seeliragh-fr · 1 year
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two normal-looking obelisks next to each other
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duparoberto · 2 months
Seth Sorenson or something idk I never sat alone at school in the corner reading weird fantasy books for kids.
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(I did)
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palossssssand · 8 months
Old dome squadmates Trito and Kinoga get together at Trito’s place to catch up after years apart and a meeting by chance on the surface.
⚠️Warning for suggestive content below + implied chest trauma
After several weeks of chipping away at this, the comic is finally done! Very happy to have rendered a full 7 pages of oc stuff. Please give it a read!!
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read the full 7 page comic on twitter! <-please do not click if you are a minor and view at your own discretion, this link contains explicit 18+ content. Thank you!
For the lore, includes stuff from splatoon Octo Expansion: Trito and Kinoga were a part of an octarian military squad living in the domes, Kinoga being their squad leader that many looked up to and admired. There were 6 of them who considered each other to be their closest friends. Upon hearing about the tests from Kamabo Co. and the allure of the Promised Land, Kinoga wished to seek it out in order to find a better life for their squadmates. A difficult decision, since it meant leaving them all behind, promising to come back and take them there.
Kinoga enters the metro trials and soon realizes that the Promised Land isn’t what they expected, their hope crumbling when they encounter one of their sanitized squadmates Agara, who followed suit to the metros soon after. Kinoga narrowly escapes, eventually making a break for the surface, carrying the shame of unwilling to return for their squadmates with them (it’s justified, of course, there might not be an easy way in, they might get caught again, Agara is gone)
Trito enters the Metro not too long after Kinoga does, wanting to catch up to them, and an accident that occurs in a test early on results in Trito’s near sanitization, giving him his scar. Terrified, and realizing what happens to his fellow octolings, Trito is unable to return to his squadmates, not wanting to break the news of their loved ones’ untimely fates. He hides away on the Metro until the events of OE happen and Agent 8 dismantles Kamabo, opening an opportunity to escape to the surface. Unwilling to face the possibilities of going back, Trito takes his chance to leave, starting a new life and feeling that it’s for the best if he doesn’t acknowledge it, though he missed his friends dearly.
Years later, Trito and Kinoga run into each other on the streets of Splatsville by chance, and the implications of them both being on the surface and alive hit them, having to carry the burden of leaving their loved ones behind and finding out the truth, knowing the other felt exactly the same, not knowing the fate of their squadmates and not wanting to think about the possibility of them being gone. They have a tearful reunion about it, and set up a meet later, to sit down and really talk, and get into a brief argument when the topic of returning to the domes comes up. Trito’s in disbelief that Kinoga never went back down to check on the rest of their squad, wanting them to have been a better person than him, who was too cowardly to do so. Eventually they do reconcile, and end up at Trito’s place to hook up, where the above comic takes place :]
#my art#my ocs#splatoon#suggestive#trito#kinoga#aaahhhhhh this is finally done!!!!#a small drabble turned into a sketch turned into a full fledged rendered comic. blowing up#in any case I hope people enjoy this as much as I do…they are so everything to me#splatoon ocs#I have so many thoughts about these two that I could not articulate in a tumblr post. they miss each other so so much#its about the. I’ve known your body. and coming back after years and going oh…this is new…#there’s no context where trito would be able to reveal this to kinoga except for boning#only kinoga could look at it and immediately understand. sparing him the pain of explaining what happened and reliving it#if it had been anyone else he probably would have stopped them the moment the hand went under the sweater#but he’s just so so caught in the moment of the reunion. and the everything . Auughhhh#stealing this from a friend but theyve changed and they haven’t changed at all. I’m going to be ill#chest trauma#‘what if they explored each others bodies’ or whatever. okay#if it wasnt clear enough or implied trito and kimoga are octolings from the underground domes#nsft#oh and the. really long lore explanation <33 teehee#they are so so much#not partners but more than friends. secret third thing. guh#its about holding each other so tightly and physically for confirmation that they weren’t seeing things and that the other was Really There#like the fate of their friends not on their mind constantly and then it all comes flooding back and all of a sudden it opens the door#for finding the others and now they won’t have to go back and face the possibility alone#IM GOING TO BE SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!#this has got to be the most ive rambled in the tags I’ve just been rotatinf them with fado for the past barely a month and they are#tritonoga
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chiquilines · 4 months
i love love the costume redesign you gave midnight! have you thought about a winter version or a You're-Teaching-Minors-So-Can-You-Be-PG-For-Once-Nemuri-Please version?
