ribcageteeth · 1 year
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
uhh.... hand mutilation?
indeedy! i've already posted about it i think but here's it again:
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this shit sussy as hell to me ☝ and mutilation of body parts for whatever reason isn't such an unheard of thing irl either
it's not mendatory when one is living on top of the iterators/striving towards the religion and some May choose to rather wrap their hands up, but it is pretty common to cut the fingers off up there. some would rather do That to visually signal how good religious followers they are than actually work on themselves thru worship and other religion stuff. it's like a performance for everyone else, almost
the hands stuff in the oc lore is: • five fingered - the base for "higher" beings (aka sapient creatures capable of worship stationed on the planet) • three/four fingered - animalistic/way below the worshipping sapient creatures • fingerless hands - dedication to the religion in the form of renouncing using/taking anything the world has to offer. separation from the physical world is the whole theme of the Sins so goin as far as putting the body thru smth like that fits in real well
they sometimes take off the whole upper part of the hand (so half palm gone) or even the whole thing goes off. also thinkin that maybe the predecessor to this was just cutting the tendons that make the fingies move
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il3x · 4 months
i hope if sayeon developing a (one-sided?) friendship with min is a major plot thread, sleepacross brings back the collective punishment corps thing.
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i mean, an Aberrant harming a friend to punish Sayeon for her own weaknesses? her failure to comply with a rule?
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may as well just beat her over the head with a sign saying CHILDHOOD TRAUMA at this point!
seriously, it drives me nuts that that is Sayeon's FIRST INTRODUCTION TO THE CORPS. hooooooooooly shit. miyeon was so out of pocket for that entire interaction.
but min taking the fall for sayeon's actions is a recurring thing, likely due in part to min's instructions to be a tool for sayeon. take capture the flag. there's no way this doesn't call back to the jugyeong incident.
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and how did sayeon react to that incident?
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now, the current Min Plotline is that sayeon has become alienated from and distrustful of ryujin & iseul, based on their knee-jerk reactions when she told them about the Corps killing Jaeil in her loops. however, it looks like min's insistence on proving his trustworthiness is getting through to her. the dramatic irony, of course, being that min is in fact lying to her through his teeth, and barely likes her at all. sayeon's trust of him is based on a false impression.
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This Relationship Is Gonna Fuckin' Crash!
-- Part that's more loose speculation --
and you know what other false impression Sayeon had of Min?
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she saw him as tough, hardened, someone who could take what anyone could throw at him and come out swinging. this is an impression he also encouraged - brushing off concern for the above incidents (see my Min's Stellar Self-Esteem Compilation). and i wouldn't be surprised if it was partly why sayeon moved past her guilt over Said Incidents fairly well and quickly.
anyway, ahahahaha. haha. ha. wouldn't it be fun if both the impressions came crashing down at once?
-- end loose speculation --
even regardless of whether or not min's apparent toughness affected sayeon's Guilt Levels, samin sending min (which is the pending reveal here) has two core implications: one, that min's liking for/loyalty to sayeon was fake, and two, that he was encouraged to risk himself for her sake. given that samin was instrumental in the root cause of those issues... i think it makes sense for this arc to dredge up sayeon's issues around people getting hurt for her errors!
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Despite everything, the Himiko drama is still so strong.
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Throughout the game up until this point, Himiko hasn't been managing well. In fact, she's been managing very realistically poorly, to the point of even voicing suicidal thoughts at one point.
As previously discussed, the Tenko - Himiko - Angie triangle wasn't a love triangle, but a coping mechanism triangle. Both Tenko and Angie saw opportunity in Himiko's fractured emotional state, and came into conflict with each other over whose emotional crutch Himiko would lean on.
In the span of a single day, this whole pyramid's been burned to the ground. Himiko's lost everything. She's lost the god she was relying on but who let Angie die so how great was he really, and she's lost her dedicated stalker who actually, finally made progress and became the friend Himiko needed in her final moments.
Tenko and Himiko finally connected. And then just like that, Tenko was gone. All it takes is a push for Kokichi, and Himiko goes off like she never has before.
