumped on the sofa and tended to the babies.
Perle looked in the direction of her Papa, who nodded too. He wanted to speak, but Lucien was trying to make himself as small as possible in the room. 
The lady cat finally brushed her head against Mike's fingers gently. The old man softly scratched her and she purred, her meows wrapped around the rolling of her purrs. 
"There ya go, baby, this is your Gramps, he's nice."
"See how I'm your Dad?" 
"Well this is my Dad."
"Yeah, this is my Mum, and my Dad." Mundy explained. 
"Treat her like your kid, huh?" Mike finally broke the silence. 
"Yeah, she listens." Mundy said and scooted over. He pulled Perle to himself to create some space and Mike joined them on the couch. Caroline and Lucien exchanged an eager gaze. 
"Lucien, d'you mind helpin' me with the tea?" 
"Of course." Lucien took the bait and followed Caroline out. They went to the kitchen and shut the door. Then, both promptly stuck their ears to it… 
"So, how've you been, Dad?"
"Not too bad. Last week, we sold most stuff at the market. With the extra, I had the car fixed."
"What was wrong with it?" 
"The cylinder head gasket needed replacin'."
"Ah, fair. Is it fixed now?"
"Yeah, it's alright now."
Both were nervously petting Perle while the little ones mewled and explored the sofa, wrestling with each other while wobbling on their short legs. 
"And uh… What's up with you, son?" 
Mundy's ears pricked up at "son". 
"Not much. Been busy with these fluff balls. Hard to raise them proper with the daytime job and all, but we manage. Lu' works in the mornings, I take the afternoons, unless there's an emergency."
"They're alright? Growin' well?" 
"Yeah, so far, so good. Today's their first day outside the house."
"They're curious, eh?" Mike said as Glovy and Bushcat tried to climb on his thigh. 
"Yeah, sorry about that, I can take them back…"
"No, no, they're fine." Mike gently let his finger run on the little ones' heads, and Mundy grinned. "Son?"
"I uh… I still don't get it." Mike said in a serious tone. "For Lucien and you."
"Ah yeah, well… It's uh, it's alright. You don't need to-"
"No." Mike cut him short. "I… I wanna understand this. Been talkin' to your Mum about it." He scooped Glovy and petted him between his hands. "I don't know, son…" 
Perle took Bushcat in her mouth and gently dropped him on Mike's lap. The young black male curled down and looked up at Mike.
"I listen to your Mum, see? She's been tellin' me a lot about you and Lucien. Every time she visits you guys, she comes back and tells me about it, gives me the news." 
Perle took Inky and dropped her on Mike's lap. She sat down there and didn't move.
"I don't get it cause I don't feel it in me. Never felt more for a bloke than just bein' friends. Hell, it never came to me that you could be more. And we didn't raise you like that, son, nah, we didn't. So of course, I thought about it all for a long time. Where the hell could you have got the idea from? You can't have just thought about it on your own, can you?" 
Perle finally took Marshmallow and brought her to her great-grand father's lap. The poor kitten lay down, curled in a ball against Bushcat, she seemed afraid.
"But then, when I thought I could never get it, I asked your Mum. And as always, she knew."
Perle lay down, curling her body around her babies, on Mike's lap. 
"She asked me why I chose her. I told her that it was because she was kind, and pretty, and compassionate… I went on until I couldn't think of any words anymore. D'you know what she said then?" Mundy shook his head. "That your Auntie Sally was the same." Mike chuckled and Mundy smiled. The old man laced his arms around Mundy's shoulder. "Then she told me that there is no rhyme or reason as to why I chose her. Yeah, she's nice and all, but lots of other girls are like that too. But your mum has somethin' special that speaks only to me, on the inside, somethin' that no one can put into words. And that's why I chose her." 
Mundy smiled at his father's dreamy eyes. He could clearly see that even after all these years, Mike still loved Caroline, a bit out of habit of course, but the feelings deep down, they were still the same. 
