alienssstufff · 9 months
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that one tango stream of mostly just etho decked out 2 runs
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mrsumpavasee · 1 year
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“This is.. stronger than I think…”
Uh.. so I reading draqx’s Q&A and I ran across this and my science nerd sense be like
“ So He MuSt DrUnk On Rubbing Alcohol “
So yeah
characters belong to @darqx
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spoopdeedoop · 2 years
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being an older sibling is being in constant terror that your younger siblings will hurt themselves and then realizing you are far too young yourself to come up with an effective solution
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
[ cw: technical child endangerment / ]
Y’know every time I see the turtle tots playing with their original weapons I’m always flabbergasted that Splinter let Leo have a literal sword as a small child.
And then left him unsupervised with it.
Like, at least the others had blunt weapons (though still dangerous in their own right, especially Raph’s blunt tipped sais) but Leo’s katana are so easily lethal that it’s a miracle he seemed to be a natural with them. Because, if he wasn’t a natural then…oof.
It’s at least a good thing he only got one sword at first and not his usual two. Splinter would’ve needed to count his lucky days because OOF.
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dicctor-blog · 2 months
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Some more moomin characters !
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skrs-cats · 9 months
have you read the lion blaze self harm scene? kinda sh ig he basically lets …ratscar i think like scratch him up bad by holding his powers back. interesting to me what’re ur thoughts? (idk if that’s the right definition, i’ve always defined it as having someone/yourself injure your body with the intent to hurt) sorry if this is a downer, i just know your a lion blaze enthusiast and wanted to know your thoughts
ohhh yes i do actually. its one of the few scenes i remember better bc i actually own the book where it happened.
to elaborate on the scene more, it happens after he has an argument with cinderheart, who claims they shouldnt be together since he's part of the prophecy, how his destiny is to save the clans (and coincidentally not get hurt) and them being mates would only be distractions
lion's rebuttal? instigate a fight w a patrol near the shadowclan border, disallow himself to fight back, and force the wounds to get inflicted on his body, as a show that he CAN choose to get hurt. that he CAN choose what kind of 'destiny' he should have. ive put my own thoughts about it under read more bc this got long (unsurprisingly jkhasdkjfhd)
i spent like a solid few minutes re-reading the chapter to gather my thoughts on it LOL i remember not thinking much about it when i was a kid, but i think its interesting to analyze now!
what was attempted to be written, at least, piques me bc its about lion trying to prove that they can exist outside of the narrative the prophecy has given them. which is funnily ironic, since the start of the chapter is of him having self doubts regarding saving the clans when they found out theres a fourth cat, how that basically means that the three of them wouldnt be enough, how his destiny might have changed. reading this chapter just gave me a new can of brainworms but ill try not to delve into it too much bc its gonna get way messier LMAOOO
to go back to lion purposely getting himself hurt, i dont think he's the type of person who would do that for the sake of it, unless as a really dumb way to prove a point. but it makes me think he really doesnt have much of a care of whether he'd get hurt or not. a severe lack of self-preservation, and all that. cats back at camp react to his wounds w all around shock, he's herded into the med den all the while he acts like he'll be fine. i dunno if the shock from the cats is just bc theyre just so used to seeing him NOT hurt, or if his wounds were really that bad. but either or both still pretty much gives me a lot to think about. homeboy doesnt know the limits of his body, and that makes for interesting scenarios of how he manages to deal w that after losing his powers
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rapidhighway · 8 days
graah my glasses broke this week and are being held together with masking tape and its not workingggg
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prompt-master · 2 years
Ngl despite loving the concept of using the softshell for fics I can't really get into a lot of them because the angst doesnt feel...Right to me most of the time?
Like I've seen a lot of fics where Donnie feels weak and pathetic and that his brothers are treating him with extra caution but that feels WRONG to me.
Like. Donnie HAS fought without his battle shell on before (best example that comes to mind is when they strictly follow Hamato Clan ninja standards), and no one frets over him because even though they KNOW a blow to Donnie's shell would be dangerous they also know their brother and trust in his skills.
Ofc theyll be worried and fret if the situation calls for it, such as Mikey and the movie, but I cant see them fretting and treating Donnie differently as a standard.