i kinda like the idea that she just puts on a coverup while teaching like she puts on the costume as normal but just pulls on a sundress or something so it's more appropriate for school
but that might not work for actual hero stuff but i thought it was cute
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Yeah in my canon (and everyones canon if horikoshi would just PICK UP THE PHONE) she throws on a pair of pants over her costume and bam. Instant PG tank top outfit
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star-fi · 3 months
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Back again! This time with the most original(-ish)-starbound-plot relevant crewmember!
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TISHA SASHAT [Tenebrhae]
Tisha was is their second year of training when the Earth was ripped apart by a storm of horrors pouring forth from a rift in reality. (Suprise! Thierri's crew resides in a Starbound AU: the most major change is that the ruin was not alone: creatures beyond our comprehension continue to roam (and often terrorize) Protectorate alliance space and beyond. Asra Nox's, and by extension, the Occasus cult's, role is modified in this AU. Notes on that in the tags.) After evacuating to Mars temporarily, they reunited with a few of their friends from the graduating class. Unbeknownst to Tisha, the same friend that would go on to lead the recovery efforts was the one responsible for the rift's opening.
████ didn't destroy earth intentionally. Rather, she ignored the warnings from her mentors about tinkering with the internal storage systems of matter manipulators and caused it to implode at the wrong time and worst place: The Beginning of the Rift. It started out small, barely a rip in space hidden behind a crate of capsules. Maybe it would've closed on its own. However, eager to prove the versatility of her homebrewed manipulator, ████ attempted to stitch it back together by force. What followed was a catastrophic series of chain reactions, leading to the destruction of Earth. ████ was scarred both physically and mentally by her proximity to the tear. Driven by guilt, she leads the effort in recovering the pieces of Earth and possibly sealing them back together after the rip is sealed. Her methods however...
Tisha was unaware of ████'s role in Earth's destruction, only knowing that at the time, she was studying the high level engineering of matter manipulators. They put the pieces together themself when ████ revealed her plan to use the same matter manipulator to try and seal the rift again. Distrustful of ████'s hasty problem solving, Tisha stole the manipulator and fled the solar system. Half fueled by fear and half concern for their former friend, they hope that by removing the solution that ████ recklessly relied on, she will take more time to think of solutions, rather than taking the quickest, yet riskiest route.
Unfortunately, instead of redirecting her focus to other solutions, ████ put a bounty on Tisha's head. They didn't hear about this until after they hopped on a freight ship headed to the edges of Protectorate allied space, though.
Thierri's crew stood out to Tisha among others by having what looked like a fellow tenebrhae as chief engineering officer. Not used to seeing their kind off-planet (and in the same field of study as them!) Tisha applied and was accepted. To their chagrin, what they assumed was a tenebrhae turned out to be Gus' censored profile image. Despite their disappointment, their bounty had reached the edge stations and Tisha had no choice but to leave on the ship and stay with the crew until the end of their contract.
Tisha mostly works with Gus in maintaining the ship's engine. However, Gus is constantly taking over for major tasks, leaving only the most menial and surface level ones for them. This annoys Tisha, who thinks he's underestimating their expertise and overworking himself. In reality, it's because Gus secretly modified the engine to process the erchius crystals that grow from where his left arm used to be. Besides Chal and Thierri, nobody on the ship knows about the Lunar Base Incident, though Tisha is constantly on the verge of finding out.
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wu-does-art · 1 year
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au where mike narrowly escapes the upsidedown while on patrol and gets an obscure curse to be a catboy for a month. this is amusing to everyone but mike.