"Then she said it was the same for you and Lucien. You chose him cause he's nice and all, but also, there's stuff you can't explain to me, you can't explain it to anyone, but when you think of him, it feels alright." 
Mundy nodded. 
"Y'know, I still find it a bit weird but… I'll try. I can't promise I won't give weird looks, I'm sorry, it's just so strange to me. But that doesn't mean I don't love you, Micky. It's just that I'm a bit… surprised, if that makes sense." 
"Does that mean you're ok with Lu' and me?" 
"I'm… I'm tryin' my best, son and uh… I'm sorry I didn't just understand it sooner." Mike pulled Mundy in an unexpected hug. "I made your mum and you worry about me and for what? Cause you were happy with a bloke. God damn it, I asked Maurice and he told me he was a war hero that Lucien of yours, did you know?" 
Mundy nodded, returning his father's hug and holding him close. 
"Y-yeah, I know." 
"He's… Maurice told me he's a hell of a guy, traditional, and honest, hard-workin' too." 
Mundy nodded again. 
"Are you really happy with him?" 
The Aussie closed his eyes. 
"Yeah, I am." 
"For sure?" 
"Yeah. He saved me and sacrificed everythin' for me, even his own self. I won't find anyone else like him, Dad." 
"Right. Then, please go and get him out of the kitchen, I need to talk to him." Mike gently pulled himself out of the embrace.
"Nah, bring your mum too." 
"Ok… Uh, Dad?" 
"Thank you." Mundy smiled. 
"Heh, I should be the one apologisin' and you're thankin' me? Gosh, son…" Mike ruffled Mundy's hair. "You're a good boy. Now go and get Lucien." 
Mundy went to the kitchen and gestured to Lucien and Caroline to come. They brought Caroline's usual tray of tea and biscuits. 
"You wanted to see me, Mike?" Lucien asked. 
The old man gently scooped the kittens out of his lap and Perle helped him remove them. He then stood up to Lucien and looked up at him. 
"You sit down next to me." 
Lucien nodded and obeyed, Mundy went to the armchair.
"Now you listen here… I talked to Micky. I talked to Caroline too. I'm not sayin' any of this makes sense to me at all, alright?" 
Lucien nodded. 
"I wanna ask a few things." 
"Pray do." 
"What d'you think of my Micky?" 
Lucien took a deep breath. 
"He is… unique. Without a doubt, he is the most compassionate soul I have ever met. His unconditional love for you and Caroline speaks at length for his faithfulness, his patience and his loyalty. I have seen him show love for his family, for his friends, and for animals in an outstandingly respectful way. I have also seen his wrath and his frustration, and I admire him for them too. There is something beautifully frightening in seeing a man so gentle become furious. But as of late, I have had the privilege of seeing a more confident Mundy, and what a sight… I think you have raised an example for the human kind, Mike. You might not even see it, or not the way that I do, but please hear my words and believe them."
Mike had listened, frowning all along and nodding from time to time. From the armchair, Mundy was shaking, his limbs were trembling silently as his jaw clenched. 
"Is Micky happy with you?"
"This is my only worry." Lucien answered. "I strive to make his life complete, to make him feel as whole as possible. If in your eyes I am not doing enough for it, then please understand that no one else on Earth would do as much as I have, and I am not exaggerating when I say that I am, and will remain, the only person who will go to unthinkable ends for Mundy's happiness."
"Son." Mike raised a hand to silence Mundy. He turned to Lucien again. "You takin' care of him as best as you can?"
"Hm." Mike nodded to himself. "You… You really make him happy, huh?" 
"More than I thought I could make anyone, including myself." Lucien answered. 
"And d'you have plans for the future?" Mike asked. 
"Neither him or I are young anymore. I do not plan anything else but live with him for as long as God allows it. Whatever his wishes, whatever he dreams of, I shall know of it and bring it to him. Those are my plans for the future." 