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Himiko is livid at the suggestion that Tenko's death was, as Monokuma put it, a wasted murder and a waste of a corpse. And that would be a powerful enough moment in and of itself. But Kokichi, ever the underhanded snake, has another knife to twist.
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Hooooooooooly shit
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
He went there.
He's not wrong but he fucking went there. Holy shit.
This is the tragedy of Himiko and Tenko's relationship. Tenko finally did it. She finally said the right thing and made the right choices. She finally found the companionship with Himiko that she's been craving since the day we met her.
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And Himiko has to live with that. Unlike Taka, she doesn't have an impending death in a couple of days to spare her from it. This cuts fucking deep.
I complained during DR2 that I didn't like Fuyuhiko living and Peko dying. I never felt like Peko meant even half as much to Fuyuhiko as Fuyuhiko meant to Peko. Her death didn't hit him as catastrophically as his death would have hit her.
It felt like he was sad for a little bit but then he got over it and moved on. He'd mourn her like he mourned his sister but he's been through this before and ultimately, he just saw her as a cool friend. His life didn't revolve around her, and he made new friends pretty easily afterward.
I mean, he tried to commit seppuku over it but that was because of what Peko did to Mahiru, rather than what happened to Peko. She just. Wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things.
Himiko and Tenko are in the same boat, with Tenko valuing Himiko far more than Himiko ever valued Tenko. But here, that is examined. It forms the basis of Himiko's drama moving forward, that Tenko gave her life for Himiko in a gesture that Himiko was never able to fully appreciate when she was alive.
This is Danganronpa's third go at violently fracturing a bromance through the Killing Game. And they finally nailed it. Himiko's emotional journey has only just begun.
And she can also lean on a safety net of a man watching out for anybody who finds themselves alone.
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Welcome to the Kaito Club, Himiko. We meet every night to pretend to do push-ups.
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awheckery · 2 years
so for those of y'all who've been following me since before I busted out the historical research gong fu, you may remember the saga of Tess Piggy and the Bella Dots Design Wall project
I did eventually finish quilting all the dots, but my immune system threw a bitch fit, requiring a substantial rest period, so the thing's done, save for doing the binding my beloathed
I'll get around to it. eventually.
but at one point I was over at my parents' house and my mom saw the bella dots project and was like, 'omg I love it, can I have it?' and I was like 'excuse me??? I don't suffer over this kind of bullshit for other people, this bastard is MINE,' and thus was my mother somewhat disappointed, but even then, six-ish months ago, I filed the thought away and recalled that I had the Hoffman 1895 Bali Watercolor Panel hanging over my ironing board at home
it looks like this:
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I am following all the same steps that I did on the bella dots project, so I'm not gonna rehash any of that, except I put the walking foot back on my sewing machine and hooooooooooly shit, quilting diamonds is SO much faster than quilting circles, ilu walking foot, never leave me
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so much faster. holy shit.
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hongtiddiez · 4 months
Thank you so much for the link! (If there was more than the first 4 entries in the main post I couldn't read them because twitter is a hellscape I refuse to make an account to use for the sake of my sanity). But!!!!!!!! But that was more than enough HOLY SHIT. Like I know you mentioned Empty Box, but that was like the one song I don't have any misgivings about after hearing it on its own because it is the one that fits absolutely perfectly, (heart-breakingly,) with how I suspected the lore might go after they returned home to their own universe having been dragged through one side of the wringer and out the other. And! It! Does! That song plays my poor heart like a fiddle.
But for me I actually have the most misgivings about Blind and Shaboom. Because you can't just shout "open your eyes" and "wake up" on album after album and have that be one of your rallying cries and then put out a song called "Blind" and not have it light up a hundred giant neon warning signs in my brain. And then I read the lyrics while listening to it at work today and I was even more unsure about it because the cognitive dissonance between it and every other song they have that you could vaguely put in the 'love song' category, (where the reason they care about the subject of the song is because of who the subject is as a person, or who they are together or as a team,) just being dazzled and blindly following "someone" could not possibly seem more off to me. But hooooooooooly their context does not fail me. Because if the Queen of the Night they're chasing in the song is THEIR DREAMS that changes EVERYTHING.
