#Hair Cut Training
mdilip948 · 7 days
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VLCC HAIR  Institute provides short to advance hair  courses for beginners also as professionals in Hair Dressing and Hair Styling Techniques. Career Opportunity: On successful completion actually in Hair Technology ,hair Course qualified candidates can work as Hair Stylists, Freelancers, Faculties, Technical Trainers, Salon Owners or in Media Houses. VLCC Institute course in Hair Technology is devoted for beginners where we teach standard techniques employed by trained faculties, supplying you with the time and space to actually perfect lines, graduation, layering and their combinations. Salon Ethics, Different Techniques of Coloring, Hair Cutting, Chemical Treatments, Hair Extension and Latest Up Styles are added together during this course. This course lays the inspiration for enhancing your skills and knowledge, by providing you with hands-on practical work experience and detailed tutorials from highly qualified instructors. Choosing this course will provide you with the arrogance to expand your collection and develop your talent.
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dragonnnfly · 3 months
Tuffnut, texting Hiccup: Hiccup! help I’m being kidnapped!
Hiccup: Where are you?
Tuffnut: I’m with some strange person in a car. Help
Hiccup: I’ll call Ruffnut
Ruffnut, answering her phone: Y’ello
Hiccup: Where’s Tuffnut? He texted me that he was being kidnapped
Ruffnut: Tuffnut? Whaddya mean, he’s right next to me-
Ruffnut: I’ll call you back *hangs up*
Tuffnut: WHO ARE YOU?!
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foolsfrogg · 4 months
infinity train jumpscare
Does Lake’s hair grow? If they age then I’m sure it does, but we don’t know if Lake ages I don’t think,,
also if Lake’s hair DOES grow then does that mean they shed; is there just a ton of sharp needles scattered about in their wake?
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anyways reference (yay bubbline!!) :
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leojfitz · 2 months
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I mean that almost no one else is going to be here then. If I were to stay here would you like to keep me company? Just you and me.
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sea-jello · 8 months
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Day 23/October 23: Crawl || Burn || "I am not touching that."
say it with me guys it is still the 23rd somewhere
uhh something something what if morro met lloyd as a kid when he was still training with wu idk how to draw children
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don’t worry about the hands it’s 5am
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stareyed-knight · 2 months
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i forgort. im working on my dmk gijinka
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luuxxart · 6 months
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anyway student council au gets to have old men too
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lyxchen · 2 months
Okay so I am going to meet David Tennant in ONE WEEK and I was going to cosplay as Campbell Bain but I haven't been able to sew the hoodie or even buy farbric for it so please everyone send me some motivation so I can do it!!
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antisocialxconstruct · 6 months
urrrghfhf excuse the vent for a moment but there's really something so uniquely frustrating about being clocked and misgendered by someone who has only ever known you with your chosen pronouns, like... I don't know. It tells me that in their head they're still thinking of me with the """normal""" pronouns they think fit with how I look or sound or dress, and the pronouns I actually want them to use are still being viewed as like. an exception they're being asked to make for me. I guess it shouldn't be so surprising but it's still an unpleasant reminder that outside a narrow demographic most people just simply haven't and probably won't ever seriously unpack their internalized assumptions about gender. Even in fucking Seattle of all places :///
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mdilip948 · 13 days
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Hair Course Academy | Hair Style Institute |Hair Salon Courses VLCC HAIR  Institute provides short to advance hair  courses for beginners also as professionals in Hair Dressing and Hair Styling Techniques. Career Opportunity: On successful completion actually in Hair Technology ,hair Course qualified candidates can work as Hair Stylists, Freelancers, Faculties, Technical Trainers, Salon Owners or in Media Houses. VLCC Institute course in Hair Technology is devoted for beginners where we teach standard techniques employed by trained faculties, supplying you with the time and space to actually perfect lines, graduation, layering and their combinations. Salon Ethics, Different Techniques of Coloring, Hair Cutting, Chemical Treatments, Hair Extension and Latest Up Styles are added together during this course. This course lays the inspiration for enhancing your skills and knowledge, by providing you with hands-on practical work experience and detailed tutorials from highly qualified instructors. Choosing this course will provide you with the arrogance to expand your collection and develop your talent.
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retconomics · 2 years
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babygirl you are my EVERYTHINg..!!.,1!1!
#attollo#in the tags because he's mary sue af and its embarrassin...#i've said it before but her power is p much transferrable healing factor so like. can take other peoples ouchies or give his to others#and then heals really quickly as long as there are enough excess calories to burn through#side effects often include light headedness or fainting if its a big job.#also like. she tends to transfer any big cuts or injuries that would result in visible scarring.. only exceptions are the piercings and#the edgelord tattoos he got on his fingertips to warn people about his fatal cheese touch (ie touch of extreme wound generosity)#oh right yeah can only transfer wounds through direct contact#like skin to skin#shed still die if like. shot to the head. but everything else theres a chance of survival ESP if shes touching someone or smthn else living#uhhh what else what else.#hangs out with sysba and suha for the clothes probably.#still has medical training.. maybe is an underground doctor or smthn idk#my art#and YES thats his natural hair yes its bleach damaged no idk how to convey that. next.#.. oh yeah lol works with ovo. like not FOR them but. might as well.#oc: alice#EDIT: I want it to be more balanced and less. multifaceted (u get ONE power) so:#instead its just status transfer like maybe a suuper mild healing factor because of how the transfer works -#-can spread trauma to other cells in other areas to minimize overall harm'#-and its semi-automatic so the IS potential for a ned the piemaker situation#so like if alice is freshly dead but the cells arent.. boom transfer#ok i think thats better.
