disastertwins9000 · 7 months
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a real experience i had last night with my 14 yo brother. shout out to him for helping me draw more au stuffs
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“Tmnt interdimensional vacation crossover”designs for the boys + cursed desriptions I found from scouring Pinterest
If you have any questions about Lee or Leon, please feel free to ask me :)
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Proper info below:
Lee is absolutely an oldie at heart. He is happy to listen to corny 90’s music and binge old shows. “Spaceheroes” being his favorite, which he is obsessed with. He used to hold the main character Captain Ryan to a much higher level, but as he aged he saw how much his hero wasn’t really a hero, and only cared for himself. He no longer felt that pull to be just like Captain Ryan, and instead wanted to forge his own path. The one thing lee wants in the world is to be at peace with himself.
In his youth he acted rash, without thinking, taking his fathers advice too literally and twisting it to something that his father never actually said, causing him to lose his sense of self preservation. Caring so much for his family’s health and protecting them with his life, he forget how much he meant to them. Putting his own life on the line, led to him almost losing his life multiple times, he realized later that that wasn’t a good thing. He needed to change.
Calm and rational, he always has a plan in motion. He is organized and performs better with a schedule for the day, and yet needs constant reminders to eat and drink. He struggles with caring for himself when sick or injured, feeling like as the head of his household, he shouldn’t show weakness. When Lee was met with the father of their counterparts, he felt lost. After so long, he wasn’t the oldest, he’d lost his place and felt a misplaced resentment towards the rat. Splinters sons on the other hand, he felt a motherly instinct towards them. Being so young and forced into battles that weren’t theirs, lee could relate to them. He didn’t have a favorite and simply enjoyed being in their company, and they enjoyed being in his.
Lee and the self dubbed disaster twins were inseparable. The twins constantly follow Lee around like ducklings, hinging on his every word and absorbing his advice like sponges.
Leon loved to show off in front of Lee, ninjitsu moves and his teleporting ninpo fascinated Lee, giving Leon a feeling of pride.
Dee was determined to improve lees life, while trying to keep his ego at bay. He can see how messed up lees shell was and decided to construct a battle shell similar to his own for Lee to use. This present brought tears to lees eyes, and he thanked Dee over and over again, giving the young turtle the approval he so rarely gets.
Micheal pulls Lee away to look at his drawings, being the baby brother he wants attention too. Him and lee will end up drawing together for hours, not that lee can conjure up anything more than a stickman. He sees such a strong creative spirit in young Micheal and should definitely get him and Raph to hook up on an art project to keep Raph busy until they’re able to go home. Hes sure Micheal would enjoy something like that.
Rara is tricky to bond with. Lee sees how reserved and quiet he is compared to his rambunctious brothers, and how little he joins them in their activities. Lee comes to find that the best way to bond with Rara, is to just sit with him. Shoulder to shoulder. And if Rara wants to talk, Lee will be there to listen.
Headcannons inspired by @disastertwins9000 “homies in a half shell AU”
Physical attributes:
Lee is short for his age, standing at only 5’4, often with a slight bend in his right knee. He was shocked when his brother Raph suddenly shot up 2 inches taller than him and his brother Mikey also had a growth spurt shooting to 5’1.
Lees shell is badly damaged. Cracks run deep through his scutes and an earlier bout of shell rot left his shell softer and more vulnerable than his brothers. This propels Dee to create a battle shell to help keep lees shell intact and not susceptible to more injuries.
Lee wears across his body, multiple braces, including both his shoulders, his left hand and his right knee.
His shoulders endured multiple dislocations and from his injury’s he suffers from tightness and his joints locking. The brace covers his shoulders and right arm to his elbow, crosses his plastron and wraps around his shell. It provides him support and is part time.
His left hand suffered from an injury that caused osteoarthritis to develop in his fingers, thumb and hand. He wears a brace that covers his palm, wrist and most of his thumb. It lessens the swelling and shifts weight from the affected joints and is part time.
After being ambushed by the shredder, Lee suffered a patella dislocation is his right knee that never fully healed, causing his patella to continuously pop out of its socket. He wears a brace that covers his knee cap, upper thigh and lower leg. It offers support, helps him walk easier and lessens pressure on the damaged kneecap and is worn 24/7.
Lee has undiagnosed autism.
Lee has undiagnosed psychosis.
Lee has anxiety.