If 'love is blind' WHEN YOU'RE FOLLOWING YOUR SOUL'S PASSION ajsfkajhga. My opinion: heel turn, 180.
(as someone who went through hell to get a degree in fine art drawing because art used to be the one thing I loved above all else, graduated, then needed to pay those adult bills, got a job in software tech, and then a case of burnout, and haven't drawn shit in the last 10+ years since because I spend every day exhausted from crunching numbers and variables uhhhh)
Shaboom, at face value as a 'party, get drunk, get laid' song? Me sending Extremely Skeptical Face in its direction because it just seems so vapid. You know, like settling for a life that pays your bills and puts a roof over your head while your dreams fall farther and farther away for the sake of practicality and you make some pretty dubious choices in trying to avoid having to address the soullessness of reality. ha ha ha
Oh. Oh. This one is coming for my throat, isn't it? I might need that three weeks until my copy of the album shows up to just prepare for the reading rest of it.
Like I expected them to come for me, but not PERSONALLY. fuck
this link might work for the other 4 entries?
shaboom has BIG mingi's story vibes and GOD. GOD. THEY KILL IT EVERY FUCKING TIME MAN. they way that they're realizing that while some of them achieved their dreams they aren't any more happy than they were before because they don't have each other!
it had me absolutely sobbing when i realized what happened because my god, that really is what happens as you get older and it hurts so much to see it spelled out so blatantly. the commentary on all the different stages of life and growth and maturing, i can't fucking do this man
really, really excited to see where this goes, excited to see what yunho and mingi are up to. part of me is like 👀 halazia time??? go to halazia world with an artifact yunho finds??? for me??? but i know i'll be thrilled with almost anything they deliver
(and at least the z boys can continue to live in my heart via my fanfic)
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theonevoice · 8 months
Hello, hello!!! I hope you're having a good day/night/whatevs over there!!
Just wanted to tell you that I absolutely fucking fell in love with your artstyle. I remember first seeing you with your before the war Crowley work, and hooooooooooly shit!!!!! Imidiately went to your blog to check for other pieces and??? you're so fucking goood??? the way you can make things feel so calm yet so so so intense!! the way you do your lighting!!!! your anatomy!! EVERYThING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!
you're definately a big big big inspiration of mine. i hope i dont sound too intense if i tell you you're above Bob Ross for me??? who was my number one before this???
idk. i just adore your art and wanted to let you know. hope i'm not crossing any boundaries ^^'
take care now!!! buhbye!!!
Hi there!!
First of all: you are not crossing any boundaries at all! I cannot put into words how immensely happy and honoured I am to read your kind message, thank you so much!
I myself I had almost entirely given up drawing, and it's only thanks to Neil Gaiman and this wonderful fandom that I got back into art. And to hear that someone now likes my things to the point of considering them part of their mental gallery and use them to feed their own imagination makes me so so happy!
I hope we can all improve and experiment together in this amazingly creative corner of the internet. You can see that at first I was struggling myself to find the style I wanted to go with (in the Pietà inspired piece I didn't really know what to do with my lineart: I drew it and then stood there like the mental equivalent of the Confused John Travolta meme), but there is so much to look and admire among the Good Omens fan artist here on tumblr that I am finally figuring it out. This is to say: go for it, if I managed to make images that people like, even after a decade long hiatus and with rusty fingers, anyone can!
I'll look forward to seeing more beautiful art of the fandom, maybe I'll see something that you drew!
In the meantime, let's light a candle for our beloved Bob Ross: may his curls guide us throught art struggles and remind us that there are no mistakes, just happy accidents!
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bl00dbite-reblogs · 1 year
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in case you haven't been paying attention to nopixel recently :p.
HUUHHH , am i surprised? no not really . i actually have been watching igninte with kiwo and luka_aus! <3 sooooooooooo yeah
i mean you could look throught the cracks how fucked up everything was. how toxic the enviroment was sooooooooooooo not really surprised.
the koil and rated thing tho???? hOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT MAN thats uhh sOMETHING YEAH . And regarding DW good for him if koil stole his code.
i dunno man , i always felt like it was gonna end in a shit show, specially since one of my irl besties told me theres like a nopixel spain ? it started to feel shady.