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dkettchen · 8 months
me waking up in a cold sweat at 6:20am: "I should get evening classes to be a hair dresser & training to be a makeup artist to be my own hair/make-up person on photo/video shoots and defy industry's single-gender-dominated-and-not-improving department segregation system like the all-rounder online creator that I am 👀😤"
#I swear I don't have adhd or anything I am just having a professional existential crisis recently x'D#ok but hear me out right like how useful would it be if people could hire someone who's a one-person videographer AND hair/make-up person!#I could like double my asking rate!#you need to do one before you can do the other anyway so why have two people for it#other than that the hair/make-up women don't specialise in photography#and the videographer lads have never touched a cosmetic product let alone knowing how to use it to any level let alone a professional one#AND I'd be able to offer hiring me as either role OR both at once#I'd have more options for jobs to apply to#and I'd have full control over the look I want from my subjects#cause like I do my own hair & make-up for my videos#like I know how to cut my own hair & do my own make-up#but I wanna learn how to do ANYONE'S!!!#and I know you can do hair dressing college evening classes cause I remember that was one of the other evening classes running while I was#doing my electrician's level 2#and I know there's make-up training places in the city I've seen them before while I was looking up other things#if you do professional hair/make-up you need to take pictures of it for your portfolio anyway#and if you professionally take pictures of people you need to do their hair/make-up anyway to get the look you want#SO WHY NOT BOTH for any reason other than gender roles prohibiting the cishets from learning both skills to the required level!!!#THIS IS MY LEG UP#THIS IS MY QUEER NONBINARY TRANS ADVANTAGE#*evil manic laughter*#edit: and smth smth the thing where women & afab ppl don't do their skills to a professional level#unlike cishet men making everything their job and therefore succeeding professionally even in trad-female dominated skills/industries#hence I should LEARN my matr skills to the level required for professional stuff rather than limit myself to patr skills#that I have a disadvantage with due to cishet male-dominated nature of this industry/tech department#AND it'll give me an opportunity to message my detrans previous hairdresser (as I live too far away from her now)#being like 'u were one of my inspirations for this I also wanna learn how to cut mullets real good hope ur doing well T^T' x'D#AND I could apply to screenskills' trainee finder in another department in a few years regardless of whether or not I get in this year#(I applied to the camera one this year)
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opaleyedprince · 4 months
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obligatoryyyy jjk oc post time!
kamo sakuya || kamo senri onoue (zenin) anzu || inumaki aiichiro gojo nagisa || gojo hokuto
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sakuya is one of a pair of twins born to the kamo clan a year before gojo's own birth. even as a child, he displayed obvious signs that he had inherited the clan's technique of blood manipulation. this coupled with his mastery of reverse cursed technique at a young age greatly reduced the limiting factor of the family technique, allowing him to develop his own offensive and defensive uses of it and truly make the technique his own; not simply a tool he happened to be given by the family.
he was hailed as the up-and-coming head of the clan and promised to a child of the gojo clan in both of their youth. though he was a frail thing in his younger years, when he and his twin attended kyoto jujutsu high he developed a love for strategy and battle that suited his stubbornness and capacity for staying positive in the face of what others would consider certain defeat. in the present, he acts as the clan head, doing his best to efficiently take care of his duties and responsibilities so he can spend his time off with one or both of his husbands.
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senri is sakuya's twin, and while he inherited the clan technique, she was born with no cursed energy whatsoever, not even possessing the ability to see curses. with her heavenly restriction, senri has advanced senses and reflexes, including a highly refined danger sense that allows her to not even need to see curses and makes her a beast in combat; after years of training, she is even able to control how sharp each sense is at any given time, such as holding back her strength or dulling her senses on purpose in order to interact with the outside world without it overwhelming her.
she refuses to tolerate anyone talking down to her or her brother, and she is not afraid to goad people when she knows the situation will ultimately shake out in her favor. even as a child, she had a knack for reading people's emotions, a talent she used to embarrass the adults in her life a lot. she and her brother are each the other's keeper, and so long as he has any say in the matter she will always have a place in the family. like her brother, she is very stubborn, a trait that has served her well over the years and made her unshakeable in the face of those who deride her presence in the sorcerer world.