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lieutenantbiscute · 2 years
*Gently knocks on your door*
Sorry to bother you but this has been rotting my brain for nearly the whole day since I saw your family photo artwork of your Shellshock AU and I had to say something or I'd explode-
Okay so you know how like parents will say things like "When you have kids they're gonna be worse than you were mark my words" kind of ordeal? Well picture that but with Raph, Leon and Danny (since they look like mischievous little troublemakers via family photo). Like Raph notices that his two middle children get into so much trouble and chaos whenever they're together or that they'll bicker and be sarcastic towards one another. And it's like never ending and Raph loves his kids to death but for the love of God could they not reek havoc wherever they go??? And he's just witnessing this and he's like-
"They're troublemakers, can't turn my back on them for a moment's notice! I mean my God even me and Leo were-"
And he just stops as he remembers being 15, and all the bickering and smartass remarks that he and his own twin/older brother Leo would throw at one another. And he thinks about all the trouble they'd gotten into growing up and all the dangerous stunts they pulled and how Splinter was always like lowkey exhausted but fond and it hits him and Raph goes-
"Oh. Oohh......so this was how Master Splinter felt when me and Leo did stupid shit omfg I finally understand why he would look like he was gonna tear his fur out half the time. It all makes sense now-"
And later Raph's in the dojo in front of Splinter's photo going-
"Father it's me Raphael. Just stopping by to say I'm so freaking sorry that I was a little shit."
(This is completely random and again I apologize for randomly dropping in I just had to say something cuz it was hella funny to me sgsgsgsgzvs).
mist. Mist homie you’ve hit me cause ITS TRUE!!
The mental image that he gets when connecting dots between his 15 year old self with Leo between his sons Danny and Leon just overloads him for a minute cause now he’s like ‘I can’t say shit cause I was worse DAMMIT!!’
But now he also gets why sometimes Splinter was a bit harsh with the two of them, the constant bickering and arguing and sarcasm sometimes makes him wanna pull his shell off his own back some nights but by the end of it he loves that his sons have that closeness enough to throw insults and not mean them. It means that he’s maybe, hopefully doing a good job as a father. Though he counts most of his accomplishments thanks to Mona being at his side to set him right some days and set the boys right most of the time too XD
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
A Year of Firsts - Part Two (Bucky x Reader)
Summary: It wasn’t supposed to be a year of firsts, but then you met Bucky and everything started to fall into place.
Request: Can you do a Bucky x Reader college AU?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Sappy sweet fluff, implied sex (no explicit description)
Word Count: About 4k
A/N: I had a crazy influx of people wanting more, so here we are!! I hope you all enjoy this completely and totally fluffy follow-up, detailing the progression of your relationship with the soft healing Bucko. Please let me know what you think!
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Your first time meeting his friends:
You didn’t realize until you were in the building what “team” really meant when he mentioned it all that time ago. Certainly not rugby, that’s for sure. You should have guessed, but to be honest, you had been so wrapped up in him you weirdly hadn’t thought about it much.
You and him had created a bubble, an intimate one built for two, away from the world and the other people in it. It was a gentle and safe place for you, and gentle and healing place for him. You life had become school, your little Italian restaurant, and Bucky. But that didn’t mean you could ignore the rest of the world forever.
The world ended up being quite the group of his friends, gathered in an upstate New York compound. It was a large and bright estate, with sleek rooms of glass, modern technology at every turn, and large windows that brought the lush green indoors. It seemed far away from the rustic little Italian place you usually called home, but the gracious, smiling faces within had a certain hominess to them too actually. You chose to think of them in the same kind of wavelength as customers, trying your best to handle the rather intimidating pedestal you put them on in your mind.
“He’s told us next to nothing about you,” Natasha Romanoff said to you with a smile, not as bright as the grey light streaming through the lounge windows, but certainly warmer. “Which shouldn’t be surprising at all, knowing him.”
Tony Stark- the Tony Stark, much to your slightly numb and overwhelmed mind- walked up beside Nat to shake your hand.
“Well, we did do some digging into you, just so you know. Might as well get that out of the way.” he said with that billionaire smile, hand outstretched. “The verdict is you’re pretty boring, which is probably best for this old geezer here.”
Tony nodded to Bucky who was a little awkwardly standing right beside you- practically attached to your hip and holding your right hand as he had done the whole entire way up here. He hadn’t let go for a second the entire way. Now he still held on, keeping you from shaking the hand of anyone.
You glanced at him, who seemed unaware with that same subtly at-ease look that had been on his face for days now since you first kissed him. It had gently replaced the reserved, held back expression he usually had, it melting into a purr of happiness in his chest. You thought a reaction like this would be hard earned and rare and a long way out, considering how deep into his shell he was when you first met him. But that kiss had broken away some damaged piece of him, your presence a soothing balm that elicited this warmth buzzing from him.
You apologetically look back to Tony, grabbing and shaking awkwardly with the wrong hand, before quickly pulling it away, a little out of place.
“Don’t worry,” you started lightly, breezing over this slightly embarrassing first interaction. “I have the entire global media on my side who’s constantly updating me on your going-ons, so I’d say I still have the uphand in the information department here.”