Mike remained silent for a minute that seemed like an entire life and a half for everyone in the room. 
"Meow…" Perle moved her babies to both Lucien and Mike's lap before sitting on Lucien's lap. She raised a paw to him and he gently held it and put it back down.
"Attends, ma chérie, je parle avec Mike, c'est important."
[Wait, my darling, I am talking with Mike and it is important.]
"Caroline?" Mike asked. 
"Anythin' you wanna ask him?" 
"N-no…?" She answered surprised. 
"Well, c'mon, y'have to, we can't let Micky go with him without askin' a few things…!"
"Mike, they already are together, what are you on about?"
"Yeah, but you know that this isn't about them bein' together, it's about you and I givin' our blessin'." 
Mundy's eyes watered up. Lucien saw it and looked at Perle before nodding in direction of the poor Aussie, melting on his island of an armchair, further away from the action. Perle turned her head to her Dad and both Soot and her went to comfort him. The kittens squealed in Lucien and Mike's lap, seeing Mummy further away, but both men kept them warm in their palms. 
"I have nothin' to ask, I've seen them. I've seen them and I've heard them at home, they're… They work perfectly, Mike, they might even work better than you and me!" 
Lucien was sandwiched between Caroline and Mike and leaned back on his seat to not block their conversation. 
"C'mon, Carrie, ask him one thing at least, just for good measure…!"
"Right, right…. Uh, Lu'?"
"Will you excuse Mike and his century old manners with you?" 
"Carrie!" Mike exclaimed and Lucien smiled. 
"Non, please, I am an old man, and a man of tradition too. It is only normal that Mike asks me a few things." Lucien tried to calm both parents down. 
"See? He gets it!" Mike said. 
"Oh well then, now you agree with Lucien, Mike, hm?" 
"Course, I do! He talks sense! Now, please Carrie, give us some tea, throats are dry here and we can't think anymore."
"Right, right… Here, Lu', pass this on to the old man from the last century, yeah?" 
"Of course, Mike? Here is your cup." Lucien handed him the cup that Caroline had given him. 
"This is for you, Lu'... And this is for… oh?" 
Mundy had been staring, his back hunched and tears were streaming down his face. 
"Mundy…!" Lucien put his cup aside and the kittens on the carpet before going to Mundy. "What is wrong, Mundy?" 
"Step aside, son, I think this is for me to handle." 
Lucien felt a hand on his shoulder and withdrew. 
"Stand up, Micky." 
The Aussie pushed on his wobbly legs and Mike pulled him into a hug, to which Mundy couldn't resist and burst out sobbing, his knees gave up but Lucien held him from behind and helped him stand. 
"Shh, son, don't cry… What's Lucien gonna think, eh? Didn't raise you to cry like that, eh?" Mike patted his back and held him close. "What's yer… uh… companion gonna think, eh?"
"Dad…" Mundy sobbed again, the only word he repeated was Dad for long, long minutes of wringing himself. 
"C'mere now, sit down." Father and son took a seat on the sofa. "There, there, thanks, Carrie. Look, your Mum's handin' you a tissue, yeah, wipe that mess off yer face, good boy… Now, can you speak?" 
Mundy's breath was hitched, his whole ribcage was trembling in erratic waves.
"Y-yeah… I-I'm sorry… I…" 
"Now, now, shh… You have nothin' to be sorry about. I should apologise to both of ya. Sorry, Micky, I didn't want to be mean to you or anythin', I just thought… I couldn't imagine how you could be happy with a man. And you," Mike turned to Lucien. "You continue takin' care of my Micky, alright?"
"Oui, Monsieur." Lucien nodded.
[Yes, Sir.]
"See how sensitive he is? He's fragile, my boy. But he's strong too, eh? I didn't raise a sissy! He's strong and sensitive. He's my boy, and if I learn that anyone's been mean to him…!"
