toorumlk · 6 months
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all of gryffindor: look at our prefects dawg, we’re never winning the house cup
romione in their sixth year if i had it my way
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wooyoungisbaby · 3 months
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ronsharry · 4 months
why wasn’t there a debate class at hogwarts and why wasn’t hermione granger in it
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plutosschild · 3 days
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Y’all can pry the Dean / Hermione sibling friendship I’ve built in my mind from my cold dead hands
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Hc that after Fred asks out Harry he’s writing/passing notes to Hermione telling her about what happened and Ron looks over one of their shoulders or intercepts one of them and just looks over at Harry and is like “MY BROTHER?!?” in the middle of class and everyone’s just staring at Ron like …wtf
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qulizalfos · 7 months
!!!!!!!!! just finished i could be your crush i am literally
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So I’ve come to the realisation that growing up as a frazzled English girl isn’t a universal experience and so here are some things from my childhood that I consider canon to Hermione Jean Granger so people can see what her growing up in the muggle world might have looked like:
- supporting the family football team with pride even when you have no fucking clue about anything football related because that’s what you do
- harvester dinners for big family events
- Butlins during school holidays (October to be specific)
- THRIVING on Victorian day in primary
- Camden market day out (girl lives in Finchley you can’t convince me otherwise)
-the first toy she brought was her own pocket money/ birthday money was fifi and the flowerpots figures
- entire weekends dedicated to going to the (free) museums in London because the national British museum you can get lost in forever
- getting the rainbow magic books at a school fate
- being made to do maypole dancing at the school fate when all she wants is to be looking for the rainbow magic books at the stool
- she was in yellow house and was a house captain (I was ruby and yellow were our enemies) (but also so were emerald and especially sapphire)
-(she also did school council in year 4 and the extent of her reign was picking out a new climbing frame for the big kids playground)
- she always got the cola kwenchy kups, a pink sherbet straw AND a Freddo at a school disco and kept it a secret from her parents (the ultimate rebellion for her)
-she also went and told on people during school discos
- her parents thought her favourite Balamory character was Suzie sweet because she liked her but actually her favourite was Josie Jump (before being recast specifically, then it became Archie)
-she sent in a drawing she did to milkshake monkey
- going as Angelina Ballerina for world book day in both year 1 & 2
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monkshooded · 7 months
I'm contractually obliged to post this on here
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sweetnnaivete · 4 months
bro little me was so upset that harry potter and gang skipped 7th year cs GIRL YOU HAVE TO DO STANDARDIZED TESTING TOO!!! can't be fighting death eaters instead of doing ur n.e.w.t.s smh
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hafrenfae · 1 year
Due to her insatiable curiosity Hermione is sent back to 1952. Whilst making friends with many familiar faces, she is haunted by one in particular. He lingers around like a bad smell. Overseeing her every movement. Perhaps she should make the most of this.
Coming soon…
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toorumlk · 6 months
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grumpy when cold gf x warm bf
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wooyoungisbaby · 3 months
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sorry about your boyfrienfd he uh, he had his tits out on national television again. yeah no we cant take it down sorry.
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v1senyatargaryen · 1 year
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Hermione J. Granger Aesthetic
“Books! And cleverness! There are more important things! — Friendship! And Bravery!”
“Actually I’m highly logical which allows me to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly that which others overlook.”
“Ultimately, she had a bigger heart than she had a brain, and that’s saying something for Hermione.”
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plutosschild · 30 days
Got a Romione piece in the saved where Hermione is the white queen in chess and Ron is the knight
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jane-imes · 2 years
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It just....fits them so well XDDD
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marsixm · 4 months
anyway i realized yesterday this is like. the first time in my life. possibly ever. that im like not constantly experiencing some level of emotional terrorism or actively traumatizing nonsense so im ready to fucking thrive actually
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