Tony looked Bucky up and down, but the man attached to your hip had his eyes glued to you. It wasn’t nervously, which would be understandable, him wanting the approval of his friends. And it wasn’t protectively, like he felt the need to shield you away from scrutiny. It also didn’t have that air of possessiveness, like his stance next to you and eyes constantly on you (not to mention his hand locked onto yours) was there to keep everyone else away and claim you as his alone. It was none of those things.
It was almost like he was... proud.
Like he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, the intimate little bubble you and he created finally molded together with the rest of his world. And it made him look like he was smugly, lovingly proud to have you there.
Despite Bucky’s ability to shut down and hide away himself and any emotion, even he couldn’t shake that air of happiness about him. And that was what Tony and the other’s saw clear as day too..
The Iron Man winked at you, catching the ease from Bucky in a second, his approval apparent.
But when Bucky caught the eye of Steve as he walked into the lounge, he pulled you away from the other two without so much as an acknowledgement to them. You didn’t have time to apologize for it, casting a small smile back by way of saying sorry, though the two of them seemed happy to huddle together, a look of ease on their faces now too.
“This,” Bucky said by way of introduction, watching you and stopping short in front of his friend. “Is Y/N.”
You waited a moment before sighing a little, almost letting out a breathy chuckle now (because what else was there to do?) as you looked down to your occupied hand before shaking Steve’s hand awkwardly with the other.
The blonde man out of time looked to Bucky slightly wide-eyed for a just a moment, but again, that went unseen to Bucky, who was unwilling to let you out of his sight for a moment.
You tried not to let the heat that was building on your face show to the group of people around, but that was hardly possible. Bucky’s eyes stayed on you, watching you with a look that could only be described as pure contentment, the side of his body always pressed into the side of yours, no matter where you went.
He had never gotten this close to anyone you had seen, even his friends here now he seemed relatively disinterested in (though friendly) compared to you. He was happy with you. Completely. And it shone out of him in a drunken, hazy way that intoxicated you too, the warmth from his clear adoration heat you up like a furnace.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you said almost weakly to Steve, who was pursing his lips to keep from smiling. You weren’t sure he had seen this in his friend, at least maybe not for a long long time. “Bucky has said some great things about you, it’s nice to put a face to the other half of what I could only properly describe as the Brooklyn Hooligans.”
Steve did a kind of double-take at the little tease you made before a crooked grin, which seemed native to these Brooklyn boys, broke loose.
“I hope he hasn’t told you everything, at any rate.” he said to you ruefully.
“No, but I’ll get the rest out of him,” you said, giving a sideways glance to Bucky. “I think that won’t be a struggle with the heart eyes he’s been giving me today.”
Steve snorted at that, choosing to keep his mouth shut in response. No need to state the obvious there.
“Who, me?” Bucky asked quietly with a smile, still ignoring the whole world, save you.
The first time you fell:
The drive home through the dark wooded area was quiet, the curvy side roads taking you away from the gleaming compound in favour of the dusky night settling in. All the while, your hand was still held in his.
“I will need this back before you drop me off, Buck.” you said, squeezing his hand a little.
“I know… But we have some time left still.” he reasoned, eyes on the road. You swear you saw them glint with fondness just a little.
“Can I ask why you’ve been holding my hand for the last four hours?” you asked. “I mean, at one point I thought it was actually dripping with sweat. I was going to ask if anyone knew where the “Caution: Wet Floor” signs were.”
“Was not dripping.” he countered, glancing your way.
“I was two minutes away from calling the weather station and warning them of an oncoming flood.”
He scowled good-naturedly, rolling his eyes. “It wasn’t anywhere near that bad.”
“Okay fine,” you conceded before pointing out. “But that doesn’t answer the question. Afraid I was going to run away or something?”
He rolled the words around in his mouth silently before voicing them, the sound of his voice low and sweet.
“It just… fits. That’s all. We just fit.”
A simple explanation.
But god, it held so much.
You just watched him, feeling him hold onto your hand in the same way he was now holding onto your heart. With warmth and a soft intensity that made you beam and your skin tingle.
Because yeah, you did fit together.
In the quiet surrounding of the forest, driving along curving dark roads, you fell for Bucky Barnes. Hard.
Completely and utterly you knew you were in love. Heart and soul consumed by it, mind unable and unwilling to deny it.
You couldn’t speak it, couldn’t so much as form the word, but you knew it would be plastered on your face in neon lights if he saw you. So instead you leaned in, holding his hand all the tighter and pushing your beaming bright smile into his shoulder while he drove you home.
The first time you stayed the night at his place:
Four in the morning.
It was four in the morning.
And on a school night. It seemed weird saying that because you were in college and an adult, but that didn’t make it any less true.
You were in your pyjamas, makeup-less, frantic, freezing. You didn’t think about any of that, not realizing or caring or feeling it at all. The only thing your mind was revolving around was one person, and it wasn’t you.