"Mike," Caroline answered. "So far you've been that one…"
"Yeah well, I was… not really bright, anyway! That's not the point, point is, I love you Micky, you're my boy, the baby we chose to raise and we both love you. As I said, don't expect me to not give you the occasional weird stare, I can't help it, you can't change an old man, but I don't mean any harm. I'm just… I'm just surprised, is all." 
"Thanks so much, Dad, I…" Mundy hugged his father, clawing and clinging to him. 
"There, there, it's alright… Now, Carrie, give the boy his cup of tea, he's lost lots of water and will need the hydration. There we go… Now…"
Everyone held their cup and Mundy turned to take Lucien's hand in his. The Frenchman blushed intensely.
"Lucien?" Mike called. 
"Did I tell you that one time we went fishin' with Micky and he caught a fish with his bare hands, or rather his bare foot?" 
"Oh, non, I don't believe you have." Lucien smiled in anticipation. 
"Well, it's not a flatterin' story, not at the beginnin'..."
"Dad, please…"
"Let me tell him, it's a good story."
"He caught the fish, see? But the fish caught him too! It was a vicious thing that grabbed his foot!"
"Oh, God…" Mundy hid his face in his hands. 
"See, we were on a lil' row boat and Micky fell in the water trying to pull on his fishin' rod too hard. When he came back to the surface, the damn thing was on his lil' bare foot!"
Lucien chuckled and Mundy shook his head. 
"Dad, he doesn't need to know that…"
"Yeah, he does. Now there was also that one time where he tried to hunt bees, now I'm sure you can guess how it ended, eh?" Mike chuckled. "Carrie, get us the photo album, Lucien's gotta see the picture…"
"Dad, no, please…!" 
"Come on! It was ages ago, let me show him what specimen you were… See, he caught the bee in the end, but the poor thing stung him on his ear as it tried to escape and the poor kid got an ear as big as a frying pan!" 
Caroline brough the photo album. 
"Now, squeeze a bit boys, c'mere Carrie… There we go… Now, let's have a look, yeah?"
"Dad, do we really have to?"
"Yeah we do! Lucien has to know what kind of a kid you were. Now, where was I…?"
Perle gathered her little ones and with Soot's help, they all went on their parents and grandparents' laps. As it turned out, the kittens were as curious about the pictures as Lucien was. 
The Frenchman turned his head to meet his lover's gaze and smiled. Mundy's eyes were still a bit red with the crying, but he grinned back, and he slid his fingers between Lucien. 
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 105 - SBT
Here it is!
"Mundy? Mundy, wake up, mon amour, Mundy?" 
Lucien was patting Mundy's shoulder repeatedly.
"Uh? Huh…? W-what's wrong?" Mundy opened one eye and frowned. 
"It's Perle, I can't find her, please, help me, I-I don't know what to do…!" 
Mundy opened his other eye in a flash and blinked repeatedly. Both him and Lucien got out of bed. 
"Have you looked everywhere in the house?" 
"Oui, I-I cannot find her or Soot… I am terrified, Mundy…!" Lucien's breath was short and fast. 
"Alright, let's look together, switch the lights on everywhere. You go and take downstairs, I stay here upstairs, now go…" 
Lucien obeyed without a second thought and hurtled down the stairs. In a few seconds, all the house was lit up and as Mundy looked at the alarm clock in their room, he realised it was a few minutes past three in the morning. 
"Pearl? Pearl, baby? Sooty boy?" He looked in the room, the cupboards, the bathroom, the cat's room…
"Perle? Perle, ma chérie? Mon bébé? Soot? Où êtes-vous tous les deux?"
[Perle? Perle, my darling? My baby? Soot? Where are you, the both of you?]
Mundy came downstairs to help his lover and found Lucien running from one room to the next. All the cupboards in the kitchen were open and the living-room looked as if it had just been burgled. 
"Babies? Where are you…?" 