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onlyonewoman · 2 years
I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of Fat Acceptance tiktok in the last few days and as a former obese person, I just wanna say hooooooooooly yiling patriarch and the last candy of Xue Yang, this is one crazy mess of delusion. 7 years ago, I was obese. Not morbidly obese, but definitely obese. My body ached, my thighs shafed against each other, I was exhausted, my joints, knees, hips and back hurt. I was 33 and had gone from someone of very good health to a slow but steady decrease over 10+ years, due to mental health problems. I managed to lose the excess weight when I lost my then job and got diagnosed with clinical, mental exhaustion. It took three years for me to recover and one part of my recovery was a slow, gentle weight loss. I lost more than 75 pounds over 2 years time, slow and steady and I have been at a healthy weight for about 5 years now. To me, it’s Just. So. Weird. to hear the fat acceptance people come with the wildest, unscientific, bat shit crazy lies about weight loss. I just can’t wrap my head around how it’s possible to make actual, measurable physical data to a purely opinion driven thing. There’s a reason why the vast majority of FA advocates are YOUNG. I was young once too and didn’t feel the years creeping up on me. I’m pushing 40 and with a heavy, physical job, I can feel the wear and tear each day. My back and shoulders ache easily, my joints are stiffer, I have to take extra care of my mobility with daily stretches. I can feel how it takes more effort to keep mobile and not be aching unnecessarily. And let me tell you this: had I been obese, I would’ve crumbled a long time ago and certainly not been working with the things I love. Because being obese at 20 is not the same thing as being obese at 30 or 40. It doesn’t matter, for real doesn’t matter, how much you proclaim your fat acceptance and pride, when you find yourself: - struggling more than before with the stairs - get problems maintaining your daily hygiene - slowly loosing your mobility - unable to get up from a nasty fall - struggling with diabetes - unable to dress yourself LOOK, I GET IT! The sickly thin body ideals SUCK. They SUCK BAD! Unhealthy and unreasonable ideals are a fucking bedsore of the mind, for real and yes, OF COURSE can thin people be really unhealthy too. Only a fool would claim normal weight automatically makes someone a healthy person. But for the everloving fuck, my dear tiktok generation of YOUNG, obese/fat/overweight people: While you are absolutely RIGHT to demand equal respect and dignity as human beings, it still DOESN’T make an obese - or starved! - body healthy. Yes, you’re being all sassy and confident, sparkling and pretty on TikTok now, because you’re YOUNG and don’t feel the inevitable downfall of your bodies yet - there will come a day when you do. And let me, as someone who has both been obese AND provided healthcare to obese AND morbidly obese people, tell you this: It doesn’t take an awful lot of overweight, for a 75-year-old to become completely dependent on bathroom assitance. It’s not fun for an 80-year-old to be turned and rolled in bed, while two from the nursing staff carefully change your poop filled diaper and the stench of diabetic pee hits you worse than the feces. You will NOT feel proud, self-loving and body positive, when you realise you have traded years of independence for a quick self-esteem boost. The choir chanting about “health at every size”, will not stand by your bedpan, will not put cream in your groin to help with your fungus infection. There will be no “fat and fab” feelings when your feet start to deteriorate because you can no longer reach down to care for them. And when you have a nasty fall, you will be too heavy and too weak to get up. Think about that last one. Do you even understand how difficult it is for medical staff to help someone of 350 pounds and up from the ground? Please, do not trade away years of better health for a temporary feeling of belonging and acceptance. Should weightloss be painful, humiliating, shallow and short term? Of course not. And no, you shouldn’t strive to be “perfect”, whatever that means, but you should be nice to your joints, your mobility, your intestins, your lungs and your energy levels. You deserve so much more kindness and quality in your life, than struggling with obesity. Because once you’re getting past 25 years, 30, 35... your body, like all bodies, will naturally age and age is NOT kind to obesity. There is no such thing as health at every size and in five years time, a lot of the now very fab, confident fat acceptance tiktok people will struggle with aspects of their health they thought was a myth, because for them, feelings rule supreme. Don’t let yourself be fooled. Because just as someone slowly starving themselves over a long period of time, the people who claim it’s okay to overeat throughout your life, will eventually loose years and quality of life and independence for it. It’s not about ideals, it’s about the only body you will have.