It was Bucky.
“Where is he?” you said loudly, racing out of the cab. “Is he hurt?”
“Y/N, you have a midterm exam in what? Four hours, don’t you?” Nat said, bring up a reality you were ready to throw away as she greeted you at the compound entrance. “Go home. We’ll get someone to drop you off and-”
“I’m not leaving!” you all but shouted, panicked. “Not without knowing he’s alright, please!”
A mission gone wrong. A midnight call from Bucky on the jet back, words slurred and pained. He had said he just wanted the comfort of your voice, making terror-stricken nausea roll in your stomach.
School couldn’t mean less to you right now.
Eventually Natasha gave way and the two of you were speed walking through the complex, her put together look and outfit despite the hour quite the contrast your frazzled one.
Walking without pause through the med bay doors, you saw him and immediately stopped still. He was on a bed, looking barely conscious, doctors and machine all around him, blocking most of him from view.
You hung back, handle motionless by the scene and feeling as though if you moved an inch you’d be sick.
“He’s going to be fine, Y/N.” Nat said, her eyes on you and a comforting (though unfelt) hand on your shoulder.
You swallowed, body suddenly feeling endlessly dry, trying your best not to panic as you watched doctors and nurses work on your Bucky. There were flashes of red blood and white bandages, adding a dizziness to the nauseousness swirling through you.
“How did you know?” you said absently to her, voice hushed and strained though eyes remained solely on Bucky. You barely even knew you were speaking, words tumbling out of your mouth. “About my exam, how did you know?”
Nat paused a second, watching her teammate. “He keeps a calendar. Writes all your classes and shifts and exams on it. When your papers are due, that kind of thing.”
You imagined him, your sweet Bucky, writing out your schedule every month so he knew when to send you a sweet text or piece of encouragement. The thought, contrasted to that man now lying hurt and bleeding on a hospital bed made tears spring up in your eyes.
It wasn’t took long until a doctor came up to assure you everything was fine, that he only needed rest now, being the super soldier he was. Nat asked some questions but you couldn’t wrap you mind around any of it, leaving her to the doctors and running up to him.
Under the white fluorescent lights he looked awful: pale skin, bandaged body, an IV stuck in him and monitors beeping around him. It made your breath come hard in your chest and pain creep across somewhere in your soul.
You gripped his hand, peripherals on the lingering doctor until they left. The second they were out the door you crawled up in the bed with him, biting your lip as you tried your best not to jostle him awake.
Yes, he needed rest. Yes, you should have left him well enough alone and sat in a chair like a normal visitor. But you needed him- needed to feel him and comfort him- so screw it.
Instead of just laying down beside him, you decided to take a bit of a different route. You were adamant that you weren’t going to leave, not until he woke up and didn’t want to risk have to move by way of the doctors incase they needed to check up on the damage to his body. If you laid down beside him, it meant you would probably have to move away from him at some point.
So instead, you shimmied up to the head of the bed. Internally you were basically screaming as you carefully removed the pillow he was resting on, managing to shift up and sit cross legged where it was. Gently you moved his head from the side and back on your lap, staring down at your Bucky and finally able to breathe normally again
You placed your hands on his shoulders, moving them up and across his neck then back, over and over by way of comfort (for the both of you). You shifted down and settled in, ready to ride out the rest of the dwindling night with him.
Sleep came on and off to you, white lights and beeps from the monitors keeping your sleep light in the few minutes you got it. Doctors came and nurses came, but you remained.
It was sometime in the morning proper when you cracked open one eye, sensing someone else walk silently in the room.
Steve looked at you and gave you a nod.
“Thought you were sleeping,” he said, whisper quiet, looking over his friend and the monitors briefly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” you whispered back, eyelids low with sleep and hands moving warm and comforting across his shoulders and neck again. “Hazard of my new job I guess, since I guess he doesn’t think school and work is enough.”
You weren’t sure if your little joke to lighten the mood was well placed or not, so you added on: “I don’t mind really, I’d really rather be here.”
Steve looked at you and nodded, those light blue eyes crinkling a little with words held hesitantly in his throat.
“It’s just after 9am now… You kind of missed your exam, I’m sorry.” he said, genuinely looking apologetic. You couldn’t understand why.
“No place I’d rather be than right here,” you said with a weary smile. “Besides, I would have killed him if I found out after. You’d be planning his funeral instead of apologizing, so I think in the long run this was best.”
You paused, silence filling the room for a bit while you stroked his skin, colour back in his face with the warm and protection of your presence through the night. You didn’t have it in you to tear you eyes away from him.
“Besides,” you whispered with a delicate little smile, more to yourself or the sleeping Bucky in your tired, groggy state. “He’s watched over me, I owe him one.”