"I cannot find them anywhere, Mundy? Did they leave? Did they just go? But why? And where to?"
Mundy took his lover by the hand and pulled him closer to hug him and comfort him. 
"Pearl can't have gone far, she's big and slow…" He frowned to think when-
Both Lucien and Mundy's head swooshed to the direction the meow had come from. It was a windowsill. The window was open and Soot slithered inside. 
"Soot!" Lucien leapt at the cat. "Where is Perle? Is she alright?"
The black cat slithered away and upstairs. 
"Soot! Soot, wait!" 
Both men rushed after the cat who darted to the bedroom. He bit into one of Lucien's shirts and ran back downstairs, slithering like a shadow. 
Both men ran back downstairs and caught a glimpse of the cat leaping outside, through the open window. 
"Let's go, Lu'!" 
Mundy unlocked the door and both him and Lucien ran in the dead of night, barefoot in the street and hand in hand. Lucien was in his pyjamas while Mundy was still in a tank top and pair of boxer shorts. 
They didn't have to run for long as Soot slipped under the van with the shirt that he had stolen. Lucien and Mundy went on all four and looked underneath the van. 
"It's dark as all hell… Wait…" 
Mundy ran back home and came back with the van's keys. He unlocked the back door and slipped in. Not a second later, he emerged and lit a flashlight.
"Oh, bugger, baby!"
Perle was restless under the van, walking in circles in a slow and heavy gait. When she saw Papa and Dad, she pushed herself out of her hiding and meowed long and painful. 
"We're here, baby… Lu', it's happenin', oh shit, she's lickin' herself now… Let me carry her to the van." Mundy gently carried her inside. "Quick, Lu', get some towels from the cupboard, now lay them down, perfect, here we go…" 
Mundy went to his knees and lowered Perle on the towels that Lucien had placed on the floor. 
"Oh, mon Dieu…" Lucien was restless too and on his knees, he was shaking from teeth to toes, "W-what can I do? Perle? Perle, dis-moi, mon bébé…"
[Perle? Perle, tell me, my baby…]
Soot gently put the shirt next to Perle who was laying down and licking her nether regions repeatedly. 
"Alright, Lu', listen here, there isn't much we can do. When the babies get born, don't touch them before she does, ok? It'll be messy but she needs to clean them herself, alright?" 
Lucien was still shaking, and his teeth were chattering. Mundy switched the light on in the van and closed the door. He came back to sit on the floor, next to Lucien, and pulled him into a comforting hug. 
"Why is she licking herself there? Is she hurt? Do we need to take her to the veterinarian? Sh-should we drive her there?" 
"No, sshhh… Lu'..." Mundy gently rocked his lover left and right. "Stop worryin', it's not helping her to feel so much tension in you."
"Will she be fine?" Lucien started biting his nails.
"Yeah, have you not been readin' that book of yours?" 
"Oui, I have but… I-I don't feel so ready now." Lucien shamefully admitted. 
"It's alright, it doesn't matter." Mundy gently brushed Lucien's hair. "Want me to talk you through it?"
"Oui, please." Lucien clawed on his lover's sides and leaned his head on his shoulder, but his eyes never left Perle. 
"See how she's lickin' herself?" 
"She isn't hurt, she's feelin' it coming. Any second now she - oh, here she is, her water broke. That's why I had you get the towels."
"Can Soot or us help her in any way?" 
"Nah. See how even he's keeping his distance?"
"Then we should do the same. Just be here for her, encourage her, but don't disturb anythin'." 
"Why did he take one of my shirts?"
Mundy smiled. 
"Because that's what brings them comfort, the smell of you. While you were supposedly dead, they slept every night with your jacket and your perfume on it…" He kissed Lucien's head and continued to gently rock him left and right, to comfort him. "And look now, can you see through the fluff there…?" 
"Where?" Lucien pulled his neck to see better while keeping his distance with Perle.
"Look there." Mundy pointed. 
"Is that…?"