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zyphnn · 3 years
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it’s cute that you all think you’re the heroes of this little adventure, but you’re not
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im dead serious though outer wilds is one of the best games ever made.
play it if you can, its a first person exploration game with no combat but many very cool mechanics, watch a playthrough if you can't, here's my favorite, but hooooooooooly shit i need more people to UNDERSTAND
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holyguardian · 3 years
The blog @roleplayerconfessions​ followed me so naturally I got curious and glanced the recent submissions and HOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT.
Tell me you’re an ableist without telling me you’re an ableist.
Knowing a good number of people who I’d consider acquaintances and friends on the autism spectrum this confession made me actually angry. Whoever sent this stinker certainly isn’t someone who is a close contact, I’d wager they are someone looking for a quick fix to roleplay their faves. To anyone who looks at this and even thinks of nodding their head in support I suggest looking at some of ADHD alien’s content or make some small effort in general to educate yourself.
Autism aside, when a roleplayer has stated to be patient with them? Respect that. This is a hobby first and one we collectively pursue for enjoyment, and if you CAN’T be patient and want something more fast-paced? Look elsewhere, there are certainly other roleplayers in the community who can meet your personal wants but never ever ever EVER come to a blog and expect them to change to be a fit for you.
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occasionally-victor · 3 years
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Electrify my heart-art-art-art-art-art-oh-ooh-ooh
Electrify my heart-art-art-art-art-art-oh-ooh-ooh
/"Buttercup", Jack Stauber/
(oooh what's there under read more ooooh. i think lightning strike when permadeath is underappreciated because i feel like im the only one who couldn't stop thinking about it. it didn't show up in tags last time i hope it does now)
1. In discord server im in someone (i dont remember who) created a little headcanon:
Lightning strikes in the place of permadeath to dispose of body that left.
I was like "hooooly shit" and have yet to stop thinking about it.
2. So, of course i was thinking about it more. Thats what i came up with:
The lightning strikes immediately after permadeath. So, if you are slay someone or do any other close ranged kill (i dont know, i really can only think of usual killing with sword/axe/anything alse really), you are pretty close to that someone yeah? That means, you more probably would not have enough time to get away from body. That means, you are likely to get hurt from lightning cleaning up new body. That only works with close ranged kills, so if you shoot someone or victim falls to death somewhere away from you while they were running away - you are lucky i guess?
That being said, if you were unfortunately struck by that lightning - it would not really hurt. But it will leave a mark (yknow those lightning strike scars. yeah.), not all over the body, more probably just hands.
3. and i was like "hooooooooooly shit"
My brain went to "who can i give those lightning scars ehehehhe"
well fuck theres only one kill that fits my criteria and i was already brainrotting them (goddamn you Grian for being the one to permakill Mumbo, as if i wasn't sad enough. Honestly i still not over session 7 as a whole but its not the place nor time to talk about it)
4. honestly at first i wanted only to share that hc only in discord server, but then my brain went "heeheehoohoo what if you draw something related to that" and here i am clowning with my art
i hope it was atleast somehow coherent
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
hooooooooooly shit i just realized not everyone's seen Bubble_'s tales from the smp Waste animatic oh fuck go watch that like immediately it's a literal masterpiece and one of the best animatics ive watched
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aniledotpng · 3 years
Death ? Preposterous ! a review
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What we're being sold
Death ? Preposterous ! Is presented as a small RPG with an accent on non-violence, ten different playable characters, puzzle-like encounters and a wide panel of characters to meet and interact with.
The story starts as Darling, the first protagonist, comes on an island to live with his wife, who is a maid to the local lord. Problem is, the lord is an asshole that kidnaps his personnel, closes off half of the island around his property with a deadly magical barrier which kills Darling.