Steve didn’t respond or interrupt your little intimate moment, eventually and silently walking away. Usually he was the one to stay after a mission gone bad, but felt a little more than confident to leave you to the task.
Tired but content, you shifted back slightly and leaned your head down to him, resting the side of your face partially on his chest just under his jawline. You stretched your hand out to rest across his chest and just breathed him in.
After some time where you may have drifted in and out of sleep again, you saw and felt his arm stretch up and move behind both you and him, placing it on your back. His head turned towards you, a breath away from your own, where his tired but serene eyes matched yours.
“Hey,” you whispered slowly, chest almost humming with the feel of his hand on your back.
You felt the other come up and place gently on the back of you head. Despite you being the one resting over top of him, you felt wrapped up by him all the same.
“Hey beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely, words slow in your intimate little bubble. “You came… You shouldn’t have done that.”
You moved, nuzzling into his neck a bit, arm tightening around him in a secure hug. God, you couldn’t imagine feeling this blissful after a panicked night you had, your body stiff and exhausted. But you had him. None of the rest of that seemed to matter.
“I stayed,” you confirmed, breathing the words into his skin. “Nowhere else I’d be.”
The first time you said you loved him:
You laid there, wrapped up half naked in a bundle of sheets and pressed into Bucky’s body. His skin was on yours, the rise and fall of his chest about half the rate yours was right now.
It was cliched, you knew that. Probably ill-advised. Like, what woman in their right mind said “I love you” after the first time sleeping with someone? A stupid one, that’s who.
Having sex then saying those three words… well, it was just begging for an awkward dismissal followed by a hasty getaway from the guy, who would promise to call (but never would) while rushing out the door half-dressed like he was only just escaping with his life.
You could picture the whole scene in your mind as you lay there in the early morning dawn light. You imagined your reserved Bucky, sputtering and shifting, clamouring to get as far away from you and one of the most heavy, significant phrases a person could say.
But you didn’t care. Well, that’s not exactly true. Him reacting that way would crush you, along with the subsequent cold space where his now warm body was. A cold that would probably be a permanent fixture latched onto your heart from here on out if he ran.
But the deep-seeded need to say it outweighed the possibility of the pain of rejection.
Because you did. You loved him. Desperately. Intimately.
It had been clear in actions last night, but that is far different than saying it. It started off with a sweet kiss, only chaste for a moment, before his hands on you and yours on him were begging each other for more. Fingers pressed into skin and under clothes, air became nonexistent and unnecessary with only the feel of each needed to survive in that moment, cravings for the other turning almost desperate.
So wordlessly you both gave into each other, the slow heated movements and longings you shared turning into something faster and deeper, with bodies and souls both becoming one and belonging to the other. It all lead you here, asleep with him next to you in your bed, the pale sun on the verge of breaking through the horizon.
His arm was under you and wrapped around to your back while your head rested on his chest, the cold metal warmed pleasantly by the heat of your skin. You loved how he could hold you like this. With a prosthetic arm there was no risk of his arm falling asleep or getting uncomfortably pinned. He was able to just hold you close and drift off to sleep. God, nothing was better.
That heat seeped into your body then into your soul, his presence warming you to the brim and filling every piece of you with that warm glow of love. It was going to burst out of you if you didn’t let it go. So you decided just to say it.
“Bucky?” you whispered lightly into his chest.
At your voice he stirred, waking himself up enough to reach his other arm across to hold you, moving from his back to his stomach, now slightly on top of you and binding you into him. You were almost dizzy with love-sickness and feel of his body on yours, making this all the harder and easier.
He mumbled your name in response, nose nuzzling into your hair absently. He said it with the most contented little sleepy sigh. That gave you enough courage just to out and out say those few little words that held so much.
“Bucky, you don’t have to say anything,” you started, voice feather soft and light, almost unheard. “I just… I need to say that I… well, I love you.”
The second those words were loose, you tried to make yourself smaller, to shift away from him and the feeling of being so emotionally exposed. You knew he had feelings for you- of course he did- but feelings and being in love were two different things. The weight of saying the latter was a little stifling, the oncoming response (or lack thereof) instantly making you want to squirm away.
But Bucky didn’t let you. His response was immediately to lift up his head, with his arms reflexively wrapping you in tighter as you tried to sink into the mattress. He looked at you, your eyes down cast and shifting, not able to meet his.
But you didn’t have much of a choice when he bent down to you, forehead on yours, his lips at the corner of your mouth.
“God, you’re beautiful.” he whispered with overwhelming sincerity, the words about making your beating heart stop. “... And I love you, too.”
Either your heart was beating so fast you couldn’t tell the beats apart, or it was just dead stopped in your chest. While you lay there in his arms, voice unable to say anything else at his words, Bucky kissed the corner of your mouth.
“I love you…” he whispered, so soft you almost couldn’t hear it, placing another kiss on your cheek, pushing his lips into your skin like you were the sweetest candy.