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taters-for-tots · 6 months
i hate that they gave brock and james crushes like why are you putting romance plot in the tiny monster show
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laciefuyu · 2 months
//cn server spoilers
Like (un)normal person i am, thinking about ch 14 pt 1 again because i was not over how they pulled that particular convos from early ch 5 main story and make it crux of why artem, while desperate, decide to investigate neil disappearance on his own
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crownedpigeonart · 1 year
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minumi-chan · 2 years
A Twin Thing - Ch. 1
read on A03
Rated: G
A/N: I am not okay since watching the Rise!Movie. I can’t stop thinking about or crying over these damn turtle boys. I wanted to explore some soft moments between the brothers, to soothe all the hurts this film left me with starting with the twins. There's also a bit of angst because come on this movie, how could I not touch on it. T AT
Summary: Calling them twins has always been Leo’s thing, and Don has always discredited the claim with science. No matter how many facts about their very distinctive species of turtle were spit at him though, Leonardo’s irrefutable truth since childhood was that Donatello is his twin.
Status: Complete
Chapter 1: Sixteen Years Old ~ I
The pink tinged sky hanging over the city is alien. Naturally, because the Krang are aliens. The technodrome that Donnie piloted only halfway back into the portal is suspended in the sky like a still frame from a bad Jupiter Jim rip off. Raph cuts off his tirade of data collection, voice strained. 
“Donnie-- Leo’s still up there!” 
They stare into the gaping darkness of the portal.
Calling them twins has always been Leo’s thing, and Don has always discredited the claim with science. No matter how many facts about their very distinctive species of turtle were spit at him though, Leonardo’s irrefutable truth since childhood was and always will be that Donatello is his twin.  
“Casey, close the portal now!!” A heavy thud cuts across their comms as Leo grunts in pain, “Casey-- ungh-- Please!” 
The portal whips closed like an elastic band released after being stretched past its limit, freezing only a moment around the technodrome before disintegrating in a blinding flash. The shockwave rips past them, flinging small bits of debris all the way across the river. Smoke plumes through the sky in elegant concentric rings, the graceful pattern beguiling of the massive destruction they wreak. 
Donatello sees none of it as he turns his back, staring in silent shock at the piece of wreckage that has sailed across the bay with their initial fall. Behind him, Mikey is sobbing, and Raphael cries quietly curled on the ground in front of him. But Donnie cannot see him clearly, his vision blurs as something moist trails down his face. 
The world feels sharp and wrong. Darker. Duller. Tilting on its axis, as if gravity has stopped working, yet the weight of the atmosphere crushes him from the inside out. There is a sharp ringing, but it isn't in his ear. It is somewhere, far off and yet somehow, inside. 
Empty. Gone. Missing.
From a source he cannot name, deep in his consciousness, psyche... spirit? Emanating from a place so integral to him that he can hardly begin to wrap his brilliant mind around it. 
A gap, a breach, a void.
Something is gone. Ripped from him the moment the portal closes. And it aches  like a gaping wound in his soul. 
His breath hitches in his chest even as he lifts a hand to wipe at his eye, fingers coming away wet. 
Donatello shakes his head as he stares at the tears glistening on his fingertips and comes to a startling realization. 
Leo-- His twin.
His twin is gone. 
A/N: Next chap already up on A03 and is turtle tots to soothe the hurt T wT
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infizero · 11 months
just saw barbie. super fun!! it was incredibly fun and campy and i want more movies to be like this please. also i did cry a little
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teamfortresstwo · 4 months
Me realizing that the fact that we explore Vox and Al’s relationship next season means we’ll get to explore their relationship like
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bellaroles · 7 months
It seems all is lovely dovey at the moment but I can just feel the hidden pain and drama waiting to explode.
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cherrysnax · 11 months
sorry for talkin sm
#but yeah#I’m painscrollin rn because it hurts too much to sleep#while I acknowledge it every few months I’m starting to rlly accept that it’s prolly fibro#I relate so deeply to ppl I see in the tag or in the subreddit that I’m fuckibg weeping#I feel seen. but it’s heartbreaking#there’s nothing that can be done. but I’m not crazy? All these times I knew something was wrong#I kept going tot he hospital because of arm shoulder pain that I was utterly convinced was a heart attack#but it never was#they kept telling me it was anxiety n I’m anxious#but. that’s not it#the pain is real#it’s everywhere. and it gets worse the more tired I am#I am sick and tired of. well you know the phrase.#as I said before I’m gonna work towards a diagnosis. but shit I’ve been to the hosptial a lot and none of the tests say shit so maybe thatll#help. but I am fat and black. so I might get dismissed. I also have a hard to explaining symptoms outloud#I also think I have a vitamin d deficiency but like. that’s prolly part of all this yeah#but yeah even the digestive issues resonate with me big time#I really hope I can go to the doctor soon#because I think if I don’t find something that can help just a little#the pain might.. get too much for me. because everyday I’m tied and in pain#but some night like this. that pain that radiates thru my body effect my back stomach head chest legs etc#all at once despite nothing happening but stress#it’s hell. I don’t wish it on anyone
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