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anzu was born outside the zenin clan, and in fact outside the jujutsu world altogether. her mother left the clan at a young age and took up freelance work as a sorcerer, eventually meeting and falling in love with a fashion designer. although she has no connection to the zenin (who were told she had no cursed energy or potential whatsoever upon her birth), her other mother's side of the family is quite large and very well-off, and they all adore her dearly. she was afforded every opportunity as she grew up on one of the family's many estates, learning physical and jujutsu combat from her zenin mother and being tutored by her other mother in non-sorcerer areas of study.
a true prodigy from birth, her technique manifested when she was only four years old: shadow manipulation and the ability to summon shikigami. with her access to private tutors and the expertise of her mother, she flourished. she speaks at least three languages apart from japanese and japanese sign language, and is working towards degrees in business and textile sciences. when she was around ten, the estate was visited by a white-haired man who was unbothered by her mother's blade at his throat, and claimed he only wanted to help them. in the present, anzu is intermittently visited by one satoru gojo (sometimes accompanied by one or both of his husbands) for additional jujutsu training, and she looks forward to the day when she'll be able to leave the estate for extended periods of time.
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aiichiro is a little over a year younger than toge, and although they aren't actually siblings (rather they're cousins) he still views him as a big brother figure and someone he holds up as the exact sort of sorcerer he wants to be. he has the snake eyes and fangs inscribed on his cheeks and tongue in white rather than the black marks toge bears, and as a child he followed the other boy everywhere he went, always copying him or begging to get clothes/food/other things that were just like his. the two were almost inseparable, and the entire family assumed they would both become accomplished sorcerers.
as he grew, aiichiro developed a stutter, and this coupled with his generally shy and withdrawn nature, and his appreciation of things most others found distasteful (bugs, "pest" animals, and death) made him the target of severe bullying at the hands of other children. because of this, he spoke less and less as he grew older, wearing a mask to hide his cursed speech markings and writing most of the time; only using sign to communicate with people he trusted and felt comfortable around. in the present, he is working privately with two members of tokyo jujutsu high's staff to catch up to toge and the others, refining his technique and trying to find a reliable method of strengthening his vocal cords.
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nagisa is a gojo who obviously inherited both of the clan's techniques from birth, surviving assassination attempt after assassination attempt as she grew up with very few protections provided to her. the attacks on her life forced her to grow quickly, and she developed a paranoid streak that - while inconvenient for those around her - kept her alive. she spent more time as a special grade than she did as a non-special grade, and as a result of her experiences she is curt and fatalistic when it comes to the world around her. she survives on a steady diet of coffee and one to two meals per day, and is very frugal with her money despite her family's status.
her decision to have a child was born out of a desire for someone she could trust, something that would be hers and not belong to the clans or the higher-ups of the sorcerer world. when it appeared her child had inherited no technique at all, she didn't mind; the child was special to her simply by coming into the world. she was considered the best and regularly given missions that would have been suicide for anyone else, until one day she failed to return from a routine assignment. in the present, all existence of her has been wiped from the records, with the only remaining sign of her being a redacted report that lists her as missing in action.
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hokuto spent their youngest years without a single sign that they had inherited any technique; in fact, many of the clan members assumed they must have had a heavenly restriction. for those who targeted them, it was considered almost a mercy to remove the ungifted child of the gojo family from the world. it was only after a particularly close attempt on their life that they revealed they had in fact inherited both clan techniques, and had been repressing their cursed energy due to the stress simply existing put on their mother's body. they spent their childhood training with their mother, who taught them everything she knew about their family techniques; even sharing things she had kept from every other soul alive and allowing them to bloom into a gifted jujutsu user. she didn't teach them out of a desire for a soldier, but rather because she wanted them to be able to survive anything the world threw at them.
when not training, they spent their time playing in the woods or bothering another child several years older than them - a member of the zenin clan who had been born compltely without cursed energy - much to that child's annoyance. it was only after their mother vanished on a mission that hokuto's attitude of nothing mattering crystallized into an almost malicious noncompliance, and upon graduating they departed from the jujutsu world altogether, severing their ties to it completely. in the present, they spend most of their days using six eyes to cheat at cards and otherwise swindle people out of their money. they have a general disregard for respect towards their elders and have nothing but disdain for their world. simply put, they are a deadbeat sorcerer.
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spiderwarden · 2 months
@thcdoomed requested pictures (this post) and I’ll do them one better, because who am I to deny:
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oatbugs · 2 months
if i had an allergic reaction again will my friend appear to hold my hand again if i get really drunk again will they carry me home if i'm too sick to get up will she call me at 5 AM to check up again if we've missed a flight and we're stuck in city we weren't meant to be in at 2AM will he tell me about philosophy again if i make bad decisions will she almost slap me in the face and hand me a cigarette again if i feel lost will she share shitty kebab and tell me about her life again will we get to play poker together again
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boyfeminism · 3 months
nothing can stop me from getting a haircut! *forgets my wallet*
nothing can stop me from getting a haircut! *rips my pants*
nothing can stop me from getting a haircut! *has to vote*
nothing can stop me from getting a haircut! *rips my OTHER pants*
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