“I love you…” he said again, a kiss planted on your jawline.
“I love you…” he said, lips placed on your neck, breathing you in.
“I love you…” he said, kiss placed on side of your nose.
“I love you…” he said, warm and wet lips pressed against yours, once. Then again. And again. And again.
You lost count of how many times his whispered those words into your flesh, into your soul. He said it like he had been dying to tell you, like he had never said it before in his entire life and meant it. He pressed himself and those words into you and you lost all ability to do anything but drown into his presence and his love for you.
It was the first time you had ever told someone you loved them like this, and you would never be able to forget this moment here, with your Bucky. Your love.
A/N: Thanks for reading darlings! Hope you enjoyed the fluff here. I have some ideas for a third if people are interested. Apologies for any mistakes here!
Permanent Tags: @dontpanc, @smodvocate, @bunsterjonez, @buckybonky, @marveloustrashpanda, @hangirl93, @captainrogerrsbeard, @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen, @thisgirllikeme, @jjsoccer11, @innerpandablizzard-blog, @fanatic-fanfic, @mdgrdians, @christinky, @universal-death-of-a-fangirl, @cauraphernelia, @ailynalonso15
Bucky Barnes Tags: @bexboo616 @kaaatniss, @lost-in-translating, @emabookcookie
OKAY, I am going to tag those who either reblogged loving the first one or asked me for another chapter. I apologize if you did not wish to be be tagged, and I will happily remove you from this post if you like. NOTE, for any other additions to this I will NOT be tagging those listed here unless specificially requested, because I don’t want to be that dick twice: @cameronskywalker, @goldenxnhl, @wkemeup, @horsesbeforehomework, @lil-writes, @supernovasandcoronas, @book-dragon-13, @stardustandbucky, @watchoutforfrostbite, @crazybutconfidentaf, @fortunatelysaltydreamland, @coffee-with-bucky, @buckychrist, @cassiopeia-barrow, @ragna-wrecked
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gooselullaby · 7 years
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Out of bedtime stories: Okay wow. So it’s been three years since I started this account back in 2014. And I am just an emotional wreck right now. Especially with all the friends I’ve gained over time.
2014. 2015. 2016. 2017.
Three years of this pure sweet bean that has graciously made my life improve by her positivity and her outlook on life. I just love coming on Nanako because I know I can either kill the dash with cute or with angst (there is no in between). I love coming here because I’m always so warmly received by everyone in the whole Persona fandom.
So like, this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this. And instead of a follow forever, I just wanna give a shoutout to some people who have made my time here a true experience that I will never forget.
@foggiest-idea - Dacho. You were my first Adachi, and you were the first one to get me started in the fandom. In fact, if it weren’t for you, I would have never made Nanako. Remember how we met in that group chat? As annoying as it got to be at times, I’m glad I was invited in because I got to meet and write with such a wonderful person. And I’m so grateful that you think highly enough of me to have kept contact with me through out all this time and deal with me and all my shenanigans and antics. You’re a homie for life, understand that! You’ve helped me through a lot of rough patches, and I’m so grateful to you for it. I really hope we continue to be friends.
@sabazio -XOE. I love you so much fam it’s unreal. I think...you and me are the oldest people in the fandom now with our original accounts. I think that’s saying something! Ever since we met two years ago, we’ve been pretty much joined at the hip when you’ve been online! And every time you’ve been here, it’s been a wonderful experience that always leaves me laughing; whether you’re spoiling Nanako over here, or tormenting Nicole on my other blog, or being utterly confused with Asahina. I’m always having a great time with you and I think that just proves how great and how adaptive you are of a writer that you can throw Akihiko into any situation and have him work out with just about anyone. Keep being rad, and know that I adore and appreciate you and everything that you do!
@truthorslap - Whoopi, you are the definition of a good friend. Did you know that? You’re there for every post I make, every meme I reblog. No matter what the mood or tone is, I feel like you’ve always got my back in someway or another, and that I could count on you for literally anything. That’s not something I can just say for anyone tbh. Like, you’re always there. And it’s amazing. You’re amazing. Stay frosty my friend.
@ptohpr - Mekky! Okay, so you’ve known me since my Xion days, and I’ve known you since your Logan days (don’t think I forgot one of my favorite OCs!) And no matter what account I’ve moved to, you’ve followed me. And that just means so much to me that you like my writing, and or me as a person enough to keep following me. From Xion, to my first OC blog, then to my remake when I had to. You’ve been just an awesome friend. And lemme just say this for the record, your art is top notch and anyone who hasn’t seen Mekky’s art needs to take a looksie and just check it out. Go commission her!