In short
Although I enjoyed the encounter mechanics, most of the game felt really frustratingly long and text heavy for nothing. The mechanic to change characters is hidden, and it does not really matter what character you play as, since only the ending really changes, which really deters from replaying. There's a lot of promising ideas that sadly fail to deliver, and a lot of unnecessary text and redundancies, and some honestly questionable philosophy behind some of the gameplay decisions that I will get to more in details in the long review. I'd give it a 4/10, because I love a good puzzle but the game feels unfinished and unpolished in a really frustrating and disappointing way.
In long (spoilers ahead)
Hooooooooooly shit do the characters talk a lot in this game. Now hear me out I love a story heavy game and a lot of exposition, but here it feels more like the annoying guy at a bar that won't stop talking to you and repeating himself. The afterlife zone is fucking huge, and it's only there so you can spend a whole hour talking to a dozen different characters exposing the creator's heavily buddhism-inspired philosophy on death that's like in short "death is actually fine, it's even nicer than being alive tbh. Also there's some sort of reincarnation thing going on but it's not really important. Death is full of love really ! Also God's hanging out around lol". There's a whole scene where you barge into someone's living space and they rightfully ask you to leave, and instead of immediately fucking off, the protagonist has four or five text bubbles repeating in different ways "actchually you shouldn't be scared of me because I'm a really nice guy. I didn't want to scare you but see, I'm really nice so although I'm acting like a total fucking creep you should actually be my friend. I know I'm staying when you told me to leave but see, I'm really nice", and I've rarely felt so violent playing a game that's supposed to be about non-violence.
Speaking of non-violence ! I really loved the puzzle aspect of the encounters but here's where I'm annoyed: given the structure of the game, they shouldn't be random encounters at all ! You're collecting pages corresponding to each creature you encounter, and the correct pages will open some areas. Given this, it would have been much funnier if all the encounters were more like treasure hunting, the correct interaction with the correct part of environment making you meet a creature instead of spawning a fucking teethed carrot or a murder shroom every three fucking steps because once again I felt so fucking violent and murderous my guys. It's especially frustrating when the last two encounters are actually more treasure hunt-y and you have to actually find where they are rather than randomly spawning.
One extremely frustrating aspect of the so-called non-violence of the game is that it is not voluntary like nonviolent actions are, they're a political design. No it's baked into the game, you just don't have a weapon. It also feels like it's severely lacking when you finish the game by "appealing to the humanity" of the guy who murdered half of the island's inhabitants to find some random shit for his dead wife. Like at least give him a judgment by his pairs or something ? He's a mass fucking murderer by the end of the game but it's aight, we're non-violent, a grief counselor will suffice. Death is chill after all, so torture and murder are alright.
On the point of people dying, here's a detail that could have been interesting: when you die, every time you come back to life as the same character, a named NPC disappears. You'd hope to find them in the domain of the bad guy but no that's it. They just straight up disappear and that's an interaction you've missed until you restart the game OR until you decide to kill your current protagonist for good and it gives another one of the ten protagonists, with a good change of it being one of the above mentioned disappeared person. Without any mention of the previous disappearance.
One last, honestly minor compared to everything above, detail. The art. The music is nice, that's because it's Kevin McLeod's copyright free music, every DM's favorite composer. The graphisms of the game are also sort of lacking. Most of the environment feels too big, with weird dimensions. The buildings especially feel super awkward, with huge walls and tiny randomly placed windows. A few places have noticeably been worked on more and are really beautiful though so it's worth mentioning that the forest, the meadow, and the garden are really pretty. But most of the other environment feels like it's just there to be there, without much effort to be pretty or much intent besides "I need places for the protagonists to visit".
Not that it matters, because your interactions with the cast will not change depending on the protagonist you're playing as, only the ending does. The creator of the game even explicitly recommend to kill your protagonist right before the end and change protag if you want to experience all the endings, rather than having ten+ different playthroughs depending and who you play and when you change. So what's the point ?
The game also encourages save-spamming because you can die ridiculously easily, and you always restart in your house. Nothing more frustrating than having many random characters disappear because of a bad choice, and having to re-cross the whole map. It's frustrating because it breaks the already fragile rhythm of the game.
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