#catmike au#dont know if people will like this au of mine or not but ill keep posting doodles of it cause its funny#dustin is very interested in the curse and is also conveniently the onely one who has owned a cat#hes tests things almost immediately in such excitement#basically its just him seeing mike in the living room and running quickly to his house because he needs to grab some things#its also set vaguely post s5 so some of the byers share the wheeler house#lets just say the wheelers went off for the apocalypse#dustin comes back with a laser pointer and catnip (to the others it honest to god looks like weed)#then of course hes inspecting him and asking questions like seeing if his human ears are gone and if he can move his tail and all that#they find very quickly that he can purr when will comes over next to him curiously#this def disturbs other upsidown meeting because imagine nancy's talking and in the middle of it its just *LOUD PURRING*#mike does chase lasers (out of his control) and he can in fact get hopped up on catnip#which makes him go zoomies or purr crazy loud and it makes him shove his whole body all over will like a strange clingy 5 yr old#also his pupils can go big and small and as expected it goes massive when hes on catnip#everyone finds this hilarious and they make a game of who can secretly get mike catnipped#will is the unwilling victim because he's the cat's (and mike's ofc) assighned so he'll just be sitting and then he'll#hear running qnd suddenly mikes holding his arm up and rubbing against it while purring very loudly#anyways i may have written that for no one in particular but yeah theres some cat au!#st mike#mike wheeler#stranger things#stranger things fanart#byler#st mike wheeler#mike wheeler stranger things#will byers#byler fanart#st will#st will byers#its supposed to say that wills the cats favourite person idk tumblr deleted it cause something something formatting
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t4tails · 11 months
Do they even do any work besides a rare event like this. Because they don't moderate the site, why do people even give excess money after the donation goal for the servers is hit, so they can reward the people behind the site with cash for actively choosing not to do anything about harmful/gross content
ao3s financial records ARE public (tho idk if theyre really accessible rn due to the site being down) and theyre like, super fucking sketch. my friend and i went through em last year i think and they are deliberately hard to understand for the average layman with some really weird expenses
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puddii-ng · 10 months
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a beautiful museum that lies on the sand of an hourglass ✧・゚
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verflares · 9 hours
so it’s totally okay if u don’t wanna answer, but when do you think the next chapter of dragonsong will be out? i know writing block can happen — trust me, i am NO stranger — but an update on what’s going on with the story would be cool! like if life is just too much rn you can just say that and that’s totally fine :) honestly i will wait till the end of time for this fic, it’s too good 😭
hi!! no worries, i appreciate the question ^_^ it's fair too, i don't think ive really mentioned what's going on outside of like. tags on various personal text posts tht u'd have to hunt down. honestly i'm a little shy talking abt it or some of my other og projects on here LMAO which is mostly just. that's how i Am and i know most of my followers that i have now are here for my art and maybe my insane ramblings from time-to-time
anyways, atm i don't really have a clear date for when i'll get the next one out... it's still sitting in my files and i Still have an outline for what i want to happen in it + the next few chapters planned out right till the fic's conclusion. but yeah, planning versus execution is a whole other beast.
i Do want to finish it so much, and i Will... its mostly just various combinations of irl, writer burnout, and i've kind of also just been enjoying getting better at art more these past few months - so i'm doing that in my free time instead of writing x_x. so i guess the state of it rn is temporary hiatus?
i've considered some ways in which it might be easier to say, trick my brain into continuing too LOL. i could try putting out shorter chapters, but i worry if itll upset the flow of all the other chapters that came beforehand... feel free to let me know or any other potential ideas and i'll see what i can do!
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Bojack Horseman as a TV show attracts incredibly neurodivergent schizophrenics, mainly because:
1) it never had a conventional fandom in "Tumblr based forms" and other cliche stereotypes that usually come with popular pieces of media, leaving plenty of room for incredibly eccentric people like myself to fill up the space where there's usually a lot of incredibly neurotypical and cliche "tumblr type personalities" to fill up the space of sad psychological media that would make it up the energy online that would eventually detract or make it unattractive to schizophrenics or other incredibly nuanced people
2) The show itself has a tendency to attract people with severe depression and other mental disorders like a light bulb for f33ks that only speak a certain type of language that can only be found in about 3% of people
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titles-and-pretense · 2 months
When I was younger, I fell in love with the 10th Pokemon movie, The Rise of Darkrai. Me being a depressed, lonely, undiagnosed autistic teenager. And that kickstarted my love for Darkrai and its innate ability to cause the ones around it nightmares.