@steelbanchou - What can I say? Our meeting was short lived, as you have quickly gone from stranger I just met this year, to one of my most consistent partners that I adore writing with. We share headcanons, ideas, the thrill of throwing the dash into despair together, man. Where have you been all my life? You’ve just made your way up my friend ladder and into my heart completely. And I don’t know if I ever thanked you properly? But thanks so much for the manga icons! They’re so cute! And thank you so much for sharing all your crops and gifs with me too. I’ve just had a ball these past two months getting to know and write with you. Can you believe it’s only been two months? It feels like we’ve known each other for at least a minimum of a year. That’s how familiar you’ve become to me.
@devilslcg - Ariel!!! My sweet mermaid. Or human. Which ever you wanna be tbh. Just know you’re as sweet as a princess to me. We’ve been friends for a good while now. And I just gotta say, I really enjoy how open you are to like, everything. You’re so well receptive of new and strange situations, I know now that I can come to you with literally any idea, and you’d be down for it. All the sibling stuff!!!! But in reality you’re a chill person who I love to talk to and I hope we continue to be friends.
@leblancbarista​ / @hippestbarista - Willow, Dad. Coffee dad, the slickest, hippest cat barista in town. How are you? I hope you’re well today. I just want you to know that I enjoy our little talks. They’re always so wonderful, so thought filled, and you know how to turn anything into a good time. I love your art, your headcanons, just everything you produce (Producer status?). It’s all taken care of with so much time and thought, from even the littlest details in the headcanons about their movements. Who does that? Not many people, I’ll tell you. But you go the extra mile in literally everything you do and it shows. Your work ethic shows and shines in everything I see. And it’s so wonderful. Thank you for including me and my thoughts/opinions in your work!
@doppiavitas​ - Bri, mom. You’re like the mom of tumblr lbr. You’re always on the move, watching the dash and checking in on people like it’s your day job. From your art to your opinions, you’re fabulous. Just as fabulous as Memory tbh. We should really talk more! Because you’re a wonderful person and we get along swimmingly. I love seeing you on my dash and when you’re writing or drawing. It’s always such a treat because you put so much work into it!
@godsithe​ / @ginjobs - Did you really think I’d make a list of my friends and not put you on it? Dude, you’re by far my best friend. Ever since you started Blitz, we’ve just been joined at the hip. Literally. Wherever I go, you go. Wherever you go, I go. It’s just that simple. And man, lemme tell you. You’ve heard me cry and whine more than anyone else on this site. And not once have you ever faulted me for my feelings, and instead you tried to help me solve my problems. And I am just eternally grateful to you for it. Because you’re literally just a text away for me to contact you. Be it dank memes or anything else, you’re always there for me. And I just --you’re the Junpei to my Hamuko. I think that’s the best way to sum it up.
@narxkami / @dietted / @jxxvas  Okay!!! So like did you know that I still consider us really good friends? (I don’t know how you consider us tbh, I feel as though there’s a huge gap now)You’re a constant on my dash and I love seeing you. You always manage to brighten up my day, no matter what kind of day were having and I just wanted you to know I think about you constantly. Not in that weird way, but in the way of, ‘I wonder how R is doing, and I hope they’re having a great day.’ I’m just happy with all the progress you’ve made since we first met, and you really coming out of your shell.
@alibcba / @fortunatantei / @mystxryious​ - Jazzy Jazz! *plays epic sax music in the bg*. Did you know that you’re like, one of my all time best friends? I love the fact that no matter what time of day it is, no matter what kind of problem I’m having, I can come to you for it. And you’re always ready to comfort me and offer me some of the greatest advice, even if it’s as simple as talking my problems out. And it’s not just me coming to you, I check on you occasionally when I see you’re down or something. And we exchange opinions in a matter of fact and adult like setting. We both have a mature relationship in which we can help each other come to conclusions in clear thought. I have to thank you for being that friend for me. That solid foundation on which I can lean on.
@transiens​ -CHRIS. Everybody Hates Chris Did you ever think I’d make a list without putting you on it? Dude, you’ve been my friend for ages now. I can’t even remember how we met, but it was great. Because I got one of the best friends out of this random encounter possible. From dank memes to serious talks, you’re always there for me. Plus??? You know nearly every single fandom I do and we have wonderful AU’s built off of that shared knowledge. Dude, you’re like half my childhood in one person. All of the amazing parts, that is. I just want you to know you’re like one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and I love having you as a friend.
@venmago​ -Sachi! I know you’re busy and probably won’t see this until later, but I want you to know I adore you! I know you’ve been worried about your activity lately and trying to keep me and everyone else happy. But like I’ve told you before, it’s okay! Take your time with everything that you’re doing because I know you have a lot on your plate and that you work more than Yousuke right now. But lemme just say I love your writing, and you as a person for all the effort and passion you put into everything you do. I know Yousuke isn’t one of the more popular Persona characters, and everyone treats him as a joke, but you take him seriously and it’s wonderful. I love it. Please keep rocking at your own pace so you don’t tire out!