"Yeah, it's the first baby." 
"Oh, mon Dieu!" Lucien escaped his lover's arms and looked at Perle, addressing her directly. "Mon bébé, tu peux le faire, allez ma chérie, un petit effort, on peut voir le petit, vas-y ma petite…"
[My baby, you can do it, go on, my darling, a bit more effort, we can see the little one, go on, my baby…]
Mundy put a hand on Lucien's back and brushed him gently. 
"Mundy, are you sure I cannot touch her? I would like to hold her hand."
"I'm sure, love, leave her alone." 
"Look, here, baby." Mundy pulled his lover back in his arms and pointed at the first kitten. 
"Oh! It's white! It's white like his mother!" Lucien excitedly announced. 
"Yeah, but look at the paws…"
Lucien squinted. 
"Grand Dieu! It's white with black paws!" Lucien turned to Mundy and hugged him. 
"Yeah, and the first one is out now. Great job Pearl, breathe and go for number two, yeah?" 
"Mundy, listen…!" 
The kitten squeaked. 
"Is it hurt? Is it alright?" Lucien asked, worried. 
"No, luv', it's normal. Babies squeal and mewl to attract mummy's attention. But see how its eyes are closed?"
Lucien leaned closer. 
"Ah, oui, you are right… Is that normal?"
"Yeah, their eyes and ears stay shut for a few days."
"They cannot hear or see anything for days?" Lucien asked.
"Poor them…" 
"And they're very bad at regulatin' their body temperature, that's why they pile up in a mass of fluff, or they stay stuck to their Mum."
It lasted hours of Lucien going through a roller-coaster of emotions. He would explode in joy whenever a kitten made it entirely out and would worry to the bone through the entire process, when the kitten is half in and half out. 
"This is it! Four of them!" Lucien chimed, trying again to escape his lover's arms, but Mundy held him back, seeing how much the Frenchman wanted to touch either mother or newborns. 
"Yeah, so we got a white one with black paws, a white one with a bit of off-white-ish, a completely black one and a white one with a black tip of the tail." 
"They look so… defenseless…! Mon amour… Can we do anything for them or not yet?" 
"Not yet, see how Pearl is still bathing them?" 
"That means they're not ready for us yet. But y'know what?" 
"Come with me, we'll go and get some water and food for Pearl and Soot." 
"May I say something to her first?" 
"O'course. D'you want me to leave you alone with her?" 
"Non, please." Lucien tightened his hand on Mundy's. He turned to Perle. "Ma chérie, je suis fière de toi. Papa et Dad sont très fiers de toi. Donne-nous une petite minute, on revient tout de suite. Soot, s'il te plaît, veille sur elle." 
[My darling, I am proud of you. Papa and Dad are very proud of you. Give us a little minute, we will be back in a second. Soot, please, take care of her.]
Both men exited the van and went back home. Mundy headed straight for the kitchen and Lucien let go of his hand, parting ways in the corridor. He didn't think much of it, he assumed Lucien needed to use the bathroom. 
When Mundy finished preparing some food and water for the cats, Lucien appeared at the door. 
"Let us go back, shall we?" 
"What are you doin' with all that?"
"It's pillows and a blanket. You don't think I will sleep here while Perle is there all alone?" Lucien answered. "Come on, she is waiting…!" 
Mundy smiled and followed his lover. A minute later, they were back in the van and Perle had stopped bathing her little ones. 
"Here, Pearl, some food and water. Y'need to drink plenty with all that water you lost, eh?" 
"Why does she sound so sad?" Lucien sat on the floor next to her. 
"She isn't sad, baby, she's tired."
"Oh, that I can understand. May I touch her now?" 
"Let's see if she's ok with that…" Mundy approached his hand to Perle slowly. She smelt his fingers and leaned her head to them. "Yeah, she seems alright, luv'. Just try and not tire her more, eh?" 