It is very shy, and this ability helps it stay undiscovered and safe. But it also makes others distrustful and wary around it. In the movie, a young girl finds Darkrai injured in a garden, being attacked by other Pokemon. We don't know how it got injured (it is far too powerful to have been hurt by the other Pokemon there) or why it was here, but the girl, Alicia, immediately takes care of Darkrai and tells him that it can forever stay in the garden, because the garden is meant for all Pokemon.
She plays Darkrai and the others a song on her flute and they calm down. The others are able to rest under the tree where she plays, as Darkrai watches from the shadows that it sinks into, so as not to give them nightmares. That song is later played by Alicia's granddaughter and is used to save the town from raging legendaries.
Darkrai stays loyal to Alicia and her descendants since. Just how I stayed loyal to the first person (apart from perhaps my father) who saw me as I was and loved me for it.
The towers that are in this movie, which are equipped with hundreds of tuned bells, which are later used to play the song to the raging legendaries, are inspired by Antonio Gaudi's famous Sagrada Familia. Ever since I watched that movie, I have wanted to visit it, because it looks magical to me. And finally, this week, we are going to Barcelona for a weekend and my dream will come true.
In preparation, I watched The Rise of Darkrai another time. It is a cute little movie, very simple children's story. Darkrai is still a stunning-looking Pokemon - I certainly am proud of it being my favourite. I even wrote fanfics about it back in the day.
But the music carries the movie.
The song is called Oracíon (Prayer). If you're reading this, do look it up, it is beautiful.
I hope I get to hum it, next week, in the place where it belongs. And think of lonely Darkrai, who was fortunate to find the one person who would see it as a friend. Just how I was fortunate.
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volfoss · 5 months
actually yeah im making a quick poll on this. for anyone who has been around long enough to remember when i made my massive clamp readathon situation (in which i read every single one of the works they put out) be everyones problem. hi. im doing it again but much worse now. reading about 400 volumes (and more if i can find more) of tezuka osamu's work. i am just curious on the general consensus of if i should upload thoughts as i read each one (ie: one post being like i finished kimba/jungle kingdom, heres my thoughts) or just have a MASSIVE post of hey. read them all heres my thoughts (as i did with clamp. which is when i found out tumblr had a max text limit)
#twist rambles#i KNOW this is smth most of u do not care about. however comma. im curious what would be better. esp as like... about 50?? i think percent#of these have no translation fan or official. so its smth where i think discussing the plot/characters/art or whatever could be fun :)#but its also like. obviously a lot. for comparison the clamp stuff was abt 90 volumes (half of them being holic and trc). so this is far#worse. i could read all of naruto 5.5 times over in the time this will take me to complete it. so its smth where i do want to like... get#opinions on. either way i dont plan on liveblogging for most of it other than if i find a silly panel (the really good mw panels u will#ALWAYS be famous <- i post them every time i read i think. theyre very good to me). i do however plan on coloring a panel or page from each#series as my OWN personal way of having a physical way of holding onto my memories w it. sorry this is so long and rambly but im gearing up#for this massive project and by god i need to get ppl to read dor.oro. <- my goal or something. please. its very good.#tzkposting#<- all of my posting abt this will/has been under this tag so its not... in the main tags lmao.#sorry for the rambling but. hi. please vote :3 im making a big spreadsheet for stuff bc like... a lot of his stuff is hard to source so onc#im done w that nightmare situation ill probably post that somewhere bc the days of work ive done on all this should be put out there lol#gonna srb this a few times through the day to get like... an idea of what ppl would prefer :)
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juniperberrypipebomb · 2 months
Decided to log into twitter (hell) and outside of everything going to shit as always i found this piece of shit as my banner
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I dont even remember when i made this but i do remember that i did and i remember how i made it
I saw a picture on twitter w some kind of caption and decided that i could make it look like a banner
i tried to add the fire flaming text that i saw on some reposted to twitter tumblr posts where someome makes a grammatical error and someone corrects them in a form of flaming (sometimes animated) text (never change guys, gals and all of you magnificent pals lol) but at the time i didnt know the website that you all used so i tried to improvise and google
I remember half way thru the making of this text being so upset that it looked like shit but after taking a break for 20 minutes i said "fuck it, it is way funnier this way" and i kinda glad that back then i decided to "fuck it we ball" it
It looks disgusting and i love it
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
Okay, I know I've literally never talked about Supernatural before on this blog but I actually am a massive fan of the series. I could honestly run an entire separate blog about it. Anyway I rediscovered Milo Greene's song "What's the Matter" earlier and it got me thinking about the episode Bitten.