And now!!! For some blogs who I don’t know very well, but would like to! You’re all wonderful human beings who have made my experience here a pleasant one!
@whtct, @blkcts, @ilcomplice, @greendreambro, @inxquisitor, @sweetpvnk, @crossedscar, @goofyfacade, @sensortype, @hxpeiing, @homosinger, @akuromic​ / @pxgtails​, @starpcff​, @dojiikko​, @deathfortune​, @banchokun​, @truthchaser​, @tukibowaba​ / @shrineguardian​, @picarexque​, @worldofthefool​, @phantomled​, @diamondkaito​, @pillcger0ftwilight​, @desbearer​, @lamentis​, @rationalclover​, @herluck​ / @deathgave, @smokefumed​, @rcbelskull​, @souseta​, @telekinetiq​, @maidlove​, @purseona​, @tearsdivine​, @shotimc​, @ophantasma​, @dolgelo​, @aragakisan​, @foolspartner​, @chxntpleure​, @chosemercy​, @childrenswar​, @crookedtie​, @kyuubcy​, @crossxskulled​, @amagiggled​, @amxgii​, @pvssywhipped, @frcidyne, @backstagebaae, @skcll, @kingressentiment, @solisnumen
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disastertwins9000 · 11 months
don’t leave them in a room together
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they’ll blow smth up.
❗️tc3st dni❗️
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disastertwins9000 · 9 months
okay so HAPPY HOMIES IN A HALF-SHELL ANNIVERSARY!! one day late (like twenty minutes actually) bc i went to a last minute dance smh
but thank you everyone who’s stayed with me! and everyone who’s discovered it recently ;)) yes ik i take forever but i’m neurodivergent and a minor :/
anyway!! have fun! yes ik jupscare style change again
Tw Blood
part three?- this one - next
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rly sad i didn’t post this on the thirtieth but guys percy jackson is out :0 also don’t look at the backgrounds please i’m struggling xp
homies welcome
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disastertwins9000 · 9 months
I love colouring/collecting Ur art I finished 1 but as u already posted 1 today I'll wait till tomorrow anyway can u do rise raph and 2012 mikey or 2012 raph and rise leo or what is at the moment my fav idea a girls day with the 3 sister of the turtles (2012 karai and both Aprils)
i’m so fkn late to this but yes! i have the youngest older brother and the oldest younger brother right here for you :))
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i had fun with this! they are so silly together i love them
and 12 raph and rise leo are on the way :p
i haven’t rly taught myself how to draw humans tho so i can’t help you with that last one just yet :/ sorry fam
-tcest dni-
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disastertwins9000 · 11 months
what i hate most about hugs
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is letting go
❗️tc3st dni❗️
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disastertwins9000 · 1 year
more 12 twins
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them <3
it’s acc rly funny to me that sometimes when ppl see my art they can’t tell them apart, bc to me there’s a thousand differences but maybe that’s just me
also you can’t tell me they aren’t twins it is a fact
-tcest dni-
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disastertwins9000 · 1 year
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wanted a new header…
i’m so ready for the shenanigans you have no idea
very soon >:3
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disastertwins9000 · 9 months
anyway! *gives them pizza*
ooooh you meant the turtles
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well now they’re fighting over it
thanks for the ask!
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disastertwins9000 · 1 year
Hello, I don’t know if you are interested in this tag right now. But I love the interaction between the two generations of turtles in the half-shell family. Can you please draw a picture of rise!Raph and 2012!Leo hugging or sleeping in an embrace?
yes! and since you asked so nicely you can have three
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i’m always thinking about the homies and i love art requests for them ;p i’ve been so focused on getting them all together i forget how fun it is to make them interact- i swear after next update we’re gonna see it but it’s kicking my but atm XP
❗️tc3st DNI ❗️
also tw blood and angst under the cut ⬇️
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thank you for the ask!
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disastertwins9000 · 6 months
day 9 of drawing leo
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and this time you get a comic sneak peek cus i just now found my ipad and im rushing to post this
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disastertwins9000 · 1 year
i did it!! i finished it in two days!! my hands got blessed or smth holy shiz
if it doesn’t make sense my bad i’m too tired for this
part two | part three | part four
tw blood
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so a few things- i’m going on vaca tmr bc spring break and then soon after i get back i’m getting hired to break horses for my grandad- so i’ll be very busy for the next few weeks maybe even months and i might not post as much but i promise i’ll be back and with me i’ll bring them rise boys and that whole situation;)
not rly hiatus but kinda? idk depends on how much freetime i have
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disastertwins9000 · 9 months
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merry christmas! or happy holidays- whatever you celibate works too:) thank you to all of my moots and followers and generally all the crazy tumblr creatures that i love, this years been fun, y’all are great :)
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