"Oh, non, of course not." Lucien approached his fingers to her, and Perle looked up at him.
"Oui, mon bébé?"
[Yes, my baby.]
Perle purred when Lucien scratched her head and her jaw. The Frenchman showered her in words of praise and affection while Mundy switched on the small electric heater before sitting next to them. 
"So, Lu'..."
"We need names for the babies." 
"Oh, oui, we do." 
"Any ideas?" 
"Do we even know if they are male or female?" Lucien asked. 
"Let me check… Pearl, is that ok if I have a look, baby?" Perle laid her head in Lucien's hand and closed her eyes for a moment. "Right, so let's start with the white one with black paws… It's a boy."
"He looks like Glovy but with inverted colours." Lucien said. 
"Then why not Glovy?" 
"Again?" Lucien asked. 
"Yeah, but like uh… Glovy the Second?"
"The long dynasty of the Glovies, hm?" Lucien asked with a smile.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Fine, he is now Glovy the Second. Check the next one."
"This white one with slightly off-white patches is a girl." 
"Oh, a lady… By the way, isn't it strange that the patches she has are not black?"
"Nah, Pearl and Soot could've had plain ginger cats."
"Yeah, so it's not too surprisin' and no, don't look at her like that, it doesn't mean she did her business with another cat."
"She certainly did not." Lucien answered. "We heard her when they… uhm… conceived those babies." 
"Exactly. But yeah, what name shall we go for this one?"
"Any ideas?" Lucien asked. 
"Really?" Lucien asked, unconvinced. 
"She looks like Perle but a bit more uh… cooked? Right, maybe it isn't the best name…"
"What is white and you can toast like that?" Lucien wondered out loud. 
"Marshmallow?" Mundy answered and both men locked eyes. "Sounds nice, yeah?" 
Lucien smiled and nodded, leaning on Mundy's side. The Aussie wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close. 
"Next one, this black one here… He's a boy."
"Look they are starting to dry off. This one is drying fast, he looks quite fuzzy." 
"Yeah, he's a lil' ball of black fuzz." 
"I know what we will call him." The Frenchman raised his head to his lover and smirked. 
"Alright, what then?" 
Lucien raised his index finger and tapped the tip of Mundy's nose. 
"Look at how he squeals, and looks for comfort in his mother. He is exactly like you, only he is a cat. The Bushman, in cat form."
"Bushcat." Lucien confirmed. 
"Right then." Mundy kissed his lover's brow. "So we've got Glovy, Marshmallow and Bushkitty. Now, for this last one… It's a she, she's white with a black tip of her tail."
"She looks like she dipped the tip of her tail in ink." Lucien said. 
"Inky, then?"
"Oui, Inky." 
"So we got Glovy the second, Marshmallow, Bushcat and Inky, right?" 
"Oui, I think so." Lucien took Mundy's arm and held on to it like he would a teddy bear. The Aussie smiled and kissed Lucien's hair, on his brow. 
"So, we're sleepin' here?" Mundy asked. 
"I will but I don't want to force you if you would rather sleep at home."
"What nonsense are you blabberin' about, baby doll…?" Mundy chuckled. "You think I'll leave you alone to sleep in my own van with the rest of the family while I sleep alone in the house? Pfff, c'mon…" 
They exchanged a chuckle and a quick peck. 
"I'll prepare the bed, you keep an eye on the babies, yeah?" 
"Yeah, baby?" 
"Thank you." 
"For what?"
"Staying with me here, with us."
"You almost sound like I wouldn't." Mundy said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. 
"Non, I just want to make sure that you don't feel compelled to." 
"Of course not." Mundy answered. "Wanna sleep in the bed or on the floor next to her?"
"We can?"
"Well, I'll have to spoon ya, we don't have much space, but if you feel better that way, yeah, sure. Let's put some blankets on the floor first… There… Put the pillows, yeah? Great, now we can lie down, c'mere, you old baby." 