People have eased up on this episode in recent years but overall the general opinion is still pretty negative, which I think is sad since this is probably one of my personal favorites. Keep in mind it's been a couple years since I've rewatched the show, so I'm running mostly on memory here.
First things first, I think it helps keep the series connected to its roots. After season 5, they kept trying to one up themselves in terms of stakes, ultimately leading to such events as "Satan's son's birth opens the multiverse". And we were sitting in the aftermath of Dick and the Leviathans™ where the show was heading back on its stride, so it feels really nice to just remind us where we began. Saving people, hunting things.
Second, it actually does a lot for the worldbuilding. We get to actually see the perspective of both the people being saved and the things to be hunted, all while they have to grapple with it. While they may not be the most compelling, it was really important we got to see the evolution of these friends, a view into the mundane yet interesting history of these regular people's lives. That way it really hits when things go to shit, you (or at least me) genuinely wish things could have gone differently for them. These people had dreams and goals, loved ones, and now two of them are dead and the other is on the run. All that and they still manage to convey it in a way that feels mostly organic.
On top of that, we get a particularly interesting glimpse into how Sam and Dean look from the perspective of strangers, including some interesting character details. Their shenanigans, their work. We really never get to see people who recognize them from other things (like don't they technically still have warrants for their arrest?) so I thought it was cool how the characters pick up on that.
The found footage aspect is usually hated by people, but I thought it was a really cool way to see it unfold. Cause remember, they could have easily just given us an episode from someone else's POV. But instead, we experience it as the brothers experience it. Context for certain things is missing, there are time jumps and finally it ends with a message directly for them both.
It makes sense that they would film what they do too (for the most part). We see that these are people who record fun and mundane things just for the hell of it, so of course they would record one of the most strange and harrowing events of their lives. In an era where people record strangers for internet points, it's honestly refreshing to see people record mostly just for the sake of capturing memories or entertainment for themselves.
I know a lot of people like it, but it holds a special place in my heart. When I think of the heart of the show, I don't think about the world ending or the multiverse or any of that, I think of stuff like this. Things that really stick in your mind.
And also that song fucks.
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sentimentalslut · 8 days
So I've hit a bit of a dead end in my life where I have no idea what to do or what I want to do. Do you have any advice on how to try and figure it all out?
Also I love ur duncney fics you should be an author <3
listen, anon. i'm 26. as much as i am flattered that you think i have it figured out, i do not. i'm willing to bet i wont have it figured out in ten years or twenty or forty-five. the thing is, i'm fine with that.
so here's my advice:
honestly, just keep living. put one foot in front of the other. find things you enjoy for no other purpose than enjoyment.
you don't have to 'do' anything -- living is about experiences. not every one of them have to have a purpose.
most of being human is drifting around and wondering why youre here. none of us really have the answer. that's okay. that's normal. maybe you'll never figure out what you're meant to 'do'. and that's fine!
the thing that keeps me anchored in the sea of Being Alive All the Time, and the thing that keeps most people anchored, is passion.
step one of discovering your passion, whatever it is, is to allow yourself to discover it. pick up pointless new hobbies and let yourself put them down if you dont enjoy them. read new books. read wikipedia articles for things youve never heard of. go on long walks in new parts of your neighborhood. listen to a new podcast. watch a video essay about something stupid youve always been curious about.
make bad art. paint shitty pictures, draw shitty portraits, write shitty stories. let yourself be bad at things. let yourself be purposeless.
accept the fact that you are human and unsure about your place in the universe -- because those two things go hand in hand. this is the curse of sentience. embrace it.
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coolattasclown · 10 months
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Uhhh backgrounds suck to do heres a portal/half life oc CALVIN ‼️‼️‼️
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