Lucien snuggled against Mundy and the Aussie threw a blanket over both of them before lacing an arm around Lucien and pulling him close. 
"Thank God for the blanket…" The Aussie said, burying his nose in Lucien's hair. He started closing his eyes.
"Are you feeling cold?" 
Mundy gently nodded. 
"Oh, viens ici…" 
[Oh, come here…]
Lucien rolled to face his lover and pulled him such that Mundy's head was against his chest. The long locks of Lucien's hair softly fell on Mundy's head and face, bringing him an additional source of warmth. The Aussie buried his head there and wrapped his arms around Lucien, pulling him impossibly closer. The Frenchman hooked a leg over his back.
"Are you alright?" He asked. 
"Yeah, I just… I'm happy to be with you for this." 
Lucien heard the muffled sounds of kisses on his chest and smiled. 
"So am I, mon loup." 
"Remember the first time we slept here?"
"Of course, it was the night I confessed my feelings for you." Lucien gently scratched Mundy's head as he hugged it. 
"Yeah… It was… It was somethin'. I mean, did you really cling to the ladder at the back when I left you?"
"And did you really leave me in the middle of nowhere to be eaten by the coyotes?" Lucien answered. 
"Y'know, right before you joined me in bed and gave me a good scare, I was actually regrettin' it."
"Ah, I feel better." Lucien answered with irony. 
"No, seriously, Lu'. I was thinkin' that I'd gone too far and I shouldn't have left you." 
"But then I felt somethin' on the bed, I turned and boom. There you were." Lucien smiled, still gently massaging Mundy's scalp. "You were there and I just… Gosh, and you knew I loved you!" 
"And you loved me too?" 
"Had you been lovin' me for long or…?"
"Quite a while, oui." 
"And you knew I loved you but you didn't do anythin'?" 
"Non, I didn't."
"You're more shy than I thought." Mundy said. 
"Non, I wasn't being timid, I was being realistic. I was convinced that you deserved to be happy, and I would have given a lot to see you feel whole with me, but I was on a job that would surely end up in my death, and of course, I did not want to involve you in that." 
"Yeah, I understand… Still, I'm glad we ended up together anyway."
"I did give away a year of my life again, to pay that price." Lucien said. "And I am not getting younger, not at all." 
"Neither am I. But if I had to make the choice that you did, basically if I had to choose between losing you for one year but gettin' you in the end, and losin' you forever? Yeah, I'd have chosen the same. I want to live with you, do stuff with you, see stuff with you… I don't know, I just… I feel like things make sense with you, and I can be myself. I don't need to change myself for you to like me or not find me weird."
"Of course not. Playing a role you can do for short periods of time. But pretending to be someone else for a long period of time will affect you, badly so." 
"Is that the ex-Spook talkin'?"
"Oui, it is."
"Right." Mundy looked up and Lucien met his eyes. "Professor Ski."
Lucien chuckled and laced his legs between Mundy's. 
"It's been a long time since I heard this name." 
"And it turned out to be quite good, you are teachin' in the end, yeah?" 
"Oui, it is true, although what I teach has nothing to do with skiing."
"Well, can't be that good at predictin' the future. It's like the weather forecast." Mundy chuckled. 
"So, if you can see in the future, what do you see for us?" Lucien asked. 
Both had their eyes closed and their limbs intertwined with one another. 
"That you and I are gonna fall asleep very soon, Lu'." 
"Even I could have made that prediction." 
"You didn't ask for somethin' that you couldn't predict." 
"And what if I do?" Lucien asked. 
"Well then, I guess I gotta tell you what I'm gonna do now."
"Pray tell." 
"C'mere… I'm gonna hold you close… Like this… And I'm gonna kiss your forehead… Mh, like this, and I'm gonna wish you a good night, baby doll." 
"Good night to you too, mon loup." 
They both closed their eyes and the squeals of the kittens dissolved in the air as they too fell asleep.
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